Neutraceuticals&Functional foods Food as a meicine National InstituPharmaceutical Education and Research, Mohali Prepared and submitted by: D.GnanaBhaskar Submitted to: Dr.S.M.Tripathi

Neutraceuticals;functional foods

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Neutraceuticals&Functional foods

Food as a meicine

National InstituPharmaceutical Education and Research, Mohali

Prepared and submitted by:D.GnanaBhaskar

Submitted to:Dr.S.M.Tripathi


Let thy food be thy medicine,and medicine be thy food- HippocratesFood as medicine


The concept of ‘Aajasrik

Rasayana’ (general rejuvenation) deals with food products that can be consumed daily for improving quality of life by offering protection from external and internal stressors. Commonly used nutraceuticals of Ayurveda include Chyavanprash (for general health and prevention of respiratory disorders);

Brahma Rasayana (for protection from mental stress);

Phala Ghrita (for reproductive health);

Arjuna Ksheerpaka (for cardioprotection);

Shatavari Ghrita (for general health of women during various physiological states) and Rasona Ksheerpaka (for cardioprotection).

Indian,Egyptian,Chinese and Sumeriancivilizations provide evidence

Ayurveda, the 5000 yr old health science have

mentioned benefits of food for therapeuticpurposes




- Fats,essential oils

-vitamins, minerals

-phytochemicals etc.,



Current Brands

Relation between Neutraceuticals and functional foods



Nutrition + Pharmaceuticals Term commonly used in marketing but has no regulatory definition

The term "nutraceutical" was coined from "nutrition" and "pharmaceutical" in 1989 by Stephen DeFelice, MD, founder and chairman of the Foundation for Innovation in Medicine (FIM), Cranford, NJ.

[Nutr (ition) + (pharm) aceutical]

"Nutraceutical" is creating the concept that extracts from food can be used as drugs, i.e. food supplements.

A food or part of food or nutrient,that provides health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of a disease


Nutraceuticals are products purified from foods that are generally sold in medicinal forms, such as powders, tablets or capsules, to provide protection against chronic disease.

Nutraceuticals can be derived from plants, from animals and microorganisms (e.g. essential fatty acids, enzymes, etc.) and from marine sources (e.g. glucosamine, chitosan, fish oils, etc.).

The purpose of Nutraceuticals is to maintain or improve key functional aspects of the human body, such as:

Digestive systems Immune system Cardiovascular system Dental health Bone strength


Part of


Medical benfitor



They are classified on the basis of their Natural sources,Pharmacological condition,chemical constitution

Natural sources

Pharmacological condition

Chemical constitution


Categories based on natural source:

Carbohydrates & FiberFat & Essential fatty acidsProteinMinerals like Macrominerals & Trace mineralsVitaminsWaterOther nutrients like Antioxidants, Phytochemicals & Intestinal bacterial flora


Based on pharmacological conditionDisease Nutraceuticals Source

1) Joint health Glucosamine


Found in ligaments ,cartilages ,tissue, tendons Proteoglycans of articular cartilage

2) Cardiovascular health Co Q-10



Soyabean ,olive oil

Bone marrow ,pineal glands

Fish oil




Grapes, red wine

Carrot ,sweet potato

Tea extracts


Disease Nutraceuticals Scope

3) Eye health DHA


Linseed (flax oil),fish oil Barley




Carrot ,sweet potatoes

4) Cancer prevention DHA


Flax seed,linseed,fish oilRed wine,grapes


Tea extracts (ellagic acid)

Tomatoes ,grape fruit

Strawberry ,Raspberry


Based on chemical constitution:

Class / components

Source Potential benefit

1. Fatty acidsCLA

Milk & Meat Improve body composition, reduce cancers

n-3 FA(DHA, EPA) Fish oils, berseem & maize fodder,mustard,linseed,rapeseed

Reduce CVD & improve mental, visual function

2. PolyphenolsAnthocyanidine Fruits Nutralises free radicals,

reduce risk of cancerCatechins Tea,babul pods,mustard cake,rape seed,salseed

Flavonone CitrusFlavones Fruits, vegetables,soya beanproanthocyanidine Cocoa, chocolate,tea,rape seed Reduce CVD


3. Saponins Soybeans,GNC,lucerne,chick

peaLower cholesterol, anti cancer

4.Probiotics / Prebiotics / Synbiotics Lactobacillus Dahi,yogurt Improve GI healthFructo - oligosaccharides

Whole grains, onions, combination of Pro & Prebiotics


Daidzein , Zenistein Soybean, flax, lentilseed,maize, berseem,lucerne,subabul fodder

Reduce menopause symptoms, bone health

Lignans Flax,rye, vegetables Reduce cancer and heart diseases


6.Caroteinoids - caroteine Berseem,lucerne ,oat &

maize fodder, Carrots, vegetabels,fruits

Nutralises free radicals

Luteine vegetabels Healthy visionZeoxanthine Eggs,citrus,cornLycopene Tomatoes Reduce prostate

cancer7.dietary fiber Insoluble fiber Wheat bran Reduce breast, colon

cancer-glucan Oats Reduce CVDWhole grain Cereal grains


Broadly can be defined as:

Nutrients: Substances which have established Nutritional functions e.g. Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Fatty acids, etc.

Herbals/ Phytochemicals: Herbs or Botanical products

Dietary Supplements: Probiotics, Prebiotics, Antioxidents, Enzymes, etc.



Constantly growing market Nearly 2/3rd of Americans& 47% 47% of Japanese consume atleast one type of nutraceutical annually Industry worth 86 billion$ annually in USA Slightly higher in Europe Industry amounting to 60 billion$ annual food sales in Japan Indian market growing at the rate of 21%per year AMWAY- highest market share Dabur Ranbaxy Pfizer

Other major companies

over 15%


Brands available



Brand name Components Function

Betatene Carotenoids Immune function

Xangold Lutein esters Eye health

Lipoec -lipoic acid Potent antioxidant

Generol Phytosterol CHD reduction

Premium probiotics probiotics Intestinal disorder

Soylife Soyabean phytoestrogen Bone health


Brand name Components Function

Z-trim Wheat Zero calorie fat replacer

Linumlife Lignan extract flax Prostate health

Fenulife Fenugreek galactomannon Control blood sugar

Teamax Green tea extract Potent antioxidant

Marinol 3 FA, DHA, EPA Heart health protection

Clarinol CLA Weight loss ingredient

Cholestaid Saponin Reduce cholesterol


DIETARY FIBERS CARBOHYDRATES Dietary fibre is the food material, more precisely the plant material that is

not hydrolyzed by enzymes secreted by the digestive tract, but digested by microflora in the gut.

Based on their water solubility, dietary fibres may be divided into two forms: - 1. Insoluble dietary fibre (IDF), which includes celluloses, some

hemicelluloses and lignins which is fermented to a limited extend in the colon.

2. Soluble dietary fibre (SDF), which includes β-glucans, pectins, gums, mucilages and hemicelluloses that are fermented in the colon. The IDF and SDF compounds are collectively known as non-starch polysaccharides (NSP).

Level of dietary fibre in foodsProduct AOAC (g/100 g)a

Apples (with skin) 2.0Bananas 1.9Carrots (boiled) 3.1Baked beans 4.2Cabbage 2.0White Bread 2.0Brown Bread 4.5Wholemeal Bread 7.4


The soluble components of dietary fibre by virtue of their bulking and viscosity producing capabilities, retards the gastric emptying of the stomach This affects the rate of digestion and the uptake of nutrients and creates a feeling of satiety. Soluble fibre has been shown to lower selectively serum LDL cholesterol and to mprove glucose tolerance. They also enhance insulin receptor binding and improve glycaemic response. In colon, dietary fibre increases faecal bulking due to increased water retention, increased transit time and increased faecal bacterial mass caused by soluble fibre fermentation. The fibre also promotes the growth of Bifidobacteria in the gut (especially fructooligosaccharides). Persons consuming generous amounts of dietary fibre, compared to those who have minimal fibre intake, are having low risk of CHR , stroke , hypertension, diabetes, obesity and certain gastrointestinal disorders . Again, increase in the intake of high fibre food improves serum lipoprotein values, lowers blood pressure level (Keenan et al. , improves blood glucose control for diabetes , aids weight loss. Research reveals that certain solubleibres enhance the immunity in humans . Some potential negative effects of dietary fibre include educed absorption of vitamins, minerals, proteins and calories. It is recommended that dietary fibre intake for adults generally fall in the range of 20–35 g/day . The recommended dietary fibre intake for children and adults are estimated to be 14 g/1,000 kCals (Anderson et AL. Several case histories have reported that consumption of excessive amounts of dietary fibre causes diarrhea



Studies suggest that omega-3-fatty acids have three major effects as cardiovascular diseases anti-arrhythmic (preventing or alleviating irregularities in the force or rhythm of the heart) (Leray et al. 2001; Stoll et al. 1999), hypolipidemic (promoting the reduction of lipid concentrations in the serum) (Buchner et al. 2002; Nemets et al. 2002) and antithrombotic (decreased arteriosclerosis) (Hiroyasu et al. 2001; Buchner et al. 2002; Stoll et al. 1999; Albert et al. 2002).Emerging research evidence shows the benefits of omega-3-oils in other areas of health including pre-mature infant health (Carlson 1999), asthma (Hodge et al. 1996; Broughton et al. 1997), bipolar and depressive disorders (Edwards et al. 1998; Hibbeln 1998; Stoll et al. 1999; Calabrese et al. 1999), dysmenorrhea and diabetes (Simopoulos 1991; Pepping 1999; Connor 2000). Omega- 3-fatty acids have been shown to be beneficial at various stages of life. Infant formulas nowadays contain DHA along with ARA, which closely mimic the breast milk.

PUFAs are also called “essential fatty acids” as these arecrucial to the body’s function and are introduced externallythrough the diet (Escott-Stump and Mahan 2000). PUFAshave two subdivisions: omega-3- (n-3) fatty acids andomega-6-(n-6) fatty acids. The major omega-3-fatty acidsare α-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentanoic acid (EPA),docosahexanoic acid (DHA). ALA is the precursor of EPAand DHA. EPA and DHA are found mainly in fatty fishessuch as mackerel, salmon, herring, trout, blue fin tuna andin fish-oils



Minerals are important for your body to stay healthy. Your body uses minerals for many different jobs, including building bones, making hormones and regulating your heartbeat.Macrominerals- Elements with recommended dietary allowance (RDA) greater than 200 mg/dayTrace minerals- Some trace mineral elements with recommended dietary allowance (RDA) less than 200 mg/day


VITAMINS Vitamins are substances that our body needs to grow and develop

normally. There are 13 vitamins our body needs. They are vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin,

niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and folate). We can usually get all our vitamins from the foods we eat. Our body can

also make vitamins D and K. People who eat a vegetarian diet may need to take a vitamin B12 supplement. Vitamins

Fat Soluble


Water Soluble

C B Complex




Functional food The term functional foods was first introducedin Japan in the mid-1980s and

refers to processed foods containing ingredients that aid specific bodily functions in addition to being nutritious. To date, Japan is the only country that has formulated a specific regulatory approval process for functional foods. Known as Foods for Specified Health Use (FOSHU), these foods are eligible to bear a seal of approval from the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare (Arai, 1996). Currently, 100 products are licensed as FOSHU foods in Japan

"Functional Food is a Natural or processed food that contains known biologically-active compounds which when in defined quantitative and qualitative amounts provides a clinically proven and documented health benefit




• The Functional Food Market is metameric into six main classes, it is divided based on: sort,

Benefits, Origin, Ingredients, Consumer and geographics. The different varieties of practical Food include: food, beverages and supplements. The market is driven by the benefits these practical Foods give, which are: Health and upbeat, Disease hindrance, Fitness and Beauty. All functional food is derived from 2 sources, either Plants or Animals.

• The Market is also classified supported the Ingredients utilized in the synthesis, they include; Anti-oxidants, Carotenoids, Fatty Acids, Flavonoids and Minerals among others. Nutraceutical Products square measure conjointly classified supported its consumer; Adults, Children and aged. The last classification is based on geographics, the main regions are: Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and Rest of the planet

• The U.S. and Japan markets are vital in the practical Food business followed by Asia Pacific and European markets.

• In 2020, it is predicted that the U.S will still dominate practical Food Market globally with a CAGR of eight.7%.


Different sectors of the practical Food Market have completely different key players that dominate the Market. Red Bull GmbH is world leader in Energy Drinks having Market Share of more than four-hundredth.• Pepsi Co. and Kellogg Co. are world leaders in Healthy Snacks. • Groupe Danone and Groupe Lactilas dominate the Healthy Dairy product.• Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd. is a leader in Probiotic Drinks sector.Apart from these companies, other key players in the market are; cola Co., Dean Foods, General Mills Inc., Kraft Foods and Nestle S.A. The report on the Functional Food and Nutraceutical Market by IndustryARC provides a complete list of Key Players with their Product Portfolios, Financials and Developments.



relation• Functional Foods and Nutraceutical, though lacking

a precise definition, refers to food which provides further biological process and health edges apart from typical food. The recent trend has seen an upsurge of such “Health Foods” that embrace dietary supplements containing vitamins, minerals, herbs and others.

• The increasing Health Awareness and easily accessible Nutrition Deficiency merchandise have created a powerful impact for practical foodstuff on international Economy