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MySQL® for System Engineers


[email protected]



Session 1: MySQL OverviewMySQL Overview


Session 1 MySQL Overview

● Introduction to MySQL● Install/Use MySQL● Configure MySQL● MySQL binlog● Backup and Recover MySQL● Master/Slave Replication● MySQL Enterprise● MySQL Enterprise Monitor


Time For Individual Presentations!

• What is your background?– Your name and your organization– How does your organization use

MySQL?• Why are you here?

– What do you expect from the course?

– What do you want to learn?


• Have experience using MySQL?• Have experience from other SQL

dialects?• Have installed MySQL yourself?• Use MySQL under Linux?

Windows? Solaris? MacOSX? Other?

• Use MySQL 3.21? 3.22? 3.23? 4.0? 4.1? 5.0?

• Use MySQL with PHP? Perl? Java? C? ODBC? Others?

• Are you MySQL Certified? Which certifications?



Established & Emerging CompaniesHigh Volume Websites

– Web 2.0– Dynamic content– eCommerce– Look to Book– Session Management– Gaming & Entertainment– Scale Out

Enterprise– Data Warehousing– High-Volume OLTP– Scale Out

Embedded– Software & Hardware



Good News for MySQL!

Gartner 2006

“The most important trend indicated by the study is OSS DBMS… MySQL version 5.0 was released last fall and is the first release with full SQL compliance and the necessary functionality to support full applications. Therefore, its surprising strength so soon after release shows the strong worldwide desire to begin to use OSS DBMS systems. During the next several years, this DBMS will attract much attention and contend seriously with the other DBMS engines for application platform choice.”


MySQL Database Products• Enterprise Server

– Enterprise-grade database

• Community Server– Database server for open source developers

• Embedded Database– Database server for OEMs/ISVs to bundle cost-effectively

• MySQL Cluster– Fault tolerant database clustering architecture

1.2 MySQL ProductsIntroduction


Legacy MySQL GUI Tools• MySQL Migration Toolkit

– Migration GUI Wizard

• MySQL Administrator– Administration console

• MySQL Query Browser– Create databases, execute and optimize SQL queries

• 3rd party client tools– Navcat– TOAD for MySQL– phpAdmin

Introduction 1.2 MySQL Products


New MySQL Tools• MySQL Workbench

– Visual database design tool– Design, manage and document databases

• MySQL Proxy– A program that sits between a MySQL client and a MySQL


Introduction 1.2 MySQL Products

– Can intercept requests and responses and manipulate them with lua scripting

– Applications: load balancing, monitoring and logging, query rewriting, …


MySQL Drivers• MySQL C API

– libmysql: C implementation of the MySQL Client/Server protocol– Often wrapped to provide bindings for other languages

• MySQL Connector/ODBC– ODBC database API on Windows and Linux (based on libmysql)

• MySQL Connector/J– JDBC Driver (Pure Java implementation of the client protocol)

• MySQL Connector/Net– ADO.NET access from the .NET (Pure .NET implementation of the client

protocol)• MySQL Connector/PHP

– mysql,mysqli, and PDO extensions (usually based on libmysql)– mysqlnd : PHP Native driver (not a PHP script), can replace libmysql in

mysqli and MYSQL_PDO

Introduction 1.2 MySQL Products


Solutions for embedding MySQL• libmysqld

– Embedded edition of the mysqld server program wrapped in a shared library

– Allows the MySQL to be embedded in C programs• MySQL MX/J

– A jar wrapper around mysqld binaries for several operating systems

– Allows java programs and J2EE environments to instantiate (and install) a MySQL server

Introduction 1.2 MySQL Products


MySQL Services• MySQL Training

– Comprehensive set of MySQL training courses

• MySQL Certification– High quality certification for MySQL Developers and

Database Administrators

• MySQL Consulting– Full range of consulting services from start-up to optimization

• MySQL Support– Community– Enterprise (and other levels of purchased support)

Introduction 1.3 MySQL Services


MySQL Supported Operating Systems• More than 20 platforms

• Control and flexibility for users

• Currently available for MySQL download:– Windows (multiple)– Linux (multiple)– Solaris– FreeBSD– Mac OS X– HP-UX

1.5 Supported Operating SystemsIntroduction

– IBM AIX– QNX– Open BSD– SGI Irix– Source Code– Special Builds


Session 1 MySQL Overview

● Introduction to MySQL● Install/Use MySQL● Configure MySQL● MySQL binlog● Backup and Recover MySQL● Master/Slave Replication● MySQL Enterprise● MySQL Enterprise Monitor


Installing MySQL

• Use the MySQL website to download*• Several different platforms are supported• OpenSolaris used for this course

– Solaris compile options– OpenSolaris development– OpenSolaris Packaging System

Introduction 1.9 Installing MySQL


MySQL Binary Distributions (1/2)• Available for several operating systems• Precompiled programs• Windows

– Essentials– Complete with Configuration Wizard– No-install

• Linux– RPM files– Tar files

• Solaris– PKG files– Tar files

3.1 Types of DistributionsThe MySQL Server


MySQL Binary Distributions (2/2)• Advantages with binary distributions

– Good selecting config options– High quality commercial compilers– Provided with extensive libraries

• Solaris binaries– Sun internal ahead of MySQL practice

• Using gccfss for SPARC builds• SunStudio 12 on Solaris & OpenSolaris

– MySQL Support supports all equally

3.1 Types of DistributionsThe MySQL Server


Installing from ipkg System

• Find standard binariespfexec pkg search -r mysql

pfexec pkg install SUNWmysql5


Installation on Solaris Solaris download is about 60 MB from mysql.com

Installation:groupadd mysqluseradd -g mysql mysqlpkgadd -d package_name.pkg


Session 1 MySQL Overview

● Introduction to MySQL● Install/Use MySQL● Configure MySQL● MySQL binlog● Backup and Recover MySQL● Master/Slave Replication● MySQL Enterprise● MySQL Enterprise Monitor


MySQL Configuration (1/2)

• Option files as an alternate to command line– MySQL client programs look for option files at startup

– Saves time and effort

• Default is to use pre-compiled values

• Reset defaults at runtime– Many options specify locations of important directories and files

– Options control log file usage

– Override performance-related variables

– Enable/disable pre-compiled storage engines

The MySQL Server 3.5 MySQL Configuration


MySQL Configuration (2/2)

• Specify runtime options at server startup– Changes configuration

• Find out what options the server supportsshell> mysqld --verbose --help

– Listed options can be specified on the command line or in an option file

The MySQL Server 3.5 MySQL Configuration


Log and Status Files (1/2)• MySQL can write to several types of logs

– Error log• syslog: mysqld_safe options

– --syslog[=tag] – --skip-syslog (default)

– General Query log– Slow Query log– Binary log

• Used to assess operational status of server

3.8 Log and Status FilesThe MySQL Server


Log and Status Files (2/2)• Log files can take up large amounts of space• Can be stored in files or tables• Recommended strategy for use

– Initially enable the binary and slow query logs– If server is not running as intended, enable general log to debug

• Logs written in text format– Except binary log

3.8 Log and Status FilesThe MySQL Server


Status Files• Server creates several status files

• Some in data directory, some not

• Records server process ID in PID file– host_name.pid– --pid-file=file_name

• Linux servers create socket file for connections

3.8 Log and Status FilesThe MySQL Server


Installing the World database

• Download the scripts from the web site • Logon mysql• Create world database

CREATE DATABASE world;• Create world user

GRANT ALL on world.* to 'worlduser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'worldpass';

• Import SQL file from the command linemysql -u worlduser -pworldpass world < world.sql


Session 1 MySQL Overview

● Introduction to MySQL● Install/Use MySQL● Configure MySQL● MySQL binlog● Backup and Recover MySQL● Master/Slave Replication● MySQL Enterprise● MySQL Enterprise Monitor


Starting mysqld with option log-bin

• mysqld –log-bin=<base-binlog-file-name>• my.cnf

– log-bin=<base-binlog-file-name>


Log format• Assigned in mysqld option

– binlog-format=mixed[5.1.12~5.1.28]|row|statement[~5.1.11,5.1.29~]• Mixed format

– switching from statement to row under the following conditions:• When a DML statement updates an NDBCLUSTER table.• When a function contains UUID().• When 2 or more tables with AUTO_INCREMENT columns are updated.• When any INSERT DELAYED is executed.• When the body of a view requires row-based replication, the statement

creating the view also uses it — ex: when the statement creating a view uses the UUID() function.

• When a call to a UDF is involved.• If a statement is logged by row and the client that executed the

statement has any temporary tables, logging by row is used for all subsequent statements until all temporary tables in use by that client are dropped.


mysqlbinlog utility

• Convert binlog into plan text (SQL commands - statement based or rows change row based)

• Mysqlbinlog [options] <binlog-files> (files can be assigned with regular expression

• Can access binlog on remote server with –read-from-remote-server option and -h <hostname> -P <port#> -u <username> -p <password>

• Some useful options– --start-datetime=<datetime>, --stop-datetime=<datetime>– --start-position=<position>, --stop-position=<position>– --offset=#– -d <database-name>– --server-id=#– --help


Session 1 MySQL Overview

● Introduction to MySQL● Install/Use MySQL● Configure MySQL● MySQL binlog● Backup and Recover MySQL● Master/Slave Replication● MySQL Enterprise● MySQL Enterprise Monitor


Planning for MySQL Recovery and Backup (1/3)• Suggest that you focus on recovery requirements• Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

– If a failure occurs how much time can you afford for recovery– If very little time then combine your backups with other

facilities (NDB clusters, etc.)

• Recovery Point Objective (RPO)– If a failure occurs at what point in time should you be able to

recover the data?– Pay attention to granularity of RPO– Drives when and how often you take your backups

12.2 Planning for Recovery and BackupBackup and Recovery


Planning for MySQL Recovery and Backup (2/3)• Backup window

– The amount of time your MySQL applications can afford to be offline or degraded

– Some backup methods make MySQL databases totally unavailable

– Other make the database unavailable for update– Still others have very minimal impact on the MySQL

databases and applications• Maintain referential integrity

– Backup all the items needed to do this• Location of backup

– Get backups as far away from the original data as possible!

12.2 Planning for Recovery and BackupBackup and Recovery


Planning for MySQL Recovery and Backup (3/3)• Automation

– Backups do little good if they are not taken consistently and regularly

– Relying on human intervention should be avoided

• Tracking and reporting– Backups do you no good if you can’t find them when you

need them

12.2 Planning for Recovery and BackupBackup and Recovery


Introduction to MySQL Backup Types

• Logical (Textual representation: SQL statements)• Physical (Binary copy of data files)• Snapshot-based• Replication-based• Incremental (binary log flushed)

12.3 Introduction to MySQL Backup TypesBackup and Recovery


Logical (Textual) Backups (1/2)

• MySQL databases and tables converted to SQL statements in a text file

• Portable– To a different MySQL server– Different architecture (e.g. Intel to Sparc. Portable as long as both

platforms support Two’s complement arithmetic and IEEE floating point math)

– Different database engine (e.g. MyISAM to InnoDB. However not all storage engines support all features)

• MySQL server must be running during logical backup• Can backup both local and remote MySQL servers

12.3 Introduction to MySQL Backup TypesBackup and Recovery


Backup Tools Overview (1/2)• Can use SQL statements for logical backups

• Can use SQL statements combined with operating system commands for raw backup

• Other raw backup tools for MySQL– mysqlhotcopy for MyISAM

• Perl script – requires additional setup on Windows• Command line – requires you to automate• No tracking or reporting

– Many third-party backup tools/GUI’s available• InnoDB Hot Backup for InnoDB• Zmanda Recovery Manager backup GUI

12.4 Backup Tools OverviewBackup and Recovery


Backup Tools Overview (2/2)• Other logical backup tools

– mysqldump

• Command line – requires you to automate it

• No tracking or reporting

– MySQL Administrator

• Provides automation

• Minimal tracking and reporting

12.4 Backup Tools OverviewBackup and Recovery


Impact on Database Availability

12.4 Backup Tools OverviewBackup and Recovery

• High impact on availability– Taking MySQL down during backup

– mysqldump and mysqlhotcopy both make database unavailable at some level

• Options for less impact– Use snapshots

• Implies (brief) unavailability in order to run FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK (waits for all queries to complete)

– Use replication slave – master totally available during backup

– For InnoDB engine use InnoDB Hot Backup


Making Raw MyISAM Backups

• Copy files used to represent table• Table cannot be accessed by others during copy• Backup procedure

1. Lock table to copy while server is runningUSE world;LOCK TABLES Country READ;FLUSH TABLES Country;

2. Perform copy3. Start a new binary log file

FLUSH LOGS;4. Release lock after copy

UNLOCK TABLES;• Recover a MyISAM table from binary backup

12.5 Making Raw BackupsBackup and Recovery


Making Raw InnoDB Backups (1/3)

12.5 Making Raw BackupsBackup and Recovery

• Makes exact copy of all files used to manage tablespace

• Linux copy example:– Logfiles#cp /usr/local/mysql/data/ib_logfile* /var/backup/– Datafiles#cp /usr/local/mysql/data/ibdata* /var/backup/–.frm files (table definitions)#cp /usr/local/mysql/data/world/*.frm  /var/backup/– configuration file#cp /etc/mysql/my.cnf /var/backup/my.cnf


Making Raw InnoDB Backups (2/3)

• Procedure for making binary backup1. Stop server

2. Confirm proper shutdown

3. Copy all necessary components

4. Restart server

12.5 Making Raw BackupsBackup and Recovery


Making Raw InnoDB Backups (3/3)

• Can also use InnoDB Hot backup program

• Recover a InnoDB table from binary backup

• Alternative method is to use mysqldump

12.5 Making Raw BackupsBackup and Recovery


Other Raw Backup Tools (1/3)

• Special purpose programs• mysqlhotcopy script

– Exampleshell> mysqlhotcopy world /var/archiveLocked 3 tables in 0 seconds.Flushed tables ... in 0 seconds.Copying 10 files...Copying indices for 0 files...Unlocked tables.mysqlhotcopy copied 3 tables (10 files) in 0 seconds ...

– Two relevant options--flushlog--record_log_pos=<db_name>.<tbl_name>

12.5 Making Raw BackupsBackup and Recovery


Other Raw Backup Tools (2/3)• InnoDB Hot Backup

– ibbackup• Conditions for binary portability

– Important for taking a backup from one system to another

– Can copy MyISAM table files and InnoDB tablespace files from one system to another and retain access

– Two’s complement integer arithmetic required on both machines

– IEEE floating point math required on both machines

12.5 Making Raw BackupsBackup and Recovery


Other Raw Backup Tools (3/3)

12.5 Making Raw BackupsBackup and Recovery

• Third condition for InnoDB binary portability– Should use lowercase names for databases and tables

• To force lowercase usage use an option file statement


• Can configure InnoDB to use per-table tablespace

• If conditions are not met, can dump to a text file


Logical Backups with mysqldump (1/2)

• Dumps table contents to files

• Characteristics– Dumps all databases, specific databases, or specific tables– Can back up local or remote servers– Works for tables created from any storage engine– Output is portable text format– Dumps full structure– Excellent as a copy/move strategy– Good for small exports, not efficient as professional backup strategy

• Syntax for backing up a databasemysqldump --tab=/path/to/some/dir --opt db_name

12.6 Making Logical BackupsBackup and Recovery


Logical Backups with mysqldump (2/2)

12.6 Making Logical BackupsBackup and Recovery

• Two important factors to consider when using mysqldump for backups– Making sure it is a consistent backup– Synchronizing backup with binary log

• Understands the standard connection parameter options and specific dump control options

• Many useful mysqldump options available, especially the following...--flush-logs --master-data --lock-tables --single-transaction


Logical Backups with MySQL Administrator

• GUI provides backup and restore capabilities

• Similar to mysqldump output

• Stores backup configuration as projects

12.6 Making Logical BackupsBackup and Recovery


Backing Up Log and Status Files

12.7 Backing Up Log and Status FilesBackup and Recovery

• Can use normal file system operation– Static files require no special precautions– Dynamic files should be backed up with server stopped

• Additional static files to backup– my.cnf– my.ini– Software binaries and libraries

• Additional dynamic files to backup– Binary log files– master.info– relay-log.info– SQL_LOAD-% files (replicated LOAD DATA INFILE statements)


Replication as an Aid to Backup

• When MySQL server acts as master, you can use the slave to make backups1. Stop server

2. Make backup of slave’s database

3. Restart server

• Advantage to not conducting backup on master

12.8 Replication as an Aid to BackupBackup and Recovery


Backup Method Summary

12.9 Backup Method Summary












commercialphysicalInnoDBhotInnoDB Hot Backup *

need snapshot volume or filesystemphysicalallhotUsing Snapshots

freelogical or physicalallhotUsing Replication

freelogicalallwarmMySQL Administrator


freephysicalallcold or warmOS Copy commands


freelogicalallwarmSQL Statements

AvailabilityLogical / Physical

Storage Engines

Hot/Warm ColdMethod

Backup and Recovery


Data Recovery

• Recovers data that changed since the last backup

• General recovery procedure1. Copy data directory

2. Recover database using the backup

3. Re-execute the changes in the binary log

12.10 Data RecoveryBackup and Recovery


Processing Binary Log Contents (1/2)• Process data changes after reloading backup file

• Use mysqlbinlog program

• Best when logs are written entirely before or after

backup– For example, if logs written before the backup are 1-49,

and 50-52 after the backup ...

mysqlbinlog bin.000050 bin.000051 bin.000052 | mysql

12.10 Data RecoveryBackup and Recovery


Processing Binary Log Contents (2/2)

12.10 Data RecoveryBackup and Recovery

• Reasons for using partial-file-only extraction– If binary log was in the middle of being written during backup– If user accidentally drops or corrupts data

• Partial file extraction performed with these options:– --start-datetime - to specify a date and time to begin/end

– --start-position - to specify a log position to being

– --stop-position - to specify a log position to end

• Examplemysqlbinlog --start-position=23456 binlog.000004 | mysql -uroot -p


Session 1 MySQL Overview

● Introduction to MySQL● Install/Use MySQL● Configure MySQL● MySQL binlog● Backup and Recover MySQL● Master/Slave Replication● MySQL Enterprise● MySQL Enterprise Monitor


Basic Architecture

3.2 Basic ArchitectureMySQL Replication


Binary Logging (1/5)

• Log-shipping replication solution– Use the --log-bin option

• Binary log rotation:– The MySQL Server is restarted– The maximum allowed size is reached (max_binlog_size) – A FLUSH LOGS SQL command is issued

• Deleting Log Filesmysql> SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days = 1;mysql> PURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE

now() - interval 3 day;

3.3 Binary LoggingMySQL Replication


Binary Logging (2/5)

• Storage Engine Independent• Compact Binary Format

shell> mysqlbinlog host-bin.000001 host-bin.000002

• Coordinate System– Identifies events– Includes the binary log file name and the byte offset– SHOW MASTER LOGS

3.3 Binary LoggingMySQL Replication


Binary Logging (3/5)

• Statement Based Binary Logging– Contains the actual SQL statements– Includes both DDL (CREATE, DROP, etc...) and DML

(UPDATE, DELETE, etc...) statements– Advantage

• Smaller Size– Disadvantages

• Replicating on different machine• Required to replicate all tables and columns involved in queries

3.3.1 Statement Based Binary LoggingMySQL Replication


Binary Logging (4/5)

• Row Based Binary Logging– Replication takes place at the row level– Data change itself is replicated– binlog_format variable

SET [GLOBAL|SESSION] BINLOG_FORMAT=[row|statement|mixed|default];

3.3.2 Row Based Binary LoggingMySQL Replication


Binary Logging (5/5)

MySQL Replication

YesYesPoint-in-Time Recovery

Same number of locks on slaves for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE

INSERT ... SELECT require a greater number of

row locksLocking

Upgrading is always possible

Slave can have fewer or more columns than master

A slave can be a newer version with a different row


Master/Slaves MySQL Versions

Everything can be replicated

Not all statements can be replicatedReplication Limitations

Larger Log FilesSmaller Log FilesSize of Log Files

Row BasedStatement Based


Replication Threads / Files

• Replication Threads– IO_THREAD– SQL_THREAD

• Replication Files– Relay Log Set– Control Information

Files• master.info

– Relay Log Files• Relay-log.info

3.4 Replication Threads and FilesMySQL Replication


Setting up MySQL Replication

3.5 Setting up MySQL ReplicationMySQL Replication

• Master Server– Turn on the binary log– Set the server-id to be a unique number– Create a new user with REPLICATION SLAVE privilege– Create a backup of the master

• Slave Server– Set the server-id to be a unique number– Load in the backup from the master– Setup the binary log coordinates using the CHANGE MASTER

TO command– Tell the slave where the master resides using the CHANGE

MASTER TO command– Start replication with SLAVE START



• Specifics on how to connect to the master and where to start replicating from

CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST = 'host_name',MASTER_USER = 'user_name',MASTER_PASSWORD = 'password',MASTER_PORT = port_num,MASTER_LOG_FILE = 'master_log_name',MASTER_LOG_POS = master_log_pos

3.5 Setting up MySQL ReplicationMySQL Replication


Monitoring MySQL Replication (1/2)

3.6 Monitor MySQL ReplicationMySQL Replication

mysql> SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G******************* 1. row ******************* Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master ...

... Master_Log_File: gbichot-bin.005 Read_Master_Log_Pos: 79

...Relay_Master_Log_File: gbichot-bin.005 Slave_IO_Running: Yes Slave_SQL_Running: Yes

... Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 79

...Seconds_Behind_Master: 8


Monitoring MySQL Replication (2/2)

• Slave_*_Running– Slave_IO_Running – Slave_SQL_Running

• Seconds_Behind_Master• Master_Log

– Master_Log_File – Read_Master_Log_Pos – Relay_Master_Log_File – Exec_Master_Log_Pos

3.6 Monitor MySQL ReplicationMySQL Replication


Error Log

• Replication issues will normally output messages in the Error Log

[ERROR] Slave I/O thread: error connecting to master '[email protected]:3306': Error: 'Can not connect to MySQL server on '' (13)' errno: 2003 retry-time: 60 retries: 86400

3.6.1 Error LogMySQL Replication


• Connecting to master • Checking master version• Registering slave on master• Requesting binlog dump• Waiting to reconnect after a failed binlog dump

request • Reconnecting after a failed binlog dump


MySQL Replication

Replication Slave I/O Thread States (1/2)


• Waiting for master to send event• Queueing master event to the relay log• Waiting to reconnect after a failed master

event read• Reconnecting after a failed master event read• Waiting for the slave SQL thread to free

enough relay log space• Waiting for slave mutex on exit

MySQL Replication

Replication Slave I/O Thread States (2/2)


Replication Slave SQL Thread States

• Reading event from the relay log• Has read all relay log; waiting for the slave

I/O thread to update it • Waiting for slave mutex on exit

3.6.3 Replication Slave SQL Thread StatesMySQL Replication


Advantages/Disadvantages• Advantages

– Simple to set up– Included as part of MySQL– Stable- supported in MySQL for many years/versions– Secure - SLAVES can connect to MASTER with SSL– Ability to access multiple servers

• Disadvantages– Potential loss of data due to asynchronous replication.– Fail-over is handled manually by applications– MASTER can become the bottleneck– application load balancing– No multi-source capabilities

MySQL Replication


Replication Optimization (1/3)

• Different Storage Engines– Common setup

• Master use InnoDB for the transactional capabilities• Slaves use MyISAM for faster querying speed

– No storage engine specifics (ex. Foreign Keys)– Locking issues can lead to slave bottlenecks

– Blackhole• Discards all data changes• Relay Slave

3.10.1 Different Storage EnginesMySQL Replication


Replication Optimization (2/3)

• Different Startup Variables– Slave process write statements in a faster manner

• delay_key_write (MyISAM)• innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit (InnoDB)

– Replication reliability• sync_binlog

– Forces the binary logs to be synchronized to disk upon statement completion

– Binary logs will not be able to be written in batches

3.10.2 Different Startup VariablesMySQL Replication


Replication Optimization (3/3)

• Different Logical Structure– Different Indexing Setup on Master and Slaves

• Different Hardware– Master

• RAID 1+0– Slaves

• RAID 5 or RAID 0

3.10.3 Different Logical Structure / 3.10.4 Different HardwareMySQL Replication


Session 1 MySQL Overview

● Introduction to MySQL● Install/Use MySQL● Configure MySQL● MySQL binlog● Backup and Recover MySQL● Master/Slave Replication● MySQL Enterprise● MySQL Enterprise Monitor





• MySQL Enterprise Server• Monthly Rapid Updates• Quarterly Service Packs• Hot Fix Program• Extended End-of-Life

• Global Monitoring of All Servers• Web-Based Central Console• Built-in Advisors, Expert Advice• MySQL Query Analyzer• Specialized Scale-Out Help• 查 詢 和 圖 示 建 立 關 係自動為 詢和圖示建立關係

• 24 x 7 x 365 Production Support• Web-Based Knowledge Base• Consultative Help• Bug Escalation Program●新的 Monitor Installation Advantage服務

MySQL Enterprise


• Self-help support service> Online knowledge base

• Problem-resolution service> Seasoned support team> 24x7 email/phone access

• Consulting services> Optimization and tuning services> Architecture & code review services> Remote troubleshooting and DBA services

• On-site and public training> DBA and developer training> Workshops on performance tuning

Support, Consulting, Training


Subscription Level

PlatinumGold +

• Higher SLA than Gold• Performance

Advisor• Schema Advisor• Partitioning Review• Optimizes/Tunes

• Custom Queries

• Database Design

• Custom Code

SilverBasic +

Business Hour Phone Support

Enterprise MonitorProactive

NotificationsExpert AdviceOptimizes MySQL

Configuration settings

Ensures Recoverability

Tightens SecurityExtends Support


2 Incidents via email support

Enterprise Server Pro (Transactions)

Ensures Uptime/Reliability

Regular Service PacksSelf-help Support

Value to Customer

GoldSilver +

• 24/7 Support• Enterprise Server

Advanced (Partitioning)

• Query Analyzer• Replication Monitor• Replication Advisor• Memory Usage

Advisor• Rapid Problem

Resolution • (Hot Fix builds)


MySQL Enterprise Unlimited


MySQL Enterprise Unlimited• Fixed Annual Subscription:

> Unlimited Servers> Unlimited CPUs> Unlimited Cores

• Simplify> No Counting> No Compliance Issues

• Eliminate> No proprietary RBBMS license



Session 1 MySQL Overview

● Introduction to MySQL● Install/Use MySQL● Configure MySQL● MySQL binlog● Backup and Recover MySQL● Master/Slave Replication● MySQL Enterprise● MySQL Enterprise Monitor


Query Anlyzer的改善

效果 - 查 看視覺化 看 SQL指令和系統負荷的關連,以節省找出查 詢 的 時 間 。耗用資源多的 詢的時間。


用途 - 協助您找出以前無從偵測到的失敗或傳回錯誤結果查 詢 。的 詢。



用途 - 可對單一或一組資料庫更有彈性且細緻的控制EXPLAIN之産生

以圖形化使用者介面支援 EXPLAIN 産生的門檻時間

Query Analyzer


用途 - 提供單一,基於網路的主控台以進行監控MySQL産品更新和追踪支持 態。狀

在線放入産品更新 /警示,支持服務




Administration• Monitors and Advises

on Optimal Configuration and Variable Settings

• Ensures Recoverability

Security• Monitors and

Advises on Unplanned Security Changes

• Uncovers Security loopholes

Upgrade• Monitors and Advises

Bugs that affect current installation

• Provides update path to correcting MRU/QSP

Replication• Monitors and Advises

on Master/Slave Latency Issues

• Makes suggestions for improving replication design

Memory Usage

• Monitors for optimal use of memory/cache

• Advises on memory tuning for better performance

Schema• Monitors and Advises

on Unplanned Schema Change

• Uncovers Security loopholes

Performance• Monitors and Advises

on Optimal Performance Variable Settings

• Identifies performance bottlenecks

• Built by DBA to Enforce Organization specific best practices.

• Create New or Tailor MySQL Advisors to fit needs.


Advisor, Rule And Graph

超過 130個的規則 (7個新的 ), 30個以上的 (6個新的 )圖示 用途 - 節省撰寫,佈署,版本控制,維護角本的時間。找出無法自行發掘的問題及調整的機會。


Administration Advisor 現在可監看 :

• 啟 的未開 的 5.1 Event Schedule

• 啟 的重 的MySQL Server



銀級 :• 連線 - 最大量金級 :• MyISAM Key Buffer的使用白金級 :• Table Lock Wait比例• InnoDB Adaptive Hash Index

Memory• InnoDB Adaptive Hash Index

Searches• InnoDB Adaptive Hash Index




Individual Servers w/Agent

Master-Slave Replication

Customer Datacenter

Installation Advantage Service


用途 ?為 Query Analyzer和Monitor提供最短的路徑。

Support Services

• 詳細的文件和指引• 以在線 /郵電 /電話的方式按 驟協助步支持

• 支持團隊提供遠程安裝 /設定服務