Moral Panic: A moral panic is the intensity of feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order. According to Stanley Cohen, creator of the term, a moral panic occurs when a condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests. Deviant Amplification: According to Cohen the spiral starts with some "deviant" act. Usually the deviance is criminal, but it can also involve lawful acts considered morally repugnant by a large segment of society. With the new focus on the issue, hidden or borderline examples that would not themselves have been newsworthy are reported, confirming the "pattern". Background and discussion of A Clockwork Orange: http://course1.winona.edu/pjohnson/h140/studentsf01/clock workorange/

Moral panic

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Moral Panic: A moral panic is the intensity of feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order. According to Stanley Cohen, creator of the term, a moral panic occurs when a condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests.

Deviant Amplification: According to Cohen the spiral starts with some "deviant" act. Usually the deviance is criminal, but it can also involve lawful acts considered morally repugnant by a large segment of society. With the new focus on the issue, hidden or borderline examples that would not themselves have been newsworthy are reported, confirming the "pattern".

Background and discussion of A Clockwork Orange: http://course1.winona.edu/pjohnson/h140/studentsf01/clockworkorange/

The title ‘A Clockwork Orange’ hints at something bizarre with the unusual relation between the words however appears very normal on the surface. The film is about a group of teenagers in Britain (East London) whose leader is captured who is given therapy to overcome his violent ways. The film was banned on its first release due to the level of violence from the gang. However the film is now on sale to buy today, it is said that the people buying it this day and age will be desensitised to the amount of violence and the shock-factor that would once put people off buying it has now disappeared as we are all used to seeing much worse than the aspects of this film. There were several things reported by the press of the youths at the time of the film release, these were things such as copycat crimes The first and most famous of these was the case involving a 16 year old boy called James Palmer who had beaten to death a tramp in Oxfordshire, just as seen on the film ‘A Clockwork Orange’.

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Another more server case was reported of actually changing a boy’s personality and actions - Edward Laxton reported in the Daily Mirror, "The terrifying violence of the film A Clockwork Orange fascinated a quiet boy from a Grammar School...And it turned him into a brutal murderer". Although it did seem the film was effecting the youth of the time, the copycat theories and increased violence in relevance to the film was only related to a small minority made to show the public the extremity of some cases possibly to publicize the film in a bad way because of the shock it cased and the taboo aspects in the film at the time of release.The title ‘Clockwork Orange Gang’ was appearing on tabloids more often after the film’s release in reference to gangs who committed extreme crime. For example, from a newspaper in December in 2005 the title appeared as ‘Clockwork Orange’ gang found guilty of murdering bar manager. This was obviously a simple method of showing the extremity of the crime to the audience, which related to youths committing crimes.

Stan Cohen theories seem to have fitted in very well if you look at the media and press, the ‘moral panic’ theory does very well in relation between the titles and the effect on social order. Some aspects that came about after the film were noticed and immediately related to ‘A Clockwork Orange’, however these issues may be coming across more strongly after the film as the press have something to compare it too rather than accepting it could have been going on before the film.