Millennium development goal 5

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1. * Millenniumdevelopment goal Improve maternal health 5 2. * Maternal healthrefers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the time after a baby is born. * A women dies from complications in childbirth every minute about 529000 each year , mist in the developing countries. * Some causes of maternal deaths are haemorrhage, infection, obstructed labour, hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, and complications of unsafe abortion.* Whatis maternal health and its problems ? 3. *There are birth-related disabilities that affect many more women and go untreated like injuries to pelvic muscles, organs or the spinal cord* Another risk to expectant women is malaria. It can lead to anaemia, which increases the risk for maternal and infant mortality and developmental problems for babies.* 4. * Mother-to-child transmission of HIV is a problem in poorer countries. Up to 45 per cent of HIVinfected mothers transmit infection to their children. HIV is becoming a major cause of maternal mortality in highly affected countries like those in Southern Africa.*Malutrition contribute to low birth weight and birth defects as well. Malnutrition cause infant heart defects, crippled legs, lips sumbuing, hidrisefalus, stunted, blindness, ear lobe curved, and mental retardation.* Diseaseseffecting mother&baby 5. *Educating girls for six years or more drastically improves their prenatal care, postnatal care and childbirth survival rates. * Educated girls are more likely to spread good health and sanitation practices to their families and throughout their communities. * The girls will have learned about family planning and how to look after themselves while they are pregnant.* Educatinggirls 6. * Maternal mortality has declined by nearly 50% since 1990, but falls far short of the MDG target of 75%.* * In developing countries as a whole, the per cent of births attended by a skilled health professional has increased by more than a quarter - that is, from 42% to 53% over the decade.* ** Improvements 7. * This video link explains the development goal well.* *