Interreligious & International Federation for World Peace Healthy Lifestyle Series Living AIDS Free: A Zero-Transmission Lifestyle

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Interreligious & InternationalFederation for World Peace

Healthy Lifestyle Series

Living AIDS Free:A Zero-Transmission Lifestyle

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Magic Johnson appeared to be in great physical shape. So, his announcement that he was HIV infected was a complete surprise for many people.

Because he did not look at all sick.

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AcquiredImmuno-DeficiencySyndrome H





virus©2001 Center ©2001 Center Milan Nermut, M.D., Ph.D.*Milan Nermut, M.D., Ph.D.*National Institute for Biological Standards and ControlNational Institute for Biological Standards and Control

What is AIDS? HIV?

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1. HIV enters blood stream through a mucus membrane or a wound.

3. After months or years, the number of HIV increases and the white blood cell count decreases. The immune system is weakened.

2. The virus inserts itself into a white blood cell nucleus (left), incapacitates the cell and reproduces itself, then buds out into the blood stream (below).

Textbook of AIDS Pathology (Feb. 2002), The Internet Pathology Laboratory

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National AIDS and STDs Control Programme

National AIDS and STDs Control Programme

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HIV - The Master of Disguise


ess -


1-10 years or more 1 or more years 1 or more years White Blood Cell (CD4 Lymphocytes) Count (per microliter)

> 500 200 – 500 < 200



Symptoms•Fatigue•Diarrhea•Weight Loss•Persistent Fever•Night Sweats•Itchy Skin Rash•Swollen Lymph Nodes

AIDSOpportunistic Diseases

•Cancer•Malaria•Typhoid•Pneumonia•Tuberculosis•Dementia•Rashes & Thrush•Meningitis


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No Symptoms,but Infectious

Can Infect Others Unknowingly

HIV Infection

No Symptoms,but Infectious

Can Infect Others Unknowingly

HIV Infection


Reportable AIDSReportable AIDSOpportunistic DiseasesOpportunistic DiseasesT4 cell counts < 200T4 cell counts < 200

Tip of the Tip of the IcebergIceberg

Tip of the Tip of the IcebergIceberg


Full-Blown AIDS

T4 cell countbetween 200 & 500


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National AIDS and STDs Control Programme

National AIDS and STDs Control Programme


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Opportunistic Diseases

Adam’s Healthcare Encyclopedia



•Dementia•Rashes & Thrush


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AIDS related Cancer Strikes 1 in 5

Kaposi’s Sarcoma

VitiligoA skin


VitiligoA skin


© 2001, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine dermatlas

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Alarming Increase in HIV Infection Worldwide

HIV Infections Worldwide


45 Million Estimated

1980 2002World Health Organization

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Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic, End 2001

Living with HIV/AIDS 40 million

Newly infected in 2001 5 million

AIDS deaths in 2001 3 million

AIDS deaths 24.8 million from beginning of epidemic

Orphans 14 million

Daily Infections 14 thousand

UNDP 2002

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Deaths from HIV/AIDS during 2001

Western Europe

8 0008 000North Africa & Middle East

30 00030 000Sub-Saharan


2.2 2.2 millionmillion

Eastern Europe &Central Asia

23 00023 000East Asia & Pacific

35 00035 000South & South-East Asia

400 000400 000

Australia & New Zealand


North America

15 00015 000Caribbean

40 00040 000

Latin America

60 00060 000

Total: 3 million The World Health Report 2001, WHO

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01 July 2002 slide number SSA-38

LeadingCauses of Death in Africa, 2000

Source:The World Health Report 2001, WHO

22.6 5.54.3 3.6 3.1 2.9 2.3











Diarrhoeal disease

Lowerrespiratory infections




% ofTotal

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01 July 2002 slide number SSA-4

HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa, End 2001

20 –39%10 –20%5 –10%1 –5%0 –1%trend data unavailableoutside region


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01 July 2002 slide number SSA-18

HIV Prevalence inMilitary Personnel in Africa

Nigeria: 11% among peacekeepers returning from Sierra Leone and Liberia vs5.8% in adult population

South Africa: 60-70% in military vs20% in adult population

Nigeria AIDS bulletin No 15, May 20, 2000; The Mail & Guardian, Pretoria, March 31, 2000; UNAIDS/WHO 1999 estimate

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Sugar Daddies

Africa’s Infection Rate 50x - 100x Higher. Why?

Multiple Sex Partners

Widespread STDs

Impure WaterWork

MigrationMigration to


Weakened Immune System

Infectious Climate


Genital Mutilation Polygamy

Stigma►HIV Testing Rare

HIV Rampant


HIV Rampant

Why? Poor Medi-cal









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violence •Depression•Alienation•Guilt, shame•Withdrawal•Stigma•Stress,


HOUSEHOLD•Impoverishment•Family crisis•Care expenses•Single parent•Children, elderlyHead of Household•Widows, orphans•Homelessness•School drop-outs•Child labor, child prostitutes•Malnutrition


deteriorates•Death rate up•Labor crisis•Homelessness,

street children

•Child labor, child breadwinners

•Juvenal crime•Discrimination•Services



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How Do You Get AIDS?

Prof. Olikoye RansomeKuti,

Former Nigerian Minister of Health

85% or more 15% or less

Adam’s Healthcare Encyclopedia

Also, barbing & shaving, manicure, ear piercing, tattoos, circumcision



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• Prostitution is a major route of HIV transmissionProstitution is a major route of HIV transmission

• Studies show high rates of HIV infectionStudies show high rates of HIV infection

Sex with an Infected PartnerSex with an Infected Partner

PHOTO: Alain N.-SygmaFunk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia 1976 Yearbook.

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• 15% to 45% of babies born to HIV mothers become infected

• 1500 babies are born with HIV infection each day

• 1200 babies die of AIDS each day

• Testing of mother & early treatment can reduce infections by two thirds

From Mother to ChildFrom Mother to Child P4/5


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Your Risk Increases if You:• Have sex outside a committed relationship• Have sex with partner who has not had an

HIV test.• Have sex with multiple partners. The more

partners, the higher the risk.• Have sex with a partner who has had multiple

relationships (even if you don’t know that).• Increase sexual activity because of a false

sense of security using condoms, especially if used incorrectly.

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You Don’t Get AIDS by: Sneezing, coughing Simple kiss or embracing Insect bites Sharing cups, plates, utensils Shaking hands or embracing Working or playing together Normal social contact Crowded buses, public baths Using telephones

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Our Attitude Toward People with HIV

• Casual social contact OK• Acceptance at work; need income• Need love & concern, not rejection• When sick, need care• Family needs community support

BUT• Be informed for best support, care• Avoid contact with body fluids

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Human Papilloma VirusHuman



Explosive Growth of STDs• In 1960s only 2 common STDs, both curable:

Gonorrhea and Syphilis• Now, 2 dozen STDs, some deadly, some incurable• Condoms: limited or no protection• 16-to-24-year-olds most infected group



Ureaplasmal Infections

Granuloma Inguinal

Genital Herpes



Hepatitis A & BLymphogranu-

loma Venereum





Molluscum Contagiosum

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Cornelius Monaheng, infected when he was 24, has dedicated his life to educating young people about the dangers of sex, drugs and alcohol

Krista Blake was infected at age 16 by someone who did not tell her that he was infected. At age 20, she dropped out of college and broke off her engagement. She died at age 22. Newsweek 1992

Kay Brown, 19, an honour student hoping to enter the military, was infected by and then abandoned by her boyfriend. “My career plans were destroyed,” she said.

Afro-beat king, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, became infected and then died from complications of AIDS. His many fans still miss him.

Newsweek 1992Newsweek 1992

Newswatch, 1997Newswatch, 1997

AIDS Also Kills Dreams

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Protection Against HIV:What are Your Choices?

Abstinence...Zero Transmission

Be Faithful...Zero Transmission

Condoms......Less Transmission

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Get an HIV Test

If infected:

• Get help

• Protect others

If not infected:

• Change habits

• Prepare for true love

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How much protection do latex condoms provide in actual use?

The owner of a popular bar distributing condoms.

Safer Sex?

Photo credit: WHO/GUBB

Photo credit: WHO/GUBB

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Do Condoms Work?•“There is no scientific evidence that condoms prevent the transmission of most sexually transmitted diseases.”

•Studies show that condoms reduce the risk of transmission of HIV and gonorrhea in men.

•Studies are inconclusive about whether condoms reduce the risk of transmission of gonorrhea in women, chlamy-dia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, syphilis, & chancroid

•Studies say there is no evidence condoms reduce the risk of transmission of Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

•More than 100 studies fail to prove that condoms prevent or even reduce the transmission of most STDs.Source: NIH, etc., 20 July 2001

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How Effective are Condoms?•“Overall effectiveness for reducing sexual transmission of HIV through consistent use of condoms is approximately 80%.”•“Condoms appear to be marginally less effective for reducing HIV transmission than for preventing pregnancy.”Source: Global Health Council, 2002, http://www.globalhealth.org/assets/publications/condoms.pdf

•In use by teenagers, condom failure is around 14% (i.e. one in seven).Fu H, Darroch L et al Contraceptive failure rates: New Estimates from the National Survey of Family Growth Fam Plann Persp1999 31 56-63

•Therefore, “safe sex” with a condom is not safe. Abstinence and committed marriage are the only true forms of “safe sex.”Gene Rudd, MD, Associate Executive Director, Christian Medical and Dental Associations, Bristol, TN

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Sex Educators Don’t Trust Condoms. Should You?

“I asked [800 sex educators] if they knew that a person carried the [HIV] virus, would they have sex, depending on a condom for protection? No one raised their hand.”

Source: Dr. Theresa Crenshaw, past president of the American Society of Sex Educators and Therapists, and member of the Presidential AIDS Commission

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Condoms Offer False Sense of Security

They remove your natural reservations about

premarital sex

Fear of AIDS and


Fear of Pregnancy

Worry about Parents’


Source: Louis Harris, American Teens Speak, 1986Source: Louis Harris, American Teens Speak, 1986

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01 July 2002 slide number SSA-51

Percentage of Sexually Experienced Girls Percentage of Sexually Experienced Girls in South Africa Who Say in South Africa Who Say ……



“I have been forced to have sex.”



“I am afraid of saying no to sex.”



“There are times I don't want to have sex, but I do because my boyfriend Insists on having sex.”

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation/KLA (2000) South African National Youth Survey

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You Don’t Need to Say “Yes” to Sex

• Abstinence is doing without something.

• You can abstain from lots of things, such as certain foods, alcohol and other drugs, and sex.

• You can abstain from sex for lots of different reasons, such as to protect your health, to stick to your religious or moral values or to take control of your own life.

NYC Dept of Health STD Control Program

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You Might Decide NOT to Have Sex Because:

• You want to wait until you're married

• It would upset your parents if they found out

• You just don't feel ready to have sex

• You've already had sex, but decided it was a mistake

Remember: It's never too late to abstain from sex! You can stop right now.

NYC Dept of Health STD Control Program

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• Swinging Singles?• Cohabiters?• Married?• Married & Faithful?

Who has the best sex?

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Saying "NO" to Sex Has Many Advantages!

• Avoid Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) like HIV/AIDS.

• Avoid Pregnancy. • Keep Religious or Moral Values. • Boost Your Self-Esteem. • Abstinence isn't Forever.• Keep your most precious gift for your future


NYC Dept of Health STD Control Program

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Tips for saying “No!”Deciding to say "NO" is easy – but actually saying

"NO" may not be. Practice your responses with a friend or parent today.

Tips for Success• Be assertive, learn to speak up for yourself. • Set your limits before you get into a challenging

situation. • Practice saying "NO" as if you really mean it.• Talk about your feelings, don't make the person

guess how far you'll go. • Don't use alcohol and other drugs.

NYC Dept of Health STD Control Program

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Learn How to Say “No!”“If you really loved me, you'd have sex with me.”

“If you really loved me, you wouldn't pressure me.”

“Everybody's doing it.” “That's not true. I'm not doing it and I'm somebody.”

“If you won't do it, I'll find someone who will.”

“If that's all I mean to you, then maybe you should find someone else!”

“Don't you trust me?” “It has nothing to do with trust. I just don't feel right about having sex.”

“It's the only way to prove you're a man (or woman)!”

“I didn't think I had to prove anything to you.”

NYC Dept of Health STD Control Program

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Friendship ≠ Sex“We might not get another chance.”

“Right now, I'm willing to take that chance.”

“I thought you loved me!” “I do, but I thought you respected me!”

“What's wrong with you?” “There's nothing wrong with choosing to wait.”

“I think you owe it to me.” “I don't think I owe you anything.”

“If I don't relieve this tension, I'll be in physical pain.”

“That's a myth. Besides, if I have sex before I'm ready, I could be emotionally hurt.”

NYC Dept of Health STD Control Program

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You’re in Charge!

• It's your body;

• Don't be pressured into having sex.

• Stay in control - don't use alcohol or other drugs.

• Make the smart choice, say "NO" to sex - for now!

NYC Dept of Health STD Control Program

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Sexual Organs

No Trespassing!

Property of My

Future Spouse

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In today’s culture advertisers enhance the appeal of their products by associating them with sex.

If you don’t value your own life, no-one else will either - certainly not Hollywood, nor the Media!

Media’s Sexualized Messages

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Too late to change his past...But not too late to But not too late to change your future!change your future!

Even if you’ve made mistakes, they are in your past. You can decide right now to begin a new future.

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A.C. Green, NBA Star is saving sex for


Photography by Larry Nichols. Photography by Larry Nichols.

Copyright 1994, USA Weekend.

How about you?How about you?

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Become a Person of Character like A.C. Green

By actively developing such virtues as honesty, integrity, endurance, respect for others, becoming more responsible, and living for the sake of others, you’ll have what it takes to:

– Save sex for later by creating boundaries, – Accomplish your short & long term goals, and – Prepare to create a happy marriage and family– Learn about love, relationships, and marriage

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Problem of Modern Education

The problem of contemporary education, minimum level of focus on character development:

1. Education for mastery

2. Education in norms

3. Cultivation of the heart

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Balanced Education

Character education balances the moral, emotional, social and academic levels of education

3. Education for mastery

2. Education in norms

1. Cultivation of the heart

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Moral Goals of Education

1. Mature Character

2. Loving relationships and family

3. Contribution to society

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Cultivation of the Heart

Experiences of loveMoral examplesPractice of caring

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Moral Goal-Mature Character

Loving and caring heartSelf controlLives for the sake of othersWords and deeds are closely related

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First Dimension of Education

Cultivation of the heartDevelopment of mature characterFoundation for other levels of education

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Education in Norms

Training in proper behaviorRules and responsibilitiesFor respect and harmony

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Education for Character-Balances Love and Rules

Ethics need to facilitate loving relationships and social harmony

The family is the crucible of characterTeachers need to support the efforts of

parents in developing characterRules need to be implemented in a loving

and caring fashion

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Moral Goal: Loving Relationships and Family

Strong marriagesEffective parentingEthical practiceAltruism

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Second Dimension of Education

Education in normsLoving relationships and familyMoral and ethical education-basis of

technical education

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Education for Mastery

Academic education

Technical education

Education in the arts

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Moral Goal-Contribution to Society

Technical achievement

Community service

Sustainable environment

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Third Dimension of Education

Education for mastery

Contribution to society

Concern for the environment

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Character EducationBased on Universal Values

Traditional and contemporary values

Spiritual and material

Eastern and western

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Universal Values Criteria



Compelling to the conscience

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Universal Values Criteria

Objective benefits

Transcend cultures

Embodied as virtues

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Virtues list

These virtues are voted for and used more consistently in character education initiatives in the US:


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Consensus Model for Character Education Initiative

Representatives from the school, home and community need to be a part of and support the CE initiative

Administrators, teachers, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, student representatives, parents, social workers, business leaders and government representatives need to meet and vote on which virtues will comprise the CE initiative

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The Virtue of Respect

• Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule

• Dictionary definition “To have regard for or appreciation of a person’s worth; to honor, to esteem, to be courteous and considerate to”

• Be tolerant of differences

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How Do We Become a Respectful Person?

Show courtesy and be considerate of the feelings of others

Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyoneDeal peacefully with anger, insults and


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Self Respect

Before you can respect others, you need to respect yourself

Acceptance of positive and negative character traits

Realistic goals to improve problems An “honoring” of ourselves, involves holding

ourselves in a positive light, regardless of our mistakes, weaknesses, and problems

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Proactive or Reactive

Read the following statements aloud and decide which are proactive and which are reactive. Write a P or R in the blank area.

1. I have to do it right away _____

2. I prefer to be more responsible _____

3. There’s nothing I can do about it _____

4. I control my thoughts and feelings _____

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Proactive and Reactive

Write a P or R in the blank space:

5. My friend made me do it _____

6. I’m not responsible for my actions _____

7. It’s out of my hands _____

8. I choose to wait a few minutes _____

9. My life is out of control _____

10. I will carry out my plan _____

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You’re in Charge

Write 5 proactive statements and 5 reactive statements not already mentioned. Label each statement with a P and R.

1. __________________________________2. __________________________________3. __________________________________4. __________________________________5. __________________________________

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Character Traits of TV Celebrities

Choose three TV programs that you frequently watch and analyze an actor/actress on each of these programs

Name of character________Program_______

Deceitful 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Truthful

Sarcastic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sense of humor

Corrupt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Good

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Character Traits of TV Stars

Disloyal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Loyal

Impure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Chaste

Selfish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Generous

Lazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ambitious

Indifferent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sympathetic

Mean 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Kind

Arrogant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Humble

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Husband Wife




--- Clan ------ Community ---

--------- Nation ---------------------- World -------------

--- Clan ------ Community ---

--------- Nation ---------------------- World -------------

Create Families of True LoveCreate Families of True Love

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