Life Style for Hyper Tensive

Lifestyle for Hypertensive

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Page 1: Lifestyle for Hypertensive

Life Style for HyperTensive

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What is Hypertension?Hypertension is the pressure exerted by the flowing blood on the walls of the blood vessels is Hypertension or Blood Pressure-in short B.P.

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Why such pressure is exerted ?Heart is a pump constantly contracting &expanding to pump the blood to reach various parts to provide essential nutrients & O2.

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What is Systolic & Diastolic Pressure?The pressure exerted during contraction of the Heart is called Systolic Pressure and while expanding is DiastolicPressure.

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What is the normal range of BP?Systolic 120 mm/ Hg, Diastolic 80 mm/ Hg. Minor variations are acceptable for an average healthy adult. To diagnose 3 readings has to be taken.

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What are the various contributing factors for BP?Very many. Hurry-Worry-Curry, we have plenty in modern life.Other contributing factors are like

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Hereditary, Smoking, Spicy, Oily & Tinned Food, Soft Drinks, Alcohol, Sweet Meats, Lack of Exercise, Sedentary Life, Occupational Hazards, Irregular Food Habits,

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Financial Loses, Loss of near & dear, Over Ambitious, Jealous, some Drugs/Diseases.

Mainly 4 White Poisons Salt & Sugar

Polished Rice & Maida

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Who will suffer from BP?Usually young adults above 18 yrs of either sex both urban & rural population can suffer from High BP. Incidence is very high among urban population.

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What are the remedies?

Remedies are many. Here we have to take a que from our ancient life science-Ayurveda “Prevention is better than cure”

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How to Prevent BP?

Life style is very important. Following life style will help not only to prevent but to help the people who are already suffering from BP.

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Sleep: it is better to have 6-7hrs between 10 pm & 5 am. Avoid day time sleep, you can relax. It is better to keep bed room not very hot & very cool. Don't spend in ACrooms as

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They interrupt body bio-chemical actions at normal pace. Exposing to Sun light for 2-3 hrs/day is essential. Preferably during Sun rise/ set time

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Following life style helps in Hypertension

Try to get up before 6 amafter 6-7 hours sleep While in bed itself assure to yourself that you will live better life for the day

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A person approached a Zen master and asked what is his secret of being happy always?. Master replied that every day when he gets up while in the bed questions himself

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whether he wants to live in Heaven or Hell & answer himself that he is going to live in Heaven, hence he use every minute of his life in creating Heaven for him irrespective of external conditions.

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Around 6 am drink 5-6(about 1 lit.) glasses of warm water even before brushing, if you cant drink start with 1 glass and keep increasing 1 glass every 2-3 days

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After brushing walkbriskly where ever you are (even in train) for 10-12 min concentrating on your stomach and intestines

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Around 6-30 am take your morning coffee/tea/milk/juice as you like. Watch TV or read newspaper while moving in the room, garden as the case may be for 10-15 minutesAround 7-00 am take another 5-6glasses water and try to visit the toilet, visiting toilet is like cleaning the house every day

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Around 7 AM do 10-15 pushups/ jumps/ bend/ stretch for 5 min. Sit on Vajrasana for 5 min & do 10-12 deep breathes (inhale slowly for 4 seconds, hold is for 5 seconds and exhale it for 6seconds-each breathing for 15sec.) relax for 2-3 min.

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Have your breakfast around 8/8-30 am. Then go to your work place. Have Herbal tea/milk with ginger/Fruit/ Veg juice as you like with light snack around 11 am. Avoid Sugar & Salt

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Try to have your lunch before 2pm where ever you are avoid lunch after this time. Take fruitsfor the day. Have Herbaltea/Ginger milk with light snack before 5 pm. Evening walk briskly for 15 min. 10 deep breaths. Avoid Sugar & Salt.

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Preferably Have your dinner before 8 pm, keep 300 feet between your food and bed. Walk at least for 15-20 min. Maintain atleast 2 hours gap to go to bed & dinner. Take a glass of warm Pepper milk/water before going to bed. There must be 2 hr

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gap between your night meal and retiring to bed. Avoid late dinners after 10 pm.Don’t watch TV for more than 1 hour / day. Watch only hilarious programs with your near & dear. Help your family members in daily chores to

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share is to enjoy Go to market twice a week by walk with your Life-partner/ children Every weektry to spend with your family for 1 - 2 hrs laying caroms/ chess/shuttle/ tennicoit / cards and sharing jokes or playing Antyakshari. Go out with family or friends to spend half a day in open area.

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After 50 years spare 2-3 hours per week to help neighbors and others, it will help you to improve your relations, gives satisfaction and improves body’s resistance Spend everyday for 30-40 min. in walking, skipping, cycling,

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gardening or visit a gym which will improve body immune system. Keep solving cross word puzzles for 1 hr/ week to sharp your mental abilities Food & Exercises will help in B.P.to postpone problems. Avoid Salt & Sugar

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Yoga Helps especially Surya namaskaras, Pranayama,

Sarvaangasana, spending 20 min/ day will normalize your endocrine system functioning and check high BP

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Food Do’s & Dont’s in BP(No fa st & no fea st fr equen tl y f or BP Per sons)

3-4 small meals/ snacks for every 4 hrs is goodAvoid large, heavy mealsThe gap between 2 meals/ snacks should no be more than 4 hoursAvoid/minimise 2 white poisons-Sugar & Salt Avoid Non-vegetarian food after 40 yearsConsume green salads/seasonal fruits dailyYour meal should consists of 50% solids, 25% liquid and rest gap to digestConsume Ginger, Mint Leaves, Jeera every dayAvoid curds in the nightRaagi, Jawar, Bajra roti/gruel/small qty of rice are best

Avoid sugar made sweets & salted foods

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Ayurveda is having effective answer for long term control of BP. The remedy if coupled with good & sensible eating, and moderate exercises to keep body active and improves blood circulation, normalises Hypertention. Unlike Allopathy is not having serious side effects like loss of libido. Latrogenic diseases leading to treatment is more dangerous than disease.

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Consume 5 gm Triphala with honey both morning & evening with honey on empty stomach for 6-9months. Take 10 gm Gingerdaily in your food. Consume 2 Garlic cloves daily

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To recall the words of Prof. BM Hegde a renowned teacher and doctor, who is quadruple FCCP commented about modern medicine as follows“There is no Pill for all Ills, but there is an ill followed by the use of every Pill”

Ayurveda provides pills without ills. For more details call:

Bellavistan MurthyWellness Consultant: 098480 13958

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