Lasix (Furosemide Tablets)

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Lasix Tablets

Lasix Tablets

Clearsky Pharmacy

Lasix tablets (Furosemide) is mainly used for the treatment of two conditions: High blood pressure and edema. Furosemide works by causing the kidneys to get rid of unneeded water and salt from the body into the urine.

Lasix Tablets

Clearsky Pharmacy

Lasix Tablets are manufactured by Sanofi Aventis (Sanofi India Limited). (Website:

Furosemide Tablets Brand Names

Clearsky Pharmacy

Furosemide tablets are available as Lasix, Frusenex , Tebemid, Urix and Salinex.

Active Ingredient

Clearsky Pharmacy

The active ingredient contained in Lasix tablets is Furosemide.

Chemical Structure

Clearsky Pharmacy

The structure of Furosemide is given below:

Uses of Lasix Tablets

Clearsky Pharmacy

Lasix Tablets ( Furosemide ) in the treatment of used to treat fluid build-up due to congestive heart failure, edema, liver scarring, or kidney disease. Furosemide may also be used for the treatment of high blood pressure. The amount of medication required depends on the patient undergoing treatment. Edema is associated with heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis, renal impairment, nephrotic syndrome. Lasix tablets are also used in cerebral/pulmonary edema where rapid diuresis is required. Furosemide tablets are also sometimes used in the treatment of severe hypercalcemia in combination with adequate rehydration.

Storage Instructions

Clearsky Pharmacy

Lasix (Furosemide tablets ) have to be stored at controlled room temperature i.e. below 25C (77F). Keep in a cool dark place away from light.Keep this as well as all other medicines away from children and pets.

Lasix Dosage

Clearsky Pharmacy

The usual initial dose of Lasix tablets for the treatment of Edema in adults is 20 to 80 mg given as a single dose. Normally a prompt diuresis ensues. If required, the same dose can be administered 6 to 8 hours later or the dose may be increased. The dose can be raised by 20 or 40 mg if required and given not sooner than 6 to 8 hours after the previous dose until the desired diuretic effect has been obtained.

The dosage of Lasix tablets (Furosemide) is given below:

Lasix Dosage

Clearsky Pharmacy

The usual starting dose of Lasix tablets for the treatment of hypertension in Adults is 80 mg, usually divided into 40 mg twice a day. Dosage should then be adjusted as per the therapeutic response of the individual patient. If response is not satisfactory, other anti-hypertensive agents should be added.

The dosage of Lasix tablets (Furosemide) is given below:


Clearsky Pharmacy

Excessive diuresis can result in dehydration and reduction in blood volume with circulatory collapse and with the possibility of vascular thrombosis and embolism, specially in elderly patients.Excessive loss of potassium in patients that receive cardiac glycosides may precipitate digitalis toxicity.


Clearsky Pharmacy

Some side effects for example an undesirable drop in blood pressure may impair the patients ability to concentrate and react and therefore constitute a risk in situations where these abilities are of special importance (e.g. operating a vehicle or machinery).

Lasix Tablets

Clearsky Pharmacy


Lasix is contraindicated in patients with a hypersensitivity to Furosemide or any other component of this medication. Patients allergic to Sulfonamides (e.g. sulfonamide antibiotics or sulfonylureas) can also show cross-sensitivity to Lasix.Lasix is also contraindicated in cases of Complete renal shutdown; impaired renal function or anuria. If increasing azotaemia and oliguria occur during treatment of severe progressive renal disease, discontinue Furosemide tablets.

Lasix Tablets

Clearsky Pharmacy


Severe hypokalaemia, hyponatraemia, hypovolaemia, dehydration or hypotension must be regarded as contraindications until serum electrolytes, fluid balance and blood pressure have been restored to normal levels.In hepatic coma or precoma and conditions producing electrolyte depletion, Furosemide therapy should not be started until the underlying conditions have been corrected or ameliorated.Furosemide is contraindicated in pregnant and breast-feeding women.Do not administer Furosemide to newborns presenting jaundice or to infants with conditions which might induce hyperbilirubinaemia or kernicterus.

Lasix Side Effects

Clearsky Pharmacy

The common side effects of Lasix tablets can include electrolyte disturbances (including symptomatic), dehydration and hypovolaemia especially in elderly patients, increased blood creatinine, increased blood triglycerides, hyponatremia, hypochloremia, hypokalaemia, blood cholesterol increased blood uric acid increased, attacks of gout, and urine volume increased.

Lasix Overdose

Clearsky Pharmacy

Symptoms of Lasix overdose can include Decreased urination, drowsiness, increase in heart rate, irregular heartbeat, irritability, mood changes, muscle cramps, numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness in the hands, feet, or lips, rapid breathing, seizures, sunken eyes, thirst, trembling, weak pulse, weakness and heaviness of the legs and wrinkled skin.

Lasix Overdose

Clearsky Pharmacy

No specific antidote to Lasix is currently known. If ingestion has only just taken place, attempts may be made to limit further systemic absorption of the active ingredient by measures such as activated charcoal.Treatment of Lasix overdosage is supportive and consists of replacement of excessive fluid and electrolyte losses.

Lasix During Pregnancy

Clearsky Pharmacy

Lasix (Furosemide Tablets) has been classified by the US FDA as Pregnancy Category C. Lasix must not be given during pregnancy unless there are compelling medical reasons to do so. Lasix treatment during pregnancy requires frequent monitoring of foetal growth.

Lasix Tablets

For more details on Lasix Tablets click here

Clearsky Pharmacy

Lasix Tablets (Furosemide) by Sanofi India Limited.