CUSTOM AUTOMAT I ON. TRUE SPEED. TOTAL CONTROL. Crystal Kaczkowski writing sample

Ladar Sales Aid_ Writing Sample_Crystal Kaczkowski

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Promotional sales aid written while at Corbett Accel Healthcare Group in Chicago.

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Crystal Kaczkowski writing sample

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Crystal Kaczkowski writing sample

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L a s e r• The improved ergonomic design pro v i d e s :

• Additional workspace for the surgeon. • A new, more adjustable patient bed. • M o re headroom and lumbar s u p p o rt for increased patient comfort.

• New effluent removal system. • E a s i e r-to-use calibration arm. • Convenient eye drop tray.

Wo r k s t a t i o n• Easily moves up/down and left/right, providing flexibility and

c o m f o rt for the user. • F l a t - s c reen monitor with retractable arm and 1280 x 1024 resolution. • Neatly encased computer and digital re c o rding system. • I n c reased desk workspace offers m o re convenience for the surgeon and staff .

G reater ease-of-use and practice eff i c i e n c y.

C U S T O M C O R N EA® WITH THE LA D A RV I S I O N® SYSTEM IS APPROVED FOR THE WIDEST RANGE OF CUSTOMIZED TREAT M E N T S :• Up to -8 D of myopia with up to -4 D of astigmatism.1 • With a >93% treatable myopic

population compared with only a 78% treatable range for VISX.*1

R e f e rence: 1. Estimate based on Alcon Surgical data on file. Alcon Laboratories, Inc.*VISX is a registered trademark of VISX Inc. © 2004 Alcon, Inc. LDV021

w w w. l a d a rv i s i o n . c o m


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Crystal Kaczkowski writing sample

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CUSTOMIZED AUTOMAT I O N .A u t o - re g i s t r a t i o n :Registration ensures correct, customized ablation positioning. Automation* of this uniquecapability saves time and increases consistency.

• The LADART M 6 0 0 0 Excimer Laser† is built to accommodate future auto-re g i s t r a t i o ne n h a n c e m e n t s f u rther refining the CAPTURE MATCH TREAT pro c e s s .


* S u rgeon confirmation re q u i re d .† Available for sale intern a t i o n a l l y. Not approved in the United States.

One-click accuracy confirm a t i o n :

Registration of the five wavefront imagesis automatic.

Enhanced Illumination: The LADART M6 0 0 0 Excimer Laser incorporates a re v o l u t i o n a ry new illumination system:

• C o m p u t e r-optimized lightinga rray incorporates infrare dand white light.

• P roduces variety of intelligent,task-specific lighting rangest h roughout the pro c e d u re.

The surgeon can now optimizethe surgical view while enhancing patient comfort .

After taking the centration image, the limbal and pupil reticles snap into place for quick, accurate ring placement.

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B U I LT FOR SPEED.• The LADART M6 0 0 0 Excimer Laser is designed for speed–a reduction in pro c e d u re time today and further speed enhancements in the future .

• Intuitive software prompts guide the surgeon through the pro c e d u re. Prompting helps make surg e ry faster and more automatic.

• Only a simple, once-per-week gas change re q u i red in high-volume practices. Gas bottle replacement reduced to once every 6 to 8 months.


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OUTCOMES CONTROL.The graphical user interface is redesigned making the LADART M6 0 0 0 Excimer Laser faster and easier to use.


• Side-by-side viewing of the dilated wavefro n timage of the eye and the live surgical trackedimage facilitates accurate, consistent limbalring placement.

• A new ablation depth map convenientlyenables peak depth confirmation at the laser to facilitate patient flow.

• F l a t - s c reen monitor off e r senhanced resolution to facilitate consistent ringp l a c e m e n t .

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