Kim Solez, MD

Kim Solez Triton Walker summer hyrs experience banff history

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Kim Solez, MD

Sydney speech announcing launch of NKF cyberNephrology July 1st, 1997.

Can still watch May 1997 speech at http://cybernephrology.ualberta.ca/misc/NKF_ISN/Speech/Default.htm

We may become tired of being connected to the Internet 24/7

Dr. Mengel took 3 week vacation unplugged from the Internet

During that three weeks many things changed here, IF scope moved, and classic cases and basic renal path teaching added to Nephrology/Pathology rounds

Triton Walker helped select cases and removed demographic data to de-identify cases of Drs. Solez & Adam.

Experience meshed closely with that depicted in HYRS logo. Note penguin.

Experience meshed closely with that depicted in HYRS logo. Note penguin.

Sits in center of office. At times pathology conversations are confusing. Penguin holding his ears!

cyberNephrology office inhabitants. Triton become very familiar with CDs in box, rounds cases from 2000s.

While much of Triton’s time was spent helping prepare classic cases, main project was 1991 Banff slide box.

Slide box was mentioned in first Banff meeting abstract from September 1991

The original slides were re-stained and re-cover-slipped and reports and histories obtained.

Case 7 showed that inflammatory cells sitting in lumen or on endothelial surface do not constitute rejection.

Triton also helped to shoot background historical videos about Banff Classification history.

Triton also helped to shoot background historical videos about Banff Classification history.




One video contains information about my secret mission getting boss’s airplane propeller fixed when I was 17!

Slide box contains interesting cases of rejection, PTLD, & other conditions we will present to you on another occasion.