November 2013 Irish Osteoporosis Society first e-newsletter Page 2Introducing the Murphy (METs) Programme! Page 3Eating for Strong Bones Page 3Osteoporosis Overview Page 4Males and Osteoporosis Page 6Spotlight Product Meet IOS Mascot Rolo Page 7Win a Free DXA Scan and Consultation IOS Updates In This Issue

IOS - e-Newsletter November 2013

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Irish Osteoporosis Society (IOS) November 2013 e-newsletter. This newsletter details the activities of the IOS. It gives some information about osteoporosis and the work that the charity does on behalf of people diagnosed with osteoporosis/osteopenia. The disease is preventable and treatable in the majority of people. Visit www.irishosteoporosis.ie for more information.

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Page 1: IOS - e-Newsletter November  2013

November 2013


Osteoporosis Society

first e-newsletter

•Page 2•

Introducing the Murphy (MET’s) Programme!

•Page 3•

Eating for Strong Bones

•Page 3•

Osteoporosis Overview

•Page 4•

Males and Osteoporosis

•Page 6•

Spotlight Product

Meet IOS Mascot Rolo

•Page 7•

Win a Free DXA Scan and Consultation

IOS Updates

In This Issue

Page 2: IOS - e-Newsletter November  2013

Murphy (MET’s) Programme

Marie designs fitness programmes for general health, athlete training, and the prevention

of disease. A former Irish Olympian (marathon runner), Marie also has a range of

experience designing and delivering exercise programmes in a community setting, as she

has spent over 25 years in the Health and Fitness Industry.

Marie has completed 5 research studies on breast, colorectal and prostate cancer survivors.

She designed, developed and implemented The Murphy (METs) Programme, a 15 week

programme that combines cardiovascular and resistance training, followed by a 15 week

progression phase and a one year follow-up. This programme was acknowledged by the

American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) 2012.

Working with the IOS, Marie plans to use The Murphy (MET’s) Programme to conduct

studies for patients diagnosed with Osteopenia and/or Osteoporosis. Marie and the IOS

aim to significantly decrease the amount of people who are losing their independence from

a condition that is preventable and treatable. Marie is also offering walking and running

programs (5K, 10K and marathon). Please contact the Charity for further details.

“Exercise and

nutrition are

essential for the

prevention and

treatment of

chronic diseases”

– Marie Murphy

The Irish Osteoporosis Society is delighted to introduce our new

Consultant Exercise & Nutrition Specialist:

Murphy (MET’s) Programme Benefits:

Regular physical activity can help to maintain and

improve bone density

Exercise assessment is important to ensure that the

exercises you are doing are appropriate and safe

Nutrition advice and support can help you make

healthier food choices

Marie Murphy

Page 3: IOS - e-Newsletter November  2013

Recipe is taken from Great Healthy Food for Strong

Bones written by Fiona Hunter's and Emma-Lee


If you are interested in a nutrition assessment with

Marie Murphy, please contact us at 01 637 5050


Serves 4

550g new potatoes, sliced in half

5 tablespoons natural fromage frais

3 tablespoons semi-skimmed milk

125g Stilton or other blue cheese, crumbled

or chopped into small pieces

2 tablespoons fresh chives, chopped

Eating for Strong Bones

1. Place the potatoes in a pan of boiling salted water and boil for 15-20 minutes, until

cooked through.

2. Whisk together the fromage frais and milk, then stir in the cheese

3. Drain the potatoes well and place in a serving dish. Cover with the blue cheese dressing

and sprinkle with chives. Stir well to ensure the potatoes are coated with the dressing,

and then serve.

Potato Salad with

Blue Cheese Dressing

Page 4: IOS - e-Newsletter November  2013


Osteoporosis is a disease which affects the quality of the inside

of your bones. As we age, more bone is naturally lost than is

replaced. People with Osteoporosis lose more bone than those

who do not have the disease. Osteoporosis causes bones to

become fragile and therefore they break very easily.


Osteopenia is the early stages of Osteoporosis; however,

research shows that the majority of broken bones happen in

the moderate to marked Osteopenia range. This is why

prevention of further bone loss is essential.


Fractures (broken bones) due to low trauma: Any adult who breaks a bone from a trip and fall or less, even if it was on ice or cement.

Loss in height: 2-16cm - It should not be considered normal at any age to lose height. It is a red flag if a person has lost more than 2 cm in height.

Sudden severe episodes of upper, middle or low back pain or undiagnosed back pain

A hump developing on a person’s upper back.

Change in body shape or size: Usually associated with loss of height.

Osteoporosis is known as the “Silent Killer” because there are no signs or symptoms prior to a person

breaking a bone. However, the results of undiagnosed Osteoporosis are NOT SILENT. A person with

severe undiagnosed Osteoporosis can look perfectly healthy on the outside but break a bone simply by

picking up a pack of briquettes, coughing, sneezing, or turning over in bed.

20% of people aged 60+ who fracture (break) a hip will pass away within 6-12 months.

50% of people aged 60+ who fracture a hip will not be able to wash, dress or walk across a room unaided.

Only 30% of people aged 60+ who fracture a hip will regain their independence.

Once a person has fractured their hip, their risk of fracturing again nearly doubles unless treatment is initiated.

90% of hip fractures are due to osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis Overview

Undiagnosed Osteoporosis prevents many people from reaching retirement age independently. It is estimated that 300,000 people in Ireland have Osteoporosis, but only 15% are diagnosed. We need those people diagnosed to become members of the Charity to help support the only

organisation that can help you.

Osteoporosis Fractures are preventable, and a DXA scan can diagnose Osteoporosis before a fracture


One hip fracture costs €55,000 in total, yet a DXA scan to screen for Osteoporosis costs maximum €100.

Osteoporosis treatments have been proven to reduce pain, reduce the risk of future fractures, and reduce

the amount of deaths following fractures.

Page 5: IOS - e-Newsletter November  2013


Below are a few of the 60 causes of Osteoporosis:

Hypogonadism: Male testosterone deficiency is the most common cause of osteoporosis in males. This is when a person experiences one or more of the following: loss of sex drive, loss of erections,

depression or fatigue. Family history: Research shows that 80% of a person’s bone is influenced by genetics. A family history of a fractured hip is one of the strongest links. Psychological stress: Stress due to any cause (for example: Divorce, separation, loss of job, financial worries) can lead to decreased bone density. Alcohol: Men who regularly consume more than 21 units of alcohol per week are at higher risk. Smoking: Smoking is a strong risk factor for bone loss, seek help to quit. Heparin or Warfarin: Two of many medications that can cause bone loss.

Chemotherapy/Radiation or Aromatase inhibitors for the treatment of prostate cancer.


1 in 4 men in Ireland over 50 will break a bone from Osteoporosis.

Men are severely under diagnosed and our aim is to dispel the myth that Osteoporosis only

affects older women. Male farmers and men who do physically demanding jobs need to

ensure that they do not have undiagnosed Osteoporosis.

Men are more likely than women to require care in a nursing home after a hip fracture.

Men are more likely than women to die within a year after breaking a hip.

Men older than 50 are more likely to break a bone due to osteoporosis than they are to get prostate cancer.

It is not normal to break a bone from

a trip and fall (or less).

If your livelihood depends on you doing a physically demanding job, it is essential

that you check to see if you are at risk of Osteoporosis.

For an extensive list of risk factors and additional information,

please contact the Charity at 01 637 5050 or 1890 252 751

Males and Osteoporosis - It is time for men to speak up

Osteoporosis is NOT just an “older woman’s disease”

Ravind Jawson was diagnosed

with the early stages of

Osteoporosis at age 27.

Page 6: IOS - e-Newsletter November  2013

Hip protectors are a specialized type of underwear containing pads on the outside of each hip. Hip

protectors are designed to absorb the energy of a fall, by diverting the impact away from the greater

trochanter in the hip. The greater trochanter is the area of the hip most affected by Osteoporosis. Those

living in nursing homes are 3-11 times more likely to fracture a hip. Hip protectors that are fitted properly

and are worn at all times, have shown in studies to reduce hip fractures in this setting.

Q 1: Will people know I have hip protectors on? Answer: NO, a study was done with people wearing hip

protectors and people not wearing them. The result was that the audience could not pick out those who

were wearing the hip protectors.

Q 2: Are hip protectors difficult to put on? Answer: In general no.

Q 3: I sometimes have to go to the bathroom urgently; would they make it more difficult for me?

Answer: No. There are several styles and in your situation the open hip protectors would most likely suit

you best, as they do not have to be pulled down in order to go to the bathroom.

Available from Home Care Medical Supplies: 094 9633930 www.HomecareMedicalSupplies.ie For more information about hip protectors: IOS Charity website at www.irishosteoporosis.ie

Professor Moira O’Brien

“If worn, hip protectors can

significantly reduce a person’s

risk of fracturing a hip.”

SPOTLIGHT Hip Protectors

Bone health isn’t an issue that only concerns

humans. Rolo is the Charity’s mascot, he loves

bones just as much as we do!

If you have a question about bone health that

you would like answered in the next issue of

our newsletter, please email us at

[email protected]

Meet the IOS mascot Rolo!

Spotlight: Hip Protectors

Page 7: IOS - e-Newsletter November  2013

Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA)

Of your spine and hips Is considered the gold standard

for diagnosing Osteoporosis

It is not claustrophobic and is painless

It is much cheaper to scan for the disease rather than

wait to see if the person fractures, as one hip fracture

costs €55,000, yet a DXA scan to screen for

Osteoporosis costs maximum €100

The Christmas gift you buy for

a loved one can make a

significant difference in their

lives: Visit our Christmas shop

on our website at


Corporate Sponsorship

The IOS has just launched its

new “Stay Strong” Corporate

Sponsorship Programme.

Contact us if you are interested

in helping to support our


Updates Interested in a Free DXA Scan

and Consultation?

IOS News

A draw will take place each quarter of

all IOS members’ names for a FREE

DXA scan and a Free Consultation

with IOS founder Professor Moira

O’Brien. This is sponsored by

Euromedic Ireland, who conduct DXA

scans (along with X-rays, MRI etc) at

their centers in Dundrum and Santry

in Dublin and Cork and Kilkenny.


Address: 114 Pembroke Road, Garden Level,

Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

Helpline: 1890 252 751 Tel +353 (01) 637 5050

Email: [email protected]

Website www.irishosteoporosis.ie

Reg. Charity No. CHY11987