International Food Crisis! Everything that will cause mankind happiness, joy, peace, well being, health bones and a healthy mind Satan seeks to eradicate. Christ Foresaw this. God gave us elements that will cause us to live a healthy Life and to be in harmony with his maker in the Garden of Eden. Like a man, before creating a family he must be able to furnish, or provide substantial goods, for their well being for the family, before he creates a family. This is what God did for humanity in creating the world and all that is in the world. Today we are here because God will have you here so we can touch on one of the great things God gave man

International Food Crisis! Everything that will cause mankind

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Page 1: International Food Crisis! Everything that will cause mankind

International Food Crisis!

Everything that will cause mankind happiness, joy, peace, well being, health bones and a healthy mind Satan seeks to eradicate.

Christ Foresaw this. God gave us elements that will cause us to live a healthy Life and to be in harmony with his maker in the Garden of

Eden. Like a man, before creating a family he must be able to furnish, or provide substantial goods, for their well being for the

family, before he creates a family. This is what God did for humanity in creating the world and all that is in the world. Today we are here

because God will have you here so we can touch on one of the great things God gave man in the Garden of Eden, and that is DIET-

. Our Diet among other things God gave man in Eden is under attack, from the time of Eden all the way down the portals of time. It is strongly manifesting its great darkness in our time, Christ prophesied this. (Talk about the teeth God gave man.)

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Why did Christ create us in this manner? Genesis 1:28 The Hebrew word for meat is ok'lah which means food.

What role did animals play in mankind's happiness; vs. 20-26 (talk about how men love to watch animals) they were our entertainment? Something happened in the Garden of Eden that

caused gloomed to clutter the earth . Man got away from the diet of God and submitted their bellies to another DIET. They transgressed, the law Of God and their appetite became ruler over their higher faculty and their reasons, became suburbanite to their appetites and passion. The very thing that God blessed man with like today, man turned it to a curse. The root word of Diet is what? Die. Diet is spelled D.i.e.t Adam and Eve Spiritually separated themselves from the True diet and Died, in, Eden, Terminated. Their eternal Life and godly well being came to an end. This is when the flood of another Nature that leads a man down to the pits of degradation ushered into this world. We are In this place today, to show you that Christ Prophesied that this Form of Diet today is causing many, I mean many to miss the mark of The high calling of God, famine and sickness: it is causing us in the last days as profess people of God to destroy the soul temple spiritually mentally and physically. The Holy Spirit moved Paul to say, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you: If any man defiles the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of is Holy which temple ye are-1st Corinthians 3:16-17. Let's take a look at what Christ Prophesied a Food crisis in our time Matthew 24:12, 7, I could read all of it but our topic today is International Food or meat Crisis so these scriptures stick out. It is proven facts that man today need to refrain from popular

Traditional diet. Furthermore, reform to the diet

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given in Eden; remember the root word for Diet is what? Die Paul said I die every day. We need to die to diets that will destroy the soul temple and the mind where the Holy Spirit governs or what's to rule, and control. Now I get this all the time about God said everything that God made is good for meat. Peter Said, " Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth 2 Peter 1:12 (King James Version).

The Opera Winfery show interviewed an ex-beef rancher who had seen U.S. Sheep and Cows dying of BSE

(mad cow). Right away, beef dropped 150 points on the commodities market; and the beef business,

under the guise of “Texas Cattleman,” sued Oprah for daring to openly discuss the matter.

The beef industry frightened the TV networks into a news blackout on this subject. No television network is likely to talk

about mad sheep and cows for awhile. However, the beef industry actually won. They got their message across to the

major networks: tell too much about mad cow, and we will see you in court.

The bible Predicted

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10 for the love of money is the root of all evils: 13 but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 1 Timothy 6:10 2

Timothy 3:13; Are we living in this moment? Yes for the love of money man are destroying the meat chain by injecting live

stock with steroids, Drugs, to increase growth, and reproduction. However, evil men and seducers shall wax

worse and worse, Scientists invented the “bypass of protein” A method of feeding live stock (taking the rendered corpse of

a dead animal, grinding it into meat meal, and mixing it in with grains.) Man is turning this planet into a potential

cemetery.They turned herbivores into Cannibals in order to make more money. When you feed a herbivore protein, its body produces

ptomaine’s ('toe'main) which causes lesions

(le·sion) skin lesions, aids lesions, brain lesions, bone lesions, cervical lesions, benign liver lesion.Or tubercles (tu-ber-cle) knob like process in the skin or on a bone, tubercles mean

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tuberculosis. Tuberculosis

is an infectious disease that may affect almost any tissue of the body, esp.

the lungs, caused by the organism my⋅co⋅bac⋅te⋅ri⋅um, and characterized by tubercles. In 1989, the National association of Federal

Veterinarians decided to create a “test-balloon” state. They allowed California to sell meat infected with tuberculosis an,

illegal practice since 1906.

TB immediately went up 36%-

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But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, Christ said this is how you will know you are living in the time of the end; there will be famine, and pestilence. Hormones sicken the livestock you eat. Immune systems have been

destroyed by several other practices. One example is the massive daily injections of synthetic growth/lactation hormones which exhaust the cow

who is chemically stimulated to give 40% more milk. (FDA), the National Institutes of Health,

and the Department of Health and Human Services, have reviewed the issue and concluded that milk produced this way is safe for humans. Critics — citing the possibility of

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serious health risks — say that further testing is needed and that FDA approval of the drug was too reckless, or heedless.

This is the government the bible said all the kings of the earth are committing fornication with the whore and the merchant are made rich. The bible teaches us not to but

confidence in governments after all the bible always shows that man made governments always reject God's way and go after idols. God always rise up groups to tell the truth. Why are some consumer groups worried about the safety of milk

from cows that are given this hormone? The Consumers Union, the Cancer Prevention Coalition, and other groups are concerned that milk from cows that have been injected with

BGH (Bovine Growth Hormone)

May be harmful to humans, they point out that BGH has been banned in Europe and Canada. Here are the main reasons for

the red flag:

Cows that are given BGH injections are more prone to health problems like lameness, (crippled or physically disabled, esp.

in the foot or leg so as to limp or walk with difficulty.)Reproductive trouble and udder infections, when these cows

are treated for infections with large doses of antibiotics, some of those antibiotics are likely to show up in the milk,

especially because it usually takes longer to treat cows receiving BGH. While antibiotic residues themselves might not be cause for alarm, they can contribute (con⋅trib⋅ute) to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which is a serious, developing public health problem. Antibiotic are

given to keep the weaken livestock alive one problem leads to another one, like humans what do the doctor do? Give

more drugs until the immune system shut down,

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diseases kill the animal and it’s grinded and use for feed. It cost the dairy Farmer $400.00 yr

for all the drugs and chemicals he has to inject or feed his cows. They are walking Chemical plants.


Years on a meat diet clog the Coronary arteries Coronary Artery Disease is the most common form of heart disease in

Europe and the United States. If you have CAD, you are

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experiencing a- narrowing or blocking of your coronary arteries, the vessels

carrying blood to your heart. Enough blood may not be reaching your heart. The narrowing of arteries is due to the buildup of a waxy substance, called plaque, on the inside lining of the vessels. Plaque is an accumulation of fat and

cholesterol circulating in the blood. This fat and cholesterol usually come from the food you eat and collect over time

An artery with stenosis is like a pipe with a clog. A clogged coronary artery is bad because these vessels are the only

route for oxygen to reach your heart. A narrowed or blocked coronary artery means less blood and less oxygen for heart

muscles. Your heart must receive enough oxygen and nutrients to function properly. If this process continues, you may start having symptoms including chest pain, shortness

of breath, numbness in your arms and numbness in your shoulders. Coronary Artery Disease may even cause a heart

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attack - A major study was done on 780 heart patients. Half had a

bypass operation and the other half did not. It was found that longevity rates were not improved by surgery! It is well-

known in the medical field that other organs, especially the brain, are damaged during bypass operations, the blood must be pumped through the body through a heart-lung machine.

Nearly all patients are damaged to one extent or another; most suffer problems which last for the duration of their lives.

The Association for the Advancement of science found that people who eat meat are far more likely to develop colon

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cancer . Meat and cholesterol in the colon are major causes of colon cancer. The National

Cancer Institute investigated deeper into the matter, in order to determine the amount of danger in each type of food. It

found that the incidence of colon cancer was over a hundred times worse when any of a variety of dead animals were




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River or ocean fish

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Fish products contain certain amounts of heavy metals, mostly mercury and pollutants. The FDA says that mercury

poisoning is a great concern to many people, especially towards infants and pregnant women. One might say didn't Christ feed the 5,000 with bread and fish? Yes that is truth but not present truth today, today in our time toxin waste and pollution is a famine, pollution is also a pestilent that

mankind can't get away from, because it will stop the flow of money, this is why we have a whole in the atmosphere the

size of the U.S. because of manmade pollution. They all produced

Colon cancer

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Breast Cancer

Many animal studies have shown that a high-fat diet promotes breast cancer tumors. Human breast cancers were implanted in mice, which were then fed various diets. Tumors in mice on a high fat diet (by the way meat is high in

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saturated fat) grew and

spread much quickly. The best diet was one high in cruciferous (kroo-sif-er-uhs) vegetables-broccoli, cabbage, collards, Brussels sprouts, the diet in Eden. Nations like Thailand and El Salvador, which have a low-fat, plant-based diet, have the lowest breast cancer rates. In 1982, the National Academy of Sciences made this

Statement: “In summary, the incidence of prostate cancer is correlated with other cancers associated with diet, e.g. breast

cancer. There is good evidence that an increased risk of

prostate cancer- is associated with certain dietary factors, especially the intake of high fat and high-protein

foods, which usually occur together in the diet. There is some evidence that food rich in Vitamin A

. . And vegetarian diets are associated with a lower risk


—According to the Loma Linda study on diabetics, their study revealed that those

Placed on a high-fiber vegetarian diet required 73%

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Less insulin therapy than those on standard diets checking into this, it was found that diabetics often need insulin shots

—not because their bodies do not produceEnough insulin, but because the insulin produced fails to

function properly—because there is too much fat clogging the blood stream-

. It was concluded that aLow-fat, high-fiber diet can do more to help most diabetics

than insulin pumps and medication. 3 John 1:2   (King James Version)

  Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

3 John 1:2   (New International Version)   Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health

and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well

3 John 1:2   (Amplified Bible) 2Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way

and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers.

Listen to what peter said, “Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth 2 Peter 1:12   (King James Version).

God is showing us today what present truth is. The bible is all truth but there are certain things in the bible isn't present

truth- and animal foods for whatever truth it had in the bible isn't present truth in 2009 and beyond.


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There are several types of strong acids in meat: uric acid, Etc. These must be eliminated from the body. But, over a

period of time, those acids tend to settle in the muscles and joints, where they work great damage.

This can lead to painful and even crippling muscle aches and joint problems in later years. Gout and other forms of arthritis

are especially traceable to meat eating.


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Everyone knows that being overweight

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Eventually leads to one

or more of a multitude of physical problems. The nations whose populations consume a lot of meat are the ones

with the most overweight Problems. In America alone, $40 billion is spent annually on various “diets” to reduce weight (Richard Klein, New York

Times, July 14, 1997). But in China obesity is extremely rare. Yet it is a remarkable fact that the average Chinese eats 25% more calories than Americans do! But they get their calories in greens, rice, and soybeans The U.S. now has the highest obesity rate of any industrialized nation in the world. More

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than half of all American adults and about one-fourth of

all American children are now obese or overweight. These proportions have soared during the last few decades,

along with the consumption of fast foods (“Land of the

Fat,” Time International Edition, October 25, 1999). The rate of obesity

among American adults is twice as high today as it was in the early 1960s. The rate of obesity among American children- is twice as high as it was in the late 1970s

(Science, May 29, 1998).Today; about 44 million American adults are obese. An additional 6 million are

“Super-obese”They weigh

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About a hundred pounds more than

they should. No other nation in

history has gotten so fat, so fast (Journal of the American Medical Association,

October 27, 1999). In 1991, only four states had obesity rates of 15% or higher; today at least 37 states do. “Rarely do

chronic conditions such as obesity spread with the speed and dispersion characteristic of a communicable disease

epidemic” (ibid.).To attract more customers, the fast-food meat shops keep

offering bigger burgers, fries, and soft drinks. The more that people eat outside the home, the more calories, fat, and

protein they absorb—and the less fiber, vitamins, or minerals.

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The arrival of McDonald’s in 1971 accelerated the shift in Japanese eating habits. During the 1980s, the sale of fast

food in Japan more than doubled; the rate of obesity among children soon doubled, too. Today about one-third of all

Japanese men in their thirties (the first generation raised on the new fast-food diet) are overweight. Heart disease,

diabetes, colon cancer, and breast cancer—diseases linked to diets low in fiber and high in animal fats—are becoming

endemic (en⋅dem⋅ic)