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Guism: Psychical Mutations Of Homo Sapiens (Metaphorical Dictionary - Book 1)

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Page 2: Guism: Psychical Mutations Of Homo Sapiens (Metaphorical Dictionary - Book 1)


Book 1


Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

HPA Press

Page 3: Guism: Psychical Mutations Of Homo Sapiens (Metaphorical Dictionary - Book 1)

Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

Guism: Psychical Mutations Of Homo Sapiens

Translated by Kate Bazilevsky

© 2007 Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

Translation © 2018 Kate Bazilevsky

© 2018 HPA Press

All rights reserved.

Page 4: Guism: Psychical Mutations Of Homo Sapiens (Metaphorical Dictionary - Book 1)

Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

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Introduction: Philological Problem With Proto-Language Is Solved

"Driver" Guism: Psychical Mutations Of Homo Sapiens


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Page 5: Guism: Psychical Mutations Of Homo Sapiens (Metaphorical Dictionary - Book 1)

Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk


Page 6: Guism: Psychical Mutations Of Homo Sapiens (Metaphorical Dictionary - Book 1)


We suppose that not only linguists and psychologists know that the main function of language is communicative. Language was created, first of all, to transfer information from person to person. As to when and by whom it was created—whether by gods or by people themselves—that is a different question, which we will leave to philologists.

As psychologists, who in parallel study language related matters, we were more interested in something else: can the solution of one of the philological problems—the problem of finding the proto-language (also called proto-world or proto-human language)—help solve the problem of communication between people? We were very successful in finding the answer to this question and decided to share our research results.

However, the main thing is that during the course of our research we found the proto-language itself! The proof of this is the Metaphorical Dictionary, created on the basis of the proto-language that we found. We will share fragments from this dictionary in this series of books.

A metaphorical dictionary is a dictionary that explains the meaning of concepts, but instead of being created based on words of some language like all other explanatory dictionaries—it is created based on images of collective unconscious, using the words of Carl G. Jung, as well as individual unconscious, about which neither Jung nor other psychoanalysts did not know anything.

This dictionary is absolutely, and we are not afraid to use this word, unique—if you decide to look for a metaphorical dictionary, you will not find one like this anywhere.

Why does humanity need the Metaphorical Dictionary and is it needed at all? Answers to these questions lie on the surface, as no one will deny that communication problems between people in this civilization exist. Moreover, they are so serious and neglected that in fact there is much more understanding even between representatives of the animal kingdom, who are much more primitive compared to Homo sapiens.

As we found out, the matter is that the transition from hieroglyphics to phonemographic language deprived words of images. An image is expressed by a word, recorded by letters of an alphabet, and for each person, who says it—there is his own, individual underlying image that is different from the image of another person, who uses the same word. With replacement of hieroglyphic writing with phonemographic the meaning, the essence, the same range of understanding destructurizes interpersonal relations to one degree or another.

Our Metaphorical Dictionary easily solves any communication problems, or rather—it eliminates them altogether since this Dictionary is not just a collection of words and their meanings: behind every concept under consideration is an image, a picture. As it is known, a picture helps understand the meaning of words. It is not for nothing that small children around the world learn their native language from books with pictures! After all, you can try describing what you mean using words for quite a long time, but your opponent still might not understand you, but if you show him a picture, then at once everything is clear and understandable.

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Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

Psychologists can continue believing that people think using words and religious figures can continue to appeal to the Bible that states "In the beginning there was a word," but millions of years ago Homo sapiens thought using images, and continue to successfully do so in the 21st century.

In any language words are only a form of transmission of mental images. After all, a person deaf since birth does not hear words, but this does not mean that he does not think.

Our Metaphorical Dictionary is intended for each and every person. After all, communicative problems are universal and every person in this civilization encounters them, regardless of social stratum, educational level, skin color, gender, language, and so on. Good education and culture certainly help, but they still cannot solve this problem.

At the same time, people need to communicate every day because none of us exists in this world by himself—we all live in society of our own kind. A different matter is: are we really similar, if we take into account the fact that different people using the same word mean different things? Given the existence of this problem, we think that the Metaphorical Dictionary can be quite interesting and useful for absolutely everyone—for representatives of any social stratum, race, nationality, gender, religion and so on.

This Metaphorical Dictionary includes some selectively taken materials from over 40 research studies of images: both natural and artificial (or human imagination—see http://www.humanpopulationacademy.org/faq/). However, this research is still under way, so it is very likely that in the future we will publish it as a continuation of this series of books.

Those people, who do not have special psychological or linguistic background should not turn way when they see the title of this book because, despite that books in this series include results of strictly scientific research, they are written using maximally simple, understandable language and we tried to avoid the use of scientific terminology when possible. We did this in order to enable anyone to get acquainted with results of our research and use it to solve their communicative problems. We hope that our colleagues will forgive us for a somewhat simplified language.

In conclusion, we would like to state that the research of proto-language described in this series was carried out over two decades ago, but we are publishing it only now. Although, probably, this is for the better because over the years not only we ourselves and colleagues at our laboratory, but also our numerous clients had enough time to make sure that recipes provided by the proto-language that we found really work. And now, we are proposing that you, dear reader, confirm this for yourself.

Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk and Kate Bazilevsky

Los Angeles, California

December 2017

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Page 9: Guism: Psychical Mutations Of Homo Sapiens (Metaphorical Dictionary - Book 1)

Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

As it is known, linguists have long been interested in the matter of existence of the proto-language as the first language (world language),1 from which all languages of the world came into existence. Some of them are of the opinion that this language once existed, but then disappeared without a trace. At some point, we—psychologists—became interested in this matter as well.

Why? Due to presence of quite obvious problems in "person-to-person" communications, among other things. We had no doubt that this problem must be related to linguistics because language is an important part of communication. And, at some point, we supposed that the main reason behind all communication problems between people could be the lack of a solution to one of philological problems—namely, the problem of finding the proto-language as the world language, as the ancient ancestor of all languages and families of languages that exist in the world today.

Why did we put forward this hypothesis?

Research done by linguists, also reflected in the well-known biblical tale of the Tower of Babel,2 clearly shows that today there are about 7,000 languages and dialects in the world,3 and that once there was only one single language. That is, in those ancient times, each and every person (no matter which race, nationality he/she belonged to) spoke this language—one and only for everyone. And, as a consequence, people always understood each other in communicative processes without problems and there was no lack of mutual understanding during those times.

And, what can be observed today? There is no one hundred percent mutual understanding between people in the process of communication with the help of words. It is evident that people understand each other very poorly (that is, if they at all have the ability to understand what their interlocutor or interlocutors really mean). People tell each other certain words in order to convey information, but the meaning of these words gets distorted in the process (and, sometimes beyond recognition) or gets lost altogether.

Why does this happen? Because in any communication participants envision even the simplest things very differently. Consider the following psychological experiment as an example: a group of subjects was asked to describe their associations with the word "apple," for example. And, it turned out that by the word “apple” one person means a huge sweet red apple, another person—a sweet and sour medium size green apple, and another—a small yellow "wild" apple.

Here is another example from this category: the word "mushroom" triggers the image of a porcini in one person, the image of a champignon in another, а chanterelle in the third person, and an Amanita or a death cap in the fourth one. Hence, the following question arises: how can all these people understand each other in principle? And, can they? Using pure logic, if the latter subject from this experiment declares that it is dangerous to eat mushrooms because by mushrooms he means Amanita, then the other three, who associate this word with non-poisonous species of fungi might make the wrong conclusion that porcini, champignons or chanterelles cannot be consumed. Although this is a very primitive example—it is a clear one.

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Then, what kind of mutual understanding can there be in communication at all? From our point of view—essentially none. After all, the same thing happens when any other, even the simplest word is used. What to say about more complex words, for example, abstract concepts? It is quite logical that words like "love", "happiness", "duty", "justice" vary even greater in terms of subjective perception and understanding!

A good example of this is the problem of divorces among spouses. Why is it that they cannot come to an agreement in advance, "on the shore?" Is it necessary to get married and have a bunch of children in order to understand that they are not suitable for each other? However, the matter is precisely in that brides and grooms try to agree on the issue of individual differences and personal values prior to the wedding, but when they use words "love", "duty", "happiness"—they mean different things, each their own. And, each one demonstrates "their own" to the fullest once they start living together. As a result, we hear the following everywhere: "She was not like this when we met", "He deceived me" and other nonsense.

Hence the disappointing conclusion: any communication between people is extremely ineffective and practically meaningless. After all, an Amanita is not the same thing as a porcini, even though both are mushrooms. And, since this is so, such situation could not satisfy us as psychologists and people engaged in research, and we began to look for a solution. At some point we found it, but not in psychology: we found it in linguistics, with which we are also actively engaged.


So, the Tower of Babel, one-for-all language, complete mutual understanding between people... And, we wondered what this magical language could be. However, as psychologists, who practice Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis,4 we did not have to think too long. Without a doubt, it was the language of images! Although, of course, we were somewhat perplexed by statements of some specialists, who claimed that Homo sapiens thinks in words. However, no other conclusion even occurred to us. We never had doubts that a person thinks in images.

It is amazing that a clear understanding of that behind a word is an image and that a human thinks in images once upon a time suddenly disappeared from our civilization. At the same time, millions of years ago Homo sapiens thought in images (and, not in words or letters, as psychologists are trying to convince us since the time of the Würzburg School) and successfully continue to do so today.

We thought that since this is how it is, then the following conclusion logically flows from this: if in the process of communication between people information is transmitted by images rather than words, then there should not be any problems with its recognition one hundred percent.

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Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

And, vice versa: if information is transmitted not through images, then there cannot be any effective communication. This is a very serious problem that on practice leads to real life tragedies since communicative processes are initially aimed at transmitting and exchanging information, and not at emotional and other interaction between two or more Homo sapiens.


So, at some point we concluded that when information is transmitted not through images, but through words of a letter-based language (any that exists in today's civilization), then no person truly fully understands another person and cannot understand in principle. After all, as it was demonstrated above, each person attributes his own meaning, his own image to any word; as for universal meanings—there are none.

... On the other hand, are they really none? We will come back to this later on.

As for the proto-language—based on all arguments presented above, at some point it was safe to assume that the first language, or as it is also called the world language, is the language of images. The course of our further arguments as to where to find this proto-language was simple. Knowledge in linguistics helped us. Namely: we knew that all languages of the world are divided into two categories: alphabetic and hieroglyphic.

With alphabetic languages everything was clear as a day to us: the word "apple" in English, Russian, Italian or Arabic–are all the same thing. Namely: no one knows what apple this is specifically, so all that is left is a guessing game. Meanwhile, hieroglyphic languages are a completely different matter.

In hieroglyphic languages, there are specifics behind every word presented by a hieroglyph. In other words, there is a specific image: for example, such and such apple, such and such mushroom, and so on. This property is inherent in hieroglyphic languages and, in our opinion, the answer to the question where to find the proto-language lies in this property: of course, among hieroglyphic languages! Which language is it exactly? Of course, Chinese!

Why? Since this book is not only for linguists, allow us, as the saying goes, "to refresh your memory." Originally the term "hieroglyph" was used in relation to the ancient Egyptian writing, but since the hieroglyphic language has long been lost in Egypt and was replaced by the Arabic script, then this means that the only hieroglyphic language that “survived” is the Chinese language. After all, as it is known, other hieroglyphic languages that exist today (for example, Japanese and Korean) are derived from Chinese hieroglyphic writing.

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So, the answer to the question of where to look for the proto-language was literally on the surface: it is the Chinese language. The Chinese language specifically is that first language, proto-human language, world language.

Additional confirmation of this conclusion for us was in the origin of the word "hieroglyph" itself. It consists of two parts: ἱερός (ieros) - "sacred" and γλύφω (glypho) - "I cut out", "I carve," which translates from the Ancient Greek as "sacred inscriptions." This definition was fully confirmed by our long-term studies of ancient Chinese literary monuments and, at some point, it even allowed us to hypothesize that the Chinese language is nothing other than the language of the gods. To put it more precisely, the language of those, who created us, humans...

What is so remarkable about the Chinese language, from our point of view? Many things, if we take into account our more than 40 years of experience in researching such ancient Chinese texts as, for example, Shan Hai Jing, which turned out to be nothing other than the Catalog of Human Population5 or I Ching and Tao Te Ching, which turned out to be commentaries to this Catalog. However, here we are not discussing these unique ancient Chinese sources of knowledge—we mentioned them only to make it clear that we are familiar with the Chinese language firsthand and that the Chinese language is not only the oldest that survived in our civilization, but also really does correspond to the status of "sacred inscriptions."

Consider a specific example. It is specifically the work with ancient Chinese literary monuments, the study of hieroglyphs (including very old ones) and their decryption using a special technology, which today provide us with the opportunity to uncover the structure of psyche of any person (that is, to find out which qualities of personality, peculiarities, functioning and talents were given to a person by nature from birth, how he/she lives, what he/she seeks and by what methods achieves his/her goals and ... how to manage his/her behavior and even state of health).

And, this is far from everything that study of Chinese hieroglyphics gives us as researchers!


Since we finally found the proto-language, according to rules accepted in science, we should demonstrate and justify the practical value of this discovery. There is nothing easier!

The main value of that we found the proto-language is in that there is a specific image behind each word in this language (even the simplest one). The same can be stated about relatively complex, so-called, "philosophical concepts." While conducting deep studies of Chinese hieroglyphics using a special technology, it was not difficult for us to notice that behind each character, behind each of its fragments is a very definitive meaning of the given word. And, there is only one meaning, without any ambiguities.

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Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

Moreover, images behind Chinese characters are segments, by which most diverse recipes are recorded in the language!

In other words, if you want to know what "love" or "justice" really are—take a look in the Chinese language dictionary; and, you will also get a recipe for how to be, for example, fair, loved and how to love from there. Although, of course, in order to extract these meanings of words and recipes it is necessary to have the special technology of decryption6 of Chinese hieroglyphics that we use. However, we will discuss this some other time since the format of this book is not intended to provide details about this technology.

In our opinion the main value of the proto-language is that its study provides semantic specifics and specific recipes, which cannot be found anywhere else in our civilization: neither in philosophy, nor in psychology, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, or elsewhere.

Life recipes obtained from deep study and analysis of Chinese hieroglyphics are completely different than those offered by philosophers, psychologists, mystics or religious figures of various directions. Decomposition and analysis of Chinese hieroglyphics provides a specific recipe and it is the only one for each situation. And, if you apply this recipe on practice and apply it exactly, without changing it in any way, then "the output" will be exactly the result that you wanted to get.

Now, let's compare this result with that what is offered in our civilization: for the most part there is a huge choice of options that you have to sort through and try out in order to choose which one works (of course, if your lifetime will be enough). However, it often happens that a lifetime is not enough to do this. Trying out such so-called "life recipes" leads to that a person simply lets things go hang, postpones solving his task or problem "until better times" or declares it unsolvable.

Meanwhile, the recipe to solve the problem exists in the proto-language, which was lost for many centuries. Perhaps, it should be noted right away that here we are discussing solving problems and not utopian remaking of this world to how one wants it. The difference between the former and the latter was perfectly demonstrated by Friedrich Christoph Oetinger7 during his time in the well-known statement: "Lord, give me tranquility to accept what I cannot change, give me courage to change what I can, and give me wisdom to distinguish one from another."

We hope that the situation with recipes described above is now clear. The same is observed with regard to finding answers to questions that are ordinary for any Homo sapiens and are aimed at trying to understand how this world and we, humans, are arranged. In this case, through philosophers, psychologists, mystics and religious figures civilization also offers a bunch of options and ... again you are left to find the right one! However, the proto-language clearly demonstrates that one and only, and far from subjective meaning of each separate word or a complex concept exists; and that statements that truth is always subjective happen only from lack of knowledge. In reality, there is always only one truth, and it does not in any way depend on anyone's subjective opinions and it is definitely not formed by them.

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From our point of view, loss of knowledge about the location of the fount of information about the world and a human, as well as the fount of recipes in the proto-language has encouraged current civilization to form a world-known system called "philosophy," which is designed to give out life recipes and explain complex phenomena. However, as we can see, not a single one of the existing philosophies in the world managed to accomplish this task.

Criterion of failure of philosophy: it did not offer and still does not offer universal meanings of complex concepts, but it does offer universalism in life recipes. In essence, everything is exactly the opposite: instead of having one subtype recipe for each situation for representatives of each of 293 human subtypes8—one-for-all universal schemes are proposed; and instead of one-for-all, universal explanations of complex concepts—there is an innumerable variety of most diverse definitions, which sometimes contradict each other. This is absurd!

From our point of view, situation with the proto-language is cardinally different from the one in current civilization, where there is a whole bunch of most diverse interpretations of every concept and countless solutions to any problem. The latter is not recipes, but rather resembles the notorious "method of scientific probing," where the result is not guaranteed; as the saying goes—"a shot in the dark."

As one of our compatriots, a great thinker and "leader of all times and peoples" V. I. Lenin correctly noted: "There is no abstract truth, truth is always concrete." We would add to this that there is also no subjective truth; opinions about truth can be subjective, but the truth itself is always objective.

Therefore, from our point of view, the difference between that what the modern civilization offers us and that what the ancient language—proto-language offers is enormous; especially for those people, who understand that information is the key to the world, both outer and inner. And, if someone does not need working recipes, information about true meanings of words in order to understand phenomena or results—that is their own business; as a famous joke goes: "Seppuku is a private matter of each samurai."


So, does this mean that linguists are looking for the proto-language and it is right under their noses?! It turned out that yes and that proto-language is not lost. Fortunately, it was preserved in our civilization, even though it survived only in one country in the world—China.

From our point of view, it does not matter "whose language is cooler"—Russian, English, Chinese or any other—what is more important is that the proto-language survived: alive and undistorted, passed on from generation to generation in the same form. After all, as it is known, the path of any hieroglyph can be traced back to a petroglyph, a pictogram. Thanks to cultural traditions of the Chinese people, the proto-language was preserved since very remote times and passed through the centuries in unchanged form.

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Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

Undoubtedly, evolution of the Chinese language is present and today it is considerably supplemented by modern meanings of certain words, and this is a natural process. However, note that hieroglyphics did not get changed to letters, despite pressure on China—this is what strong, centuries-old traditions mean! Strictly speaking, the Chinese do not care that their language is difficult for perception, study and use by other people of the world—they stand their ground; and, as it turned out, thank God for that.

Plus, and this is quite important, unlike it is in all other languages of the world, ancient meanings of hieroglyphs are preserved and still being used in the Chinese language. This is extremely important and valuable because, as we found out, it is the ancient meanings that carry the main essence, the meaning of a phenomenon behind a word.

The combination of images in the Chinese language coupled with its one hundred percent preservation thanks to cultural traditions of the Chinese people, which no other nation in the world has, for multiple decades allow us to turn to Chinese hieroglyphics as the proto-language, in which true meaning of any word can be found.

Although the Chinese themselves seem to have forgotten that images are behind their hieroglyphics and do not perceive their language as the proto-language—these are minor things compared to the value of this finding.


From our point of view, the main value of the proto-language is in that it contains recipes for synchronization of systems like "human-nature" and "human-society," synchronization of natural elements among themselves, as well as synchronization of interaction of six factors of psychophysiology9 of Homo sapiens as universal for all representatives of this biological type.

What is meant in the latter case? For example, a person who turns to us for a consultation1 0 is interested in how to tune the work of his intellectual factor (or physical, or sexual, or any other), or how to interact with another individual or a group of people, or how to act in society in order to achieve his goals. The answer to this question, as well as to many others, is available in the proto-language: clear, specific, concrete, only one, without varieties of interpretations. All that we do in order to get this answer and help our client is work with Chinese hieroglyphics in a certain way.

Since in the process of analyzing hieroglyphs freedom in the form of "a flight of imagination," expression of one's own opinion or arrangement of information provided in a particular hieroglyph are unacceptable—we act only as interpreters, nothing more. We translate the ancient language of images into the modern language.

Our long-term research and practical experience in decrypting information from the ancient literary monument Shan Hai Jing for compilation of the Catalog of Human Population confirmed the supposition that within themselves Chinese hieroglyphics really carry true meanings of all words that exist in the world, as well as knowledge that is all-inclusive.

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Moreover, to our surprise we discovered that hieroglyphs and their meanings contain much more information about natural objects than modern encyclopedias! This sounds quite fantastical, but it is true.

Here is a simple example that proves this. Suppose that one of the images of a particular person’s individual natural program1 1 is the image of "a snake."1 2 Of course, in order to find out what qualities of personality this image gives to a person, first of all we will study reference books on herpetology. However, such reference books do not contain information that an individual with the image of a snake needs to regularly consume mayonnaise and garlic in order for his psychophysiology to function well!

And, from what studies done on this class of reptiles is it possible to conclude that all their lives carriers of the "snake" archetype (both men and women) are obsessed with the desire to shave their heads or cut their hair as short as possible? After all, the fact that a snake's head is not covered with hair does not distinguish it from many other representatives of fauna that also do not have hair on their heads: for example, fish, lizards. However, people who have the image of, for example, "a fish" in their individual program do not have such life algorithms!

So, it turns out that some information about animals (the same can be stated about any other natural objects) does not exist in modern scientific encyclopedias, but does exist in Chinese hieroglyphics as the proto-language! That is precisely why when we use information that we get from the proto-language during decryption of natural human programs—we are able to provide much more information about individual qualities and peculiarities of a person than by referring only to encyclopedias and scientific materials.

This is very useful because modern scientific research does not answer many important questions, or, even better said, key questions for life activity of an individual. As for snakes, the fact that scientists still do not know enough about them is recognized by herpetologists themselves. For example, one of them, a very famous researcher, openly stated in our presence that scientists do not know much about snakes and joked that they just crawl away too quickly. Therefore, it is a good thing that gaps in knowledge about “our younger brothers” (so necessary for us, humans, in order to study and understand ourselves) are easily filled using Chinese hieroglyphics! Hieroglyphic language not only duplicates data from encyclopedias, but significantly expands it.


Discovery of the proto-language opens up incredible opportunities for researchers of both worlds: external and internal (that is, human psyche). However, there is one caveat: it is necessary to know how to correctly "read" (that is, interpret) Chinese hieroglyphs.

It is not only useless, but even very dangerous to try to do this without the special technology of decryption that we use. Why? Because if misinterpreted, then the meaning, the essence of the hieroglyph will inevitably be distorted. In the case of

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interpretation (decryption) of those hieroglyphs, by which images of human programs are recorded in Shan Hai Jing, the end can be fatal; for example, psychical and somatic issues can arise for an individual who uses such misinformation as a recipe.

The situation is not so serious with analysis of general concepts: in case of use of disinformation obtained in case of misinterpretation of hieroglyphs to solve life situations it will simply act as a broken compass or navigator, and as a result the person will not get where he wanted to get and that is all (although, of course, this also is not very good).

Having the specially developed technology for decryption of hieroglyphs of the Chinese language we are able to provide one hundred percent accurate, specific (and, if required, maximally complete) information in descriptions of a particular human program or manipulation mode.1 3 And, in order to solve the problem of "navigation" in the external world, we engage in research and analysis of those Chinese hieroglyphics, which denote some key concepts for the modern civilization (such as, for example, "power", "money", "health," etc.).

We are sharing results of this analysis with our readers in this series of books. After all, as it turned out, without turning to the proto-language people operate with words, true meanings of which they do not know. At the same time, it is the understanding of t rue meanings of basic words-concepts that is the "golden key," which opens the door to life full of common sense and free from insanity in the form of annoying common rules and non-working recipes, to life full of pleasures.


We found out that if we imagine our so-called "blessed" society as one big computer, then true meanings of such basic concepts as, for example, "power", "money" or "health" are like a computer mouse and keyboard, using which you get the opportunity to do what you need on the computer.

Or, to put it another way, but also within the context of computers, which became “family” to us—true meanings of such basic philosophical concepts can be compared to drivers: when they are installed on your personal computer—your working abilities on it multiply. It turned out that the same principle applies to society we live in.

After all, what does society do to us in essence? Through parents, educators, schools and so on society accustoms all of us to quite amusing (to put it mildly) definitions and worldviews since childhood. And, through the philosophical base created on the basis of these definitions—it accustoms us to certain life standards, which force to consider society as almost a deity, whose laws we are all obligated to obey. And, are we really obligated?

After all, when you look at definitions of the same, for example, "power", "money", etc. in the proto-language, you see that everything that society taught you are simply blatant lies. And, you clearly understand that you were simply deceived through change of

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concepts, replacement of their true meanings with ones specially invented by someone in order to first disorient, and then subdue and exploit you until the end of your life.

Hence the idea was born to publish results of our research of the world language. Proto-language in the face of Chinese hieroglyphics not only returns true essence and meanings of basic philosophical concepts, which exist in this civilization to all of us, but also, through understanding, turns them into keys (or "drivers," whatever is preferable). These are drivers to society and its use, which very well can and should replace society’s use of all of us.

Study of all these, as we called them, "drivers" as certain management buttons gives us all not only a more complete understanding of social processes taking place around us, but also on the basis of this understanding, allows us to do more in this life (and not for society, but first of all for ourselves).

Recipes obtained from the proto-language, which we called "drivers," turn society— violator-exploiter into society—free-supermarket, where you come to take what you need and do not have to pay for it with your self-identification, freedom, health, and so on.

These recipes are universal and work for absolutely anyone, who has them and uses them on practice. Try them! After all, there is nothing better than good theory, which can be successfully applied in everyday life. Would you agree?

1 Proto-human (or world) language is a hypothetical ancestor of all existing languages in the world, an ancient language from which all modern living languages and language families, as well as known dead languages (the theory of monogenesis) emerged.

2 The Tower of Babel is a tower, to which biblical writing in Genesis (Genesis 11: 1 -9) is dedicated. According to this legend, after the World Flood humanity was represented by one people speaking the same language. From the east, people came to the land of Shinar, where they decided to build a city called Babylon and a tower to the skies to "make a name for themselves." Construction of the tower was interrupted by God, who created new languages for different people, and because of that they ceased to understand each other, could not continue building the city and the tower and dispersed throughout the earth. This is how the story of the Tower of Babel explains emergence of various languages after the Flood.

3 Linguists cannot reach a consensus: some think that there are about 3,000 languages in the world, others that there are over 7,000. It is all about the definition of language itself and the unclear boundary between a language and a dialect.

4 Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis is a new direction in scientific psychology, which allows identifying an individual’s subtype structure (psyche) and manipulation modes on the basis of the Catalog of Human Population. It is called non-traditional because it does not use any of the traditional principles, approaches to the study of human

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psyche, as well as methods (observation, experiment, testing, biographical method, questioning, conversation) since these methods are not needed in order to obtain any kind of information about a person as a stable and identifiable bio-system. A non-traditional psychoanalyst knows what a person is like, what problems might concern him or her and why, and how these problems can be effectively solved without any kind of contact with this person. All that a non-traditional psychoanalyst needs to know about the subject being studied is the day, the month, the year of his or her birth and the gender. Neither race nor nationality or place of residence of the person being studied matter because the Catalog of Human Population contains descriptions of unchanging characteristics of subtypes of Homo sapiens of the entire human population.

5 See http://www.humanpopulationacademy.org/faq/ and the 1st book in Catalog of Human Souls series titled Homo Sapiens Are Bio-Robots: Human "Software."

6 Technology of decryption of archaic images, by which information in psyche of Homo sapiens is recorded, was created by researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov (the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of Human Population) in the early 80s of the 20 th century. This technology finally made it possible to obtain objective, complete and reliable information from the unconscious sphere of Homo sapiens. It is very different from all preexisting and currently used psychodiagnostic methods and technologies of penetration into the unconscious sphere of a person in results that a researcher obtains. Since results of decryption of 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) have nothing to do with

manifestations of anyone’s subjectivity, fantasies, assumptions. The technology of obtaining information from the unconscious sphere of Homo sapiens, which was created by A. Davydov, completely excludes any inclusion of subjective interpretations, and, in essence, is a dry translation from the language of archaic images from the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas) into the language of modern psychological description of an individual. This technology provides objective and very detailed information about any individual of interest: what are the qualities and properties of his personality, his life algorithms, functioning, abilities, desires and goals, hidden motivational springs, etc. This became possible only because archaic images listed in 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas) are that foundation,

cornerstone, on the basis of which Homo sapiens were created and function.

7 Friedrich Christoph Oetinger—a German theologian (1702 – 1782).

8 The basis for cataloging of the “human” biological type was the discovery of existence of subtypes within this type. This discovery was made by researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov. It turned out that there are 293 subtypes of Homo sapiens. Each of them, using the language of science, is endemic. That is, representatives of one subtype cardinally differ from representatives of any other subtype due to particularities of arrangement and work of psychophysiology, qualities and characteristics, life algorithms, functional range, and abilities.

9 In the Catalog of Human Population, which is compiled on the basis of decryption of the ancient manuscript Shan Hai Jing, all information about a person consists of a general description of an individual and a description of his qualities and functioning

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on six factors. Classification by six factors, which are fundamentally different from each other, is a system created by researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov to describe functioning of human subtypes during compilation of the Catalog of Human Population. Since at a certain point he was faced with a problem: how to structure information obtained from the ancient source about a particular subtype in descriptions of psychophysiological diapason of a subtype? Data obtained from the ancient text contained very diverse information about a human: how representatives of a particular human subtype think, data about their nutritional or environmental diapason, sexual peculiarities, and so on. In fields that are traditionally related to a human (for example, in medicine) no systems were found, according to which to would be possible to distribute information obtained from Shan Hai Jing. It was necessary to create a classification, which would encompass human life activity in general. To solve this problem, Andrey Davydov identified six factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual, and environmental.

10 In addition to scientific research, the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls (CHS) in partnership with the Human Population Academy provide access to informational materials from the Catalog of Human Population, as well as consultations and education for students—see http://www.humanpopulationacademy.org/pricing/.

11 Individual (subtype) program of Homo sapiens is a program, based on which a person lives. He is unable to go beyond it. A program "starts up" and begins to work at the time of birth; to be more precise, at the time of cutting of the umbilical cord. Individual program of a person is a program of one of 293 human subtypes. Therefore, we use the term "individual (subtype) program." The program of each subtype differs from programs of all other subtypes. Each individual (subtype) program consists of two parts "active" and "passive." Each individual (subtype) program is described in the Catalog of Human Population on six factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual, and environmental. Appearance of people with various subtype programs is connected with natural phenological cycles. Therefore, it is necessary to know the day, month, and year of birth of a person in order to find his description in Shan Hai Jing.

12 As it was found by researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov, the author of the scientific discovery of the Catalog of Human Population, any kind of information about any representatives of the biological type Homo sapiens, who lived in the past, live today, or will live in the future is encrypted in archaic images of one of the most ancient manuscripts 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing, Catalog of Mountains and Seas). The researcher

also found that in order to decrypt the information from this book, it is necessary to decode hieroglyphs using special technology. Andrey Davydov created the technology to decrypt images of human programs and manipulation modes from Shan Hai Jing in the early 80s of the 20th century. Some of the hieroglyphs in Shan Hai Jing (Book of Mountains and Seas) are so ancient that they are hard to find in modern dictionaries. This ancient source, which, as Andrey Davydov discovered, preserved knowledge of functioning of a human and his psyche for many thousands of years, contains a huge number of hieroglyphs. For example, there are over fifteen thousand hieroglyphs just in the first section of the book titled the Catalog of the Mountains, which consists of five

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parts out of existing eighteen. And, behind each one of these hieroglyphs (of course, excluding conjunctions, prepositions, and parts of speech that do not carry semantic meanings) is some archaic image, or, using the language of psychology—an archetype. Archetypes are the protolanguage. An individual (subtype) program is recorded in human unconscious by the language of natural images (archetypes). Unconscious of Homo sapiens "speaks" this language and human psychophysiology "understands" only this language. One human program can contain about 20 or over 100 natural images. Individual programs of human subtypes are recorded by different quantities of images, but no subtype has any advantages over other subtypes—all have equal potential and survival rate.

13 In addition to detailed descriptions of 293 types of structures of human psychophysiology, Andrey Davydov (researcher-sinologist and author of scientific discovery called the Catalog of Human Population) found descriptions of natural human manipulation modes for each subtype of Homo sapiens in the ancient manuscript Shan Hai Jing. It turned out that a human is subject to operator's influence in relation to himself, as well as to external influence in mediated modes: optimum, balance, suppression, stimulation. Each person (subtype) has three manipulation modes: suppressing, balancing, and stimulating. However, information about a person’s individual (subtype) program, i.e. "optimum mode" is also used to control him. By nature manipulation modes are built into the unconscious of a human in order to enable him to effectively regulate his psychophysiological state and his behavior. However, as it turned out, if a person knows manipulation modes of a particular individual, and applies this knowledge from the outside, then the individual can be 100% controllable. The power of this tool for managing a human and its effectiveness are due to that this is a purely natural mechanism. Manipulation modes were not invented, developed by anyone, including by the author of this scientific discovery. Reactions of any person to personal (subtype) manipulation modes occur at the level of unconscious reflexes and therefore no human can resist their application.

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Yanshina, E. M. (Trans.). (1977). Katalog Gor I Morej (Shan Hai Tszin) [Catalog of Mountains and Seas (Shan Hai Jing)]. Moscow: Nauka.

Oshanin, I. M. (Ed.). (1983-1984). Bol'shoy kitaysko-russkiy slovar' (BKRS) [Large Chinese-Russian Dictionary (BKRS)] (Vols. 1-4.). Moscow: Nauka.

Neroznak V.P. (1988). Prayazyk: rekonstrukt ili real'nost'? Sravnitel'no-istoricheskoye izucheniye yazykov raznykh semey. Teoriya lingvisticheskoy rekonstruktsii [Proto-language: a reconstruction or a reality? Comparative-historical study of languages of different families. Theory of linguistic reconstruction.]. Moscow, 26-43.

Nikitina, T. N., & Zaytsev, V.P. (Eds.). (2009). Slovar' drevnekitayskikh iyeroglifov = 古代漢語字典: s prilozheniyem slovarya naiboleye chastotnykh omografov, vstrechayushchikhsya v drevnekitayskom tekste, sost. Ye. G. Ivanovoy [The Dictionary

Of Ancient Chinese Hieroglyphs = 古代 漢語 字典: With The Appended Dictionary Of Most Frequent Homographs Found In Ancient Chinese Text, Compiled By E. G. Ivanova]. St. Petersburg: Karo. ISBN 9785992504293

Degtyarov V.N. (2012). Protoyazyk. Pervoye slovo pervogo vremeni [Proto-language. The first word at the beginning of time.]. Moscow: Belyye al'vy. ISBN 9785914640597

Degtyarov V.N. (2013). Protoyazyk. Azbuka pervogo vremeni [Proto-language. Alphabet at the beginning of time.]. Moscow: Belyye al'vy. ISBN 9785914640795

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Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

Monographic Series

Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis.

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Ed.). Anonymous (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 1. From Carl Gustav Jung’s Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious to Individual Archetypal Patterns. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301447688.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311820082

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 2. Can Archetypal Images Contain Chimeras? (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 978130184859.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310658570

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2017). Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 3. Archetype Semantics: How This Corresponds to the Concept of an ‘Image’. How Archetypal Are Images? (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301337309.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781370810925

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 4. Society As A Community Of Manipulators And Their Subjects. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301399901.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311809353

Metaphorical Dictionary

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2017). Metaforicheskiy slovar’: Guizm: psikhicheskiye mutatsii Homo sapiens [Guism: Psychical Mutations Of Homo Sapiens] (Vol. 1, in Russian. Composed 2009.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781370767847

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2017). Metaforicheskiy slovar’: Vlast’: avtonomnoye sushchestvovaniye v obshchestve i prirodnoy srede [Power: Autonomous Existence In Society And Natural Environment] (Vol. 2, in Russian. Composed 2009.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781370518258

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2017). Metaforicheskiy slovar’: Den’gi: prisutstviye deneg v tsivilizatsii protivorechit zakonam prirody [Money: Presence Of Money In Civilization Is Contrary To The Laws Of Nature] (Vol. 3, in Russian. Composed 2009.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781370211470

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Catalog of Human Population - Non-Fiction Series

Individual (Subtype) Human Programs

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Katalog Chelovecheskikh Dush: Programmnoye Obespecheniye Dushi Muzhchin/Zhenshchin, Rodivshikhsya <Data> [Catalog of Human Souls: Software of Soul of Men/Women Born On <Date>] (Vols. 1 -218. In Russian. Composed 2005-2013.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. [Available at http://www.humanpopulationacademy.org/pricing/ in all languages].

Human Manipulation Modes

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013-2014). Katalog Chelovecheskikh Dush: Kak Podchinit' Muzhchin/Zhenshchin, Rozhdonnykh <Data>. Zhenskiy/Muzhskoy Мanipulyativnyy Сtsenariy. [Catalog of Human Souls: How To Subdue Men/Women Born On <Date>. Female/Male Manipulation Scenario.] (Vols. 1 -39. In Russian. Composed 2005-2013.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. [Available at http://www.humanpopulationacademy.org/pricing/ in all languages].


Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Terrorism: A Concept For The ATC (The Commonwealth Of Independent States Anti-Terrorism Center). (Composed 2001. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311277848.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310032189

Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Ideology Of Monarchy. For Office Of The Head Of The Russian Imperial House, Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. (Composed 2003. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310150340.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311970152

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Ideology Of Religions. Scientific Proof Of Existence Of “God”: The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311946690.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311413932 ISBN 9780988648593

Political Science

Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Essence Of Political Ideologies And Their Role In The Historical Process (Political History Of Russia). (Composed 2003. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310199929.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310199929

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Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Influence Of Psychophysiological Specifics Of A Leader On The Style Of Political Decision-Making. (Composed 2003. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310037832). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310104558

Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Elitist Political Concepts. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310223228). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310822858

General Non-Fiction

Bazilevsky, K. (2012). Human Population Academy: Laws of Human Nature Based on Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781301986781 ISBN 9780988648500

Davydov, A. (2013). Shan Khay Tszin: Mify Ili Struktura Psikhiki? [Shan Hai Jing: Myths Or Structure Of Psyche?] (Composed 1999. Originally pub. 1999 in Russian in Moscow: Power Of Spirit, 32-35.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301590391

Davydov, A. (2013). “Shan Khay Tszin” i “I Tszin” – Karta Psikhofiziologicheskoy Struktury Cheloveka? [Shan Hai Jing and I Ching – Map of Human Psychophysiological Structure?] (Composed 2002.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301510009

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). AHNENERBE: Your Killer Is Under Your Skin (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311356741.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311266682

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2016). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Connection Of The Ancient Mystical Traditions Of The Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas With The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311598820.) San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310139352

Davydov, A., Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2017). Anti-Horoscope: Human “Software”: People Born In <Month> (Vols. 1-12.). (Original work published 2014 in Russian.) San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781370639694 ISBN 9781370132720 ISBN 9781370488070 ISBN 9781370789498 ISBN 9781370957781 ISBN 9781370488285 ISBN 9781370602100 ISBN 9781370961771 ISBN 9781370948826 ISBN 9781370780280 ISBN 9781370318285 ISBN 9781370706020

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2017). “Apgreyd”: povysheniye kachestv lichnosti sravnitel’nyy analiz psikhologicheskikh ustanovok mirovozzrencheskogo urovnya [“Upgrade”: Improvement Of Personal Qualities. Comparative Analysis Of Psychological Attitudes Of Worldview Level: Civilizational And Natural.]. (In Russian. Composed 2009.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781370721450

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Catalog of Human Souls – Non-Fiction Series

Book 1

Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 1. Homo Sapiens Are Bio-Robots. Human “Software.” (Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781310973109.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310865893 ISBN 9780996731201

Book 2

Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 2. Hack anyone’s soul. 100 Demos Of Human Programs From The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781311815101.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310984785 ISBN 9780996731218

Book 3

Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 3. Human Manipulation Modes. Either You Are Manipulating Or You Are Being Manipulated. (Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781310250521.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311918598 ISBN 9780996731225

Book 4

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2015). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 4. Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. Sеlected Scientific Articles And Presentations At Conferences. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310498299.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310750373 ISBN 9780996731232

Book 5

Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 5. Shan Hai Jing—A Book Covered With Blood. The Story Of Developers Of The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310149979.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310766732 ISBN 9780996731249

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Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

A Man And A Woman


Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2016). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). 21 Female Clichés. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310096686

Non-Fiction Series

A Log With Legs Spread Wide

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 1. How Men Turn Women Into Nothing. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310388125.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311155771

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 2. How Goddesses Are Turned Into Logs. World History Of Turning Women Into Mats. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311238894.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311915603

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 3. Women’s Thirst For Power Over Men Is The Pathway To Become A Garbage. (Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301553075.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301435500

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 4. The Head – In The Underpants. (Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301051281.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP.

Manipulative Games For Women

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 1. March 23: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101333). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301803521

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 2. April 6: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101302). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301069286

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Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 3. October 13: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101326). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301900824

Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 4. December 7: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101319). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301413065

Secret Sexual Desires

Bazilevsky, K. (2013). How To Seduce Men/Women Born On <Date> Or Secret Sexual Desires of 10 Million People: Demo From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. (Vols. 1-10). San Diego, CA: HPA Press.

Bazilevsky, K. (2013). How To Seduce Men & Women Born On March 5 Or Secret Sexual Desires of 20 Million People: Demo From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San iiDiego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781301087204

Bazilevsky, K. (2013). Secret Sexual Desires of 100 Million People—Seduction Recipes For Men & Women: Demos From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9780988648579 ISBN 9781301135035 ISBN 9780988648586

A list of all publications related to our scientific research can be found at http://www.humanpopulationacademy.org/publications/.

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Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk


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Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls was founded by Andrey Davydov. The laboratory is engaged in research and decryption of the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing, as well as other ancient texts, and creation of the Catalog of Human Population. The technology of uncovering individual structures of psyche of Homo sapiens for this Catalog was developed by Andrey Davydov; it is not based on any existing domestic or foreign research, methods or theoretical concepts. The laboratory is a partner with the Human Population Academy.

Human Population Academy was founded by Kate Bazilevsky. The Academy ‘s mission is to inform all of over 7 billion humans living on Earth about the discovery of the Catalog of Human Population. The Academy educates about the Catalog of Human Population (Catalog of Human Souls) and provides access to informational materials from this Catalog to the public.



Research Supervisor of the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls

Andrey Davydov is a sinologist, researcher of ancient texts, the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of Human Population and the technology of decryption of the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing as the Catalog of Human Population. He authored over 300 published books, including scientific monographs and ideologies. In 2012, he was granted political asylum in the USA due to persecution by a group of employees of the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation (FSB, formerly KGB), who decided to expropriate his research product—the Catalog of Human Population.

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Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk


Senior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls

Olga Skorbatyuk is a professional psychologist, researcher, one of the developers of the Catalog of Human Population, the founder of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis, and co-author of over 300 books and scientific articles. She was granted political asylum in the USA together with A. Davydov.


Founder of the Human Population Academy, Junior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Soul

Kate Bazilevsky is a psychologist, researcher, director of the Human Population Academy, author and translator of books about the Catalog of Human Population. She founded the Human Population Academy in 2011 and a publishing company called HPA Press in 2012.

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Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk

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