Village Health Radio over Mobile Telephony for Tackling Child Mortality Team: ‘Lets stop Child Mortality’ – Bharath, Cathy, Kirti, Saurabh, Vandana

Final design solution village health radio over mobile telephony

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Final Design solution for Health Innovation Challenge at Venture lab - Village Health Radio over Mobile Telephony for tackling Child Mortality.

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Village Health Radio over Mobile Telephony

for Tackling Child Mortality

Team: ‘Lets stop Child Mortality’ – Bharath, Cathy, Kirti, Saurabh, Vandana

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•  Form small groups of women in various villages which would consist of a mentor/guide and 5 expectant mothers.

•  Each group mentor will be termed as “SAKHI (Female Friend)”. STEP  1  

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•  While forming a group a or registering a women - “Sakhi” would collect all the details from the women, manually. These would include : Name, age of the mother, expected date of birth/ delivery and the mobile number.

•  These women would meet up twice a week, and incase they don’t have personal phones they would meet up thrice or four times a week.

•  Every group would be provided a basic cellphone, incase the women's do not have a personal mobile phone.

STEP  2  

STEP  3  

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•  This is an IVR Health radio System which would work with Mobile telephony. •  There would be a toll free number that would be given to the women registered with the ‘Sakhi’

groups. •  The “Sakhi” or the mentor of the groups, would manually capture the information like the name, age

of the mother, expected date of birth/ delivery and the mobile number. •  By dialing “1” which would be an Emergency call number the women would be able to ask any

urgent queries that they have or get an assistance. •  Women groups can listen to pre-recorded Radio programs over the radio on their Mobile phones by

dialing a toll-free number followed by “2”. This would be a group activity thrice a week. Women would get-together and would discuss their health issues and would listen to the radio based programs. They would further discuss on the same, and could ask queries or give feedback once the program is over.

•  They can start recording their questions by clicking “2” on their mobile keypad. The answers to the queries would be streamed the next time they are listening to the program.

•  These queries typically go to the medial experts/ representatives or volunteers who would answer and update on the web-based system that is supported by Mobilevaani.

•  Once the query has been answered, the women would get an alert in the form of an SMS, this would be the answer for their queries, which they can be discussed in the afternoons during their group meetings.

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•  These women would get prenatal advice: Information and guidance regarding diet, personal hygiene,

drugs, radiation, warning signs and child care in the form of information via SMS. They can unsubscribe to these SMS by dialing “3” on this IVR system or even if they want to subscribe to any specific details, for example details of nutrition.

•  Similarly on dialing “4” there would be a Reminder system where all the list of doctors appointments and medicines are available. Please note these expecting mothers would also get an SMS reminder for doctors appointment and similarly can avail to medicine reminders system if any.

•  Ideally mother should attend the antenatal clinic once a month for 7 months twice a month during next month and there after once a week.. And in case a women is unable to attend the antenatal clinic so often a minimum of 3 visits covering the entire period of pregnancy should be the targeted. 1st visit at 20weeks or as soon as pregnancy in known 2nd visit at 32 weeks and 3rd visit at 36weeks.

•  The first visit should include health history, physical examination, lab examination(urine analysis, complete blood count, Hb estimation, serological examinations, blood grouping and Rh determination)

•  On subsequent visits physical examination ( weight gain, blood pressure) lab tests(urine examination and Hb estimation) Iron and folic Acid supplementation, immunization against tetanus, instruction on nutrition etc., home visit by a female health worker or trained midwife and referral service when needed.

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•  There would be Side-effects section on selecting “5” where the women can be able to access the ongoing side-effects that may have because of the medicines if they have any or their current condition.

•  On dialing “6” the patients History can be accessed. •  The Expense calculator can be accessed by clicking on “7”, where the women can try to get

information of the future or ongoing medicines and can ask how much expenses would be for next few months based on her requirements.

•  In these group meetings the mentors would teach these expecting mothers the elements of child care, nutrition, personal hygiene and environment sanitation.

•  They would sensitize the mother to the need of family planning including advice to cases seeking medical termination of pregnancy.


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IVR  System

/  Mob

ile  vaani   Press  “1”  –    

Emergency  query  

Press  “2”  –    Radio  program  

Press  “3”  –    InformaDon  sharing  

Press  “4”  –    Reminders  

Press  “5”    –    Side-­‐effect  

Press  “6”  –    History  

Press  “7”  –    Expense  calculator  

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“Sakhi” groups are formed Meet-up 3 or 4 times a week

3 days in a week Women would call up the IVR system/ Mobile Vaani, and access the various features of this system, while they are together. They can do various group activities of listening to the “Radio programs”.

Asks their queries over the phone. These would be answered/ streamed on the next program.

With the help of Mobile Vaani & the doctors, These queries are answered and a SMS update is delivered on the phone.

IVR call – Toll free number

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SCENARIO  :  EMERGENCY  CALLING  *  Please  note  the  messages  would  be  in  regional  language  or  “Hindi”  for  India  specific  regions  

•  Radha is 27 years old and is expecting a delivery in next 8 months.

•  She has registered her husband’s mobile phone with the help of ‘Sakhi’.



•  She had received a Toll free number via SMS.


•  Since 2 days she is feeling a lot uneasy and dials this toll free number.


The system calls out saying “Welcome to Village Health radio on Mobile telephony for ‘Emergency’ - dial “1” for ‘Radio program’ - dial “2” ,for ‘Information’ - dial “3”, for ‘Reminder’ – dial “4”, for ‘Side-effects’ – dial “5”, for ‘History’ – dial “6” and for ‘Expense calculator’ – dial “7”.  

•  Radha clicks “1” and the IVR system tells her to speak up the query, if the pre-recorded answer is available, Radha would get to hear that, or she would be connected with a “Doctor”.

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Thank You!