Summary of Facial nerve By Dr. Noura El Tahawy Faculty of Medicine, El- Minia University

Facial Nerve Summary

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Page 1: Facial Nerve Summary

Summary of

Facial nerve


Dr. Noura El Tahawy

Faculty of Medicine,

El- Minia University

Page 2: Facial Nerve Summary

Special visceral sensory


Taste from the anterior two thirds of the


Secretomotor to the lacrimal, nasal,

palatine glands.

General visceral efferent


(GVE)Chorda Tympani br.

Superficial Greater Petrosal br.

Branchiomotor: supply all of the muscles

derived from the second pharyngeal arch,

including the muscles of facial expression, the

buccinator, platysma, and those of the scalp

(occiptofrontalis and external ear), the

posterior belly of the digastric, stylohyoid

muscles and.platysma.

Stapedius muscle (derived from the second

pharyngeal arch)

Special Visceral Motor


Nerve to Stapedius muscle

Nerve to posterior belly, post.

auricular, nerve to stylohyoid.

Terminal brs. in the face:

Temporal, zygomatic, buccal,

mandibular and cervical nerves.

In the middle ear

In the middle ear

In the middle ear

After its exit from stylomastoid foramen

I. Superior Salivatory Nucleus in Pons

II. Nucleus solitarius in Medulla Oblongata

III. Motor nucleus of facial in Pons

Summary of Facial Nerve Anatomy

Secretomotor to the submandibular

and sublingual salivary glands

Nucleus Branches Distribution

Chorda Tympani br.

- Receives also Taste sensation from the

palate by fibers from the Solitary N.
