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Page 1: Drugs




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• RDA (elemental)

1. 1-1.2 g (adults)

2. 200mg (1-6mons)

3. 260mg(6-12mons)

4. 700mg(1-3yrs)

5. 1000mg(4-8yrs)

6. 1300mg(9-18yrs)

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• 2 forms

1. Ca chloride

2. Ca gluconate

• Both available as 10% w/v

• Elemental Ca in Cacl2 = 1g=273mg =13.6MEq= 6.8mmol

• Elemental Ca in Ca gluconate=1g= 93 mg=4.65MEq

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• Indications :-

1. Hypocalcemic tetany

2. Hypocalcemia d/t hypopatathyroidism

Dose:Cacl2- acute symptoms- 200-1000mg or 2.7-5mg/kg

every 4-6hrs.Ca gluconate- 1-2 g over 2hrs.or

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Severe symp- 1g over 10mins,repeat every 10mins until symptoms resolve

Ca gluconate- 1-2 g over 10mins,repeat every 60mins until symp resolve.infusion- 5-20mg/kg/hr

Note: i.v ca gluconate preferred over ca chloride d/t potential of extravasation with cacl2.

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3. BB overdose-

Dose:-Cacl2- 20mg/kg over 5-10mins f/b 20mg/kg/hr titrated

to adequate hemodynamic response

4. CCB overdose-

Dose- Cacl2- 1-2g over 5mins,may repeat every 10-20minsCa gluconate- 60mg/kg/dose(max-3-6g/dose)over

5mins.may repeat 3-4 additional doses.

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5. Cardiac toxicity d/t- ↓ca/-Cacl2- 500-1000mg over 2-5mins.repeat as

necessary/20mg/kg(max 2g)Ca gluconate- 1.5-3g over 2-5 mins.peds-

60-100mg/kg/dose( max-3g/dose).

6. In hyperkalemia as membrane stabiliser

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• CVS- brady/arrest/arrythmias/hypotension/syncope

• CNS- tingling sensation

• Endo/metabolic- hot flush

• GIT- chalky taste,GI irritation

• Local- tissue necrosis

• Renal- nephrolithiasis

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• Increased risk of cardiac arrythmias when used with cardiac glycosides.

• Concurrent use with NMBA reverse their effect

• Acidosis- use with caution in pts with resp acidosis,renal imapirment- acidifyoing effect of Cacl2.

• ↑phosphatemia- use with caution as elevated levels of pos & Ca may result in softvtissue & pul art Ca-Po4 precipitation.

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CONT…..• Hypokalemia- use with caution in pts with severe hypoK

as acute rise in Ca can result in life threatening arrythmias.

• Ceftriaxone- Concurrent use may cause precipitation.

• Dobutamine- Ca salts may diminish the therapeutic effect of dobutamine.

• Thiazide- It may decrease excretion of Ca salts & may cause met alkalosis.

• Hypo Mg- It is common cause of hypo Ca.

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• 4th m/c cation in the body

• 60% present in bones

• Imp roles in – N-M function & CV tone

• RDA: (Mg)

1. 310-400mg (adult)

2. 80mg (1-3yrs)

3. 130mg(4-8yrs)

4. 240mg(9-13yrs)

5. 350mg( Preg)

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• MgSo4- available as 50% w/v

• 1ml = 500mg = 4MEq

• 1 Meq = 123mg of MgSO4

• 1 mmol = 2MEq = 24mg of elemental Mg

• PD’s & Pk’sOnset – i.m – 1hr , i.v – immediateDOA- im- 3-4hrs , i.v- 30minsProtein binding – 30% to albuminExcreted in urine

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1. Severe pre eclampsia & eclampsia

2. Hypomagnesemia – Mild- 1 g every 6hrsMild-mod- 1-4g. /> 12g in 12hrsSevere-4-8g at <1g/hrSevere symp- <4g over 4-5mins

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3. Correction of hypokalemia

4. TDP- 1-2 g over 1-2 mins

5. Acute severe exacerbation- 2g as a single dose over 20mins.Peds- 25-75mg/kg/dose.max 2g

6. Part of TPN- 8-24MEq of elemental Mg daily

7. To attenuate intubation response

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In impairments:

1. Hepatic- no adjustment

2. Renal- dec by 50%. In eclampsia not >20g/48hrs

Compatibility- DNS/D5/LR/NS.incompatible with fat emulsion.


1. CVS- flushing,hypotension

2. Endo- hyper Mg

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• CI

1. Heart block

2. Myocardial damage

• Precautions/cautions

1. In pts with N-M ds

2. Renal impairment

3. Check DTR every 15mins.Disappearance of patellar reflex is useful clinical sign to detect onset of Mg intoxication.Knee jerk should be tested before repeating dose

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4. Periodic monitoring of S.Mg is essential.Keep S.Mg <2.5MEq/L.If >3.5 discontinue infusion.

5. UO = 100ml/4hrs

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• Biphosphonate derrivatives- Mg salts may dec the S.conc of biphos.Avoid administration of oral Mg salts within 2hrs before/after. Exception- Pamidronate

• CCB- It may enhance the toxic effects of Mg salts

• CNS depressants- MgSO4 may enhance the effects of these drugs

• Levothyroxine- Mg salts may dec the S.conc of levothyroxine.Gap of atleast 4hrs req.

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• Hypertonic solution

• Conc- 4.2%, 5%,7.5% (22.5Meq /ampoule), 8.4% w/v

• w/v- mass of solute/vol of sol * 100

• Contents: 1 Meq = 84mg , 1g= 12MEq of Na & Hco3

• 84mg/ml NaHCO3 ( 1:1 Na : Hco3 /ml)

• MOA- increases plasma HCO3, buffers excess of H ions & increases blood ph

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• Uses:

1. Met acidosis- when ph <7.1 guidelines for using NAHCO3 in met acidosisWhy to treat?

• Met acidosis supress cardiac contractility

• Persistent acidosis will consume the bone buffers & cause osteoporosis.

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How much ?

• Amount of NAHCO3 req= 0.5*wt* (desired- actual)


• Dose( Meq) = 0.3* Wt* BE

How to infuse

• In absence of CI,50% of calculated deficit is corrected in 4hrs & rest gradually over 24hrs

• To avoid irritation of veins,its added to D5.

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• NAHCO3 should not be used as bolus

• Never treat acidosis without treating the etiology

• Never correct acidosis without correcting associated hypoK.because by correcting acidosis,NAHCO3 will shift K intracellularly

• Do not mix with Ca- precipitation

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2. Salicylate poisoning.

3. TCA overdose

4. Methanol poisoning

5.Hyper K- 50MEq over 5 mins (ACLS 2010)

6. Urine alkalinization- 48MEq, then 12-24 Meq every 4 hrs.Doses adjusted to desired urinary pH.

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7. CIN- (off label use) – 154 Meq/L in D5 @ 3ml/kg/hr * 1hr before contrast,then 1ml/kg/hrhr during contrast & for 6 hrs after procedure.

8. Cardiac arrest- 1 Meq/kg/dose

** Routine use not recommended ( in some situations like arrest d/t met acidosis/hyper K/ TCA overdose.

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• ADR:

1. CVS- CHF,edema

2. Cerebral H

3. CNS- tetany

4. GIT- gastric distension/flatulence

5. Endo/metabolic- hyper Na/hyper osm/hypo kalemia/hypo Ca

6. Resp- pul edema

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1. Acetazolamide- May increase the toxic effects of NAHCO3

2. Alpha & Beta agonist- Alkalinizing agents may increase the S.conc

3. Cefodoxime/Cefuroxime- Antacids may dec S.conc

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• 40-80 Meq/day

• 2-3 Meq/kg/day (children)

• 2-6 Meq/kg/day ( Infants)

Total body K- 3500 Meq ,(98% is IC & 2% EC)


• Conduction of nerve impulses in brain,heart,sk muscle

• Contraction of muscles

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• Inj Kcl- 15% = 10ml

• 1ml= 150mg=2Meq

• 10ml=1.5g=20MeqIndications

1. Hypokalemia

2. Added to K free peritoneal dialysis fluid to maintain proper K level

3. During CPB Sx

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Basic rules

• Max dose- 20 Meq/hr thr peripheral line & 40 Meq/hr thr central line

• Ideally ≠20/hr, ≠40/L, ≠240/day

• Av rise of K is 0.25Meq/L when 20Meq is given during 1hr

• 1Meq fall in S,pot = 200-400Meq of total body pot deficit.

S.K >3.5 3 2 <2


0 300 450-600 >600

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• ADR:

Skin- rash

Endo – hyper K

GIT- abd pain/diarrhoea/GI bleed/ GI perforation(oral)/N+V.

• Warnings

1. Acid base dis

2. CVS ds- pts are prone to cardiac effects with hypo/hyper K

3. Renal impairment- use with caution

4. Pts on digitalis

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• Drug interactions:


2. Anticholinergics – may enhance ulcerogenic effect of Kcl

3. Heparin – May increase hyperkalemic effect of Kcl.

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