Diet designed for people with weak will

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  1. 1. Diet designed for people with weak will Do you eat less, and yet you do not lose my weight, but it actually increases? This happens to a lot of people who are seeking to lose weight. Do you have a weak will and you do not have the patience to Dieting. The secret may lie in the amount of food that you eat
  2. 2. Diet designed for people with weak will If you are lazy and nothing wrong with you, you represent the vast majority of women and men, and the experts have designed a diet for you based on a simple replacement of the types of food without losing the joy of food taste and without deprivation.
  3. 3. Diet designed for people with weak will These are examples of some of the food types and with the right amounts and with the replacement for them:
  4. 4. The need to have fast food The fast-food has a prominent role in our daily lives and a lot has a clear preference to it compared with the traditional home-made food to a great extent, and thus it has become necessary for anyone who wishes to lose weight to be aware of the extent of the impact of these foods on weight
  5. 5. The need to have fast food Pizza and hamburgers are among the most popular kinds of fast food especially among teenagers. It is advisable to eat them with a big salad without mayonnaise and fat free sauces
  6. 6. Quantity Required It is enough to eat small cheese burger with a small box of potato fingers; this quantity will provide our body with 505 calories with 20.5 grams of fat. But when you make a mistake and eat a burger consisting of a quarter kilo meat with cheese and with large tray of potato, the number of calories will jump to 928 units with 44.7 grams fat
  7. 7. Quantity Required As well as when eating french fries, try to only put just the edges in the ketchup sauce, do not use mayonnaise or mustard sauce. When you really want to use the covers of creams you can instead use fat free yogurt mixed with some herbs and different spices such as parsley, garlic, and thyme and lemon juice
  8. 8. Choose less cheese When you order a pizza always choose the kinds with less cheese, preferably with vegetables instead of meat or shrimp and do not order the thick kind instead always go for a regular ones.
  9. 9. Choose less cheese It is also preferable to avoid carbonated drinks with your meals, you can rely on drinks with low calories, such as non-sweetened fruit juices - unsweetened iced tea - water
  10. 10. Favorite drink People like to have soft drinks next to their snacks; you can replace your two cans of regular cola per day to diet cola, so you can reduce your calories intake by 2100 calories per week, which means three pounds in two months and a half.
  11. 11. Favorite drink Coffee is the choice for many on the morning. However, you can replace your Cappuccino and croissants by espresso coffee with two pieces of biscuits, so you can reduce your calories intake by 400 calories a day, which means three pounds in nine weeks.
  12. 12. Reduction of chocolates The chocolate harm lies in taking so much of it not in the chocolate quality. The chocolate contains whole-milk with sugar which is a threat to fitness. Thirty grams of milk chocolate per day (156 calories) is a reasonable level, but more than this amount is too much given the proportion of fat and sugar in the chocolate.
  13. 13. Reduction of chocolates I always believe the best kind of diet is the easier to follow so you can keep doing it for a long time & preferably make it a lifestyle. I do follow these tips and it is really working and I do not need to follow any strict diet or severe exercise to keep my body fit & healthy & my weight ideal.
  14. 14. Tala Limaz EzineArticles Expert Author