Dental Tourism in India

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  1. 1. Dental Tourism in India
  2. 2. Dental Tourism in India
    • PHILOSOPHY: "To help our clients experience fully functioning, pain free and attractive mouths using our friendly chair side manner, extensive education, honed skills and experienced judgment."
    • At Dental Tourism India, we are utilizing the latest techniques and approaches in order to offer you state-of-the-art, comfortable, personalized and antiseptic dental care. Our clinics all over India offer services of full mouth rehabilitation/reconstruction, bone and tissue regeneration, Dental Implants, Laser and Cosmetic Dentistry
    • AtTourism Dental India we strive to achieve the highest standard of customer service and to take the very best care of you. All of our team is highly trained, caring and competent in dentistry treatment and patient care. We will also ensure every possible step is taken to make your visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.
    • Our caring and friendly staff is on a first name basis with most of our patients. We care for your oral and general well-being and look forward to caring for you.
    • In today's field of dentistry it is difficult for any one dentist to become proficient in every one of the many new areas of dental technology and advanced dentistry. Our team of highly trained dentists have a wide range of expertise and will work together to ensure that each patient has access to the most advanced procedures in dentistry. All of the doctors at our office are dedicated to advanced continuing education to ensure that we provide you with the most current dental treatment available. Our staff is highly trained in all the latest dental procedures and techniques.
    • We pride ourselves on offering each of our patients a personalized dental service where they feel well looked after and cared for.
    • Our dentists understand that each patient's needs will be different and they will design a dental treatment plan tailored to that specific patient. Be assured that our dentist will proceed with the treatment in a comfortable, gentle and friendly atmosphere with the best standards of dental care.
    • The practice provides a full range of dental treatments including cosmetic dentistry, and restorative dentistry, as well as porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, Invisalign, Dental implants, fillings, crowns and bridges and Scaling and Polishing. We also offer full mouth rehabilitation and varied dental surgeries with ongoing follow-up care by our dental surgeons. Our dental clinics located all over India have advanced dental treatment facilities and are equipped with the latest dental tools and machinery and are also updated with the best global dental techniques used.
    • Our dentists can provide urgent dental treatment or even emergency dental treatment needs during your India Visit and can be met in as short stay as possible.
    • We not only provide you excellent and affordable treatments to all your dental problems, but also guide you with your vacation in India. Our specialized services in cosmetic dentistry and dental implants have helped us win the trust of our clients who have visited our clinics here in India while on their health holiday. We maintain the highest standards in dentistry to provide excellent patient care. Our dental clinic infrastructure is world class with people from different parts of the world (specially United Kingdom UK) visiting our clinics in India. No wonder we today are tourist's most popular choice of a Tourism Dental India.
    • Our dental tourism site has three simple aims. To help and support our patients, to inform our future new patients and to guide and help all visitors that are seeking information about their dental needs.
  3. 3. Benefits of Dental Tourism Dental Tourism In India Below I will be listing some of the benefits of traveling overseas for your dental care. As you read, you may be surprised to see there are far more benefits than simply saving a lot of money.1- Travel opportunities when combining your procedure with a vacationThis is a major benefit to some. When you are told that you have a major dental procedure which needs to be done, you may think of this as a negative. You might think of all the time, cost, and begin to hate your luck.However, stuff happens to people. This is a fact of life. Accept that this needs to be done and turn the negative into a possible. Use this as a reason to take the long awaited holiday you've been talking about. Besides the procedure and a couple days of recovery, you will have a lot of time to relax and adventure. If you are traveling to Thailand for your dental holiday, consider learning to surf or ride an elephant. Enjoy your time away from work by combining your vacation and dental procedure into one.2- Overseas dental care is cost effectiveAs outlined in the ebook, traveling abroad for your dental care can save you thousands of dollars. Where a procedure may cost $7,000 back home, it might cost $2,000 which is inclusive of your entire dental holiday.3- Overseas dental care is convenientThis may be the hardest to believe, but it's true. How can traveling across the world to have your dental work done be more convenient than having it done in back home?Depending on the procedure, you may have many screening interviews to go through before you can proceed. For the United States especially, this is a major concern. For some people taking a half day off from work five times is not an option.With overseas dental work, you aren't just a number to them. You are a valued customer where you can easily get a hold of your dentist and do whatever needs to be done via the phone, email or even video chat. Patients can even select the day these take place and the dentist will work around your schedule. Not the other way around.4- No waiting periodThis is a big one for me. Throughout my whole life I have been considered some what impatient. And why not? We are all going to die one day, so why wait when waiting is not needed.As mentioned above, if you go abroad for your dental care, your dentist will work around you schedule. You are not going to be told you need to wait three months for a procedure you want done immediately. You are able to book an immediate appointment and even speak to your dentist from your home.5- Affordable AND great serviceBy going abroad for your dental service you are throwing away old outdated traditions and stepping into the new world. The old idea of getting what you pay for will quickly become a fallacy. Just because the dental work will be a fraction of the cost does not mean service will be the same.In fact, by going overseas you will often get better service. In Thailand where my companion got their dental work done, I have never felt a higher level of service before in any medical facility back home. It's like going to a five star hotel for the price of a half star. You truly have to experience this to believe the level of service you will recieve.
  4. 4. Services