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Dental Implants Specialists Explain Why the Teeth Implants Cost in Houston is Worth It! PART 2

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Page 1: Dental Implants Specialists Explain Why the Teeth Implants Cost in Houston is Worth It! PART 2


This three-part article series provides a comparison between dental implants – namely, the“All-On-4” technique – and traditional removable dentures as a teeth replacement solution.

Welcome to Part 2 of this three-part article series on the teeth implants cost in Houstonand why choosing the “All-On-4” technique is the smartest investment you can make,not only financially, but also in terms of your health and quality of life. When it comes totreating tooth loss, many Houston residents make the mistake of opting for the cheapestdental technology available without realizing how this is going to affect them in the longrun.

“Your teeth are an integral part of your body, your digestive system and of course yoursmile and therefore self-esteem,” says an All On 4 implants specialist in Houston.“Removable dentures may initially seem like the smarter choice, because they’recheaper, but with time, patients come to realize just how many challenges and repeatexpenses this archaic technology goes hand-in-hand with.”

Let’s begin with a look at one of the greatest short-comings of dentures and howcovering the teeth implants cost in Houston can benefit you immensely in the long run…

AllAllAllAll OnOnOnOn 4444 ImplantsImplantsImplantsImplants CostCostCostCost inininin Houston:Houston:Houston:Houston: MaintainingMaintainingMaintainingMaintaining JawboneJawboneJawboneJawbone HealthHealthHealthHealth

Dentures are bulky teeth replacement appliances that are custom made to fit over thegum-covered jawbone ridge. They only replace the crowns of the teeth, leaving thejawbone without the functional stimulation previously supplied by the tooth roots. Whatdoes this mean?

“Your tooth roots provide a vital function over and above keeping your teeth anchored inyour jaw,” says the All On 4 implants specialist in Houston. “They transmit the eatingforces into the surrounding hard tissue, essentially stimulating it the same way exercisestimulates your muscle. This helps to keep the jawbone healthy and strong. But, when

Page 2: Dental Implants Specialists Explain Why the Teeth Implants Cost in Houston is Worth It! PART 2

you remove the tooth roots, the bone that used to make up the tooth socket becomesresorbed by the jaw, resulting in a loss of bone volume.

“Over time, the shrinking of the jawbone caused by atrophy causes dentures that oncefit well to become progressively loose and uncomfortable to eat and speak with,”explains the All On 4 implant specialist in Houston. “At this juncture, a patient willneed to have new dentures fitted; a periodic expense they will have to cover every fewyears or so and more frequently as the jawbone continues to atrophy and waste away.”

TheTheTheThe RealRealRealReal CostCostCostCost ofofofof DenturesDenturesDenturesDentures

The financial cost is one thing, but the price patients really pay is in the loss of theiryouthful facial contours. The loss of bone volume causes the mouth to sink in and thechin to protrude, resulting in an aged appearance. Teeth implants may cost Houstonresidents more initially, but they provide a solution to tooth loss that maintainsexcellent jawbone health – because implants function like natural tooth roots – andprevents premature aging. And who can place a price tag on your youth?

In any case, when you consider the amount of money Houston residents spend on havingdentures refitted as well as on all the denture products they will need throughout thecourse of their life, you end up with a price tag that is equal to if not more than the teethimplants cost of the “All-On-4”!

StayStayStayStay TunedTunedTunedTuned forforforfor PartPartPartPart 3333

StayStayStayStay tunedtunedtunedtuned forforforfor thethethethe finalfinalfinalfinal installmentinstallmentinstallmentinstallment ofofofof thisthisthisthis three-partthree-partthree-partthree-part seriesseriesseriesseries inininin whichwhichwhichwhich wewewewe explainexplainexplainexplain justjustjustjusthowhowhowhow muchmuchmuchmuch denturesdenturesdenturesdentures cancancancan endendendend upupupup costingcostingcostingcosting patientspatientspatientspatients inininin thethethethe longlonglonglong termtermtermterm andandandand how,how,how,how, inininin thethethetheabsenceabsenceabsenceabsence ofofofof hiddenhiddenhiddenhidden andandandand repeatrepeatrepeatrepeat expenses,expenses,expenses,expenses, dentaldentaldentaldental implantsimplantsimplantsimplants windwindwindwind upupupup beingbeingbeingbeing thethethethe moremoremoremore costcostcostcosteffectiveeffectiveeffectiveeffective solution.solution.solution.solution.