Dancing For Health

Dancing for health

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Dancing For Health

Dancing For Health

“Dancing is associated with health as it is a great form of exercise, especially cardio”

Dancing is fun! No matter whether you have two left feet or are tone deaf, you start grooving as

soon as the music starts playing. The human body is amazing, as it is ready to adapt to the

environment around it. Dance is a form of expression. You use your body to express your feelings

and emotions and the best thing about dancing is it keeps you fit!

Exercising in gym may be boring after a few weeks or months but not dancing. There are simply too

many options for you to keep going. Dancing is associated with health as it is a great form of

exercise, especially cardio. A few specific dance forms concentrate on specific muscles in the body

and these dance forms are just amazing to tone your body muscle. Visit an Apollo clinic near you to

know more about how dancing can help you stay fit.

Listed out here are the various health benefits that come along with dancing.

Flexibility: The stretches in dance forms help reduce the stiffness in your body and make it more

flexible. Especially the arabesques and plies in ballet dance form increase flexibility. The stretches

help to ease joint pains and relieve post workout soreness.

Great stress buster: A fun way to beat the stress is to dance it away! Turn up the music and put on

your dancing shoes and groove to the music. Researchers found out that dancing with a partner to

music reduces stress.

Beats the blues: In a research study, patients who were suffering with depression who participated

in dance groups, showed fewer symptoms of depression than the ones who did not participate.

Dance is good to beat the blues!

Benefits the heart: An Italian study showed that those people with heart diseases or cardiovascular

diseases who waltzed regularly had better breathing patterns and stronger heart when compared to

others who cycled, walked or ran on a treadmill.

Helps with balance: Dance forms like tango helped aging people balance their bodies better,

according to a study. Dancing regularly helps you to balance your body.

Memory booster: A study states that dancing regularly helps to boost your memory power. You are

less prone to dementia as you age. Study states that aerobic exercise reverses the shrinking of

hippocampus, the part of brain that controls memory.

Weight loss: It is a great and fun way to lose weight and helps you to maintain your weight. It is a

great aerobic exercise and ensures that your whole body gets its due share of exercise.

Energizes: Dancing can keep lethargy away. It keeps you energetic all through the day.

Take time out from your busy schedules and learn a new dance form to beat away stress and get

into tip top shape.

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