Daily Health Tips From the Experts

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“Make good sleep a priority. Poor sleep can throw your hormones out of whack, and is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity….”- Kris Gunnars @AuthNutrition

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“Eat a vegetable or fruit with every meal/snack. For greater fat loss, make 75% of those meals contain a vegetable. The biggest o�enders to this rule are breakfast and snacks. At breakfast, add chopped red bell peppers and spinach to your eggs, or sliced tomato to your toast.”- Cassandra Forsythe @GirlsGoneSTRONG

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“Dark, leafy greens like spinach and kale are packed with flavonoids, a phytonutrient that boosts heart health…. Eat a spinach salad a few days a week for a powerful punch of flavonoids. Other good sources are kale, soybeans, berries, tea, or even a glass of wine.”- Adam Bornstein @BornFitness

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"(Exercise is) an important factor once you’ve gotten diet, stress and sleep dialed in. Too much exercise when you are stressed, sleep deprived or eating a bad diet won’t do much to help your health and can actually stress your adrenals out and make things worse. Focus on getting the other factors in place first, but once you have, find a plan to fit in exercise that works for you.”- Katie "The Wellness Mama" @WellnessMama

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“If you’re looking for a workout in which you get the biggest bang for your buck, strength training is it. Strength training increases bone density, builds a stronger heart… helps control blood sugar…, and improves your balance and coordination.”- Steve Kamb @SteveKamb

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“Find 5 minutes to sit / lie quietly and meditate. We are so overstimulated and overstressed in today’s busy world. Finding time to center yourself and be quiet can do wonders for unplugging and bringing stress levels down.”- Steph Gaudreau @stupideasypaleo

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“Get 7 - 9 hours of sleep every night: I don’t need to describe the ca�einated aftermath of a bad night’s sleep to zap your energy, make you feel lousy, and start the day’s ca�eine cycle. Even one night’s poor sleep can adversely a�ect your hunger hormones and set the stage for cravings, lethargy, and a miserable day at the o�ce. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep every night. You need to prepare for solid slumber. About an hour before bed, turn o� electronics and find a sleep ritual. Mine includes a hot bath, chamomile tea, and a good (but not great) novel.”- JJ Virgin @jjvirgin

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For more information on caring for your body, check out Nu Skin’s blog, The Source.