Cannabis poisoning

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Cannabis poisoning

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• Cannabis use can lead to three DSM-IV disorders: cannabis intoxication, abuse, and dependence:

• Intoxication develops after ingestion of a substance and is characterized by a reversible syndrome of maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes, such as mood liability, cognitive impairment, or poor judgment.

• Abuse is a problematic pattern of substance use that results in poor role functioning, interpersonal difficulties, recurrent substance use in physically hazardous situations, or repeated legal difficulties.

• Dependence is a maladaptive pattern of substance use manifested by such symptoms as repeated substance ingestion despite physical or psychological problems caused by the substance, ingesting larger amounts of the substance over longer periods of time, unsuccessful efforts to limit substance use, tolerance to the substance's effects, and physiologic withdrawal.

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• Cannabis is a natural substance made from extracts of the Marijuana plant. It is a mild sedative which is commonly smoked to cause a chilled out and relaxed feeling.

• Stronger strains of herbal cannabis such as skunk can cause the user to see objects and hallucinate, distorting their view of life around them. The main active chemical compound in Cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

• Common names for Cannabis:

Afghan, bhang, black, blast, blow, blunts, Bob Hope, bush, dagger, dope, draw, ganja, grass, hash, hashish, hemp, herb, homegrown, marijuana, Moroccan, Northern Lights, pot, puff, resin, sensi, sinsemilla, shit, skunk, smoke, soap, spliff, wacky backy, weed, zero

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• Cannabis use and Cannabis addiction

There are warning signs that can help pinpoint whether Cannabis use has become more than just casual with friends, to a serious and harmful addiction. If you display THREE or more of these characteristics, it may mean you are addicted.

• The major signs include –• Constantly thinking about the next joint• Losing interest in other activities• All free time being spent using Cannabis• If larger amounts are now needed since first use• Becoming on edge when running out of Cannabis• Trying to quit the habit but then return to using

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Effects of Cannabis use People often become addicted to Cannabis because of the effects can

have pleasurable consequences or ‘highs’, which include – • Feeling relaxed• Making you feel happy and chilled out• Heightened senses• Talkative• Fits of giggles Despite experiencing these ‘highs’ there is a good chance of experiencing

the ‘low’ sides of the drug, such as – • A feeling of paranoia• Feeling confused• Anxiety• Aggravating asthma• Affecting your blood pressure and temperature• Experiencing hallucinations with stronger Cannabis

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Changes in appetite, compulsive eatingSquinty, droopy or bloodshot eyesThirsty, dry mouthCompulsive or loud laughterInattentive, short term memory lossLethargic

Lack of motivation, may just want to sit around and do nothingLazyPossible hallucinations paranoia Delayed motor skillsChanges in mood or behavior when “high”

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Mechanism of action

• THC, the main active ingredient in marijuana, binds to and activates specific receptors, known as cannabinoid receptors.

• There are many of these receptors in parts of the brain that control memory, thought, concentration, time and depth perception, and coordinated movement.

• By activating these receptors, THC interferes with their normal

functioning. • The high lipid-solubility of cannabinoids results in their persisting in

the body for long periods of time. Even after a single administration of THC, detectable levels of THC can be found in the body for weeks or longer

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Toxic effects may include:• Acute high blood pressure with headache• Chest pain and heart rhythm disturbances• Extreme hyperactivity and physical violence• Seizures• Stroke• Sudden collapse (cardiac arrest) • cirrhosis of the liver,• peripheral neuritis, and• eventually organic brain damage.

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Health risks or Cannabis addiction

• Regular Cannabis use for long periods of time can mean users run the risk of serious psychical and mental health problems.

• Some people may think Cannabis is a harmless drug but it is very similar to tobacco and research has shown that Cannabis contains at least as many cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco, and the fact that Cannabis is often smoked without filters it can cause lung disease and through heavy prolonged use – cancer.

• Other psychical risks can include – • Nicotine addiction • Co-ordination can be greatly affected, which is why drug driving is just as illegal

as drink driving• Risk of throat and lung diseases like bronchitis • Cannabis can also make it harder to have children as it can reduce sperm

motility for men, and for women it can suppress ovulation, all of which lower fertility

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• Cannabis abuse can trigger mental health issues if there are any existing mental health problems in your family history, which in the short term can cause paranoia but in the long term it can develop a high risk of schizophrenia, especially when using strong herbal Cannabis such as skunk.

• Other mental health problems that can occur through Cannabis use include –

• Losing motivation for hobbies or activities• Loss of concentration• Can stop medication for an existing mental health illness working• Being more likely to relapse after using cannabis for long periods of

time• Memory loss• Trigger for psychotic illness such as schizophrenia

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Cannabis addiction can be influenced by a number of things, such as, the length of time using, how much is used, and the strength of Cannabis. Some individuals are prone to being more dependent on Cannabis than others. Stopping regular use may lead users to experience withdrawal symptoms which for some may be no worse than a case of flu, for others, they may experience stronger withdrawal

symptoms such as–• Cravings for Cannabis

• Insomnia• Changes in mood• Sweating, shaking and diarrhoea• Dramatic weight loss

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Medical use

• Cannabis used medically has several well-documented beneficial effects.

• Among these are: the amelioration of nausea and vomiting stimulation of hunger in chemotherapy and AIDS patients, lowered intraocular eye pressure (shown to be effective for treating glaucoma), as well as general analgesic effects (pain reliever).

• Less confirmed individual studies also have been conducted indicating cannabis to be beneficial to a gamut of conditions running from multiple sclerosis to depression.

• Synthesized cannabinoids are also sold as prescription drugs, including Marinol (dronabinol in the United States and Germany) and Cesamet (nabilone in Canada, Mexico, the United States and the United Kingdom).

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• one form of treatment that has been successful in tackling Cannabis addiction is detoxification.

• The main chemical compound in Cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is stored in the fat cells of the body, so any activity which raises the body’s metabolism will flush the THC from the body.

• Exercise of any type will burn these fat cells containing the THC; also drinking green tea is for its fat burning properties.

• Caring for people with marijuana intoxication focuses on preventing injury and reassuring those who have panic reactions.

• Someone who is very agitated can be sedated with benzodiazepines (such as diazepam [Valium] or lorazepam [Ativan]). Children who have more serious symptoms may need to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.

• People with more serious side effects may need to be hospitalized, have heart or brain monitoring, and take medication.

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Contact a Medical Professional

• If someone who has been using marijuana develops any of the symptoms of intoxication, has trouble breathing, or cannot be awakened, call 911 or your local emergency number. If the person has stopped breathing or has no pulse, begin CPR and continue it until help arrives.

• There are several ways to tell if someone is habitually smoking pot. We have broken it down into two categories, behavioral and physical, to help you identify if a child or loved one is habitually abusing marijuana.

Behavioral Signs of Pot Use:• Lack of motivation or ambition for activities that once excited the user.• In many cases, participation in sports, social groups, or other pursuits will wane or

even cease entirely.• Performance in school or in the workplace will begin to decline, coupled with a

sense of apathy towards this decline.• Withdrawal from the family system – This is most often the case with adolescents

and young adults, but can be a warning sign for adults as well.

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• Drastic change in peer group – An addict will often abandon peer groups in favor of those who share similar desires and behaviors, namely those engaging in drug use.

• Personal hygiene may begin to suffer as he or she is less concerned with their public appearance.

• Depressive style of mood. Marijuana addicts manifest many of the same characteristics as those suffering from depression. An addict will have a flat affect and mood; he or she will appear lazy and day-to-day functioning will start to deteriorate on every major life level.

• Aversive, avoidant behavior

Physical Signs of Pot Use:Bloodshot eyes

• Slowed speech• Averting eye contact or an unsteady gaze.

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