Brain Rules Sleep & Stress By Ethel Fimbres [email protected] September 2015

Brain Rules Sleep & Stress

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Brain RulesSleep & Stress

By Ethel [email protected] 2015


Sleep Well, Think Well

★ When we’re asleep, the brain is not resting at all.

★ It is almost unbelievably active!

★ It’s possible that the reason we need to sleep is so that we can learn.

Why Sleep? I’d Rather Stay Up All Night.

★ Sleep must be important because we spend 1/3 of our lives doing it!

★ Loss of sleep hurts attention, executive function, working memory, mood, quantitative skills, logical reasoning, and even motor dexterity.

★ We still don’t know how much we need! It changes with age, gender, pregnancy, puberty, and so much more.

Sleep Loss = Brain Drain

Sleep loss hurts attention, function, memory, mood,

quantitative skills, logic and general math knowledge,

etc, etc, etc….

There’s more…..

★ Healthy 30 year old sleep deprived bodies revert to that of a 60 year old!

★ Sleep deprivation causes the body to not fully utilize the food we eat by 1/3!

★ A healthy night’s sleep can boost learning significantly!

★ Sleep can be a great friend!

The Brain is Active while we Sleep

Neurons, hormones &other chemicals keep us up

Brain cells, hormones &various chemicals put us down

It's a battle where one eventually becomes exhausted & falls asleep.

Ahhh….the Joys of Napping!

★ Napping is normal. Ever feel tired in the afternoon? That’s because your brain really wants to take a nap.

★ Around 3 p.m., 12 hours after the midpoint of your sleep, all your brain wants to do is nap.

★ Taking a nap might make you more productive. In one study, a 26-minute nap improved NASA pilots’ performance by 34 percent.

★ Don’t schedule important meetings at 3 p.m. It just doesn’t make sense.

Lyndon Johnson, 36th US President regularly closed his

door mid-afternoon & put on his pajamas for a 30 min nap.

Bad Things Happen When we Don’t Nap!


★ More traffic accidents happen during nap zone

★ Nappers saw a 16% improvement in reaction time

★ Naps boost cognitive performance

★ Napping 30 mins before pulling an all nighter keeps our minds sharp

Wake up Before your Alarm?

● An automatic device exists!

● The body has a series of internal clocks controlled by the brain.

● It's called the suprachiasmatic.


Stressed Brains Don’t Learn the Same Way

★ What is stress? It depends...

★ Certain types of stress HURT learning but some types BOOST learning!

★ Some types of stress are good for the brain -- you've heard those stories of grandma’s lifting up cars to rescue children.

★ Long-term stress is bad. The brain is designed to handle stress that lasts seconds, not years.

Learned Helplessness...

...happens when people or animals become conditioned to believe that a situation is unchangeable or inescapable.

Learned Helplessness

The Misconception:

If you are in a bad situation, you will do whatever you

can do to escape it.

The Truth:

If you feel like you aren’t in control of your destiny,

you will give up and accept whatever

situation you are in.


All Three = Stress

#1 Measureable Physiological Response

#2 Desire to Avoid the Situation

#3 Loss of Control Researchers Jeansok Kim & David Diamond

There’s more…..★ Stress damages virtually every kind of cognition that exists

★ It damages memory & executive function

★ It can hurt your motor skills

★ Over a long period of time it disrupts your immune response

★ You get sicker more often

★ It disrupts your ability to sleep

★ You get depressed

Ahhh….the Stress of Work & Home!

★ The emotional stability of the home is the greatest predictor of academic success. If you want your kid to get into Harvard, go home and love your spouse.

★ You have one brain. The same brain you have at home is the same brain you have at work/school.

★ The stress you are experiencing at home will affect your performance at work.

According to Harvard Business Review Executives deal with stress in 4 ways:

★ Health (including exercise)★ Sleep★ Diet★ Removal

**Removal is anything that whisks you away from work’s struggles.

Renewal = Removal


About.com (2015). What is learned helplessness. Retrieved from http://psychology.about.com/od/lindex/f/earned-helplessness.htm

Harvard Business Review (October 29, 2014). Why leaders don’t brag about successfully managing stress. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2014/10/why-leaders-dont-brag-about-successfully-managing-stress/

Lyndon B. Johnson [image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/lyndon-b-johnson

Medina, J.(2014). Brain rules: 12 rules for surviving and thriving at work, home and school. Seattle, WA: Pear Press.

Stressed is Dessert [Image]. (2013). Retrieved from https://acuriouswanderer.wordpress.com/2013/04/21/grad-school-stress/

Sleeping Moon [image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://smudgem.blogspot.com/2014/03/koreas-war-on-sleep.html

Stressed Student [Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://contextualfeed.com/stress-and-its-impact-on-ones-creativity-288.html

You Are Not So Smart (November 11, 2009). Learned Helplessness. Retrieved from http://youarenotsosmart.com/2009/11/11/learned-helplessness/