Living with Bipolar Disorder www.BipolarIndia.com Let’s Walk Together BIPOLAR DISORDER

Bipolar disorder- Demystifying a Serious Mental Illness

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Living with Bipolar Disorder

www.BipolarIndia.com Let’s Walk Together



The Havoc that Is Bipolar Disorder

•Extreme Mood Changes

•Swings of Energy levels


•Poor Focus & Concentration

•Impact on judgment & decision making

•Recklessness/risky behaviour

Is Bipolar just one illness?

Anxiety Disorder Depression



Phobia Delusion

Substance Abuse Panic Attacks

Bipolar I Disorder ~

> Severe form, with/without Psychosis

> Marked by Manic episodes

> Involves Hospitalisation

> Lesser Depressive episodes

Bipolar II Disorder ~

> Less severe form of BD

> Episodes of Hypomania which

may develop into Mania

> Longer, Debilitating Depressive phases

Bipolar~ is Not just about Chemical Imbalance

Difference is in Brain Structures

The prefrontal cortex region of the brain is critical for

judgment, executive functioning, decision making,

focus and concentration.

In Bipolar and Schizophrenia afflicted, this key region

of the brain is biologically different from brains of

healthy persons.

This has been proved by advanced MRI Scans.

•Bipolar is said to be incurable is treatable

•10% of those afflicted succumb to suicide

• On an average a Bipolar faces~

- 12 years of reduced life expectancy

- A decade of productivity lost in prime years

•Among top 3 causes of long term disability

Steel Your Mind To Stigma of a Dual Type

External Stigma is Stigma faced in society,

in the job market, marriage prospects and

interpersonal relationships.

Internal Stigma?

That is the war you have to win against the

devils within you. Devils within which undermine

your confidence and motivation.

Stop making unfair comparisons ! Let Go!

The Positive~ BD Can Be managed

6 Step Process







Medical Treatment Is The Foundation

Balance between side effects and benefits

Caregivers do their part, but that alone won’t help.

What can we do to regain balance of mind?

Vigorous Exercise/Fitness Training

Working out is a well known buster of

Depression and Stress.

Walking amid Nature > Mindfulness

Yoga ~ Pranayam and Meditation

Neuroplasticity ~ Meditation can Rewire the Brain!

Creative Visualisation >> Manifestation

A Higher Power~ Have Faith

We Are ‘Insanely’ Creative~

So, Let’s Express Ourselves!!

Music Is Therapeutic

And so is Writing!

My Book* was a

cathartic Journey

that ended up

freeing me..

Write for yourself.

Maintain a journal

or Blog if that’s

your calling..

( *Hyperlink)

Reach out

Abolish Stigma

Connect at Human Level

Instill Hope, Belief & Transform Lives

The Challenges are How to:-

Population 23 Million

70 Million Indians suffer from

Serious Mental Illnesses (Source~ Indian Health Ministry)

15 Million Bipolar

30 Million Clinically Depressed

LESS than 5000 Psychiatrists practice in India!!

BipolarIndia.com is a First In Many Ways

Someone Had To Make The First Move. Why Not Me?

A Community Website unlike

any other in India

“The digital revolution is far more significant than

the invention of writing or even of printing.”

~Douglas Engelbart

Professional Help (Hyperlink)

Psychiatrist/Psychotherapists/Counseling/NLP Practitioner

My Story Set Me Free.

New Stories Came Pouring Out..

One Such Candid Story

Offline Peer Support Meets

We Are Now Truly A Community!

Vijay Nallawala

Author of~ A Bipolar’s Journey~ From Torment to Fulfillment

Inspirational Storytelling & Personal Branding Coach,

Mental Wellness Catalyst. Founder: www.BipolarIndia.com