1 OM Thamaso jothirgamaya Asatho satgamaya mrtyo amarthgamaya Om Sandhi, Sandhi, Sandhi O Lord God the creator, the preserver and the Re-creator of the universe lead us from darkness to light, from untruth to truth and from mortality to immortality. Let there be peace, peace, peace.

Ayurveda 1a (Fr Jacob)

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OMThamaso jothirgamaya

Asatho satgamayamrtyo amarthgamaya

Om Sandhi, Sandhi, Sandhi

O Lord God the creator, the preserver and the Re-creator of the universe lead us from darkness to light, from untruth to truth and from mortality to immortality. Let there be peace, peace, peace.

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TrigunaSatwa, Rajas, Tamas

Existence, Creation, Recreation

One created five Elements Akasa - Ether Vayu - Air Agni - Fire Jel - Water Pretvi -Earth

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Man the complete and perfect creation micro universe

Man is composed of five elements plus Spirit to make perfect Man. Human is given the power to understand and appreciate

Human is reminded by the One of four Ends in life for perfect happiness.

1. Artha - Wealth 2. Kama - Pleasure 3. Dharma- Law of Life 4. Moksha - Heaven (Experience of Immortality)

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Dharma - Law of Life

1. Satyagraha - Desire Truth (Truth is God) 2. Ahimsa - No Hurting 3. Brahmacharya - Proper use of faculties 4. Asteya - No Misappropriation 5. Aparigraha - No desire of other’s

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Life in the Paradise Following Dharma a happy life. No sickness no fear

of death

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Yoga is to unite what is not united or to reunite what is separated. It is a way guide to reach the end.


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Five thousand year old Science of healthcareto cure and to rejuvenate.

The Safest Medicine from Natural sourcesfor Holistic Healing.

The mother of all Healthcare in the world.


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613 B LEE St., Mandaluyong City, M. Manila




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How far Ayurveda is safe, effective and affordable?

Safe: Ayurvedic treatment is very safe because no side effect can be noticed. It is proven by billions of people by the period of about 5000 years. If the treatment is undertaken in the prescribed manner it will not give even any contra indication

Effective: Ayurveda can cure, even the incurable by Western medicine. E.g. Arthritis, asthma and like.

Affordable: Ayurvedic medicines are comparatively cheaper and the ordinary people can afford to be treated.

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Ayurveda - the science of life is the world’s oldest form of healthcare. It developed in ancient India some 3,000 years before Christ. For centuries it remained unknown to other civilizations. Then, following Western colonization of India, Ayurveda, like other Indian achievements, were relegated to the background only to promote Western products. But over the past more than half-a-century, after the independence of India Ayurveda has reemerged and is now a well-documented, fully-fledged medical practice with training by Acharias and university course up to post graduation of Ph.D. With such progress, this healthcare based on natural cure has crossed the boundaries of India to reach other parts of the world.

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How Ayurveda attracts world attention and approval? “About ten years ago, a group of traditional scientists became

interested in America and asked US congress to provide funds to investigate the nature of Alternative and Complementary Medicine , and ancient healing process of Ayurveda. US congress authorized ten million dollars for initial investigation. Many traditional scientists thought this effort will fail. The initial success was so remarkable, during the past ten years, US Congress increased its budget more than ten times to over one hundred million dollars and also approved it to become the 27th institute of NIH known as NCCAM, National Center for Complementary, and Alternative Medicine.” (Dr. Hameed Khan, National Institute of Health, Washington, D.C., USA.)

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Ayurveda forms part of the ancient Indian scriptures known as Vedas. Originally the Vedas were in the form of oral tradition, but later on written down in Sanskrit on palm leaves. Paper was yet to be invented many centuries later in AD 105 in China. These scriptures written down on palm leaves comprise four books—Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. One of the upavedas (sub-Veda) is called Ayurveda.

The name Ayurveda is composed of two Sanskrit terms: ayus meaning life, and veda meaning the knowledge or science—in effect, science of life or healthcare. Three main sources for information about Ayurveda are the writings of Caraka, Sushruta, and Bhagbatta, authorities on Ayurveda who lived in 700 BC and 3rd century AD in India. .

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Ayurveda the science of life, the traditional medicine of INDIA is one of the oldest scientific medical systems in the world, with a long record of clinical experience. Ayurveda is a way of life that teaches how to mentain and promote health, it shows both how to cure disease and how to promote longevity. Ayurveda treats man as a whole, which is a composition of body, mind and soul. Therefore it is truly holistic and integral medical system.

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Ayurveda believes that disease occur not as an arbitery phenomenon but for definite reasons which if correctly understood could help to cure and, more importantly, prevent recurrence of the disease. Ideally human beings and nature should be in perfect harmony. Disease occurs when the equilibrium between these two is disturbed. Restoration of this fundamental balance, through the use of nature and its products is the main goal of this medical system.

“The object of Ayurveda,” said SUSRUDA the famous physician some 2600 years ago, “is the restoration to health of those who are afflicted with diseases and the preservation of sound health of those who are well!!”

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Evidently Ayurveda believes in the treatment of not just the affected part, but the individual as a whole. The stress is on prevention of bodily ailments and not just curing them. As the limitations of antibiotics are becoming evident, such regimes for strengthening our own internal energy or immune system may be crucial for our health.

Those who are not familiar with Ayurveda but have heard that it is natural or herbal, might think that it is the use of a particular herb for a specific physical problem—like lagundi for asthma or some herbal products available in the market, which have more commercial value than Medicinal value. Ayurveda is far beyond such concepts.

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A Healthcare System Based on Nature’s Wealth

Ayurveda is not like any other healthcare. It is a system rooted in Nature’s wealth and man’s relation to the Universe. It can deal with all problems of man from physical and mental to even spiritual. In short, it is a lifestyle program that includes learning what and how to eat, how to exercise and how to take medicine. Cleansing of the body, mind and soul is all a part of it. Many preparations of Ayurveda in small doses work as preventive while prescribed dose works as curative. Therefore both the healthy and the sick can take them.

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A Holistic Remedy According to Dr. Prashant Sawant, a present day

Indian scholar and practitioner of Ayurveda, this healthcare that has survived the trials over 5,000 years could also offer hope for AIDS victims, because it emphasizes on the importance of developing the individual’s immune system to fight all possible infections.

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“The fundamental philosophy of Ayurveda,” says Dr. Sawant, “is that suffering is disease and contentment is good health. No human being, he points out, can be called healthy if he does not posses a sound body, sound mind and a sound atman (soul). Ayurveda, he explains, describes a whole way of life; it narrates how one should keep healthy by advising even on the smallest things of personal hygiene and social conduct.”

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Another contemporary Indian scholar of Ayurveda, Vaydya Bhagvan Dash, says

“Contrary to the present trend of specialization for the treatment of diseases in different parts of the body in isolation, Ayurveda believes in the functional unity of the body as a whole. Different parts of the body are functionally interconnected, for example good bowel movement is the sine qua non for the promotion of eyesight. For the treatment of refraction error, medicines administered ensure removal of constipation, in addition to correcting any morbidity of the eyes. Similarly, purgatives are also given for the prevention and cure of bronchial asthma, cardiac disorders, arthritis, allergic manifestations and skin diseases.”

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As Ayurveda is a holistic system, no disease ever treated in isolation.

Many doctors agree that Ayurvedic medicine, with its emphasis on health as much as illness, probably

the most complete health system so far developed. It also involves various practices including massage,

emetics, enemas, oil treatment, steam baths, breathing exercises, and YOGA (Reader’s Digest

Family Guide to alternative Medicine).

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Panchabhutas, Tridoshas - Five Elements, Three Faults

Based on this belief Ayurveda defines human body as composed of five elements - Vayu (air), Akasa (ether), Agni (fire), Pritvi (earth) and Jel (water). Each part of

the body contains all these elements in different measures; and they generate three essential conditions

in the human body, either alone or by merging with another.

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Air and ether together, for example, would make Vayu or Vata (loosely translated in English as air). Fire remains as it is and produces Pitta, which is bile. Water and earth together would make Kapha or phlegm. These three conditions—vata, Pitta, Kapha assist the body in its functions when they are in correct balance. Any imbalance, on the other hand, leads to unhealthy state of the body.

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Vata: The role of Vata is to regulate breathing, movement of food through the digestive process to separate the waste matter from the essence and discharge as urine and stool, as well as maintain the senses and feelings.

Pitta helps to assimilate the digested food into the body, controls the body’s temperature, maintains its softness and color, and controls appetite, thirst, taste, sight, intelligence and the power of memory.

Kapha helps the mussels and joints with flexibility and strength, which, in turn, generates a sense of general comfort and overall well being.

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Subject to the influence of external or internal forces or conditions, any, or all, of the three could be aggravated and cause an imbalance in the body, which in turn would produce a state of uneasiness and lead to sickness. Because of this particular character of Vata, Pitta and Kapha causing uneasiness and disease they are called Tridoshas (triple faults). The aggravation of Tridoshas can arise from food intake.

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The foods we eat have six tastes—sweet, sour, salt, biter, hot, astringent. The tastes, which can change according to varying proportions of each item of food, can help correct the imbalance of Tridoshas. Sweet, sour and salt helps correct Vata; sweat, astringent and bitter are good for correcting Pitta; while bitter, hot and astringent helps correct Kapha.

Healthy food should have the following quality: 60-65 % Carbohydrate, 20-25% Protein, 10-15% Fat, different Vitamins and Minerals and above 6 Tastes.

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Dhatus (Body tissues) The word ‘Dhatu’ is to mean ‘body tissue’. They are

seven and called saptadhatus. These body tissues are formed from and nourished by the ahara which is the essence of food. Rasa (plasma), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle),Meda (fat), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow) and Shukra (semen/ova) are the seven kinds. Each Dhatu is a metabolic refinement of the Tridoshas. Any change in Dhatu can cause vitiation of doshas and lead to a disease.

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Malas (Waste)

Purisha (stool), Mutra (urine) and Sweda (sweat) are the three Malas. Any change or hindrance of its proper movements can affect the balance or vitiation of doshas and lead to any disease.

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Amam denotes internal toxins that cause diseases. Amam results from improper metabolic functioning, which causes the system to absorb micro-molecules of undigested food. It is greasy and mucous in nature and blocks various tiny body channels (srotas). Its accumulation causes imbalance among the tridoshas, which ultimately leads to various diseases.

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Ashtanga Veda (An Eight-sided Science)

In Ayurveda, there are eight branches of treatment: Kaya-cikitsa or Internal medicine; Salya-tantra or Surgery; Salakya-tantra or the treatment of diseases of head and the neck (E.E.N.T); Agada-tantra or Toxicology; Bhoota-vidya or the management of seizures by evil spirits and other mental disorders; Bala-tantra or Pediatrics; Rasayana-tantra or Geriatrics including Rejuvenation therapy; and, Vajikaranatantra or Science of Aphrodisiacs. Thus, it is known as Ashtanga-Yoga or Ashtanga-Sustra, meaning eight-sided science.

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Diagnosis & Treatment The first step in Ayurvedic treatment, irrespective of the

ailment, is to identify the tridosha that is causing the aggravation. Then, the appropriate natural remedy—including adjustment of food and daily routine—to correct the imbalance and stop the aggravation is applied. In short, Ayurveda is not just the administration of some medicine; it is a program of healthcare comprising eating habit, proper form of exercise and use of selected natural remedies that will tackle the root cause of the disease.

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This reliance on nature is exactly what God intended for man. The Bible says, for example, God created the world step by step, starting with matter, vegetables, animals and, finally, man. When He created man in His image all the different aspects of the previous creations became reflected in man, making this epitome of creations the perfect creation.

Man, thus, became micro universe.

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The Mother of All Health Care Centuries before western medicines came into existence, man,

in different cradles of civilization, had invented some form of treatment using herbs, minerals and other substances like animal products. Ayurveda is the most ancient and famous of them all. There are also others like Naturopathy, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, Acupressure and Acupuncher known as Chines, Surgery, Pysio-therapy and Occupational therapy of Western medicine and like, but their origins can be traced to Ayurveda, the mother of all healthcare.

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Preparation of Medicine That prevention is better than cure is an important principle of

Ayurveda. Thus, the preparations of medicines are also based on the holistic aspect of the person—his spiritual, mental and physical aspects. These preparations are either decoctions, tablets, other sweetened and fermented oral medicines called arishta-asawas, oils and ointments, powder, syrups, drops and even injectables. All are from natural sources, mainly composed of different herbs, single or as a mixture of parts or whole. In certain cases herbs are mixed with other vegetable products like honey, oil, etc..., as well as selected minerals and animal products like salt, fat, milk, etc..

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According to the specific nature of ailments prescribed herbs are compounded in different proportions to prepare the medicine. In some cases, more than fifty herbs are compounded. Ayurvedic medicines are prepared generally by cooking the row herbs. Certain preparations are based on abstracts. In that, a combination of medicines rather than ‘just a medicine’ is administered to remedy the root causes including karma. This organic nature and holistic approach of these preparations assures that the treatment does not produce any adverse effect. If anything, it produces only side benefits.

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Root Cause vs. Symptoms There are many differences between western medicine and

Ayurveda. Basically or conceptually: The conventional or Western medicine is based on

physiology of man and pharmacology of substances (drugs).

Ayurveda, on the other hand, is based on the understanding of a deep philosophy of Man and the mysteries of the Nature.

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Based on approach: Foremost of them is, - Western medicine treats the visible

symptoms whereas Ayurveda treats what’s at the root that produced the symptom. Western treats at the fruit and ayurveda treats at the root.

Secondly, Ayurveda relies entirely on everything natural, so nothing artificial is used in any Ayurvedic preparation. Therefore, patients under Ayurvedic treatment need not fear about any adverse side effects or complications. Western medicine on the other hand relies on direct administration of chemicals or synthetic substances or natural sources synthetically processed. This can lead to side effects and complications.

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Thirdly, Ayurveda has remedies for certain sicknesses for which western medicine so far has no cure at all. Examples: arthritis, asthma, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis and like.

Self-discipline is important in Ayurveda. Therefore, the patient must observe a clearly defined order of life beginning from cleanliness, regular exercise, and taking medicine and food at a set schedule following the prescribed order of taking them.

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A Cure with No Adverse Side-Effect

There are volumes of literature about the preparation and usage of Ayurveda medicines. The character of each herb or mineral is studied according to medicinal value and compounded in different proportions based on value and merit. If any herb carries a contra indication, it is neutralized by adding another herb or mineral into the compound.

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For example— Bitter gourd (ampalaya) is good for diabetics

but, suppose it brings the blood pleasure up as a contra indication. Therefore, bitter gourd is compounded with another herb, arjuna, which would work as an antidote against bitter gourd’s contra effect and would prevent blood pressure from rising while diabetics are treated.

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Similarly, each preparation is made according to the nature of the specific problem.

For example, arthritics are eighty (80) kinds and there are different preparations for each kind. According to Ayurveda “more the titration or atomization greater the power.” Therefore, certain preparations are repeated many times to enhance its curative power—especially medicated oils, like Kshirabala that is repeated up to 101 times.

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Three tire or Three stages of treatment First - Cleansing or Detoxification Stage Second - Healing Stage Third - Rejuvenation Stage By these three stages of therapy one

regains his/her youth, beauty & longevity

Stages and Fruits of Treatment

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Om Sandhi, Sandhi, Sandhi In the scriptures of Indian tradition we notice a common

expression as “Om Sandhi, Sandhi, Sandhi.” Om is denoting to the Creator of the universe, the beginning and end of man as well. Sandhi is meant for peace, healing, and spiritual leader or priest. The peace is attained only when one has healthy body, healthy mind and healthy soul (atman). The priest is also known after the word for healing because the work of a priest is the healing ministry in the community. What is the prayer or wish of every man? Peace by holistic healing of body mind and soul (atman) . perfection of happiness.

Om Sandhi, Sandhi, Sandhi

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Thank You very Much

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414 Calbayog St., Mandaluyong City Tel. 5310559, 7172877, Fax. 5310863Email: [email protected]

Website: www.geocities.com/ayurvedamanila We offer

Free consultation

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A Research Study in the PhilippinesIs Ayurveda Safe, Effective and Affordable?

Patient- 1. Female age 68. Admission: 22 April 2001; Condition: Under treatment of Western

Medicine for Diabetes- FBS 16.5, Arthritis- Right hand painful with only 50% mobility, Right eye- Blurring of vision, unhealed Sore on tongue for months. Later diagnosed of kidney stone (calculus 1.8x1.0 cm at the inferior calyx of right kidney), Myoma (echogenic nodule 3.3x 2.6x 3.5 cm), and general weakness to do the household works and personal necessities.

Problem Date of test Result Place of test 1. Diabetes 19 May -01 FBS13.5 Santa. Monica

H.2 June -01 FBS 9.7 “

24 Aug. -02 8.3 “ “

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Problem Date of test Result Place of test 5 October -02 7.8 “ 12 October -02 7.5 “ 16 November -02 7.0 “ 15 February /03 6.3 Canada 15 January -03 5.7 Canada Stop all medicines 15 March -03 4.5 Canada With normal Eating 15 March -04 5.5 Canada

One year without any medicine the sugar level is normal. Therefore, diabetes totally cured. No side effect or contra indication noted.

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2. Arthritis 22 April -01 50 % Mobility 23 May -01 75% Mobility 23 June -01 90% Mobility 21 July -01 100% Mobility with total cure. 15 June -04 100% Cure. Till date for

3 years no Reoccurrence of arthritis experienced. Therefore it is a total cure.

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3. Blurring Vision 31 May -01 Blepharitis OU – QMMC

Improved 25 June-01 25% Improved 31 July -01 50% Improved 25 August -01 75% Improved 25 September -01 100% Cure Result after 32 Months 15 May -04 100% OK No reoccurrence and good vision experienced.

Therefore, it is total cure.

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4. Sore on tongue: lover left side of the tongue, the skin was lost and had pain and always burning sensation. Treated for months with allopathic medicine (probably antibiotics) but no improvement noted. After taking ayurvedic medicines since April 22/01 slowly the pain reduced and completely healed within 6 weeks. No reoccurrence for three years (reported on 15 of June 2004).

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5. Kidney stone. 10 April 02 1.8x1.0 cm. Canada & Kidney Center

13 July 02 0.8 x0.3 cm. Dr.. Catapia MD.., F.P.C.R.

10 Aug. 02 0.5x 0.1 cm “ (continued medication) Stop all medicine 15 March 03 feeling all right. Reported 15 June 04 after 14 months. OK, no reoccurrence. Therefore Concluded that there is a total cure of kidney.

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Home Remedies

Home Remedies are the preparations that can be made at home using naturally available at home or at the backyard or easily available.

When we have certain common problems like cold, cough, fever, L.B.M., we need not run to the hospital rather you can treat yourself at home.

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Tips to prevent Sickness and maintain Good Health

1. Have bath every day. If possible twice a day and follow daily routine.

2. Use normal temperature water for bath. Do not bath when the body is hot. If you must use warm water.

3. Always eat healthy food- not what you like but what you need.

4. Follow the Law of Life

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Procedure of Bath

Wash Hands, Feet, Face, hold water in mouth Wash genitals Wash Shoulder down and soap Pour water on head and clean the whole

body After drying from head to food spit out water


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Healthy food depends on the body character of the person.

If anybody has any particular disorder or disharmony, the food should be chosen accordingly.

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Precaution in daily routine

If you are suffering from cold especially with fever drink lots of fruit juice and fast.

Don’t force to eat if no appetite. Eat natural food and medicine and avoid

polished and synthetic food and drugs. Do Physical exercise daily. Be truthful, generous and compassionate

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1 table spoon each of lemon and ginger juice and honey; mix well and take ½ tea spoon each every hour. If fever, add to the mix 1 table spoon oreganum or basil leaves juice.

If take 1 tablet of Ayuvedic medicine Iobin 2 to 3 times a week it can help immune system and the cold and cough can be prevented.

If already cough take koflyn 1each 1 to 3 times a day.

If fever persist take special ayurvedic preparation.

Cold, Cough, Fever

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Eye problems

To prevent any Eye problem splash some water in the eyes early morning while washing the face.

Put 5 rose flower petals in 100 ml clear water in the evening and filter in the morning and drop in both eyes for good health of the eyes.

Any problem of the eyes including cataract and glaucoma apply ayurveda eye drops Netrasuddhi 1to 2 drops 2 to 4 times a day for cure. Very effective and safe.

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Lack of regular bowel movement is the root cause of many forms of sickness.

At least once a day preferably in the morning. To avoid constipation take vegetables and

vegetable soup as your first item in the meals. Take Ayurveda tea 5 table spoon with warm

water just after dinner. Herbitars 1tablet 3 times a day also will help.

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Loose Bowel Movement

Cause: Lack of digestion, toxic or unwanted substance eaten or the digestive system is weak.

What to do: Every time you move drink one glass of water. When it is very watery drink warm water. If not enough take 1 or 2 tablets of Salphose with warm water. If problem persists consult the doctor for alternative treatment.

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Lack of Appetite or Indigestion Cause: Fever, Weakness of digestive system, food

eaten not yet digested or any sickness. Remedy: If fever don’t force to eat rather fast and have

proper medication. If weakness of digestive system have proper treatment If food taken not yet digested, take 1 table spoon pure

ginger juice. If because of any other sickness, have proper treatment

for the sickness.

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Skin Allergy Cause: Viral infection, side effect of medicine,

contaminated by chemicals, insect bite, impurity of blood, food poisoning, healing stage of ulcers.

Remedy: If just itchiness of skin clean, dry and rub a cut piece of onion or garlic in the part of itchiness. Ayurveda skin oil will show good result.

If viral infection proper treatment will be needed. If impurity of blood or insect bite other than using onion

herbosulf tablets can be taken 1each 2to 3 times a day. Ayurveda tea can be used every day for any allergy.

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Insomnia or lack of Sleep Cause: Hormonal imbalance, mental stress, Worry, Fear,

Side effects of medicines, Sevier pain of body or mind, Correct the hormonal imbalance in a natural way or make

the body capable to face the situation. Make the mind cool and answer the cause of stress, worry

and fear. If medicine causes, find alternative medicines. If pain find remedy for pain. Make the brain cool especially in the evening.

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Cough with Asthma

Cause: asthma can be hereditary, caused by extreme anxiety or fear, allergy

Asthma is curable by treatment of Ayurveda. Koflyn may give certain relief but itneeds the treatment of 3 to 6 months in Ayurveda.

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Dysmenorrhea & Menopausal

Cause: Inability to face the hormonal changes in the body of female.

It can cause pain, irritability, behavioral changes and misunderstandings, lack of appetite, excess or scanty bleeding and like.

Treatment: Make the body capable to face the hormonal changes in the body and regulate changes to be gradual. To attain this effect there is effective treatment in Ayurveda using proper ayurvedic preparations. It can be corrected within 6 months treatment.

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Conventional treatment for Dysmenorrhea and Menopausal

In conventional way either additional hormones are placed in the body or the production of hormones are restricted. Both are harmful for the body and health. In certain cases pain killers are also commonly given. These approaches only give temporary relief and never cure the problem.

It is also dangerous because hormone treatment in any form causes cancer.

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OMThamaso jothirgamaya

Asatho satgamayamrtyo amarthgamaya

Om Sandhi, Sandhi, Sandhi O Lord God the creator, the preserver and the Re-

creator of the universe lead us from darkness to light, from untruth to truth and from mortality to immortality. Let there be peace, peace, peace.

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Loose Bowel Movement

Cause: Lack of digestion, toxic or unwanted substance eaten or the digestive system is weak.

What to do: Every time you move drink one glass of water. When it is very watery drink warm water. If not enough take 1 or 2 tablets of Salphose with warm water. If problem persists consult the doctor for alternative treatment.

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Loose Bowel Movement

Cause: Lack of digestion, toxic or unwanted substance eaten or the digestive system is weak.

What to do: Every time you move drink one glass of water. When it is very watery drink warm water. If not enough take 1 or 2 tablets of Salphose with warm water. If problem persists consult the doctor for alternative treatment.

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Loose Bowel Movement

Cause: Lack of digestion, toxic or unwanted substance eaten or the digestive system is weak.

What to do: Every time you move drink one glass of water. When it is very watery drink warm water. If not enough take 1 or 2 tablets of Salphose with warm water. If problem persists consult the doctor for alternative treatment.

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Loose Bowel Movement

Cause: Lack of digestion, toxic or unwanted substance eaten or the digestive system is weak.

What to do: Every time you move drink one glass of water. When it is very watery drink warm water. If not enough take 1 or 2 tablets of Salphose with warm water. If problem persists consult the doctor for alternative treatment.

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Loose Bowel Movement

Cause: Lack of digestion, toxic or unwanted substance eaten or the digestive system is weak.

What to do: Every time you move drink one glass of water. When it is very watery drink warm water. If not enough take 1 or 2 tablets of Salphose with warm water. If problem persists consult the doctor for alternative treatment.