Article: 1 Acne Treatments - 3 Proven Ways to Get Rid Of Acne Short Description: Ever wonder how to get rid of pimples or how to get rid of acne? Read our in depth guides to learn the best home remedies for acne, acne treatment, anti aging, anti wrinkles, adult acne and how to prevent acne. Long Description: First things first, there is no real cure for acne. If you don't treat it, it may last for years; however it will normally go away as you grow older. But by using the following acne treatments, you should be able to keep it under control. #1. Benzoyl peroxide, in either gel or lotion form, will help you to kill your skin bacteria, unclog your pores and heal your acne. This is probably the best over-the- counter acne treatment you can buy. You can get it in many different strength levels, anywhere from 2.5 percent up to 10 percent. Be sure to read the directions before you use it. #2. If benzoyl peroxide doesn't work for you, consult your doctor. If your doctor thinks it is necessary, he can give you a prescription for stronger treatments. He will most likely recommend one of three different acne medications. 1. Topical Antibiotic Solutions can be used alongside other acne medications for pustular acne. 2. Tretinoin (Retin-A) in either gel or cream form will help to unclog your pores but you must follow the directions exactly. Some people who use this medication can experience increased redness from exposure to the sun or tanning beds.

Acne treatment | anti aging | wrinkles | how to get rid of acne | pimples | home remedies for acne

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Ever wonder how to get rid of pimples or how to get rid of acne? Read our in depth guides to learn the best home remedies for acne, acne treatment, anti aging, anti wrinkles, adult acne and how to prevent acne.

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Article: 1

Acne Treatments - 3 Proven Ways to Get Rid Of Acne

Short Description:

Ever wonder how to get rid of pimples or how to get rid of acne? Read our in depth guides to learn the best home remedies for acne, acne treatment, anti aging, anti wrinkles, adult acne and how to prevent acne.

Long Description:

First things first, there is no real cure for acne. If you don't treat it, it may last for years; however it will normally go away as you grow older. But by using the following acne treatments, you should be able to keep it under control.

#1. Benzoyl peroxide, in either gel or lotion form, will help you to kill your skin bacteria, unclog your pores and heal your acne. This is probably the best over-the-counter acne treatment you can buy. You can get it in many different strength levels, anywhere from 2.5 percent up to 10 percent. Be sure to read the directions before you use it.

#2. If benzoyl peroxide doesn't work for you, consult your doctor. If your doctor thinks it is necessary, he can give you a prescription for stronger treatments. He will most likely recommend one of three different acne medications.

1. Topical Antibiotic Solutions can be used alongside other acne medications for pustular acne.

2. Tretinoin (Retin-A) in either gel or cream form will help to unclog your pores but you must follow the directions exactly. Some people who use this medication can experience increased redness from exposure to the sun or tanning beds.

3. Oral Antibiotic pills can be used alongside gels, creams, or lotions if topical treatments alone fail to do the job. #3. Isotretinoin (Accutane). This is a very strong chemical which is only used for severe cystic adult acne which has failed to respond to other types of acne treatments. If you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant NEVER take Accutane. It is possible for the unborn baby to suffer very severe and even fatal deformities. For the above reasons, don't have unprotected sex while you are taking Accutane.

If you are having problems with acne, see your doctor. And when you are undergoing treatment, remember these 5 tips:

1. Have patience. It usually takes at least three weeks before you will see improvement. You must give the treatment time to work.

2. Follow directions. Failing to follow the directions is the most common reason why the acne treatment fails to work.

Page 2: Acne treatment | anti aging | wrinkles | how to get rid of acne | pimples | home remedies for acne

3. Don't use someone else's prescription acne medication. This especially goes for Accutane. Using an acne medication prescribed for someone else will do you more harm than good.


Get rid of acne, acne treatment, anti aging, how to prevent acne, anti wrinkle, wrinkles, home remedies for acne, how to get rid of acne, adult acne, how to get rid of pimples.

Author Bio:

For More information regarding get rid of acne, <a href=http://www.myfacepillow.com> acne treatment</a>, anti aging, how to prevent acne, anti wrinkle, home remedies for acne, <a href=http://www.myfacepillow.com>adult acne</a> an how to get rid of pimples Check this site... http://myfacepillow.com

Article: 2

Anti Wrinkle Pillows the Shocking Truth

Short Description:

Ever wonder how to get rid of pimples or how to get rid of acne? Read our in depth guides to learn the best home remedies for acne, acne treatment, anti aging, anti wrinkles, adult acne and how to prevent acne.

Long Description:

As we age, the development of sleep wrinkles, those facial lines that develop from sleeping with your face on a pillow, becomes much more outstanding. This should come as little surprise if you think about what proportion of one's life is spent sleeping with out the use of anti wrinkle pillows. If you are getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night, you sleep 1/3 of your life. Therefore, at age 60, you will have slept 20 years.

Twenty years of sleeping and not using anti wrinkle pillow can lead to many wrinkles that would be avoided. It is clear why sleeping on our face ultimately leads to creases that become permanently defined in the outside of the skin. Sleep wrinkles are way better to prevent than they are to repair. As a consequence, you should make every effort to keep from getting them in the first place with the help of anti aging face creams and anti wrinkle pillows.

Page 3: Acne treatment | anti aging | wrinkles | how to get rid of acne | pimples | home remedies for acne

The best and least costly method for stopping sleep wrinkles is to sleep on your back. Folk who sleep in this position simply don't develop these wrinkles. They would develop a sore back, I might favour an anti wrinkle pillow.

Oriental girls recognized this tip ages back, and always slept on their backs using concave porcelain pillows. A Chinese style anti wrinkle pillow. If you are unused to sleeping in this position, you might try placing a pillow under you knees to decrease stress on the lower back and raise your comfort. But if you are like me this is far too uncomfortable, investing in an anti wrinkle pillow is a less complicated solution.

Using a pillow (not a special anti wrinkle pillow) that minimizes facial wrinkling is another probability. Sleep on a huge, soft, non-synthetic pillow that you're able to fluff and smash.

Those with natural fill, such as duck down and feathers, offer the most comfort, long-term performance, and flexibleness. This kind of pillow supports the head while providing softness, eliminating pressure points, and increasing facial circulation to reduce crushing and sleep wrinkles. There are also anti wrinkle pillows available made in particular for preventing sleep wrinkles. An anti wrinkle pillow supports the head while keeping the face and eye tissue away from the pillow.

Choosing the proper pillowcase on which to sleep can also deter the formation of sleep creases. My Face Pillow is a solution for much more than just preventing acne. Many studies have shown that sleeping on your face will result in deep wrinkles as your age. By using the My Face Pillow, you will be able to stop and prevent these wrinkles.If you awaken with these unpleasant lines in the morning, your cotton pillowcase may be to blame. Rather than cotton, sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase that allows your face to slide across the pillow so minimizing skin wrinkling.

Another benefit for not only forestalling wrinkles, but also fixing those which you already have, is to employ a copper technology pillowcase, to use both with standard pillows and anti wrinkle pillow.

It is imbedded with copper micro fibers which serve to correct your skin as you sleep. Copper has been proven to excite collagen production so helping cut back the presence of lines and wrinkles.

Unfortunately, if you have developed sleep wrinkles, they may be difficult to lessen, with just the use of an anti wrinkle pillow. As we age, our skin loses its pliability. When the skin becomes wrinkled while sleeping, it no longer readily snaps back when the head is not resting on the pillow, as it did when we were younger. Since these wrinkles aren't the results of muscle contractions, such as worry lines or crow's feet, products with Botox-like benefits are ineffectual. To fix them, new collagen needs to form under the wrinkles to push up the skin from .

There are several skin products on the market aside from anti wrinkle pillows that contain varied peptides that promote the formation of collagen.


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Get rid of acne. Acne treatment, anti aging, how to prevent acne, anti wrinkle, wrinkles, home remedies for acne, how to get rid of acne, adult acne, how to get rid of pimples.

Author Bio:

Anti Wrinkle Pillow Advice and pointers that may Help Reduce the appearances of anti aging. For a free trail of the finest selling Anti Wrinkle Natural Tablet as seen on Oprah, Check this out... http://myfacepillow.com/