Soroptimist India Pune Metro East Chartered January 2010 SIPME First Anniversary Bonding with the Best

Soroptimist India Pune Metro East - Summary of Year 2010

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SIPME First Anniversary International Goodwill and Understanding Education Health Environment Human Rights Days celebrated at SIPME Awards and Recognition

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  • 1. Soroptimist India Pune Metro EastChartered January 2010

2. Overview1. International Goodwill andUnderstanding2. Education3. Health4. Environment5. Human Rights 3. International Goodwill andUnderstandingBonding with the BestVisits to SIPME by members of National andInternational SI clubsSIPME members visits to SI clubs worldwideForging friendship links with SI clubsSIGBI Conference at Manchester, UK 4. International Goodwill andUnderstanding 5. EducationGirls Moving ForwardProject duration - 3 yearsFour workshops a yearArt classes at schools for the underprivilegedSeven classes held to datePeriod of 4 months 6. Education 7. HealthCancer walk in collaboration with Highways InfiniteBlood check for 90 women in collaboration with JagrutiProject Dignity Service at an old age homeCancer talk and workshop at DeeshaCancer screening and EET for SIPME members 8. Health 9. EnvironmentProject Green Turn - Daily Dump Compost at homeEmphasis on Recycling to mark Worl d EnvironmentDaySay No to Plastic!Sourcing of eco friendly small steps bagsMaking of paper bags with Deep Griha 10. Human RightsDomestic Violence Awareness workshopsSession at Deep GrihaSession with AKS, ASHA and nurses of Tehmi GrantInstitute of Nursing Education in attendanceSeminar on Womens Reservation Bill 11. Human Rights 12. Days celebrated at SIPMECelebration of International Womens DayFelicitation of domestic helpersWorld Disabled DayMovie-show for the differently abled children 13. Awards and RecognitionManchester Award 14. Soroptimist India Pune Metro EastChartered January 2010