Get Cycling Events Programmes Services A Community Interest Company

Jim McGurn, Get Cycling - European Mobility Week 2015 - Twenty Proven Cycling Promotions to Implement in European Mobility Week

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Get Cycling



A Community Interest Company

Bike try-out events in city centres, parks,

sports centres EventsLoan programmes

Cycle to WorkDisability

Offender programmes

Who is your event


Choice of bikes, staff, techniques, publicity

must be right for your target audience

Importance of engagement on the


Our aim: to offer unforgettable and often

life-changing experiences for cyclists and non-cyclists, of all

ages and abilities.

Mega-bikes for mass-transportation at

events or just fun machines offering a

captive audience.

Activity Days and programmes for

Schools. After-school sessions for parents.

Festivals: one big hit once a year, but more easily commercialised due to critical mass

Portable pedal-powered velodrome racing game.

Complex electronics allow competition, and

encourage verbal feedback based on how

the riders are doing.

Pedal-powered scalextric sets

Pedal-powered smoothie makers

Pedal-powered quiz

Pedal-powered virtual racing

Bike doctor events large

and small. What’s the purpose?

Why should your local

bike shop do it?

Bike loan programmes and on-line challenges for workplaces and communities.

Services to Universitiesand Colleges

Addressing the differing needs of students, teaching

and non-teaching staff.

Movement towards hubs.

Get Cycling guides for our local authority

clients, including Welsh language versions.Some just digital

Green-LinkZero-emission contract delivery and distribution services. Ours is Green-Link: there are many others in certain towns and cities. Suitable for many public sector uses.

Some opposition from local authority employees.

Find allies

Colleagues in other departments

Businesses within your cycle to work programmes

Through schools to parents

Local bike shops

Local media

CTC, Sustrans, British Cycling, cycle campaigners, cycle trainers


Draw up a costed marketing plan

Use resources of all your partners. Such as companies intranetting to all employees.

Leaflet home to all parents through schools: with nagging power from children

Local radio and TV: press calls with interesting people/bikes

Use advertising to leverage a lot of editorial

Social marketing

Bikes to Work. Familiar but strong arguments

• Healthier, more alert employees.

Less stress.

• More predictable journeys, so better punctuality

• Improved mobility/efficiency at work

• Lower demand for car parks

• Better staff retention• Helps meet travel plan obligations• Good PR

To boost cycling to work

Identify the Barriers1• Why are they not all cycling

to work already?• Safety fears

• Lack of supporting infrastructure

• Lack of practical knowledge and advice

• Little group, community or societal support

• Little disincentive to jumping in the car

• Still a bit weird!

The individual’s perspective

“I’m worried about a few


“What sort of bike do I need

and what else?”

“I could really do with

some training.”

“Which are the quickest and

safest routes?”

“Be good if there were more cycle

paths and stands around”

“Be great if there were some secure

bike sheds at work, and maybe some

lockers – and showers.

“Why should I cycle?”

“More people should be cycling

around here. I feel fit, I’ve lost weight and it’s

such fun!”

Find out what they really want and need

Safety (50%) Journey to work too far to cycle

(45%) Get wet if it rains (35%) No bike (25%) Too much to carry (23%) Pollution (20%) Not fit enough (18%) Bad for my image (1%)

Lead from the front2“If senior managersdo it, then it must be cool for me to do it, too!”

Prepare the Stage3Set the sceneBegin the persuasion processCycling GuidesFactsheetsPostersIntranetDoctor Bike visitNewsletter stories on existing employees who cycleEmployee survey

Find a Champion4With the right skillsMake him/her feel valuableBack your champion up and be seen to do so.Ideally a male champion and a female champion.Build up to a Bicycle user groupBike-buddy scheme

Meet real needs with real facilities: Bike Park5

Safe, attractive cycle stands, covered, locked bike park

Avoid the word ‘shed’

Put it in prominent place, with

your logo on it

Consider using car park land

Meet real needs with real facilities: Bike Pool6

Bike pool, perhaps including an electric bike.

Tool kit

Controlled by bike champion or B.U.G.

Relationship with local bike shop

Buy quality: take advice, not necessarily from local bike shop!

Small frames, hub gears, branded panniers.

7Meet real needs with real facilities: Indoor7Changing room



Not all may be necessary

Cut car-parking space8Cut car-parking options while making other ways of getting to work more attractive

Few staff will cycle all year round: they have a range of options, including public transport, walking, and car.

Bike purchase through salary sacrifice9

Publicise it well through an annual event, inviting suppliers.

CycleScheme magazine is free.

It’s for ALL your employees10Not just your office staff,

who will be easiest to recruit

Other workers may need a different approach and different incentives

Do they get paid time off to experience cycling promotion events or activities?

Incentivise 11 Cash rewards

Time off workLunch vouchersPrizesHotel weekend with familyTrips to the velodrome

Cycle Challenges12

Mass participation through multi-featured software

Lots of easy measurables

Often same people year after year

BikeBoost Cycle loan programmes1 3Up to 40 participants per monthRecruitment visitTriage for selectionTraining if necessaryLoan of bikes and equipmentSupport and incentivesBike collection, appraisal65% continuation ratesHigh female participationCan buy the bike at high discount if their loan included training

Cycle Training14

Adult cycle training difficult to make stickCall it coaching insteadTie it into benefits: lots of good ideas out thereOffer it as part of try-out roadshowsOffer it as part of a Get-into-Cycling package with and bike maintenance

Chart achievements 15 Use of prominent charting to

show increase in cycle-miles to work, C02 saved etc. Shows communal effort.

Support local charity ride(s)16Have a corporate


good local PR Take part yourself!

Bikes AT and not just TO work 17

Can offer better mobility at large-site workplaces

Carrier cycles for the on-site movement of goods

Staff on the road can take folders for flexibility

Visibly changes culture

Greenwheels Sustainable Transport Day


Cycling part of a sustainable transport continuum

A try-out event with bikes, electric bikes, electric scooters, electric cars, public transport, etc.


Employers need to be fully aware of the services available from the local autority.


This can be anything from Personal Travel Planning to cycle training to providing trained guides for occasional social bike rides for staff.

Persuade an employee to hand over their car keys for a month in exchange for free bike loan, travel pass and a £50 voucher for a local shoe shop.

Can apply to whole families, with bikes, passes and car club vouchers to meet all their varying everyday needs.

Less value in it if you can’t get the local media on board.

Power of a local news story


An image we use in our schools work to stimulate discussion

Jim McGurnChief ExecutiveGet Cycling CiC

22, Hospital Fields RoadYork

YO10 4DZ

[email protected]

01904 636812Mob: 0772 0846611
