Gender and targeting: key concepts Maria Hartl Senior Technical Specialist Gender and Social Equity Policy and Technical Advisory Division Programme Management Department International Fund for Agricultural Development

Gender and Targeting Key Concept (By Maria Hartl, IFAD)

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Page 1: Gender and Targeting Key Concept (By Maria Hartl, IFAD)

Gender and targeting: key conceptsMaria HartlSenior Technical Specialist Gender and Social EquityPolicy and Technical Advisory DivisionProgramme Management DepartmentInternational Fund for Agricultural Development

Page 2: Gender and Targeting Key Concept (By Maria Hartl, IFAD)

Basic concepts

•Gender Equality

•Gender Equity



Page 3: Gender and Targeting Key Concept (By Maria Hartl, IFAD)

Refreshing definitions and concepts

•Gender Equality: women and men have equal rights, freedoms, conditions and opportunities to access and control socially valued goods and resources and enjoy the same status within a society.

•Gender Equity: fairness of treatment for women and men according to their respective needs.

•Empowerment: the process of increasing the opportunity of people to take control over their own lives.

Page 4: Gender and Targeting Key Concept (By Maria Hartl, IFAD)

Targeting: project activities and beneficiary outreach


Transitory poor

Economically active poor


Participatory planning

Infrastructure development

Land managementCommunity development

Broad outreach


Agricultural productivityFood and nutrition security

Agri-business and enterprise developmentSmall business development

Targeted outreach

Household mentoring

Safety netsWork programmes


Page 5: Gender and Targeting Key Concept (By Maria Hartl, IFAD)

Targeting checklist

Page 6: Gender and Targeting Key Concept (By Maria Hartl, IFAD)

Gender checklist

Design featuresTarget group Poverty and livelihoods from gender


Economic empowerment

Access and control over resourcesSkills and knowledge

Decision making and representation

Membership and leadership trainingQuotas

Equitable workload and sharing in benefits

Labour saving technologiesHousehold methodologies

Page 7: Gender and Targeting Key Concept (By Maria Hartl, IFAD)

Targeting and gender in project cycle

Page 8: Gender and Targeting Key Concept (By Maria Hartl, IFAD)

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