BUDGET 2017-18 FISCAL YEAR PROPOSAL Grayce liu General manager

EmpowerLA Budget Proposal

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Grayce liuGeneral manager








Written by: Grayce Liu (General Manager), Armando Ruiz (Director of Administrative Services), Leyla Campos (Director of Neighborhood Council Operations), Mike Fong (Director of Policy and Government Relations), Stephen Box (Director of Outreach and Communications) and the rest of the EmpowerLA team.

Designed by: Arin Abedian (Outreach Coordinator), Sevak Paramazian (Systems Manager), Jose Galdamez (Project Assistant)










EXECUTIVE Summary 02



EQUITABLE Workforce & Service Restoration Plan 16

BUDGET Request Summary and Ranking 20

SUMMARY by Source of Funds 22

BUDGET Program RequestBM4701 28BM4703 34BM4704 40BM4750 44

MULTI-DEPARTMENTAL RequestsConnectLA 50Elections 56Training 60EMD 66

EFFICIENCY Proposal 70



2015-16 Actual 762016-17 Revised 762017-18 Proposed 76

SPECIAL Purpose Funds ScheduleVersion 1 78Version 2 80

RECAPITULATION of Position Changes 82

POSITION Descriptions 84

ANTICIPATED Challenges 120

Page 2Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal

“...our mission is to promote civic engagement and make government more responsive to local needs”


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 3

BACKGROUND With the start of the transition of the Neighborhood Council Funding Program to the Office of the City Clerk, the Department is re-focusing on its core services in FY 2017-2018 of supporting the Neighborhood Councils meeting operations and policy while expanding our team’s outreach capacity for Neighborhood Council elections as well as carry out Mayoral Directives and assume projects developed with the Mayor’s Innovation and Public Engagement Teams. In addition, the Department is committed to executing the tactical plan developed in the Google Angels Lab for a new and expanded level of civic engagement in Los Angeles. To meet these goals, we are requesting the restoration of staffing and resources to at least pre-budget deficit levels. In FY 2007-2008, the Department had 52 staffers of which 6 were dedicated to the Funding Program, leaving 46 to cover field, policy and administration of Neighborhood Council and Department functions. With 96 Neighborhood Councils currently certified and an anticipated 3-5 more in the pipeline next year due to subdivision, the Department is working with a greater number of Neighborhood Councils on even more issues today without sufficient resources to meet the task. As such, the FY 2017-2018 budget request is admittedly robust though abso-lutely necessary to support the growing needs of the Neighborhood Councils and of civic engagement in Los Angeles. We have partnered with other City departments to expand required services to Neighborhood Councils and to create a more inclusive and innovative civic engagement system in Los Angeles. The Department is submitting a Proposed Budget for FY 2017-18 of $5,266,934 with a 106.9% increase from the Department’s Approved FY 2016-2017 Budget to address the following service deficits :

1. Election Outreach - In post election town halls, Neighborhood Councils demanded more election outreach efforts on the part of the City, particularly in recruiting candidates, because they thought it was unrealistic for sitting board members to vote on funding for individual Neighborhood Council outreach efforts to find their own competitors. With a 20% decrease in the number of can-didates in the 2016 Neighborhood Council elections resulting in fewer voters than 2014 elections, the Department must have the resources to take on the election outreach from day one of FY 2017-18.

Baseline Budget Request - 4701$1,285,059


Baseline Budget Request - 4750$502,411


Baseline Budget Request - 4704$447,335


Baseline Budget Request - 4703$227,258


Outreach and Communications -Field Support / NC Elections -

Multi Dept$854,822


ConnectLA - Civic Engagement Innovations - Multi Dept

$996,446 19%

NC Training, ADA Compliance, Investigations and Enforcement -

Multi Dept$328,563


Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness

Program - Multi Dept$96,709


Management, Accounting and Administrative Support

$394,504 7%

Program Coordination and Mileage Adjustment

$91,213 2%

Departmental Liaison for Various Programs (including




Basline Budget Request

Multi-Departmental Request

New Requests

Page 4Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal

2. Mayoral Executive Directives and Projects - The Depart-ment is supporting seven (7) Mayoral Executive Directives (Great Streets, Emergency Drought Responses, Sustainable City pLAn, Clean Streets Initiative, Vision Zero, El Niño Preparedness Response and Recovery, and Purposeful Aging LA) with existing Field staff, which takes Field staff time away from Neighborhood Council meeting operation services. Ownership of the projects we created and administered with the Mayor’s Innovation and Public Engagement Teams, Civic Youth Leadership Academy and Neighborhood Council Welcome to the Neighborhood cards for stakeholders has now transferred fully to us and is part of our Mayor’s expectations letter.

3. Civic Engagement Services for the City - In addition to supporting Neighborhood Council meeting operations and teaching them how to interact with the City, the Department is also tasked via LAAC 22.801.i and the Mayor’s expectation letter with educating the City on how to work with Neighbor-hood Councils, which the Department is not currently staffed for in its budget. We do still assist City departments in con-necting effectively with Neighborhood Councils though, but more resources are needed to support this function because it also uses Field staff time, which should be going towards Neighborhood Council meeting operations. The Department is folding this function into a multi-departmental budget request to execute the tactical plan for civic engagement developed in the Google Angels Lab, which would raise the standard of public participation for the entire City through staff trainings of effective ways to engage the community, a centralized civic engagement portal, a civic engagement gaming app and the creation of a civic engagement rating standard for departments amongst other projects.

4. Neighborhood Council Education and Enforcement - The accurate tracking of mandatory Neighborhood Council board member trainings requires the transfer of current manual updates to the Personnel Department’s online Cornerstone platform with the development of new training videos. The Department is also committed to bringing all its and Neigh-borhood Councils’ operations into full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to increase access and include stakeholders with disabilities. Staffing is also required to coordinate with the Personnel Department, the Department on Disability (DOD) and the Office of the City Attorney on personnel and ADA complaints.

5. Create a Sustainable Infrastructure for the Department - Existing Department staff has taken on roles that used to be performed by positions that were cut from the Department. These include management level staff, Board of Neighborhood Commissioners staffing and support staff for administrative functions, such as Department accounting and payroll and

Neighborhood Council Public Records Act Requests, con-tracts/leases and inventory. This has led to decreased response time and much frustration from Neighborhood Councils, the Commission and other City staff.

PROGRAM GOALS AND EXPENSE REQUESTS In addition to our current program services, the Department has the following goals and service enhancement requests in FY 2017-2018:

4701 Neighborhood Council Field Support and Training - Increase Education and Training

Enforcement for Neighborhood Council Boards → Transfer and maintain all Neighborhood Council board

members onto the Personnel Department’s online Cornerstone platform for mandatory trainings and develop new videos of mandatory topics for the platform with access for people with disabilities and in the following languages: Spanish, Korean, Chinese and Armenian.

» Requires 1 Project Coordinator position with mileage (50% Full Time Employee (FTE))

» Requires 1 Administrative Clerk support (33% FTE) » Requires contractual services funding for Cornerstone

platform and training videos → Make and maintain all Department and Neighborhood Council

operations compliant with the ADA, including meeting loca-tions, websites, online videos, agendas, flyers, etc.

» Requires 2 Project Coordinator positions with mileage (1 - 100% FTE, 1 - 25% FTE)

» Requires 1 Administrative Clerk support (33% FTE) » Requires contractual services funding for ADA com-

pliance upgrades for websites, videos, etc. → Coordinate personnel and ADA complaints with the Person-

nel Department and DOD for a resolution within 60 days. » Requires 1 Project Coordinator position with mileage

(25% FTE) » Requires 1 Administrative Clerk support (33% FTE)

→ Coordinate Civic Youth Leadership Academy, establish Neigh-borhood Council Youth Alliance, and administer Welcome to Your Neighborhood program for Neighborhood Councils

» Requires 1 Project Coordinator position with mileage (100% FTE)

» Requires printing and binding funding » Requires contractual services funding for costs to

administer classes

NC Training, ADA Compliance, and Enforcement Service Enhancement Request - Multi-department request with Person-


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 5

nel Department and Department on Disability → Positions

» 2 Project Coordinators ($101,027) » 1 Administrative Clerk ($32,595)

→ Expense » Contractual Services ($190,741) » Transportation ($4,200)

Additional Requested Funding Increase for 4701 → 1 Project Coordinator ($50,513) → Printing and Binding ($5,000) → Contractual Services ($15,000) → Transportation - ($20,700 for mileage adjustment for existing

staff to increase attendance at Neighborhood Council meetings)

Total Service Enhancement Request for 4701 - $419,776

4703 Neighborhood Council Planning and Policy - Implement New and Expand Current

Programs → Coordinate Neighborhood Council Board of Public Works

Liaisons, Animal Services Liaisons, and other liaisons as im-plemented. In particular, work with the Homelessness Liaisons to integrate into the citywide Homelessness plan per Mayor’s Executive Directive and City Council action

» Requires 1 Project Coordinator position with mileage (50% FTE)

» Requires 1 Administrative Clerk support (33% FTE) → Coordinate Neighborhood Council leaders in the yearly Con-

gress of Neighborhoods, partner with the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates for the Mayor’s Budget Day and during the yearly budget process and plan the second Spring Congress, which includes the EmpowerLA Awards

» Requires 1 Project Coordinator with mileage (50% FTE)

» Requires 1 Administrative Clerk support (33% FTE » Requires increased contractual services funding

→ Work with other City departments to conduct outreach to Neighborhood Councils, in particular, the Emergency Man-agement Department, which requires coordination of their 5 Step Neighborhood Preparedness Jump Start Program and emergency bins with Neighborhood Councils

» Requires 1 Project Coordinator with mileage (100% FTE)

» Requires 1 Administrative Clerk support (33% FTE)

Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Program Service Enhancement Request - Multi-department request with Emergency Management Department

→ Positions » 1 Project Coordinator ($50,513)

» 1 Administrative Clerk ($32,595) → Expense

» Contractual Services ($10,000) » Transportation ($2,100) » Office and Admin ($1,500)

Additional Requested Funding Increase for 4703 → 1 Project Coordinator ($50,513) → Transportation ($2,100) → Office and Admin ($30,000 - $10,000 for the Congress of

Neighborhoods, $10,000 for Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates and $10,000 for 2nd Congress/EmpowerLA Awards)

Total Service Enhancement Request for 4703: $179,321

4704 Neighborhood Council Outreach, Com-munication and Elections - Expand Out-

reach and Communication Efforts for the Neighborhood Council System and Conduct Citywide Neighborhood Council Elections with Online Voting Innovation

→ Provide a robust 2018 citywide outreach and communication strategy to recruit Neighborhood Council candidates and to raise the awareness of the Neighborhood Council system in Los Angeles

» Requires 2 Project Coordinators with mileage (100% FTE)

» Requires 1 Administrative Clerk support (100% FTE) » Requires As Needed staff » Requires printing and binding funding » Requires contractual services funding for translation

→ Partner with Office of the City Clerk to conduct online voting and voter registration for up to 96 Neighborhood Councils

» Requires contractual services funding for Everyone Counts services

Neighborhood Council Elections Service Enhancement Request - Multi-department request with the Office of the City Clerk

→ Positions » 2 Project Coordinators ($101,027) » 1 Administrative Clerk ($32,595)

→ Expense » Salaries, As-Needed ($97,000) » Printing and Binding ($60,000) » Contractual Services ($460,000 for online voting

platform, training and translation) » Transportation ($4,200) » Office and Admin ($100,000)

Total Service Enhancement Request for 4704: $854,822


Page 6Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal

4705 Creation of an Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab

→ Create an internal Office of Civic Engagement to create a City ranking system to raise the level of public participation by increasing the awareness of effective outreach to Neighborhood Councils and civic groups by City departments through train-ings and centralize civic engagement efforts between the City departments into one online portal; coordinate implementation of Google Angels Lab tactical plan with Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and Information Technology Agency

» Requires 1 FUSE fellow or in the alternative 1 Senior Project Coordinator with mileage to lead the project (100% FTE)

» Requires 2 Project Coordinators with mileage (100% FTE)

» Requires 1 Project Assistant with mileage (100% FTE)

» Requires printing and binding funding » Requires contractual services for FUSE fellow, trans-

lation and third party training services » Requires office and administration funding

Creation of the Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab - Multi-department request with Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and Information Technology Agency

→ Positions » 1 FUSE fellow (cost in contractual) or in the alter-

native 1 Sr. Project Coordinator ($69,200) » 2 Project Coordinators ($101,027) » 2 Project Assistant ($70,854) (1 position for ITA) » 1 Communications Representative II ($40,242) (for

ITA) » 1 Systems Analyst II ($56,235) (for ITA) » 2 Application Programmers ($94,588) (for ITA)

→ Expense » Printing and Binding ($10,000) » Contractual Services ($210,000 - $150,000 for the

FUSE fellow, $50,000 for translation and third party training services, and $10,00 for augmenting a self-ser-vice studio for ITA)

» Transportation ($6,300) » Office and Admin ($28,000) » Office and Admin ($100,000 for platform purchase,

customization, and content development and mes-saging for ITA)

» Office and Admin ($100,000 for development of social media standards for ITA)

» Office and Admin ($15,000 for data analytics and collaboration tools for ITA)

» Office and Admin ($50,000 for software for 311 social content for ITA)

» Operating Supplies ($45,000 for Civic Engagement truck)

Total Service Enhancement Request for 4705: $996,446

4750 Neighborhood Council Administration - New Services Not Performed by Depart-


→ Assist General Manager with Department oversight, budget preparation, personnel issues and tracking of performance metrics for Department and Neighborhood Councils

» Requires 1 Assistant General Manager (100% FTE) » Requires 1 Executive Administrative Assistant III

(100% FTE) » Requires travel funding for GM, AGM, and other

key staff to attend annual conferences » Requires office and admin funding for supplies and

setup of new staff → Assist the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners in meeting

operations and policy tracking » Requires 1 Commission Executive Assistant II with

mileage (100% FTE) » Requires printing and binding funding for agendas

and supporting documents » Requires contractual services funding for translations

→ Coordinate all Neighborhood Council Field operations with Senior Project Coordinators to provide consistent service citywide and liaison with Office of City Clerk on Neighborhood Council elections, funding, agendas and inventory

» Requires 1 Principal Project Coordinator with mileage (100% FTE)

» Requires 1 Accounting Clerk (50% FTE) » Assist in Department accounting, payroll, contracts,

and leases » Requires 1 Administrative Clerk support (100% FTE) » Requires 1 Accounting Clerk (50% FTE)

Management, Accounting and Administrative Support Service Enhancement Request - $394,504 - New Service not performed by the Department

→ Positions: » 1 Assistant General Manager ($98,932) » 1 Executive Administrative Assistant III ($56,443) » 1 Commission Executive Assistant II ($56,235) » 1 Administrative Clerk ($32,595) » 1 Accounting Clerk ($42,503) » 1 Principal Project Coordinator ($76,795)

→ Expense: » Printing and Binding ($10,000) » Contractual Services ($5,000) » Transportation ($10,000) » Office and Admin ($6,000)

Total Service Enhancement Request for 4750: $394,504 TOTAL SERVICE ENHANCEMENTS FOR FY 2017-18:



Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 7


The Department has submitted two (2) versions of the Special Funds – Schedule 18 document. The versions vary in the amount of funding appropriated for the Neighborhood Empowerment Fund for the yearly allocation for 100 Neighborhood Councils:

→ Version 1 reflects a restoration of funding for each Neighborhood Council to the original yearly allocation of $50,000. Total Neighborhood Empowerment Fund Appropriation: $5,000,000

→ Version 2 continues the funding for each Neighborhood Council at the current yearly allocation of $42,000.

Total Neighborhood Empowerment Fund Appropriation: $4,200,000 The Department highly recommends a portion of unspent Neighborhood Council funds from the current fiscal year (25%) be rein-vested in the Neighborhood Council system by setting up separate accounts for capacity building and translation for Neighborhood Councils. These funds can be available to the Neighborhood Councils requiring funding for these services via an application process. Currently, Neighborhood Councils requiring capacity building and translation/interpretation for their communities are unfairly disad-vantaged in the yearly allocation they can spend in their communities. This fund would provide equity to such Neighborhood Coun-cils compared to other Neighborhood Councils who do not require such services. Respectfully submitted,

GRAYCE LIUGeneral Manager






- G






Page 8D

epartment of N

eighborhood Empow

erment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



ent of Neighborhood Em


ent 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget ProposalPage 9


General Manager CC: 9222 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4750


Sr. Management Analyst II CC: 9171 PG: 2

Reg Full SVC: BM4750

JEFFREY BRILL Sr. Management

Analyst II CC: 9171 PG: 2

Reg Full SVC: BM4750


CC: 1596 PG: 2Reg Full SVC: BM4750

ARIN ABEDIAN Project Assistant CC: 1542 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4750

VACANT Administrative Clerk

CC: 1223 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4750

VACANT Administrative Clerk

CC: 1223 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4750

JOSE GALDAMEZ Project Assistant CC: 1542 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4750

VACANT Project Assistant CC: 1542 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4750

VACANT Management Analyst II

CC: 9184 PG: 2Reg Full SVC: BM4750

MAN-QIN HE Sr. Accountant I CC: 1513 PG: 2

Reg Full SVC: BM4750


CC: 1538 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4704

MELVIN CANAS Neighborhood

Empowerment Analyst CC: 9208 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4701


In Lieu of MA I CC: 9184 PG: 1

Reg Full SVC: BM4704

LORENZO BRICENO Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4703

BARRY STONE Neighborhood

Empowerment Analyst CC: 9208 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4701


In-Lieu of NEA CC: 9208 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4704


In-Lieu of NEA CC: 1537 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4703


Empowerment Analyst CC: 9208 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4701

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4704

THOMAS SOONG Neighborhood

Empowerment Analyst CC: 9208 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4703


In-Lieu of NEA CC: 9208 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4701

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4704

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4703

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4701

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4704


Sr. Project Coordinator CC: 1538 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4701


CC: 1538 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4703


= Charter 1001B - Mayor Exemption

= Charter 1001A - Officer of Election Exemption

= Current Positions




VACANT Exec Admin Assistant III

CC: 1117 PG: 3Reg Full SVC: BM4750


Assistant General Manager CC: 9221 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4750

VACANT Comm. Exec. Asst. I

CC: 9734 PG: 1Reg Full SVC: BM4703

VACANT Accounting Clerk

CC: 1223 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4750

VACANT Administrative Clerk

CC: 1358 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4750



CC: 1538 PG: 0

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4705

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4705

VACANT Project Assistant CC: 1542 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4705

VACANT Project Assistant CC: 1542 PG: 0

Reg Full SVC: BM4705

VACANT Communications

Rep II CC: 1461-2 PG: 2

Reg Full SVC: BM4705

VACANT Systems Analyst II CC: 1596-2 PG: 2

Reg Full SVC: BM4705

VACANT Application Programmer

CC: 1429 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4705

VACANT Application Programmer

CC: 1429 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4705


Principal Project Coordinator

CC: 9134 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4701

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4701

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4704

VACANT Administrative Clerk

CC: 1358 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4703

VACANT Administrative Clerk

CC: 1358 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4703

VACANT Administrative Clerk

CC: 1358 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4703

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4703

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4701

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4701

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4704

VACANT Project Coordinator

CC: 1537 PG: 0Reg Full SVC: BM4703

= New Request


Page 10Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal

“...our vision is to collaborate with Neighborhood Council leaders, stakeholders and City elected and departments to make the Los Angeles ” Neighborhood Council system the model of local civic engagement in the nation.


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 11


The vision of the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (Department) is to collaborate with Neighborhood Council leaders, stakeholders and City elected and departments to make the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council system the model of local civic engagement in the nation.


Pursuant to the Charter of the City of Los Angeles, Article IX, Section 900, the mission of the Department is to promote more citizen participation in government and to make government more responsive to local needs.


→ Bottom Up Support – the Department treats Neighborhood Councils as independent, self-governing and self-directed entities and works with them to develop policies and procedures to improve the Neighborhood Council system

→ Inclusive Membership – the Department works with stake-holders of all backgrounds and experience

→ Open and Transparent – the Department’s work and com-munications with stakeholders shall be open and transparent

→ Focus on End User – the Department’s policies and proce-dures should be developed with the stakeholders in mind in terms of being simple, efficient and impactful.

→ Continual Improvement – the Department strives to col-laborate with Neighborhood Councils and the City to find ways to continually improve its services


To meet its mission, the Department has focused on the following goals:

→ Increase Direct Assistance and Training for Neighbor-hood Council Boards

» Provide needed support to Neighborhood Council Boards experiencing difficulties in conducting pro-ductive operations and continue guidance and assis-tance to all Neighborhood Council Boards via the Neighborhood Council Support Helpline

» Work effectively with volunteer mentors through our Councils for Councils program and the Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils Resource Board

» Develop and administer capacity building training modules with various methods of accessibility and in multiple languages, including training materials and resources on the website and live trainings with other City departments in partnership with Coun-cilmembers’ staff, Office of the City Attorney, Board of Public Works, the Planning Department, etc., which help Neighborhood Council Boards be more effective

» Administer Civic Youth Leadership Program and support a Neighborhood Council Youth Alliance

→ Expand Outreach and Communication Efforts for the Neighborhood Council System and Conduct Success-ful Citywide Neighborhood Council Elections

» Conduct citywide Neighborhood Council elections every other year using innovative systems, such as online voting and instant run-off voting

» Provide ongoing citywide outreach and communica-tion strategies for the Department and City as well as for Neighborhood Councils to raise the awareness of the Neighborhood Council system in Los Angeles, which feeds into the Neighborhood Council elections during the spring of even number years

» Develop effective online tools to track the Depart-ment and Neighborhood Council performance metrics and provide this open data on the Department website


Page 12Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal

→ Implement Neighborhood Council Policies and Systems Review » Support the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners in creating and implementing new policies and systems to assist

Neighborhood Council Boards with meeting operations, such as funding, grievances, outreach, etc. » Track and support for Neighborhood Council Community Impact Statements » Assist Neighborhood Council leaders in the yearly Congress of Neighborhoods and EmpowerLA Awards Congress event

and partner with the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates for the Mayor’s Budget Day and during the yearly budget process

» Conduct a review of the Neighborhood Council system per the recommendations of the Neighborhood Council Review Commission and assist with yearly reviews of individual Neighborhood Councils

» Collaborate with City Departments with Neighborhood Council liaison programs to provide operational support » Administer Neighborhood Council Civic University Program » Support Neighborhood Council regional and subject matter alliances

→ Provide Neighborhood Council Administrative Support » Negotiate, prepare and renew Neighborhood Council office leases » Provide contract development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for Neighborhood Council » Supply procurement resources for Neighborhood Council operations, such as shared office facilities, equipment rental

and other operational needs » Respond in a timely manner to all California Public Records Act Requests for Department and Neighborhood Council

business » Review and assist Neighborhood Councils in conducting their community events

→ Operate an Office of Civic Engagement for the City » Increase awareness of and effective outreach to Neighborhood Councils by City departments through trainings and ef-

fective collaborations between the City departments and the Neighborhood Councils » Administer a ranking system for City departments to raise the level of public participation » Support the operations of a general civic engagement portal for Los Angeles

The Performance Metrics (on pages 72-73) correspond to the above Program Goals.


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 13


SylmarGranada Hills

Porter Ranch







Granada HillsSouth



West Hills

Woodland Hills-Warner Center


Winnetka Reseda


Lake Balboa




Van Nuys

Sherman OaksStudio City



Sunland - TujungaFoothill Trails



Sun Valley Area









Los Feliz








Mid CityWest


Olympic ParkPICO PicoUnion

EC NorthWest Adams SouthCentral









Westchester/Playa EC Southeast





EC West



Atwater Village

Eagle Rock




er La








LA - 32




Bel Air - Beverly Crest


WestsideWest LA


Mar Vista

Del Rey







Wilshire Center-Koreatow






Coastal San Pedro














Harbor Gatew

ay South





Voices of90037

GlassellPark Arroyo


Cypress Park

Elysian Valley Riverside











NorthHollywoodNorth East

Mid City


San Fernando





Marina del Rey



Paci�c Palisades


Zapata King

United forVictory












Page 14Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 15


By 2018, projections indicate that approximately 7% of Neighborhood Empowerment employees will be eligible for retirement. Specif-ically, 2 of the Department’s 27 employees will be eligible for early or regular retirement. Table 1 contains a list of department classes and the percentage of employees eligible to retire within each one.

Table 1 – Department of Neighborhood Empowerment % Eligible to Retire by Class as of June 30, 2018

Employees Eligible to Retire

% Eligible to Retire

Regular Early

Neighborhood Empowerment Analyst 7 1 14% 1 0Senior Accountant 1 1 100% 0 1

A review of the data suggests a significant number of individuals in the following classes will be eligible to retire:

→ 1 of 7 Neighborhood Empowerment Analysts → 100% of Senior Accountant

A meeting was held with the General Manager of the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment and Sr. Management Analyst to review the data and discuss where the Strategic Workforce Plan should focus. Since the Department only has two employees eligi-ble to retire within the next two years, an in-depth discussion was conducted that focused on (1) the significance of each position in relation to the Department’s central operations; (2) the necessity to capture and transfer knowledge; (3) potential recruitment issues and strategies for the following classes: Neighborhood Empower-ment Analyst and Senior Accountant.

The purpose of this report is two-fold: First, to get ahead of these impending departures and determine appropriate strategies to proactively address them. These strategies include suggestions for recruitment, examining, employee development, and knowledge capture and transfer. Secondly, to assess how the Department’s core mission and functions will change over time and the impact on succession planning which includes an assessment of the De-partment’s current and future usage of traditional civil service classifications.



Since its establishment in 1999, the Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (aka EmpowerLA) has grown into the nation’s largest and most innovative initiative in civic engagement and citizen-based government. Through a network of 96 Neigh-borhood Councils, the City promotes public participation in gov-ernment and works to improve government responsiveness to local concerns.

The primary goal of the Department is to increase civic engagement with citizens and with City Departments. The work of the Depart-ment’s field staff e.g. Sr. Project Coordinators, Project Coordinators, Project Assistants, and Neighborhood Empowerment Analysts play a critical role towards this function.

In the past two years, the Department experienced a 43% attrition rate (3 of 7 authorized positions) in the Neighborhood Empow-erment Analyst classification due to either regular transfer or res-ignation. At that time, the Department decided to fill these vacant positions in lieu with Project Coordinators and will continue to do so. Specifically, as the current incumbents leave the Department, either through retirement, transfer or promotion, the Department plans to fill the positions using Project Coordinator and Project Assistant classifications. Implementing this hiring plan gives the Department the flexibility needed to recruit and select the best qualified candidates from a broader candidate pool taken from within and outside the City workforce.

This hiring method also addresses the recruitment and retention issues identified by Department management, namely, that the small size of the department provides few internal promotional oppor-tunities and the nature of the work which involves non-tradition-al work hours and requires a specific set of job skills and high level of interaction with very vocal community groups e.g. Neighborhood

Page 16Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal

Councils oftentimes discourages potential candidates from coming to or remaining in the Department. It also recognizes that the experience, knowledge, and skills required for these positions would generally not be found through the City’s existing civil service process. Accordingly, the Department anticipates that this classifi-cation will no longer be necessary in the future and will not request an examination. Instead, the Department requested and received four (4) new Project Coordinator positions in their FY 16-17 Budget. Since the Project Coordinator and Project Assistant classifications are normally employed on an exempt basis or by emergency ap-pointment, the Department has asked City Council to exempt the Department from the two hundred (200) exemption limit which will enable them to hire in proportionate numbers to meet their operational needs.

The Department does not foresee any issues with retaining or capturing knowledge that may be lost due to attrition of the Neigh-borhood Empowerment Analyst classification. The Department’s policies and procedures are constantly being updated to reflect the continually evolving nature of the work that the Neighborhood Empowerment Analysts and Project Coordinators are engaged in. As a result, the “transfer of knowledge” between the new hire and prior incumbent will not be necessary since the new hire will have access to the current procedures and the prior incumbent’s knowl-edge may no longer be applicable. Additionally, the Department encourages and regularly sends their employees to trainings and conferences e.g. IAP2 and Google Innovation Labs to develop their civic engagement skills.

The Department will continue utilize the following recruitment methods to obtain their Project Coordinator and Project Assistant candidate pools:

Personnel Department’s website, per.lacity.org – The Personnel Department website provides job seekers with a listing of Civil Service Exempt Job Opportunities categorized by City department. College and Universities Career Center – The Personnel Department utilizes the respective university career center job boards to advertise job opportunities to college students and graduates when the position requires applicants to have a degree.

In June 2015, the Department, with the assistance of the Person-nel Department, successfully utilized the aforementioned recruit-ment resources to fill their vacant positions from a pool of over 40 qualified candidates. The Department will continue to utilize these recruitment methods and will work with their Personnel Liaison Analyst to create future job advertisements. Although, the Department functions more akin to a City Council Office rather than a typical City department and has made a move

towards utilizing exempt classifications for their field operations, the Department will still utilize the civil service process to fill their administrative, accounting, and clerical positions e.g. Administrative Clerk, Senior Management Analyst, and Senior Accountant. In the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment’s FY 16-17 Budget, the administration of the Neighborhood Council (NC) Funding program was transferred to the Office of the City Clerk effective July 1, 2016. This included the transfer of five (5) regular authority positions in the following classifications: Senior Accoun-tant II, Accountant II, Accounting Clerk, Project Assistant, and Executive Administrative Assistant III. Resultantly, the potential loss of the Senior Accountant, due to retirement, would have a greater and more immediate impact, as it handles critical account-ing functions and will be the only remaining accounting position in the Department.

The Department foresees a challenge in filling the Senior Accoun-tant position. This is due both to minimal room for advancement within the Department and the necessary “transfer of knowledge” that would need to take place between the new hire and prior in-cumbent. To facilitate the transfer of knowledge, it is recommend-ed that prior to the incumbent’s retirement the Department should request a substitute authority position to allow for appropriate training and transition of responsibilities to the new incumbent.


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 17


The Targeted Local Hiring Program is part of the Mayor’s larger initiative to create a more equitable workforce and restore City services, as indicated by Executive Directive 15. The Program will target individuals from under-served populations. Through this program, can-didates will be provided an opportunity to be considered for employment by City departments.

The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment currently has one vacant Administrative Clerk position that could be filled using the Targeted Local Hiring Program. However, due to the small size of the Department every position is critical with an immediate need to fill the position.

Therefore, the Department will not be participating in the Targeted Local Hiring Program at the present time. However, the Department fully supports the intent of the program and has participated in similar program e.g. Hire LA Youth. Additionally, the Department has a history of providing full-time job opportunities to their as-needed staff.


As previously stated one of the primary functions of the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment is working with a network of 96 Neighborhood Councils to promote public participating in government and improve government responsiveness to local concerns. In discussions with Personnel Department staff, the Department has reimagined and brainstormed a multitude of ways that technology e.g. software, programs, and applications can be utilized to improve upon the delivery of this service. The following are a couple of the suggestions:

→ The ability for the public to weigh in on public comment easily using virtual reality, tools from vendors, and LA Digital Gov-ernment.

→ Creation of a set of visual interfaces e.g. cartoon of a City street with trash and parking that would easily provide the contact information for City services in a simple, engaging, and local way.

→ Use of gamification to help people connect more and encourage engagement like through MyLA311 game in Google Innova-tion Labs

→ Technology solutions and partnerships with nonprofits, universities, and schools and Departments e.g. ITA and Pat Brown Institute.

→ Use of available training modules e.g. Cornerstone to assist with providing ethics and harassment training to Neighborhood Council volunteers in accordance with State laws.

The Department is in the process of preparing a comprehensive technology needs assessment for submittal to ITA by the November 2016 deadline.


Page 18Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal

Positions: Positions

Reg Reso General Fund Revenue Full-Time Salaries (001010 & 001012) All Other Salaries (As needed, Hiring Hall, Overtime) Expense & Special Total Budget

2016-17 Adopted Department Budget 27 0 $0 $1,996,531 $40,000 $509,547 $2,546,078

Department Requests (excluding Efficiency Proposals)

Ranking Program Code Program Name Request Name Request TypePriority Outcome

Positions General Fund Revenue

Full-Time Salaries (001010 & 001012)

All Other Salaries (As needed, Hiring Hall, Overtime

Expense & Special

Total Budget RequestReg Reso

1 BM4701 Neighborhood Council Administration / Field Support

Baseline Budget Request Base Best Run 15 $1,129,512 $155,547 $1,285,059

2 BM4703 Policy and Government Relations / Field Support

Baseline Budget Request Base Best Run 2 $159,258 $68,000 $227,258

3 BM4704 Outreach and Communications / Field Support

Baseline Budget Request Base Best Run 6 $407,335 $40,000 $447,335

4 BM4750 General Administration and Support

Baseline Budget Request Base N/A - Supp Prog

4 $496,411 $6,000 $502,411

5 BM4704 Outreach and Communications / Field Support

Outreach and Communications - Field Support / NC Elections - Multi Dept

New Best Run 3 $133,622 $97,000 $624,200 $854,822

6 BM4705 Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab

ConnectLA - Civic Engagement Innovations - Multi Dept

New Best Run 9 $432,146 $564,300 $996,446

7 BM4750 General Administration and Support

Management, Accounting and Administrative Support

New N/A - Supp Prog

6 $363,504 $31,000 $394,504

8 BM4701 Neighborhood Council Administration / Field Support

Mileage Adjustment Continue Best Run 1 $50,513 $40,700 $91,213

9 BM4701 Neighborhood Council Administration / Field Support

NC Training, ADA Compliance, Investigations and Enforcement - Multi Dept

New Best Run 3 $133,622 $194,941 $328,563

10 BM4703 Policy and Government Relations / Field Support

Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Program - Multi Dept

New Safest 2 $83,109 $13,600 $96,709

11 BM4703 Policy and Government Relations / Field Support

Departmental Liaison for Various Programs (including Homelessness)

New Livable 1 $50,513 $32,100 $82,613

Total Department Budget Requests: 52 0 $3,439,546 $137,000 $1,730,388 $5,306,934Departmental Efficiency Proposals:

Ranking Program Code Program Name Efficiency Proposal Name Request TypePriority Outcome

Positions General Fund Revenue

Full-Time Salaries (001010 & 001012)

All Other Salaries (As needed, Hiring Hall, Overtime

Expense & Special

Total Budget RequestReg Reso

1 BM4704 Outreach and Communications / Field Support Elimination of As-Needed Best Run $(40,000) $(40,000)

Total Efficiency Proposals: $(40,000) $(40,000)Total Budget Request Summary:


Reg Reso General Fund Revenue Full-Time Salaries (001010 & 001012) All Other Salaries (As needed, Hiring Hall, Overtime) Expense & Special Total Budget

2017-18 Total Requested Department Budget: 52 0 $0 $3,439,546 $97,000 $1,730,388 $5,266,934

Change from 2016-17 Adopted Department Budget: 25 0 $0 $1,443,015 $57,000 $1,220,841 $2,720,856

Percent Change: 92.6% 0 0% 72.3% 142.5% 239.6% 106.9%

2017-18 Total Requested Non-Departmental Budget

2017-18 Total Requested Departmental + Non-Departmental Budget $3,439,546 $97,000 $1,730,388 $5,266,934


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 19


Positions: Positions

Reg Reso General Fund Revenue Full-Time Salaries (001010 & 001012) All Other Salaries (As needed, Hiring Hall, Overtime) Expense & Special Total Budget

2016-17 Adopted Department Budget 27 0 $0 $1,996,531 $40,000 $509,547 $2,546,078

Department Requests (excluding Efficiency Proposals)

Ranking Program Code Program Name Request Name Request TypePriority Outcome

Positions General Fund Revenue

Full-Time Salaries (001010 & 001012)

All Other Salaries (As needed, Hiring Hall, Overtime

Expense & Special

Total Budget RequestReg Reso

1 BM4701 Neighborhood Council Administration / Field Support

Baseline Budget Request Base Best Run 15 $1,129,512 $155,547 $1,285,059

2 BM4703 Policy and Government Relations / Field Support

Baseline Budget Request Base Best Run 2 $159,258 $68,000 $227,258

3 BM4704 Outreach and Communications / Field Support

Baseline Budget Request Base Best Run 6 $407,335 $40,000 $447,335

4 BM4750 General Administration and Support

Baseline Budget Request Base N/A - Supp Prog

4 $496,411 $6,000 $502,411

5 BM4704 Outreach and Communications / Field Support

Outreach and Communications - Field Support / NC Elections - Multi Dept

New Best Run 3 $133,622 $97,000 $624,200 $854,822

6 BM4705 Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab

ConnectLA - Civic Engagement Innovations - Multi Dept

New Best Run 9 $432,146 $564,300 $996,446

7 BM4750 General Administration and Support

Management, Accounting and Administrative Support

New N/A - Supp Prog

6 $363,504 $31,000 $394,504

8 BM4701 Neighborhood Council Administration / Field Support

Mileage Adjustment Continue Best Run 1 $50,513 $40,700 $91,213

9 BM4701 Neighborhood Council Administration / Field Support

NC Training, ADA Compliance, Investigations and Enforcement - Multi Dept

New Best Run 3 $133,622 $194,941 $328,563

10 BM4703 Policy and Government Relations / Field Support

Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Program - Multi Dept

New Safest 2 $83,109 $13,600 $96,709

11 BM4703 Policy and Government Relations / Field Support

Departmental Liaison for Various Programs (including Homelessness)

New Livable 1 $50,513 $32,100 $82,613

Total Department Budget Requests: 52 0 $3,439,546 $137,000 $1,730,388 $5,306,934Departmental Efficiency Proposals:

Ranking Program Code Program Name Efficiency Proposal Name Request TypePriority Outcome

Positions General Fund Revenue

Full-Time Salaries (001010 & 001012)

All Other Salaries (As needed, Hiring Hall, Overtime

Expense & Special

Total Budget RequestReg Reso

1 BM4704 Outreach and Communications / Field Support Elimination of As-Needed Best Run $(40,000) $(40,000)

Total Efficiency Proposals: $(40,000) $(40,000)Total Budget Request Summary:


Reg Reso General Fund Revenue Full-Time Salaries (001010 & 001012) All Other Salaries (As needed, Hiring Hall, Overtime) Expense & Special Total Budget

2017-18 Total Requested Department Budget: 52 0 $0 $3,439,546 $97,000 $1,730,388 $5,266,934

Change from 2016-17 Adopted Department Budget: 25 0 $0 $1,443,015 $57,000 $1,220,841 $2,720,856

Percent Change: 92.6% 0 0% 72.3% 142.5% 239.6% 106.9%

2017-18 Total Requested Non-Departmental Budget

2017-18 Total Requested Departmental + Non-Departmental Budget $3,439,546 $97,000 $1,730,388 $5,266,934

Page 20Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 21


2016-17 Adopted

Reg ResoGeneral Fund

Revenue TotalGeneral

Fund 100Total All Special

FundsNeighborhood Empowerment

Fund (Sch. 18)

2016-17 Adopted Department Budget

27 0 $0 $2,546,078 $2,546,078 $2,546,078

Department Requests

Baseline Requests

Program Code Program Name

Priority Outcome

Positions Reg Reso

General Fund

Revenue TotalGeneral

Fund 100

Total All Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch. 18)

BM4701 Neighborhood Council Administration / Field


Best Run 15 $1,285,059 $1,285,059 $1,285,059

BM4703 Policy and Government Relations / Field


Best Run 2 $227,258 $227,258 $227,258

BM4704 Outreach and Communications / Field


Best Run 6 $447,335 $447,335 $447,335

BM4750 General Administration and Support

N/A - Supp Prog

4 $502,411 $502,411 $502,411

Total Base Level Requests: 27 $2,462,063 $2,462,063 $2,462,063

Continuation Requests:

Program Code Program Name

Priority Outcome

Positions Reg Reso

General Fund

Revenue Total

General Fund


Total All Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch. 18)

BM4701 Neighborhood Council Administration / Field Support/

Program Coordination and Mileage Adjustment

Best Run 1 $91,213 $91,213 $91,213

Total Base Level Requests: 1 $91,213 $91,213 $91,213

Page 22Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



New Requests

Program Code Program Name

Priority Outcome

Positions Reg Reso

General Fund

Revenue Total

General Fund


Total All Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch. 18)

BM4704 Outreach and Communications - Field Support / NC Elections -

Multi Dept

Best Run 3 $854,822 $854,822 $854,822

BM4705 ConnectLA - Civic Engagement Innovations - Multi Dept

Best Run 9 $996,446 $996,446 $996,446

BM4750 Management, Accounting and Administrative Support

N/A - Supp Prog

6 $394,504 $394,504 $394,504

BM4701 NC Training, ADA Compliance, Investigations and Enforcement -

Multi Dept

Best Run 3 $328,563 $328,563 $328,563

BM4703 Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Program

- Multi Dept

Safest 2 $96,709 $96,709 $96,709

BM4703 Policy and Government Relations - Field Support / Departmental

Liaison for Various Programs (including Homelessness)

Livable 1 $82,613 $82,613 $82,613

Total Base Level Requests: 24 $2,753,657 $2,753,657 $2,753,657

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 23


Efficiency Packages

Program Code Program Name

Priority Outcome

Positions Reg Reso

General Fund

Revenue Total

General Fund


Total All Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch. 18)

BM4704 Outreach and Communications / Field


Best Run $(40,000) $(40,000) $(40,000)

Total Efficiency Packages: 0 0 $(40,000) $(40,000) $(40,000)

Amount Efficiencies are (below) / exceed New Requests: -24 0 $(2,713,657) $(2,713,657) $(2,713,657)

Positions General Fund

Revenue TotalGeneral

Fund 100

Total All Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch. 18)Reg Reso

2017-18 Requested Department Budget 52 0 $5,266,934 $5,266,934 $5,266,934

Change from 2016 Adopted Department Budget 25 0 $2,720,856 $2,720,856 $2,720,856

Percent Change: 92.6% 0% 106.9% 106.9% 106.9%

Positions General Fund

Revenue TotalGeneral

Fund 100

Total All Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch. 18)Reg Reso

2017-18 Requested Department + Non-Departmental Budget

52 0 $5,266,934 $5,266,934 $5,266,934

Page 24Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 25





Neighborhood Council Administration / Field Support


Make Los Angeles the best run big city in America

N C A D M I N I S T R AT I O N 2017-18 Baseline Program Data Total Number of Regular Positions (Civilian): 15


Account Account Name TotalGeneral Fund

100Total All Special

FundsNeighborhood Empowerment

Fund (Sch 18) 44B

001010 Salaries General $1,129,512 $1,129,512 $1,129,512

002120 Printing and Binding $30,000 $30,000 $30,000

003040 Contractual Services $50,147 $50,147 $50,147

003310 Transportation $15,000 $15,000 $15,000

006010 Office and Admin $50,000 $50,000 $50,000

006020 Operating Supplies $4,400 $4,400 $4,400

009350 Communications Services $6,000 $6,000 $6,000

Total: $1,285,059 $1,285,059 $1,285,059

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $531,753Applicable CAP rate 259.39% Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $2,929,841BASE General Fund Revenue attributable to this Program: $0

Page 26Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



New Request Program Coordination and Mileage Adjustment New - Enhancement of Existing Service


Quantity Class TitleClass Code

Reg, Sworn, As - Needed, or Hiring Hall

Wages & Count


Salary Savings

Rate (%)

# of Months Funding



General Fund


Total All

Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch 18)


1 Project Coordinator 1537 Civ-Reg $70,896 5.0% 9 $50,513 0 1 1

1 Total: $50,513 0 1 1


Account Account Name TotalGeneral Fund

100Total All Special

FundsNeighborhood Empowerment

Fund (Sch 18) 44B

001010 Salaries General $50,513 $50,513 $50,513

002120 Printing and Binding $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

003040 Contractual Services $15,000 $15,000 $15,000

003310 Transportation $20,700 $20,000 $20,000

Total: $91,213 $91,213 $91,213

2017-18 Program Budget Cost Summary Positions Baseline Data: 15 All Requests: 1Total: 16

Direct Cost:

Total General Fund 100 Total All Special FundsNeighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch

18) 44B

Baseline Data $1,285,059 $1,285,059 $1,285,059

Total All Requests $91,213 $91,213 $91,213

Total: $1,376,272 $1,376,272 $1,376,272

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $559,852 Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $3,113,685Total General Fund Revenue: $0Net GF Cost (Budget - Revenue): $0

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 27


1. Provide administrative support to NCs so that their op-erations move forward smoothly. Among the support to NCs, we provide assistance with implementation of contracts and leases; guidance on responses to PRA re-quests; assistance with inventory and enforcement on various policies system wide (30%).

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.801(a) requires the De-partment to implement and oversee compliance with City ordinances and regulations relating to a system of Neighborhood Councils

2. Provide technical assistance and strategic advice to NCs and interface and problem solve with them via the De-partment’s Help Line to take care of smaller issues that may develop into bigger problems if they are not ad-dressed (10%).

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.801(a) requires the De-partment to implement and oversee compliance with City ordinances and regulations relating to a system of Neighborhood Councils

3. Provide technical assistance and strategic advice by at-tending NC meetings and working with NCs on the ground. Also provide training and tools to build capaci-ty and problem solve with them as we advise on all pos-sible options and methodology to approach problems and challenges. Also administers the NC Leadership Academy and Civic Youth Leadership Academy (40%).

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.801(a) requires the De-partment to implement and oversee compliance with City ordinances and regulations relating to a system of Neighborhood Councils

4. Grow the Neighborhood Council system by implement-ing the Sub-Division policy which in effect seeks to afford NCs the opportunity to subdivide or split up causing the formation of additional Neighborhood Councils and increasing opportunities for civic engagement for all



PROGRAM NAME: Neighborhood Council Operations & Field Support Program

PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS: Operational, administrative and field support for Neighborhood Councils (NC) to develop, build, and maintain capacity. The program addresses NC’s needs to maintain operations at an efficient level and addresses issues of functionality so that NCs may continue to increase civic participation and make government more responsive to their local community needs.

N C A D M I N I S T R AT I O NAngelenos (5%).

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.810.1(a)(1)(A) requires the Department to provide assistance to areas of the City with traditionally low rates of partic-ipation in government (B) help communities understand the process and procedure for estab-lishing a Neighborhood Council (C) assist with completion of certification documentation (D) mitigate barriers to participation, such as the need for translation and child care services.

5. Assist forming Neighborhood Councils and coordinate boundary adjustments for existing Neighborhood Coun-cils (10%)

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.801(d) requires the De-partment to assist certifying Neighborhood Councils

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.810(a)(3) requires the Department to assist applicants and neighborhoods to prepare all petitions and forms referenced in the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Coun-cils (Plan), to identify suitable Neighborhood Council boundaries, and organize Neighborhood Councils in accordance with the Plan

6. Assist Neighborhood Councils with implementation of the Grievance Ordinance and help to administer the grievance panel system and arrange for trainings as nec-essary (5%)

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.818 establishes Re-gional Grievance Panels for Neighborhood Coun-cils

Page 28Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



Primary Priority Outcome: Make Los Angeles the best-run big city in America.Other Priority Outcomes: Create a more livable and sustainable CityDescription: This program supports the priority outcomes by ensuring that the City processes involving partnerships with Civic groups are well run. The work this program supports affords NCs the ability to function and engage the community at large, drive projects, fund requests from the general public, leverage funds and efforts by partnering with CBO, businesses, schools, etc. The work that NCs perform also impacts the City’s sustainability by creating more livable and sustainable communities. NCs drive projects that invest in our City Departments such LAPD, LAFD, Rec and Parks, etc. NCs partner with businesses so that they establish a relationship with the community about goods and services high in demand. NCs drive projects such as community gardens; clean up projects; partnerships with street services to identify streets to that need maintenance, etc. They also work with schools and partner to foster dialogues and promote investments in our children’s education.


□ Mayor’s Expectations Letter □ Comprehensive Homeless Strategy □ Sustainable City pLAn

□ Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan □ Strategic Plan(s)

Strategic Plan - The Department’s FY17-18 Strategic Plan includes goals of increasing direct assistance and training for NC Boards, as well as providing administrative support.

Sustainable City pLAn - Proper delivery of the services indicated above promote a safe, vibrant, well-connected, and healthy neighborhood, that improves the civic life of community members and encourages volunteerism such as the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance.

Mayor’s Expectation Letter - A Management Analyst II assigned to this program conducts the work to process contracts and leases timely, which reduces the processing time for funding requests coming from Neighborhood Councils. The Department is also tasked with ownership and continued operations of the Civic Youth Leadership Academy.

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 29



The metrics associated with this program include the effects of providing adequate administrative support to enhance day to day operations of NCs. Furthermore, these metrics also measure the effect of providing adequate field support to NCs so that they can build capacity, function better and have a desired and tangible impact in their communities. Lastly, these metrics also measure the impact of how Angelenos can connect civically through their NCs and have a voice within their local government.

Some of the metrics to evaluate the administrative component of the program include the number of leases processed in a specific timeframe; number of contracts executed in a specific timeframe; increase in the number of inventory logs we have by 30%, etc. For Field support, we are looking at the number of trainings, board retreats, and topic specific online tools we provide to NCs.

» Are these the best metrics to measure the success of this program? Are there other metrics that could be used to evaluate the outputs, effectiveness, efficiency, and outcomes of this program? The Department recently underwent an internal reorga-nization thus we will be adding metrics that might not have been presented before.

» What are the long-term targets for this program? How were these

determined? What are the assumptions that went into this deter-mination? What will be required to meet these targets? The long term target for the program is to increase the ability of Neighborhood Councils to become more self-sufficient. By providing the necessary tools and systems, NCs can be more independent in their operations and utilize less City resources to get things done. We also strive to foster the credibility of NCs as government agencies and ensuring that they perform their role indi-cated in the City Charter and bring local communities closer to City Government.


In FY 15-16, the Department reallocated a Management Analyst II (MAII) into this program and his contributions helped to establish a system of monitoring and tracking for NC agendas which measures how many NCs post their agendas in a timely manner and reach out to their constituency thereby making grassroots government more inclusive and responsive.


This program regularly interfaces with City Departments, Elected Officials, City Council, City Attorney’s Office, Mayor’s Office, Commissions such as the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners, Planning Commission and Public Works Commission as well as Risk Management, Department on Disability, General Services, Law Enforcement, etc.


The Neighborhood Council Operations and Field Support Program works to maintain, promote and further enhance the self govern-ing qualities of Neighborhood Councils by ensuring that key op-erational components function smoothly and give stability and consistency to the 96 NCs in the system thereby ensuring that each NCs’ constituency made up of residents and stakeholders is engaged. This program also aims to develop NCs knowledge-base related to technical, social and political components to ensure that NCs advocate effectively at City Hall.



Page 30Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



New Request: Program Coordination and Mileage Adjustment1. Description of Request: Coordinate Civic Youth Leadership Academy, establish Neighborhood Council Youth Alliance, and ad-

minister Welcome to Your Neighborhood program for Neighborhood Councils → 1 Project Coordinator ($50,513) → Printing and Binding ($5,000) → Contractual Services ($15,000) → Transportation - ($20,700 for mileage adjustment for existing staff to increase attendance at Neighborhood Council meetings)

2. Justification: → Issue / Problem: The Neighborhood Council system currently skews older, retired adults. During the Mayor’s General

Manager review last year, Mayor Garcetti requested more youth involvement. The Department worked with the Mayor’s Innovation Team and Public Engagement to create the Civic Youth Leadership Academy this summer, which graduated 40 students. In addition, the Department also worked with the Mayor’s Innovation Team to create a Welcome to the Neigh-borhood card for Neighborhood Councils to distribute to stakeholders new to the area, which not only introduced City services like myLA311, but also the Neighborhood Council for increased City services outreach.

→ Impact on Performance Metrics: Recruit and graduate one class of Civic Youth Leadership Academy of 40 students though we will aim for two classes. Set up Welcome to the Neighborhood cards for all Neighborhood Councils.

→ Operational improvement(s): The extra resources to take on these additional tasks are necessary and recommended in the Mayor’s Innovation Team’s report on Civic Youth Leadership Academy. Without this additional staffing, Field staff would be pulled from their Neighborhood Council meeting support work, which would impact the Department’s other performance metrics of 100% meeting attendance.

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Page 32Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 33





Policy and Government Relations/ Field Support


Make Los Angeles the best run big city in America

P O L I C Y & G OV T.2017-18 Baseline Program Data

Total Number of Regular Positions (Civilian): 2


Account Account Name TotalGeneral Fund

100Total All Special

FundsNeighborhood Empowerment

Fund (Sch 18) 44B

001010 Salaries General $159,258 $159,258 $159,258

003040 Contractual Services $35,000 $35,000 $35,000

003310 Transportation $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

006010 Office and Admin $20,000 $20,000 $20,000

009350 Communications Services $8,000 $8,000 $8,000

Total: $227,258 $227,258 $227,258

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $73,468Applicable CAP rate 259.39% Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $413,099BASE General Fund Revenue attributable to this Program: $0



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Page 34Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


New Request Name of Request: Department Liaison for Various Programs (including Homelessness) New - Enhancement of Existing Service


Quantity Class TitleClass Code

Reg, Sworn, As - Needed, or Hiring Hall

Wages & Count


Salary Savings

Rate (%)

# of Months Funding



General Fund


Total All

Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment

Fun (Sch 18) 44B

1 Project Coordinator 1537 Civ-Reg $70,896 5.0% 9 $50,513 0 1 1

1 Total: $50,513 0 1 1


Account Account Name TotalGeneral Fund

100Total All Special

FundsNeighborhood Empowerment

Fund (Sch 18) 44B

001010 Salaries General $50,513 $50,513 $50,513

003310 Transportation $2,100 $2,100 $2,100

006010 Office and Admin $30,000 $30,000 $30,000

Total: $82,613 $82,613 $82,613

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $28,098 Applicable CAP rate: 259.39% Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP rate): $131,027General Fund Revenue (change): $0

2017-18 Program Budget Cost Summary

Positions Baseline Data: 2 All Requests: 1Total: 3

Direct Cost:

Total General Fund 100 Total All Special FundsNeighborhood Empowerment Fund

(Sch 18) 44B

Baseline Data $227,258 $227,258 $227,258

Total All Requests $82,613 $82,613 $82,613

Total: $309,871 $309,871 $309,871

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $101,566 Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $544,126Total General Fund Revenue: $0Net GF Cost (Budget - Revenue): $0

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 35



1. Develop policies and procedures in conjunction with Department leadership and Board of Neighborhood Commissioners enhancing the Neighborhood Council system and Department operations (50%);

→ City Charter, Article IX, Section 902 establishes the policy work of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners which must be supported by the Department

2. Monitor Council files for issues relevant to Neighborhood Councils and inform and collaborate with Neighborhood Coun-cils and alliances and empower NC leaders with Community Impact Statement training and tracking info and highlighting Council Files in monthly profile including support of the Homelessness Liaisons (30%);

→ City Charter, Article IV, Section 900 states that the purpose of the Neighborhood Councils is to promote more citizen participation in government and make government more responsive to local needs.

3. Oversee and support the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates for the Mayor’s Budget Day, Regional Budget Day, and also collaborate with Neighborhood Council leaders on the annual Congress of Neighborhoods and EmpowerLA awards reception. (20%).


Primary Priority Outcome: Make Los Angeles the best-run big city in AmericaOther Priority Outcomes: Create a more livable and sustainable cityDescription: Please see below


□ Mayor’s Expectations Letter □ Comprehensive Homeless Strategy □ Sustainable City pLAn

□ Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan □ Strategic Plan(s)

Strategic Plan - The Department’s 15-16 Strategic Plan includes goals of increasing direct assistance and education for NC Boards, as well as policy development support to the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners. Sustainable City pLAn - Proper delivery of the services indicated above promote a safe, vibrant, well-connected, and healthy neighborhood, that improves the civic life of community members and encourages volunteerism such as the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance. Mayor’s Expectation Letter - The Mayor outlines the need to develop Civic University representation and participation, which is one of the components of service provided by this program Comprehensive Homeless Strategy - The Mayor outlined the need to address the homelessness crisis in the City. The Homelessness Liaison will participate and collaborate with the Mayor’s Office and CD 8 on bi-monthly Homelessness Advocate meetings integrating Neighborhood Council board members and advocates into conversations addressing the City’s homelessness crisis that will help provide additional services and opportunities to end homelessness one person at a time. Homelessness liaisons would also be encouraged to provide opportunities and forums on how to address the homelessness crisis and also provide information on the upcoming ballot measure to combat homelessness. Neighborhood Councils also participate in the Annual Homeless Count.


PROGRAM NAME: Policy & Government Relations

PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS: Planning, research, development, and implementation of effective Departmental policies to promote civic participation and effective Neighborhood Council practices, which also supporting the work of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners, Congress of Neighborhoods, EmpowerLA Awards Congress event and Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates. This program also supports the Neighborhood Council liaisons, including the Homelessness liaisons pursuant to the Department’s Homelessness Plan.

P O L I C Y & G OV T.

Page 36Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



The performance metrics for this program monitor the impact of the program to inform and educate Neighborhood Councils about the importance of submitting Community Impact Statements by tracking the number submitted. The Department has been con-ducting trainings on the Community Impact Statement process including drafting of Community Impact Statements and how to submit the Community Impact Statements after they have been approved by a Neighborhood Council in their weighing on legis-lation before the City. Additional trainings and outreach to Neigh-borhood Council leaders will help further engage and develop this program in encouraging more Neighborhood Councils to partici-pate and weigh on legislation through the submission of Commu-nity Impact Statements.


This program received funds for Neighborhood Council Civic University this year, and we’ve partnered with the Mayor’s Office and the Pat Brown Institute of Cal State Los Angeles to conduct 3 Neighborhood Council Civic University classes in the Winter and Spring of 2017.


This program requires coordination between City Clerk for the submission and tracking of Community Impact Statements. It also requires the partnership with the Office of the City Attorney’s Neighborhood Council Advice Division to collaborate on the policies for the Neighborhood Council system. This program also collaborates with ITA and GSD to provide Council audio and meeting location space for the Board of Neighborhood Commis-sioners’ meetings throughout the City. The Department also partners with the Mayor’s office and CD 8 in addressing the home-lessness crisis in partnership with the Neighborhood Council Homelessness Liaisons.


The Policy & Government Relations program increases opportu-nities for civic participation by using the strategies of working with and through Neighborhood Councils to seek input on decisions that affect the City. The development of effective policies for Neighborhood Councils to interact with City agencies and to streamline systems to provide timely information to Neighborhood Councils regarding the delivery of City services to their respective community increases the likelihood that Neighborhood Council Board Members will use their positions to meet their mission of being informed advisory bodies to City Hall.

Community Impact Statements are placed on actual City Council agendas allowing Neighborhood Councils to directly give input into the legislative process. This program provides timely infor-mation on the Council Files that may affect them and their com-munities. Neighborhood Councils that file Community Impact Statements on a particular Council File will have an opportunity to now their voice heard at the table prior to general public comment at the discretion of a Council Committee Chair or the presiding officer of a City Council meeting.

The Planning and Policy program also directly collaborates and supports the work of Neighborhood Council leaders on the Con-gress of Neighborhoods and the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates to inform and advise City elected officials and Depart-ments on City services. This program also works with the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners to develop policy and also highlight the positive work and activities of the Neighborhood Councils through the annual EmpowerLA awards.

Partnerships with civic groups include Cal State LA for Civic Uni-versity which would help empower the next generation of leaders for the Neighborhood Council system. Civic University has trained nearly 300 Neighborhood Council leaders in empowering the next generation of leaders within the Neighborhood Council system.



Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 37



Copy and use the format below for each budget request. This proposal should explain why funding is needed in order to meet or exceed the current level of service. Proposals must include specific numerical evidence where possible. If you have any questions on how to present your request in this format, please feel free to contact your CAO analyst or the Mayor’s Office. Use the Budget Request letter included in the Excel template (A, B, C, etc) when referencing each Budget Request.

New Request: Departmental Liaison for Various Programs (including Homelessness)1. Description of Request:

Coordinate Neighborhood Council Board of Public Works Liaisons, Animal Services Liaisons, and other liaisons as implemented. In particular, work with the Homelessness Liaisons to integrate into the citywide Homelessness plan per Mayor’s Executive Directive and City Council action.

Coordinate Neighborhood Council leaders in the yearly Congress of Neighborhoods, partner with the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates for the Mayor’s Budget Day and during the yearly budget process and plan the second Spring Congress, which includes the EmpowerLA Awards

→ 1 Project Coordinator ($50,513) → Transportation ($2,100) → Office and Admin ($30,000 - $10,000 for the Congress of Neighborhoods, $10,000 for Neighborhood Council Budget

Advocates and $10,000 for 2nd Congress/EmpowerLA Awards)2. Justification:

→ Issue / Problem: Through Mayoral Executive Directives and City Council action, the Department staff has been tasked with ensuring collaboration on a number of citywide issues from Clean Streets to Homelessness. The Department’s Field staff have been pulled from their Neighborhood Council meeting operations support functions to carry this workload. As a result, Neighborhood Councils are not receiving assistance to help them carry out basic functions, such as meeting quorum, which defeats the purpose of trying to conduct the outreach required by the directives.

→ Alignment with strategic documents:

□ Mayor’s Expectations Letter □ Comprehensive Homeless Strategy □ Sustainable City pLAn

□ Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan □ Strategic Plan(s)

As indicated above. Further, the Mayor’s Expectations Letter expects consistent support Neighborhood Councils with Field staff attending 100% of Neighborhood Council monthly board meetings. This is not possible with the level of support expected for Neighborhood Council liaisons, Civic University, Congress and Budget Advocates work.

→ Impact on Performance Metrics: Field staff will be able to attend 100% of Neighborhood Council meetings. The Department will be able to conduct at a minimum, quarterly meetings, with all Neighborhood Council City liaisons.

→ Operational improvement(s): This request is to allow Field staff to focus on their Neighborhood Council meeting op-erations work, which is necessary for a healthy Neighborhood Council. Currently, the Congress of Neighborhoods and Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates meet year long each month, and staff are needed to support these meetings and logistics of the events. Again, this takes away from the Field staff ’s ability to attend 100% of Neighborhood Council meet-ings.

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Outreach and Communications / Field Support


Make Los Angeles the best run big city in America

O U T R E A C H2017-18 Baseline Program Data Total Number of Regular Positions (Civilian): 6


Account Account Name Total General Fund 100Total All Special

FundsNeighborhood Empowerment

Fund (Sch 18) 44B

001010 Salaries General $407,335 $407,335 $407,335

001070 Salaries As-Needed $40,000 $40,000 $40,000

Total: $447,335 $447,335 $447,335

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $199,512Applicable CAP rate 259.39% Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $1,056,586BASE General Fund Revenue attributable to this Program: $0

2017-18 Program Budget Cost Summary Positions Baseline Data: 6 All Requests: 0Total: 6

Direct Cost:

Total General Fund 100 Total All Special FundsNeighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch

18) 44B

Baseline Data $447,335 $447,335 $447,335

Total All Requests $0 $0 $0

Total: $447,335 $447,335 $447,335

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $199,512 Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $1,056,586Total General Fund Revenue: $0Net GF Cost (Budget - Revenue): $0

Page 40Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


1. Administer Neighborhood Council election activities in even years in conjunction with Neighborhood Council Boards and with the assistance of the Office of the City Clerk.

→ City Charter, Article IX, Section 901(d) and LA Admin Code Section 22.801 (f) requires the Depart-ment to assist Neighborhood Councils with their election or selection of officers

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.816 requires the Depart-ment to administer Neighborhood Council elections in partnership with the Office of the City Clerk

2. Provide ongoing citywide outreach and communication strategies for the Department and City as well as for Neighborhood Councils to raise the awareness of the Neighborhood Council system in Los Angeles, which feeds into the Neighborhood Council elections during the spring of even number years;

→ City Charter, Article IX, Section 900 requires the Department to promote more citizen participation in government and make government more respon-sive to local needs

3. Increase awareness of and effective outreach to Neigh-borhood Councils by City departments through trainings and effective collaborations between the City departments and the Neighborhood Councils;

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.800 requires the Depart-ment to facilitate the delivery of City services to the neighborhoods by helping to identify and coordinate the needs of the communities with the responsibil-ities of the City departments by coordinating and involving the relevant City staff in integrated prob-lem-solving with the Neighborhood Councils

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.801(i) requires the De-partment to arrange community empowerment ed-ucation for top level City officials, including elected officials and commissioners

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.801(k) requires the De-partment to help coordinate the relationships between





Outreach and Communications / Field Support


Neighborhood Council Election administration, outreach and communications strategies, and field support for the NC Boards

O U T R E A C Hexisting and newly created advisory committees and Neighborhood Councils

4. Conduct outreach, marketing and communications ac-tivities for the Neighborhood Council System citywide;

→ City Charter, Article IX, Section 900 requires the Department to promote more citizen participation in government and make government more respon-sive to local needs

5. Develop effective online tools to track the Department and Neighborhood Council performance metrics and provide online platforms for content developed for the EmpowerLA Leadership Academy; and

→ Mayor’s Executive Directive No. 3 - Open Data re-quiring City departments to provide raw updated data to improve transparency, participation and col-laboration


Primary Priority Outcome: Make Los Angeles the best-run big city in AmericaDescription: In working with online innovations and technology, this program works to improve the City’s processes in order to maintain and further enhance the City’s partnerships with Neigh-borhood Councils by promoting more interest in civic engagement opportunities and educating the constituency via web-based tools on ways to get involved in Neighborhood Councils. This is achieved through the development of effective outreach and communications strategies, which are provided to Neighborhood Councils in fur-therance of their own outreach and communication tools, partic-ularly around their elections.

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 41



This program’s performance metrics are tied directly into the ef-fectiveness of the Department’s social media and website outreach abilities by measuring its online Klout score. The effectiveness of the program’s education to Neighborhood Councils about how they can better communicate with their stakeholders will also be tied to Klout score measurements. The number of City department collaborations is important, but the program added in a satisfaction survey to determine the quality of the collaborations as well.




Because this program connects City electeds and departments to Neighborhood Councils, the program works with all of the elected and numerous City departments to maintain a dialogue with Neigh-borhood Councils, which is required if this program is to fulfill its Charter and ordinance requirements.


As indicated above.




No requests are made for this program at this time. A multi-de-partment NC Elections budget will be separately submitted.


□ Mayor’s Expectations Letter □ Comprehensive Homeless Strategy □ Sustainable City pLAn

□ Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan □ Strategic Plan(s)

Mayor’s Expectations Letter: “Increase Neighborhood Council election turnout to 40,000”Sustainable City pLAn: Livable Neighborhoods -this proposal creates opportunities for engagement and the formation of strong community bonds.Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan: the increase in entry level positions (Administrative Clerk) would allow the Department to utilize the Targeted Local Hiring Program to find candidates in under-served populations.Strategic Plan: Expand Outreach and Communication Efforts for the Neighborhood Council System and Conduct Successful Citywide Neighborhood Council Elections

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General Administration and Support


N/A - Support Program (GASP or Technology)

A D M I N . & S U P P O R T2017-18 Baseline Program Data Total Number of Regular Positions (Civilian): 4


Account Account Name Total General Fund 100Total All Special

FundsNeighborhood Empowerment

Fund (Sch 18) 44B

001010 Salaries General $496,411 $496,411 $496,411

006010 Office and Admin. $6,000 $6,000 $6,000

Total: $502,411 $502,411 $502,411

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $199,700Applicable CAP rate 259.39% Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $1,287,640BASE General Fund Revenue attributable to this Program: $0

New Request Name of Request: Management, Accounting and Administrative Support New - New Service Currently not Performed by the Department Positions:

Quantity Class TitleClass Code

Reg, Sworn, As - Needed, or Hiring Hall

Wages & Count


Salary Savings

Rate (%)

# of Months Funding



General Fund


Total All

Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment

Fun (Sch 18) 44B

1 Asst. GM Neigh Empwmt

9221 Civ-Reg $138,852 5.0% 9 $98,932 0 1 1

1 Exec Admin Asst III

1117-3 Civ-Reg $79,218 5.0% 9 $56,443 0 1 1

1 Commission Exec Asst II

9734-2 Civ-Reg $78,926 5.0% 9 $56,235 0 1 1

1 Administrative Clerk

1358 Civ-Reg $45,748 5.0% 9 $32,595 0 1 1

1 Accounting Clerk

1223 Civ-Reg $59,654 5.0% 9 $42,503 0 1 1

1 Pr. Project Coord.

9134 Civ-Reg $107,782 5.0% 9 $76,795 0 1 1

6 Total: $363,504 0 6 6

Page 44Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



Account Account Name TotalGeneral Fund

100Total All Special

FundsNeighborhood Empowerment

Fund (Sch 18) 44B

001010 Salaries General $363,504 $363,504 $363,504

002120 Printing and Binding $10,000 $10,000 $10,000

003040 Contractual Services $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

003310 Transportation $10,000 $10,000 $10,000

006010 Office and Admin $6,000 $6,000 $6,000

Total: $394,504 $394,504 $394,504

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $186,511Applicable CAP rate 259.39% Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $942,892BASE General Fund Revenue attributable to this Program: $0

2017-18 Program Budget Cost Summary Positions Baseline Data: 4 All Requests: 6Total: 10

Direct Cost:

Total General Fund 100 Total All Special FundsNeighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch

18) 44B

Baseline Data $502,411 $502,411 $502,411

Total All Requests $394,504 $394,504 $394,504

Total: $896,915 $896,915 $896,915

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $386,211 Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $2,230,532Total General Fund Revenue: $0Net GF Cost (Budget - Revenue): $0

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 45


1. Manages all Department operations and infrastructure, including executive management, fiscal operations, payroll, contracts, information technology and human resources;

→ City Charter, Section 901(f) and LA Admin Code Section 22.801(g) requires the Department to assist Neighborhood Councils to share resources, including offices, equipment, and other forms of support for them to communicate with constituents, other Neigh-borhood Councils and with government officials.

2. Provides leadership, visioning, and implementation of Department goals and objectives in furtherance of City-wide priorities as defined by Mayor and City Council;

3. Assists in the development of the budget and fiscal over-sight; Drafts contracts for professional services (e.g., translation, temporary staffing, office and program sup-plies, outreach support) and leases;

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.801(o) requires the De-partment to ensure that Neighborhood Councils have adequate office and meeting space to conduct their business by facilitating the shared utilization of City owned or leased space, coordinating the acceptance and use of donate space by private donors, as well as securing suitable office and meeting space on behalf of certified Neighborhood Councils. The Department shall have the authority to execute stan-dard short-term rental and lease agreements with a duration of one year or less for the purpose of fulfilling its obligations under this subsection.

4. Responds to all California Public Records Act requests for the Department;

→ Mayor’s Executive Directive No. 3 - Open Data re-quiring City departments to provide raw updated data to improve transparency, participation and col-laboration

5. Assists Neighborhood Councils with resource sharing, such as office space, copier machines, furniture, etc.

6. Maintain the IT work of the Department, including





General Administration and Support

PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS: Provide enhanced Department functionality through management and administrative support including: fiscal oversight; accounting; budget development, implementation and control; personnel services; purchasing; payroll; California Public Records Act request responses, and, contracting and leasing services for the Department and Neighborhood Councils.

A D M I N & S U P P O R Twebsite, Neighborhood Council rosters, Early Notifica-tion System and all equipment.

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.801(j) requires the De-partment with the assistance of ITA to create and maintain an internal and external information and communication network, including a citywide data-base of neighborhood organizations and similar information, that would be available for public use

→ LA Admin Code Section 22.801(m) requires the Department to ensure that notification per the Early Notification System is provided to Neighborhood Councils along with sufficient committee and staff reports on the matters of interest to facilitate mean-ingful participation.


Primary Priority Outcome: N/A - Support Program (GASP or Technology)

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Metrics for GASP are directly tied to the management and coor-dination of multiple initiatives assigned to the various programs in the Department. GASP ensures there is centralized monitoring of the work and accountability.




Office of the City Attorney’s Neighborhood Council Advice Di-vision works with this program closely to review contracts, leases and all California Public Records Act requests. The Department works with GSD and ITA to provide services to the Neighborhood Councils for their administrative needs.

The Department has also asked the Office of the City Clerk to take over all payroll functions in order to free up staff time to focus on this program and the Neighborhood Council Funding Program.


The GASP works closely with Neighborhood Council Executive officers to provide a streamlined contracting and leasing process, as well as ensuring transparency of government actions through the CPRA process. This encourages further participation in the NC system by ensuring that government service and accountabil-ity are within the reach of local board members and stakeholders.




□ Mayor’s Expectations Letter □ Comprehensive Homeless Strategy □ Sustainable City pLAn

□ Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan □ Strategic Plan(s)

Strategic Plan - The Department’s 15-16 Strategic Plan includes goals of providing administrative support to the Neighborhood Coun-cils and the NC System. Sustainable City pLAn - Proper delivery of the services indicated above promote a safe, vibrant, well-connected, and healthy neighbor-hood, that improves the civic life of community members and encourages volunteerism and investment in community improvement projects such as tree planting, median improvements, community cleanups, etc.. Mayor’s Expectation Letter - The many expectations outlined in the Mayor’s letter require strong leadership and management skills in support of the many priority goals required of Department managers.

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 47



New Request: Management, Accounting and Administrative Support1. Description of Request:

→ Positions: » 1 Assistant General Manager ($98,932) » 1 Executive Administrative Assistant III ($56,443) » 1 Commission Executive Assistant II ($56,235) » 1 Administrative Clerk ($32,595) » 1 Accounting Clerk ($42,503) » 1 Principal Project Coordinator ($76,795)

→ Expenses: » Printing and Binding ($10,000) » Contractual Services ($5,000) » Transportation ($10,000) » Office and Admin ($6,000)

2. Justification: » Issue / Problem: Existing Department staff has taken on roles that used to be performed by positions that were cut from

the Department. These include management level staff, Board of Neighborhood Commissioners staffing and support staff for administrative functions, such as Department accounting and payroll and Neighborhood Council Public Records Act Requests, contracts/leases and inventory. This has led to decreased response time and much frustration from Neighborhood Councils, the Commission and other City staff.

» Impact on Performance Metrics: Timely submission of payroll with all supporting documents. Timely preparation of Board of Neighborhood Commissioners agendas, minutes and policies. Timely tracking of Neighborhood Council data and Department performance metrics.

» Operational improvement(s): This request allows managers to start overseeing and supporting staff to complete their work and meet Department goals in a timely manner. The lack of such key support positions keeps the Department in a perpetual state of catch-up, causing work stress and burnout of existing staff, and frustration and anger with Commission-ers and Neighborhood Councils.

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GENERAL SERVICE/PACKAGE DESCRIPTION:Empower pLAy, the Google Angels Lab group, which focused on civic engagement, developed a tactical plan to meet the Moonshot goal: “Every Angeleno can have a dynamic and responsive relationship with the City of Los Angeles, making us the Best Connected City on the Planet!”

PROGRAM NAME: Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab

PRIORITY OUTCOME:Make Los Angeles the best run big city in America



Qty Class TitleClass Code

Reg, Sworn, As - Needed, or Hiring Hall

Wages & Count


Salary Savings

Rate (%)

# of Months Funding



General Fund


Total All Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment

Fun (Sch 18) 44B

1 Sr. Proj. Coordinator

1538 Civ-Reg $97,123 5.0% 9 $69,200 0 1 1

2 Proj. Coordinator 1537 Civ-Reg $70,896 5.0% 9 $101,027 0 2 2

2 Project Assistant 1542 Civ-Reg $49,722 5.0% 9 $70,854 0 2 2

1 Comm. Rep II 1461-2 Civ-Reg $56,480 5.0% 9 $40,242 0 1 1

1 Systems Analyst II 1596-2 Civ-Reg $78,926 5.0% 9 $56,235 0 1 1

2 App. Programmer 1429 Civ-Reg $66,378 5.0% 9 $94,588 0 2 2

9 Total: $432,146 0 9 9

Budget: Account Account Name Total General Fund 100

Total All Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch 18) 44B

001010 Salaries General $432,146 $432,146 $432,146

002120 Printing and Binding $10,000 $10,000 $10,000

003040 Contractual Services $210,000 $210,000 $210,000

003310 Transportation $6,300 $6,300 $6,300

006010 Office and Admin $293,000 $293,000 $293,000

006020 Operating Supplies $45,000 $45,000 $45,000

Total: $996,446 $996,446 $996,446

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $246,219Applicable CAP rate 259.39% Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $1,120,944General Fund Revenue (change): $0

2017-18 Multi-Departmental Cost Summary

Positions Total: 4

Direct Cost:

Total General Fund 100 Total All Special Funds Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch 18) 44B

Total: $996,446 $0 $996,446 $996,446

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $246,219 Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $1,120,944Total General Fund Revenue: $0Net GF Cost (Budget - Revenue): $0

REQUEST NAME: ConnectLA - Civic Engagement Innovations

Page 50Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



The foundation of Mayor Garcetti’s first four priorities to make Los Angeles the most prosperous, livable, safe and best run big city in America relies on successful civic engagement, which is the 5th Mayoral priority:

→ Partnering with residents and civic groups to build a greater city - Engage Angelenos in decisions that affect their neighborhoods and their city: seek opportunities and innovative solutions to problems through volunteerism and civic partnerships; and foster resident participation in governance and in building shared community.

Empower pLAy, the Google Angels Lab group, which focused on civic engagement, developed a tactical plan to meet the Moonshot goal: “Every Angeleno can have a dynamic and responsive relationship with the City of Los Angeles, making us the Best Connected City on the Planet!”

The following is requested: → Positions:

» 1 FUSE fellow (cost in contractual) or in the alternative 1 Sr. Project Coordinator ($69,200) » 2 Project Coordinators ($101,027) » 2 Project Assistant ($70,854) (1 position for ITA) » 1 Communications Representative II ($40,242) (for ITA) » 1 Systems Analyst II ($56,235) (for ITA) » 2 Application Programmers ($94,588) (for ITA)

→ Expense: » Printing and Binding ($10,000) » Contractual Services ($210,000 - $150,000 for the FUSE fellow, $50,000 for translation and third party training services, and

$10,00 for augmenting a self-service studio for ITA) » Transportation ($6,300) » Office and Admin ($28,000) » Office and Admin ($100,000 for platform purchase, customization, and content development and messaging for ITA) » Office and Admin ($100,000 for development of social media standards for ITA) » Office and Admin ($15,000 for data analytics and collaboration tools for ITA) » Office and Admin ($50,000 for software for 311 social content for ITA) » Operating Supplies ($45,000 for Civic Engagement truck)

REQUEST NAME: ConnectLA - Civic Engagement Innovations

Budget Cost Summary

General Fund Special Fund Total


Reg Reso

Neighborhood Empowerment $0 $996,446 $996,446 9 0

Office of the Mayor $105,000 0 0 0 0

Information Technology AgencyRequested through

EmpowerLARequested through

EmpowerLARequested through

EmpowerLA 0 0

Total: $105,000 $996,446 $1.101,446 9 0

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 51


Solution ProposalsIn order to create a more connected LA, the Google Angels Lab group created a series of proposals that addressed communications in-ternally in the City, outgoing to the public and incoming from the public to the City.

Internal between City entities → Creation of an Office of Civic Engagement (OCE) to raise standards for public participation by training City staff on effective public

participation strategies and creating certification levels for civic engagement for departments to aspire to. » EmpowerLA will create OCE and oversee the coordination of the remaining solutions » ITA will deploy and operate a platform for civic engagement and ability to interact in more meaningful dialogues with the

public at the neighborhood through Citywide levels → Create City Social Media Standards to train departments on digital best practices, develop style guide templates and build a culture of

fast response and metrics tracking » ITA will deploy integrated social media platform across the City, provide dynamic monitoring of conversations in social

media, and proactively connect conversations

Outgoing from City to Public → Civic Engagement Workshops with the Ice Cream/Food Truck - take information about the City out to where the people are with

ConnectLA Pop-Ups » EmpowerLA will provide staffing and resources » ITA will detail and refit the truck

→ LACity.org Search Optimization - ITA → Creation of MyLA 311 “How-To” Videos for on demand education

» EmpowerLA will create How To videos for Neighborhood Councils » ITA will augment a self-serve studio for letting people create these videos

→ Creation of Civic Engagement Portal - via an expansion of MyLA 311 or a creation of a one-stop shop for Civic Engagement where all City public participation opportunities are available.

» The civic engagement portal will aggregate and streamline sign-ups and applications for the following opportunities: Mayor’s Volunteer Corps, Civic U, Civic Youth Leadership Academy, Mayor’s Youth Council, GRYD Summer Night Lights/Friday Night Lights, Mayoral/City Internships, Mayor’s Office Hours.

» Provide an avenue/platform for Angelenos to easily participate and support City/Mayoral Campaigns (e.g. Save the Drop, Save Energy LA, etc.)

» Other features of the online portal include: (1) a calendar of civic engagement events and opportunity deadlines (2) access to weigh in on Council files (3) connecting to a voter registration/education page (4) connecting to Neighborhood Councils (5) sign-ups for key City newsletters from Departments and the Mayor, etc. all in one place.

» Make the portal available in the top 5 spoken languages in LA would to elevate its use. » EmpowerLA will support creation and maintenance » Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs will design, launch, translate, and maintain an online portal in Year 1

Incoming from the Public → LaCity.org WebChat

» EmpowerLA will support creation and maintenance » ITA will staff with 1 Communication Information Representative II

→ Expand Active Participation by using social listening tools, developing predictive analytics, creating polls and surveys and supporting virtual collaboration options

» EmpowerLA will support creation and maintenance » ITA will staff with 1 Systems Analyst II to work on data analytics and collaboration tools

→ MyLA 311 App: Gamified - create a game where folks are incentivized to ConnectLA by collecting badges for civic engagement activities from registering to vote, voting, doing City art walks, attending Neighborhood Council meetings, etc.

» EmpowerLA will support creation and maintenance » ITA will staff with 2 Application Programmers to create software for social content in 311


Primary Priority Outcome: Make Los Angeles the best run big city in AmericaOther Priority Outcomes: Create a more livable and sustainable city

Page 52Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



→ Issue / Problem: » The public finds it hard to have meaningful dialogue with the City because existing forms of civic engagement are geared

towards notification, e.g. public postings, emails, newsletters, social media, etc. If there is a public meeting, it is at an in-convenient time, only in English, or so few that meaningful participation is not reached.

» The City speaks Government and not Real People. » City workers are not educated with successful civic engagement strategies. » City silos prevent the effective sharing of information not only with the public, but with other City departments. » City engagement is not actually engaging and fun when it can be. » The public finds it hard to receive information and weigh in on it from the existing forms of communication. » Multi-lingual efforts are needed to ensure that a broad array of people are civically involved. Translation of materials is

essential. » Civic engagement opportunities exist across the city, yet they are very siloed, and one would only know of such opportu-

nities if they had an existing relationship to the sponsoring City office or Department.

→ Alignment with strategic documents, check all that apply:

□ Mayor’s Expectations Letter □ Comprehensive Homeless Strategy □ Sustainable City pLAn

□ Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan □ Strategic Plan(s)

» Mayor’s Expectations Letter: “Increase underrepresented populations in the NC system” » Comprehensive Homeless Strategy: Designated NC Homelessness liaisons can outreach and provide feedback via the

portal. » Sustainable City pLAn: Livable Neighborhoods -this proposal creates opportunities for engagement and the formation

of strong community bonds. » Strategic Plan: Support the operations of a general civic engagement portal for Los Angeles

→ Impact on Performance Metrics: » # of Departments meeting social media standards » # of active users of civic engagement portal » # of responses/users of surveys, gaming apps

→ Operational improvement(s): » By partnering, uniform messaging, and outreach efforts will be maximized and consistent across multiple platforms (portal,

apps, surveys, food truck)


The primary goal of this proposal is to engage the public and teach engagement strategies to city agencies.


See above.



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GENERAL SERVICE/PACKAGE DESCRIPTION:This multi-department request is to conduct the Neighborhood Council citywide elections with the new online voting platform.

PROGRAM NAME: Outreach and Communications / Field Support

PRIORITY OUTCOME:Make Los Angeles the best run big city in America



Quantity Class TitleClass Code

Reg, Sworn, As - Needed, or Hiring Hall

Wages & Count


Salary Savings

Rate (%)

# of Months Funding



General Fund


Total All

Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch 18)


2 Project Coordinator

1537 Civ-Reg $70,896 5.0% 9 $101,027 0 2 2

1 Administrative Clerk

1358 Civ-Reg $45,748 5.0% 9 $32,595 0 1 1

3 Total: $133,622 0 3 3


Account Account Name TotalGeneral Fund

100Total All Special

FundsNeighborhood Empowerment

Fund (Sch 18) 44B

001010 Salaries General $133,622 $133,622 $133,622

001070 Salaries As-Needed $97,000 $97,000 $97,000

002120 Printing and Binding $60,000 $60,000 $60,000

003040 Contractual Services $460,000 $460,000 $460,000

003310 Transportation $4,200 $4,200 $4,200

006010 Office and Admin $100,000 $100,000 $100,000

Total: $854,822 $854,822 $854,822

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $78,980Applicable CAP rate 259.39% Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $346,603General Fund Revenue (change): $0

2017-18 Multi-Departmental Cost Summary

Positions Total: 3

Direct Cost:

Total General Fund 100 Total All Special Funds Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch 18) 44B

Total: $854,822 $854,822 $854,822

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $78,980 Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $346,603Total General Fund Revenue: $0Net GF Cost (Budget - Revenue): $0

REQUEST NAME: Neighborhood Council Elections

Page 56Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


REQUEST NAME: Neighborhood Council Elections

Budget Cost Summary

General Fund Special Fund Total


Reg Reso

Neighborhood Empowerment $0 $854,822 $854,822 3 0

City Clerk $732,371 $0 $732,371 0 0

Total: $732,371 $854,822 $1,587,193 0 0


This Budget Request Package identifies the funding requirements necessary to conduct approximately 96 Neighborhood Council (NC) Board Member Elections between March and June of 2018. For the 2018 NC Elections, the Office of the City Clerk (City Clerk) will assume operational control over the conduct of NC elections.

The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment’s breakdown is to provide a robust 2018 citywide outreach and communication strat-egy to recruit Neighborhood Council candidates and to raise the awareness of the Neighborhood Council system in Los Angeles:

→ Positions: » 2 Project Coordinators ($101,027) » 1 Administrative Clerk ($32,595)

→ Expense: » Salaries, As-Needed ($97,000) » Printing and Binding ($60,000) » Contractual Services ($460,000 for online voting platform, training and translation) » Transportation ($4,200) » Office and Admin ($100,000)


Primary Priority Outcome: Make Los Angeles the best run big city in AmericaOther Priority Outcomes: Create a more livable and sustainable city

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 57



→ Issue / Problem: » NCs are Charter-created bodies designed to address issues affecting their specific communities. They are a vital part of the

City’s fabric and having a voice in City government and facilitating active citizen participation contributes to the Mayor’s goal of making Los Angeles the nation’s best run big city. Their participation helps make the City safer and more livable. NCs are governed by an elected board and elections are an essential part of the NC governing framework.

» The City Clerk has assisted EmpowerLA in administering NC Elections since October 2007. Most of the assistance has been partial, however, in 2010, the City Clerk was provided $1.9 million to run every aspect of the 89 NC elections. Of the budgeted amount, the City Clerk spent a total of $1,161,139 or 60.95%, saving $743,861 or 39.05% of what was allotted. The City Clerk has experience providing comprehensive election services to the NCs, and it’s been able to deliver those services cost effectively.

» Currently, there are approximately 96 certified NCs in the City of Los Angeles. The City Clerk will administer the 2018 NC elections using the 2010 Election model. The City Clerk will oversee administrative and operational processes including candidate filing, ballot production, canvass, polling place and poll worker recruitment, poll worker training, Election Day operations, assembly of supplies, and payroll processing for poll workers. The City Clerk will also compile information from Election Day surveys and stakeholder registration forms for each of the NCs after their respective elections. EmpowerLA will focus on election outreach.

→ Alignment with strategic documents, check all that apply:

□ Mayor’s Expectations Letter □ Comprehensive Homeless Strategy □ Sustainable City pLAn

□ Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan □ Strategic Plan(s)

» Mayor’s Expectations Letter: “Increase Neighborhood Council election turnout to 40,000” » Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan: the increase in entry level positions (Administrative Clerk) would

allow the Department to utilize the Targeted Local Hiring Program to find candidates in under-served populations. » Strategic Plan: Expand Outreach and Communication Efforts for the Neighborhood Council System and Conduct Suc-

cessful Citywide Neighborhood Council Elections → Impact on Performance Metrics:

» # of voters in 2018 » # of registered candidates in 2018s

→ Operational improvement(s): » Adequately funding this high priority package will allow EmpowerLA to conduct effective outreach, and the City Clerk to

administer NC elections, and will ensure the functional stability of the NC system as a whole. » Inadequate funding will jeopardize the City’s ability to conduct the 2018 NC Elections. Specifically, underfunding this package

would risk the quality and outcome of approximately 96 NC elections and hinder the City Clerk’s ability to meet its legal obligations set forth in Los Angeles Administrative Code 20.36. Any disruption to the NC election process will have the potential to adversely affect internal NC affairs, result in possible NC bylaw violations, and damage stakeholder confidence in the integrity of the NC system as a whole.




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GENERAL SERVICE/PACKAGE DESCRIPTION:Development and administration of NC Training platform on Cornerstone, ADA compliance of videos and NC sites, and investigation of harassment issues

PROGRAM NAME: Neighborhood Council Administration / Field Support

PRIORITY OUTCOME:Make Los Angeles the best run big city in America



Quantity Class TitleClass Code

Reg, Sworn, As - Needed, or Hiring Hall

Wages & Count


Salary Savings

Rate (%)

# of Months Funding



General Fund


Total All

Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch 18)


2 Project Coordinator

1537 Civ-Reg $70,896 5.0% 9 $101,027 0 2 2

1 Administrative Clerk

1358 Civ-Reg $45,748 5.0% 9 $32,595 0 1 1

3 Total: $133,622 0 3 3


Account Account Name TotalGeneral Fund

100Total All Special

FundsNeighborhood Empowerment

Fund (Sch 18) 44B

001010 Salaries General $133,622 $133,622 $133,622

003040 Contractual Services $190,741 $190,741 $190,741

003310 Transportation $4,200 $4,200 $4,200

Total: $328,563 $328,563 $328,563

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $78,980Applicable CAP rate 259.39% Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $346,603General Fund Revenue (change): $0

2017-18 Multi-Departmental Cost Summary

Positions Total: 3

Direct Cost:

Total General Fund 100 Total All Special Funds Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch 18) 44B

Total: $328,563 $328,563 $328,563

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $78,980 Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $346,603Total General Fund Revenue: $0Net GF Cost (Budget - Revenue): $0

REQUEST NAME: NC Training, ADA Compliance, Investigations and Enforcement

Page 60Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


REQUEST NAME: Neighborhood Council Training, ADA Compliance, Investigations and Enforcement

Budget Cost Summary

General Fund Special Fund Total


Reg Reso

Neighborhood Empowerment $0 $328,563 $328,563 3 0

Personnel $100,000 $0 $100,000 0 0

Department on Disability $0 $0 $0 0 0

Total: $100,000 $328,563 $428,563 3 0


Funding is requested for a collaborative effort across three City Departments, Neighborhood Empowerment (EmpowerLA), Personnel Department, and Department on Disability (DOD) to address the streamlining of Neighborhood Council training videos including ADA accessibility, site assessments for the 96 Neighborhood Councils to ensure ADA compliance, and the hiring of an independent contractor to investigate allegations of harassment.

Neighborhood Council TrainingThe Personnel Department has a training module - Cornerstone - which is used to administer training videos to City of Los Angeles employees and track progress and compliance. This application can be made available to Neighborhood Council board members to improve the way critical information is administered and tracked, ensuring compliance with critical training requirements such as ethics and funding processes. The Department is also partnering with the Department on Disability to ensure that all training videos meet ADA requirements and are accessible in multiple ways to ensure the diverse community of board members can take the training with any needed accommo-dations.

Site-Assessment MOAThe Department on Disability (DOD) seeks to execute a new 3-year MOA with the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (Em-powerLA). DOD’s CASp and ADA Compliance Officer will conduct site visits of all 96 Neighborhood Council (NC) offices to review & assess those facilities for ADA compliance. The review process will include but is not limited to: doorways, steps, accessories, paths of travel, and technology. The MOA is for $68,221.00 for an overall term of 3 years, renewable for each of three individual twelve-month terms at a rate of $22,741.00 per annum, during which EmpowerLA will pay to DOD a comprehensive, fully inclusive hourly rate of $39.48 for the CASp and ADA Compliance Officer, which may also include the deployment of any additional DOD personnel, for 1,728 total work hours. Additional Neighborhood Council host locations, if identified, shall enjoy a rate equal to that of the prior site cost al-lotments posted herein, or may be negotiated to include additional services or personnel resources at such time(s), if such amendment(s) are sought by the parties.

Reducing Liability (Investigations)Funding is required to conduct independent complaint investigations in Neighborhood Councils (Boards). In 2014, State Assembly Bill 1443 amended the Fair Employment and Housing Act to extend anti-harassment protections to volunteers. The City now has an obligation to investigate allegations of unlawful harassment of volunteers. The City Attorney’s Office has stated that more than 1,800 Neighborhood Council Board members are now covered by Assembly Bill 1443. Historically, the City has received several such complaints from Neigh-borhood Council Board members. Given the new obligations, the City requires resources to investigate and respond to complaints in a timely manner and ultimately provide Board members with a harassment-free environment.

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 61


Funding is requested in the following amounts for Neighborhood Empowerment:

→ 2 Project Coordinators - $101,027 → 1 Administrative Clerk - $32,595 → $18,000 for user licenses for NC Board Members (annual cost) → $150,000 to build out our mandatory training modules inside of Cornerstone. → $22,741for DOD Compliance Officers and staff assistance → $4,200 for mileage reimbursement to conduct outreach

The total Neighborhood Empowerment request is for $328,563

The PC’s would be in charge of outreach and coordination of the training, focusing on assisting the NC board members with accessing the system, taking the training, monitoring for compliance, creating content for training modules, and uploading existing training videos into Cornerstone. They would also prepare outreach materials and attend meetings for the NCs to make them aware of the system, and provide presentations on how to log in and comply. In addition they would coordinate with DOD on ensuring that all videos are ADA compliant and meet criteria set for accessibility.

The Admin Clerk would assist in this process, answering questions over the phone, and in person on all aspects of the training, assist in the preparation and duplication of presentation materials, data entry, updates in data displayed publicly regarding training compliance, and other duties as assigned.


Primary Priority Outcome: Make Los Angeles the best run big city in AmericaOther Priority Outcome: Ensure our communities are the safest in the nation

Page 62Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



→ Issue / Problem: Neighborhood Council Training » Currently, the Department administers a few online training videos via YouTube and Vimeo, and requires board members

to complete a registration form, submitting it either online or on paper to the Department. This information is then entered by staff into a separate system. Due to staff shortages, and human error, true compliance with training requirements is sometimes not up to date, or contains errors. Resolving the issues and complaints that comes from this process becomes a lengthy issue as staff has to research what little information they have and sometimes results in asking a board member to re-take a training.

Site-Assessment MOA » 96 NCs need to be reviewed and assessed for ADA compliance.

Reducing Liability (Investigations) » State Assembly Bill 1443 provides anti-harassment protections to volunteers. There are over 1,800 volunteers in neighbor-

hood council across the City. The City is obligated to address these items, and ensure quick resolution. Currently, the Per-sonnel Department is managing one investigation, and EmpowerLA is funding this investigation even though there are currently no budgeted funds for this purpose.

Positions Salaries Expenses

Account 3040 $100,000

» $100,000 is required by the Personnel Department to contract with an independent investigator. Funds will allow the Per-sonnel Department to complete up to 5 investigations through an independent investigator.

→ Alignment with strategic documents

□ Mayor’s Expectations Letter □ Comprehensive Homeless Strategy □ Sustainable City pLAn

□ Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan □ Strategic Plan(s)

Neighborhood Council Training » Mayor’s Expectations Letter: “Developing online tools to enhance civic engagement,” and “Conduct 96 101 trainings to

underrepresented populations” » Homeless Strategy: Training video would be developed for designated NC homelessness liaisons to effectively outreach

and advocate to their boards and communities. » Equitable Workforce: the increase in entry level positions (Administrative Clerk) would allow the Department to utilize

the Targeted Local Hiring Program to find candidates in under-served populations.Site-Assessment MOA » This request is aligned with the pLAn’s Preparedness and Resiliency initiatives that call for “proactive solutions to prepare

the City” for a large scale event or disaster. A prepared, sustainable City must be one where constituents can receive infor-mation about their government in an accessible location – especially during an event or disaster. Therefore, this is a critical



Jul 2015 Aug 2015 Sep 2015 Oct 2015 Nov 2015 Dec 2015 Jan 2016 Feb 2016 Mar 2016 Apr 2016 May 2016 Jun 2016submissions 144 99 128 83 97 82 133 102 102 92 222 342complaints 29 21 42 12 26 19 41 24 27 26 46 58

Training Verification Submissions vs Complaints

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 63


service for our City. Without providing accessible facilities to our constituents, they will be unable to receive information from the City in emergency and non-emergency situations.

Reducing Liability (Investigations) » This Proposal increases efficiency by responding to complaints and by providing the mechanism for quick resolution.

→ Impact on Performance Metrics:Neighborhood Council Training » # of Board Members in Compliance with mandatory training requirements » % of Board Members registering for, and taking non-mandatory educational videos

Site-Assessment MOA » DOD contributions will result in the identification of barriers and access deficiencies, measured by weighing initial data

intake of conditions against future removal and resolution of deficient quantities as the identified elements are deemed compliant upon completion of repair(s).

→ Operational improvement(s): Neighborhood Council Training » This proposal aims on improving customer service, reducing time spent by staff troubleshooting these issues to focus on

assisting with outreach and more complex challenges faced by the NCs. It ensures critical compliance with mandatory train-ing requirements, reducing liability for the City. Setting up the framework to develop a series of training workshops, not only mandatory training, but also other capacity building training to develop the NCs into more functional, robust, and creative entities

Site-Assessment MOA » This proposal increases efficiency because DOD will assist in writing Neighborhood Empowerment’s Transition Plan and

Self-Assessment.Reducing Liability (Investigations) » This Proposal increases efficiency by responding to complaints and by providing the mechanism for quick resolution.


Neighborhood Council Training → All videos will be available to NC board members, which are active and engaged members of their communities.

Site-Assessment MOA → DOD and Neighborhood Empowerment will partner with NCs to ensure their sites are ADA compliant and accessible to all stake-

holders and members of the community.

Reducing Liability (Investigations) → Through this Program, the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment and the Personnel Department will partner with neigh-

borhood councils to resolve discrimination complaints.


DOD and EmpowerLA will enter into a 3-year MOA, and will coordinate to ensure this service is implemented in a timely and efficient manner. This coordination will produce more effective or efficient services than if the departments worked separately because DOD is the only department with a certified CASp and ADA Compliance Officer

Personnel Department and EmpowerLA will work together to upload and maintain online training content, and meet regularly to review the status of any pending investigations.



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GENERAL SERVICE/PACKAGE DESCRIPTION:Emergency Preparedness outreach to NCs including development of emergency bins program and emergency communications plan

PROGRAM NAME: Policy and Government Relations / Field Support

PRIORITY OUTCOME:Ensure our communities are the safest in the nation



Quantity Class TitleClass Code

Reg, Sworn, As - Needed, or Hiring Hall

Wages & Count


Salary Savings

Rate (%)

# of Months Funding



General Fund


Total All

Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch 18)


1 Project Coordinator

1537 Civ-Reg $70,896 5.0% 9 $50,513 0 1 1

1 Administrative Clerk

1358 Civ-Reg $45,748 5.0% 9 $32,595 0 1 1

2 Total: $83,109 0 2 2


Account Account Name TotalGeneral Fund

100Total All Special

FundsNeighborhood Empowerment

Fund (Sch 18) 44B

001010 Salaries General $83,109 $83,109 $83,109

003040 Contractual Services $10,000 $10,000 $10,000

003310 Transportation $2,100 $2,100 $2,100

006010 Office and Admin $1,500 $1,500 $1,500

Total: $96,709 $96,709 $96,709

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $50,882Applicable CAP rate 259.39% Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $215,576General Fund Revenue (change): $0

2017-18 Multi-Departmental Cost Summary

Positions Total: 2

Direct Cost:

Total General Fund 100 Total All Special Funds Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch 18) 44B

Total: $96,709 $96,709 $96,709

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $50,882 Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $215,576Total General Fund Revenue: $0Net GF Cost (Budget - Revenue): $0

REQUEST NAME: Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Program

Page 66Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal



EmpowerLA and EMD are submitting a multi-department request to conduct emergency preparedness outreach to Neighborhood Coun-cils, development of an emergency bin plan, and an emergency communications plan. The following is being requested to implement this plan:

Neighborhood Empowerment → Positions

» 1 Project Coordinator ($50,513) » 1 Administrative Clerk ($32,595)

→ Expense » Contractual Services ($10,000) » Transportation ($2,100) » Office and Admin ($1,500)

List of Services: → Outreach to Neighborhood Councils, the NCEPA and the NCSA for them to submit Jump Start plans for their communities. This

service includes presentations to Neighborhood Councils and other community groups about the Jump Start plans and setting up workshops to help community members complete and submit the plans. 50%

→ Create and implement an emergency bins program in every Neighborhood Council that requests them. This service includes bin purchase, location scouting for installation, determining which supplies are needed in the bins and who has access and ongoing main-tenance of the bins. 30%

» City Charter, Article IV, Section 900 states that the purpose of the Neighborhood Councils is to promote more citizen participation in government and make government more responsive to local needs.

→ Creating an emergency communications plan for the City that includes the Neighborhood Councils. This services includes oversight of the City’s ham radio services and coordination with the LAFD’s CERT program. 20%


Primary Priority Outcome: Ensure our communities are safest in the nationOther Priority Outcomes: Create a more livable and sustainable city; Make Los Angeles the best run big city in America;

REQUEST NAME: Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Program

Budget Summary

General Fund Special Fund Total


Reg Reso

Neighborhood Empowerment $0 $96,709 $96,709 2 0

Emergency Preparedness Dept. $96,261 $0 $96,261 2 0

Total: $96,261 $97,709 $192,970 4 0

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 67



→ Issue/Problem: » Neighborhood Councils are engaged in emergency preparedness activities from emergency bins to neighborhood mapping

to emergency communications, including ham radio. Until the recent formation of the Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Alliance (NCEPA) in the past year, however, there wasn’t a citywide effort to coordinate these activities in collaboration with the Emergency Management Department’s programs, particularly their 5 Steps to Neighborhood Pre-paredness Jump Start Program. The NCEPA is already working with the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance (NCSA) on combining emergency preparedness issues with sustainability matters, and NCSA has incorporated the Jump Start Program into their Cool Blocks Program as a result. In addition, the Office of the City Attorney has determined that Neighborhood Councils cannot maintain emergency bins themselves because of the liability issues though a City department, such as EMD, can take on this function. Lastly, the NCEPA is seeking integration of Neighborhood Councils into a coor-dinated emergency communications plan with EMD.

» Through a partnership between the Emergency Management Department and the Department of Neighborhood Empow-erment, the Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Program begins the process of incorporating the Neighbor-hood Councils into a citywide effort to submit Jump Start plans for their communities, set up emergency bins and include them in emergency communications for the City. Ultimately, this program should also tie into the City’s Resiliency Hubs.

→ Alignment with strategic documents:

□ Mayor’s Expectations Letter □ Comprehensive Homeless Strategy □ Sustainable City pLAn

□ Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan □ Strategic Plan(s)

» Sustainable City pLAn - Proper delivery of the services indicated above promote a safe, vibrant, well-connected, and healthy neighborhood, that improves the civic life of community members and encourages volunteerism in the Neighbor-hood Council system, including the NCSA.

→ Impact on Performance Metrics: » Jump Start Plans - 50 new plans on file the first year with a goal of at least 10 plans from every Neighborhood Council

long term » Emergency Bins - pilot of up to 35 bins the first year with a goal of at least 1 bin in every Neighborhood Council long

term » Emergency Communications - creation of an emergency communications plan that incorporates the Neighborhood

Council system, including ham radio operations → Operational Improvements:

» Partnership and coordination between the City and Neighborhood Councils ensures a uniform approach to emergency preparedness that allows for feedback from the community, and comprehensive education on best practices across the City


This program is heavily dependent on partnering with Neighborhood Councils and other residents and civic group in submitting Jump Start and emergency communication plans. In addition, collaboration with Neighborhood Councils is necessary to administer the emergency bins plan.


In the first year, EMD will partner with the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment in creating and implementing an effective outreach plan with the Neighborhood Councils to meet the metrics of the program. The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment will assist EMD in execution of the program with Neighborhood Councils through its field and outreach staff.



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GENERAL SERVICE/PACKAGE DESCRIPTION:Contingent on approval of increased staffing requests, as-needed funding would not be needed as an annual baseline request (except for election years)

PRIORITY OUTCOME:Make Los Angeles the best run big city in America

Budget: Program Account Account Name Total

General Fund 100

Total All Special Funds

Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch 18) 44B

BM4704 001070 Salaries As-Needed $(40,000) $0 $(40,000) $(40,000)

Total: $(40,000) $0 $(40,000) $(40,000)

Pension/Health (Add/Delete Rate) $0Applicable CAP rate 259.39% Estimated Related Cost Reimbursement from SFs (CAP Rate) $0General Fund Revenue (change): $0



The Department proposes the elimination of $40,000 baseline funds for the Outreach and Communications / Field Support Program which was used to hire As-Needed staff to conduct various types of outreach, social media services, and election assistance services.


→ Issue/Problem: » The elimination of these funds is contingent upon the addition of permanent staff to BM4704. Approval of those

positions would enhance this program’s ability to meet critical outreach and election services goals, which would elim-inate the need to hire As-Needed staff on an annual basis. As-Needed funding would, however, still be required during election years.

→ Alignment with strategic documents:

□ Mayor’s Expectations Letter □ Comprehensive Homeless Strategy □ Sustainable City pLAn

□ Equitable Workforce and Service Restoration Plan □ Strategic Plan(s)

» Strategic Plan - Streamlines election outreach services to permanent staff that can provide consistent assistance to NCs and stakeholders.

→ Impact on Performance Metrics: N/A → Operational Improvements:

» If this proposal is approved without additional approvals for permanent election staff additions, the Department will have less success in providing outreach and election related services to NCs and stakeholders.


Continued collaboration and coordination with the Office of the City Clerk would be required to ensure successful NC elections every other year.



PROPOSAL NAME: Elimination of As-Needed baseline budget

Page 70Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Dept Code

Prog Code

Program Name Code Performance Measure Name Unit/Value

Long Term PM Target (Goal)

2011-12 Actuals

2012-13 Actuals

2013-14 Actuals

2014-15 Actuals

2015-16 Adopted

2015-16 Actuals

2016-17 Adopted Budget

Current Year (2016-17) Estimates

2017-18 Proposed -Basline

2017-18 Proposed - If All Continued/New Requests Approved

2017-18 Proposed - If All Continued/New Requests Approved And Efficiency Proposals Approved

47 4701 Neighborhood Council System Development

47NCGRADE Percent of Medium to High Functioning Neighborhood Councils

0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 83 N/A N/A N/A N/A¹

47 4701 Neighborhood Council System Development

47TRAINING Number of Trainings and Board Retreats 95 0 0 36 0 85 134 0 101 125 175 150

47 4702 Neighborhood Council Funding Program

47NCMERS Percentage of NCs that Submit Timely and Accurate MERs

0 0 0 0 0 0 78% 80 85% N/A N/A N/A²

47 4702 Neighborhood Council Funding Program

47PARTICIPANTS Number of Participants in NC Funding Program Training

1,764 83 147 212 0 1,764 1,331 0 1,450 N/A N/A N/A²

47 4703 Planning and Policy 47CIS Number of Community Impact Statements Submitted by NCs

240 0 0 152 200 240 258 300 300 300 350 335

47 4704 Neighborhood Council Administrative Support

47PARTNER Number of Departments Partnered with Neighborhood Councils

25 2 5 10 0 30 30 0 16 20 35 30

47 4701 Neighborhood Council System Development

47TRAINING Partner with Pat Brown Institute to train City staff on civic engagement

1 1 2 2 2*

47 4701 Neighborhood Council System Development

47SUPPORT Staffing of NC Meetings 50% 80% 80% 100% 95%**

47 4703 Planning and Policy 47PLANNING Create pathways for all City entities to directly engage with NCs and develop playbook for NC interactions with City

0 playbook playbook playbook playbook***

47 4704 Neighborhood Council Administrative Support

47YOUTH Recruit at least 40 youth for Civic Youth 2017 summer training

40 40 40 40 40***

47 4704 Neighborhood Council Administrative Support

47PARTNER Prepare NC outreach curriculum to target specific populations

0 3 3 5 4***

Comments: ¹ = Recommend removal of this performance metric² = Recommend removal of this performance metric (moved to City Clerk)* = New metric. Long term goal is yearly** = New metric. Long term goal is 100%*** = New metric.


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 71


Dept Code

Prog Code

Program Name Code Performance Measure Name Unit/Value

Long Term PM Target (Goal)

2011-12 Actuals

2012-13 Actuals

2013-14 Actuals

2014-15 Actuals

2015-16 Adopted

2015-16 Actuals

2016-17 Adopted Budget

Current Year (2016-17) Estimates

2017-18 Proposed -Basline

2017-18 Proposed - If All Continued/New Requests Approved

2017-18 Proposed - If All Continued/New Requests Approved And Efficiency Proposals Approved

47 4701 Neighborhood Council System Development

47NCGRADE Percent of Medium to High Functioning Neighborhood Councils

0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 83 N/A N/A N/A N/A¹

47 4701 Neighborhood Council System Development

47TRAINING Number of Trainings and Board Retreats 95 0 0 36 0 85 134 0 101 125 175 150

47 4702 Neighborhood Council Funding Program

47NCMERS Percentage of NCs that Submit Timely and Accurate MERs

0 0 0 0 0 0 78% 80 85% N/A N/A N/A²

47 4702 Neighborhood Council Funding Program

47PARTICIPANTS Number of Participants in NC Funding Program Training

1,764 83 147 212 0 1,764 1,331 0 1,450 N/A N/A N/A²

47 4703 Planning and Policy 47CIS Number of Community Impact Statements Submitted by NCs

240 0 0 152 200 240 258 300 300 300 350 335

47 4704 Neighborhood Council Administrative Support

47PARTNER Number of Departments Partnered with Neighborhood Councils

25 2 5 10 0 30 30 0 16 20 35 30

47 4701 Neighborhood Council System Development

47TRAINING Partner with Pat Brown Institute to train City staff on civic engagement

1 1 2 2 2*

47 4701 Neighborhood Council System Development

47SUPPORT Staffing of NC Meetings 50% 80% 80% 100% 95%**

47 4703 Planning and Policy 47PLANNING Create pathways for all City entities to directly engage with NCs and develop playbook for NC interactions with City

0 playbook playbook playbook playbook***

47 4704 Neighborhood Council Administrative Support

47YOUTH Recruit at least 40 youth for Civic Youth 2017 summer training

40 40 40 40 40***

47 4704 Neighborhood Council Administrative Support

47PARTNER Prepare NC outreach curriculum to target specific populations

0 3 3 5 4***

Comments: ¹ = Recommend removal of this performance metric² = Recommend removal of this performance metric (moved to City Clerk)* = New metric. Long term goal is yearly** = New metric. Long term goal is 100%*** = New metric.

Page 72Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 73



2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18Actual Adopted Estimated Program/Code/Description Contract

Expenditures Budget Expenditures Amount

Neighborhood Council System Development - BM4701

$ ( -) $ ( 2,000) $ 1. Translation services*. $ ( 10,000) ( 18,611) ( -) ( 9,828) 2. Cellular telephone service and maintenance*. ( 10,000)

34711.25 ( 18,999) 3. Computer and Computer related Services*.0 ( 10,147) 4. Neighborhood Council training and educational services*. ( 193,147)

5. DOD MOA*. ( 22,741) ( 16,657) ( 5,000) ( 19,132) 6. Photocopier leases*. ( 10,000)

11436.62 ( 10,920) 7. Photocopy paper, Printing and other office Expenses*.( 19,640) ( 20,000) ( 30,000) 8. Neighborhood Council events (Budget Day and Congress of Neighborhoods)*. ( 10,000)

$ ( 101,055) $ ( 37,147) $ ( 88,879) Neighborhood Council System Development Total $ ( 255,888)

Planning and Policy - BM4703

$ $ ( 2,000) $ 9. Translation services*. $ ( 10,000) ( 1,000) 10. Neighborhood Council training and educational services*. ( 5,000)

( 20,000) ( 30,000) ( 20,000) 11. Civic University*. ( 30,000)

$ ( 20,000) $ ( 33,000) $ ( 20,000) Planning and Policy Total $ ( 45,000)

Neighborhood Council Administrative Support - BM4704

$ ( 18,400) $ ( -) $ ( 10,000) 12. Neighborhood Council election outreach*. $13. Translation services *. ( 10,000)

( 276,000) ( 275,000) ( 275,000) 14. Online Neighborhood Council Board Member Election platform*. ( 450,000)

$ ( 294,400) $ ( 275,000) $ ( 285,000) Neighborhood Council Administrative Support Total $ ( 460,000)

General Administration and Support - BM4750

$ ( 15,967) $ $ ( 13,976) 15. Temporary Services*. $( 14,240) ( 10,200) 16. Translation services*. ( 5,000)

$ ( 30,206) $ ( -) $ ( 24,176) General Administrative Support Total $ ( 5,000)

Office of Civic Engagement - BM4705

$ $ ( -) $ 17. Training services*. $ ( 50,000) 18. FUSE Fellow*. $ ( 150,000) 19. Studio augmentation*. $ ( 10,000)

$ ( -) $ ( -) $ ( -) Office of Civic Engagement Total $ ( 210,000)

$ ( 445,661) $ ( 345,147) $ ( 418,055) TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT $ ( 975,888)

Page 74Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Actual Revenue Received

Fiscal Year 2015-16

Revenue Budget 2016-17

Revenue Source

Actual Revenue 2015-16 Check

Neighborhood Council Fund

Additional - Other Fund

Photo Copies

Donations and Contributions

Court Restitution Refund

Misc. Revenue

Dept. General Fund

Additional Neighborhood Council Fund

Clean LA Contest NCDepartment Revenue Source

$8,748,898 - Neighborhood Empowerment TOTAL $8,748,898 $2,599,138 $283,021 $161 $- $40 $1,618 $68,376 $5,291,545 $480,000 $25,000

2,599,138 Neighborhood Empowerment 5652 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-NEIGHB EMPWR 2,599,138 OK $2,599,138

283,021 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS 283,021 OK $283,021

161 Neighborhood Empowerment 4342 PHOTO COPIES 161 OK $161

- Neighborhood Empowerment 5102 DONATIONS AND CONTRIBUTATIONS - OK $-

40 Neighborhood Empowerment 5121 DAMAGE CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENTS 40 OK $40

1,618 Neighborhood Empowerment 5161 REIMBURSMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1,618 OK $1,618

68,376 Neighborhood Empowerment 5188 MISC. REVENUE-OTHERS 68,376 OK $68,376

5,291,545 Neighborhood Empowerment 5624 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-GENERAL FUND 5,291,545 OK $5,291,545

480,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5691 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-GENERAL FUND 480,000 OK $480,000

25,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS 25,000 OK $25,000


Revenue Received

Fiscal Year 2015-16

Revenue Budget 2016-17

Revenue Source

Estimated Revenue 2016-17 Check

Neighborhood Council Fund

Additional - Other Fund

Photo Copies

Donations and Contributions

Court Restitution Refund

Misc. Revenue

Dept. General Fund

Additional Neighborhood Council Fund

Clean LA Contest NCDepartment Revenue Source

$8,748,898 $5,575,885 Neighborhood Empowerment TOTAL $8,874,845 $2,546,078 $120 $600 $6,266,607 $48,000 $13,440

2,599,138 2,544,645 Neighborhood Empowerment 5652 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-NEIGHB EMPWR 2,546,078 OK 2,546,078

283,021 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS OK

161 Neighborhood Empowerment 4342 PHOTO COPIES 120 OK $120

- Neighborhood Empowerment 5102 DONATIONS AND CONTRIBUTATIONS OK $600

40 Neighborhood Empowerment 5121 DAMAGE CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENTS 600 OK

1,618 Neighborhood Empowerment 5161 REIMBURSMENT OF EXPENDITURES OK

68,376 Neighborhood Empowerment 5188 MISC. REVENUE-OTHERS OK

5,291,545 3,031,240 Neighborhood Empowerment 5624 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-GENERAL FUND 6,266,607 OK $6,266,607

480,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5691 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-GENERAL FUND 48,000 OK $48,000

25,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS 13,440 OK $13,440


Revenue Received

Fiscal Year 2015-16

Revenue Budget 2016-17

Revenue Source

Actual Revenue 2017-18 Check

Neighborhood Council Fund

Additional - Other Fund

Photo Copies

Donations and Contributions

Court Restitution Refund

Misc. Revenue

Dept. General Fund

Additional Neighborhood Council Fund

Clean LA Contest NCDepartment Revenue Source

$8,748,898 - Neighborhood Empowerment TOTAL $9,464,734 $4,200,000 $200 $- $600 $5,266,934

2,599,138 Neighborhood Empowerment 5652 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-NEIGHB EMPWR 4,200,000 OK 4,200,000

283,021 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS OK

161 Neighborhood Empowerment 4342 PHOTO COPIES 200 OK $161

- Neighborhood Empowerment 5102 DONATIONS AND CONTRIBUTATIONS - OK $-

40 Neighborhood Empowerment 5121 DAMAGE CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENTS 600 OK $600

1,618 Neighborhood Empowerment 5161 REIMBURSMENT OF EXPENDITURES OK

68,376 Neighborhood Empowerment 5188 MISC. REVENUE-OTHERS OK

5,291,545 Neighborhood Empowerment 5624 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-GENERAL FUND 5,266,934 OK $5,266,934

480,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5691 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-GENERAL FUND OK

25,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS OK

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 75


Actual Revenue Received

Fiscal Year 2015-16

Revenue Budget 2016-17

Revenue Source

Actual Revenue 2015-16 Check

Neighborhood Council Fund

Additional - Other Fund

Photo Copies

Donations and Contributions

Court Restitution Refund

Misc. Revenue

Dept. General Fund

Additional Neighborhood Council Fund

Clean LA Contest NCDepartment Revenue Source

$8,748,898 - Neighborhood Empowerment TOTAL $8,748,898 $2,599,138 $283,021 $161 $- $40 $1,618 $68,376 $5,291,545 $480,000 $25,000

2,599,138 Neighborhood Empowerment 5652 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-NEIGHB EMPWR 2,599,138 OK $2,599,138

283,021 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS 283,021 OK $283,021

161 Neighborhood Empowerment 4342 PHOTO COPIES 161 OK $161

- Neighborhood Empowerment 5102 DONATIONS AND CONTRIBUTATIONS - OK $-

40 Neighborhood Empowerment 5121 DAMAGE CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENTS 40 OK $40

1,618 Neighborhood Empowerment 5161 REIMBURSMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1,618 OK $1,618

68,376 Neighborhood Empowerment 5188 MISC. REVENUE-OTHERS 68,376 OK $68,376

5,291,545 Neighborhood Empowerment 5624 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-GENERAL FUND 5,291,545 OK $5,291,545

480,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5691 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-GENERAL FUND 480,000 OK $480,000

25,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS 25,000 OK $25,000


Revenue Received

Fiscal Year 2015-16

Revenue Budget 2016-17

Revenue Source

Estimated Revenue 2016-17 Check

Neighborhood Council Fund

Additional - Other Fund

Photo Copies

Donations and Contributions

Court Restitution Refund

Misc. Revenue

Dept. General Fund

Additional Neighborhood Council Fund

Clean LA Contest NCDepartment Revenue Source

$8,748,898 $5,575,885 Neighborhood Empowerment TOTAL $8,874,845 $2,546,078 $120 $600 $6,266,607 $48,000 $13,440

2,599,138 2,544,645 Neighborhood Empowerment 5652 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-NEIGHB EMPWR 2,546,078 OK 2,546,078

283,021 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS OK

161 Neighborhood Empowerment 4342 PHOTO COPIES 120 OK $120

- Neighborhood Empowerment 5102 DONATIONS AND CONTRIBUTATIONS OK $600

40 Neighborhood Empowerment 5121 DAMAGE CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENTS 600 OK

1,618 Neighborhood Empowerment 5161 REIMBURSMENT OF EXPENDITURES OK

68,376 Neighborhood Empowerment 5188 MISC. REVENUE-OTHERS OK

5,291,545 3,031,240 Neighborhood Empowerment 5624 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-GENERAL FUND 6,266,607 OK $6,266,607

480,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5691 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-GENERAL FUND 48,000 OK $48,000

25,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS 13,440 OK $13,440


Revenue Received

Fiscal Year 2015-16

Revenue Budget 2016-17

Revenue Source

Actual Revenue 2017-18 Check

Neighborhood Council Fund

Additional - Other Fund

Photo Copies

Donations and Contributions

Court Restitution Refund

Misc. Revenue

Dept. General Fund

Additional Neighborhood Council Fund

Clean LA Contest NCDepartment Revenue Source

$8,748,898 - Neighborhood Empowerment TOTAL $9,464,734 $4,200,000 $200 $- $600 $5,266,934

2,599,138 Neighborhood Empowerment 5652 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-NEIGHB EMPWR 4,200,000 OK 4,200,000

283,021 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS OK

161 Neighborhood Empowerment 4342 PHOTO COPIES 200 OK $161

- Neighborhood Empowerment 5102 DONATIONS AND CONTRIBUTATIONS - OK $-

40 Neighborhood Empowerment 5121 DAMAGE CLAIMS AND SETTLEMENTS 600 OK $600

1,618 Neighborhood Empowerment 5161 REIMBURSMENT OF EXPENDITURES OK

68,376 Neighborhood Empowerment 5188 MISC. REVENUE-OTHERS OK

5,291,545 Neighborhood Empowerment 5624 INTERFD OPPER TRANS-GENERAL FUND 5,266,934 OK $5,266,934

480,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5691 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-GENERAL FUND OK

25,000 Neighborhood Empowerment 5693 ADDL INTERFD TRANS-OTHER FUNDS OK

Page 76Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Ver. 1

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 77




Section 5.517 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code established the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment Fund. The Fund was created for the deposit and disbursement of funds appropriated to the Department for its operations and for the startup and function of neighborhood councils. All costs and expenses incurred in the operation of the Department shall be paid solely from the Fund.

Actual Estimated Budget2015-16 2016-17 2017-2018

REVENUE($ 1,485,995) ($ 962,217) Cash Balance, July 1*. ($ 962,217)

Less: [1] Prior Year's Unexpended Appropriations*.

($ 1,485,995) ($ 962,217) Balance Available, July 1*. ($ 962,217) ( 6,779,630) ( 7,077,376) General Fund*. ( 10,405,360) ( --) Other*. ( --)

($ 8,265,625) ($ 8,039,593) Total Revenue*. ($ 11,367,577) EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS($ --) ($ --) City Attorney*. ($ --) ( --) ( --) City Clerk*. ( --) ($ 27,000) ($ 750) City Clerk*.( --) ( --) Controller*.( --) ( --) Fire*.( --) ( 1,351) General Services*.( 5,091) ( 5,628) Information Technology Agency*. ( 5,628) ( 3,064,749) ( 2,546,078) Neighborhood Empowerment*. ( 5,266,934) *( --) ( --) Police*.

Public Works:( --) ( --) Board*.( --) ( --) Street Services*.( --) ( --) Recreation and Parks*.

Special Purpose Fund Appropriations: ( --) ( --) Street Furniture Revenue Fund*.( --) CD2 NC Grant Program*.

( --) CD3 Reseda NC*.( 4,682) CD4 Reseda NC - Pilot Program - to boost NC Election*.( 17,000) ( --) CD5 Palm for Community-based program and project*.( 1,500) ( --) CD6 LB NC Outreach*.( 50,000) ( 50,000) MCWCC Traffic Mitigation*.( 25,000) ( 25,000) Clean LA contest *.( 91,042) ( 30,000) Congress/Budget Advocacy Account*. ( 30,000) ( --) ( 63,000) Forming NC's Funding (2)*. ( 75,000) ( 3,848,815) ( 3,911,040) Neighborhood Council Funding Program**. ( 4,850,000) **

( 168,529) ( 168,529) Neighborhood Empowerment (2015-16)*. ( 177,798)

( 276,000) Online Voting Platform*.( --) ( --) Neighborhood Council Elections 2014*.( --) ( --) Contingency for Obligatory Changes*. ( --)

($ 7,303,408) ($ 7,077,376) Total Appropriations*. ($ 10,405,360)

($ 962,217) ($ 962,217) Ending Balance, June 30*. ($ 962,217)

* Department of Neighborhood and Empowerment FY 2017-18 Proposed Budget

** The detail of the Neighborhood Council Funding Program appropriation is in the Nondepartmental section of the Detail of Department Programs with Financial Summaries (Blue Book).

Page 78Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Ver. 2

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 79




Section 5.517 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code established the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment Fund. The Fund was created for the deposit and disbursement of funds appropriated to the Department for its operations and for the startup and function of neighborhood councils. All costs and expenses incurred in the operation of the Department shall be paid solely from the Fund.

Actual Estimated Budget2015-16 2016-17 2017-2018

REVENUE($ 1,485,995) ($ 962,217) Cash Balance, July 1*. ($ 962,217)

Less: [1] Prior Year's Unexpended Appropriations*.

($ 1,485,995) ($ 962,217) Balance Available, July 1*. ($ 962,217) ( 6,779,630) ( 7,926,698) General Fund*. ( 10,606,392) ( --) Other*. ( --)

($ 8,265,625) ($ 8,888,915) Total Revenue*. ($ 11,568,609) EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS($ 27,000) ($ 750) City Clerk*.( --) ( --) Controller*.( --) ( --) Fire*.( --) ( 1,351) General Services*. ( 25,000) ( 5,091) ( 5,628) Information Technology Agency*. ( 6,660) ( 3,064,749) ( 3,374,400) Neighborhood Empowerment*. ( 5,266,934) *( --) ( --) Police*.

Public Works:( --) ( --) Board*.( --) ( --) Street Services*.( --) ( --) Recreation and Parks*.

Special Purpose Fund Appropriations: ( --) ( --) Street Furniture Revenue Fund*.( --) CD2 NC Grant Program*.

( --) CD3 Reseda NC*.( 4,682) CD7 Redevelopment Projects - Services*.( 17,000) ( --) CD7 Panorama City Mural Restoration*.( 1,500) ( --) CD7 North Hills East NC Gateway Median*.( 50,000) ( 50,000) CD7 STNC*.( 25,000) ( 25,000) CD13 Glassell Park NC Tree Project*.( 91,042) ( 30,000) Congress/Budget Advocacy Account*. ( 30,000) ( --) ( 84,000) Forming NC's Funding (2)*. ( 100,000) ( 3,848,815) ( 3,911,040) Neighborhood Council Funding Program**. ( 5,000,000) **

( 168,529) ( 168,529) Neighborhood Empowerment (2015-16)*. ( 177,798)

( 276,000) Online Voting Platform*.

($ 7,303,408) ($ 7,926,698) Total Appropriations*. ($ 10,606,392)

($ 962,217) ($ 962,217) Ending Balance, June 30*. ($ 962,217)

* Department of Neighborhood and Empowerment FY 2017-18 Proposed Budget

** The detail of the Neighborhood Council Funding Program appropriation is in the Nondepartmental section of the Detail of Department Programs with Financial Summaries (Blue Book).

Page 80Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 81


Recapitulation of Position Changes2017-18 Budget Request

Prog Code Program Service/Request

Additions Deletions

Qty (+)Reg/ Reso

Class Code Classification Title Qty (-)

Reg/ Reso

Class Code Classification Title


BM4750 GASPManagement, Accounting and Administrative Support 1 Reg 9221 Asst GM Neigh Empwmt

BM4750 GASPManagement, Accounting and Administrative Support 1 Reg 1117-3 Exec Admin Asst III

BM4750 GASPManagement, Accounting and Administrative Support 1 Reg 9734-2 Commission Exec Asst II

BM4750 GASPManagement, Accounting and Administrative Support 1 Reg 1358 Administrative Clerk

BM4750 GASPManagement, Accounting and Administrative Support 1 Reg 1223 Accounting Clerk

BM4750 GASPManagement, Accounting and Administrative Support 1 Reg 9134 Pr. Project Coord.

BM4705Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab

Creation of the Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab 1 Reg 1538 Sr. Proj. Coordinator

BM4705Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab

Creation of the Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab 2 Reg 1537 Project Coordinator

BM4705Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab

Creation of the Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab 2 Reg 1542 Project Assistant

BM4705Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab

Creation of the Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab 1 Reg 1461-2 Communications Representative II

BM4705Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab

Creation of the Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab 1 Reg 1596-2 Systems Analyst II

BM4705Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab

Creation of the Office of Civic Engagement / Google Angels Lab 2 Reg 1429 Application Programmer

BM4704Outreach and Communications

Neighborhood Council Elections 2 Reg 1537 Project Coordinator

BM4704Outreach and Communications

Neighborhood Council Elections 1 Reg 1358 Administrative Clerk

BM4701 NC Admin / Field Support

NC Training, ADA Compliance, Investigations and Enforcement 3 Reg 1537 Project Coordinator

BM4701 NC Admin / Field Support

NC Training, ADA Compliance, Investigations and Enforcement 1 Reg 1358 Administrative Clerk

BM4703Policy and Government Relations / Field Support

Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Program 2 Reg 1537 Project Coordinator

BM4703Policy and Government Relations / Field Support

Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Program 1 Reg 1358 Administrative Clerk


BM4704Outreach and Communications 1 Reg 1596-2 Systems Analyst II

BM4750 GASP 1 Reg 1596-2 Systems Analyst IIBM4701 NC Admin / Field Support 1 Reg 9184-2 Management Analyst IIBM4750 GASP 1 Reg 9184-2 Management Analyst IIBM4701 NC Admin / Field Support 1 Reg 1358 Administrative ClerkBM4750 GASP 1 Reg 1358 Administrative Clerk

BM4704Outreach and Communications 2 Reg 1542 Project Assistant

BM4750 GASP 2 Reg 1542 Project Assistant

BM4701 NC Admin / Field Support 2 Reg 9208Neighborhood Empowerment Analyst

BM4703Policy and Government Relations / Field Support 2 Reg 9208

Neighborhood Empowerment Analyst

BM4701 NC Admin / Field Support 1 Reg 1537 Project Coordinator

BM4703Policy and Government Relations / Field Support 1 Reg 1537 Project Coordinator

BM4701 NC Admin / Field Support 3 Reg 1537 Project Coordinator

BM4704Outreach and Communications 3 Reg 1537 Project Coordinator

36 11Net Position Change Requested: 25

Page 82Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.


Man-Qin He

Accounting Clerk I $59,654


200 N. Spring St., 20th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012Neighborhood Empowerment


Sr. Accountant I


Processes accounting documents and reports related to purchases, contracts, payroll, appropriations, encumbrances and otheraccounting work.

May perform cashiering activities and verify accuracy of money collected, may review accounting documents for compliancewith established policies and procedures. Answers and resolves telephone inquiries. Maintains accurate accounting files.

Other duties as assigned.



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.


Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507





Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 83


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently and require minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Will work with other Department staff as well as Neighborhood Council Board Members on a regular basis to discuss and clarifydocumentation submitted by the Neighborhood Councils for reconciliation. Will also work with other City departments as needed.

Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Sr. Management Analyst II (213) 928-9507

Page 84Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Administrative Clerk - 1358 $45,748


200 N. Spring St., 20th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012Neighborhood Empowerment


Senior Project Coordinator

Performs office clerical work which requires independent judgment such as the following: receiving, sorting, filing andprocessing of Department correspondence; assisting Neighborhood Council Board Memebers, stakeholders, and visitors inperson, or over the phone with inquiries about NC Training, Field Operations, ADA, and investigations; performance of dataentry into various Department systems interfaces;

Provide administrative support to the Department, with payroll and timekeeping issues.

Prepares correspondence and packages for mailing; provides administrative support to staff



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507





Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 85


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Management Analyst II (213) 978-1551

Page 86Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Administrative Clerk - 1358 $45,748


200 N. Spring St., 20th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012Neighborhood Empowerment


Senior Project Coordinator

Performs office clerical work which requires independent judgment such as the following: receiving, sorting, filing andprocessing of Department correspondence; assisting Neighborhood Council Board Memebers, stakeholders, and visitors inperson, or over the phone with inquiries about Field Operations, emergency preparedness issues, Budget Advocates, Congressof Neighborhoods, and liaison services; performance of data entry into various Department systems interfaces;

Provide administrative support to the Department, with payroll and timekeeping issues.

Prepares correspondence and packages for mailing; provides administrative support to staff



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507





Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 87


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Senior Project Coordinator (213) 978-1551

Page 88Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Administrative Clerk - 1358 $45,748


200 N. Spring St., 20th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012Neighborhood Empowerment


Senior Project Coordinator

Performs office clerical work which requires independent judgment such as the following: receiving, sorting, filing andprocessing of Department correspondence; assisting Neighborhood Council Board Memebers, stakeholders, and visitors inperson, or over the phone with inquiries about Field Operations, NC Elections and outreach services; performance of data entryinto various Department systems interfaces;

Provide administrative support to the Department, with payroll and timekeeping issues.

Prepares correspondence and packages for mailing; provides administrative support to staff



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507





Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 89


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Senior Project Coordinator (213) 978-1551

Page 90Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Administrative Clerk - 1358 $45,748


200 N. Spring St., 20th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012Neighborhood Empowerment


Management Analyst II

Performs office clerical work which requires independent judgment such as the following: receiving, sorting, filing andprocessing of Department correspondence; assisting Neighborhood Council Board Memebers, stakeholders, and visitors inperson, or over the phone with inquiries about contracts and leases; performance of data entry into various Department systemsinterfaces;

Provide administrative support to the Department, with payroll and timekeeping issues.

Prepares correspondence and packages for mailing; provides administrative support to staff



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507





Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 91


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Management Analyst II (213) 978-1551

Page 92Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.


Grayce Liu

Assistant General Manager $138,852


200 N. Spring St., 20th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012Neighborhood Empowerment

General Admin and Support

General Manager

Directly assists the Department General Manager with the management and administration of the Neighborhood Council Field Operations, Outreach & Communications, Policy & Government Relations, and Administrative Services Divisions, includingPayroll and Personnel matters; Determines Department goals and objectives in reference to these Divisions and takes correctiveactions to ensure successful achievement of goals; Directs studies, and prepares reports related to highly complex and technicalissues, and presents reports to other department executives, Mayoral and Council staff, as well as other elected officials.

Review the work and progress of senior level managers (one (1) Sr. Management Analyst II, one (1) Sr. Management Analyst I,and (1) Pr. Project Coordinator; Set targets and regular check-ins for dissemination of important information to Departmentalstaff, Neighborhood Council Boards, and other City agencies; Oversee the management and supervision duties of mid-levelmanagement staff to ensure compliance with established disciplinary guidelines, personnel procedures, EEO, and payrollprocedures.

Directly responsible for the supervision and management of all aspects of the development, presentation and implementation of the Department's budget, processes and expenditure program implementation.

Provides informational reports to the Board of Neighborhood Commisioners on matters related to internal operational issuesaffecting the Department. In conjunction with the General Manager, offers presentations to City Council and Committeesrelated to Human Resources, Budget and other Departmental administrative matters.



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

1 - Sr. MA II1 - Sr. MA I1 - Pr. Proj. Coord.

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507






Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 93


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with General Manager. Employee must be able to work independently and requireminimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

General Manager (213) 978-1035

Page 94Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Application Programmer - 1596-2 $78,926



Neighborhood Empowerment

Civic Engagement

Senior Project Coordinator

MyLA 311 App: Gamified - creates a game where folks are incentivized to ConnectLA by collecting badges for civicengagement activities from registering to vote, voting, doing City art walks, attending Neighborhood Council meetings

Prepares programs by analyzing specifications developed by systems professionals; determines computer processingrequirements; develops systems and/or programming flowcharts, codes programs and/or integrates and enhances CommercialOff the Shelf (COTS) software solutions; tests, debugs, and corrects errors in programs; prepares program and systemsdocumentation; assists in analyzing and resolution of computer systems problems; and performs basic network configuration,scripting, network and implementation tasks; maintains configuration databases and related processing; write SQL queries anddistribute routine reporting for RDBMS; and performs other related duties.



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507




Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 95


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Senior Project Coordinator (213) 928-9507

Page 96Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Commission Executive Assistant II - 9734 $78,926


200 N. Spring St., 20th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012Neighborhood Empowerment


Assistant General Manager


Supervises or performs all administrative and clerical functions of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners; prepares orsupervises the preparation of the agenda and minutes of all meetings of the Commission; notifies Commission members ofmeeting dates; assembles staff reports and other documents needed for reference purposes by Commission members; supplies Commission members, administrative officers of the City and other interested persons with the Commission's agenda; attendsCommission meetings and takes notes of the proceedings and transactions of the Commission; may recommend action onroutine matters and advise Commission members on questions of form and precedent; arranges Commission appearances;

Prepares or supervises the preparation and filing of records of Commission actions and correspondence; checks Commissionminutes against notes taken at meetings to insure accuracy and completeness; maintains indexes and files of Commissionactions, correspondence and official documents; researches background information and prepares special reports andcorrespondence as requested by the Commission; prepares, certifies and distributes resolutions, orders and minutes ofCommission meetings; arranges for publication and other legal notices of bids, contracts and other Commission actions;composes and signs routine correspondence for the Commission; schedules appointments for Commission members; explainsCommission policies and actions to office callers or over the phone; may coordinate and schedule hearings and review hearingreports; may take and transcribe dictation from Commission members;

may occasionally be assigned to other duties for training purposes or to meet technological changes or emergencies.



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.


Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507





Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 97


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently and require minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Will work with other Department staff as well as Neighborhood Council Board Members and Commissioners on a regular basis to discussand clarify documentation submitted by the Neighborhood Councils. Will also work with other City departments as needed.

Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Assistant General Manager (213) 978-1551

Page 98Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Communications Information Rep II /1461-2 $56,480


200 N. Spring St., 20th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012Neighborhood Empowerment

Civic Engagement

Senior Project Coordinator

Operates a central voice telephone communication system and LACity.org web chat; responds to incoming calls, messages and email messages from the public, City Agencies, and Neighborhood Councils; routes messages to the proper station;

Enters and retrieves information from a computer based system; relays messages received orally and in writing; places longdistance and/or operator assisted calls;

Incidental clerical work.



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.


Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507





Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 99


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently and require minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Will work with other Department staff as well as Neighborhood Council Board Members and Commissioners on a regular basis to discussand clarify documentation submitted by the Neighborhood Councils. Will also work with other City departments as needed.

Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Senior Project Coordinator (213) 978-1551

Page 100Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.


Grayce Liu

Executive Administrative Assistant III $79,218


200 N. Spring St., 20th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012Neighborhood Empowerment


General Manager

Exec Office

Performs administrative support functions thereby allowing the General Manager and Assistant General Manager to focus onexecutive level responsibilities; performs highly specialized and responsible secretarial work.

Responds on behalf of the GM and AGM to routine complaints and inquiries, exercising judgment concerning the applicationand interpretation of department policies, procedures, and regulations;

Receives and screens telephone calls, visitors, and incoming correspondence and routes to appropriate department staff oragency;

Arranges accommodations and travel arrangements for managers’ business meetings and conferences, and verifies and preparesexpense statements;

Establishes and maintains detailed office records, record keeping and filing systems;

Receives and processes documents according to departmental procedures;

Composes, proofreads and edits material such as letters, memos, agendas, and minutes for accuracy, content and consistencyusing applicable software;

Schedules appointments and maintains GM and AGM calendar or multiple calendars utilizing computer software;

May be assigned other duties for training purposes or to meet technological changes or emergencies



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.


Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507











Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 101


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently and require minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Will work with other Department staff as well as Neighborhood Council Board Members on a regular basis to discuss and clarifydocumentation submitted by the Neighborhood Councils. Will also work with other City departments as needed.

Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

General Manager (213) 978-1551

Page 102Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Principal Project Coordinator - 9134 $107,782



Neighborhood Empowerment


Assistant General Manager

Exec Office

Directs the work of professional, technical, and clerical personnel engaged in developing, administering, and assistingNeighborhood Councils and NC Alliances throughout the City;

Develops polices and procedures relative to the formation, administration, and facilitation of Neighborhood Councils and NCAlliances;

Approves the planning and administration of special events and community activities;

Provides leadership and acts as a liaison to Neighborhood Councils and NC Alliances to resolve a variety of issues;

Oversees the Neighborhood Council certification and election process;

Supervises the research, tracking and reporting on the status of Neighborhood Councils and NC Alliances;

Prepares and makes presentations before City boards and commissions including the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners, Department management, the City Council, the Council’s Standing Committees, other elected officials, and City or othergovernment and private sector agencies and organizations;

Directs the preparation of research concerning best practices and communicates results to Neighborhood Councils and othercommunity groups;

May occasionally be assigned to other duties for training purposes or to meet technological changes or emergencies.



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 103


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties tha fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Assistant General Manager (213) 978-1551

Page 104Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Project Assistant - 1542 $49,722



Neighborhood Empowerment

Civic Engagement

Senior Project Coordinator

Assists in the promotion of civic engagement in government and in the system of Neighborhood Councils (NC) to the publicand to City agencies; interpret documents and ordinances related to the governance of Neighborhood Councils, including theCharter of the City of Los Angeles and the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils. Assists in developinginformal training and group programs to support the growth and development of the system of Neighborhood Councils as wellas individual Neighborhood Councils.

Assists in the development of outreach and educational material on Neighborhood Council process. Provides technical,funding, organizing and logistical support to neighborhoods. Provides direct training and orientation to Neighborhood Councilmembers on Neighborhood Council subject matters.

Interface with appropriate representatives from the Office of the Mayor and various City Council offices, as well asrepresentatives from various Departments, Commissions and agencies of the City of Los Angeles. May be assigned to special work groups or projects and perform other duties for training purposes, to meet Department needs, or during emergencies.Prepares reports and analysis data and may present information to elected City officials and the Neighborhood CouncilCommission.

Responsible to periodically assist with call center inquiries and provide technical assistance to and problem solving to callers.

Compiles information and prepares reports related to project goal implementation and achievement. Updates database ofcommunity organizations and contacts. Completes special projects, as needed.



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507







Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 105


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Senior Project Coordinator (213) 928-9507

Page 106Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.


Mike Fong

Project Coordinator - 1537 $70,896


200 N. Spring St., 20th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012Neighborhood Empowerment

Planning and Policy

Senior Project Coordinator

Develop and execute an emergency preparedness plan and system and enhance the Planning and Policy program's currentservices; Develop policies and procedures in conjunction for enhancing the Neighborhood Council system and Departmentoperations; Support the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates for the Mayor’s Budget Day and with Neighborhood Council leaders to work on the Congress of Neighborhoods; Monitor Council Files for issues relevant to Neighborhood Councils andinform and work with Neighborhood Councils and alliances to respond to such issues via Community Impact Statementseducation and tracking;

Interface with appropriate representatives from the Office of the Mayor and various City Council offices, as well asrepresentatives from various Departments, Commissions, agencies of the City of Los Angeles and leaders of private andnon-profit community-based organizations; Prepares reports and analysis data for the Board of Neighborhood Commissionersand may present information to elected City officials; Compiles information and prepares reports related to project goalimplementation and achievement and Neighborhoods individual and systemic assessment; Updates database of communityorganizations and contacts.

Responsible to periodically manage call center inquiries and provide technical assistance to and problem solving to callers.

Compiles information and prepares reports related to project goal implementation and achievement and Neighborhoodsindividual and systemic assessment; Updates database of community organizations and contacts.



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 978-1551






Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 107


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Senior Project Coordinator (213) 978-1551

Page 108Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Project Coordinator - 1537 $70,896



Neighborhood Empowerment


Senior Project Coordinator


Coordinate Neighborhood Council election and selection activities and outreach in conjunction with Neighborhood CouncilBoards and the Office of the City Clerk.

Conduct investigations into harassment complaints in conjunction with the Office of the City Attorney, Personnel Department,and the Department on Disability as applicable. Gather facts about particular complaints, conducting interviews, presentingresults to management along with recommendation for appropriate actions.

Promote civic participation in government and in the system of Neighborhood Councils (NC) to affected and interested parties; interpret documents and ordinances related to the governance of Neighborhood Councils, including the Charter of the City ofLos Angeles and the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils. Develop informal training and group programs tosupport the growth and development of the system of Neighborhood Councils as well as individual Neighborhood Councils.

Development of outreach and educational material on Neighborhood Council process. Provides technical, funding, organizingand logistical support to neighborhood councils. Provides direct training and orientation to Neighborhood Council members on Neighborhood Council subject matters.

Interface with appropriate representatives from the Office of the Mayor and various City Council offices, as well asrepresentatives from various Departments, Commissions and agencies of the City of Los Angeles. May be assigned to special work groups or projects and perform other duties for training purposes, to meet Department needs, or during emergencies.Prepares reports and analysis data and may present information to elected City officials and the Neighborhood CouncilCommission.

Responsible to periodically manage call center inquiries and provide technical assistance to and problem solving to callers.


Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/11/16 (213) 928-9507








Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 109


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50

Driving to NC meetings



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Senior Project Coordinator (213) 978-1551

Page 110Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Project Coordinator - 1537 $70,896



Neighborhood Empowerment

Civic Engagement

Senior Project Coordinator

Promote civic engagement in government and in the system of Neighborhood Councils (NC) to the public and to City agencies; interpret documents and ordinances related to the governance of Neighborhood Councils, including the Charter of the City ofLos Angeles and the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils. Develop informal training and group programs tosupport the growth and development of the system of Neighborhood Councils as well as individual Neighborhood Councils.

Assists in the development of outreach and educational material on Neighborhood Council process. Provides technical,funding, organizing and logistical support to neighborhoods. Provides direct training and orientation to Neighborhood Councilmembers on Neighborhood Council subject matters.

Interface with appropriate representatives from the Office of the Mayor and various City Council offices, as well asrepresentatives from various Departments, Commissions and agencies of the City of Los Angeles. May be assigned to special work groups or projects and perform other duties for training purposes, to meet Department needs, or during emergencies.Prepares reports and analysis data and may present information to elected City officials and the Neighborhood CouncilCommission.

Responsible to periodically assist with call center inquiries and provide technical assistance to and problem solving to callers.

Compiles information and prepares reports related to project goal implementation and achievement. Updates database ofcommunity organizations and contacts. Completes special projects, as needed.



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507







Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 111


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Senior Project Coordinator (213) 928-9507

Page 112Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Project Coordinator - 1537 $70,896



Neighborhood Empowerment


Senior Project Coordinator


Coordinate Neighborhood Council election and selection activities and outreach in conjunction with Neighborhood CouncilBoards and the Office of the City Clerk.

Promote civic participation in government and in the system of Neighborhood Councils (NC) to affected and interested parties; interpret documents and ordinances related to the governance of Neighborhood Councils, including the Charter of the City ofLos Angeles and the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils. Develop informal training and group programs tosupport the growth and development of the system of Neighborhood Councils as well as individual Neighborhood Councils.

Development of outreach and educational material on Neighborhood Council process. Provides technical, funding, organizingand logistical support to neighborhood councils. Provides direct training and orientation to Neighborhood Council members on Neighborhood Council subject matters.

Interface with appropriate representatives from the Office of the Mayor and various City Council offices, as well asrepresentatives from various Departments, Commissions and agencies of the City of Los Angeles. May be assigned to special work groups or projects and perform other duties for training purposes, to meet Department needs, or during emergencies.Prepares reports and analysis data and may present information to elected City officials and the Neighborhood CouncilCommission.

Responsible to periodically manage call center inquiries and provide technical assistance to and problem solving to callers.Compiles information and prepares reports related to project goal implementation and achievement. Updates database ofcommunity organizations and contacts. Completes special projects, as needed.


1 year

Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/11/16 (213) 928-9507







Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 113


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50

Driving to NC meetings




Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date 04/22/16

Senior Project Coordinator (213) 928-9507

Page 114Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Senior Project Coordinator - 1538 $97,123



Neighborhood Empowerment

Civic Engagement

Principal Project Coordinator

Supervise a staff that promotes civic engagement in government and in the system of Neighborhood Councils (NC) to thepublic and to City agencies; interpret documents and ordinances related to the governance of Neighborhood Councils, including the Charter of the City of Los Angeles and the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils. Develop informaltraining and group programs to support the growth and development of the system of Neighborhood Councils as well asindividual Neighborhood Councils.

Assists in the development of outreach and educational material on Neighborhood Council process. Provides technical,funding, organizing and logistical support to neighborhoods. Provides direct training and orientation to Neighborhood Councilmembers on Neighborhood Council subject matters.

Interface with appropriate representatives from the Office of the Mayor and various City Council offices, as well asrepresentatives from various Departments, Commissions and agencies of the City of Los Angeles. May be assigned to special work groups or projects and perform other duties for training purposes, to meet Department needs, or during emergencies.Prepares reports and analysis data and may present information to elected City officials and the Neighborhood CouncilCommission.

Responsible to periodically manage call center inquiries and provide technical assistance to and problem solving to callers.

Compiles information and prepares reports related to project goal implementation and achievement. Updates database ofcommunity organizations and contacts. Completes special projects, as needed.



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

2 Project Coordinators, 2 project Assistants, 1 Communications Representative II, 1 Systems Analyst II, 2 Application Programmers

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507







Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 115


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Principal Project Coordinator (213) 928-9507

Page 116Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Form PDES 3ef (Rev. 7/07) POSITION DESCRIPTIONCity of Los Angeles


1. Name of Employee:

4. Reason for Preparing Description:

5. Location of office or place of work:

7. Name and title of the person from whom you ordinarily receive instructions and who supervises or reviews your work:

2. Employee's Present Class Title/Code: 3. Present Salary

Date Prepared



or Wage Rate:

New Position

Change in Existing PositionRoutine Report of Duties

Review for Proper Allocation

Name of Department


Name Title


Describe in detail the duties and work of this position, describing each duty in a separate paragraph. Begin with the duties that normally take most ofyour time and then describe the duties that are infrequent. Be certain to tell what is done, how it is done and what materials or equipment are used.Using percentages, show the distribution of the total working time. Also, if the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed, indicate howand when the changes occurred.

9. How long have the duties been substantially as described above?

10. List any machinery or equipment operated and any unusual or hazardous working conditions.

12. Indicate the number of employees supervised by class titles.

13. I certify that the above statements are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and complete.

11. Percent of time spent supervising (training and evaluating employees, assigning and reviewing work).

Signature Date Phone No.



Systems Analyst II - 1596-2 $78,926



Neighborhood Empowerment

Civic Engagement

Senior Project Coordinator

Develops predictive analytics, create polls and surveys and supporting virtual collaboration options for the Office of CivicEngagement. Expands Active Participation by using social listening tools.

Analyzes procedures, methods and operations of computerbased information systems; designs, implements, and recommendsinformation systems to improve the efficiency and economy of City operations; performs cost benefit and feasibility analysesrelated to the modification of existing computer based information systems, the maintenance and support of informationsystems, or the implementation of new computer based systems; accesses and analyzes information from automated files using high level retrieval languages.



Personal desktop/laptop computer, copier, printer and fax.

Armando Ruiz 11/16/16 (213) 928-9507




Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 117


ITEMS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR14. Indicate in what respects if any the duties and responsibilities on the other side are not sufficiently or accurately described.

16. REQUIREMENTS. Indicate the minimum requrements to perform the duties of this position:

17. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Check below all physical capabilities needed to do this job.

(a) Education (include specific matter).

(a) List any alternative methods or devices that can be used to aid in meeting the physical requirements checked above.

(a) Policy and Methods: Describe the responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of policy and methods; indicate the extent of participation in development, if any, and approval by higher authority required.


(b) Experience (type and length; list appropriate city classes, if any).

15. SUPERVISION RECEIVED. Describe the nature, frequency, or closeness of supervision received by the employee, including the way that the employee's work is assigned and reviewed.

Strength Lift Push

How far


Average weight Heaviest weight

Climbing (stairs, ladders, poles)

Face severe work conditions



on/near water

Vision, to read fine print/numbers

Hearing, for telephone/alarms

Balance, for working heights



Legs, for walking/standing

Hands and fingers

Back, for strenuous labor


Hours perweek

(b) Materials and Products: Describe the responsibility and opportunity for bringing about economies and/or preventing losses through effective handling, processing or storing of materials or products, or through planning or engineering in connection with same.

(c) Machinery and equipment: Describe the responsibility for the operation, use, repair or care of machinery, equipment, or facilities, or for planning or engineering in connection with the same; indicate the size and kind of such machinery and equipment; describe the opportunity for preventing losses or achieving economies.

(d) Money: Describe the responsibility for and access to cash, stamps or other negotiables, or the responsibility for authorizing the expenditure of funds; indicate the average value of negotiables handed each month, or the amounts which are authorized to be expended each month.

Is position bonded? ; amount of bond

(e) Personal Contacts: Describe the purpose and frequency of personal contact with others, both within and outside the organization; indicate the types of contacts, purpose thereof, and the importance of persons contacted.

(f) Records and Reports: Describe the records and reports, including the kind and value of records in descriptive terms, and the action employee takes in respect thereto

Signature of the immediate supervisor Date

The employee will work in a team environment and may be assigned to perform duties that fall outside primary work assignment.

Employee will work on strategic goals and workplans with immediate supervisor. Employee must be able to work independently andrequire minimal supervision. Employee must be able to make sound decisions and justify such decisions.

As described in Class Specification.

As described in Class Specification.

Will follow established Department policies and procedures; may occasionally be requested to provide input regarding proposedpolicies/methods to supervisors and/or management employees.



Employee will handle important records and reports as required by the City.

x x

10 50



Class Title Phone No.

Signature of department head Date

Senior Project Coordinator (213) 928-9507

Page 118Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 2017-18 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal Page 119




The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment is anticipating continued growth of the Neighborhood Council System due to many successful years of outreach and garnering interest in the system and NC Elec-tions. It is also anticipated that the online voting platform will continue to grow as further interest by NC Boards requires additional build-out to the system. This will bring about additional need for funds and resources to capture that growth.

@EmpowerLA /EmpowerLA @EmpowerLA /EmpowerLA

For the digital version of this document, please go to EmpowerLA.org/BudgetProposal

200 North Spring Street, Suite 2005 Los Angeles, California 90012

Phone: 213-978-1551
