Guest Experience Amsterdam

테드엑스 암스테르담 요약

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Guest Experience


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INTRODUCTIONTake the time to step inside of a time machine and take a look at the second half of 2009. There you’ll see a small team of Dutch TED-fans running around, well on their way of making the last preparations for the event November 20th 2009 (the very first TEDxAmsterdam event).

One of the speakers would be professor Marcel Dicke with a really strong story about the eating of insects. Based on his arguments, you couldn’t really disagree with him, only on the basis of personal taste.

The very first moment, Monique got the offer from a patissier to actually serve nice little bites made of in-sects. She thought it would be great to let TEDxAm-sterdam’s guests taste what it was actually like to eat a grashopper with strawberry and chocolate during the tea break.

It was a huge success. Thanks to Dicke’s great story, and also the experience during the tea break, this be-came the story that guests told their friends, spouses and colleagues after that day. The entire concept even got adopted by TEDGlobal in Oxford, including our Marcel Dicke and his patissier.

From that moment on, we knew that TEDxAmsterdam was way more than a programme of speakers. From that moment we’d search for more of those tantalizing and memorable experiences.

Therefore, I am happy that Femke and Veerle took the lead to convert the team’s ideas to experience with a capital X.

Jim Stolze

60 ideas worth doing...

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IDEA #1During applications ask guests for their ‘Connected Consequences’. Of which cause are you the effect? Or of which effect are you the cause? In any case: which idea or thought has made a large impact on who you are today and what you stand for? To give people the feeling that they are selected on this criteria for the applications.

IDEA #2Send a guest list with the invitations. This guest list is presented in the form of a network, so you can already see who’s connected to whom.

IDEA #3Use #TEDxAMSvoorpret in the week preceding the event to invite guests to share how they experience the anticipatory fun before the event. With a lot of back-stage pictures from the TEDx team.

“Wow! On the 6th of November me and 999 other people are invited to TEDxAmsterdam. An event of which I already know it’s going to be special. And I feel special, since I’ve been chosen out of all those applications. The fun can start now!”

IDEA #4A personal card from a TEDx member at the beginning of the week of the event on your doormat: How great you can make it. We don’t know each other yet, but I hope we can meet one another on the day itself. Be-cause you (something personal e.g. you are a graph-ic designer), I would like to invite you to do the fol-lowing on the day itself: (Assignment for a break-out e.g. drawing on a large sheet of paper). Best regards, (Name TEDxAms member).” With 50 TEDx members these are only 20 cards per person.

IDEA #5Connected consequences: Have a direct impact on your carbon footprint. With the application you can indicate with which mode of transportation you will be arriving. You can directly see what your carbon foot-print will be on the entire event.

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“It cannot be missed where I have to be. From all the tram stops and parking garages, the way is indicated properly: X marks the spot! Besides, the glass windows next to the entrance show a big sign saying “TEDxAmsterdam”. There are crowd barriers and a red carpet on which I’m walking. It’s nice and bustling this atmosphere. And I have to wait in line for a bit. Happy there’s a lot of amusement while waiting.”

IDEA #9Umbrella service can be provided by TEDxAMS volunteers in case of rain (with special TEDxAMS- branded umbrellas).

IDEA #10Facial recognition during entry. When entering the building, the faces of the guests are linked to their names so they can be tagged in all the pictures that are taken during the day.

IDEA #6Crowd barriers at the entrance and a red carpet. At the entrance there is a photographer in front of a large TEDxAMS logo wall. A picture is taken of every vis-itor. In case of bad weather this can be done in the entrance hall. The pictures are uploaded on the TEDxAMS Facebook for everyone to see and tag themselves.

IDEA #7The crowd barriers will carry signs saying ‘from here only 15 minutes” and the #TEDxAMS, so people can already start tweeting while they wait with the right hash tag. The signs will also show some fun facts of the day.

IDEA #8Coffee stand outside the entrance so people can get a really good cup of coffee to fire up their senses before kick off and while waiting. (e.g. Hesselink Koffie) .

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IDEA #11All volunteers will follow a workshop on hospitality and hostmanship.

IDEA #12Wi-Fi needs to be directly available. If there’s a code to log on, this one needs to be apparent everywhere in the building (wardrobe, toilets) so people can easily find Internet.

IDEA #13The TEDxAmsterdam team (e.g. 3 people) will be at the door to shake everyone’s hand when they come in. This is to say: we’re happy you’re here, welcome! Preferably the board can do this because they are the faces of TEDxAmsterdam.

IDEA #14Violin player/street artist at the entry (nice, calm music)

IDEA #15Children welcoming guests while entering the build-ing.

IDEA #16Big sign in the hall: Characteristics of a real TED-head. Follow these instructions and be a true TED-head, e.g.:BE A CONNECTING GOD(ESS) – There are a thousand special people gathered here today. A real TED-HEAD will start a conversation with around 5 strangers. BE CURIOUS there are 4 different rooms. A real TED-HEAD will pay a visit to all of them during break-outs and lunch. BE A SOCIAL MEDIA MAGNET -#TEDxAMS and share your experiences. A large infographic of this on a poster.

IDEA #17Waiting room: queue for people without a ticket that can fill out empty spaces in the theatre. This way you can better manage the flow of people.


“This is not the impersonal welcome I’m used to at events and congresses. I’ve seldom felt this welcome at a large event like this. This is promising a lot of good things ahead. The entry is very ambient and everything is showing me that magical things are going to happen today. Everyone’s so excited: I’m really getting a smile on my face just from seeing all of this.”

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IDEA #18A Let visitors take a picture of their coat tick-ets so they have a backup in case they lose it. IDEA #19Volunteers look recognizable: a black TEDxAmsterdam T-shirt with black pants.

‘No hassle with tickets that you can never seem to find afterwards. Easy does it. They can also store my heavy bag for me.”

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5 REGISTRATIONIDEA#20‘CONNECTING YOUR CONSEQUENCES’ there are people walking around who, in a funny way, connect one person to another. So for example let people shake hands in a row. (e.g. use Acting beauties as a partner).

IDEA#21The programme booklet is handed out by ‘wandering basquets’. Ladies who walk around with two different versions of the programme booklet in their skirts.

IDEA#22The badge is an eye catcher. Next to showing a clear name, it is personalized. Show on the badges how many times people have been to a TEDx event with stickers. Also make the name and surname very visible on the badge. Also provide a pocket to put in business cards for the real collectors.

‘Always an exciting moment: Will I be registered for real? The TEDxAMS team members directly reassure me: great you’re here, I’ll find your badge for you. “What’s your name?” The badge looks cool. I’ll definitely save it when I get home.”

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6 FIRST COFFEE“Great, I have my beautiful badge with me and I don’t feel so alone anymore: I met some great people while waiting in the queue and I’m joining them now for a coffee. Because of the maps and building plans hanging everywhere I’m well aware of what is happening in which room. Wait.. what’s happening here? This is AWESOME!”IDEA#23TEDxCoffee: Coffee with a story and homemade cook-ies.

IDEA#24Flashmob with classical music during coffee and to announce the main room is opening again.

IDEA#25Poloraid cameras on tables or give them to the acting beauties to have people ‘save the moment’ as a souvenir.

IDEA#26A lot of maps during the morning and on them dif-ferent rooms and activities, which you can do during breaks and break-out sessions.

IDEA#27Connecting consequences wall: Every guest can add a word to the beginnining of a sentence about connected consequences. With each word the sen-tence grows longer and this way you create a story written by 1000 people.

IDEA#28During coffee breaks people will walk around with trays of coffee and tea, so people don’t have to wait too long for their hit of caffeine or hot cup of tea.

IDEA#29In the bathrooms, toilets are themed and people can write their quotes/thoughts on each theme while on a little bathroom break..

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“‘The doors of the big hall are opening! Time to go inside. Thanks to my badge and good indications I know where I have to be in the hall. Thank god, because with 1000 people I’m now at least sure there’s a spot for me out there. With my two gathered programme booklets, I am studying the first part of the programme. I’m saying hi to my new neighbours. And I’m tweeting. The show’s finally

IDEA#30Some guests can find a little present underneath their seats. A TEDxTreasure. This can for example be a book that one of the speakers has written, or a product that a speaker has made, or a bag of home made cookies.

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“The lights are off. There’s music starting. Exciting, mysterious and clear that it’s all starting now. The lights are reoccurring slowly now… what a cool feeling to be here! I’m at the tip of my seat and enjoying every second. But wait- what’s this?”

IDEA#31The lights go on, exciting music is starting out: everything is pointing towards TEDxAmsterdam starting. And then it happens: the power gets cut off. The music is stopping, the lights are flickering lightly and it becomes pitch dark in the room. A bit of confusion hits the audience: what’s happening? Then Jim comes up with one small candle. He’s telling that TEDxAm-sterdam can only be brought to life because of the con-nection with the people here towards each other and TEDxAmsterdam. There is one person clapping. There a second person clapping. A small red light starts burning. With every set of extra hands the lights jump on one by one, until all of them make a sign: TEDxAmsterdam. Generating power through natural energy of excitement.

IDEA#32A room full of possibilities: Jim is introducing people in this room to one another publicly. With his story there’s a visual of guests and their names. E.g. if Monique (Care) would have coffee with Jan (Tesla) and they would also engage in conversation with Sara (Medical innovation), then we can expect a new type of ambu-lance next year, which is not only electronic, but also saves 3% more lives.

IDEA#33Classical music flashmob in the main hall. One by one people stand up in the room with a musical in-strument and this forms the main opening (or closing) event of the day.

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9 PROGRAMME “The programming is again amazing this year. The speakers are good, interesting, touching and there is a lot of variation. IT’s not too long and doesn’t start too early. Besides there is a lot of interaction with the audience and there’s a chance to easily meet speakers

IDEA#34My next step: speakers corner. The speakers indicate on a big piece of paper what they still need help with in order to make the next move with their idea. As a guest you can walk up to the speaker, but if he/she’s engaged in conversation you can also provide your comments and contact details on the paper.

IDEA#35Connected Consequences: The introduction of the speakers. During this introduction there’s a line on the screen that moves from one red dot to another, the last dot being TEDxAmsterdam and the name of the speech.

IDEA#36A cartoon artist draws the speakers on large A0 papers. People can leave their comments like a ‘live’ Twitter feed. Pictures are taken of this analogue feed and add-ed to the actual Twitter feed.

IDEA#37The speakers get their very own TEDxPampering room: this is a room where relaxing music is played, candles are lit and massages are given to kneed all the tension out of their bodies so they are as relaxed as possible when entering the stage.

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“The breaks are almost as interesting as the talks themselves. Now I can discover who else is invited as a guest to this event. And not only discover, it seems to be really normal to have a little chat with people you don’t know.”

IDEA#38There’s a pop up book store where speaker’s books are being sold. You can also have them signed here.

IDEA#39Meet & Greet. There are ‘Acting Beauties’ walking around that will take you out to find someone you wish to meet. This can be a specific person, but also someone that shares the same passion, profession or farouvite dish.

IDEA#40Drones that fly over the public during breaks, which take pictures and film the audience.

IDEA#41Driving bar. During breaks Tjeerd van Toorenburg is driv-ing around with his ‘Chez Jopie’ through the corridors of the Concertgebouw. People are being invited to take a seat and start conversations with other bar members,

speed dating and this way connect in a very light fash-ion.

IDEA#42Theme corners during the breaks. e.g. a silent disco corner where people can party and dance, a handshake corner where meeting people is a central theme, a help me corner where one can post a problem on the wall and others can help (also for speakers), a meditation corner ‘Citylighting’ to make Amsterdam a better city, together. This last one is also an option to do with the entire audience as an intermezzo during the program.

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11 LUNCH“This inspiring morning has made me hungry. They’ve really thought of everything here. There’s a nice lunch waiting for us when we leave the big theatre room and people’s dietary requests have been answered as well. Great!’”

IDEA#43During lunch the hallways have been magically refurbished into a ‘connect-with-your-food’ syle. Everywhere there’s things to be seen and read about where the food came from, how it’s been made and what the consequences are of how we deal with the world and food production today.

IDEA#44Garbage cans with stickers that make you aware of what happens with the food waste we throw away.

IDEA#45To stimulate the handing out of lunch bags, volunteers will aid in the catering. When the volunteers are done, they will have lunch together with the guests to con-nect with the audience this way (especially keeping an eye on people who are alone).

IDEA#46Long tables and couches in the halls of the Concertge-bouw. We all sit together ‘Italian style’ on a long table. This is the way to really connect. The lunch packages are

being handed out per table so this all goes very smoothly. If possible, the TEDx team members are sitting in between the guests.

IDEA#47A Band ‘troubadour style’ that goes and entertains people who are eating and which also plays requests.

IDEA#48During breaks there are a few volunteers (and chil-dren) walking around with guest books. Each speaker gets their very own guest book. Here, guests can leave reactions and comments on their talks. They will be able to take it home with them at the end of hte day.

IDEA#49During the lunch break there will be posters hanging on the walls with quotes about making you aware of the food your eating and its consequences.

IDEA#50Volunteers help separating waste during breaks.


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12 CLOSING SPEECH“The day has flown by. It’s already time for the end. What an experience! And what an organisation, beautiful to see als those people who have worked together. The end came with a real bang!”

IDEA#51Video mapping. Underneath some chairs there is a red dot. People who find this dot will have to keep it above their heads. The dots will form a word (this will be filmed live and there will be a picture of it put on social media). This you can do with more colours of dots to close off the day with a beautiful thought of connecting the dots, and a thank you to all that have participated.

IDEA#52Here the audience also decides how amazing the end is going to be. The louder they clap, the more happens on stage: spots are turning on and off, there’s a DJ appearing (famous!).. all responding to the intensions of the audience. A visual measuring instrument can be projected (like a decibel measurer) with on one end “boring” and on the other “awesome”. The more and louder people clap, it will go from boring, to great, to awesome, to never to forget.

IDEA#53We prolong the party of the big theatre to the ‘borrel’ / drinks afterwards. Everyone is putting on their head-sets and is leaving the theatre swinging and dancing.

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13 DRINKS“What an experience. I want to relive and enjoy this and meet some more people, that’s going so well here today. Just one little drink before I make my way home to close the evening.”

IDEA#54Handshakers (connectors) are also present at the ‘borrel’ to connect people together. Besides the TEDxAmsterdam team is also having drinks with the guests.

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14 DEPARTURE“It’s really time to leave. On a large wall I write my review and I’m being waved goodbye . What a special day, I’ll never forget this one. I can’t wait to check out all the videos and pictures of the event when I get back.”

IDEA#55The Acting Beauties are also at the exit to wave people goodbye and thank them in a funny manner.

IDEA#56Wall of fame: When walking towards the exit you walk past a wall of fame where TEDxAmsterdam thanks all sponsors and volunteers that have helped (everyone gets their own “tweet” to tell something about themselves / share something inspiring.

IDEA#57Live Twitter. When exiting the building you can leave your review of the day in maximally 140 characters on a big sheet of paper (this can also be done on a black-board wall.

IDEA#58For on the road: There are bike lights being handed out for people who have come by bike, or a bike bell with the TEDxAmsterdam logo on them. For people who came by car there is a bottle of water and an apple and a parking ticket or a public transport card. A small seed to compensate for the Co2 emissions is also provided.

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15 AFTER CARE“Hey that’s cool. I can already see the pictures of the event the next day. This is all different from last year because there are many pictures taken of guests this year. Great, because now I can show my colleagues who else was there this year.”

IDEA#59You receive a message “how nice to have seen you at TEDxAmsterdam!”. A lot of pictures of the audience are taken from the start, during breaks and the ‘borrel’. There’s a possibility to tag yourself in these pictures online.

IDEA#60After the event all volunteers and partners are being thanked by the board through a letter.

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We would like to thank some wonderful people that really inspired us and touched our hearts during the design of the guest experience of TEDxAmsterdam.

Amis Boersma, Fleur Embrechts, Liselotte Lardenoye, Na-talie Wool, Rinske Spijkerman, Cornelia Zeilstra, Eva van Drumpt, Evelien Slaats, Evelyn van der Burg, Leslie de Vries, Djai Bereiter and Faye Bereiter - our guest experi-ence team-diamonds that kept on shining during the event to make sure guests got the TEDx experience. Great respect for you all.

Simone Heeremans (production TEDxAmsterdam, Simone produceert!) - She really helped us to make it all happen. We think she is a rockstar, the queen of production who stayed calm and friendly no matter what. Monique van Dusseldorp (member of the TEDxAmsterdam board) - some people can be critical for all the right rea-sons: to push things further. Monique did just that and really enhanced the guest experience.Diederick Croese (director TEDxAmsterdam) - some people don’t speak often, but when they say something, it’s profound, inspiring and really makes for better ideas. Diederick is one of those people.Mara van Bentveld, Coen Rispens and Maarten Fijnaut (volunteer coordinators TEDxAmsterdam) - it was a great pleasure to work with them as a real team during the or-ganisation of the preparation day for all the volunteers and during the event.

Jasper de Valk (partnerships TEDxAmsterdam) - there is

always the guy who makes sure people do what they are supposed to do while keeping a magical balance between pushing and staying friendly. Jasper is that guy. Philip van Ierschot (Foodwire, foodcurator TEDxAmsterdam) - we loved cocreating food awareness posters with Philip with a deadline of just one day. And we shared a ridiculous sense of perfectionism...we even coloured the thumbtacks black to match the posters :-)Oliver de Leeuw and Mathijs van den Broek - (TEDx Amster-dam Online Communication) who did all the communica-tion so well and decided that guest experience was an idea worth spreading: they made sure some great blogs were written and movies were made.Jan Scheele and Mie Dries (TEDxAmsterdam guest list & Feller Media) Who have such a sparkling energy that they can light up a room and help you overcome difficult mo-ments during the process of creating an amazing event. Paul Rispens (TEDxAmsterdam Guest List & member of the board TEDxAmsterdam) - His positive energy during the entire process filled our mailboxes and hearts.

And Jim Stolze - who gave us the opportunity to share our passion for guest experience with TEDxAmsterdam in the first place.

And all the other team members of TEDxAmsterdam who helped us, gave us ideas and inspired us to make it hap-pen. Thank you so much!

Femke Lans & Veerle Donders

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No right may be derived from the content of this publication. The authors are not responsible for possible errors and/or omissions in this publication. We tried to do our best to find the copyright holders of several images that appear in this issue. This booklet is for internal purposes only.

Date of Publication15 November 2013 AuthorFemke Lans - Dear Customer

Graphic DesignVeerle Donders - HotelsAhead

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