Nutritio n Understand the fuel your body needs and how it is used.

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Understand the fuel your body needs and how it is



Introduction Balanced Diet Vitamins, Minerals,

Carbohydrates & Proteins Diet chart & Important of

natural Diet Tips for Healthy Cooking


Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Balanced Diet

Why is it important to eat healthy?

• Best way to live a healthy life is to eat a balanced diet

• To provide nutrients that your body needs to function

• To give you more energy and alertness throughout the day

• To prevent future disease and sickness such as Diabetes, obesity and cancer etc..

Your body needs nutrients found in foods.Your body needs nutrients found in foods.• Nutrients provide energy and

materials for cell development, growth, and repair.

• You need energy for every activity and to maintain a steady internal temperature.

Vitamins, Minerals, Carbohydrates & Proteins

Types of Nutrients

Macro-Nutrients – essential for human survival and growth• Carbohydrates• Proteins• Fats• Water

Micro-Nutrients – essential for growth and enhance the function and usability of macro-nutrients• Vitamins• Minerals

The difference between macro and micro nutrients is the amount your need each day. Macro-nutrients must exceed one gram per day.


Provide energy for your body by converting to glucose.

Three types of carbohydrates:• Simple – one or two units of sugar• Complex – more than two units of sugar• Dietary fiber – complex carbohydrates

that are not a source of energy and add no calories to your diet.

Protect your muscles. Regulate the amount of sugar circulating in your

body. Assist in the body’s absorption of calcium. May help lower cholesterol levels and regulate

blood pressure.


Used for tissue growth and repair.

Within six months, every protein molecule in your body is broken down and replaced.

The more intensely you train, the more protein is required for repair and growth.

Consuming more protein than the body needs can result in an increase in fat storage.


A healthy body needs fat.

Major uses for FAT

Provides a source of stored fat. Gives shape to your body. Cushions your skin. Acts as an insulator in order to reduce

heat loss. Protects your organs if you fall or are


Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins are essential for:• Building body tissues such as bones, skin,

glands, nerves, and blood.• Assisting in the metabolizing of proteins, fats,

and carbohydrates so you receive energy from food.

• Promoting healing• Preventing nutritional deficiency diseases.

Minerals are essential for:• The formation of strong bones and teeth• Helping to control the nervous system• Fluid balance in tissues• Muscle contractions


Your overall body has between 70 - 80% water.

Your body needs water to:• Digest food• Carry waste products out of your body• Regulate body temperature• Lubricate moving parts

Your body does not store water so you must take in a new supply every day.

Diet chart & Importance of natural Diet

Diet Chart

Why is proper nutrition important?

All living things need food and water to live.

All human beings need “good food” to live well.

Food = energy (measured in calories) Carbohydrates - 1 gram = 4 calories

Protein - 1 gram = 4 calories

Fats - 1 gram = 9 calories

Proper nutrition provides the body with the nutrients necessary to build, maintain, and repair tissues.

Basic Nutrition

Basic Nutrition

Because no food has every nutrient, you should eat a variety of foods.

The food pyramid helps people select foods that supply all the nutrients they need.

Foods that contain the same nutrients belong to a food group.

Four food groups:

• Bread and cereal

• Vegetable & Fruit

• Milk

• Meat

Bread and Cereal

Cereals, breads, crackers and rice

Supplies energy through carbohydrates

6-11 servings daily

How can you get the right amount of grains? Bread in sandwiches Cereal and oatmeal

during breakfast Rice with dinner

Vegetable and Fruit

Packed with vitamins

Low in energy

Great source of minerals

Common fruit: apples, peaches, bananas

Common vegetables: broccoli, carrots and corn

3-5 Servings per day Eat as a snack!


Important sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals

Rich in calcium Important for teeth

and bones

Milk, yogurt, cheese

High in Fat


Rich source of Proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Important good source of Zinc, vitamin’B’,  selenium, phosphorus, niacin, riboflavin and iron

very low in carbohydrates and does not contain dietary fiber.

Typical nutritional content of110 grams of meat

Source calories

protein carbs fat


20–25 g 0 g 1–5 g

chicken breast

160 28 g 0 g 7 g

lamb 250 30 g 0 g 14 g

steak (beef top round)

210 36 g 0 g 7 g

steak (beef T-bone)

450 25 g 0 g 35 g

How you can eat healthier

Eat regular meals• Breakfast is the most important meal of the day• Keeps body filled with fuel to get through the


Eat variety of foods• Fruits and vegetables• Try to eat more apples and grapes and less

cookies and chips (junk food)

Cut down on high fat and sugar• Drink water or juice instead of soda

Healthy Eating Plate


Key Concepts to an Effective Nutritional Plan Breakfast is the most important meal of the

day. Attempt to eat 4-6 meals per day. Minimum of 8 glasses of water per day. Attempt to consume carbohydrates, proteins,

and fats in every meal. Vegetables are the best source of vitamins and

minerals. Read labels and understand serving sizes. Supplements should be used as supplements. Make a lifestyle change – diets often fail.

Examples of Highly Nutritious Snacks

Peanut butter and jelly on wheat bread

Apples and peanut butter Low fat yogurt Cheese sticks Turkey Roll-ups

Results of Poor Nutrition

Obesity Heart Disease Hypertension Diabetes Osteoporosis Bones may break due to a lack of

calcium Gums may bleed due to low Vitamin C Low Iron count

Tips for Healthy Cooking

Choosing Oils

Use oils like sunflower, Canola, Safflower, Rice Bran, Olive oil for cooking

Avoid oils like coconut, palm or palm kernel oil as they are high in saturated fats.

Repeated heating of oils and fats during frying may lead to formation of trans fatty acids (TFA) not for good health.

Try using oil sprays to minimize its use.

Do not mix two oils together.

Methods for frying

Some smart cooking methods :

Steaming Grilling Baking Sauteing Poaching.

Smart Choices

Choose low fat dairy products like low fat yogurt, paneer, milk, etc..

Prepare recipes with egg whites instead of whole egg.

Use and prepare foods that contain low salt.

Choose deskinned chicken, fish over mutton, pork and beef.

Make use functional foods like garlic, flaxseeds, tomatoes, onion, almonds, walnuts etc in your diet.

Thank You

Sree Kumar K