
Release 21/2/2011.

Bibliografia sul peltro, in progress(copia di lavoro)

Integrazioni alla bibliografia pubblicata su Archeologia Postmedievale a. 2000 (Release 18/05/2001)

Prof. Mario GalassoVia Enrico Costa 2607041 ALGHERO (Sassari)Italia Ph. 0039.079.9892019Mob. 0039.339.1941996 Tim          0039.345.8496824 Vodafoneemail: [email protected]  Visiting professor in Storia dell'archeologiaIstituto per l'Arte e il Restauro - Firenze    

Nota: le pubblicazioni con asterisco e in grassetto (colore blu) sono presenti nella biblioteca di Mario Galasso; quelle in rosso sono ordinate ma esaurite. Allabibliografia generale sono allegate bibliografie settoriali per stati come esistenti oggi, per cui alcuni titoli sono riferibili a 2 stati a secondo dell’epoca (es: Paesi bassi, Francia, Germania, Italia, Austria).

Bibliografia sui Soldatini=

Soldatini ACHILLES 1976 – Walter Achilles, Die Ältesten Niedersächsischen Zinnfiguren Des Meisters AN, Oldenburg 1976, 11,8 x 18 cm, 28 pp, 19 tavv b/n e 4 col.Soldatini *ALBERINI 1972 – Massimo Alberini, Collezionare I Soldatini, I documentari n. 42, Marzo 1972, Ist. Geografico De Agostini, Novara 1972. Soldatini *DIEDERICH 1981 – Jul Diederich, Preuβen in Zinn, Verlag Bernd Ehrig, Berlin 1981.Soldatini GIESLER 2000 – Friedrich Giesler – Römer in Zinn, ? 2000.Soldatini *GOLDKUHLE 1965 – Fritz Goldkuhle, Rheinische Geschichte in Zinn, Historische Schaubilder mit Zinnfiguren, Austellung im Rheinischen Landesmuseum Bonn, 10 Mai – 27 Juni 1965, Rheinland-Verlag GMBH Düsseldorf 1965. Soldatini HAMPE 1924 – Theodor Hampe, Der Zinnsoldat. Ein deutsches Spielzeug, Berlin 1924.Soldatini HARRIS s.d. – Henry Harris, Modellsoldaten, Erlesene Liebhabereien, Frankfurt a.M. s.d. (trad. dall’inglese).Soldatini KAMP 1960 - A. F. Kamp, De standvastige tinnen soldaat / (Ouvrage commémoratif sur l'industrie de l'étain) 1860-1960 n. v. Billiton Maatschappij, 's-Gravenhage. Amsterdam, Drukkerij G. J. Thieme, Nijmegen 1960.

Soldatini *KOLLBRUNNER 1979 – Curr F. Kollbrunner, Figurines d’étain – Soldats de collection,Office du Livre, Fribourg (Suisse) 1979, 25 x 25 cm, 228 pp, 280 ill di cui 80 a colori. Traduzione da Zinnfiguren – Zinnsoldaten - ZinngeschichteSoldatini Maurice 1981 – K. Maurice, Das Taschenweltchen, ein Essay über Zinnfiguren, Bayerisches National Museum, Katalog, München 1981, 58 p., 19,5 x 22,5 cm.Soldatini *NASEMANN 1979 – Theodor Nasemann, Nostalgie in Zinn, Zinnfiguren herst und heute,Verkag Karl Thiemig, München 1979.Soldatini ORTMANN 1973 – Erwin Ortmann, Zinnfiguren einst und jetz, Frankfurt a. M., usw 1973.Soldatini *ORTMANN 1974 – Erwin Ortmann, The Collector’s Guide to Model Tin Figures, englishversion by Ruth Michaelis and Patrick Murray, Studio Vista London 1974, first edition Hardback. No Dust Jacket ; Grey boards with black coloured lettering ; Measuring 9 1/2" by 10 3/4 " ; 197 pages including bibliography. Illustrated throughout in colour and black and white.Soldatini *PLETICHA 1976 – Heinrich Pleticha, Weltgeschichte in Zinn, Bertelsmann Lexicon pp. 23 Verlag, 1976, 191pp, 23 x 30 cm,Soldatini ROER 1993 – Hans Henning Roer, Alte deutsche Spielfiguren in Blei, Palagonia Verlag, Rommersheim 1993, 31 x 24 cm, 222 pp.Soldatini *SCHERF 1982 – Helmut Scherf, Historische Zinnfiguren aus dem Thüringer Museum Eisenach, Die SchatzKammer . Band 34, Prisma-Verlag 1982, XI + 47 Seiten, 15x20,5 cmSoldatini TOBLER s.d. – Catalogue Tobler, Soldats d’Etain, s.d.; almeno 9 tavole a colori, 28 pp, 21,5 x 27,5 cm.Soldatini WITTSTOCK 1976/77 – Jürgen Wittstock, Der standhafte Zinnsoldat. Aus der Spielzeugkiste des Museums, Lübeck 1976/77.Soldatini ZUCKARELLI, FUHRMEISTER 1997 – Detlev Zuckarelli, Wolfram Fuhrmeister, Zinnfiguren - Westerwälder Geschichte in Zinn, ? 1997

Bibliografia sul Peltro

TecnologiaAGRICOLA – Julius Agricola, Re Metallica.ANONIMO 1976 – Anonimo, Zinn in Natur, Geschichte, Technik, Ausstellung in die technischen Schauanlage Pochwerk un Zinnwäsche Altenberg, ? 1976, pp. 80. Altra edizione ? 1980.ATELIER 1948 – Societè des Ateliers d’Art chez soi, Le travail de l’Etain, Leçon seize, Paris 1948. 12 p grd format TBE.*BAPST 1884 – Germain Bapst, Les Métaux dans l’Antiquitè et au Moyen Age : l’Etain, (Conosciuto anche come Études sur l’étain dans l’Antiquitè et au Moyen Ag, orfévreries et industries diverses), Paris 1884.*BROWNE 1979 - Miriam Browne, Pewter jewelry, London, Batsford, Melbourne, Van Nostrand, Reinhold (Australia) 1979. 119 pp.BÜCHER 1875 – B. Bücher, Geschichte der Technischen Künste, Berlin 1875.DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1751-1757 – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Encyclopédie, Paris 1751-1757.

DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1751-1772 - Diderot M., D'Alembert M. , Potier d'Etain. Planches de la Grande Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, par une société de Gens de Lettres. 2 pages de texte (Table des Matières) et 15 planches. (Paris 1751-72)DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1762 – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Recueil de planches sur les sciences, les arts liberaux et les arts mécaniques avec leur explication, Paris 1762. DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1751-1772 – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Metallurgie. Etain. Planches dela Grande Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, par une société de Gens de Lettres, Paris 1751-72. DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1777-1979 – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, 5e édition, Genève-Neuchâtel 1777-1779.DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1778 – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Petite Encyclopédie Diderot et d'Alembert. Planches. Etain. 8 planches. Genève 1778.DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1783a– Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Encyclopédie Méthodique, Paris 1783.DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1783b – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Recueil de Planches de l’Encyclopédie par ordre de matières, t.II, Etains et potier d’étain, in 4°, 8 pl. simples, Ed. Panckoucke, Paris 1783.*DUBOUCHET 1908 – G. Dubouchet, L’Art de l’ Etain gravé, repoussé, modelé, ciselé, mosaïqué et patiné, ed. Bourgeois Ainé, Paris 1908, 24 pp., 40 gravures.EVANS 1994 - Colin J. Evans, Tin Handbook, Hüthig ed., Heidelberg 1994.FELDHAUS 1931 – Franz M. Feldhaus, Die Technik der Antike und des Mittelalters, Potsdam 1931*HEDGES 1960 – E.S.Hedges, Tin and its Alloys, London 1960.JANI 1913 - Karl et Robert (Jany) Traité Pratique des Métaux repoussés. Argent. Cuivre. Etain., Bornemann 1913.LUGRIN 1913 – Prof. Lugrin, L’art de repousser les metaux ètain, cuivre, argent, etc, 6me éd. revue et augmentèe, Collection L’artisan pratique, 1913.LÜER, CREUTZ 1904 – Hermann Lüer, Max Creutz, Geschichte der Metallkunst 1: Kunstgeschichte derunedlen Metalle: Schmiedeeisen, Gusseisen, Bronze, Zinn, Blei und Zink, Stuttgart 1904.MITCHELL 1962 – Peggy Mitchell, Pewter craft, Acro Publications 1962.ROBERT 19 ?? – Karl e Jany Robert, Traité Pratique des Metaux Repousses, Argent-Cuivre-Etain, 43 dessins inedits de Mme J. Malaurie, ed. Bornemann, Paris 19 ??, 80 pp., 43 disegni.SEPTFONTAINES 1952 – Baynast de Septfontaines, Etude sur l’Etain, in Bulletin de la Société d’Etudes d’Avallon, 1952.STOMBOLOV 1976 – Todor Stombolov, Korrosion und Konservierung metallener Altertürmer und Kunstgegenstände, Restaurierung und Museumstechnik 1, Museum für Ur-und Frühgeschichte Thüringes, Weimar 1976 (Zinn: S. 109 ff.).VOYE 1908 – Ernst Voye, Geschichte der Industrie im märkischen Sauerland, Hagen 1908.W.L.H. s.d. - W.L.H., Instructions on Pewter Relief Modelling, Herring, Morgan and Southam Ltd, London, 6th ed, s.d.

Provenienza non identificata:KIRK & MATZ 1968 (?) – Kirk & Matz, Cutlery & Pewter catalog, Manila (?) 1968 (?): inclusi fra l’altro, ENGLISH PEWTER ACCESSORIES, GENUINE PEWTER TANKARDS, ENGLISH PEWTER FIGURINES.


*BROWNE 1979 - Miriam Browne, Pewter jewelry, London, Batsford, Melbourne, Van Nostrand, Reinhold (Australia) 1979. 119 pp.*MYRTLE 1966 – J.H. Myrtle, The Agnes Carwick Webster Gift of British Pewter and other Pewter in the Collection, in Quarterly, Journal of Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, Vol 7,n°4, July 1966, 24 pp, 41 b/w ill.

AustriaMusei con peltri:Innsbruck, Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum; Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum. Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde

*ANONIMO 1976 – Anonimo, Zinn in Natur, Geschichte, Technik, Ausstellung in die technischen Schauanlage Pochwerk un Zinnwäsche Altenberg, ? 1976, pp. 80. Altra edizione ? 1980.BRAUN 1914 – E.W. Braun, Ein Werk dem Joachimstaler Zinngieβers Hans Wilde im Österreichischen Museum für angewandte Kunst, in Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, XVII, Wien 1914, pp. 533 seg.*COTTERELL VETTER 1933a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, Pewter Flagons of the Former Austro-Hungarian Empire, in Antiques, Vol. XX, September 1933. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 138-141.*COTTERELL VETTER 1934-1935 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, The Fine Pewter of Austria-Hungary, in Antiques, Vol. XXI, November 1934 e Vol XXI, August 1935. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 138-145 e 146-148.*EGG 1998 – Erich Egg, Das Handwerk der Tiroler Zinngieβer, Universitätsverlag Wagner Innsbruck 1998. 240 pp.HASLINGER 1818-1833 – Franz de Paula Haslinger, Zinn und Zinngieβerin den Ländern Mitteleuropas, ? 1818-1833.HEISERER 1982 – Karl Heiserer, Handelsherr, Gastwirt, Zinngieβer. Benediktbeurer Zuwanderer in Südtirol im 16./19. Jahrhundert, in Südtirol in Wort und Bild 26, 1982, S.28 ff.HEMPEL, GOTTSCHALL ? – Gudrun Hempel, Klaus Gottschal, Zinn. Gerät im Alltag und Brauch : Aus der Metallsammlung des Österreichischen Museums für Volkskunde, ??*HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. III, Leipzig 1921-1931. *HINTZE 1964 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. VII, app. II,Leipzig 1921-1931, ristampa, Otto Zeller Verlagsbuchhandlung, Aalen 1964. *GSCHNITZER; MENARDI 1983 – H. Gschnitzer, H. Menardi, Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum, Essen und Trinken, Feuer und licht, Katalog 1, Zinn, pp. 66-79, Innsbruck 1983, LANDESMUSEUM JOHANNEUM 1975 – Landesmuseum Johanneum, Altes Zinn, Graz 1975.*LEITNER 1987 – Friedrich Wilhelm Leitner, Altes Zinn in Karnten, Katalog zur Sonderaustellung des Landesmuseum Karntern, Mai bis Oktober 1987, Klagenfurt 1987. 154 p.MACHT 1893 – H. Macht, Zinnarbeiten.In Mitteilungen des Österreichisches Museums für Kunst und Industrie, 1893. N.F. VIII, Jg.MAIS 1957 – Adolf Mais, Die „Katzelmacher“, in Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 87, Horn-Wien 1957, p. 37 segg.

MUSEALVEREINS WAIDHOFEN 1991 - Musealvereins Waidhofen, Altes Zinn aus Waidhofen/Ybbs, Katalog, Ausstellung des Landes Niederösterreich und des Musealvereins Waidhofen, Wien 1991.*PHILIPS, DUBBE 1983 – Frits Philips, Bé Dubbe, Twee Nijmeegse Gildekannen, Eindhoven 1983, 157 pp con 222 foto.TIROLER LANDESMUSEUM FERDINANDEUM 1960 – Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum , Edelzinn aus Sammlung Dr. Karl Ruhmann, Katalog, Sammlung May bis August 1960, Innsbruck1960. (peltri italiani d’epoca).*VETTER, WACHA 1967 – M. Vetter, G. Wacha, Linzer Zinngieβer, Wien e Munchen 1967. 82pp., 28 tavv. WACHA 1978 – Georg Wacha, Italienischer Zinngieβer nördlich der Alpen, in Mitteilungen Österreichischen Staatsarchiv, 31, 1978.WACHA 1991 – Georg Wacha, Altes Zinn aus Weidhofen/Ybbs, Ausstellung des Landes Niederösterreich und des Musealvereins Weidhofen/Ybbs, N.Ö Landesmuseums Wien 1991 (Marchi non in Hintze).WACHA 1995 – Georg Wacha, Steyrer Miszellen (4): Steyrer Zinngiesser, Oberösterreichische Heimatblätter, Heft 2, pp. 119-130, 1995. *WAIDACHER 1967a – F. Waidacher, Sonderausstellung. Die Zinngieβer-familie Zamponi, Museum für Kunstgeschichte und Kunstgewerbe am Landesmuseum Joanneum, 8.11-3.12.1967,Graz 1967.*WAIDACHER 1967b – F. Waidacher, Die Zinngießerfamilie Zamponi, in Alte und Moderne Kunst , November/Dezember 1967, Heft 95, 12 Jahrgang 1967, pp. 28-31.*WAIDACHER 1970 – F. Waidacher, Zinngießer in der Steiermark, in Das steirische Handwerk, Graz 1970, pp. 299-308.WALCHER VON MOLTHEIM 1910 – A. Walcher Von Moltheim, Das Zinngieβerhandwerk der Stadt Salzburg, Salzburg 1910.*WOLFBAUER 1934a – G. Wolfbauer, Die steirischen Zinngieβer und Ihre Marken, Graz 1934, 36pp + 4 tavole con molti marchi.WOLFBAUER 1934b – G. Wolfbauer, Die österreichischen Zinngieβer und Ihre Marken, Graz 1934.ZUKAL 1913 – Josef Zukal, Troppauer Zinngieβer bis zum Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts, in Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kulturgeschichte Österreich-Schlesiens, Bd. VII, Troppau, 1913, p. 42 segg.


Musei con PeltriStedelijke Musea Mechelen, Mechelen, BelgiumFor details or further information telephone +32 (0) 15 29 40 30 or email [email protected]

Mechelen was a major pewter producing town from the 14th to the 20th centuries and many interesting pieces of early Flemish pewterware are usually on display at any of the three of the museum's sites at Hof van Busleyden, F. de Merodestraat65, Museum Schepenhuis, Steenweg 1 and Museum Brusselpoort, kruispunt, Hoogstraat-ring.

? 1974– Etains, Porcelaines et Faïences d’autrefois. Province de Brabant, Bruxelles 1974.? 1975 – Histoire et petite histoire des Etains de nos Provinces, Bruxelles 1975. ? 1975 – Anonimo, Etain pour rire, Test Achats, Brussel, Nov. 1975.

*PANCOUCKE 1783 - Potier d’étain, in 4°, 8 pl. simples, Ed. Panckoucke, Paris 1783. Da pl. 3 a pl. 8, mancanti le 1 e 2.ANVERS <1954 – Tin Catalogus, Vleeshuis, Anvers, ante 1954.BOIS 1997 – Mechteld de Bois, Jugendstil tin in het Drents Museum, ? 1997.BRUSSEL 1974 – Tin, porselein, faïence uit het verleden, Catalogo Tentoonst., Brussel 1974BRUSSEL 1975 - De tinne pot, Tin oud gerei modern sieraad, Catalogo Tentoonst. Brussel 1975.DANGIS 1986 – Tony-Jean Dangis, Oud Tin ; 16e tot 19e eeuw uit de Vlaamse en Waalse ontstaanscentra, Staden, Het Gebied van Staden 1984.*DANGIS 1994 – Tony-Jean Dangis, Glans van oud tin, Sint-Dimpna-en Gasthuismuseum, Geel 1994, 112 pp., 226 ill.*DANGIS 1996 - Tony-Jean Dangis, Étains Mosans, XVIIème / XIXème siècle Catalogue de l'exposition, Namur 1996. 104 p., 128 ill. n & bl., 22€ (Peltri da Namur, Dinant, Huy, LiègeDE GRAEF 2002 – J.P. De Graef, Les étaniers belges et leurs poinçons, Private pubblication, 2002.DIJKMANS 1984-1985 – E.L. Dijkmans, Een zelzame terrine van de Brugse tinnegieter François Dhollander (1715-1799), in Antiek, 19e année 1984-1985.DONNET 1903 – F. Donnet, La marque des étains d’Anvers, Anvers 1903.DUGNOILLE 1980 – Jean Dugnoille, Étains au poinçon d’Ath, dans Le Patrimoine du pays d’Ath. Un premier bilan. Études et documents du Cercle Royal d’Histoire et d’Archéologie d’Ath et de la région, t. II, Ath 1980. pp. 443-480.GADD 1994 – J.A. Gadd, Belgium – some pewter marks, Upton-on-Severn, 1994.JESSU 1972 – Ph. Jessu, Etains de Flandre, Artois, Hainaut et Cambrésis, Catalogue de l’exposition de Wembrechies 24 et 25 Juin 1972, 1972 (marchi di Lille e della regione vicina al Belgio).LORENZI 1985 – Maurice Lorenzi, Étain anciens. Huy-Liège. Du XVIIe au XIXe siècle. Catalogue, Huy 1985.*LORENZI 1988 – Maurice Lorenzi, Étain du Musée de Louvain-La-Neuve, Art, sciences et techniques 4, Musée 15 , Louvain 1988. Editè à l’occasion de l’exposition Arts du metal , Musée de Louvain-La-Neuve, 20 novembre-23 décembre 1987, 4-31 janvier 1988.MARIEMONT 1994 – Étains de Chine, Collection Eva et Henry Maertens de Noordhout, exhibition catalogue, Musée Royal de Mariemont, Mariemont 1994*MUSEO BOYMANS-VAN BEUNINGEN 1979 – Keur van tin uit de havensteden Amsterdam, Antwerpen en Rotterdam, catalogo mostra 6/10-2/12/1979, Rotterdam,Antwerpen 1979, 352 pp.MUSEO BRUGES 1982 - Musée de Bruges, De schenking Dubois, catalogue de l'exposition Bruges1982MUSEO BRUGES 1984 - Musée de Bruges, Een overzicht van St. Vandenberghe, Catalogus Tentoonst. Gruuthuse museum, Bruges 1984.*MUSEO BRUGGE 1977 – Stedelijcke Musea-Brugge, Catalogus Schenking herssens, Catalogus Tentoonst. Sted., Brugge 1977, pp.231, in 8°, Tin, pp.61-107.MUSEO LEYDE 1972 – Stedelijk Museum « De Lakenhal », Tin Ten Toon, Tin uit eigen Bezit, Leyde 1972*MUSEO MECHELEN 2002 – Stedelijke Musea Mechelen, Tin Ten Toon, tin uit Mechelen 1350 – 1900, catalogo esposizione 18 maggio – 11 settembre 2002, Mechelen 2002.*MUSEO STERCKSHOF 1956 - Antwerpen, Brussel -Tentoonstelling Tin/ontstaan/ Evolutie/ Gebruick, Cat. Tent. Museum Sterckshof, Brussel 1956.MUSEO STERCKSHOF 1964 – De Gedekte tafel vroeger en nu, Catalogus Tent. Sterckshof, Anvers1964.

**PETIT 1978 – Karl Petit, Les étains du Hainaut et leur poinçons, prodotto in proprio, Mons 1978. Originale e fotocopia rilegata.*PHILIPS, DUBBE 1983 – Frits Philips, Bé Dubbe, Twee Nijmeegse Gildekannen, Eindhoven 1983, 157 pp con 222 foto.*STROOBANTS DANGIS 1994 – A. Stroobants, Tony Dangis, Dendermonds Tin, Stadsbestuur Dendermonde, Dendermonde 1994.*TINNEWERCK, periodico della VLAAMSE TINVEREINIGING. Ho i nn. Dal 1 (Maggio 1983) al 42 (1/2008).*VAN AUTENBOER 1962 – E. Van Autenboer, Het mechelse tingietersambacht, in Bijdragen tot degeschiedenis, 3e série, a. 45, 3 reeks, 14 deel, fasc. 1-3, s.l. 1962. pp. 5-197.VANDERBERGHE 1985 – Stefaan Vanderberghe, De tincollectie van het Gruuthusemuseum te Brugge, Bruges 1985, pp37.VAN DEN KERKHOVE 1975 – A. Van den Kerkhove, Tin, dans le catalogue Gent. Duizend jaarkunst en kultuur. Deel III, Gand 1975.VAN DER ELST 1970 – Elisabeth Van der Elst, Tinwerk en tingieters en de stad Brussel, mémoirede license inédit, Université de l’État à Gand, Gand 1970.*VAN MOLLE – 1975 – F. Van Molle, De Tinne Pot, Tin oud gerei modern sieraad, Tentoonstellingszaal, van 20 januari tot 23 february 1975, Brussel 1975.VERSCHAEVE 1987 – A. Verschaeve, Bruges Tin, Boekhandel Maréchal, Bruges 1987.*WASSENBERGH 1943 – A. Wassenbergh, Het oude tingietersbedrijf in Friesland, in Magazine De Vrije Fries, pp. 1-65, 1943.WAUTERS 1939 – J. Wauters, Tiensche Tingietersgilde, in Thiunas, XIII, Tienen 1939.WIJK, DE GRAEF 1996 - H. Wijk, J. De Graef, Collection of Papers from Belgium, Private publication, 1996.WIJK, DE GRAEF s.d. - H. Wijk, J. De Graef, Index to Belgian Pewter Bibliography, s.d.

BrasileMusei con peltriSão João del Rei, John Somers Pewter Museum.

*SOMERS 1989 – John Somers, O Estanho no Brasil 1600-1900 Pewter in Brazil, Brasile 1989, 79pp., 4 col.+ 24 b/w ill.

CanadaTRAQUAIR 1940 – Ramsay Traquair, The Old Silver of Quebec, ed. Macmillan of Canada, Toronto 1940, 2nd ed. 1973. Capitolo su peltrai canadesi.RAYMOND 1947 – Percy E. Raymond, Montreal Pewter Spoon and Ladles, in American Collector, April 1947, pp. 20-21.

Cecoslovacchia*BERTRAM, ZIMMERMANN 1967 – Fritz Bertram, Helmut Zimmermann, Begegungen mit Zinn, Praha 1967. Artia - Verlag, 1967, 120 Bildtafeln, 11 Texts., 4°, OGLn. - Fotografien von H. Zimmermann.FLODORVA, SAMEK 1970 – M. Flodorva, B. Samek, CīVe sbírkách Muzea Mĕsta Brna (I peltri nelle collezioni dei musei di Brno), Brno 1970

**HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngiesser und ihre Marken. Voll. IV app. II e VII app. IV, Leipzig 1921-1931. Ristampa, Otto Zeller Verlagsbuchhandlung, Aalen 1964. Vol. I per Joachimsthal, in Boemia dal 1545, erroneamente posta da Hintze in Sassonia.STARÁ 1974 – Dagmar Stará, Konvāřske Značky Pražskych Mistrů (Punzoni dei maestri peltrai di Praga), Rostoky 1974.STARÁ 1977a – Dagmar Stará, Zinnmarken aus alle Welt, Praga 1977.*STARÁ 1977b - Dagmar Stará, Guide to Pewter marks of the world, translated from the Czech ms. by Joj Moss Kohoutovà, Hamlyn ed., London 1977. Ed. London 1992.*STARÁ 1978 - Dagmar Stará, Markenzeichen auf Zinn, Artia Verlag, Praha 1978, 259 pp.*TISCHER 1973 – Friedrich Tischer, Böhmisches Zinn und seine Marken, mit 1258 Abbildungen von Zinngieser-Marken und 16 Tafeln, Otto Zeller Verlag, Osnabrück 1973, neudruck der Ausgabe 1928. 329 pp.TORANOVÁ 1980 – Eva Toranová, Cinárstvo na Slovensku, in Tatran, Bratislava 1980.

CINA*PHILIPS, DUBBE 1983 – Frits Pkilips, Bé Dubbe, Twee Nijmeegse Gildekannen, Eindhoven 1983, 157 pp con 222 foto.MATSUKI 1905 – Bunkio Matsuki, Catalogue of ancient and medieval pewters of China and Japan: Old wood carvings, rare helmuts & famous blades, also stone garden ornaments and other objects ... interest gathered on a recent visit to Japan, American Art Association 1905

Danimarca*DUFOUR ET ALII 1979 – I. Dufour et alii, Keur van tin uit de Havensteden Amsterdam, Antwerpen en Rotterdam, exhibition catalogue, Museum Willet-Holthuysen, Amsterdam; Provincial Museum Sterckshof, Antwerp; Museum Botmans-van Beuningen, Amsterdam 1979, pp. 350.KRISTENSEN, RASMUSSEN 1983 - Poul Halkjær Kristensen, Holger Rasmussen: Danske tinmærker.Kbh., Ed. Arnold Busck, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen 1983.*KRÜGER 2001 – Mogens Krüger, Registrering af en Tinsamling – En Billedbog, MogensKrügers Tinsamling, Helsingborg 2001. (Website con testo completo di tavv.)MUSEUM AMSTERDAM 1977 – Amsterdams Historisch Museum, Opgravingen in Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1977.RASMUSSEN 1987 – Holger Rasmussen, Gammelt dansk tin, Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck,Copenhagen 1987.*ULDALL 1950 – Kai Udall, Gammelt Tin, København 1950, pp.14, tavv.80+1 tav marchi.

Estonia, Lettonia (Latvia), LituaniaGAHLNBÄCK 1929 – Johannes Gahlnbäck, Zinn und Zinngiesser in Livland, Estland und Kurland, in Quellen und Darstellungen zur Hansischer Geschichtsverein, NF/7 Lübeck 1929*HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngiesser und ihre Marken. Vol. III app., Leipzig 1921-1931, ristampa, Otto Zeller Verlagsbuchhandlung, Aalen 1964.


Provincia svedese fino al 1809GAHLNBÄCK 1925 – Johannes Gahlnbäck, Zinn und Zinngiesser in Finnland, in Finska Fornminnesföreningens, Tidskrifts, XXXV, Helsinki 1926.LÖGFREN 1927 – A. Lögfren, Finländska Tenngjutare och deras Stämpling före 1809, in Finska Fornminnesföreningens, Tidskrifts, pp. 1-102, Helsinki 1927.MARTENSON 1967 – G. Martenson, Vårt Gamla Tenn, Porvoo 1967.


? 192 ? - ?, LES ETAINS CISELES DE J.ANDRE, Paris. Paper-Back Trade Catalogue. 16pp . Fully illus in b&w. French trade catalogue of decorative pewter ware, probably printed in the mid 1920s Lamps, boxes, ewers, vases etc.*A.A. V.V  1976 – A.A.V.V., Les Etains, technique poinçons histoire cote, L’ABC du collectionneur,  C.P.I.P éd., Paris 1976, 82 pp+molte tavv. F.t., ristampa da vari fascicoli di ABC.ACLOCQUE 1917 – Geneviève Laclocque, Les corporations, l’industrie et le commerce à Chartres du XI siècle à la Révolution, Paris 1917.ALEMANY-DESSAINT, BOUCAUD 1988 – Véronique Alemany-Dessaint, Philippe Boucaud, Orfèvrerie française, suivi d’une étude sur l’Orfèvrerie d’étain, ed. Baschet et Cie, Paris 1988, 216 pp, 370 ill. e 100 poinçons (orfèvrerie), 45 ill e 10 poinçons (étain).ARMAND-CAILLAT 1947 – L. Armand-Caillat, La Poterie d’Etain en Châlonnais in Artisans et Paysans de France, II, 1947.ATELIER 1948 – Societè des Ateliers d’Art chez soi, Le travail de l’Etain, Leçon seize, Paris 1948. 12 p grd format TBE.*BAPST 1884 – Germain Bapst, Les Métaux dans l’Antiquitè et au Moyen Age : l’Etain, (Conosciuto anche come Études sur l’étain dans l’Antiquitè et au Moyen Age, orfévreries et industriesdiverses), Paris 1884. SEPTFONTAINES 1952 – Baynast de Septfontaines, Etude sur l’Etain, in Bulletin de la Société d’Etudes d’Avallon, 1952.*BARDELOT 1996 – Philippe Bardelot, France (Anjou). Quand l’Étain brillait en Anjou, catalogo della mostra, Musées d’Angers, Angers 1996, 104 pp., 11 pl., 152 oggetti riprodottie descritti, 79 punzoni riprodotti, biografia dei maestri.**BARON-WEIBEL  s.d. – Baron-Weibel, Etains, catalogo esposizione, 63 oggetti, 54 ill., con Rèpertoire des Poinçons Alsaciens, 176 marchi, Strasbourg s.d., 68 pp.*BELLONCLE 1968 – Michel Belloncle, Les étains, Paris 1968.*BIDAULT 1971 – (Abbé) Paul Bidault, Étains Réligieux, XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, ed. Charles Massin, Paris s.d. ma 1971.*BIDAULT 1976 – (Abbé) Paul Bidault, Les Potiers d’Étain du Maine, Le Mans 1976. (Riportato anche come Les Etains du Maine des XVII, XVIII et XIXe siècles).*BIDAULT, LEPART 1960 – (Abbé) Paul Bidault, Jean Lepart, Étains médicaux et pharmaceutiques, ed. Charles Massin, Paris 1960.BOILEAU 1837 – Etienne Boileau, Règlemens sur les Arts et Métiers de Paris rédigés au XIIIe siècle et connus sous le nom de Livre des Métiers d’Etienne Boileau ; Introduction de Depping ; impr. De Crapelet, in 4°, Paris 1837.BONIFACE 1972 – Fr. Boniface, Catalogue de l’exposition d’étains régionaux, Wambrechies 1972.BONNAUD 1999 – Louis Bonnaud, Reliquaire en étain de La Croisille, 1778, ? 1999.

BOUCAUD 1955 – Charles Boucaud, Les Etains et leur poinçons, in Arts-Ménagers, 62, Fev. 1955.*BOUCAUD 1956a - Charles Boucaud, L’ Etain d’aujourd’hui, catalogo dell’esposizione internazionale 22/3 – 5/4/1956, ed.Tin Research Institute, Paris 1956, 16 pp. in 8°.BOUCAUD 1956b – Charles Boucaud, L’Etain parisien, in Connaissance des Arts, novembre 1956.*BOUCAUD 1958 – Charles Boucaud, Les pichets d’Étain, mesures à vin de l’ancienne France, Parigi 1958.*BOUCAUD 1970 – Philippe Boucaud, 250 Poinçons d’Étain, Faux, Copies, Imitations, Trucages, ed.Boucaud, Paris 1970, pp. 172, tavv. 17.*BOUCAUD 1981 – Philippe Boucaud, Cuivres et Étains, Art d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui. Catalogue del'exposition, Centre des Arts et Loisirs du Vésinet, déc. 1980/jan.1981. 24 p., 25 ill. n. & bl. Broché, avec une plaquette de 8 p.*BOUCAUD 1988 – Philippe Boucaud, Etains et Potiers d'Etain d'Etampes, 3 p., 8 ill., 7 poinçons reproduits, in Catalogue du 4° Salon des Antiquaires d'Étampes, mai 1988 (brochurede 52 p.).*BOUCAUD 1994 – Philippe Boucaud, Dix ans de mariage, ce sont les noces d'étain, in Catalogue du 10ème Carrefour Européen de l'Antiquité et de l'Art, Strasbourg 1994. Broché. (1p., 2 ill.)sur la décoration des étains strasbourgeois*BOUCAUD 2003a – Philippe Boucaud, Jean-Christophe Boucaud, Etains anciens, étains art nouveau et art déco, XXX Catalogue, Beziers 2003.*BOUCAUD 2003b – Jean-Christophe Boucaud, Jules Brateau 1844-1923, Œuvres en étain, XXXI Catalogue, Beziers 2003. 192 pp. 300 ill. 52,00€.*BOUCAUD 2007 – Philippe Boucaud, Vente Drouot Richelieu, vendredi 30 mars 2007-salle 10 à 14 : Belle collection d’etains des XVIème, XVIIème et XVIIIème siècles. Da nn. 82 a 118 incl., pp.19-23, Paris 2007, in 4°, pp.48.*BOUCAUD 2008a – Philippe et Jean-Christophe Boucaud, Étains d’époque XVIII et XIX, in Ivoire Troyes, catalogo asta 6-7-2008 , Hotel des ventes de Troyes, pp. 4 e 5, nn.70-185. Troyes 2008, pp.16, in 4°.*BOUCAUD 2008b – Philippe et Jean-Christophe Boucaud, Etains, entière collection de Madame X, Paris, Hotel Drouot, Salle 11, 24-11-2008, catalogo asta, 17 pp, 249 lotti, 191 foto.*BOUCAUD 1976 - 2008 – Philippe Boucaud, Étains anciens, cataloghi annuali a partire dal I, 1976 fino al XXXVI, Nov. 2008.*BOUCAUD, BALIGAND 1986 – Philippe Boucaud, Françoise Baligand, Étains de Douai du XVIIème au XIX siècle, catalogo della mostra, Douai, Musée de la Chartreuse, 16/4-16/6/1986, Douai 1986, pp. 40, ill. 12.*BOUCAUD, CADET 1976 – Charles Boucaud, Cadet, Estainiers, Pintiers, Potiers d'Étain d'Angoumois du XVème au XIXème siècle à travers les collections de la Société Archéologique et Historique de la Charente et les collections charentaises. Catalogue de l'exposition, Société Archéologique et Historique de la Charente, Angoulême, été 1976. 24 p., 22 ill. Broché.*BOUCAUD, FREGNAC 1978 – Philippe Boucaud, C. Frégnac, Les Étains, des Origines au début du XIXème siècle, ed. Office du Livre, Fribourg 1978, pp. 340, tavv. 400. BOUCHON ?? – Chantal Bouchon, Les étains, ? ?BOURGEOIS ? – Ainè Bourgeois, L’ètain gravé et repoussé, Ses applications par Dubouchet, le Professeur ??

BOURGEOIS 1976 – Ainè Bourgeois, Les potiers d'étain Béthunois, Soc. Ac. des Ant. de la Morinie 1976.BOURSELET, CLERISSE 1933 – V. Bourselet, H. Clérisse, Mantes et son arrondissement, Mantes 1933.BOUTRY 1903 – L. Boutry, Choses normandes d’autrefois, Paris 1903.BRASSART 1842 – A. Brassart, Notes historiques sue les hôpitaux et établissements de charité de la ville de Douai, Douai 1842.BRAULT, BOTTINEAU 1959 – S. Brault, Y. Bottineau, L’Orfèvrerie française du XVIIIe siècle, Paris 1959.*BRIFFAUT 1966 – Pierre Briffaut, Les Etainiers de Cambrai, 42 p., 13 pl. (9 ill., 8 poinçons).BRIFFAUT 1968 – Pierre Briffaut, Note complementaire sur les Etainiers de Cambrai, sans éditeur ni imprimeur - Texte daté 14 avril 1968 22 CM * 13,5 CM - 4 PAGES (numérotées 41 à 44) + 8 pages (planches) illustrations : 4 planches photos en noiret blanc hors texte (numérotées XIV à XVII)BRIFFAUT 1978 – Pierre Briffaut, Les Etainiers du Haut-Escaut, Cambrai, Valenciennes, Tournai, Arras 1978.*BRIFFAUT 1981 – Pierre Briffaut, Les Etainiers de Douai, in Bulletin de la Commission Historique du Nord, T. XLI, pp. 18, tavv. 8, Archives du Nord, Lille 1981.CARRE’ 1930 – Louis Carré, Guide de l’amateur d’orfevrerie française, Paris 1930.CHANCEL ET ALII 1992 – B. de Chancel et alii, Souvenir de musée, Catalogo della mostra, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Angers 1992.*COLLS ET ALII 1975 – D. Colls, C. Domergue, F. Laubenheimer, B. Liou, Les lingots d’étain de l’épave Port-Vendres II, in Gallia, 33 (1), pp. 61-94.*COMMENCHAL 1981 – J.C. Commenchal, Les Etains normands, Nogent-le-Roi, 1981.DAGE s.d. – R. Dage, Les Courtiers Gourmets à travers les âges, Paris.*DAHAN 2000 – Philippe Dahan, Les Etains 1900, 200 sculpteurs de la Belle Époque, Editions de l’Amateur, Paris 2000, 432 pp., centinaia di ill.DAUPHIN 1922 (1923) – V. Dauphin, Notes sur quelques marques de potiers d’étain d’Angers, in Mémoires de la Societé Nationale d’Agriculture, des Sciences et d’Arts d’Angers, 5e série, T. XXV, 1922 (1923), pp. 21-25.DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1751-1757 – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Encyclopédie, Paris 1751-1757. DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1751-1772 - Diderot M., D'Alembert M. , Potier d'Etain. Planches de la Grande Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, par une société de Gens de Lettres. 2 pages de texte (Table des Matières) et 15 planches. (Paris 1751-72)DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1762 – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Recueil de planches sur les sciences, les arts liberaux et les arts mécaniques avec leur explication, Paris 1762. DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1751-1772 – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Metallurgie. Etain. Planches dela Grande Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, par une société de Gens de Lettres, Paris 1751-72. DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1777-1979 – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, 5e édition, Genève-Neuchâtel 1777-1779.DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1778 – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Petite Encyclopédie Diderot et d'Alembert. Planches. Etain. 8 planches. Genève 1778.DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1783a– Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Encyclopédie Méthodique, Paris 1783.

DIDEROT, D’ALEMBERT 1783b – Diderot M., D’Alembert M., Recueil de Planches de l’Encyclopédie par ordre de matières, t.II, Etains et potier d’étain, in 4°, 8 pl. simples, Ed. Panckoucke, Paris 1783.DONNET 1903 – F. Donnet, La marque des étains d’Anvers, Anvers 1903.*DOUROUFF 1958 – B. A. Dourouff, Étain français des XVIIe et XVIII siècle, ed. Charles Massin, Paris 1958.*DOUROFF, TARDY 1963 – B. A. Douroff, Tardy, Les étains parisiens, Paris 1963. Ripubblicato (vol 1) in *TARDY 1964b.DUVAL 1885 - Emile Duval, Les Gobelets du Baron de Trenck, A. Lévy ed., Paris 1885.*FOCHIER-HENRION 1968 – Annette Fochier-Henrion, Étains populaires de France, ed. Charles Massin, Paris 1968.FOREST 1997 – Dominique e Marie-Cécile Forest, La Dinanderie Française – 1900-1950, Éd. del’Amateur, Paris 1997.FRANKLIN 1906 – Alfred Franklin, Dictionnaire historique des Arts, Métiers et Professions exercés dansParis depuis le XIIIe siècle, ed. H. Welter, Paris 1906.GABARDI 1999 – Melissa Gabardi, Jean Després, maestro orafo tra art déco e avanguardie, ed. Idea Books, Milano 1999.GEORGE 1916 – Jean George, Une pinte en étain, in Bulletin et Mémoires Soc. Arch. de la Charente, 1916.*GRAS, ÉTIENNE & FILS 1963 – Yves Gras, Albert Étienne, L’étain brille à travers l’histoire,Catalogo produzione della ditta Gras, Étienne et Fils, Angers 1963.GRAS 1967 – Yves Gras, L’étain brille à Angers et à travers l’histoire, in Bulletin de l’Académie d’Angers, 1967.GRISELINI 1768 – F. Griselini, Dizionario delle Arti e de’ Mestieri, pèr Modesto Fenzo, Venezia 1768.GROFFIER 1973 – J. Groffier, Ce qu’il faut savoir des Etains, Reboulin, Apten-Provence1973.*GUILBERT-GUIEU, LE BRETON 1973 – Micheline Guilbert-Guieu, Jacques Le breton, Trésors des Musées d’Angers, Les étains, Catalogo della mostra, Musée Pincé, ed. H. Siraudeau et, Angers 1973, pp.146, pl.111.HAVARD 1887-1890 – Henri Havard, Dictionaire de l’Ameublement et de la Décoration depuis le XIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours, Paris 1887-1890.*HENKEMANS 1989 – André Henkemans, Normandy flagons manufactured for use in Jersey, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 13-16.**HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngiesser und ihre Marken. App. I: Alsace; Vol. IV.I, Leipzig 1921-1931. Ristampa, Otto Zeller Verlagsbuchhandlung, Aalen 1964. JANI 1913 - Karl et Robert (Jany) Traité Pratique des Métaux repoussés. Argent. Cuivre. Etain., Bornemann 1913.JESSU 1972 – Ph. Jessu, Etains de Flandre, Artois, Hainaut et Cambrésis, Catalogue de l’exposition de Wembrechies 24 et 25 Juin 1972, 1972 (marchi di Lille e della regione vicina al Belgio).JUSSELIN 1955-1956 – Maurice Jusselin, Potier d’étain de Chartres, in Collections et Curiosités,a. I, n. 1, dicembre 1955, pp. 12-14, ripubblicato in L’Echo Républicain de la Beauce et du Perche, n. 4035 del 3/2/1956. LECOCQ MS. – Adolph Lecocq, Métiers et Corporations de la ville de Chartres du Moyen Age à la Révolution, manoscritto SA 26, Tomo XII, Biblioteca Municipale di Chartres, fra il 1850 e il 1881.LEPINOIS 1854 – E. de Lepinois, Histoire de Chartres, Chartres 1854.

LESPINASSE 1879 – René de Lespinasse, Les Métiers et les Corporations de la Ville de Paris, in Histoire Général de Paris, Paris 1879.LIGHTBOWN 1978 – R.W. Lightbown, French Silver, HMSO, London 1978.LIVRE – Livre des ordonnances de la Prévoté des Marchands, Bibl.Nat. Rés. F.709LUGRIN 1913 – Prof. Lugrin, L’art de repousser les metaux ètain, cuivre, argent, etc, 6me éd. revue et augmentèe, Collection L’artisan pratique, 1913.MORANT 1968 – H. de Morant, Les étains anciens au Musée Saint-Jeans, in Bulletin des musées d’Angers, n.s., 35, 1968.MOREL 1909 – Morel, Les étaniers d’Arras, Arras 1909.*MUSÉE BERGUES 1995 – Musée de Bergues, Potiers et poteries d’Étain à Bergues, XVIIème - XVIIIème, catalogo della mostra, Museo di Bergues, 24/6-4/9/1995, pp. 28, tavv. 34.*MUSÉE BORDEAUX s.d. – Musée de Bordeaux, Étains Anciens, Catalogue du Musée des Arts Decoratifs de Bordeaux, Préface di Philippe Boucaud, Bordeaux s.d., pp. 116, tavv. 47,11 poinçons reproduits. MUSÉE CHAUMONT LANGRES 1994 – Musée de Chaumont et de Langres, Les Étains Haut-Marnais, catalogo della mostra, Museo di Chaumont e Langres, Musée du Breuil de Saint Germain, estate1994, Chaumont 1994, pp. 96, ill. 69.*MUSÉE PONTOISE 1988 - Musée de Pontoise, A boire et a voir, catalogo della mostra, Museo di Pontoise, 8/10/1988-28/2/1989, Parigi 1988.PASQUIER, TAILLANDIER 1990 – Jacqueline du Pasquier, Catherine le Taillandier de Gabory, Étains Anciens, Catalogue du Musée des Arts Decoratifs de Bordeaux, Préface di Philippe Boucaud, Bordeaux 1990, pp. 116, tavv. 47, reproduits11 poiçons.*PETIT 1978 – K. Petit, Les Etains du Hainaut et leur Poinçons, Private Pubblication, Mons1978.*PHILIPS, DUBBE 1983 – Frits Pkilips, Bé Dubbe, Twee Nijmeegse Gildekannen, Eindhoven1983, 157 pp con 222 foto.*QUATTORDIO 2000 – Alessandra Quattordio, Il fabbro di Avallon, in AD/Antiques, Supplemento n. 8 a AD. Le più belle case del mondo, a. XX, n. 226, marzo 2000, ed. CondéNast, pp. 42- 49.RENARD 1998 – Jean-Claude Renard, Les cuivres de cuisine, ed. Librairie de l’Amateur, Paris 1998, pp. 240, ill. 200.*RICHARD 1988 – René Richard, Potiers d’Étain de l’Ancien Languedoc et du Roussillon, ed. Max Chaleil, Montpellier 1988, pp. 443, ill. 233.RIETSTAP 1884-1887 – J.B. Rietstap, Armorial général, 2e éd. Gouda 1884-1887.RIETSTAP 1903-1921 – J.B. Rietstap, Armories des familles contenues dans l’armorial général, 1903-1921.RIFF 1919 – Adolphe Riff, L’Orfèvrerie d’Etain strasbourgeois, in Cahiers d’Archéologie et d’Histoire d’Alsace, May 1919, pp. 1-12RIFF 1924 – Adolphe Riff, Deux artisans alsaciens du XVIIe siècle, les fondeurs d’étain Isaac Faust et Augustin Güntzer, in Archives alsaciennes d’Histoire de l’Art, III, 1924, pp. 41-53.*RIFF 1925a– Adolphe Riff, Les Étains Strasbourgeois du XVIème à XIXème siècle, ed. Alsata, Strasbourg 1925, pp. 102, tavv. 25.RIFF 1925b– Adolphe Riff, L’orfèvrerie d’étain en France. Les équelles à bouillon, in Archives alsaciennes d’Histoire de l’Art, 1925, pp.147-175.RIFF 1926 – Adolphe Riff, L’orfèvrerie d’étain en France. Les aiguière en casque, in Archives alsaciennes d’Histoire de l’Art, 1926, pp.111-128.RIFF 1927a– Adolphe Riff, Some Pewter of England, in Antiques, October 1927, pp. 294-297.

*RIFF 1927b – Adolphe Riff, European Continental Petwer, Part VI, The Pewter of France from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century, in Antiques, Vol. XII, 5, November 1927 pp. 391-393. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 76-78.*RIFF 1928c – Adolphe Riff, European Continental Petwer, Part VII, The Pewter of France from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century, in Antiques, Vol. XIII, 2, February 1928, pp. 130-135. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 79-84.*RIFF 1928d – Adolphe Riff, European Continental Petwer, Part VIII, The Pewter of France from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century, in Antiques, Vol. XIII, 5, May 1928. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 85-88.RIFF 1928e – Adolphe Riff, L’orfèvrerie d’étain en France, in Le Nord littéraire et artistique, n. 24, 1928, pp. 20-21.RIFF 1929 – Adolphe Riff, Etude sur les Etains régionaux de France, in L’Art populaire en France, 1929, pp. 95-115.RIFF 1930 – Adolphe Riff, Plats d’Etain à décor gravé, in L’Art populaire en France, 1930, pp. 193-195.RIFF 1931 – Adolphe Riff, Plats d’Etain à décor gravé, in L’Art populaire en France, 1931, pp. 189.RIFF 1961 – Adolphe Riff, L’inventaire du mobilier de la Corporation des Maréchaux de Strasbourg en 1665, in Revue d’Alsace, C, 1961, pp.1-12.RIFF 1965 – Adolphe Riff, La Corporation des Maréchaux de la Ville de Strasbourg de 1563 à 1789, in Artisans et Ouvriers d’Alsace, Strasbourg 1965, pp. 171-184.*RIFF 1977 – Adolphe Riff, Les Étains Strasbourgeois du XVIème à XIXème siècle, ed. Alsata, Strasbourg 1977, pp. 102, tavv. 25. Riedizione dell’opera del 1925.RIVIERE, TARDIEU 1953 – G.H. Rivière, S. Tardieu, Objets domestiques des provinces de France dans la vie familiale et les arts ménagers, Catalogo della mostra, Musée des Arts et Traditions populaires, Paris 1953.RORET 1909 – Potiers d’étain et poids et mesures, Encyclopédie RORET, Paris 1909.SALMON 1788 – Pierre-Augustin Salmon, L’art du potier d’étain, Paris 1788. Chez Moutard, 1788, 1788. Large folio.160pp. With 32 superb copperplates, of smelting, chafing, tools, jugs, bowls, manufacturing, assaying &c. Part of the Academie Royale des Sciences series, 1769-1775. Extremely rare.*SCHONN 1982 – Michel Schonn, Les potiers d’étain de Chartres, con prefazione di Philippe Boucaud, Ed. Alphonse Marré, Fontenay-sur-Conie (Eure-et-Loire) 1982, pp. 112, ill.45. *TAJAN 2005 – Tajan, casa d’aste, Asta Paris, mercredi 6 juillet 2005. Catalogo; Etains, pp.9-16**TARDY s.d. a – Tardy, Les poinçons des étains français, Paris, s. d. (1968 ? stampa del1977 ?).*TARDY s.d. b – Tardy, Les Etains français, Paris, 1e partie, Paris s.d.*TARDY 1959a – Tardy, Les Etains français, Provinces : Abbeville à Limoges, 2e partie,Paris 1958.*TARDY 1959b – Tardy, Les Etains français, Lisieux à Yvetot, 3e partie, Paris 1959.*TARDY 1959c – Tardy, Les étains français, voll.3 in uno, ed. Tardy, Paris 1959, pp. 848, ill. 224. Sono i precedenti 3 volumetti.*TARDY 1964a – Tardy, Les Etains français. Notes complémentaires et tables générales, 4e partie, Paris 1964.*TARDY 1964b – Tardy, Les étains français,, ed. Tardy, voll. 4 in uno, Paris 1964, pp.1124, ill. 745.

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GermaniaMusei con peltri:Hagen, museo cittadinoBorken, Museo cittadino: matrice di cucchiaio della ditta (italiana) Cracki.Cloppenburg, Museumsdorf CloppenburgGoslar (Bassa Sassonia), Zinn-Figuren Museum, Muenzstrasse 11, 38640 Goslar, tel 0049 5321 25889, [email protected] ; statuette di peltro.Freiburg: In Freiburgs kleinsten Museum, Schwabentor, sind mit über 8000 Zinnfiguren historische Szenen aus der Geschichte der Stadt dargestellt. Wentzingerhaus. Museum für Stadtgeschichte. Freiburg im Breisgau.Magdeburg, Magdeburgermuseum, Deutsches Klingenmuseum, Klosterhof 4, 42653 Solingen, tel. 0049 021225836-0, email [email protected] . Storia della fabbrica di peltri Arrenberg.Göppingen, Städtischen Museums, ricca raccolta di forme.Städtisches Museum GöttingenMuseum Schloss Mosigkaum

? 1574 - Kandelgiesser'. ZINNGIESSER Zinnkannengiesser, Holzschnitt v. Amman, 1574, 12,5 x 6.? 1698 - Der Kandelgiesser'. ZINNGIESSER Zinnkannengiesser, Kupferstich v. Weigel, 1698,13 x 8 (1. Ausgabe).? 2004 - ?, ZinnZeit : Spuren eines Handwerks in Alltag und Kunst, ? 2004.*AICHELE 1977 – Frieder Aichele, Zinn, Battenberg Antiquitäten-Kataloge, BattenbergVerlag, München 1977. 145 pp.AICHELE 1988 – Frieder Aichele, Art Nouveau in Munich, Exhibition Catalogue, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1988.

*AICHELE 1992 – Frieder Aichele, Zinn, Battenberg Antiquitäten-Kataloge, BattenbergVerlag, 2a ed. riveduta, München 1992. 160 pp.AICHELE, HEGER, WEYHRETER 1987 – Frieder Aichele, Wolfgang Heger, Dieter Weyhreter,Giengener Gingiesser, Zinn aus 3 Jahrhunderten, Katalog des Austellung im Rathaus Giengen a.d. Brenz vom 5. Juni – 5 Juli 1987, Giengen am Brenz 1987. 80 p.*AICHELE, MUNDORFF, RUEß 1990 – Frieder Aichele, Martin Mundorff, Karl-Heinz Rueβ, Göppinger Zinn, Göppingen 1990, 135 pp.*ASCHE 1942 – Sigfried Asche, Eugen Wiedamann Zinngerät, Werkstattbericht 28 des Kunstdienstes, Ulrich Riemerschmidt Verlag, Berlin 1943, 23 pp, ill.b/n.ASCHL ? – Albert Aschl, Das Handwerk der Zinngiesser in Rosenheim, ? ?.BAHR et alii 1981 – Ilse Bahr et alii, Zinn, Kopie – Imitation – Fälschung, Reihe Kunst und Fälschung 3, Hannover 1981.*BARKIN, PELZEL, QUICK 1987 – Kenneth Barkin, Thomas Pelzel, Herb Quick, European Pewter in Everyday Life (1600-1900), subtitled: "from the William Scollard and other Private Collections", released in conjunction with the exhibition held at the University Art Gallery, January 10 - March 6, 1988, University of California, Riverside, Ca, 1988,p 71, Sweeney Art Gallery ed., 8x11 inch., BARTEN 1974 – Sigrid Barten, Deutches Jugendstilzinn aus der Sammlung Hendrich, Catalogo delMuseo di Hamburg, 1974.*BAUER 1970 – Dirk Bauer, Kirchliches Zinngerät aus dem Kreise Marburg, Katalog der Marburger Universitätsmuseums, Marburg 1970. 15€BECKERS 1984 – Werner Beckers, Zinn im Alltag: die Bestände des Städtischen Kramer Museums Kempen, Catalogo, Kempen, Geschichts- und Museumsverein Kempen 1984; (molti marchi da Köln e dalla regione limitrofa all’Olanda, NW di Köln, non in Hintze).BENKER 1978 – G. Benker, Alte Bestecke, München 1978 *BERGER 1980a – Wolf-Lothar Berger, Zinn, Wissen Verlag Herrsching, Ammersee 1980. Traduzione da N. Boschian, Il Peltro, Elite, collana Fabbri ed. Milano 1980. 160 pp., traduz. dell’ed. italiana BOSCHIAN 1966. 1 ed. tedesca 1966.*BERGER 1980b – Wolf-Lothar Berger, Schönes Altes Zinn Meisterwerke der Zinnverarbeitung von der Antike bis ins 19. Jahrhundert, Gondrom Verlag, Bayreuth 1980, pp. 80, ca. 21cm x 29cm, Hartcover. Bergisch Gladbach 84 e.a.

Zinn im Alltag/Die Bestände desStädt. Kramer Mus.

Cat. fünf rheinische Museen '85

BERLING 1895 – Karl Berling, Stadtmarken der Zinngieβer von Dresden, Leipzig und Chemnitz, in Archiv zur sächsisches Geschichte, XVI, pp. 123 segg.BERLING 1897 – Karl Berling, Sächsisches Zinnmarken, in Kunstgeverbeblatt, III, 1897, pp. 133 segg.BERLING 1913 – Karl Berling, Stadtmarken sächsisches Zinngieβer, Dresden 1913.*BERLING 1919 – Karl Berling, Altes Zinn, in Bibliothek für Kunst- u. Antiquitätensammler 16. Berlin 1919, 2 ed. Berlin 1920. BERLING 1934 – Karl Berling, Die einst im Besitz des Kurfürsten August Befindliche Frohburger Zinnkanne, in Neues Archiv für sächsische Geschichte und Altertumskunde, 55, Band 1934, p. 73-85.BERNITT 1983 - Johann Joachim Bernitt, Rostocker Zinnsammlung, Kulturhistorisches Museum Rostock, Begleitheft 3, Rostock 1983, Meckelburg.BERTRAM 1959 – Fritz Bertram, Schicksal der Breslauer Schleifkannen. In Weltkunst, München 1959, Heft 8/1.

BERTRAM 1960 – Fritz Bertram, Edelzinn von Kunstmarkt verschwunden? In Weltkunst, München 1960, Heft 1/2.BERTRAM 1962 – Fritz Bertram, Die Marienberger Krüge, In Weltkunst, München 1962, Heft 11/18.BERTRAM 1965 – Fritz Bertram, Rechtsprechung bei den Zünften, In Weltkunst, München 1965, Heft 7.BERTRAM, F Begegnungen mit Zinn, Prag, Artia - Verlag, 1967, 120 Bildtafeln, 11 Texts., 4°, OGLn. - Fotografien von H. Zimmermann.

Bislic Bislich 91 Weseler Zinn/Zinngerät der..familie Dassau

Kat. Ausst. Heimatmus. Bislich ' 91

BLOSS 1977 – Otto Bloss, Die älteren Glashütten in Süd-niederSachsen, Hildesheim 1977.*BLUM-SPICKER 1990 – Hèlène Blum-Spicker, Jugendstil Zinn, Wetzlarer Museumsschriften3, Wetzlar 1990. 40 pp, 6 tavv., 15,25 € BLUM-SPICKER 2000 – Hèlène Blum-Spicker, "...ein idealer kleiner Juwelierladen", ? 2000.*BLUM-SPICKER, WAGNER 1986 – Hèlène Blum-Spicker, Eckard Wagner, Zinn des Jugendstils, Collection Giorgio Silzer, vol. I, Firma J.P. Kayser Sohn, Krefeld aus der sammlung Giorgio Silzer, Kreismuseum Zons, Zons 1986, pp. 132, tavv. 72, 251 oggetti descritti, 3 marchi. Sostituisce il catalogo dell’esposizione del 1978 (vedi *WAGNER 1978).

Boes J Boes Julien fc De tinnen potgieterij te Gent*BODIN 1974 – N. Bodin, Neues Zinn, catalogo produzione, Singen 1974. BONHOFF 1951 – Friedrich Bonhoff, Lüneburger Zinngieβer und Ihre Marken, in Zeitschrift f. niedersächsische Familien-kunde 26-1951BORCHERS 1958 – Walter Borchers, Bäuerliches Zinn in Westfalen und in angrenzenden Niedersachsen, in Rheinisch-Westfälische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 5, 1958, S. 175 segg.BRAUN 1913 – E.W. Braun, Neues über Peter Flötner, in Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft, 36, (N.F.I.), Berlin 1913, p. 143.BRAUN-FELDWEG 1968 – Wilhelm Braun-Feldweg, Metall. Werkformen und Arbeitsweisen, Ravensburg 1968.BRETT 1983 - Vanessa Brett, Zinn, Freiburg i.B. 1983 (traduzione dall’inglese 1981).BRITISH STANDARD INSTITUTION 1974 – British Standard Institution, Specification for Pewter, BS 5140: November 1974. 4p.BROCKPÄHLER 1961 – Renate Brockpähler, Zinngeschirr und Zinngieβer in Coesfeld, in Westfälischer Heimatkalender, Munster 1961, p. 174 segg.BRÜCK 1959 – Josef Brueck, Vulgärlat. Peltrum „Zinn“, ? 1959, 72 pp.BÜCHER 1875 – B. Bücher, Geschichte der Technischen Künste, Berlin 1875.BURACHOVIČ 2001 – Stanislav Burachovič, Karlsbad – ein Zentrum der Zinnverarbeitung, ? 2001.

Büsing Bϋsing Wolfgang Die Zinngiesser der Stadt OldenburgCappenberg 61

Sammlungen Kirsch und Gläntzer

Kat. Ausst. Schloss Cappenberg '61

*COTTERELL VETTER 1928 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, European Continental Pewter, Part X, The Pewter of Germany, in Antiques, Vol. XIV, 5, November 1928.Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 94-99.

*COTTERELL VETTER 1929a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, European Continental Petwer, Part XI, The Pewter of Germany, in Antiques, Vol. XV, 2, February 1929. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 100-104.*COTTERELL VETTER 1929b – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, , European Continental Petwer, Part XII, The Pewter of Germany, in Antiques, Vol. XV, 5, May 1929. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 105-107.CZEGUHN 2000 – Ignacio Czeguhn, Die Zinngiesserfamilie Ruckert in Würzburg, ? 2000.DEMIANI 1897 – Hans Demiani, François Briot, Caspar Enderlein und das Edelzinn, Leipzig 1897.DEMIANI 1904 – Hans Demiani, Sächsisches Edelzinn, 1904.DEXEL 1962 – Walter Dexel, Das Hausgerät Mitteleuropas, Wesen und Wandel der Formen in zwei Jahrtausenden, Braunschweig (o Berlin?)1962.DEXEL 1973 – Walter Dexel, Das Hausgerät Mitteleuropas, Wesen und Wandel der Formen in zwei Jahrtausenden, Brunswick 1973.DETTMANN, SCHROEDER 1931 – G. Dettmann, A. Schroeder, Die bremischen Gold und Silberschmiede, Bremen 1931.DIETZ 1903 – Alexander Dietz, VII.Das Frankfurter Zinngieβergewerbe und seine Blüthezeit im 18. Jahrd., in Festschrift Zur Feier der 25jährigen Bestehens des städtischen Historischen Museums in Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum, Frankfurt a. M. 1903. pp. 149-181.*DOLZ 1970 – Renate Dolz, Zinn, Heyne Taschenbücher: Antiquitäten, Heyne-Buch Nr. 4358, München 1970, altra ed. 1974, 174 pp., 11,5x18 cm, Handbuch. DRY 1905 – Graham Dry, WMF Art nouveau Domestic Metalwork, from Wuertembergische Metalwarenfabrik, 1906. 3500 articoli in peltro e silver plate.DRY 1995 – Graham Dry, WMF Art nouveau Domestic Metalwork, from Wuertembergische Metalwarenfabrik, 1906. 3500 articoli in peltro e silver plate. Riedizione dell’edizione inglese del catalogo di vendita del 1906. 3500 articoli in peltro e silverplate, 3 voll. Lingua inglese, 22 x 28 cm, 389 pp, oltre 3000 ill. b/n e 13 acolori.*DWENGER 1980 – Rolf Dwenger, Kunsthandwerkliches Zinngieβen, Battenberg Verlag, München 1980. 171 p. 164 ill. Ristampa 1983.ENKELMANN ? – Hans-Walter Henkelmann, Die Rudolstädter Zinngieβer; dier Saalfelder Zinngieβer; die Pöβnecker und Neustädter Zinngieβer, in Rudolstädter Heimathefte, 19, Jahrgang, Heft 1/2, 3/4, 7/8.EVANS 1994 - Colin J. Evans, Tin Handbook, Hüthig ed., Heidelberg 1994.FELDHAUS 1931 – Franz M. Feldhaus, Die Technik der Antike und des Mittelalters, Potsdam 1931FITZEK 1994 – Roman Fitzek, Die Zinngiesser in Pfalz-Neuburg, ? 1994.FOCKE 1890a – J. Focke, Bremische Werkmeister, Bremen 1890.FOCKE 1890b – J. Focke, Bremische Werkmeister aus älterer Zeit, Bremen 1890FORRER 1891 – R. Forrer, Die Gräber und Texilfunde von Achim Panopolis, Berlin 1891.FRANZHEIM 1980 – Liesel Franzheim, Judaica, Kölnisches Stadtmuseum, Köln 1980.*FREUDENBERG, MONDFELD 1982-1983 – Elisa zu Freudenberg, Wolfram zu Mondfeld, Altes Zinn aus Niederbayern, Band I-II, Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 1982-1983.FRITSCH 1973 – Herbert Fritsch, Zinngieβen,in Brunnen-Reihe 89, Christopherus Verlag, Freiburg i.B.1973, 32 p.FRITZ 1965 – Rolf Fritz, Dortmunder Zinngieβer in der Barockzeit, in Beiträge zur Geschichte Dortmunds und der Grafschaft Mark, Band 62, Dortmund 1965.GAHLNBÄCK 1929 – Johannes Gahlnbäck, Zinn und Zinngiesser in Livland, Estland und Kurland, in Quellen und Darstellungen zur Hansischer Geschichtsverein, NF/7 Lübeck 1929

GOMMEL 1969 – Adolf Gommel, Vasa sacra, Tauf-und Abendmahlsgeräte aus evangelischen Kircken in Wüttemberg, Stuttgart 1969.*GRUNSKY-PEPER 1982 – Konrad Grunsky-Peper, Sakrale Kunst in Nordfriesland, Silber, Messing, Zinn, Husum 1982.*HAEBERLE 1874-1931 – Arminius T. Haeberle, Old Pewter, 1874-1931.128 pp, R.G. Badger ed., Boston 1931.HAEDECKE 1957 – Hanns-Hulrich Haedecke, Zinn, Braunschweig 1957.*HAEDECKE 1963 – Hanns-Hulrich Haedecke, Zinn, im Bibliothek für Kunst- u. Antiquitätenfreunde, Band XVI, Braunschweig1963, 498 p, 448 ill. (ried. Leipzig 1966?)*HAEDECKE 1968 – Hanns-Hulrich Haedecke, Zinn, Kataloge des Kunstgewerbwmuseums Köln, band III, Köln 1968. Riedizione 1976.*HAEDECKE 1969 – Hans-Hulrich Haedecke, Altes Zinn, ed. Insel-Verlag, Leipzig 1969, pp. 60, tavv. 42. 1 ed. Leipzig 1964.*HAEDECKE 1970 – Hanns-Hulrich Haedecke, Metalwork, By The Social History of the Decorative Arts, general ed. Hugh Honour, translated by Vivienne Menkes, London 1970.*HAEDECKE 1973 – Hanns-Hulrich Haedecke, Zinn, Zentren der Zinngieβerkunst von der Antike bis zum Jugendstil, Verlag Werner Dausien, Hanau/Main, anche Koehler & Amelan, Leipzig 1974, e Verlag Werner Dausien, Hanau 1982, 243 p. 84 ill.*HAEDECKE 1975 – Hanns-Hulrich Haedecke, Sächsisches Zinn, Aus einer Glauchauer Sammlung,Prisma-Verlag Zenner und Gürchott, Leipzig 1975, pp. 91, tavv. 64. Altra ed. Leipzig 1990, 112 p e 64 foto.*HAEDECKE 1980 – Hanns-Hulrich Haedecke, Zinn sammeln, Vollmers neue Sammelführer in Farbe, München 1980. 108 pp. Ried ? Klinkhardt & Biermann, Munich, 1983*HAEDECKE s.d. – Hanns-Hulrich Haedecke, Antiquitäten Ratgeber, Ein kleines Handbuch für die Reise in 6 Folgen, Folge 4, Zinn, München s.d., in, 51 pp.HALLE 1761 – J.S.Halle, Der Zin(n)giesser. Brandenburg und Leipzig 1761. Kl.-4to. S. (241)-280 m. 1 gestochenen Kopfvignette, 1 Kupfertafel. Moderner marmorierter Ppbd (leicht gebräunt u. etwas stockfleckig). Aus ""Werkstät(t)e der heutigen Künste"", Bd 1.- Über den Beruf des Zinngießers: Materialbearbeitung und Gußverfahren.- Die Kopfvignette (8 x 12,5 cm) mit einer hübschen Werkstattansicht zeigt Gießer in der Werkstatt beim Drehen von Zinngeschirren. Die Tafel mit Gerätschaften wie Schmelzpfanne, Beulenklopfer, Gießkelle, Probierstein, Feile, Löt- und Brennkolben etc.- Poggendorff I, 1003; Lipperheide Pa 16; Engelmann, Bibl. mech.-tech. 134.HAMPE 1924 – Theodor Hampe, Der Zinnsoldat. Ein deutsches Spielzeug, Berlin 1924.HANISH 1972 – Anneliese Hanish, Zinn, Katalog des Grassi-Museums Leipzig, Leipzig 1972.*HANISH 1989 – Anneliese Hanish, Europäisches Zinn im Museum des Kunsthandwerks Leipzig, GrassiMuseum, Eine Auswahl, Leipzig 1989, 64 pp, 39 foto.HÄNSEL 1942 – R. Hänsel, Die Zinngieβer in Schleiz und Ihre Marken, in Das Thüringer Fähnlein, 11, 1942 (10,11,12), p. 103 segg.HARKSEN 1939 – Julie Harksen, Altmärkisches Zinn, in Der Goldene Reiter, 2, 1939, (12), p. 444 segg.HARRIS s.d. – Henry Harris, Modellsoldaten, Erlesene Liebhabereien, Frankfurt a.M. s.d. (trad. dall’inglese).HASSE s.d. – Max Hasse, Lübecker Silber, Lübecker Museumhefte/5-10, Lubeck.*HEINZ 1990 – Klaus Heinz, Kulmbacher Daubenkrüge, Landschaftsmuseum Obermain auf der Plassenburg, Kulmbach 1990. (Marchi non in Hintze).

*HERR 1995 – Donald M. Herr, Pewter in Pennsylvania German Churches, Pennsylvania-GermanSociety, 1995, 214 pp.HINTZE 1906 – Erwin Hintze, Die Breslauer Goldschmiede. Eine archivalische Studie, Breslau 1906.HINTZE 1919 – Erwin Hintze, Schlesien Vorzeit in Bild und Schrift, und Liebhaber, ed. Carl Schmidt, Berlin 1919.*HINTZE 1921 – Erwin Hintze, Nürberger Zinn, Leipzig 1921. 2 ed. Klinkhardt & Biermann, Braunschweig 1976, 145 ill..*HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Voll. I-VII, Leipzig 1921-1931 (voll. I-II, a. 1921; vol. III, a. 1923; vol. IV, a. 1926; vol. 5, a. 1927; vol. VI, a. 1928; vol. VI, a. 1931). Nachdruck, ed. Otto Zeller, Onasbrück, 1965.HINTZE 1924 – Erwin Hintze, Formengeschichte des Schlesischen Zinns, Breslau 1924.*HINTZE 1964 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. I-VII, Leipzig 1921-1931, ristampa, Otto Zeller Verlagsbuchhandlung, Aalen 1964.HIRTH 1882 – H. Hirth, Den Formenschatz, 1882.HORSCHIK 1978 – J. Horschik, Steinzeug 15. bis 19. Jahrhundert, von Bürgel bis Muskau, Dresden 1978.HORSCHIK 1998 – J. Horschik, Creussener Steinzeug, in Keramos, 139-140, pp. 3-282, 1993.*HÖLLER 1991 – C. Höller, Zinn, Bestandskatalog der Kunsthandwerklichen Sammlung Kaiserlautern, Kaiserlautern 1991. 100 oggetti 17 e 18 secolo, 22,5 x 22,5 cm , 75 marchi. 25€*HUBER, OERTEL 1936 – U. Huber, G. Oertel, Siebenbürgisch-sächsisches und anderes Zinn, Reichenberg 1936. 300 pp con tavole f.t.JUNG 1903 – R. Jung, Festschrift zur Feier des 25jährigen Bestehens des Städtischen Historischen Museumin Frankfurt a.M., Frankfurt 1903.*KAYSERZINN s.d. – J.P. Kayser Sohn A.-G. Metallwarenfabrik, Kayserzinn Hauptkatalog K.I.28, Krefeld s. d., 23 pp. Fotocopia originale in Stadtarchiv Krefeld.KESSEL 1877 – Johann H. Kessel, Geschichte der Stadt Ratingen, Köln u. Neuβ 1877. **KOHLMANN 1972a – Theodor Kohlmann, Altes Zinn aus dem westlichen Niedersachsen, Katalog Sammlungs Museumsdorf Cloppenburg, Cloppenburg 1972. 276 pp.*KOHLMANN 1972b – Theodor Kohlmann, Zinngieβerhandwerk und Zinngerät in Oldenburg, Ostfriesland und Osnabrück (1600-1900), Verlag Otto Schwartz & Co, Göttingen 1972. 367 pp.KRATZENBERGER 1926 – Karl Kratzenberger, Altes norddeutches Zinngerät und seine Marken, in Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch 1, 1926, p. 99 segg. (riportato anche come Branderburgisches Jahrbuch Berlin 1926)KRATZENBERGER 1931 – Karl Kratzenberger, Altes norddeutches Zinngerät und seine Marken, in Branderburgisches Jahrbuch 6. vol, 1931, KRINS 1954 – F. Krins, Die Zinngieβer-Familie Maranca in Minden, in Mindener Heimatblätter, 26, n. 1-2, Minden 1954.KUPKA 1935 – P.L.B. Kupka, Zinngieβer und Zinngüsse in der Altmark, in Montagsblatt der Magdeburger Zeitung, 77, Jg. 1935, p. 17 segg.*KŰPERS, WOIDE 2002 – Gerolf Küpers, Eckard Woide, Die Neuenhauser Zinngieβer Familie Arends, Verlag Heimatverein der Grafschaft Bentheim e. V 2002. 26€LANGE 1892 – K. Lange, Peter Flötner, Gottingen 1892.LEHNEMANN 1995 – Wingolf Lehnemann, Metallvernichtung im NS-Staat : ein Beispiel ; Lünen, ? 1995.

*LÖDEN 1994 – Sönke Löden, Krööse, Kopjes, Kraatjekannen, Jeversches Zinn aus zwei Jahrhunderten, Kataolg zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Scloβmuseum Jever vom 28.11.1993 bis 15.1 1994, Isensee Verlag Oldenburg 1993LÜER, CREUTZ 1904 – Hermann Lüer, Max Creutz, Geschichte der Metallkunst 1: Kunstgeschichte derunedlen Metalle: Schmiedeeisen, Gusseisen, Bronze, Zinn, Blei und Zink, Stuttgart 1904.LUNGWITZ 1917 – Hermann Lungwitz, Edelzinn in Privatbesitz, Chemnitz 1917.*MALGRAS, WILHELM 1974 – G. Jean Malgras, R. Wilhelm, Edles Zinn, in Bibliothek des Sammlers (aus dem Französischen), Wiesbaden 1974.MEYER-EICHEL 1931 – Eva Meyer-Eichel, Die Bremischen Zinngieβer, in Veröffentlichungen aus dem Staatsarchiv der freien Hansestadt Bremen, Heft 7, Bremen 1931, p. 63-91.MIROW 1927 – G. Mirow, Branderburgische Zinngieβer, in Branderburgisches Jahrbuch, bd. II, 1927, p. 83 segg.MIROW 1936 – G. Mirow, Luckauer Zinngieβer, in Mitteilungsblätter des Vereins der Luckauer in Groß-Berlin, Bd 5, 1936, p. 38 segg.MIROW 1942 – G. Mirow, Die Prenzlauer Zinngieβer, in Heimatkalender für den Kreis Prenzlau, 1942,p. 3 segg.MORY 1961 – Ludwig Mory, Schönes Zinn, ed. Brückmann Kg, München 1961.*MORY 1964 – Ludwig Mory, Schönes Zinn, Meister, Stile, Formen, ed. Brückmann Kg, München1964 (2 ed). 270 abbildungen, 14 Zeichnungen, 260 Marken, 240 pp.*MORY 1964 –Ludwig Mory, Il peltro in Europa, trad. Lia Ciuffolotti, ed. Bramante, Milano 1964.*MORY 1972a – Ludwig Mory, Schönes Zinn, Geschichte, Formen und Probleme, ed. Brückmann Kg, München 1972, 4 ed. 240 pp. 345 ill. +11 a colori, 19 dis., 433 marchi. *MORY 1972b – Ludwig Mory, Zinn in Europa. Regionale Krug- und Kannentypen, München 1972. Riedita in Mory 1975.*MORY 1975 – Ludwig Mory, Schönes Zinn, Geschichte, Formen und Probleme, ed. Brückmann Kg, München 1975, 5 ed., 336 pp., 346 ill+14 a colori, 19 dis., 437 marchi, carta di grande formato (Regionale Krug-und Kannentypen).*MORY 1978 – Ludwig Mory, Zinn-Fibel, 3 ed. München 1978. 14 pp.*MORY, PICHELKASTNER, HÖFLER 1977 – Ludwig Mory, Eleonore Pichelkastner, Berndt Höfler, Bruckmann’s Zinn-Lexicon, München 1977. 324 pp.MÜLLER 1820 – Friedrich Müller, Zinngiesser, altkolor. Aquatinta 7 x 11,5.*MÜLLER 1975 – Berthold Müller, Die Grosse Zinnkunde, Zinngerät Heute, 1975, 94 pp.*MÜLLER-PENTZ 1975 – Wulf Müller-Pentz, Zinn gieβer und löten, Ravensburger Hobbybücher, Ravensburg 1975. 48 pp, altra ed. Nov. 1982MUSEUM BAZEL 1992 – Hist. Museum Bazel, Altes Zinn; Sandra Fiechter: Die Zinnsammlung, Pieghevole mostra, Bazel 1992 (Jahresber. 1992).MUSEUM DORTMUND 1961 - Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Aussstellung der Sammlungen Kirsch und Gläntzer, Dortmund, Schloβ Cappenberg, März bis Juli 1961, Dortmund 1961.MUSEUM GÖTTINGEN 1984 – Städtiches Museum Göttingen, Zinngieβer in Göttingen, Göttingen 1984.MUSEUM HAMBURG 1974 – Kayser-Zinn-Gegenstände, Katalog des Museums für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg 1974.*MUSEUM ROSTOCK 1983 – Kulturhistorisches Museum Rostock, Johann Joachim Bernitt Rostocker Zinnsammlung, Rostock 1983. 36 pp, (33 Marchi non in Hintze).NADOLSKI 1977 – Dieter Nadolski, Eilenburger Zinngieβer und Ihre Marken, in Sächsisches Heimatblätter, Heft 6, 1977, p. 284 segg.

*NADOLSKI 1983 – Dieter Nadolski, Altes Gebrauchszinn, Prisma Verlag Güterloh 1983, 401 ill e 695 marchi da tutto il mondo.*NADOLSKI 1986 – Dieter Nadolski, Zunftzinn, Leipzig 1986, 376 pp., 335 ill., 124 marchi.*NADOLSKI 1983 – Dieter Nadolski, Old Household Pewterware, Holmes & Meyer Publishers, New York/London 1987, trad. Dal tedesco da M.O.A. Stanton. 1 ed. Inglese.NEHRHORN, PUHLE 1996 – Manfred Nehrhorn, Matthias Puhle, Magdeburger Zinngieβer von 1386bis 1931: Begleitheft zur Ausstellung Magdeburger Zinn im Kulturhistorischen Museum Magdeburg vom 13.09.1996 bis 02.02.1997, Magdeburger museumshefte 6, Magdeburg 1996.NEUWIRTH 1978 – Waltraud Neuwirth, Markenlexicon für Kunstgewerbe Band 1, 1875-1900, Deutschland – Germany – Allemagne, text in German, French and English, 1978. 5 x 3“ sftcover, 96 pp.*NIGGL 1983 – Reto Niggl, Zinn nach Altem Vorbild, Verlag Schneider-Henn, Muenchen-Paris 1983, mit 78 Tafeln, 122Seite.*OHM, BAUER 1977 – Anneliese Ohm, Margrit Bauer, Steinzeug und Zinn, Museum für Kunsthandwerk, Frankfurt, Main, Frankfurt 1977. 20 foto a colori.ONKEN 1976 – Walter Onken, Zinnfiguren, München 1976.*PESE 1989 – Claus Pese, Nürnberger Kunsthandwerk des Jugendstils, Stadt Geschichtliche Museen Nürnberg, Verlag Schnell & Steiner, München 1989, 48 pp.*PHILIPS, DUBBE 1983 – Frits Pkilips, Bé Dubbe, Twee Nijmeegse Gildekannen, Eindhoven 1983, 157 pp con 222 foto.PIEPER-LIPPE 1958 – Margarete Pieper-Lippe, Altes münstersches Zinn, in Zeitschrift Westfalen, Bd 36, heft 3, Münster 1958.*PIEPER-LIPPE 1974 – Margarete Pieper-Lippe, Zinn im Südlichen Westfalen bis zum Anfang des 19.Jahrhunderts, Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Münster 1974. 182 p.*PIEPER-LIPPE 1980 – Margarete Pieper-Lippe, Zinn im Nördlichen Westfalen, Münster 1980.155 pp. Preord.Nieuwenhuis 9genn2005. 70 €PIEPER-LIPPE, HUSMANN 1988 – Margarete Pieper-Lippe, K.H. Husmann, Zinn im Westfalen, Aschendorff, Münster 1988.*QUELLMALZ, WILSDORF, SCHLEGEL 1980 - W. Quellmalz, H. Wilsdorf, G. Schlegel, Zinn in Natur, Geschichte, Technik, s.l. 1980, 80 pp., ill. b/n.*QUIRINI-POPLAWSKA 1977 - Danuta Quirini-Poplawska, “ Die italianische Einwander in Kraków und ihr Einfluß auf die polnischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu österreichischen und deutchen Städten im 16. Jahrhundert” in Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Freidrich-Schiller-Universität Jena: Gesellschafts- und sprachwissenschaftliche Riehe 26, Heft 3, 1977, pp. 337-353; Jena 1977.*REICHMAN 2003 – Stefan Reichman, Sehnsucht nach Form, Friedrich Adler, Christian Metzger, Wolfgang Von Wersin, und Ihre Meisterstücke in Zinn, Regensburg 2003. *REINECKE 1947 – Wilhelm Reinecke, Lüneburger Zinn. Das Amt der Lüneburger Zinngieβer, Lüneburg 1947. 111 pp, cm 12x19.*REYER 1881 - E. Reyer, Zinn, eine Geologisch-Montanistisch-Historische Monografie, Druck u.Verlag von G. Reimer, Berlin 1881, 8vo., 248 S., br. RHEINHECKEL 1966 – Günther Rheinheckel, Zinnsammlung im Zwinger, Dresden 1966.RHEINHECKEL 1971 – Günther Rheinheckel, Nürberger Zinn, Staatliches Kunstsammlumgen. Museums f. Kunsthandwerken Wissenschaft Kat., Dresden 1971. 72 p., 109 fig, 20,5x28,5 cm.RHEINHECKEL 1977 – Günther Rheinheckel, Zinnmarken aus aller Welt, Prag-Hanau/M. 1977.

*RHEINHECKEL 1983 – Günther Rheinheckel, Sächsisches Zinn, Museum für Kunsthandwerk Dresden, 1983, Katalog, Paperback, 95 Seiten Dresden 1983.RHEINHECKEL 1998 – Günther Rheinheckel, Zittauer Reliefzinn der Renaissance und historische Kopien, ? 1998.*RHEINHECKEL 2002a – Günther Rheinheckel, Sächsisches Zinn Rheinisches Freilichtmuseumund Landesmuseum für Volkskunde Kommern, Köln 1992, 1 ed.*RHEINHECKEL 2002b – Günther Rheinheckel, Nach Virgil Solis u. a., Zinngefässe des 16. Jahrhundert mit gravierten Darstellungen nach deutschen Meistern, in: Weltkunst, Dez. 2002, p. 2212 – 2216.*RHEINHECKEL 2002c – Günther Rheinheckel, Sächsisches Zinn des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, Verlag der Kunst Dresden, Dresden 2002.*RICHTER 1989 – Burkhard Richter, Westfälisches Zinn, in Weltkunst, a. 59, n. 19, Ottobre 1989, München 1989, p. 2752-2753.RIESENBECK 1934 – Bernhard Riesenbeck, Oldenburger Handwerkgesellen von 100 Jahren, Cloppenburg 1934.ROSSI 1991 – Luigi Rossi, Italienischer Faktor Hagener Entwicklung, in Heimatbuch Hagen-Mark, Hagen 1991.*ROSSI 1997 – Luigi Rossi (a cura di), Bella forma, peltro e acciaio dal Piemonte, catalogo bilingue della mostra sul fenomeno dei peltrai piemontesi in Germania nell’epoca compresa fra il 1500 e il 1900, Hagen 1997.RÖVER 1970 – F. Röver, Die Zinngiesser in der Stadt Uelzen, in Uelzener Beiträge, 3, Uelzen 1970, S 173-181.SCHEFFLER 1965 – Wolfgang Scheffler, Goldschmiede Niedersachsen, Bd.1.2, Berlin 1965. *SCHEPERS 1981 – Wolfgang Schepers, Kataloge des Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf - Zinn, Düsseldorf 1981. 87 pp SCHERF 1982 - Helmut Scherf, Historische Zinnfiguren. aus dem Thuringer Museum in Eisenach. Einfuhrung und Erlauterungen von Helmut Scherf, Thuringer Museum, ed. Prisma - Verlag, Leipzig 1982. *SCHLANSKY 1996 – Kristina Schlansky, Vom Abendmahlskelch zum Zunftkrug, Altes Zinn im Schloβ Mosigkau, Sonderaustellung vom 20. April bis 23. Juni 1996, Dessau 1996. 84 p.*SCHMELING, STEENWEG, LÜER 1984 – Hans-Georg Schmeling, Helge Steenweg, Rolf Lüer, Zinngieβer in Göttingen, Austellung des Städtisches Museum Göttingen, 3 Juni bis 29 Juli 1984, Katalog; Göttingen 1984, 64 p.*SCHMIDT 1979 – Leopoldt Schmidt, Zunftzeichen, Zeugnisse alter Handwerkskunst, München 1979 (pocket).*SCHMIDT 1989 – Anke Schmidt, Der Zinngieβer und seine Kunden, Artland, Altlandkreis Bersenbrück, angrenzende Gebiete, Textteil u. Bildteil, 2 voll. in Materialen zur Volkskultur nordwestiche Niedersachsen, , Cloppenburg 1989, pp. 312 (Text teil) + 336 (Bildteil), in 8°.SCHNURRER 1981 – Ludwig Schnurrer, Das Zinngieβerhandwerk in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Verlag des Vereins Alt-Rothenburg, Rothenburg o.d.Tauber 1981.SCHULZE ? - Falk Schulze, Zinn aus Vier Jahrhunderten, Stekovics Janos Verlag, ? SIMMERMACHER 1975 – Rene Simmermacher, Zinn, Etain Pewter, Kunstauction Katalog, Freiburg 1975, 48 pp.*SLUKA 1990 – Horst Sluka, Siebenbürgisch-sächsisches Zinn, Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlungdes 16. und 17, Jahrhunderts, Verlag der Kunst Dresden, Dresden 2002, 296 pp., 435 ill., oltre 100 marchi.

SAGEBIEL 1956 – Fritz Sagebiel, Aus der Geschichte der bergischen Zinngieβer, in Rheinisch-Westfälische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 3, 1956.*SCHÄFFKE ET ALII 1992 - Werner Schäffke et alii, Orivit, Zinn des Jungendstils aus Köln, Kölnisches Stadtmuseum, Kreis Neuss, Kreismuseum Zons, , Münster Westfalen 1990. (vedi Romania, Transylvania).STEMPEL 1943 – Karl Stempel, Deutsche Zinngieβer in Wartheland, in Deutche wissenschaftliches Zeitschrift im Wartheland, Heft 4, 7/8 Jahrgang, Posen 1943, p. 115 segg.SPANKA 1988 – Egon Spanka, Soltauer Zinn, E. Spanka ed., Soltau, 1988 (Soltau è a S.O.di Lueneburg e non è in Hintze).STARÁ 1977 - Dagmar Stará, Zinnmarken aus alle Welt, Dausier Verlag, Praha 1977, 259 pp.*STARÁ 1978 - Dagmar Stará, Markenzeichen auf Zinn, Artia Verlag, Praha 1978, 259 pp.*STERNER 1979 – Gabriele Sterner, Zinn – Vom Mittelalter bis zu Gegenwart, New York-Amsterdam 1979. anche ed. Prisma Verlag 1985. 160 p. (**in versione olandese e inglese)STOMBOLOV 1976 – Todor Stombolov, Korrosion und Konservierung metallener Altertürmer und Kunstgegenstände, Restaurierung und Museumstechnik 1, Museum für Ur-und Frühgeschichte Thüringes, Weimar 1976 (Zinn: S. 109 ff.).THEOBALD 1933 – Wilhelm Theobald, Des Theophilus Presbiter Diversarum Artium Schedula, Technik des Kunsthandwerks in zehnJahrhundert. Berlin 1933.THIEME 1956 – B. Thieme, Künstlerlexicon, Berlin 1956.*TISCHER 1928 – Friedrich Tischer, Böhmisches Zinn und seine Marken, mit 1258 Abbildungen von Zinngiesser-Marken und 16 Tafeln, Leipzig1928. 329 pp.*TISCHER 1973 – Friedrich Tischer, Böhmisches Zinn und seine Marken, mit 1258 Abbildungen von Zinngiesser-Marken und 16 Tafeln, Otto Zeller Verlag, Osnabrück 1973, neudruck der Ausgabe 1928. 329 pp.TOEPEL 1949 – Clement Toepel, Zur Geschichte der Geraer Zinnmarken, in Geraer Museum im Aufbau, Geraer Reihe 2, 1949, p. 34 segg.*VERSTER, VETTER 1963 – A. J. G. Verster, R.M. Vetter, Das Buch von Zinn, Hannover 1963. 260 pp, 150 ill. (trad. dall’olandese *Tin door de Eeuwen)VIEBAND 1972 – Egon Vieband, Bergisches Zinn, Dr. Wolfgang Schwarze Verlag, Wuppertal-Barmen 1972. 142 pp.*VIEBAND 1978 – Egon Vieband, Bergisches Zinn, 2., neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Dr.Wolfgang Schwarze Verlag, Wuppertal-Barmen 1978. 165 p., 2 tavv. marchi.VOGT 2002 – Johannes Voght Auktionen, 18.Spezialauktion, Historische Trinkgefässe, Internetauktion, Samstag, den 16. November 2002, 14,00 Uhr, München 2002, A4, 104 pp.VOYE 1908 – Ernst Voye, Geschichte der Industrie im märkischen Sauerland, Hagen 1908.VON FALKE 1875 – C. Von Falke, Über Altes und Neues Zinngerät, Berlin 1875.WACHA 1978 – Georg Wacha, Italienischer Zinngieβer nordlich der Alpen, in MittÖsterrStaatsarchiv, 31, 1978.*WACHA 1983 – Georg Wacha, Zinn und Zinngieβer in der Ländern Mitteleuropas, ed. Keyser, München 1983, 150 p.*WAGNER 1978 – Eckard Wagner, Zinn des Jugendstils, Sammlung Giorgio Silzer, Rheinland-Verlag GMBH Köln 1978, pp. 96, tavv. 61.WAGNER 1997 – Eckard Wagner, Jugendstiltin, ? 1997.WAHLE 1983 – Walther Wahle, Wandernde Zinngieβer, in Geseker Heimatblätter, 41, 1983.WALCHER VON MOLTHEIN 1904 – Alfred Walcher von Molthein, Deutsches und Französisches Edelzinn, Zwei Wiener Sammlungen, in Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, t.VII, s.l. 1904.

*WALCHER VON MOLTHEIN 1910 – Alfred Walcher von Molthein, Das Zinngieβerhandwerk der Stadt Salzburg, Verzeichnis der Zinngegenstände der städt. Museums von Karl v. Radinger, Salzburg 1910. Josef Huttegger Verlag, 42 TextS. Mit 21 Abb. im Text und 7 Taf. (Zinngießermarken). (Sonderabdruck aus Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, II, 1909, H. 10). Gr.-8vo.WALTER 1942 – Hans Walter, Aussiger Zinngieβer, in Beiträge zur Heimatkunde des Elbetales, 4, 1942, p. 108 segg.*WALZ 1998 – Markus Walz, Zinngiesserfamilien aus Italien in Westfalen und im Rheinland, Hand 56, 1998, pp.381, Munster 1998 in 8°.*WALZ 2002 – Markus Walz, Region, Profession, Migration - Italienische Zinngießer in Rheinland-Westfalen 1700-1900 , Studien zur Historischen Migrationsforschung 11, Osnabrück Universitätsverlag Rasch 2002, Osnabrück 2002. 530 S., kt. Umfassende, sorgfältige und übersichtliche Darstellung der berufsspezifischen Migration am Beispiel der ausOberitalien kommenden Zinngiesser. WARNCKE 1922 – J. Warncke, Die Zinngieβer zu Lübeck, Lübeck 1922 (o 1925?).WAWRA 1942 – W. Wawra, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Komotauer Zinngieβer, in Erzgebirgszeitung 62/63, 1942, p. 34 segg.WEIGEL, CASPAR 1698 - WEIGEL, CHRISTOPH, (1654 Redwitz b. Eger - 1725 Nürnberg) undLUYKEN, CASPAR (1672 Amsterdam 1708). Abbildung der Gemein-Nützlichen Haupt-Stände. bisz auf alle Künstler und Handwerker". Der ZINN-GIESSER. Regensburg, 1698., 1698. ERSTE AUSGABE. Kupferstichabbildung 8,8 : 8 cm, mit gestochenem 2 zeiligem Titel und 6 zeiligem gest. Reim. Plattenformat 13 : 8,8 cm, mit vollem breiten Rand. -- Lipperheide (Pe 5); Thieme-Becker 23/24, 488 u. 35/36, 278; -Graesse VII, 430; - Kunze I, S. 639-640 und Abb. II, S. 580/81: "In seinem Ständebuch steuerte WEIGEL ein höheres Ziel an: die Beschreibung der einzelnen Berufe nach dem neuesten Stand., aber auch mit Erläuterungen zum jeweiligen Berufsstand und den verwendeten Materialien. Dazu hat er sich bei Nürnberger Handwerksmeistern sachkundig gemacht. Seine Bilder sind kulturhistorisch wichtige Quellen zum Handwerk, dem Handel und den Künsten besonders in Süddeutschland am Ausgang des 17. Jahrhunderts. Dem Geschmack der Zeitentsprechend wird der Kupferstich genutzt um das Informative in eine harmonische runde Bilderwelt einzufügen - zu Nutzen und Frommen der Bildbetrachter." Dekorativefrische Abdrucke mit vollem Rand. Sehr seltene ERSTE ABDRUCKE von 1698WEYGANG 1902 – August Weygang, Musterbuch über Dekorations- und Gebrauchsgegenstände in Zinn nach antiken Mustern, Öhringen 1902.WEYGANG 1925-1937 – August Weygang, Illustriertes Musterbuch über Dekorationsgegenstände in Zinn nach antiken Mustern, Öhringen, verschiedene Auflagen, von 1925 bis 1937.WIEDNER 1966 – Johannes Wiedner, Schlesische Birnkrüge aus Zinn, in Schlesien, eine Vierteiljahreschrift für Kunst, Wissenschaft und Volkstum, Jg. XI, Heft 3, Würzburg 1966, p. 155 segg.*WILSDORF 1971 – H,. Wilsdorf, Zinn aus Sachsen und Böhmen in Nürberg, in RHEINHECKEL 1971, pp. 8-20. WISWE 1981 – Mechtild Wiswe, Historische Zinngieβerei im südöstlichen Niedersachsen, Meister – Marken – Erzeugnisse, Braunschweig 1981. WISWE 1984 – Mechtild Wiswe, Italienische Zinngieβer im südlichen Niedersachsen, Hildersheim 1984. *WITTIGEN 1967 – Ingeborg Wittigen, Celler Zinngieβer, Schweiger & Pick Verlag, Celle 1967. 106 pp., 26 tavv. Foto. 30 €Zinn, Kunst und Fälschung, 3, K & A Fachbuch Edition, Hannover 1981.

WITTSTOCK 1976/77 – Jürgen Wittstock, Der standhafte Zinnsoldat. Aus der Spielzeugkiste des Museums, Lübeck 1976/77.*WMF post 1906 – Wüttembergische Metallwarenfabrik, Geislingen-St, Kataloge, 40 pp.,Stuttgart, post 1906. Fotocopia.*WOITALKA 1994 – Kornelia Woitalka, Die Zinnsammung des Heimatmuseums Angermünde, Angermünde 1994.*WOLF 2001a – Helmut Wolf, Der seidige Glanz, Zinn in Ostbayern und Böhmen. Hedvábný lesk, Cín ve východním Bavorsku a v Čechách, in Schriftenreihe des Bergbau und Industriemuseums Ostbayern,Band 42, Kümmersbruck 2001. 232 p.WOLF 2001b – Peter Wolf, Zinngieβerhandwerk in Regensburg, ? 2001.*WÜHR 1961 – Hanz Wühr, Altes Zinn, Darmstadt 1961, 36 pp di testo, 24 foto. ZIEGER ? Petra Zieger, Zwickauer Zinn – Zinn in Zwickau, Stadt Zwickau ?ZINNARBEITEN 1929 – Zinnarbeiten. Technik – Geschichte – Zinnmarken, in Das Erfurter Kunsthandwerk,Erfurt 1929, p.116 segg.ZUCKARELLI, FUHRMEISTER 1997 – Detlev Zuckarelli, Wolfram Fuhrmeister, Zinnfiguren - Westerwälder Geschichte in Zinn, ? 1997

GiapponeMATSUKI 1904 – Bunkio Matsuki, Art of old Japan: Rare specimens of pewter, carvings in jade and other stones and wood, many lanterns from famous palace and temple gounds, fine gold lacquers and other scarce objects (Unknown Binding), American Art Association 1904MATSUKI 1905 – Bunkio Matsuki, Catalogue of ancient and medieval pewters of China and Japan: Old wood carvings, rare helmuts & famous blades, also stone garden ornaments and other objects ... interest gathered on a recent visit to Japan, American Art Association 1905

Gran BretagnaThe Pewter SocietyHonorary Secretary P. Hayward, Llananant Farm, Penallt, Monmouth NP25 4AP; [email protected]

Musei con peltri:Harvard House High Street, Stratford-upon Avon, WarwickshireFor details or further information telephone 01789 204016.

On display: The Neish Pewter Collection.

Put together over many years by Alex Neish, the collection is the finest and most diverse of its kind, comprising well over eleven hundred pieces ranging from Roman times to the nineteenth century. Many are outstanding examples of their type. The museum also houses examples of twentieth century pewter.

Harvard House is one of Stratford-upon Avon's best known historic buildings. Built in 1596, its half-timbered frontage is the most elaborately carved in the town, andthe interior contains many fine architectural features. In the eighteenth century pewter was sold there and the rooms now make an appropriate setting for the the collection.

Shakespeare Birthplace TrustSince 1991the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust has been responsible for maintaining andmanaging Harvard House.

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Website

Arlington Court, Arlington, near Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 4LP details or further information telephone 01271 850296 or email [email protected]

On display: The Chichester collection of pewter; a large and varied collection representing a cross section of pewter that caught the eye and wallet of the pewtercollectors of the first decades of the 20th century. Some candlesticks, flagons, porringers and spoons are of particular interest. The section of measures is especially large and includes English, Scottish, Irish and also many examples from the Channel Islands. A notable specialist group is the collection of small boxes. Some highly important foreign pieces from France, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands also form part of the collection which was identified and listed by theSociety in 2000.

Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon, The Square, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 8LN details or further information telephone 01271 346747 or email [email protected]

On display: The Stanley E Thomas pewter collection. The collection includes over 100 pieces, with an emphasis on Devon and West Country pewter. The collection is very varied and includes a number of flagons, three of the finest being locally-made 17th century 'beefeaters', 17th and early 18th century chargers, dishes and plates, three being decorated with wrigglework, two examples of footed plates, a rare Stuart candlestick, a dome-lidded tankard from Exeter, a set of 'harvester' measures and a variety of other measures and mugs. Most of the pewter is on displayin period room settings. Catalogues of the collection, compiled by the Society, arefor sale at the Museum.

American Museum & Gardens, Claverton Manor, Bath details or further information telephone 01225 460503 or email [email protected]

The museum shows, mainly in period room settings, the development of American Decorative Arts from 17th century New England to 19th century New Orleans and New Mexico. A selection of 50 quilts are always on display. Additional displays are devoted to Folk Art, Native American Art, Silver and Pewter. The extensive grounds contain a replica of part of the garden at George Washington's Virginia home, and an Arboretum of North American trees and shrubs.

Bewdley Museum, Load St, Bewdley, Worcestershire, DY12 2AE details or further information telephone 01299 403573 or email [email protected]

Bewdley was one of the most important centres of pewter manufacture in Britain in the eighteenth century. The museum has a gallery explaining the manufacture and history of pewter, with many items on display.

Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum, Clarence St., Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 3JT further details or information, telephone 01242 237431 or e-mail [email protected]

On display: The A.T.Isher pewter bequest. Now the subject of a book & catalogue by Jan Gadd and published by the Pewter Society, the Isher bequest consists mainly of 17th century items including important pieces such as church flagons, flat-lid tankards, wrigglework plates and measures.

The Smith Art Gallery & Museum, Dumbarton Rd., Stirling, FK8 2RQ further details and information, telephone 01786 471917 or e-mail [email protected]

On display: an extensive collection of Scottish pewter

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Kelvingrove, G3 8AG details or further information telephone 0141 287 2699 or email [email protected]

Please noteKelvingrove is now closed while the refurbishment work takes place. You can keep up-to-date with the refurbishment of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum by visitingthe Kelvingrove New Century Project website.

On display: About 120 items of English, Scottish and Irish pewter, mainly from the Carvick Webster and Clapperton collections. The display includes flagons, communioncups, measures, tankards, candlesticks and salts.

The Museum of London, London Wall, London EC2Y 5HN details or further information telephone 0207 6003699 or email [email protected]

The Museum's pewter collection, especially of 16th & 17th century pieces, is unparalleled for provenanced examples with specific local associations. (See 'Pewter A Handbook of selected Tudor and Stuart pieces' published by The Pewter Society, which is a compilation from the Museum of London collections.) The museum also has an extensive collection of mediaeval pewter items - recent finds, mostly by mudlarks, of more than 600 pewter pilgrim badges and souvenirs and small secularbadges, have been added to a collection already totalling about 250 in 1975. A further 500 or so of these are included in the Archaeological Archive.

Strangers Hall Museum, Charing Cross, Norwich NR2 4AL details or further information telephone 01603 667229 or email [email protected]

A number of items of domestic pewterware usually on display as part of room settings or features on rural life. Check or details before visiting.

Weston Park Museum (formerly the City Museum and Mappin Art Gallery), Weston Park, Sheffield, S10 2TP details or further information telephone 0114 278 2600.

Please noteSheffields Weston Park Museum is currently undergoing a massive £17.3 m transformation. The site is closed for an extensive development and will open in 2006.

Houses the city's collections of cutlery, Sheffield metalwork, ceramics, coins, archaeology and ethnography, natural history and fine art.

The Mary Rose, H M Naval Base, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3LX details or further information telephone 02392 812931 or email [email protected]

`Men of Wealth and Taste' is the title of a new display of pewter at the Museum. The largest display of 16th century pewter anywhere in the world, the collection reveals the world of the officers and gentlemen on board. With many items on display for the first time, the case contains over 80 pieces of pewter so respectedin Tudor times as a sign of wealth and taste amongst the aspiring middle classes (from Mary Rose Trust Spring (2000) Newsletter).

One of three historic ships based in Portsmouth, The Mary Rose is the only 16th century warship on display anywhere in the world. Built between 1509 and 1511, she was one of the first ships able to fire a broadside, and was a firm favourite of King Henry VIII. After a long and successful career, she sank accidentally during an engagement with the French fleet in 1545. Her rediscovery and raising were seminal events in the history of nautical archaeology. Seventy four pieces of

pewter are cataloged in the sites on-line Artefact Database [from Museum webpage, 2000].

The Royal Cornwall Museum, River Street, Truro , TR1 2SJ, UK details or further information telephone 0872 272205 or email [email protected]

A number of items of domestic pewterware usually on display as part of room settings or features on rural life. Check for details before visiting.

Stratford on Avon, Harward House, Museo del Peltro Britannico, High Street, S.u.Avon; circa 1000 oggetti dall’epoca romana a oggi.London, Victoria & Albert Museum, Londra. Sala con imponente collezione.London, Museum of London; City. Badges di pellegrini medievali.

A.A. V.V. 1988 – A.A. V.V., England at the time of The Armada, catalogo della mostra, Grosvenor House, 1988, n. 26.ADDISON 1953 – Sir William Addison (with illustrations by Barbara Jones), English Fairs and Markets, ed. Batsford, London 1953.ALEXANDER, BINSKI 1987 – J. Alexander, P. Binski (a cura di), Age of Chivalry, Art in Plantagenet England 1200 – 1400, Catalogo della mostra, Royal Academy of Arts, London 1987.ALLAN 1984 – John Allan et alii, Medieval and Post-medieval Finds from Exeter 1971 - 1980, Series Exeter archaeological Reports, v. 3, Exeter City Council, Exeter 1984.*ANONIMO 1970? – Anonimo, Pewter Modelling, “Atlas” leaflet n° 30, ed. Atlas Handycrafts, Manchester 1970(?), ill. in B/N, 15 pp.*ARKWRIGHT 1975 – C.H. Arkwright, A new Theory on the Origin of the Channel Islands Pewter Flagon, in JPS, December 1975, pp. 19-22.BAYLEY 1925 – C.T.P. Bayley, A Historic Pewter Candlestick, in The Burlington Magazine, Novembre 1925.BAMBERY ? – A. Bambery, Sheffield Britannia Metal, Sheffield City Museum, Sheffield ?*BANGS 1995 – C. Bangs, The Lear Collection – a study of copper alloy socket candlestick , AD 200-1700, London 1995. BANK OF ENGLAND 1989 – Bank of England, William and Mary, exhibition catalogue, London1989.BARKER 1640 - R. Barker, By the King. A Proclamation concerning Tin and Pewter (24 July 1640), in Proclamation, II, Chronological Series, Charles I (1625-1649), s. sh. fol., London 1640, in Parliament, House of Commons, London.BARKIN 2001 – Kenneth Barkin, From Tavern to Tabernacle,: Decorated British and European pewter, 1600-1800, Long Beach Museum of Art, Long beach 2001, preord. Amazon genn2005-01-09*BARKIN 2002 – Kenneth Barkin, Wriggle Work decoration on British and European Pewter, 1600-1800, in Antique, February 2002. Da Internet.*BARKIN, PELZEL, QUICK 1987 – Kenneth Barkin, Thomas Pelzel, Herb Quick, European Pewter in Everyday Life (1600-1900), subtitled: "from the William Scollard and other

Private Collections", released in conjunction with the exhibition held at the University Art Gallery, January 10 - March 6, 1988, University of California, Riverside, Ca, 1988, p 71, Sweeney Art Gallery ed., 8x11 inch., *BARTRAM 1992 – Albert Bartram, An unusual flagon – Irish?, in JPS, 8, 3, Spring 1992, pp. 117-118.BARQUIST 1986 – David B. Barquist, American and English Pewter at the Yale University Art Gallery: A Supplementary Checklist, Pathway Book Service, 1986.BATE 1957 - Sam Bate, Rugs and pewter. A play in one act for women, H. F. W. Deane & Sons ed., London 1957.*BATTERSBY 2004 – David G.B. Battersby, The Records of the York Company of Pewterers and related matters, Additional Pubblication No 9, Pewter Society, s.l. 2004*BEDFORD 1968 - John Bedford, Pewter, Walker & Company ed., New York, Collectors’ Pieces, Hong Kong 1968 (3rd ed.,). 1 ed. Cassell, New York 1965.**BELL 1906 – Malcom Bell, Old Pewter, Geo. Newness, London 1906; 2 ed. (revised), ed. Batsford, London 1913, 3 ed. London 1920. 186 pp.*BELLAMY 1980 – Robin Bellamy, Catalogue, Ciclostile in proprio, Oxford 1980; Presentazione Peter Hornsby. 4 facciate.BEST 1642 - R. Best, A Declaration of the Commons …for bringing to condigne punishment, those that have raised false and scandalous rumours against the House, how that they intend to assesse every mans Pewter…As also further directions to…the Earle of Essex (8 Oct. 1642), in Proceeding, II, Chronological Series, London 10 Ottobre 1642, in Parliament, House of Commons, London.BEVERIDGE 1939 – Sir William Henry Baron Beveridge et alii, Prices and wages in England from the 12th to 19th Centuries, International Scientific Committee on price History, Longmans & Co ed., London 1939.BISSET 1937 – Lt. Col. J.S. Bisset, Scottish Pewter Tankards, in Antique Collector, Settembre 1937.BISSET 1939 – Lt. Col. J.S. Bisset, The Edinburgh Touchplates, in Antique Collector, Settembre 1939.BOIS 1993 - G.J.C. Bois, An introduction to Channel Islands pewter, Edinburgh 1993. 67 pp.Preord Amazon ott2004BOIS ? – G.I.C. Bois, Channel Island Pewter; Identification & Statistics charts andcomparisons, Monography, s.d.BONHAMS 2003a- Bonhams, The Oak Sale in Pewter, Chester 17 Jan 2003 Catalogue: 122 pewter lots – photos of 26 peltri*BONHAMS 2003b - Bonhams, The Oak Sale, Harveys Collection… including Pewter, Chester 12 Sep 2003 Catalogue: 182 pewter lots – photos of 98 peltri*BONHAMS 2005 - Bonhams, The Oak Sale including Pewter, Chester 8 Sep 2005 Catalogue: 135 pewter lots – photos of 81 peltri*BONHAMS 2006 - Bonhams, The Stanley Shemmel Pewter Collection, Chester 26 Oct 2006 Catalogue: 308 pewter lots – photos of 291 peltriBONHAMS 2008a - Bonhams, Chester 15 October 2008 The John Russell Pewter Collection£7BONHAMS 2008b - Bonhams auction 25 October 2008 on the premises inc 154 pewter lotsA Cotswold Legacy 1932-2008 - The Property of HW Keil £10*BOOCOCK 1975 – Ralph Boocock, Some Continental Items, comparable in design, quality and appeal with the best British Pewter, in JPS, December 1975, pp. 10-12.*BOORER 1972 – Michael Boorer, Pre-Imperial Tavern Pots, in JPS, Oct. 1972, pp. 11-19.

*BOORER 1973 – Michael Boorer, Light on some late Pewterers, in JPS, April 1973, pp. 11-12.*BOORER 1974 – Michael Boorer, The late, late show, in JPS, April 1974, pp. 6-8.*BOWIE 1980 - Hamish Bowie, Renovating silver, pewter and brass, David & Charles ed., Newton Abbott 1980; 48 pp., 58 disegni, nessuna foto.BRADBURY 1912 – F. Bradbury, History of Old Sheffield Plate, London 1912.**BRETT 1981 - Vanessa Brett, Phaidon Guide to pewter, Phaidon ed., Oxford 1981. BRIGHTON MUSEUM 1987 – The Silver Studio, exhibition catalogue, Brighton Museum and ArtGallery, 1987.BRITISH MUSEUM 1964 – British Museum, Guide to the Antiquities of Roman Britain, 1st edn. London 1951, 3rd edn, London 1964, p. 46.*BRITISH STANDARD 1974 – British Standard Institution, Specification for Pewter (BS5140, 1974), London 1974, 4 ppBRONSON, HO CHUMEI 1988 – B. Bronson, Ho Chumei, Chinese Pewter Teapots and Tea Wares, in Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, 59, 3, 1988.BROWN 1970 – P.D.C. Brown, A Roman Pewter Mould from St. Just in Penwith, Cornwall, in Cornish Archaeology, IX, 1970.BROWN 1974 – David Brown, A Roman Pewter Hoard from Appleford, Berks, in Oxoniensia, Vol. XXXVIII, a. 1973, pp.184-206, Ed. Oxfordshire Architectural & Historical Society, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1974. Preord Amazon genn2005*BROWNE 1979 - Miriam Browne, Pewter jewelry, London, Batsford, Melbourne, Van Nostrand, Reinhold (Australia) 1979. 119 pp.*BROWNSWORD, HOMER 1988 – Roger Brownsword, R. Homer, The marks on medieval pewter flatware, in Journal of the Pewter Society, 6, n.3, Spring 1988.*BROWNSWORD, PITT 1990 – Roger Brownsword, E.H.H. Pitt, An analytic study of pewterware from the Mary Rose, in Journal of the Pewter Society, 7, n.4, Autumn 1990.BUNNIE 1909 - F. Bunnie, The Pewter Pot, canzone, parole di F. Bunnie, musica di Alba de Benedict, C. Woolhouse ed., London 1909.BUNYARD 1941 – Barbara D. M. Bunyard, Brokage Book of Southampton, 1439 –1440, Southampton Record Society, Southampton 1941.BURFORD 1986 – E.J. Burford, Wits, Wetches and Wantons, London 1986.*BURGESS 1915-1924 - Frederick William Burgess, Silver: Pewter: Sheffield Plate, 1921, in The Home Connoisseur Series, Antique Furniture etc., voll. 5, G. Routledge & Sons ed., London 1915-1924. 304 pp., 85 ill., *BURGESS 1947 – Fred W. Burgess, Silver: Pewter: Sheffield Plate, Tudor Publishing Company, New York 1947, 304 p, with 85 ill. Altra ed. 1957.BURNS 1892 – Rev. Thomas Burns, Old Scottish Communion Plate, Clark, Edinburgh 1892.BURT 1969 – Roger Burt, Lead production in England and Wales , 1700-1770, in Economic Historic Review, 2nd ser., XXII, 1969.*BURZINSKI ? – Lester Burzinski, Communion token of the world, 580 pp., ??, fotocopia.BYRNE 1983 –Muriel St. Clare Byrne (a cura di), The Lisle Letters, an abridgement by Muriel St.Clare Byrne, selected and arranged by Bridget Boland, Secker & Warbury ed., London 1983.CALDICOTT 1929a - John William Caldicott, The Values of Old English Silver and Sheffield Plate, from the XVth to the XIXth centuries etc.,. J. Starkie Gardner ed., Bath 1929.CALDICOTT 1929b - John William Caldicott, Values of Antiques. The values of old English silver, Sheffield plate, pewter, china, furniture, clocks, etc. From the fiftheenth century. J. Starkie Gardner ed.,Bath 1929.

CALLENDER 1924 – J.G. Callender, Fourteenth century brooches and ornaments in the National Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh, in Procedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, LVIII, 1924.*CAMPBELL 2003 – Aidan Campbell, Domestic Pewter of 17th Century England (Living History Reference Books Series), Stuart Press, Bristol 203 52 pp. Paperback. *CAMPBELL 1969 – AA.VV. The Campbell Museum Collections, by Campbell Museum, Camden, New Jersey 1969, 1st ed. Non ci sono peltri, solo argenti e ceramiche, in prevalenza zuppiere.*CAMPBELL 1972 – AA.VV. The Campbell Museum Collections, by Campbell Museum, Camden, New Jersey 1972, 2nd revised and enlarged ed., argenti e ceramiche, in prevalenza zuppiere. Qualcosa sui peltri del museo.CHADWYCK-HEALY 1980 – Chadwyck, Healy, Catalog of Silver, Copper, Pewter and Toleware, paperback, ? June 1980, preord. Amazon genn2005CHESTER 1997 – Phillip Chester, The Sandy Law Sale, September 1997, Catalogo Asta.*CHRISTIE’S 1993 – Christie’s London, Oak, Country Furniture and early Works of Art, South Kensington, 9th June 1993. Vari peltri inglesi.*CHRISTIE’S 2007 – Christie’s London, Important Early English Pewter, The “Little” Collection, Tuesday 1 May 2007, 154 pp, 149 peltri rari+ libri sul peltro.*CLAPPERTON 1948 – Lewis Clapperton, Some Scottish Pewter Measures, in Antiques (USA), February 1948; reprint in THOMAS 1976, pp. 29-30.CLAYTON 1971 – M. Clayton, The Collector’s Dictionary of Gold and Silver of Great Britain and North America, Woodbridge 1971.*CLIFFORD 1990 – H. Clifford, Colonel Shorey, citizen and pewterer of London, in Journal of thePewter Society, 7, n.4, Autumn 1990.*COLLINGWOOD, WRIGHT 1991 – R.G. Collingwood, R.P. Wright, The Roman Inscriptions of Britain, Volume II Instrumentum Domesticum, Fascicule 1, The military diplomata, metal ingots, tesserae, dies, labels and lead sealings, ed. S.S. Frere, Margaret Roxan & R.S.O. Tomlin, Gloucester 1990. pp. XIV+126, 8 tavv.**COLLINGWOOD, WRIGHT 1991 – R.G. Collingwood, R.P. Wright, The Roman Inscriptions of Britain, Volume II Instrumentum Domesticum, Fascicule 2, Weights, Gold Vessel, Silver Vessel, Bronze Vessel, Lead Vessel, Pewter Vessel, Shale Vessel, Glass Vessel, Spoons, ed. S.S. Frere & R.S.O. Tomlin, Avon 1991. pp. XIII+146, 8 tavv.COMPTON 1844 – Theodore Compton, John Gray (A Journeyman Pewterer), Headley Brothers, London, 1844, 1 ed.CONNOISSEUR – The Connoisseur, mensile.CONNOR 1987 – R. Connor, The Weights and Measures of England, Science Museum, London 1987.COTTERELL 1916 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, York Pewterers, 100 copies published privately, 1916.COTTERELL 1917a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Notes on West Country Pewterers, Exeter 1917.COTTERELL 1917b – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Revised Notes on West Country Pewterers, manuscript, 1917.COTTERELL 1918 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Bristol and West Country Pewterers – with Illustrations of theyr marks, Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol 1918. COTTERELL s.d. – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Notes on old Pewter, Longhand s.d.COTTERELL 1919 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Rim Types of Old Pewter Plates, in Connoisseur, Febbraio 1919.

COTTERELL 1921 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Pewter or Britannia Metal, in Connoisseur, Marzo 1921.COTTERELL 1923 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Old Pewter Plates and Chargers, in Bazaar, Exchange and Mart, 31st August, 7th and 14th September 1923.**COTTERELL 1925 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, National Types of Old Pewter, Mass. Antiques Inc., Boston 1925. 47 pp, 1050 copie.*COTTERELL 1927a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, European Continental Petwer, Part I, in Antiques, Vol. XI, 1, January 1927. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 45-52.*COTTERELL 1927b – Howard Herschel Cotterell, European Continental Petwer, Part II, in Antiques, Vol. XI, 3, March 1927. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 53-59.*COTTERELL 1927c – Howard Herschel Cotterell, European Continental Petwer, Part III, in Antiques, Vol. XI, 5, May 1927. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 60-65.*COTTERELL 1927d – Howard Herschel Cotterell, European Continental Petwer, Part IV, The Pewter of Switzerland, in Antiques, Vol. XII, 1, July 1927. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF,VERSTER 1972, pp. 65-71.*COTTERELL 1927e – Howard Herschel Cotterell, European Continental Petwer, Part V, The Pewter of Switzerland, in Antiques, Vol. XII, 3, September 1927. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 72-75.COTTERELL 1928a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Jewish Passover Plates, in Connoisseur, Aprile 1928.*COTTERELL 1928b – Howard Herschel Cotterell, A note on the Pewter of the Channel Islands, in Antiques, Vol. XIII, 5, May 1928. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 113-114 e in THOMAS 1976, pp. 31-32.*COTTERELL 1928c – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Further Notes on Commemorative Porringers,in Antiques, Luglio 1928; reprint in THOMAS 1976, pp.39-41.*COTTERELL 1928d – Howard Herschel Cotterell, European Continental Petwer, Part IX, The Pewter of Germany, in Antiques, Vol. XIV, 2, August 1928. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF,VERSTER 1972, pp. 89-93.**COTTERELL 1929e – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Old Pewter, Its Makers and Marks in England,Scotland and Ireland. An account of old pewterer and his crafts, B. T. Batsford ed., London 1929; ristampa Tuttle ed., London 1963; 9a e 10a ristampa Rutland ed., Vermont (USA), 1975 e 1978.COTTERELL 1930a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Evolution of the Trencher, in Antiques (USA), January 1930.COTTERELL 1930b – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Characteristics of some ancient Pewter Types (articolo su peltri), in International Studio Magazine, August 1930, 4 pp.COTTERELL 1931a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Old Pewter Scale Plates, in Connoisseur, Marzo 1931.COTTERELL 1931b – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Scottish Pewter Measures, in Connoisseur, Maggio 1931.COTTERELL 1931c – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Tavern Pewter, in Antique Collector, Agosto 1931.COTTERELL 1931d – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Pewter and Mulled Ale, in Antique Collector, Settembre 1931.COTTERELL 1931e – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Evolution of the Pewter Plate, in Antique Collector, Ottobre 1931.

*COTTERELL 1932a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Pewter down the ages, Hutchinson & Co. ed., London 1932. 237 pp con libretto di 23 pp coi marchi (Marks Most Frequently Found Upon Existing Examples Of Old British Pewter). COTTERELL 1932b – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Dating the PewterTankard, in Connoisseur, Aprile 1932. COTTERELL 1933a– Howard Herschel Cotterell, Early Pewter Baluster Measures (An explanation of theyr lid markings), in Apollo, Maggio 1933.COTTERELL 1933b– Howard Herschel Cotterell, Nature’s Gilding on Old Pewter Vessels, in Apollo,Settembre 1933.COTTERELL 1935– Howard Herschel Cotterell, The pewterers of Newcastle-upon Tyne, in The Antique Collector, November 1935.COTTERELL s.d.– Howard Herschel Cotterell, Scotch (sic) Pewterers, Longhand, s.d.*COTTERELL, CHURCHER 1926 - Howard Herschel Cotterell, Walter Graham Churcher, An Old English Provincial Trade Guild, in Antiques, September 1926; reprint in THOMAS 1976, pp.47-50.COTTERELL, HEAL, 1926 - Howard Herschel Cotterell, A. Heal, Pewterers’ trade-cards, in Connoisseur, December 1926.COTTERELL, HEAL, 1928 - Howard Herschel Cotterell, A. Heal, About Pewterers’ trade-cards,in Connoisseur, February 1928.*COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Riff, Verster, National Types of Old Pewter, Pyne Press, revised and expanded edit., Princeton 1972.COTTERELL VETTER 1927 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, Pilgrims and other Flasks in Pewter (Pilgrim flasks), in International Studio Magazine, 1927, pp.4 (?).*COTTERELL VETTER 1928 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, European Continental Pewter, Part X, The Pewter of Germany, in Antiques, Vol. XIV, 5, November 1928.Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 94-99.*COTTERELL VETTER 1929a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, European Continental Petwer, Part XI, The Pewter of Germany, in Antiques, Vol. XV, 2, February 1929. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 100-104.*COTTERELL VETTER 1929b – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, , European Continental Petwer, Part XII, The Pewter of Germany, in Antiques, Vol. XV, 5, May 1929. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 105-107.*COTTERELL VETTER 1929c – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, European Continental Petwer, Part XIII, The Pewter of Holland,, in Antiques, Vol. XVI, 2, August 1929. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 108-111.*COTTERELL VETTER 1929d – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, Identifying Dutch Flagons, in Antiques, Vol. XVI, 5, December 1929. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 115-119.COTTERELL VETTER 1929e – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, Pewter as depicted in old pictures, in International Studio Magazine, 1929, pp.8.*COTTERELL VETTER 1930 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, Church and Town Flagons of Holland, in Antiques, Vol. XVII, 6, June 1930. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 120-123.*COTTERELL VETTER 1931a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, The “Noble Pewter” of Holland, in Antiques, Vol. XVIII, March 1931. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 124-130.

*COTTERELL VETTER 1931b – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, Identifying Dutch Pewter, in Antiques, Vol. XVIII, June 1931. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER1972, pp. 131-137.*COTTERELL VETTER 1933a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, Pewter Flagons of the Former Austro-Hungarian Empire, in Antiques, Vol. XX, September 1933. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 138-141.*COTTERELL VETTER 1934-1935 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, The Fine Pewter of Austria-Hungary, in Antiques, Vol. XXI, November 1934 e Vol XXI, August 1935. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 138-145 e 146-148.*CRIPPS 1886 – Wilfred Joseph Cripps, Old english plate, ecclesiastical, decorative, and domestic, its Makers and Marks, 3rd edition, revised and enlarged, ed. John Murray, London 1886.Old English Plate Marks Giving Tables of the Alphabetical Date-Letters and Other Hall Marks by Wilfred Joseph Cripps, - Pub: 1901, John Murray, London, 2nd edition;- 35 pg, brown softcover with chart of Kings and Queens reign from 1399 to 1910 in pencil on front endpaper;CROWTHER 1887 - George Francis Crowther, A Guide to English Pattern Coins in Gold, Silver, Copper, and Pewter, from Edward I to Victoria, with their value…with illustrations, Upcott Gill ed., London 1887.CURTIS 1939 - Tony Curtis, Pewter. Lyle Publications, Galashiels 1937, reprinted 1978 jan.*CURTIS 1978 - Tony Curtis, Pewter. Antique and theyr values, revised ed. Lyle Publications, Galashiels, June 1978. pp. 125, ill., *reprinted 1980CURTIS 1982a - Tony Curtis, Pewter. Lyle Publications, Galashiels 1982.CURTIS 1982b – T. Curtis, Pewter, Glenmayne (Scotland) 1982.DARLINGTON 1967 – I. Darlington (a cura di), London Consistory Court Wills 1492 – 1547, London Record Society, London 1967.DAYA RAM TAPAR 1961 – Daya Ram Tapar, British Pewter: An introduction to Indian metal images, Victoria and Albert Museum, Asia Publishinh House, ? 1961. 171 pp.*DAVIS 2003a – John D. Davis, Pewter at Colonial Williamsburg, catalogue of the exhibition until Feb. 5, 2005, Williamsburg, Virginia USA, oltre 400 oggetti e circa 1000 fotoe illustrazioni,*DAVIS 2003b – John D. Davis, English Pewter at Colonial Williamsburg, in Antique, June 2003. Da Internet.DAWES 1930 – M. C. B. Dawes (a cura di), Register of the Black Prince, 1351 – 1365, London 1930.DEFOE 1971 – Daniel Defoe, A Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain, reprint Penguin 1971.DE NAVARRO 1906-1907 - Antonio De Navarro, Evolution of the Pewter Tankard, Part I, Country Life, 8th September 1906; Part II, 9th March 1907; Country Life & George Newnes ed., London 1907*DE NAVARRO 1911 - Antonio De Navarro, Causeries on English Pewter, Country Life & George Newnes ed., London 1911; Charles Scribner's Sons ed., New York 1912.D(ewsnap?) & S(on?) 1820 - D(ewsnap?) & S(on?) (manufacturers), Trade catalogue of teapots,coffee pots, candlesticks, cruets, etc.), Sheffield? c.1820. A pleasing copy of an exceptionallyrare English trade catalogue issued c.1820 (?) by a manufacturer of tea urns, teapots, coffee pots, candlesticks and kitchen utensils. It provides careful outline engraved illustrations showing the shapes and ornamentation of numerous

types of teapot and coffee pot, with the different prices for different sizes addedby hand in ink. Other plates show candlesticks, cruets, ladles, other cutlery, and "Britannia Metal boxes, the same price japan’d as natural colour". A note in Frenchin ink inside the front cover makes it clear that all these objects were produced in white metal, i.e. in pewter or in so-called "Britannia metal", and an accompanying printed price list shows that this manufacturer also supplied metal cake tins, baking tins, and plates. We have not previously seen any trade catalogueof this date in which the predominant items illustrated are teapots and coffee pots, and the extreme rarity of such catalogues in public collections has gravely impeded scholarly research into questions of dating and manufacture. Although the engraved initials D & S at the bottom right-hand corner of many of the plates must denote the manufacturer originally concerned, it is interesting that the note in French inside the front cover identifies this catalogue as "Livre 63090 W & L", suggesting that another firm, W. & L., had either taken over the D. & S. business or were acting as D. & S.’s European agents. Pigot’s Commercial Directory for the year 1816/7 has an entry for John Dewsnap and Son, Arundel Street, Sheffield, "silver and plated manufacturers", and although there can be no absolute certainty that the D. & S. business is to be equated with these Sheffield manufacturers, the identification seems plausible. If it is correct, this would be an important step forward in identifying the products of a forgotten but evidently significant Sheffield manufacturing firm of the period. 4to. 37 engr plates (2 double-page). With a printed price list, captioned "A list of the prices of tin patty pans, scollop shells, tart pans, and tin plates". Original paper wrappers, rebacked with paper spine. The catalogue is priced throughout in ink in a contemporary hand, and there is an explanatory note in ink on the verso of the upper cover. Prix: EUR 7303.30DENNIS 1976 – Richard Dennis, The Designs of Archibald Knox for Liberty & Co, ? 1976 (2 ed. 2000); Over 300 illustrations, 14 colour plates. Comprehensive work with chronology, Liberty, Knox Guild, memorial sculpture, Pewter, silver,list of Libertydesigners etc etc. PB 210x150, 284pagesDOUCH 1969 – H. L. Douch, Cornish Pewterers, in Journal, Royal Institute of Cornwall, a.1969, Nuova serie, Vol. VI, parte 1, pp. 65-80 (no marks, but lists names & dates).*DOUGLAS 1989 – John Douglas, The Abydos Flask Enigma, in JPS, Vol. 7, 1, Spring 1989,pp.1-2.DRAKE 1931 – T.G.H. Drake, Pewter of Medical Interest II, 1931, 5 pp.DRAKE 1955 – T.G.H. Drake, Antique Pewter of Medical Interest II, 1955, 428 pp.DRY 1995 – Graham Dry, WMF Art Nouveau Domestic Metalwork, from Wuertembergische Metallwarenfabrik, Woodbridge 1906; ristampa Antique Collectors Club 1998. 3500 articoli in peltro e silver-plate, 389 pp, 3000 ill b/n 3 13 a colori.DUNDAS 1951 - Zita Dundas, Pewter Relief Modelling, Vawser & Wiles ed., London 1951.DUNDAS 1956 - Zita Dundas, Pewter Relief Modelling, con revisioni, Vawser & Wiles ed., London 1956.*EDWARDS 2004 – Ted Edwards, 5. Old Base-metal Spoons: Roman to Regency, in The Pewter Society, Newsletter 37, Summer 2004, p. 10.EGAN 1996 – G. Egan, Playthings from the Past, London 1996.EGAN 1998 – G. Egan, The Medieval Household, Medieval Finds from Excavations in London, n. 6, Museum of London, HMSO 1998.

*ENGLEFIELD 1933 - Elsie Englefield, A Treatise on Pewter and its Manifacture, together with a brief account of the firm of Brown and Englefield, the last of the great general pewter manufacturing firms of London. Priory Press ed., London 1933. In copertina, altro titolo: A Short History of Pewter, in common use, abeyance, revival.*ENGLEFIELD 1953 - Elsie Englefield, A Short History of Pewter, VG Publisher, London 1953, 85 pp. Riedizione di ENGLEFIELD 1933 con titolo diverso sulla copertina?*ENGLEFIELD 1997 - Elsie Englefield, Two Centuries of Pewter Working in London, edito da WCOP, London 1997, pp.82.ENGLEFIELD s.d. - Elsie Englefield, Pewter for presentation, introducing “Crown and Rose Cast Pewter”, a series of leaflets in a folder, s.d.EVANS 1928 – John Thomas Evans, THE CHURCH PLATE OF OXFORDSHIRE. The Alden Press, Oxford, 1928. First Edition. Hardback. 4to. pp xxxiii, 223 +3. Frontis and 30 plates. Church antiquities, chalices, pewter, candlesticks, etc.EVANS 1969 – Nancy Goyne Evans, A Directory survey of pewter and Britannia craftsmen working in Birmingham, England, until 1860, in Bulletin of the Pewter Collectors’ Club of America, December 1969.EVANS 1970 – J. Evans, A History of Jewellery, London 1970.FAIRCLOUGH 1979 – G. Fairclough, Plymouth Excavations: St. Andrew’s Street 1976, in Plymouth Museum Archaeology Series, n. 2, a. 1979, pp. 127 – 128. FINLAY 1985 – Michael Finlay, The Pewterers of Penrith, in Transaction of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, LXXXV, pp. 163-186, 1985.FURNIVALL s. d. – F. J. Furnivall (a cura di), Harrison’s Elizabethan England, in Scott Library, London s.d..FURNIVALL 1868 – F. J. Furnivall (a cura di), Early English Meals and Manners, Humphrey Milford ed. for Early English Text Society, London 1868. **GADD 1999 - Jan Gadd, Books on European pewter marks. A bibliography of books on the touches and other marks of European pewterers, The Pewter Society, London 1999. GADD 2001 - Jan Gadd, English Pewter Candlesticks of the Baroque Period, ed. privatamente, 2001.*GADD 2004 - Jan Gadd, Pewter Candlesticks: English Candlesticks of the Second Half of the 17th Century, The Pewter Society, London 2004, 116 pp.GADD 2006 - Jan Gadd, Pewter. The A.T. Isher Bequest at Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum, ed. Pewter Society 2006.GAIRDNER 1872-5, 1901 – J. Gairdner (a cura di), The Paston Letters, 6 voll., London 1872-5, ried. 1901. GALE 1910 - Edwards Gale, Pewter and the Amateur Collector, Philip Lee Warner ed., London 1910.GASK 1926 – N. Gask, Old Silver Spoons of England, Herbert Jenkins 1926.GASK 1949 – N. Gask, Mediaeval Pewter Spoons, in Apollo, Dicembre 1949. GIBBS 1950 – F.W. Gibbs, The rise of the tinplate industry, in Annal of Science, VI, London 1950.Parte Ia.GIBBS 1951 – F.W. Gibbs, The rise of the tinplate industry, in Annal of Science, VII, London 1951. Parte IIa.GLADSTONE 1892 – J.H. Gladstone, On metallic copper, tin and antimony from Ancient Egypt, in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology, London 1892.*GLASS 1927 – F.J. Glass, Pewter Craft, University of London Press Ltd., London 1927,65 pp.GOWLAND 1899a – W. Gowland, Analysis on metal vessels found at Appleshaw, Hants. and of some other specimens of Roman Pewter, in Archaeologia, 56, 1, pp. 13-20.

GOWLAND 1899b – W. Gowland, The early metallurgy of copper, tin and iron in Europe, in Archaeologia, 56, 2, pp. 267-322.GOWLAND 1901 – W. Gowland, The early metallurgy of silver and lead: Part 1, Lead, in Archaeologia, 57, pp. 359-422. *GORDON 1980 - Kenneth G. Gordon, List of Wigan Pewterers, in Journal of the Pewter Society, 2, n.3, Spring 1980.**GORDON 1994 - Kenneth G. Gordon, Pewter: the Candlestick Maker's Bawle. A family portrait, Gwasg Gee ed., Congleton 1994. 500 copie. Monografia sul Pewter Ball-Knop Candlestick.*GOTELIPE-MILLER 1987 – S. Gotelipe-Miller, The Port Royal pewter collection, in JPS, 6, n.2, Autumn 1987.*GRAHAM, STEVENSON 1979-1993 – J.T. Graham, Weights and Measures and theyr Marks, a guide to collecting, revised and with additional informations on marks by Maurice Stevenson, Shire Publications Ltd, Shire 44 Album, 1a ed. 1979, 2a ed. 1987; 3a ed. 1993, Haverford-west 1993.pp. 17-21.GREENWOODS 1930 – Catalogo Greenwoods, Home Craft, Outfit and Accessories for Pewter Modelling, Poker Work, Chip Carving etc., Hudersfield 1930 circa.GROSVENOR 1988 – Grosvenor House Exhibition Catalogue 1988, England at the Time of the Armada, n. 26.GUILDHALL MS. 7105 – Anonimo, Record Books of Company Searchers, 1635 – 1641 and 1669 –1683, manoscritto, Guildhall Library, London.GUILDHALL MS – Manoscritti vari (presso la) Guildhall Library, London.*HAEBERLE 1874-1931 – Arminius T. Haeberle, Old Pewter, 1874-1931.128 pp, R.G. Badger ed. 128 pp.HAYWARD 1955 – J.F.Hayward, A Disputed Pewter Tankard, in Connoisseur, October 1955.HAYWARD 1976 – J.F.Hayward, Virtuoso Goldsmiths, and the Triumph of Mannerism, London 1976.*HAYWARD 1992 – Peter Hayward, Pub pots, in JPS; 8, 3, Spring 1992, p. 126.*HALL 1989 – David Hall, Welsh pewterers and braziers – an update, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 7-8.*HALL 1992 – David Hall, Collecting Irish pewter, in JPS, 8,4, Autumn 1992, pp. 140-144.*HALL 1996 - David Hall (a cura di), Early Years of the Pewter Society, David Hall ed., Pewter Society, London 2000, 48 pp. HARRIS s.d. – Henry Harris, Model soldiers, London s.d.HARRISON 1968 – William Harrison, The Description of England, the classic contemporary account of Tudor social life, ed. Georges Edelen, Folger Shakespeare Library, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N. Y. 1968. Riedizione Washington DC, London, Constable 1994.HARTLEY 1931 - W. Hartley, Pewter and repoussé Work, in Gordon Mitchell Forsyth, Pottery, Clay Modelling and Plaste Casting, New Era Publ. ed., London 1931, pp. 150-167.*HARWEY 1989 – Edmund Harwey, Pewterer of Stockton.on-Tees, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp.3-6.HATCHER 1973 – J. Hatcher, English Tin Production and Trade before 1550, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1973. in 8°, 219 pp.HATCHER, BARKER 1974a – John Hatcher, J. Barker (Theodore Cardwell), A Short History of British Pewter, Aberdeen 1974, 363 pp.*HATCHER, BARKER 1974b – John Hatcher, Barker (Theodore Cardwell), A History of British Pewter, Longman ed., London 1974.HAVERFIELD 1903 – F. Haverfield, Cornish Tin, in Mélange Boissier, Paris 1903.

HAVINDEN 1965 – M. A. Havinden (a cura di), Household and Farm Inventories in Oxfordshire, 1550 – 1590, H. Michael Ashley ed., London 1965.HAWKINS 1824 – J.Hawkins, On the intercourse wich subsisted between Cornwall and the other commercial states of antiquity, and on the state of the Tin-trade during the Middle Ages, in Trans. Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, III, London 1824.HEDGES 1964 – E.S.Hedges, Tin in Social and Economic History, London 1964.HEYWOOD 1920 – Abel Heywood & Sons Ltd, “Homeland” English Hand Beaten Pewter, Catalogo produzione, Manchester 1920, 22 pp., 185 x 245 mm (hand hammered pewter/Arts & Crafts tradition).*HENKEMANS 1989 – André Henkemans, Normandy flagons manufactured for use in Jersey, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 13-16.HERBERT 1934 - Sir Alan Patrick Herbert, Mr. Pewter…Being the text of the broadcast series of talks entitled "Mr. Pewter Works It Out", Methuen & Co. Ed., London 1934.HERBERT 1834–1836 – W. Herbert, The Twelwe Great Livery Companies, voll. 2, London 1834 –1836.*HERR 1995 – Donald M. Herr, Pewter in Pennsylvania German Churches, Pennsylvania-GermanSociety, 1995, 214 pp.HILTON PRICE 1908 – F.G. Hilton Price, Old Base Metal Spoon, Batsford, London 1908.*HOLDING, MOULSON 1994 - A. Holding, D. Moulson, Pewtering in Bewdley, catalogo della mostra permanente nel Museo di Bewdley, Bewdley 1994. HOLLIS DENZIL et alii 1949-1992 – Hollis Denzil B. et alii (a cura di), Bristol Pewterers, Calendar of Bristol Apprentices Records 1532 – 1565, voll. 3, in Bristol Record Society, XIV, XXXI, XLIII, Bristol 1949 - 1992.HOLME 1688 – Randle Holme, The Academy of Armory An Academic or a Storehouse of Armory and Blazon etc., Chester 1688. HOMECRAFT 1927 – Association of Homecrafts Studios Ltd, Lesson Eighteen, Pewter works, London 1927, paperback magazine, 16 pp.HOMER 1963-64 – Ronald F. Homer, The Size of Liquid Measures of the 17th and 18th Centuries, Parts 1 to 4, in Libra, Bulletin of the Weights & Measures History Circle, England, Vol 2, n° 4; Vol 3 n°1, 2, 3, December 1963 – October 1964.HOMER 1973 – Ronald F. Homer, Unique Medieval Pewter Spoon, in Connoisseur, Aprile 1973.*HOMER 1974a – Ronald F. Homer, “Hollow” Plates, in JPS, October 1974, pp. 3-5.*HOMER 1974b – Ronald F. Homer, The Saint Saviour’s Flagons, in JPS, October 1974, pp. 18-19.HOMER 1975a – Ronald F. Homer, Five Centuries of Base Metal Spoons, Devon 1975. (*Reprintedwith corrections by The Pewter Society , London 1999. 59 pp).*HOMER 1975b – Ronald F. Homer, Analysis on Pewter, in JPS, December 1975, pp. 3-4.HOMER 1985 – Ronald F. Homer, The Medieval Pewterers of London, c. 1190-1457, in Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaelogical Society, a. 1985, Vol. 36, London 1985, pp. 137 -–163.*HOMER 1989a – Ronald F. Homer, “WK” – William Kerslake of Crediton?, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring1989, pp. 12-13.*HOMER 1989b – Ronald F. Homer, Three 17th century flagons at Exeter, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 16-17.*HOMER 1989c – Ronald F. Homer, A sixteenth century London pewterer’s work book fragment, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 18-22.*HOMER 1989d – Ronald F. Homer, A medieval trencher?, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 29-31.

HOMER 1991a – Ronald F. Homer, A Seventeenth Century Hoard of Spoons from Exeter, in Proc. DevonArchaeological Society, 49, pp. 149-152, 1991 (a further 17 spoon marks).*HOMER 1991b – Ronald F. Homer, John Shorey senior and junior, in JPS, 8, n. 2, Autumn 1991.*HOMER 1992a– Ronald F. Homer, The Southampton saucer, in JPS, 8,3, Spring 1992, pp. 119-120.*HOMER 1992b– Ronald F. Homer, Another faker’s touchplate?,in JPS, 8,3, Spring 1992, p. 124.*HOMER 1992c – Ronald F. Homer, Insurance Policy Registers as a Source of Informacion, JPS, Autumn 1992.* HOMER 1993 – Ronald F. Homer, The Stanley E. Thomas collection of pewter in the Museum of North Devon, Barnstaple, with an account of the pewterers of Barnstaple, The Pewter Society, 1993.*HOMER 1996 – Ronald F. Homer, Thurdendels and Hooped Quarts, in JPS, 10, n. 3, Spring1993.*HOMER 1997a – Ronald F. Homer, Pewterers They Were Not, in JPS, Spring 1967.HOMER 1997b – Ronald F. Homer, A list of all the Provincial Pewterers Shops visited in the Pewterers Company Country Searches, 1474-1723, Private publication, 1997.*HOMER 1999a – Ronald F. Homer, Five Centuries of Base Metal Spoons.Reprinted with corrections by The Pewter Society, London 1999. HOMER 1999b – Ronald F. Homer, A London pewterer's workshop in 1551, ? 1999.*HOMER, HALL 1985 – Ronald F. Homer, D. W. Hall, Provincial Pewterers, a study of the craft in the West Midlands and Wales. Phillimore ed., Chichester 1985. *HOMER, SHEMMEL 1983 – Ronald F. Homer, S. Shemmel, Pewter, a Handbook of Selected Tudor and Stuart Pieces, Museum of London, London 1983.HOOPER 1983 – Peter Hooper, Early 19th Century London Pewterers c1805-40, (ricerca non pubblicata), 1983.*HOOPER 1984 – Peter Hooper, Early 19th Century London Pewterers, JPS, Spring 1984.*HOOPER 1992a – Peter Hooper, The photography of pewter, in JPS, 8, 3, Spring 1992, pp. 105-110.*HOOPER 1992b – Peter Hooper, The origins of pewtering in medieval England?, in JPS, 8, 4, Autumn 1992, pp. 132-135.*HOOPER 1993 – Peter Hooper, The Stanley E. Thomas collection of pewter in the Museum of North Devon, Barnstaple, with an account of pewterers of Barnstaple, The Pewter Society 1993.HORNER 1957 - Arthur Horner, Colonel Pewter in Ironicus. Words and Pictures by A. Horner,strip cartoon ristampato dal "New Chronicle", Pall Mall Press ed., London 1957.HORNSBY MS. 1978 a – Peter R. G. Hornsby, Bristol Pewterers, Manoscritto, 1978. HORNSBY MS. 1978 b – Peter R. G. Hornsby, Survey of Pewter in 16th and 17th century inventories,Manoscritto, 1978. *HORNSBY 1981 – Peter R. G. Hornsby, The Arthur Negus guide to British Pewter, Copper and Brass, foreword by Arthur Negus, consultant editor Arthur Negus, Hamlyn, London 1981. *HORNSBY 1983 – Peter R. G. Hornsby, Pewter of the Western World, 1600-1850, ed. SchifferPublishing Co., Exton, Pennsylvania 1983. 381 pp., 1292 ill.*HORNSBY 1988 – Peter R.G. Hornsby, Wriggle-work Plates, in JPS, 6, n. 4, Autumn 1988.*HORNSBY 1996 – Peter R.G. Hornsby, Survey of James I Flagons, in JPS, 10, n. 4, Autumn1996.*HORNSBY, WEINSTEIN, HOMER 1989 –Peter R. G. Hornsby, Rosemary Weinstein, Ronald F.Homer, Pewter, A celebration of the craft 1200 – 1700, catalogo della mostra, May 1989 – May

1990, The Museum of London, London 1989. (con estesa bibliografia archeologico - storica)HOUART 1982 – V. Houart, Antique Spoons – A Collector’s Guide, Souvenir Press 1982.HOW s.d.?– G.E.P. How, Ellis Collection of 16th and 17th century Provincial Spoons, How of Edinburgh.HOW s.d.? – G.E.P., J.P. How, English & Scottish Silver Spoons (Mediaeval to Late Stuart), 3 voll.,How of Edinburgh.*HUDSON MOORE 1905a – N. Hudson Moore, Old Pewter, Brass, Copper & Sheffield Plate, with One Hundred and Five Illustrations, Frederick A. Stokes Company, New York, 1905.*HUDSON MOORE 1905b - Hanna Woodbridge Hudson Moore, The Collector’s Manual, Tudor Publishing, 1 ed. 1905, 2 ed. 1935, 2nd pr. 1936, 3rd printing, New York 1937, 329 pp., 336 ill.; capitolo sul peltro: XI, Old Pewter, pp. 259-287.ill. 284-307.HUDSON MOORE 1906 - Hanna Woodbridge Hudson Moore, Old Pewter, Brass, Copper, and Sheffield Ware…With one hundred and five illustrations, Hodder & Stoughton ed., London 1906. Probabilmente è Old Pewter, Brass, Copper, and Sheffield Plate!*HUDSON MOORE 1933 – Hanna Woodbridge Hudson Moore, Old Pewter, Brass, Copper & Sheffield Plate, with One Hundred and Five Illustrations, Garden City Publishing Company, Inc. Garden City, New York 1933, (1 ed. 1905). Altra ed. C.E. Tuttle Co, 1972., 229 pp. 105 ill.*HUGHES 1963 – G. Bernard Hughes, Collector’s Pocket Book, ed. Country Life Limited, London repr.1966, 1 ed. 1963, in 8°, pp.351. Per il peltro pp. 228-249.*HUGHES ? – M.J.Hughes, The Analysis of Roman Tin and Pewter Ingots, in British Museum, Occasional Papers, 17, pp. 41-50.*HULL 1992 - Charles Hull, Pewter, in Series Shire Album, n. 280, Shire 1992. *HULL, MURRELL 1984 – Charles Hull, Jack. A. Murrell, The Techniques of Pewtersmithing, Batsford 1984. 167 pp.*ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS 1968 – The Illustrated London News (autore non citato), A Hoard of Roman Pewter, Archaeology 2303, 21 december 1968, pp. 30-31.JACKSON 1970 - Radway Jackson, English pewter touchmarks including the marks of origin of some of the Scottish and Irish pewterers, by Radway Jackson, edited by Ronald F. Michaelis, Slough Foulsham ed.,London 1970.*JACKSON 1993 - Radway Jackson, English pewter touchmarks including the marks of origin of some of the Scottish and Irish pewterers, by Radway Jackson, edited and introduced by Ronald F. Michaelis, Slough Foulsham ed., London 1993. 123 pp.JACKSON PUBLISHING 1991 – Jackson Publishing Journal, Pewter, Hiller Pub., ? August 1991JENKS 1998 – C. Jenks, The Architecture of the Jumping Universe, London 1998.JINDRICH 1992 – Marco Jindrich, Guide to Pewter Marks of the World, Fraser Stewart ed., ? 1992, 248 pp.*JOHNSON 1974 - Cyril Jossé Johnson, The City Livery Companies, in JPS, April 1974, pp.9-12.JOHNSON 1978 - Cyril Jossé Johnson, Supplementary catalogue of pewterware, Worshipful Company of Pewterers of London, London 1979.JOHNSON 2003 – G.S. Johnson, Welch's History of the Pewterer's Company (modernised Version), Worshipful Company of Pewterers, William Grant Ed., London 2003, 346 pp.JOHNSON ?, SECKY ? 1981 – Johnson, Secky, The Chilmark Collection, paperback, 105 pp, ? 1981. Sculture in peltro.

JONES 1906 – E. Alfred Jones, The Church Plate of the Diocese of Bangor, ed. Bemrose & Sons Ltd, London 1906, circa 10”x12”. Oltre agli argenti, Pewter flagons and communion sets. In vendita a 150 $ su eBAy il 21genn06.*JPS – Journal of the Pewter Society, Da Aprile 1968 a Aprile 1971, 2 fascicoli (a-1969, a-1970), da Ottobre 1971 a Dicembre 1975, 8 fascicoli senza cover, dal 1/1/1976 in poi indicizzato in volumi di 4 fascicoli ciascuno, semestrali). Al 1/1/2005, 9 voll. con 38 fascicoli. Information on London Pewterers, their Businesses, Familiesand Marks (Indexed under “London Pewter and Pewterers” in Additional Journal, Summer 1998). Mancanti: 2 fasc. 1968, Ott. 1969, Ott. 1970, Apr. 1971. Ante 1968, The Journal of the Society of Pewter Collectors. Ott. 1966 e Ott 1967.*JPS – Journal of the Pewter Society, Transactions of The Pewter Society, Selected items from the Society’s Journal (1952-1970), Reprinted March 1972. Articoli di Peal, Michaelis, ecc.*KAIN 1975 – Jay D. Kain, Cast Pewter Jewelry, Davis Publications Inc., Worcester (Massachussets) 1975, 96 pp.KAYSER ? – Miriam Franz Kayser, Pewter etching and shaping, ? ?.KEEN 1991 – M. Keen, Jewish Ritual Art in the Victoria and Albert Museum, HMSO, London 1991.*KITSON 1951 – Edward Kitson, Pewterwork, Foyle’s Handbook, W & G Foyle Ltd. London1951 (e/o 1959). 5 x 7”, 86 pp.*KOLDEWEIJ 2001 – Eloy Koldeweij, The English Candlestick 1425-1925, Christie’s Book ed., London 2001, 264 pp.*LAMB 1992a – D. Lamb, Newcastle pewter and pewterers, Part. 1 Pewterers – Lowes, Saddler and Hogg, in JPS, 8, 4, Autumn 1992, pp. 129-132.LATHAM, MATTHEWS 1983 – R. C. Latham, W. Matthews (a cura di), The Diary of Samuel Pepys, voll. 10, Companion 1983.LAW 1983 – A.S. Law, London Pewterers, Wholesale & Retail 19th Century, (ricerca non pubblicata), 1983.*LAW 1992a – A.S. Law, 1290 and all that …pewter, in JPS, 8, 3, Spring 1992, pp. 121-122.*LAW 1992b – A.S. Law, And contrariwise, in JPS, 8, 3, Spring 1992, pp.122-123.*LEWIS 1973 – Harry Lewis, The Metal, in JPS, April 1973, pp. 3-8.LIBERTY’S - Liberty’s (of London), 1875-1975 Exhibition Catalogue (pp. 72-79), London 1975.LIBERTY’S 1900 - Liberty’s (of London), Yule Tide Gifts, London 1900.LIBERTY’S 1975 - Liberty’s (of London), 1875-1975 Exhibition Catalogue (pp. 72-79), Victoria and Albert Museum, London 1975.*LIBERTY 1904 – Arthur Lasenby Liberty, Pewter and the revival of its use, in Smithsonian Report a. 1904, estratto; reprint (100 copie) da Shorey Bookstore of Seatle, Washington, August 1967.LIGHTBOWN 1978 – R.W. Lightbown, French Silver, HMSO, London 1978.LIGHTBOWN 1992 – R.W. Lightbown, Medieval European Jewellery, Victoria and Albert Museum,London 1992.LIVERSIDGE 1959 – J. Liversidge, A new hoard of Romano-British pewter, from Icklingham, in Proceedings of the Cambridgeshire Antiquarian Society, 53, 1959.LYONS 1806 – S. Lyons, Extracts from the Rotulus Familiae 18, Edward I, in Archaeologia, n. XV, a. 1806. LUCAS 1928 – A. Lucas, Notes on the early history of tin and bronze, in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, XIV, London 1928.Mannin, Manx Language Society, Douglas, Isle of Man, 1913-1918.

*MARKHAM 1909 - Christoper Alexander Markham, Pewter Marks and Old Pewter Ware, domestic and ecclesiastical: with about 100 illustrations, 200 facsimile marks, etc., Reeves & Turner ed., London 1909.*MARKHAM 1928 - Christoper Alexander Markham, The "New" Pewter Marks and Old Pewter Waredomestic and ecclesiastical including sections on the history of the pewterer’s craft, statutes, ordinances, etc. relating to pewterers from A.D. 1348, Second Edition, revised and enlarged etc., Reeves & Turner ed., London 1928.MARRYAT 1834 – Frederick Marryat, Peter Simple ou Adventures d'un Officier de Marine. Traduit de l'Anglais par J.A.B. Defauconpret. 2 tomi, Corbeil Impr., Paris 1834. MARTIN 2001 – S. A. Martin, Archibold Knox, Artmedia 2001.MASSÉ 1903 ? – Henry Jean Louis Joseph Massé, Pewter Plate, A handbook for collector, with about 100 illustrations, London 1903? MASSÉ 1904a – Henry Jean Louis Joseph Massé, Pewter Plate, A historical and descriptive handbook, Georg Bell & Sons ed., London 1904. MASSÉ 1904b – Henry Jean Louis Joseph Massé, Catalogue ... of the exhibition of pewter held in Clifford's Inn Hall, Fleet street. E.C. from February 24th to March 26th, 1904,? 1904, 130 pp.*MASSÉ 1910 – Henry Jean Louis Joseph Massé, Pewter Plate, A historical & Descriptive Handbook, Georg Bell & Sons ed., second edition, revised, London 1910. MASSÉ 1911a – Henry Jean Louis Joseph Massé, Pewter Plate…, London 1911. *MASSÉ 1911b – Henry Jean Louis Joseph Massé, Chats on Old Pewter, T. Fisher Unwin ed., London 1911. (e Rev. R. F. Michaelis 1949).MASSÉ 1921 – Henry Jean Louis Joseph Massé, The Pewter Collector. A guide to English Pewter, etc., Herbert Jenckins ed., London 1921.MASSÉ, MICHAELIS 1949 – Henry Jean Louis Joseph Massé, Chats on Old Pewter, revisione di Ronald F. Michaelis, Ernest Benn ed., London 1949. 240 pp.*MASSÉ, MICHAELIS 1971a – Henry Jean Louis Joseph Massé, Chats on Old Pewter, revisione di Ronald F. Michaelis, Ernest Benn, 3a ed., London 1971. 276 pp., 67 ill.**MASSÉ, MICHAELIS 1971b – Henry Jean Louis Joseph Massé, The Pewter Collector. Revised ed., with additions by Ronald F. Michaelis, Barrie and Jenckins ed., London 1971. 280 pp, 1072 disegni di marchiMASSÉ, MICHAELIS 1977 – H. J. L. J. Massé, Chats on Old Pewter, edited and revised by Ronald Michaelis, E. P. Publishing, 4a ed. Wakefield 1977. MAYHEW 1987 –G. Mayhew, Tudor Rye, University of Sussex, Graham M. ed, Rye 1987.*MAYOR 1999 – Alfred Mayor, Pewter at the Victoria and Albert Museum, (Review), in Antiques, September 1999. Da Internet.MATHEWS 1971 – L. G. Mathews, Antiques of the Pharmacy, (luogo non indicato) 1971.*MCINNESS 1991 – A. McInness, New light on an old problem: the crowned hR verification seal, inJPS, 8, n.1, Spring 1991.MICHAELIS 1946 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Some Light on Provincial Pewterers, Part I, inApollo Magazine, March 1946. Part II, Metalmen of Gloucester, in Apollo, May 1946; Part III, A Company of Smiths, of Hereford, in Apollo, September 1946.MICHAELIS 1949 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, English Pewter Porringers, in Apollo, Luglio-Agosto-Settembre-Ottobre 1949. MICHAELIS 1950 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Royal Portrait Spoons in Pewter, in Apollo, Giugno 1950.

MICHAELIS 1953 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Old Pewter Wine Measures, in Antique Collector, Febbraio e Agosto 1953.MICHAELIS 1954 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Capacity Marks on Old Pewter Wine Measures, inAntique Collector, Agosto 1954.*MICHAELIS 1955 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Antique Pewter of the British Isles, A brief survey of what has been made in pewter in England and the British Isles, from the time of Queen Elizabeth I to the reign of Queen Victoria, Bell & Sons ed., London 1955.MICHAELIS 1956 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, English Commemorative Porringers in Pewter, inAntique Collector, Ottobre 1956.*MICHAELIS 1958 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Royal Portraits and Pewter Porringers, in Antiques (USA), Gennaio 1958; reprint in THOMAS 1976, pp.42-46.MICHAELIS 1960 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, More about English Commemorative Porringers, in Antiques (USA), Luglio 1960.MICHAELIS 1961 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Pear – Shaped Pewter Flagons, in Antique Collector, Ottobre 1961.MICHAELIS 1963–1964 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Decoration on English Pewterware, in Antique Collector, Ottobre 1963, Febbraio, Agosto e Dicembre 1964. MICHAELIS 1965 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Old Scottish Liquid Measure Sizes, Part I, II, III in Libra, Bulletin of the Weights & Measures History Circle, England, Vol 4, n° 2,3,4, June, September,December 1965.MICHAELIS 1966 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Royal Occasions Commemorated in Pewter, in Antique Collector, Agosto e Settembre1966.MICHAELIS ? – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Pewter Tankards & Tavern Pots, in Discovering Antiques, Issue 35.*MICHAELIS 1969a – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, British Pewter, Cox and Wyman Pr., Ward Lock ed., London and Sydney 1969.*MICHAELIS 1969 b – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Old Domestic Base Metal Candlesticks, Woodbridge 1969. Reprinted in 1978 by *Antique Collectors’ Club, Woodbridge 1978.MICHAELIS 1971a – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Peer-Shaped Flagons, in Antique Collector, Ottobre 1971.*MICHAELIS 1971b – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Antique Pewter of the British Isles, A brief survey of what has been made in pewter in England and the British Isles, from the time of Queen Elizabeth I to the reign of Queen Victoria, New York 1971. Riedizione Peter Smith Publisher Inc. 1999.***MICHAELIS 1978a – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Old Domestic Base Metal Candlesticks from the 13th to 19th Century, Antique Collectors’ Club, Woodbridge 1978. *MICHAELIS MUNDEY 1968 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Richard Mundey, A short history of the Worshipful Company of Pewterers of London and a catalogue of pewterware in its possession. Worshipful Company of Pewterers of London, Pewterers Hall, London 1968, 72 ph.,103 pp. MICHAELIS MUNDEY1978 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Richard Mundey, A short history of the Worshipful Company of Pewterers of London and a catalogue of pewterware in its possession. Worshipful Company of Pewterers of London, Pewterers Hall, London 1978, 132 pp. *Prec. Ed. 1968, 72 ph.,103 pp.MINCHIN 1946 – Cyril C. Minchin, A Berkshire Pewter Collection, in Apollo, Aprile-Luglio 1946.MINCHIN 1952 – Cyril C. Minchin, Flagons & Tankards in Pewter, in Antique Collector,Febbraio 1952.

MINCHIN 1971 – C.C. Minchin, Some Uncommon Examples of Old English Pewter, in Antique Collector, Febbraio 1971.*MINCHIN 1973 – C.C. Minchin, Cotterell up To Date, in JPS, October 1973, pp. 4-5.MITCHELL 1962 – Peggy Mitchell, Pewter craft, Acro Publications 1962.MOORE 1905 – Samuel P. Moore, Old Pewter, Brass, Copper & Sheffield Plate, Frederick A. StokesCo, 1905, 229 pp. Altra edizione 1933.MORTON 1997 – R.S. Morton, Collecting Pewter, in Antique Dealer and Collectors’ Guide, 1997.MOTTRAM 1970 – A.S. Mottram, Roman pewter dishes fro Shingham, in Norfolk Archaeology, XXXV,pt. 1, 1970.*MOULSON 1992a – David Moulson, Trifid Spoons, in JPS, 8,3, Spring 1992, pp. 114-116.*MOULSON 1992a – David Moulson, An early or late triple-reeded plate?, in JPS, 8,3, Spring 1992, p. 125.*MOULSON 1995 – David Moulson, Sir John Fryer, Baronet, in JPS, 10, n.2, Autumn 1995.*MOULSON 2001 – David Moulson, The Museum of British Pewter, in History Today, June 2001. Da Internet.*MOULSON, NEISH 1997 – David Moulson, Alex Neish, An Introduction to British Pewter, ed. Warwick, Brewin Books 1997; ried. 1999; pp. 60, tavv. 47.MYRTLE 1954 – J.H. Myrtle, ??? in Antique Collector, Feb. 1954.*MYRTLE 1966 – J.H. Myrtle, The Agnes Carwick Webster Gift of British Pewter and other Pewter in the Collection, in Quarterly, Journal of Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, Vol 7,n°4, July 1966, 24 pp, 41 b/w ill.*MULDOON, BROWNSWORD 1985 – Sara Muldoon, Roger Brownsword, Pewter Spoons and other related material of the 14th-17th Centuries in the Collection of the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry 1985.*MUNDEY 1973 – Richard Mundey, Mundey’s Pewter Snippets, 600 Years of Romance and Life with the Pewterers Company, London 1973, 26 pp, 11 ill b/w.*MUNDEY 1989 – Richard Mundey, Wriggled-work decoration on pewter, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 22-25.MUNDEY 1991 – Richard Mundey, Pewter Hallmarks, private pubblication of the Pewter Society 1991. *MUNDILL 1972 – Derrick Mundill, Continental Touch Marks, in JPS, Oct. 1972, pp. 5-9.MUNRO 2003 – Sir Alasdair Munro, Scottish antique, Ed. Schiffer Pub. Ltd, ? 1973. Capitolo sui peltri.MUSEUM OF LONDON 1940 – Museum of London, London Museum Medieval Catalogue, 1940.MUSEUM OF LONDON 1983a – Museum of London, Pewter, London 1983.*MUSEUM OF LONDON 1983b– Museum of London, A Handbook of Selected Tudor and Stuart Pieces, London 1983.MUSEUM OF LONDON 1989 – Museum of London, Catalogue, The Exchequer Standard of 1496, London1989.MUSEUM OF LONDON 1993 – Museum of London, London Museum Medieval Catalogue, new editionIpswich 1993.MUSEUM OF LONDON ? – Museum of London, The Medieval Household, London ?.**NADOLSKI 1987 – Dieter Nadolski, Old Household Pewterware : Its Appearance and Function in the Course of Six Centuries, trans. by M. Stanton, 1987 from *NADOLSKI 1983 – Dieter Nadolski, Altes Gebrauchszinn, Prisma Verlag Güterloh 1983, 401 ill e 695 marchi da tutto il mondo. Ord. AmazonAbebooks 8genn2005*NATURE 1969 – Nature (from our Archaeology Correspondent), Roman Pewter Hoard, in Vol. 221, January 11, 1969, p. 127.

*NEISH 1989a – Alex Neish, A Measure by David Gourlay and Son, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 26-27.*NEISH 1989b – Alex Neish, A unique commemorative charger, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, p. 33.*NEISH 1992a – Alex Neish, The hammermen of Stirling, in JPS, 8,3, Spring 1992, pp. 110-111.*NEISH 1992b – Alex Neish, The Glasgow hammermen, in JPS, 8,3, Spring 1992, pp.111-114.*NEISH 1992c – Alex Neish, A Portuguese flagon, in JPS, 8,3, Spring 1992, p. 128.NICKEL 1966 – H. Nickel, The Little Knights of the living room table, in Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, a. 1966, XXV, n. 4, p. 175, fig. 13. NORFOLK ? - ? , Roman Pewter Dishes from Shingam, in Norfolk Archaeology, by The Norfolk & Norwick Archaeological Society, a. ? ma anni ’70.NORTH, SPIRA 1942 - Anthony North, Andrew Spira, Pewter at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London 1949.*NORTH 1999 - Anthony North, Pewter at the Victoria and Albert Museum, V & A Pubblications, London 1999.PARLIAMENT, HOUSE OF COMMONS 1646 - A declaration of sundy grievance concerning Tinne and Pewter, worthy the serious consideration of the hon. Houses of Parliament, in the behalfe of the Pewterers, and People of the three kingdomes. By I. S. a desirer of his countries freedomes, s. sh. fol., Casa dei Comuni, Parlamento, Londra 1646.PARLIAMENT, HOUSE OF COMMONS 1690 - The Case of the pewterers of England as to the exportation of pewter, in ms. 816, m13 (87), s. sh fol., Casa dei Comuni, Parlamento, Londra.OMAN 1957 – Charles Oman, English Church Plates 597 - 1830, London: Oxford University Press, Oxford 1957. First edition. 4to (bound in eights). 28cm x 18.5cm x 4.2cm. pp.30/326. Photo frontis and a further 199 (double-sided) photographic plates at the rear.*OSBURN, WILBER 1937 - Burl Neff Osburn, Gordon Owen Wilber, Pewter, Spun, wrought, andcast, International Text Book ed., Scranton 1938. 3 ed. 1947P. R. B. – Public Record Office, The Port Record Book.* PEAL 1913 – Christopher A. Peal, Kings Lynn pewterers, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 6-7, da Calendar of Freemen (Norfolk and Norwick Archaeolog. Soc, 1913).PEAL 1949a – Christopher A. Peal, Pewter Salts, Candlesticks and some Plates, in Apollo, Maggio 1949.PEAL 1949b – Christopher A. Peal, Tankards, and ‘Housemarks’ on Early Baluster Measures, in Apollo, Giugno (o Aprile?) 1949.PEAL 1950a – Christopher A. Peal, Note on Pewter Balusters, and Theyr Capacities, in Apollo, Gennaio 1950.PEAL 1950b – Christopher A. Peal, Note on Pewter Flagons, in Apollo, Maggio 1950.PEAL 1962 – Christopher A. Peal, Display of 17th and 18th Century Pewter, St. Peter Hungate Museum, Norwich, Norfolk Life, Agosto 1962.PEAL 1967 – Christopher A. Peal, Romano-British Plates and Dishes, in Proc. Cambridge. Antique Society, Vol LX, 1967.*PEAL 1969a – Christopher A. Peal, An English Pewter Collection, in Antiques (of America), Agosto 1969. Reprint in THOMAS 1976, pp.18-24.**PEAL 1969b – Christopher A. Peal, Exhibition of British Peterware through the Ages, Reading Museum, Reading 1969, booklet, 60pp, 68 foto di pezzi esibiti. Vedi in Pewter Society 1969.

PEAL 1970 – Christopher A. Peal, Latten Spoons, in Connoisseur, Aprile e Luglio 1970.PEAL 1971a – Christopher A. Peal, British Pewter and Britannia Metal for Pleasure and Investment, J. Gifford ed., London 1971.PEAL 1971b – Christopher A. Peal, Britannia Metal IS Pewter, in Antique Finder, Ottobre 1971.*PEAL 1972a– Christopher A. Peal, Britannia Metal IS Pewter, in JPS, April 1972, pp. 6,6 fig., riedizione del precedente.*PEAL 1972b – Christopher A. Peal, Pre-Imperial Pots, in JPS, April 1972, pp. 4, 9 fig..*PEAL 1972c – Christopher A. Peal, An unusual Dome-lid Flagon, in JPS, October 1972, pp. 19-20, 2 fig..PEAL 1973a – Christopher A. Peal, 18th CenturyPewter, in Antique Collector, Giugno e Luglio1973.PEAL 1973b – Christopher A. Peal, 19th Century, Pure & Simple, in A.D. and Collectors Guide, Settembre 1973.*PEAL 1973d – Christopher A. Peal, Two more Yorkshire Pre-Imperial Pots, in JPS, October 1973, p. 6.*PEAL 1973e – Christopher A. Peal, “National Types of Old Pewter”, Comments by C.A.P., in JPS, October 1973, pp. 7-8.PEAL 1974 – Christopher A. Peal, A Great Collection Dispersed (Michaelis), in Antique Collector, 1974. *PEAL 1975 – Christopher A. Peal, Rule Britannia, in Antique Dealer and Collectors Guide, Gennaio 1975, pp.59-63.*PEAL 1976a – Christopher A. Peal, More Pewter Marks, The Pewter Society, Norwick Print Brokers Lt d., Norwick 1976. 120 pp. PreordAmazon ott2004PEAL 1976b – Christopher A. Peal, British Pewter, in Australasian Antique Collector, 17th ed, 1976.*PEAL 1977a – Christopher A. Peal, Addenda to More Pewter Marks, The Pewter Society, Norwick Print Brokers Ltd., Norwick 1977, 33 pp. PreordAmazon ott2004*PEAL 1977b – Christopher A. Peal, Let's collect British pewter. Jarrold Collector series,Jarrold & Sons ed., Norwick 1977b. *PEAL 1977c – Christopher A. Peal, Pewter in the 18th Century, in A.D. and Collectors Guide, Marzo 1977, pp-77-80.PEAL 1978a – Christopher A. Peal, Pewter 1650-1700, in A.D. and Collectors Guide, Ottobre 1978.PEAL 1978b – Christopher A. Peal, The English Pot, in Antique Collector, Aprile 1978, e in Antique Finder, Luglio 1978.*PEAL 1983 – Christopher A. Peal with contributions by P. Spencer Davis et alii, Pewter of Great Britain for Pleasure and Investment, ed. Gifford, London 1983, pp. 250, tavv. 8. PEAL 1998 – Christopher A. Peal, Pewter of Great Britain, Paperback, W & G. Foyle Ltd, London 1998. Preord Amazon genn2005.PELZEL, BARKIN, QUICK 1987 – Thomas Pelzel, Kenneth Barkin, Herb Quick, European Pewter in Everyday Life, 1600-1900, Sweeney Art Gallery ed. 1987, 71 pp. *PERRY 1974 - Evan Perry, Collecting Antique Metalware: Tin, Copper, Pewter, Brass, Iron, Bronze, Doubleday & Co, Inc, Garden City, New York 1974.

*PEWTER SOCIETY 1969 - Pewter Society (a cura di), Exhibition of British Pewterware through the Ages from Romano-British Time to the present day, held at Reading Museum and Art Gallery,20th September to 31st October 1969 (inclusive), Lincoln 1969.*PEWTER SOC. J. – JPS, Journal of the Pewter Society, dall’aprile 1972 al dicembre 1975 fascicolo semestrale non numerato; vol.1, n. 1 Norwick 1977; semestrale dalla primavera 1977; ultimo n. 28 (Spring 2008).*PEWTER SOC. NW – Newsletter, semestrale. Ultimo uscito n. 45, Summer 2008. Tutti 1-45.*PEWTER SOC. AUCTIONS 2003-2004 – APS1-2-3, Auction Catalogues, 5/Oct/2003, 21/March/2004, 31/Oct/2004. *PEWTER SOCIETY 1996 - Pewter Society (a cura di), The Richard Neate Touch Plates, London 1996. **PEWTER SOCIETY 1996 - Pewter Society (a cura di), Early Years of the Pewter Society, David Hall ed., London 2000, 48 pp. Ordinato Amazon 2sett2004*PEWTER SOCIETY 2003 - Pewter Society (a cura di), Pewter Marks; an Introduction, dal sito web della Pewter Society. *PEWTER SOCIETY, MUSEUM OF LONDON 1983 - Pewter Society, Museum of London (a cura di), Pewter: selected Tudor and Stuart pieces, London 1983.*PEWTER SOCIETY 2004 - Pewter Society (a cura di), The Pewter Society 2004-2005, London 2004.*PHILIPS, DUBBE 1983 – Frits Pkilips, Bé Dubbe, Twee Nijmeegse Gildekannen, Eindhoven 1983, 157 pp con 222 foto.*PHILLIPS 1997 – Phillips (a cura di), The Sandy Law Pewter Collection, catalogo venditaall’asta, 429 lotti, 202 foto, Chester 25/9/1997PHILLIPS 2001 – Phillips (a cura di), The Oak Sale inc Pewter, catalogo vendita all’asta, 135 lotti di peltri, Chester 4/5/2001*PHILLIPS 1998 – Phillips (a cura di), The Frank Holt Pewter Collection, catalogo venditaall’asta, Chester, 20/10/1998.PLATT 1975 – Colin Platt, Excavations in Medieval Southampton 1953 – 1969, R. Coleman–Smith ed., Leicester University Press, Leicester 1975.PORT 1917-1925 – Charles G. J. Port, Some Uncommon Pieces of Pewter (in five parts), in Connoisseur, Aprile e Dicembre 1917, Ottobre 1918, Settembre 1921 e Marzo 1925.PRICE 1908 – F.G. Hilton-Price, Old Base-metal Spoons, Batsford, London 1908.RAINE 1835 – 1929 – J. Raine (a cura di), Wills and Inventories Illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Onwards, in atti Surtees Society, aa. 1835 – 1929.RANDLETT 1976 – Robert Randlett, A catalogue of the Hall Tavern pewter collections,History Deerfield Summer Fellowship (program) ? 1976. Preord. Amazon 9genn2005READ 1898 – C.H. Read, List of Pewter Dishes and Vessels found at Appleshaw and now in the British Museum, in Archaeologia, 2nd ser. 56, pt.1, London 1898. pp. 7.*REDMAN 1903 - William Redman, Marks on Old Pewter and Sheffield Plate; in 2 pagina: Illustrated Handbook of Information of Pewter and Sheffield Plate, with full particulars of touch marks, maker's marks, etc., Bradford 1903.REEVE 1925 - John Sidney Reeve, Pewter Work, Dryad Handicrafts ed., Leicester 1925.REEVE 1930 - John Sidney Reeve, Wrought Pewter Work etc., 2 edizione corretta di REEVE 1925, Dryad Press ed., Leicester 1930. 28 pages with plates & illustrations stapledin dark blue card covers

* RICHARDSON 1992 – John Richardson, Wiggins of York, in JPS, 8, 3, Spring 1992, p. 119.RICHARDSON 1998 – John Richardson, London Pewterers: 1736-1800, (ricerca non pubblicata), 1998.RICHMOND, SMYTHE 1938 – J.A. Richmond, J.A. Smythe, A Roman cup of tin, in Proceedings of University of Durham Philosophical Society, X, 1938.RICKETTS 1996 - Carl Ricketts, London pewterers c1800-1840, (articolo non pubblicato), 1996.*RICKETTS 1997 - Carl Ricketts, Initial Research into Hallmarks, in JPS, Autumn 1997.RICKETTS 1998 - Carl Ricketts, A Database of Pewter Hallmarks, (ricerca non pubblicata), 1998.**RICKETTS 2001 - Carl Ricketts, Pewterers of London 1600 to 1900, London 2001, ed PewterSociety limitata a 200 copie. 220 pp. *RICKETTS, DOUGLAS 1994 – Carl Ricketts, J. Douglas, Use of Verification Marks to Identify Pewterers, in JPS, Autumn 1994.*RICKETTS, DOUGLAS 1996 – Carl Ricketts, J. Douglas, Marks and Marking of Weights and Measures of British Isles, Bickenhall, Taunton (Devon) 1996.*RIDGWAY 1956 – Maurice Ridgway, The Pewter Collecting Boxes at Bunbury Church (Cheshire), inThe Bunbury Papers, Bunbury 1956.*RIDGWAY 1974 – Maurice Ridgway, The Pewter Collecting Boxes at Bunbury Church (Cheshire), inJPS, October 1974, pp. 13-16.*RIFF 1927 – Adolphe Riff, Some Pewter of England, Porringers with Busts of Sovereigns, in Antiques, October 1927, pp. 294-297; reprint in THOMAS 1976, pp.35.RILEY 1868 – Henry Tomas Riley (a cura di), Memorials of London and London Life in the XIII, XIVand XVth Centuries, being a series of extracts, local, social, and political, from the early archives of the City of London A.D. 1276 - 1419. Selected, translated and edited by Henry Tomas Riley etc., Longmans & Co ed.,London 1868.*ROBINSON 1979 – Ian D. Robinson, William Eddon – Master Pewterer Extraordinary, in JPS, 2, n.2, Autumn 1979.*ROBINSON 1990 – Ian D. Robinson, WilliamIII trifid spoon from a Florida shipwreck, in JPS, 7, n.3, Spring 1990.*ROBINSON 1992 – Ian D. Robinson, A review of English pewter flat-lidded tankards, makers, thumbpieces, handles and decoration, in JPS, 8, 3, Spring 1992, pp. 85-105.ROGERS 1866 – 1902 – J. E. T. Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England from the year after the Oxford Parliament 1259 to the commencement of the Continental War 1753, voll. 7, Finchale Priory Accounts ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford 1866 – 1902. Reprint Vaduz 1963.ROTH 1914 - Clara Roth, Relief Modelling in Pewter, Brass, Copper, etc. A practical manual for amateurs…Profusely illustrated, Upcott Gill ed., London 1914.RULE 1982 – Margareth Rule, The Mary Rose, Portsmourth 1982, pp. 186 – 196.SAUNDERS 1986 – P. Saunders, Channels to the Past: the Salisbury Drainage Collection, Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum 1986.*SCOTT 1980 – J. L. Scott, Pewter Wares from Sheffield, Antiquary Press ed., Baltimore 1980, pp. 264, ill. 344.SELLARS 1911 – M. Sellars (a cura di), York Memorandum Book, in atti Surtees Society, a.1911. SHARPE 1884–1912 – R. R. Sharpe (a cura di), Calendar of Letter Book preserved among the Archives of the City of London, 1884 – 1912, voll. 12, London 1894 – 1912.

SHELLEY 1936 – Roland.J.A. Shelley, Brief Notes on Wigan Pewterers, a paper read before the Society of Pewter Collectors (reprinted for the Wigan Observer), 25th January 1936; Wigan 1936. SHELLEY 1945 – Roland.J.A. Shelley, Wigan and Liverpool Pewterers, a paper read before the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, at Liverpool, April 1945; in Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire,1945. (Published privately).*SHELLEY 1946 – Roland.J.A. Shelley, Pewter Pieces in an English Collection, in Antique, August 1947; reprint in THOMAS 1976, pp. 33.SHELLEY 1947 – Roland.J.A. Shelley, A Pewter Hammerhead Baluster Measure of circa 1530, in Apollo, Apollo Magazine Ltd, London, June 1947. *SHEMMEL 1975 – Stanley Shemmel, The Golden Hinde, in JPS, December 1975, pp. 6-8.*SHEMMEL 1981 – S. Shemmel, Dishes with enamelled bosses of the Royal Arms, in JPS, 3, n. 4, Autumn 1981.*SHEMMEL 1989 – S. Shemmel, Pewter salvaged from the “Trinidad Valencera”, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp.31-32.*SHEMMEL 1994 – S. Shemmel, William Hux – His Toy Watches, in JPS, 9, n. 3, Spring 1994.SIMMS 1938 – R.S. Simms, Pewter vessel from Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle, in Antiquaries Journal, XVIII, n. 2, 1938.SIMPSON 1897 – W. S. Simpson (a cura di), Visitations of certain Churches in the patronage of St. Paul’s Cathedral Church between the years 1138 and 1250, in Archaeologia, n. IV, pt. 2, a. 1897.*SMITH 1930 - Frederich Richard Smith, Pewter Work, London 1930.SMYTHE 1937-38 – J.A. Smythe, Notes on ancient and Roman tin and its alloys with lead, in Transactions of Newcomen Society, 18, pp.255-266, 1937-1938.SMYTHE 1940 – J.A. Smythe, Roman pigs of lead from Brough, in Trans. Newcomen Soc. 20, pp.139-145.SNEYD 1847 – C. A. Sneyd (a cura di), Italian Relation of England: a relation or rather a true account of the Island of England, in atti Camden Society, n. XXXVII, a. 1847.*SOTHEBY’S 1975 – Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of British and European Pewter, Sotheby’s London 11/12/1975*SOTHEBY’S 1976 – Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of British and European Pewter, Sotheby’s London 16/03/1976*SOTHEBY’S 1978a – Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of British and Continental Pewter, Sotheby’sLondon 9/02/1978*SOTHEBY’S 1978b – Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of British and Continental Pewter, Sotheby’sLondon 11/05/1978*SOTHEBY’S 1978c – Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of British and Continental Pewter, Sotheby’sLondon 23/11/1978*SOTHEBY’S 1979a – Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of British and Continental Pewter and Metalwork, Sotheby’s London 15/03/1979*SOTHEBY’S 1979b – Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of British and Continental Pewter, Sotheby’sLondon 11/06/1979*SOTHEBY’S 1979c – Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of British and Continental Pewter and Metalwork, Sotheby’s London 15/11/1979*SOTHEBY’S 1980a – Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of Fine British and Continental Pewter, Sotheby’s London 28/03/1980.*SOTHEBY’S 1980b – Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of British and Continental Pewter and Metalwork, Sotheby’s London 25/07/1980.

*SOTHEBY’S 1981 – Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of British and Continental Pewter and Metalwork, Sotheby’s London 19/02/1981.SOTHEBY’S 1983– Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of Good European Pewter and Works of Art, October1983, London, 40 pp, 224 lots.SOTHEBY’S 1984– Sotheby’s London, Catalogue of Good European Pewter and Works of Art, May 1984, London, 50 pp, 391 lots.*SOTHEBY’S 1985 – Sotheby’s London, European Pewter, European Metalwork and Works of Art, Sotheby’s London 25/04/1985.SOTHEBY’S 1991 – Sotheby’s London, English Silver Treasures from the Kremlin, exhibition catalogue, Sotheby’s London, January 1991.SPEIGHT 1938 – H.W. Speight, Verification Marks on Old Pewter Mesures, in Antique Collector, Dicembre 1938.SPENCER 1928 - Brian Spencer, Pilgrim Souvenirs and secular badges , Salisbury Museum, Salisbury 1928. SPENCER 1977 – Brian Spencer, King Henry of Windsor and the London Pilgrim, in J. Bird, H. Chapman, J. Clark (editori), Collectanea Londiniensia, London and Middlesex Archaeological SocietySpecial Paper, n. 2, a. 1978, pp. 248-249 e 257-259.SPENCER 1980 - Brian Spencer, Medieval Pilgrim Badges from Norfolk, Norfolk Museum Service 1980.SPENCER 1984 – Brian Spencer, A Thirtheenth Century Pilgrim’s Ampulla from Worcester, in Worcester Archaeological Society Trans., Worcester 1984.SPENCER 1990 - Brian Spencer, Pilgrim Souvenirs and secular badges, Riedizione Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum, Salisbury 1990.SPENCER 1992 - Brian Spencer, Pilgrim Souvenirs from the Medieval Waterfront at Trig Lane, in London & Middlesex Archaeological Society, 33, 1982.*SPENSER-DAVIES 1973 – Peter Spenser-Davies, Seventeenth Century Pewter from the sunken city of Port Royal, Jamaica, in JPS, April 1973, pp.13-20.**STERNER 1946 - Gabriele Sterner, Pewter through five hundred years, Christie's South Kensington collectors guide series, Studio Vista ed., London 1946. (2 ed., London 1979, 160 pp.). (*in versione olandese e inglese)STEVENSON 1870 – Joseph Stevenson (a cura di), Documents Illustrative of the History of Scotland,1286 – 1306, Edimburg 1870.STILL 1931 – Sir Georg Frederick Still, The History of Paediatrics, the progress of the study of diseases of children up to the end of the XVIIIth Century, Oxford University Press, London 1931.*STRATTON 1975 – Deborah Stratton, Mugs and Tankards, a Collectors Guide, Souvenir Press,London and J.M. Dent & Sons,Ontario (Canada) 1975, 376 pp., 175 ill. SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1933 – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, The Society of Pewter Collectors, in Connoisseur, Dicembre 1933.SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1935 – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Pewter Rosewater Dishes, in Connoisseur, June 1935.SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1936-1940 – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, PewterChurch Plate, in Connoisseur (Parte I), Ottobre 1936; in Apollo (parte II), 1940.SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1941a – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Early Pewter Tavern Pots, in Connoisseur, March 1941.*SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1941b – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Some Pewter Plates, in Connoisseur, December 1941, pp.192-196, 10 foto.SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1942 – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Pewter Restoration Chargers, in Connoisseur, Giugno 1942.

*SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1946a – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Some British Pewter, in Antique, June 1946; reprint in THOMAS 1976, pp. 25-26.SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1946b – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Pewter Church Flagons, in Connoisseur, Giugno 1946. *SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1947a – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, More British Pewter, in Antique, May 1947; reprint in THOMAS 1976, pp. 27-28.SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1947b – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Pewter Spoons, in Connoisseur, Dicembre 1947. SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1948– Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Some uncommon Pewter Inkstands, in Country Life, 8th Ottobre 1948. *SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1950 - Alan Vincent Sutherland Graeme, Pewter Church Plate - III, in Connoisseur, Ottobre 1950, pp.121-124.*SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1951 – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Old english Pewter from 1500 to1800,a preliminary guide for the collector with over forthy illustrations, in Connoisseur, Booklets, The National Magazine Co. Ltd, London 1951. SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1952 - Alan Vincent Sutherland Graeme, Old British Pewter, from 1500 to 1800…A preliminary guide for the collector. With…illustrations, National Magazine Co. Ed., London 1952.SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1954 – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Pewter Tavern Pots, in Country Life, 28th October 1954.SUTHERLAND-GRAEME 1956 – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Candlesticks?, in Connoisseur, April 1956.*SUTHERLAND-GRAEME, BROADHOUSE 2000 – Alan V. Sutherland-Graeme, Peggy Broadhouse, The early years of the Pewter Society, Additional pubblication n. 6, Pewter Society, David Hall ed., London 2000. TAWNEY 1935 – A. J. Tawney, R. H. Tawney, An Occupational Census of the 17th Century, in Economic History Review, 1934 – 1935.THOMAS 1929 – A. H. Thomas (a cura di), Calendar of Plea and Memoranda Rolls… at the GuildHall AD 1364 – 1381, London 1929.THOMAS 1971 – A.S. Thomas, The Barnstaple Pewterers, in Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 103, pp. 85-102, 1971.*THOMAS 1976 – John C. Thomas, American and British Pewter, 1976.THOMAS, MACKAY 1954 – W.G. Thomas, Mackay, English Candlesticks before 1600, Metropolitan Stationery Co, London, Nov. 1954.TILBROOK 2000 – A. J. Tilbrook, The Designs of Archibald Knox for Liberty & Co, Richard Dennis2000 (1976), Second edition. Over 300 illustrations, 14 colour plates. Comprehensive work with chronology, Liberty, Knox Guild, memorial sculpture, Pewter, silver,list of Liberty designers etc etc. PB 210x150, 284pages*ULLYET 1967 – Kenneth. A. Ullyet, Pewter Collecting for Amateurs, Frederick Muller ed., London 1967. pp.147. *ULLYET 1973 – Kenneth. A. Ullyet, Pewter A Guide for Collectors, Frederick Muller ed., London 1973, pp 158. USHER 1962 – Usher Art Gallery, Exhibition of pewter, arranged in association with the Society of Pewter Collectors, 29th September to 27th October, 1962, Usher Art Gallery ? 1962. 32 pp. *VERSTER 1958 – A. Verster, Old european Pewter, 3rd ed. Thames and Hudson, London 1958 (ma stampato in Olanda). 107 pp., 188 ill. Traduz. inglese di *VERSTER 1957.*VETTER 1964 – Robert M. Vetter, Pewter Collector’s Progress, in Antiques, August 1964; reprint in THOMAS 1976, pp. 13-17.

VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM 1951 - Victoria and Albert Museum, Fifty Masterpieces of Metalwork, HMSO; London 1951.*VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM 1960 - Victorian and Albert Museum, British Pewter, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London 1960.VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM 2003 - Victoria and Albert Museum, Gothic Art for England 1400 – 1547, Exhibition 2003-2004, London 2003.WEINSTEIN 1981 – Rosemary Weinstein, A London Tankard and the Dutch Wars, in Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Vol. 32, a. 1981, pp. 151 – 152.WALDRON 1982 – P. Waldron, Antique Silver, Woodbridge 1982.*WEBB 2003 – Clifford Reginald Webb, London Livery Company Apprenticeship Registers Volume 40: Pewteres’ Company 1611-1800: v. 40, Society of Genealogists Enterprises Ltd ed., London 2003, 148 pp. *WEINSTEIN 2004 – Rosemary Weinstein, 2. Pewter from the Mary Rose, in The Pewter Society, Newsletter 37, Summer 2004, pp. 7-8.*WELCH 1902 – Charles Welch, History of the Worshipful Company of Pewterers of the City of London based upon their own Records, voll. 2, pp. 301+294, Blades, East & Blades ed., London 1902. *WELCH 19?? – Charles Welch (ma Worshipful Company of Pewterers of London), Additional Appendix to the History of the Pewterers Company by Charles Welch, F.S.A., Londra s.d.WHITELOCK ET ALII 1981 – Dorothy Whitelock et alii (a cura di), Councils and Synods, with other documents relating to the English Church AD 871 – 1204, Clarendon ed., Oxford 1981.*WOOD 1907 – L. Ingleby Wood, Scottish Pewterware and Pewterers, Georges A. Morton ed., Edinburgh 1907. *WOOLMER 1975 - Stanley Charles Woolmer, The Crowned hR Mark, in JPS, December 1975,pp. 27-28.*WOOLMER, ARKWRIGHT 1973 - Stanley Charles Woolmer, Charles H. Arkwright, Pewter of the Channel Islands, John Bartholomew ed., Edinburgh 1973. 159 pp, ill. B/N*WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF PEWTERERS 1968 – The Worshipful Company of Pewterers (ma Michaelis, R. F.) , A short history of The Worshipful Company of Pewterers of London and a Catalogue of Pewterware in its possession, compiled for and published privately by the Worshipful Company, London 1968, pp 103. Ed. 1978, 132 pp. *WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF PEWTERERS 1974 – The Worshipful Company of Pewterers (London), Pewterware with Royal Association, an Exhibition at Pewterers Hall from 1st to 13 July 1974, 16 pp, 10 pictures, booklet.WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF PEWTERERS 1978 – The Worshipful Company of Pewterers (London), Books in the Library of the Worshipful Company of Pewterers and the Pewter Society, 1978. Card covers. 40 pages approximately. Books, magazine articles & catalogues in the library of the Worshipful Company of Pewterers and the Pewter Society.*WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF PEWTERERS 1979 – The Worshipful Company of Pewterers (London) ma by C.J. Johnson, R. Mundey, Supplementary Catalogue of Pewterware 1979, London 1979, pp.132.*WUSTENHOFF 1989 – Han Wustenhoff, A collection of Dutch excavated pewter, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 8-12.*WYLIE 1952 – W. Gill Wylie, Pewter - Measure for Measure, ? 1952.YATES 1866 – Thomas Yates, Pewter & Britannia Metal Trade: Birmingham & the Midland Hardware District, ed. S. Timmins, s.l. 1866YEATES 1927-1929 – A. Yeates, Old English Pewter – a collector’s notes, in Old Furniture, London 1927-1929.

ZEA ? – Phil Zea, Pewter Installation, ??.

PEWTER SOCIETY LIBRARY B. British books – Church pewter

Author Title Publisher NotesBURNS Thomas, Rev

Church Property – The Benefice Lectures, 1905

Ballantyne Press, 1905

CARNEGIE Moir Church Pewter in the Hundred of Blackheath


COLE RT The Church Plate of the City of Bristol, Part I

Bristol & Glouc. Archaeological Society,1932


Sussex Church Plate Sussex Archaeological Collections, Vols LII, LIV & LV- pew. Rel. abstracts

Aug. 2002 by John Richardson

CRIPPS WJ Old English Plate Murray, London, 1914 10th Edition

EMMERSON Robin Church Plate Church House Publishing, 1991

EVANS JT The Church Plate of Breconshire

Alden Press, Stow on the Wold, 1912

The Church Plate of Oxfordshire

Alden Press, Oxford, 1928


Yorkshire Church Plate Vol. 1 & 2

Yorkshire Arch. Soc., 1912 & 1915

FERGUSON RS Old Church Plate in the Diocese of Carlisle

Bell & Sons 1882

FRESHFIELD E Essex Church Plate I Rixon & Arnold, London,1899

Middlesex Church Plate Rixon & Arnold, London,1897

County of London Church Plate

Rixon & Arnold, London,1895

HALLIDAY GE Llandaff Church Plate Bemrose & Son, 1901HEATON PR An Introduction to

Communion Tokens with Notes on the Ecclesiastical History ofthe Parish of Urr in Galloway, Scotland

The Forward Press, Castle Douglas, 1990

PEWTER SOCIETY LIBRARY B. British books – Church pewter

Author Title Publisher NotesJEAVONS SA The Church Plate of

Derbyshire 1491 – 1850Derbyshire Archaeological Journal.Vol. LXXXI, 1961

Church Plate of Nottinghamshire

Thornton Society, 1965

Church Plate of Warwickshire – Diocese ofCoventry

Birmingham Archaeological Society,1963

JONES EA The Old Church Plate of the Isle of Man

Bemrose & Sons, London,1907

The Church Plate of the Diocese of Bangor

Bemrose & Sons Ltd., Derby, 1906

NIGHTINGALE JE The Church Plate of Wiltshire

Bennett Bros., Salisbury, 1891

The Church Plate of Dorset

Bennett Bros., Salisbury, 1889


Church Plate of the Archdeaconry of Worcester

Mark & Moody, 1967


The Church Plate of Essex Benham & Co., Colchester, 1925

ROCWAY, M.H. ‘The Early Plate of Chester Cathedral’

Journal of Chester Archeological Society, Vol. 63, 1980, p.95

STARLING P Rough notes on Diocese ofNorwich Church Pewter

In file with reprints


The Church Plate of Berkshire

Private Publication, 1927

PEWTER SOCIETY LIBRARY C. British books – miscellaneous

Author Title Publisher Notes

Anon Glossary of Middle English Wards

Anon A Table of the Assays of Metal & the Weights & Dimensions of the SeveralSorts of Pewter Wares, London

Printed in 1772

Anon Care & Repair Guild of Master Craftsmen, 1989

Anon World Weights & Measures U.N., New YorkAKERMAN JY Tradesmen’s Tokens in

London 1648 – 1672Burt Franklin, New York, 1849

1969 Reprint

ASH D English Silver Drinking Vessels, 600 – 1830

Bell & Sons, London, 1964

BARTON DB A History of Tin Mining &Smelting in Cornwall

Barton Ltd., Truro, 1967

BERRY George Taverns & Tokens of Pepys’ London

Seaby Publications, 1978

BRITTON SC The Corrosion Resitance of Tin & Tin Alloys

The Research Institute,1952

CONNOR RD The Weights & Measures ofEngland

H.M.S.O., 1987

EARL B Cornish Mining Barton Ltd, Truro, 1968FLANAGAN L Ireland’s Armada Legacy Alan Sutton, Gill & Mac

Millan, 1988FORSYTH HAZEL w Geoff Egan

Toys, Trifles & Trinkets – Base-metal miniatures from London 1200 to 1800

Museum of London, 2005

GADD JA Of Repros, Fakes & Forgeries

Private Publication, 1994

Pewter Shapes, Forms & Casting Methods

Private Publication, 1997

GILL MAV A Directory of Newcastle Goldsmiths

Private Publication, 1980

PEWTER SOCIETY LIBRARY C. British books – miscellaneous

Author Title Publisher NotesGRAHAM JT Weights & Measures Shire Publications, No.

44, 1979 & 1987HATCHER J English Tin Production &

Trade Before 1550Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1973

HAYDEN A Chats on Old Sheffield Plate

Fisher Unwin, 1920

HEAL A London Tradesmen’s Cards of the c18th

Batsford, 1925

HEDGES ES Tin in Social & Economic History

Arnold, London, 1964

HEY D The Rural Metalworkers ofthe Sheffield Region

Leicester Univ. Press, 1972


Library – Classified List, 1979

ISON A A Secretary Hand ABC Book Berkshire Books, 1990JACKSON AM Glasgow Dean of Guild

Court – a HistoryCourt Trustees, 1983

KIDD AT History of Tin Plate Workers & Sheet Metal Workers & Braziers Societies

Published by the Union,1949

LEWIS GR The Stanneries Barton Ltd, Truro, 1965 ReprintLILLYWHITE B London Signs George Allen & Unwin,

1972MITCHINER M Medieval Pilgrim &

Secular BadgesHawkins Publications, London, 1986

MOORE S Spoons, 1650 – 1930 Shire Album 211, 1987MUNDEY R Pewter Hallmarks, I & II Private Publication, 1991NOALL C Levant: The Mine Beneath

the SeaBarton Ltd, Truro, 1970


Tin in Antiquity Institute of Metals, 1986

SISSONS W Old Sheffield Plate Private Publication, 1907 5th EditionWETTON JL The Isle of Wight c17th

Traders’ TokensKings of Lymington, 1963

PEWTER SOCIETY LIBRARY C. British books – miscellaneous

Author Title Publisher NotesW.C. of FOUNDERS & CITY of LONDON

Weight Stamping, 1991


Musei con peltriThe National Museum of Scotland, Chambers St., Edinburgh, EH1 1JF further details and information, telephone 0131 247 4442 or e-mail [email protected]

On display: several pieces of Scottish pewter in a variety of settings arranged mostly by use. Museum staff will assist in dierctions.

*COTTERELL 1929e – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Old Pewter, Its Makers and Marks in England, Scotland and Ireland. An account of old pewterer and his crafts, B. T. Batsford ed., London 1929; ristampa Tuttle ed., London 1963; 9a e 10a ristampa Rutland ed., Vermont (USA), 1975 e 1978.COTTERELL 1931b – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Scottish Pewter Measures, in Connoisseur, Maggio 1931.EMERY 1976 – Y.I. Emery, European Spoons before 1700, J.Donald Ltd., Edinburgh 1976.JACKSON 1970 - Radway Jackson, English pewter touchmarks including the marks of origin of some of the Scottish and Irish pewterers, by Radway Jackson, edited by Ronald F. Michaelis, Slough Foulsham ed.,London 1970.*JACKSON 1993 - Radway Jackson, English pewter touchmarks including the marks of origin of some of the Scottish and Irish pewterers, by Radway Jackson, edited and introduced by Ronald F. Michaelis, Slough Foulsham ed., London 1993. 123 pp.LUMSDEN, AITKEN 1912 - LUMSDEN H ; AITKEN Rev P H, History of the Hammermen of Glasgow a Study Typical of Scottish Craft Life and Organisation , Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1912, Hard Cover. First Edition. 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall. illustrated, appendix pages 446, teg., in original blue clothMICHAELIS 1965 – Ronald Frederick Michaelis, Old Scottish Liquid Measure Sizes, Part I, II, III in Libra, Bulletin of the Weights & Measures History Circle, England, Vol 4, n° 2,3,4, June, September,December 1965.MUIR 1923 – A. Muir, The Hammermen of Glasgow The incorporation of Hammermen, Glasgow1923.MUNRO 2003 – Sir Alasdair Munro, Scottish antique, Ed. Schiffer Pub. Ltd, ? 1973. Capitolo sui peltri.*NEISH 1992b – Alex Neish, The Glasgow hammermen, in JPS, 8,3, Spring 1992, pp.111-114.STEVENSON 1870 – Joseph Stevenson (a cura di), Documents Illustrative of the History of Scotland,1286 – 1306, Edimburg 1870.*WOOD 1907 – L. Ingleby Wood, Scottish Pewterware and Pewterers, Georges A. Morton ed., Edinburgh 1907.

The Connoisseur Magazine" (Feb. 1939) 120 pgs. (One page of advertising missing.) Article on Scottish pewter exhibition intact.


Musei con peltriThe National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, Benburb Street, Dublin 7 Archaeology & History Dept., Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Ireland details or further information telephone +353 1 6777444 or email [email protected]

A number of items of Irish pewterware are usually on display at both of these venues. Check for details before visiting

*COTTERELL 1929e – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Old Pewter, Its Makers and Marks in England, Scotland and Ireland. An account of old pewterer and his crafts, B. T. Batsford ed., London 1929; ristampa Tuttle ed., London 1963; 9a e 10a ristampa Rutland ed., Vermont (USA), 1975 e 1978.CROOK 1697 - Andrew Crook, An Act for avoiding of vexatious delays caused by removing actions and sutes out of Inferior Courts. An Act for redress of certain abuses in making Pewter and Brass, in Laws, IV, Separate Laws and Collections of Laws passed during one reign. King William III, King of Great Britain and Ireland, in fol., Dublin 1697, in Parliament, House of Commons, London.*HALL 1989 – David Hall, Welsh pewterers and braziers – an update, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 7-8.*HALL 1992 – David Hall, Collecting Irish pewter, in JPS, 8,4, Autumn 1992, pp. 140-144.*HALL 1995 - David W. Hall, Irish Pewter, a history, The Pewter Society, Norwick 1995. 75 pp. HALL 2005 – David W. Hall in association with the National Museum of Ireland, Types of Irish Pewter, 2005JONES 1640 - E. Jones, By the King and Queen's most excellent Majesties, a Proclamation (for reducing the value of King James's Pewter and Copper money. 10 July 1690), in Proclamations, II, Chronological series, William and Mary (1689-1694), Dublin 1690, in Parliament, House of Commons, London. Ristampato da E. Jones nel Savoy, London 1690.JACKSON 1970 - Radway Jackson, English pewter touchmarks including the marks of origin of some of the Scottish and Irish pewterers, by Radway Jackson, edited by Ronald F. Michaelis, Slough Foulsham ed.,London 1970.*JACKSON 1993 - Radway Jackson, English pewter touchmarks including the marks of origin of some of the Scottish and Irish pewterers, by Radway Jackson, edited and introduced by Ronald F. Michaelis, Slough Foulsham ed., London 1993. 123 pp.NELSON 1905 - Philip Nelson Antiquarian, The Coinage of Ireland in Copper, Tin, and Pewter, 1460-1826, W. M. Murphy ed., Liverpool 1905.

ItaliaAssopeltro, Via Boccaccio 20, 25080 Molinetto di Mazzano (Brescia), tel/fax 030-2620810, Presidente: Alfredo Marinoni, tel. 030320092

Marinoni di Marinoni A. & C. s.n.c.Via Badia, 23 - 25060 Cellatica (Brescia) - ItaliaTel. 030320092 - Fax [email protected] Mazzotti, ditta Artigiana del Peltro s.n.c.

Musei con peltri:PiemonteTorino, Palazzo Accorsi, Via Po 55 Torino, tel 011 8129116. Donazione Pietro Accorsi. Galleria d’ingresso: Fontana in terracotta di Francesco Ladatte, con coppia di sculture in peltro laccato (Arlecchino e Arlecchina), XIX secoloTorino, Palazzo Madama, brocca e piatto attribuiti a Briot, lavamani barocco in legno e peltro (di Benoit Taudin) e altri pezzi.Cisterna d’Asti (Asti), nel castello uno scaldavivande di Gian Battista Sartoris.SUSA, tesoro della Cattedrale, “cresmini” con punzoni di G.B. Metra.Gavi (Alessandria), Collezione C. Bersaglio; ClisteriPiuro (Val Bregaglia), Museo di Piuro. Contattare Comunità Montana Valchiavenna Viadella Marmirola 3 Chiavenna, tel. 0343 33795; oppure tel 0343 33442; APT 343 36384;…attrezzi da cucina in ferro e peltro…Omegna (To), Museo Arte e industria del Cusio. Mostra Bella forma, La via dei peltrai, sullemigrazione da Cusio e valli vicine verso la Germania.

Val D’AostaLa Salle (Aosta), Museo parrocchiale, calici e ampolline in peltro.Fenis (Aosta). Castello di Fenis, Museo dell’arredamento Valdostano; cucina con utensili in peltro e rame…

LombardiaVigevano, Duomo. Museo del Tesoro: 1 sala, ampolle di peltro.Rovetta (Bergamo), Museo Fantoni, Via Fantoni 1, Rovetta (BG), tel 0346 72220 ? ProLoco; piatti.Busto Arsizio (Varese), Museo del Tessile e della Tradizione industriale di Busto Arsizio, Via Volta 6/8 Busto Arsizio (VA), tel 0331 390220/627983; …blocco di legnoe peltro un tempo usato per la stampa a mano dei tessuti…Brescia, Civici Musei; importante raccolta, Enderlein, Locher;Castiglione delle Stiviere (Brescia), Museo storico aloisiano, via Perati 8, tel 0376638062 o 0376639590; 4 sale con piatti ed altro.Lonato (Brescia), Museo Casa del Podestà, Fondazione “Ugo da Como”, V. Rocca 2; collezione piatti di peltro XVIII-XIX sec.La più importante per i peltri italiani. Caffettiere e teiere inglesi, piatti svizzeri e tedeschi, suppellettile liturgica, importante secchiello buccellato.Pavia, Museo per la Storia dell’Università, Gabinetto di Fisica di Volta, disco di peltro diam. cm 21 non firmato.Zogno (Bergamo).Val Brembana, Museo della Valle di Zogno, tel. 034591473; piatti vari senza marchi, non pubblicati.Milano, Castello Sforzesco, Civici Musei, Secchiello per acqua buccellato.

Monza, sede in Villa reale, Viale Brianza 2, 20052 Monza, Mi; Museo Etnologico Monza e Brianza, nel Mulino Colombo, vicolo Scuole 11 (piazzetta Ufficio d’Igiene);Tel.0392304400; Monza, Museo del Duomo “F. Serpero”, Via Canonica 8; collezione di ampolle in peltro.S. Michele all’Adige, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina; 2 scaldaletto. Rozzano (Milano), Museo delle pentole nella storia, presso soc. AMC Italia SpA, V. Curiel 242, 20089 Rozzano (MI), tel. 02 575481

Friuli-Venezia GiuliaTrieste, Civico Museo, due Patene della Resurrezione; ricca collezione.Tolmezzo (Udine), Fondazione Museo Carnico delle Arti Popolari “Michele Gortani”, 33028 Tolmezzo (Ud), Palazzo Chiampeis, Piazza Garibaldi 2, tel 0433 43233; Collezione piatti, saliera, fiorentine in ottone, bicchieri, circa 100 pezzi. Non studiati.

TrentinoBressanone ?Caldaro (Bolzano), Museo Provinciale del vino, Via dell’Oro 1, 39052 Caldaro (BZ), tel 0471 963168, [email protected] ; …brocche in vetro e peltro,..

LazioRoma, Museo di storia della medicina, Università La sapienza, Viale dell’Università34°; Farmacia portatile con flaconcini in vetro, peltro e legno. “schizzetti”.Roma, Palazzo Altemps, Museo Naz.le Romano, Sala della Piattaia: affresco del 400 con peltri.Roma, Musei Vaticani, Biblioteca Apostolica, Museo sacro; inv. 978, insegna da pellegrino 13 secolo.

Otranto (Lecce), Chiesa bizantina di Quattro Macine; ritrovato cucchiaio (Arch Med XXIV, a.1997, p. 526). Pistoia, Ospedale del Ceppo; pompa per clistere.Cagliari, Museo Archeologico Nazionale; badge medievale (s. Pietro e Paolo) da pellegrino, inv. 178.299.Assisi, Museo della Porziuncola, Santa Maria degli Angeli, 06088 Assisi, tel. 075 8051430; …oggetti d’uso in legno, ceramica e peltro…San Pietro a Maiella, Conservatorio di musica; Museo: medaglia Donizetti.Fermo, Palazzo dei Priori, Sala del Mappamondo, 22/6-17/9/2000, Mostra: Arte sanitaria e antichi strumenti medici nei tesori bibliografici della Biblioteca Comunale di Fermo; esposti “schizzetti” in peltro del Museo di storia della medicina di Roma.

- Recent salescatalogue of 'Brescia peltro', 25062 Concesio (Brescia) Italia,Via G. Sangervasio 44- Recent salescatalogue of Val Peltro, Via B. Cellini 12, 25060 Ponte Zanano,

*A.A. V.V. 1979 – Regione Lombardia, Assessorato al Lavoro, Occupazione e Artigianato, Lavoro artigiano in Lombardia, Cap. I metalli, (Peltro a p.39), Ist. Geogr. De Agostini,ed. Novara 1979, pp.191, in 4°.

(Brescia) Italia.A.A.V.V. 1967 – A.A.V.V., Die Zinngieβer Familie Zamponi, Graz 1967.A.A. V.V. 1972 – A.A.V.V., Les Étains, Verona 1972.A.A. V.V. 1974 – A.A. V.V., Tesori d’arte nella terra dei Gonzaga, catalogo della mostra, Mantova 1974.A.A. V.V. 1977 – A.A. V.V., Enciclopedia storica dell’Antiquariato, Praga 1977.A.A. V.V. 1978 – A.A. V.V., Argenti e peltri dalle collezioni dei Civici Musei di Storia ed Arte di Trieste,catalogo della mostra (Villa Manin di Passariano, gennaio-giugno 1979; Castello di S. Giusto, estate 1979) Trieste 1978.*ALBRICI, PADERNI 1968 – Albrici, Paterni, Riproduzione artigianale peltri antichi, catalogo produzione, Brescia 1968.AMANDOLA, TERRENI 1970 – G. Amandola, V. Terreni, Analisi chimica, strumentale e tecnica, Milano 1970.*BONCI 1988 – Attilio Bonci, Peltri torinesi del XVIII secolo, in Bollettino della Società Piemontese di Archeologia e Belle Arti (S.P.A.B.A.), Nuova Serie, XLII, Torino 1988, pp. 265-280 e tavv. 1-12.*BONCI 1993 – Attilio Bonci, La bottega di un peltraio del settecento a Torino, in Bollettino della Società Piemontese di Archeologia e Belle Arti (S.P.A.B.A.), Nuova Serie, XLV, Torino1993, pp. 211-221.*BONCI 1995 – Attilio Bonci, Sulla qualità dei peltri piemontesi dei secoli XVIII e XIX, in Bollettino della Società Piemontese di Archeologia e Belle Arti (S.P.A.B.A.), Nuova Serie, XLVII, Torino 1995, pp. 133-149. *BONCI 2005 – Attilio Bonci, Il peltro in Piemonte, Maestri peltrai piemontesi in Italia e in Europa, in Biblioteca di "Studi Piemontesi", Centro Studi Piemontesi, Torino 2005 *BOSCHIAN 1984 – Nadia Boschian, Il peltro, Coll. Elite, Arti e stili, ed. Fabbri, Milano 1984, ried. 1966, 1995.*BOSIO 1971 – L. Bosio, I peltri del Museo storico aloisiano, in Civiltà mantovana, a. V, n. 27, pp. 185-201.*CERUTTI 1992 – Carla Cerutti, Argenti, Peltro, Rame, altri metalli e leghe. Novecento, in Grande Enciclopedia dell’Antiquariato, Vol. IX, ed. Istituto Geografico De Agostini, Novara 1992, pp. 198-240.*CERUTTI, ROSSI 2004 – Lino Cerutti, Luigi Rosi, I peltrai della Val Strona, in Piemonte Parchi, n.133, a. XIX, Febbraio 2004, pp. 19-21.DAL SENNO 1856 – A. Dal Senno, Statistica di tutte le Corporazioni d’Arti e Mestieri presenti a Venezia nel 1773, in A. Sagredo, Sulle consorterie delle arti edificative in Venezia, Venezia 1856. *DANESI, VIANELLO 1971 – S. Danesi, G. Vianello, Magia del Peltro, Ed. (fuori commercio) A. Mondadori, Verona 1971.FALSINA 1969 – L. Falsina, Santi e chiese della Diocesi di Brescia, Brescia 1969.*FRESCHI CONTI, MANINI CALDERINI 1982 - G. Freschi Conti, O. Manini Calderini, Museo etnografico e del folklore valsesiano in Borgosesia, pp. 56-57, Borgosesia 1982.*GALASSO 2001 – M. Galasso, Il relitto di Cala Barca (Isola Piana, Alghero), in Archeologia Postmedievale, Società Ambiente Produzione, n. 4, a. 2000, pp.229-264, Firenze 2001.*GALASSO 2002 – M. Galasso, Il relitto del flauto Le Tigre e l’impresa di Djidjelli (Algeria), in Attidel convegno La Mediterrània: una mar de pirates y corsaris, Santa Pola (Alicante), 23-27/10/2000, pp. 221-241, San Vicente (Alicante) 2002.*GALASSO in c.s. – M. Galasso, Il relitto postmedievale di Cala Barca (Isola Piana, Alghero), in atti della XIV Rassegna Internazionale di Archeologia subacquea, Giardini Naxos (Messina), 27-29/10/2000.

GRISELINI 1768 – F. Griselini, Dizionario delle Arti e de’ Mestieri, pèr Modesto Fenzo, Venezia 1768.KRINS 1954 – F. Krins, Die Zinngieβer-Familie Maranca in Minden, in Mindener Heimatblätter, 26,Minden 1954.*LANDI 1992 – Sergio Landi, Peltro. Dal Cinquecento all’Ottocento, in Grande Enciclopedia dell’Antiquariato, Vol. IX, ed. Istituto Geografico De Agostini, Novara 1992, pp. 162-183.*LEHNHERR 1972 – Yvonne Lehnherr, Musée de Fribourg, Étains fribourgeois/Freiburger Zinn, Exposition au château de Gruyère en1972, Musée de Fribourg, Fribourg, Suisse, 1972 Français et Allemand, con peltrai italiani.*LION PILTER s.d. – Lion Pilter s.p.a, 1869 Pewter, catalogo produzione, Ghedi s.d.LOVATTO 1989 – Alberto Lovatto (a cura di), L’emigrazione dei valsesiani nell’ottocento, Borgosesia 1989.MARANGONI 1974 – G. Marangoni, Le associazioni di mestiere nella Repubblica Veneta, Venezia 1974.??? - ? Marchi antichi, ??MASSA 1987 – Renata Massa, L’altro tesoro del Duomo, in A.A.V.V., Le Cattedrali di Brescia, ed.Grafo, Brescia 1987, pp. 145-163.MASSA 1988 – Renata Massa, Orafi ed argentieri bresciani nei secoli XVIII e XIX, Brescia 1988.*MASSA 1997a – Renata Massa (a cura di), Il peltro antico. Peltri sei-ottocenteschi tra l’Europa ela Repubblica Veneta, catalogo della mostra, Brescia, chiesa di S. Giulia, 13/7-14/9/1997, Rebecco d’Oglio (Cr) 1997. *MASSA 1997b – Renata Massa (a cura di), Il peltro antico. Testimonianze bergamasche, catalogo della mostra, Villa Caroli-Zanchi, Stezzano (Bergamo), 31/10-14/12/1997, Robecco d’Oglio (Cr) 1997.*MOLLO, GRAMAGLIA 1982 – E. Mollo, B. Gramaglia, Stoviglie e oggetti d’uso negli inventari piemontesi del basso medioevo, in A.A.V.V., Torino nel basso medioevo: castello, uomini e oggetti,Torino 1982. (in fotocopia).MOLMENTI s.d. – P. Molmenti, La storia di Venezia nella vita privata, Venezia s. d..*MORY 1964 –Ludwig Mory, Il peltro in Europa, trad. Lia Ciuffolotti, ed. Bramante, Milano 1964.*MUSEO LAUSANNE 1982 - Musée historique de l'Ancien-Evêché, Tresors d’Art Religieux en Pays de Vaud, catalogue de l'exposition 15 octobre au 12 décembre 1982, Lausanne,1982, Suisse. Peltri pp. 213-287.PAGNONI 1978 – L. Pagnoni (a cura di), Museo Diocesano di Bergamo. Catalogo, Bergamo 1978.PANTEGHINI 1994 – I. Panteghini, Il tesoro di S. Francesco d’Assisi, in A.A. V.V., La Chiesa e il Convento di S. Francesco d’Assisi in Brescia, Brescia 1994, pp.255-295.PANTEGHINI 1995 – I. Panteghini, Il tesoro di Santa Maria della Pace, in A.A. V.V., La Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pace in Brescia, Brescia 1995, pp. 261-340.PAZZI 1992 – P. Pazzi, I punzoni dell’argenteria veneta, Tomo I, Venezia e Dogado ed., Venezia 1992.PAZZI 1997 – P. Pazzi, Dizionario Biografico degli Orefici, Argentieri, Gioiellieri, Diamantai, Peltrai, Orologiai, Tornidori d’avorio e Scultori in nobili materiali con particolare riferimento alla loro età, insegna di bottega, punzoni, opere, lasciti e personali effetti nonché cenni su patrizi, mercanti, imprenditori e notabili persone relazionate alla prosperità di questi generi di commercio ed indistintamente considerate nella loro condizione suddita o forestiera dal Medio Evo alla fine della Repubblica Aristocratica di Venezia, Treviso 1997.

PINETTI 1931 – A. Pinetti, Inventario degli oggetti d’arte in Italia, I, Provincia di Bergamo, Roma 1931.PRESTINI 1993 – R. Prestini (a cura di), Documenti, in A.A. V.V., La Chiesa e il Convento Domenicano di San Clemente in Brescia, Brescia 1993, pp. 299-312.PRESTINI ET ALII 1993 – R. Prestini et alii (a cura di), La Chiesa e il Convento di S. Francesco d’Assisi in Brescia, Brescia 1994, voce Documenti.PRESTINI 1996 – R. Prestini (a cura di), Documenti, in A.A. V.V., La Chiesa Prepositurale di San Lorenzo in Brescia, Brescia 1996, pp. 241-255.QUIRINI-POPLAWKA 1977 – Danuta Quirini-Poplawka, Die italienisches Einwanderer in Krakow, inWissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der F. Schiller Universität, 26, Jena 1977.ROSSI 1990 – Luigi Rossi, J.B.T., La vita a fumetti del peltraro G.B. Traglio, rimellese, Linea ags edizioni, Stanghella 1990. ROSSI 1991 – Luigi Rossi, Italienischer Faktor Hagener Entwicklung, in Heimatbuch Hagen-Mark, Hagen 1991.ROSSI 1992 – Luigi Rossi, J.B.T., Una sociobiografia, Linea ags edizioni, Stanghella 1992.*ROSSI 1993 – Luigi Rossi, La via del peltro, Der Weg des Zinn, in Le Rive, pp. 17-51, a. VII, n. 3, Maggio - Giugno 1993, Casale Corte Cerro (NO).*ROSSI 1997 – Luigi Rossi (a cura di), Bella forma, peltro e acciaio dal Piemonte, catalogo bilingue della mostra sul fenomeno dei peltrai piemontesi in Germania nell’epoca compresa fra il 1500 e il 1900, Hagen 1997.RUGGERI 1995 – C. Ruggeri, Documenti, in A.A. V.V., La Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pace in Brescia, Brescia 1995, pp. 345-362.SAMBONET 1966 – G. Sambonet, I peltri, una collezione rara e stravagante, in Giornale di Brescia, 13/1/1966.SMOLA, WAIDACHER 1967 – Smola, Waidacher, Die Zinngieβer Familie Zamponi, Museum für Kunstgeschichte und Kunstgewerbe am Landesmuseum Joanneum on the occasion of the exhibition (Sonderausstellung), Graz 1967.SNEYD 1847 – C. A. Sneyd (a cura di), Italian Relation of England: a relation or rather a true account of the Island of England, in atti Camden Society, n. XXXVII, a. 1847.SQUARZINA 1956 – F. Squarzina, Italia mineraria, ed. A.M.I., Roma 1956.STELLA 1927 – A. Stella, Alcune osservazioni sui minerali di ferro e di stagno dell’antica Etruria, in Studi Etruschi, a. 1927, vol. I.*TABELLINI 199 ? – Giorgio Tabellini, GT, Catalogo produzione, Brescia 199 ?*TRITTEN 1982 – Hélène Tritten, Les étains vaudois e Les Poitiers d’étain Vaudois, (catalogo), in *MUSEO LAUSANNE 1982, pp. 213-216 e 217-285. Peltrai italiani.VILLAVECCHIA, EIGEMANN 1976 – G. V. Villavecchia, G. Eigemann, Nuovo Dizionario di Merceologia e Chimica applicata, Milano 1976, voce Antimonio.WACHA 1978 – Georg Wacha, Italienischer Zinngieβer nordlich der Alpen, in Mitteilungen Österreichischen Staatsarchiv, 31, 1978.*ZAMBELLI 1974 – Enrico Zambelli, Le arti minori a Venezia attraverso i secoli, Cap. V L’arte della lavorazione dei metalli (Peltro in pp.46-48), Venezia 1974, pp.121 +Tavv., in 4°.

MalaysiaCHEN MAY YEE 2004 – Chen May Yee, The Royal Selangor Story: Born & Bred in Pewter Dust, Kuala Lumpur 2004.


BÖGH 1905-6 – Johan Bögh, Bergenske Kandestöbere och deres Märker, Aarborg 1905, e Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum, Bergen 1906BÖGH 1927 – Johan Bögh, Tillägg (addendum) till Bergenske Kandestöbere och deres Märker, Aarborg 1927, e Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum, Bergen 1928, pp. 133-139.HALS 1976 – Anna-Stina Hals, Norsk Tin fra Laugstiden, Kunstindustrimuseet, Oslo 1976.*HALS 1978 – Anna-Stina Hals, Gammelt Norsk Tin, Vi Series Pa Kunsthandverk I Norge,8; C. Huttfeld Vorlag, 1978, 80 pp, 5“¼ x 7“ ¾ Ill. B/N.HALS II 1939 – Harald Hals II, Gammelt tinn i Stavanger Museum, in Stavanger Museums årshäfte årgang, 48, 1937-8, Stavanger Museum, Stavanger 1939WALLEM 1920 - Fredrik Wallem, Tinntöj i Tröndelagen, Trönderske Studier, Tronhjem Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, in Trönderske Studier I, 1920.


Musei con peltriMuseum Boijman Van Beuningen Museumpark 18-20, RotterdamFor details or further information: Tel: 31 (0) 10 441 9400

Rotterdam Historisch Museum , Palmboom, Voorhaven 12For details or further information: Tel: 31 (0) 10 476 1533

ASSEN 1997 – Jugendstiltin, Cat. Tent. Drents Museum, Assen 1997.Autenboer E.van

fc Tin en tingieters te Turnhout

Autenboer E.van

fc Het Mechelse tingietersambacht

Azijnman K. Een oude gildekan "Oude Kunst", jr 1.12Azijnman Karel

De 18 oude wijnkannen ILV Broederschap Den Bosch

Oude Kunst; oct.' 18

Azijnman Karel

fc De gildekannen in het Sted. Mus. te Nijmegen

Oudh. Jaarboek NOB '25

Backer Caroline De

Kamerpotten in Tin Eindwerk '95

*BAART ET ALII 1977 – J. M. Baart et alii, Opgravingen in Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1977.*BEEKHUISEN 1979 - Jan F.H.H. Beekhuisen, Tin uit Europese landen van de 15e tot en met midden van de 19e eeuw, Tinkatalogus, in Het Kabinet, Amsterdam 1979.*BEEKHUISEN 1998 - Jan Beekhuisen, De Schonheid van het oude Tin : een overzicht van vijf eeuwen tin, Pilkington & Larousse, s’Hertogenbosch 1998. 208 pp, 277 ill. 70 marchi.55 €BEEKHUISEN 1998 - Jan Beekhuisen, The Beauty of Old Pewter, Pilkington & Larousse, s’Hertogenbosch 1998?*BEEKHUISEN s.d. - Jan Beekhuisen, Expositie 120 bodemvondsten uit het privé-bezit van de Heer H.J.E. van Beuningen, ? s.d., pp.48 in 8°. Peltri da p. 35 a p.40.

??? 1783 - ???, Potier d’étain, in 4°, 8 pl. simples, Ed. Panckoucke, Paris 1783.Boes J Boes Julien fc De tinnen potgieterij te Gent

fc Bedevaart- en pelgrimsplaatjes

GedenkboekFr. Claesmus. 1932

Beer J. de fc Bedevaart- enpelgrimsplaatjes

Rond de tintentoonst. in het Gemeente-Museum

Inl. C.J.F. Slootmans

Bergen op Zoom 40

Rond de tintentoonst. inhet Gemeente-Museum

Schatten uit deSchelde

Cat. Tent.Bergen op Zoom '87

Bergen op Zoom 87

Schatten uit de Schelde

fc Notities bijeen stilleven van Hans v. Essen

in: Boymans Bijdr. voor J.C. Ebbinge Wubben

Beuningen H.J.E. van

fc Notities bij een stilleven van Hans v. Essen

Iets over kwaliteits- en ijkmerken

"Oud Nederland",'50

Beuningen H.J.E.v/ Kock B. de

Iets over kwaliteits- en ijkmerken

Tinkeuren en meestermerk

"Hobby" 2,2

Beuningen H.J.E.van

Tinkeuren en meestermerk

Heilig en profaan

Beuningen H.J.E.van, Koldewij A.M.

Heilig en profaan

Bont M. Bont M. de

Tin en tingieters te Geel

*COTTERELL VETTER 1929c – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, European Continental Petwer, Part XIII, The Pewter of Holland,, in Antiques, Vol. XVI, 2, August 1929. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 108-111.*COTTERELL VETTER 1929d – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, Identifying Dutch Flagons, in Antiques, Vol. XVI, 5, December 1929. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 115-119.*COTTERELL VETTER 1930 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, Church and Town Flagons of Holland, in Antiques, Vol. XVII, 6, June 1930. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 120-123.*COTTERELL VETTER 1931a – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, The “Noble Pewter” of Holland, in Antiques, Vol. XVIII, March 1931. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER 1972, pp. 124-130.*COTTERELL VETTER 1931b – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Robert M. Vetter, Identifying Dutch Pewter, in Antiques, Vol. XVIII, June 1931. Reprint in COTTERELL, RIFF, VERSTER1972, pp. 131-137.

*DAALDEROP s.d.a – Daalderop, Königlich Holland Zinn, Ein Bleibender Wert, Catalogo produzione, Frankfurt s.d., 28 pp.*DAALDEROP s.d.b – Daalderop, Königlich Holland Zinn, Ein Bleibender Wert, Catalogo produzione, Frankfurt s.d., 12 pp.*DAALDEROP s.d.c – Daalderop, Königlich Holland Zinn, Ein Bleibender Wert, Catalogo, produzione, Frankfurt s.d., 16 pp.*DAALDEROP s.d.d – Daalderop, Königlich Holland Zinn, Ein Bleibender Wert, Catalogo produzione, Frankfurt s.d., 20 pp.DONNET 1903 – F. Donnet, La marque des étains d’Anvers, Anvers 1903.*DUBBE 1965 – B. Dubbe, Tin en Tinnengieters in Nederland, Zeist 1965. *DUBBE 1975a – B. Dubbe, De Koperen en Tinnen ’Ampts-Kannen’van de Nijmeegse Gilden, in Antiek Negende Jaargang, n. 6, a. 1975, pp. 561-654.*DUBBE 1975b – B. Dubbe, Vijftiende-eeuwse pelgrimssouvenirs, in Antiek Negende Jaargang, novembre, a. 1975, n. 4, pp. 417- 420.*DUBBE 1978a – B. Dubbe, Tin en Tinnengieters in Nederland, ed. De Tijdstroom, 2 ed. totalmente rivista e aggiornata, De Tijdstroom ed. Lochem 1978, 470 pp, 222 ill. *DUBBE 1978b – B. Dubbe, Een laat-middeleeuws tinnen zoutvat met strooigaatjes, in Antiek Negende Jaargang, n. 9, a. 1978, pp. 456-500.*DUBBE 1989a – B. Dubbe, Tinnen souvenirs aan Nederlandse zeehelden, in Antiek Negende Jaargang, n. 23, a. 1978, pp. 452-455.*DUBBE 1989b – B. Dubbe, Een bodemvonds van een vijftiende.eeuwse tinnen kann te’se-Hertogenbosh, in Antiek Negende Jaargang, n. 3, a. 1989, Ottobre, pp. 168-171.DUBBE ? – B. Dubbe, Het Tinnegietersambacht te Deventer, ? ? *DUFOUR ET ALII 1979 – I. Dufour et alii, Keur van tin uit de Havensteden Amsterdam, Antwerpen en Rotterdam, catalogo mostra Amsterdam 13/4-10/6/1979, Antwerpen 7/7-9/9/1979, Rotterdam 6/10-2/12/1979; Amsterdam 1979, pp. 352.*HERR 1995 – Donald M. Herr, Pewter in Pennsylvania German Churches, Pennsylvania-GermanSociety, 1995, 214 pp.*KAMP 1960 - A. F. Kamp, De standvastige tinnen soldaat / (Ouvrage commémoratif sur l'industrie de l'étain) 1860-1960 n. v. Billiton Maatschappij, 's-Gravenhage. Amsterdam, Drukkerij G. J. Thieme, Nijmegen 1960.*KLIJN 1987 – E.M.Ch. F. Klijn, Eet- en sierlepels in Nederland tot ca. 1850, Lochem 1987, 264 p.*KOOYMAN 1984 – Ton Kooyman, De bosche tinnegieter en zijn tin, s’Hertogenbosch’ 1984.*MARABOE 1936 – Maraboe Studios, Contemporary Pewter in the Netherlands, Bulletin 3 of the International Tin Research and Development Council, January 1936, The Hague 1936. 66 pp., 8¼ x 10 ½ inch*MOERMAN, WURFBAIN 1972 – I.W.L. Moerman, M.L. Wurfbain, Tin ten toon, tin uit eigen bezit,catalogo della mostra. De Lakenhal, Leiden, 8/12/1972 – 14/1/1973, fotocopia.*MORY s.d. – Ludwig Mory, Oud tin – geschiedenis, vormen, stijlen van de oudste tijden tot heden, Uitg. Schuyt, Haarlem s.d. (*trad. dal tedesco).Museum Arnhem 1927 – fc Schilderijen.., kandelaars, tinnen tabakspotten, Cat. Tent. Gem. Museum Arnhem 1927.?*MUSEUM BOYMANS 1954a – Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Tin, Catalogue de la collection Verster, Rotterdam 1954, pp. 60, tavv. 24.*MUSEUM BOYMANS 1954b – Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Tin, Verzameling A.J.G. Verster in Museum Boymans, Rotterdam 1954, pp. 60, tavv. 24.

*MUSEUM BOYMANS 2004 – Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Van TIN gegoten, Uit TIN genoten Catalogue de l'exposition, oct. 2004 / jan. 2005, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Nederlandse TinVereniging 2004. 456 p., 457 ill. couleur, environ 120 poinçons. Texte en néerlandais et en anglais. Prix : 55 € *MUSEUM DELFT 1950 – Museum Delft, Tin door de Eeuwen, Tentoonstelling van Oud Tin inhet Museum het Prinsenhof van 15 Juli tot 1 October, Catalogus 1950.*MUSEUM DEN HAAG 1977 – Catalogue: Tin uit de lage landen, The Hague: Gemeente Museum Den Haag, 1977.*MUSEUM NOORDBRABANT 1989 – Noordbrabant museum, Een Eigenzinnig verzamelaar, de collectie Karel Azijnman (1876-1936), s’Hertogenbosch’ 1989, pp.96, in 8°.*MUSEUM SINGER 1965 – Singer Museum, Blik op Tin, catalogo esposizione 30/10- 11/12/1965, Laren 1965, pp.76, Tav b/n 26, in 8°.*MUSEUM SERCKSHOF 1956 – Provinciaal Museum Sterckshof, Tentoonstelling Tin, ontstaan/evolutie/gebruik, catalogo mostra, Deurne-Antwerpen, 24/3-27/5/1956 e Brussel,2/6-2/7/1956, pp.74, 25 foto, in 8°.*MUSEUM VLEESHUIS 1959 – Stad Antwerpen, Oudheidkundige Musea Vleeshuis, Catalogus, IX TIN, Antwerpen 1959. Antwerps tin, 64 pp, 12 tavv.*PHILIPS, DUBBE 1983 – Frits Philips, Bé Dubbe, Twee Nijmeegse Gildekannen, Eindhoven 1983, 157 pp con 222 foto.*SCHRAVEN 1990 – John Schraven, Een kraantjeskan van de tinnegieter Jan Hillebrant Rienewerf uitGroningen, in Antiek Negende Jaargang, n. 8, a. 1990, maggio, pp. 466-467.*STERNER 1980 – Gabriele Sterner, Tin, Utrecht/Antwerpen 1980 (ma stampato in Spagna).160 p., traduzione dall’originale tedesco.*VAN DE HORST 1985 – A. J. Van de Horst, De Speeelgoodhorloges Van Vlooienburg, in AntiekNegende Jaargang , n. 20, Gennaio 1985, pp. 28 – 31.*VAN DEN KERKHOVE 1975 – André Van den Kerkhove, V. Tin, in Gent, Duizend Jaar Kunst en Cultuur, catalogo mostra Gent, 11/7-14/9/1975, Gent 1975, pp. 379-439; 11 tavv.**VAN OIRSCHOT s.d. – Anton Van Oirschot, Antiek kopen: tin, Uitgeverij Helmond, Helmond, s.d. ma post 1967. 117 ill.*VEREENIGING TOT BEOEFENING VAN 1962 – Vereeniging tot beoefening van, Overijesselsch regt en geschiedenis, Verslagen en Mededelingen, 77e stuk, Deventer 1962. In 8°.VERSTER 1924 – Arnoldus Johan George Verster, Oud tin, Amsterdam 1924.*VERSTER 1928 – Arnoldus Johan George Verster, Oud tin, Ed. Boosten & Stols, Maastricht 1928. 2 ed.*VERSTER 1957 – Arnoldus Johan George Verster, Tin door de Eeuwen, ed. J. H. De Bussy, Amsterdam 1957. 214 pp., 120 ill.*VERSTER 1958 – Arnoldus Johan George Verster, Old European Pewter, 3 ed. Thames & Hudson ed., London (ma stampato in Olanda) 1958. Trad. ingl. di *VERSTER 1957.VERSTER 1963 – A. J. G. Verster, Das Buch von Zinn, Hannover 1963. 260 pp, 150 ill. (trad. dall’olandese *Tin door de Eeuwen) 1996. *WASSENBERGH 1943 – A. Wassenbergh, Het oude tingietersbedrijf in Friesland, in Magazine De Vrije Fries, pp. 1-65, 1943.WEYNS 1961 – J. Weyns, Bokryk, Tuin van Vlaamse Volkskultuur, Heideland-Hasselt 1961.*WUSTENHOFF 1989 – Han Wustenhoff, A collection of Dutch excavated pewter, in JPS, 7, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 8-12.*WUSTENHOFF 2000 – J.E. Wustenhoff, Middeleeuwse tinnen Sedes Sapientiae, in (a cura di H.J.E. van Beuningen), Atti convegno Lost and found, essays on medieval archaeology, in

Gevonden Voorwerpen, opstellen over middeleeuwse archeologie, ? 2000. pp. 356 – 359. (fotocopia)*18 raccolte rilegate di articoli in fotocopia come qui segue : Anonymus [AAH] Op de zolder van Nederlands laatste verlakker, dikbuikige juwelen. In: "De V.W.", XVI, 6 dec.1967. p.128-129.

Anonymus [AAO] Vraag 104. Hobby 3e Jaargang n°7 april 1949. p.124.

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Anonymus [ABH] B. Dubbe onderscheiden met de Zilveren Anjer. Antiek. 16e jaargang. n°2. augustus/september 1981. p.81-82

Anonymus [ABY] Kopij van een interview met Jan Wybe Reijenga, tingieter en verlakker in Groningen. Uit Bibl. Groninger Museum, z.d.

Anonymus [ADA] Kasteel van Amstel eindelijk gevonden. AD 12-3-94.

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Anonymus [ADH] Het archief van het Tinnegietersgilde. Gemeente Archief Rotterdam. Archief Gilden 23, p.487-492.

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Anonymus [AGS] Bijzondere stukken uit particuliere verzamelingen. Hobby. 1e jaargang. n°10. juli 1947. p.183-184.

Anonymus [AGV] Levende traditie. Hobby. 3e jaargang. n°1. october 1948. p.9-12

Anonymus [AGX] Vraag 89. Hobby. 3e jaargang. n°1. october 1948. p.18-19

Anonymus [AHL] Pelgrimsinsignes,Skapulieren. XIV-XVI. In: Opgravingen in Amsterdam. Amsterdam 1977. Fibula-van Dishoeck Haarlem. p.386-399

Anonymus [AIT] Verslag bezoek tingieterij H. Amsing te Groningen. Bibliotheek Groninger Museum, 1980(?)

Anonymus [AKB] Tinnen gebruiksvoorwerpen (afbeelding). In Tussen Kunst en Kitsch, Band 1, nr. 1, 1992. p. 14

Anonymus [AKF] Diverse krante-artikelen naar aaleiding van de opening van de tinnegieterij 'Het Zakkendragershuisje te Delfshaven' in 1965.

Anonymus [AKG] Uitnodiging en krante-artikelen naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling van tin uit de verzameling A.J.G. Verster in museum Boymans te Rotterdam in 1954/1955.

Anonymus [AKH] Krant-artikel inzake tinnen schotel met inscriptie die Willem de Vlamingh van Vlielandt in 1697 aan een paal op een eiland voor de kust van Australië bevestigde. NRC 2-9-58.

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Anonymus [AKJ] Tijdschriftartikel over tinpest. In: "Op de hoogte" Juli 1912

Anonymus [AKK] Veilingcatalogus Mak van Waay (gedeelte Tin). 9 t/m 15 juli 1946.

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Alings H.W. [ADV] De Malaxse Tinberg. Ons Amsterdam 10de jrg. nr.8 augustus 1958. p.244-245

Amsing "Onder ons" 50 jaar Amsing. R.K.S.V. Albertus Magnus. Groningen 1984.

Amsterdam [ACZ] Amsterdams Historisch Museum. Brochure 1983.

Amsterdam, Antwerpen en Rotterdam [ALG] Keur van tin uit de havensteden Amsterdam, Antwerpen en Rotterdam. Catalogus tentoonstelling 1979. Inleiding door B. Dubbe, Dr. J. van Deun, Drs J.W.M. de Jong & M.L. Caron en Drs G.Th.H.C. Pieck. Opgenomen is een oproep om voorwerpen te melden uit : Oud-Nieuws, 11e jrg. nr.2, mrt 1978. P. 132.

Amsterdam [AGC] Amsterdam, Waaggebouw, Historie in tin. Catalogus tentoonstelling 1956

Amsterdam [AGQ] Rijksmuseum. Tinwerk uit het wrak van de "Hollandia" (1743). In: Handleiding bij de tentoonstelling "Prijs der Zee". 1980

Amsterdam [AKQ] Amsterdamse Ordonnantie in zake het pegelen van tinnen maten dd 27-1-1784. In De Tinkoerier, jrg. 6, nr 1, juni 1998, p.15

Arnhem [AFU] Tentoonstelling van Koperen Kandelaars en tinnen tabakspotten. Gemeente museum Arnhem. 21 juli-15 september 1927. Samenstelling F.W. van der Haagen.

Assen [ABW] Assen, Drents Museum, Jugendstiltin. Catalogus tentoonstelling 1997. Bespreking door Mechteld de Bois in Antiek. 31e jaargang, n°9 april 1997. p.442-443.

Azijnman Karel [AAA] De Gildekannen in het stedelijk museum te Nijmegen. Oudheidkundig Jaarboek. Bulletin van den Nederlandschen Oudheidkundigen Bond. 3de serie. Vijfde Jaargang 1925. A. Oosthoek Utrecht p. 48-51

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Azijnman Karel [AEQ] De achttien oude wijnkannen der Illustre Lieve Vrouwe Broederschap te 's-Hertogenbosch. Oudheidkundig Jaarboek. Bulletin van de Nederlandschen Oudheidkundige Bond. n°2. 1922. p.193-199.

Azijnman Karel [AES] Bestaat er een preventief middel tegen "Tinpest" ? Oude Kunst, 2e jaargang, januari 1917. p.125.

Azijnman Karel [AET] Tinmerken. Oude Kunst. 2e jaargang, november 1916. p.57

Azijnman Karel [AEU] Een zeldzame kandelaar. Oude Kunst, 2e jaargang, Mei 1917. p.244.

Azijnman Karel [AEV] Voorwerpen in gebruik bij den huiselijken eeredienst der Joden. Oude Kunst. 3e jaargang, Augustus 1918. p.294-295.

Azijnman Karel [AEW] Een zeldzaam paar gothieke kerkkandelaars. Oude Kunst. 4e jaargang, januari 1919. p.127.

Baart J.M. [AAW] Archeologische kroniek Noord-Holland:Amsterdam-centrum. Regionaal-historisch tijdschrift "Holland", 18de jaargang, n°6. december 1986. p.292-294.

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Ysselsteyn H.A. van De geschiedenis der tinwinning. In: Jubileumboek Billiton 1852-1927. 's-Gravenhage 1926.

Zon H.M.J. van [ADQ] Het Oude Ambacht. Tin, een warme traditie. Alphen (Gld). Verkoopcatalogus z.j.

Zutphen [AEI] Museum Zutphen, W.J.S. van Alphen, Catalogus tentoonstelling van oud tin uit het Graafschap Zutphen afkomstig of in het bezit van inwoners daarvan. 1938.

Zutphen [AAU] Stedelijk Museum, Een keuze uit de collectie. Catalogus 1991

Zutphen [AHQ] Catalogus van voorwerpen in het stedelijk museum te Zutphen, oudheidkamer van Zutphen en de Graafschap. 1932. Samengesteld door C. Engelen. p. 143-144. Zutphen [AJX] Stedelijk Museum. Informatieblad over tin. 1994.

Zwarte R. de [AAB] Oude Gracht, riolering n°22. Archeologische en bouwhistorische Kroniek van de Gemeente Utrecht 1985. Gemeente Utrecht/Broese Kemink 1986. p.185-187

Zwarte R. de [AAB] Zwarte Water. Archeologische en bouwhistorische Kroniek van de Gemeente Utrecht. 1985. p. 228 Gemeente Utrecht/Broese Kemink 1986.

Zwolle Provinciaal Overijssels Museum, Thuis in de late middeleeuwen. Het Nederlands burgerinterieur 1400-1535. Catalogus 1980.

Register van persoonsnamen voor zover niet als auteursnaam


Register of surnames which were not used as name of author.

Index des noms de personnes qui ne sont pas repris comme auteur.


Naam: Alphabetisch onder: Name: Alphabetically under: Nom: Alphabétique sous:

Alphen W.J.S. Zutphen Amsing H. Anonymus Azijnman K. 's-Hertogenbosch Azijnman K. 's-Hertogenbosch Beethoven L. van Klijn E.M.Ch.F. Berbiers Pieter Wustenhoff J.E. Beumer J.E.W. Laren (N.H.) Bois Mechteld de Assen Brongers Drs J.A. Wiedhaup C.J.J. Caron M.L. Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Rotterdam Clevering Meijer T.F. Leens Coenen Arent Jan Dubbe B. De Groote Martin De Groote André Deun Dr J. van Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Rotterdam Dhollander François Dijkmans E.L. Dubbe B. Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Rotterdam Dubbe B. Anonymus Dubbe B. Dhaene P. Duyveland Andries van Dubbe B. Enderlein Caspar Beekhuizen J.F.H.H. Enderlein Caspar Beekhuizen J.F.H.H. Engelen C. Zutphen Engelen Van Kooyman T. Essen Hans van Beuningen H.J.E. van Frederiks J.A. Rotterdam Gallois Mr.H.C. 's-Gravenhage Gardenier Johan Wustenhoff J.E. Goldschmitz Leida Hendrikse Henk Haagen F.W. van der Arnhem Havinga H.B. Heenskde Houtryve E. Van Dijkmans E.L. Hoynck van Papendrecht A. Rotterdam Jong Drs J.W.M. de Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Rotterdam Kamphof J.A. Geesink J. Karel V, Keizer Scheers J.H.A. Keezer Marcel Berendsen, Anne

Kerkwijk A.O. van Muller & Cie Klein Hans Dalen Gilhuys A. Kock B. de Beuningen H.J.E. van Kuipers Jan Hendrikse Henk Lunsingh Scheurleer D.F. Leiden

Maelen Rombout van der Dijkmans E.L. Nicolas Frans Anonymus Peters Anonymus Pieck Drs G.Th.H.C. Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Rotterdam Pollu Jehan Gelder H.A.E. van Reinders P.J. Leens Renaud J.G.N. Delft Reijenga Jan Wybe Anonymus Rienewerf Jan Hillebrant Schraven John Sem Gerrit Tieleman J.H. Slootmans C.J.F. Bergen op Zoom Stoot D.E.J. Ommen Temminck J.J. Bottelier D. Thierry de Grace Molle F. van Van Houtryve E. Dijkmans E.L. Verster A.J.G. Bastert, J.N. Verster A.J.G. Rotterdam Verster A.J.G. Anonymus Vita Israël E. Muller & Co de Vlamingh van Vlielandt W. Anonymus Vos Antonie Johannes Groningen K. van Vreenegoor Ellen Hendrikse Henk Waesberge Bp Pieter van Anonymus Wurfbain M.L. Leiden

PoloniaHARDOW 1931 – R. Hardow, Stolper Zinngieβer und Ihre nachweisbaren Arbeiten, Stolp 1931.HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. III e IV, Leipzig 1921-1931**HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. IV, Leipzig 1921-1931. Ristampa, Otto Zeller Verlagsbuchhandlung, Aalen 1964. (Schlesien e Posnan ora in Polonia). MICHALSKA 1973 – Janina Michalska, Cyna w Dawnich Wiekach, Katalog Wystawy, Muzeum Nadorowe w Krakowie, Cracovia 1973.KRAUSE 1995 – Janusz Krause, Sarkofagi cynowe : problematyka technologiczna warsztatowa i konserwatorska, ? 1995.KWIATKOWSKI 1992 - Arkadiusz Antoni Kwiatkowski, Cyna. Zbiory secesji Muzeum Mazowieckiego w Płocku. Opracował Arkadiusz A. Kwiatkowski, Muzeum Mazowieckie w Płocku, Warszawa 1992.MUZEUM NADOROWE 1992 - Muzeum Narodowe, Gdańsk, Cyna od XV do XIX wieku, Gdańsk 1992.*QUIRINI-POPLAWSKA 1977 - Danuta Quirini-Poplawska, “ Die italianische Einwander in Kraków und ihr Einfluß auf die polnischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu österreichischen und deutchen Städten im 16. Jahrhundert” in Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Freidrich-Schiller-Universität Jena: Gesellschafts- und sprachwissenschaftliche Riehe 26, Heft 3, 1977, pp. 337-353; Jena 1977.WŁODARSKA 1975 – B. Włodarska, Cyna, Katalog Zbiorow, Muzeum Nadorowe Gdansku, Danzica 1975WOŁOSZ 1994 - Artur K. F. Wołosz, Dawne konwisarstwo w Museum Regionalnim w Pułtusku. Katalog zbiorów, Museum Regionalne, Pułtusk 1994.

Portogallo*NEISH 1992c – Alex Neish, A Portuguese flagon, in JPS, 8,3, Spring 1992, p. 128.*PHILIPS, DUBBE 1983 – Frits Pkilips, Bé Dubbe, Twee Nijmeegse Gildekannen, Eindhoven 1983, 157 pp con 222 foto.*SOMERS 1989 – John Somers, O Estanho no Brasil 1600-1900 Pewter in Brazil, Brasile 1989, 79pp., 4 col.+ 24 b/w ill. *VAN ZELLER 1969 – Rolando Van Zeller, Estanhos Portugueses, Barcelos 1969.

Repubblica CecaVedi Cecoslovacchia

Romania Transylvania è Siebenbürgen in tedescoBUNTA 2001 – Magdolna Bunta, Kolozsvári ötvösök a XVI - XVIII. Században, ? 2001.**HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. IV, app. IV, Leipzig 1921-1931. Ristampa, Otto Zeller Verlagsbuchhandlung, Aalen 1964. Molti marchi sono rumeni.

*HUBER, OERTEL 1936 – V. Huber, G. Oertel, Siebenbürgisch-sächsisches und anderes Zinn, Reichenberg 1936.*MITRAN 2002 – Gheorghe Mitran, Cositorul Transilvanean, Gotic – Renaştere – Baroc, Brasov 2002, 226 pp.*SLUKA 1990 – Horst Sluka, Siebenbürgisch-sächsisches Zinn, Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Münster Westfalen 1990.

Russia*GAHLNBÄCK 1928-1932 – Johannes Gahlnbäck, Russisches Zinn, Zinn und Zinngiesser in Moskau, Bd I, Moskau, Leipzig 1928. Bd II, Leningrad, Verlag Karl W. Hiersemann, Leipzig 1928. 216 pp., 16 tavv. F.t.; peltrai di Mosca. (There are only two: Moskow and Finland/Baltics; St. Petersburg was only announced.) ma c’è anche (v. Finlandia) GAHLNBÄCK 1925 – Johannes Gahlnbäck, Zinn und Zinngiesser in Finnland, in Finska Fornminnesföreningens, Tidskrifts, XXXV, Helsinki 1926.GAHLNBÄCK 1929 – Johannes Gahlnbäck, Zinn und Zinngieβer in Liv-, Est- und Kurland, Lübeck 1929.*HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. III, Leipzig 1921-1931*HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. III, Leipzig 1921-1931, ristampa, Otto Zeller Verlagsbuchhandlung, Aalen 1964.


Musei con peltri Sinagoga Mayor, Calle Marlet 5, Barcelona 08006 For further details and information, telephone (34) 93 317 07 90 or e-mail [email protected]

On display: Recently excavated and restored, this is the oldest surviving synagoguein Europe and contains the fine Neish collection of pewter judaica.

Sud AfricaZOUTENDYK BROS 1950 - Zoutendyk Bros., A catalogue of Valuable Silverware, Sheffield and other plate, china, glassware and pewter, etc., being the entire collection of the late Sir Abe. Bart. Bailey…to be sold by public auction at "Rusten-Vrede", Muizenberg, Cape, on the 24th January 1951, etc., Capetown 1950.

SveziaMusei con peltri:Stockolm: Wasa, numerosi boccali.

*ANDREN 1972 – Erik Andren, Gammalt Svenskt Tenn, Vasteras 1972. 112 pp.BRUZZELLI 1967 – Birger Bruzzelli, Tenngjutare i Sverige,1754-1912, Forum, Stockolm 1967.

Bruzel Bruzelli B. Läsning för tennvänner*ERIKSON 1930 – Estrid Erikson, Firma Svensk Tenn, Purveyors to the King and Royal Houseold, Catalogue, Stockolm 1930, 1159 ill b/n. pagine non num.ERIKSON 1972 – S. Erikson, Gammala Mässing, Uppsala 1972.LÖGFREN 1925,1933, 1950 – Albert Lögfren, Stockholm’s Kanngjutareskrå, Voll. I-II-III, Nordiska Museets Förlag, Stockholm 1925-1933-1950. Fino al 1720 nel vol. II, dal 1720 incluso rokoko nel vol. III.LÖGFREN 1933 – Albert Lögfren, Det Svenska Tenngjutare Hantverkets Historia, Stockolm 1933.MÖLLER 1967 – J. Möller, Tennsamlarens Uppslagsbok, Stockholm 1967.SANTESSON 1962 – Bo Santesson, Gammal Tenn, ICA-Forlaget, Sweden 1962.SVENSK TENN 1929 - Firma Svenskt Tenn - Purveyors to the King and Royal Household - Catalogue, Stockholm, 1929. Paper. 5½" x 7½". unpaginated, but about 116 pages including a one-page introduction by Estrid Erikson and an index. The bulk of the book has about 250 photographs illustrationg perhaps 400 of the company's pewter ware products with captions in Swedish and English. The cover is heavy paper silvered togive the illusion of pewter, but it is very chipped and ragged, largely as a resultof deterioration in the material. There is a UK retailer's stamp on the title page,otherwise the internal condition of the catalogue is very good indeedWETTERGREN 1926 – Erik Wettergren, Moderne schwedische Werkkunst, Malmö 1926.

SvizzeraMusei con peltri:Zurigo, Museo Nazionale Svizzero, Museumstrasse 2, 8023 Zurigo, tel. 01 2186511; informazioni tel 01 2186565, . …oggetti di peltro…Bigorio (Lugano), Convento di Santa Maria del Bigorio dei frati cappuccini, 6954 Bigorio, tel. 0041 919431222Museo, A.1.13 piatti.Sierre, Museo del Peltro, Hotel de Ville, Rue du Bourg, 3960 Sierre, tel. 00111

*ABC 1971 – n.n. Les Etains, in ABC L’amateur suisse, n.36 septembre 1971, pp.82.BAUEN 1978 – Marco Bauen, Sprachgemischter Mundartrausdruck in Rimella, Berna 1978.*BOSSARD 1908 – Gustav Bossard, Schweizer Zinnkannen, in Beilage zum Jahrbuch S. A. C. Vol.XLIII, Bern 1908. 22 pp. Con ill.*BOSSARD 1920-1934 – Gustav Bossard, Die Zinngieβer der Schweiz und ihre Werk, voll. 2, Zurig 1920 e 1934. Reprint, Zeller Verlag, Osnabrück 1978, 360 pp, 864 marchi, 215 euro. In libreria vol I (fotocopie dal reprint 1978) e vol II 1934 (n. 142).

Brown Brown John A. Das Zinngiesserhandwerk der Schweiz

*GRUYERE 1972 - Château de Gruyère, Etains fribourgeois. Contribution à l'histoire des potiers d'étain fribourgeois. / Freiburger Zinn. Beitrag zur Geschichte der freiburgischen Zinngiesser. Catalogoesposizione , 9/6-5/11/1972, Fribourg, St. Paul, 1972.*GISLING-BILLETER 1975 – Erika Gisling-Billeter, Objekte des Jugendstils aus der Sammlung des Kunstgewerbemuseums Zürich im Museum Bellerive, Bern 1975.*HERR 1995 – Donald M. Herr, Pewter in Pennsylvania German Churches, Pennsylvania-GermanSociety, 1995, 214 pp.*HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. VII, Leipzig 1921-1931

**HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. VII, app. III, Leipzig 1921-1931. Ristampa, Otto Zeller Verlagsbuchhandlung, Aalen 1964.*LEHNHERR 1972 – Yvonne Lehnherr, Musée de Fribourg, Étains fribourgeois/Freiburger Zinn, Exposition au château de Gruyère en1972, Musée de Fribourg, Fribourg, Suisse, 1972 Français et Allemand, con peltrai italiani.MÜLLER-STYGER 1976 – René J. Müller-Styger, Das Zinngieβergewerbe (in Zug), in Renè Creux, Volkskunst in der Schweiz, 1976, S 139 ff.*MUSEO LAUSANNE 1982 - Musée historique de l'Ancien-Evêché, Tresors d’Art Religieux en Pays de Vaud, catalogue de l'exposition 15 octobre au 12 décembre 1982, Lausanne,1982, Suisse. Peltri pp. 213-287.NAEF 1920 – E. Naef, L’Etain et le Livre des Potiers d’Etain genevois, Genève 1920.NAEF 1930 – E. Naef, Le potiers d’étains dans les cantons de la Suisse romande, in .A.A.V.V. Anciennetés du Pays Romand. Lausanne, Trésors de nos vieilles demeures, Mobilier domestique ancien fribourgeois, potiers d'étain, horlogerie ancienne, vieilles industries du Jura, fers à gaufres, dentelle, indiennes neuchâteloises, enseignes romandes. Ed. de la Gazette de Lausanne et Spes, 1930, 16 p, in 4°, 60 pl. fuori testo, parzialmente a colori.*NAEF 1973 – E. Naef, L’Etain et le Livre des Potiers d’Etain genevois, Ristampa anastatica dell’ed. Genève 1920. Slatkine Reprints, Geneve 1973, pp.291.*PHILIPS, DUBBE 1983 – Frits Philips, Bé Dubbe, Twee Nijmeegse Gildekannen, Eindhoven 1983, 157 pp con 222 foto.REUTTER 1919 - Louis Reutter, Potiers d'étain neuchâtelois. Catalogo della mostra nel Musée Neuchâtelois (juillet-octobre 1919). Imprimerie Centrale, Neuchâtel 1919.SANER SCHÖLLY 1943 – Albert Saner, Karl Schölly, Das Kunsthandwerk. 12 Monatstafeln, (St.Gallen), Buchdruckerei Volksstimme, 1943., 1943. Quer-4 . Titel, 12 Tfln., 1 Bl. OBr. mit Fadenbindung. Eines von 80 num. Exemplaren, von Saner und Schölly signiert. - 12 Originalholzschnitte von Saner, begleitet mit Sprüchen von Karl Schölly, erschienen erstmals im "Heio", Monatsschrift für Arbeiter- und Bauernkinder. Die 12 Monatstafeln von Januar (Wassermann) bis Dezember (Steinbock) mit folgenden Holzschnitten: Töpfer, Buchbinder, Steinmetz, Orgelbauer, Geigenbauer, Weisskübler, Kunstschlosser, Glasmaler, Silberschmid, Zinngiesser, Goldschmid und Holzschnitzer. SCHNEIDER 1969 – Hugo Schneider, Schweizer Gebrauchszinn,Bern 1969.*SCHNEIDER 1970 – Hugo Schneider, Zinn, Band I, Katalog der Sammlung des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums Zurich, ed. Walter, Olten e Fribourg-en Brisgau 1970.SCHNEIDER 19?? – Hugo Schneider, Zinn, Band II, Geschichte des schweizerischen Zinngieβerhandwerks, ed. Walter, Olten et Fribourg 19 ??. Mai edita*SCHNEIDER, KNEUSS 1983 – Hugo Schneider, Paul Kneuss, Zinn, Band III, die Zinngieβer der Schweiz und ihre Marken, ed. Walter, Olten et Fribourg 1983, pp. 384.*TRITTEN 1982 – Hélène Tritten, Les étains vaudois e Les Poitiers d’étain Vaudois, (catalogo), in *MUSEO LAUSANNE 1982, pp. 213-216 e 217-285. Peltrai italiani.*VIDAL 1979 – Duri Vidal, Die Churer Zinngiesser, Terra Grischuna Verlag, Bündner 1 Handwerk, Basel 1979, 108 pp.Vieband 1972 – Egon Vieband, Bergisches Zinn, Dr. Wolfgang Schwarze Verlag, Wuppertal-Barmen 1972. *VIEBAND 1978 – Egon Vieband, Bergisches Zinn, 2., neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Dr.Wolfgang Schwarze Verlag, Wuppertal-Barmen 1978. 165 p., 2 tavv. marchi.

*VITAL 1979 – Duri Vital, Die Churer Zinngiesser, Chur, Terra Grischuna, 1979, 1979. Gr.8 , 108 S., zahlr., z. T. farb. Abb., Kart., Tadell. (= Bündner Handwerk, Bd. 1). .

UngheriaBONDY 1937 – Karl Bondy, Das alte Zinngieβerhandwerk in Böhmisch-Leipa, in Mitteilungen des nordböhmischen Vereines für Heimatforschung und Wanderplflege… Böhmisch-Leipa 1937, p. 38 segg.HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. VII, Leipzig 1921-1931**HINTZE 1921-1931 – Erwin Hintze, Die deutschen Zinngieβer und ihre Marken. Vol. IV, app. IV, Leipzig 1921-1931. Ristampa, Otto Zeller Verlagsbuchhandlung, Aalen 1964. Molti marchi sono però rumeni.*HUBER, OERTEL 1936 – V. Huber, G. Oertel, Siebenbürgisch-sächsisches und anderes Zinn, Reichenberg 1936.WEINER 1963 – Piroska Weiner, Neue Sammlung von Zinnmarken in Ungarn, in Annuaire du Musée des Arts decoratifs, Bd. VI, 1963, p. 127 segg.WEINER 1969 – Piroska Weiner, Zinngieβer, Zinngefäβe und Zinnmarken aus Ungarn, in Acta Historiae artium, Academia Scientiarum Hungarica, 15, Budapest 1969, p. 139 segg.WEINER 1971a – Piroska Weiner, La poterie d’étain: les plus beaux étains des collections hongroises, ed. Corvina, Budapest 1971, pp. 64, tavv. 47.WEINER 1971b – Piroska Weiner, Zinnkunst in ungarischen Sammlungen, Budapest 1971.*WEINER 1971c – Piroska Weiner, Old Pewter in Hungarian Collections, trad. Helvey Elek, West Elisabeth, Corvina Press, Budapest 1971, pp. 56+note e bibl., tavv. 47.WEINER 1978 – Piroska Weiner, Zinngieβermarken in Ungarn, 16.-19. Jahrhundert, Budapest 1978.

U.S.A.The Pewter Collector Club of AmericaMembership Chairman M Louise Graven, 504 W. Lafayette St., West Chester, PA 19380-2210, website .

Musei con peltri

Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA details or further information: Tel: 1 757 229 1000

The museums at Colonial Williamsburg contain the finest collection of English pewter outside the British Isles as well as many American pieces. Not all are on display so please call in advance for detailed information.

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Avenue of the Arts, 465 Huntingdon Ave, Boston, MA, USA details or further information: Tel: 1 617 267 9300

Brooklyn Museum of Art, 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY, USA details or further information: Tel: 1 718 399 8440

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY, USA details or further information: Tel: 1 212 535 7710

The Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA details or further information: Tel: 1 202 357 2700

There are several sites in Washington and pewter may be available to view at more than one so please call in advance for detailed information.

Winterthur Museum, Route 52, Delaware, USA details or further information: Tel: 1 800 448 3883

Yale University Art Gallery, 111 Chapel St., New Haven CT, USA details or further information: Tel: 1 203 432 0600

Cataloghi mostre:*Pewter of the Connecticut Valley, The Connecticut Valley Historical Museum, May 2nd through May 31st, 1948, Springfield, Massachussetts. Vedi *TOMLINSON 1948*American Pewter, The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn New York, 1949. Vedi *GRAHAM 1949Rhode Island Pewter, 1799-1865, Providence, Rhode Island, The Rhode Island Historical Society 1959*American Pewter, Garvan and other Collections at Yale, Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin, Vol. 30, n. 3, Fall 1965. Vedi *HOOD 1965.*Early American Pewter; John Evans, Jr., Collection, Allentown, Pennsylvania, Allentown Art Museum 1966. Vedi *ALLENTOWN 1966*The Pewter Collection of the New Canaan Historical Society, New Canaan, Connecticut, The New Canaan Historical Society 1967.*Pewter in the Collection of the New Hampshire Historical Society, New Hampshire, Fall 1968. Vedi *GIFFEN, TAGGART 1968*The Charles E. Feinberg Collection of Valuable Judaica, Public Auction, 29-30 November 1967, Sale n. 2627, New York, Catalogue, Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc., New York 1967. Pewter and Brass ritual Objects, nn. 9-25, 324-342. Vedi *PARKE-BERNET1967.*Pewter in America, 1650-1900; an Exhibition, OCTOBER 6 - NOVEMBER 3, 1968, Manchester, New Hampshire, The Currier Gallery of Art 1968. 212 B&W ill., 75pp, An exhibition of the pewter of the Currier Gallery of Art supplemented by selected loans. Exhibitionheld October 6-November 3, 1968*American Pewter from the Collections of Mrs. Robert D. Graff, Dr. Joseph H. Kler, Mr. John H. McMurray.Vedi *MITCHELL 1968*An Exhibition of Connecticut Pewter, New Haven, Connecticut, The New Haven Colony Historical Society 1969. Vedi *FULLAM 1969*American Pewter in the Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Melvyn D. Wolf, Flint, Michigan, Flint Institute of Arts 1973. Vedi *FLINT 1973*American Pewter in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Scroll Press, Danbury, Connecticut 1974. Vedi *FAIRBANKS 1974*British Pewter 1600-1850, The Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire, April 1-28, 1974. Vedi *CURRIER 1974

*American Pewter, Richmond Virginia, Virginia Museum 1976. Vedi *BRANDT 1976*American Pewter, 1740-1850, from Pennsylvania Collections, Exhibi: July 9 to November 13, 1993, Historical Society of Berks County, Reading, Pennsylvania. Vedi *BREININGER 1993a/b From Tavern to Tabernacle: Decorated British and European Pewter, 1600-1800, Long Beach Museum of Art: agosto-8 settembre 2002.*Pewter at Colonial Williamsburg, catalogue of the exhibition until Feb. 5, 2005, Williamsburg,Virginia USA. Vedi *DAVIS 2003.

? 1959 - ?, Treasure in Pewter brought to Light , in The Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin, april 1959 (Short, 3 page article on 32) Includes a photograph of a communion cup *ABBOTT 1951 – Adelbert C. Abbott, A Pewter Discovery, in Antique, January 1951; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, p. 88.*ALLENTOWN 1966 - Allentown Art Museum, Early American Pewter; John Evans, Jr., Collection, January 7 – March 14, 1966, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 1966. 12 pp, 13 tavv.American Art Association/Anderson Galleries 1938 - Early American Pewter collection of Albert C. Bowman,1938, American Art Association/Anderson Galleries, ord. ER$books 14genn05American Art Association - Notable Early American Pewter, 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall 69 pp. Catalog of Sale #4447, April 14-15, 1939. The Private Collection of P.G. Platt,Wallingford, PA; Joseph Walls, Stamford, CT; and John T. Gillespie, Morristown, NJ.Collections also included Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and New England furniture, historical blue Staffordshire, hooked rugs, English furniture and more. New York 1939. 14 pages of text, with approx. 12 items per page, and 2 photos displaying 18 items.ANONIMO 1961 – Anonimo, Colonial Communion Silver and Pewter of the First Congregational Church, Essex, Massachussetts, Essex 1961; ill.ANTIQUARIAN 1930 - ??, Pewter measures (with Photos), in The Antiquarian, augustus 1930,pp.??.ANTIQUES MAGAZINE ? – Library of Antiques Magazine, American and British Pewter, An Historical Survey, ed J.C. Thomas., New York.ART AND DECORATION 1939 – Art and Decoration, March 1939, 38 pp., articolo su Pewter Lamps.*AUMAN 1950 – Paul M. Auman, New Finds in Old Pewter by William Will, in Antique, April 1950; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 102-103.BACKLIN 1960 – Hedy Backlin, Eighteenth-century continental pewter, in Antiques, April 1960.*BAYLEY 1938 – Worth Bailey, Joseph Copeland, 17th-Century Pewterer, in Antique, April 1938; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 80-82.BARKIN 2001 – Kenneth Barkin, From Tavern to Tabernacle,: Decorated British and European pewter, 1600-1800, Long Beach Museum of Art, Long beach 2001, preord. Amazon genn2005-01-09BARKIN 2002 – Kenneth Barkin, Wriggle work decoration on British and European pewter, 1600-1800, in Magazine Antiques, feb. 2002*BARKIN, PELZEL, QUICK 1987 – Kenneth Barkin, Thomas Pelzel, Herb Quick, European Pewter in Everyday Life (1600-1900), subtitled: "from the William Scollard and other Private

Collections", University of California, Riverside, Ca, 1988, p 71, Sweeney Art Gallery ed., 8x11 inch., released in conjunction with the exhibition held at the University Art Gallery, January 10 - March 6, 1988, discusses the rise and fall of European pewter, approximately 100 pewter items are depicted in black/white photos,also includes written descriptions of the 306 items that comprised the exhibit, bibliography**BARQUIST 1986 – David B. Barquist, American and English Pewter at the Yale University Art Gallery: A Supplementary Checklist, Arthur Schwartz Sales Co, Pathway Book Service, 1986.80 pp. In uno dei libri in possesso mancano le pagine 1-18.BASON ? – Autence A. Bason, Communion Tokens of the United States of America, ??.*BEDFORD 1968 - John Bedford, Pewter, Walker & Company ed., New York, Collectors’ Pieces, Hong Kong 1968 (3rd ed.). 1 ed. New York 1966.BISSELL 1959 – Charles Bissell, Treasure in Pewter come to Light, in The Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin, April 1959, 2 p. with 1 photo of a Communion cup. (vedi download)

Bosto Boston 35 fc The Pewter Coll. Club of America Cat. Exh. PCCA Boston '35

*BOWIE 1980 – Hamish Bowie, Renovating Silver, Pewter and Brass, 1980.*BRANDT 1976 – F. Brandt, AMERICAN PEWTER: A loan exhibition organized by Frederick R. Brandt on display at the Virginia Museum from April 26 to June 6, 1976. Virginia Museum, Richmond 1976,86 pp. *BREININGER 1993a – Lester P. Breininger, Jr., American Pewter: 1740-1850 Pennsylvania Collections; the Romance of Pewter, in Historical Review of Berks County, Vol. LVIII, Number 3,Summer 1993, pp. 127-130, Reading PA 1993.*BREININGER 1993b – Lester P. Breininger, Jr., Illustrated Catalogue American Pewter: 1740-1850 from Pennsylvania Collections Exhibition, The Historical Society of Berks County, July 9 to November13, 1993, in Historical Review of Berks County, Vol. LVIII, Number 3, Summer 1993, pp. 135-155, Reading PA 1993.BULLETIN. – The Bulletin of The Pewter Collector Club of America, semestrale dal 1934.*BULLETIN PEWTER COLLECTORS’ CLUB 1974 - Pewter Collectors’ Club of America, Pictorial Index for Volumes 1-6, Bulletins, n° 1-69, 1974.*BULLETIN PEWTER COLLECTORS’ CLUB 1984 - Pewter Collectors’ Club of America, Index for Volumes 1-8, Bulletins, n° 1-89. 1984.*BUTTON 1930 – H.V. Button, Concerning the Pewtering Bassett, in Antique, March 1930; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 94-95.CALDER 1924 - Charles A. Calder, Rhode Island pewterers and their work together with a list of American pewterers, by Charles A. Calder, Providence 1924. Reprinted with additions from the Rhode Island Historical Society Collections. 38 pp.*CAMPBELL 1969 – AA.VV. The Campbell Museum Collections, by Campbell Museum, Camden, New Jersey 1969, 1st ed. Non ci sono peltri, solo argenti e ceramiche, in prevalenza zuppiere.*CAMPBELL 1972 – AA.VV. The Campbell Museum Collections, by Campbell Museum, Camden, New Jersey 1972, 2nd revised and enlarged ed., argenti e ceramiche, in prevalenza zuppiere. Qualcosa sui peltri del museo.*CAMPBELL 1973 – Thomas Campbell, 18th Century American Capacity Seals, in JPS, October 1973, pp.17-19.*CHARRON 1973 – Shirley Charron, Modern Pewter, Design and Techniques, Ed. Van Nostran Reinhold Co., New York 1973, 143 pp.

*CHRISTIES 1981 – Christies, Important American Pewter. Collection of Mr. and Mrs George A. Jenckes, New York, 11th april 1981, 66 pp., 10x8 inches. *CHURCHILL 1992 – Edwin A. Churchill, Hail Britannia: Maine Pewter and Silverplate: An exhibition of Maine Britannia ware and silverplate, 1829-1941, in the collections of the Maine State Museum, May 15, 1992 – May 15, 1993, Maine State Museum 1992.*COCKS 1967 – Dorothy Cocks, The Pewter Collection of the New Canaan Historical Society, The New Canaan Historical Society, New Canaan (Connecticut) 1967. 24 pp e foto B/NCOFFIN 1968 - Coffin, Margaret, THE HISTORY & FOLKLORE OF AMERICAN COUNTRY TINWARE 1700-1900, Thomas Nelson & Sons, Camden, NJ, (1968) 1st ed, B&W illustrations, 226pp, very good w/good dustjacket, signed by the author, (Order No: 1439 ), $30.00 COTTERELL 1930 – Howard Herschel Cotterell, Evolution of the Trencher, in Antiques (USA), January 1930.CRAWFORD 1975 – Rachael B. Crawford, 19th-Century American Pewterers, in Antique, December 1975, 3 pp with bibliography and 9 photos.*CURRIER 1968 - Pewter in America, 1650-1900; an Exhibition, OCTOBER 6 - NOVEMBER 3, 1968, Manchester, New Hampshire, The Currier Gallery of Art 1968. 212 B&W ill., 75pp, An exhibition of the pewter of the Currier Gallery of Art supplemented by selected loans. *CURRIER 1974 – British Pewter 1600-1850 April 1-28, 1974, The Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire, 1974. Catalogo, 42 pp., 159 ill.* DAVIS 2003 – John D. Davis, English Pewter at Colonial Williamsburg, in Antique, June 2003. Da Internet.*DAVIS 2003 – John D. Davis, Pewter at Colonial Williamsburg, catalogue of the exhibition untilFeb. 5, 2005, Williamsburg, Virginia USA, oltre 400 oggetti e circa 1000 foto e illustrazioni, *DE JONGE 1955 – Eric de Jonge, Swedish Influence on American Pewter, in Antique, March 1955; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 110-112.DE JONGE 1968 – Eric de Jonge, Johann Christoph Heyne, Pewterer, Minister, Teacher, in WinterthurPortfolio 4, Winterthur, Delaware : The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, 1968, pp. 169-184.DE JONGE 1974 – Eric de Jonge, American Pewter, Early American Society ed., 1974 Preorder Amazon9genn2005*DEMING 1949 – Oliver Wolcott Deming, A Bassett Discovery, in Antique, January 1949; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 96-97.DE VOE 1968 - DeVoe, Shirley Spaulding, THE TINSMITHS OF CONNECTICUT, Wesleyan University Press, Middletown, CT, (1968) 1st ed, over 140 B&W ill., 200pp, very good w/good dustjacket (hardcover), (Order No: 547 ), $45.00DE VOE 1981 - DeVoe, Shirley Spaulding, THE ART OF THE TINSMITH: ENGLISH AND AMERICAN, Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., Exton, PA, (1981), B&W illustrations, 222pp, very good w/good dustjacket (hardcover), inscribed by the author, "A tribute to the men and women who made and decorated utilitarian tinwares on both sides of the Atlantic Oceans.", (Order No: 3875 ), $45.00DYER 1910 – Walter A. Dyer, The Lure of the Antique, The Century Company, New York 1910, 499 pp, 159 ill., 5,3/4 x 8 ¼ inches. Capitolo sul Peltro americano.*DOWNS 1942 – Joseph Downs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Pewterers and their Marks, New York 1942, 30 pp. 24 pp di marchi (riprodotto, integrato, in calce a KAUFFMAN 1970).

*DOWNS 1968 – Joseph Downs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Pewterers and their Marks, 2nd ed, Cracker Barrel Press, Southampton, New York 1968, 15 pp. Notes for 2nd ed. by Malcom A. Rogers, Jr.; 24 pp di marchi*EBERT 1973 – Katherine Ebert, Collecting American Pewter, Charles Scribner’s Sons, NewYork 1973. 163 pp, 159 foto. Altra ed. posteriore, Weathervane Books.*EVANS 1931 – John J. Evans Jr., I.C.H., Lancaster Pewterer, in Antique, September 1931; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 113-116.*EVANS 1950 – John J. Evans Jr., A Flat-Top Tankard, in Antique, April 1950; reprint in*THOMAS 1976, pp. 108-109.*EVANS 1952 – John J. Evans Jr., Some Pewter by William Will, in Antique, February 1952;reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 104-105.FAIRBANKS 1973 – Jonathans L. Fairbanks, American Pewter in the Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Melvyn D. Wolf, Flint, Michigan, Flint Institute of Arts 1973. 144 pp.*FAIRBANKS 1974 – Jonathans L. Fairbanks, American Pewter in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Scroll Press, Danbury, Connecticut 1974. 132 pp. *FENNIMORE 1996 – Donald L. Fennimore, Henry Will Account Book, Morgantown, Pa, 1996.*FENNIMORE et alii 2001 - Donald L. Fennimore with Revisions by Elizabeth von Habsburg, Photographs by Rosmarie Hausherr, American Silver & Pewter (Antique Hunter’s Guides), Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers Paperback, New York 2000, printed in HongKong Jan 2001, circa 450 ill. 478 pp. FENNIMORE, HAUSHERR 1984 - Donald Fennimore, Rosmarie Hausherr, Silver and Pewter: Knopf Collectors Guide to American Antiques (The Knopf Collector’s Guides to American Antiques), Random House(P) Paperback, 1984. 478 pp.*FLINT 1973 - Flint Institute of Arts, American Pewter in the Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Melvyn D. Wolf, Flint, Michigan, Flint Institute of Arts 1973.*FULLAM 1969 - W. Ross Fullam, An Exhibition of Connecticut Pewter, The New Haven ColonyHistorical Society, New Haven 1969.*GALE 1909 – Edwards J. Gale, Pewter & the Amateur Collector, Charles Schribner’s Sons,New York 1909, 93 pp.*GIFFEN-NYLANDER, TAGGART 1968 – Jane C. Giffen Nylander, Ida F. Taggart, Pewter in the Collections of The New Hampshire Historical Society, ed. The New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, New Hampshire 1968. 21 pp.GOYNE 1965 – Nancy A. Goyne, Britannia in America: The Introduction of a New Alloy and a New Industry, in Winterthur Portfolio 2, Winterthur, Delaware : The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, 1965, pp. 160-196.GOULD 1958 - Gould, Mary Earle (with a foreword by R. W. G. Vail), ANTIQUE TIN & TOLE WARE: ITS HISTORY AND ROMANCE, Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, VT, (1974) 4th ptg, 255B&W illustrations, 136pp, good w/good dustjacket (hardcover), First published in 1958. The flavor and romance of early American life is revealed in the everyday utensils used to prepare the pioneer's food, make their clothing, etc. Franklin 5686., (Order No: 756 ), $35.00 *GRAHAM 1949 - John Meredith Graham II, American Pewter, Museum of Brooklyn Institute of Art and Sciences, New York 1949. 36 pp, 32 ill b/n.*GUERINEAU MYERS 1926 - Louis Guerineau Myers, Some notes on American pewterers, Country Life Press, Garden City (New York) 1926.*HATCH 1942 – J.D. Hatch Jr., Albany Pewter and Its Makers, Albany and Hudson River Craftsmen Series No. 2, Albany Institute of History and Art, April 1942, 9 pp.

*HAEBERLE 1874- Arminius T. Haeberle, Old pewter, Boston 1874 *riedizione R. G. Badger ed., Boston 1931. 128 pp.HAMILTON 1962 – Suzanne C. Hamilton, The Pewter of William Will: a Checklist, in Winterthur Portfolio 7, Winterthur, Delaware : The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, 1972, pp. 1629-160.HARWARD UNIVERSITY 1936 - Harward Tercentenary Exhibition. Catalogue of furniture, silver, pewter, glass, ceramics, paintings, prints, together with allied arts and crafts of the period 1636-1836. Arranged by a committee of graduates at Robinson Hall, School of Architecture, Harward University…July 25th to September 21st, 1936; Miscellaneous Institutions and Societies, Harward University; Cambridge (Massachussets) 1936.HERR 1969 – Donald M. Herr, Fakes. New and improwed, in Pewter Collectors Club of America, Bulletin n.60, August 1969.*HERR 1995 – Donald M. Herr, Pewter in Pennsylvania German Churches, Pennsylvania-GermanSociety, 1995, 214 pp.*HOOD 1965 - Graham Hood, American Pewter: Garvan and other Collections at Yale, in Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin, Vol. 30, n. 3, New Haven, Fall 1965. HOOPER 2005 – Tom and Patty Hooper, ASL Pewter, Introduction to Pewter Smithing, Missouri 2005; anche in DVD.HORNSBY 1983 – Peter R. G. Hornsby, Pewter of the Western World, 1600-1850, ed. Schiffer Publishing Co., Exton, Pennsylvania 1983. 381 pp., 1292 ill.**HUDSON MOORE 1933 – Hanna Woodbridge Hudson Moore, Old Pewter, Brass, Copper & Sheffield Plate, with One Hundred and Five Illustrations, Garden City Publishing Company, Inc. Garden City, New York, 1933 (1 ed. 1905).HUME 1978 – Ivor Noel Hume, A Guide to Artifacts of Colonial America, London 1978, pp. 313 – 321.*JACOBS 1957 - Carl Jacobs, Guide to American pewter, The McBride Co., New York 1957. 216 pp., ill. JACOBS 1970 - Carl Jacobs, Collector Guide *JACOBS 1960 - Celia Jacobs, The Pocket Book of American Pewter, 85 pp. 1st ed. The Pond-Exberg Company, Springfield, Massachussetts 1960. (firmato dall’autrice)JACOBS 1970 - Celia Jacobs, The Pocket Book of American Pewter: The Makers and The Marks, rev. 2nd ed. Boston: Cahners 1970. altre ed.: Stephen Greene Press 1981, 93 pp, Herman Pub, Jan 2000. Preord. Amazon genn2005-01-09JACOBS 1981 - Celia Jacobs, American Pewter Mugs, Penguin Book, 1981, 93 pp.*KAIN 1975 - Jai D. Kain, Cast pewter jewelry, Davis Publ. Inc., Worcester (Massachussets) 1975. 96 pp.*KAUFFMAN 1944-1947 – Henry J. Kauffman, Pennsylvania German Pewter, 52 pp, ill. by Zoe Toomer Kauffman, Home Craft Course vol. 8, C. Naaman Keyser Publ., Plymouth Meeting 1944 and 1947. *KAUFFMAN 1970 - Henry J. Kauffman, The American pewterer: his techniques & his products. Drawings by Dorothy Briggs, Thomas Nelson Inc.ed., Camden, New Jersey 1970. 158 pp.In appendice, riproduzione di DOWNS 1942, American Pewterers and theyr Marks, 1 ed.1942 integrata con LAUGHLIN 1940.KAUFFMAN 1994 - Henry J. Kauffman, The American Pewterer: His Techniques & His Products. Drawings by Dorothy Briggs, Astragal Press, ed., Mendham New Jersey 1994. 132 ppKERFOOT 1924 - J. B. Kerfoot, American Pewter, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston 1924, 500 ill, 236 pp.

**KERFOOT 1942 - J. B. Kerfoot, American Pewter, Bonanza Books, New York 1942, reprint dell’ed.1924. 500 ill, 236 pp. KERFOOT 1974 - J. B. Kerfoot, American Pewter, Bonanza Books, New York 1974, reprintdell’ed.1924., 500 ill, 236 pp. KEYSER, SCHOENBERGER 1955 – S. Keyser, G. Schoenberger, Jewish Ceremonial Art, Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia 1955.KNITTLE 1943 – R.M. Knittle, Early Ohio Silversmiths & Pewterers, 1787 – 1847, Calvert-Hatch Co, Cleveland 1943.*KOVEL, KOVEL 1961 - Ralph M. Kovel, Terry H. Kovel, American silver, pewter and silver plate, Crown Publ. ed., 1 ediz. New York 1961. 344 pp. (*2 ristampa 1963). *KOVEL, KOVEL 1970 - Ralph M. Kovel, Terry H. Kovel, American silver, pewter and silver plate, 6 ristampa, Crown Publ. ed., New York 1970 (1 ediz. New York 1961). 344 pp *KOVEL, KOVEL 1974 - Ralph M. Kovel, Terry H. Kovel, A Directory of American silver, pewterand silver plate, 8 ristampa, Crown Publ. ed., New York 1974, (1 ediz. New York 1961 con altro titolo). 344 pp.*LACEY 1970 – Betty Lacey, Sellew & Company Cincinnati Pewter, in National Antique Review, vol. I, n. 9, March 1970, pp. 18-19.LASANSKY 1982 - Lasansky, Jeannette, TO CUT, PIECE, & SOLDER: THE WORK OF THE RURAL PENNSYLVANIA TINSMITH, 1778-1908, Oral Traditions Project, Lewisburg, PA, (1982), B&W illustrations, 80pp, very good, wraps (softcover), This publication is the sixth ina series of studies focusing on rural Pennsylvania craftspersons--basketmakers, blacksmiths, red earthenware and stoneware potters, tinsmiths, and weavers., (OrderNo: 31825 ), $65.00 *LAUGHLIN 1930a – Ledlie Irwin Laughlin, The American Pewter Porringer, in Antiques, May 1930. Reprint in *WINCHESTER ET ALII 1950, pp. 247-252 e in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 73-77.*LAUGHLIN 1930b – Ledlie Irwin Laughlin, Cornelius Bradford, in Antiques, August 1930. Reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 100-101.LAUGHLIN 1940 – Ledlie Irwin Laughlin, Pewter in America, its Makers and their Marks, Voll.2, Houghton Mifflin Co. ed., Boston 1940. (1a ed. Appleton & Co 1886). First ed Folio, xvii, (3), 138 pp., plus frontis and 58 plates; (12), 241 pp., plus frontis and 30 plates, captions opposite. Volume I includes: background in pewter-making, the problems and business of pewter-making, marks on pewter, and the Pewterers of Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, and Connecticut Valley. Volume II includes: New York, Albany, Pennsylvania, the South, Britannia period, fakes, notes on collecting, with appendixes, bibliography and index* LAUGHLIN 1970 – Ledlie Irwin Laughlin, The Pewterers of Eighteenth-Century New York, in Antique, October 1970; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp.83-87. LAUGHLIN 1971 – Ledlie Irwin Laughlin, Pewter in America, its Makers and their Marks, Vol. 3°, ed. Boston & Barre, Massachussetts 1971.*LAUGHLIN 1981 – Ledlie Irwin Laughlin, Pewter in America, its Makers and their Marks, Voll. 3 in one, American Legacy Press ed., New York 1981.LOVELL 1973 – Nancy Anne Lovell, Discuss the role of the local pewterer: Late 18th and 19th Centuries; did he just make pewter?, Guide research Project, Historic Deerfield 1973, preord Amazon genn2005-01-09MAGAZINE ANTIQUES ? – Library of Antiques Magazine, American and British Pewter, An Historical Survey, ed J.C. Thomas., New York.*MALLORY 1957 – Robert Mallory III, An American Pewter Collection, in Antique, July 1957; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 66-69.

MANSFIELD KNITTLE 1883 - 1943 - Rhea Mansfield Knittle, Early Ohio silversmiths and pewterers, 1787 - 1847, (The Ohio frontier series, 1787-1847) Cleveland (Ohio) 1883. Riedizione Calvert - Hatch Co. ed., Cleveland (Ohio) 1943. MARX 1971 – Robert Marx, Silver and pewter items recovered from the sunken city of Port Royal: May 1, 1966 – March 31, 1968, by Caribbean Research Institute, College of the Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands 1971. Preord. Amazon 9genn2005.MASTERS, MASTERS 1948 - Robert William Masters, Lillian Decker Masters, Off a Pewter Platter, commedia in due atti, Samuel French ed., New York 1948.*MAUST 1974 – Don A. Maust, American Woodenware and Other Primitives, E. G. Warman Publishing Co., Uniontown, PA. 1974. Capitolo sul peltro, pp.71-74MCGOVAN 1998 – Susan McGovan, Solon L. Newton pewter collection: Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association. Memorial Hall Museum, Pocumtuck 1998.* MICHAEL 1970a – George Michael, Pewter Photography – A Challenge in Lightning, in NationalAntique Review, vol. I, n. 9, March 1970, pp. 20-23.* MICHAEL 1970b – George Michael, The LQNDON touchmark, in National Antique Review, vol. I, n. 9, March 1970, p. 27.*MINOR 1938 – Edward E. Minor, American Pewter Tankards, in Antique, September 1938; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 70-72.*MITCHELL 1968 – James Mitchell (a cura di), American Pewter from the Collections of Mrs. Robert D. Graff, Dr. Joseph H. Kler, Mr. John H. McMurray. January 27, 1968 – September 2, 1968; Catalogo, New Jersey State Museum Cultural Center, Trenton, NJ 1968, 16 pp non num., 67 ill b/n.*MONTGOMERY 1939 - Charles Frankin Montgomery, Important Early American Pewter, I, in Antique, September 1939; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 62-65.*MONTGOMERY 1949 - Charles Frankin Montgomery, Pewter at the Forum, English Influence in American Pewter, I, in Antique, September 1949; reprint in *THOMAS1976, pp. 53-54.*MONTGOMERY 1973 - Charles Frankin Montgomery, A History of American Pewter, Winthertur Museum, Praeger Publishers. ed., New York 1973.MONTGOMERY 1976 - Charles Frankin Montgomery, AMERICAN ART: 1750-1800 : TOWARDS INDEPENDENCE. Yale University Art Gallery, 1976. 11x8.5. 320pp. End paper text and map. 240 text figures both in colour and b/w illustrate the text.MONTGOMERY 1978 - Charles Frankin Montgomery, A History of American Pewter, revised and enlarged edition, Winterthur Book ed., Dutton, New York 1978.NORTHEND 1912 – Mary H. Northend, Colonial Homes and theyr furnishing, with numerous illustrations, Little Brown and Company ed, Boston 1912, (1ed. 1850).OSBURN, WILBER 1979 - Burl Neff Osburn, Gordon Owen Wilber, Pewter -working, instructions and projects, Dover Publ. ed., New York 1979.*OSBURN, WILBER 1947 - Burl Neff Osburn, Gordon Owen Wilber, Pewter, Spun, Wrought and Cast, Pennsylvania Int. Textbook Co. 4to, dim: 9 ¾”-12”, 1 ed Ott. 1938; 2 rist. 1939; 3 ristampa, 151 pp. , Scranton 1947.*PARKE-BERNET1967 – Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc., The Charles E. Feinberg Collection of Valuable Judaica, Public Auction, 29-30 November 1967, Sale n. 2627, New York, Catalogue, New York 1967. Pewter and Brass ritual Objects, nn. 9-25, 324-342.*PATTEN 1970 – Dorothy Patten, Contemporary Corner, Fred J. Pulsifer – Pewterer, in National Antique Review, vol. I, n. 9, March 1970, pp. 43-44.*PERRY 1974 - Evan Perry, Collecting Antique Metalware: Tin, Copper, Pewter, Brass, Iron, Bronze, Doubleday & Co, Inc, Garden City, New York 1974.

*PEWTER COLLECTORS’ CLUB 1984 - Pewter Collector Club of America, Pewter in American Life, Mowbry Co. ed., Providence, Rhode Island 1984. Altra edizione Wappinger's Falls, New York ?*PLATT 1930 – P.G. Platt, American Pewter as a Collectible, in Antique, November 1930; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 57-61.*POOLE 1938 – John W. Poole, An American Silversmith anf His Pewter, in Antique, March 1938; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 98-99.POWERS, FLOYD 1957 - Powers, Beatrice Farnsworth, and Floyd, Olive (foreword by Kathryn C. Buhler), EARLY AMERICAN DECORATED TINWARE (WITH DESIGNS AND PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS), Hastings House, New York, (1957), 79 B&W plates, 267pp, very good w/good dustjacket (hardcover), The history of tinware and the practical methods of decorating it. 86 designs that are suitable for reproduction., (Order No: 3328 ), $45.00 RAYMOND 1947 – Percy E. Raymond, American Pewter Porringers with Flowered Handles, in AmericanCollector, nov. 1947, pp. 11-15.*RAYMOND 1948 – Percy E. Raymond, Unique Crown-Handled Porringers, in Antique, January 1948; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 78-79.*RAYMOND 1949 – Percy E. Raymond, Pewter at the Forum, English Influence in American Pewter, II, in Antique, September 1949; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 55-56. *ROBACKER 1967 – Earl F. Robacker, Pennsylvania Pewter and Pewterers, in Pennsylvania Folklife, Winter 1962-1963, Vol 13, n°2, pp. 2-6.*ROBACKER 1965 – Earl F. Robacker, Touch of the Dutschland, London 1965. ristampa London 1968, 240 pp, ill. Cap. 4, Pewter and Pewterers in Dutchdom, pp. 35-42.*ROGERS 1968 – Malcom A. Rogers jr., Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Pewterers and their Marks, 2nd ed, Cracker Barrel Press, Southampton, New York 1968, 15 pp. Notes for 2nd ed. By Malcom A. Rogers, Jr. 24 pp di marchi.*RUGG ET ALII 1934 – Harold G. Rugg, the Editor, Richard Lee, Pewterer, in Antique, June 1934; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 117-119.RUSCHFORD 1939 – Edward A. Rushford, (Marked?) American Pewter Lamps, (American Christian Missionary Society Bulletin), ? 1939.*SCOTT 1980 - Jack L. Scott, Pewter Wares from Sheffield, Antiquary Press, Baltimore 1980.SMITH, HIXON 1979 – Carolin A. Smith, Peggy R. Hixon, The Mystery Era of American Pewter, 1928-1931, 2 voll, ? 1979. SOTHEBY’S 1978 – Sotheby’s (a cura di), Medieval, Renaissance, and later Works of Art, Pewter, Maiolica, Glass, Forniture and Tapestries, 8 e 9/12/1978, catalogo d’asta, Sotheby Park Bennett, New YorkSOTHEBY’S 1996 – Sotheby’s (a cura di), Important Americana, catalogo d’asta, New York19-21/1/1996, lotti 1300-1311, 1458, 1459. Vendita 6800.SUAREZ, RODGERS, HOLDEN 1966 - Diego Suarez, Oliver Rodgers, Philip D Golden, The Collection of Silver and Pewter Belonging to the Brook, The Brook, New York 1966. Hard Cover. État First Edition, copiously illustrated.*SWAIN 1963 – Charles V. Swain, Interchangeable Parts in Early American Pewter, in Antiques,February 1963; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 106-107.*SWAIN 1972 – Charles V. Swain, Three flagons attributed to John Will, in Antiques, May 1972, pp.853-857; reprint in *THOMAS 1976, pp. 89-93.

TIN RESEARCH INSTITUTE 1972 – The Tin Research Institute, Pewter Craftsmanship, Inc. Columbus Ohio 1972.*THOMAS 1976a – John Carl Thomas, American and British Pewter an historical survey, ANTIQUESMAGAZINE LIBRARY, 6, Thomas, John Carl (edited by), Main Street/Universe Books, NewYork, c1976, B&W illustrations, 160pp, Another outstanding collection of articles that originally appeared in THE MAGAZINE ANTIQUES. In three sections: British Pewter; American Pewter Before 1800; American Pewter After 1800. **THOMAS 1976b - John Carl Thomas, Connecticut Pewter and Pewterers. The Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford (CT) 1976. 194 B&W ill., 194pp, very good, black clothspine, gray cloth covered boards.*TOMLINSON 1948 – Juliette Tomlinson, Pewter of the Connecticut Valley, The Connecticut Valley Historical Museum, May 2nd through May 31st, 1948, Springfield, Massachussetts.*THORN 1949 - Thorn, C. Jordan (preface by John Meredith Graham II), HANDBOOK OF AMERICAN SILVER AND PEWTER MARKS, Tudor Publishing Co., New York, (1949) 1st ed, B&W illustrations, 289pp, 3500 marks, 300 ill. (Order No: 2767 ), $15.00 USHER ART GALLERY 1962 - Usher art gallery, Exhibition of Pewter. Arranged in association with the Society of Pewter Collector. City Of Lincoln, Usher Gallery, 29th September to 27 October, 1962, catalogo, Lincoln 1962. Preordinato Amazon 2sett2004*VARNUM 1926 – William H. Varnum, Pewter Design and Construction, The Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1926. 148 pp. 10,5” x 7,5/8”. VETTER 1932 – Robert M. Vetter, European Pewter in the United States, in Antique Magazine, April 1932.VICTORIA 1997 - ?, Collecting a Fall Wardrobe - The Allure of Pewter - Classic shapes, quiet luster, adaptable design - the very qualities we love in collectible pewter are here in the season's favorite fashions, in Victoria magazine, November 1997, Vol 11 No 11.WILL 1939 – Henry Will, American marked Pewter shows Makers’ Versatility, in American Collector, trim. April 1939; 2 pp. Pictured are some tankards, candlesticks, a plate by Simon Edgell of Philadelphia, 18th and 19th century teapots and a writing by by Henry Will of New York. Dim 10 ¼ x 13 172 “, 20 pp tot.*WILLIAMS 1970 – Thomas Williams, A Pewter Collector’s Guide, in National Antique Review, vol. I, n. 9, March 1970, pp. 24-26.*WINCHESTER ET ALII 1950 – Alice Winchester and the Staff of Antique Magazine, The Antiques Book, Bonanza Books, New York 1950. Cap. sul peltro: Ledlie Irwin Laughlin,The American Pewter Porringer, già edito in Antiques, May 1930. pp. 247-252WHISKER 1993 – James B. Whisker, Pennsylvania Silversmiths, Goldsmiths and Pewterers, 1684-1900, Edwin Mellen Pres ed., ? 1993.*WYLIE 1952 – W. Wylie, Pewter Measure for Measure, New York 1952

On this page you can browse the 24 books about Pewter and other Metals that are in stock on October 23, 2001, at Ray Boas, Bookseller in New Preston, Connecticut. Books about Silver can be found on a separate page, and as you know by now, you canplace an order at anytime. Thank you, RAY. 1. Coffin, Margaret, THE HISTORY & FOLKLORE OF AMERICAN COUNTRY TINWARE 1700-1900, Thomas Nelson & Sons, Camden, NJ, (1968) 1st ed, B&W illustrations, 226pp, very good w/good dustjacket, signed by the author, (Order No: 1439 ), $30.00

3. DeVoe, Shirley Spaulding, THE TINSMITHS OF CONNECTICUT, Wesleyan University Press, Middletown, CT, (1968) 1st ed, over 140 B&W ill., 200pp, very good w/good dustjacket (hardcover), (Order No: 547 ), $45.00 4. DeVoe, Shirley Spaulding, THE ART OF THE TINSMITH: ENGLISH AND AMERICAN, Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., Exton, PA, (1981), B&W illustrations, 222pp, very good w/good dustjacket (hardcover), inscribed by the author, "A tribute to the men and women who made and decorated utilitarian tinwares on both sides of the Atlantic Oceans.", (Order No: 3875 ), $45.00 5. Gould, Mary Earle (with a foreword by R. W. G. Vail), ANTIQUE TIN & TOLE WARE: ITS HISTORY AND ROMANCE, Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, VT, (1974) 4th ptg, 255 B&W illustrations, 136pp, good w/good dustjacket (hardcover), First published in 1958. The flavor and romance of early American life is revealed in the everyday utensils used to prepare the pioneer's food, make their clothing, etc. Franklin 5686., (Order No: 756 ), $35.00 6. Jackson, Charles James, ENGLISH GOLDSMITHS AND THEIR MARKS, Macmillan and Co., Ltd., London, 1905, ill. with 1,000s of marks, 696pp, good, red cloth w/some light wear (hardcover), Continuing from the title page: "A History of the Goldsmiths and Plate Workers of England, Scotland, and Ireland with over eleven thousand marks reproduced in facsimile from authentic examples of plate, and tables of date-letters and other hall-marks used in the Assay Offices of the United Kingdom.", (Order No: 6542 ), $60.00 7. Kauffman, Henry J., AMERICAN COPPER & BRASS, Bonanza Books, NY, (1979), 265 B&W ill., 288pp, very good w/very good dj, Originally published in 1968. Franklin 5589., (Order No: 762 ), $25.00 8. Kauffman, Henry J., AMERICAN COPPER & BRASS, Thomas Nelson & Sons, Camden, NJ, (1968) 1st ed, B&W illustrations, 288pp, very good w/good dustjacket, Covers products of the coppersmith and the brass founder. Includes documented lists of coppersmiths and brass founders. Bibliography., (Order No: 1607 ), $40.00 9. Kauffman, Henry J., EARLY AMERICAN IRONWARE: CAST AND WROUGHT, Weathervane Books, New York, orig pub 1966, B&W illustrations, 166pp, good w/good dustjacket, "The crafts of the blacksmith, whitesmith, tinsmith, farrier, cutler, locksmith, gunsmith and others.", (Order No: 5369 ), $25.00 11. Lasansky, Jeannette, TO CUT, PIECE, & SOLDER: THE WORK OF THE RURAL PENNSYLVANIA TINSMITH, 1778-1908, Oral Traditions Project, Lewisburg, PA, (1982), B&W illustrations, 80pp, very good, wraps (softcover), This publication is the sixth in a series of studies focusing on rural Pennsylvania craftspersons--basketmakers, blacksmiths, red earthenware and stoneware potters, tinsmiths, and weavers., (Order No: 31825 ), $65.00 13. Lindsay, J. Seymour (introduction by Ralph Edwards), IRON AND BRASS IMPLEMENTS OF THE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HOUSE, Alec Tiranti, London, 1964 rev ed, 480 B&W illustrations, 88pp text, very good w/good dustjacket (hardcover), Orig pub. 1927. Includes cooking and other kitchen utensils, lighting, tobacco smoking and more., (Order No: 761 ), $45.00 17. Powers, Beatrice Farnsworth, and Floyd, Olive (foreword by Kathryn C. Buhler), EARLY AMERICAN DECORATED TINWARE (WITH DESIGNS AND PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS), Hastings House, New York, (1957), 79 B&W plates, 267pp, very good w/good dustjacket (hardcover), The history of tinware and the practical methods of decorating it. 86 designs that are suitable for reproduction., (Order No: 3328 ), $45.00

18. Ricketts, Howard, ANTIQUE GOLD AND ENAMELWARE IN COLOR: HISTORY OF OBJECTS OF VERTU, Doubleday & Co., NY, (1971), 126 colored plates, 124pp, vg w/g dj, Focuses on the intriquing art of the enameller. Includes: Battersea, Bilston and Birminghamenamels. French enamels, gold, tortoseshell and horn, Faberge, Dinglinger. Franklin4867, (Order No: 1677 ), $40.00 19. Schiffer, Herbert; Schiffer, Peter; and, Schiffer, Nancy, ANTIQUE IRON: SURVEY OF AMERICAN AND ENGLISH FORMS - FIFTEENTH THROUGH NINETEENTH CENTURIES, Schiffer Publishing Co., Exton, PA, (1979), B&W illustrations, 352pp, good w/good dustjacket(hardcover), "The antique ironware field is covered by this extensive selection of items. Included are architectural hardware, lighting devices, andirons and fireplace equipment, tools, toys, weathervanes, firemarks, kitchen utensils, fencesand gates.", (Order No: 30093 ), $60.00 20. Shifman, Barry (contributions by W. Scott Braznell and Sharon S. Darling), THE ARTS & CRAFTS METALWORK OF JANET PAYNE BOWLES, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN, (1993), B&W and color ill., 135pp, very good+, blue cloth (hardcover), ISBN 0936260580 This book was published in conjunction with the exhibition THE ARTS & CRAFTS METALWORK OF JANET PAYNE BOWLES., (Order No: 32550 ), $35.00 21. The Currier Gallery of Art, PEWTER IN AMERICA 1650-1900: AN EXHIBITION (OCTOBER6 - NOVEMBER 3, 1968), The Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester, NH, (1968), 212 B&W ill., 75pp, good, wraps (softcover), An exhibition of the pewter of the Currier Gallery of Art supplemented by selected loans. Exhibition held October 6-November 3, 1968., (Order No: 19754 ), $30.00 SCHIFFER 1978 – P, N e H. Schiffer, The Brass Book, Exton, Pennsylvania, 1978.

Old English Plate Marks Giving Tables of the Alphabetical Date-Letters and Other Hall Marks by Wilfred Joseph Cripps, - Pub: 1901, John Murray, London, 2nd edition; - 35 pg, brown softcover with chart of Kings and Queens reign from 1399 to 1910 in pencil on front endpaper;

Report of the Departmental Committee on Hallmarking - Pub. 1964 Reprint of 1959 presentation to Parliament by the Board of Trade, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London - 137 pg, blue softcover

Old Pewter, Copper, Sheffield Plate by N. Hudson Moore - Pub: 1933, Garden City Publishing, NY. - 105 illustrations, 229 pgs., silver hardcover

Domestic Silver of Great Britain and Ireland by Edward Wenham - Pub: 1931, Oxford University - 95 plates, 185 pgs., maroon hardcover in faded, price clipped dustjacket;

Victorian Silver and Silver-Plate by Patricia Wardle - Pub. 1963, Universe Books, NY. - 69 plates, 238 pgs., black hardcover in dustjacket with price, book is an x library with markings;

Old Sheffield Plate by R. A. Robertson - 1957, Ernest Benn Ltd. London - 25 plates, 190 pgs - blue hardcover in price-clipped orange dustjacket;

Continuing Traditions in Silver, Exhibit piece for Calfornia Silversmiths -

Pub: 1983, Argentum Antiques Ltd. - softcover, 14 pgs., Includes photos and

work of Dawn Nakanishi, Skip Gaynard, Michel Royston, Michael Tom, Susan wood-Onstad, Lucinda Cox, J. Thomas reardon, Linda Weiss-Edwards, Jack Silva,Douglas Steakley, Walter Soelner.