

Apatite as a monitor of late-stage magmatic processesat Volcan Irazu, Costa Rica

Jeremy W. Boyce Æ Richard L. Hervig

Received: 18 April 2008 / Accepted: 1 July 2008 / Published online: 16 July 2008

� Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract Apatite phenocrysts from the 1963 and 1723

eruptions of Irazu volcano (Costa Rica) record a volatile

evolution history that confirms previous melt inclusion

studies, and provides additional information concerning the

relative and absolute timing of subvolcanic magmatic

events. Measurements of H, Cl, and F by secondary ion

mass spectrometry reveal multiple populations of apatite in

both 1723 and 1963 magmas. Assuming nominal apatite/

melt partition coefficients allows us to compare the pattern

of melt inclusions and apatites in ternary space, demon-

strating the fidelity of the record preserved in apatite, and

revealing a complex history of magma mixing with at least

two components. The preservation of heterogeneous

populations of apatite and of internally heterogeneous

crystals requires short timescales (days to years) for these

magmatic processes to occur.

Keywords Apatite � Irazu � Costa Rica � Volcano �Volatiles � Magma � Melt Inclusions


Volatile elements play a significant role in the evolution of

magmas, so developing new techniques for understanding

volatile budgets and the magmatic processes that affect

them is critical to advance our understanding of how vol-

canoes function. Minerals that incorporate volatiles into

their structure are likely targets for evaluation in this

regard—and chief among them is apatite: Ca5(PO4)3(F, Cl,

OH). In this study we compare the record of H, F, and Cl in

melt inclusions from the literature with measurements of

those elements in apatite phenocrysts from the same hand

samples. This allows us to evaluate the degree to which the

apatite and melt-inclusion records are coherent in a com-

plex natural system, and to guide future research into the

potential of apatite to act as a magma hygrometer, fluo-

rimeter, and chlorimeter.


Apatite is a commonly observed mineral in a wide range of

rock types, and is the most abundant mineral reservoir of

phosphate in most terrestrial igneous and metamorphic

rocks. Nominally Ca5(PO4)3(F, Cl, OH), apatite incorpo-

rates much of the periodic table into its structure, making it

useful for a wide range of geochemical and isotopic

applications (Farley and Stockli 2002; Gleadow et al. 2002;

John et al. 2008; Pan and Fleet 2002; Pyle et al. 2001;

Hovis et al. 2007; Schoene and Bowring 2007; Spear and

Pyle 2002). Most relevant to this study is the diverse volatile

chemistry of apatite. Measurements of H, C, F, Cl, and

S have been made in natural apatites (Mathez and Webster

2005; Nadeau et al. 1999; Piccoli and Candela 1994; Streck

and Dilles 1998), but experimental calibrations of apatite

volatile compositions against melts of known composition

Communicated by J. Hoefs.

J. W. Boyce � R. L. Hervig

School of Earth and Space Exploration,

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1404, USA

J. W. Boyce (&)

Department of Earth and Space Sciences,

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles,

CA 90095-1567, USA

e-mail: [email protected]


Contrib Mineral Petrol (2009) 157:135–145

DOI 10.1007/s00410-008-0325-x

are less common (Mathez and Webster 2005; Parat and

Holtz 2004; Peng et al. 1997).


Volcan Irazu is located near the southern end of the active

expression of the Central American volcanic arc (CAVA),

making it a key location for geochemical observations that

can be related to arc magmatism, in general, and for this

arc in particular. Irazu is also within *25 kilometers of the

capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica (with a metropolitan

population of *2 9 106 persons). The two largest erup-

tions in the past 300 years (1723, 1963) each caused

extensive economic damage and loss of life, making it a

significant volcano from a hazards perspective as well

(Alvarado 1993). In an effort to contribute to both of these

scientific directives, we have undertaken a study of the

late-stage magmatic history of the 1723 and 1963 eruptions

of Irazu. We focus on the volatile records of these magmas

preserved in the chemistry of apatite phenocrysts, demon-

strating both the complexity of the magmatic system at

Irazu and also the utility of apatite in studying magmatic


A complicated late-stage magmatic history is suggested

for Irazu magmatic products. Alvarado et al. (2006)

describe textural (macroscopic and microscopic), minera-

logical, and geochemical evidence for the existence of at

least two discrete magma bodies over much of the eruption

history of the volcano. They define a rare-earth element

(REE) and high-field-strength element (HFSE) enriched

magma (named ‘‘Haya’’) generally represented by more

primitive, silica-poor, Mg-rich basalts, and a second batch

(‘‘Sapper’’), which is characterized by large-ion-lithophile

element enriched basaltic andesites. The two magmas

define significantly different trends, such that they are not

considered to be simply related by differentiation processes

but rather to have come from different sources. The 1723

and 1963 eruptions are thought to be hybrids of these two

magmas, part of a cycle of eruptions where Haya, mixed,

and Sapper magmas erupt in sequence.

Pre-eruptive volatiles have been measured in Irazu melt

inclusions by Clark et al., (1998), Benjamin et al. (2007),

and Sadofsky et al. (2008). Benjamin et al. (2007) studied

olivine- and clinopyroxene-hosted melt inclusions (MI) by

secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), electron micro-

probe analysis, and laser ablation inductively coupled

plasma mass spectrometry in order to constrain the pre-

eruptive major, trace, and volatile contents of Irazu 1723

and 1963 parent melts. They observed generally higher

CO2, S, Cl, and H2O contents in MI from 1723 olivines

than for 1963 clinopyroxene-hosted MI, an observation

explained by the degassing of the magma prior to clino-

pyroxene appearing as a liquidus phase. Correlations

between S, CO2, and H2O define approximately monotonic

curves, while Cl defines a more complicated, yet generally

decreasing curve against H2O (Fig. 1). They argue that

these curves reflect degassing ‘‘ascent paths’’, with the

most primitive melts represented by the MI with the

highest CO2 (and generally high S, H2O and Cl).

Supporting evidence comes from the composition of the

olivine hosts, which become more fayalitic with decreasing

volatile content, consistent with crystal fractionation. They

suggest that the MI volatile measurements are consistent

with closed-system degassing (Newman and Lowenstern

2002), and see no evidence in the MI suite for magma

mixing. Sadofsky et al. (2008) performed a study that was

similar in terms of the analytical techniques applied, but

covered a greater number of volcanoes along CAVA. The

stratigraphic context for the Irazu samples in the study of

Sadofsky et al. (2008) suggests that they are from the 1963

eruption, but the obvious difference in F–H2O and Cl–H2O

relationships between the Benjamin et al. (2007) samples

and the Sadofsky et al. (2008) data makes a comparison

between the data of Sadofsky et al. (2008) and this study

suspect. Because our apatite phenocrysts come from the

same hand samples as the MI from the Benjamin et al.

(2007) study, we will focus on those data here as a means

of comparison with the new apatite volatile results.

In the context of considerable evidence of magma mix-

ing at Irazu, the results of the MI study of Benjamin et al.

(2007) are quite surprising. We might have expected com-

plex relationships within and between volatile elements due

to the mixing of discrete magma batches with different

degassing histories. The additional data of Sadofsky et al.

(2008) is not consistent with monotonic degassing, and

suggests that mixing or other complex processes may

influence volatiles. However, this variation from sample to

sample also reaffirms our suggestion that the best data set to

use for the purpose of comparing apatite and melt inclusions

is that of Benjamin et al. (2007). The apparently simple

monotonic degassing path model that is consistent with the

data of Benjamin et al. (2007) will be discussed further in

the context of the additional constraint provided by apatite.

Samples and methods


Irazu samples IZ-03-17a (*150 g of unconsolidated lapilli

tuff) and IZ-03-19b (*200 g bomb fragment) were

obtained from T. Plank, and are splits from the same

samples used for the melt inclusion (MI) study of Benjamin

et al. (2007). Both the samples were crushed and separated

using standard magnetic and gravimetric techniques by

Apatite to Zircon, Inc. Apatite was present in both the

136 Contrib Mineral Petrol (2009) 157:135–145


separates as euhedral to anhedral fragments, but because of

the small sample volume, the number of apatite fragments

liberated was approximately one dozen in each, and less

than half of these were of sufficient size to allow analyses

without risk of contamination. Few fragments showed

unambiguous crystal faces (to allow interior to edge zoning

studies), and as a result, some anhedral crystal fragments

were also analyzed.


Crystals were mounted in epoxy and polished with alu-

mina-impregnated lapping film to 3 lm grit, then further

polished using 0.2 lm alumina and 0.05 alumina suspen-

sions. Samples were thoroughly cleaned by ultrasonication

prior to application of a gold-coat for SIMS analysis.

Volatile compositions of Irazu apatites were determined

in multiple sessions on the Cameca 6f secondary ion mass

spectrometer in the School of Earth and Space Exploration

at Arizona State University. For H, Cl, and F, we follow the

analytical protocol of Boyce and Hervig (2008), summa-

rized here as follows: we used a *10nA 16O- primary beam

and measured positive secondary ions: 1H+, 12C+, 19F+,31P+, 37Cl+, and 43Ca+. The primary beam was focused to

*20 lm, then rastered over a 20 9 20 lm area to reduce

surface contamination. Further reduction of contamination

was accomplished by including a pre-analytical sputtering

time of 300 s before each analysis. Only ions from the

central *15 lm of the sputtered region were allowed into

the mass spectrometer, and only secondary ions with

75 ± 20 eV excess kinetic energy were detected. Carbon

data are not discussed further, as all are within error of

background values, and are used only to determine which

analyses are compromised by significant contamination.

Volatile element ion intensities were converted to con-

centrations using 31P+ as a reference isotope, while trace

elements were reduced using 43Ca+, both of which are

assumed to be stoichiometric at the percent level. Apatite

standard materials from Durango, Mexico, and Mud Tanks,

Australia, were used to calibrate these analyses. Measured

ratios in apatite standards are generally reproducible within

a single session to better than 3% (2r) for volatiles (except

at near-blank concentrations).

Uncertainties for each analysis are calculated using

standard error propagation equations, and incorporate

uncertainty from counting statistics, as well as from the

linearity of the calibration curve and estimated uncertain-

ties (±10%) in the standard compositions used to derive

the calibration curves.

Fig. 1 Volatile measurements for olivine- and clinopyroxene-hosted

melt inclusions from the 1723 and 1963 eruptions of Irazu. Light graycircles (in all figures) are olivine-hosted 1723 data from Benjamin

et al. (2007). Clinopyroxene-hosted melt inclusions measured by

Benjamin et al. (2007) from the eruptions circa 1963 are represented

by dark gray circles. Olivine-hosted melt inclusions of Sadofsky et al.

(2008) are represented by dark gray crosses. Sample 91-71-16

(white x) was measured by Clark et al. (1998), but was correlated with

the 1723 eruption by Benjamin et al. (2007). a CO2 versus H2O.

b Chlorine versus H2O. c Fluorine versus H2O







0 1 2 3 4 5500












Benjamin et al. 2007 (1723)

Clark et al. 1998 (1963 or 1723)

Benjamin et al. 2007 (1963)

Sadofsky et al. 2008 (1963)


2 (pp


Cl (





H2O (wt. %)

Contrib Mineral Petrol (2009) 157:135–145 137



Sixty-eight analyses of H, F, and Cl for 1723 and 1963

Irazu apatites are listed in Table 1, with uncertainties.

Ideally, as OH, F, and Cl all substitute into the same site in

apatite, we would expect that the sum of OH, Cl, and F

(molar) would be constant, and equal to the theoretical

concentration of ions in that site, which is the case within

the error on the individual analyses (average uncertainties

are *13% for OH, *8% for F, and 11% for Cl, two

standard errors of the mean). All grains were homogeneous

within error except one crystal from each eruption descri-

bed in more detail below.

Hydroxyl concentrations in 1963 apatites range from

500 to 2,800 ppm with a mean of 2,200 ppm, while Cl

varies from 0.5 to 2.0 wt %. Apatites from the 1723

eruption display an overlapping range of Cl contents (0.7–

1.5 wt %), but have a significantly higher mean (0.9 wt %

for 1723 versus 0.7 wt % for 1963), and are relatively

enriched in OH (range of 2,700–4,400 ppm, mean

*3,700), in comparison to the 1963 apatites. Fluorine

concentrations in 1963 apatite range from 2.7 wt% to

values within error of pure fluorapatite (3.8 wt %), while F

concentrations in 1723 apatites are considerably lower

(2.3–3.2 wt %), as would be expected considering their

higher OH and Cl contents.

Two of the apatites analyzed (1723–1725 and 1963–1965)

have internal volatile variations that are outside of analytical

uncertainties: Grain 5 from the 1723 eruption has an OH- and

Cl-poor region (OH = 2,750 ppm; Cl = 1 wt %) with a

relatively enriched neighboring region (3,900 ppm OH,

1.3 wt % Cl). However, because this is an anhedral fragment,

we cannot constrain the relative position of the two zones.

The coincidentally named grain 5 from the 1963 eruption,

however, is euhedral and has a core to rim trend of decreasing

Cl (2.0–1.1 wt %) and increasing OH (500–900 ppm)

defined by four analyses. The significance of these grains is

discussed further below.


Timescales of apatite homogenization

The preservation of heterogeneous populations and hetero-

geneous crystals (with respect to H, Cl, and F) implies that

these crystals did not coexist for geologically long periods

of time, because the rapid diffusion of F, Cl, and H in

apatite (Brenan 1993) would cause all the apatite to

equilibrate with the host melt (and each other). Even an

apatite crystal armored by inclusion inside an olivine host

would equilibrate internally, and we would not observe

heterogeneous crystals. Consider as an example a very

large (500 lm length in the C-axis) crystal, in a melt at

1,000�C. If the melt volatile contents change (e.g., during

an exsolution event), the original core H, F, and Cl

chemistry in this very large crystal will be 10% compro-

mised in less than 0.5 years, and 90% reset to the new

equilibrium concentrations in \3 years (Brenan 1993). It

should be noted that these diffusion timescales are effec-

tively maxima, as we have chosen the slowest diffusion

coefficients available (1 atm data of Brenan), a large grain

size, and a temperature lower than any calculated by

Benjamin et al. (2007) or Alvarado et al. (2006) for these

magmas. The variations observed in crystal 1963–1965

require a slightly different set of boundary conditions, but

are amenable to a similar analysis. If we hypothesize that

the observed variations are due to diffusive re-equilibration

with a different or modified melt, and not growth, then we

can use the form of the zoning and the observed crystal size

to attempt to constrain the total time between the change in

volatile chemistry of the host magma and its subsequent

eruption. Again assuming a magma temperature of

1,000�C, we can calculate a maximum diffusive timescale

of *170 days by assuming a pure end-member chlorapa-

tite starting composition, and a boundary condition equal to

the mean Cl concentration of the other 1963 apatites. These

timescales decrease to less than 10 days if we choose the

higher pressure diffusion coefficients (Brenan 1993). While

these are only order-of-magnitude estimates, with no con-

trol on initial conditions, and constrained by few analyses,

the existence of heterogeneous crystals clearly indicates

short residence times.

H, F, and Cl in apatite and MI

The pattern of the main trend of Cl versus OH variations

observed in apatite (Fig. 2) is at first glance quite similar to

the Cl versus H2O data of Benjamin et al. (2007; Fig. 1).

As is the case with the MI data, 1723 apatites are consi-

derably more enriched in H and Cl than the 1963 eruptive

products (with the exception of 1963–1965, which will be

discussed in detail below). This qualitative agreement in Cl

versus H between MI and the main trend of the apatite data

is encouraging with regard to the possibility that apatite

volatile concentrations could serve as proxies for pre-

eruptive melt concentrations. Quantitative magma volatile

barometry using apatite requires experimental constraint of

apatite/melt partition coefficients for these particular melts,

which should be a priority for future research efforts. The

relationship between F and OH is not similar to the F and

H2O data from the MI, although there is a steep decline in

F at low OH level (corresponding to high Cl in crystal

1963–1965) that is at least reminiscent of the F–H2O pat-

tern observed in the MI. However, it should be noted that

perfect agreement would not be expected, because

138 Contrib Mineral Petrol (2009) 157:135–145


Table 1 SIMS data for H, C, F, and Cl in apatite from the 1723 and 1963 eruptions of Irazu

Analysis Age Grain OH (ppm) dOH (2SE) F (ppm) dF (2SE) Cl (ppm) dCl (2SE) % Occupancy

IZ1963-20 1963 1 2,567 278 27,489 1,593 5,373 567 88

IZ1963_g1-1 1963 1 2,105 235 28,388 1,705 6,108 629 90

IZ1963_g1-2 1963 1 2,169 237 30,397 1,872 6,423 692 96

IZ1963_g1-3 1963 1 2,236 243 31,440 1,911 6,431 685 99

IZ1963_g1-4 1963 1 2,324 247 31,527 1,868 6,430 665 100

IZ1963_g1-5 1963 1 2,390 254 30,762 1,789 6,196 706 98

IZ1963_g1-6 1963 1 2,433 258 30,752 1,731 6,108 611 98

IZ1963_g1-7 1963 1 2,451 256 31,151 1,783 6,126 588 99

IZ1963_g1-8 1963 1 2,464 258 31,350 1,795 6,252 596 99

IZ1963_g1-9 1963 1 2,519 262 31,468 1,958 6,182 580 100

IZ1963_g1-10 1963 1 2,555 283 31,182 1,953 6,177 622 99

IZ1963_g1-11 1963 1 2,548 269 31,140 1,918 6,265 615 99

IZ1963_g1-12 1963 1 2,580 270 31,445 1,819 6,097 660 100

IZ1963_g1-13 1963 1 2,586 268 31,308 1,861 6,350 603 100

IZ1963_g1-14 1963 1 2,584 274 30,854 1,777 6,259 626 98

IZ1963_g1-15 1963 1 2,551 268 31,172 1,932 6,070 638 99

IZ1963_g1-16 1963 1 2,561 275 30,848 1,810 6,023 618 98

IZ1963_g1-17 1963 1 2,544 268 30,785 1,783 6,153 579 98

IZ1963_g1-18 1963 1 2,546 260 30,204 1,781 5,901 618 96

IZ1963_g1-19 1963 1 2,580 273 29,701 1,693 5,904 638 95

IZ1963_g1-20 1963 1 2,605 278 30,377 1,759 5,905 647 97

IZ1963_g1-21 1963 1 2,696 275 31,822 1,866 6,221 666 101

IZ1963_g1-22 1963 1 2,704 280 32,745 1,934 6,374 681 104

IZ1963_g1-23 1963 1 2,729 283 32,390 1,884 6,312 598 103

IZ1963_g1-24 1963 1 2,767 282 31,466 1,791 6,238 721 101

IZ1963_g1-25 1963 1 2,751 283 30,844 1,817 6,007 608 99

IZ1963_g1-26 1963 1 2,754 291 30,899 1,787 5,865 614 99

IZ1963_g1-27 1963 1 2,741 291 30,638 1,747 5,992 630 98

IZ1963_g1-28 1963 1 2,773 279 30,871 1,858 5,899 610 99

IZ1963_g1-29 1963 1 2,788 294 30,917 1,775 5,912 622 99

IZ1963_g1-30 1963 1 2,782 305 30,950 1,769 5,900 664 99

IZ1963-17 1963 2 1,527 246 32,551 2,908 5,396 740 99

IZ1963-18 1963 2 1,508 247 33,700 3,169 5,592 770 102

IZ1963-19 1963 3 1,336 237 33,941 3,097 5,457 617 102

IZ1963-12 1963 5 500 263 32,527 3,430 19,884 2,457 116

IZ1963-09 1963 5 582 264 32,103 3,157 19,121 2,324 114

IZ1963-13 1963 5 600 207 29,749 2,567 15,851 1,707 103

IZ1963-14 1963 5 872 217 30,840 2,611 11,671 1,233 101

IZ1963-10 1963 6 1,087 280 38,540 3,861 6,414 939 115

IZ1963-11 1963 7 1,692 306 35,570 3,828 7,610 1,026 110

IZ1723g01-5 1723 1 3,622 423 28,996 2,739 8,647 1,041 100

IZ1723g01-6 1723 1 3,671 435 28,489 2,515 8,628 1,116 99

IZ1723g01-7 1723 1 3,741 437 29,268 2,615 8,452 982 101

IZ1723g01-8 1723 1 3,805 435 29,002 2,575 8,588 1,074 100

IZ1723g01-9 1723 1 3,747 433 28,831 2,593 8,312 1,053 99

IZ1723g01-10 1723 1 3,790 448 29,115 2,576 8,341 1,036 100

IZ1723g01-11 1723 1 3,776 444 29,024 2,581 8,274 1,107 100

IZ1723g01-12 1723 1 3,821 446 29,338 2,631 8,175 1,040 101

Contrib Mineral Petrol (2009) 157:135–145 139


F + Cl + OH are constrained in apatite by the stoichio-

metry of the mineral, whereas no such constraint acts on

F + Cl + H2O in the melt.

Modeling ternary melt chemistry from apatite

Fluorine, chlorine, and hydroxyl ions all occupy the same

site in apatite, nearly to the exclusion of other elements, so

we can plot apatite in the ternary system F–Cl–OH (Fig. 3).

Two trends are clearly defined: a low-OH trend and a high-

OH trend. The former is defined by the low-OH 1963

apatites and the core to rim variations in the strongly zoned

1963 crystal (1963–1965), while the latter is defined by the

1723 and (the majority of the) 1963 apatites. Because of

the relative age difference between 1723 and 1963 erup-

tions, one could argue that the majority of the apatite data

represent a trend of decreasing H2O and increasing F

content with time. The exception to this hypothesis is

found in the apatite crystal 1963–1965, which (based on its

core-to-rim stratigraphy) describes OH-poor volatile evo-

lution towards the most F-rich 1963 apatites. This pattern

may represent the convergence of these two trends (if the

eruption ages correlate in some way to the ages of the

apatites, which is plausible, but far from certain). These

compositions are consistent with the observations of

Alvarado et al. (2006) which support a model with as many

as three magmas or batches of magma with slightly dif-

ferent histories coexisting at shallow levels in the

magmatic system. We suggest that apatite is recording

mixing between at least one mafic melt and an evolved

component with high Cl/F and Cl/H ratios. The latter may

be a mostly crystallized remnant of the felsic magmas

described by Alvarado et al. (2006).

We can plot the MI from Benjamin et al. (2007),

Sadofsky et al. (2008), and Clark et al. (1998) in the ternary

H2O–F–Cl (Fig. 4). Analyses that plot in a scattered and

discontinuous fashion in Cartesian space now converge on

two distinctly linear trends, each comprised of all of the MI

from a given eruption, with no overlap. But making more

detailed interpretations regarding the relationship between

the two magmas or batches of magma is difficult given the

paucity of data. Later, we discuss how combining melt

inclusion and apatite volatile analyses may allow at least

some of the complexity of sub-volcanic systems to be


In order to compare the apatite and MI data sets directly,

we need to have an estimate of the functional relationship

between the volatile composition of the melt and the

volatile content of the apatite in equilibrium with that melt.

The relationship could be defined thermodynamically as a

Table 1 continued

Analysis Age Grain OH (ppm) dOH (2SE) F (ppm) dF (2SE) Cl (ppm) dCl (2SE) % Occupancy

IZ1723g01-13 1723 1 3,811 444 28,803 2,622 8,274 1,056 100

IZ1723g01-14 1723 1 3,782 438 29,299 2,685 8,267 1,052 101

IZ1723g01-15 1723 1 3,748 436 29,297 2,552 8,097 1,048 100

IZ1723g01-16 1723 1 3,812 436 29,190 2,652 8,278 1,038 101

IZ1723g01-17 1723 1 3,869 451 29,115 2,710 8,151 1,086 100

IZ1723g01-18 1723 1 3,795 444 29,056 2,679 7,978 956 100

IZ1723g01-19 1723 1 3,742 433 29,195 2,552 8,127 996 100

IZ1723g01-20 1723 1 3,755 443 29,352 2,581 8,223 1,026 101

IZ1723g01-21 1723 1 3,810 442 29,005 2,531 8,291 993 100

IZ1723g01-22 1723 1 3,870 446 29,563 2,581 8,258 1,055 102

IZ1723g01-23 1723 1 3,886 447 29,041 2,561 8,292 1,015 100

IZ1723g01-24 1723 1 3,917 449 29,396 2,654 8,364 1,010 102

IZ1723-14 1723 1 3,659 361 24,310 1,506 6,514 631 85

IZ1723-11 1723 2 3,190 355 28,468 2,550 7,359 845 95

IZ1723-12 1723 2 3,174 354 28,351 2,522 7,384 894 95

IZ1723-15 1723 3 3,189 323 24,952 1,509 7,128 682 86

IZ1723-08 1723 4 4,301 476 26,827 2,661 14,591 1,759 105

IZ1723-09 1723 4 4,427 481 25,040 2,171 13,522 1,516 99

IZ1723-10 1723 5 2,750 368 32,014 3,323 9,763 1,212 107

IZ1723-13 1723 5 3,855 406 23,511 2,256 13,051 1,521 92

Mean molar occupancy of X site 99.7%

Two standard deviations from the mean 10.3%

Mean propagated uncertainty into total from individual analyses 18.1%

140 Contrib Mineral Petrol (2009) 157:135–145


function of P and T (Piccoli and Candela 1994) or by

experimental determination for the melt composition of

interest (Mathez and Webster 2005). Whatever the theo-

retical basis for the relationship, if the ratio of apatite

composition to melt composition (for a given element) is a

constant value, it would generally be termed a ‘‘partition

coefficient’’, and we will use this term in the broadest sense

for the purposes of discussion in the paper (labeled as DF,

DCl, and DOH). Unfortunately, no partition coefficients

exist for the melt compositions observed for these Irazu

melts. Mathez and Webster (2005) studied a range of mafic

melt compositions, but none approximating the materials

represented in Table 1. However, they were able to deter-

mine that DF is approximately a factor of four higher than

DCl for fluorine-rich apatites, as would be expected. Con-

straint is even more tenuous for DOH, as there are zero

Cl (


Cl (



Cl (



Cl (



Cl (



F (60%)

F (70%)

F (80%)

F (90%)

F (100%)

OH (0%)

OH (10%)

OH (20%)

OH (30%)

OH (40%)





Fig. 3 Apatite volatile measurements plotted in F–OH–Cl ternary

space, representing mole fraction occupancy of the X site in apatite.

Subplot to right of main ternary depicts region of full ternary space

(scaled to 40%) represented by the main diagram. Color scheme same

as in Fig. 2. Note that the data fall on two discrete linear trends,

converging at high-F compositions (lower left of diagram)

Cl (


Cl (



l (20


Cl (



l (40


Cl (



F (0%)

F (10%)

F (20%)

F (30%)

F (40%)

F (50%)

H2O (50%)

H2O (60%)

H2O (70%)

H2O (80%)

H2O (90%)

H2O (100%)



1723 MI

91-71-16 MI

P2-72 MI

1963 MI

Fig. 4 Melt inclusion volatile measurements of Benjamin et al.

(2007) plotted in the ternary space F–H2O–Cl. Color scheme is that of

Fig. 1. Subplot to right of main ternary depicts region of full ternary

space (50% scaled) represented by the main diagram. Note the two

distinct trends which are not observable in Cartesian space











l (pp




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 500020000






OH (ppm)

F (




Fig. 2 Chlorine (A) and fluorine (B) plotted against OH, as measured

in this study in apatite phenocrysts from the 1723 (red squares) and

1963 (yellow diamonds) deposits. These apatite crystals were derived

from an aliquot of the same samples used in the study of Benjamin

et al. (2007). Error bars are two standard errors of the mean and

include calibration errors, which are considered conservative given

the reproducibility of measured ratios in standard materials is *3%.

All crystals were homogeneous within error, except for 1963–1965

and 1723–1725, which are joined by colored tie lines in all figures.

Crystal 1963–1965 is euhedral and has decreasing Cl towards the rim,

while 1723–1725 lacks the morphology to allow us to determine the

relative core and rim positions

Contrib Mineral Petrol (2009) 157:135–145 141


published measurements of H in coexisting apatite and

melt. The data of Mathez and Webster (2005) allows us to

estimate this value, if we are willing to make the

assumptions that the molar site occupancy in the X site in

apatite is 100% filled by F, Cl, and OH, and that the H2O in

the melt (quenched glass) is equivalent to the difference

between the electron probe totals and the theoretical sum of

100%. Given these assertions, we can calculate the H

partition coefficient by difference (with correspondingly

large uncertainties). This analysis tells us that the apatite/

melt partition coefficient for hydrogen is, in general,

approximately an order of magnitude lower than that of Cl.

However, this exercise falls well short of the goal of being

able to perform quantitative volatile barometry on Irazu


An alternative to an independent determination of the

partition coefficients for F, Cl, and OH between apatite and

melt is to use the melt inclusion and apatite data here to

determine if the MI and apatite data sets are mutually

compatible for any constant DF, DCl, and DOH values.

Figure 5 shows the result of this exercise, with estimated

partition coefficients of DF = 15, DCl = 5, and

DOH = 0.15. We observe that the pattern of MI data is

compatible with the melts predicted to be in equilibrium

with the apatite. These estimated partition coefficients are

consistent with those calculated by simply dividing the

mean F, Cl, and OH in the 1723 apatite by the mean F, Cl,

and H2O in the 1723 melt inclusions (DF *15, DCl *5,

and DOH *0.15). Both data sets define two discrete, quasi-

linear trends, with the only significant differences being the

extension of the melt defined by apatite analyses into much

more Cl-rich model melt compositions, and the partial

overlap of 1963 and 1723 apatites. The first observation is

likely due to the assumption of a single partition coefficient

for all the apatites measured here, which is unlikely to be

true. As melt Cl/F ratios increase, there must be a point

where chlorapatite becomes the stable phase (or dominant

component in the case of complete solid solution) at the

expense of fluorapatite, and the partitioning relationship

between the melt and the apatite would be in the opposite

sense as it is for fluorine-rich apatites: Chlorine would be

more favorably partitioned into the chlorine-rich apatite,

and fluorine would be less favored. So we argue that the

high-chlorine compositions predicted by our modeling (up

to 40 mole% of the volatile components of the melt) are

maximum values necessitated by the paucity of experi-

mental data and reinforce the need for measurements on

apatite-bearing systems exploring a wide range of halogen

contents. The second observation, that 1963 and 1723

apatite populations lap over each other in ternary space,

while the MI data do not, is probably a function of sparse

data sets. We speculate that large numbers of apatite and

MI measurements would generate the same trends observed

here, but with more overlap highlighting the relationship

between the two magmas.

Combining apatite and MI data predicts considerably

higher partition coefficients for F and Cl in these magmas

than the experiments of Mathez and Webster (2005) would

support, but because of the large compositional differences

between Irazu major element compositions and the experi-

mental compositions of Mathez and Webster (2005) we

consider the change in partition coefficients unsurprising.

For our purposes, the absolute values are not a serious

concern, because the goodness of agreement of the two

data sets in ternary space is only a function of the relative

partition coefficients. However, the DF, DCl, and DOH

values used here are consistent (by definition) with the

mean ratios of apatite and melt compositions, and predict

mean melt compositions that agree within a few percent.

Apatite and MI data sets yield a compatible pattern of

volatile data, suggesting that apatite can be used as a

supplement for MI when relative concentrations are suffi-

cient to solve the geologic problem of interest. Apatite will

also be useful in cases where melt inclusions are rare or not

present in the geologic record. Further experimental

determination of the relationship between melt chemistry

and apatite chemistry is essential for quantitative volatile


Cl (


Cl (



l (30


Cl (



l (60


Cl (



F (0%)

F (15%)

F (30%)

F (45%)

F (60%)

F (75%)

H2O (25%)

H2O (40%)

H2O (55%)

H2O (70%)

H2O (85%)

H2O (100%)


1963 apatite1723 apatite

DF = 15

DCl = 5

DOH = 0.15

1723 MI



91-71-16 MI

P2-72 MI

1963 MI


Fig. 5 Melt inclusion data (as in Fig. 4) plotted with melt volatile

compositions predicted from apatite compositions (Fig. 3) using

estimated partition coefficients: DF = 15, DCl = 5, and DOH = 0.15.

Subplot to right of main ternary depicts region of full ternary space

(75% scaled) represented by the main diagram. Note that the pattern

of apatite and MI data are quite similar, suggesting that the two data

sets record compatible volatile histories. Ellipses approximate Trends

1 and 2 as defined in the text, with arrows showing relative time

progression. Analyses of crystal 1963–1965 define a core to rim

stratigraphy towards decreasing chlorine

142 Contrib Mineral Petrol (2009) 157:135–145


Magma evolution at Irazu

We consider even the qualitative level of agreement

observed here between apatite and MI somewhat surpri-

sing. Slow diffusion and low solubility of many elements in

olivine causes olivine-hosted MI to re-equilibrate slowly

with their host magma, making them useful for studying

the most primitive melts in a magmatic system (Anderson

1974, and others), although the fidelity of melt inclusions is

not guaranteed in all cases (Danyushevsky et al. 2002).

Volatile diffusion in apatite, as previously discussed, is

relatively fast, and apatites should equilibrate with their

host melt given a few years worth of time. So we should

expect that apatite is recording the ‘‘latest’’ stage magma

volatile content, as opposed to a more primitive melt vol-

atile content that might be preserved in MI. In the case of

zoned apatites, the most recent volatile information is

present at the edges of the crystals. The fact that the

measured and modeled melt volatile patterns agree means

that volatile ‘‘character’’ of the magma could not have

changed significantly in the time between MI entrapment

and apatite equilibration, and that both must have occurred

within a few years of eruption (or olivine- and cliopyro-

xene-hosted MI are also exchanging with the melt over

similar timescales).

It is safe to say that whatever volatile variations are

recorded by the different apatite crystals from Irazu must

have been present immediately prior to eruption. If these

variations are observed among the MI from the same

eruption, then the variations must have persisted from the

time of MI entrapment to the time of apatite equilibration

prior to eruption. However, MI volatile trends have been

interpreted as a path, which implies a temporal connection

between MI. If this is true, and the apatite is recording this

same path, then the timescale of the ‘‘travel’’ along this

path must be on the order of days to years, in order to

prevent the more Cl-rich apatites from equilibrating with

the host magma. This could be interpreted as placing loose

constraints on the significant major-element magma evo-

lution that occurred during this time (SiO2 increases from

47 to 56 wt % within the 1723 MI suite), as all timescales

that allow preservation of heterogeneous populations of

apatite are measured in days to years.

However, the heterogeneous volatile chemistry observed

in both the apatite and MI can be preserved over a longer

timescale if the data represent a mixture of separately

evolving magma bodies. Melt inclusions and apatite enri-

ched in Cl and H may source from a deeper or simply less

degassed batch of magma, while the Cl- and H-poor apa-

tites and MI come from a shallower or more degassed

magma body. Late stage mixing of these components

yields distinctive populations of apatite and MI that

resemble a degassing path, even though they equilibrated

with their host magmas at different places and over dif-

ferent timescales. This is consistent with the magma

mixing model of Alvarado et al. (2006), which would in

fact predict at least two populations of apatites in the 1963

and 1723 magmas, provided the timescales of mixing,

storage, and eruption were shorter than the timescales of

diffusive re-equilibration.

When we plot the MI data in H2O–F–Cl ternary space

(Fig. 4), it is clear that the same single process cannot be

responsible for the generation of the two discrete trends for

the 1723 and 1963 MI. Combining these data with the melt

compositions derived from apatite (Fig. 5) suggests that the

1723 and 1963 volatile histories overlap significantly.

Again, we suggest that it is more appropriate to divide the

data into populations based on the trend of the data, not just

the eruption age. Doing this results in two overlapping

subsets, each perhaps representing a discrete set of pro-

cesses in magma evolution: Trend 1 consists of increasing

F at the expense of H2O, with only a slight increase in Cl,

and contains all the 1723 MI, all the 1723 apatite, and the

more OH-rich 1963 apatite. This may represent mixing

between two components, or volatile evolution driven by

ascent, exsolution, or other processes. Trend 2 contains the

1963 MI, and the low OH 1963 apatite including 1963–

1965, and is defined by increasing Cl at the expense of

H2O, with only a slight increase in F. An important con-

clusion to draw from this is that Trend 1 apatites appear in

both 1723 and 1963 eruptions, confirming that the two

eruptions are likely the products of related magma cham-

bers, and placing constraints on the time–temperature

history of the apatite erupted in 1963, as such a heteroge-

neous population could not have survived a prolonged

magma residence.

In evaluating the possibility that multiple magma batches

or bodies were present at different depths at Irazu, we must

re-evaluate the saturation pressures calculated by Benjamin

et al. (2007) from the analyses of C and H in the 1723 MI

suite. Instead of using VolatileCalc (Newman and Lowen-

stern 2002), we use the solubility model of Papale et al.

(2006), as implemented by OFM Research (http://www., which is more appropriate for melts of

these compositions. Recalculated saturation pressures

(Fig. 6) differ from those reported in Benjamin et al. (2007)

by -37% to +76% (-572 to +130 bars), resulting in a

considerably narrower range of model pressures for 1723

MI: (300–990 bars, as compared to the previous range of

170–1,560 bars). In addition, we can estimate model satu-

ration pressures for the 1963 MI for which there are CO2

and H2O measurements. Using the temperature range

(1,004–1,095�C) reported by Alvarado et al. (2006), we

calculate a model pressure range for three of the four 1963

MI of 73 ± 1, 294 ± 6, and 318 ± 83 bars (uncertainties

incorporate only variations in model pressures due to the

Contrib Mineral Petrol (2009) 157:135–145 143


range of temperatures, and are gross minimum estimates of

the total uncertainty).

These data do not provide a unique conclusion, but

certain aspects seem quite clear. For example, it is likely

that the eruptions sampled at least two, and possibly three

magma components: a deep mafic magma batch corre-

sponding to P [800 bars and SiO2 \52 wt%, a shallow

mafic magma batch corresponding to 300 B P B 450 bars

and 63 C SiO2 C52 wt% (which may correspond to the

low-P equivalent of the deep mafic melt), and a third felsic

component represented by just one MI at 73 bars

and [63% SiO2. The 1723 MI at P = 550 bars,

SiO2 = 55 wt% is somewhat enigmatic, and may represent

either a low-pressure version of the deep magma batch, or

the deepest sample recorded by the MI suite from the

shallow mafic batch, or it may simply be noise in the data.

However, it should be noted that the MI in question (IZ03-

17a-5 of Benjamin et al.) is the only MI that was large

enough for the authors to reproduce during their SIMS

session, and demonstrated excellent reproducibility. We

therefore conclude that analytical uncertainties are an

unlikely source of error in this case, although inaccuracies

in the saturation pressure model could explain the devia-

tion from the trend.

This sparse pressure data set is consistent with the

hypothesis that there were two batches of magma com-

prising the 1723 erupted products, but it is possible to draw

a single monotonic curve through the pressure-SiO2 data,

provided one is willing to invoke very large random errors,

on the order of 250 bars, or [3.5 wt% SiO2. If a single

polybaric magma model were preferred, or if the required

errors are reasonable (which is difficult to evaluate for

saturation pressures, which are derived from a model), then

one might suggest that the 1723 apatites and melt inclu-

sions represent a single (noisy) degassing path with a

period of isobaric evolution at a depth corresponding to

*300 bars (Fig. 6). The 1963 apatite and melt inclusions

can then be explained as a mixture of a Cl-rich felsic

component and a mafic component, likely a ‘‘leftover’’

1723 magma residing at a depth equivalent to *300 bars

of pressure, assuming saturation. This mafic magma pro-

vided the OH-rich apatites found in the 1963 eruption that

we suggest were in equilibrium with the 1723 MI (Fig. 5).


Apatite phenocrysts from the 1723 and 1963 eruptions of

Irazu volcano record the same volatile evolution history as

MI from the same units, confirming that apatite can be a

useful companion to MI studies. Not only are apatites

easier to locate and prepare than MI, they can provide

additional chronometric information by way of core-to-rim

relationships, diffusion profiles, and isotope geochrono-

logy. Experimental constraints on the partitioning behavior

of F, Cl, and H between apatite and melts will likely allow

apatite to function as a stand-alone magma volatile


45 50 55

Benjamin et al. 2007 (1723)

SiO2 (wt. %)60 65







P (


Benjamin et al. 2007 (1963)

Fig. 6 Pressure—SiO2 diagram derived from melt inclusion data of

Benjamin et al. (2007), but with CO2–H2O saturation pressures

recalculated using the model of Papale et al. (2006). Data may be

consistent with a single degassing path with a period of isobaric

evolution at a depth corresponding to *300 bars (broad gray path),

or may represent discrete low and high pressure batches of magma

that mix at a late stage in the magmatic history with a third, felsic

magma at very low pressure (thin dark gray paths)

Table 2 Whole rock compositional data, reproduced from Benjamin

et al. (2007), Sadofsky et al. (2008), and Clark et al. (1998)

Sample IZ03-17a IZ03-19b1 P2-72 91-71-16

Rock type Lapilli Bomb Ash

Age 1723 1963–1965 1963 1963 or 1723

UTM (E) 552.7 552.6 – –

UTM (N) 218.2 218.1 – –

Latitude – – 9.98072N –

Longitude – – 83.8537W –

SiO2 54.23 57.09 54.14 54.09

TiO2 1.2 0.99 0.94 1.15

Al2O3 17.34 16.83 16.06 17.72

Fe2O3 8.15 7.48 7.84 8.09

MnO 0.138 0.124 0.13 0.135

MgO 4.66 5.55 6.29 4.75

CaO 8.94 8.06 7.77 8.83

Na2O 3.5 3.41 3.13 3.4

K2O 2.02 1.97 1.98 2.2

P2O5 0.49 0.39 0.34 0.45

Total 100.67 101.89 99.01 100.82

144 Contrib Mineral Petrol (2009) 157:135–145


Integrating the updated saturation-model pressure esti-

mates with the volatile patterns observed in MI and apatite-

derived melt compositions elucidates the complex mag-

matic history of the 1723 and 1963 eruptions at Irazu. Melt

inclusion data indicate a wide range of entrapment pres-

sures for otherwise indistinguishable 1723 MI, implying

that they must have been trapped at markedly different

depths, and further suggest that these MI may correlate to

different batches of magma (or a multiply stagnated single

batch). These two different populations of 1723 MI may

also be reflected in the two different populations of apatite

observed for the 1723 eruption (Fig. 2). Apatite provides

additional information by demonstrating the existence of a

Cl-rich felsic component which explains the trend towards

higher Cl in the 1963 MI (Fig. 5). Additional MI and

apatite analyses, and refined CO2–H2O pressure models

should permit discrimination between single-magma,

multiple-stagnation models and models invoking multiple-

magma batches. Table 2.

Acknowledgments This project was funded by a National Science

Foundation MARGINS program Postdoctoral Fellowship (NSF-EAR-

0549082). The SIMS laboratory at Arizona State University is funded

by NSF EAR 0622775. Samples were generously provided by

T. Plank, and collected by E. Benjamin. Apatites used as standards

were provided by J. Hanchar, and S. Bergman. Many people con-

tributed to this project via hearty discussion, including attendees of

the SEIZE-SubFac Workshop 2007, and petrologists at ASU and

UCLA. The article benefited from constructive criticism from

J. Wade, G. Moore, M. Portnyagin, and an anonymous reviewer, and

we thank them for their efforts.


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