

(EST A B L ISH ED 1867)

William Inglis&SonPTY. L IM IT E D




BLOODSTOCK. — A t our Newmarket Stables, Randwick.

FAT CATTLE AN D S H E E P .— A t Flem- ington on Mondays and Thursdays.

P IG S AND CALVES.— A t the Abattoirs Yards, Homebush, every Tuesday.

H O RSES .— A t our Bazaar, Flemington, every Wednesday.

D A IR Y AN D STORE CATT LE .— A t our St. Mary’s Yards every second Friday.

D A IR Y CATTLE, P IG S A N D CALVES. — A t our Cainden Yards every Tues­day.

Head Office:

28 O'Connell Street, SydneyTelephone B 6411.— B 6412.

Telegrams: ‘‘Inglisson, Sydney.”

We have experienced and careful men in our employ to receive all stock immedi­ately on arrival by ra il or steamer to unload, feed and water them , and prop­erly class for sale. Every consignment, from one head of stock upwards, will receive most careful attention.

Good and well watered paddocks for stock to rest and feed in, previous to being offered.




We are agents for the Yorkshire Insur­ance Co., and can insure all classes of Stock at lowest rates w ithout delay.


Official CatalogueHon. Ringmaster :S. HORDERN .

Hon. Assistant Ringmasters :P. CHARLEY.

E. 8 . PLAYFA IR .

Hon. Assistant Ringmaster (Rodeo Events): ■**H. SCHMIDT.


Official Surgeons :Dr. A. R. DARVALL.Dr. J . E. D. GOLD IE .

Hon, Veterinary Surgeons :1?. H. POTT1E, M.R.C.V.S. (Chief)


V. E. H. DAVIS, B.V.Sc.PROF. R. M. C. GUNN, M.R.C.V.S.


J . NEWCOMBE, B.V.Sc.R . J . J . C. O XLEY , B.V.Sc.



Official Veterinary Surgeon :L. A. MONK, B.V.Sc.

Assistant Official Veterinary Surgeon :M A JO R W. 0. COULTER, M.R.C.V.S.,



and E. 11. K. DOW NES.

Trotting Judge : J. A. WALSH.

Official Handicapper: E. W ARREN .

Official Starter and Measurer : A. R. PAYTEN.

Assistant Official Measurer: F. G. R . STEPHENSON.

Official Assistant Starter: J . W ARD.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Section 1—HORSES.Hon. H. W. Whiddon, M.L.C. (Chair) W. J. BarnesLt.-Col. the Hon. M. F. Bruxner

M.L.A.P. Charley E. H. K. Downos

H. Brown, Senr. (Trotting)

Committee :A. O. Geo S. Hordern N. I). Jones Lt.-Col. J. McMahon T. B. Macfarlane J . I). MacLeod

Hroatlcaxting Stewards :V. Hall (Chief)

G. Cowie


E. S. Playfair B. H. Pottie I). H. Robertson R. F. Schmidt H. G. Whiddon P. S. WilUallen

F. Sodgwick

P E N A L TY N O N -E X H IB IT IO N OF HORSES.In order to prevent the non-exhibition of animal* which have been entered for the Show, tliiin causing unnecessary preparation

expense, and disarrangement of the Show yard, any person making any entry will be subject to a fine of £ 2 for each horse not exhibited' unless a certificate under the hand of th ' exhibitor or his authorised agent he lodged with the Secretary of the Society liefore the day of exhibition, to the effect that such Ion is caused either t.y ( 1 ) the death of the animal or animals, or (2 ) contagions or infectiousdisease (confirmed by the explanatory certificate of a veterinary surgeon); or (S) by It* becoming ineligible for ........lass in which It liasbeen entered or other reasonable cause. The non-payment of such fines to debar all persons owing them from exhibiting at future exhibitions of the Society.

Age of Horses.The age of all horses to be calculated as from 1st August. Every home foaled before 1st August in any year shall be deemed to

be one year old on that date. A Ally is defined as a female under four years of age.

Veterinary Certificate.A certificate of soundness must be produced with :—

(a) Every stallion 2 years old or over.(b) Trotting or Pacing Stallions in harness.(c) Kvery mare In stud classes 3 years old and over.(d) All Draught geldings.(e) All Plough horses

before such horses shall be allowed to compete. The following certificates will be accepted(a) Koyal Agricultural Society of N.S.W(b) Stock Branch of the Department of Agriculture, N.S.W'.(c) The Government of any other Australian State or New Zealand, in which case an examination of the horse for identification

purposes will be made by the Society's veterinary surgeonsStallions and mares will be examined for soundness and conformation by a Board appointed bv the Council of the Royal Agricultural

Society of N S W , consisting of a breeder and two veterinary surgeons, and the Society's Certificate w ill be issued to each animal passed by such Boird.

Life certificates w ill be issued for stallions and mares (not geldings) passed as sound at six years of age.A rig shall not be passed as a stallion.Board of Appeal.— In the cane of a horse being rejected for unsoundness, the Board of Appeal shall consist of three veterinary sur­

geons. and in the ,-nse of rejection on conformation the Hoard shall consist of two breeders and a veterinary surgeon Ml appeals shall be decided previous to horses being judged. A deposit of one guinea must accompany each appeal

Stallions or mares entered in stud classes must not be sold while on the Showground unless each has received a certificate for sound­ness in accordance with the Society's regulations.


All entries should be made on the prescribed certificate of entry. Certificates of entry will be posted to exhibitors on applicationWhen forwarding entries exhibitors should state the number of class (as per schedule) for which they desire to compete together

with the following description of the horse, v i i . :— Name, colour, and sex, date foaled or age, name and address of breeder name of sire and name of dam. The colours for trotting contests must lie stated. Kvery rider or driver in jumping or trotting events must give his name at the sca' -s. Ail riders and drivers in jumping and trotting events must wear skull caps, which will be provided by the Society.

Exhibitors in stud classes will not be allowed more than three entries in any one class.In stud classes the same horse eannol enter or compete in two ordinary classes, but can compete in all classes marked special for

which It is eligible, provided the entry has been made in the usual way.A Saddle Horse shall not be eligible to compote in a Harness Horse Class, or vice versa. Similarly, a Buggy Horse shall not com­

pete in a Sulky Turnout Class, or vice versa. A horse having competed In a Buggy or Sulky Turnout Class, or as a Harness Horse shall not be eligible for a Business Turnout Class, or vice versa These provisions do not apply to PON IES.

A Brood Mari', exhibited in a class for brood mares, shall not tie permitted to compete In Saddle or Harness Classes but mav lie entered lu all Stud Classen for which she Is eligible.

A mare entered in a stud class is eligible to compete in a saddle or harness class.The time of entry shall mean the date on which the entries finally close.Stallions are not eligible to compete In classes (Jumping and Trotting Exhibitions excepted) other than those specially provided

for entiresHorses entered in Trotting Contests are not eligible to compete in saddle and harness classes.No person under disqualification recognised by tills Society may exhibit or compete.Riders in hack clauses must be suitably attired.In awarding the Championship, unless otherwise stated, the first prize winner of the relative sex in each class of the relative Sub-

eection shall be eligible to compete.In awarding the Reserve Championship, unless otherwise stated, the first prize winner of the relative sex In each class of the relative

Sub-section, other than the exhibit to which the Championship has been awarded, shall be eligible to compete together with the second prize winner in the class in which the Champion was awarded first prize.

If a Champion shall be disqualified or shall be found to be unqualified to compete In the class for which It was entered, or to compete for the Championship as the case may be, then the Championship shall be awarded to the animal which was awarded the Reserve Cham­pionship as the ease may be.

L IV EST O CK IN S U R A N C E — Transit Sea or Rail — Any Part o f the W orld — Y O R K ­

S H IR E IN SU R A N C E CO ., L T D . The Farmers’ Com pany.

R.A.S.— 1 .

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e

Sec. 1— HORSES— (Continued).

Measuring Horse* and Ponias.

Homes, galloway*, and ponton entered in rlaw-H for which the height Is limited must be measured by the Official Measurer before

competing No exhibit shall be judged unless so measured.Should a horse, galloway, or pony be found by the Official Measurer to b«* over or under height for the clans In which It has been

entered it may 1m* transferred to a corresponding horse, galloway, or pony class.Horses, galloways, and ponies will not be measured unless the breastplate showing their number In the class for which they are being

measured Is produced to the Official Measurer for the purpose of enabling him to Impress same with a rubber ltamp showing the official

measurement and his initials.The official Measurer will Issue a certificate a* to height and this ccrtiflcat* must 1k* produced to the Steward at the entrance to the

judgimt ring Life certificates will not be issued.The Official Measurer will attend at the Showground on Friday, Saturday, and Monday, 19th, 20th, and 22nd March, from 10 a m. to

6 p.m Ponies will Ik* measured on Friday and Saturday, 19th and 20th March.

Time-Table of Judging.A time-table of Jud in in all classes and events will be posted to each exhibitor after entries close.

Roll Call In Marshalling Yard.

Con pet I tor* in ring events must have their hone* in the Marshalling Yard under the Martin and Angus Stand not later than 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the event. Any exhibitor not being present with hi* or her hor*e at the time of the roll-call, which will l»e taken five minutes before the commencement of the event, will not l*e permitted to compete in such event. After the roll-call the steward In charge of the Marshalling Yard will advi*e the Kingmaker the number of competitors present and ready to compete in the

event about to take place.Arrival of Exhibits.

less otherwise stated in the King Tin e-Table, all hrMarch, later 1

I 22nd March. Draugnt geioings ana piou*n nurses wm « « «?»«.«....«.« . .w... „ . . . . . . . ------— --------------------------------which day they will also be judged. Animals will not be examined on Tuesday. 23rd March (Judging Day). Hor*es entered for hame**

classes and contests must 1** on the ground one hour, at least, before the judging or contests take place. Horses coming long distances

may be stabled on the Showground before the Show.Pastes for attendants ran be obtained at the Serretary’a office on the Showground on presenting exhibitor's entry ticket. No horse

may be removed from the ground after arrival, unless a pass (obtainable from the Horse Superintendent) I* presented to the gatekeeper; in the event of horses removed each night a deposit of £2 must Ik* lodged (vide Regulation 42).

Boxes and Stalls.

Boxes will be guaran'ced for stallions only, ai»d will only be reserved for stallions en*erea and brought into the ground for the Show, nr aa miouihit- accommodation for all horse*, will 1m- provided on the dav or nigl't the class or event in which they are entered is

- - - - - -* * *• - a I---- 1— --- V . K I K U . , m m » a »

Night Stall* (or Trottori.

Wheo m in im i, kUIIh (or Tnittern com|ietina in the Kvi-imm Ring .Programme »iiail he available on application to the intcmlrnt. T)iif* reservation will be restricted to the evening of competition, country Trotters excepted.

Horse Super-

Exhibit Mumteri.

Exhibit and box numl'ers will lie supplied at the Horse Superintendent's office situated in the Horse Section. On all occasions th* eihibit number must be affixed to each horse before entering the ring. Pass-out checks and return railway certificates can also bo obtained

at this office.Ring Passes.

No exhibitor, rider, or attendart will lie permitted to enter the ring uni' (rora the Home Superintendent The .h»M he ImmteH back to the Socl

t will lie permitted to enter the rlnii unless he or she has received a ring pass for the particular class. . . . . . ™ . ............ .................. _ e passes shall l>e handed hack to the Society's official at the ring entrance by the exhibitor, rider, or

attendant when leaving the ring at the conclusion of the judging of the class.

Parades.'iAll horses must parade as lh*)i are shown In their competitive classes daily. Any exhibitor who fall* to parade his horses shall for(*U

ail prii* money (if any) won by him and be llabl. to a fine of £5 lor each animal not paraded. A speeial parade of prize winners will be held on a day to be fixed If time permits. Shosld a horse be sold prior lo the close of the Show, th* entrant shall be responsible for the observance of the Parade regulations.

This rule will be strictly enforced.Ju d (* ’> Authority Ladles' Hunting Ev«nts.

A Judge in any Ladies' Hunting Event may warn off a horse which in his opinion is unfit to be ridden by a lady In such event.

Substitute Judge.The Council reserves the right to substitute a judge when deemed necessary

Horses for Sale.A ring will be provided (or the sale of horses and for the aocommodntion of buyers Admission within the said ring by ticket obtain­

able at entrance. The Horae Salin will commence at 10 a.m. on Thursday and Saturday. ‘J.rith and 27th March.Stallions or mares entered in stud classes must not be sold while on the Showground unless each ha* received a certificate for sound­

ness In accordance with tlie Society's regulation*.Regulation 87.—All exhibits sold at the Exhibition, or prior to their return to the owner's resilience, will be subject to a commission

of one |ier cent, if sold by auction . or five per cent, if sold privately, on the gross amount of the sale.


All horses, except those competing in contest* to take place after 5 p.m., Tuesday, SOth March, may depart from the Show on that day

at & p.m.Horses must not be removed from the ground unless a pass (obtainable from 'he Superintendent) Is presented to the gatekeeper.Exhibitors wishing to keep their horses on the Showground after the conclusion of the Bhow must obtain permission from the Sec­

retary, who may grant the privilege for a period not exceeding 14 davs

L IV E ST O C K IN SURED on the G round by the Y O R K S H IR E IN SURAN CE C O ., LTD .,at its Office there.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Sec. 1— HORSES— Thoroughbreds, Arabs

Rai way Certificates.

Certificates granting rail carriage at one quarter of the ordinary rate of unsold horses, returning to the station they were trucked from, can l>e obtained at the Superintendent's office. These certificates should be obtained before the horses leave the ground, and should Ix* presented at the Stock Booking Office at Central Kailway Station, when the horses arc trucked, otherwise full trainage v/i|| be charged. A certificate will not Ix* Issued unless the exhibit is returned to the Station from whence It was trucked w ithin four weeks of the date of the forward journey.

Exhibitors Third Party Risk.

Exhibitors and owners of horses, cattle, pigs, goats, poultry, d<risk* arising fro:., any injury or damage cr---' “of their departure the Society havi g take

rattle, pigs, goats, poultry , dogs, and cats, are protected by insurance against ordinary third party t* caused by their animals or birds from the time of their arrlxal on the Showground up t " tin* time liken out a policy covering the legal liab ility of owners and exhibitors of auch stock in this respect.

T H O R O U G H B R E D S .

Ju d ije :

W. W. Sherratt,“ Tiropai,"

Puketapu, Hawke's Bav, N.Z.


A. Hordern (Chief) Lt.-Col. The Hon. M. F.

Bruxner, M.L.A.

Only horses entered in the stud book English or Australian) will be eligible. For particulars of Aus­tralian Stud Book apply to A. L. Yuille, 6 Bligh-st., Sydney.

CHAMPIONS 1940-41, 1947.

STALLION1940 No entry.1941 H. C. Thackeray, Billy Boy. 1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions. 1947 J. C. Bendrodt, War Eagle.


CLASS 1 Stallion, any age. Champion, £20 and Royal Easter Show Medallion ; second prize, £10 ; third prize, £5, of which £20 is presented by William lnglis and Son Pty., Ltd., Blood­stock Salesmen, Pedigree Experts, Fatstock, Horse, Pig, and Calf Salesmen, 28 O'Connell- it., Sydney.

1. ADAMS, M. Hariform, br.. 3 : 10 : 37 ; bre<lby Sir Hugh Denison, Gulgong, N.S.W. ; s. Harinero (imp.), <1. l,a Boniform.

2. BENDRODT, J . C. War Eagle, hr., 19: 9 : 40 ;bred by The Nook Stud, Vie. ; s. Manitoba (imp.), d. Gneiss.

3. JOHNSON, J . P. Karoola, br., 1940; bredby F. V. Kelly, Canowindra, N.S.W. ; h. Assignation (imp.), d. l ’asiphae.

4. s LOCK. J . F.. Kyaloma, b„ 1937; bred byA. E. Cooper, Scone, N.S.W. ; s. Talking, d. Love Lake.

5. RANGER, K. Cragsman, b„ 1941 ; bredby P. Reynolds, Richmond, N.S.W. ; s. Felerag (imp.), d. Sunoloud.

6. ROBERTS, M. F. Chinook, br., 28 : 9 : 40;bred by The Nook Stud Pty., Ltd., Vic. ; b. Manitoba (imp.), d. Train Bleu.

7. THOMPSON, W. II., a n d SONS. Receiver,blk., 1 5 :9 :3 9 ; bred by A. W. Thompson and Co. Pty., Ltd., Muswellbrook, N.S.W. ; s. Marconigrain (imp.), d. Water Gipsy.

S. TOMS, A. E. Graccello, blk., 1938; bred by R. S. Loveridge, N.S.W. j ». Graeulus, d. Popello.


CLASS 2 Mare, 3 years old and over. First prize, £8 . second prize, £3, ol which £5 5s. is presented by the Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd., 14 Spring-st., Sydney.

9. BOX, M rs . C. Medley, ch ., 26: 10: 43 ; bred by C. Box, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Dark Sky, d. Chai >8.

GUNTER, Mum M. M. My Esteem, b.,24 : 9 : 39 ; bred by A. M. Conroy, Kensington, 8ydney ; 8. Deep Respect, <1. Neat Lady.

LOONEY, Mm. M. K. Taiarroti, eh.,: II : 40; bred by R. K. O ’Donnell,

Unanderra, N.S.W. ; h. Buonarotti, <i. Tala- mar.



A R A B S .

wJudije :

W. Sherratt, Tiro|>ai,'' Puketapu,

Hawke's Bay, N.Z.

•Steward 1 :A. Hordern (Chief) Lt.-Col. The Hon. M. F.

Bruxner, M.L.A.

Only horses entered in the Arab Horse Stud Book will be eligible. For particulars of the Arab Horse Stud Book apply to Brigadier W. H. Anderson, C.B.E., Orchard House, Waltham, St. Lawrence, near Reading, Berks, England.

CHAMPIONS, 1940-41, 1947. STALLION

1940 N. W. Cousins, Hadji (Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.).1941 Miss I. Woodhouse, The Shah (Vol. 5,

A.H.S.B.). 1942-46 Show abandoned owing lo war conditions. 1947 J. E. Lock, Zadaran (Vol. 6, A.H.S.B.).


CLASS 3 Stallion, any age. First prize, £3 ; Royal Easter Show Medallion, and Champion Ribbon . second prize, £ 1 .

12. BEST, I). Darinth (Vol. 6. A.H.S.B.), gr..1936 ; bred by J . F. Jelbart, Jindera, N.S.W. ; h. Sirdar, d. Judith.

13. BEST, 1). Ibn Caswa (Vol. 7, A.H.S.B.),ch.-rn.. 1945 ; bred by J . F. Gelbart, Jindera, N.S.W. ; s. Sirdar, d. Caswa.

14. GAZZARl), D. W. Ash-Kar, ch., 3 :8 :4 1 ;bred by J . J . Hollaton, Towong, Vic. ; *. Desert Dawn, d. Miss Hadji.

In Foal Mares, 30 days from act o f Foal in* or 12 months.

CO ., LTD., Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.Y O R K S H IR E IN SURAN CE

The Farmers’ Company.






Displaying the Nation s WaresEaster time ij Show time, when primary producers of the State take pride in displaying their products to the people, indicating the progress that has been made in primary production.

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Whatever your ir turance need, consult us, and our experts will advise you on thr best Lloyd’s Insurance Policy to meet your particular needs.



Insurances effected at LLOYD ’S OF LO N DO N

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

S«c. I — HORSES— Arabs (Continued), and Trotter* or Pacer*.


Ju d i/e :

C. B. H. Lawler,130 Alice-*t.,

Newtown, Sydney.

Steward« :W. J . Harries (Chi»>f) Hon. K. A. Butlcn.-lmw N. D. Jones.H. (S. Wbiddon.

Arabian Stallion. RAK IB (imp.)

Ke(r. Weatherbys G .8 .B. and A rab Horne 8 tud Book, F u lly booked last season Hooking* now being

accepted (or 1948 season.



Inspection of Studs Inv ited — by arrangement.


Proprietress, Mr*. A. D. D . Maclean Tel. Yan Yean 6 , and B J 4300.

15. LOCK, J . E. Shobek (Vol. 6 , A.H.S.B.), gr.,1938 ; bred by McDonald Bros., Dubbo, N.S.W. ; h. Prince Nejd, d. Yenbo.

16. LOCK, J. K. Zadaran (Vol. 6 , A .H.8 .B.), gr.,10 : 9 : 36 ; bred by McDonald Bros., IJubbo, N.S.W. ; h. Prince Nejd, d. Yenbo.

17. MACLEAN, M r s . A. D. D. Malik (Vol. 7,A.H.S.B.), b., 28 : K : 46 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Kakib (imp.), d. Meymooneh.

18. MACLEAN, Mrs. A. D. D . Nefudh (Vol. 7,A.H.S.B.), gr., ft: 11 : 4P ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Kakib (imp.), d. Nawirieh (imp.).

19. TOMS, Mbs. J . H. Beni Mazar (Vol. 6 , A.H.S.B.)gr., — : 10 : 10; bred by A. H. McDonald. Trangie, N.S.W. ; h. Prince Nejd, d. Salama.


CLASS 4 - Mare, any age. First prize, £3 ; second prize, £1 .

20. LOCK. J . E. Dfohar, (Vol. 6 , A.H.S.B.), ch.,12 : 9 : 41 ; bred by McDonald Bros., Dubbo, N.S.W. ; s. Prince Nejd, d. (iadara.

21. MACLEAN, M r s . A. D. D . Nasifa (Vol. 7,A.H.S.B.), br., 1 : 10 : 42 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Indian Light (imp.), d. Nuralina (imp.).

22. MACLEAN, M r s . A. D. D. Senabra (Vol. 7,A.H.S.B.), gr., 11 : 9 : 42 ; bred by exhibitor ; 8. Indian Light (imp.), d. Dahana.

23. TOMS, M r s . J . Hilwa.

Only horses entered in a recognised Stud Book (or Trotters will be eligible for entry in these classes. This regulation shall also apply to stallions and marcs entered in the Trotting Events. For particulars of Australian Stud Book for Trotters, apply to G. C. Somerville, Endeavour House, 33 Macquarie Plaee, Sydney.


1940 C. B. R. Lawler, Wallagalong, 699.1»41 J. E. Frewln, Starwyn (imp.. Vol. 6 ). 1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions. 1947 S. McMillan, Mark Robert (Vol. 6 ).

MARE1940 H. H. Smith, Maud Coie, 1240M.1941 H. H. Smith, Maud Cole, 1240M.1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions. 1947 G. Supple, Josie’s Welcome (Vol. 6 ).


CLASS 5 Stallion, 4 years old and over. First prize, £13 ; second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2.

24. BA XTER . (J. S. Van Wilver, 1059, blk.,15 : 10 : 35 ; bred by exhibitor ; 8. Wilverley, d. Queenie Hoy.

25. DENGATE, N. Wynstar, I07H, ch., 1 :1 0 :4 1 ;bred by A. H Haincr, Liverpool, N.S.W. ; s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028, d. Carella, 1627M.

26. M O RR IS , L. Phoenix Huon, 961, b., 1937;bred by H. U. Brown, Cessnock, N.S.W ., s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Nangus Huon, 1013M.

27. REEV ES, J . R. Mark Robert. 914, b„ 1937 ;bred by exhibitor; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Hallmarked.

CLASS 6 (No entry.)

CLASS 7 Stallion, 2 years old and under 3 years. First prize, £4; second prize, £2; third prize, £ 1 .

28. BALL. S. M. Bay Dillon, Vol. V, b , — : 8 : 45 ;bred by exhibitor; h. Wilver Dillon, 1069, d. Klorric Lucy, 1357M.

29. D U F F Y , P. R. Douglas Mac, Vol. 7, b.,7 : 12 : 45 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Walla Walla 439, d. Lily Douglas.

30. W ILL IA M S , H. H. Altlvolo, Vol. 7, b„1945 ; bred by E. Tatlow, Hagley, Tas. ; b. Raider (imp.), 972, d. Attain (imp. N.Z.), 1552M.

CLASS 8 Colt, 1 year old and under 2 years. First prize, £4; second prize, £2 ; third prize, Society’s Ribbon.

31. BACON. W. Pharaway, Vol. 7, blk., — : 8 : 46 ;bred by exhibitor; 8. Wallaway, 1068, d. Mabs Minton.

Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E C O ., LTD . — Claims paid by the Com pany exceed

£56,000,000. Insurances effected on Live Stock up to any sum.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotter* or Pacer* (Continued), and Ponies.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

32. SMITH. \V. S., a n d H. J . Star Prince, b.h.,22 : 9 : 46 ; bred by exhibitors; s. Yellow- Htnne, 1080, d. Star Prince**, 1404M.

33. W ALKER, H. Bay Wally, Vol. 7, blk.,IS : 12 : 47 ; bred by exhibitor ; h. Wallaway, IOHH, d. Hay Marie, I 66IM.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion, and Society's Ribbon, (or the best trotting or pacing stallion exhibited.

Reserve Champion Society's Ribbon.


CLASS 9 Brood Mare, 4 years old and over. A brood mare is a mare which has had a (oal or proved to have been served by a stud book trotting stallion during the previous season. First prize, £ 8 . second prize, £3.

34. BALL, 8 . M. Florrie Lucy,bred by exhibitor ; s. d. Florence.

35. HARRIS , W . H. T. Dixie Jewel, V ol.

b., 1938; bred by A. J . Annabel, Rockdale, Sydney ; h. Johnnie Jewel, d. by Dixie Daly, 41).

36. NORRGARD, V. Ella Girl, Vol. 7, blk , 1940 ;bred by J . B. Ferguson, Temora, N.S.W. ; n. Walla Walla, 439, d. Summer Girl.

37. SUPPLE, G. Josie’s Welcome, 190UM, b..1943; bred by C. K. Gosper, Richmond, N.S.W. ; s. Robert I>erby, 704, d. The Welcome, 1447M.

38. W ALKER, H. Bay Marie, 166IM, b„ 1931 ;bred by W. J . Bray, For ben, N.S.W. ; s. Don Newt, til9, d. Marigold.

CLASS 10 (No entry.)

CLASS 11 Filly, 1 year old and under 2 years. First prize, £4 ; second prize, £1 ; third prize. Society's Ribbon.

39. HARRIS, W. H . T. Jewel Walla, Vol. 7, b„30 : 10 : 46; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wallaway, 1068, d. Dixie Jewel, Vol. 7.

40. NORRGARD, V. Fin Girl, Vol. 7. b„29 : 11 : 46 ; bred by exhibitor ; a. Master Dixie. 917, d. Ella Girl, Vol. 7.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion for the best trotting or pacing mare or filly exhibited.

Reserve Champion Society’s Ribbon.


Steward* ;E. S. Playfair (Chief)N. Reading J . Angus J . Barnes J . Downes

PONIES TO BE REGISTERED. All ponies must be registered in a recognised stud

book for ponies.

For particulars of Australian Pony Stud Book apply to G. C. Somerville, Secretary, Endeavour House, 33 Macquarie Place, Sydney; F. C. V. Lambart, c/0. Fairymead Sugar Co., Bundaberg, Q ’ld. . L. Monod, Temple Court, Collins-st., Melbourne : H. J. Finnis, Pirle-st., Adelaide; J. B. Marshall, 18 William-st., Perth.

Ponies entered In the following classes must be measured by the Official Measurer. No exhibit shall be judged unless so measured.

The Official Measurer will issue a certificate as to height, and this certificate must be produced to the Steward at the entrance to the judging ring. The Official Measurer will attend at the Showground on Friday and Saturday, 19th and 20th March, from 10 a.m. to S o.m.

(Special Prizei £5, presented by Mrs. E. M. Moran, Kookaburra Refreshment Room, Clydesdale- st., Showground, for the Most Successful Exhibitor in Pony Classes, Stud, Harness, and Saddle. The prize shall be determined as follows Each first prize to count as three points, second as two, third as one, and an additional point for Champion and Reserve Champion. The exhibitor gaining the highest number of points shall be the winner.

CHAMPIONS, 1940-41, 1947.

STALLION 1940 Mrs. P. L. Grimwood, Jalengla Dinarth

Jim, 41. 1941 Mrs. P. L. Grimwood, Jalengla Dinarth

Jim, 41. 1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions. 1947 E. M. Philpott, Glendallo Wee Greylock,


M A R E -1940 J. R. Smith, Venus, 270.1941 Mrs. P. L. Grimwood, Patsy, 209. 1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions. 1947 S. F. Walker, Melrose Dinah (Vol. 4).


CLASS 12 Pony Stallion, not exceeding 14 hands. First prize, £10; second prize, £4; third prize, £2 .

41. CLEARY, M bs . M . Gold Dust, 320, ch.,I : 9 : 42 ; bred by C. Jackson, Dapto, N.S.W.; s. Dandy, d. Golden Lady.

42. HIRST, E E. Springmead Rakol, 399. gr.,1 2 :9 :4 4 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Rakib (imp.— Vol. 5. A.H.S.B.), d. Springmead Olwen, 252.

43. T H CRN , J. S. Radio Jim , 385, b„ 23 : 10 : 36 ; ' bred by Mrs. M. E. J . Clement. Martindale,

N.S.W. ; s. Lucky Jim , (1. Muriel.44. LOCK, J . E. Desert Star, 303, gr., — : II : 44 ;

bred by PaytenBros., Campbelltown, N .S.W .; s. Zadaran (Vol. 6 , A.H.S.B.), d. Meteor.

161.45. W ITHDRAW N.46. McLEAN, M rs . C. M. Traveller's Joy 2nd,

102. br., 1 : 11 : 32 ; bred by Mrs. M. Winter - Irv ing. Bowral. N .S.W . ; s. Traveller’s Joy (imp.), Ref.. Vol. I, d. Dimity.

YO RKSH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — For every CIm s of Insurance. Specialistin Live Stock Insurance. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

1357M, I)., 1925; Wilbur Lou (imp.), 482, 2'At

1 4 f

Judge :K. McK. Duncan,

“ Flockhart,” Cliff-rd.,

Marton, N.Z.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Ponies

47. ROSS, T. J.. a n d R. GORDON. Traveller’sPrince, 421, b„ 1 S ;9 :4 3 ; bred bv W. C. Back, Bankstown, Sydney ; s. Honest Prince,167, d. Bonnie Girl, 364.

48. SINGLE, E. C. Prince Tiny, Vol. 4, b., 1944 ;bred by F. Hill, Sefton, N .S .W .; s. King Don, 171, d. Milton Glory, 437.

49. SW ORDS, B. Wentworth Star, 428, br.,10 : 3 : 37 ; bred by 1’. A. Wilson, Wentworth- ville, N.S.W. ; s. Jan's Pride, 45 ; d. Biddy.

50. W ILL IS , 1). R. Dunbar President, 306. br.,2 0 :9 :4 2 ; bred by J F. Mitchell, Ebden, Vic. ; s. Present, d. Jessie.

CLASS 13 Pony Stallion, not exceeding 13 hands. First prize, £8 ; second prize, £4; third prize, £ 1 .

5t. H O K IN , F. J. Nattai Eclipse. Vol. 4. tafTv : 6 : 43 ; bred by Mrs. I). B. Meeks, Bowral,

N.S.W. ; s. Ceulan Comet (imp.), 27, d. Nattai Lady Sunlight, 199.

52. / HOLLAND, G. Don Epps, 161, cr„ 22 : 12 : 35 ;bred by exhibitor; s. Don’s Pride, 33, <1. Creamy.

53. KNIGHT-GREGSON, Miss M. L. LowiynnSilver King, 343. gr., : 10:41 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Burradoo Hex, 25, d. Hopewood Queen le, 107.

54. McLEAN, Mrs . ( ’. M. Burradoo Greylight,Vol. 4, gr., 25: 10 :44; bred by exhibitor; s. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Little Nell, 148.

55. McLEAN, M r s .C . M. Burradoo Royal Sovereign288, er., I : 11 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Bernma Royal, 146, d. Creamy Dolly.

56. PHILPOTT, E. M. Glendallo Wee Greylock,317. gr. 19: 10:41 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Wee Georgie, 228, d. Miss Silver, 444.

57. ROBERTS, M bs . D. W. Yonder Gay Clan,Vol. 4, fa., 25 : 10: 39; bred by Mrs. E. Elliott, Vaucluse, Sydney ; s. Castlemai Clansman (imp.), 157, d. Naroo Gaiety, 846.

58. W ILCOX , F. G. Good Intent, Vol. 4, b ,6 : I I : 43; bred by M. Creagan, Dunmore, N.S.W. ; h. Bobbie Azara, 284, d. Little Lil, 780.

CLASS 14 Pony Stallion, not exceeding 12 hands. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £2.

59. BOWERMAN, S. R. Peter Boy, 381, ch.,: 9 : 40 ; bred by A. Davey, Grose Vale,

N .S.W . ; s. Dinarth Boy, 31, d. Judy.

60. GEOGHEGAN, T. Little Prince, 176, piebald,3 : 11 : 38 ; bred by E. M. Philpott, Belinore, Sydney; 8. Prince Comedy, 205.

61. JO L L Y , R. W. Burradoo Searchlight, 289,gr., 9 : 11 : 42 ; bred by Mrs. C. M. McLean, Burradoo, N.S.W'. ; s. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Little Nell, 148.

62. McLEAN, M r s . C. M. Burradoo Rex, 25, gr.,2 :1 2 :3 0 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Retford Prince, 81, d. Dolly (Fraser’s), 89.


Champion Prize £5, Royal Easter Show Medallion, and the “ John H. S. Angus ” Memorial Trophy, value £15 15s., presented by Mr. James Angus, Rooty Hill, N.S.W., for the best ponv stallion exhibited in Classes 12 to 14/ - «P

Reserve Champion Society's RibbonW ^ f t


CLASS 15 Pony Mare, not exceeding 14 hands. First prize, £8 : second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2 .

63. BATH IS, H. Shalimar, Vol. 4, gr.. 1937 ;bred by Mrs. E . Brady, Wollongong, N.S.W . ; s. Ginty, 311, d. Polly.

64. DESA ILEY a s h BAILEY. Queen of Carnival,Vol. 4, rr., 28 : 9 : 44 ; bred by L. Burge, Colhinabbin, Vic. ; s. Silver Locks, d. Cobby,

65. DESA ILEY a n d BA I LEY. Queen of Sheba,901, er., 1939 ; bred by L. Landalc, Deniliquin, N.S.W. ; s. Port Nelson, d. Creamy.

66. GARLICK . M r s . B. R. Salome, Vol. 4, blk.,9 :9 : 39 ; bred by C. Randall, I’eak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Castlemai Clansman (imp.), 157, d. Trix.

67. H IRST , E. E. Springmead Rasara, 928, gr.,25 : 8 : 45 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Rakib (imp. Vol. 5, A.H.8 .B.), d. Springmead Sally, 255.

68. H IRST, E. E. Springmead The Honourable,931, b., 8 : 11 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Rakib (imp. Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d. Spring­mead Pamela, 253.

69. JO LLY , R. W . Miss Powder Puff, 803, b.,12 : II : 42 ; bred by Miss I. Woodhouse, Campbelltown, N.S.W. ; s. Cedric, d. White- nose, 272.

70. McLEAN, M r s . C. M. Berrima Witchery,357, b„ 9 :1 0 :3 6 ; bred by Miss J . L. McLean, Burradoo, N.S.W. ; s. Traveller’s Joy 2ml, 102, d. Magic, 154.

71. PEDEN, W. Miss Glen, 802. br., 26: 10:43 ;bred by A. H . Peden, Tarlo, N.S.W'.; a. Glen Margam, 37, d. Jalengla Patty, 407.

72. PHILPOTT, E. M Vlrco, 945, gr., 20 : 7 : 36 ;bred by Payten Bros., Campbelltown, N .S .W .;

s. Whynot, 105, <1. Judy.

73. flWANHTON, Miss I). M. Why Amber, 952,\br., 25 : l(i : 42 ; tin'll by Miss I. W'oodhouse,

,0 5 ’ d '

74. THOMPSON, M r s . S. J. Romany Lass, 903,ch., 1939; bred by N. Wright, Chatswood, Sydney ; s. Master Radium.

75. W OO DH O l'SE , Miss I. Sbahreen, 911, dpl-gr.,4 : 11 : 39 ; bred by Mrs. C. E. A. de Little, Exeter, N.S.W. ; s. The Shah, Vol. 5, A.H .8 .B., d. Blue Bonnet.

A ll the Best Anim als are Insured with the Y O R K S H IR E IN S U R A N C E CO ., LT D . —

Office on the Ground. C laims paid by the Com pany exceed £56 ,000,000.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

' £.k ISec. 1— HORSES— Ponies (Continued).


CLASS 16 (Special Prizes) Brood Mare, not ex­ceeding 14 hands. A brood mart is a mare which has had a foal or proved to have been served by a registered stud book pony stallion during the previous season. A mare shall not be eligible for this class unless, at the time of entry, her foal and, or alternatively her service by a registered stud book pony stallion during the previous season has been recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. A mare which does not produce a foal after the first service shall, for the purpose of com­petition in this class, be not eligible until subsequent progeny is registered. First prize, £8 : second prize, £4; third prize, £2. iSee Special Regulation for Brood Mare.)

76. H IRST, E. E. Spring mead Rakolta, 925, gr.,6 : 12 :44; bred by exhibitor; ». Rakih (imp.—Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d. Springmead Volta, 2.r>7.

77. McLEAN, M r s . C. M. Burradoo Leonie, 75,gr., 21 : 10 :33; bivd by exhibitor; h.

Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Prince** Peggv, 217.78. McLEAN, M k s . C. M. Moonlight, 192,

1928 ; bred by D. Walter*, Bowral, N.S.W. ; *. Retford Prince, Ml, d. Tibby.

79. PH IL POTT, E. M. Neena, 477, gr.. 1933;bred by I)r. G. Bray, Sydney ; ». Joker'* Pride, <1. Blue Bell.

72. , PHILPOTT, E. M Virco, 945, gr.. 20 : 7 : 36 ; bred by Payten Bro*., Campbelltown, N .S.W .; *. Whvnot, 105, d. Judy.

80. WOOD, E. A. Jet, 74«, blk., 1940; bred byA. Winter, Glen Innea, N.S.W. ; «. Robin Adair 2nd, 390, d. Be**.

75. W OODHOTSE. Miss I. Shahreen, 911, dpi gr..4 : 11 : 39; bred by Mr*. C. E. A. de Little, Exeter, N.S.W. ; h. The Shah, Vol. 5, A.H.S.B., d. Blue Bonnet.

CLASS 17 Pony Mare, not exceeding 13 hands.First prize, £8 ; second prize, £4; third prize, £2 .

91. ARNOLD, H. A. Kitty (Pickering’s). Vol. 4. dpi gr.. — : 10 : 40 ; bred by G. Pickering, Watchem, Vic., s. Silver Bell*.

82. BU LLEY , Miss J . Princess Dolly, 898, b„1940; bred by W. Dun*hea, Queanbeyan,

, N.S.W.83. EM ERY , Miss R . M. Emeroon Zareen, 696,

ch., 23 :10 :43 ; bred by exhibitor; 8. *». ■« Azara, d. Zola, 961.84. i GEOGHEGAN, T. Sunbonnet, 932, ch., bred

by Payten Bros., Campbelltown, N.S.W. ; m. Topnot, 224 ; d: Sun*et, 262.

76. HIRST. E. E. Springmead Rakolta, 925. gr..6 : 12 :44; bred by exhibitor; s. Kakib (imp.—Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d. Springmead Volta, 257.

85. KN IGH TGREGSON , Miss M. L. LowlynnVanity, 788, br., 1 3 :9 :4 3 ; bred by ex- hibitor ; h. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Powder Puff, 896.

88 . McLEAN, M r s . C. M . Burradoo Bonnie,368, gr., 1 : 11 : 39 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Burradoo Black Beauty, 74.

87. MEEKS, M r s . D. B. Nattai Bluelight, 453, gr..3 : 12 :38 ; bred by exhibitor; 8. Milton Greylight, 63, d. Jean, 129.

88. MEEKS, M r s . D. B. Nattai Daylight, 868,ch.. 22 : 9 : 41 ; bred by exhibitor ; *. Ceulan Comet (imp.), 27, d. Nattai Lady Sunlight, 199.

79. PHILPOTT, E. M. Neena, 477, gr., 1933;bred by Dr. G. Bray, Sydney ; a. Joker’s Pride, d. Blue Bell.

89. W ALK ER , S. F. Melrose Dinah, Vol. 4, gr.,28 : 11 : 39 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Comet, 212, d. Silvermine, 493.

80. W OOD, E. A. Jet, 746, blk., 1940 ; brod byA. Winter, Glen I line*, N.S.W. ; h. Robin Adair 2nd, 390, d. Bess.

f i tv* » t/VI / * * * "CLASS 18 Pony Mare, not exceeding 12 hands.

First prize, £6 ; second prize, £2.90. BOW ERMAN, S. R . Joybells, 748, b„

1 :1 0 : 40 ; bred by A. Davey, Grose Vale, N.S.W. ; s. Dinarth Boy, 31. d. Tibby.

91. JAGELM AN, M r s . N. Little Sherry, 783, gr.,30 : 11 : 43 ; bred by L. G. Ware, I^eichhardt, Sydney ; s. King Don, 171, d. Sister.

92. JO L L Y . R. W. Little Eva, 778, gr.. — : 12 : 40 ;bred by E. J . Chavasse. Bentleigh, Vic. ;a. Dandy, d. Midge, 436.

93. KN IG H T GREG SON , Miss M. L. LowlynnSilver Dawn, 787, gr., 1 3 :9 :4 3 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Midnight, 798.

77. McLEAN, M r s . C. M . Burradoo Leonie, 75,gr., 21 : 10 : 33 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Princess Peggy, 217.

78. McLEAN, M r s . C. M . Moonlight, 192, w„1928 ; bred by I). Walter*, Bowral, N.S.W. ;8. Retford Prince, 81, d. Tibby.

94. MEEKS, M r s . D. B. Nattai Mystery, 462. gr.,9 : 1 : 35 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Milton Greylight, 63. d. Milton Queen, 179.

98. PHILPOTT. E. M. Cuddles. 676. gr..10 : 10 : 40 ; bred by Mrs. E. E. Elliott, Liverpool, N.S.W. ; s. Milton Greylight, 63. d. Neena, 477.

96. PHILPOTT. E. M. Glendallo Wee Betty,708, gr., 16 : 10 : 42 ; bred by exhibitor ; 8. Wee Georgie, 228, d. Tiptoes, 264.

97. ROSE, C. M. Magellan Frolic, 792, hr..5 : 11 : 44 ; bred by exhibitor ; 8. Koscie, 172, d. Mount Gilead Mouse, 835.

CLASS 1 9 -(Special Prizes) £8 . Sire’s Progeny Group To consist of tljree progeny, males or females, any age, by one sire, the progeny only to be shown and not necessarily bred or owned by the owner of the sire ; to be selected from exhibits in general stud, saddle, and harness classes. The name of the sire of the progeny to be stated on the certificate of entry. First prize, £5 . second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1. Prize money presented by The Australian Pony Stud Book Society, Endeavour House, 33 Macquarie Place, Sydney.

YO R K SH IR E INSURANCE CO., LTD.— AII Classes of Insurance Effected. Fire,Workers’ Compensation, Crops, Fencing, etc. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Sec. 1— HORSES— Ponies (Continued), Hackney Ponies, and Shetland Ponies.

98. DESA ILEY a n d BA ILEY . (Silver Locks).99. HIRST, K. E. (Springmead Rakol, 399.)

100. KNIGHT GREGSON, Miss M L. (BurradooRex, 25.)

101. McLEAN, M r s . C. M . (Burradoo Rex, 25.)102- McLEAN, M r s , C. M . (Burradoo Rex, 25.)103. PHILPOTT, E. M. (Wee Georgie, 228.)

CLASS 20 iSpecial Prizes) £8 , for a Pony Stallion and two Mares, any age lyearllngs excepted) ; owned, but not necessarily bred by exhibitor ; to be selected from exhibits in general stud, saddle, and harness classes. Each pony must be registered in the Australian Pony Stud Book. First prize, £5; second prize, £2 : third prize, £1 .

104. HIRST, E. E.105. JOLLY , B. W.106. KNIGHT GREGSON, Miss M. L.107. McLEAN, M r s . C. M.

108. McLEAN, M r s . C. M .

109. PHILPOTT, E. M.

CLASS 21 —(Special Prizes) £8 , for group of three Mares, any age (yearlings excepted); owned, but not necessarily bred by exhibitor: to be selected from exhlbitos in general stud, saddle, and harness classes. Each pony must be registered in the Australian Pony Stud Book. First prize, £5; second prize, £2; third prize, £1 .

110. DESA ILEY a n d BA ILEY .111. HIRST, E. E.112. JOLLY', B. W.113. McLEAN, M r s . C. M .

114. MEEKS, M rs . D. B.115. PHILPOTT, E. M.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion, and ] " Wee Georgie " Trophy, value £3 3s., for

the best Pony Mare exhibited in Classes 15 to 18. Trophy presented by Mrs. E. M. Philpott, 2 York-st.. Belmore, Sydney.

Reserve Champion Society's Ribbon.

Judge :K. McK. Duncan,

“ Flockhart,”Cliff rd„

Marton, N.Z.


Stewards :E. S. Playfair (Chief) N. Reading J . Angus J . Barne*J. Downes

STALLIONS.CLASS 22 Hackney Pony Stallion, any age, not

exceeding 14 hands. First prize, £3 : second prize, £1 : third prize, Society’s Ribbon.

116. R E R L I STUD FARM. Autocrat, 140H, br.,28 : 10 : 38 ; bred by Mr*. E. Robins, Smith- field. N.S.W. ; s. Lord Pompadour, 15H,

X d. Daintv Maid, 53H.117.! THACKERAY, H . C. Marfleet Cadet (imp.),

271H, br., 1943 ; bred by J. Partington, Hull. England ; s. Wensleydale Recruit (15,015, E.H.S.B.), d. Albin Nancy Melbourne (27,231.E.H.S.B.).

MARES.CLASS 23 Hackney Pony Mare, any age, not ex­

ceeding 14 hands. First prize, £3; second prize, £1 : third prize, Society's Ribbon.

118. W ITHDRAW N .


Judge : Stewards :J . McK. Duncan, E. S. Playfair (Chief)

“ Flockhart,” N. BeadingCliff-rd., J . Angus

Marton, N.Z. J. BarnesJ . Downes

All Shetland Ponies must be registered in a recognised stud book. For particulars of Australian Pony Stud Book apply to G. C. Somerville, Secretary, Endeavour House, 33 Macquarie Place, Sydney ; F. C. V. Lambart, c o. Fairymead Sugar Co., Bundaberg, Q'Id.; L. Monod, Temple Court, Collins-st., Melbourne; H. J. Finnis, Pirle-st., Adelaide ; J. B. Marshall, 18 William-st., Perth. The height of Shetland ponies shall not t^ceed10 .2 hands.

CHAMPIONS 1940-41, 1947.

STALLION —1940 Mrs. A. D. D. Maclean, Shetland Heights

Marbell, 13S.1941 Mrs. A. D. D. Maclean, Shetland Heights

Marbell, 13S.1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions. 1947 S. Smith, Navua Tam O'Shanter, 130S.

MARE1940 W. E. and G. A. Clinton, Rob Roy Kenna

Royal, 334S.1941 W. E. and G. A. Clinton, Rob Roy Kenna

Royal, 334S.1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions. 1947 W. E. and G. A. Clinton, Rob Roy Kenna

Royal, 334S.


CLASS 24 Shetland Pony Stallion, 4 years old and over. First prize, £5 . second prize, £2.

119. BILLS, R. G Harvlestoun Pat (imp.), Vol. 4, up blk., 1943 ; bred by J . E. Kerr, Dollar, f'*1 Scotland; s. Dollar Boy (1242, S.P.S.B.),

d. Harvieatoun Pixie (4727, S.P.8 .B.).120. CLINTON, W. H., an i> G. A. Rob Roy Suddy,

263S, blk., 3 :1 1 : 43 ; bred by exhibitors; s. Gem of Manar (imp.), 7S, d. Rob Roy Kenna Marina, 331S.

121. MACLEAN, M r s . A. D. D. Fenwick Snowlaf, Ai 124H, w., 4 :1 1 :3 7 ; bred by exhibitor;

h . White Olaf of Manar (imp.), 14S, d. Shetland Heights Snowball, 50S.

122. MACLEAN, M r s . A. 1). D. Vert of Earlshall(imp.). 131)8, gr., 18 : 5 : 32 ; bred by R. W. R.

V Mackenzie, Fife, Scotland ; s. Darne: of Earlshall (1190, S.P.8 .B.), d. Vaila Emma (3634, S.P.S.B.).

123. OWEN, J . Pidgeville Glen Founder, 2598, br.,3 : 11 : 41 ; bred by exhibitor; 8. Vert of Earlshall (imp.), 139S, d. Periwinkle, S83S.

L IV EST O CK IN SU R A N C E .— Claims pa id promptly on Proof o f Death.— Y O R K S H IR E

IN SU R A N C E CO ., LTD ., 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmers’ Company.


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Shetland Por.ies (Continued),

Clinton’s Rob Roy Shetland Stud131.y W


Pedigree Colts and Stallions also Children's Ponies

when available.

Imported from World's best stud.

Imported Stallions at stud.

All particulars from:

W. E. CLINTON140 Cape Street.


Phone: JL 1132 and Smith Gully 1.

124. R O P E R , B. Yarra Lea Pinto, Vol. 4. rd. andw., 4 :1 : 43 ; bred by R . G. Bills, Temple- stowe, Vic. : «. Shetland Height’s Rob Roy, d. Trowsdale Witch, Vol. 4.

125. SMITH, S. Navua Tam O ’Shanter, 130S, bik.,20 : 10 : 37 ; bred by Navua Pty., Ltd., Grose Wold, N.S.W. ; s. Rob Roy Kenna Cup,8S, d. Harlaxton Moth, 21S.

CLASS 25 Shetland Pony Stallion, under 4 years old. First prize, £5; second prize, £2.

126. ! B ILLS, R . G. Yarra Lea Intra Dig, Vol. 4, j blk., 30 : 9 : 45; bred by exhibitor ; 8.

Blackthorn of Penni wells (imp.— 1142, S.P.S.B.), d. Shetland Heights Butterbits.

127. CLINTON, W. E., a n d G. A. Rob Roy Voco,blk., 1 : 8 : 45 ; bred by exhibitors ; s. Gem of Manar (imp.), 7S, d. Rob Roy Kaybelle, 697S.

128. MACLEAN, Mbs. A. D. I). Fenwick Sauterne,242S, piebald, 18 : 9 : 44 ; bred by exhibitor ; h. Shetland Height*) Marliell, 13S. d. Strath- kinexs Shandy, (S18S.



OW EN, J . Rob Roy Kintor, Vol. 4. gr.,8 : 10 : 44 ; bred bv W. E. and G. A. Clinton, Heidelberg, Vic. ; s. Bell Metal of Mundumo, IS, d. Shetland Heights Bunny, 38S.

W H IT FO R Il, O. Fenwick Masterpiece, 2348, blk. and w.. 7 : 11 : 45 ; bred by Mrs. A. D. D. MacLean, Yan Yean, Vic. ; s. Fenwick Snowlaf, 124S, d. Fenwick Blithe Maid,78.

INTERS, J . Yarra Lea Financier, Vol. 4, blk., — : !) : 44 ; bred by R. G. Bills, Temple- stowe, Vic. ; s. Blackthorn of Penniwells (imp.— 1142, S.P.S.B.), d. Yarra Lea Spangle. 6308.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion, for the best Shetland Pony Stallion.

Reserve Champion Society’s Ribbon.


CLASS 26 Shetland Pony Mare, 4 years old and over. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £2.

132. B ILLS, R .G . Carmella, Vol. 4, blk.. 4 : 11 : 43 ;bred by Mrs. L. Bayford, French Island, Vic. ; s. Majestic Knight, 25t>S, d. Shetland Heights San Remo, 013S.

133. B ILLS, R. G. Yarra Lea Spangle, 6308, blk.,30 : 11 : 40 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Shetland Heights Jester, <1. Shetland Heights Dona, H07S.

134. CLINTON, W. E„ a n d G. A. Rob Roy KennaRoyal, 334S, blk.. 25 : 10 : 34 ; bred by ex­hibitors ; s. Shetland Heights McKenna,12S, d. Shetland Heights Kit ( ’at, 43S.

135. MACLEAN, M r s . A. D . D . Fenwick Fanciful,528S, blk., I : 10 : 41 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Shetland Heights Marliell, 13S, <1. Fenwick Felicia. 12S.

136. MACLEAN, Mrs . A. D. D. Fenwick Norlanda,31t>S, blk., 21 : 9 : 39 ; bred by exhibitor: s. Shetland Heights Marbell, 13S, d. Nina of Middlebank (imp.), 27S.

136A. ROPKR . B. Rob Roy Latem, Vol. 4, blk..I!)3i); bred by W. E. and G. A. Clinton. Heidleberg. Vie. ; s. Bell Meta! of Mundumo (imp.), IS, d. Rob Roy Alma, 327S.

137. RO PE R . B. Trowsdale Witch. Vol. 4. blk..—-: 12 :38; bred by Miss G. Small and R . G. Bills, Templestowe, Vie. : s. Shetland Heights Jester, d. Shetland Heights Dona, 607S.

CLASS 27 Shetland Pony Mare, under 4 years old. First prize, £5; second prize, £2.

138. B ILLS a n d BAYFORD. Tooradin, t»2oS, blk.,23 : 10 : 44 ; bred by Mrs. H. S. Bayford, Hawthorn, Vic. ; s. Majestic Knight, 2568, d. Shetland Heights San Remo, 6138.

139. B ILLS, K. G. Yarra Lea Spanker, Vol. 4. blk., [ip. 12 : 8 : 45 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Blackthorn

*. of Penniwells (imp.— 1142, S.P.S.B.), d. Yarra Lea Lucky Lou, Vol. 4.

140. CLINTON, W. E., a n d G. A. Rob Roy Ciara-bell, gr.. 1 3 :1 1 :4 3 ; bred by exhibitors; s. Bell Metal of Mundumo (imp.), IS, d. Rob Roy Kenna Royal, 3348.

141. MACLEAN, M r s . A. I). D. Fenwick Selma,5ti2S, w. and gr., 22 : !) : 44 ; bred by ex­hibitor ; s. Shetland Heights Marbell, 13S, d. Sara (imp.), 33tiS.

142. OW EN . J . Pidgeville Glen Pixie, 5858, br.skewbald, 23 : 11 : 45 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Navua Wee Mackenna, d. Periwinkle, 5838.

Show Animals covered for 14 days, including Transit to and from Farm. Y O R K S H IR E

IN S U R A N C E CO ., LTD . Office on G round . Essentially the Farmers’ Office.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Shetland Ponies (Continued), and Clydesdales.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

143. ROPER , B. Fenwick Kerchief, 540S, gr.,24 : 10 : 44 ; bred by Mrs. A. D. D. Maclean, Yan Yean, Vic. ; s. Little Wizard, d. Fenwick Keepsake, 304S.

143A. ROPER, B. Fenwick Nutmeg, Vol. 4. gr.and w., 20 : !J : 45 ; bred by Mrs. A. 1). D. Maclean, Yan Yean, Vie. ; s. Fenwick Snowlaf, 124S, d. Fenwick Norlanda, 31(58.

143B. ROPER. B. Fenwick Treasure, Vol. 4. ch., j 2 : 11 : 45 ; bred by Mrs. A. L>. 1). Maclean,

Yan Yean, Vie. ; h. Shetland Heights Ginger- niit, 137S, d. Strathkiness Trixie, 34t>S.

144. W H ITFORD . G. Happy Victory, Vol. 4. blk.,17 : 10 : 45 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Navua Tain O ’Shanter, 130S, d. Fenwick Happy, Vol. 4.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion, for the best Shetland Pony Mare.

Reserve Champion Society's Ribbon.


Judge : Stewards :W. C. Schulz, P. Charley (Chief)

“ Willurah,” A. O. GeeTable Top, N.S.W. N. 1). Jones

J . A. Nivison A. Walmsley

Only horses entered in the Clydesdale Stud Book of Great Britain and Ireland, the Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Stud Book (L. Monod, Secretary, Temple Court, Collins-st., Melbourne : N.S.W. Branch, G. C. Somerville, Secretary, Endeavour House, 33 Macquarie Place, Sydney : Q ’ld Branch. J . A. Par- minter, Atlas Chambers, Adelaide-st., Brisbane : S.A. Branch, H. J. Finnis, Plrie-st., Adelaide; W.A. Branch, J. B. Marshall, 18 William-st., Perth), and the Clydesdale Stud Book of New Zealand, are eligible for this division.

Only the judge shall have authority to order the removal of Rollers during judging.(Special Prize) £5, presented by Mrs. E. M. Moran,

Kookaburra Refreshment Room, Clydesdale- st., Showground, for the Most Successful

o ( Exhibitor in the Clydesdale Section. The prize shall be determined as follows i Each first prize to count as three points : second as two, third as one, and an additional point for Champion and Reserve Champion. The exhibitor gaining the greatest number of points shall be the winner.

CHAMPIONS, 1940-41, 1947.

STALLION1940 A. Dickins, Silver Lining (imp.), 3129.1941 W. G. Wilkinson. Braebank Bon Accord

(imp.), 3284.1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions. 1947 J. J. Murphy, View Hill Laddie, 3971.



(Special Prizei Gold Cup, presented by the Land News­paper, Ltd., Regent-st., Sydney, to the Com­monwealth Clydesdale Horse Society (N.S.W. Branch), Endeavour House, 33 Macquarie nlace, Sydney, and which is now offered for competition at the 1948 Royal Easter Show under the following conditions :

To be awardid to the best Clydesdale male, two years old and over, bred In the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Cup rray not be won twice by the same animal. The Cup will become the absolute property of any

exhibitor who wins it on four different occasions with horses owned by himself.

No animal shall be allowed to compete for the cup unless registered or accepted for registration in the Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Stud Book.

At least three animals must be brought before the Judge or no award shall be made.

Owners of animals must be members of a Branch of the Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Society.

The Judge appointed by the Agricultural Society or Association at which the Land Newspaper Cup is offered for competition must first be approved by the N.S.W. Branch of the Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Society, otherwise any award made shall not be recogRised.

The Cup shall only be offered for competition once in each year.

This prize will be judged prior to the stallion classes.


1937 A. Dickins, Farleton Regal Tide, 28b’ ,Murrumbidgee.

1938 F. Smith, Junr., Annaburne Flashstroke,1671, R.A.S.

1939 J. R. Donaldson, Rivington Flash, 3531,Ardlethan.

1940 E. B. Marina, Moppity Cavalier, 3514,Cowra

1941 A. A. Bahrand Sons, Farleton Crystal Lining,3631, Henty.

1942 W. I. Nixon, Argyle Reliable, 3577,Narran-dera.

1943 J. C. Karstein, Annaburne Flash Dene,3575, Temora.

1944 A. W. Cunnington, Homebush Spectator,3869, West Wyalong.

1945 S. R. Garvin, Hazlewood Dunure, Culcairn.1946 F. Handford, Maroola Mon .rch, Griffith.1947 E. G. Fisher, Cromarty '.'rince, Vol. 15,


CLASS 28 Stallion, 4 years old and over. First prize, £35; second prize, £20; third prize, £7 : fourth prize, £3.

145. DALDY, P. C. Roseneath Leader, 3930, br.,6 : 9 : 43 ; bred by W . G. Wilkinson, Yarra- wonga, Vic. ; a. Craigie Winalone (imp.— 22,0««, C.S.B.), d. Roseneath Beryl, 7878.

146. DALDY, I’. C. Roseneath Reward, 3533, br.,25 : 9 : 37 ; bred by W. G. Wilkinson, Yarra- wonga, Vic. ; s. Braebank Beneficent (imp.— 22,559, C.S.B.), d. Roseneath Mavis, 2530

1940 Longmire Bros., Glenelg Lass, 9277.1941 A. A. Bahr and Sons, Loudoun Ambro-

sine, 7344.1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions. 1947 Longmire Bros., Glenelg Halo (Vol. 14).

L IV E STOCK IN SU R A N C E — Transit Sea or Rail — Any Part of the W orld — Y O R K ­



Sec. 1— HORSES— Clydetdale* (Continued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

147. D ICK IN S , A. Farlelon Drumsley, Vol. 15, b„9 : 10 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. .Silver Lining (imp.), 3128, d. Farleton Tonga Hell. 0843.

148. D ICK IN S , A. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129,blk., 1933; bred by W . W. linw n , Slow, Scotland ; s. Beneficent (21,572, C.S.H.), d. Mistv Cloud (59,200, C.8 .B.).

149. LOCK,* J . E. Homebush Art Union, 3864. br.,11(42; bred by J . H. Glenn, Tylilen, Vic.; s. Home bush David, 3666, d. D'x Sweet Esma (imp.). (It! 15.

150. LON G M IRE HROS. Clenelg Harmonian, Vol.15, b., 19 : 8 : 42 ; bred by exhibiton*; h.

Craigie Caineronian (imp ). 3821, d. Camper- down Harmony (imp. N.Z.), 3H02.

151. W HITTINGTON, H. Forest Sliverslade, 2866,b., 18 : 10 : 34 ; bred by C. Christie, Haulka- muugh North, Vic. ; s. Broughdoun Under- sladc, 1216, d. Forcett Sweet Nell, 5355.

CLASS 29 Stallion, 3 years old and under 4 years. First prize, £20; second prize, £10; third prize, £5.

152. EDW ARDS, G. H. W . Farleton Comelogan,J Vol. 15, b., 4 : 12 : 44 ; bred by A. Dickin»,

Cor«)wa, N .S .W .; s. Silver Lining (imp.), n 3129, d. Farleton Piccadilly, 9256.

153. F ISH E R , K. G. Cromarty Ptince, Vol. 15, ,, b., 5 : I I : 44; bred l>> J . K. Kiag, Tabbita,

N .S .W .; s. Rivington Flashlight, 2151, d. Wilver Roaonia, 11.425.

154. LON G M IRE BROS. Glenelg October, Vol. 15,blk., 1 4 :9 :4 4 ; bred by exhibitors; s. Craigie Revision (imp.), 2801, d. Glenelg Onaway, 8622.

156. LON G M IRE HROS. Glenelg O.K., Vol. 15, b., 20 : 9 : 44 ; bred by exhibitors ; s. Craigie Revision (imp.), 2801, d. Glenelg Opal. 6938.

156, W ILK IN SO N , W. G. Roseneath Yet, Vol. 15, b rn., 23 : 9 : 44 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Cleveland Shield, 3606, d. Roseneath Mavis,


CLASS 30 (Special Prizes) Stallion, 3 years old and over, Australian or New Zealand bred. First prize, £ 1 0 ; second prize, £6 ; third prize,

- £4.

145. * DA LD Y , P. C. Roseneath Leader, 3936, br.,6 : 9 : 43 ; bred by W. G. Wilkinson, Yarra- wonga, Vic. ; s. Craigie W inalone (imp.— 22,066, C.S.B.), d. Roseneath Beryl, 7878.

146. DALDY, P. 0. Roseneath Reward, 3533, br.,25 : 9 : 37 ; bred by VV. G. Wilkinson, Yarrawonga, Vic. ; s. Brae bank Beneficent (imp.— 22,559, C.S.B.), d. Roseneath Mavis,

. 2530.147. \ D ICK IN S , A. Farleton Drumsley, Vol. 15,

b., 9 : 10 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, d. Farleton Tonga Bell,

6843.152. EDW ARDS, G. H. W. Farleton Comelogan,

Vol. 15, b„ 4 : 12 : 44 ; bred by A. Dickins, Corowa, N .S.W .; s. Silver Lining (imp), 3129, d. Farleton Piccadilly, 9256.

153. F ISH ER , E. G. Cromarty Prince, Vol. 15,h.. 5 :11 : 44 ; bred by .1. F. King, Tabbita, N.S.W. ; s. Rivington Flashlight, 2151, d. Wilver Rononia. 11,425.

150. LON GM IRE BROS. Glenelg Harmonian, Vol.15, b., 1 9 :8 :4 2 ; bred by exhibitors; s. Craigie Caineronian (imp.), 3821, d. Camper- ilown Harmony (imp. N.Z.), 3802.

154. LON GM IRE BROS. Glenelg October, Vol. 15.blk., 1 4 :9 :4 4 ; bred by exhibitors; s. Craigie Revision (imp.), 2801, <1. Glenelg

r\ Onaway, 8622.155. LON GM IRE BROS. Glenelg O.K., Vol. 15,

h., 20 : 9 : 44 ; bred by exhibitors ; s. Craigie Revision (imp.), 2801, d. Glenelg Opal, 6938.

151. W HITTINGTON, B. Forcett Silverslade, 2866,b., 16 : 10 : 34 : bred by C. Christie, Baulka- maugh North, Vic. ; s. Broughdoun Under- slade. 1216, d. Forcett Sweet Nell, 5355.

156. W ILK IN SO N , W. G. Roseneath Yet, Vol. 15,b. m ., 23 : 9 : 44 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Cleveland Shield, 3606, (1. Roseneath Mavis, 2530.

CLASS 31 Stallion, 2 years old and under 3 years. First prize, £12; second prize, £7; third prize, £4.

157. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, N.S.W.(WAGGA). State Atom, Vol. 15. b„26 : 8 : 45 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Emissary (imp.), 2839, d. State Opal, 10,404.

158. F ISH ER . E. G. Flowerdale Flashlight, br., v 20 : 12 : 45 ; bred by H. J . Heath, Ardlethan,

N.S.W. ; s. Annabume Sunflash, 2704, d. Sunrise Flash Lady, 9565.

159. LON GM IRE BROS Glenelg Hedley, Vol. 15,blk., 25 : 10 : 45 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Glenelg Murdoch, 3850, d. Glenelg Helen, 10,889.

160. STOCKS, J . O. Farleton Chieftain, Vol. 15,blk., 9 : 10 : 45 ; bred by A. Dickins, Corowa, N .S .W .; s. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, d. Farleton Gladys, 2714.

161. W ILK IN SO N , W. G., a n d E. B. BOTT. Rose­neath Shield, b„ 12 :1 2 :4 5 ; bred by ex­hibitors ; s. Cleveland Shield, 3606, d. Far­away (imp.), 4008.

CLASS 32 Stallion, under 2 years old. First prize, n £ 9 ; second prize, £4 . third prize, £2 .

162. D ICKINS, A. Farleton Silver King, blk.,* — : 10 : 46 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver

Lining (imp.), 3129, d. Farleton Black Queen, 9250.

163. F ISH ER , E. G. Nardoo Gaiety, b„ 20 : 9 : 46 ;bred by J . K . Donaldson, Calleen, N.S.W. ; 8. Bloomfield Baron Slade, 3786, d. Nardoo Jeanette, 11,136.

164. GARVIN , S. R. Hazlewood Argyle, br.,20 : 11 : 46 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Craigie Marshall (imp.), 2799, d. Hazlewood Meg, 2757.

Y O R K S H IR E IN SU RA N CE CO ., LT D ., 14 Spring St., Sydney.— Branches and Agencies

throughout the W orld . Live Stock, Fire, Marine & Accident.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES--Clydeidalei (Continued).

165. LONGMIRK BROS. Glenelg Murray, !>.,11 : 10 : 46; bred by exhibitors; s. Glenelg Morris, Vol. 15, <1. Winterseugh Marion, 8253.

(Special Prize)-The “ Thomas Robson” Memorial Trophy, presented by Mr. F. Jenkins, 58 Balmain-rd., Leichhardt, Sydney, for the best Australian-bred Clydesdale Stallion.

CLASS 33 (Special Prizesi.

CLYDESDALE SIRES’ PRODUCE SWEEPSTAKES, 1948. For yearling colts the produce of sires which have been nominated. Nomination fee for sire, £3 3s. Nominations must be made on or before Saturday, 31st January.

Half the total fees received for nomination of sire (£3 3s. each), together with the full amount of entry fees received and £12 10s. added by the Society, will be divided as follows, viz. :— £5 to the nominator of the sire of the first prize colt ; 75 per cent, of the balance to the owner of the first prize colt ; 25 per cent, to the owner of the second prize colt.

Nominated Sire :—Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, by A. Dickins.

162. D ICK INS, A. Farleton Silver Kirg, blk.,— : 10 : 46 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, d. Farleton Black Queen, 9250.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion, for the best Clydesdale stallion exhibited.

Reserve Champion Society’s Ribbon.


CLASS 34 Mare, 4 years old and over, with or without foal. First prize, £22 second prize, £12; third prize, £6 ; fourth prize, £3.

166. BAHR, A. A., and SONS. Loudoun Ambrosine,7344, blk., 26 : 8 : 36 ; bred by Francis Bros., Maitland, S.A. ; s. Great Count (imp. N.Z.), 1915, d. Loudoun Amy, 3276.

167. D ICK INS, A. Farleton Gladeyes, 10,832, blk.,28 : 10 : 42 ; bred h j exhibitor ; s. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129 d. Farleton Gladys, 2714.

168. DICKINS, A. Farleton Vanity, 10,843, b.,1 2 :9 :4 2 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, d. Farleton Piccadilly, 9256.

169. GARVIN, S. R. Belmore Bonnie, Vol. 15,b., 22 : 9 : 42 ; bred by Tonacia Bros., Coolamon, N.S.W. ; s. Craigie Winalone (imp.), 1436, d. Belmore Marina, 6238.

170. LONGM IRE BROS. Glenelg Halo, 10,888.blk., 2 9 :1 0 :4 0 ; bred by exhibitors; s. Craigie Caineronian (imp.), 3821, d. Camper- down Harmony (imp. N.Z.), 3802.

171. LONGMIRK BROS. Glenelg Ladybird. Vol.15, b., 4 : 11 : 43 ; bred by exhibitors ; s. Craigie Cameronian (imp.), 3821, d. Aitken’s Lass (imp. N.Z.), 3587.

172. LONGMIRK BROS. Glenelg Style, 10,894,I'., 31 : 10 : 39 ; bred by exhibitors ; s. Craigie Revision (imp.), 2801, d. Glenelg Sunray, 8623.

173. SMITH, C. O. Milton View Beth, 11,111, br.,19 : 11 : 40 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Canmore (imp. N.Z.— 2345, N.Z.C.8 .B.), d. Abbotsford Black Bess, 3583.

174. SMITH, F. KiallanJudy, Vol. 15, br.,4 : II :42;bred by exhibitor ; s. Hracbank Bon Accord (imp.), 3284, d. Kiallan Flower (App.),

175. SMITH, F. Kiallan Lady, Vol. 15, br., 17 :8 :42 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Hracbank Bon Accord (imp.), 3284, d. Wanera Helen, 9035.

CLASS 35 Mare, 3 years old and under 4 years. First prize, £18, second prize, £8 ; third prize, £4.

176.? BAHR. A. A., an i> SONS. Wasley Silversine,Vol. 15, blk., 16 : 10 : 44 ; bred by exhibitors ; s. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, d. Loudoun Ambrosine, 7344.

177. D ICKINS, A. Farleton Joyful, b„ 27 : 10 : 44 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, <1. Farleton Gladys, 2714.

178. D ICKINS, A. Farleton Robina, Vol. 15, blk.,4 : 12 : 44 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, d. Farleton Ruby, 9929.

179. GARVIN , S. R. Downside Perfect Lady, Vol. 15,b., 21 : 9 : 44 ; bred by D. Hamilton, Wagga, N.S.W. ; s. Dunsyre Idea, 2832, d. Downside Diploma, 8538.

180. LONGMIRK BROS. Clenelg Janice, Vol. 15,b., 28 : 9 : 44 ; bred by exhibitors ; s. Craigie Revision (imp.), 2801, d. Glenelg Judy, 6937.

181.' SMITH, F. Kiallan Grade, Vol. 15, rn„& 24 : 8 : 44 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Brae hank

Bon Accord (imp.), 3284, d. Wanera Helen, 9035.

CLASS 36 Filly, 2 years old and under 3 years. First prize, £10; second prize, £5; third prize, £2 .

182. D ICKINS, A. Farleton Viola, b. m., 25 : 10 : 45 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, d. Glenwood Daisy, 10,903.

183. GARVIN , S. R. Hazlewood Ness, Vol. 15,b., 24 : 10 : 45 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Craigie Marshall (imp.), 2799, d. Hazlewood Claire, Vol. 15.

184. LONGMIRE BROS. Glenelg Mischief, Vol. 15,b., 5 : 9 : 45 ; bred by exhibitors ; s. Glenelg Malcolm, 3481, d. Glenelg Model, 8621.

CLASS 37 Filly, under 2 years old. First prize, £9 ; second prize, £4 ; third prize £2.

185. BAHR, A. A., a n d SONS. Wasley Mavis,blk., 6 : 9 : 46 ; bred by exhibitors ; s. Farleton Regal Tide, 2861, d. Pine Vale Alice, 8880.

186. D ICKINS, A. Farleton Opal, b„ — : 11 :46 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, d. Farleton Ruby, 9929.

187. D ICKINS, A. Farleton Yvonnle, b., 29 : 9 : 46 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, d. Farleton Piccadilly, 9256.

188. *GARVIN, S. R. Hazlewood May Day, br., 1 : 12 : 46 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Craigie Marshall (imp.), 2799, d. Crichton Choice Lady (imp. N.Z.), 5233.

'7 * .

Live Stock Insured— Lowest Rates— Liberal Conditions. Y O R K S H IR E IN SU RA N CE # CO ., LTD ., 14 Spring St., Sydney.

-- - K # /


Visit C O L E S Variety Stores14

Sec. 1— HORSES— Clydesdale*

18»/')JfONGM IRE BROS. Glenelg Our Pal, blk..<t 2 : It) : 4<i ; bred by exhibitors ; s. Craigie

Revision (imp.). 2801, <1. Glenelg Onawav,8«22.

190. STOCKS, J . (). Kangara Rose Craig, blk., 1 4 :1 1 :4 0 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Downs Reality, 241W, <1. Springbank Ella Craig(imp. N.Z.), 9546.


1948. For yearling fillies, the produce of sires which have been nominated. Nomina­tion fee for sires, £3 3s. Nominations must be made on or before Saturday, 31st January.

Half the total fees received for nomination of sires (£3 3s. each) together with the full amount of entry fees and 112 10s. added by the Society, will lie divided as follows, viz. : £5 to the nominator of the sire of the first prize filly ; 75 }>er cent. of the balance to the owner of the first prize filly ; 25 per cent, to the owner of the second prize filly.Nominated Sire :

Silver Lining (imp.), 3129, by A. Dickins.18fi. | D ICK INS, A. Farleton Opal, b., : 11 : 4t>;

bnsl by exhibitor ; s. Silver Lining (imp.),3129, d. Farleton Ruby, 9929.

1N7. D ICKINS, A. Farleton Yvonnle, b„ 29 : 9 : 46 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Lining (imp.),3129, d. Farleton Piccadilly, 9256.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion, for the best Clydesdale mare or filly exhibited.

Reserve Champion Society's Ribbon.


Cup, value 35 guineas (together with a replica each year), both presented by the Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Society I N.S.W. Branch), Endeavour House, 33 Macquarie Place, Sydney itowards which F. S. Falkiner and Sons Pty., Ltd., have donated 5 guineas).

For the best Clydesdale female. 2 years old and over, bred in the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Cup may not 1»» won twice by the name animal, nor shall an exhibit which has gained an award in the com|ietition for the original “ Widgiewa Challenge Cup,” be eligible to compete.

The Cup will become the absolute property of any exhibitor who wins it on three different occasions with horses owned by himself.

No animal shall Is' allowed to compete for the Cup unless registered (numbered) or ac**epted for regis­tration in the numbered section of the Commonwealth Clydesdale Hors** Stud Book.

At least three animals must be brought l**fore the judge or no award shall 1m* njade.

Owners of animals must lie members of a branch of the Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Society.

The proposed Clydesdale classification, and later the name of the judge appointed by the Agricultural Society or Association at which the “ W idgiewa Challenge Cup ” is offered for competition, must first be approved by the New South Wales Branch of the Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Society, otherwise any award made shall not be recognised.

In addition to the “ Widgiewa Challenge Cup " anil (a) replica the Agricultural Society or Association at whose exhibition the competition is held must provide


prize money for the class amounting to not less than£5 on the basis o f : First prize, £3 ; second prize, £2.Previous Winners :—

1939 T. R. Hives, Canema Jean, 8449, Young.1940 S. E. Ford, Netherly Beverly, 7589, R.A.S.1941 A. G. Thompson, Balmedie Flash Blossom,

9141, Teniora.1942 Stewart and Lang, Clyella Doll, Ardlethan.1943 A. Dickins, Glenwood Daisy, 10,903, Albury.1944 Longmire Bros., Glenelg Halo, 1088, Narran-

dera.1945 S. R. Garvin, Hazlewood Silver Queen, West

Wyalong.1946 A. Dickins, Farleton Ruby, 9929, Henty.1947 A. G. Thompson, Glenelg Modesty, Ariah


CLASS 39 (Special Prizes) SI'e's Progeny Group To consist of three progeny, males or females, under four years old, by one sire, the progeny only to be shown and not necessarily bred or owned by the owner of the sire; to be selected from exhibits in general classes. The name of the sire of the progeny must be stated on the entry form. First prize, £8 ; second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2.

191. D .CK INS, A.192. GARVIN , S. R.193. LONGM IRE BROS.

CLASS 40 iSpecial Prizes) Dam’s Progeny Group - To consist of two progeny, males or females, under five years old, from one dam, the progeny only to be shown and not necessarily bred or owned by the owner of the dam : to be selected from exhibits in general classes. The name of the dam of the progeny must be stated on the entry form. First prize, £6 ; second prize, £3.


CLASS 41 [Special Prizes) Group of three Clydes­dales, either males or females or mixed sexes, bred by exhibitor: one of the group must be under three years of age ; to be selected from exhibits in general classes. First prize, £6 ;

. second prize, £4.197. D ICK INS, A.198. GARVIN, S. R.199. ) LONGM IRE BROS.


CLASS 42 (Special Prizes) £80, of which £5 5s. Is presented by the Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Society (N.S.W. Branch), Endeavour House, 33 Macquarie Street, Sydney, for the best group of Clydesdales. First prize, £40 ; second prize, £25 ; third prize, £15.

CONDITIONS.A group to consist of five Clydesdales, which may tie of one stallion and four females, or five females. Animals comprising the group may be any age.

L IV EST O C K IN SU R A N C E— Sea or Rail — Any Part o f the W orld — Y O R K ­

S H IR E IN SU RA N CE C O ., LT D . The Farmers’ Com pany.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Clydesdales (Continued), Percherons, and Draught Geldings.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

• ntnes will be received through agricultural societies or associations in Australia, and the horses must be owned by residents of the district for at least three months prior to the date of entry. For the purpose of this competition a district is to comprise an area of 35 miles radius of the office of the agricultural association making the entry.

(c) Persons who are desirous of making up a group, and who do not reside in a district in which an agricultural association exists, or who reside in a district in which the agricultural association does not propose to enter for the competition, may contribute to the group of the nearest agricultural association making an entry in the competition.

(d) Names of animals comprising groups need not be supplied at time of entry ; the animals are to l>e seWted from exhibits in ordinary classes.


2 0 1 . a it i.ah PARK . Tf<?rr~i ■ ffcrifcS-

202.1 COROW A.




(Limited to District-bred Horses.)

CLASS 43 (Special Prizes) £40, of which £25 is presented by the Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Society (N.S.W. Branch), Endeavour House, 33 Macquarie Place, Sydney, for the best group of Clydesdales ; district-bred and owned. First prize, £20; second prize, £12 10s. ; third prize, £7 10s.

f t ik + M , / ^ t o M D I T I O I I S ^

(a) A group to consist of five Clydesdales, of which one but not more than two must be males. Animals comprising the group may be any age.

(b) Entries will be received through agricultural societies or associations in N.S.W. only, and the horses must be bred and owned by residents of the district, which, for the purpose of this com­petition, is defined as the territory within 35 miles radius of the office of the agricultural association making the entry.

(c) Persons who are desirous of making up a group, and who do not reside in a district in which an agricultural associat ion exists, or who reside in a district in which the agricultural association does not propose to enter for the competition may contribute to the group of the nearest agricultural association making an entry for the competition.

(d) The competition shall be confined to residents of New South W'ales.

(e) Names of animals comprising group need not be supplied at time of entry ; the animals are to be selected from exhibits in ordinary classes.




Judge : Stewards :W . C. Schulz, P. Charley (Chief)

“ W illurah,” A. O. GeeTable Top, N.S.W. N. D. Jones

J . A. Nivison A . Walmsley

CLASS 44 Stallion, any age. First prize, £5 : second prize, £2; third prize, Society's Ribbon.

206. D A RE , E. Kadlunga Brilliant, dpl.-gr.,31) : 10 : 41 ; bred by A. J . Melrose, Mintaro,S.A. ; s. Magister (imp.), <1. Kadlunga Luxury.

207. DEPARTMKNT OF AG R ICU LTU RE , N.S.W.(WAGGA). Kilham Commando (imp.— B1012), gr., 21 : 4 : 42 ; bred by Lt.-Col. Sir Alfred Goodson, Northumberland, Kng- land ; s. Birdsall Gracchus (Bti99), d. lm|ieuiie (B1511).

(Special Prize) £5 5s., presented by Mr. Alex. J. Melrose, Kadlunga, S.A., for the best Aus- tralian-bred Percheron stallion.

CLASS 45 Mare, any age. First prize, £5 . second prize, £2; third prize, Society's Ribbon.

208. DA RE , E. Grey Star, gr., — : 11 : 43 ; bredby exhibitor ; s. Kadlunga Viking, d. Star­light.

209. DEPARTMENT OF AG R ICU LTU RE , N.S.W-(WAGGA). Kilham Joujou (imp. B2197). dk. gr., 30 : *> : 44 ; bred by Lt.-Col. Sir Alfred Goodson, Northumberlcuid, England ; s. March Nero (B885), d. Janvillo (B1512).

(Special Prize) £3 3s., presented by Mr. Eric Dare, Baulkham Hills, N.S.W., for the Best Aus­tralian-bred Percheron mare.

D R A U G H T G E L D IN G S .

Judge : Stewards :H. E. Colvin, E. S. Playfair (Chief)

5*14 City-rd., W. J . BarnesSouth Melbourne. J . Angus

CLASS 46 Draught Gelding, 3 years old and over. First prize, £10; second prize, £5; third prize, £2. To be exhibited on Friday, Saturday, and Monday, 26th, 27th, and 29th March only.

Geldings to ho examined and passed for soundness for work by the Society’s Veterinary Examining Board, from 8 a.m., and not later than 9 a.m., on Good Friday, 2fJth March.


211. STOCKS, .1, O. Wattles Mac, hi. m „IS : 10 :42; bred by P. A. Kingham, Millthorpe, N.S.W. ; s. Downs Reality, 2418, d. Wattles Jewel, 9050.

212. SUGAR CARTAGE, LTD. Shamus, rn.

L IV EST O C K IN SU RED on the G round by the Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E C O ., LTD.,

at its Office there.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Plough Horses and Saddle Horses.

Your Goods


M A S O N&

O A Tfor General Carrying

and Prompt Forwarding

Head Office and T ra n s it Stote :


Phones :M A 6123-4 MA 5042 MA 4397 MA 1549

./iulffe :H. E. Colvin,

.r>«4 City-rd.,South Melbourne.


(In Pairs.)Stewtirda :

E. S. I’ layfair (Chief)VV. J . Barnes J . Anvils

CLASS 47 ^Special Prizes) Pair of Plough Horses in harness. First prize, £10; second prize, £5 third prize, £2. To be exhibited on Friday. Saturday, and Monday, 26th, 27th, and 29th March only. Plough horses to be examined and passed for soundness for work by the Society's Veterinary Examining Board, from 8 a.m. and not later than 9 a.m. on Good Friday, 26th March.


n ^ b.m.214J WANNING, R . Bounce and Danny.216ijGO\V, J . S. (). Dolly, id. rn. mare, 1939,

™ Star, bl. rn. mare, 12 :8 : 44.


GELDINGS OR MARES.(Unless otherwise stated.)

SADDLE./ lu iq e :

W . \V. Sherratt,“ Tiropai,”

Puketapu,Hawke’s Bay, N.Z.

HORSES.Steward* :

P. S. Wilisallen (Chief) Lt.-Col. the Hon. M. F.

Bruxner, M.L.A.A. O. Gee J . D. MacLeod I). H. Robert non R. R. Ashton J . K. Maekay


Post Entries will close at the Main Office on the Show- ground at 9.30 a.m. (see exceptions) for day events and 5 p.m. for night events on the day or night the events are advertised to take place. Where an event is to take place on or before 10 a.m., Post Entries for such event must be made not later than 5 p.m. on the preceding day. On no consideration will Post Entries be acceptcd after the time specified.



A Saddle Horse or a Galloway shall not be eligible to compete in a Harness Horse Class or vice versa. Similarly a Buggy Horse shall not compete In a Sulky Turnout Class or vice versa, nor shall a Harness Horse be eligible to compete in a Business Turnout Class or vice versa. These provisions do not apply to PONIES.

A Brood Mare, exhibited in a class for Brood Mares, shall not be permitted to compete in Saddle or Harness Classes, but may be entered in all Stud Classes for which she is eligible.

Ladies may ride in all Hack classes.

In Foal Mares, 30 days from act of Foaling or 12 months.

C O ., LTD ., Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E

The Farmers’ Com pany.

5: C I& l RUCK* S jo i* t ;/» s Bibbor. fu r *Aso bcs- 2\39t o r i* « s a iO le .g a l lo * * / , 14

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V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Horses (Continued).

PARADES.All horses and galloways must parade as they are

shown in their competitive classes daily. Any ex­hibitor who (ails to parade his horses or galloways shall forfeit all prize money (if any) won by him and be liable to a fine of £5 for each animal not paraded. A special parade of prize winners will be held on a day to be fixed if time permits. Should a horse or galloway be sold prior to the close of the Show, the entrant shall be responsible for the observance of the Parade regulations.

This rule will be strictly enforced.

EXHIBIT NUMBERS.Exhibit and box numbers will be supplied at the Horse

Superintendent's office situated in the Horse Section. On all occasions the exhibit number must be affixed to each horse before entering the ring.All horses and galloways in the 14-st., 12-st., and 10-st.,

hack classes in nut be paraded before judging, when the Judge " i l l class them into their various classes in the following way. Horses and galloways entered for 14-st. Hack shall be paraded when any horse or galloway too light, in the opinion of the Judge, shall lie transferred to the 12 -st. class. Those entered in the 12 -st. class shall be next paraded, when the Judge shall class out any he considers too heavy or too light, and shall transfer the heavy to 14-st., and the light to 10-st. class. Those entered for the 10-st. class shall bo paraded and the Judge shall class out all considered too heavy and transfer to 14-st. or 12-st. class as the caw; may Ik*. Judging will then commence with the 14-st. class.

CHAMPIONS, 1940-41,1947.HORSE

1940 Mrs. F. Middlemiss, Belgravia.1941 F. W. Nlvlson, Last Zac.1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions.1947 Mrs. G. Gayleard, Brandon Gem.

(Special Prize)—£5, presented by Mrs. E. M. Moran, Kookaburra Refreshment Room, Clydesdale- st., Showground, for the Most Successful Exhibitor in Saddle Horse and Galloway classes. The prize shall be determined as follows : Each first prize to count as three points, second as two, third as one, and an additional point for Champion and Reserve Champion. The exhibitor gaining the highest number of points shall be the winner.

CLASS 48 Lady’s Novice Hack, to be ridden by a lady. Open to all horses, over 14.2 hands, which have not won a first, second, or third prize in a class for Lady’s Hacks at any previous Royal Show in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be rgade. First prize, £8 . second prize, £6 ; third prize, £4 ; fourth prize, £2 ; fifth prize, £1 ; sixth prize, Society’s Ribbon.

216. ADAMS. M. Laughter, b. g.. 1939; bred by Miss N. Finlay, Muttama, N.S.W. ; s. Genghis Khan, d. Jocelyn.

217.218. 219.
























ADAMS. M. Royal Court, b. g„ 1940. AGGETT, Miss J . Glengarry, blk. g., 1940. ALLEN, Miss D . Snip, br. g. ; bred by

. Christie, Lake Cargelligo, N .S .W .; s. Doric, d. Flirt.

ALLINGHAM, G. R . Sigma, ch. g., aged. ARMSTRONG, Miss F. Twilight, gr. g.,

1942 ; bred by A. C. Looney, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. Shahzuda (imp. Vol. 4, A.H.8 .B.), d. Julia Grey.

ARMSTRONG, G. Goonoo, w. g., aged. ASHTON, R. Patch, b. g., 1940; bred by

T. L. Bray, Forbes, N.S.W. ; s. by Klfacre. BARTRAM a n d DE CRESPIGNY. Pasha,

gr. g., 1942 ; s. The Sirdar.BARTRAM, M r s . H. Sieda, gr., g., 1942 ; bred

by H. MeCallurn ; s. Akanree.BATH IS, J . Prince Bobby, br. g., aged. BOLLARD, Miss M. Z. Whisper, gr. g., 1942 ;

s. Araskus, d. White Lily.BOLLARD, Miss M. Z. Yarra, ch. g„ aged ;

s. Ruffler.BROW N a n d K EN N EDY . Gold Dust, ch. g „

1942 ; bred by M. Anderson, Bathurst,N.S.W.

CAMERON, H .,W '. Harlem, blk. g., 1941. CAMERON, H . W . Lady Amber, b. in., 1940. CAMPBELL, Miss A. Huanma, br. g., aged ;

bred by A. E. Cooper, Scone, N.S.W. ; s. Sion, d. Desert Lily.

CANTLAY, A. C. Destiny, br. g., 1940. CARTER, Miss S. M. Rocket, ch. g., 1941.

CHENHALL. M r s . P. Will We, gr. g„ 1943;s. Yanneck, <1. by The Welkin (imp.).

CHITTICK, A. R . Stardust, eh. g., aged ; s.The Marne.

CLARKE, M. Expects,COLES, Miss JU D IT H .

1945 ; s. Banaghar.CONSTANCE, M r s . N.

bred by L. Southwell, Yass, N.S.W.M y rtle , d. S p o ts .

COOK, M r s . H. Florian, gr. g., 1942 ; s. Grey Box, d. Welcome Lady.

COURT, E. S. Nigger Minstrel, br. g„ 1939; bred by Estate of W. R. Munro, St. George, Q ’ld.

E . Oomoo, br. g., aged ; s. Veroyl.Laurel, ch. g., 1940; s. Iwearie. N. Colin Lad, br. g.

S. Master Bruce, b. g.,—. Onus, Moree, N.S.W. ;

b. g., 1941.Royal George, br. g..

Freckles, rn. g., aged ; s. Master

CRONLY, J.Emprid, d.


CUTTLE, Miss J . 1943 ; bred bys. Mr. Bruce, d. Gay Princess.

DA LY , J . , a n d E. Skipper, ch. g., 1941 ;

bred by Clyne Bros.. Tinamba, Vic. ; s. Lyme Regis, d. by Norfolk Swell.

DANMARK PTY., LTD. Andrea, gr. g„I93H.

DANMARK PTY., LTD. Kubon, br. g„ 1939 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Kuvera.

DANMARK PTY., LTD. Sikh, gr. g., 1941 ; bred by Gundibri Estate Co. Pty. Ltd., Merriwa, N.S.W.

DANMARK PTY., LTD. Tempest, br. g„ 1939 ; bred by Kia-Ora Stud, Scone, N.S.W. ; s. Pantheon (imp.).

Y O R K S H IR E IN S U R A N C E C O ., LTD . — Claims paid by the Com pany exceed

£56 ,000 ,000 . Insurances effected on Live Stock up to any sum.


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

251. DAVIS, M um. S. Pharos, jjr.252. D W Y E K , T. Noel, I). g„ 1943 ; bred by

exhibitor; s. Billy Bov, d. Brayhades.

253. D W Y E R , T. Vanity, b. in.. 194.1; bred byMrs. R . Temple, Young, N.S.W. ; s. River Nhaiuion.

254. E A R LE Y , L. Sunlight, ch. g„ 1 : 39;bred by T. Gooch, Bulahdelah, N.S.W. ; s. Bridge bum, d. by Promised Laud.

255. F IELD , T. A. Kent, gr. g., 1943 ; s. Burlesque.

256. F ITZGERALD, S ihtkr E. I. Silver Rain,**r. g.

257. FORBES, M ins L. Silver King, gr. g.

258. FRA SER , 1). E. .1. Miller's Meg, l>r. in.,— : »i : 39 ; bred by Milroy Station, Brewar- rirm, N.S.W. ; s. Doonbeg, d. by Tarquin (imp.).

259. FREEM AN , M. Texas, b. g.

260. GARL IOK , M r s . B. K. Kimberley, 1940 ;

bred by G. Searr. Bloomfield, N .S .W .; s. Kampion. d. by Glenbrook.

261. G ARV IN , M r s . M . M . Silver Main, cr. g„aged ; s. Snowfelt.

262. GAYLEARD , Mrs. M. Monte Cristo, ch. «.,1941 ; bred by A. A. Laidlaw, Ararat, Vic.; s. Goldie, d. Turf Lady.

263. GOLDSMITH, A. C. Tess, gr. in., 1942.

10. GUNTER, Miss M. M. My Esteem, b. m„24 : 9 : 39 ; bred by A. M.Conroy, Kensington, Sydney ; s. Deep Res]>e< t , d. Neat Lady.

264. HEW ITT , C. W. Comrade, b. «., 1939;bred by Peel River Land and Mineral Co., Ltd., Tain worth, N.S.W. ; s. Scarlet Square (imp.).

265. HOAD. M r s . M . Whisk, b. g.. 1943.266. HOLMES. Miss W . M. Bambino, br. g.,

1941 ; s. Brown Radium, d. Silver Mist.267. HOI.MRS, Miss W. M. Crackerjack, br. g.,

1940; s. Top Hole, d. by Sunrise.268. H IN T , W. Baron, br. g.269. H I NT, W. Scotch Airs, b. g.270. H IN T , W. Skipper, cr. g.

271. H Y D E , W . Mr. Brown, br. g.. 1943 ; bred byNew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. ; s. Bungunya, d. Murmur.

272. H Y D E , W. Senartra, b. g„ 1944 : bred byNew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. ; s. Bungunya, d. Harmony.

273. JAGELM AN, M r s . H. Saffron, c h . g .

274. JAGELM AN, M r s . H. Victor, gr. g., aged.275. JON ES , W. A. PTY , LTD. Cleveland, b. g„

1942 ; bred by L. K. I Wood, Wodonga, Vic. ; s. Vanaghar, d. Sunny.

276. K E LLY , J . T., a n d G. L. K EN N ED Y . Pebble,b. g., 1940; bred by N. M. King, Caroda, N .S.W . ; s. Renadine, d. Quinette.

277. K E LLY , Miss P. Blue Gum, br., aged ; s.Predomino, d. Grace.

278. K E LL Y , Miss P. Bravura, ch., 1940; s.Bravia, d. by Pearlyn.

279. LA ID LA W , Miss R „ a n d W. J . ARMOUR.Puzzle, ch. g.. 1943.

280. LOANEY, H. A. Glenrowan, b. g.. aged.

Miss Shining Night (imp. N.Z.), br. g., 2t( : 9 : 38 ; bred by M. A. Courtney, Cambridge, N.Z. ; s. Foxbridge (imp.), d. Speedmint.

MdNTOSH, Miss L. Sweetheart, b. in., 1940; bred by exhibitor.

283. M cKENZIE, G. K. Monarch, b. g., aged;bred by W. Talbot, Talbot Park, N.S.W . ; s. Colotta.

284. McLACHLAN, X. I)., a n d SONS. Pleasure,dpl.-gr.

285. Mi M A l'G H , M r s . A. Country Life, ch., 1941 ;bred by S. Richardson ; «. Anchorette.

286. MACFARLANE, T. B. Rajah, br. g„ 1942;bred by W. A. Bishop, Bunnan, N .S.W . ; s. Willow Tree.

287. MACGOUN, Miss A. Sovereign, ch. g., 1941. 288 MANGOLD, B. M. Little Sport, b. or br. g..

1941 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Koval S|M>rt,1 . by Chat (imp.).

289. MASTERTON, M r s . 1). Bungil, br. g.290. M EDW AY, C. E. Sox, ch. g., 1939 ; bred by

exhibitor.291. M IDDLEMISS, M r s . F. Alabama, b. g.,

1941 ; s. Abermain, d. Little Toy.292. MILLS. M r s . 1. Millsym, br. g., aged ; s.

Louvain, d. Savana.293. M ITCHELL. G. C. Binaguy, b. g.294. MOORE, Miss N. Warrigal, b. g., 1942;

bred by W. H. Kurtz, Mudgee, N .S.W . ; s. Native S|>ear.

295. MOXHAM, Miss P. Royal Silk, ch. in., 1943;». Brigadier General.

296. M U RRA Y, P. J . Grand Fils, br. g.. 1937.297. NORTHEY, M. W . Prince, b. g„ : 9 : 44.

298. PAYNE, A. L. Sirocco, b. g.299. PEARSON, W. G. Ben, b. g., 1940; bred by

— . McMaster, Cassilis, N .S .W .; s. Biimia Hero.

300. . PEDEN, W . Rocket, br. g., 1938; breil byI H. Rankin.

301 .V PEN N ELL , N. and M r s . Warden, ch. g. ; s. Gamekeeper, d. Aziola.

302. POPE, C o l o n e l a n d M rs. A. V. Noel, b. g.,aged ; s. Cambuscan.

303. P O I NTNEY, Miss J. Royal Russell, br. g„1941 ; bred by H. Wilson, Bugaldic, N.S.W. ; s. Big Boy, d. Kit*'.

304. PRICE, Miss J . A. Kiltie, ch. g„ 1939.305. PRICE. M r s . — . Satan, blk g.306. PYE, Miss S. E., Dick Whittington, b. g.307. R E ILLY , J . Brazen Lass, gr. m., 1941 ; bred

by — . Schmidt, Cunnainulla, O'ld. ; s. Brazen (imp.).

308. R E IL L Y , J . Spark, br. g., 1942; bred byPeel River Land and Mineral Co., Ltd., Tamworth, N.S.W. ; s. Comanehee (imp.), d. by Scarlet Square (imp.).

309. RE IM ER , Miss S. Ranger, blk. g., aged.310. R lG LE Y , M r s . I. A. Allah, blk. g.. 1943.311. ROBERTS, M. F. Tekah, b. g., aged.312 ROBERTSON, Miss A. Broughton, br. g„

aged ; 8. Ruffler (imp.), d. The Cynner.313. ROBERTSON, Miss J . Tugela, blk. g., aged ;

bred by E. M. Davis, Eulo, Q'ld. ; s. Clever Fox, d. Mirrabah.

Y O RK SH IRE INSURANCE CO ., LTD. — For every Class of Insurance. Specialistsin Live Stock Insurance. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Horses (Continued).

1942. 281. ..MeCARTEN,


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Horie i (Continued).

314. ROBINSON, Miss J .. a n d D. T. DAVIES.Glenvale, gr. g. 1939 ; bred by D. T. Davies, Grahamstown. N.S.W . ; s. Gwalia.

315. BOSS, C. B. Mac, b. g.. aged.316./SA X T O N , C. I). Metaxas, blk. g„ I93K: bred

by St. Altums Stud, Vic.; s. Enfield, d. Balkan Star.

317. SCOTT. M r s A. Tallis, eh. g.. aged ; s. Talis­man.

318. SEYMOUR WELLS, P. Marina, ch. m„ 1938 ;bred by V. M. Cheers, Gladstone, N.S.W. ; h. Suncure, d. Jean Dooley.

319. SHARP, M r s . E. Trinket, b. in.. aged ; bredby Miss M. Haswell, Tumimurra, Sydney ; s. Kingsmuir, d. Bright Gem.

320. STEVENS, M rs . (J. B. Prince Gregory, gr. p.,1940 ; s. Wilii Goose.

321. STYLES, C. M., an i> M r s . Sam, br. g„ 1940,bred by L. W. Nelson, N.Z.

322. SULLIVAN, M r s . M. Angus, gr. g.323. SULLIVAN, M r s . M. Shadows, b. g. ; s.

Madagascar, d. Heronica.324. SWADLING, A. Grey Dawn, dpl-gr. in.. 1940. 324A. TOMKINS, L. Jester, ch. g., 1943 ; bred by

G. Page, Mudgee. N.S.W. ; s. Chief.324B. TOMKINS, L. Silver, gr. g., 1938; bred by

. Finlayson, Merriwa, N.S.W. ; s. Hareourt.325. W ADDELL, Miss P. Sue. br. in.. 1941.326. W ALKER, R. C. H . Snowdrift, gr. g., 1937.327. WALL, B. R. Grand Sion, br. g. ; 8. Van

Sion, d. by David.328. WALL, B. B. Pegasus, ch. g.329. WEBB-WAGG, Miss C. Kerry, ch. g., s.

Red Radium, <1. by Ben Nevis.330. W HITE, M r s . G. P’eter, b. g.. 1940.331. W ILKINSON, H. R . Major, br. K„ aged.332. W ILLM ORE, Miss S. Brigade Major, blk. g.333. W INTER, M r s . (3. Tourist, br. g., 1943; s.

Hindoo, d. Lady Grafton.334. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Renown, ch. g.335. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Sirocco, gr. g.

CLASS 49 Lady’s (Galloway) Novice Hack, to be ridden by a lady. Open to all galloways, over 14 hands, and not exceeding 14.2 1‘iands, which have not won a first, second or third prize in a class for Lady's Hacks at any previous Royal Show in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £6 ; second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, Society’s Ribbon. Prize money presented bv “ Mrs. W. J. Stelzer’s 2GB Happiness Club," 136 Phillip-st., Sydney.

336. ADAMS, M. Don Juan, blk. g., aged.337. AMORY, M r s . J. J . Scarlet, ch. m. 1942;

tired by exhibitor : s. Bronzone, d. Gift.338. AUSTRALIAN JO C K E Y CLUB. Spider, blk.

g-339. BALL, E. Gay Lad, b. g., 1938 : s. Bravado.340. BARNES, A. L., a n d M rs. Molly, gr. m.,

aged.341. RRADSTRFET. Miss W. Chiqulta, gr. in.,

c 1939.342. BURROW S, Miss J . Actor, b. g., 1940.343. BYRNE, Miss B. Charlie, b. g.344. BYRNE, B. Starlight, blk. g.

345. CALDWELL, R. F. Idol Boy, br. g„ 1942;bred by exhibitor ; s. Buonarotti, d. Lady Grey.

346. CAMERON, H. W. Mist. gr. in., 1940; bredby T. Vickery, Yarrowitch, N.S.W. ; s. Arrow Boy, d. Foam.

347. CLARKE, M r s . L. S.. a n d 1). W HITE. LadyLuck, (jr. in., : 11 : 42 : bred by L. Little, Maffra, Vic. ; s. Tinker Dandy, d. Lucy,

348. COURT, E. S. Buddy, ch. g.. 1944 ; bred byE. .1. Howarth, Gunnedah, N.S.W.

349. CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H J. PERR IN . BlackBoy, blk. g., 1941 ; bred by M. G. Malder, Coonamble, N.S.W.

350. CRICHTON, C. J.. a n d H . J. PE R R IN . Dot,br. in., 1942 ; bred by W . P. Crichton, Young, N.S.W. ; 8. Burradoo Dandy, d. by George Graves.

351. CRICHTON, C. J.. a n d If. J . PERR IN .Nigger, blk. K-. 1943 ; bred by H. Marina, Young, N.S.W.

352. CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H. J . PERR IN .Raglan, gr. g„ 1940; bred by H. Hayes, Warren, N.S.W.

353. C R O l’CHER, M r s . A. Garryowen, br. g„1939; bred by R. Cleary, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; 8. Azara, d. Lady Betty.

354. DANMARK PTY . LTD Digger, ch. g., 1938.355. DANMARK PTY., LTD. Trigger, ch. g„ 1939.

356. EMERY. Miss R. M. Topsy. b. in., 1937 ; bredby . Thompson, Nowra, N.S.W. ; s. Boshay.

357. FARROW , L. R. Bonlcta, ch. in., 1941.358. F IELD , T. A. Dandy, b. g., aged.359. GARSIA. E. M Chinook, gr. in. 1940.360. GREENW OOD, Miss P. T. Hassan, gr. g.

1940.361. H EDLEY , M r s . R. Majestic Lad, b. g., 1940.362. HEWETT, L. R. Silver Chief, cr. g. ; bred

by J. Jardine, Cooma, N.S.W. ; s. Saltedge.363. H IRST, H. D. Springmead Rathana, gr. in.,

30 10 : 44 ; bred by E. E. Hirst. Inglebum, N.S.W. ; s. Rakib (imp.), d. Thana.

364. IR W IN , Miss E. Master Shahzada, gr. g.,1938; bred by J. A. Snajie, Gunnedah, N.S.W. ; s. Shali/^tda (imp.).

365. KENNEDY, M r s . R. Pegg’s Pet, b. m., 1943.366. K IDD , Miss K. Topper, cr. g.. 1944; bred

by Miss G. Drewe, Bowral, N.S.W.

367. K 1NKADE, ROY . Temptation, blk. g., aged.368. LUCK. A. M. Prince, blk. g.369. McKENZIE, G. R. Khyber, gr. g., 1943.370. MOORE, Miss N. Gundy, gr. g., aged ; bred

by W. H. Kurtz, Mudgee, N.S.W. ; 8. Native S|«>ar, d. Ocean Blue.

371. MOWLE. Miss J . Two Ton Tony, b. g.372. MULI.ANE, Miss V. Star, b. g.373. NICHOLAS. Miss M. Dan, br. g., aged.374. NYE , E. M. Springmead Sequita, dappled

bl. gr. in., 4 : 11 : 41 ; bred by E. E. Hirst, Inglebum, N.S.W. ; s. Rakib (imp. Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d. Springmead Fanny.

375. PEARSON, W. G. Laurie, gr. g., 1940 ; tiredby A. S. Wiseman, Hundarra, N.S.W. ; s. Maarotte.

376. PENNELL, N., a n d M r s . Calcutta, blk. g.377. R E IL L Y , M r s . M . Jet, blk. in., 1940 ; bred by

S. Shepherd, Bowral. N.S.W.

A ll the Best Animals are Insured with the Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E CO ., LTD . —

Office on the G round . Claims paid by the Company exceed £56 ,000,000.


Sec. I — HORSES— Saddle Hone* (Continued).

378. RU N D LE , Miss A. Danny Boy, b. g., 1940.379. SLOAN, Miss J . Tony, b. g., 1930.380. SMITH, J . Dandy, er. g., 1940; bred by

C. Brown, Ixteton, N.S.W.381. SMITH, J . Tex, skewbald g., aged.382. STOCKS, J . (). Merry Gold, eh. m.383. SULLIVAN. M k s . M. Selina, gr. in.383A.TOMKINS, L. Sparks, bl.-gr. g., 1942

by E. I ’lumnior, Tallawang, N.S.W.384. WALL, B. R. Scamp, eh. g.385. W E IR , Miss P. Bomber, b. g.386. W ISE, .1. J . Billy, b. g , 1942.387. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Klllarney, b. g.388. WOOD, M r s . A. Dawn, gr. m., 1939.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


ASSETS EXCEED - - £50,000,000





FIRE • ACCIDENT - MARINEInsurance including:


New South Wales Branch:



S c/tA -ro


CLASS 50 Novice Hack. For all horses, over 14.2 hands, which have not won a first, second, or third prize in a class lor hacks at any previous Royal Show in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £8 ; second prize, £6 ; third prize, £4 . fourth prize, £2 ; fifth prize, £1 : sixth prize, Society’s Ribbon. Prize money presented by Grace Bros. Pty., Ltd., Broadway, Sydney.

ADAMS, M. Bay Boy, b. g., aged.ADAMS, M. Royal Court, b. g., 1940. AGGETT, Miss J . Glengarry, blk. g.. 1940. ALLEN, Miss D. Snip, br. g. ; bred by — .

Christie, Lake Cargelligo, N.S.W. ; s. Doric, d. Flirt.

ALLEN, N. Lustre, gr. g., 1944. ALLINGHAM, (i. R . Sigma, ch. g., aged. ANDREW S, H. V. Kibya, b. g. ARMSTRONG, Miss F. Twilight, gr. g.,

1942 ; bred by A. C. Looney. Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. Shahzada (imp.— Vol. 4, A.H.S.B.) d. Ju lia Grey.

ARMSTRONG, G. Goonoo, w. g., aged. ASHTON, R Patch, b. g.. 1940; bred by

T. L. Bray, Forbes, N.S.W. ; s. by Elfacre. BARTRAM a n d D E CRESPIGNY. Pasha,

gr. g„ 1942 ; s. The Sirdar.BARTRAM, M r s . H. Sieda, gr. g., 1942 ; bred

by H. M e C a llu m , s. Akanree.

BATHIS, S. Balmoral, b. g., 1941. BOLLARD, Miss M. Z. Whisper, gr. g., 1942 ;

s. Araskus, d. White Lily.BOLLARD , Miss M. Z. Yarra, eh. g., aged ;

s. Ruftier.BOX, M r s . C. Medley, ch. in . . 26 : 10 : 43 ;

bred by C. Box, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Dark Sky, d. Chaos.

BROW N a n d K EN N EDY . Gold Dust, ch. g., 1942 ; bred by M. Anderson, Bathurst, N.S.W.

BULL, M r s . E. Tess, b lk . m . , aged .

BYRN E , Miss B. Pleasure, "r. g. CALDERW OOD, M rs. I. Davee, b. g. CALDW ELL, R. F. Stirling, b. g., 1937.

CAMERON. H. W. Harlem, blk. g., 1941. CAMERON, H. W . Lady Amber, b. in.,

1940.CAMPBELL, Miss A. Huanma, br. g., aged ;

bred by A. E. Cooper, Scone, N.S.W. ; s. Sion, d. Desert Lily.

389.217. 2 IN.














YORKSH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD.— All Classes of Insurance Effected. Fire,Workers’ Compensation, Crops, Fencing, etc. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Horses (Continued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

233. CANTLAY, A. C. Destiny, br. g„ 1940.235. CHENHALL, M r s . P. Will We, gr. g., 1943 ;

s. Yanneck, d. by The Welkin (imp.).230. CH1TTICK, A. R. Stardust, ch. g., aged ;

s. The Marne.237. CLARKE, M. Expects, b. g„ 1941.238. COLES, Miss JU D IT H . Royal George, br. g.,

1945; s. Banaghar.239. CONSTANCE, M r s . N. Freckles, rn. g., aged ;

bred by L. Southwell. Yass, N.S.W. ; s. Master Myrtle, d. Spots.

240. COOK, M r s . H. Florian, gr. g., 1942 ; s.Grey Box, d. Welcome Lady.

397. CORRIGAN , H . J . Freckles, gr. g„ 1943 ;bred by T. I)a>Jes, Hay, N.S.W. ; s. by Heroic. r t r r t t y f i A W K

398. COURT, E. S. Warrior, b. g., 1940; bred byR. Boydell, Pallamallawa, N.S.W.

399. CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H. J . P E R R IN .Berthang, ch. g., 194(1 ; bred by K. Gibb, Cootamundra, N.S.W. ; s. Aquatus, d. by Acorn.

400. CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H. J . PE R R IN .Grey Boy, gr. g., 1939 ; bred by F. Hardy, Young, N.S.W.

242. CRONLY, J . E. Oomoo, br. g., aged ; r.Einprid, d. Veroyl.

243. CULLEN, J . Laurel, ch. g., 1940; s. Iwearie.244. CU LLEY , C. N. Colin Lad, br. g.245. CUTTLE, Miss J . S. Master Bruce, b. g„

1943 ; bred by — . Onus, Moree, N.S.W. ; s. Mr. Bruce, d. Gay Princess.

247. DANMARK PTY., LTD. Andrea, gr. g„ 1938.248. DANMARK PTY., LTD. Kubon, br. g„ 1939;

bred by exhibitor; s. Kuvera.249. DANM ARK PTY., LTD. Sikh, gr. g„ 1941 ;

bred by Gundibri Estate Co., Pty. Ltd., Merriwa, N.S.W.

250. DANM ARK PTY., LTD. Tempest, br. g.,1939 ; bred by Kia-Ora Stud, Scone, N.S.W. ; s. Pantheon (imp.).

251.^)DAVIS, M r s . S. Pharos, gr. g., 1942.

401. DOW LE, Miss D . --- ----- , b. g„ 1941.402. D W Y E R , T. Leightana, br. g., 1939 ; bred

by J . J . Leahy, Bathurst, N.S.W. ; s.

I Leighton, d. Puntana.

D W Y E R , T. Noel, b. g„ 1943; bred by exhibitor; s. Billy Boy, d. Bravhades.

253. D W Y E R , T. Vanity, b. in., 1943 ; bred byMrs. R. Temple, Young, N.S.W. ; 8. River Shannon.

403. EM ERY, Miss R. M. Egypt, br. g. ; bred byJ. Chittick, Kangaroo Valley, N.S.W. ; s. A/.ara.

254. FARLEY . L. Sunlight, ch .g., — : 1 : 39 ; brodby T. Gooch, Bulahdelab. N.S.W. ; a. Bridge- burn, d. by Promised Land.

255. F IELD , T. A. Kent, gr. g., 1943 ; s. Burlesque.404. F IELD , T. A. Nobleman, b. g„ 1941 ; s.


405. F IE L D , T. A. President, br. g., 1941.25ti. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silver Rain, gr. g.406. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silver Scorn,

gr. g.257. FORBES, Miss L. Silver King, gr. g.

407. FOW LER, M. Rocky, ch. g., 7 : 9 :4 0 ; s.Billy Boy, d. Delyaia.

258. FRASER, D. E. J . Miller’s Meg, br. m„: 6 : 39 ; bred by Milroy Station,

Brewarrina, N.S.W. ; s. Doonbeg, d. by Tarquin (imp.).

259. FREEM AN, M. Texas, b. g.260. GARL ICK , M r s . B. R. Kimberley, 1940,

bred by G. Searr, Bloomfield, N.S.W. ; s. Rampion, d. bv Glenbrook.

408. GARV IN , M r s . M . M . Murray Valley, br. g.,ageil ; bred by Y. Gorman. Yerong Creek, N.s.W . ; s. Snowfelt, d. Chkskoww.

262. GAYLEARD . M r s . M . Monte Crlsto, ch. g„1941 ; bred by A. A. Laidlaw, Ararat, Vic. ; s. Goldie, d. Turf Lady.

263. GOLDSMITH, A. C. Tess, gr. in.. 1942.409. G RAY , W . E. Mizami, bl. gr. g. 1943; s.

Louvain (imp.), d. Mary Maria.10. OUNTER. M is s M. M . My Esteem, b. m.,

24 : 9 : 39; bred by A. M . Conroy, Kensington, Sydney ; s. Deep Resjieet, d. Neat Lady.

410. H ARRISON , M r s . B. David, gr. g„ 1940. 204. HEW ITT. C. W. Comrade, b. g.. 1939; bred

by Peel River Land and Minerial Co., Ltd., Tamworth. N.S.W. ; s. Scarlet Square (imp.).

265. HOAD, Mits. M. Whisk, b. g„ 1943.2(10. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Bambino, br. g., 1941 ;

s. Brown Radium, d. Silver Mist.267. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Crackerjack, br. g„

1940; s. Top Hole, d. by Sunrise.411. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Rex, br. g„ 1943 ; bred

by I. Triggs, Lake Cargelligo, N.S.W. ; s. Rembrandt, d. by Sir Dighton.

412. H ORD ERN , S. Coastguard, blk. g., aged.268. HUNT, W. Baron, br.g.270. HUNT, W. Skipper, cr. g.271. H Y D E , W. Mr. Brown, br. g., 1943; bred

by New Zealand Loan ami Mercantile Agency Co.. Ltd. ; s. Bungunya. d. Murmur.

272. H Y D E , W. Senartra, b. g., 1944 ; bred byNew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. ; s. Bungunya, d. Harmony.

273. JAGELM AN, M r s . H. Saffron, ch. g.274. JAGELM AN, M r s . H. Victor, gr. g . t aged.275. JONES. W . A. PTY., LTD. Cleveland, b. < .

1942 ; bred by L. Elwood, Wodonga, Vic. ; s. Banaghar, d. Sunny.

413. JON ES, W . A. PTY., LTD. Glenthorne, b. g„1939 ; bred by M rs. A. M. Pierce, Tintaldra, Vic. ; s. Spolthome (imp.), <1. Calquer.

276. K E LLY , J .T ., a n d G. L. K EN N EDY . Pebble,b. g.. 1940 ; bred by N. M. King, Caroda, N.S.W. ; s. Renadine, <1. Quinette.

277. K E LLY , Miss P. Blue Gum, br., aged ; s.Predoinino, d. Grace.

414. K IN K A D E , ROY’ . Dargan, gr. g., aged.415. K IN K A D E, Roy, Royal Gold, ch. g„ 1941.416. KNIGHT-GREGSON, G. A. Danny Boy, b. g . ;

s. Spearhead.417. KNIGHT-GREGSON, H. Bundella, br. g.,

s. Silverado (imp.), d. Archbrook.279. LA IDLA W , Miss R „ a n d W. ,T. ARM OUR.

Puzzle, ch. g., 1943.418. LAMBERT, K. The Swagman, gr. g., aged.419. LE MOTTEE, G. Inkspot, blk. g. 1941.

L IV E ST O C K IN SU RA N CE .— Claims paid promptly on Proof of Death.— Y O R K S H IR E

IN SU R A N C E CO ., L T D ., 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmers’ Com pany.


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

420. LOCK, J . E. Peter, ch. g., 1940;O Bundurc Station ; s. Saxton.

281. Mr-CAKTKN, Miss C. Shining Night, (imp. *y N.Z.), br. g., 2 0 :9 :3 8 ; bred by M. A.

Courtney, Cambridge, N.Z. ; s. Foxbridge (imp.), d. Speed mint.

282. MelNTOSH, Miss I,. Sweetheart, b. in.. 1940 ;bred by exhibitor.

283. McKENZIE, (i. K. Monarch, b. g., aged ; bredby W. Talbot, Talbot Park, N .S.W . ; s. Colotta.

284. McLACHLAN, X. I)., a n d SONS. Pleasure,dpi. gr.

285. McMAUGH, M k s . A. Country Life, ch., 1941 ;bred by S. Richardson ; s. Anchorette.

421. MACFAKLANE, T. B. Peter, br. g., 1941 ;bred by W. A. Bishop, Bunnan. N.S.W. ; s. Willow Tree.

28li. MACFARLANE, T. B. Rajah, hr. g.. 1942;bred by W. A. Bishop, Bunnan, N.S.W. ; s. Willow Tree.

422. MACFAKLANE, T. B. Wootton, br. g.. 1943;bred by W. A. Bishop, Bunnan, N.S.W. ; s. Willow Tree.

423. MACGOUN, Miss A. Pepper, gr. g.. aged;bred by — . Joel, Dunedoo, N .S.W . ; s. Kismet.

287. MACGOUN, Miss A. Sovereign, ch. g., 1941.288. MANGOLD, B. M. Little Sport, b. or br. g.,

1941 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Koval Sport, <1. by Chat (imp.).

289. MASTEKTON, M k s . 1). Bungll, br. g.290. M EDW AY, C. E. Sox, ch. g., 1939 ; bred by

exhibitor.424. M EDW AY. J . A. Bill, ch. g.. 1940; bred by

C. E. Medwav ; s. Aro(>elles, d. Doris.425. M EDW AY, J . A. Fairy Maid, ch. m.. 1940;

bred by E. CofTs, Cowra, N.S.W. ; s. Lackham, d. by Argenett.

426. M IDDLEMISS. M r s . F. Beau Ceste, ch. g.,1941 ; s. stanfp I. ii. Beretnf le .

292. M ILLS, M r s . I. Miilsym, br. g., aged ; s.Louvain, d. Savana.

293. M ITCHELL, G. C. Binaguy, b. g.294. MOORE, Miss N. Warrigal, b. g., 1942 ;

bred by W. H. Kurt/., Mudgee, N .S.W . ; s. Native Spear.

295. MOXHAM, Miss P. Royal Silk, ch. m „ 1943;s. Brigadier General.

296. M U RRA Y, P. J . Grand Fils, br. g„ 1937.297. NORTHEY, M. W . Prince, b. g„ — : 9 : 44.

427. NYDEGG ER . M r s . E. M . Maytime, cr., 1936;bred by — . Roberts, Narrabeen, Sydney ; s. Romulus.

428. PA RK ER , W. F. Merit, ch. g.429. W ITHDRAW N .430. PAYNE, A. L. Fairfield, br. g.298. PAYNE, A. L. Sirocco, b. g.299. PEARSON, W. G. Ben, b. g., 1940; bred by

— . McMaster, Cassilis, N.S.W. ; s. Binnia Hero.

300. PEDEN , W. Rocket, br. g. 1938 ; bred byH. Rankin.

431. PENHALIGON, S. Laddie, b. g„ 1940.301. PENNELL, N., a n d M r s . Warden, ch. g. ; s.

Gamekeeper, d. Aziola.

POPE, C o l o n e l , a n d M r s . A. V . Noel, b . g .,

aged ; s. Cambuscan.POUNTNEY, Miss .1 Royal Russell, hr. g.,

1941 ; bred by H. Wilson, Bugaldie, N.S.W. ; s. Big Boy, d. Kite.

304 PR ICE , Miss J . A. Kiltie, ch. g., 1939.432. PURCELL, J . Midkin Boy, b. g.. 1 5 :9 :3 8 ;

bred by P. Purcell, Moree, N.S.W. ; s. Validolid, d. by Mountain King.

30)1. PYE , Miss S. E., Dick Whittington, b. g.307. R E IL L Y , J . Brazen Lass, gr. in., 1941 ; bred

by Schmidt, Cunnamulla, Q ’ld. ; s.Brazen (imp.).

308. R E IL L Y . J . Spark, hr. g.. 1942; bred byPeel River Land and Mineral Co., Ltd., Tamworth, N.S.W. ; s. Comanchee (imp.), d. by Scarlet Square (imp.).

309. R E IM E R , Miss S. Ranger, blk. g., ag<<d.310. K IG LEY . M r s . I. A. Allah, blk. g., 1943.311. ROBERTS, M. F. Tekah, b. g„ aged.312. ROBERTSON, Miss A. Broughton, hr. g.,

aged ; s. Ruffler (imp.), d. The Cynner.313. ROBERTSON, Miss J . Tugela, blk. g„ aged ;

bred by E. M. Davis, Eulo, Q ’ld. ; s. Clover Fox, d. Mirrabah.

314. ROBINSON, Miss J., a n d D. T. DAVIES.Glenvale, gr. g., 1939 ; bred by D. T. Davies, Grahamstown, N.S.W. ; s. Gwalia.

433. ROSE, C. M. Cobber, blk. g„ 1940; bred byC. E. Pryce, C'ooma. N.S.W. ; s. Idex, d. by Santorb.

315. ROSS, C. B. Mac, b. g., aged.316. SAXTON, C. D. Metaxas, blk. g.. 1938; bred

by St. Albans Stud, Vic. ; s. Enfield, d. Balkan Star.

317. SCOTT, M r s . A. Tallis, ch. g ., aged ; s.Talisman.

318. SEYM OUR WELLS, P. Marina, ch. in., 1938 ;bred by V. M. Cheers, Gladstone, N.S.W. ; s. Suncure, d. Jean Dooley.

319. SHARP. M r s . E. Trinket, b. m„ aged ; bredby Miss M. Haswell, Turraniurra, Sydney ; s. Kingsmuir, d. Bright Gem.

434. SH EPHERD . R. Tally-0, ch. g.. 1941.320. STEV ENS, M rs . G. B. Prince Gregory, gr. g.,

1940; s. Wild Goose.322. SULLIVAN, M r s . M . Angus, gr. g.323. SULLIVAN, M r s . M . Shadows, b. g. ; s.

Madagascar, d. Heron ica.

435. SWADL1NG, A. Brilliant Lad, b. g.. aged.324. SW ADLING, A. Grey Dawn, in.,

1940.436. SW ADLING, A. Royal Duke, b. g„ 1940.437. SWANSTON. Miss I). M. Ranji, blk. g„

1942; bred by W. Myers, Coolah, N.S.W .; s. Walaski.

438. SWANSTON, Miss I). M Smokey, blk. g.,1943 ; bred by L. J. McMaster, Coolah, N.S.W. ; s. Walaski.

439. TA1T, M r s . P. G. Eastern Line (imp.), br. g.,24 : 5 : 40 ; s. Alishah, d. Beline.

324A. TOMKINS, L. Jester, ch. g., 1943 ; bred byG. Page, Mudgee, N.S.W. ; s. Chief.

324B. TOMKINS, L. Silver, gr. g„ 1938 ; bred by — . Finlayson. Merriwa, N.S.W. ; s. Harcourt.

326. W ALK ER , R. C. H. Snowdrift, gr. g„ 1937,

Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle H orw i (Continued).

bred by 302.


Show Animals covered for 14 days, including Transit to and from Farm. YO RK SH IREINSURANCE CO., LTD. Office on Ground. Essentially the Farmers’ Office.


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Q „• V- Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Horses (Continued).

327. WALL, B. R. Grand Sion, br. g. ; s. Van Sion. 359. GARSIA, E. M. Chinook, gr. in.. 1940.d. by David.

328. WALL, B. R. Pegasus, ch. g.330. W HITE, M r s . G Peter, I), g ., 1940.331. W ILK IN SO N , H. R. Major, br. g„ aged.332. W ILLM ORE , Miss S. Brigade Major, blk. g.440. W INTER, M r s . G. Surprise, b. g., 1940; s.

King's Command, d. Lady Grafton.334. WOOD, F., a n d MISS M. Renown, ch. g.441. YEATES, Miss M. Wong, hr. g„ 1941 ; bred

by R. B. Robb, Moulamcin, N.S.W. ; s. ^ The Pirate, d. Gaelic Lady.

CLASS 51 Novice i Galloway) Hack. Open to all galloways, over 14 hands and not exceeding14.2 hands, which have not won a first, second, or third prize at a previous Royal Show in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £ 6: second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize. Society’s Ribbon.

442. ADAMS, M. Tango, ch. g.. 1940.337. AMORY, M r s . J . ,J. Scarlet, ch. in., 1942;

bred by exhibitor; s. Bronzone, d. Gift.338. AUSTRALIAN JOC K EY CLUB. Spider,

blk. g.339. BALL, E. Gay Lad, b. g., 1938 ; s. Bravado.341. BRADSTREET, Miss W. Chiquita, gr. in.,

‘ 1939.342. BURROW S, Miss J. Actor, b. g„ 1940.343. r B YRN E , Miss B. Charlie, b. g. 345^)CALDW ELL. R. F. Idol Boy, br. g.. 1942;

bred by exhibitor; s. Buonarotti, d. Lady Grey.

347 .1 ; CLARKE. M r s . L. S., a n d D. W H ITE . Lady Luck, gr. in., : 11 : 42 ; bred by L. Little, Maffra, Vic. ; s. Tinker Dandy, d. Lucy.

348. COURT, E. S. Buddy, ch. g., 1944; bred byE. J . Howarth, Gunnedah, N.S.W.

349. CRICHTON, C. J., a n d H. J. P E R R IN . BlackBoy, blk. g., 1941 ; bred by M. G. Mahler, Coonamble, N.S.W.

350. CRICHTON, C. J.. a n d H. J. P E R R IN . Dot,br. in., 1942 ; bred by W. 1’. Crichton, Young, N.S.W’. ; s. Burradoo Dandy, d. by Jeorge Graves.

351. CRICHTON. C. J., a n d H.,1. PE R R IN . Nigger,blk. g., 1943; bred by H. Marina. Young, N.S.W.

352. CRICHTON, C. J., a n d H. J . P E R R IN .Raglan, gr. g.. 1940 ; bred by H. Hayes, Warren, N.S.W.

353. CROUCHER, M r s . A. Garryowen, br. g.,1939 ; bred by R. Cleary, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; h. Azara, d. Lady Betty.

354. DANM ARK PTY., LTD. Digger, ch. g„1938.

355. DANMARK PTY., LTD. Trigger, ch. g„1939.

443. DAVIS, A. Kookaburra, hr. g.

360. GREENW OOD , Miss P. T. Hassan, gr. g..1940.

361. H ED LEY , M r s . R. Majestic Lad, b. g„1940.

362. HEWETT, L. R. Silver Chief, cr. g . ;brt'd by J . Jardine, Cooma. N.S.W. ; s. Saltedge.

363. HIRST, H. D. Springmead Rathana, gr. in.,30: 10 :44; bred by E. E. Hirst. Inglebum, N.S.W. ; s. Rakib (imp.), d. Tltana.

364. IR W IN . M is s E. Master Shahzada, gr. g„1938; bred by J . A. Snape, Gunnedah, N.S.W. ; s. Shahzada (imp.).

366. K IDD . Miss K. Topper, cr. g., 1944 ; bred byMiss (!. Drewe, Bowral, N.S.W.

367. K IN K A DE, Roy. Temptation, blk. g., aged.368. LUCK. A. M. Prince, blk. g.369. McKENZIE, G. R. Khyber, gr. g.. 1943.445. McLACHLAN, N. D., a n d SONS. Blue Barney,

vr.372. MULLANE, Miss V. Star, b. g.373. NICHOLAS, Miss M. Dan, br. g., aged.374. NYE, E. M. Springmead Sequita, dappled

bl.-gr. in., 4 :1 1 :4 1 ; bred by E. E. Hirst, Inglebum, N.S.W. ; s. Rakib (imp. Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), <1. Springmead Fanny.

375. PEARSON. W. G. Laurie, gr. g , 1940 : bredby A. S. Wiseman, Bundarra, N .S .W .; s.

f Mascot te.PENNELL, N., a n d M r s . Calcutta, blk. g.

377. R E IL L Y , M r s . M . Jet, blk. m„ 1940; bred by S. Shepherd, Bowral, N.S.W.

379. SLOAN, Miss J . Tony, b. g„ 1939.380. SMITH. J. Dandy, cr. g., l!W<); bred by C.

Brown, Leeton, N.S.W.381. SMITH. J. Tex, skewbald g., aged.446. SMITH. J. C. Beauty, blk in., 1943.382. STOCKS, J . O. Merry Gold, ch. m.447. STYLES, C. N., a n d M r s . Steppe, ch. g.,

1944 ; bred by New Zealand and Australian Land Co., Bourke, N.S.W.

383. SLTLLIVAN, M r s . M. Selina, gr. m.383A. TOMKINS, L. Sparks, bl.-gr., g., 1942; bred

by E. Plummer, Tallawanga, N.S.W.384. WALL, B. R. Scamp, ch. g.385. W E IR , Miss P. Bomber, b. g.386. W ISE, J . J . Billy, b. g„ 1942.387. WOOD, F„ a n d Miss M. Killarney, b. g.388. WOOD, Mrs . A. Dawn, gr. in., 1939.

CLASS 52 Lady's Hack, over 14.2 hands, to be ridden by a lady. First prize, £10; second prize, £6 ; third prize, £4 ; fourth prize, £2 . fifth prize, £1 ; sixth prize, Society's Ribbon.

216. ADAMS, M. Laughter, b. g., 1939 ; bred by Miss N. Finlay, Muttama, N.S.W .; s. Genghis Khan, d. Jocelyn.

218. AGGETT, Miss J . Glengarry, blk. g. 1940.220. ALLINGHAM, G. R . Sigma, ch. g., aged.221. ARMSTRONG, Miss F. Twilight, gr. g„

1942; bred by A. C. Looney, Wollongong. N.S.W. ; s. Shahzada (imp. -Vol. 4, A.H. S.B.), d. Ju lia Grey.

356. EM ERY, Miss R. M. Topsy, b. in.. 1937 ; bredby — . Thompson, Nowra, N.S.W. ; 8.Boshay.

357. FARROW , L. R. Bonicia, ch. m., 1941. 222. ARMSTRONG, G. Goonoo, w. g„ aged.358. F IELD , T. A. Dandy, b. g., aged. 223^ ASHTON, R . Patch, b. g., 1940; bred by 444. F IELD IN G , P. G. Copper, ch. g., 1 9 3 1 t't r '0 T. L. Bray, Forbes, N .S.W .; 8. by F.lfacre.

L IV E ST O CK IN SU RA N C E— Transit Sea or Rail — Any Part o f the W orld — Y O R K ­



Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Hories (Continued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

224. BARTRAM AND DE CRESPIGNY. g., 1942. h. The Sinlar.

225. BARTRAM, Mrs. H. Sleda, gr. g., 1942 ; bredby H. McCallum ; Akanree.

228. BOLLARD , M ims V Z. Yarra, eh. g.. aged ; b. Huffier.

9. BOX, M rs. C. Medley, eh. m.. 20 : 10 : 43 ;bred by C. Box, Bowral, N.S.W. ; ». Dark

Sky, d. Chaos.448. CALDERW OOD, M k s . I. Cresta, br. g.231. CAMERON, H. W. Lady Amber, b. in., 1940.232. CAMPBELL, Miss A. Huanma, br. g., aged;

bred by A. E. Cooper, Scone, N.S.W. ; s. ; ion, d. Desert Lily.

449. CHENHALL, M k s . P. Welburn, br. g. 1941;s. Silverbum (imp.), d. Welkin Lady.

235. CHENHALL, M ks. P., Will We, gr. g., 1943 ;s. Yanncck, d. by The Welkin (imp.).

2.18. COLES, Miss J l ’DITH. Royal George, br. g., 194f> ; a. Banaghar.

240. COOK, M r s . H. Florian, gr. g., 1942 ; s.

Grey Box, d. Welcome Lady.241. COURT, E. S. Nigger Minstrel, br. g., 1939;

bred by Estate of W. R. Munro, St. George,y id .

450. CULLEN, J . Blue Gown, bl. g., 1940 ; bredby W. Collins, Stanley, Vic.

244. CULLEY, C. N. Colin Lad, br. g.245. CUTTLE, Miss J . S. Master Bruce, b. g.,

1943 ; bred by — . Onus, Moree, N.S.W. ; h. Mr. Bruce, d. Gay Princess.

240. DALY, J . a n d E. Skipper, ch. g., 1941 ; bred by Clyne Bros., Tinamba, Vic. ; s. Lyme Regis, d. by Norfolk Swell.

451. DALZELL, Miss I. Jaffa, gr. g„ 1938; bredby J . E. Jelbart, Albury, N.S.W. ; s. Sirdar, d. Bronzewing.

248. DANMARK PTY., LTD. Kubon, br. g., 1939 ;bred by exhibitor : n. Kuvera.

249. DANM ARK PTY., LTD. Sikh, gr. g., 1941 ;bred by Gundibri Estate Co., Pty. Ltd., Merriwa, N.S.W.

250. DANMARK PTY., LTD. Tempest, br. g„1939 ; bred by Kia-Ora Stud, Scone, N.S.W. ; n. Pantheon (imp.).

251. DAVIS, M r s . S. Pharos, gr. g., 1942.252.£'DW YEB, T. Noel, b. g., 1943; bred by

• exhibitor ; s. Billy Boy, d. Brayhades.253. D W Y E R , T. Vanity, b .‘ in.. 1943; bred by

Mrs. K. Temple, Young, N.S.W. ; s. River Shannon.

254. FARLEY , L. Sunlight, ch. g., — : 1 : 39;bred by T. Gooch, Bulahdelah, N.S.W. ; 8. Bridgeburn, d. by Promised Land.

255. F IELD , T. A. Kent, gr. g., 1943 ; s. Burlesque.452. F IELD , T. A. Regent, brr g„ 1939 ; s. Gasbag.453. FLINT, A. L. C. Bronzewing, ch. g., 1940; s.

Balkan King, d. by King Offa.407. FOW LER, M. Rocky, ch. g., 7 : 9 : 40 ; s.

Billy Boy. d. I>elysia.258. FRASER, I). E. j . Miller’s Meg, br. m.,

— : 6 : 39; bred by Milroy Station, Brewarrina, N.S.W. ; s. Doonbeg, d. by Tarquin (imp.).

259. FREEM AN, M. Texas, b. g.260. GARLICK , M r s . B. R. Kimberley, 1940;

bred by G. Searr, Bloomfield, N.S.W. ; s. Rampion, d. by Glenbrook.

454. G AYLEARD , M rs . M. Brandon Gem, gr. g.,1941 ; bred by — . Hill, Vic. ; s. The Sirdar, d. by Balkan King.

262. GAYLEARD , M r s . M . Monte Cristo, ch. g., 1941 ; bred by A. A. Laidlaw, Ararat, Vic. ; s. Goldie, d. Turf Lady.

455. G IFFORD , J . Liberty, gr. g.10. GUNTER, Miss M. M. My Esteem, b. m.,

24 : 9 : 39 ; bred by A. M. Conroy, Kensing­ton, Sydney ; s. Deep Respect, d. Neat Ladv.

265. HOAD, M rs. M. Whisk, b. g„ 1943.260. HOLMES, Miss W . M. Bambino, br. g.. 1941 ;

s. Brown Hadiuin, d. Silver Mist.456. H ORD ERN , S. Christmas, b. g., aged.208. HUNT, W . Baron, br. g.269. HUNT, W . Scotch Airs, b. g.270. HUNT, W. Skipper, cr. g.271. H Y D E , W\ Mr. Brown, br. g., 1943; bred by

New Zealand Loan anil Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., ; s. Bungunya, d. Murmur.

272. H YDE , W. Senartra, b. g., 1944; bred byNew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. ; s. Bungunya, d. Harmony.

275. JONES, W. A. PTY., LTD. Cleveland, l>. g.,1942; bred by L. Elwood, Wodonga. Vic.; h. Banaghar, d. Sunny.

276. K ELLY , J . T., a n d G. L. KENNEDY. Pebble,b. g., 1940 ; bred by N. M. King, Caroda, N.S.W. ; s. Renadine, d. Quinette.

277. K ELLY , Miss P. Blue Gum, br., aged ; s.Predomino, d. Grace.

278. K ELLY , Miss P. Bravura, ch., 1940 ; h. Bravia,d. by Pearlyn.

457. KEM P 8 R ID IN G SCHOOL. Velocity, b. g . ;s. Courier (imp.), d. Barbette.

458. K ING , M r s . W. Golden Lad, b. g., aged.

459. KNEE, M r s . V. E. Lord Monty, b. g„ 1940;s. Banaghar, d. by Richmond Main.

420. LOCK, J . E. Peter, ch. g., 1940; bred byBundure Station ; s. Saxton.

281. McCARTEN,MissC. Shining Night (imp. N .Z.),* br. g., 20 : 9 : 38 ; bred by M. A. Courtney,

Cambridge, N.Z. ; s. Foxbridge (imp.), d. Speedmint.

282^LMcINTOSH, M iss L. Sweetheart, b. m„ 1940 ; ^a" bred by exhibitor.

460. McKENZIK, G. R . Rob Roy, b. g., aged;bred by W. Talliot, Talbot Park, N.S.W. ; s. Kingsdale.

285. McMAUGH, M rs. A. Country Life, ch., 1941 ; bred bv S. Richardson ; g. Anchorette.

421. MACFARLANE, T. B. Peter, br. g„ 1941 ;bred by W . A. Bishop, Buniian, N.S.W. ; s. Willow Tree.

280. MACFARLANE, T. B. Rajah, br. g„ 1942 ;bred by W . A. Bishop, Bunnan, N.S.W. ; s. Willow Tree.

287. MACGOUN, Miss A. Sovereign, ch. g., 1941.288. MANGOLD, B. M. Little Sport, b. or br. g.,

1941 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Royal Sport, d. by Chat (imp.).

289. MASTERTON, M rs. I). Bungil, br. g290. M EDW AY, C. E. Sox, ch. g., 1939 ; bred by

exhibitor.291. M IDDLEMISS, M r s . F. Alabama, b. g.,

1941 ; s. Abermain, d. Little Toy.

Y O R K S H IR E IN SU RA N C E CO ., LTD ., 14 Spring St., Sydney.— Branches and Agencies

♦H* oufhou t the W orld . Live Stock, Fire, Marine & Accident.





bred by


Noel, b. g.,

ch. g.

MILLS, M r s . I. Millsym, br. g Louvain, d. Savana.

MITCHELL, G. C. Binaguy, b. g.

MOORE. Miss N. Warrigal, b. g„ 1942; bred by W. H. Kurtz., Mudgce, N.S.W. ; s. Native Spear.

MOXHAM, Miss P. Royal Silk, ch. in., 1943 ; s. Brigadier General.

M URRAY, P. J . Grand Fils, br. g„ 1937.

--- NORTHEY, M. W . Prince, b. g.. — s 9 s 44.299. PEARSON. W. G. Ben, b. g., 1940; bred by

—•, McMaster, Cassilis, N.S.W. ; s. Biiutia Hero.

300. PEDEN, W . Rocket, br. g., 1938; s. H. Rankin.

301. XPENNELL, N„ a n d M r s .

s. Gamekeeper, d. Aziola.302. POPE, C o lo n e i , a n d M r s . A. V.

aged ; s. Cambuscan.

303. POUNTNEY, Miss J . Royal Russell, br. g.,1941 ; bred by H. Wilson, Bugaldie, N.S.W. ; s. Big Boy, d. Kite.

304. PRICE, M is s J . A. Kiltie, ch. g„ 1939.300. PYE, Miss S. E. Dick Whittington, b. g 307. R E IL L Y , J . Brazen Lass, gr. in., 1941 ; bred

by — . Schmidt, Cunnamulla, Q ’ld. ; s. Brazen (imp.).

309. RE IM ER , Miss S. Ranger, blk. g., aged.310. R IG LEY , M r s . I. A. Allah, blk. g„ 1943.

461. ROBERTS. M. F. Brandy, blk. g„ 21 : 9 : 42 ;hred by E. Swinson, Dunedoo, N.S.W. ; s. Brazen (imp.), d. Swiss Flower.

311. ROBERTS, M. F Tekah, b. g.. aged.312. ROBERTSON, Miss A. Broughton, br. g„

aged ; s. Huffier (imp.), d. The Cynner.

313. ROBERTSON, Miss J . Tugela, blk. g„ aged ;bred by E. M. Davis, Eulo, Q ’ld. ; s. Clever Fox. d. Mirrabah.

ROBINSON. Miss .1., a n d D. T. DAVIES.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Horie i (Continued)

aged ;

314.Glenvale, gr. g., 1939 ; Grahams town, N.S.W



• k317.







bred by D. T. Davies, ; s. Gwalia.

ROSE, C. M. Cobber, blk. g., 1940 ; bred by C. E. Pryce, Cooma, N.S.W'. ; ». Iilex, d. by Santorb.

ROSS, C. B. Mac, b. g„ aged.SAXTON. C. D. Metaxas, blk. g„ 1938 ; bred

by St. Albans Stud, Vic. ; s. Enfield, d. Balkan Star.

SCOTT. M r s . A. Tallis, ch. g„ aged ; *. Talis- man.

SHARP, M r s . E. Trinket, b. m., aged ; brod by M iss M . Haswell, Turruinurra, Sydney; a. Kingsmuir, d. Bright Gem.

SH EPHERD , R. Tally-O, ch. g„ 1941?

SMITH. M r s . G. Bob, b. g., aged ; bred by R. Richardson, W'odonga, Vic. ; a. Banaghar, d. by Beau Fils (imp.).

STEVENS, M r s . G. B. Prince Gregory, gr. g., 1940 ; s. W ild Goose.

SULLIVAN, M k s . M. Angus, gr. g.SULLIVAN, M r s M. Shadows, b. g„ ;

s Madagascar, d. Heronica.SWANSTON, Miss D. M. Ranjl, blk. g..

1942 ; bred by W. Myers, Cooiah, N.S.V,. ; s. Walaski.

blk. g., Cooiah,

gr. g.. 1937. s. Van Sion,

438. SWANSTON, Miss D. M. Smokey,1943 ; bred by L. J . MeMaster,N.S.W. ; 8. Walaski.

324B. TOMKINS, L. Sliver, gr. g., 1938 ; bred by — . Finlayson, Merriwa, N.S.W'. ; a. Harcourt.

326. W ALK ER , R. C. H. Snowdrift,327. W ALL. B. R. Grand Sion, br. g.

d. by David.328. W ALL, B. R. Pegasus, ch. g.463. W’ARBY , R. Robin Hood, b. g., aged.330. W H ITE, M r s . G. Peter, b. g„ 1940.335. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Sirocco, gr. g.

CLASS 53 Lady’s (Galloway) Hack, over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands. To be ridden by a lady. First prize, £6 ; second pirze, £4; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize. Society's Ribbon.

ADAMS, M. Don Juan, blk. g., aged. AM ORY, M ks. ,f. J . Scarlet, eh. in., 1942 ;

lin'd by exhibitor; s. Bronzone, d. Gift. AUSTRALIAN JO C K E Y CLUB. Spider,

blk. g.--- BALL, E. Gay Lad, b. g., 1938 ; s. Bravado.341. BRADSTREET. Miss W. Chiqulta, gr. in..

1939.342 BURROW S, Miss J . Actor, b. g., 1940.343. BYRN E , Miss B Charlie, b.

CALDW ELL, R. F. brod by exhibitor ;Gr^v.

CAM .’RON, H. W . Mist, gr. in., by T. Vickery, Yarrowitch,Ai ow Bov, d. Foam.

C H IC K E . M rs . L. S., a n d I). W H ITE . Lady Lu^k, gr. rn., — : 11 : 42 ; bred by L. Little, MuTia, V ic.; s. Tinker Dandy, d. Lucy.

COUJ<1, E. S. Buddy, ch. g., 1944; bred by E. • Howarth. Gunnedah, N.S.W'.

CR1CHION. C. J., a n d H J . P E R R IN . Bll e ' Boy, blk. g„ 1941 ; bred by M. G. Mui ler, Coonamble, N.S.W.

CRICHTON. C. J.. a n d H. .T. PE R R IN . Dot, br. in., 1942 ; bred by W. P. Crichton, Young, N.S.W'. ; a. Burradoo Dandy, d. by George Graves.



F IELD , T. A. Dandy, b.OARSIA , E. M. Chinook,












K- ft-

Idol Boy, br. g..r. Buonarotti, d.

1940 ; N.S.W

1942 ; Lady-


Digger, ch.

Trigger, eh.

358.359. 361.


aged. m„ 1940.

H ED LEY , M r s . R. Majestic Lad, b.lN 0 .w iT > » y w * » a /M

A n r HEWETT. L. R. Silver Chief, cr. g. ; bredby J .Jardine, Cooma, N.S.W'. ; a. Salted go.

HIRST, H. I). Springmead Rathana, gr. m„ 30 ; 10 : 44 ; bred by E. E. Hirst, Inglebum, N>.W'. : s. Rakib (imp.), d. Thana.

IRW 'IN , M iss E. Master Shahzada gr. g., 1938; bred by J . A. Snape, Gunnedah, N.S.W. ; s. Shahzada (imp.).

KELLY , T. H. Esk, br. g„ age,). KEN N EDY , M k s R. Pegg’s Pet, b m„ 1943. K IN K A DE, ROY. Temptation, blk. g., aged. KN IGH T GREGSON, H Sunray, b. g.





Live Stock Insured— Lowest Rates— Liberal Conditions. Y O R K S H IR E IN SU RA N C E

C O ., LT D ., 14 Spring St., Sydney.



Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Horses (Continued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s



An exceptionally strong, well-made Poley Saddle, all over selected rough-out or smooth-out kip leather. B u ilt on specially-made solid-gullet steel plated tree, narrow waist, long flaps, reinforced knee pads set high up on the flap, mounted with 1 S-in. R ing Surcingle, lj- in. best quality bevelled and numbered stirrup leathers, improved g irth and N.P. stirrup irons.


£ 1 5 / 1 5 / ' COM PLETE

D A V I D S O N & S M I T HAustralia '» Largest Saddle


Corner Bourke and Liverpool Streets,

East Sydney.

Telephone: FA 5013.

368. LUCK, A. M. Prince, blk. g.

466. MeCAKTEN, Miss C. Tuppence, gr. m., 1940;bred by Mungimunbi Stud, Moree, N.S.W. ; «. Scottish King, d. Grey Lam.

369. McKENZIE, G. R. Khyber, gr. g., 1943.

467. M ILES, M r s . M. Rex, b. g.370. MOORE, Miss X. Gundy, gr. g., aged ; bred

by W. H. Kurtz, Mudgee, N.S.W. ; s. Native Spear, d. Ocean Blue.

371. MOW LE. Miss J . Two Ton Tony, b._g.372. MULLANE, Miss V Star, 1.. g . /• T M- 7374. NYE, E. M. Springmead Sequita, dappled

bl.-gr., m., 4 :1 1 :4 1 ; bred by E. E. Hirst, Inglebum, N.S.W. ; s. Kakib (imp.— Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d. Springmead Fanny.

3 7 ,V PEARSON. W. G. Laurie, gr. g., 1940: bred by A. S. Wiseman, Bundarra. N.S.W. ; s. Mascotte.

376. PENNELL, N„ a n d M rs Calcutta, blk. g.

377! R E IL L Y , Mrs. M. Jet, blk. in., 1940; bred by S. Shepherd, Bowral, N.S.W.

379. SLOAN, Miss J . Tony, b. g.. 1939.3 SO. SMITH. J. Dandy, cr. g., 1940; bred by C.

Brown. Leeton, N.S.W.381. SMITH. J . Tex, skewbald g., aged.382. STOCKS, J . O. Merry Gold, ch. m.447. STYLES, C. N., a n d M r s . Steppe, ch. g.,

1944 , bred by New Zealand and Australian Land Co., Bourke, N.S.W.

383. SULLIVAN, M r s . M . Selina, gr. 111.383A. TOMKINS, L. Sparks, bl.-gr. g., 1942 ; bred by

E. Plummer, Tallawanga, N.S.W.384. W ALL, B. K. Scamp, ch. g.386. W ISE, J . J . Billy, b. g., 1942.387. WOOD, F.. a n d Miss M. Killarney, b . g.

CLASS 54 Gentleman's 14-stone Hack, over 14.2 hands. First priie, £14: second priie, £8 : third priie, £4 ; fourth priie, £2 . fifth priie,


217. ADAMS. M. Royal Court, b. g., 1940.220. ALLINGHAM. G. R. Sigma, ch. g., aged.

469. BAKER, H. Charmaine, blk. g.396. CALDWELL. H. F. Stirling, b. g., 1937.470. CULLEN, J. Urana, br. g.244. CULLEY, C. N. Colin Lad, br. g.247. DANMARK PTY., LTD. Andrea, gr. g.(

1938.248. DANMAKK PTY.. LTD. Kubon, br. g.,

1939; bred by exhibitor; s. Kuvera.26!. DAVIS. M r s . S. Pharos, gr. g., 1942.402. DW YEK , T. Leightana, br. g„ 1939; bred

by J . J . Leahy, Bathurst, N.S.W. ; s. Leighton, d. Puntana.

404. F IELD , T. A. Nobleman, b. g., 1941 ; s.Waikare.

405. F IELD . T. A. President, br. g., 1941.408. GARVIN . M b s . M M Murray Valley, br. g.,

aged ; bred by Y. Gorman, Yerong Creek, N.S.W. ; h. Snowfelt, d. Chickowee.

45ft. G IFFORD , J . Liberty, gr. g.410. HARRISON , M r s . B. David, gr. g., 1940.

471. H EDLEY , M rs R. Maybe, b. g„ aged ; s.El Dorado, d. Miss Stickup.

472. H EN RY , C., a n d L. Sir Echo, br. g.

LIVESTOCK INSURANCE— Sea or Rail — Any Part of the W orld — Y O R K ­SHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. The Farmer.’ Company.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Horiea (Continued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

411. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Rex, br. g„ 1943 ;bred by 1. Triggs, Lake Cargelligo, N.S.W. ; s. Rembrandt, <1. by Sir Dighton.

412. HORDEHN, S. Coastguard, blk. g., aged. 272. H Y D E . W. Senartra, b. g . 1944; bred by

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. ; s. Bungunya, <1. Harmony.

413. JON ES, W. A. PTY.', LTD. Glenthorne,b. g„ 1939 bred by Mrs. A. M. Pierce, Tin- taldra, Vic. ; s. Spelthome (imp.), d. Calquer.

278. K E LL Y , Miss I’ . Bravura, ch.. 1940; s.Bravia, d. by Pearlyn.

417. K N IG H T G REG SON , H. Bundella, br. g..s. Silverado (imp.), d. Arehbrooke.

473. McLACHLAN, N. I)., a m . s o n s Tim.M7. MACGOUN, I i«< A. Sovereign, eh. 9141.424. M EDW AY. J A. Bill, ch. g„ 1940 ; bred by

C. E. Medway ; s. Aroj>elles, d. Doris.426. M IDDLEMISS, M r s . F. Beau Geste, ch. g..

1941 ; s. Stanfred, d. Seremerle.474. NEIW AN D, C. L. Desert Gold, er. g.. 1940.475. PEAR..ON. Miss J . . a n d M iss M . WILLIAM-

r SON. Seafarer, gr. g.. ageil ; bred by I).Johns, iMindalaguali, Vie. ; s. Bravia, d. Shadene.

476. PENNELL. N„ a n d M r s . Emir Fiscial,ch. g.

477. R E IL L Y , J Lord Gilt. ch. g.. 1942; bredby J . A. Mathews, Peak Hill. N.S.W. ; s. Gilt Edge, d. Lady Morpeth (imp.).

478. SAMUELS, M r s . H.‘ Pasha, gr g„ 1938.479. SHARP, M r s . E. Buena, br. g„ 1941 ; bred by

H. Mi Auley, Thimml, N.S.W. ; s. Buonarotti, d. by Crescendo (imp.).

320. STEVENS, M r s . G. B. Prince Gregory, gr. g.,1940 ; s. W ild Goose.

323. SULLIVAN, Mrs M. Shadows, b. g. ; s. Madagascar, d. Heronica.

435. SW ADLING, A. Brilliant Lad, b. g„ aged.436. SW ADLING. A. Royal Duke, b. g , 1940. 439. TAIT, M rs . P. G. Eastern Line (imp.), br. g.,

24 : ft : 40 ; s. Alishah, d. Beline.

4*0. TOMS, M rs . J . H. Swagman, blk. g.324A. TOMKINS. L. Jester, ch. g., 1943; bred by

G. Page, Mudgee, N.S.W. ; s. Chief.411. W ALK ER . R. C. H. Sultan, blk. g„ 1933. 328v W ALL, B. R. Pegasus, ch. g.441.7) YEATES, Miss M. Wong. br. g., 1941 ; bred

by R. B. Robb, Moulamein, N.S.W. ; 8. The Pirate, d. Gaelic Lady.

CLASS 55 Gentleman’s 12-stone Hack, over 14.2 hands. First priie, £14. second priie, £8 . third prlte, £4 ; fourth prize, £2 ; fifth priie, £ 1 .

221. ARMSTRONG, Miss F. Twilight, gr. g.,1942 ; bred by A. C. Looney, Wollongong, N.S.W . ; s. Shahzada (imp.—Vol, 4, A. H. S.B.), d. Ju lia Grey.

222. ARMSTRONG, G. Goonoo, w. g„ aged.224. BARTRAM AND DE CRE8 PIG N Y . Pasha,

gr. g., 1942 ; s. The Sirdar.228. BOLLARD, Miss M. Z. Yarra, eh. g., aged ; s.

Ruffler.9. BO X , M rs . C. Medley, ch. m „ 26 : 10 : 43 ;

bred by C. Box, Bowral, N.S.W. ; 8. Dark Sky, d. Chaos.

482. BU RRO W S. Miss .1 . Glenashley, ch. g.. aged ;bred by . Robertson. Tintuldra, Vic.

448. CALDERW OOD, M r s . I. Cresta, br. g.232. CAMPBELL, Miss A. Huanma, br. g., agod ;

bred by A. E. Coojht, Scone, N.S.W. ; s. Sion, d. Desert Lily.

23ft. CHENHALL, M r s . P. Will We, gr. g. 1943 ; «.Yanneck, d. bv The Welkin (imp.).

239. CONSTANCE, M r s . N. Freckles, rn. g.. aged ;bred by L. Southwell, Yass, N.S.W. ; 8. Master Myrtle, <1. Spots.

398. COURT, E. S. Warrior, b. g , 1940 ; bred by R. Boydoll, Pallamallawa, N.S.W'.

246. DALY , J ., a n d E. Skipper, ch. g., 1941 ; bred by dyne Bros., Tinamha, Vic. ; s. Lyme liegis, d. by Norfolk Swell.

451. DALZELL, Miss I. Jaffa, g., 1938; bred byJ . E. Jelbart, Albury, N.S.W. ; s. Sirdar, d. Bron/.ewing.

219. DANM ARK PTY., LTD. Sikh, gr. g„ 1941 ;bred by Gundribri Estate Co., Pty. Ltd., Mirriwa, N.S.W.

252. D W Y E R , T. Noel, b. g„ 1943; bred by exhibitor ; s. Billv Boy, d. Brayhades.

452. F IE L D , T. A. Regent, br. g., 1939; s. Gasbag. 260. GARLICK . M r s . B. R . Kimberley, 1940 ; bred

by G. Scarr, Bloomfield, N.S.W. : s. Rampiou, d. by < J lenbn >< »k.

483. HENW OOD, M r s . J . Sun Tan, ch. g., aged.264. HEW ITT, C. W. Comrade, b. g., 1939; bred

by Peel River Land and Mineral Co., Ltd., Tamworth, N.S.W. ; s. trarlet Square (imp.).

267. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Crackerjack, br. g.,1940; s. Top Hole, d. by Sunrise.

456. H ORDERN , S. Christmas, b. g., aged.268. HUNT, W. Baron, br. g.278. K E LLY , Miss P. Bravura, ch., 1940; s.

Bravia, d. by Pearlyn.457. K EM P’S R ID IN G SCHOOL. Velocity, b. g. ;

s. Courier (imp.), d. Barbette.458. K IN G , M r s . \V. Colden Lad, b. g„ aged. 416. K N IG H T GREGSON, G. A. Danny Boy, b. g. ;

s. Spearhead.281. McCARTEN, Miss C. Shining Night (imp.

N.Z.), br. g., 26 : 9 : 38 ; bred by M. A. Courtney, Cambridge, N.Z. ; s. Foxbridge (imp.), d. Speedmint.

283. M cKENZIE, G. R. Monarch, b. g., aged ;bred by W. Talbot, Talbot Park, N.S.W. ; s. Colotta.

284. McLACHLAN, N. D., a n d SONS. Pleasure,dpl.-gr.

421. MACFARLANE, T. B. Peter, br. g., 1941 ;bred by W. A. Bishop, Bunnan, N.S.W. ; s. Willow Tree.

286. MACFARLANE, T. B. Rajah, br. g., 1942 ;bred by W. A. Bighop, Bunnan, N.S.W. ; s. Willow Tree.

289. MASTERTON, M r s . I). Bungil, br. g.290. M EDW AY, C. E. Sox, ch. g., 1939 ; bred by

exhibitor.425. M EDW AY, J. A. Fairy Maid, ch. in., 1940;

bred by E. Goffs, Cowra, N.S.W. ; 8. Lackham, d. by Argenett.

292. M ILLS, M r s . I . Millsym, br. g., aged ; s.Louvain, d. Savana.

293 M ITCHELL, G. C. Btnaguy, b. g.

L IV EST O C K IN SU RED on the G round by the Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E C O ., LTD .,

at its Office there.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— -Saddle Horses (Continued).




31 Mi. 3111. 461.







MOXHAM, Miss 1*. Royal Silk, oh. rn., 1943; s. Brigadier General.

NORTH EY , M \V. Prince, b. g„ - : » : 44.PARKER , \V. K. Merit, eh. g.PEARSON, \\ . G. Ben, b. ir., I94u ; bred by

. McMaster, ( 'assilig, N .S.W .; h. Hinnia Hem.

PENHALIGON, S. Laddie, b. g„ 194oPOPE, Colonel , a n i) Mrs. A. V. Noel,

I), g., aged ; h. ( 'ambusean.l’YE. Miss s. E. Dick Whittington, l>. u.. 1938.R IU LEY , M rs. I A. Allah, blk. g., 1943.ROBERTS. M. F. Brandy, blk. g.. 21 : 9 42 ;

bred by E. Swinson, Dunedoo, N.S.W . ; s. Brazen (imp.), <1. Swim Flower.

ROBERTSON, Mins A. Broughton, hr. g., aged : s. Knitter (imp.), d. The Cynner.

ROHERTSON, Miss ,1 Tugela, blk. g.. aged ; bred by E. M. Davis, Eulo, Q'ld. ; h. Clever Fox, d. Mirrabali.

ROM1NSON, Miss J., a n d D. T. DAVIES. Clenvale, gr. g. 1939; bred by I). T. Davies, (iraliainfttown, N.S.W. ; g. Qwilia.

ROSE, (' M. Cobber, blk. g., 1940; brpd by ('. E. Pryee, Cooma, N.S.W. ; g. ldex, d. by Santorh.

ROSS, B. Mac, b. g., aged..SAXTON, O. I). Metaxas, blk. g„

bred by St. Albans Stud, Vie. ; g. d. Balkan Star.

SMITH. M rs. (J. Bob, b. g., aged

1938 ; Enfield,

bred by




3 SO. 334.


Miss D. M. by W. Myern,

g. Banaghar,

Ranjl, blk. g„ Cooiah, N.S.W. ;

C. H. Snowdritt, gr. g., 1937. Grand Sion, br. g., g. Van Sion ;

R. Richardson, Wodonga, Vic. d. by Beau Fils (imp.).

SULLIVAN, M k s . M . Angus, gr. g. 8W ADLING , A. Grey Dawn, dpl.-gr. m.,


1942 ; bred g. Walaski.


d. by David.W HITE, M r s . G. Peter, b. g., 1940.WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Renown, ch. g.

W lkK 'l A x f i ) # lk A . c / $4-LASS 56 Gentleman's (Gallowsy) Hack, over 14

hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands. First prize, £12 ; second prize, £7 . third prize, £4 ; fourth prize, £2 ; filth prize, £ 1 .

336. ADAMS, M. Don Juan, blk. g., aged.442. ADAMS, M. Tango, eh. g., 194(1.337. AMORY, M rs. J . J . Scarlet, ch. rn., 1942;

» bred by exhibitor; s. Bronzone, d. Gift.341 BRADSTREET, Miss W. Chlquita, gr. rn,,

Miss J. , R. F.


Actor, b. g., 1940.Idol Boy, br. g., 1942 ; g. Buonarotti, d. Lady

1939.342. H I'R ROWS,345. A CALDWELL

' bred byGrey.

346. CAMERON. H. W „ Mist, gr. rn., 1940; bredby T. Viekery% Yarrowiteh, N.S.W. ; s.

ty Arrow Boy, d. Foam.347./iC L A R K E . M r s . L. S., a n d D. W HITE. Lady

Luck, gr. m., — : 11 : 42 ; bred by L. Little, Maffra, Vie. ; s. Tinker Dandy, d. Lucy.

348. C O l’RT, E. 8 . Buddy, ch. g., 1944 ; bred byE. J . Howarth, Gunnedah, N.S.W.

349. CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H. J . PE R R IN .Black Boy, blk. g., 1941 ; bred by M. G. Malder, Coonamble, N.S.W.

350. CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H. .1. PERR IN . Dot,br. m., 1942 ; bred by W. P. Crichton, Young, N.S.W . ; s. Hurradoo Dandy, d. by George Graveg.

3.r>3, C R o lV H E R , M r s . A. Garryowen, br. g,, 1939; bred by R. ('learv, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; g. Azara, d. Ladv Hetty.

354. DANMARK PTY., LTD. Digger,' ch. g„1938.

.155. DANMARK 1*TY„ LTD. Trigger, ch. g.,1939.

484. D l ’NCAN. A.358. F IELD , T. A. Dandy, b. g., aged.359. GARSIA. E. M. Chinook, gr. in., 1940.

361. HEDLEY, M r s . R Majestic Lad, b. g., 1940.362. HEWETT, L. R. Silver Chief, cr. g. ; bred

by ,1. Jardine, Cooma, N.S.W. ; g. Saltedge.363. HIRST, H. D. Springmead Rathana, gr. rn.,

3(1 : 111 : 44 ; bred by E. E. Hirst, Ingleburn, N.S.W. ; - Rakib (imp.), d. Thana.

271. HYDE, W. Mr. Brown, br. g., 1943; bred by New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. ; s. Bungunya. d. Murmur.

364. IR W IN , Miss E. Master Shahzada, gr. g.,1938 ; bred by J . A. Snapo, Gunnedah, N.S.W. ; g. Shahzada (imp.).

464. KELLY . T. H Esk, br. g„ aged.365. KENNEDY, M r s , R. Pegg s Pet, b. in., 1943.366. K ID D , Miss K. Topper, cr. g., 1944 ; bred by

Miss G. Drewe, Bowral, N.S.W.367. K IN K A DE, ROY . Temptation, blk. g., aged.

465. KNIGHT-GREGSON, H. Sunray, b. g.368. LUCK. A. M. Prince, blk. g.466. McCARTEN, Miss C. Tuppence, gr. in., 1940;

bred by Mungiinunhi Stud. Moree, N.S.W. ; g. Scottish King, d. Grey Lass.

369. McKENZIE, O. It. Khyber, gr. g., 1943. 445. McLACHLAN, N. D.. a n d SONS. Blue Barney,

tfr.167. MILES, M rs. M. Rex, b. g.

374. NYE, E. M. Springmead Sequita, dappledbl.-gr. m.. 4 : 11 : 41 ; bred by E. E. Hirst, Ingleburn, N .S.W . ; s. Rakib (imp. — Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d. Springmead Fanny.

375-5 PEARSON, W - G - L»“rl*. g„ 1940; bred by A. 8 . Wiseman, Bundarra, N.S.W. ; g. Maseotte.

376. PENNELL, N„ a n d M r s . Calcutta, blk. g.380. SMITH, J . Dandy, cr. g.. 1940; bred by C.

Brown, Leeton, N.S.W.

381.tVSMITH, J . Tex, gkewbald g., aged.

447. STYLES. C. N., a n d M r s . Steppe, ch. g., 1944 ; bred by New Zealand and Australian Land Co., Bourke, N.S.W.

383. SULLIVAN, M r s . M . Selina, gr. m.

383A, TOMKINS. L. Sparks, bl.-gr. g„ 1942; bred by E. Plummer, Tallawang, N.S.W.

384. WALL, B. R . Scamp, ch. g.

386. W ISE, J . J . Billy, b. g., 1942.387. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Killarney, b. g.

In Foal Mares, 30 days from act of Foaling or 12 months. Y O R K S H IR E IN SU RA N CE

CO ., L T D ., Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmers’ Company.


Sec. 1— HORSES--Saddle Horses (Continued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

CLASS 57 Gentleman’s 10-stone Hack, over 14.2 hands. First prize, £14; second prize, £8 ; third prize, £4; fourth prize, £2 ; fifth prize, £1 .

216. ADAMS, M. Laughter, b. g.. 1939; bred by Miss N. Finlay, Muttama, N.S.W. ; g. Genghis Khan. d. Jocelyn.

218. AGGETT, Miss J . Glengarry, blk. g„ 1940.219. ALLEN, Miss D. Snip, br. g. ; bred by

. Christie, Lake Cargelligo, N.S.W. ; g. Doric, d. Flirt.

390. ALLEN. N. Lustre, gr. g., 1944.223. ASHTON, R. Patch, b. g., 1940 ; bred by

T. L. Bray, Forbes, N.S.W. ; g. by Elfacre. 225. BARTRAM. Mrs. H . Sieda, gr. g., 1942 ; bred

by H. McCallum ; r. Akanree.

486. CALDWELL, R. F. Random, b. in., 1940.449. CHENHALL. Mrs. P. Welburn, br. g., 1941 ;

g. Silverbum (imp.), d. Welkin Lady.238. COLES, Miss JU D IT H . Royal George, br. g.,

1945 ; s. Banaghar.240. COOK, M rs. H Florian, gr. g., 1942; g.

Grey Box, d. Welcome Lady.241. COURT, E. S. Nigger Minstrel, br. g., 1939;

bred by Estate of W . R . Munro, St. George, Q ’ld.

450. CULLEN, J. Blue Gown, bl. g., 1940; bredby W . Collins, Stanley, Vie.

245. CUTTLE, Miss J . 8 . Master Bruce, b. g., 1943 ; bred by — , Onus, Moree, N.S.W. ; s. Mr. Bruce, d. Gay Princess.

250. DANMARK PTY., LTD. Tempest, br. g , 1939 ;bred by Kia-Ora Stud, Scone, N.S.W. ; s. Pantheon (imp.).

253. D W YER , T. Vanity, b. in., 1943; bred byMrs. R. Temple, Young, N.S.W. ; s. River Shannon.

254. 1 FARLEY , L. Sunlight, ch. g„ — : 1 : 39 ; bredby T. Gooch, Bulahdelah, N.S.W. ; s. Bridge- bum, d. by Promised Land.

255. F IELD , T. A. Kent, gr. g., 1943 ; s. Burlesque.453. FLINT, A. L. C. Bronzewing, ch. g., 1940 ; s.

Balkan King, d. by King OfTa.407. FOW LER, M. Rocky ch. g.. 7 :9 :4 0 ; s.

Billy Boy, d. Delysia.258. FRASER, D. E. J . Miller’s Meg, hr. in.,

— : 6 : 39; bred by Milroy Station, Brewarrina, N.S.W. ; s. Doonbeg, d. by Tarquin (imp.).

259. FREEMAN, M. Texas, b. g.454. GAYLEARD, M rs. M Brandon Gem, gr. g.,

1941 ; bred by Mr. Hill, Vic. ; s. The Sirdar, d. by Balkan King.

262 GAYLEARD, M r s . M. Monte Crlsto, ch. g., 1941 ; bred by A. A. Laidlaw, Ararat, Vic. ; 8. Goldie, d. Turf Lady.

409. GRAY, W. E. Mlzaml, bl. gr. g. 1943; s. Louvain (imp.), d. Mary Maria.

10. GUNTER, M is s M. M . My Esteem, b. m., 24 : 9 : 39 ; bred by A. M . Conroy, Kensing­ton, Sydney ; b. Deep Respect, d. Neat Lady.

487. HIRST, M r s . E. E. Springmead Mary, dpl-gr.m., 19 : 9 : 40 ; bred by E . E. Hirst, Ingie- burn, N.S.W. ; s. Rakib (imp.), d. Spring­mead Evelyn Rose.

265. HOAD, M r s . M . Whisk, b. g.. 1943.

266. HOLMES, Miss W . M. Bambino, br. g., 1941 ; s. Brown Radium, d. Silver Mist.

269. HUNT, W. Scotch Airs, b. g.270. HUNT, W. Skipper, cr. g.275. JON ES , W. A. PTY., LTD. Cleveland, b. g.,

1942; bred by L. Elwood, Wodonga, Vic.; s. Banaghar, d. Sunny.

276. K E LL Y , J . T., a n d G. L. K EN N EDY . Pebble,b. g., 1940; bred by N. M. King, Caroda, N.S.W. ; s. Renadine, d. Quinette.

277. K E LLY , Miss P. Blue Gum, br., aged ; s.Predomino, d. Grace.

459. K N EE , M r s . V. E. Lord Monty, b. g., 1940;s. Banaghar, d. by Richmond Main.

420. LOCK, J . E. Peter, ch. g., 1940; bred by Bundure Station ; h. Saxton.

282. McINTOSH, M iss L. Sweetheart, b. rn., 1940 ; bred by exhibitor.

460. McKENZIE, G. R. Rob Roy, b. g„ aged ; bredby W. Talbot, Talbot Park, N.S.W. ; s. Kingsdale.

445. McLACHLAN, N. D., AND SONS. Blue Barney, gr.

285. McMAUGH, M r s . A. Country Life, ch., 1941 ; bred by S. Richardson ; s. Anchorette.

422. MACFARLANE, T. B. Wootton, hr. g., 1943 ;bred by W. A. Bishop, Bunnan, N.S.W. ; g. Willow Tree.

288. MANGOLD, B. M. Little Sport, b. or br. g., 1941 ; brod by exhibitor; s. Royal Sport, d. by Chat (imp.).

291. M IDDLEMISS, M r s . F. Alabama, b. g., 1941 ; s. Abermain, d. Little Toy.

294. MOORE, M is s N. Warrigal, b. g„ 1942 ; bred by W. H. Kurtz, Mudgee, N.S.W . ; s. Native Spear.

296. M URRAY, P. J . Grand Fils, br. g., 1937.300. PEDEN , W'. Rocket, hr. g., 1938; bred by

T H. Rankin.301. PENNELL, N„ a n d M r s . Warden, ch. g. ; s.

Gamekeeper, d. Aziola.303. POUNTNEY, Miss .T. Royal Russell, br. g.,

1941 ; bred by H. Wilson, Bugaldie, N.S.W. ; s. Big Boy, d. Kite.

307. R E IL L Y , J . Brazen Lass, gr. in., 1941 ; bred by — . Sciimidt, Cunnamulla, Q ’ld. ; s. Brazen (imp.).

309. R E IM ER , Miss S. Ranger, blk. g., aged. 311. ROBERTS, M. F. Tekah, b. g., aged.317. SCOTT, M r s . A. Tallis, ch. g., aged ; s. Talis­

man.318. SEYMOUR-WELLS, P. Marina, ch. m„ 1938 ;

bred by V. M. Cheers, Gladstone, N.S.W. ; g. Suncure, d. Jean Dooley.

319. SHARP, M r s . E. Trinket, b. m. aged ; bredby Miss M. Haswell, Turruinurra, Sydney ;

, s. Kingsmuir, d. Bright Gem.434 SH EPHERD , R . Tally-0, ch. g., 1941.321. STYLES, C. M ., a n d M r s . Sam, br. g., 1940;

bred by L. W., Nelson, N.Z.438. SWANSTON, Miss D. M. Smokey, blk. g.,

1943; bred by L. J . McMaster, Cooiah, N.S.W. ; s. Walaski.

4U . THOMPSON, A. J . Sir Mellery, blk. g., aged ;bred by H. Windle, Rylstone, N.S.W'. ; s. Cistercian, d. Airy Mary.

Y O R K S H IR E IN S U R A N C E C O ., LTD . — C laim s paid by the Com pany exceed

£56 ,000 ,000 . Insurances effected on Live Stock up to any sum.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Horses (Continued).


324B. TOMKINS, L. Silver, gr. g., 1938; bred by . Kinlaywon, Merriwa, N.S.W. ; h. Harcourt.

326. W ALKER, R. C. H. Snowdrift, gr. g., 1937. 463. WARHV, R Robin Hood. b. g„ aged.331. W ILKINSON, H. R Major, br. g„ aged.335. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Sirocco, gr. g.

■ H i

Head study ol Champion pony stallion


Champion, Melbourne

Champion, Sydney

Champion, Brisbane •

Bred and owned by

E. M. P H I L P O T TGlendallo Stud, Minto. N.S.W.

(City addrMi: 2 York St. Belmore. Sydney.)

Breeder and Exhibitor of High-Class

Australian Ponies.

1938 ; h. Bravado. Chiquita, gr. in..



353.• 1946

- 1947 354.355J4S9.

- 1947 358.359.362.


CLASS 58 Novice Saddle Galloway, (or all-round saddle use, over 14 hands and not exceeding14.2 hands, for galloways which have not won a first, second, or third prize in a class for saddle horses at any previous Royal Show in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, or Perth. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £6 ; second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, Society's Ribbon.

3.37.£ AMORY. M r s . J . J . Scarlet, cli. in., 1942 ; bred by exhibitor : s. Bmnsone, d. Gift.

338. AUSTRALIAN JO C K E Y CLUB. Spider, blk.g-

339. BALL. K. Gay Lad, b.341. BRADSTREET. M is s

1939.342. BURROW S, Miss J . Actor, b. g„ 1940.343. BYRNE. Miss B. Charlie, b. g.34 5 .3 CALDWELL, R. K. Idol Boy, br. g„ 1942;

bred by exhibitor ; s. Buonarotti, d. Lady Grey.

347.2CLARKE, M r s . L. S., a n d I). WHITE. Lady Luck, gr. in., — : 11 : 42 ; bred by L. Little, Maffra, Vic. ; s. Tinker Dandy, d. Lucy.

COURT, E. S. Buddy, ch. g., 1944 ; bred byE. ,1. Howarth, Gunnedah, N.S.W.

CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H. J. PERRIN . Raglan, gr. g., 1940; bred by H. Hayes, Warren, N.S.W.

CROUCHER, M r s . A. Garryowen, br. g., 1939 ; bred by R. Cleary, Wollongong, N.S.W’. ; s. Azara, d. Lady Betty.

DANMARK PTY., LTD. Digger, ch. g„ 1938. 355J DANMARK PTY., LTD. Trigger, ch. g.. 1939.

DEM LEUX, J. Jack, b. g„ 1940.F IELD , T. A. Dandy, b. g., aged.GARSIA, E. M. Chinook, gr. m., 1940. HFAVETT, L. R. Silver Chief, cr. g. ; bred by

J. Jardine, Cooma, N.S.W. ; 8. Saltedge. HIRST, H. D. Springmead Rathana, gr. in.,

30 : 10 : 44 ; bred by E. E. Hirst, Ingleburn, N.S.W. 8. Rakib (imp.), d. Thana.

4*0. HUGHES, Miss V. Red, rd. rn. g.364. IR W IN , Miss E. Master Shahzada, gi. g., 1938 ;

bred by J . A. Snape, Gunnedah, N.S.W. ;8. Shahzada (imp.).

3(56. K IDD , Miss K. Topper, cr. g., 1944 ; bred by Miss G. Drewe, Bowral, N.S.W7.

367. K INKADE, ROY. Temptation, blk. g., aged.368. LUCK, A. M. Prince, blk. g.369. McKENZIE, G. R. Khyber, gr. g„ 1943.374. NYE. E. M. Springmead Sequits, dappled

bl. gr. m., 4 :1 1 :4 1 ; bred by E. E. Hirst. Inglebum, N.S.W. ; s. Rakib (imp.—Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d. Springmead Fanny.

375. PEARSON. W\ G. Laurie, gr. g„ 1940; bredby A. S. Wiseman, Bundarra, N.S.W. ; 8. Mascotte.

YORKSH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — For every Class of Insurance. Specialistsin Live Stock Insurance. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.


See. I — HORSES— Saddle Horse* (Continued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

376. PENNELL, N.. a n d M r s . Calcutta, blk. g.377. R E IL L Y , M r s . M . Jet, blk. m„ 1940 ; bred by

S. Shepherd. Bowral, N.S.W.379. SLOAN, Miss J. Tony, b. g., 1939.380. SMITH. J . Dandy, cr. g.. 1940; bred by

C. Brown, Leeton, N.S.W.381 SMITH, J. Tex, skewbald, g„ aged.382. STOCKS, .1. O. Merry Gold, ch. m.447. STYLES, C. N„ a n d M r s . Steppe, ch. g„

1944 ; bred by New Zealand and Australian Land Co., Bourke, N.S.W.

383A. TOMKINS, L. Sparks, bl.-gr. g.. 1942; bred by E. Plummer, Tallawang, N.S.W.

384. W ALL, B. R. Scamp, ch. g.385. W E IR , Miss P. Bomber, b. g.386. W ISE , J . J. Billy, b. g., 1942.387. W OOD, F.. a n d MISS M. Killarney, b. g.388. WOOD, M r s . A. Dawn, gr. rn., 1939.

CLASS 59 Pair of Hacks, over 14.2 hands, to be ridden by a lady and gentleman. Owners will be allowed to pair, and in the event of a pair separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. First prize, £8 : second prize, £6 : third prize, £4 : fourth prize, £2 ; fifth prize, £1 : sixth prize. Society’s Ribbon.

216. ADAMS, M. Laughter, b. g„ 1939; bred byMiss N. Finlay. Muttama, N.S.Wr. ; 8. (Jenghis Khan. d. Jocelyn.

217. ADAMS, M. Royal Court, b. g., 1940.218. AGGETT, Miss J. Glengarry, blk. g.. 1940.219. ALLEN, Miss I). Snip, br. g. ; bred by -;

Christie, Lake Cargelligo, N.S.W. ; s. Doric; d. Flirt.

390. ALLEN, N. Lustre, gr. g.. 1944.224. BARTRAM a n d DE CRESPIG N Y . Pasha,

gr. g., 1942 ; s. The Sirdar.225. BARTRAM, M r s . H. Sieda, gr. g„ 1942 ; bred

by H. McCallum ; s. Akanree.492. BOLLARD , Miss M. Z. Yarra, ch. g.

9. BOX, M rs. C. Medley, ch. in.. 2 6 :1 0 :4 3 ; bred by C. Box, Bowral, N.S.W . ; s. Dark Sky, d. Chaos.

396. CALDW ELL, R. F. Stirling, b. g„ 1937.493. CHENHALL, M rs . P. Sllverwell, br. g„ 1944 ;

s. Silverbum. d. Welkin Lady.449. CHENHALL. M rs. P. We’,burn,'hr. g.. 1941 ;

s. Silverbum (imp.), d. Welkin I-adv.235. CHENHALL, Mrs. P. Will We, gr. g.,1943;

s. Yanneck. d. by The Welkin (imp.). 238. COLES, Miss JUD ITH . Royal George, br. g.;

1945 ; s. Banaghar.240. COOK. M m . H. Florian, ar. g., 1942; ».

Grey Box, d. Welcome Lady.450. CULLEN, J. Blue Gown, bl. g., 19 4 0 ; bred

bv W . Collins, Stanley, Vic.470. CULLEN , J . Urana, br. g.246 *TDALY, J ., a n d E. Skipper, ch. g„ 1941 ;

bred by Clyne Bros., Tinamba, Vic. ; s. Lyme Regis, d. by Norfolk Swell.

451. DALZELL. Miss I. Jaffa, g., 1938; bred byJ . E. Jelbart, Albury, N.S.W. ; s. Sirdar, d. Brouzewing.

494. DANM ARK PTY., LTD. Kubon, br. g.,1939; bred by exhibitor; s. Kuvera; Tempest, br. g., 1939; bred by Kia-Ora Stud, Scone, N.S.W. ; s. Pantheon (imp.).

495. DANM ARK PTY.. LTD. Andrea, gr. g„1938; Sikh, gr. g., 1941; bred by Gundibri Estate Co. Pty., Ltd., Merriwa, N.S.W.

251. DAVIS, M r s . S. Pharos, gr. g., 1942.402. D W Y E R , T. Leightana, br. g„ 1939 ; bred by

J . J . Leahy, Bathurst, N.S.W. ; s. Leighton, d. Puntana.

403. EM ERY . Miss R. M. Egypt, br. g., bred byJ . Chittick, Kangaroo Valley, N.S.W'. ; s. Azara.

404. F IE L D , T. A. Nobleman, b. g., 1941 ; s.Waikare.

405. F IELD . T. A. President, br. g.. 1941.452. F IELD , T. A. Regent, !.r, g., 1939 ; s. Gasbag

453. FLINT, A. I., C. Bronzewing, ch. g., 1940;s. Balkan King, d. by Khig Offa.

258. FRA SER , D. E. J . Miller's Meg, br. in.,— : 6 : 39 ; bred by Milroy Station, Brewar- rina, N.S.W. ; s. Doonbeg, d. by Tarqtlin (imp.).

454. GAY LEA RD, M r s . M Brandon Gem, gr. g.,1941 ; bred by Mr. Hill, Vic, ; s. The Sirdar, <1. by Balkan King.

455. G IFFO R D . J . Liberty, gr. g.409. G RA Y , W . E. Mlssral, bl.^r. g., 1943 ; s. Louvain

(imp.), d. Mary Maria.410. H A RR ISO N , M rs. B. David, gr. g., 1940.471. H E D L E Y , M rs. R. Maybe, b. g., aged; b.

El Dorado, <1. Miss Stickup.487. H IRST . M r s . E. E. Springmead Mary, dpl.-gr.

rn., 1 9 :9 : 40 ; bred by E. E. Hirst, Inglebum, N.S.W. ; s. Rakib (imp.), <1. Springmead Evelyn Rose.

265. HOAD,' M r s . M. Whisk, b. g„ 1943.266. HOLMES. Miss W. M. Bambino, br. g„ 1941 ;

s. Brown Radium. <1. Silver Mist.

267. HOLMES, Miss W. M Crackerjack, br. g.,1940 : s. Top Hole, d. by Sunrise.

411. HOLMES, Miss W M Rex, br. g„ 1943;bred by I. Triggs, Lake Cargelligo, N.S.W. ; s. Rembrandt, d. by Sir Dighton.

456. H O R D E R N , S. Christmas, b. g., aged.412. H O R D E R N , S. Coastguard, blk. g., aged.

496. HUNT, W . Baron, br. g . ; Scotch Airs, b. g.275. JONES. VV. A. PTY., LTD. Cleveland, b. g.,

1942 ; bred by L. Elwood, Wodonga, Vic. ;8. Banaghar, d. Sunny.

413. JONES, W . A. PTY., LTD. Glenthorne, b. g„1939 ; bred by Mrs. A. M. Pierce, Tintaldra, Vic. ; s. Spelthome (imp.), <1. Calquer.

276. K E LL Y , J . T„ a n d G. L. K EN N EDY . Pebble,b. g., 1940; bred by N. M. King, Caroda, N.S.W. ; s. Renadine, d. Quinette.

277. K E LL Y , Miss P. Blue Gum, br., aged ; 8.Predomino, d. Grace.

278. K E LL Y , Miss P. Bravura, ch., 1940; s.Bravia, d. by Pearlyn.

420. LOCK. J . E. Peter, ch. g., 1940; bred by Bundure Station ; s. Saxton.

281. McCARTEN. MissC. Shining Night (imp. N.Z.),br. g., 26 : 9 : 38 ; bred by M. A. Courtney, Cambridge, N.Z. ; 8. Foxbridge (imp.), d. Speedmint.

282. McINTOSH, Miss L. Sweetheart, b. in.,1#40; bred by exhibitor.

A ll the Best Animals are Insured with the Y O R K S H IR E IN SU RA N CE C O ., LT D . —

Office on the G round. C laims paid by the Com pany exceed £56 ,000 ,000 .

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle H orie i (Continued).

497. McKENZIE, G K. Monarch, b. g., aged;s. Colot ta ; Rob Roy, b. If.. aged ; s. Kings- dale ; both bred by W. Talbot, Talbot Park,N.S.W.

498. McLACHLAN, N. I)., and SONS. Blue Barney,gr. ; Pleasure, dpl.-gr.

499. MACFARLANE, T. B. Rajah, br g.. 1942;Peter, br. g., 11*41 ; both brod by W. A. Bishop, Butman, N.S.W. ; s. Willow Tree.

287. MAOGOUN. K n A Sovereign, ph. g„ l(*4l.289. MASTERTON, M rs . I). Bungll, br. g.2H0 . MKDWAY, ('. E . Sox, rh. g., 1939; bred by

exhibitor.500. MKDWAY, J . A. Bill, ch. g., 1940; bred by

C. E. Mod way ; s. Ampelles, d. Doris ; Fairy Maid, oh. m., 1940; bred by E. CofFs, Cowra, N.S.W. ; s. Lackbam, d. by Argenett.

291. M1DDLHMISS, M k s . F. Alabama, b. g„ 1941 ;s. Abermain, d. Little Toy.

42H. MIDDLEMISS. M ks. K. Beau' Geste, ch. g„1941 ; R. Stanfred, d. Seromerle.

292. MILLS. Mrs. I. Millsym, br. g„ age<l ; s.Louvain, d. Savana.

293. MITCHELL. G. C. Binaguy, b.298. M URRAY, P. J . Grand Fils, hr.475.1 PEARSON. M is s ,T.. and M is s M.

SON. Seafarer, gr. g., aged ;Johns, Bundalagunli, Vic. ; s.Shadene.

299. PEARSON, W . G . Ben, b. g , 1940; bred by— . Mi-Master, Cassilis, N.S.W. ; s. Binnia Hero.

300. PEDEN, W. Rocket, br. g.,H. Rankin.

301.Jty>ENNELL, N., and M r s .

s. Gamekeeper, d. A/.iola.302. POPE, Colonkj. and M r s . A. V.

aged ; R. Cainbusean.303. POUNTNEY, Miss J . Royal Russell, hr.

1941 ; bred by H. Wilson, Bugaldie, N.S.W.R. Big Boy, <1. Kite.

306. PYE, Miss S. E. Dick Whittington, b. g.307. RE ILLY . J . Brazen Lass, gr. in., 1941 ;

bred by — . Schmidt, Cunnamulla, Q ’ld. ; r. Bra/.en (imp.).

477. RE ILLY , J . Lord Gilt, ch. g., 1942 ; bred byJ . A. Mathews, Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Gilt Edge. d. Lady Morpeth (imp.).

310. R IGLEY , M r s . I . A. Allah, blk. g„ 1943.501.0 ROBBIE. F. Ranger, gr. g.. 1937 ; bred by

— . Barnes, Mona Vale. Sydney.461. ROBERTS. M. F. Brandy, blk. g„ 21 : 9 : 42 ;

bred by E. Swinson, Dunedoo, N.S.W. ; r. Brazen (imp.), d. Swiss Flower.

312. ROBERTSON, Miss A. Broughton, hr. g„aged ; s. Ruftler (imp.), d. The Cynner.

313. ROBERTSON. Miss .I. Tugela, blk. g„ aged ;bred by E. M. Davis, Eulo, Q ’ld. ; s. Clever Fox, d. Mirrabah.

314. ROBINSON. Miss J ., and D. T. DAVIES.Glenvale, gr. g.. 1939 ; bred by D. T. Davies, (Jrahamstown, N.S.W. ; s. Gwalia.

315. ROSS, C It. Mac, b. tr.. aged.478. /SAMUELS, M r s . H. Pasha, Kr. g„ 1938.310. SAXTON, C. D. Metaxas, blk. g.. 1938;

bred by St. Albans Stud, Vic. ; s. Enfield, d. Balkan Star.

g-g.. 1937. WILLIAM- bred by D. Bravia, d.

1938 ; bred by

Warden, ch. g„

Noel, b. g.,



319. SHARP, M rs . E. Trinket, b. m„ aged; bred by Miss M. Has well, Turrumurra, Sydney ; s. Kingsmuir, d. Bright Oem.

434.VSHEPHERD, B. Tally-0, ch. g„ 1941.322. SULLIVAN, M r s . M . Angus, gr. g323. SULLIVAN. M r s . M . Shadows, b. g„ s.

Madagascar, «l. Heronioa.437.#SWANSTON, Miss D. M. Ranjl, blk. g„

1942; bred by W . Myers, Cooiah, N.S.W. j s. Walaski.

4 3 8 ^ SWANSTON, Miss D. M. Smokey, blk. g„1943 ; bred by L. J . MoMaxter,N.S.W. ; s. Walaski.

439. TAIT, M r s . P. G. Eastern Line (imp.), br. g., 24 : 5 : 40 ; s. Alishuh, d. Beline.

324AiTOMKINS, L. Jester, ch. g., 1943; bred byG. Page, Mudgee, N.S.W. ; s. Chief.

324B. TOMKINS. L. Silver, gr. g., 193K; bred by — . Finlayson, Merriwa. N.S.W. ; s. Harcourt.

32«£) .WALKER, K. C. H. Snowdrift, gr. g„ 1937. 481. W ALKER , R. C. H . Sultan, blk. g„ 1933.327. WALL, B. R. Grand Sion, br. g., s. Van Sion,

d. by David.328. W ALL. B. R. Pegasus, ch. g.463. W ARBY, R. Robin Bood, b. g„ aged.503. WATSON, Miss N. Tim, br. g„ 1939.330. W HITE, M r s . G. Peter, b. g.. 1940.334. WOOD, F„ a n d Miss M. Renown, ch. g.335. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Sirocco, gr. g.441. YEATES, Miss M. Wong, hr. g„ 1941 ; bred

by R. B. Robb, Moulainein, N .S .W .; s. The Pirate, d. Gaelic Lady.

CLASS 60 Pair of Hacks (Galloways), over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands, to be ridden by a lady and gentleman. Owners will be allowed to pair, and In the event of a pair separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. First prize, £6 ; second prize, £4; third prize, £2; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prise, Society’s Ribbon.

336 .'^ADAMS, M. Don Juan, blk. g., aged.338. AUSTRALIAN JO C K E Y CLUB. Spider,

blk. g.339. BALL, E. Gay Lad, b. g., 1938; s. Bravado.345* CALDWELL, R.

bred by exhibitor ; Grey.

347. CLARKE. M r s . L.V Luck, gr. m., —

MafTra. Vic. ; s 504/2 DANMARK PTY.,

Trigger, eh. g„ EM ERY, Miss R

Idol Boy. br. g„ 1942; s. Buonarotti, d. Lady


S.. AND D. W HITE. Lady : 11 : 42 ; bred by L. Little, . Tinker Dandy, d. Lucv. LTD. Digger, ch. g., 1938; 1939.M. Topsy, b.

Thompson, Nowra,i . 1937 N.S.W. ;bred by —

s. Boshay.358. F IELD , T. A. Dandy, b. g„ aged.301. H EDLEY , Mrs. R. Majestic Lad, b. g„ 1940.* '**?4’ "■'*303. HIRST . H. D. Springmead Rathana, gr. m„

30 : 10 : 44 ; bred by E. E. Hirst, Ingleburn,N.S.W. ; s. Rakib (imp.), d. Thana.

464ft- KELLY , T. H. Esk, br. g., aged.3 6 5 ./KENNEDY, M rs. R. Pegg’s Pet, b. m., 1943.367^ K IN K A DE. ROY. Temptation, blk. g„ aged.405.. KNIGHT-GREGSON. H . Sunray, b. g.308jkj LUCK, A. M Prince, blk. g.

YORKSH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD.— A ll Classes of Insurance Effected. Fire,Workers* Compensation, Crops, Fencing, etc. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Horiei (Continued), Consolation Saddle Horaet.

MoCARTEN, Miss C. Tuppence, (jr. in., 1940; bred by Mungimunhi Stud. Moree, N.S.W. ; s. Scottish Kin);, d. Grey Lass.

McKENZIE, G. K. Khyber, gr. g., 1943. 4»i7p MILES, M r s . M. Rex, b. g.

870. MOORE, Miss N. Gundy, gr. g., aged ; bred by \V. 11 Kurt/. Mudgee, N.S.W. a. H it iv t Spear, d. Ocean Blue.

374. NYE, E. M. Springmead Sequita, dappledbl.-gr. m., 4 : I I : 41 ; bred by E. E. Hirst, Ingleburn, N.S.W. ; s. Rakib (imp. Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d. Springmead Fanny.

375. PEARSON, W. O. Laurie, gr. g., 1040 ; bredby A. S. Wiseman, Bundarra, N.S.W. ; s. Mascotte.

376.H'PENNELL, N., a n d Mrs. Calcutta, blk. g. 3H3. SULLIVAN, M bs. M. Selina, gr. m.3M3A» TOMKINS, L. Sparks, bl.-gr. g., 1942 ; bred

by E. Plummer. Tallawang, N.S.W.387. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Killarney, b . g .

388. WOOD, M k s . A. Dawn, gr. m„ 1839.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion, and Society's Ribbon ; for the best saddle horse, l*-2 hands and over, exhibited. All un­defeated first prize saddle horses In Classes48, 50, 52, 54, 55, and 57, may compete for this prize without entry.

Reserve Champion Society’s Ribbon.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion and the " H. M. Somer Memorial Trophy, value £15 15s., for the best saddle galloway, over

j . 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands, tfC exhibited. All undefeated first prize saddle

galloways in Classes 49, 51, 53, 56, and 58, may compete for this prize without entry.

Reserve Champion Society’s Ribbon. f\fo

CLASS 61 Stock Horse. Equipment will not be Judged. First prize, £8 . second prize, £6 ; third prize, £4 ; fourth prize, £2.

505. ADAMS, M. J i n k Bob, ch., aged.301. ANDREW S, H. V. Kibya, b . g.241. COURT, E. S. Nigger Minstrel, br. g„ 1939;

bred by Estate of W. R. Munro, St. Oeorge, Q'ld.

352. CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H. J . PE R R IN .

367. K INKADE, RO Y . Temptation, blk. g.. aged.418. LAMBERT, K. The Swagman, gr. g., aged.282. McINTOSH, Miss L. Sweetheart, l>. m., 1940 ;

bro il b y e x h ib ito r .

467. MILES, Mrs. M. Rex, b. g.294. MOORE, Miss N. Warrigal, b. g„ 1942 ; s.

Native Spear.299. - PEARSON, W. G. Ben, b. g„ 1940; bred by

— McMaster, Cassilis, N.S.W., s. Binnia Hero.

314. ROBINSON, Miss J ., a n d I). T. DAVIES.Glenvale, gr. g., 1939 ; bred by D. T. Davies, Grahamstown, N .S.W . , s. Gwalia.

508. V SCHMIDT, R. Invictus, br. g.509. SCHMIDT, R. Jo, b. g.381. SMITH, J . Tex, skewbald g., aged.324B. TOMKINS, L. Silver, gr. g„ 1938; bred by

— . Finlay son, Merriwa, N.S.W. ; s. Harcourt.328. WALL, B. R. Pegasus, ch. g.384. WALL, B. R. Scamp, ch. g.331. W ILKINSON, H. R . Major, br. g., aged.510. WOOD, M r s . A. Madge, b. in., aged.611. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Best Wishes, ch. in.

Raglan, gr. g., 1940 ; bred by H. Hayes, Warren, N.S.W.

506. CROUCHER, M k s . A. Brownlock, br. g„aged ; bred by M. Croagan, Duumore, N .S .W .; s. Azara, d. Maida.

353. CROUCHER. M r s . A. Garryowen, br. g., 1939 ;bred by R . Cleary, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. Azara, d. Ladv Betty.

245. CUTTLE, Miss J . S. Master Bruce, b. g.,1943 ; bred by — . Onus, Moree, N.S.W. ; s. Mr. Bruce, d. Gay Princess.

444. F IELD IN G , P. G. Copper, ch . g„ 1937.274. JAGELMAN, M k s . H. Victor, gr. g., aged.276. K ELLY , J . T., a n d G. L. KENNEDY. Pebble,

b. g., 1940 ; bred by N. M. King, Caroda, N.S.W. ; s. Renadine, d. Quinette.

277. K ELLY , Miss P. Blue Gum, br., aged; s.Prodomino, d. Grace. <,

507. KELLY, Miss P. King Care, blk., aged;8. Swift King, d. by Jacare.



Post Entries Only.

Entry Fee—Members and Non-Members, 5s.

Awards In Pair Classes will be disregarded for Con­solation Classes.

CLASS 62 Consolation Lady’s Novice Hack, over14.2 hands. Open to all horses which have competed in a ladles’ novice hack class at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such class. First prize, £3 . second prize, £2. third prize, £1.

CLASS 63 Consolation Lady’s Novice (Calloway) Hack. Open to all galloways, over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands, which have competed In a Lady’s novice hack class at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such class. First prize, £3 . second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1.

CLASS 64 Consolation Novice Hack, over 14.2 bands. Open to all horses which have competed in a novice hack class (lady's novice hack class excepted) at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize In such class. First prize, £3 ; second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1.

CLASS 65 Consolation Novice (Galloway) Hack. Open to all galloways, over 14 hands, and not exceeding 14.2 hands, which have competed In a novice hack class (lady’s novice hack class excepted) at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize In such class. First prize, £3; second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1.

< 1

L IVESTOCK IN S U R A N C E .— Claims pa id prom ptly on Proof of Death .— Y O R K S H IR E

IN S U R A N C E C O ., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmers’ Company.

R.A.S.— 2.

•3>a> * .

Consolation Lady's lo rie s Ha ok.

1* M. Adams Laughter

a* G.L. Alllngham Digms

3. Brown snd Kennedy Gold Dust

4 , Miss A. Campbell HUanma

S. Miss S.M. Carter Roekst

Mias J . Coles Royal Qeorge

7. Mias J .S . C uttle Mastsr Bruoe

8 .^ J . and S. Daly Skipper

9* Danjark Pty. Ltd* Kuhon

10* Denmark Pty. L td . Tempore

11. Mrb. S. Daria Pharos

12.^L* Farley Sunlight

13. D .E .J. Froser M ille r 's Meg

14. Miss M. Gunter My Sateem

13, W. Hyde Mr. Brown

16* W. Hyde Senartra

17. J .E . Look Peter

18. Miss C. MoCarten Shining Hight

19. Misa M. MoIntosk Sweetheart

£0. Miss A. MaoGoun Sorereign

21. Mr a. F. Middle mi as Alabama

22. G.C. M itchell Binaguy

23• iY.M. Northey Prinoe

24. w.G. Pearson Ban

25. iiiss j .a. Prise K ilt ie

W i Mrs. M. S o to rti TeJcah

27 • Miss J . Robinson and D.T. Darias Olenrale

£8. C.B. Ross Mae

29. L . Tomkins Je rfa r

30. L. Tomkins S ilre r

gyys, S i x

Consolation Lady's Noriss (Galloway) Ha ok.

1* M. A Amu i Don Juan

£ . 3 Mrs. J««r« Amory Searlet

3 . I 8 . O a ltn s ll Ido l Boy

4* I .s . Court Buddy

&• L. yarrow Tonioia

6* Mrs. R. Kennedy Pag*a Pat

7* Miaa a* lteoaoun Pepper

8 . -v.O. Poaraon Lauria

9* Mias J . sloan Tony

10* J . Smith Tax

11* L. Tonkins Spark

3 3 e> CLASvS 64.

Consolation Noriee Eack.

1« A lllrij^hflu | fi«L«

2. Box, Mrs. C.

3. Brown an Kenedy

4. C k ittiek , A.R.

5. Coles, M ias J .

6* Cuttle , Miss J .S .

7. Denmark, Pty. Ltd*

8. Danmark Pty. Ltd.

9. Danmark Pty* Ltd.

10. Dario, Lirs. S.

U j Far lay , L.

12. Fraaer, D .S .J.

13. Gunter, llios u .

14. Iiyde, '.V.

15. Hyde,

16. Kinkade, a .

17. Look, J .E .

IB . k o ln to a ii, Mias L.M.

19. M iddleuias, Lira, F.

20. M itohe ll, G.C.

21. KortLey, W.M.

22. f r e a r s o n , v .O .

23. Price, Miss J .A .

24. R o illy , Jm

MQbtiX'Lii, Mr a . 1U

26. Robinson,Mis3 J.andD.T.Daries

27. Ross, C.B.

28. T a it, Mrs. P.O.

29. Tomkins, L.

30. Tomkins, L.

31. v a il, Mrs. B.R.

32. W ilkinson, H.R.3 3 nv=£>

n ^ C G - o o v i ,

5>S , vwss.



Gold Dust


Royal George

Master Bruoe






M iller»s Meg

My Esteem

Mr. Brown









K ilt is

Brazen Lass

T e k a J v ^ ____ _



Eastern i lna


S ilver



V & ' P f •'vi (, V t tl ( 11 • ; /

I V O «<< I i

j S t

Consolation Norits (Oalloway) Bask.

■ 3 Mr a. J . j . Amory

• S. B a ll

JR . Caldwell

2.3. Court

■. L. Farrow

• Mrs. R. Kennedy

• <v.G. Pearson

U J . Smitk

• Smitk

10. L. Tomkins

_______ u ^ a u , e n u n r i ^Continued), Police Horse.


Fire, Accident, Hailstone Workers’ Compensation Motor Vehicle


Rates and Conditions

with the .. .


(Incorporated in New Zealand)


51-57 P I T T S T R E E T


L. F. D O W L IN G,M anager Joe Neu> Sou th W alet

Applications for Agencies invited

where not represented

CLASS 66 Consolation Lady's Hack. Open to all horses, over 14.2 hands, which have com­peted in a lady's hack class class 62 excepted)

J at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such class. First prize, £? ; second prize. £2 ; third prize, £1.

CLASS 67 -Consolation Lady’s (Galloway) Hack. Open to all galloways, over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands, which have competed in a lady's hack class (class 63 excepted) at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such class. First prize, £3 ; second prize, £2 . third prize, £1.

CLASS 68 Consolation 14-stone Hack. For all horses over 14.2 hands, which have competed in a 14-st. hack class at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such class. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £2; third prize, £1.

CLASS 69 Consolation 12-stone Hack. For all horses, over 14.2 hands, which have competed in a 12-st. hack class at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such class. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1.

CLASS 70 Consolation 10-st. Hack. For all horses over 14.2 hands, which have competed in a 10-st. hack class at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize In such class. First prize, £5; second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1.

CLASS 71 Consolation (Galloway) Hack. Open to all galloways, over 14 hands and not exceeding14.2 hands, which have competed in a hack class at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such class. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1.


CLASS 72 (Special Prizes)—Police Horse to be ridden by a New South Wales Mounted Trooper. First prize, £8 ; second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1. Prize money presented by Hotel Grand Central Pty., Ltd., 151 Clarence-st., Sydney. Entry Free.

512. POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLEBAKER). Bill, b. g., 1939 ; bred by J . Dun­ning, Turramurra, Sydney ; 8. Valamita, d. by Mountain Chief.

513. POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLECORCORAN). Once Again, b. g., 1937 ; s.


514. POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLECUNNINGHAM). Tony, b. g., 1937 ; bred by Peel River Land and Mineral Co.. Ltd., Tamworth, N.S.W. ; s. Scarlet Square (imp.).

Show Animals covered for 14 days, including Transit to and from Farm. YO R K SH IREINSURANCE CO., LTD. Office on Ground. Essentially the Farmers’ Office.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s



Sec. 1— HORSES— Police Horse (Continued), Musical Ride, Harness Horses.

POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLE GRAHAM). Rover, b. g., 1936 ; bred by Peel River Land and Mineral Co., Ltd., Tamworth, N .S.W .; s. Searlet Square (imp.).

516. POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLEHAHN). Trump, b. g., 1936; bred by J . C. McWilliam, Goolagong, N.S.W. ; s. Scintillation (imp.).

517. POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLEHOBBS). Millions, b. g.. 1936; bred byF. W . Johnston, Huwx Street, Sydney ; s. Australian Son, (imp,), d. Kanebani.

518. POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLEMcMAHON. Don, b. g.. 1941 ; bred by J . Dunning, Turramurra. Sydney ; s. Winooka.

519. POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLEMOLLOY). Trooper, b. g„ 11*35 ; bred bv Peel River Land and Mineral Co., Ltd., Tamworth, N .S .W .; • s. Llenwern.

520. POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLENELSON). Echo, b. g., 1943 : bred by — . Gordon, Gragiu Pastoral Co., ; s. Bungudeon.

521. I POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLESAW KBS). Desmond, b. g.. 1937 ; bred by Peel River Land and Mineral Co., Ltd., Tamworth, N.S.W. ; s. Searlet Square (imp.).

522 POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLE SHARP). Ronnie, b. g.. 1936 ; bred by Peel Kiver Land and Mineral Co., Ltd.. Tamworth. N.S.W. ; h. Scarlet Square (imp.).

523. POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSTABLE *T WOTTON). Ned, b. g.. IM 7> bead by

Newstead South Pastoral Co.. Warialda, N .S.W . ; s. Garoo.


! - H K


Judge :H. M. War burton,

Merriwa, N.S.W.

Confined to Members of the N.S.W. Police Force.

(Special Prises; £14, presented by Coupland and Waddell Pty., Ltd., Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 17-23 Day-st„ Sydney. First prise, £8 ; second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2. For best display by horse and rider.


Judge ;A. Laidlaw "The H R ,”

Ararat, Vie.

Steward* :N. D. Jonas (Chief) Col. T. E. Irwin J* D. MacLeod R. F. Schmidt H. G. Whiddon J . Angus M. J . Shcagreen

Galloways entered in Class 74 and horses entered in Classes 73, 78, 79, 80, 82, and 83 must be measured by the Official Measurer. No exhibit shall be Judged unless so measured.

The Official Measurer will issue a certificate as to height, and this certificate must be produced to the Steward at the entrance to the juiiging ring. Should a galloway or horse 1*» found by the Official Measurer to be over or under height for the class in which it has Ixnn entered it may Ik' transferred to the corresponding horse, galloway, or pony harness or turnout class. The Official Measure will attend at the Showground on Friday, Saturday, and Monday. 19th, 2<>th, anil 22nd March, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.




A Saddle Horse or a Galloway shall not be eligible to compete in a Harness Horse Class or vice versa. Similarly a Buggy Horse shall not compete In a Sulky Turnout Class or vice versa, not shall a Harness Horse be eligible to compete In a Business Turnout Class or vice versa. These provisions do not apply to PONIES.

A Brood Mare, exhibited in a class for Brood Mares, shall not be permitted to compete In Saddle or Harness Classes, but may be entered in all Stud Classes for which she Is eligible.


An exhibit may be eirtered In all classes for which it is eligible, provided the entry has been made in the usual way.

The former provision concerning Ordinary Classes now applies only to stud classes.

In Turnout Classes sworn declaration as to ownership of horse, vehicle* and harness must accompany cer­tificate of entry. The Society will take legal proceedings against any exhibitor violating this regulation. A similar declaration for Novice Classes, showing that the exhibits comply with the conditions, must also be made.

In all Consolation classes Post Entries only may be made.



Post Entries will close at the main office on the Show- ground at 9.30 a.m. (see exceptions) for day events and 6 p.m. tor night events on the day or night the events are advertised to take place. Where an event is to take place on or before 10 a.m.. Post Entries for such event must be made not later than 5 p.m. on the preceding day. On no consideration will Post Entries be accepted after the time specified.


All horses and galloways must parade as they are shown In their competitive elasses dally. Any exhibitor who falls to parade his horses or galloways shall forfeit all prize money (If any) won by him and be liable to a fine of £5 for each animal not paraded. A special parade of prise winners will be held on a day to be fixed If time permits. Should a horse or galloway be sold prior to the close of the Show, the entrant shall be

L IV E ST O C K IN SU RAN CE— Transit Sea or Rail — A ny Part o f the W orld — Y O R K ­

S H IR E IN S U R A N C E C O ., LTD .





* s





l l l l i i l l f t i l ^ h i l n H l l l l l f

I f a I S'! s 11 i 11 I *: i 5 3113 i t t s 113w >»

3 - £ P* 8 J * 5

J a 5 § aa l l s

r t — - * *

l M i l i ! i ! i l i ! ! i f ! l l l i i l i U l i t


Consolation 12-stone Hack.

1. Box, Mrs. C.

3 2. Daly, J . and E.

3 . D a lye ll, H iss I .

i 4. Dwyer, T.

5. Hyde, W.

6. McLachlan, N.D. & Sor

7. M itche ll, G.C.

8. Northey, W.U.

y 9. Pearson, W.G,

10* R e illy , J .

11. Itobbie, F.

12. Rbbertson, H iss

13. Robinson, Miss J . and D.T. Davies.

14. Ross, C.B.

15. Tomlfins, L .

IS . Tomkins, L .

s u u s ts y

Consolation 10-st, Hack.

Medley.1. Adams, M. Laughter.

Skipper.2. A llen , Miss D. Snip .

Ja f fa .3. Chenhall, Mrs. P. W tllbum .

Noel.4. Constance, Mrs. N. Freckles.

Mr. Brown.n 5 Cullen , J . Blue Gown.

Tim.s . C u ttle , Miss J . Master Bruoe.

Binaguy.; 7. Farley, L . Sun ligh t.

Prince.n 8. Fraser, D .E .J. M iller* s Meg.

Ben.9. Gunter, Miss M. My Esteem,

Loid G i l t .10. H irs t, Mrs. E. Spilnonead Mary

Ranger.11. ■yip, W. Senartra.

Tugela.12. Lock, J ,E . Peter.

Glenvale.13. McIntosh, Miss L . Sweetheart,




McLachlan, N.D. & Sons.

Mackenzie, G.R.

Blue Barney.

Rob Roy.

Je s te r . l i . Peden, W. Rocket.


Consolation (Galloway) Hack.

1. Adams, M. Dor Juan.

<3 2. Amory, Mrs. J . J , S carle t.

3 . B a ll, E, Gay Lad.

» 4. K e lly , T.H. Esk,

5. Kodmedy, Ur3. R. pec's Pet.

6* Luck, A.L'. PriLnce.

J 7. LICLachlan, N.D. & Sons. Blue Barney.

8. M iles, Mrs. M. Rex.

9. Pearson, W, C% Laurie,

10. Smith, J , Dandy,

11, Tomkins, L , Sparic.

S ilv e r .

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1__HORSES— Harn«»» Horiei (Continued).

responsible lor the observance of the Parade Regulations This rule will be strictly enforced.


Exhibit and box numbers will be supplied at the Horse Superintendent's office situated In the Horse Section. On all occasions the exhibit number must be affixed to each horse before entering the ring.


See regulation relative to ownership of horse, vehicle, and harness.


{Special frlxei £5, presented by Mrs. E. M. Moran, ookaburra Refreshment Room, Clydesdale-

t.. Showground, for the Most Successful Exhibitor in Harness Horse and Galloway

’ classes. The priie shall be determined as follows : Each first priie to count as three points, second as two. third as one, and an additional point for Champion and Reserve Champion. The exhibitor gaining the greatest number of points shall be the winner.

CHAMPIONS 1940-41, 1947.

1940 Dairy Farmers’ Co.-op. Milk Co., Ltd.1 \ (Waverley), Mac's Pride (Buggy).

1940 Miss D. W. Roberts, Fusee Sulky).1941 Dairy Farmers' Co-op. Milk Co., Ltd.

(Waverley), Mac’s Pride (Buggy).1941 W. Guy, Victor (Sulky).1942-445 Show abandoned owing to war conditions. 1947 Dairy Farmers’ Co-op. Milk Co., Ltd.

(Waverley), Mac's Pride (Buggy).1947 R. Peace, Prince (Sulky).

CLASS 73 Horse, over 14.2 hands, in Single Harness. First prize, £12; second price, £5 ; third

price, £2.524. HAKEK. H. Flash Paddy, t>. g., 24 : 12 : 39.62S. BALL, E. Sunny, b. g., 1939; 8. Beau-Shae,

d. Linguard.526. BOLLARD , Miss H . Royal, blk. g„ aged ;

bred by J . May, Pitt Town, N.S.W. ; 8. Don Togo, 641, A.S.B.T., d. Lorna May, 848M. A.S.B.T.

527. BULL, M r s . E. Blvck Satin, blk. in., 1P42 ;bred bv exhibitor.

528. D A IR Y FARM ERS CO OP. M ILK CO., LTD.Happy Days, b. g.

529. D IC K IE , B. The Trump, blk. g., aged ; a.Fidential.

530/; DOW D, J ., a n d W. DAVIES. Confident ^ (imp. N.Z.), b. g., 1940 ; 8. Quit* Sure, d.

Bonny Nelson.531.1 EDW ARDS, Miss J . Gay Lad, b. g.. 1940.532. EDW ARDS, Miss J . Some Boy, b. g„ 1941.533. H O K IN , E. J . Halfren Dandy, br.

— : 8 : 41 ; bred by Mrs. D . Roberta, Bowral, A N.S.W. ; 8. Halfren Sensation, d. Milly Lu.

#34.niDOt'K. J . E. Dandy, b. g., bred by — . Blake- Pelly, Bowral, N.S.W. ; 8. 'i ravellerV Last.

535. N.S.W. ERESH FOOD AND ICE CO., uTD.Golden Star, eh. in., aged : bred by . .1. Bambriek, Moolaka. N.S.W.

• P™538. ' PEACE, R. Prince, br. g., aged.

CLASS 74 Galloway, in Single Harness, over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands. First

». price, £10 ; I ond price, £5 . third price, £2.637. > BULL. M r s . E. Miss Woodlands, br. rn., aged. 538. ' DAVIS, M its. E. R . Lady Pompadour, br. m..

aged ; bred by exhibitor : 8. Lord Pompa­dour, 15H, d. Merry Maid.

39. KURTZ, W . H. Fairy, br. m., 1944; 8. Fidential, d. Delorie.

540. M ERRIM AN , L. T. Victory, blk. g„ 1939.

CLASS 75 Horse, in single Harness, to be driven by a lady. First price, £8 ; second price, £4 third price, £2 . fourth price, £1 . fifth price. Society's Ribbon, of the prize money £5 5s. is presented *y Wood Cofflll, Limited, 810 George-st., Sydney.

525. BALL, E. Sunny, b. g., 1939; 8. Beau-Shae, d. Linguard.

626. BOLLARD, Miss H. Royal, blk. g., aged ;bred by J . May, P itt Town, N.S.W. ; s. Don Togo, 641, A.S.B.T., d. Lorna May, 848M, A.S.B.T.

541. BRUCE, L.. a n d B. NEWTON. Gay Lad,gr. g., aged.

527. BULL, M r s . E. Black Satin, blk. in., 1942; bred by exhibitor.

542. D A IR Y FARM ERS' CO-OP. M ILK CO., LTD.(Waverley). Mac’s Pride, b. g.

530.3 DOW D, J „ a n d W. DAVIES. Confident (imp. N.Z.), b. g., 11>40 ; 8. Quite Sure, d. Bonny Nelson.

543. D W Y E R . T. Dainty, b. m„ 1942.544. D W Y E R , T. Prince, blk. g., 1940; bred by

w exhibitor ; 8. Sure Step, d. Agnes.531.* EDW ARDS. Miss J . Gay Lad, b. g„ 1940.582. EDW ARDS. Miss J . Some Boy, b. g., 1941.534. LOCK, J . E . Dandy, b. g., bred by —. Blake-

Pelly, Bowral, N.S.W. ; 8. Traveller’s Last.540. M ERRIM AN , L. T. Victory, blk. g., 1939.535. N.S.W. FRESH FOOD AND ICE CO., LTD.

Golden star, eh. m., aged ; bred by J . H. Bambriek, Moolaka, N.S.W.

636. PEACE, R. Prince, br. g., aged.545. W OODHOUSE, Miss I. Lullaby, gr. *n.. 1941 ; _ , ‘ bred by exhibitor; «. The Shah, d. Slumber.

CLASS 76 Novice Buggy Horse. To be driven in a buggy. For horses which have not won a first, second, or third price in a class for har­ness horses at any previous Royal Show In Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prlxe, £10 ; second price, £*>; third price, £8; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth p>''«, Society’s

524.^ BA K ER . 1’ . Flash Paddy, b. g„ 24:12 : 39.528. D A IR Y FARM ERS’ CO-OP. M ILK CO., LTD.

Happy Days, b. g.48. jDA IRY FARM ERS’ CO-OP. M ILK CO., LTD.

Starlight, b. m.

547. DAVIS, Mrs. F. R . Silver Lock, gr. m., aged.529. D IC K IE , B. The Trump, blk. g., aged ; 8.


Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E C O ., L ID . , 14 S t m g S t , Sydney.— Brandies and Agencies

throughout the W orld . Live Stock, Fire, M arine & Accident.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


530. , DOWD, J ., a n d W . DAVIES. Confident (imp. N.Z.), b. g., 1940; 8. Quite Sure, d. Bonny Nelson.

532. EDW ARDS, Miss J . Some Boy, b. g., 1941. 548. GOW, J. S. O. Dolly, bl.-rn., 1939.548. MEDW AY, J . A. White Socks, br. g„ 1943 ;

bred by H. Baker, Cobbitty, N.S.W. ; 8. Burradoo Pompadour, 24.

CLASS 77— Buggy Horse, In Harness. To be driven in a buggy. First prize, £10; second price, £5 ; third prize, £2.

524. BAKER, H. Flash Paddy, b. g., 24 :12 :39 .526. BOLLARD, Miss H. Royal, blk. g., aged ;

bred by J . May, Pitt Town, N.S.W. ; 8. Don Togo, 641, A.S.B.T., d. Lorna May, 848M, A.S.B.T.

541. BRUCE, L., a n d B. NEWTON. Gay Lad,gr. g., aged.

542. D A IR Y FARM ERS’ CO-OP. MILK' CO., LTD.(Waverley). Mac’s Pride, b. g.

529. D ICK IE , B. The Trump, blk. g., aged ; 8.Fidential.

530. DOWD, J ., a n d W . DAVIES. Confident(imp. N.Z.), b. g., 1940 ; 8. Quite Sure, d. Bonnv Nelson.

544j D W YER , T. Prince, blk. g.. 1940; bred by exhibitor ; s. Sure Step, d. Agnes.

531. EDW ARDS, Miss 3. Cay Lad, b. g„ 1940.532. EDW ARDS. Miss J . Some Boy, b. g., 1941.535. N.S.W. FRESH FOOD AND ICE CO., LTD.

Golden Star, ch. m ., aged ; bred by J . H . Bambriek, Moolaka, N.S.W.

CLASS 78 Buggy Horse, not exceeding 15 hands, in Harness. To be driven in a buggy. First price, £10; second price, £5; third prize,£2.

550. BOLITHO, M r s . N. Star, br. m„ 1941.541. BRUCE, L., a n d B. NEWTON. Gay Lad,

gr. g., aged.546. D A IR Y FARM ERS’ CO-OP. M ILK CO., LTD.

** Starlight, b. m.635. N.S.W. FRESH FOOD AND ICE CO., LTD.

Golden Star, ch. m., aged ; bred by J . H. Bambriek, Moolaka, N.S.W.

645. W OODHOUSE, Miss I . Lullaby, gr. m „ 1941 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. The Shah, d. Slumber.

CLASS 79 Novice Sulky Horse, not under 14.2 hands nor over 15.1 hands. To be driven In a sulky. For horses which have not won a first, second, or third price In a class for harness horses at any previous Royal Show In Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prise, £8 ; second price, £5 | third prise, £2 |' fourth price, £1.A transfer from this class cannot be made should the horse be found by the Official Measurer to be over height.

525. BALL, E. Sunny, b. g., 1939; e. Beau-Shoe, d. Linguard.

527. BULL, M r s . E. Black Satin, blk. m„ 1942;bred by exliibitor.

551. D A IR Y FARM ERS’ CO-OP. M ILK CO., LTD. Victor, b. g.

S*c- 1 HORSES— Harnett Hortet (Continued).

543.2.D W Y ER , T. Dainty, b. m ., 1942.534. LOCK, J . E. Dandy, b. g., bred by — . Blake-

Pelly, Bowral, N.S.W. ; 8. Traveller’s Last. 540. M ERRIM AN, L. T. Victory, blk. g„ 1939.

CLASS 80 Sulky Horse, not under 14.2 hands, nor over 15.1 bands, In Harness. To be driven In a sulky. First prize, £9 ; second prize, £5 ; third prize, £2; fourth prize, £1. A transfer from this class cannot be made should the horse be found by the Official Measurer to be over height.

525. BALL, E. Sunny, b. g., 1939; ». Beau-Siiae, d. Linguard.

527. BULL, M r s . E. Black Satin, blk. m„ 1942 ;bred by exhibitor.

5 5 l// I> A IR Y FARM ERS- C O O P ., M ILK CO.LTD Victor, b. g.

538. DAVIS, M r s . F. R . Lady Pompadour, br. in.,aged ; brtnl by exhibitor ; s. Lord Pompadour, I5H, (1. Merry Maid.

552. lO W Y K R , T. Dainty, b. m„ 1942.553. / IjLVY, A. E. Baden, b. g., aged : s. Longford,

440, A.S.B.T.SM ^tflA T F IE L I), H. Baden, b. g„ aged.534 .4 LOCK, J . E. Dandy, b. g ., bn d by ■—. Blake-

I’elly, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Traveller’s Last. 640. MERRIM AN, L. T. Victory, blk. g„ 1989.536.^ PEACE, R. Prince, br. g., aged.

CLASS 81 -Buggy Turnout. Horse, buggy, and har­ness ; buggies with pneumatic tyres not eligible. First prize, £14 ; second price, £6 ; third prize, £3; fourth prize, £1. Prize

* money presented by “ Mrs. W. J. Stelcer’s I s 2GB Happiness Club,” 136 Phllllp-st., Sydney.

524.<*lRAKEH. H. Flash Paddy, b. g., 24 : 12 : 39.526 BOLLARD, Miss H. Royal, blk. g., aged;

bred by J . May, Pitt Town, N.S.W. ; 8. Don Togo, 641, A.S.B.T., d. Lorna May, 848M, A.S.B.T.

5 2 s £ ^ )A IR Y FARMERS' CO-OP. M ILK CO., LTD. Happy Days, b. g

542»tt)A IR Y FARM ERS’ C O O P . M ILK CO.,. LTD. (W AVERLEY). Mac’s Pride, b. g.

544.1 D W Y ER , T. Prince, blk. g., 1940; bred by- exhibitor; 8. Sure Step, d. Agnes.

531.5 EDW ARDS, Miss J . Gay Lad, b. g., 1940. 532u EDW ARDS, Miss J . Some Boy, b. g., 1941. 5553acOW , J . S. O. star, bl.-m., 12 :8 :44 .535.*£N.S.W. FRESH FOOD A N D ICE CO., LTD.

Golden Star, eh. in., aged : bred by J . H. ft Bambriek, Moolaka, N.S.W’ .

545.J' WOODHOUSE, Miss I. Lullaby, gr. m„ 1941 ;bred by exhibitor ; 8. The Shah, d. Slumber.

CLASS 82 Sulky Turnout. Horse, not under 14.2 hands nor over 15.1 hands, sulky, and harness. First price, £10; second price, £5; third prise, £2 ; of which £5 5s. Is presented by the Queensland Insurance Co. Ltd., 80 Pltt-st., Sydney.

525. BALL, E. Sunny, b. g., 1939; s. Beau-Shae, d. Linguard.

558. BRANDT, G. Jack, b. g„ 1941.527. BULL, M r s . E. Black Satin, blk. m., 1942;

bred by exhibitor.

Live Stock Insured— Lowest Rates— Liberal Conditions. Y O R K S H IR E IN SU RA N C E

C O ., LTD ., 14 Spring St., Sydney.


m ir r o r

More people read the Daily Mirror than any other evening paper be­cause the Daily Mirror it first tcith the netvs and presents it in impartial

and easy-to-read form.

For the neivs to-day and every day, read the Daily



In 5 Stairs o f Australia over 8(H),(MM) copies of Truth are sold each week — a hundred thousand more than any other National publication.

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Enjoy Truth each Sunday.

V i s i t C O L E

551. I

Sec. 1— HORSES— Harness

D A IR Y FARM ERS’ CO-OP. M ILK CO., L Victor, b. g.

538. DAVIS, M r# . F. K. Lady Pompadour, hr.aged ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Lord Pompad 15H. (I. Merry Maid.

552. D W Y ER , T. Dainty, b. n>., 1942.

554. HATFIELD, H. Baden, b. g., aged.

C o n s o l a t i o n S u l k y H o r s e , n o t

u n i o r 1 4 . 2 h a n d s n o r o v e r 1 5 * 1 h a n d s .

1 . B a l l , M r s . I .

2* M o r r ln a n , L ,T

K L u o k S a t i n *

T L o to r y .

CLASS 83 Lady's Turnout. Horse to be overhands. To be driven and owned by a lauy, who must be the exhibitor. To be judged for general neatness, appearance, and sound­ness. First prize, £10; second prize, £5; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize. Society’s Ribbon.

5 2 6 //BOLLARD. Miss H . Royal, blk. g., aged ;bred by J . May, P itt Town, N.S.W. ; s. Don Togo, 641, A.8 .B.T., <1. Loma May, N48M, A.S.B.T.

5273 BULL. M r s . E. Black Satin, blk. in., 1942; bred by exhibitor.

53 lJ?E D W A RD S , Mims J . Gay Lad, b. g„ 1940.

532. EDW ARDS, Miss J . Some Boy, b. g., 1941.

545. / W OODHOUSE, Miss I. Lullaby, gr. m , 1941 ; bred by exhibitor; s. The Shah, d. Slumber.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion and the “ John McMahon ” Mt.norial Cup, value £5 5s., for the best Buggy Horse to be driven on the ground ; each horse to be shown in the same buggy in which it was shown in its individual class. All first prize buggy horses in Classes 76, 77, and 78, may compete for this prize without entry. Cup presented by Mr. P. J. Shesgreen, 38 Cowper-st., Rand- wick, Sydney.

Reserve Champion Society's Ribbon.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion for the best Sulky Horse or Galloway to be driven on the ground. Each horse to be shown in the same sulky in which It was shown In Its individual class. All first prize sulky horses in Classes 73, 74, 75, 79, and 80 may compete for this prize without entry.

Reserve Champion Society’s Ribbon.



Post Entries Only.

Entry Fee— Members and Non-Members, 5s.Awards in Pair Classes will be disregarded for Con­

solation Classes.

CLASS M Consolation Buggy Horse. To be driven In a buggy. For horses which have competed in a class for buggy horses at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such classes. First prize, £5; second prize, £2; third


prize, £1.

Judge :K . MeK. Duncan.

“ Fiockbart,”

Marion, N.Z.

StAmrdti :E. S. Playfair (Chief) N. Reading J . Angus J . Barnes J . Downes

Ponies entered in the following classes must be measured by the Official Measurer. No exhibit shall be judged unless so measured.

Ladies and gentlemen may ride in tho Saddle Pony Classes.

The Official Measurer will issue a certificate as to height, and this certificate must is> produced to tho Steward at the entrance to the judging ring. Should a pony l>e found by the Official Measurer to bo over or under height for tho class in which it has been entered it may Ih> transferred to a corresponding pony or horse saddle class. The Official- M 'usurer will attend at the Showground on Friday and Saturday, 19th and 20th March, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

In all Consolation classes Post Entries only may be made.


E— -Ti



Post Entries will close at the main office on the Showground at 9.30 a.m. (see exceptions) for day events and 5 p.m. for night events on the day or night the events are advertised to take place. Where an event Is to take place on or before 10 a.m., Post Entries for such event must be made not later than 5 p.m. on the preceding day. On no consideration will Post Entries be accepted after the time specified.


All horses must parade as they are *hown in their competitive classes dally. Any exh.oitor who fails to parade his horses shall forfeit all prize money (if any) won by him and be liable to a fine of £5 for each animal not paraded. A special parade of prize winners will be held on a day to be fixed if time permits. Should a horse be sold prior to the close of the Show, the entrant shall be responsible for the observance of the Parade Regulations.

This rule will be strictly enforced.


An exhibit may be entered in all classes for which It is eligible, provided the entry has been made In the usual way.

The former provision coneerning Ordinary Classe* now applies only to Stud Classes.


S H IR E IN SU R Aranait Sea or

C E CO ., LTD.Rail — A ny Part of the W orld — Y O RK -

TTie Farmers’ Company.




More people read tne Daily Mirror than any other evening paper be­cause the Daily Mirror it first with the news and presents it in impartial

and eaty-to-read form.

For the news to-day and every day, read the Daily


In 5 Stoics of Australia over 8(M),(MM) copies of Truth are sold cach week — a hundred thousand more than any other National publication.

This outstamling success re­sults from Truth's fearless reporting of the events of the week, its unexcelled sporting neics and features, and its au then tic F in a n c ia l and Market news.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Harness

551. D A IR Y FARM ERS’ CO-OP. M ILK CO., Victor, b. g.

538. DAVIS, Mks. F. R. Lady Pompadour, br. in., aged ; bred by exhibitor ; ». Lord Pompadour, 15H, d. Merry Maid.

552 D W Y E R , T. Dainty, b. in., 1942.

554.' HATFIELD, H. Baden, b. g., aged.

CLASS 83 Lady’s Turnout. Horse to be over 14.2 hands. To be driven and owned by a lady, who must be the exhibitor To be Judged for general neatness, appearance, and sound­ness. First prize, £10; second prize, £5; third prize, £2 : lourth prize, Society’s Ribbon.

5 2 0 BOLLARD , Miss H. Royal, blk. g., aged;bred by J. May, Pitt Town, N.S.W. ; s. Don Togo, 641, A.8.B.T., d. Lorna May, H48M, A.S.B.T.

5273 BULL. Mrs. E. Black Satin, blk. m„ 1942; bred by exhibitor.

531JJE D W A K D S , Miss J . Gay Lad, b. g„ 1940.

532. EDW ARDS, Miss J . Some Boy, b. g.. 1941.

545.1 W OODHOUSE. Miss I. Lullaby, gr. m„ 1941 ; bred by exhibitor; s. The Shah, d. Slumber.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion and the “ John McMahon ’’ Memorial Cup, value £5 5s., tor the best Buggy Horse to be driven on the ground ; each horse to be shown in the same buggy in which it was shown in its individual class. All first prize buggy horses in Classes 76, 77, and 78, may compete for this prize without entry. Cup presented by Mr P. J. Shesgreen, 38 Cowper-st., Rand- wiek, Sidney.

Reserve Champion- Society’s Ribbon.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion for the best Sulky Horse or Galloway to be driven

K < on the ground. Each horse to be shown in the same sulky in which !t was shown in Its individual class. All first prize sulky horses in Classes 73, 74, 75, 79, and 80 may compete for this prize without entry.

Reserve Champion Society’s Ribbon.



Post Entries Only.

Entry Fee- Members and Non-Members, 5s.Awards in Pair Classes will be disregarded for Con­

solation Classes.

CLASS 84 - Consolation Buggy Horse. To be driven in a buggy. For horses which have competed in a class for buggy horses at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such classes. First prize, £$ ; second prize, £2; third pri*c , « . y .

i Q :

vluss bo Consolation Sulky Horse, not under 14.2 hands nor over 15.1 hands. To be driven in a sulky. For horses which have competed in a class for sulky horses at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize, in such classes. First prize, £3 ; second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1.


Judge :K. M<K. Duncan.

“ Flockhart,” Cliff-rd.,

Murton, N.Z.

ISttUxird* :E. S. Playfair (Chief) N. Reading •I. Angus J . Barnes J. Downes

Ponies entered in the following classes must be measured by tiie Official Measurer. No exhibit shall be judged unless so measured.

Ladies and gentlemen may ride in tho Saddle Pony Classes.

The Official Measurer will issue a certificate as to height, and this <-ertiticate must Is" produced to tho Steward at the entrance to tho judging ring. Should a pony 1*' found by the Official Measurer to lie over or under height for the class in which it has beon entered it may be transferred to a corresponding pony or horse saddle class. The Official Measurer will attend at the Showground on Friday and Saturday, 19th and 20th March, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

In all Consolation classes Post Entries only may be made.



Post Entries will close at the main office on the Showground at 9.30 a.m. (see exceptions) for day events and 5 p.m. for night events on the day or night the events are advertised to take place. Where an event is to take place on or before 10 a.m., Post Entries for such event must be made not later than 5 p.m. on the preceding day. On no consideration will Post Entries be accepted after the time specified.


All horses must parade as they are shown in their competitive classes dally. Any exhibitor who fails to parade his horses shall forfeit all prize money (If any) won by him and be liable to a fine of £5 for each animal not paraded. A special parade of prize winners will be held on a day to be fixed if time permits. Should a horse be sold prior to the close of the Show, the entrant shall be responsible for the observance of the Parade Regulations.

This rule will be stnetly enforced.


An exhibit may be entered in all classes for which it Is eligible, provided the entry has been made in the usual way.

The former provision concerning Ordinary Classes now applies only to Stud Classes.

L IV E S T O C K IN SU RA N CE— -Transit Sea or

S H IR E IN SU R A N C E C O ., LTD .Rail — A ny Part o f the W orld — Y O RK -

The Farmers’ Company.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sm . 1— HORSES— Saddle

EXHIBIT NUMBERS.Exhibit and box numbers will be supplied at the

Horse Superintendent's office situated In the Horse Section. On all occasions the exhibit number must be affixed to each horse before entering the ring.

CHAMPIONS, 1940-41, 1947.1940 Miss M. Sheil, Gloaming.1941 No championship awarded.1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions. 1947 C. H. Perry, Majestic.

CLASS 86 Novice Saddle Pony, over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands. For all ponies which have not won a first, second, or third prize In a class for saddle ponies at any previous Royal Show in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £6 : second prize, £4 . third prize, £2 . fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize. Society’s Ribbon.

i ' y r I K557. •/ASHTON. O. Arrogance, gr. in., 1943; bred

rf by A. Taber, Menangle, N.S.W. ; ft. Zadaran(Vol. 6, A.H.S.B.), d. Inky.

558. BAIRD , Miss K. Sally, br. rn., 1 0 :8 :4 3 ;br<«d by J . A. Tink. G<>nri«\ N.S.W.

559. BARNES, A. L„ a n i» Mrs. Junior, br. g„1939; bred by — . Grey, Greenethorpe, N.S.W. : h. Little Gem, d. by Traveller.

560. BARTRAM. Mrh. H. Mister, b. g„ 1943.63. BATHIS, H . Shallmar, Vol. 4. gr. m.. 1937;

bred by M ik . E. Brady, Wollongong, N.S.W. ;

s. Ointv, 311, d. Polly.561. BRADSTREET. M is s ' W. Laddie, ch. g„

1940.562. BROW N a n d K EN N ED Y . Gay Lad. gr. g„

1942; bred by A. Fisher, Orange, N.S.W .;

h, Newpeck.563. BULL, M r s . E. Golden, ch. in.. 1943; bred

bv exhibitor ; s. Woodland* Hadj. d. Valcello. 564^'teYRNE, Miss B. Hero, ch. g.565. -CLARKE, M r s . L. S., a n d D. W HITE. Royal

J®ster, ch. g., 1944 ; bred by J . Laugheed, St. Amaud, Vic. ; s . Roval Top, d. Black

Mat.566. CLINCH, M r s . N. M e . Boxer, sk ew ba ld g .,

194(1.567. CONDON. C. Dusty Guy, b. g„ 1 :1 :3 9 . 566. U’ULLEY. C. N. Mexico, g.569. TJESA1LEY a n d SUTHERLAND. Slumber,

or. g., 1944 ; bred by C. Burgess.570. DUNNING, j . Special, b. g.. 1940; bred by

H. Neely, Moss” Vale, N.S.W. ; s. Macli, d. by Little Jim .

571. DW YER, T. Silver Bell, gr. m.. 1942.572. EVANS, A. Brown Sugar, br. in., 1942; bred

by — . Small, Camden, N.S.W.573. FREDER ICK . Miss P. Lullaby, b. in.. 1940;

bred by G. Drewe, Bowral. N.S.W.574. FREEMAN, liss I Grey Boy, gr. g„ 1939.575. GARVIN. M r s . M . M Gold Stream, cr. g.,

1942; bred by P. McKenzie, Ariah Park, N.S.W. ; ». Little Jim , d. Jean.

•76. GILMORE. H. Lady Grey, gr. in.. 1939.577. HEDLEY. M r s . R. Silver Chief, gr. g„

1940; s. Silver King, d. Little Dot.

Ponies (Continued),y f m

ST«. H o lm e s . M is s W. M. Golden Emblem,cr. in., aged ; bred by F. Bowden, Vic. ; s. Silver Lyn, d. by Pearlyn.

579. HORDERN , Miss S. Kerry, hr. g., aged.580. JAGELMAN, M r s . H. Jeep, gr. g., aged ;

s. Mark. d. Peggy.581. JAM IESON , R. Mischief, b. g.. 1944.582. K E LLY , T. H . Kildare, gr. g.. aged.583. McKAY, K., a n d M r s . Royal Lady, cr. m. ;

bred bv exhibitors.584. McLACHLAN, N. D., a n d SONS. Dandy,

b.585. MAY, K. J . Goldie, ch. rn„ 27 : 10: 45;

bred by R. May, Narrabeen, Sydney ; h. Danny Boy, d. Bonnie.

586. M ILLS. M r s ' I. Rua Hinnl, b. m„ 1941.587. M U RRA Y , P. J . Dandy John, b. g„ 1938.588. PALMER, D. C. Flash, piebald in., 1945 ;

bred by Mrs. — . Hughes, Glen Innes, N.S.W.589. PALMER, D. C. Tony, hr. g., 1943; bred

by Mrs. P. G. Tait, Gobarralong, N.S.W. ; a. Jalengla Wee Jim , d. Jenny Lee,

590. PARKKR, J . Tony, b. g„ 1939.591. PASCOE, Miss J . Rex, b. g., aged.592. POTTER. M r s . K. Cham, blk. g.593. R IG B Y , M ks . E. Grey Timothy, gr. g.594. R IX O N , M r s . N. Mystery, gr. g.. 15 : 10 : 41 ;

bred by exhibitor.595. RYAN , R. M. Gai Radium, blk. m„ 1944;

s. Radium Plains.596. SEYM OUR WELLS, Miss A. Clover, hr. in..

aged.597. SHARP. M r s . E. Blue Tray, gr. g„ 1941 ;

bred by J . Gilroy, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. Riiouarotti, d. Sally.

598. SHAW, J . R. Peter Radium, ch. g„ s. MasterRadium.

599. STEWART, I>. Lettle, ch. m„ 1938 ; bred byT. C. Stewart, Bombala, N.S.W. ; ». Silver Diamond, d. Betty.

600. STOCKS, J . O. Meggs, ch. m.601. SW ADLING, A. Prince, gr. g., 1940.602. TAGAR, M rs . R. Billy, b. g„ 1942.603. THACKERAY, C. M. Flight, b. in.. 1941 ;

bred by Miss D. M. Swanston, Coolah, N.S.W.604. THltOSBY, Miss D. H. O. Melodee, blk. i»„

aged.605. W ARHY, R . Brasso, ch. g.. 1941.606. WOOD, M r s . A. Belle, br. in., 1942.

* % 1 r, n

CLASS 87 Novice Saddle Pony, over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands. For all ponies which have not won a first, second, or third prize in a class for saddle ponies at any previous Royal Show in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £6 . second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, Society’s Ribbon.

607. U rN O L D , H. A. Sid, dpl. gr. g„ — : 10 : 41. •08. ASHTON, G. Ricko, ch. g„ 1940.609. BATHIS. W. Jason, gr. g.. 1942.610. BENNETT. E. Fairy Gold, cr. m„ 1943 ; bred

by W. Dean, Baimsdale, Vic. ; s. Wee Dandy. •11. a BEV ER IDG E , A., a n d M r * . Commodore,

sV rn. and w. g., 1942.

LIVESTOCK INSURED on the Ground by the Y O RK SH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD.,at its Office there.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y St





1 XBOLTON, M is s p. 1 :. BUTl’H ARD , MissB.


Sec. 1 HORSES Saddle Pon.r. (Continued)

». .. Lexle, gr. 111., 644.’ WOOTTON, M r s . F. Churchill, b. g., 1941;............. Snip, blk. g., 1941 ; bred bred by exhibitor; d. Lorna.

by J Mangold. Hundanoon, N.S.W. CLASS 88 Novice Saddle Pony, over 12.2 hands andCALDW ELL, R . F. Dee Why, b. g„ 1941 — * ----"" ‘

Rutherglen's Pride, ch. m.Bonnie M a n .

CAMPBELL, A. J8 . Honey B<"e. d . Bonnie M ary

CHAPMAN, M r s . K . Boots, gr. g COATES, E. Stardust, hr. in., 1942;

. Bell ; •. Bonnie Jim .

1940. bred by




If v

A*i v




641.642. 643

___ COLES, Miss JU D IT H . Starlight, b. g.W619.£tT)W LING, A. 1.. Basso, br. g., 1938; s.


CRAW LEY, N. W . Cracker Jack, blk. g„ 1936. DESA ILEY a n d BA ILEY , Queen of Carnival,

cr. in., 28 : 9 : 44 ; bred by L. Burge, Col- binabhin, Vic. ; s. Silver Locks, <1. Cobby.

GENFORD , .1. Royal Prince, b. g., aged bred by A. W. Dennis, Dunn's C'r<M*k. N.S.W.

GREGORY’, J . M. Eric, b. g., 1940; lm-d by l ’aton Bros.

HEALY, Mins JU D IT H Baron, blk. g„ 1939. HIRST, E. E. Springmead The Honourable,

931, b. in., 8 : 11 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor; s. RaVib (imp.— Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d. Spring- mead Pamela, 253.

HOLMES. Miss W . M. Donnie, b. g„ 1940;bred by D. Lindsay, Oirral, N.S.W.

IR W IN , Miss E. Lady Warrell, br. in., 1940; bred by J . Jefferies, Tamworth, N.S.W. ; 8. Bonnie Bruce.

JO LLY , R. W. Miss Powder Puff, 803, b in., 12 : I I : 42 ; bred by Miss I Woodhouse, Campbelltown, N.S.W. ; s. Cedric, d. White- nose, 272.

KELLY . J . T„ a n d G. L. KENNEDY. Micky Mouse, ch. g.. 1935.

KNIGHT-GREGSON, Miss M. L. Lowlynn Sunrise, cr. g., 1941 ; bred by exhibitor, s. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Midnight, 798.

LOMAS, W . Rigel, blk. g„ 1940.McLEAN. M r s . C. M. Berrima Witchery, 357,

b. m., 9 : 10 : 36 ; bred by Miss J . L. McLean, Burradoo, N.S.W. ; a. Traveller’s Joy 2nd, 102. d. Magic, 154.

MADDEN. M r s . F. Tony, b. g., 1944. MOORE, G. Aristocrat, b. g„ 1943.PA RK ER , E. Trimmer, b. g„ 1939. PEARSE, M r s . F. W . Dapper, skewbald g.,

1940.PEARSE, M r s . F. W. Timothy, blk. g.. 1937. PENNELL, N., a n d M r s . Dick Whittington,

gr. g.POOLE, Miss B. M. K. Rafferty, b. g.. 1938. R IG LEY , M r s . I. A. Prince, ch. g., 1939. SHAW, J . R . Santa Radium, ch. g., s. Master

Radium, d. Lady Santa. jSHEPHERD , S. Chilly Wind, b. g„ 1940.

SHUTTLEW ORTH, M r s . K. Verda, blk. in., 1940 ; bred by J . Watkins, Bargo, N .S .W .;8. The Verderer (imp.), d. Lady Lee.

SMITH. Mrs. G. Letty, cr. m., 1944 ; bred by J . C. Maslin. Bombala. N.S.W.

STONE. D. Lady Flashlight, gr. m. SW ADLING, A. Silver, dpl-gr. g., aged. W E IR . Miss P. Bay Lass, b. m„ 1940; bre<










Vir « ;s













not exceeding 13 hands. For all ponies which have not won a first, second, or third prize in a class for saddle ponies at any previous Royal Show in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £6 ; second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, Society's Ribbon.

ADAMS, Mrs. M. Little Mutt, ch. g„ 1939; lin'd b^ P. Miller. Scone, N.S.W.

ARNOLD, H. A. Don, ch. g„ — : 11 :40 ; bn il by P. Hogan, Donald, Vic. ; s. Aathon’s Silver, d, bv Roseworthy.

BENNETT M r s . M . Lady Lightning, gr. in .; s. Wee ( ioorgie.

BOW ER. Mm*. G. Dandy, b.g.B I NS, E. A. Tony, gr. g.COLES, Miss JU D IT H . Ibn Star, b. m.. 1944 ;

s. Ihn IWIween, (1. Lucky Star.CONSTANCE M r s N. Mischief, h. in.,

2 : 10 : 37 ; bred by W. E. Constance, Adaminaby, N.S.W. ; s. Silver Diamond, 87, d. Miss Brownie.

COW LIN i. A. L. Glen Iris, hr. m„ 1944 ; bred by E. Bill, Ooulbum, N .S .W .; s. Glen Margarn, 37, <1. Betty.

CROUCHER, M r s . A. Cralgie, b. g.C. McGlinchey, Jamberoo, N.S.W.Azara. d. Spark.

DESA ILEY a n d B A ILEY , Chamois,1945.

ELVY, A. E. SilverEM ERY, Miss R. M.

ch. m., 23 : 10 : 43 ;Azara, d. Zola, 961.

FELL, M. H. Flicker,Burradoo Leo. 153.

GENFORD, J . Royal Prince, b. g., aged ;bred by A. W. Dennis, Dunn’s Creek. N.S.W.

GORDON. M. Prince Tony, b. g., 1941

bred by s. Bobby

Royal, taffy (?., 1941. Emeroon Zare'en, 696, bred by exhibitor; s.

b. 8 : 43 ; s.

HALES. M r s . L. Coffee, blk. g„ 1939. HEALY, M is s JU D IT H Punch, br. g. .1939. IR W IN , M is s E. Grey Dawn, hi. in., 1943 ;

bred by E. Randall, Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Bonnie Bruce.

LOANEY, M r s . H. A. Saxon Prince, b. g., aged. LOGAN, M r s . W. N. Chubby, gr. g., 1943 ;

bred by Pye Bros., Boggabri, N.S.W. ; s. Burradoo Leo, 153.

M c C a r th y , j . Judy, ch. m., 19 4 3 .McLEAN, Mrs. C. M. Burradoo Bonnie, 368,

gr., 1 : 11 : 39 ; bred by exhibitor j s. Burradoo Rex, 25. d. Burradoo Black Beautv, 74.

MAHER, Miss B. Silver King, gr. g. , ___ PACKER, F. A. Prince, gr. f t J rv . *> W/- 6 /666. SEPPING, M r s . F. Whisky, dpl-gr. g . ;

bred by exhibitor ; s. Prince, d. Nellie.667. SI’KNCK, M k s . A Rex, br a . ____ i—668. STEWART D M lu M, io n .

I .—..1 1 --




D. ,bred by T. C

Dandy, d.d lf 669. TAYLOR. M r s . K

) W OOLLEY . M is s I .

1941 ;’N.S.W.

- 'r J kMiss MuffeU n. m..Stewart, Bombala,


Rex. A t *■Blue Bonny, gr. g., 1941.*• * i


i t - * "

In F*al Mares. 30 days from act of Foaling o a l2 months* Y O R K S H IR E IN SU RA N C E

CO ., LT D ., Yorkshire House, 14 Spring 9 ^ . Sydney. The Farmers' Com

. T > , 4 * + - * ' * *

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y St o r e s


f f a s t1 — HORSES— Saddle P o W i ( Continued).


Still Serving . . .

. . . in Peace as in War




T he first s h ip m e n t of T a s m a n ia n

Po ta toes to S y d n e y w a s m a d e 117

y e a r a g o .

For the convenience of patrons

HOT CHIPPED POTATOESwill be available from our Pavilions In

DENMAN Road(Opp. Royal Hall of Industries)


Cnx. Bent and Palace Streets(Facing Martin & Argus Stand)

during the Show.



CLASS 89 Novice Saddle Pony, over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands. For all ponies which have not won a first, second, or third prize in a class for saddle ponies at any previous Royal Show to Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brlsvme. A statutory

V declaration to this effect to *<e made. First prize, £6 . second prize, £4; third prize, £2; fourth prize, £1; fifth prize, Society's Ribbon.

81. ARNOLD , H . A. Kilty (Pickering’s) Vol. 4,dpl-pr. in., —-: 10 : 40 j bred by G. Pickering, Watchem, Vic. ; s. Silver Hells.

648. HOWKK, Mks. (i. Dandy, b. p.671. CHITTICK, A. R. Robin, b. p., 1942.672. CONSTANCE, Mks. N. Sonny Boy, pr. p.,

aped ; bred by R. Webster. Goulbum, N.S.W. ; s. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Blue Jay.

673. COW LING, A. L. Rosaliea, pr. in., 1940;bred by exhibitor ; 8. Marquis, 57, fl. Rosie.

674. H EALEY, K. Azara Glow light. b. in.,— : 11 : 42 ; bm l by M. Creapan, Dunmore, N.S.W. ; s. Bobbie Azara, 2H4, <1. Fidpet.

675. H EALEY , K Lady Gwen, eh. m„ — : 11 : 42 ;bnsl by Miss I). W. Swanston, Cooiah, N.S.W. ; s. Master .Inker, 180.

85. KNIGHT-GREGSON, Miss M. L. Lowlynn Vanity, 788, br. in., 1 3 :9 : 43; bred by exhibitor ; s. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Powder Puff. 890.

676. M URPH Y, C. A. Lady Betty, eh. in., 1942;bred by T. C. Stewart, Bombala, N .S.W , ; h. Silver Diamond, <1. Betty. '

677. NICHOLAS, B. Tojo, br. p.. 1943.678. PYE , Miss S. E. Mighty Mouse, br. p.679. SWANN, R . Gilda, b. m.

M S . C l <70

CLASS 90 Novice Saddle Pony, not exceeding 12 hands. For all ponies which have not won a first, second, or third prize, in a class for saddle ponies at any previous Royal Show in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £6; second prize, £4; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, Society’s Ribbon.

680. ABNOLD, H. A. Tim, b. p.. — : 10 : 41. 6817 ASHTON. G. Dodger, pr. p., 1941.682. COW LING , A. L. Blue Rock, gr. p., 1943 ;

bred by — . Sawyer, Taralpa, N.S.W . ; s. Prince Geary, 75, d. Tessie.

ELLW OOD, P. Peter Pan, b. p ., aped ; s.

Banjo.oo*». GORDON, M. Queen Bess, b. in., 1941.68S .f JOHNSON, J . P. Judy, gr. in., 1937 ; bred

J by M. J . Kearins, Murringo, N.S.W . ; s. Marquis.

JO L L Y , R. W. Little Eva, 778, pr.. — : 12 ‘ 40 ; bred by E. J . Chavaasc. Bentleigh, Vic. ; s. Dandv, d. Midpe, 436.

KNIGHT-GREGSON, Miss M. L. Lowlynn Silver Dawn, 787, pr. in., 1 3 :9 :4 3 ; bred by exhibitor ; 8. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Mid­

night, 798.McLEAN, M r s . C. M. Burradoo Dolly, 370,

br. m ., 1 :1 1 : 40; bred by exhibitor; s. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Little Nell. 148.






Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E C O ., LTD . — Claims paid by the Com pany exceed

£56 ,000 ,000 . Insurances effected on Live Stock up to any sum.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y St o r e s


Sec. I — HORSES Saddle Ponies (Continued).

687. PARKER . E. Squib, er. p., 1939.97. ROSE, C. M. Magellan Frolic, 792, hr. m .,

5 : 11 : 44 ; bred by exhibitor ; 8. Koseie, 172, d. Mount Gilead Mouse, 835.

688. SEPPING, Mrs. F. Renalyn Gaiety, dpl-pr. p.,bred by A. R. Poolrnan. Rooty Hill, N.S.W. ; 8. Whynot, 105, d. Milton Bluebell 162.

689. SMITH, H. J . Cobber, b. p., 1942; bred byJ . R. Smith, Bowral, N.S.W. ; *. Flashlight

. 1 2nd, 35, d. Tibbie.690rfs\VADLING, A. Sllverbell, skewbald g„ 1944.

691. TUNKS, Miss V. Silent Tom, rn. g.. 1944 : bred by F. Watson, Camden, N.S.W.». Silver, d. Littje Vera.

CLASS 91 Lady's Saddle Pony, over 13.2 tiands and not exceeding 14 hands, to be ridden by a lady. First prize, £ 6 ; second prize, £ 4 . third prize, £2; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, Society’s Ribbon. Should the pony be found by the Official Measurer to be over height, It may be transferred to a lady’s hack class.

692. ARNOLD, II. A. Grey Lady, dpl-pr. m.,— : 10 : 39 ; bred by G. Young, Warrack- nabeal, Vic. ; s. Don Lionel.

557, ASHTON, G. Arrogance, pr. m., 1943 ; bred by A. Taber. Menanple, N.S.W. ; s. Zodaran (Vol. 6, A.H.S.B.), d. Inky.

559. BARNES, A. L„ a n d M r s . Junior, br p.,1939; bred by — . Grey, Greem thorpe, N.S.W. ; a. Little Gem, d by Traveller.

693. BARTRAM, M r s . H. Cinderella, pr. rn., 1938.560. BARTRAM. M r s . H. Mister, b. p ., 1943.*53. BATH IS. H. Shalimar, Vol. 4. pr. in., 1937 ;

bred by Mrs. E. Rrady, Wollongonp, N.S.W. ; s. G inty, 311. d. Polly.

561. BRADSTREET, Miss W . Laddie, ch. g., 1940.562. BROWN an i> K ENNEDY . Gay Lad, pr. p.,

1942 ; bred by A. Fisher, Oranpe, N .S.W .;

564. BYRN E? Misks B. Hero, eh. p.565. CLARKE, M r s . L. S.. a n d D. W HITE. Royal

Jester, eh. p., 1944 ; bred by J . Laupheed, St. Amaud, Vic. ; s. Royal Top, d. Black Mat.

566. CLINCH, M r s . N. M e . Boxer, skew ba ld g.,1940.

567. CONDON, C. Dusty Guy, b. p., 1 :1 : 39. fiti*; < l'LLE Y . C. N. Mexico, p.65. DESA ILEY a n d B A ILE Y . Queen of Sheba,

cr. in., 1939 ; bred by L. Landale, D?niliquin, a N.S.W. ; 8. Port Nelson, d. Creamy.

569A DESAILEY a n d SUTHERLAND. Slumber, cr. p., 1944 ; bred by C. Bu’pess.

570. DUNNING, J . Special, b. p., 1940; bred byH. Nealy, Moss Vale, N.S.W. ; 8. Mack, d. by Little Jim .

571. DW YER , T. Silver Bell, gr. m., 1942.

573. FRED ER ICK , Miss P. Lullaby, b. m., 1940;bred by G. Drewe, Bowral, N.S.W.

575. GARVIN , Mrs. M. M. Gold Stream, cr. g.,1942 ; bred by P. McKenzie, Ariah Park, N.S.W. ; 8. Little J im , d. Jean.

576. G ILM ORE, H. Lady Grey, gr. m „ 1939.

694. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Miss Muffet, gr. m„aged.













HORDERN , Miss S. Kerry, br. g., aged.JAM IESON, R. Mischief, b. g., 1944.K E LLY , T. H. Kildare, gr. g., aged.McKAY, K., a n d Mrs. Royal Lady, cr. m. ;

bred by exhibitors.MAY. K. J . Goldie, eh. in., 27 : 10 : 45 ; bm l

by R. May, Narrabeen, Sydney ; 8. Danny Hov, <1. Bonnie.

MILLS, M r s . I. Rua Hinni, b. in. 1941.

M U RRA Y, 1’. J . Dandy John, b. g„ 1938.PALMER, I). C. Flash, piebald m., 1945;

lin'd by Mrs. . Hughes. Glen Innes, N.S.W.PALM ER, D. C. Tony, br. g„ 1943; bred by

Mrs. P. G. Tait, Gobarralong, N.S.W. ; s. Jalenga Woe Jim , d. Jenny Lee.

POTTER, M rs. K. Cham, blk. g.SEVMOUR-WELLS, Miss A. Clover, br. in.,


SHARP, Mrs. E. Blue Tray, pr. p.. 1941; bred by J. Gilroy, Wollonponp, N.S.W. ; 8. Buonarotti, d. Sally.

SHAW, J . R. Peter Radium, ch. g., s. Master Radium.

STEWART, D. Lettle, eh. m., 1938; bred by T. C. Stewart, Bombala, N.S.W. ; s. Silver Diamond, d. Betty.

STtX’KS, J. O. Meggs, ch. m.TAGAR, Mrs. R . Billy, b. p., 1942.THACKERAY, C. M. Flight, b. m„ 1941;

bred by Miss D. M. Swanston, Cooiah, N.S.W.

THROSBY, Miss D. 11. O. Melodee, blk. in., aped.

TRELOAR, W. J . H. Majestic, pr. g.WALL, Miss E. Silver Mist, gr. aped,W ARBY , B. Brasso, ch. g., 1941.WOOD, Mrs. A. Belle, br. in., 1942.F\oV< ft. C A < ■

697.607. M l .608. 610.

CLASS 92 Lady's Saddle Pony, 13.2 hands and under, to be ridden by a lady. First prize, £6 ; second prize, £4; third prize, £2; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, Society’s Ribbon.

ADAMS, M. Musician, b. g., aged. ARNOLD, H. A Sid, dpi gr g., : 10:41. ASHTON, G. Dodger, gr. g., 1941.ASHTON, G. Rlcko, eh. g.. 1940.BENNETT, E. Fairy Gold, er. m„ 1943;

bred by W. Dean, Baimsdale, Vie. ; 8. Wee Dandy.

BENNETT, M r s . M . U dy Lightning, gr. m . ;s. Wee Georgie.

BEVERIDGE, A., a n d M r s . Commodore, m . ami w. p., 1942.

BOLTON. Miss P. Lexle, gr. in., 1942. BUTCHARD, Miss B Snip, blk. g., 1941;

bred by I. Mangold, Bundanoon, N.S.W.

CALDWELL, R. F. Dee Why, b. p., 1941.




T1Cw. i ,

614.615. CAMPBELL, A. J

s. Honey Bee,616. CHAPMAN, M r s .

671. CHITTICK, A. R .

698. CHITTICK, A. R. Venus,bred by exhibitioner; s. Daisy.

617. COATES, E. Stardust, br. m— . Bell ; s. Bonnie Jim .

Rutherglen’s Pride, ch. m„. Bonnie Mary.K. Boots, gr. g., 1940. Robin, b. g„ 1942.

br. m., aped ; Azara, d. Lady

, 1942 ; bred by

Y O R K S H IR E IN S U R A N C E CO ., LTD. — For every Class of Insurance. Specialists in Live Stock Insurance. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

f t b f H t / t U-CH 'SK K ftC

toaJl re W .

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Ponies (Continued).

COLKS, M im JU D IT H . Ibn Star, b. in., 11*44 ; *. Ibn Badween, d. Lucky Star.

COLES, Mims JU D IT H . Starlight, b. g. COWLING, A. L. Basso, br. g„ 1938; s.

Bassinette.CROUCHER, Mrs. A. Brownlock, br. g.,

aged ; bred by M. ( 'reagan, Dunmore, N.S.W. ; s. Azara. d. Maida.

DESAILEY ank HAILEY. Queen ol Carnival, cr. m., 28 : !* : 44 ; bred by L. Burge, Col- binabbin, Vie. ; h. Silver Locks, d. Cobby.

EM ERY, Miss R . M. Emeroon Zareen, 696, eh. m., 23: 10:43; bred by exhibitor; 8. Azara, d. Zola, 9HI.

F IELD , T. A. Tony, b. g.. 1939. G REGORY , J . M. Eric, b. g„ 1940; bred by

Patou Bros.HEALY, Miss JU D IT H . Baron, blk. g., 1939. HIRST, E . E. Springmead The Honourable,

931, b. in., 8 : 11 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; 8. Rakib (imp.— Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d. Spring- mead Pamela, 253.

HOLMES, Miss W . M. Donnie, b. g„ 1940; bred by D. Lindsay, Girral, N.S.W.

H OBDERN , S., J i nr Rajah, gr. g., aged. H ORDERN , Miss S. Boldy, cr. g„ aged. IR W IN , Miss E. Lady Warrell, br. ni., 1940;

bred by J . Jefferies, Tamworth, N.S.W. ; s. Bonnie Bruce.

JOLLY , R . W . Miss Powder Puff, H03, b. m ., 12 : 11 : 42 ; bred by Miss 1 Woodhouse, Campbelltown, N.S.W. ; h. Cedric, d. White-

nose, 272.

702. 'K IN K A D E , RO Y . Model, b. rn., 1940.627. KNIGHT-GREGSON, Miss M. L. Lowlynn

Sunrise, cr. g., 1941 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Burradoo Rex, 2,r>, d. Midnight, 798.

LENNON, Miss M. Dandy, ch. g., aged ; s.Lieutenant. .

McKENZIE, G. R. Penny, b. m„ 1940. MEEKS, Mbs. D. B. Nattai Blueltght, 453,

gr. m., 3 :1 2 :3 8 ; bred by exhibitor; ». Milton Greylight, 63, d. Jean, 129.



















I * .





g., bredN.S.W. ;

g., bred N.SAV.;

WOOTTON, M b s . F.bred .by exhibitor :






638. 640.


Mrs. F. Jchnnie Walker, 564.

M r s . F. Kentucky, b. g„

g., 1943. g„ 1943.Dick Whittington,


MIDDLEM1SS, gr. g., aged.


MOORE. G. Aristocrat, b.NICHOLAS. B. Tojo, br.PENNELL, N., a n d M r s .

gr. g.POOLK, Miss B. M. K. Rafferty, b. g PYE , Miss S. E. Mighty Mouse, br. g. R IG LEY . M r s . I. A. Prince, ch. g., 1939.

707. SEDGW ICK. Miss P. Santa, blk. g.. aged ; p bred by B. Einery, Nowra, N.S.W'. ; ».

Wywonder, d. Big Star.SHAW, J . R . Santa Radium, ch. g., 8. Master

Radium, d. Lady Santa.SH I’PH ERD , S. Chilly Wind, b. g.. 1940. SMITH, M r s . G. Letty, cr. in.. 1944 ; bred

by J . C. Maslin, Bombala, N.S.W. STEWART, D. Miss Mullet, ch. in., 1941 ;

bred by T. C. Stewart, Bombala, N.S.W . ; s. Dandy, d. Betty.

STONE, D. Lady Flashlight, gr. m.641.

SULLIVAN. Mrs. M. Blue Jay, gr. by Payten Bros., Campbelltown,8. Marcus, d. Lady Jim .

SULLIVAN. Mits. M. Gloaming, b. by l ’ayten Bros., Campbelltown, h. Whynot, 105, d. Bidgee.

SW ADLING, A. Silver, dpl-gr. g., aged. SWANN, K. Gilda, b. in.SWANSTON, Miss D. M. Why Amber, 952,

br. m., 25 : 10 : 42 ; bred by Mins I. Wood­house, Campbelltown, N.S.W. ; s. Whynot, 105, <1. Am ber.W f' J

TAYLOB, M rs. K. Rex.THOMPSON, M rs. S. J. Romany Lass, 903,

ch. in., 1939 ; bred by N Wright, Cliatswood, Sydney ; s. Master Badiuin.

W E IR , Miss 1’. Bay Lass, b. in., 1940; bred by W . B< >88.

WOODS, Miss (J. Boylock, gr. g., aged. W OOLLEY, Miss L. Blue Bonny, gr. g., 1941.

Churchill, b. g.. 1941 ; dv Lonu*

SS 93 Pony in Saddle, over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands. First prize, £8 ; second prize, £6; third prize, £4 ; fourth prize, £2 ; fifth prize, £1 ; sixth prize, Society's Ribbon.

ARNOLD, H. A. Grey Lady, m., — : 10 : 39 ; bm l by G. Young. Warrack- nabeal, Vic. ; s. .Don Lionel.

557/£ ASHTON, (i. Arrogance, gr. in., 1943 ; bred 7 by A. Tal)er. Menangle, N.S.W. ; 8. Zadaran

(Vol. 6, A.H.S.B.), d. Inky.BARNES. A. L., a n d M rs. Junior, br. g.,

1939 ; bred by — .Grey, Greenothor|>e, N.S.W.; 8. Little tSeni, d. by Traveller.

BARTRAM, M rs. H. Cindrella, gr. n>.. 1938. BARTRAM. M rs . H. Mister, b. g.. 1913. BATH IS, H. Shalimar, Vol. 4. gr. in.. 11*37 ;

bred by Mrs. E . Brady, Wollongong. N.S.W. ; 8. Ginty, 311, d. Polly.

BRAD8TREET, Miss W . Laddie, ch. g.,

1940.BYRNE. Miss B. Hero, ch. g.

565. j^ L A R K E . M rs. I,. S., a n d D. W HITE. Royal Jester, ch. g., 1944; bred by J . l.augheed, St. Arnaud, Vic. ; 8. Royal Top, d. Black

Mat.CONDON, C. Dusty Guy, b. g., 1 :1 : 39. CULLEY, C. N. Mexico, g.DESAILEY a n d BA ILEY . Queen of Sheba,

901, cr. in., 1939; bred by L. Landale. Deniliquin, N.S.W. ; s. Port Nelson, d.

Creamy.569.^ DESA ILEY a n d SUTHERLAND. Slumber,

er. g., 1944 ; bred by C. Burgess. DUNNING, J . Special, b. g., 1940; bm l by

H. Neely, Moss Vale, N.S.W. ; s. Mack, d. by Little Jim .

D W Y ER , T. Silver Bell, gr. m „ 1942. G ILM ORE, H . Lady Grey, gr. in., 1939. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Miss Mullet, gr. m.,

aged.H ORDERN , Miss S. Kerry, br. g., aged. JAM IESON, R. Mischief, b. g„ 1944. K ELLY , T. H . Kildare, gr. g„ aged.

M7.568.64- I





A ll the Best Animals are Insured with the YORKSH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. —Office on the Ground. Claims paid by the Company exceed £56,000,000.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e

( , / f


l i r i t f/ / .// R J> f J t r * c 45

Sec. 1 HORSES Saddle^ ~ ^

Mi LA* HLAN, X. 1).. a n d SONS. Dandy, 627. KNIOHT-OREGSON, Miss M. L. Lcb.

MAY, K. J . Goldie, ch. m ., 27 : 1*1 : 45 ; bm l by R. May, Narrabeen, Sydney ; h. Danny Boy, d. Bonnie, ' f f f S q t j

MILLS. Mrs. I. Rua Hfnnl, b. in.. 11141. M U RRA Y, P. J . Dandy John, h. g„ 1938. PALMER, D. C. Flash, piebald 111., 1945 ;

bm l by Mrs. — . Hughes, Glen I lines, N.S.W. PALMER, D. C. Tony, hr. g„ 1943 ; bred by

Mrs. P. G. Tait, Gobarralong, N.S.W. ; s. Jalengla Wee Jim , d. Jenny Lee.

POTTER. M rs. K. Cham. blk. g.SHARP, M rs. E. Blue Tray, gr. g., 1941 ;

bred by J . Gilroy, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; 8. Buonsrotti, d. Sally.

STEWART, L). Lettie, eh. in., 1938 ; bred by T. C. Stewart, Bombala, N.S.W. ; s. Silver Diamond, d. Betty.

6**0. STOCKS, J . O. Meggs, ''h. 111.*>04. THROSBY, Miss D. H. O. Melodee, blk.

aged.TRELOAR, W. J . H. Majestic, gr. g.WALL, Miss E. Silver Mist, gr.. aged. W ARBY , R . Brasso, ch. g., 1941.WOOD, M rs. A. Belle, br. in., 1942.

* v 1 t~ , j < or 4






695.696. 605. 006.


/•* - W#

CLASS 94 Pony in Saddle, over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands. First prize, £8 . second prize, £6 ; third prize, £4 ; fourth prize, £2: filth prize, £1; sixth prize, Society’s Ribbon.

697. ADAMS, M. Musician, b. g., aged.•m: ARNOLD , H . A . Sid, dpl. gr. g.. -:10s 41.608. ASHTON, O. Ricko, ch. g„ 1940.6**9. BATHIS, W. Jason, gr. g , 1942.610. BENNETT, E. Fairy Gold, cr. in.,









u r

1943 ;i. Wee



■ S n e . ,5 '?

bm l by W. Dean, Bairnsdale, Vic.Dandy.

BEVERIDGE , A., a n d M r s . Commodore, rn. and w. g., 1942.

BOLTON, Miss P. Lexie, gr. in., 1942.614^, CALDW ELL. R. F. Dee Why, b. g.. 1941.

CAMPBELL, A. J. Rutherglen's Pride, ch. in., s. Honey Bee, d. Bonnie Mary.

COLES, Miss JU D IT H . Starlight, b. g. COW LING, A. L. Basso, br. g„ 1938 ; 8.

Bassinette.D ESA ILEY a n d BA ILEY . Queen of Carnival,

er. m., 28 : 9 : 44 ; bm l by L. Burge, Colbinabbin, Vic. ; 8. Silver Ixs'ks, d. Cobby.

F IELD , T. A. Tony, b. g„ 1939.

G REG O RY , J . M. Eric, b. g., 1940; bred by Paton Bros.

H EALY , Miss JU D IT H . Baron, blk.1939.

H IRST , E. E. Springmead The Honourable,931, b. in., 8 :1 1 :4 3 ; bm l by exhibitor;8. Rakib (imp.—-Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d. Spring­mead Pamela, 253.

HOLMES, Miss W. M. Donnie, b. g„ 1940;bred by D. Lindsay, Girral, N.S.W. , 6^1,

625. IR W IN , Miss E. Lady Warrell, br. in., 1940;bred by J . Jefferies, Tainworth, N.S.W. ; 84. s. Bonnie Bruce.

702. K IN K A DE, ROY. Model, b. m„ 1940.








g., 653


7 . 1Lowlynn

Sunrise, cr. g., 1941; bred by exhibitor;8. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Midnight, 798.

McKENZIE, G. R. Penny, b. in., 1940. MIDDLEM1SS, Mrs. F. Johnnie Walker, gr. g.,

aged.MIDDLEMLS8, Mrs. F. Kentucky, b. g.,

IM0.MOORE, *«. Aristocrat, b. g., 1943.PENNELL, N\, a n d M rs. Dick Whittington,

gr. g.POOLE, M iss B. M. K. Rafferty, b. g., 1938.

6.38.4 SH EPH ERD . S. Chilly Wind, b. g.. 1940.640. SMITH, Mrs. *1. Letty, cr 111., 1944 ; bm l

by J . C. Maslin, Bombala, N.S.W.STONE, D. Lady Flashlight, gr. m.SULLIVAN, Mrs. M. Gloaming, b. g., bm l

by Payten Bn is., Campbelltown, N.S.W. ;8. Whynot, 105, d. Bidgee.

THOMPSON, M rs. S. J . Romany Lass, 903, ch. in., 1939 ; bred by N. Wright, Cliatswood, Sydney ; s. Master Radium.

W E IR , Miss P. Bay Lass, b. in., 1940; bred bv W. Rosa.

WOODS, Miss G. Boylock, gr. g., aged. WOOTTON, M rs. F. Churchill, b. g.. 1941 ;

biyd by exhibitor : d. Lorna.

j J jb ju y t b i t / T? i / k W r n w i / p CLASS 95 Pony In Saddle, over 18.2 hands and

not exceeding 13 hands. First prize, £8; second prize, £6 ; third prize, £4 ; fourth prize, £2; fifth prize, £1 ; sixth prize, Society's Ribbon.

ADAMS, M rs. M. Little Mutt, ch. g„ 1939;tm d by 1’. Miller. Boons, x .s .w .

ARNOLD. H. A. Don, ch. g„ — : 11 : 40 ; bm l by P. Hogan, Donald, Vic. ; 8. Asthull’s Silver, d. bv Roseworthy.

BENNETT, Mus. M. Lady Lightning, gr. in. ;s. Wee (Jeorgie

BOW ER, M r s . G. Dandy, b. g.BUNN, E . A. Tony, gr. g.CHITTICK, A. R. Venus, br. in., aged ;

bm l by exhibitor ; s. Azara, d. Lady Daisy. COLES, M iss JU D IT H Ibn Star, b. m'., 1944

s. Ibn Badween, d. Lucky Star«j4*^# tk)U ' V4' CONSTANCE, M k s . N. Mischief, b. m., '

2 : 10: 37 ; bm l by W. E. Constance, Adaminaby, N.S.W. ; 8. Silver Diamond,87, d. Miss Brownie.

COWLING, A. L. Glen Iris, br. in., 1944 ; bm l by E. Bill, Goulbum, N.S.W. ; 8. Glen Margam, 37, d. Betty.

DAUNT, Mr*. S. M. Robin Hood, dun. g.,1939; bm l by J . Forsyth. Clare, S.A.

DESA ILEY a n d BA ILEY, Chamois, cr. m.,1945.

EM ERY, Miss R. M. Emeroon Zareen, 696, ch. in.. 23 : 10 : 43 ; bm l by exhibitor ; s. Azara, d. Zola, 961.

FELL, M. H. Flicker, b. g.j.-— 8 : 43 ; 8.Burradoo Lm , |f>3.

GENFORD , J . Royal Prince, l>. g., aged ; bm l by A. W. Dennis, Dunn's Creek, N.S.W.

GEOGHEGAN, T. Sunbonnet, 932, ch. in., bm l by Payten Bros., Campbelltown,N.S.W. ; s. Topnot, 224, d. Sunset, 262.




648. 641*. 698.






J Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E CO ., LT D .— A ll Classes

Compensation, Crops, Fencing, etc. Yorkshire

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14 Spring St., Sydney.

|4lA$T , t . Y . ,

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V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Ponies (Continued).

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HALES M r s . L. Coffee, blk g„ 1939.H EALY . Mow J l'D IT H . Punch, hr. g., 1939.HOKDEKN, S ., J i n k . Rajah, gr. g ., aged .

H ORD ERN , Miss S. Boldy, cr. g.. aged.IR W IN , Miss E. Grey Dawn, hi. rn., 1943;

bred by E. Kamlall, lVak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Bonnie Bruce.

LOANEY, M ks. H. A Saxon Prince, b. g., uged.M AHER, Miss B. Silver King, gr. g.SEDGW ICK, Miss P. Santa, blk. g., aged ;

bred by B. Emery, Nowra, N.S.W. ; s. Wywonder, li. Big Star.

SEPPING, Mks. F. Whisky, dpl-gr. g., ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Prince, d. Nellie.

STEWART. 1). Miss Mullet, ch. m„ 1941 ; bred by T. C. Stewart, Bombala, N.S.W. ; s. Dandy, d. Betty.

SULLIVAN. Mrs. M. Blue Jay, gr. g.. bred by Payten Bros., Camplielltown, N.S.W. ; k. Marcus, d. Lady Jim .

SWANSTON, Miss I). M. Why Amber, 952, hr. in., 2.5 : 10:42; bred by Miss I. Wood- house, Campl>elltown, N.S.W. ; s. Whynot, 105, d. Amber.

TAYLOR. M r s . K Rex.W OOLLEY , Miss L. Blue Bonny, gr. g., 1941.

CLASS 96 Pony ia Saddle, over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands. First prize, £8 ; second prize, £6 . third prize, £4 ; fourth prize, £2 . filth prize, £1 ; sixth prizd, Society’s Ribbon.

648. BOW ER, M r s . G. Dandy, b. g 82./ B l'L L E Y , M is s J . Prinoess Dolly, 898. b. m.,

1940; bred by W. DuiiHhea, QiH*ttnl**yan, N 0 \\

712. BU RRO W S, Miss J Bing Crosby, br g„ 1941 ;bred by — . Robertson, Moyne Falls, Vie.

672. CONSTANCE. M r s . N. Sonny Boy, gr. g„ aged ; hre<i by R . Webster. Goulbum, N.S.W. ; s. Burradoo Hex, 25, d. Blue Jay.

673. COW LING, A. L. Rosalies, gr. in., 1940; bred by exhibitor; s. Marquis, 57. d. Rosie.

674. H EA LEY , K. Azara Glowlight, b. m., : 11 : 42 ; bred by M. Creagan. Dunmore,

N.S.W. ; h. Bobbie Azara, 284. d. Fidget.675. H EA LEY . K Lady Gwen, ch. m.. — : 11 : 42 ;

bred by Miss D. W . Swanston, Coolah, N .S .W .; s. Master Joker, 180.

85. K N IG H T G REGSON . Miss M. L. Lowlynn Vanity, 788, br. m., 13 : 9 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Burradoo Rex, 25, <1. Powder Puff. 896.

703. LENNON, Miss M. Dandy, eh. g., aged : s. Lieutenant.

713. McLEAN, Mhs. C. M. Burradoo Sunlight, w.,7 : 9 : 35 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Burradoo Rex. 25, <1. Moonlight. 192.

8 7 4 M E E K S , N ,us D K N a tta i B lu e lig h t , <*3,gr. m., 3 :1 2 :3 8 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Milton Grevlight, 63, d. Jean. 129.

676. M URPH Y, C. A. Lady Betty, ch. m.. 1942; bred by T. C. Stewart, Bombala, N.S.W. ; s. Silver Diamond, d. Betty. i n i

714. N<K'K, Miss J . Bonnie Blue, gr. m.. 1944. —fc 678. PYE , Miss S- E. Mighty Mouse, br. g.

7 A . GL


IN SU R A N C E C O ., L l _ ,

paid prom ptly on Proof of Death.— Y O R K S H IR E St., Sydney. The Farmers’ Com pany.

Z s .id J ) * * d i

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Poni ■ (Continued).

CLASS 97 Pony in Saddle, over 11 hands and not exceeding 12 hands. First prize, £6 . second prize, £4 : third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 . fifth prize. Society's Ribbon.

715. ABRAHAMS, L. Mittens, b. m„ aged.MO. ARNOLD. H. A. Tin, b. g.. :1 0 :41. 681^ ASHTON. G. Dodger, gr. g.. 1941.

716. BARNES. Miss M Little Kit, Vol. 4. ch. in..1935 ; br»>d by M. Davis, Alexandria, Sydney.

717. BEYEK IDGE, A., a n d M r s . Scamper, blk. g.,aged.

682.^C O W L IN G , A. L. Blue Rock, gr g.. 1943;i— i by — _ Sawyer, Taralga. N.S.W. ; s.

d. Tessie.bred 1’rince Geary,

684. GORDON, M.

685. J JOHNSON, J . P

Queen Bess, b. in., 1941.

Judy, gr. in.. 1937 ; bred by M. J . Kearins, Murringo, N.S.W. ; s. Marquis.

718.tidO LLY , It. W . Crystal, gr.. 1942.KNIGHT GKKGSON, Miss M. L. Lowlynn

Silver Dawn. 787, gr. in., 13 : 9 : 43 : bred by exhibitors; s. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Midnight, 798.

McLEAN, M r s . C. M . Burradoo Dolly, 370, br. m., 1 : 11 ; 40 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Burradoo Bex, 25, d. Little Nell, 148.

MEEKS, M r s . D. B. Nattai Mystery, 462, gr. in., 9 : 1 : 35 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Milton Greylight. 63, d. Milton Queen, 179.

KOSE. C. M . Magellan Frolic, 792, br. in., 5 : 11 : 44 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Kosoie, 172, d. Mount Gilead Mouse, 835.

BOSS a n d GORDON. Blue Boy, gr. g., aged ; s. Retford Priiice, 81.

688, SEPPING. M r s . F. Renalyn Gaiety, dpi-gr. g ;bred by A. R. Pooitr'an, Rooty Hill, N.S.W. ; s. \Vhynot, 105, d. Mi!*on Bluebell, 162.

SMITH, H . J. Cobber, b. g.. 1942; bred by J . R. Smith, Bowral, N .S .W .; Flashlight 2nd. 35, d. Tibbie.

SW ADLING, A. Silverbell, skewbald g„ 1944.

SWANTSON, Miss D. M. Brownie, br. g., aged : bred by exhibitor ; s. Master Joker, 180, d. Queenie. /

TUNKS. M i88 V. Silent Tom, rn g„ 1944; bred by F. Watson, Camden, N.S.W. ; s. Silver, d. L ittle, Vera. , ,

CLASS 9 8 —Pony in Saddle, not exceeding 11 hands. First prize, £4 ; second prize, £2.

711. BARTRAM, M r s H. Trinket, piebald, 1940;bred by E. E. Small ; s. Shetland Heights Jester, d. Butterfly.

683. ELL WOOD* P, Peter Pan, b- p., aged ; s.






6 8 8 .





i n .





Banjo. 'Z ' K IN K A D E, ROY, McLEAN, M r s . C.

br. in . , 15 : 10 : s. Burradoo Rex,

Wee Tom, blk. g., aged. M. Burradoo Topsy, 374, 38 ; bred by exhibitor ; 25, d. Little Nell, 148.

R IG LEY , M r s . I. A. Beau, blk. g., 1940.

SEPPING, M r s . F . Glenarvon Bluebell,bl-gr. m., bred by exhibitor ; s. Renalyn Prince, 387, d. Mittens, 808.

SEPPING, M k s . F . Trixie, b. m.

CLASS 99 The DAVIDSON AND SMITH Pair ofPonies, 13 hands and not exceeding 14 hands, to be ridden by a lady and gentleman. Owners will be allowed to pair, but in the event of a pair separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. First prize, £8; second prize, £6 . third prize, £4 ; fourth prize, £2; fifth prize, £1. Prize money presented by Davidson and Smith, Saddle Manufacturers, cnr. Bourke and Llverpool- sts., East Sydney.

697. ADAMS, M. Musician, b. g., aged.692. ARNOLD, H. A. Grey Lady, dpl-gr. in.,

— : 10 : 39 ; bred by G. Young, Warrack- naboal, Vic. ; s. Don Lionel,

557. ASHTON, G. Arrogance, gr. in., 1943 ; bred by A. Taiier, Menangle, N.S.W. ; s Zadaran (Vol. 6, A.H.S.B.), d. Inkv.

608. ASHTON, G. Ricko, ch. g.", 1940.559. BARNES, A. L., a s i> M r s . Junior, hr. g.,

1939 ; bred by . Grey, Greenethoriie, N.S.W. ; s. Little Gem, d. by Traveller.

693. BARTRAM, M r s . 11. Cindrella, gr. m., 1938.560. BABTRAM, M r s . H. Mister, b. g., 1943. 63. BATHIS, H. Shalimar, Vol. 4. gr. in.. 1937;

bred by Mrs. E. Brady, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. Ginty, 311, d. Polly.

609. BATHIS. W. Jason, gr. g , 1942.610. BENNETT, E. Fairy Gold, cr. in., 1943 ;

bred by W. Dean, Bairnsdalc, Vic. ; s. Wee Dandy.

611. BEVER IDG E , A., a n d M r s . Commodore,m . and w. g., 1942.

612. BOLTON, Miss P. Lexie, gr. m„ 1942.614. CALDW ELL, R. F. Dee Why, b. g„ 1941.616. CHAPMAN, M r s . K. Boots, gr. g„ 1940.565. CLARKE, M bs. L. S.. a n d D. W H ITE. Royal

Jester, ch. g., 1944; bred by J . Laugheed, St. Arnaud, Vic. ; s. Royal Top, d. Black Mat.

617. COATES. E. Stardust, br. in., 1942; bred by— . Bell ; s. Bonnie Jim .

618. COLES, Miss JU D IT H . Starlight, b. g.567. CONDON, C. Dusty Guy, b. g., 1 :1 :3 9 .

727. DESA ILEY a n d B A ILE Y . Queen of Carnival,cr. rn., 28 : 9 : 44 ; bred by L. Burge, Col- binabbin, Vic. ; s. Silver Locks, d. Cobby j Queen of Sheba 901, cr. m„ 1939; bred by L. Landale, Deniliquin, N.S.W. ; s. Port Nelson, d. Creamy.

570. DUNNING, J . Special, b. g., 1940; bred byH. Neely, Moss Vale, N.S.W. ; s. Mack, d. by Little Jim .

571. D W Y E R , T. Silver Bell, gr. m., 1942.699. F IELD . T. A. Tony, b. g., 1939.621. GENFORD, J . Royal Prince, b. g., aged;

bred by A. W. Dennis, Dunn’s Creek, N.S.W'. 576. G ILM ORE. H. Lady Grey, gr. m„ 1939.622. G REG ORY , J . M. Eric, b. g., 1940; bred by

Patou Bros.

728. HEALY , Miss JU D IT H . Baron, blk. g.,1939 ; Punch, br. g., 1939.

08. H IRST, E. E. Springmead The Honourable,931, b. in., 8: II : 43 , bred by exhibitor; *. Rakib (imp. Vol. 5, A.H.S.B.), d.Jipring-

Show Animals covered for 14 days, includingIN S U R A N C E CO ., LT D . Office on G round

«. K a k ib ( im p . V o l. 6 , A .H .S .H .) , d .

? ( g E i ,r" W { : t r . 1

id ing Transit to and from Farm. Y O R K !r O R K S H IR E

Essentially the Farmers’ Office.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


F n a %1 — H OR SES— Saddle






Donnie, b. g.Girral, N.S.W.

M . Miss Muffet, gr

1040 :

m .,


i f h O - f g ' a f i

ttOLMES, Ml88 W . M.bred by I). Lindsay

HOLMES, Miss W.aged.

H ORDERN , Miss S. Kerry, br. g.KELLY , T. H. Kildare, gr. g., aged. K IN K A D E, ROY. Model, b. m.. 11*40. KNIGHT-GREGSON, Miss M. L. Lowlynn

Sunrise, cr. g., 1941; bred by exhibitor;8. Hurradoo Rex, 2,r>, d. Midnight, 798.

McKENZIE, G. R. Penny, b. in., 1940. MIDDLEM1SS, Mrs. K. Johnnie Walker,

gr. g., agedMIDDLEM1SS, M k s . F. Kentucky, b. g., 1940.

586. A.M ILLS, M r s . I. Rua Hlnnl, b in., 1941. 630.7 MOORE, G. Aristocrat, b. g., 1943.

M U RRA Y , I’. J . Dandy John, b. g., 1938. PALM ER, I). C. Tony, br. g„ 1943 ; bm l by

Mrs. I*. G. Tait, Gobarralong, N.S.W. ;8. Jalengla Wee Jim , d. Jenny Lee.

PENNELL, N., a n d M k s . Dick Whittington,

gr- g-R1XON, M k s . N. Mystery, gr. g., 15 : 10 : 41 ;

bred by exhibitor.SHARP, M r s . E. Blue Tray, gr.

bred by J . Gilroy, Wollongong, s. Buonarotti, d. Sally.

SHAW, J . R. Peter Radium, ch. g.Radium.

SHAW, J . R . Santa Radium, rh. g. v - Radium, d. Lady Santa.

} .638. SH EPHERD , S. Chilly Wind, b. g.

^ 640. SMITH, M r s . G. Letty, er. in . , 1944 V 1 by J . C. Ma»lin, Bombala, N.S.W.« , J 709. SULLIVAN, Mrs. M. Gloaming, b. g., b m l

' by Payten Bros., Campbelltown, N.S.W. ;J 8. Whynot, 105, d. Bidgee.

3 £ 74. THOMPSON, Mks. S. J . Romany Lass, 903, ch. m., 1939 ; bm l by N. Wright, Cliatswood,

iA J Sydney ; s. Master Radium.f 604. THROSBY, Miss D. H. O. Melodee, blk. m.,

^ 7 J 6'*,’). T RhLO A R , W . J . H. Majestic, gr. g.vA 696. W ALL, Miss E. Silver Mist, gr. aged.IT ^ 605. W A R B Y , R. Brasso, eh. g., 1941.

$ 606. W OOD, M rs. A. Belle, br. in., 1942.^ 710. WOODS, M is s G. Boylock, gr. g., aged.

T VO U W P (CLASS 100 Pair of Ponies, under 18 hands, to be

ridden by a lady and gentleman. Owners will be allowed to pair, and In the event of a pair separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. First prize, £ 8 . second prize, £6 ; third prize. £4 . fourth prize, £2 ; fifth prize. Society’s Ribbon.

ARNOLD, H. A. Don, eh. g., — i l l : 40 ; b m l by P. Hogan, Donald, Vic. ; s. Asthon's Silver, d. by Roseworthy,

i . ^ ASHTON, g ! Dodger, gr. g„ 1941.

647# BENNETT, M r s . M . Lady Lightning, gr. in. ;8. Wee Georgie.

717. B E V E R I D G E , A ., a n d M h s . Scamper, b lk . g . ,

aged .82. B U LLEY , Miss J . Princess Dolly, 898, b. m.,

1940; bm l by W. Dunshea. Queanbevan,

N ^ .W .



Ponies (Continued).

BUNN. E. A. Tony, gr. g.BU RROW S, Miss J . Bing Crosby, br. g.,

1941 ; b m l by — . Robertson, Moyne Falls,V’ic.

Robin, b. g„ 1942.Venus, br. m., aged ; bred Azara, d. Lady Daisy. Tr^S ^

M. Emeroon Zarsen, 696,43 ; brtxl by exhibitor ;

d. Zola, 961.621. GENFORD, J . Royal Prince, b. g., aged ;





by exhibitor ; 8. EM ERY , Miss R.

ch. m., 23 : 10 8. Azara,


g„ 1941 ;N.S.W. ;

8. Master 703

, 8. Master



bm l by A. W. Dennis, Dunn's Creek, N.S.W.666. GORDON, M. Prince Tony, b. g., 1941<UflKo**-. T7700. H ORDERN , S., Ju n r . Rajah, gr. g., aged.701. HORDF2RN, Miss S. Boldy, cr. g., aged.718. JO LLY , R . W. Crystal, gr., 1942.92. JO LLY , R . W. Little Eva, 778, gr. m.,

: 12 : 40; bm l by E. J . Chavasae, Bent- leigh. Vie. ; a. Dandy, d. Midge, 436.

93. KNIGHT-GREGSON, Miss M. L. UwlynnSilver Dawn, 787, gr. in., 1 3 :9 :4 3 ;’ bm l by exhibitor ; 8. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. M id­night, 798.

85. KNIGHT-GREGSON, Miss M. L. Lowlynn Vanity, 788, br. in., 13 :9 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; 8. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Powder Puff. *96.

LENNON, Miss M. Dandy, ch. g., aged ;/“ 8. Lieutenant.

664y M AHER. Miss B. Silver King, gr. g.731. MEEKS, Mrs. D. B. Nattai Bluelight, 453,

gr. in., 3 :1 2 :3 8 ; 8. Milton Greylight, 63, d. Jean. 129; Nattai Mystery, 462. gr. in.,9 : 1 : 35 ; 8. Milton Greylight. 63, d. Milton Queen, 179; both bm l by exhibitor.

714. NOCK. Miss J . Bonnie Blue, gr. in., 1944.665. PACKER, F. A. Prince, gr. g.678. PYE , Miss S. E . Mighty Mouse, br. g.707.' SEDGW ICK. Miss P. Santa, blk. g., aged ;

bred by B. Emery, Nowra, N.S.W. ; 8.Wywonder, d. Rig Star.

732. SEPPING , M r s . F. Whisky, dpl.-gr. g., bm lby exhibitor ; a. Prince, d. Nellie ; Renalyn Gaiety, dpl.-gr. g., bm l by A. R. Poolman,Rooty Hill, N.S.W. ; 8. Whynot, 105, d. Milton Bluebell, 162.

733. STEWART, D. Lady Betty, ch. in., 1942 ;a. Silver Diamond, d. Betty ; Miss Muffet, cb. m ., 1941 ; a. Dandy, d. Betty ; both bm l by T. C. Stewart, Bombala. N.S.W.

708. SULLIVAN. Mrs. M. Blue Jay, gr. g., bred byPayten Rros., Campbelltown, N.S.W. ; 8.

{Marena, d. Lady Jim .

SWANSTON, Miss D. M. Why Amber. 952, br. in., 25 : 10 : 42 ; bm l by Miss I. Wood- house, Cam|>belltown, N.S.W. ; s. Whynot,105, d. Amber.

670. W OOLLEY . Miss L. Blue Bonny, gr. g.,

1941 .7 H 4 1 .

CLASS 101 Turnout In Saddle. Pony not to exceed 12 hands to be shown in saddle and judged for style and neatness as a turnout. First prize, £7 . second prize, £4 : third prize, £2 : fourth prize, £1.

. ARNOLD. H. A. Tim, b. g„ — : 10 : 41.8HTON, O. Dodger, gr. g., 1941.

6 HO.

tiH 1... .... , -- ■ ,.lL. i j, , .. a I._„_______________________________________________________L IV E ST O C K IN SU R A N C E— Transit Sea or Rail — A ny Part o f the W orld — Y O R K ­

S H IR E IN S U R A N C E C O .. LTD .

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Saddle Horses (Continued), Polo Ponies.




6K4. 718. U 93.







BARTRAM, M r s . H. Trinket, piebald, 1940; bm l by FI. E. Small ; 8. Shetland Heights Jester, d. Butterfly.

BEVERIDGE , A., a n d M r s . Scamper, blk. g.. aged.

COW LING. A. L. Blue Rock, gr. g., 1943; bm l by — . Sawyer, Taralga, N.S.W. ; a.

Prince Geary, 75, d. Tessie.ELLW OOD, P. Peter Pan, b. g., aged ; a.

Banio.GORDON, M. Queen Bess, b. m.. 1941.JO L L Y , R. W. Crystal, gr., 1942.KNIGHT-GREGSON, Miss M. L. Lowlynn

Silver Dawn, 787. gr. in., IS : 9 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor; 8. Burradoo Rex. 25, d. Midnight, T'is

McLEAN, M r s . C. M. Burradoo Dolly, 370, br. in., 1 : 11 : 40 ; bm l by exhibitor; a. Burradoo Rex, 25, d. Little Nell. 14H.

MEEKS, M r s . I). R Nattai Mystery, 462, gr. in., 9 : 1 : 35 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Milton Greylight, 63, <1. Milton Queen, 1711.

SEPPING, M k s . F\ Renalyn Gaiety, dpl.-gr. g. ; bm l by A. R. Poolman, Rooty Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Whynot, 105, d. M ilto n B lu e lie ll,

162.SMITH, H. J . Cobber, b. «.. 1942; bred by

J. R. Smith, Bowral, N.S.W. ; a. Flashlight 2nd, 3ft, d. Tibby.

SWANSTON, Miss D. M . Brownie, br. g., aged; bm l by exhibitor; a. Mashi Joker, 180, d. Queenie.

TUNKS. Miss V. Silent Tom. m. g.. 1944 ; bm l by F. Watson, Camden, N.S.W. ; 8. Silver, d. Little Vera.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion and P. W. Tancred Memorial Prize, Canteen of Cutlery, for the best saddle pony exhibited. Canteen of Cutlery presented by Mr. F. Jenkins, 58 Balmain-rd., Leichhardt, Sydney. All undefeated first prize saddle ponies In Classes 86 to 98 may compete for this prize without entry.

eserve Champion Society's Ribbcn.


w, bulge :

W . Sherratt,' Tiropai,”

Puketapu,Hawke’s Ray, N.Z.

Steward* :A. Hordern (Chief) Lt.-Col. the Hon. M.

Bruxner, M.L.A.F.

CLASS 102 Polo Pony, heavy-weight. First prize. Trophy, value £5; second prize. Trophy, value, £3; third prize. Trophy, value £2.

734. ASHTON, J . H. Troubador, br. g., 1939. 223. ASHTON, R. Patch, b. »r, 194(1; bred by

T. L. Bray, Forbes. N.S.W. ; s. by Elfacre. 234. CARTER, Miss S. M Rocket, ch .g ., 1941. 493. CHENHALL, M r s . P. Silverwell, br. g.. 1944 ;

8. Silverbum, d. Welkin Lady.

241. COURT, E. S. Nigger Minstrel, br. g„ 1939;bm l bv Estate of W. R. Munro, St. George, Q ’ld.

353. CROUCHER. M r s . A. Gariyowen, hr. g., 1939 ; bm l by R ( 'leary, Wollongong, N.S.W.; s. Azara. d. Lady Betty.

277. KELLY . Miss P. Blue Gum, br., aged ;s. Predomino, d. Grace.

735. KELLY , Miss P. Fairlie Blue, gr., aged ; a Canterbury King, d. by Molbriaik.

507. KELLY , Miss 1’. King Care, blk., aged ; s.Swift King, d. by Jacare.

423. MACGOUN, Miss A. Pepper, gr. g., aged ;brtd by . Joel, Dunedoo, N.S.W. ; s. Kismet.

737. MACKAY, R. T. in.. 1940; b ed byexhibitor ; s. Richard, d. Ranmemt.

738. MACLEOD, J. I). Ginger, ch. g., aged.739. MACLEOD, J . D. Pedro, br. g., aged.510. W OOD, M k s . A. Madge, b. m., aged.

CLASS 103 Polo Pony, light-weight. First prize. Trophy, value £5; second prize. Trophy, value £3 ; third prize, Trophy, value £2.

740. ASHTON, (i. Amber, ch. in.. 1939.741. ASHTON, G. Play On, ch. in.340. BARNES, A. L., a n d M k s . Molly, gr. in.,

aged,225. BARTRAM, M k s . H. Sieda, gr. g., 1942 ; bred

by H. McCallum; s. Akanree.742. CAMPBELL, Miss A. Melody, gr. in., 1940;

bm l by B. Perkins, Quirindi, N.S.W. ; s. Starlight, d. F'lirt.

616. CHAPMAN, M r s . K. Boots, gr. g„ 1940. 348. COURT, E. S. Buddy, ch. g., 1944 ; bred by

E. J . Howarth, Gunnedah, N.S.W.743. COURT. E. S. Cobbie, br. g., aged ; bred by

e x h ib ito r .

506. CROUCHER. M k s . A. Brownlock, br. g., aged ; bred by M. Creagan, Duninore, N .S .W .; a. Azara. <1. Maida.

65. DESAII.eS ’ a n d HAILEY. Queen of Sheba, 901. cr. in., 1939 ; bm l by L. Landale, Deniliquin, N.S.W. ; s. Port Nelson, d. Creamy.

744. FITZGERALD, S i s t k r E. I. Narday, ch. g. 361. H EDLEY , ^ k s . R. Majestic Lad. b. g..

1940.t' ,rT ' , * *4 '* '» J 464. K ELLY , T. H. Esk. br. g . aged.745. KENNAN, M r s . H. C. Klttyhawk, b. in.746. K ENNEDY , M r s . R. Peg’s Pet, b. in.. 1943.747. MACKAY. R. T. Rosedai, ch. in., 1938: bred

by exhibitor ; 8. Richard, d. Rose Nuit.748. MACKAY. R. T. Roseita, ch. in.. 1938; bred

by exhibitor; d. Nasaiwit.749. MACLEOD, J . D. Tequila, b. in., aged.750. McNAMARA, L. Flashlight.751. MASTERTON, M r s . D. Sammy, b. u.586. MILLS, M r s . I. Rua Hlnnl, b. in., 1941.752. MOORE, Miss N. Bralga, b. m., aged ; s.

Gibber Gunva.376flfc PENN ELL, N„ a n d M r s . Calcutta, blk. g. 331. W ILK IN SO N , H. R. Major, br. g„ aged.387. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Kiilarney, b. g.388. WOOD, M r s . A. Dawn, gr. m., 1939.

Champion Prize Society's Ribbon, for the best Polo 1U-I Pony in classes 102 and 103.

Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E CO ., LT D ., 14 Spring St., Sydney.— Branches and Agencies throughout the W orld . ' Live Stock, Fire, Marine & Accident.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Consolation Saddle Ponies, Harnett Ponie*.


Post Entries Only.

Awards in Pair Classes will be disregarded lor Con­solation Classes.

Entry Fee Members and Non-Members, 5r.

CLASS 104 Consolation Saddle Pony, over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands. For ponies which have competed in a class (or saddle ponies at the Royal Easter show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such classes. First prize, £3; second prize, £2; third prize, £1.

CLASS 105 Consolation Saddle Pony, over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands. For ponies which have competed in a class lor saddle ponies at the Royal Easter Show, 1948. and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such classes. First prize, £3 ; second prize, £2 . third prize, £1.

CLASS 106 (Special Prizes) Consolation Saddle Pony, over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13 hands. For ponies which have competed in a class tor saddle ponies at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such classes. First prize, £3; second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1.

CLASS 107 (Special Prizes) Consolation Saddle Pony, over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands. For ponies which have competed In a class for saddle ponies at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such classes. First prize, £3 ; second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1.

CLASS 108 (Special Prizes)- Consolation Saddle Pony, not exceeding 12 hands. For ponies which have competed in a class for saddle ponies at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize In such classes. First prize, £3; second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1.


Judge :A. A. Laidlaw,

“ The H ill,”Ararat, Vic.

Steuxirds :E. S. Playfair (Chief) N. Reading J . Angus J . Barnes J . Downes

Ponies entered iti the following classes must be measured by the Official Measurer. No exhibit shall be judged unless so measured.

The Official Measurer will issue a certificate as to height, and this certificate must lie produced to the Steward at the entrance to the judging ring. Should a pony be found b\ the Official Measurer to be under or over height for the class in which it has been entered it may be transferred to iiie corresponding pony or horse harness or turnout class. The Official Measurer

will attend at the Showground on Friday and Saturday, 19th and 20th March, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

In Turnout Classes sworn declarations as to ownership of pony, vehicic, and harness must accompany cer­tificate of entry. The Society will take legal proceedings against any exhibitor violating this regulation. A similar declaration for Novice Classes showing that the exhibits comply with the conditions must also be made.

In all Consolation Classes Post Fntries only may be made.

(KHcing Ponies excepted in these classes.)



Post Entries will close at the main office on the Show- ground at 9.30 a.m. (see exceptions) for day events and 5. p.m. for night events on the day or night the events are advertised to take place. Where an event is to take place on or before 10 a.m.. Post Entries for such event must be made not later than 5 p.m. on the preceding day. On no consideration will Post Entries be accepted after the time specified.


An exhibit may be entered in all classes for which it is eligible, provided the entry has been madj in the usual way.

The former provision concerning Ordinary Classes now applies only to Stud Classes.


All horses must parade as they are shown in their competitive classes daily. Any exhibitor who fails to parade his horse shall forfeit all prize money (if any) won by him and be liable to a fine of £5 for each animal not paraded. A special parade of prize winners will be held on a day to be fixed If time permits. Should a horse be sold prior to the close of the Show, the entrant shall be responsible for the observance of the parade regulations.

This rule will be strictly enforced.


Exhibit and box numbers will be supplied at the Horse Superintendent’s office situated in the Horse Section. On all occasions the exhibit number must be af'ixed to each horse before entering the ring.


See regulation relative to ownership of pony, vehicle,

and harness.

CHAMPIONS, 1940-41, 1947.

1940 Mrs. P. L. Grimwood, Retford Spotlight.1941 Mrs. H. Elliott, Bugler.1942-46 Show abandoned owing to war conditions.1947 Mrs. I. Calderwood and Mrs. L. White,


CLASS 109 (No entry.)

Live Stock Insured— Lowest Rates— Liberal Conditions. Y O R K S H IR E IN SU RA N CECO ., LTD ., 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES-—Harnett Ponie* (Continued).

CLASS 110 Novice Pony in Harness, over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands. For all ponies which have not won a first, second, or third prize In a cla<s for harness ponies at any previous Royal Show in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, c.' Brisbane. A statutory declaration U this eflict to be made. First prize, £7 second prize, £3 . third prize, £2 . fourth prize, £1.

692. ARNOLD, H.— : 10: 3fi;



A. Grey Lady, dpi. gr. in. bred by (J. Young, W arrack

nalieal, Vic. ; s. Don Lionel.

BOLITHO, M k s . N.s. Don’s Pride, 33.

D l ’GGAN, K. M. Dolly, hr. in Gosforth, N.S.W.

Glamour, b. in., 1944:


H. Vile. Batty.

ELLIOTT, s. Dick ’

1940 ;s. Hi

bred by •bin, d.

Barinia, hr. g., aged

f f t +0

M ks . H.Turpin.

756. HATFIELD , H. Bright, b. g„ agon.

757. HOUGHTON, M. C. Flashclan, b. g , 1943;hnsi by Mrn. E. Elliot, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. ( ’Ians (imp.), d. by Flashlight.

580. JAGELM AN. Mrs. H. Jeep, gr. g., aged; ft s. Mark, d. Peggv.

581. J JAM IESON . R. Mischief, h. g.. 1944.71. PEDEN. W. Miss Clen, 802, b i . in., 26 : 10 : 43 ;

bred by A. H. Peden, Tarlo, N.S.W. ; s. Glen Margam, 37, d. Jalengla Patty, 407.

592. POTTEH, M r s . K. Cham, blk. g.758. vKOSS, T. J., a n d K. GORDON. Naroo

Talisman, b. g., 5 : 10 : 42 ; bred by Mrs. I>. W . Roberts, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Naroo Welshman. 186, d. Naroo Delight, 448.

695.*+TRELOAR. W J . H Majestic, gr. g.759. W ILLIAM S, M r s . J . Lady Diana, b. in.,

I . I l l <«•*<•

ft cf.

CLASS 111 Novice Pony in Harness, over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands. For all ponies which have not won a first, second, or third prize In a class for harness ponies at any previous Royal Show in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £7; second prize, £3; third prize. £2 . fourth prize, £1.

697,«4aDAMS, M. Musician, b. g., aged.619. COW LING, A L. Basso, br. g., 1938; s.


780.' rDAVIS, aged.

G LED H ILL . L. Whyombl, ch. g.. bred Payten Bros., Campbelltown, N.S.W. ; Whvnot, 105, d. En'ombi, 97.

HOLMES, Miss W. M Donnie, b. g„ 1940; bred by D. Lindsay, (iirral, N.S.W.

ROSS, T. J.. a n d R. GORDON. Linda Steel, gr. in., 1943 ; bred by A. J . Annabel, Sydney ; h. Bern Mazar.

WOOD, E. A. Glenrock, hr. g., aged ; bred by Mrs H. Meeks, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Nattai Itnght light, 187, d. Patricia (Brennan’s),

781.. I I .




M r s . F . R. Twilight 2nd, gr. g..


~ °^ V // / /a * .? f r o r ^ C | |It

CLASS 112 Novice Pony In Harness, over 12.2 hands and not excieding 13 hands. For all ponies which have not won a first, second, or third prize in a class for harness ponies at ar.y previous Royal Show In Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £7 ; second prise, £3 . third prize, £2 . fourth prize, £1.

646.(+ARNOLD, H. A. Don, ch. g„ : 11 : 40;bred by P. Hogan, Donald. Vie. ; s. Aslhon’s Silver, <1. bv Ro*eworthy.

764. BR A N / a s h F ITZGERALD. Baylight, b. g ,1941 ; bred by J. Smith, Bowral, N .S .W .; d. Stella.

652. C R O rC H E K . M r s A. Craigie, b. g., bred (>y ( ’. McGlinchey, Jamberoo, N.8.W. ; s. Hobby Azara. d. Spark.

765.l E IJ.IOTT . Mrs. H. Warragul, blk. g.. 1941 ;hred by exhibitor) s. Cetilan Comet (imp.), 27, d. Riawena, 22£.

655. FELL, M. II. Flicker, b. g„ : 8 :43 ; s. Burradoo Leo, 153.

HH. MEEKS, M r s . I). B. Nattai Daylight, 868, ch. in., 2 2 : t t :4 l ; bred by exhibitor ; s. <cuIan Comet (imp.), 27, d. Nattai Lady Sunlight, 199.

766. R1XON, Mrs. N. Rebecca, hr. m., 7 :1 1 : 44 ;bred by exhibitor.

767. W ALKER , Miss B. Blue Bey, dp l.g r g ,1942 ; bred by T. L. Flynn, Picton, N.S.W.

89. W ALKER. S. F. Melrose Dinah, Vol. 4,gr. m., 28 : 11 : 39 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Comet, 212, d. Silyermine, 493.

' ///•

113 Novice Pony in Harness, over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands. For all ponies which have not won a first, second, or third prize in a class for harness ponies at any previous Royal Show in Sydney, Mel­bourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £7; second prize, £3; third prize, £2.

81. ARNOLD. 11. A. Kitty (Pickering’s), Vol. 4, dpl-gr. in., : 10 : 40 ; bred by G. Pickering, Watchem, Vic. ; s. Silver Bells.

673. COWLING, A. L. Rosallea, gr. in.. 1940 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Marquis, 57, d. Rosie.

768. GORDON, J . Silver, taffy g., aged.

769. REKL1 STUD FARM. Miss Minx, 442, b. in.,2H : 10 ; 37 ; bred by Mrs. E. Robins, Smith- field, N.S.W. ; «. I.ord Pompadour, 15H, d. Milton Betty, 274.

CLASS 114 Novice Pony in Harness. Over 11 hands and not exceeding 12 hands. For all ponies which have not won a first, second, or third prize In a class for harness ponies at any previous Royal Show ii. Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. A statutory declaration to this effect to be made. First prize, £7 ; second priie, £3 ; third prise, £2 . fourth prize, £1.

680. ARNOLD, H. A. Tim, b.

** Silver Comet, 212, d.J r t ( 7 b f GUOHiLt jL yoi*<S/,


O C K IN SU RA N CE— Transit Sea or Rail — Any Part of the W orld — Y O R K ­S H IR E IN SU R A N C E C O ., LTD. The Farmers’ Company.

OvnaolM un .j « t f le -any, over 1 J .3 h-mfm

*rd not a r t—<11 nr; 14 h u m s.

vm old ,Atfton, G.B n tb ia , H*B n A a tr e e t, »'U « s« Dutebnrd, * iu * B . Byrne, K l« B.

A*J»D ta tU ; and Utfth»rl*nd Banal w s, J . yzed ezlefc, l i e a P• B older , b ia s &• y i f t o a , tfra* h . M U 7 , IUw b Krm. £ • B a d U u d e , 0»fc»H ll le , lir e . I .Meoae, a* i*allMrf Bi M , J H « 1 .M g r , Mr*, e.SagH ttuM ialla, A* Stoaica, J.O . v t A r , a c . /

Owy L idy. g ’y . i g i n — .

s b a l i w .La*idie.flttLp.b a re .ttutbarglaa* a xjr id e .

a r f Sheba. S p e e la l.L ullnb.K erry.Joep .f b f d M f «

t'W BJ.2 u * H i x n l .

i t e t o e a u W

T b s/

4*ey T ia o t t f .S lew er.h e a p .B x M B O *

«.«*fne n n y t ev er IS b»ade 1 3 .1 hu u le.

M M , M. Meal ai m .> A t f i a , O . f l v f e e

f la H a r tl, X T , Dee 0by

StxtbedLund te H L v a l j*eenOenfbxd, 7. A i)« I < rLooe.X la C d ^ A. kedelM«y, L . Qoldle

*e a ra e , K n .J .w . Onp^er!* • « » , Kxm.y.«. TtaXb*ak»iay, (UU fU * tM r , J U « r . B a y L « * e

M l/ , b, i; K&m veader ftff.

Q on aalatlen Saddle i'en y , ov«r 12 » - H-«a« and not w e e d la g 13 hands.

1 , A rnold,S . E.3 . G b ltU ek , /u B .4 . G enatanee, b r e . N.5 . O enatanee, lira . M.I . Oeeho gan, T.7. K a l e e , B r a . J .8 . B e a le y , K.9 . B e r d e m , 3 .

1 0 . LO0S&, Bra. W.K.11« H aber, B iaa B.I t . P ark er, L .I S . Weede, B iaa 0 .1 4 . V o e lle y , Biaa

GLAM 107.

O onaolatlon Saddle io n y , e v e r la hnnda and n o t aaaeed lag la .a Honda.

1 . BaLeon, B ra. C.lJ.a . Maak, B ia a J .9 . S ep p ln c,4 . Baana, tU

<uia.; lu o ,

C cnaolnttan (J a ia e *oay , a * occooodlus is h a ^ h

X* rnolA* IS. •1* Ba»M U H»S » B n n I M i b i a a Qm

da a a iv t iC f v*9 . M iuU a C i ' k . ^ .

ft. 7e U y , B.%1

L l t U o i'JL W

oitM iQ B BXoaMLLa*rm n w w .C if l l f lL

Burmdoo S u n il J i t . B eanie B lue, jfcnalyn G aiety . Gdlda.

Denle a yTamaH laob la f. Sunny BoySun Bonnet.C o ffee .Lady Seen.Bajah.CDufcby.S ilv e r K ing.Squib .B oylock.H u e Benny.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


R E F R I G E R A T I O Non display


See alsoBlack & Decker Portable Electric

To j Is and

W arbu rton Franki Products

Sangamo H .M .T . W atthour meters.

Variac Continuously Variable Trans­formers.

Sangamo Type SSA — Time Switches, synchronous motor operated.

Longascale — Ammeters, voltmeters, etc.

WARBURTON FRANKI LTD.Electrical En*ln«trt, Mtrehtnti, Mtnu(tcturtr«.



FRIGID AIRE — mid* only by C en tra l M o lo r t.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Harnett Poniet (Continued).

682./ COWLING, A. L. Blue Rock, gr. g., 1943;bred by — . Sawyer, Taralga, N.S.W. ; ». Prince Geary. 75, d. Tessie.

770.3 ELLIOTT, M r s . H Werona, m . g„ aged;hred by Mrs. D. W . Roberts, Bowral, N.S.W. ; h. Flashlight 2nd, 35, d. Stallage Esteila(imp.), 258.

771. JAOKLMAN. M h o . H. Bambi, gr. m., 1944; s. King Don.

68514 .JOHNSON. .1. P. Judy, gr rn. 1937 ; bred by M. J . Kearins, Murringo, N.S.W. ; *. Marquis

772. L IP l’MAN, J . I’ . Lady Ranger, gr. tn.. 27 : it : 42 ; bre<l by G. I-a vender, Kurmond, N .S .W .; h. Ranger, d. Nell.

•773. MYERS, O. W. Tommy, dt>l gr. g.. 1939.

774J. WILSON, J . H. Nattai Leoness, 874, cr. n.1941 ; bred by Mrs. L) B. Meek*. Bowral. N.S.W . ; n. Leo 3rd, 53, d. Nattai Queenie’s Light, 4(14.

CLASS 115 Pony In Harness, over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hards. First priie, £10; second prise. £5 . third prize, £3 , fourth prize, £1.


693.1 775753.

ARNOLD— : 10 :heal, Vic .


h. Don's I’ride

H. A. Grey39 ; bred by (i

Lady, dpl-gr. in.. Y'oung, Warrackna

Don Lionel H. Cinderella, gr. in.. 1938.

N. Charm, b in., 1940.N. Glamour, b. in., 1944; 33.

567. CONDON. C. Dusty Guy, b. g., 1:1 39.

754 DUGGAN. R. M. Dolly, hi. in.. 1940; bred by H. V ile, Gosforth, N.S.W. ; a. Robin,



756 694


Barina, hr. g„ agedd. Betty.

ELLIOTT, M r s . H. s. Diek Turpin.

ELLIOTT, Mrs. H . Pugler, hr. g„ aged ; bred by Mrs. I) W. Roberts,, N.S.W. ; h. Castletuai Clan-man (imp.), 157, d. Lady Monorieffe.

HATFIELD, H. Bright, b. g.. aged. HOLMES, Miss \\. M Miss Mulfet, gr. in.,

aged.HOUGHTON, M C. Flashclan, b. g.. 1943 ;

bred by Mrs. E. Elliot, Bowral, N .S .W .; s. Clans (imp.), d. by Flashlight.

581 JAMIESON, R. Mischief, b. g.. 1944.





LOGAN, M r s . W. N. Pompie, hr. g„ aged ; bred by Mrs. K Robins, Liverpool, N.S.W. ; s. Lord Pompadour, 15H, d. Dainty Maid, 53H.

PEDEN, W. Miss Glen, H02. hr. in.. 26 : 10 : bred by A. H. Peden, Tarlo, N.S.W.Glen Margbin. 37, d. Jalengia Patty,

POTTER, M r s . K. Cham, blk. g.

)SS, T. J.. a n d R GORDON. Naroo

: 43 ;



Talisman, b. g.. 5 : 10 : 42 ; hred by Mrs. D. W. Roberts, Bowral. N.S.W. . s. Naroo Welshman, 186, d. Naroo D.light, 448.

695. TRELOAR. W J . H . Majestic, gr. g.759. W ILLIAMS, M r s . J . Lady Diana, b. in.,


| I V F S rorK IN S U R E D on the Ground by the Y O R K S H IR E IN S U R A N C E CO ., LTD., at its Office there. •

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES- -Harnett Poniei (Continued).

CLASS 116 Pony in Harness, over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands. First prize, £10; second prize, £5: third prize, £3; fourth prize, £1.

697.’, ADAMS, M. Musician, b. g., aged.619. COWLING, A. L. Basso, hr. g„ 1938; s.

Bassinet te.760. DAVIS, M rs . F. R. Twilight 2nd, gr. g., aged. 66 .XGARLICK , M r s . B. R . Salome, Vol. 4,

• blk. 111.. 9 :9 : 39: bred by C. Randall. Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Castlemai Clansman (imp.), 157, <1. Trix.

761. G LEDH ILL , L. Whvombi, eh. g., bred by ' • ' I ' I’ayten Bros., Campbelltown, N.S.W. ; h.

d. • 7 Wnjmot, 105, <1. Entombi, '. tT 624. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Donnie, b. g„ 194“ ;

hnsl bv I). Lindsay, (iirral, N.S.W.778. R E R L I STUD FARM. Dignity, b. g„

21 : II : 43 : bred by Mrs. E. Robins, Sinith- tield, N.S.W. ; h. Autoerat, 14(111, d. Miss Minx, 442.

762. ROSS, T. J„ a n d R. GORDON. Linda Steel,gr. 111., 1943 : bred by A. J . Annabel, Sydn' y ; s. Beni Mazar.

779. STEWART, D. Jalengia Rover, gr. g.,: 11 : 39 ; hred by Mrs. J . A. Griinwood,

Exeter, N.S.W. ; s. Jalengia Wee Jim , 44, d. Dawn, 83.

760. W HITE, M r s . L. Banjo, br. g.. bred by J.Smith, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Traveller's Boy, d. Dinah.

763. W OOl), E. A. Glenrock, br. g.. aged . Invdby Mrs. H. Meeks, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Nattai Bright light, l»7. d. Patricia (Bren­nan's), 207.

CLAS5 117 Pony in Harness, over 12.2 hands, and not exceeding 13 hands. First prize, £10; second prize, £5; third prize, £3; fourth prize, £1.

,45. ADAMS, M r s . M. Little Mutt, eh. g„ 1939;bred by P. Miller, Scone, N.S.W.

0 6. ARNOLD, H. A. Don, eh. g„ : 11 : 40;bn 1 by P. Hogan. Donald, Vic. ; s. Asthon’s Silver, d. bv Roseworthy.

let. BRANZ a n . i I’ZGERALD. Baylight, b. g„ 1941 ; d. Stella.

651. COW LING, A. L. Glen Iris, br. in., 1944;bred by E. Bill, Goulburn, N.S.W. ; s. Glen Margam, 37. d. Betty.

711. DAUNT, M r s . S. M . Robin Hood, dun. g„ 1939; bred by J . Forsyth, Clare, S.A.

765. ELLIOTT, M r s . H. irragul, blk. g., 1941 ;bred by exhibitr"’ ; 1 Cr-ulan Comet (imp.), 27, d. Riawena, 222.

655. FELL. M. H. Flicker, b. g„ * : 8 : 43 ; ». Burradoo Leo, 153.

781. GORDON, J . Little Shannon, b. g.. 1940; bred by E. E. Hirst, Inglebum, N.S W.

768. GORDON, J . Silver, tatfv g., aged.782. HOGBIN , J. Little Cem, b. g.661. LOGAN. M r s . W. N. Chubby, gr. g„ 1943;

bred by Pye Bros., Boggabri, N.S.W. ; s. Burrsdoo Leo, 153.

88. MEEKS. M r s . D. B. Nattai Daylight, 868, eh. in., 22 : 9 : 41 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Ceulan Comet (imp.), 27, d. Nattai Lady Sunlight, 199.


CLASS 118 Pony In Harness, over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands. First prize, £9; second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2.

673. COW LING , A. L. Rosallea, gr. m., 1940;bred by exhibitor ; s. Marquis, 57. d. Rosie.

769. R E R L I STUD FARM. Miss Minx, 442, b. rn., 28 : 10 : 37 : bred by Mrs. E. Robins, Smith- licld, N.S.W. ; s. Lord Pompadour, 1511, d. Milton Betty, 274.

783. ROSS, T. J., a n d R. GORDON . Danny, hr. g.. 1940; bred by Mrs. D . B. Meeks, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Ceulan Comet (imp.).

Z"kt/(ss ^ IlS '^ 'r tn y fnearness. over 11 hands and not

exceeding 12 hands. First prize, £9 ; second prize, £3: third prize, £2; fourth prize, £1.

680. ARN OLD . 11. A. Tim, I., g.. .10 :41 . 90-p BOW KRMAN, S. R. Joybells, 748, b. in.,

I : 10 :40; bred by A. Davey, Grose Vale, N.S.W. ; s. Oinarth Boy, 31, d. Tibby.

682.\ COW LING , A. L. Blue Rock, gr. g.. 1913;bred by . Sawyer, Taralga. N.S.W. ; s. Prince Geary, 75, <1. Tessie.

685. JOHNSON . J . P. Judy, gr. in., 1937; bred by M. J . Kearins, Murringo. N.S.W. ; s. Marquis. % / ^ r r t A <a/iv

772. LIPPM ANN , J. P. Lady Ranger, gr. m.,27 : 9 : 42 ; bred by G. Lavender, Kurmond, N.S.W. ; m. Hanger, d. Nell.

773. M YERS, O. W. Tommy, dpl-gr. g., 1939.719., , ROSS, T. J., a n d R. GORDON. Blue Boy,

*7 gr. g., bred by Mrs. D. \\ . Roberts, Bowral,N .S .W .; s. Retford Prince, 81.

688., SEPPING, M r s F. Renalyn Gaiety, dpi gr. g.,bred by A. R. Poolman, Rooty Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Why not, 105, d. Milton Bluebell, 162.

784. SWANSTON, Miss D. M. Flare, ch. g„ oged ;bred by Mrs. 1). W. Roberts, Bowral, N .S .W .; s. Flashlight. Jind, jl. Naroo Pixie (imp. in dam), 197:7**; * 1 ' t

114. W ILSON , J . H. Nattai Leoness, 874, cr. in., 1941 ; bred by Mrs. D. B. Meeks, Bowral, N.S.W . ; s. Leo 3rd, 53, d. Nattai Queenie’s Light, 464.

CLASS 120 Pony In Harness, not exceeding 11 hands. First prize, £5. second prize, £2 ; third prize, Society's Ribbon.

143B. R O PE R B. Fenwick Treasure, Vol. 4, ch., 2 : I I : 45 ; bred by Mrs. A. D. D . Maclean, Yan Y ean, Vic. ; s. Shetland Heights Ginger-

\\ nut, 137S, d. Stcathkiness Trixie, 346S.

CLASS 121 Pony Stallion, In Single Harness, 13 hands and not exceeding 14 hands. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £2: third prize, £1.

47. ROSS. T. J .. AND R. GORDON. Traveller’s Prince, 421, b„ 1 8 :9 :4 3 ; bred by W C. Back, Bankstown, Sydney ; s. Honest Prince, 167, d. Bonnie Girl, 364.

CLASS 122 Pony Stallion, In single Harness under 13 hands. First prize, £5; second prize, £2 : third prize, £1. Prize money presented b> Mr. T. J. Ross, 66 Crystal-st., Petersham, Sydney.

In Foal Mares, 30 days from act o f Foaling or 12 months.

C O „ LTD ., Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

* K V i r i ^ jr

Y O R K S H IR E IN S U R A N C E The Farmers’ Com pany.

Of Hf,


Sec. 1— HORSES— Harnett Poniet (Continued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

50. BOWERMAN. S. R . Peter Boy, 381, ch.,: !( : 40 ; brad by A. Davey, ( In w Vale

N .S .W .; h. Dinarth Boy, 31, d. Judy.

785. BOWERMAN, S. R . Tiny Jim , Vol. 4. h„IS : I : 46 ; biwl by exhibitor ; *. Peter Boy, 3H1, d. Joy bell*, 748.

60. GEOGHEGAN, T. Little Prince, I7K. piebald, S: I I : 38; bred by K. M. Philpott, Belmore, Sydney, *. Prince Comedy, 205.

01. H O K IN , K. J . Nattai Eclipse, Vol 4. taffy,: ti : 43 ; bred by Mr*. I). B. Meekx,

Bowral, N.S.W. ; h. Ceulan Comet (imp.), 27, d Nattai l.udy Sunlight, 11*1*.

48. SINGLE, K. C. Prince Tiny, Vol. 4, b. 1**44 ; hn>d by K. Hill. Sefton, N 8.W. ; *. King Don, 171, d. Milton Glory, 437.

CLASS 123 Hackney Pony Stallion, in Single Har­ness, not exceeding 14 hands. First prize, £5: second prize, £2; third prize, Society’s

Ribbon.786. GORDON, J . Ghazali, ch., lt*44 ; bred by

H. G. Samuel*, Newtown, Sydney, k. Hadj.

d. Dawn Light.

I Hi. R E R L I STl’D FARM. Autocrat, 140H, br., 28 • 10 : 38 ; bm l by Mr*. K. Robin*. Smith- field, N .S.W .; s. l>ird Pompadour, l.MI, d. Dainty Maul, 63 H.

117. THAt’KERAY , H. C. Marfleet Cadet (imp.), 271H, br., 1043 ; bred by .1. Partington, Hull, England ; h. Wenalcydale Recruit (16,016, E.H.S.B.), d. Albin Nancy Mellioume (27,231.


CLASS 124 Pony Sulky Turnout. Pony, Sulky, and Harness. Pony over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands. First prize. £9 . second prize, £4: third prize, £2.

602. ARNOLD, H. A. Grey Lady, dpl-gr. in., : 10 : 30 ; bred by G. Young, W arrack -

natieal. V ie.; a. Don Lionel.

753. BOLITHO, M bs . N. Glamour, b. in., 1044;a. Don’* Pride, 33.

754. DUGGAN. R. M Dolly, br. m., 11*40; bred byH. Vile, Goaforth, N.S.W. ; a. Robin, d.

Betty.765. ELLIOTT, Mbs. H . Barlnla, br. g.. aged;

a. Dick Turpin.

776. ELLIOTT, Mrs H. Bugler, br. g.. aged; K bnM 1 by Mrs. D . W . Robert*, Bowral,

N.S.W. ; ». CaatlemiM Clansman (imp.), 157. d Lady Moncrieffe.

706. H A T F IE L D , H. Bright, b. g„ aged.

777./) LOGAN, Mk*. W. N. Pomple, hr. g.. aged; <n> bred by Mr*. E. Robina, Liverpool, N.S.W. ;

a. Lord Pompadour. 15H, d. Dainty Maid.


758. I ROSS. T J „ a n d R. GORDON. Naroo Talisman, b.g., 5 : 10 42; bred by Mr*. 1). W Kohcrt*. Bowral, N.S.W. a. Naroo Wel*h. man. I8ti. d. Naroo Delight, 448.

758. W ILLIAMS, Mk*. J . Lady Diana, b. m.,


CLASS 125 Pony Sulky Turnout. Pony, Sulky, and Harness. Pony ever 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands. First prize, £9 ; second prize, £4; third prize, £2 , fourth prize, £1.

L. Basso, br. g., 1038; s.till*.


J f i .



770.1} I


Whyombl, ch. g., bred Campbelltown, N.S.W. d. Entombi, 07.FARM. Dignity, b.

Kabul*. Smith- 14011, d. Mix*



bred by Traveller'*

COW LING . A.Ban* met te.

G LE D H ILL , L.. Payten Bro*.,

/Z V Whynot, 105,. R E R L I ST l’D

21 : 11 : 43 ; bred by Mr*. E. field, N.S.W. ; a. Autocrat,Minx. 442.

ROSS, T. J ., a n d R. GORDON. Linda Steel, gr. in., 1043 ; bred by A. J . Annabel, Sydney ;

Beni Mazar.STEWART, D. Jalengla Rover, gr. g.,

— : 11 : 30 ; bred by Mrs. J . A. Grimwood, Exeter. N.S.W. ; *. Jalengla Wee Jim , 44, d. Dawn, 83.

W H IT E . Mr*. L. Banjo, br.J . Smith, Bowral, N.S.W. ;Boy, d. Dinah.

W OOD, E. A. Glenrock, hr. g., aged ; bred by Mr*. H. Meek*. Bowral, N.S.W. ; a. Nattai Bright light, 187, d. Patricia (Bren-

" “ W f / r o » e l

CLASS 126 Pony Sulky Turnout. Pony, Sulky, and Harness. Pony, over 12.2 hands, and not exceeding 13 hands. To be Judged on points. First prize, £9; second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2; four'll prize, £1.

ADAMS, Mk*. M. Little Mutt, ch. g., 1030;bred by P. Miller, Scone, N.S.W.

ARN OLD , H A. Don, ch. g., 11:40; bred b> P. Hogan, Donald, Vie. ; a. Asthon’s

rj Silver, d. by Roaeworthy.651. 1 COW LING , A. L. Glen Iris, br. in., 1044;

bred by E. Bill, (loulbum , N.S.W. ; a. Glen Margam, 37, d. Betty.

ELLIOTT. M ks . H. Warragul, blk. g„ 1041; bred by exhibitor ; *. Ceulan Comet (imp.), 27, d. Riawena. 222.

GORDON , J. Little Shannon, b.. 1040; bred by — . H ,-nt, Ingleburn. N.S ’V.

HOG B IN , J . Little Gem, o. g.LOGAN, M k s . W. N. Chubby, gr. g., 1043;

b m l by Pye Bro*., Boggabri, N.S.W ; a. Burradoo Leo, 153.

MEEKS. M ks . D. B. Nattai Daylight. 8 6 8 .

ch. in., 2 2 :9 :4 1 ; bred by exhibitor; a. Ceuliui Comet (imp.), 27, d. Nattai Lady

.......................CLASS 127 Pony Sulky Turnout. Pony, Sulky,

and Harness. Pony, over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands. To be judged on points. First prize, £9 ; second prize, £4; third prize, £2.

ARN OLD , H A. Kitty (Pickering's), Vol. 4, dpl-gr. in., — : 10 : 40 ; b m l by G. Pickering, Watchem, Vic. ; s. Silver Bells.

COW LING, A. L. Rosalies, gr. in.. 1040;bm l by exhibitor ; a. Marquis, 57, d. Roaie.

GORDON, J . Silver, taffy g., aged.





782. 661.




YO RK SH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — Claims paid by tie Company eicccd£56,000,000. Insurances effected on Live Stock up to any sum.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Harnett Poniet (Continued), Contolation Harnett Poniet.

760. R E R L I STUD FARM. Miss Minx, 442, b. in., 28 : 10 : 37 ; bm l by Mrs. E. Robins, Smith- field, N.S.W. ; s. Lord Pompadour, 15H, d. Milton Betty, 274.

783. ROSS, T. J ., a n d R. GORDON. Danny, br. g.,1940 ; b m l by Mrs. D. B. Weeks, Bowral, N .S.W . ; s. Ceulan Comet (imp,), 27.

774. W ILSON , J . H. Nattai Leoness, 87 4, cr. m., 1041 ; b m l by Mrs. I). B. Meek*, Bowral,

— N.S.W . ; s. Leo 3rd, 53, d. Nattai Queenie’s

H n - ; * /> m.CLASS 128 Pony Sulky Turnout. Pony, Sulky, and

Harness. Pony not to exceed 12 hands. To be judged on points. First prize, £9 : second prize, £4 : third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1.

680. ARN OLD . H . A. Tim, b. g., — : 10:41.90. , BOW ERM AN, S. R. Joybells, 748, b in.,

1 : 1 0 :4 0 ; bm l by A. Davey, Grose Yale, N.S.W . ; a. Dinarth Boy, 31, d. Tibby.

682. / COW LING , A. L. Blue Rock, gr. g., 11*43 ; bred » by — . Sawyer, Taralga, N.S.W. ; a. Prince

3 Geary, 75. d. Tessie.E L L IO IT , M b s . H. Werona, rn. g . aged ;

bred by M r*. D. W. Robert*, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Flashlight 2nd, 35, d. Stallage E*tella(imp.), 25N.

685. JOH N SO N , J . P. in., 1037 ; bred by M. J . Kearins, Murringo. N.S.W. ; s. Marquis.

710.7 ROSS, T. J ., a n d R. GORDON. Blue Boy, gr.g. ; b m l by Mr*. D. W. Robert*, Bowral, N.S.W. ; a. Retford Prince, 81. f

784. SWANSTON, Miss 1). M. Flare, ch. g., aged ; bred by Mrs. D. W. Robert*. Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Flaal^lijlht 2nd, d. Naroo Pixie (imp. in dam).

7 ^ 5 TZ> 1 1 1

CLASS 129 Pony Tandem Team and Turnout, for ponies not exceeding 14 hands. First prize, £5 . second prize, £2.

787.1 DOWSETT, M. Benbow and Halfal.

787A. R O P E R , B. Trowsdale Witch, Vol. 4. blk. and w„ — : 12 : 38 ; bm l bv Miss G. Small ami R . G. Bills, Templeatowe, Vic. ; s. Shetland Height* Jester, d. Shetland Height* Dona. *1078 ; Yarra Lea Pinto, Vol. 4, rd. and w.. 4 : I : 43 ; bm l by R. <1. Bill*. Templeatowe. Vic. ; a. Shetland Height* Je*ter, d. Trowsdale W itch, Vol. 4.


CLASS 130 Lady's Turnout. Pony to be 14 hands or under. To be driven and owned by a lady, who must be the exhibitor. To be judged lor general neatness, appearance, and sound­ness. First prize, £ 9 ; second prize, £ 4 . third prize, £2 . fourth prize, £1.

645. ADAMS, Mbs. M. Little Mutt, ch. g., 1039; b m l by P. Miller, Scone, N.8.W.

788. BULL, Mrs. E. Lady Woodlands, b. in..? * I aged ; b m l by E. O. Battye ; a. Australian


776. ELLIOTT, M b s . H. Bugler, hr. g., aged ; bred yMWON* by Mrs. D. W. Roberta, Bowral, N.S.W’. ;

a. Caatlemai Clansman (imp.), 157, d. Lady Moncrieffe.

770. ELLIOTT, M b s . H. Werona, rn. g., aged;bm l by Mr*. 1). W. Roberts, Bowral. N.S.W . ; *. Flashlight. 2nd, 35, d. Stallage Eatella(imp.), 25>.

777^ LOGAN, M r s . W. N. Pomple, hr. g.. aged;bred by Mrs. E. Robin*. Liverpool, N .S.W . ; s. Lord Pom|wwiour, 1511, d. Dainty Maid, 53 H.

88. ;■ MEEKS, M rs. I). B. Nattai Daylight, 868, ch. m., 2 2 :0 :4 1 ; bm l by exhibitor; s. Ceulan Comet (imp.), 27, d. Nattai Lady Sunlight, 100.

592; POTTER. M b s . K. Cham, blk. g.

784. SWANSTON, Miss D. M. Flare, ch. g., aged ;bred by Mr*. I). W . Robert*, Bowral, N.S.W . ; s. Flashlight 2nd, d. Naroo Pixie (imp. in dam), 107.

767. W ALK ER , Miss B. Blue Boy, dpl-gr. g., 1042 ; b m l by T. L. Flynn, Picton, N.S.W .

780. ^W ’HITE, M b s . I,. Banjo, br. g. ; bred by .1. Smith, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Traveller’s Boy, d. Dinah.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion, for the best Pony in Single Harness to be driven

/ <J < on the ground; each pony to be shown inP ' the same class of vehicle in which it was

shown in its individual class. All first prize harness ponies in Classes 110 to 120 may compete for this prize without entry.

Reserve Champion Society’s Ribbon.


Post Entries Only.

Entry Fee Members and Non-Members, 5s.Awards In Pair Classes will be disregarded for

Consolation Classes.

CLASS 131 (Special Prizes) Consolation Harness Pony, over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands. For ponies which have competed in a class for harness ponies at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such classes. First prize, £3 ; second prize, £2; third prize, Society’s Ribbon.

CLASS 132 (Special Prizes) Consolation Harness Pony, over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands. For ponies which have competed In a class for harness ponies rd the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such classes. First prize, £3 . second prize, £2; third prize. Society’s Ribbon.

CLASS 133 (Special Prizes) Consolation Harness Pony, 13 hands or under. For ponies which have competed In a class for harness ponies at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, s^ond, or third prize In such classes. First pn. , £3 . second prize, £2; third prize, Socic 's Ribbon.

YO RK SH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — For every Class of Insurance. Specialistsin Live Stock Insurance. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

W u t



gec. J__HORSES— Harness Ponie* (Continued).




BOWKKMAN, S. K. Peter Boy, 381, ch., : 9 : 40 ; brod by A. Davey, Grose Vale,

N .S .W .; h. Diriarth Boy, 31, d. Judy.

BOW ERM AN, S. B. Tiny Jim , Vol. 4, h., 12 : 1 ; 46; hred by exhibitor ; s. Peter Boy, 381, d. Joybella, 748.

OEOGHEGAN, T. Little Prince, 176, piebald, 3 : I I : 38 ; bred by K. M. Philpott, Belinore, Sydney, h. Prince Comedy, 205.

51. H O K IN , F. J . Nattai Eclipse, Vol. 4. taffy, : 6 : 43 ; bred by Mr*. I). B. Meek*,

Bowral. N .S.W .; s. Ceulan Comet (imp.), 27, d. Nattei Lady Sunlight. 199.

48. S IN G LE , K. C. Prince Tiny, V'ol 4. b.. 1944; bred by K. Hill. Sefton, N.S.W. ; s. King Don, 171, d. Milton Glory, 437.



j f . l *778.



U & ft



CLASS 123 Hackney Pony Stallion, in Single Har­ness, not exceeding 14 hands. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £2; third prize, Society's

Ribbon.G ORDO N , J . Ghazall, ch., 1944 ; bred by

H . (i. Samuels, Newtown, Sydney, s. Hadj,

d. Dawn Light.R E R L I ST l'D FARM. Autocrat. 140H, br.,

28 : 10 : 38 ; bred by Mrs. K. Robins, Smith- field. N.S.W. ; s. l.ortl Pompadour, 1511, d . Dainty Maid, 53H.

T HACKERAY, H. C. Maifleet Cadet (imp.), 271H. hr., 1943 ; bred by J. Partington, Bull, England : s. Wenaleydale Recruit (15,015, E.H.S.B.), <1. Albin Nancy Melbourne (27,231.


CLASS 124 Pony Sulky Turnout. Pony, Sulky, and Harness. Pony over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands. First prize. £9 . second prize, £4: third prize, £2.

ARN OLD . H. A. Crey Lady, dpl-gr. m., : 10 : 39 ; bred by G. Young, Warrack-

i i h lieal. Vic. ; h . Don Lionel.

BOLITHO, Mhk. N. Glamour, b. in.. 1944;h. Don’s Pride, 33.

D l ’OGAN, H. M Dolly, br. in., 1940 ; bred by H . Vile, Goaforth, N .S .W .; s. Robin, d.

Betty.ELLIOTT, Mrb. H. Barlnia, br. g„ aged;

a. Dick Turpin.

ELLIOTT, M km. H bred bv Mrs. I)N .S .W ,; s.157, d. Lady



, bred by Traveller’s






776. . aged ; Bowral,(imp.),


Bugler, br. gW . Roberts,

Castlcumi Clansman lor. (i. i.uti> Moncrieffe.

756.^ HATFIELD . H. Bright, b. g., aged.

777.nLOOAN , Man. V\ . N. Pompk. br. g.. age-1 ;bred by Mrs. E. Robins, Liverpool, N.S.W. ; a. Lord Pompadour, 15H, d. Dainty Maid.

53 H.758 BOSS. T J., AM) R. GORDON . Naroo fj 81.

Talism an, h. u .. .*> : 10 42 : brod bv Mrs. D . W ., «. Naroo Welah-


Talisman, b. g.,5 10 42 ; RolierU. Bowral, N.S.W■ nan, 186, d. Naroo Delight. 44S.

759. W ILLIA M S, M r s . J . Lady Diana, 1944.

b. m

CLASS 125 Pony Sulky Turnout. Pony, Sulky, and Harness. Pony ever 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands. First prize, £9 . second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2; fourth prize, £1.

C O W LIN G , A. L. Basso, br. g., 1938; a. Bassinette.

GLEDH1LL, L. Whyombl, ch. g.. bred by Payten Bros., Campbelltown, N.S.W . ; s. Whynot, 105, d. Kntombi, 97.

R E R L I ST l'D FARM. Dignity, b. g„ 21 : I I : 43 ; bred by Mrs. E. Babins, Smith - field, N.S.W. ; s. Autocrat, 140H, d. Mina Mm\. 442.

ROSS, T. J .. a n d R. GORDON. Linda Steel, gr. rn., 1943 ; hred by A. J. Annabel, Sydney ;

k s. Beni Mazar.779. J 8TEWABT. D. Jalengia Rover, gr. g..

— : 11 : 39 ; hred by Mrs. J . A. Grimwood, Exeter. N.S.W. ; s. Jalengia W«<e Jim , 44,

d. Dawn, 83.W H IT E . Mrs. L. Banjo, br.

J . Smith, Bowral, N.S.W. ;Boy, <1. Dinah.

W OOD, E. A. Glenrock, br. g., aged ;by Mrs. H. Meeks, Bowral, N .S.W . ; a. Nattai Bnghtlight, 187, d. Patricia (Bren­nan’a), 2(17. . i ,

1 ' t f i - from t l I 2 U-

CLASS 126 Pony Sulky Turnout. Pony, Sulky, and Harness. Pony, over 12.2 hands, and not exceeding 13 hands. To be judged on points. First prize, £9 ; second prize, £ 4 . third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1.

ADAMS, Mrs. M. Little Mutt, ch. g„ 1939;bred bv P. Miller, Scone, N.S.W.

ARN OLD . H. A. Don, ch. g„ — 11:40; bred by P. Hogan, Donald, Vic. ; ». Asthon’s

n Silver, d. by Roseworthy.651,) COW LING , A. L. Glen Iris, br. in., 1944;

bred by E. Bill, Goulbum, N.S.W. ; s. Glen Margam, 37, d. Bettv.

ELLIOTT. Mrs. H. Warragul, blk. g.. 1941; bred by exhibitor ; s. Ceulan Comet (imp.), 27. d. Hiawena, 222.

G ORDO N , J . Little Shannon, b., 1940; bred by — . Hunt. Inglebum, N.S.W.

HOG B IN . J . Little Gem, b. g.LOGAN, M r s . W. N. Chubby, gr. g.. 1943;

bred by Pye Bros., Boggabri. N.S.W. ; a. Burradoo Leo, 153.

88. M EEKS, M b s . D B. Nattai Daylight, 86tf, ch. in., 2 2 :9 :4 1 ; bred by exhibitor; ». Ceulan Comet (imp.), 27, d. Nattai Lady Siudight, 199. I£ w L J + i t J.. J

127 Pony Sulky Turnout. Pony, Sulky, and Harness. Pony, over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands. To be Judged on points. First prize, £9; second prize, £4; third prize, £2.

ARN O LD , H. A. Kitty (Pickering’s), Vol. 4, dpl-gr. ill., — : 10 ; 40 ; bred by G. Pickering, Watchem. Vic. ; s. Silver Beils.

COW LING , A. L. Rosaliea, gr. in., 1940;bred by exhibitor ; s. Mar<|iiis, 57, d. Rosie.

GORDON , J . Silver, taffy g., aged.





782. 661.



Y O R K S H IR E IN SU RA N CE C O ., LTD . — Claim* pa id by the Com pany exceed

£56,000,000. Insurance* effected on Live Stock up to any sum.


Sec- 1— HORSES— Harness Ponies (Continued), Consolation Harness Ponies.

769. R E R L I S T l’D FARM. Miss Minx, 442, b. in., 28 : 10 : 37 ; bred by Mrs. E. Robins, Smith- field, N.S.W . ; s. Lord Pcmpadour, 15H, d. Milton Betty, 274.

783. ROSS, T. J . , a n d R . GORDON. Danny, br. g., 1940; bred by Mrs. D. B. Mocks, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Ceulan Comet •imp,), 27.

774. WILSON, J . H . Nattai Leoness, H74, cr. in., 1941 ; bred by Mrs. I). B. Meeks, Bowral,

) N.S.W. ; s. Leo 3rd, 53, d. Nattai Queenie’s

CLASS 128 Pony Sulky Turnout. Pony, Sulky, and Harness. Pony not to exceed 12 hands. To be judged on points. First prize, £9 : second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2 . fourth prize, £1.

680. ARNOLD, H . A. Tim, b. g.. — : 10:41.90. BOWERMAN, S. R. Joybells, 748, b in.,

1 : 10 :40 ; bred by A. Davey, Grose Vale, N.S.W. ; a. Dinarth Boy, 31, d. Tibby.

682. I COWLING, A. L. Blue Rock, gr. g., 1943 ; bred ‘ by — . Sawyer, Taralga, N.S.W. ; s. Prince

3 Geary, 75, d. Tessie.E L L IO IT , Mus. 11. Werona, rn. g., aged;

brod by Mrs. 1). W. Roberts, Bowral, N.S.W . ; a. Flashlight 2nd, 35, d. Stallage Estella (imp.), 258

685. JOHNSON, J . P. Judy, gr. in.. 1937 ; bred by M. J . Kearins, Murringo, N.S.W. ; s. Marquis.

719.7 ROSS, T. J .. and R . GORDON. Blue Boy, gr.g. ; bred by Mrs. 1). W. Roberts, Bowral, N.S.W. ; a. Retford Prince, 81.

784. SWANSTON, Miss D. M. Flare, ch. g„ aged ;bred by Mrs. D. W. Roberts, Bowral, N.S.W . ; s. Flagl^ljjtht 2nd, <1. Naroo Pixio (imp. in dam).

CLASS 129 Pony Tandem Team and Turnout, for ponies not exceeding 14 hands. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £2.

787,1 DOWSETT, M. Benbow and Haffal.

787A. ROPER, B. Trowsdale Witch. Vol. 4. blk. and w., — : 12 : 38 ; bred by Miss G. Small and R. G. Bills, Teinplestowe, Vic. ; s. Shetland Heights Jester, d. Shetland Heights Dona, 807S ; Yarra Lea Pinto, Vol. 4, rd. and w., 4 : 1 : 43 ; bred bv R. G. Bills. Teinplestowe, Vic. ; s. Shetland Heights Jester, <1. Trowsdale Witch, Vol. 4.

CLASS 130 Lady's Turnout. Pony to be 14 hands or under. To be driven and owned by a lady, who must be the exhibitor. To be judged lor general neatness, appearance, and sound­ness. First prize, £9; second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1.

645. ADAMS, M r s . M . Little Mutt, ch. g., 1939 ; bred by P. Miller, Scone, N.S.W.

788. BULL, M r s . E. Lady Woodlands, b. in., P ' aged ; bre<l by E. O. Battye ; a. Australian


776. ELLIOTT, M r s . H. Bugler, br. g., aged ; bred ‘ by Mrs. D. W . Roberts, Bowral, N.S.W. ;

s. Castlemai Clansman (imp.), 157, d. Lady Moncrieffe.

r io .

770. ELLIOTT, M r s . H . Werona, rn. g., aged ;bnsl by Mrs. 1). W . Roberts, Bowral, N.S.W. ; a. Flashlight 2nd, 35, d. Stallage Estella (imp.), 258.

777} LOGAN, Mrs. W . N. Pompie, br. g., aged ;bred by Mrs. K. Robins, Liverpool, N.S.W. ; s. Lord Pompadour, 1511, d. Daintv Maid,53H.

88. MEEKS, M r s . 1). B. Nattai Daylight, 868,1 ch. m., 22 : 9 : 4 I ; bred by exhibitor ; s.

Ceulan Comet (imp.), 27, d. Nattai Lady Sunlight, 199.

592. J’OTTER. M r s . K. Cham, blk. g.

784. SWANSTON, Miss D. M. Flare, ch. g.. ag<>d ;bred by Mrs. D. W . Roberta, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Flashlight 2nd, d. Naroo Pixie (imp. in d ip ) . 197.

767. W ALKER, Miss B. Blue Boy, dpi gr. g., 1942 ; bred by T. L. Flynn, Picton, N.S.W.

780. JW H IT E , Mus. L . Banjo, br. g. ; bred by J . Smith, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Traveller's Boy, d. Dinah.

Champion Prize Royal Easter Show Medallion, for the best Pony in Single Harness to be driven on the ground: each pony ‘o be shown in the same class ol vehicle in which it was shown in its individual class. All lirst prize harness ponies in Classes 110 to 120 may compete for this prize without entry.

Reserve Champion Society’s Ribbon.


Post Entries Only.

Entry Fee Members and Non-Members, 5s.Awards in Pair Classes will be disregarded (or

Consolation Classes.

CLASS 131 (Special Prizes) Consolation Harness Pony, over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands. For ponies which have competed in a class for harness ponies at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such classes. First prize, £3 . second prize, £2; third prize, Society’s Ribbon.

CLASS 132 (Special Prizes) Consolation Harness Pony, over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands. For ponies which have competed In a class for harness ponies at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize in such classes. First prize, £3; second prize, £2; third prize. Society's Ribbon.

CLASS 133 (Special Prizes I Consolation Harness Pony, 13 hands or under. For ponies which have competed in a class lor harness ponies at the Royal Easter Show, 1948, and which have not won a first, second, or third prize In such classes. First prize, £3 ; second prize, £2. third prize, Society’s Ribbon.

YORKSH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — For every Class of Insurance. Specialistsin Live Stock Insurance. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

ssv\CLASS 131,

Arnold, H.A.

2 * H atfie ld , H,

3 . Jenieson, R,

4. Peden, W,

1, Davis, Mra, F,R.

2 , Parkor, E,

3 , £ Rerli Stud Farm

4 * Ross and Gordon

5 . Stewart, D,

X, / Adams , Mrs. M,

2* jSArnold, H.A.’

3 , Dranz , J . and J ,Kitgsrald

f4, Gordon, J ,

5, Johnston, J .P ,

6, Lo^an, W.N.

Grey Lady.


l ls o h ie f .

Miss 3len,I

CLASS 132.

Twilight 2nd,


D ignity


Jalengla Ro^er

CLASS 133.

L itt le Mutt,


la y lig h t.

L itt le ShannoTv



V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Buaine** Turnout*, Waggon* and Lorrie*.



Ju ilg f* :

LightH. E. Colvin,

S64 City-rd..South Mellioume, V ic.

Heavy—C. B. H. Lawler,

130 Alioe-i»t.,Newtown, Sydney.

Steward* :

N. 1). .lonen (Chief)L. S. Clurk J . AnjruH .1. McMahon

Col. T. K. Irwin (Chief)P. Charley•I. 1). MacLeod



CIohhch 134 to 14ti to tie exhibited and judged at 0.3d a.m. on Friday, lititli March, and paraded only on that day, Saturday, and Monday, 27th and 20th March. .

The same horse cannot compete In two ordinary classes, but can compete in all classes marked special lor which It Is eligible, provided the entry has been made In the usual way.

A horse entered as a Harness Horse shall not be eligible to compete in a Business Turnout Class or vice versa.

In Turnout Classes sworn declaration as to owner­ship of horse, vehicle and harness must accompany certificate of entry. The Society will take lega1 pro­ceedings against any exhibitor violating this regulation.

Temporarily converted Milk or Butter vehicles shall not be eligible to compete in Business Turnout Classes.

Exhibits in Class 138 are not eligible for Class 139 or vice versa.


Exhibit and box numbers will be supplied at the Horse Superintendent's office situated in the Horse Section. On all occasions the exhibit number must be affixed to each horse before entering the ring.


All horses must parade as they are shown in their competitive classes daily. Any exhibitor who fails to parade his horses shall forfeit all prize money (if anyi won by him, and be liable to a fine of £5 for each animal not paraded. A special parade of prize winners*1 will be held on a day to be Mxed If time permits. Should a horse be sold prior to the close of the Show, the entrant shall be responsible for the observance of the Parade regulations.

This rule will be strictly enforced.


In each class, 134 excepted, provided three prizes have been awarded, £2 and £1 respectively will be paid to the driver ol the first and second prize exhibits The driver of the second prize exhibit In class 134 will be paid £1.

Before the close of the Show, the exhibitor will nominate, in writing, the successful driver.

The Port Jackson and Manly S.S. Co., Ltd., Circular Quay, Sydney, has donated £10 10s., toward the Special Prizes for the drivers of Business Turnouts.

CLASS 134 Best Groomed and Turned-out Single Horse, Harness, and Vehicle. Horse and turnout to have been driven in work and attended to by the driver for three months prior to the Show ; declaration to this effect from owner to be produced. The Society will take legal proceedings against any ex­hibitor violating this regulation. First prize, £10, presented to H. Jones and Co. (Sydney), Pty., Ltd., Darlington, Sydney, Manufacturers of the famous “ I.X .L ." Jams, Canned Fruits, Tomato Juice, etc.: second prize, £5; third prize, £2; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize. Society’s Ribbon. £5 will be awarded to the driver of the first prize turnout.










798. FLYNN, T. L.


CLASS 135 Four-wheeled Delivery Waggon (one- horsei Turnout. First prize, £5. second prize, £2: third prize, £1.

80 5 BANNING, R.








All the Best A n im al* are Insured with the Y O R K S H IR E IN S U R A N C E CO ., LTD. Office on the G round. Claims paid by the Company exceed £56,000,000.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. I — HORSES— Bu*ine*» Turnout*, Waggon* and Lorrie* (Continued).

CLASS 136 Business Turnout (other than milk and bakers’ carts). For exhibitors who have not won a first, second, or third prize in a business turnout class at any previous Sydney Royal Show. First prize, £5 . second priie, £2; third prize, £1.

8U . McCa r t h y , t .814. MOON, V.816. MOON. V.816. NEWTON, A.

CLASS 137 -(No entry.)

CLASS 138 Light Two-wheeled Delivery Milk Cart (one horse) Turnout. First prize, £6 ; second prize, £3 . third prize, £1 ; fourth prize,

o Society's Ribbon.817.1? D A IRY FARMERS’ CO-OP. M ILK CO.. LTD.








8 2 1 .


823. _ _ ..............824. N.S.W. FRESH FOOD AND ICE CO., LTD.

Exhibits In Class 138 are not eligible (or Class 139 or vice versa.

CLASS 141 Baker’s Turnout (one horse). First prize, £6 ; second prize. £3 ; third prize, £1.


CLASS 142 One-horse Lorry Turnout. First prize, £8 ; second prize, £4; third prize, £2.




CLASS 143 Two-horse Lorry Turnout. First prize, £10 : second prize, £5 . third prize, £2.



CLASS 144 Four-horse Lorry or Waggon Turnout. First prize, £15; second prize, £ 7 , third prize, £3.

845.CO. PTY., LTD.



CLASS 139 Light Two-wheeled Delivery Cart (one horse) Turnout (other than milk cart). First prize, £6 ; second prize, £3 ; third prize, £1.


(SYDNEY).827. HAWKINS a n d ABBERTON PTY., LTD.828. M c C a r th y , t829. MOON, V.830. MOON, V.831. N.S.W. FRESH FOOD AND ICE CO., LTD.832. NEWTON, A.

CLASS 140 (No entry.)

CLASS 145 Tip Cart Turnout. First prize, £6; second prize, £3; third prize, £1.

M 847. G ILM ORE , Mrs. R.848. HUSBAND, R849. MOON, V.

CLASS 146 Turno-it for Advertising Business. First prize, £15; second prize, £7 ; third prize, £3 . fourth prize, £2.





Y O RK SH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD.— A ll Classes of Insurance Effected. Fire,Workers’ Compensation, Crops, Fencing, etc. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s



D A Y A N D N I G H T .



Post entries will close at the main office on the Showground at 9.30 a.m. (see exceptions) for day events and 5 p.m. for night events on the day or night the events are advertised to take place. Where an event is to take place on or before 10 a.m.. Post Entries for such event must be made not later than 5 p.m. on the preceding day. On no consideration will Post Entries be accepted after the time specified.

Jumping Exhibitions../ udges :

Day - J . H . Grigg,


Canterbury, N.Z. *

Night—K. McK. Duncan,

“ Flockhart,” • Cliff-rd.,

Marton, N.Z.



Judges :Equitation Test Educated Horse and Pony

Sgt. R. W. Livermore Police Barracks,


Equestrienne (On Fiat) and Gentlemen Riders W . W . Sherratt,

“ Tiropai,”Puketapu,

Hawke’s Bay,N.Z.

Boy and Girl Riders—K. McK. Duncan, .

“ Flockhart,”Cliff-rd.,

Marton, N.Z.Equestrienne Turnouts—

R . R . Ashton,“ Checkers,”


Stewards :E. H. K. Downes (Chief)Hon. E. A. Buttenshaw,A. O. (fee1). H. RoiiertsonJ . BarnesJ. DownesK. A. Grihlien


Stewards :

Lt. Col. the Hon, M. F.Bmxner, M.L.A.

R. F. Schmidt J. Barnes J. K. Mivckav

P. S. VVillsallen (Chief) J . D. Mac Leod I). H . Robertson R. F. Schmidt R . R . Ashton J . K . Maokay

Reserve Ring Judge# :A. A. Laidlaw and H. M. Warburton.

LIVESTOCK INSURANCE — Claim* paid promptly on Proof of Death.— YO RK SH IREINSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmer*’ Company.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Jumping Exhibition* (Continued).

DRESS AND COLOURS.All riders must wear steeplechase or hunting costume

(lad it's in riding habit), and the colours must be stated on the certificate of entry. Ladies can ride only in classes provided for ladies, unless otherwise specified.

Post Entries may Le made in Classes 183 to 186. Set Regulations.

Entry Fee Mem I* rs and Non Members, 7h. 6d. ; unless otherwise specified.


Exhibit and box numbers will be supplied at the Horse Superintendent’s office situated in the Horse Section. On all occasions the exhibit number must be affixed to each horse before entering the ring.

The committee reserves the right to substitute or alter any event In the day or night programme.


All horses must parade as they are shown in their competitive classes daily. Any exhibitor who fails to parade his horse shall forfeit all prize money (If any) won by him and be liable to a fine of £5 for each animal not paraded. A special parade of prize winners will be held on a day to be fixed If time permits. Should a horse be sold prior to the close of the Show, the entrant shall be responsible for the observance of the Parade regulations.

Roll Call and Ring Passes (see Regulations on page2).

These rules will be strictly enforced.All riders and drivers in jumping and trotting

events must give their names at scales and must wear skull caps, which will be provided by the Society.

A statutory declaration must be furnished with entries in Novice Classes showing that the exhibits comply with the conditions.

A judge in any Lady's Hunting Event may warn off a horse which in his opinion is unfit to be ridden by a lady in such e'ent.

The Council reserves the right to substitute a judge whenever deemed n -cessary.

e . - r u .

(Special Prize) Trophy will be presented to the most successful gentleman rider in Hunting and Jumping Contests, Royal Easter Show, 1948. The prize shall be determined as follows Each first prize to count as three points, second as two, third as one.

(Special Prize) £5, presented by Mrs. E. M. Moran, Kookaburra Refreshment Room, Clydesdale- st., Showground, for the most suitably attired (Informal dress) Lady Rider who has ridden or competed at the Royal Easter Show, 1948. Each competitor must be mounted, but the horse, bridle, and saddle, will not be taken Into consideration.

iSpecial Prizei £5, presented by Mr. P. S. Willsallen and Mr. R. R. Ashton, for the most suitably

i -j '> H v attired (formal dress) Lady Rider who has ridden or competed at the Royal Easter Show, 1948. Each competitor must be mounted, but the horse, bridle, and saddle will not be taken Into consideration.



The Riders of the first, second, and third placed horses In classes 150, 151, 152, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, and 186 will be paid 20s., 15s., and 10s., respectively. For classes 153 and 177 the riders of second and third placed horses will be paid 15s. and 10s., respectively.


(Special Prizes) £75, presented by Moran and Cato, Pty., Ltd., Grocers, Head Office, 122-126 Cleveland-st., Chippendale, Sydney. First prize, £40; second prize, £20; third prize, £10; fourth prize, £5. For horses which have not won a first, second or third prize in a Hunting Contest other than a Section Four Hunting Contest at any Royal Show in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Brisbane. To be tried over course and fences as the committee may direct. Ladies are not eligible to ride In this Contest. • .7.8. 9. 21. 27.


Meclad, hr. g. Royal Court, b. Whynella, ch. g. R. Kim, i'h. g.

BAKER a n d McGEE. Rising Sun, ch . g.

BARTRAM, M k s . H. Sieda, gr g.

BELL, G. .1. Domineer, gr. g.BELL, G. J . Sun Valley, b. g.BENNETT, T Kerry Boy, b. g.

BLUNDELL, Miss B. Austral, b. g. BLUNDELL, Miss B. Corryong, dpl-gr. g. BROD IE , C. Coal Dust, blk. g.BRO D IE , C. J . Grey Lock, gr. g.BROW N a n d KENNEDY. Royal Radium,

ch . g.CAMPBELL BROS. Boomerang, br. g. CAMPBELL BROS. Stormy, gr. g.CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy, b. g.CANTLAY, A. C. Destiny, br. g.CANTLAY. A. C. Ranger, b. g.

CORRIGAN. H. J . Freckles, gr. g. CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H. J . P E R R IN .

Berthang, ch. g.CROUCHER, M r s . A. Garryowen, hr. g. CULLEN, J . Ensign, br. g.CULLEN, J . Surmise, ch. g.CULLEN. J . Tara, eh. g.DOWSETT, M Harkaway, blk. g.D O Y IE , Miss I. No Dice, ch. g.EM ERY, Miss R . M. Yl, br. m.ESTELL, Miss G. Tony, b. g.F IELD , T. A. Ladyship, b. in.F IELD . T. A. President, br. g.F IELD IN G , P. G. Copper, ch. g. F ITZGERALD , S i s t e r E. I. Sunbeam, b . g. FRY ER . J . A. Schoolboy, br. g.GARVIN . M r s . M M. Murray Valid* . hr*.. g.

w tf iH P Hi

Show Anim als covered for 14 days, including Tran*it to and from Farm. Y O R K S H IR E

IN S U R A N C E CO ., LTD . Office on G round . Essentially the Farmers’ Office.


Now choose from ROUTESO N T H E ‘ K A N G A R O O ’ S E R V I C E

B Y C O N S T L L A T I O N - B Y F L Y I N G B O A T

Providing a maximum ol service to

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K N O U I R I A I AN\ O K F l C l O " A G E N T O F ( J A N T A S E M P I R E A IR W A Y S

s i

Sec. 1— HORSES— Jum ping Exhibitions (Continued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

36. GRAHAM, K . G. Midnight, br. g.37. GRAY , W. E. Mizami, bl. gr. g.36. HALL, 8. G. Billabong, b. g.39. HALL, S. G. Bright, br. g.40. H ALLIDAY , \V. Udy Betty, b. m.

41. H ED LEY , M r s . R. Grey Dawn. gr. g.42. HKDLKY, M r s . R. Grey Gift, gr. g.43. H ENRY , C., a n d L. Laddie, br. g.44. HOLMES, Miss \V. M. Bambino, b r . g.

4s| HOLMES. Miss W . M. Blue Bonnet, gr. m. 4 ? HOLMES, Miss W . M. Crackerjack, br. g.47. HOLMES, Miss W . M. Rex, br. g.46. JO LLY , R. W . Parader, b. g.49. W ITHDRAW N .50. K ELLY , J . T., a n d G. L. KENNEDY. Bamboo,

b. m.51. K ELLY , J. T„ a n d G. L. KENNEDY. Bingo,

b. g.62. KEMP, Miss J . Christopher Grey, gr. g.53. KENNAN, M r s . H. C. Kittykawk, b. in.

54. LA IDLAW , Miss R ., a n d W. J . ARM OUR.Persuasion, g r . g.

55. LA IDLAW , Miss R., a n d W. J . ARM OUR.Puzzle, c h . g .

56. LA IDLAW , Miss R., a n d W. J . ARM OUR.Tango, gr. g.

57. McMAUOH, M rs . A. Hailstorm, gr.58. McMAUGH, M r s . A. Inland, ch.59. MA8TERTON. M r s . D. Sammy, b. g.

60. M IDDLEMISS, M r s . K. Beau Geste, ch. g.61. M IDDLEMISS, M r s . K. Cessnock, ch . g.

62. MOXHAM, Miss 1’. Mark Twain, b. g.

63. M URPHY, C. A. Golden Wings, ch. g.64. NEIW AND, C. L. Lookout, b. g.65. NELSON, T. First Up, b. v.66. W ITHDRAW N .

67. PAUL, H. W . Rainbow, ch. g.68. PAYNE, A. L. Fairfield, br. g.69. PAYNE, A. L. Sirocco, b. g.70. PE R RY , C. H . Atlantic, gr. g.71. PE R RY , C. H . Congo, b. g.72. PE R R Y , C. H. Westdale, b. g.

73 4 PH ILLIPS, K. Royal, b. g.74. PH ILLIPS, K. Victory, blk. g.75. ROBERTS, M. F. Tekah, b. g.76. ROSENBERG, J . Dolly, b. m.

77. SEYMOUR, N. Rex, blk g.78. SONTER, K. W\ Jamie Boy, b. g.79. STAPLETON, M. Hero, br. g.

80. STEWART, A. G. Scots Grey, gr. g.

81. TANNER, Mrs. D. Thunder, b. g.

82. TOMS, M r s . J . H . Grey Flash, gr. g.

83. TOMS, M r s . J . H. Grey Sultan, gr. g.

84. TOMS, M r s . J . H . Kentucky, b. g.

85. TW OH ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Kitty Hawk,br. m.

86. TW OHILL a n d McKERRNANN. Mercy,b lk . m .

87. WALSH, J . A. Grey Dawn, gr. g.

88. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Bandolier, ch. g .

89X.WOOD, F., a n d M is s M. Rainbow, b . g.

90. WOOD, F., a n d M is s M . Renown, ch. g .

91. WOOD, F., a n d M is s M. Sirocco, gr. g.

92. WOOD, F., a n d M is s M . Sunstar, ch. g.


(Special Prizes! £75, presented by Mcllrath’s, Ltd., 202-204 Pltt-st., Sydney, viz. : First prize, £40 ; second prize, £20 ; third prize, £10 ; fourth prize, £5. For hjrses to carry 11- stone. To be judged for hunting qualifications and tried over course and fences as the com­mittee may direct. Ladies are not eligible to ride In this contest.

1. ADAMS. M. Bonny Ander, ch. g.2. ADAMS, M. Meclad. br. g.3. ADAMS. M. Royal Court, b. g.4. ADAMS, M. Whynella, ch. g.5. ANDERSON. R. Kim. ch. g.6. BARTRAM, M r s . H. Sleda, gr. g.7. BELL, G. J . Domineer, gr. g.8. BROD IE , O. J . Coal Dust, blk. g.9. BROD IE , C. J . Grey Lock, gr. g.

10. CAMPBELL BROS Stormy, gr. g.11. CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy. b. g.12. CANTLAY. A. C. Destiny, br. g.13. CANTLAY, A. C. Ranger, b. g.14. CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H. J . P E R R IN .

Berthang, «h. g.16. CULLEN, J . Blue Gown, bl. g.16. CULLEN, J . Ensign, br. g.17. EM ERY, Miss R. M. Egypt, br. g.18. ESTELL, Miss O. Tony, b. g.19. FIELD . T. A. Ladyship, b. in.20. F IELD T. A. Sovereign, ch. g.21. FITZGERALD, S i s t k r E. I. Gold Dust, ch. g.22. FITZGERALD, S i s t k r E. I. Silver Lock,

tJr. g.23. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silver Scorn,

gr. g.24. FRY ER , J . A. Schoolboy, br. g.25. GRAHAM. K. (!. Midnight, br. g.26. HALL, S. G. Bright, br. g.27. H EDLEY , M r s . R. Crey Dawn, gr. g.28. HEDLEY , M r s . R. Texas, br. g.29. HOLMES, Miss W . M. Bambino, hr g.30. HOLMES, Miss W . M. Blue Bonnet, gr. m.J1. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Crackerjack, br. g.32. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Paragon, blk. g.33. HOLMES, Miss W . M. Yenda, br. g.34. HORSTMAN, J . K . Bambl, ch. g.35. JO LLY , R. W. 31ue Boy, bl. m „ g.36. JO LLY . R. W. Seagull, gr. g37. K ELLY , J . T , a n d G. L. K ENNEDY .,

b. in.38. KELLY , J . T., a n d G. L. KENNEDY. Bingo,

b. g.39. KENNAN. M rs . H. Klttyhawk, b. in.40. LAIDLAW , Miss R „ a n d W. J . ARMOUR.

Persuasion, gr. g.41. LAIDLAW , Miss R „ a n d W. J . ARM OU3

Puzzle, ch. g.42. McGEE, J . Sunny, b. g.43. McMAUGH, M r s . A. Beemery, br. g.44. McMAUGH, M r s . A. Hailstorm, gr.45. METHERALL, R . M. Hannibal, br. g.46. METHERALL, R . M. Oliver Twist, b. g.47. METHERALL, R. M. Silver Fleet, cr. h.48. METHERALL, R. M. Victory, gr. g.49. MIDDLEMISS, M r s . F Cessnock, ch. g.50. M URPH Y, C. A. Golden Wings, ch. g.

L IV E STOCK IN SU R A N C E — Transit Sea or Rail — A ny Part of the W orld — Y O R K ­


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Sec. 1— HORSES— Jumping Exhibition* (Continued).



60. 61. 62.





7 ° “


L. Lookout, h. p.

Rainbow, ch. g.Fairfield, l»r. g.Robin, b. g.Sirocco, l>. g.Sunlight, t>r. g.

PEARSON, Mims J., a n d Mims M. W ILLIAMSON.Amazon, b. m.

PEARSON, Miss J., a n d M is s M . W ILLIAM SON. Zenith, br. g.

Mexico, br. g.Westdale, b. g.Royal, b. g.

Victory, blk. g.Tekah, b. g.

Jamie Boy, b. g.

Scots Grey, gr. g.




H.I I .K.

K.M. F.




A. Grey Dawn, gr. g.

a n d M is s M . Commando, br. g. a n d Mims M . Hero, ch. g.

a n d M is s M . Rainbow,


F.,F„ a n d Miss

1 *- d f * < X *

M. Stranger,

o r f

b. b. g.

CLASS 152 The “ Harden and Johnston, Ltd." 11-stone Open Hunting Contest.

(Special Prizes) £75, presented by Harden and Johnston Ltd., Motor Vehicle Importers, 117 131 Fllnders-st., Sydney, viz. Fiist prize, £40 ; second prize, £20 ; third prize, £10 ; fourth prize, £5. For horses to carry U-stone. To be Judged for hunting qualifications and tried over course and fences as the committee may direct. Ladies are not eligible to ride in this contest.

ADAMS, M. Bonny Ander, ch. g.Meclad, br. g.

Royal Court, b. g.Whynella, ch. g.Glen, b. g.

R . Kim, ch. g.H. Sieda, gr. g.

Coal Dust, blk. g.Grey Lock, gr. g.




8. 9.





B R O D IE , C. J . BRO D IE , C. J .

a n d KENNEDY. Royal Radium,BROW Nch. g.

CAMPBELL BROS. Stormy, gr. g. CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy, b. g.CANTLAY, A. C. Destiny, br. g.CANTLAY, A. C. Ranger, b. g.

CRICHTON, C. J ., a » d H. .1. PE B R IN . Berthang, ch. g.

16. • CULLEN, J . Blue Gown, hi. g.

17. CULLEN, J . Ensign, br. g.DOWSETT, M. Harkaway, blk. g.EM ERY, M is s R. M . Egypt, br. g.

ESTKl.L. Miss G. Tony, b. g - W n fa A fiu sH F IE L D , T. A. Ladyship, b. m.F IE L D , T. A. Sovereign, ch. g. F ITZGERALD , S i s t e r E. I. Gold Dust, ch. g.

F ITZGERALD , S i s t e r E. I. Sliver Lock,

«T- g-



20. 21. 22.23.



























60. 61.











S i s t e r 1C. I . Silver Scorn,FITZGERALD, gr. g .

FRY ER , J . A Schoolboy, br. g.

GRAHAM, K. (J. Midnight, hr. g

HALL, S. G. Billabong, b. g.

HALL, S. G. Bright, hr. g.

H ED I.EY , M r s . K. Grey Dawn,

H EDLEY , M r s . R.



KT- 8 - Texas, br. g.

M. Blue Bonnet, gr. m. M. Crackerjack, br. g.

M. Paragon, blk. g.M. Yenda, br. g.

HORSTMAN, J . K. Bambi, ch. g.JO LLY , R . W. Parader, b. g.

JO LLY , R. W. Seagull, gr. g.

KELLY, J . T., a n d G. I.. KENNEDY. Bamboo, b. in.

K ELLY , J . T„ a n d G. L. K ENNEDY . Bingo,

b. g.KENNAN, M rs. H. Kittyhawk, b. in.

LA IDLAW , Miss R „ a n d W. .1. ARM OUR.Persuasion, gr. g.

LA IDLAW , Miss R., a n d W. J . ARM OUR.Puzzle, ch. g.

LA IDLAW , Miss R., a n d W . J . ARM OUR.Tango, gr. g.

McGEE, J . Sunny, b. g.McMAUGII, M r s . A. Beemery, br. g.

Mc.MAUGH, M r s . A. Hailstorm, gr. METHERALL, R. M . Hannibal, br. g.

METHERALL, R. M. Oliver Twist, b. g.

METHERALL, H. M . Silver Fleet, cr. h. METHERALL. R . M. Victory, gr. g.

M IDDLEMISS, M r s . F. Cessnock, ch. g.

M U RPH Y , C. A. Golden Wings, ch. g. N E IW AN D , C. L . Lookout, b. g.

NE IW AN D , C. L. Victory, gr. g. W ITH DRAW N .PAUL, H. W . Rainbow, ch. g.

PAYNE, A. L. Fairfield, br. g.PAYNE, A. L. Robin, b. g.

PAYNE, A. L. Sirocco, b. g.PAYNE, A. L. Sunlight, gr. g.

PEARSON, M is s J., a n d M iss M . W ILLIAM SON .Amazon, !>. tn.

PEARSON, M is s J., a n d M iss M . W ILLIAM SON .

Zenith, br. g.PERRY , C. H. Mexico, br. g.PERRY , C. H. Westdale, b. g.

PH ILL IPS , K. Royal, b. g.PH ILL IPS , K. Victory, blk. g.

ROBERTS, M. F. Tekah, b. g.

SONTER. K. W. Jamie Boy, b. g.

STEWART, A. C». Scots Grey, gr. g.WALSH, J . A. Grey Dawn, gr. g.

WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Commando, br. g. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Hero, ch. g.

WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Rainbow, b. g.

WOOD, F., a n d Mihm M. Straigei, b. g.

Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E CO .,throughout the W orld

Spring St., Sydney.— Branches and Agencies

Live Stock, Fire, Marine & Accident.

' r U i t !

uv v

I f

O ' , l

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Jumping

CLASS 153 The Saunders the Jewellers ’ Heavy­weight Hunters' Contest.

(Special Prizes) £80 5s., presented by Saunders Pty., Ltd., Sydney's Leading Jewellers, Silversmiths, Watchmakers, and Opticians. 805-813 George- st., 385 Pitt-st. (corner Liverpool-st.), and 123 King-st. (corner Pitt-st.), Sydney. First prize, £40 ; second prize, £20 ; third prize, £10; fourth prize, £5. For horses to carry 13-stone, and in the opinion of the Judge up to that weight with hounds. All hoises to be Judged for hunting qualifications, and to be tried over course, fences, and water jump as the committee may direct. Ladies are not eligible to ride in this contest.

(Special Prize) £5 5s. will be awarded to the rider of the winning horse.

Horses entered for this contest are not eligible to compete in the Anthony Horderns’ ” Ladies' and Gentlemen’s Hunting Contest (Class 154 .

1. ADAMS, M. Bonny Ander, ch. g.2. ADAMS. M. Royal Court, l>. g.3. BA K ER a n d McGEE. Rising Sun, ch. g.4. BELL, G. J . Sun Valley, b. g.5. CULLEN, J . Golden Street, ch. g.6. CULLEN, J . Tara, ch. g.7. CULLEN, J . Urana, br. g.8. EM ERY, Mims K. M . Egypt, br. g.9. F IELD , T. A. President, br. g.

10. F IELD , T. A. Radar, b. g.

11. FITZGERALD. S is te r E. I. Sunbeam, b. g.12. GARVIN , M r s . M . M . Murray Valley, br. g.13. H E N R Y (’., a n d L- Laddie, br. g.14. HOLMES, Mims W. M . Blue Bonnet, gr. m.15. HOLMES. Mims W. M . Rex, br. g.16. HOLMES, Mims W. M . Yenda, br. g.17. JO LLY , K. W. Seagull, gr. g.18. McMAUGH, M rm . A. Beemery, br. g.19. McMAUGH, M rm . A. Inland, ch.20. METHERALL, B. M. Hannibal, br. g.21. M IDDLEMISS, M r s . F. Beau Geste, ch. g.22. MOXHAM, Mism P. Mark Twain, b. g.

23. NEIW AND, C. L. Lookout, b. g.24. NEIW AND, C. L. Silver Standard, gr. g.25. NELSON, T. First Up, b. g.26. PAUL, H. W. Cobber, b. g.27. PAYME, A. L. Gold Mead, ch. a.28.1 PEARSON, Miss J ., a n d M is s M. W ILLIAMSON.

Zenith, br. g.29. PE R RY , C. H. Atlantic, gr. g.30. T W OHILL a n d M. KERRN ANN . Kitty Hawk,

br. m.31. WALSH, J . A. Grey Dawn, gr. g.32. t WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Aristocrat, br. g.

CLASS 154 The “Anthony Horderns’ " Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Hunting Contest.

(Special Prizes) £100, presented by Anthony Hordern and Sons, Ltd., Universal Providers, Brickfield Hill, Sydney. First prize, £50; second prize, £25; third prize, £15; fourth prize,£10. For horses to carry not less than 11- stone, and In the opinion of the Judge up

Exhibition* (Continued),

to that weight with hounds. All horses to be judged for hunting qualifications, and to be tried over course, fences, and water jump, as the committee may direct. Ladles and gentle­men may both ride in this contest.

Horses entered for this contest are not eligible to compete in the Saunders The Jewellers ’’ Heavyweight Hunters' Contest (Class 153).

1. ADAMS. M. Meclad. br. g.2. BELL, G. J . Domineer, gr. g.3. CAMPBELL BROS. Boomerang, br. g.

4. CAMPBELL BROS. Stormy, gr. g.5. CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy, b g.6. CANTLAY, A. Destiny, br. g.7. CANTLAY, A. ( ’. Ranger, b. g.

8. CULLEN, .1, Blue Gown, bl. g.9. CULLEN, .1. Ensign, br. g.

10. ESTELL, Miss G. Tony, b. g.

11. F IELD , T. A. Ladyship, b. in.12. FIELD , T. A. Sovereign, ch. g.

13. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. 1. Gold Dust, ch. g.

14. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silver Lock,Ur- g-

15. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silver Scorn,Iff- ir-

16. GRAHAM. K. G. Midnight, br. g.17. HKDLEY, M r s . R. Grey Dawn, gr. g.18. H ED LEY , M r s . R. Texas, br. g.

19. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Crackerjack, br. g.20. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Paragon, blk. g.

21. JO LLY , R. W. Blue Boy, bl. rn., g.22. JO LLY , R. W . Parader, b. g.

23. KELLY , J . T„ a n d O. L. K EN N EDY . Bingo,b. g.

24. KENNAN, M r s . H . ('. Kittyhawk, b. in.

25. LA IDLAW , Miss R.. a n d W. J . ARM OUR.Persuasion, gr. g.

26. LA IDLAW , Miss R., a n d W. J . ARM OUR.Puzzle, cb. g.

27. McGEE, J . Sunny, b. g.28. McMAUGH, M rs . A. Hailstorm, gr.

29. METHERALL, R. M Oliver Twist, b. g.30. METHERALL, R. M. Silver Fleet, or. h.31. METHERALL, R. M. Victory, gr. g.

32. MIDDLEMISS, Mrm. F. Cessnock, ch. g.33. M U RPH Y , C. A. Golden Wings, ch. g.34. NEIW AND, C. L. Desert Gold, cr. g.35. W ITHDRAW N .

36. PAYNE, A. L. Fairfield, br. g.37. PAYNE, A. L. Robin, b. g.38. PAYNE, A. L. Sirocco, b. g.39. PAYNE, A. L. Sunlight, gr. g.

40. PEARSON, Miss J., a n d M ish M. W ILLIAMSON.Amazon, b. in.

41. PE R R Y . C. H. Glen, br. g.42. PH ILL IPS, K. Royal, b. g.43. PH ILL IPS , K. Victory, blk. g.44. ROBERTS, M. F. Tekah, b. g.

45. W OOD, F., a n d Miss M. Commando, br. g.46. W OOD, F., a n d Miss M. Hero, ch. g.47. W OOD, F„ a n d MISS M. Rainbow, b. g.

48. WOOD, F., a n d M is s M. Stronger, b. g.

Live Stock Insured— Lowest Rates— Liberal Conditions. YO R K SH IR E INSURANCECO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L ESS V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Jumping Exhibitions (Continued).


(Name of rider only required.)

(Special Prizesi £40, presented by Rigney's Pty., Ltd., Shoe Store, 147 King-st., Sydney. First prize, £12; second prize, £6 . third prize, £3 . fourth prize, £1. For all gentle­men riders who have ridden in a hunting or jumping contest during the Royal Easwr Show, 194?, prior to this event taking place ; over course and fences as the com­mittee may direct. The ow.ier of the first prize horse will be paid £10 ; the owner ol the second horse, £5 ; and the owner ot the third

horse, £3.1. ADAMS. M„ J i n k .


10 W ITH DRAW N11. CROUCHER, O.12. DOCTOR, R13. ELLIOTT, J.14. H EN RY . A. T15. H I L L E.16. HULL. G.17. JONES. T.18 KENNEDY, G.19. KENNEDY, R20. McCLEAN. J.21. Mc-GEE, J .22 MARKS, G.23. MARTIN. D.24. MARTIN, J .25. METHERALL. R M26. M IN N , V. H.27. M U RPH Y . ROY28. NEIW AND, C. L ,29. NICHOLSON, N. J30. OLSEN, R.31. l’E R R Y . C. W32. PH ILL IPS. K.33. PURCELL. J34. RAINES, A.35. THOMPSON. C.36. TW OHILL. N.37. W ILLIAM S. W.


iSpecial Prizes' £75, presented by Buckinghams, Ltd., “ The Mecca of the Thrifty," Oxford-st., Sydney. First prize, £40 ; second prize, £20 ; third prize, £10; fourth prize, £5. Horses to be judged for hunting qualifications, and to be tried over course and fences u the com­mittee may direct.

1. ADAMS. M. Bonny Ander, ch. g.2. ANDERSON. R . Kim, ch. g.3. BARTRAM. M r s . H. Sieda, gr. g.

L IV E ST O C K IN SU RA N CE— Transit Sea or Rail — A ny Part of the W orld — Y O R K ­

S H IR E IN SU R A N C E C O ., LT D . The Farmers’ Company.

( a l l at the

I K i l L l l A l O F F I C E

on the

*11 O U C i R O I M i lRent Street (under Members’

G randstand)

Open 9.30 a.m . to 5 p .m .

F O R —• In fo rm ation on fares, fre igh ts ,

tim etables, and other R a ilw ay

m atters.

• H andb ills show ing excursion tra in arrangem ents d u r i n g


I’ • T ickets (issued in advance) fortravel anywhere by tra in .

• Seats and sleeping berths on all

tra ins on which reservations

may be made.

• C a ttle trucks and horse boxes for the conveyance o f livestock from the Show, by ordering be­

fore 4 p.m . on the day prio r to

despatch of the anim als.



S. R. Nicholas,

Secretary for Railways.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


S*6- 1— HORSES— Jum ping Exhibition* (Continued).

H u n t i n g -J u m p i n g

C o u r s e s

C 0 U R S E I - 8 f _ ,

• f r

l i f t

? !0-u>


I '


V1 ---------- A ,

-L ^ — ► OUTC o u r s e 2

- e * H



t _ G t n P i c k e t

Rails Fencei s 'e "

J fPi ■




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Brush WallI 3'6" 4’2**

I t

Gate Poles 4 ’ 4 6 “


15' between each Lane

456 T. 8 9


11121314. .


22 . 3?


BROD IE , C. J . Coal Dust, blk g.BROD IE , C. J . Grey Lock, gr. g. CAMPBELL BROS. Stormy, gr. g.

. CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy, b. g.

. CANTLAY. A. C. Destiny, br. g .

. CANTLAY, A. C. Ranger, b. g.

. CRICHTON, C. J., a n d H. J . PE R R IN .Berthang, ch. g.

UCULLEN. J . Blue Gown, bl. g.DALY, J., a n d E. Garry Lyn, cr. g.DANBY, M is s D. Jorrocks, l>. g.

DAUNT, Mr*. S. M. Ebony Chief, blk. g. EM ERY, Mis R. M Egypt, br. g F IELD. T. A. Ladyship, b. m.F IELD , T A. President, br. g.F IELD , T. A Sovereign, ch. g.FITZGERALD. S i s t k r E. I. Gold Dust, ch. g. FITZGERALD. S i s t e r E. I. Silver Lock,

gr. «•FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. 1. Silver Scorn,

Kr. g.FRYER . J . A. Mr. Brown, b. g.GRAY. W. E. Mizami, bl. gr. g.HEDLEY, Mrs. R . Grey Dawn, gr. g. HEDLEY . Mrs. R. Texas, br. g HOLMES, Miss W. M. Blue Bonnet, gr. in. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Paragon, blk g. JO LLY , R . W . Blue Boy, bl. m ., g.JO LLY , R. W. Seagull, gr. g.KEMP, M iss J. Christopher Grey, gr. g. KENNAN, M r s . H. C. Kittyhawk, b. m. LAIDLAW . M iss R„ a n d W. J. ARMOUR.

Persuasion, gr. g.LAIDLAW , Miss R„ a n d W . J. ARMOUR.

Puzzle, ch. g.McMAUGH, M rs A. Beemery, br. g. METHERALL, R. M. Hannibal, br. g. METHERALL, R. M Oliver Twist, b. g. METHERALL. R. M Silver Fleet, cr. h.M URPHY, C. A Golden Wings, ri, g. NEIW AND, C. L. Desert Gold, cr g. NEIW AND, C. L. Lookout, b. g.NELSON, T. First Up, b. g.PAYNE. A. L. Robin, b. g.PAYNE, A. Li. Sirocco, b. g.PEARflON, M iss J.. a n d Miss M. W ILLIAM ­

SON. Amazon, b. m.PERRY , C H. Cien, b r . a.PERRY , C. H. Mexico, gr. g.PH ILLIPS, K. Victory, blk g.ROBERTS, M. F. Tekah, b. g.STEWART, A. G. Scots Grey, gr. g.TANNER. M r s . D. Thunder, b. g WOOD, F., a n d M is s M . Aristocrat, br. g. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Commando, br. g. WOOD, F., a n d M is s M . Hero, ch. g. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M . Strange r, b. g.


Special Prizei £50, presented by James Barnes Pty., Ltd., Manufacturers of Globex Beef Extract, 2 Botany-st., Waterloo, Sydney, vis. : First prize, £30; second prize, £15; third prise, £5. All horses to be Judged for hunting and jumping qualifications to be tried over Course No. 1.

L IV EST O C K IN SU R ED on the G round by the Y O R K S H IR E IN S U R A N C E CO ., LTD., at its Office there.

R .A .S .— 3.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y St o r e s


Sec. 1__HORSES--Jum ping Exhibition* (Continued).

1. ADAMS. M. Bonny Ander, «h2. ALLEN, N Glen. b. g.

AXDERSO.X, l< Kim, < h. g.4< 'AMPBELL HKOS. Stormy, gr.5, 1 (A XT LAV.6, -( ASTLAY,7, < ASTLAY.

A. C. A. C. A C.


10 .11.12 . 17. 18 It. 20. 21. 2223.24.


Berthang, diDALY, J ., a m i

Billy Boy. b Destiny, br.

Ranger, b. g.Zue, l>. g.J ., AND H.

It-E. Garry Lyn,

J . PE R K IN .

cr. b. it. ft-

DANDY, M m I). Jorroeks,DOW SETT, M. Sultan, Kr F IELD , T. A. Dandy, l> g.F IELD , T. A. Sovereign, ch. g. F IELD IN G , P. G. Copper, ch. g.I JELD IXG , P. G. Nulla. I>. m. OAKVIX, M k s . M . M . Murray Valley, HALL. S. <i. Billabong. b. g. HORSTMAX, .1. K Bambl, ch. it. IRW 1X, M is s K. Monaroo, l>. g., agc<I. JOLLY . K. \V. Blue Boy, bl. rn. it. KELLY . Miss P. King Care, blk. KENXAX. M r s . II (’ . Kittyhawk, b

br. ft.

LAIDLAW . Miss Persuasion, gr.

LA IDLAW . Miss Rhumba, gr. g

LA IDLAW , Miss Tango, -rr. «.



H , and W. J . ARM OUR





R„ a m . VV. J. ARM OUR.

A. Hailstorm, gr.M. Danny Boy, b. g.M. Hannibal, br g.

M. Oliver Twist, b. it-M. Silver Fleet, cr. h.M. Victory, gr. g-



Amazon, b.*ni.PH ILL IPS, K . Victory, blk it.ROHERT8, M. F. Tekah, b. g.SONTER. K. VV'. Jamie Boy, b. g.


(Special Prize! £50, presented by James Barnes Pty., Ltd., Manufacturers of Globex Beef Extract, 2 Botany-st., Waterloo, Sydney, viz. : First prize, £30: second prize, £15; third prize, £5. All horses to be judged (or hunting and Jumping qualifications to be tried over

Course No. 2.


26. 27.

HALL, S. G. Billabong, b. g.HALL, S. G. Bright, br. it.HORSTMAX, J . K Bambl, ch. g.IR W IN , Miss E. Monaroo, b. g.JO LLY , ft. VV. Blue Bov, bl. m. g.

KENNAN, M m . If. < Kittyhawk, b. ■ . McMAUGH. M k s . A. Hailstorm, gr. METHERALL, R. M. Danny Boy, b. g.

R . M. Hannibal, br. g.R . M. Oliver Twist, b. g.

R . M. Silver Fleet, cr. h. R . M. Victory, gr. g.






PEARSON, Mims J ., a n d M is s M .

SON. Amazon, b. m. PH ILLIPS, K Victory, blk. g.

ROBERTS, M F. Tekah, b. g. soXTEK. K. VV . Jamie Boy, b.



f.3.4.5. 9.

ch. g.


ADAMS, M. Bonny Ander, ALLKX, N. Glen. b. g. ANDERSON, R Kim; ch. g. CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy, b. CANTLAY’ , \. C. Destiny, l>r.CHINNOCK, VV. Zue, b. g. CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H. J

Berthang, ch. g.

8. DALY. J . and E. Garry Lyn, cr. g9. DAXBY, Miss D. Jorroeks, b. g.

19. F IELD , T. A. Dandy, b. g.11. F IELD , T. A. Sovereign, ch. g


159 THE FARMER AND CO., LTD.’’ EQUESTRIENNE HUNTING CONTEST. (Name of rider only required.)

(Special Prizes) £77 10s., presented by Farmer and Co., Ltd., Pitt, Market, and George-sts., Sydney. First prize, £30 and a wristlet watch second prize, £15 ; third prize, £7 10s., For all lady riders 15 yean of age and over; over course and fences as the committee

may direct.The owner of the hors* ridden by the lady who wins

first prize to receive £15 ; the owner of the second horse, £7 ; and the owner of the

third horse, £3.

BLACK. Miss B.BROWN, M iss M .

COOMBES. Miss M.COY, M ks. R . A.DAFFY, M is s M.

6. I DAN BY, M is s D.7. DAUNT. M r s . S. M8. DAV I DOE. Miss R .


188 I.11. EMERY'. Miss R . M.12. FRANCAIS, Miss E. A.

HOLMES. Miss W . M.

HUTTOX. Miss J .KEANE, Miss M.KELLY. Miss P.

1.. KEMP. Miss J .® * « 8 . i l LAIDLAW. Miss R .

19. LUCAS. Miss K.

2 f . McMAUGH, M r s . A. i l . PERRY , M is s B.21." ROACH, Miss E.2.. ROBERTSON. Miss A.

24. SH IRM ER , Miss D.STAI NTON, Miss F.

St 29. £ W E IR . M is s P.27. W ILLIAMS, Miss J .29. W ILLIAMS, M is s S.


9.1 DAVIS, M r s .

10. DOYLE, M iss

1*. GARVIN , M rs M. M Murray Valley, br. g. 13. GRAHAM, K. G. Midnight, br. g.

29. W ILLIAMSON, Miss M.30. WOOD, Miss M.

In Foal Mares, 30 day* from act of Foaling or 12 months. CO ., LT D ., Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.


The Farmers’ Company.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


S*c 1— HORSES— Jumping Exhibition* (Continued).




(Special Prizes) £100, presented by William Arnott Pty., Ltd., Biscuit Manufacturers, Homebush, Sydney. First prize, £55 ; second prize, £27; third prize, £12; fourth prize, £6. Horses to be Judged for hunting qualifications and tried in pairs over course and fences as the committee may direct. Each horse in each pair to be ridden by .» gentleman. The horses to carry 11-stone. Owners will be allowed to pair, and In the event of a pair separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. Open to all horses. 9. 7. 9. 9. 19. 17. 19.19.20. 21. 2729. 29.730.31.32. \33.34. <35. 39.


ADAMS, M. Bonny Ander, ch.ADAMS, M. Meclad, br. g.ADAMS, M. Royal Court, b g.ALLEN, X. Clen, b. g AXDERSOX, R Kim, ch. g.BBODIE , C. J. Coal Dust, blk.BROD IE , C. J . Grey Lock, gr. „ CAMPBELL BROS. Boomerang, br. CAMPBELL BROS. Stormy, gr. g. CAXTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy. b. g. CAXTLAY, A. C. Destiny, br. g.CULLEN, J . Blue Gown, bl. g.CU LLEX J . Ensign, br. g.CULLEN, J . Golden Street, ch. g.CU LLEX , J . Tara, < h. g.CULLEX, J . Urana, br. g.EM ERY, Miss R. M. Egypt, br. g.F IELD , T. A. Ladyship, b. rn.F IELD , T. A. President, br. g.F IELD , T. A. Radar, b. g.F IELD , T. A. Sovereign, ch. g. F ITZGERALD, Sister E. I. Silver Lock, gr. g. FITZGERALD, Sistkk E. I. Silver Scorn, gr. g. FITZGERALD, Sistkk E. I. Sunbeam, b. g. GRAHAM, K. G. Midnight, br. g.H ED LEY , Mrs. R. Crey Dawn, gr. g. H EDLEY , Mrs. R. Texas br. g.

Laddie, br. g.M. Blue Bonnet, gr. m. M. Paragon, blk. g.M. Yenda, br. g.

Blue Boy, bl. m . g.Parader, b. g.Seagull, gr. g.Christopher Grey, gr. g.~ a n d W. J . ARMOUR.




39.40.41. 42


HEX BY, C., and 1. HOLMES, Miss VV. HOLMES, Miss VV. HOLMES, Miss JO LLY , R. W. JO L L Y , R . W. JO LLY , R . W.KEMP, Miss J . LA IDLAW , Miss R.,

Persuasion, gr. g. LA IDLAW , Miss R..

Puzzle, ch. g. LA IDLAW . M iss R.,

Tango, gr. g. McGEE, J . Sunny, b. McMAUGH, M r s . A. McMAUGH, M rs . A. METHERALL, R. M. METHERALL. R. M METHERALL, R. M.


a n d W. J . ARMOUR.

a n d W. J . ARMOUR.


Inland. ch. Hannibal.Oliver Twist, Silver Fleet, cr. Victory, gr. g

br. g. b.

MOXHAM. Miss P. Mark Twain, h. NEIW AND, C. L. Lookout, b. g. PAUL, H. VV. Cobber, b. g.PAUL, H. W. Rainbow, ch. g.


50. PAYNE. A. L. Gold Mead, ch. g .

51. PAYXE. A. L. Robin, b. g.

52. PAYNE, A. I.. Sirocco, b . g .

53. PAYNE, A. L. Sunlight, gr. g .

54.< PEARSON, Mib sJ., a n d M iss M. W ILLIAM -OAmazon, b . in.

55. PE R R Y . O. H Mexico, br. g .

56. PH ILL IPS, K. Royal, b. g.

57. PH ILL IPS, K. Victory, b lk . g.

59. T W OHILL a n d McKERRNANN. Kitty Hawk b r . in.

59. TWOH ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Lady, br. tn.60. TW OH ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Mercy,

blk. ni.

W OOD, F„ a n d Miss M. Aristocrat, br. v. __ W OOD, F., a n d Miss M. Commando, br. g.93 3 W OOD, F., a n d Miss M. Hero, ch. g.

64.^ WOOD. F., a n d Miss M. Rainbow, b. g.

65. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Stranger, b. g.

66. W OOD, F., a n d Miss M. Sunstar, ch. g.


(Special Prizes £100, presented by David Jones, Ltd., Elizabeth. Market, and Castlereagh-sts., and George-st. (opp. G.P.O.,, Sydney. First prize, £55; second prize, £27; third prize, £12; fourth prize, £6. Horses to be judged for hunting qualifications and tried in pairs over course and fences as the committee may direct. Pairs to be one horse ridden by a gentleman, the other by a lady. The horse ridden by gentieman to carry 12-stone; ladies to ride at catch weights. Owners will be allowed to pair, and in the event of a pair jeparately owned winning, the prize will be divided. Open to all horses.

1^M)A.\1S, M. Bonny Ander, ch. g.

2. ADAMS, M. Meclad, br. g.

3. ADAMS, M. Royil Court, b. g .

4. ANDERSON, R. Kim, ch g.5. CAMPBELL BROS. Boomerang, br . g.

9. CAMPBELL BROS. Stormy, gr g.7. CA XT LA Y , A C. Billy Boy, b. g.

tJ jC A X T L A Y , A. C. Destiny, br. g .

9. CU LLEX. J . Ensign, br. g .

10.® CU LLEX, J . Golden Street, ch. g.

I IT C U L L E X , j . Tara, ch. gI t . .C U L L E N . J. Urana. br g.

13.# DA XBY , Miss I). Jorroeks, b . g.

14. EM E R Y , Miss R. M Egypt, b r . g.

15. EM ERY , Miss R. M. Yl, br m19. F IELD , T. A. Ladyship, b . rn.

17. FTELD, T. A. President, br. g.19. F IELD , T. A. Radar, b . g.

19. J F IELD , T. A. Sovereign, ch. g.

20. FITZGERALD, Sw ix r E I. Silver Lock,gr- ft-

21 FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silver Scorn,Kr. g.

22. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Suflbeam, b. g.23. H E D LEY , Mrs. R. Grey Dawn, gr. g.24. H E D L E Y , Mrs. R. Grey Gift, gr. g25. H E X R Y . C.. a n d L Laddie, br. g.29. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Blue Bonnet, gr. in.

YO R K SH IR E INSURANCE CO ., LTD. — Claims paid by the Company exceed£56,000,000. Insurances effected on Live Stock up to any sum.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Jumping Exhibitions (Continued).

W . M. Paragon, blk. W . M. Yenda, br. g. Blue Boy, bl. rn. g. Parader, b. g.Seagull, gr. u Crlslopher Crey, gr. g.

Klttyhawk, b. m.a n l . YV.J. ARM OUR.

a n d VV. J . ARMOUR.

R „ a n d VV. J . ARM OUR

g-Beemery, br. p. Hailstorm, gr.

Hannibal, br. M. Oliver Twist, b. M. Silver Fleet, cr

M. Victory, gr Lookout, l>. g.



27. HOLMES, Mimm28. HOLMES, Mimm

29. JO LLY . R. VV.J'). JO L L Y . R . VV.31. /JO L L Y , R. VV.32. KEMP, M inn J.33. KENNAN. Mhm. H . <34. LAIDLAW , Mihm R..

Persuasion, itr. g.35 LAIDLAW , Mimm R „

Puzzle, <h. g.36 LAIDLAW . Mimm

Tango, gr. g.37. McOEE, J . Sunny, b .

38.2-McMAUGH, Mkm. A.39. McMAUGH, Mum. A.40.7 METHERALL, R . M.41. METHERALL, R.42. METHERALL, R .43. METHERALL. R44. NEIW AND, C. L.45. PAUL. H. VV. Cobber, b. g.46. PAYNE. A. L. Gold Mead,47. PAYNE. A. L. Robin, b. g.48. PAYNE. A. L. Sirocco, b. g.49. PAYNE. A. L Sunlight, gr. ,50. PEA I . SON, M im s .) . , a n d Mimm

SON. Amazon, b. m .

61. PE R RY , C. H. Mexico, br. g.,v52. PH ILL IPS , K. Royal, b. g.

V 53. PH ILL IPS , K. Victory, blk g.54. T W OH ILL a n d McKERRNANN

br . m .

55. WOOD, F., a n d Mimm M Aristocrat, br .

58. WOOD, E., a n d Mimm M. Commando,57.3 WOOD, E., a n d Mimm M . Htro, ch . g.

58. WOOD, E., a n d M ims M . Rainbow, b . g .

59. WOOD, E., a n d Mimm M Stranger, b. g. BO.^W OOD, K ., a n d Mimm M . Sunstar, ch . g.


(Special Prizes) £60. presented by McPherson’s Limited, Makers of the well-known “ Ajax ” Pump, and all classes of Agricultural and Mechanics' Tools, 51 Bathurst-st., Sydney. First prize, £35 : second prize, £16 ; third prize, £6. fourth prize, £3. Horses to be judged for hunting qualifications and tried In pairs over course and fences as the Com­mittee may direct. Pairs to be one horse ridden by a gentleman, the other by a lady. The horse ridden by gentleman to carry 11 stone; ladies to ride at catch weights. Owners will br allowed to pair and in the event of a pair separately owned winning, tha prize will be divided. Open to all horses.


Kitty Hawk,


1.t.3.4.5. 8.



Bonny Ander, ch. g. Meclad, br. g.Royal Court, b. g.

, R. Kim, ch. g.J . Coal Dust, blk. p.

J . Grey Lock, gr. g. BROS. Boomerang, br. g. BROS. Stormy, gr. g.

S. M. Ebony Chief, blk R. M. Egypt, br. g.

R. M. Yl, br. m. Ladyship, h. m.

President, br. g.Radar, b. g.

Sovereign, ch. g.S i n t e r E. I. Sliver Lock,

9. CANTLAY. A. C. Billy Boy, b. g.10. CANTLAY, A. C. Destiny, hr. g.

11. CULLEN, J . Ensign, br. g.12. CULLEN, J . Golden Street, ch. g.

13. CULLEN, J . Tara, ch. g.14. CULLEN. J . Urana, br. g.15. .D A L Y , J ., a n d E. Garry Lyn, cr. g

1 8 . / DAN BY. Mimm 1). Jorrocks, b.

17. DAT NT, Mrs. S. M Ebony Chief, blk. e.18. EMERY. Mihm

19. EMERY. Miss20. F IELD, T. A.

21. FIELD, T. A.22. F IELD , T. A.23./ F IELD, T. A.24. FITZGERALD,

gr. g.25. FITZGERALD. S in t k r E. I. Sliver Scorn, gr. g.

26. FITZGERALD, S in t e r E. I. Sunbeam, h. g.27. HEDLEY, Mm. R Texas, br. g.28. HENRY. C„ a n d L. Laddie, br. g.

29. HOLMES. M ihh VV. M Blue Bonnet, gr. n .30. HOLMES. Mihm VV, M . Paragon, blk. g.

31. HOLMES. M inn W. M . Yenda, br. g.

32. JOLLY , R. VV. Blue Boy, bl. m. g.33. JOLLY , R. VV. Parader, b. g.

34. JOLLY . R. W. Seagull, gr. g.35. KEMP, Mihm J . Christopher Grey, gr

36. KENNAN. Mas. H. C. Klttyhawk, h.37. LAIDLAW. M ihh R.

Persuasion, gr. g.38. LAIDLAW. Mimm R.

Rhumba, trr. g.39. LAIDLAW. Mihm R „ a n d VV. J. ARMOUR.

Tango, er. g.

40. McGEE, J . Sunny, b.41. McMAUGH. M r s . A.

42. McMAUGH, M r s . A.43. METHERALL. R. M






g- tn.


a n d VV. J . ARMOUR.




Beemery, hr. g.

Hailstorm, gr. Hannibal, br. g.

Oliver Twist, b. g. Silver Fleet, cr. h.

Victory, gr. g.L. Lookout, b. g.

Cobber, b. g.Rainbow, ch. g.

Gold Mead, ch. g.Robin, b. g.

Sirocco, b. g.Sunlight, gr.— .......................................... ......................... . . g

S4.U-PEARSON. M ihs J.. a n d Miss M. W ILLIAMSON. Amazon, !> m.

PH ILL IPS, K. Royal, b. g.PH ILLIPS, K Victory, blk. g.

TW OHILL a n d McKERRNANN. Kitty Hawk, br. m.

TW OHILL a n d M cKERRNANN. Lady, br. m. TW OHILL a n d McKERRNANN. Mercy,

blk. m.,. WOOD. F., a n d Miss M. Aristocrat, br. g.

.“3 WOOD. F„ a n d M is s M . Commando, br.' W O O D . F .. a n d Miss M. Hero, ch . g.

3 WOOD. F.. a n d Miss M. Stranger, b. g.



58 *9





YO RK SH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — For every Class of Insurance. Specialists,n Live Stock Insurance. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


CLASS 163 THE "W IN N ’S CHOCOLATE HUNTING CONTEST. (In Pairs Lady and Gentleman).

(Special Prizes) £60, presented by B. H. Winn Pty., Ltd., Confectionery Manufacturers, 44 Aus- tralia-st., Camperdown, Sydney. First prize, £35 ; second prize. £16: third prize, £ 6 . fourth prize, £3. Horses to be Judged for hunting qualifications and tried in pairs over course and fences as the Committee may direct. Pairs to be one horse ridden by a gentleman, the other by a lady. The horse ridden by gentleman to carry 11 stone : ladies to ride at catch weights. Owners will be allowed to pair and n the event of a pair separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. Open to all horses.

1V ADAM8, M. Bonny Ander, ch. g.M a d a m s , m Meclad, br. g.3. ADAMS. M Royal Court, b. g.4 ., ALLEN. N. Glen, b. g.&4T ANDERSON. R. Kim. ch. g.6. B R O D IE , C. J. Coal Dust, blk. g.7. B ROD IE . C. J . Grey Lock, gr. g.8. CAMPBELL BROS. Boomerang, br. g.9. CAMPBELL BROS. Stormy, gr g.

10. CANTLAY. A C. Billy Boy, b. g.11. CANTLAY, A C. Destiny, hr. g 12*. CULLEN , J. Ensign, br. g.13T CULLEN . J . Golden Street, ch. g.147 CULLEN . J . Tara, ch. g15. CULLEN. J. Urana, br. g.16. DALY. J.. a n d E. Garry Lyn, cr. g.17. DANBY, Miss D. Jorrocks, b. g.18. DAUNT. Mrs. S. M. Ebony Chief, blk. g.19. EM ERY, Mimm R. M Egypt, br. g. 20 JIE M E R Y , Mihm R. M. Yi, br. «n.21. F IE L D . T A. Ladyship, b. in.22. F IELD . T. A. President, br. g.23. F IELD . T. A. Radar, b. g.

24J F IELD . T. A. Sovereign, ch. g.

25. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Sliver Lock,gr. g.

26. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silver Scorn,gr. g.

27. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Sunbeam, b. g.28. GRAHAM. K. G. Midnight, br. g.29. H E D L E Y . M rm . R. Grey Dawn, gr. g.30. H ED LEY , M rm . R. Grey Gift, gr. g.31. H E D LEY , M r s . R. Texas, br. g32. H EN RY . C., a n d L. Laddie, br. g.33. HOLMES, Mimm VV. M. Blue Bonnet, gr. in.34. HOLMES. Mimm VV. M. Paragon, blk. g.35. HOLMES M ihh W. M Yenda, br. g.36. JO L L Y , R. W. Blue Boy, bl. m . g.37. JO LLY , R . W. Parader, b. g.38. JO LLY , R . W. Seagull, gr. g.39. KEMP. Miss J . Christopher Grey, gr. g. 40>/KENNAN , M rm. H C. Klttyhawk, b. m.41. LA IDLAW , Miss R„ a n d W. J . ARM OUR.

Persuasion, gr. g.

42. LA IDLAW , Miss R . a n d W. J . ARM OUR.Puzxle, ch. g.

43. LA IDLA W , Miss R„ a n d W. J . ARM OU RRhumba, gr. g.

44. LA IDLAW , Miss R.. a n d W. J . ARM OURTango, gr. g.

Sec. 1 _H O R S E S —Ju m p in , Exhibition, (Continued).

45. McGEE. J . Sunny, b. g.46. McMAUGH, M r s A. Beemery, br. g.47. McMAUGH. M r s . A. Hailstorm, gr.48. METHERALL, R. M. Hannibal, br. g.4 9 ./METHERALL, R . M Oliver Twist, b. g.50. METHERALL. R. M. Silver Fleet, cr. h.51. METHERALL. R. M. Victory, gr. g.52. NEIW AN D. C. I.. Lookout, b. g.53. PAUL, H . W Cobber, b. g.54. PAUL, H. W. Rainbow, ch. g.55. PAYNE, A. L. Gold Mead, ch. g.56.3 PAYNE. A L . Robin, b g.5 7 .? PAYNE. A. I.. Sirocco, b. g.58. PAYNE, A. I,. Sunlight, gr g.59 ./ PEARSON. M ish J ., a n d M ims M. W ILLIAM SON.

Amazon, b. m.60. PH ILL IPS . K. Royal, b. g.61. PH ILL IPS . K. Victory, blk g.62. T W O H ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Kitty Hawk,

br. m.

63. T W O H ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Lady, br. ni. 8 4 .y rW O H IL L a n d M cKERRNANN . Mercy,

blk. m.

65. WOOD. F., a n d M iss M. Aristocrat, br. g.

66. WOOD, F., a n d Mimm M . Commando, br. g 67V WOOD, F., a n d M is s M . Hero, ch. g.68. WOOD. F„ a n d M is s M . Stranger, b. g.


(Special Prizes) £60, presented by Grace Bros. Pty.t Ltd., Broadway, Sydney, viz. : First prize. £35 ; second prize, £16; third prize, £6 s fourth prize, £3. Horses to be Judged for hunting qualifications and tried in pairs over course and fences as the committee mav direct. Owners will be allowed to pair, and in the event of a pair separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. Open to all horses.

1. VADAMS, M. Bonny Ander, ch. g.2. ANDERSON, R. Kim, ch. g.3. B R O D IE C. J . Coal Dust, blk. g.4. BROD IE , C. J . Grey Lock, gr. g.5.<*CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy, b. g.

^ 6. CANTLAY, A. C. Destiny, br. g.4* 7.^ CULLKN, J . Golden Street, ch. g.

t.VC 'ULLEN, J . Tara, ch. g.9. CULLEN, J . Urana, br. g.

10. DALY, J ., a n d E. Garry Lyn, cr. g.11. DANBY, Miss I). Jorrocks, b. g.12. DAUNT, M r s . S. M. Ebony Chief, blk. g.13. EM ERY, Miss R. M. Egypt, br. g.14. F IELD , T. A. President, br. g.15. F IELD . T. A. Sovereign, ch. g.

18. F ITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silver Lock, gr. g.A 17.^ FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. 1. Silver Scorr.,


18. FITZGERALD, m is te r E. I. Sunbeam, b. g.19. H ED LEY , M r s . R. Texas, br. g.20. HOLMES, Mimm W. M . Blue Bonnet, gr. m.21. HOLMES, M is s W. M. Paragon, blk. g.22.xHOLM ES, Miss W. M. Yenda, br. g.

/ 2 3 i JOLLY . R. W. Seagull, gr. g.24 J KEMP, Miss J . Christopher Grey, gr. g.25. KENNAN, M r s . H. C. Klttyhawk, b. m.____ _______.. . v . miiynawK, t>. in.

A ll the Best Anim als are Insured with the Y O R K S H IR E IN S U R A N C E CO .. LTD . —

Office on the Ground. C laims paid by the Com pany exceed £56 ,000,000.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Jumping Exhibition* (Continued).


(In c o rp o ra ted in X etv Z ea lan d )

ASSETS EXCEED - - £8,000.000

Sydney B ranch:


(F . W . W ALTON , Manager)

F IR E IN S U R A N C E S :Effected on every description of Properly , v ia .:— House*, Furniture, Farm Build ing*, Vehicles. Implement*. U rain, Grow ing Crops, Stark*, etc., at lowest rate*. The Com pany's Policy covers los* or damage caused by L ightn ing . <Ja* Kxplosion, and Bush Fires.

M A R IN E :Policies covering sll classes or risk* issued, in ­

c lud ing Hulls.

ACC IDEN T :Policies provid ing weekly allowances in event of disablement through Accident or Sickness at lowent premium* Lum p sum* payable for Acci­dental Death. Special Policies isnued to Farmers.

W O R K E R S ' C O M PE N SA T IO N :Policies issued granting fu ll indem nity under the Workers' Compensation Act, 192B-47.

M OTOR C A RS :O ur Comprehenaive Tables cover damage by Fire. Accident and Theft, and include liberal T hird Party protection.

THE SOUTH BRITISHHas been e*tabli*hrd in New South W slcs wince 1872, and in well-known to the In ju r ing Public for its Liberal Policy Conditions. Moderate Premium*, and Promptitude in Settlement of Claim*.

Represented by Agent* throughout the



27. 39.

LA IDLA W , Miss R „ a n d W . J . ARM OUR.Persuasion, gr. g.

LA IDLAW . Miss R „ a n d W . J . ARM OUR. Rhumba, gr. g.



Inland, ch .

Hannibal, br. g. Oliver Twist, b. g.

NE IW AN D , C. L. Lookout, b. g.PAYN E , A. L. Gold Mead. ch . g.PAYNE, A. L. Robin, b. g.PAYNE, A. L. Sirocco, b. g.PEARSON. Mims J . , a n d M i* s M . W ILLIA M

SON. Amazon, b. in.P E R R Y . C. H. Mexico, br. g.PH ILL IPS , K. Royal, b. g.PH ILL IPS. K. Victory, blk. g.W OOD, F., a n d Miss M. Aristocrat, br. g W OOD, F., a n d M is s M . Commando, br. g WOOD, F., a n d Miss M Hero, c h . g. W OOD, F., a n d Mis* M. Stranger, b g.


(Special Prizes) £60, presented by Sydney Snow Pty., Ltd., Ladies’ Outfitters, Pitt and Liverpool- sts., Sydney. First prize, £35 ; second prize, £16 ; third prize, £6 : fourth prize, £3. Horses to be Judged tor hunting qualifications and to be tried in pairs over course and fences as the committee may direct. Ladles to ride at catch weights. Owners will be allowed to pair, and in the event of a pair separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. Open to all horses.

1. ADAMS, M. Bonny Ander, ch. g.2. ANDERSON. R. Kim. ch. g.3. B R O D IE . C. J . Coal Dust. blk. g.4. B R O D IF , C. J . Grey Lock. gr. g.5. CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy, b. g.9. CANTLAY. A. C. Destiny, br. g7. CULLEN , J . Golden Street, ch. g.9. CULLEN , J . Tara, ch. g.9. CULLEN , J . Urana, br. g

19. DA LY . J . a n d E. Garry Lyn. cr. g.11. DANBY, M-ss D. Jorroeks, b. g.12. DAUNT. M r*. S. M Ebony Chief, blk g.13. EM ERY , Mi** R. M. Egypt, hr. g.14. F IE L D , T. A. President, br. g.15. F IELD , T. A. Sovereign, ch. g.

19 FITZGERALD, Sistkk E. 1. Silver Lock, gr. g.17. F ITZGERALD , S i s t e r E. I. Silver Scorn,

gr- g-19. FITZGERALD, Si*Tek E I. Sunbeam, b. g.

19. HOLMES. Mis* W. M. Blue Bonnet, gr. m.20. HOLMES. Miss W. M. Paragon, blk. g.21. HOLMES. Miss W. M. Yenda, br. g.22. JO L L Y , R. W. Seagull, gr. g.23. KEMP. Miss J . Christopher Grey, gr. g.24. KENNAN. M r s . H. C. Kittyhawk. b. m.26. LA IDLAW . Miss R„ a n d W. J . ARM OUR.

Persuasion, gr. g.29. LA IDLAW , Mis* K„ a n d W

Rhumba, gr. g.27. McMAUGH, Mr*. A.29. METHERALL. R M.29. METHERALL, R . M.


Inland, ch.Hannibal, br. g. Ol'ver Twist, b. g.

YO R K SH IR E INSURANCE CO ., LTD.— All Classes of Insurance Effected. Fire,Workers' Compensation, Crops, Fencing, etc. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S Va r i e t y S t o r e s


1 HORSES— Jumping Exhibition* (Continued).

30. NEIW AN D . C. L. Lookout, b. g.31. PAYNE, A. L. Robin, b. g.32. PAYNE, A. L. Sirocco, b. g.

33. PEARSON, Miss ,L, a n d Miss M. W IL L IA M ­SON. Amazon, b. m.

34. PH ILL IPS , K. Royal, b. g.35. PH ILL IPS, K. Victory, blk g.36. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Aristocrat, br. g.

37. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Commando, br. g.39. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Hero, ch. g.39. WOOD, F., v n d Miss M. Stranger, b. g.


(Special Prizes) £100, presented by Tooheys Ltd., Standard Brewery, Sydney. First prize, £55 ; second prize, £27; third prize, £12; fourth prize, £6.

For a team of four horses to be judged for hunting qualifications and tried over course and hurdles as the committee may direct. Two horses to be ridden by ladies and two by gentlemen. The ladies to ride at catch weights and the horses ildden by gentlemen to carry 11 stone. The contest will be continuous for two laps of the course. For the first round the horses will commence individually, one to be ridden by a gentleman, and followed at an interval of approximately 20 yards by the horse ridden by a lady. After the first three hurdles have been negotiated the horses will pair and complete the course. At the commencement of the second round all four horses will be brought abreast and complete the course In such order. Owners will be allowed to make up a team, but in the event of a team separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. Open to all horses.

1. ADAMS, M. Bonny Ander, ch. g.2-4/-ADAMS, M. Meclad, br. g.3. ADAMS, M. Royal Court, b. g.4. ALLEN. N. Glen, h. g.5. ANDERSON. It. Kim, ch. g.6. BAKER a n d McGEE. Rising Sun, ch. g.7. BELL, G. .1. Domineer, gr. g.9. BELL, G. J . Sun Valley, b. g.9. B R O D IE , C. .1. Coal Dust, blk. g.

10. BROD IE , C. J. Grey Lock, gr. g.

11. CAMPBELL BROS. Boomerang, br. g.12. CAMPBELL BHOS. Stormy, gr g.13. CANTLAY. A. C. Billy Boy, b. g.14. CANTLAY, A. C. Destiny, br. g.15. CANTLAY, A. C. Ranger, b. g.

19. CULLEN, J . Blue Gown, bl. g.17. CULLEN, J . Ensign, hr. g.18. CULLEN, J . Golden Street, ch. g.19. CULLEN, J . Tara, ch. g.20. CULLEN, J . Urana, hr. g.21. DALY, J . a n d E. Garry Lyn, cr. g.22. DANBY, Miss D. Jorroeks, b. g.23. EM ERY, Miss R . M Egypt, br. g.24. EM ERY, Miss R . M. Topsy, b. in.25. EMERY, Mias R . M. Yi, br. m.26 F IELD , T. A. Ladyship, b. in.

27. F IELD , T. A. President, br. g.29. F IELD , T. A. Radar, b. g29.| F IELD . T. Sovereign, ch. g.30. F ITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silver

gr. g.Lack,

31.7, FITZGERALD, S ister E. I. Silver Scorn,gr. g-

32. F ITZGERALD, S is te r E. I. Sunbeam, b. g.33. GRAHAM. K. G Midnight, br. g.34. HALL, S. (i. Bright, br.35. H ED LEY . Mrs. R. Grey Dawn, gr. g.

36. H EDLEY . Mrs. R. Crey Gift, gr. g.37. H EN RY . am > L. Laddie, br. g.28. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Bambino, br. g.39.jt,HOLMES. Miss W. M. Blue Bonnet, gr. in.40. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Crackerjack, br. g.

41. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Paragon, blk. g.42 HOLMES. M ss W. M Yenda. br. g.43.JLJO LLY , R. W. Blue Boy, bl. rn. g.44. JO LLY . It. W. Parader, b. g.45.JLJOLLY. R. W. Seagull, gr. g46. ivEMP, Miss .1. Christopher Grey, gr. g.47. iM D I.A W . Miss R.. a n d W. J. ARM OUR.

Persuasion, gr. g.48. LA IDLAW , Miss R „ a n d W. .1. ARM OUR.

Rhumba, gr. g.49. LA IDLAW , Miss R ., a n d W. J. ARM OUR.

Tango, gr. g.SO JM cGEE . .1. Sunny, h. g.51. .McMAUGH. Mr*. A. Hailstorm, gr. S2#McM.\l <;H. Mrs. A Inland. . ^53. McMAUGH. Mrs. \. Kiama, .T54. MASTERTON, Mrs. D. Sammy, b. g.

55. METHERALL, R. M. Hannibal, br. g.56.1 METHERALL, R . M. Oliver Twist, b. g.57. METHERALL, R . M. Silver Fleet, cr. h.58. METHERALL. R . M. Victory, gr. g.59. M IDDLEMISS, Mrs. F. Beau Geste, ch. g.

60. M IDDLEMISS. Mrs. F. Cessnock, ch. g.61. NEIW AND, ('. L. Lookout, b. g.62. NELSON, T. First Up, b. g.63. PAUL, H. W Cobber, b. g.64. PAUL, H. W. Rainbow, ch, g.65. PAYNE, A. L. Fairfield, br. g.

66. PAYNE, A. L. Gold Mead, ch. g.•7 .* PAYNE. A. L. Robin, b. g.99.3 PAYNE. A. L. Sirocco, b. g.69. PAYNE, A. L. Sunlight, gr. g.

70.| PEARSON, Miss J .. and Miss M. W ILLIAMSON.Amazon, b. in.

7 1 j PERRY , C. H Johnny Cameron, b. g.72. PERRY , C. H. Westdale, b. g.73. PH ILL IPS, K. Royal, b. g.74. PH ILLIPS. K. Victory, blk. g.75. STEWART, A. G. Scots Grey. gr. g.79. TW OHILL and McKERRNANN. Kitty

Hawk, br. m.77. TW OH ILL and M cKERRNANN. Lady, br. ra.78. TW OHILL and McKERRNANN. Mercy,

blk. m.79. WALSH, .1, A. Grey Dawn, gr. g.80. WOOD, F „ and M is s M. Aristocrat, br. g.81. WOOD, F., and Mis* M. Commando, br. g.82. WOOD, F., and Miss M. Hero, ch. g.83. WOOD, F., and Mihs M Princess, blk. m.84. WOOD, F., and Miss M Rainbow, b. g.

LIVESTOCK INSURANCE.— Claims paid promptly on Proof of Death.— YO RK SH IREINSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Fanners’ Company.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Jumping Exhibition* (Continued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

85. VVOOI), F., a n d M ims M Stranger, b. g.86. WOOD, F., a n d M ihh M. Suns'ar, ch. g.


(Special Prize) £100, presented by Stack and Co.Pty., Ltd., Metropolitan Distributors tor Chevrolet Cars and Trucks, Pontiac Cars and Maple Leaf Trucks, 105 York-st., Sydney. First prize, £55; second prize, £27 . third prize, £12 ; fourth prize, £6.

For a team of four horses to be Judged for hunting qualifications and tried over course and hurdles as the committee may direct. Two horses to be ridden by ladles and two by gentlemen. The ladles to ride at catch weights and the horses ridden by gentlemen to carry II stone. The contest will be con­tinuous for two laps of the course. For the first round the horses will commence Individually, one to be ridden by a gentle­man, and followed at an Interval of approxi­mately 20 yards b" the horse ridden by a lady. After the first three hurdles have been nego­tiated the horses will pair and complete the course. At the commencement of (he second round all tour horses will be brought abreast and complete the course in such order. Owners will be allowed to make up a team, but In the event of a team separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. Open to all horses.

iM ADAMS, M. Bonny Ander, ch. g.2. ADAMS. M Meclad, hr. g3.' ADAMS. M. Royal Court, b. g.4. AALLEN, N. Glen, b. g.5. ANDKRSON, K. Kim, oh. g.6. RAKKK a n d McGEE. Rising Sun, oh. g.7. BELL, G. J . Sun Valley, b. g8. BRO D IE . ( ’. J . Coal Dust, blk. g.9. B R O D IF , C. J . Grey Lock, gr. g.

10 .. CAMPBELL, BROS. Boomerang, br. g.1140CAMPBELL BROS. Stormy, nr. g.I t . CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy. b. g.13. CANTLAY. A. C. Destiny, br. g.14 CANTLAY. A. C. Ranger, b. g.15. CULLEN, J . Blue Gown. bl. g .

I t .C U L L E N , .1. Ensign, br. g17. CULLEN , .1. Golden Street, oh. g.18. CULLEN. J . Tara. oh. g.18. CULLEN. J . Urana, hr. g.SO. DALY, .1.. a n d E. Garry Lyn, or. g.11. DANBY. Miss D. Jorrocks. b g.22./ EM ERY. Miss R . M Egypt, br. g.13. EM ERY. Miss R. M. Topsy, b. m.24. EM ERY. Miss R. M VI, br. in.25. F IELD , T. A. Ladyship, b. m.26 .1 F IELD . T. A. President, br. g.27. F IELD . T. A. Radar, b. g.28. F IELD . T. A. Sovereign, oh g.29. F ITZGERALD. Sistbh E. I. Sliver Lock. gr. g.30. F ITZGERALD . S istkr E. I. Silver Scorn.

gr «■31. F ITZGERALD. S istkr E. I. Sunbeam, b. g.32. H E D LEY . Mrs. R . Grey Dawn, gr. g.

33. H EDLEY , Mrs. R. Grey Gift, gr. g.34. HENRY. C ., a n d L. Laddie, br. g.35. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Bambino, br. «.36. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Blue Bonnet, gr. in.

37. HOLMES. Miss W. M. Crackerjack, br. g.38. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Paragon, blk. g39. HOLMES. Miss W. M Yenda, br. g.40. JO LLY . R W Blue Boy, bl. in. g.41- JOLLY . R. W . Parader, b. g.. 1939.42. JOLLY , R. W . Seagull, gr. g.43. KEMP, Miss J . Christopher Grey, gr. g.

44. LA IDLAW . M ihh R„ a n d W. J . ARM OUR.Persuasion, gr. g.

45. LA IDLAW , Mihh R ., a n d W. J . ARM OUR.Rhumba, gr. g.

46. LA IDLAW , M ihh R.. a n d W. J . ARM OUR.Tango, gr. g.

47. MoGEE, J . Sunny, b. g.48. MoMAUGH. M rs. A Hailstorm, gr.49. MoMAUGH. M r s . A. Inland, oh.50. MoMAUGH, M r*. A. Kiama, cr.51. MASTERTON, M rs. I) Sammy, h. g52. METHERALL, R. M. Hannibal, br. g.53. MATHERALL, R. M. Oliver Twist, b. g.54. METHERALL, R . M. Silver Fleet, or. h.55. METHERALL. R. M. Victory, gr. g.56. M IDDLEMISS, M r s . F. Beau Geste, ch. g. 67. M IDDLEMISS, M b s . F. Cessnock, ch. g.58. NE IW AN D , C . L. Lookout, b. g.59. PAUL, H. W. Cobber, b. g.60. PAUL. H. W . Rainbow, ch. g.61. PAYNE. A. L. Fairfield, hr. g.62. PAYNE, A. L. Gold Mead, oh. g.63. PAYNE. A. L. Robin, b. g.64. PAYNE, A. L. Sirocco, b. g.65. PAYNE. A. L. Sunlight, gr. g.66. PEARSON, Miss J ., a n d M is s M. W ILLIAM SON.

Amazon, b. in.67. PE R RY , C. H. Johnny Cameron, b. g.68. PE R R Y , C. H. Westdale, b. g.69. {^PHILLIPS, K. Royal, b. g.70. PH ILLIPS, K. Victory, blk. g.71. T W O H ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Kitty Hawk,

br. m.72. TW OHILL a n d McKERRNANN. Lady, br. in73. T W OH ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Mercy,

blk. m.74. WALSH. J . A. Grey Dawn, gr. g.75 .J WOOD, F„ a n d M iss M . Aristocrat, br. g.76.$ WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Commando, br g.77. WOOD. F., AND Miss M. Hero, ch. g.

78. WOOD, F., a n d M ihh M . Princess, blk. m.79. WOOD. F.. a n d M ihh M . Rainbow, b. g.

803 WOOD, F„ a n d M ihs M Stranger, b g.81 WOOD, F., a n d Mihs M. Sunitar, ch. g.


.Special Prizes) £100, presented by McDowells, Ltd., The Store of the People. George and King-

sts., Sydney, viz. — First prize, £55 ; second prize, £27; third prize, £12; fourth price,



Show Animals covered for 14 day*, including Transit to and from Farm. Y 3RK SH IREINSURANCE CO., LTD. Office on Ground. Essentially the Farmers’ Office.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


S*c- 1— HORSES— Jumping Exhibitions (Continued).

For a team of four horses to be Judged for hunting qualifications and tried over course and hurdles as the committee may direct. All horses to be ridden by gentlemen and to carry 11 stone. The contest will be con­tinuous for two laps of the course. For the first round the horses will commence Individually at an interval of approximately 20 yards. After the first three hurdles have been negotiated the horses will pair, and complete the course. At the commence­ment of the second round all four horses will be brought abreast and complete the course In such order. Owners will be allowed to make up a team, but In the event of a team separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. Open to all horses.

1. ADAMS, M. Bonny Ander, oh. g.2. ADAMS, M. Meclad, br. g.3. ADAMS, M. Royal Court, b. g.4. ALLEN, N. Glen, b. g.5. ANDERSON, R. Kim, ch. g.6. BAKER a n d McGEE. Rising Sun, ch. g.7. BELL, G. J . Sun Valley, blk. g.

BLUNDELL, Miss B. Corryong, dpl-gr. g. BRODIE, C. J . Coal Dust. I., g.

BRODIE. C. J . Grey Lock, gr. g. CAMPBELL BROS. Boomerang, hr. g.

CAM PBELL BROS. Stormy, gr. g.CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy, b. g.

CANTLAY, A. C. Destiny, hr. g.

CANTLAY, A. Ranger, b. g.CULLEN, J . Blue Gown, bl. g.

17. CULLEN, J . Ensign, br. g.

18.tfCULLEN, J . Golden Street, oh. g.19. CULLEN, J . Tara, ch. g.20. CULLEN, J . Urana, br. g.

21.\ DALY, J., a n d E. Garry Lyn, cr. g.22.3 EMERY, Miss R. M. Egypt, br. g.23. EMERY, Miss R. M. Topsy, b. m.24. EMERY, Miss R. M. Yl, br. in.25. . F IELD , T. A. Ladyship, b. m.26. * F IELD , T. A. President, hr. g.27. F IELD . T. A. Radar, b. g.

FIELD , T. A. Sovereign, oh. g.FITZGERALD, S i s t k r E. I.

F g-FITZGERALD, S i s t k r E. I.

IF- ft-

FITZGERALD, S i s t k r E. I. Sunbeam, b. g- GRAHAM, K G. Midnight, br. g.

. . . HEDLEY . M r s . R Tex*:,, br. g.

34.^ HENRY, C., a n d I. Laddie, br. g.35.1 HOLMES, M ih h W. M . Bambino, br. g.

36. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Blue Bonnet, gr. m.37. HOLMES. Miss W. M. Crackerjack, hr. g.38.1 HOLMES, Miss W. M. Paragon, blk. g.39. 1 HOI MES, Miss W. M. Yenda, br. g.40. JO LLY , R. W. Blue Boy, bl. m . g.41. JOLLY , R W. Parader. b. g.

JO LLY , R. W . Seagull, gr. g.KEMP, Miss J . Christopher Grey, gr. g. LAIDLAW . Miss R„ a n d W. J . ARMOUR.

Persuasion, gr. g.LA IDLAW . M ih s R., a n d W. J . ARM OUR.

Rhumba, gr. g.



46. LA IDLAW , Miss R., a n d W. J . ARM OUR. Tango, gr. g.

. McGEE, J . Sunny, h. g.I.3 McMAUGH, M r s . A. Hailstorm, gr.I. McMAUGH. M rs . A Inland, ch.I.* McMAUGH, M r s . A. Kiama, or., MASTKRTON, M r s . D. Sammy, b. g.. METHERALL. R. M. Hannibal, hr. g.. METHERALL. R. M. Oliver Twist, b. g., METHERALL, R. M. Silver Fleet, or. h..3 METHERALL. R. M Victory, gr. g.. M IDDLEMISS, M r s . F. Beau Geste, ch. g., M IDDLEMISS, M r s . F. Cessnock, oh. g.

MOXHAM, Miss P. Mark Twain, b. g. NEIW AND, ('. L. Lookout, b. g.PAUL, H. W. Cobber, b. g.PAUL. H. W . Rainbow, oh. g.PAYNE, A. L. Fairfield, br. g.

. PAYNE. A. L. Gold Mead, oh. g.

. PAYNE. A. L. Robin, b. g.PAYNE, A. L. Sirocco, b. g.

. PAYNE, A. L. Sunlight, gr. g., PEARSON, Miss J.. a n d Miss M. W ILLIAMSON.

Amazon, h. in.PE R RY , C. H. Johnny Cameron, b. g. PE R R Y , C. H. Westdale, b. g.PH ILL IPS , K. Royal, b. g.PH ILL IPS , K. Victory, blk. g.STEWART, A. (!. Scots Grey, gr. g. TW OHILL a n d M cKERRNANN. Kitty Hawk,

br. m.

TW O H ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Lady, br. m. TW OHILL a n d McKERRNANN. Mercy,

blk. m.W ALSH, J . A. Grey Dawn, gr. g.WOOD, F., a n d M iss M . Aristocrat, hr. g. WOOD, F\, a n d M is s M . Commando, br. g. WOOD, F., a n d M ih s M . Hero, oh. g. WOOD, F., a n d M is s M . Princess, blk. m .

• WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Rainbow, b. g.WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Stranger, b. g.

I WOOD, F., a n d M is h M . Sunstar, ch. g.


'Special Prizes! £100, presented by the P'.iato Marketing Board of Tasmania, 198 Sftsex-st., Sydney, and Burnte, Tas. First prize, £55; second prize, £27 . third prize, £12 ; fourth prize, £6.

For a team of four horses to be Judged for hunting qualifications and tried over course and hurdles as the committee may direct. All horses to be ridden by gentlemen and to carry I I stone. The contest will be con­tinuous for two laps of the course. For the first round the horses will commence in­dividually at an interval of approximately 20 yards. After the first three hurdles have been negotiated the horses will pair, and complete the course. At the commence­ment of the second round all four horses will be brought abreast and complete the course In such order. Owners will be allowed to make up a team, but in the event of a team separately owned winning, the prize will be divided. Open to all horses.

L IV E STOCK IN SU R A N C E — Transit Sea or Rail — Any Part of the W orld — Y O R K ­S H IR E IN S U R A N C E C O ., LTD.

474849505152535455 66 675859 60. 61. 62.6364656667


7475. 81. 82. 83.



3132 33.

Silver Lock,

Silver Scorn,



V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— -Jumping Exhibition* (Continued).

1. ADAMS, M. Bonny Ander, ch. g.2. -ADAMS, M. Meclad, l>r. g.3. ADAMS, M. Royal Court, b. g.4. ALLEN, N. Glen, b. g.5. ANDERSON. R. Kim, ch. g.1. BAKER a n d McGKK. Rising Sun, ch. g.

7. BRODIK, C. J . Coal Dust, blk. g.8. BRODIK, <’. J . Grey Lock, gr. g-9. CAMPBKLL BROS. Boomerang > br. g.

10. CAMPBELL li|{< >S Stormy, gr. g.11. CANTLAY. A. C. Billy Boy, b. S-12. CANTLAY, A. C. Destiny, br. u13. CANTLAY. A. C. Ranger, b. g.14. CULLEN, .1. Blue Gown, b l. g.15. CULLEN, J Ensign, br. g.

16. CULLEN, I Golden Street, ch. g.17. CULLEN, J. Tara, ch. g.18. CULLEN, Urana, In. g.

20. EMERY, Miss H. M. Topsy, b. in.21. KMKRY, Miss R. M. Yi. br. in.22. F IELD, T. A. Ladyship, b. in.23.% K IK IJ), T. A. President, br. g.24. KIKLD, T. A. Radar, b. g.25.1 KIKLD, T. A. Sovereign, ch. g.

26. KITZOEKALD, S is te r K. 1. Silver Lock, gr. g.27. FITZGERALD, S is tk r E. I. Silver Scorn, gr. g.

28. KITZOKRALD. S istkr K. I Sunbeam, b. g.29. GHAHAM. K . G. Midnight, br. g.30. llKDLKV. Mrs. K. Texas, br. g.31. H ENRY. C., a n d L. Laddie, br. g.32. HOLMES, Miss \V. M. Bambino, br. g.33. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Blue Bonnet, gr. m.34. HOLMES, Miss \V. M. Crackerjack, br. g.35. HOLMES. Miss W . M. Paragon, blk. g.36. HOLMKS, Miss W. M Yenda, br. g.37. JOLLY , R. W . Blue Boy, bl. rn. g.38. JOLLY , R. VV. Seagull, gr g39. KKMP, Miss J . Christopher Grey, gr. g.

40. LAIDLAW. Miss R „ a n d W. J. ARMOURPersuasion, gr. g.

41. LAIDLAW , Miss R „ a n d W. J. ARM OUR.Rhumba, gr. g.

42. LAIDLAW , Miss R „ a n d W. J . ARMOUR.Tango, gr. g.

43. McGEE, J . Sunny, b. g.44. McMAUGH, M r s . A. Hailstorm, gr.45 .XMcMAUGH, Mrs. A. Inland, ch.46. McMAUGH. M r s . A. Kiama, cr.

47. MASTERTON, M r s . D. Sammy, b. g.48. MKTHKRALL, R. M. Hannibal, br. g.49. METHERALL, R. M. Ollv:r Twist, b. g.50. METHERALL, R. M. Silver Fleet, cr. h.51. METHERALL, R. M. Victory, gr. g.52 . (.,-AIlDDLKMlSS, M r s . F. Beau Geste, ch. g.53. M IDDLEMISS, M r s . F. Cessnock, ch. g.54. MOXHAM. Miss 1*. Mark Twain, b. g55. NEIW AND, C. L. Lookout, b g.56. PAUL, H. W . Cobber, b. g.57. PAUL, H. W. Rainbow, ch. g.58. PAYNE, A. L. Don, b. g.59. PAYNE. A. L. Fairfield, br. g.

60. PAYNE, A. L. Gold Mead, ch. g.61. PAYNE. A. L. Robin, b. g.62. PAYNE, A. L. Siroccco, b. g.63. PAYNE. A. L. Sunlight, gr. g.

64. | PEARSON. Miss J . , a s h M iss M. W ILL IA M ­SON. Amazon, b. in.

65. PE R R Y , <’. II. Johnny Cameron, b. g.66. PE R RY , C. H. Westdale, b. g.67. PH ILLIPS, K. Royal, b. g.68. PH ILLIPS, K. Victory, blk. g.69. STKWART, A. G. Scots Grey, gr. u.70. T W O H ILL a n d McKERRNANN.

Hawk, br. m.\nd McKERRNANN.71. TWOH I LI

hr. m.72. TW OHILL

blk. in.73. WOOD, K„ A M I Miss M74. WOOD, F., a n d M is s M.

75. WOOD, K.. a n d Miss M76. WOOD, K„ a n d Miss M

WOOD, K., a n d Miss M WOOD, K.. a n d Miss M





Aristocrat, br. g. Commando, br. g. Hero, ch. g. Princess, blk. in.

Rainbow, b. g. Stranger, l>. g.

WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Sunstar, ch. g.


(Name ot rider only required.)

(Special Prliesi £40, presented by Marcus Clark and Co., Ltd., Central Square, Sydney, viz.: First prize, £16; second prize, £8; third prize, £4; lourth prize, £1. For the best equestrienne, 15 years of age and over, who has never won a lirst or second prize (or hunting events at any previous Royal Easter Show : a statutory declaration to this effect to be made. All competitors to be approved by the horse committee and to be tried over course and hurdles as the committee may direct.

The owner of the horse ridden by the lady who wins first prize to receive £7 ; the owner of the second horse, £3 . and the owner of the third horse, £1.

1. ABBEY, Miss N.2. BLACK. Miss B.3. CHISHOLM, Miss N.4. COATES, Miss B.5. COOMBKS. Miss M.6. DAFFY, Miss M.7. DANHY, Miss D.8. DAUNT. M r s . S. M .

9. DAVIDSON, M is s 1).10. DODD. Miss D.11. EM ERY, Miss R. M.12. FRANCA]S, Miss E. A.13. F R Y E R , Miss .1. K.14. HEDLKY, M r s . R.15. HUTTON. Miss J.16. K ELLY , Miss P.17. KENNAN, M r s . H. C.18. K INNKAR, Miss S.19. LAIDLAW. Miss R.20. LUCAS, Miss K.21. M ILES, Miss B.22. SH IRM ER , Miss D.23. W ILLIAMS, Miss J.24. W ILLIAMS. Miss S.25. W ILLIAMSON, Miss M

Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E CO ., LTD ., 14 Spring St., Sydney.— Branches and Agencies throughout the W orld . Live Stock, Fire, Mar ne & Accident.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s



(Name ol rider only required.)

(Special Prizes) £40. presented by Tucker and Co. Pty., Ltd., Wine and Spirit Merchants, 335 Kent-st„ Sydney. First prize, £16; second prize, £8; third prize, £4 ; fourth prize, £1. For the best equestrienne 15 years of age and over, over course and hurdles as the Committee may direct.

The owner of the horse ridden by the lady who wins first prize to receive £7 ; the owner of the second horse, £3 ; and the owner of the third horse, £1.

1. ABBEY, Miss N.2. BLACK. Miss B.3. BROWN. Miss M.4. CHISHOLM. Miss N.5. COOMBES, Miss M.6. COY, M r s . R. A7. DAKFY, Miss M.8. DAUNT, M r s . S. M .

9. DAVIDGE, Miss R.10. DAVIS, M r s . L.11. DODD. Miss D.12. EM ERY, Miss R. M.13. FRANCA IS, Miss E. A.14. F R Y E R , M is s J . K.15. H EDLKY , M r s . R.16. HOLMES, Miss W. M.17. HUTTON. Miss J.18. KEANE, Miss M.19. K E LLY , Miss P.20. KEMP, Miss J.21. K INNKAR, Miss S.22. LA IDLAW , Miss R.23. LUCAS, Miss K.24. McMAUGH. M r s . A.25. PK RRY , Miss B.26. ROACH. Miss E.27. ROBERTSON. Miss A.28. SH IRM KR, Miss D.29. STAUNTON. Miss F.30. \\ K IR , Miss P.31. W ILLIAMS. Miss J.32. W ILLIAM S. Miss S.33. W ILLIAMSON, Miss M.34. WOOD, Miss M.

Sec. 1 HORSES— Jum pin f Exhibition. (Continued).


(Special Prizes) £50, presented by White Horse Distillers, Ltd., Glasgow and London. First prize, £25: second prize, £15; third prize, £6 . lourth prize, £4. For the horse taking the longest jump over water. Ladles and gentlemen may both ride In this event.

A Special prize of £5 if the winner ol this event beats the Royal ' Sydney record of 33 ft., established by Mr. W. Mcllwain's “ Thumbs Up," at the Royal Easter Show, 1915, or any subsequent better record at the Royal Easter Show, 1948.





20. 21. 22 .

BAKKR a n d McGKK. Rising Sun, ch. g. BKNNKTT, T. Kerry Boy, b. g.

. BLUN DELL, Miss B. Austral, b. g. CANTLAY, A. Billy Boy, b. g.

CH INNOCK. W . Zue, b. g.I CULLEN, J . Miss Dandy, br. in.' GARV IN . M r s . M M Silver Maln^ <r. ?.

GRAHAM. K. G. Midnight, br. g.HALL . S. G. Billabong, b. g.H E N R Y , K. Bay Boy, b.H K N RY , K. Storm, gr. g.

K E LL Y , J . T., a n d G. L. K E N N E D Y . Bingo, b. g.

KENNAN, M r s . H C. Kittyhawk, b. m., LOONEY, A. C. Hunter Valley, ch. g.

McKENNA a n d McCULLOCH. Ho br. g.

MARSHALL. A. Rajah, gr. g.M ETHERALL, R. M. Danny Boy, b. g. MOXHAM, Miss P. Mark Twain, b. g. NELSON, T. First Up, b. g.

PR INCE. P. Ben Hur, b. g.SMITH, J. C. Banner, b. g.

? T W O H ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Lady, br. m.



(Special Prizes) £50, presented by Lawrence and Hanson Electrical Pty., Ltd., 33 York-st„ Sydney. First prize, £25 ; second prize, £15 ; third prize, £6 . lourth prize, £4 : for the horse taking the longest jump over water. Ladies and gentlemen may both ride in this event.

A special prize of £5 if the winner of this event beats the " Royal ” Sydney record of 33 ft., estab­lished by Mr. W. Me..wain’s “ Thumbs U p ,’ at the Royal Easter Show, 1915, or any subsequent better record at the Royal Easter Show, 1948.

B A K E R a n d McGEE. Rising Sun, ch. g. BENNETT, T. Kerry Boy, b. g. BLU N DELL, Miss B. Austral, b. g.C4VT I « ■ '• --



Live Stock Insured-

__T --—, nuaiiBI, O. |CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy, b. g.CH INNOCK, W Zue, b. g

6. i CULLEN , J. Miss Dandy, br. m.7. DOWSKTT, M. Harkaway, blk. g.

ELLIOTT. R . Flight, b. in. J 1 1 U • dGARV IN . Mrs. M. M Silver Main, o r * /H E N R Y , E. Storm, gr. g.

11. K E LLY . J. T., a n d G. L. K EN N ED Y . Bamboo,b. in.

12. KENNAN, M r s . H C. Kittyhawk, b. in.13. LOONKY, A. C. Hunter Valley, ch. k

14. McCAULEY, p. B. Talabinga, iu g.15. McKENNA a n d McCULLOCHI Homespun,

br. g.

MARSHALL. A Rajah, gr. g.MKTH KRALL. R . M. Danny Boy, b. g.MOXHAM, Miss P. Mark Twain, b. g.NELSON, T. First Up, b. g.PRINCK , P. Ben Hur, b. g.

21. SM ITH, J . C. Banner, b. g.22. T W O H ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Lady, br. m. .

-Lowest Rates— Liberal Conditions. Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E C O ., LT D ., 14 Spring St., Sydney.


S e e y o u r m o n e y s w o r t t i f


Y o u can depend on a light in any e m e rg e nc y w ith an Up*o n T o r c h . Sm aller than a b o x of m atches, it fit* snugly in to y o u r purse o r vest p o ck et just aw aiting a flick of y o u r fin ger to t h ro w its b rig h t beam. C o m p le te w ith batteries and b ulb . 5/5

• N ic k e l C h ro m e F in g e r -T ip and A u to m a tic Lighters w ith everlasting w ic k and fully guaranteed.• N ic k e l C h ro m e C ig a re tte Cases to m atch.

AM UPSON Products a rt told and recom­m ended by ANGUS & COOTE.

The whole show is easy on the eyes through these sensational Upson Binoculars.

Enjoy the ring events in comfort and see all the details clearly magnified 2^ times. In black, blue, red, green or ivory at 20/- a pair.

Obtainable on Angus & Coote’s Stand

No. 148-151 Hordern Pavilion, also:



V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Jumping Exhibition* (Continued).


iSpecial Prizesi £40, presented by The Champion Vinegar Company, 81 York-st., Sydney. First prize, £20: second prize, £12; third prize, £5 : lourth prize, £3 : for the horse taking the longest jump over water. Ladies and gentlemen may both ride in this event.

A special prize of £5 if the winner of this event beats the " Royal " Sydney record of 33 ft., estab­lished by Mr. W. Mcllwain's Thumbs Up," at the Royal Easter Show, 1915, or any subsequent better record at the Royal Easter Show 1948.

1. BAKER a n d McGEE. Rising Sun, ch . g.2. J BENNETT, T. Kerry Boy, l». g.3. 'CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy, b. it.

4. CHIN NOCK. W . Zue, b. g.5.jfClTLLEN, J , Miss Dandy, br. in.

6. K ELLY , J . T., a n d G. L. K EN N EDY . Bamboo,b. in.

7. KENNAN, Mks. H. C. Kittyhawk, l>. in.8. LOONEY, A. C. Hunter Valley, ch. g.t . j McKENNA a n d McCCLLOCH . Homespun, br.


10. MARSHALL, A. Rajah, gr. g.11. METHERALL, R. M Danny Boy, b. it.12. MOXHAM, Miss 1*. Mark Twain, b. g.13. NELSON, T. First Up, b. g.

14. PRINCE , P. Ben Hur, b. g.15. SMITH, J . C. Banner, b. g.

Homespun, br.McKENNA a n d McCULLOCH.It-

MARSHALL, A. Ralah, gr. g.

METHERALL. R. M. Danny Boy, b. g.

MOXHAM. Miss p. Mark Twain, b. g.

NELSON. T. First Up, b. g.

PRINCE, P. Ben Hur, b.g.

SMITH. .1. C. Banner, b. g.

TW O H ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Lady, br. m.


(Special Prizesi £100, presented by Mark Foy's, Limited, Universal Providers, The Piazza,"

f Liverpool, Elizabeth, and Castlereagh-sts., Sydney. First prize, £55 ; second prize, £27third prize, £12 : fourth prize, £6. For the horse taking the highest jump. Jumping to start at 5ft. 6in., when one trial jump will be permitted ; the rail will then be raised to 6ft. and each horse will be allowed two attempts ; thereafter the rail wi I be raised at the discretion of the Stewards, wi an each horse shall be peimitted three attempts at each height. The Stewards will take the time of each attempt, and shall have the right to withdraw any horse which, in their opinion, is ftactlous or Is causing delay in completing the event. Should spurs be used the roller must be plain, without spikes. Ladies are not eligible to ride In this event.

1 8 .J /T W O H IL L AND M cKERRNANN. Lady, br. m . x h ls ru le w„ , „e s tr lc„ y en forced




6. 7. S.

(Special Prizesi £40, presented by the South British Insurance Co., Ltd., Hunter and O ’Connell- sts., Sydney. First Prize, £20 ; second prize,£12; third prize, £5; fourth prize, £3; for the horse taking the longest jump over water. Ladies and gentlemen may both ride In this event.

A special prize of £5 if the winner of this event beats £( 10 the " Royal " Sydney record of 33 ft., estab- llshed by Mr. W. Mcllwain's “Thumb's Up, ’ at the Royal Easter Show, 1915, or any subsequent better record at the Royal Easter Show, 1948.

1. BELL, O. J . Murray Valley, br. g.

2 .. BLUNDELL, Miss B. Austral, b. g.

3. /CAM ERON . H. W. Moree, cr. g.

cr. g.


1. BAKER a n d McGEE. Rising Sun, ch. g2. BENNETT. T. Kerry Boy, b. g.

3. CANTLAY, A. C. Billy Boy, b. g.4. CHINNOCK, W . Zue, b. g.5. CULLEN, J . Miss Dandy, br. m

6. GARV IN , M rs . M . M . Silver Main7. GRAHAM, K. G. Midnight, br. g.8. HALL, S. G. Billabong, b. g.

9. K ELLY , J . T„ a n d G. L. KENNEDY.b. m.


10. KENNAN, Mrs. H . C. Klttyhawk, b. m.11. LOONEY, A. C. Hunter Valley, ch. g.

CAMPBELL BROS. All Black, blk. g.

CAMPBELL BROS. Creamy Radium,CULLEN, •?. Brown Eagle, b. or hr. g.

F IELD , T. A. Azette, ch. in.FITZGERALD, S i s t k r E. I. Dr. Radium,

b. g.

FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Sensation, b. g.

FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silverflake, gr. g.

FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. 1. Silver wood, gr. g.

GARVIN, Mrs. M. M. Silver Main, c r l t u W A f i*

HALEY, P. E. Grey Boy, gr. g.

14 .' McGEE, J . Mark Radium, br. g.

15. METHERALL, R. M. Danny Boy, b. g.

18 .3 METHERALL, R. M. Oliver Twist, b. g.

17. PAYNE. A. L. All Fours, br. g.

Gold Mead, ch. g.

Hymond, br. g.Johnny Cameron, b. g.

Look Out, gr. g.Mustard, cr. g.

Victory, blk. g.

Radium Plains, b. h.

18. PAYNE, A. L

19. PAYNE, A. L. * *■ 20. , PE R RY , C. H.

21.M'PE R RY , C. H22. PERRY , C. H.

23. PH ILL IPS, K.

24. , S'l 28-4 W

STEWART, A. G*OOI), F., a n d Miss M. Grey Hawk, gr. g.

L IV E ST O C K IN SU RA N CE— Transit Sea or Rail — A ny Part of the W orld — Y O R K ­S H IR E IN SU R A N C E C O ., LT D . The Farmers’ Company.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Jumping


(Special Prizes) £106 6s., presented by Anthony Hordern and Sons, Limited, Universal Pro­viders, Brickfield Hill, Sydney. First prize, £60; second prize, £25; third prize, £10; fourth prize, 15. For the horse taking the highest jump. Jumping to start at 5ft. 6in. when one trial jump will be permitted ; the rail will then be raised to 6ft. and each horse will be allowed two attempts ; there­after the rail will be raised at the discretion of the Stewards, when each horse shall be permitted three attempts at each height. The Stewards will take the time of each attempt and shall have the right to withdraw any horse which, in their opinion, is fractious or is causing delay In completing the event. Should spurs be used the roller must be plain, without spikes. Ladles are not eligible to ride In this event.

This rule will be strictly enforced.

Special Prize of £10 if the winner of this event beats the Royal” Sydney Record of 7ft 6in., established by Mr. R. Chittlck's Dungog, ’ and Mr. A. L. Payne’s All Fours," at the Royal Easter Show, 1929 and 1939 respectively.

£6 6s. will be paid to the rider of the winning horse in this event.

1. BELL, G. J . Murray Valley, br. i;.2.* BLUNDELL, Miss H. Austral, b. g.3 .V CAMERON, H . W. Moree, cr. g.4 * CAMPBELL BROS. All Black, blk. g.5. CAMPBELL BROS. Creamy Radium, cr. g.6. CULLEN, J . Brown Eagle, b. or br. g.7. FIELD , T. A. Azette, ch. m.8. F ITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Dr. Radium,

b. g.8. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Sensation, I), g.

10.- FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silverflake, gr. g. $11.4 FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Silverwood, gr. g.

w n .i- tli- GARV IN , Mrs. M. M. Silver Main, cr. g. fv13?T HALEY, P. E. Grey Boy, gr. g.

C t 14.! McGEE, .J. Mark Radium, br. g.15. McGEE. J . White Nose, gr. g.16. METHERALL. R . M. Danny Boy, b. g.17. M ETHERALL, R. M. Oliver Twist, b. g.IS. MOXHAM, Miss P. Mark Twain, b. g.

J fr 18. PAYNE, A. L. All Fours, br. g.fel( 20.U PAYNE. A. L. Gold Mead, ch. g.

' 21. PAYNE, A. L. Hymond, br. g.22. PE R RY , C. H. Johnny Cameron, b. g.23. PERRY , C. H. Look Out, gr. g.24. PH ILL IPS. K . Victory, blk. g.25. STEWART, A. G. Radium Plains, b. h.28. WOOD, F., a n d Miss M. Grey Hawk, gr. g.


(Special Prizes) £30, presented by British Paints (Australia) Pty., Ltd., Paint Manufacturers, Sanitary Paint Works and Laboratory, Suther- land-av., Paddington, Sydney. Pony Jumping Contest for ponies not exceeding 13.2 hands. To be tried over course and fences as the

Exhibition* (Continued),

committee may direct. First prize, £20; second prize, £7 : third prize, £3. Ladies may ride in this event.

i f ARNOLD, H. A. Sid, dpi gr. g.2. CAMPBELL BROS. King Bird, ch. g.3. CHITTICK, A. R. Venus, br. in.4. COATES, E. Stardust, br. m.5. CROUCHER, M r s . A. Brownlock, br. g.6. EM ERY, Miss R. M. Emeroon Zareen, t>9*i,

ch. m.7. F IELD , T. A. Comet, b. g.8. FITZGERALD, S is t e k E. 1. Contrast, piebald h .

8. GARVIN, M r s . M . M . Gold Stream, cr.'g .10. H EN RY , R. A. Lady Addie, ch. in.11. HENRY, R . A. Playful Jim, 110, ch. h.12. IR W IN , Miss E. Lady Warrell, br. in.13. K ELLY . J . T„ a n d G. L. K ENNEDY . Micky

Mouse, ch. g.14. LENNON, Miss M. Dandy, ch. g.15. M IDDLEMISS, M r s F Johnnie Walker, gr. g. 18. M U RPH Y , c. A. Lady Betty, eh. m.17. STEWART, D. Miss Muffet, ch. m.18. T O M S , M r s . J . H. Mi Lady, b. in.18. TW OH ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Blue Bird,

bl. in.20. TW OH ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Sunrise,

ch. g.21. W E IR . Miss P. Bay Lass, b. m.


(Special Prizes) £30, presented by Lowe’s, Ltd.» Tailors and Outfitters, 504 to 514 George- st., near Park-st., Pitt-st., and Stores all over Town ; also at Newcastle and Wollongong. First prize, £20 ; second prize, £7; third prize, £3. Pony Jumping Contest for ponies not exceeding 14 hands. To be tried over course and hurdles as the committee may direct. Ladies may ride in this event.

1. ARNOLD, H . A. Grey Lady, dpi gr. m.2. BELL. G. J . Dundas, b. g.3. BINDON, K. Steel Grey, gr. g.4. BROW N a n d KENNEDY . Zarina, ch. in.5. BUTCH A RI). C. Grey Arab, gr. g.6. BYRNE, Miss B. Hero, ch. g.7. CAMPBELL BROS. King Bird, ch. g.8. CAMPBELL BROS. Silver, ch. in.8. CHITTICK, A. R. Venus, br. m.

10. COATES. E. Stardust, br m.11. CONDON, C. Dusty Guy, b. g.12. CROUCHER, M r s . A. Brownlock, br. g.13. CULLEN, J . Miss Dandy, br. in.14.3 DODD, H. Azara Junior, ch. g.15. DOWSETT, M. Gay, br. m.18. FIELD , T. A. Comet, b. g.17. FITZGERALD, S - s te r E. I. Azara Image,

ch. h.18. FITZGERALD, S i s t k r E. I. Contrast, piebald

h.18. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. 1. Sensation, b. g. 20. FREEMAN, Miss I. Grey Boy, gr. g.

GARVIN, M r s . M. M . Gold Stream, cr. g. H EN RY , E. Wywonder, br. g.H ENRY . R . A. Playful Jim, 119. ch. h.

2 1 .


L IV EST O C K IN SU RED on the G round by the Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E CO ., LTD

at it* Office there.


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Ju m p in g Exhibition* (Continued).

HOLLAND, Mrs. .1. Shamrock, cr. g. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Golden Emblem, cr. in. HOW ARD, J . Checkers, blk u. i W ~2-K ELLY , J . T„ a n d G. L. KENNEDY. Micky

Mouse, ch. g.LENNON, Miss M. Dandy, ch. g.McGEE, .1. White Nose, gr. g.MACDONALD, M Blue Echo, gr. h. METHERALL, R. M. Danny Boy, b. g.

MIDDLEMISS, Mrs. F. Johnnie Walker, gr. g. M URPHY, C. A. Cash, ch. in.M URPHY, C. A. Lady Betty, ch. in.PAYNE, A. L Dandy, b. g.PRINCE. P. Mignon, ch. in.R IXO N , Mrs. N. Mystery, gr. g.RYAN. R. M. Gai Radium, blk. in. STEVENS, R . Freckles, gr. g.

STEWART, A. G. Lady Radium, b. in. THACKERAY, C. M. Flight, b. in. TRELOAR, W. J . H. Majestic, gr. g. TW OHILL a n d M cKERRNANN. Lady, br. in.


(Special Prizes) £30, presented by G. J. Coles and Co., Ltd., State Office, 133 Liverpool-st., Sydney, viz. : First prize, £20; second prize, £7: third prize, £3. Pony Jumping Contest for ponies not exceeding 14 hands. To be tried over course and hurdles as nie committee may direct. Ladies may ride in this event.

1. ARNOLD, H. A. Grey Lady, dpl-gr. in.2. BELL, G. J . Dundas, b. g.3. BINDON, K. Steel Grey, gr. g.4. BROWN a n d K EN N EDY . Zarina, ch. in.5. BUTCHARD, C. Grey Arab, gr. g.6. BYRNE. Miss B. Hero, ch. g.7. CAMPBELL BROS. King Bird, ch. g.S. CAMPBELL BROS. Silver, ch. m.9. CHITTICK, A. R . Venus, br. in.

10. COATES, E. Stardust, br. m.11. CONDON, C. Dusty Guy, b. g.12. CROUCHER, M r s . A. Brownlock, br. g.

.13. CULLEN, J . Miss Dandy, br. in./,uia a »44 .3 DODD. H. Azara Junior, ch. g.

• 15. DOWSETT, M. Gay, br. m.18. FIELD, T. A. Comet, b. g.17. FITZGERALD, S is t e r E. I. Azara Image,

ch. h.18. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Contrast, piebald

FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Sensation, b. g.

20. FREEMAN, Miss I. Grey Boy, gr. g.21. GARVIN , Mrs . M. M. Gold Stream, cr. g.22. HENRY, E. Bambi, blk. g.23. HENRY, E. Wywonder, br. g.24. HENRY, R. A. Playful Jim , 119, ch. h.25. HOLLAND, M r s . J . Shamrock, cr. g. tS ^H O L M E S , Miss W. M. Golden Emblem, cr. m,27. HOW ARD, J . Checkers, blk. g. t28. IRW IN , Miss E. Lady Warrell, br. ni.28. KELLY, J . T., a n d G. L. KENNEDY. Micky

Mouse, ch. g. »LENNON, Miss M. Dandy, ch. g.

31. McGEE, .1. White Nose, gr. g.32. MACDONALD, M. Blue Echo, gr. h.33. METHERALL, R. M. Danny Boy, b. g.34. 1 MIDDLEMISS, M b s . F. Johnnie Walker, gr. g.35. M U RPH Y , C. A. Cash, eh. m.36. R IX O N , M r s . N. Mystery, gr. g.37. RYAN , R. M. Gai Radium, in.38. STEWART, A. G. Lady Radium, b. in.39. THACKERAY, C. M. Flight, b. m.40. TRELOAR, W. .1, II. Majestic, gr. g.41. T W OH ILL a n d McKERRNANN. Lady, br.



(Special Prizes) £30, presented by Murdoch's, Ltd.,Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s Wear, Park and George-sts., Sydney. First prize, £20; second prize, £7 ; third prize, £3. Jumping Contest for galloways or ponies not exceeding 14.2 hands. To be tried over course and hurdles as the committee may direct. Ladies are not eligible to ride in this event.

1. ABBEY, M is s N. Solo, br. g.2. ADAMS, M. Tango, ch. g.3. BENNETT, T. Kerry Boy, b. g.4. BINDON, K. Steel Grey, gr. g.5. BOLTON, R. O. Rollands Plains, b. u.6. BURROW S, Miss J . Actor, b. g.7. BUTCHARD. C. Grev Arab, gr. g.8. CAMPBELL BROS. Letty, cl., m.9. CRAW LEY, N. W . Grey Wing, gr. g.

10. CRICHTON, C. a n d H. J . PE R R IN .Raglan, gr. g.

11. CROUCHER, M r s . A. Garryowen, br. g.12. CULLEN, J . Miss Dandy, br. m.13. DA LY , .1., a n d E. Garry Lyn, cr. g.14. DAUNT, M b s . S. M . Desert Gold, b. in.15. DODD, H. Azara Junior, ch. g.16. DOWSETT, M. Gay, br. in.17. DOWSETT, M. Harkaway, blk. g.18. DOWSETT, M Sultan, gr. g.18. EM E R Y , Miss R . M. Topsy, b. in.20. ESTELL, Miss G. Tony, b. g.21. F IE L D . T. A. Dandy, b. g.22. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Azara Image,

ch. h.23. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Contrast, piebald h.24. FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Sensation, b. g.25 J F R Y E R , J. A. Mr. Brown, b. g.26. GARV IN , M r s . M. M. Gold Stream, erk/g.7Np<?*k**27. G ILR O Y , E. J . Malsie, cr. in.28. H EN RY . E. Wywonder, br. g.29 H EN RY , R. A. Playful Jim , 119, ch. h.30.2 HOLMES, Miss W . M. Golden Emblem, cr. m.31. H OW ARD, F. Mrs. Miniver, blk. m.32. HOW ARD, J. Gambler's Gold, ch. >'(V«-. ■33. W ITHDRAW N .34. /K E N N A N , M r s . H. Kittyhawk, b. in.35. LA IDLAW , Miss R „ a n d W. J . ARM OUR.

Rhumba, gr. g.36. LENNON, Miss M. Dandy, ch. g.37. LENNON. Miss M. Fllcka, b. m.38. McCAULEY, P. B. Talabinga, b. g.39. McGEE, J. Bay Minor, b. g.

30.40. McGEE, J. White Nose, gr. g.41. MACDONALD, M. Blue Echo, gr. h . I n

In Foal Mares, 30 days from act of Foaling or 12 m onths.^ Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E

CO ., LT D ., Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmers’ Company.

V i s i t

42. MASON, R. K Blu.43. MASTERTON, M r s .

44. MKTH F RALL, R. M45. METHERALL, R. M.46. M IDDLEMISS, M r s . f

47. MURPHY, C. A. Ca:48. RYAN , R. M. Gal R.49. SMITH, J. Tex, skew50. STEWART, AAC. La51. THACKERAY, C. M.52. T W O H ILL a n d McKEH53. TW OH ILL a n d M cKEI

« C- ^


(Special Prizes) £25, prese> Ltd., Sporting Good; nists, 712-722 Georgi Jumping Contest (oi exceeding 14.2 hands, and hurdles as the

\ r v J tc L

v L o ,

First prize, prize, £3.

£15 :

Tco i


1 . 7. S.


IL f12. 19.

If-PE R R IN ,

i !1 j

2 1 #


ABBEY, Miss N. Solo, hr BELL, Gr. J . Dundas, b. g.BOLTON, R. O. Rollands Plains, b.BROOK , Miss G. Popeye, blk. g. BURROW S, Miss J . Actor, b. g.BUTCHARD, C. Grey Arab, gr. g. CAMPBELL BROS. Letty, oh. m. CRAW LEY, N. W. Grey Wing, gr. CRICHTON, C. J ., a n d H. J.

Raglan, gr. g.CULLEN, J. Mls» Dandy, br. m.DALY , J . a n d E. Garry Lyn, cr. g.DAUNT, M r s . S. M . Desert Gold, b. m. DODD, H. Azara Junior, ch. g.DOWSETT, M. Gal, hr. rn.DOWSETT, M. Harkaway, blk. g. DOWSETT, M. Sultan, gr. g.EM ERY , Miss R . M. Topsy, b. m.F IELD , T. A. Dandy, b. g.F ITZGERALD, S is t k k E. I.

ch. h.FITZGERALD, S i s t e r E. I. Sensation, b F R Y E R , J . A. Mr. Brown, b. g.GARVIN , M r s . M . M . Gold Stream, cr. g. G ILR O Y , E. J . Malsie, cr. m.H EN RY , E. Wywonder, hr. g.H EN RY , R. A. Playful Jim, tin, ch. h. HOLMES, Miss W. M. Golden Emblem, cr. m. HOW ARD. F. Mrs. Miniver, blk. m. K E LLY . J . T., a n d G. L. K ENNEDY . Micky

Mouse, ch. g.Kittyhawk, b. m.a n d W. J. ARMOUR.

Azara Image,


KENNAN, M r s . H. LA IDLAW , M is s R

Rhumba, gr. g.LENNON. Miss M. LENNON, Miss M. McCAULEY, P. B McGEE J McGEE, J.

Dandy, ch. g. Flicka, b. in. Talabinga, b.

Bay Minor, b. g.White Nose, gr. g.


MASTERTON, M r s D. Sammy, b . r .

METHERALL, K. M. Silver Sails, ch. h .

M IDDLEMISS, M r s . F. Johnnie Walker, gr. g.

• ,.iu ic.0, presented by Australia Hotel Co., Ltd., 45 Castlereagh-st., Sydney. First prize, 112; second prize, £5; third prize, £3. For horses which have not won a first, second, or third prize in any hunting contest at the Royal Easter Show, 1948. To be tried over course and fences as the committee may direct. Ladles are not eligible to ride in this contest.


(Special Prizes)— £27, presented by Peapes Pty., Ltd., 285 George-st., Sydney. First prize, £10; second prize, £4 ; third prize, £2. For ail lady riders who have competed in an eques­trienne hunting contest at the Royal Easter Show, 1948 ; and have not won a first, second, or third prize in such contest. Over course and fences as the committee may direct.

The owner of the horse ridden by the lady who wins first prize to receive £7 ; the owner of the second horse, £3 ; and the owner of the third horse, £1.


(Special Prizes) £20, presented by H. Rowe and Co.Pty., Ltd., Electrical Supplies, 136 Elizabeth-st., Sydney. First prize, £7 : second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2. For the best equestrienne who has not won a first, second, or third prize In any equestrienne event over hurdles at the Royal Easter Show, 1948.

The owner of the horse ridden by the lady who wins first prize to receive £5 ; the owner of the second horse, £2 , and the owner of the third horse, £1.

YO RK SH IRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — Claims paid by the Company exceed£56,000,000. Insurances effected on Live Stock up to any sum.



(Special Prizes) £20, presented by Tivoli Circuit Pty.(Australia), Ltd., 331 Castlereagh-st., Sydney. First prize, £12; second prize, £5: third prize, £3. For horses which have not won a first prize in a water jump at the Royal Easter Show, 1948. Ladies and gentlemen may both ride in this event.

Speciel Prize of £5 if the winner of this event beats the “ Royal ” Sydney record of 33ft., estab­lished by Mr. W. Mcllwain's " Thumbs Up,” at the Royal Easter Show, 1915, or any subsequent better record at the Royal Easter Show, 1948.

ied). Educated Horse and Pony, etc.

E D U C A T E D H O R S E A N D P O N Y , EQ U I­






(Over 14 hands.)

(Special Prizes) £10, presented by B. H. Winn Pty., Ltd., Confectionery Manufacturers, 44 Australia-st., Camperdown, Sydney. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize. Society's Ribbon. For the best educated horse over 14 hands. To be judged under the following conditions

Preliminary Judg ing:' All competitors shall circle at a walk, trot, and canter, to be followed by the completion of a figure eight at a canter. Competitors failing to execute the forrg ing to the satisfaction of the judge will be elimin­ated from the contest.

Final Judging : The competitors shall be lined up facing the judge. In turn each will be required to walk their horse forward and halt beside the judge ana then execute the follow­ing as directed by the steward :1. Dismount: 2. Mount; 3. Walk horse four paces forward ; 4. Rein back four paces ; 5. Passage approximately four paces to the r igh t; 6. Passage approximately four paces to the left: 7. Trot and execute complete figure eight, then canter, and complete figure eight, halting beside the judge before re­turning to former position in line.Ladies and Gentlemen may compete In this contest.

1 .

I .

4.5.6 .


AM ORY, M r s . J. J . Scarlet, ch. in .

BABTRAM a n d DE CRESPIGNY. Pasha, «r.


BART RAM , M r s . H. Sieda, gr. g. BURROW S. M is s J . Actor, b. g .

CAMPBELL, M is s A. Melody, gr. in .

CHENHALL. M r s . 1*. Will We. gr. g. CLARKE . M r s . L. S., a n d D. W H IT E

Luck, gr. m.Lady

COLES, M iss J t D ITH. Royal George, br.

CO CRT, E. S. Cobble, hr.COURT. K. S.



10. COURT. E. S. Nigger Minstrel, hr. g.11. DALY, .1. a n d E. Skipper, ch. r .

12. D l NNING, .1. Tom Boy, b. g.13. EM ERY . Miss R. M Egypt, br. g.

FITZGERALD. S i s t e r E. I. Silver Scorn, gr. g. FLINT , A. L. C. Bronzewing, ch. g. FRASER . I). E. J . Miller's Meg, br. in. G RA Y . W E. Mizami, bl. n r H ARR ISON , M r s . B. David, nr- K- HEW ITT . C. W. Comrade, b. g.H IRST , H. I). Springmead Rathana, «r. in. H IRST, M r s . E. E. Springhurst Mary, dpi. gr.

rn 19 20 .

2 1 .

22 .23.24.25.





















Shining Night (imp.

Y O R K S H IR E IN SU R A N C E CO ., LTD . _ in Live Stock Insurance

HOAD. M r s . M Whisk, b. g.

H ORD ERN , S. Pepper, nr. in.H Y D E , W. Mr. Brown, hr. g.H YDE , W Senartra, b. «.

K E LLY , Miss P. Blue Gum, br.K E L L Y , T. H. Esk, br. g.

KEM P'S R ID IN G SCHOOL. Velocity, b. g .ir r- jr

LATHAM, Miss Z. Jeames, b. g.

LOMAS, W. Calm, ch. in.

McCARTEN, Miss C N.Z ), br. «.

McCARTEN, Miss C. Tuppence, gr. in.

MACGOUN, Miss A. Pepper, gr. g .

MILLS. M rs. I. Millsym, hr.

M U RRA Y , P. J . Grand Fils, br. g.

NYE, E. M. Springmead Sequita, dappled id. gr. tn.

PARK. M r s . G. E. Prince, hr. g.

PEARSON, W. G. Ben, b. g.

PEARSON, W. G. Laurie, gr. k-

PENNELL, N. a n d M r s . Warden, ch. A

POPE COLONEL a n d M r s . A. V. Noel, b. g.

PRICE, Miss A. Kiltie, ch. g.

PYE, Miss S. E. Dick Whittington, b. g.

RE ILLY . J Lord Gilt, ch. g.

R E IL L Y , M rs. M. Jet, blk. in.

.. ROBERTS, M. F. Brandy, blk. g.

47. ROBERTS. M. F. Tekah, b. g.

48. ROBERTSON, Miss A. Broughton, br. g.

48. R l ’NDLE, Miss A. Danny Boy, b. g.

50 SE Y M O l’R WELLS. I*. Marina, «h. in .v « * V i*

51. STEVENS. Mrs. (i. B. Prince Gregory, gr. g.

STYLES, C. N., a n d M rs. Steppe, ch. k-

TA1T, M rs. P. G. Eastern Line (imp.), br. g.

THOMPSON. L. Joe Junior, br. g.

TOMKINS, L. Sparks, bl.-gr. g.

WALL. B. R. Grand Sion, hr. g.

WALL. B. R Pegasus, ch. g.

WALL. B. R. Scamp, ch. g.

W EBB WAGG. Miss C. Kerry, ch. g.

W ILK IN SON . H B. Prince, ch. g.

W 1LLMORE, Miss s . Brigade Major, blk g.

W INTER, M r s . G. Supreire, b. g.












For every Class of Insurance. Specialists Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney. 44. 49 SO. 61. 52. 53

i HIM m i ; g l T 1MAHON, R. K. Bluebell*, bl. g. MASTERTrtN, Mr*. I) Sammy, h. g.METHI* RALL, R. M. Danny Boy, b. g. M ETHERALI., R. M. Silver Sails, ch.h. MIDDLEMI8S, M f s . F. Johnnie Walker, gr. g. M URPHY, C. A. Cash, ch. m.RYAN, R. M. Gal Radium, blk. m.SMITH, J. Tex, akcwhald g.STEW ART, A AO Lady Radium, b. m. TH ACK ERAY, C. M. Flight, b. m. TW O H ILL amd MrKERRNANN. Lady, br. in. TW OH ILL a n d M rKERRNANN. Mercy, blk.— s* ft

HORSES— Jumping Exhibition* (C ontinued).


53! TW OH ILL a n d M rKERRNANN. mercy, o m .a p v a . \ t o .

M CRPH Y, C. A. Cash, oh. m.RYAN, R. M Cai Radium, blk. m.THACKKRAY, C. M Flight, b. m.TWOHILL a n d M rKERRNANN. rn. . TWOHILL a n d M rKERRNANN. Mercy, b lk T V ***-

w ■ f J &

r 'o f& ttftin r ^JUMPING EVENTS.Classes 183 to 186.Post Entries Only.


(Special Prizes) £25, preset Ltd., Sporting Good; nlsts, 712-722 Georg<Jumping Contest (01 exceeding 14.2 hands and hurdles as th<First prize, £15 . 1 prize, £3.


Q L m i h & . .». Raglan, gr. g.

10. CULLEN, I. Miss DaI I .| D ALY. J. a n d E. Ga 12. D A l’ NT. Mrs . S. M.

DODD. H. Azara Jun DOWSETT, M. Gal, I DOWSETT. M. Harki d o w s e t t . m Suiui EM ERY, Miss R. M. FIELD, T. A. Dandy, FITZGERALD, Sihtei

A . J S X O tlft , O . J .a. Uriah ton and ten on . 3, Oim Ai / , 1Ui . 0 r , Mrs*

a x c y l M k * Bethong. G r * y « i n * >

5* Cull an, J .ttary , MIm H.U 17. 18 16

■£mxm. n .Tony.D o a A y *Ludyirtii*.a e l w l l e y .

B l i g h t * army CUft.


7* la ta ll, MIm a. 11*14, T . A .9 . r u u , T * A *

I f i * T r y r , J * A *11* U all, a*tf*I t s B u l l , 8 . 0k

18. FITZGERALD, S ih te i 113 . M t r , a n , a .

m /' kitxoerald, M r.-* l £ F R Y E R . J A. Mr. Bl 1 5 * 1 * 1 I f 8 f l i— g a r v i n , Mkh. m. m. 1 5 U e D n n e lA . M .

G ILRO Y. E. J. Mai. * * *HENRY, E. Wywond 1™* I W d l W i l B i , M r s * / •HENRY. R. A. P M i j A I A , U u r u b jT . C . A - *H O LM W . Mi m W M ~HOW ARD. F. Mrs. I 1 9 * i a y i j e , J..-L*k e l l y . j . t . a n d g . t o * W o o d , a n d I d u a U«

KENNAN. ! i ! i H . S U T w h l l l m A M U a i a .l a i d l a w , m i»h r .. O m h s e , K .G L

Rhumba, gr. g. _ ____ wLENNON, Miss M.LENNON. Miss M.M rCAULEY. P. B MeOEK J. Bay Minot MrGEE. J. White No MASTERTON. Mrs- »m e t h e r a l l . r . mM1DDLEMIS8, M rs.

Y O R K S H I R E I N S U R A N C E C O ., L T D . —£ 5 6 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . In su ra n ces e f f e c t e d o n L iv e S t o c k u p t o a n y u u n .

a , anhaa, k .o. KUUd^it*1 * i» * n tifip n U , 81«tor I . Qald B aft. * M . riUmrmlA^ d ittor I , — i l l .

Pairs • hall

nd Co. sth-st., e, £3 ; trienne r third lurdles

0 wins01 the e third

n ce e d

r ie ty S t o r e s

TLA3S 186.

The "T ivoli Theatre Water Jump*

*» C o n s o l a t i o n w"g-

/ 1 . Blundell, B.2* Hall, S.Gk 3. Henry, S.A. Kelly and Kennedy.5. Looney, A.C.6 . Twohill and UoKieman.7* Grahan, K.G*8. Bennett, T.9 . Baker and MoGee.

3 10. Hoxham, Mis b P.1 1 . lletherall, R.M.

C 12. Prince, P.

A u s t r a l .B i l l a b o n g .S t o r m .Banboo.H u n t e r V a l l e y .

. L a d y * H i d n i g U t * K e r r y B o y , R i s i n g S u n * M a r k T w a in * D a n n y B o y . B e n h u r .

, - r - . ••*««; «> V , piVilblilrVW as.Ltd., Contectionery Manulacturers, 44 Australia-st., Camperdown, Sydney. First priz", £5 . second prize, £3 . third prize, £2 ; fourth prize. Society's Ribbon. For the best educated horse over 14 hands. To be Judged under the following conditions :

Preliminary Judging: All competitors shall circle at a walk, trot, and canter, to be followed by the completion of a figure eight at a canter. Competitors failing to execute the for>g Ing to the satisfaction of tbe Judge will be elimin­ated from the contest.

Final Judging The competitors shall be lined up facing the Judge. In turn each will be required to walk their horse forward and halt beside the Judge and then execute the follow­ing as directed by the steward :1. Dism ount; 2. M ount; 3. Walk horse four paces forward ; 4. Rein back four paces : 5. Passage approximately four paces to the right ; 6 . Passage approximately four paces to the left j 7. Trot and execute complete figure eight, then canter, and complete figure eight, halting beside the Judge before "re­turning to former position In line.Ladies and Gentlemen may compete In this contest.



AM ORY, M m . J. J. Scarlet, ch. rn. BARTKAM a n d DE CRE8P1GNY. Pasha, gr.

gB A RTH AM . M ks H Sieda, gr. g. BURROW S. Miss J. Actor, b. g. CAMPBELL, Miss A. Melody, gr. m. CHENH ALL. M r s . I*. Will We, gr. g. CLARKE. M r s . L. S., a n d D. W H ITE. Lady

Luck, gr. m.


37.38. 61. (2.

l t d ) , Educated H on e and Pony, etc.

COLES. Miss JUDITH. Royal George, hr CO CRT, E. S. Cobbie, br. g.COURT, E. S. Nigger Minstrel, br. g .D ALY , J. a n d E. Skipper, rh. g.1)1 NNING, .1 Tom Boy, b. g.EM ERY. Miss R. M. Egypt, br. g.FITZGERALD. Sistkr E. I. Silver Scorn, gr. g. FLINT, A. L. C. Bronzewing, ch. g.FRASER. I). E. J. Millers Meg, br. in.G RAY, W . E. Mizami, bl. gr. g.HARRISON, M k s . B. David, gr. g.HEW ITT. C. W. Comrade, b. g.HIRST, H. I). Sprlngmead Rathana, gr. 111. HIRST, Mks. E. E. Sprlnghurst Mary, dpi. gr.

in.lO A l), M k s . M. Whisk, 1). g.10K D E RN , S. Pepper, gr. in.IYDE, W. Mr. Brown, br. g.IYDE. ,V. Senartra, b. g.IELLY, Mihs P. BlueGum .br.1ELLY, T. H. Esk, br. g.< EM P’S RID IN G SC HOOL. Velocity, I LATHAM. Miss Z. Jeames, b. g.LOMAS, W. Calm, ch. m.McCARTEN, Miss C. Shining Night

N.Z.), br. g.McCARTEN, M is s C. Tuppence, gr. in. MACGOUN, Miss A. Pepper, gr. g.MILLS, M k s . I. Millsym, br. g.M URRAY. P. J. Grand Fils, br. g.NYE, E. M. Sprlngmead Sequlta, dappled bl.

gr. m.PARK. M k s . G. E. Prince, br. g.PEARSON, W. G. Ben, b. g.PEARSON. W. O. Laurie, gr. g.PENNELL, N. a n d Mks. Warden, ch. &POPE, COLONEL a n d M r s . A. V. Noel, b. g. PRICE. Miss J. A . Kiltie, ch. g.PYE, Miss S. E. Dick Whittington, b. g.REILLY. J. Lord Gilt, rh. g.RE ILLY, M r s . M. Jet, blk. m.ROBERTS, M. F. Brandy, blk. g.

I ROBERTS, M. F. Tekah, b. g.ROBERTSON, Miss A. Broughton, br. g. BUNDLE. Miss A. Danny Boy, b. g.SEYMOUR W ELLS, P. Marina, ch. m .v r fV f* * ’ STEVENS, M r s . (i. B. Prince Gregory, gr. g. STYLES, C. N „ a n d M r s . Steppe, ch. g.TA1T, Mm . P. G. Eastern Line (imp.), br. g. THOMPSON. L. Joe Junior, br. g.TOMKINS, L. Sparks, bl.-gr. g.WALL. B R. Grand Sion, br. g.WALL, B. R. Pegasus, ch. g.WALL, B. R. Scamp, < h. g.W EBB-W AGG, Miss C. Kerry, ch. g. W ILKINSON, H. R. Prince, ch. g.WILLM ORE, Miss S. Brigade Major, blk. g. W INTER. M r s . G. Supreme, b. g.

vnuicsWIRF INSURANCE CO., LTD. — For every Class of Insurance. SpecialistsY O R K S H IR E J N S U K A N C t^ ^ Y o r W , h i r e House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

n ^ a * y .

K*flLI m . I lk p a lA , SisW x I*

Ms llW p w lI , SU tor I#

CLASS 185.- '1

The '’Hdvjco" Consolation Equestrienne Contest ( over Hurdles) •

1 . 2 .

£ 3 .4.5.

* 6 *J U U M * 7 .^ ^ e .

. 9 . 110.

Daunt, Hrs. S.H. Fryer, Kiss J • A* Hedley, Mrs. R. Holmes, I'iss W. Kemp, Hiss J. IToonan, kiss P. Staunton, Hiss F. Weir, Hiss P.Wood, Kiss H#Lucas, Hiss K. Williamson, L iss K.

■t i ;• x - m e * *

CLASS 164.

The "Peapes" Consolation Equestrienne Hunting Contest.

1 . Daunt, Hrs. S.H.2. Emery, Hiss R.H.3. Freeman, l i s s I .4 . Fryer, Hiss J.A.5. Hedley, Lrs. R#6 . Holmes, Hiss W.7. Kemp, Hiss J.8 . Kennan, Hrs. H.C.9 . Wood, His8 H.

10. l.:cliaugh, Hrs. A.11. Daffy, Hiss B. ^

CLASS 186.

The "T ivoli Theatre" Consolation Water Jump#

I 1 . Blundell, B.2 , H all, S.Gb3 . Henry, S.A# Kelly and Kennedy*5. Looney, A.C.6 . Twohill and UcKieman.7 . Graham, K.G*8 . Bennett, T.9 . Baker and MoGee.

3 10. Hoxhsm, Miss P#11. Me the ra il, R.M.

} 12. Prlnoe, P.

Austral.Billa bong. Storm.Bamboo.Hunter Valley. Lady#Midnight# Kerry Boy. Rising Sun# Mazic Twain# Danny Boy# Benhur.



SYDNEYBW 2293 (6 lines)Phones

AGEN TS REQUIRED in Country Districts


Chief Agents Australia :


^ J__HORSES— Educated Hor»e and Pony, etc. (Continued).CLASS 189 THE MRS. W. J. STELZER S 2GB

HAPPINESS CLUB EDUCATED PONY.(14 hands and under.)

(Competitors under 15 years.)(Special Prizes) £8, presented by Mrs, W. J. Stelzers,

2GB Happiness Club, 136 Phillip-st., Sydney, First prize, £5; second prize, £2 ; third prize, £1 ; fourth prize, Society s ribbon : fifth prize, Society s ribbon. For the best educated pony, 14 hands and under, ridden by a competitor under 15 years of age.

To be judged under the following conditions :Preliminary Judging : All competitors shall circle

at a walk, trot, and canter; to be followed by the completion of a figure eight at a canter. Competitors (ailing to execute the fore­going to the satisfaction of the Judge will be eliminated from the contest.

Final Judging : The competitors shall be lined up facing the Judge. In turn each will be required to walk their pony forward and halt beside the Judge and then execute the following as directed by the steward :1. Dism ount; 2. Mount : 3. Walk pony four paces forward ; 4. Rein back four paces ;5. Passage approximately four paces to the right ; 6 . Passage approximately four paces to the left ; 7. Trot, and execute complete figure eight, then canter, and complete figure eight, halting beside the Judge before re­turning to former position in line.

Girls and Boys may compete in this contest.1. ASHTON, (J. Arrogance, gr. hi)2. ASHTON, (J. Dodger, gr .g .3. ASHTON. (J. Rlcko, rfT g.4. HAKTKAM. Mrs. H Cinderella, gr. m.5. B E X X E T T , M rs. M. Lady Lightning, gr. in.6. 1 BK VERIIK iK , A., a\i> M rs. Scamper, blk. g.7. HI.OX HAM, Miss .1. Silver Tinge, taft'v, g.8. BKADSTRKKT, Miss W. Laddie, ch. g.

HULLEY, Miss ,J. Princess Dolly, Hits. h. in. BURROW S, Miss .! Bing Crosby, hr. g. CLARKE. Mks L. S., and D. W H ITE. Royal

Jester, ch. g.1)H KSON. Mrs. H. Royal of Rosewood, h. g. DI NNING, J . Special, h. g.

14. EM ERY, Miss R. M. Emeroon Zareen,ch. m.

FREEMAN, Muss I. Crey Boy, gr. g GORDON. M. Prince Tony, h. g.HALL, F. Peggy, ch. in.H EALY. Miss .11 DITH. Baron, blk. g. H ORDERN, Miss S. Kerry, hr. g.JO LLY. R. W. Miss Powder Pufl, H03, b. in. MANSFIELD, R. Blue, bl. rn. in.MILLS. M ks. I. Rua Hinni, b. in.PACKER, F. A. Prince, gr. g.PALM ER, I). C. Tony, hr. g.PENNELL, X . a n d M rs. Dick Whittington,

«r. g.ROWLES, R. Gay Princess, ch. in. SE Y M O l'R WELLS, Miss A. Clover, hr. in.

28. STEW AIU '. D. Lettie, ch. m.TH RO SBY. Jliss I). H. O. Melodee, blk. in.

30. W A R B Y . R. Brasso, ch. g.



15.16. 17. II.19.20. 21.


All the Best Animals are Insured with the Office on the Ground. Claims paid

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO by the Company exceed £56,000,000.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

83Sec. 1— HORSES— Ladies


(For Ladies and Gentlemen riders.)(State iiame of rider.)

(Special Prizes) £31 10s., presented by Australian Consolidated Industries, Ltd., Dowling-st., Waterloo, Sydney. First prize, £20; second prize, £7 10s. ; third prize. £4. For the best equitation test, Judged under the following conditions :

Time allowed : !> minutes.Competitors will complete the following course:Fiach competitor will ride to the centre o f the ring

tiiui face the Grandstand.1. Dismount and mount.2. Ring will lie marked by m l, white, and blue flags.

Commence at the red flag, ride a collected walk to the white flag, trot to blue flag, canter to red flag, making tile complete circle. The change o f pace must lie at the indicated flags.

3. Stand in centre o f ring facing Grandstand, passage Id yards to the right, 1(1 yards to the left (keep mount moving on two straight lines).

4. Stand faring Grandstand, Rein hack III yards, regain ground and halt.

■>.— From a standing position canter on and cut the “ Figure Eight ” (once only) passing round two posts about •If) feet apart, changing legs in the neck o f the " Eight ” which will lie marked by a white cross. Return to centre o f ring,

ti. Take a brush hurdle o f 3 feet.7. Pull up, walk hack to the centre o f the ring facing

Grandstand.The test shall lie judged on a maximum o f 7<l points. Although IhiIIi ladies and gentlemen are eligible to

compete in this content they shall Im* divided into separate groups. The same h o r s e shall not be ridden by more than one competitor.

1. AMORY, M r s . .I. J .I2. ASHTON, Miss G.3. BELL, Mrs. R. D.4. BLACK, Miss B.5. CAMPBELL, Miss A.6. CHENHALL, M k s . P.7. COURT, Miss J.8. COY. M k s . R. A.9. D A L Y ,.).

10. EM ERY, Miss R. M.11. G RAY. W. E.12. HIRST. Miss M.13. HIRST, M r s . E. E.14. HOAD, M rs. M.15. HORDERN, Miss S.16. IRW IN, W.17. KELLY, Miss P.18. K ELLY. Mb*. T. H.19. KING, M r s . W.20. McCAHON, G. E.21. MACGOUN, Miss A.22. MARTIN, 1).23. MILLS, M k s . I. \\f(S24. MITCHELL, G. C.25. MOORE, Miss N.26. PARK, M rs. G. E.

and Gentlemen Riders.27. PEARSON, W. G.28. POPE, C o l o n e i . A. V.29. PO l'N TN EY, Miss J.30. PYE. Miss 8. E.31. RE ILLY, J.32. ROBERTS, Mbs. M.33. ROBERTSON, Miss A.34. HOGAN. R.35. HI NDI.E, Miss A.36 SNELL, K37. STEVENS, W E.38. THOMPSON, L.39. THROSBY, Miss 1). H. O40. WALL, B. H.41. WALL, M r s . J.42. W HITE, Miss B.43. W ILCOX, L.44. WILKINSON. 11. K.45. W IXTEH, M k s. G.

CLASS 191 THE HYTEST AXE AND TOOL PTY., LTD., RIDING TEAMS.(For Ladies and Gentlemen 17 years of age or older.)(State names of riders.)

(Special Prizes) £20, presented by the Hytest Axe and Tool Pty., Ltd., Tool Manufacturers, Collins-st., Alexandria, N.S.W. and Spots- wood, Vic. For the best team of four horses and riders, to be judged for neatness and completeness of equipment of horses and riders. All riders must be 17 years oi age or older. A team may consist of all ladies or two ladies and two gentlemen. The names of each team of riders must be stated on the certificate of entry. First prize, £10 ; second prize, £5 ; third prize, £3 ; fourth prize, £2 ; fifth prize, Society's Ribbon; sixth prize. Society’s Ribbon.

1. BLACK, M iss B.. M is s e s J. BRIGHT, K.LUCAS, B. W HITE.

2. CAMPBELL, Miss A., M rs. E. E. HIRST,Miss M. HIRST, Miss A. MacGOUN.


4. CHENHALL, M r s . P., M in s M . GUNTER,Miss R. LA1DLAW, M bs. E. SHARI*.

5. COOK, M r s . H„ M is s 1. DAI.ZELL, M r s . S.DAVIS, M r s . H. SAMUELS.

6. COURT, Miss J „ Mrs. W. J. MILLS, MissO. M. YEATES, M bs. R. EM ERY.

7 . 'Tk ELLY. M r s . T. H „ M is s C. McCARTEN, Mtss N. MOORE, a n d M r s . A. W O O D .


9. SMITH, M r s G.. M is s D. H. O. THROSBY,— . SHEPHERD, D. SMITH.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD.— AH Classes of Insurance Effected. Fire,Workers’ Compensation, Crops, Fencing, etc. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

84Sec. 1— HORSES-—Gentlemen Riders (C ontinued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


(Special Prizes) £15, presented by The London and Lancashire Insurance Company, Ltd., 95 Pitt-st., Sydney. First prize, £8 ; second prize, £4 . third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 . fifth prize. Society's Ribbon: sixth prize. Society's Ribbon. For the best gentleman rider, 17 years of age and over.

1. ADAMS, A. J.2. ADAMS, M. J i n r .3. ANDERSON, M. S.4. ANDKKAVS. H. V.5. BEASLEY, K.6. BRADSHAW , K.7. BROWN, A.8. BROWN, 1.9 .6 B l LI.. S

10. CALDW ELL, B. K.11. CAHTKB, K . T.12. t ’ARTKK, I’ .13. CHESTER, W. G.14. C H U T R 'K , K.1I./C O G H L A N . B.16. COOK. H K.17. CR O l'C H K R, O.18. DALY, K.19. DALY,20. DONOHOE, F.21. DUNCAN, A.22. D W YER, W.23. FIELD, B. A.24. GILLESPIE, C.25. GILMORE, H.26. C lLR O Y , E. J.27. GLENDENNING, T.28. 11 At K K I T. A.29. HAW KINS. J. W.30. HOW ARD, J .T .31. JENKINS, A. D.32. K ELLY, C. R.33. K ELLY, J .T .34. KING, W.35. K IN K AD E, ROY.36. LEANEY, R . E.37. LECKIK. W.38. McCAHON, G. E.39. M c C l e l l a n d , m. j .40. McGLINCHEY, P.41. M cKAY, K.42. McNICOL, P. A. C.43. MARTIN, D.44. MAY. K. J.45. M ETHERALL, R. M.4 6 ./ MILLS, J. W. A.47. MITCHELL, G. C.48.>/MOLLOY, N. L.48. ' M l'N N , V. H.50. M U RRAY, P. J.51. NICHOLAS, B.52. NEIW ANI), C. L.53. PALMER, D. C.54. PARK ER. W. E.55. PROCTOR, J. H. W.

58. ROBERTS, M K59. HOGAN, H.60. SEYMOUR, R. K. 61.3SH A RP, J.62. ‘SHAW, J. R.63. SHEPHERD, A. 64.5'SHEPHERD, R.65. SHEPHERD, S.66. SMALL, T.67. SMITH, ti.68. SMITH, H. J.69. SMITH N. B. R.70. STEVENS, W. E.71. SULLIVAN. C. If.72. SUNDSTROM, H.72A. TOMKINS, T.73. WALL. B. R .* ' ' T H p f f A * ' r74. WATKINS, H.75. W HITE. E. R.76. WILCOX, L77. WILLIAMS, W. J.


(Special prizes) £12, presented by H. Rowe and Co.Pty., Ltd., Electrical Supplies, 136 Eiizabeth- st., Sydney. First prize, £6 : second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 . fifth prize, Society’s Ribbon : sixth prize, Society's Ribbon. For the best gentleman rijter, 17 years of age and over, who has never feceived a fee for horse riding, and has never won a first prize in a class for gentleman rider or hunt­ing event at a Royal Easter Show 'Children’s Riding Classes excepted); a statutory declara­tion to this effect to be made. All competitors to be approved by the horse committee.


10. BROWN, I.11. BULL, S.12. CAHILL, R. Y.13. CAMPBELL, A. J.14. CARTER, K. T.15. CARTER. P.16. CHESTER, W. G.17. CHITTICK, A.18. CHI’lTIC K R.19. CHITTICK. W.20.'» CLUKF, V.21.JlCOGHLAN, B.22. COOK, H. F.23. CRONLY, T.24. ( BOUCHER, O.25. DALY, E.26. DALY, J.

56. PURCELL, J. 27. DEAKIN, H. M.57. RIG N EY, N. 28. DONALD, D. W .

LIVESTOCK INSURANCE.— Claim* paid promptly on Proof of Death — YORKSHIREINSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmers’ Company.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s85

Sec. 1— HORSES----Gentlemen Riders (C on tinu ed), «nd Equestriennes.29. DONOHOE, F.30. D W YE R, W.31. FARRELL, R.32.3 FIELD, R. A.33. GARLICK, B. R.34. GENFORD, J.35. GILLESPIE, C.36. GILMORE, H37. G ILROY, E. J.38. GLENDENNING, T.39. HATFIELD, 1). H.40. HAW KINS, J. W.41. HAYNES, T.42. H EN RY, A. T.43. H IRST, H. I).44. JAMES, J.45. JENKINS, A. I).46. JOLLY, R. W.47. W ITH DRAW N.48. K ELLY, C. R.49 K ELLY. J. T.50. KING, W.51. KINKADE, ROY.52. KNIGHT GREGSON, ( !. A53. LEANEY, R. F.54. LEC'KIE. W.55. M< ( AHON, G. E.56 McCl e l l a n d , m . j .57. McGLINCHEY, P.58. M cKAY, K.59.60. 61. 62.63.64. i65.6 6 .67.6 8 . 81.



100. W ALL, B. R101. W ILKINSON, H. R.102. HALL, S. G.


(Special Prizes) £12, presented by Edward Butler Pty., Ltd. (John Brush), Makers of the genuine •' Wieneke ” Saddle, 371 George-st., Sydney. First prize, £6: second prize, £3 : third prize, £2: fourth prize, £1; fifth prize, Society’s Ribbon ; sixth prize, Society's Ribbon. For the best equestrienne, 15 years of age and over, who has never received a fee for horse riding or won a first, second, or third prize in an equestrienne event at any Show up to the closing date of entries for the 1948 Royal Easter Show (Children's Riding Classes excepted) ; a statutory declaration to this effect to be made. All competitors to be approved by the horse committee.

1. ABBOTT. Miss M.2. ALLEN Miss D.3. AMORY, M ks. J. J.4. AYRES, M rs. G.5. BEGNELL, Miss I).6. BENNETT, Miss G.7. BRADSTREET, Miss W.8. BRENCHLEY. Miss M.9. BROWNING. Miss G.

10. BU RDETT, Miss D.11. CAMPI ON. Miss D.12. CARTER. Miss S. M.13. CASSIDY, Miss R.14. CHARLTON, Miss M.15. CLANCY, Miss J.16. COLES, Miss JUDITH.17. CONSTANCE, Mrs. N.18. CRANE, Miss A.19. DALTON, M r s . C.20. DAVIS, M rs . S.21. DENN, Miss P.22. D IXON, Miss A.23. DUNCOMBE, Miss B.24. FENTON, M ks. H.25. FORBES, Miss L.26. GANT, Miss I. P .27. OARTON, Miss N.28. GILMORE, MISS I. A.29. GREEN, Miss C.30. GUNTER, Miss M. M.31. HARRISON, Mrs. B.32. HIRST, Miss M.33. HIRST. M rs. E. E.34. HUGHES, Miss V.35. JACKSON, Miss N.36. KING. M r s . W.37. LARNACH, Miss J.38. LEAN, Miss C.39. LOMAS, Miss P.40. McCARTEN, Miss C.

----------------------------------------------------------------- ■ ■ ■ . ■ . . . . . .Show Animals covered for 14 days, including Transit to and from Farm. YORKSHIRE

INSURANCE CO., LTD. Office on Ground. Essentially the Farmers’ Office.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


I __HORSES— Equestrienne* (Continued)

41.42.43. 4445. 61. 67. 68697071



CLASS 19 5 THE PEARSON’S CARBOLIC SANH S O A P " NOVICE AMATEUR EQUEST­RIENNE (ON FLAT).Prises) £25, presented by Pearson's Sand Soap Co. Pty., Ltd., Manufacturers of Pearson’ s Carbolic Sand Soap and Pearsonia Powder Cleanser, White Bay, Sydney ; Showground address, Suttor Avenue, opposite Coronation Grandstand. First prize, £10 ; second prize, £7 : third prize, £ 4 ; fourth prize, £2 ; fifth prize, £1 ; sixth prize, £1 ; seventh prize. Society’ s R ib b on ; eighth prize. Society's Ribbon. For the best equestrienne, 15 years of age and over, who has never received a fee for horse riding, and has never won a first prize in an equestrienne event at a Royal Easter Show (Children’s Riding Classes excepted) ; a statutory declaration to this effect to be made. All competitors to be approved by the horse committee.

ABBEY, M is s N.ABBOTT, Miss M.ADAMS, M r s . M AGGETT, M is s J.ALLEN, Miss I).AMORY. M r s . J. J.ASHTON, M r s . R.AYRES, M r s . G.BENNETT, Miss G.BLACK, Miss B.BLANCH. Mrs. J.BLEKEMORE, Miss M. M.BOLLARD, Miss M. Z.BOLTON, Miss P. 9. 61. 81.

BRENCHLEY, Miss M. BURDETT, Miss D. BUTCHARD, Miss B. CAMERON, Miss M.CAMPBELL, Miss A.CAMPTON, Miss D. CARRUTHERS, Miss J. CASSIDY, Miss R.CHARLTON, Miss M CHITTICK, Miss J.CHITTICK. Miss M- CHITTICK. Miss R.CLANCY, Miss .1 CLEAVER, Miss X. E.COATES, Miss B.COLE, Miss P. E.COLEMAN, Miss F.COLES, M is s JU DITH . CONSTANCE. M r s . N.COOK. M r s . H.COOMBES, Miss M.COURT, Miss J.COY. M r s . R. A.D AFFY. M is s M .DALTON, M rs. C.DALZELL. Miss I.DAN BY. Miss 1).D ARCY, Mrs. P.DAVIDGE, Miss R.DAVIS, M r s . S.DENN, Miss P.DIXON. Miss A.DUNCOMBE, Miss B.EM ERY, Miss R. M.FARLEY, Miss U.FENTON, M r s . H. FITZHARDINGE, Miss J. M. FORBES, Miss L.FRANCAIS, Miss E. A.GANT, Miss I. R.GARVIN. M rs. M. M.GREEN, Miss C.GUNTER. M is s M . M . HARRISON, M r s . B. HEDLEY, M r s . R.H EN RY, M is s D.H EN RY. Mrs. E.HINES. M is s E.HIRST, M is s M .HIRST, M r s . E. E.HOAD, M r s . M .HODGES, Miss P.HUGHES, Miss V.HUME. Miss P.HUTTON, Miss J.K ELLY, Miss P.KING, M r s . W.KINNEAR, Miss S. KNAPPSTEIN, M r s . C. X. K XIG H T GREGSON, Miss M. LAIDLAW, Miss R.LEAN, Miss C.LEANEY, M r s . K. M. LOMAS, Miss P.LOWTHER. Miss E.


I*. ------- ------------- ------------------------- ---------------____ __ — ----- _, . c p .;i __ Anv Part of the World


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

87Sec. 1----HORSES----Equestriennes (C ontinued).

82. McGLINCHEY. M iss S.83. MclNTOSH. Miss L.84. M oKENZlE, M r s . G. R.85. M cLURE, M rs. G.86. MACGOUN. Miss A.87. M ACKAY. M r s . K88. MACLEOD. M r s . D.89. MEEKS, M r s . D. B.90. W ITH D RAW N .91. MILKS, Miss B.92. M I L L S . M k s , I.93. MOFF1TT, Miss H.94. M ULLANE, Mm s V.95. NICHOLAS, Miss M.96. NOAKES, Misa B.97. NUNN PATRICK, M is s P.98. O ’ BRIEN, Miss X.99. O’H AR E, Miss J.

100. O S B O R N E , M r s . W.101. PARK, M r s . G. E.102. PAULL, Miss S. E.103. PEARSON, Miss J.104. PECK, Miss G. B.105. Q UIGLEY. M r s . J.106. RA IXE S. Miss M107. RA YN ER, M na C.108. REES, Miss P.109. REEVES, Miss X.110. RIG LEY. M r s . 1. A.111. ROBERTS, M r s . M.112. ROBERTSON, Miss P.113. ROB1XSON, Miss J.114. ROLLASON. Miss K.115. RO XBU R G H , Mms J.116. R U XD LE , Miss A.117. SAMUELS, M r s . H.118. SAW YER, Miss J.119. SAXTON, Miss P.120. SEPPING, Miss L.121. SEYMOUR WELLS, Miss A.122. SHARP. M r s . E.123. SHAW, M r s . J. H.124. SHEDDEN, Miss M.125. SHEPHERD, M r s . A.126. SH ILLIDAY, Miss W.127. SHIPTOX, M r s . M .128. SLOAN, Miss J.129. SPEARMAN. M r s . M . A.130. SPENCE, M r s . Y.131. STEVEXS, M r s . G. B.132. STOCKS. Miss X.133. TAYLO R. Miss X.134. TH ROSBY, Miss D. H. O. 134A. TOMKIXS, Miss G.135. W ALK E R, Miss P.136. W ALL, M r s . J.137. WATCH, M r s . J. R.138. WATSON, Miss V .U M X -* *139. WEBB-WAGG, Miss C.143. W EIR. Miss P.141.1 W H ITE, Miss B.142. WILLIAMS, Miss J.143. WILLIAMS. Miss S.144. W ILLM ORE. Miss S.145. W IN TER, M r s . G.146. W RIGH T, M is s E.147. YEATES, Miss M.



(Special Prizes) £25, presented by F. H. Faulding and Co., Ltd., Manufacturing Chemists, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, and London (Eng.). First prize, £10; second prize, £7 . third prize, £4 ; fourth prize, £2 ; fifth prize, £1 : sixth prize, £1 ; seventh prize Society's Ribbon: eight prize. Society's Ribbon. For the best equestrienne, 15 years of age and over, who has never received a fee for horse riding. All competitors to be approved by the horse committee.

1. ABBEY. Miss X.2. ABBOTT, Miss M.3. ADAMS. M rs. M.4. AGGETT. Miss J .5. ALLEN. Miss D.6.~ ASHTON. M rs. B.7. BEGNELL, Miss D.8. BELL. M rs, R . D.9. BENNETT. Miss G.

10. BLACK, Miss B.11. BLANCH, M rs. J.12. BLEKEMORE, Miss M. M.13. BOLLARD, Miss M. Z.14. BOLTON, Miss P.15. BURDETT, Miss I).16. BUTCHARD, Miss B.17. BUTLER, Miss X.18. CAMPBELL. Miss A.19. CARRUTH ERS, Miss J.20. CASSIDY, Miss R.21. CHAPMAN, M rs. K.22. CHENHALL, M rs. P.23. CLEAVER, Miss X. E.24. COLE, Miss P. E.25. COLEMAX, Miss F.26. COLES, Miss JUDITH .27. COOK, M rs H.28. COOMBES. Miss M.29. COURT, Miss J.30. COY, Mrs. R. A.31. DAFFY, Miss M.32. DALZELL. Miss I.33. DAVIDGE. Miss R.34. DAVIS, M rs. S.35. DEXX, Miss P.36. DIXON, Miss A.37. DUNCOMBE. Miss B.38. EM ERY. Miss R . M.39. FENTON, M rs H.40. FITZH ARDINGE, Miss J. M.41. FORBES, Miss L.42. GANT. Miss I. R.43. GARLICK, M rs. B. R.44. GUNTER. Miss M. M.45. MIXES, Miss E.46. HIRST. Miss M.47. HIRST. M rs. E. E.48. HOAD. M rs. M.49. HOLMES. Miss W. M.50. HUME, Miss P.51. HUTTON, Miss J.52. KELLY, Miss P.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney.— Branches and Agencies throughout the World. Live Stock, Fire, Marine & Accident.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Equestriennes (C ontinued).

53. KENNEDY, M r s . H.54. KINO. Mits. VV.55.W KINNEAR, Miss S.56 KNAPPSTEIN, M rs. C. N.57. LA1DLAW, Miss K.58. LEAN, MissC. W i r h l t f i ' + J r i .59. LEANEY, M r s . K. M .60. LOMAS, Mims P.61. LOWTHEK, Miss E.62. LUCAS. Mims K.63. MeCAKTEN, Mism C.64. McGLINCHEY, Miss S.65. MclNTOSH, Miss L.66. MACGOUN, Miss A.67. MACKAY, M r s K.68. MACLEOD, Mrs. I).69. MEEKS. Mrs. D. B.70. W ITHDRAW N.71. MILES, Miss B.72. MILLS, M r s . I.73. MOFF1TT, Miss H.74. MOOHE, M issN .75. NOAKES, Miss B.76. N U N N PATRICK, Mims P.77. O ’ BRIEN, Miss N.78. O ’HARE, M is s J .79. PAR K . M r s . G. E.80. PEARSON, Miss J.81. PECK. Miss G. B.82. POOLE, Miss B. M. K.83. PYE, Miss S. E.84. QUIGLEY, M r s . J.85. RAINES, Miss M.86. RAYN ER, Miss C.87. REEVES. Miss N.88. RIGLEY. M r s . I. A.89. ROBERTS, M r s M .90. ROBERTSON, Miss A.91. ROBERTSON, Miss P.92. ROBINSON, Miss J.93. ROLLASON, Miss K.94. ROXBURGH , Miss J.95. SAMUELS, M r s . H.96. SAW YER, Miss J.97. SAXTON. Miss P.98. SEY MOUR W ELLS, Miss A.99. SHARP, M r s . E.

100. SHILL1DAY, Miss W.101. SLOAN, Miss J.102. SMITH, Miss K .W K H ’p K ^103. SPENCE, M r s . Y.104. STEVENS, M r s . G. B.105. STOCKS. Miss N.106. TAYLOR, Miss N.107. TER REY . M r s . H.108. THROSBY, Miss D. H. O.108A. TOMKINS. Miss (!.109. W ALKER, Miss P.110. WALL. M r s . J.111. WATCH, M b s . J. R.112. WATSON, Mims V.113. W EEDEN, M r s . J.114. W EIR. Miss P.115. W HITE, Miss B.116. WILLIAMS, Miss J.117. WILLIAMS, Miss S.118. WILLMORE, Miss S.

119. W IN TER, M r s . O.120. W OOD, Miss M.121. YEATES, Miss M.122. YO R K , Miss A. N.


(Special Prizes! £25, presented by Edward Butler Pty., Ltd. (John Brush , makers of the genuine •• Wieneke ” Saddle, 371 George-st., Sydney. First prize, £10; second prize, £7 ; third prize, £4 . fourth prize, £2 ; fifth prize, £1 . sixth prize, £1 . seventh prize. Society's Ribbon; eighth prize, Society's Ribbon. For the best equestrienne, 15 years ot age and over.



ADAMS, M r s . M .ALLEN, Miss D.ASHTON, M r s . R.

K BEGNELL, Miss 1).BE LL, M r s . R. D.

6. BENNETT, Miss G. BLACK. Miss B.BLANCH, M r s . J. BLEKEM ORE, Miss M . M . BOLLARD. Miss M . Z . BOLTON, Miss P. BU RD ETT, Miss I). BU TCH ARD; Mil# H. CAMERON, Miss M . CARRU TH ERS, Miss J. CASSIDY, Miss R. CHENHALL, M r s , P. CLEAVER, Miss N. E. COLE. Mims P. E. COLEMAN. Miss F. COLES, Miss JU DITH . COOK. M r s . H. COOMBES, Miss M. COURT, Miss J.COY’ . M r s . R. A.D AFFY , Miss M. DAVIDGE, Miss R. DAVIS, Mrs. L.DAVIS, M r s . S.DENN, Miss P.D IXO N . Miss A.DOWN, Miss M. DUNCOMBE, Miss B. EM ERY. Miss R . M. FENTON, M r s . H. FORBES, M is s L . FREDERICK. Miss P. GANT, Miss I. R. GARL1CK, M r s . B. R. GAYLEARD, M r s . M . HINES, Miss E.HOAD, M r s . M.

HOLMES, Miss W. M.44.V H U M E , Miss P.45. HUTTON, Miss J.46. JOHNSON, Miss P.47. K ELLY. Miss P. 48JIJ>KEMP, Miss H. L.

7.8. 9. 21.

Live Stock Insured- -Lowest Rates— Liberal Condition*. YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e

89Sec. I ----HORSES----Equestriennes (Continued).

49. KING, M r s . W.50. KINNEAR, Miss S.51. KNAPPSTEIN, M r s . C. N.52. LAIDLAW , Miss R.53. LOMAS, M is s P.

i 54 ^ LOW THER, M is s E. *55J>L U C A S . Mism K.

$ SeXiUcCARTEN, Miss C.57. McGLINCHEY, Miss S.58. McMAUGH, M r s . A.59. f MACKAY, M r s . K.60. MACLEOD, M r s . D.

U. 61SL MEEKS, M r s . I). B.62., W ITHDRAW N.63.\ MILLS, Mrs. I.64. MOFFITT, Miss H.65. MOORE. Miss N.66. NOAKES. Miss B.67. O ’HARE, Miss J.68. PYE, Miss S. E.69. RIGLEY. M r s . I. A.70. ROACH, Miss E.

g 71. ROBERTS. M r s . M .72. ROBERTSON, Miss A.73. ROBINSON, Miss J .74. ROLLASON, Miss K.75. SAMUELS. M r s . H.76. SAW YER, Miss J.77. SAXTON. Miss P.

_ 78. SH ILLIDAY, Miss W.X 79.\SM ITH , M r s . G.

80. WITH, Miss R .W I-lfp /s /.81. STAUNTON. Miss F.82. STEVENS, M r s . G. B.83. STOCKS, M is s N.84. TAYLOR, Miss N.85. TK RREY. M r s . H.86. THROSBY, Miss D. H. O. 86A. TOMKINS, Miss Q.87. WALL. M r s . J.88. WATCH. M r s . J. R.89. WATSON. Miss V.90. W EIR, Miss P.91. WHITE, Miss B.92. WILI.TAMS. Miss J.93. WILLMORE. Miss S.94. W IN TER, Mm . O .85. WOOD, Miss M.98. YORK. Miss A. N.


(For Boys and Girls under i* years of age.) -(Special Prize) £12, presented by Pearson's Sand

Soap Co. Pty., Ltd., Manufacturers of Pear­son's Carbolic Sand Soap and Pearsonla Powder Cleanser, White Bay, Sydney ; Show- ground address, Suttor Avenue, opposite Coronation Grandstand. For the best team of four ponies, 14 hands and under, and riders, to be judged lor neatness and completeness of equipment of ponies and riders. All riders must be under 14 years of age. A team may consist of all girls or two boys and two girls. The names of each team of riders must be stated on the certificate of entry. First

prize, £5 ; second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2 . fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, £1 ; sixth prize, riding whips ; seventh prize, Society's Ribbons.

1 . /ASH TO N , Miss G., M is s e s J. EWING, S. HORDERN. E. W A R B Y .

2. BLOXHAM. Miss J „ Miss B. GOUGH, M.BATHIS, and A. McGUCKIN.

3. CAMPBELL, M is s C „ M is s e s A. MURDEN,L. PAFFLE. R. WELSH.






(Competitors 18 years or older.)(Special Prizes)— £12, presented by B. H. Winn Pty.,

Ltd., Confectionery Manufacturers, 44 Aus- tralia-st., Camperdown, Sydney. First pilie, £6 : second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2 . fourth prize, £1 : fifth prize, Society’s ribbon : sixth prize, Society's ribbon. For the best senior Equestrienne Turnout, to be judged for horse over 14 hands, equipment, and competitors riding ability. The competitor must be 18 years of age or older. The horse or equipment need not be owned by the competitor. The same hors* shall not be used more than once in classes 199, 200, and 201. The judges may select six or more competitors to compete for the final awards. The finalists will be judged on the following scale of points:—

Points ... 30 ... 20 ... 10 ... 10 ... 30

Horse—Conformation and soundness Manner and paces

Equipment— Saddlery Costume

Riding ability o f competitor

Total 100

1 .3 BELL, M r s . R. D.2. BLACK, Miss B.3. BLEKEMORE, Miss M. M.4. BOLLARD, Miss M. Z.5.^ CAMPBELL, Miss A.8. CHENHALL. M r s . P.7. COLE. Miss P. E.8. COLES. Miss JU DITH9. COOMBES, Miss M.

10. COURT, Miss J.11. DAFFY, Miss M.12. DAVIS. M r s . L.13. DAVIS. M b s S.14. OAY’ LEARD, M r s . M .15. GUNTER, Miss M. M.18. HINES. Miss E.17. HIRST, Miss M.18. HIRST, M r s . E. E.19. HOAD. M b s . M .

LIVESTOCK INSURANCE— Tramit Sea or Rail — Any Part of the World — YORK­SHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. The Farmers’ Company.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Shots of ring events . . . prize- winning stock . . . unusual side­lights . . . in fact, a ll photographs taken by the DAILY TELEGRAPH cameramen at the Royal Easter Show may be purchased, at very

reasonable cost, from the


Showground Office:

Behind the Suttor StandHead O ffice:174 Castlereagh St., SYDNEY


(Competitors 15 years and under 18 years.)

(Special Prizes) £12, presented by B. H. Winn Pty., Ltd., Confectionery Manufacturers, 44 Aus- tralia-st., Camperdown, Sydney. First priie, £6 second priie, £3 ; third priie, £2 j fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize. Society’s ribbon ; sixth prize, Society’s ribbon. For the best Inter­mediate Equestrienne Turnout, to be Judged for horse over 14 hands, equipment, and competitor’s riding aiility. The competitor must be 15 years and not exceeding 18 years of age. The horse or equipment need not be owned by the competitor. The same horse shall not be used more than once in classes 199, 200, and 201. The Judges may select six or more competitors to compete for the final awards. The finalists will be Judged on the following scale of points

LIVESTOCK INSURED on the Ground by the YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., at its Office there.

Sec. 1— HORSES— Eque»trienne* (C ontinued), Boy and Girl Rideri.

h ik e home a

PERMANENT RECORDof this Show . . .

20. HOLMKN, Miss \V M.21. K ELLY, M m P.22. KKM l’ , H. L.23. KINO, M k h . \V.24. KNAPPSTEIN, Mrs. ( ' ,\25. LA1DLAW, Miss R.26. LKAN, Miss C.27. LOWTHER, Miss E.28. LICAS. Miss K.29. M. CARTEN, Miss C.30. MAC'GOl N, Miss A.31. MAC'I.EOl), M r s . D.32. MKKKS, M hh. D. H.33. W ITHDRAW N.34. MILLS, Mrs. I.35. Nl NN PATRICK. Miss P.36. POPE, M r s . A V.37. PYE. Miss S. E.38. RAINES, Miss M.39. RIOLEY. Mrs. I. A.40. ROACH. Miss E.41. ROBERTS. Mm . M42. ROBERTSON. Miss A.43. ROBINSON, Miss .1.44. SAM PELS, M r s . H.45. SAW YER, Miss -I.46. SAXTON, Miss I’47. SEY M ill R-W'ELLS, Miss A48. SHARP. M b s . E.49. 8HILLIDAY . Mum W50. SMITH, M i" I : . W V .51. STEVENS, Mrs. (j. B.52. TAIT, M r s . P. G.52A. TOMKINS. Miss <i.53. W ALKER, Miss P.54. WALL, M m . J55. WATSON. Miss V.56. W EIR. Miss P.57. WILLIAMS. Miss S.58. YEATES. Miss M.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

91Sec. 1— HORSES— Bojr and Girl Riders (C ontinued).

Horse Conformation ami soundness Manner and paees

Equipment .Saddlery Costume

Riding ability o f competitor

Points................ ..90................ .JO................ ..10................ 10................ ..30

Total ... 100 7. I . I . It . 17. IS. IS. 20. 21.



(Competitors under 15 years.)(Pony not to exceed 14 hands.)

(Special Prizes) £10, presented by B. H. Winn, Pty., Ltd., Confectionery Manufacturers, 44 Aus- tralta-st., Camperdown, Sydney. First prize, £5 . second prize, £3 . third prize, £2 . fourth prize, riding whip; fifth prize, Society’s ribbon; sixth prize. Society’s ribbon. For the best Junior Equestrienne Turnout, to be judged for horse, equipment, and com­petitor’s riding ability. The competitor must be under 15 years of age and be mounted on a pony not exceeding 14 hands. The pony or equipment need not be owned by the com­petitor. The same pony shall not be used more than once In classes 199, 200, and 201. The Judges may select six or more competitors to compete for the final awards. The finalists will be Judged on the following scale of points :—

PointsConformation and soundness ... ... 80Pony-Manner and paees

Equipment—-Saddlery Costume

Riding ability o f competitor

1. ARMSTRONG. Miss F.2 . 1 ASHTON, Miss G.3. „ BENNETT, Miss R

* 4. yB E V E R ID G E , Miss G.




5. BLOXHAM, Miss J.6. BU LLEY, M ist J.7. BURROW S, Miss .1.S. COLES, Mm JAN.9. COLLINS, Miss <

10. DEMPSEY. Miss J.11. DOWLE. Miss D.12. DUNNING, Miss B13. EASTON, R.14. EWING. Miss J.15. FARRELL, Miss J.16. FREEMAN, Miss I.17. GARTON, Miss J.18. G RAY, Miss B.19. GREGORY. Miss E.20. GRIFFITH S. Miss Y.21. HEALEY. Miss M.22. H EALY, Miss JUDITH23. H ENRY, Miss M.24. H ORDERN. Miss S.25. HOW ARD. Miss D.26. JOLLY, Miss M27. KEN NAN, Miss J.28. LENEIIAN. Miss M.29. MAHER. Miss B.30. M ATTHEWS, Miss W.31. MEEKS, Miss V.32. PASCOE. Miss J.33. POTTER, Miss P.34. REIM ER, Miss S.35. SHAW. Miss B.36. SMITH, Miss L.37. STEPHENSON, Miss L.38. SW EENEY, Miss J.39. TH ROSBY. Miss N.40. TH ROSBY, Miss R.41. WOOTTON. Miss P.



(For Boys 15 years and under 17 years.)(Special Prizes) £12, presented by Mark Foy's, Limited*

Universal Providers, Liverpool, Elizabeth, and Castlereagh-sts., Sydney. First prize. £5 : second prize, £3 , third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, £1 ; sixth prize, pair of spurs; seventh prize. Society's Ribbon; eight prize, Society's Ribbon. For b^st boy rider, 15 years and under 17 years of age at time of entry.


10. HENRY, R. •*11. KANE, D.12. LANGBRIDGE, R.13.5 LYONS, T.14. McCLEAN, J.15. M cKENZIE, A.

In Foal Mares, 30 days from act of Foaling or 12 months. YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmers' Company.

V i s i t C jO L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

92Sec. 1— HORSES— Boy and Girl Ri<J-r» (Continued).

16. PA R K ! :r . e .17. PHILLIPS, R.18. POTTE R, Miss P19. SHAW, R.20. SMITH,. J.21. VI LIN , B.

CLASS 203 TBE F. J. PALMER AND SON, LTD. ’ RIDING CONTEST.(For Boys 12 years and under 15 years.)

(Special Prliesi £12, presented by F. J. Palmer, and Son, Ltd., Men's and Boys’ Outfitters, Pitt and Park-sts., Sydney. First priie, £5 ; second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2 . fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize. £1 ; sixth prize, pair of spurs seventh prize, Society's Ribbon: eight prize. Society's Ribbon. For best boy rider 12 years and under 15 years of age at time ofentry.

1. BOOTH, N.2. BUNN, R.3. FLAN ERY, R.4. HALL, F.5. JACKSON. B.6. JOLLY. K.7. KELLY, J.8. KENNEDY, R.9. K IRK . D.


CLASS 2 0 4 TBE F. J. PALMER AND SON, LTD.,’ ’ RIDING CONTEST.(For Boys 9 years and under 12 years.)

(Special Prizes) £12, presented by F. 1. Palmer and Son, Ltd., Men's and Boys’ Outfitters, Pitt and Park-sts., Sydney. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £ 3 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, £1 ; sixth prize, pair of spurs ; seventh prize. Society’s Ribbon ; eighth prize, Society’s Ribbon. For the best boy rider 9 years and under 12 years of age at time of entry. The height of ponies ridden by competitors in this class shall not exceed 14 hands.




HORDERN, S., J unr.<5 HUGHES, R.j 6. KIRW IN . L.|7 KNODLER. G.I S. LEANEY. A. K.,9 . I.KNEHAN, R20. McCALL. W. G.21.v McGUCKIN, A.22. MAUGHAN. I).23. PALMER, R.24 PATERSON, B.25. RIGBY, B.26. SMITH, J. C.27. SPENCE. A.28 STEVENSON, A. H.29. W ALK E R. J.30. W EIR , N.31. WILLIAMS, D.32. WILLIAMSON, R.

CLASS 2 0 5 TBE F. J. PALMER AND SON, LTD.,” RIDING CONTEST.(For Boys 6 years and under 9 years.)

(Special Prizes) £12, presented by F. J. Palmer ^nd Son, Ltd., Men’s and Boys’ Outfitters, Pitt and Park-sts., Sydney. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 ; filth prize, £1 ; sixth prize, pair of spurs; seventh prize. Society’s Ribbon; eighth prize. Society's Ribbon. For best boy rider 6 years and under 9 years of age at time of entry. The height of ponies ridden by competitors In this class zhall not exceed14 hands.


10. G ARRARD , T.11. GORDON, R.12. H EALY. P.13. HUNT. R.14. KINKADE. RONALD.15. PARKER. J.16. QUINN, J.17. SEPPING, L. F.18. SEPPING R. J.19. SMITH, J.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — Claim* paid by the Company exceed£56,000,000. Insurances effected on Live Stock up to any sum.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

93Sec. 1— HORSES— GiH

CLASS 206 THE “ MARK FOY’S, LIMITED ” RIDING CONTEST.(For Girls 15 years and under 17 years.)

(Special Prizes) £12, presented by Mark Foy’s, Limited, Universal Providers, Liverpool, Elizabeth, and Castiereagh-sts., Sydney. First prize,£5 ; second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, £1 : sixth prize, riding whip; seventh prize, Society's Ribbon; eighth prize. Society’s Ribbon. For the best girl rider, 15 years and under 17 years of age at tlma of entry. Winner of Class 197 Is not eligible.

1. ALLEN, Miss K.2. AUSTIN, Miss J.3. BROWNING, Miss G.4. BUTCHARD. Miss B.5. CLEAVER, Miss N. E.6. COOPER. Miss A.7. DONOHOE, Miss M.8. DOWN. Mims M .9. DUNDAS SMITH, Miss P.

10. EVERETT, Miss N.11. G ARRARD. Miss P.12. GARTON, Miss N.13. GREEN, Miss C.14. HUGHES, Miss E.15. JACKSON, Miss N.16. .IAMKS, Miss J.17. LOMAS. Miss P.18. MATTHKWS, Miss P.19. MULLANE, Miss V.20. NOONAN, Miss P.21. O ’DONNELL, Miss M.22. POOLE. Miss B. M. K.23. REES. Miss P.24. REEVES. Miss X.25. SEDGWICK. Miss P.26. SETCHELL. Miss P.27. SHAW, Miss D.28. SHEDDEN. Miss M.29. STOCKS. Miss N.30. STREET, Miss M.31. TAYLOR. Miss N.32. TUPPER. Miss B.33. WATSON, Miss N.34. WOOTTON, Miss J.

CLASS 2 0 7 THE “ COOK'S CARAMELS RIDING CONTEST.(For Girls 12 years and under 15 yean.)

(Special Prizes) £12, presented by The Cook's Csn- fectionery Co. Pty., Ltd., Makers of the famous Cook’s Caramels, Jelly Beans, Glucose Barley Sugar, etc.. Phillip and Young-sts., Waterloo. Sydney. First prize, £ 5 ; second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, £1 ; sixth prize. Riding Whip : seventh prize. Society’s Ribbon; eighth prize. Society’s Ribbon. For the best girl rider, 12 years and under 15 years of age at time of entry.


Rider* (C ontinued).

4. BURROW S, Miss ,T.S. CARRALL, Miss K6. COLES, Miss JAN.7. COLLINS. Miss C.8. DAVEY, Miss C.9. DEMPSEY, Miss J.

10. DICKSON, Miss K.11. DOWLE, Miss D.12. DUNNING. Miss B.13. ELLIOTT, Miss O.14. EWING. Miss .J,15. FREEMAN, Miss I.16. G ARRARD . Miss K.17. GARTON. Miss J.18. GILBERT, Miss F.19. GOLDSMITH, Miss C.20. G RAY , Miss li21. GREGORY, Miss E.22. GRIFFITHS, Miss Y.23. H EN RY. Miss M.24. HORDERN. Miss S.25. HOW ARD, Miss D.26. JAMESON. Miss R.27 K IR K . Miss V.28. KNODLER, Miss P.29. LANGFIELD, Miss E.30. LANGFIELD, Miss N.31. LENEHAN, Miss M32. MATTHEWS, Miss W.33. M EDW AY. Miss M.34. MERRIMAN, Miss S.35. MORRIS. Miss D.36. PRICE. Miss J. A.37. REIMER, Miss S.38. SHAW. Miss B.39. SHUTTLEW ORTH, Miss L,40. STEPHENSON, Miss L.41. STEVENS. Miss N.42. SW EENEY. Miss J.43. VULIN, Miss I).44. W ARDELL, Miss G.45. WOOTTON, Miss B.46. WOOTTON, Miss P.

CLASS2 0 8 THE STREET'S ICE CREAM RIDING CONTEST.(For Girls 9 years and under 12 years.)

(Special Prizesi £12, presented by Street’s Ice Cream Pty., Ltd., Makers of the famous “ Cream of the Coast " Ice Cream, Arncliffe-st., Turrella, Sydney. First prize, £5 ; second prize, £3 ; third prize, £2 ; fourth prize. £1 ; fifth prize, £1 ; sixth prize, riding whip; seventh prize. Society's Ribbon; eighth prize, Sochty’s Ribbon. For the best girl rider, 9 years and under 12 years of age at time of entry. The height of ponies ridden by competitors In this class shall not exceed 14 hands.

1. ASHTON, Miss G.2. BENNETT, Miss R.3. BEVERIDGE, Miss G.4. B L O X H A M , Miss J.5. CAMPBELL, Miss C.6. COWI.TNG, Miss B.7. DOYI E, Miss P.8. DUNDAS SMITH, Miss J.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — For every Class of Insurance. Specialistsin Live Stock Insurance. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


S«c. 1— HORSES— Cirl Rider* (C on tinu ed).

9. KAHKKI l„ Miss .1.10. GARSIDE, Miss M.11. GOLDSMITH, Miss H.12. HAMON, Miss VV.13. H EALY. Miss JUDITH14. IRW IN . Mihs M.15. JO LLY. Mihs M.16. K ELLY , Miss M17. KENNAN, Miss .1.18. KENNEDY. Miss C.19. LANGFIELD, Miss M.20. LAWSON, Miss F21. Mt-CALL, Miss A.22. McGILL, Miss F.23. M ARKS, Miss M.24 MEEKS. Miss V.25. MOLONEY, Miss I*.26. MUKDEN, Miss A.26A. ORAM, Miss G.27. PA8COE, Miss .J.28. POTTER, Miss I*.29. SHUTTLEW OKTH, Miss I.30. SULLIVAN. Miss T.31. TH RO SBY, Mism N.32. W ELSH, Mihs K.33. WOODS, Miss (i.



offersA Distinctive Service with

better Buying.For im m ediate and future purchases no

m atter how big or how small, o fENGINES

A utom otive,M arine, orStationary.

AIR COMPRESSORSPortable (D iesel or petrol driven).

EVAPORATIVE COOLERSW aterm iser Evaporative coolers

represent the m ost efficient and econom ical means o f scientific cooling.

ENGINEERING SUPPLIESH eat Treatm ent Equipm ent; Contin­

uous Bright Annealing Furnaces; Industrial O vens; Gas and air m ixing apparatus; Lathes; Ships’ Steering G ear; Fairchild Cam era Equipm ent; Cham bersburg F o rg ­ing Equipment.

CLASS 209 THE CONTEST.(For Girls 6 years and under^SJyears.)

(Special Prizes) £12, presented by Edward Butler Pty.,Ltd. iJohn Brush), makers of the genuine

Wieneke ' Saddle, 371 George-st., Sydney.First prize, £5 . second prize, £3 . third prize,£2 . fourth prize, £1 ; fifth prize, £1 . sixth prize, riding whip; seventh prize, Society's Ribbon ; eighth prize. Society's Rtbbon. For the best girl rider, 6 years and under 0 years of age at time of entry. The height of ponies ridden by competitors In this class shall not exceed 14 hands.

1. ARMSTRONG, Miss E.2. CHAMBERLAIN, Miss B.3. CHITTICK, Miss L.4. CROW LEY, Miss N. A.5. FENTON, Miss G.6. HAMON. Miss M.7. H EALEY, Miss M.8. H EALY, Miss JANICE.9 HENDERSON. Miss J.

10. JO LLY, Miss L.11. LENEHAN, Miss M.12. M .PH EE, Miss P.13. M AHER. Miss B.14. PAFFLE, Miss L.16. PETTS, M- ,i S.18. ROSE. Miss E .

All the Beat Animals are Insured with the YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Office on the Ground. Claim* paid by the Company exceed £56,000,000.

See our Display at 1948 Roval Show at Stand Nos.

25, 26. and 27 HORDERN PAVILION

Perkins (Aust.) Pty. LimitedFormerly the Steel and Machinery Division of Commercial Steel« A Forpe Co. (A ust.) Pty. Ltd.

S Y D N E Y :Bowden Street, Alexandria.

Phone : MX 1191. M E L B O U R N E :

Cnr. Capel and Queensberry Streets, Nth. M elbourne Phone : F 3616.

N E W C A S T L E :C.M .L. Building, Hunter Street.

P h on e : B 1810.\ D E L A ID E :

Steam ship Building, Currie Street. Phone : Cent. 77.

B R ISB A N E :324 W ickham Street, Valley.

Phone : L 1817.W .A . R E P R E S E N T A T IV E :

S. Y. G A R N SW O R TH Y ,69 St. G eorge’s Terrace, Perth.

Phone : B 3999.


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Trotting Exhibitions.Judges :

A. Walsh,295 Botany-st.,

South Kensington, Sydney.

Classos and L’ .t.'t :C. B. R. Lawler,

I.'HI Alioe-st.,No wti > wn,


Starter:A. R. Payten,

“ Kialba,”Campbell town, N.S.W.

AasisUint Starter : J. Ward,

1h:i Elizabeth-st Sydney.

Steuvinis :A. O. Gee (Chief)W. J. Barnes P. Charley N. D. Jones E. S. Playfair H. G. Whiddon

W. J. Barnes (Chief)Hon. E. A. Buttenshaw N. 1). Jones H. G. Whiddon

Hantliatpper :E. Warren,

183 Elizabeth-at., Sydney.


To be registered


For the 1948 and future R oyal Easter Shows, It shall be a con dition o f entry that all trottin g and pacing stallions and mares are registered in the Australian Stud B ook fo r Trotters F or particulars apply to G C. Som erville En deavour H ouse. 33 M acquarie P lace , Sydney, or the T rottin g Club In the State in which you reside.

"he trottin g events to l.e run under the rules o f the New South W ales T rottin g Club, L td., wheie applicable, hntries for the trotting events close at 6 p.m. on Saturday, 31st January, and must he made in writing and shall contain the age, colour sex. and pedigree ( i f a n y ) of the horse and a list of the three best p laced p e r fo rm a n ce also whether the horse will com pete, hoppled or unhoppled. in each event for which it is entered

All riders and drivers must wear skull caps to be p rov ided by the to finish opposite the Suttor Stand. The horses to trot or pace to the le ft around flag poles

All handicaps and starts to be made by d istance.All ponies com peting in pony events must be un hoppled, unless otherw ise stated.

.V *'oiulitinns in Classes 232 and 233 are that the n u m b er o f horses tc start in each heat is to be determ ined by the Stewards. D istance, tw ice around the track .

In t e event o f a horse ga llop in g the Stew ards m ay d isqualify same.The gait o f each class shall be governed by its con d ition s . — T rotters or l ’acers shall be restricted to classes

Mp«eialiy rnentiontMi; where the trait .h not stated both m ay com pete.At the d iscretion o f the com m ittee trotting horses will be allow ed to exercise in parade ring betw een 8 and 9 a m

and bet wen I and 2 p m . each day after first day o f the Show.The Com m ittee reserves the right to alter the dates o f the various events as clrcum stahces m ay require.r.xhioits in Classes 232 and 233 will be judged by the judge o f the stud trotters.





S P E C IA L P R O V IS IO N . ]

The above condition relative to scratching w ill not be en forced where a horse is produced fo r inspection and pro­nounced unfit t~ com pete b y the S o c ie ty 's V eterin ary S u rgeon , or, In the event o f a horse b e in g so severely Injured or otherwise Incapacitated, that It Is im possib le fo r it to be brought to the Show ground, a certifica te to that effect from a registered V eterinary Surgeon will be accepted Sim ilarly , where a nom inator has tw o or m ore horses entered fo r the same event, or where a horse Is entered fo r tw o events on the one day, >xem ptlon from these conditions may be granted at the discretion o f th e horse com m ittee.

A ny penalty incurred b y a horse w ill be declared at the con clusion o f the d a y 's events.A ll trottin g events are open to trotters or pacers li, saddle or harness, unless otherw ise specified in the con ­

d itions o f the event.

YORKS» RE INSURANCE CO., LTD.— All Classes of Insurance Effected. Fire,Workers’ Compensation, Crops, Fencing, etc. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

96Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibitions (Continued).

A ll riders and drivers (excep t In L ad les ' con tests) to hold either a Professional License or a ' ‘ R oyal Agricu ltural S o c ie ty o f N S W P erm it.'• Issued by the N 8 W Trotting Club,. Ltd E lisabeth it . Sydney.

H eats and finals will be run at the discretion o f the Stew ards.N 8 W TROTTIN G CLUB. L T D ., ST E W A R D

The N 8 W. T rotting Club. Ltd.. w ill nominate a Stew ard whose duties shall be to assist in the observance of the Rules and Regulations o f the N S W Trotting Club during the conducting o f events at th is and future Royal E aster Shows

DRES8 AND C O LO U R SAll gentlemen rider* and drivers in com petitions must he drenited in joekey costum e (lad ies in rid ing habit) as

fo llow s, viz ; — Tap and jac ket o f wilk or Matin ; breeches o f white cordu roy , flannel, or huckakin, and top boots in aaridl**. t ie latter optional in harnesN.

T he colours must be Mated on the ''ertiflrato o f entry.This regulation will be s tr ic tly enforced.

Kntry Fee: Member* and non M em ber*. 7s. 6d., unless otherw iae specified.IN SU RAN CE OF T R O T T IN O 0 1 0 8

Olgs taking part in T rotting Events during the cu rren cy o f the 1948 Royal Easter Shew have been Insured by the S ociety against accident. T he total liab ility under the p o licy shall not exceed £200 for the duration o f the Show. P aym ent o f a claim, with a minimum of £2. for any gig, in any one accident, will not exceed £20. A ll accidents must be reported by the driver con cerned to the Secretary o f the S ociety not ater than tw o hours after the accident occurs. T he S o c ie ty 's stew ards o f T rottin g Events are also Instructed to furn ish the Secretary o f the 8 o c ie ty with fu ll details o f the accident at the conclusion o f the event in which it occurred . The Secretary o f the S ociety w ill instruct the ow n er or driver o f the gig the m anner in which the claim must be lodged . Claims will not be con sidered by the S o c ie ty unless the provisions o f th is clause are observed

P 0 8 T E N T R IE SPost Entries w ill close at the main office on the Showground at 9 .30 a.m. (see exceptions) fo r day events and

12 noon for night events on the day or night the events are advertised to take place W here an event is to take p lace oi} or before 10 a.m.. Post E ntries for such event must be made not later than 5 p m on the preced ing day On no consideration w ill Post E ntries be accepted after the tim e specified

N O T IC E S AND IN STR U CTIO N S TO C O M PE TITO R S Com m encing from the date o f nom ination for each event, com p etitors (owner*, lessee*, driver*, or r id ers ) shall

com p ly with all notices and in*tructions (as they affect the T rottin g exh ib ition s) is*ued by the S ociety .D A T AND E VE N IN G E V E N T S

T rottin g Events will be con du cted during the Day and E vening Programm e o f the Show E very endeavour w ill be made to conclude T rotting E vents prior to 10 p m each Session Only extrem e circum stances w ill cause the C ouncil to depart from the program m e and the time set down fo r each event.

SPECIAL NOTICE.For the 1948 and future Royal Easter Shows, It

shall be a condition of entry that trotting and pacing stallions and mares be registered In the Australian Stud Book for Trotters. For particulars, apply to G. C. Somerville, Endeavour House. 33 Macquarie Place. Sydney, or the Trotting Club In the State in which you reside.

Where a class Is restricted by a condition that the event Is for horses with no better than a eeitaln assess­ment the word assessment " shall have application to Show assessments only and not to the assessment of the relevant horse at Licensed Trotting Meetings.

SPECIAL NOTICE The success of any horse in Ladles' Handicaps will not involve re-assessment in any other race.

MOST SUCCESSFUL GENTLEMAN DRIVER.(Special Priie Trophy will be presented to the most

successful gentleman driver In handicap trot­ting events, Royal Easter Show, 1948. The priie shall be determined as follows Each first priie to count as three points, second as two. third as one.

The “ Frank Howell Memorial Cup." presented by Mr. F. Jenkins, 58 Balmaln-rd. Leichhardt,

S M Sydney, will be awarded to the most successfulexhibitor In Trotting Events, Classts 229, 230, 234. and 235 excepted. Each first priie to eount as three points, second as two.third as one. The exhibitor gaining the greatest number of points shall be the winner.




iSpeclal Prixes' £75, presented by Chapman’s Fruit Juices Pty., Ltd., 320 Mitchell-rd., Alexandria, Sydney. First priie, £40 ; second prue, £20 . third priie, £10; fourth priie, £5. Horses will be assessed to trot or pace 2.16 or better to the mile.

1. AKENTZ. J. Oro Bay. 937, b. h.. II : 9 : 42 ; bred by exhibitor; *. King Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882. d. Peggy * Choice. 2245M. Colours : Maroon, green sleeve*. gold cap.

I. BALL, S M. Wilver Dillon, 1069. blk. h„2 : 10 : 36 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilverley, d. Marie Dillon, 963M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

3. CHICK. K. Peter Gold, rn. g., aged ; s. Peterwah(imp.), 732, d. Marigold. Colours ■ Orange, red sleeves, orange cap.

4. D EN G ATE.N . Wynstar. 1078. ch. h.. I : 10 : 41 ;bred by A. H. Hanier, Liverpool, NJi.W. ; *. St*rwyn (imp.), 1028, d. Carella. 1627M. Colours: Purple and black halves, black cap.

5. H ALL. G. W. Louis Pick. 903. br. h.. 1934 ;bred by H. 8. Miles. Cowra. N.S.W. : i. Loui* Direct (imp.), 652. d. Ella’s Pick. Colours : Red, purple sleeves, red cap.

LIVESTOCK INSURANCE.— Claims paid promptly on Proof of Death.— YORKSHIREINSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmers’ Company.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

97Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting

6. HAX'DO, E. Silver Peak, 1016, b. h., 15 : 9 : 42 :bred by \V. Hando, Peak Hill, N'.S.W. ; s. Peak Hill. 949, d. Silver Heel, 2384M. Colours : Black. green sash ami cap.

7. JACOBS, \V. G. Maher’s Last. blk. h.. 1941 ;bred by J. Maher, Cootamundra, N'.S.W. : s. Louis Again, d. by One Step, 565. Colours : Pale blue, pink braces and cap.

8. McMILLAN, S. Springfield Girl, Vol. 7, b. m . ;bred by C. J. McCarthy, Junee, N’ .S.W. ;R. Springfield Glotie, 1027. Colours : Black and red halves, black cap.

9. MOORE, J. W. Gay Lawn. Vol. 7. b. h..6 : 1 0 :4 3 ; bred by exhibitor; s. LawnDerby, 722, d. Widgee Bells. Vol. 7. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

10. MORRIS. L. Phoenix Huon, 961, b. h.. 1937;bred by H. G. Brown, Cessnock. X.S.W . ; s. Phoenix Dixie. 702, d. Nangus Huon, 10I3M. Colours : Purple, black sleeves,

y. purple cap.11. JPETERSON. K. Recovered, 978. b. h..

27 ; 11 : 42 : bred by exhibitor ; s. Robert Derby, 7**4, d. Julian Pronto, 1908M. Colours : White, orange sleeves, braces, and cap.

11. RAN’ DALL, J. B. Grey Lawn. gr. g., sgc.l ; a ., Lawn Derby 722. <1. Hughie'a Fancy. Colours : Black, gold stars, black cap.

U .L s M ITB.G . King Lucius. 881. br h., 24 : 10 : 41 ;bred by A. Springett, Bow ml, N'.S.W. ; s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012, d. Luita. Colours : Royal blue, white armbands, blue cap.

14./ WAITE, T. Tona Wlrra, br. g.. 1940; bredby (J. C. Maddrell Braidwood, N’ .S.W. ; s. YVirra Walla, 705, d. Etona, 1780M. Colours : Black and red halves, black cap.

15. WATTS. J. D. Para Volo, b. h., 1941 ; bred byE. H. Murdoch, Warooka, 8.A. ; s. Haider (imp), 972, d. Gay Polly. Colours : Purple

- and red halve*, red cap.14.Z WILSON, T. V. Jack's Hope, ch. g., aged ;

s. Oreat Hope (imp.), 8*l7, d. Jacqueline. Colour* : Blue, white braces, black cap.

CLASS 213 THE N.R.M.A. INSURANCE, LTD." HANDICAP IN HARNESS (about 1 milei. f2.19 Class.!

'Special Priiesi £126, or Commonwealth Bonds to such value, presented by the N.R.M.A. In­surance, Ltd., N.R.M.A. House, 3 Spring-sr., Sydney. First priie, £70 : second priie, £30 ; third priie, £20; fourth priie, £5. Horses will be assessed to trot or pace 2.19 or better to (he mile.

1. ALEXANDER, D ., S e n r . Pay Ribbons, ch. g.,aged ; bred by -. Rofe, ( arnden, N'.S.W. ; ». Pay Globe, d. by Ribbonwood, 113. Colour* : Blue and gold halves, blue cap.

2. ARENTZ, J. Oro Bay, 937, b. h., II : 9 : 42 ;bred by exhibitor ; *. King Oro (imp. N.Z.). 882, d. Peggy's Choice, 2245M. Colours : Maroon, green sleeve*, gold cap.

Exhibition! (C ontinued).

3.^ BALL. S. M Florence Dillon, Vol. 7, blk. in., 18 ; 10 ; 41 ; bred by exhibitor ; 8. Wilver Dillon, 1069, d. Klome Lucy, 1357M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap...

4. BALL, S. M. W ilver Dillon, 1069, blk. h . ;2 :1 0 : 36 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilverley, d. Marie Dillon, 963M. Colour* : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

5. BAXTER, <i. S. Tavern Terror ch. g.. 1937 ;11rt«l by exhibitor ; s. Pay Globe, il. Miss Jackson. Colours : Red ami brown halves, blue cap.

6. BAXTER. G. S. Van Wilver. 1059, blk. h„15 : 10 : 35 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilverley, (1. (Jueenie Roy. Colours : Red and brown halves, blue cap.

7. BIRCH, E. Lawntona, br. in., 1942 ; bred byG. C. Maddrell, Braidwood, N.S.W, ; s. Lawn Derby, 722. d. Ktona, 1780M. Colours : Black ami red halves, black cap.

8. CAMPBELL. H. Bobbie Brick, b. m „ aged;s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Rita Machine. Colours : Brown, white sash, brown cap.

9. CHICK, K. Peter Gold, rn. g., aged ; s. Peterwah(imp.), 732, d. Marigold. Colour* : Orange, red sleeves, orange cap.

10. CRAIGIE, M. Brelong, blk. g.. aged ; s. HoneyHuon, d. by Coy Bells. Colours : White, blue spot* ami cap.

11. CULBERT, F. Western Rose, Vol. 7. b. in..1942 ; bivd by W. Hando. Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Lawn Derby, 722. d. Lady Rosewood. 1952M. Colour* : Black and cerise halves, black cap.

12. DENGATE. N. W ynstar, 1078,ch. h.. 1 10 : 41 ;bred by A. H. Hamer, Liverpool, N .S.W .; s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028, d. Carella, 1627M. Colours : Purple and black halve*, black cap.

13. DUFFV, P. R. Royal Minton, hr. g., aged ;s. Royal Charlie. Colours : Cerise. (m**n band, yellow’ sleeves, red cap.

14. ELDREI) . M r * . C. Derry Boy, blk. g., 1938;s. Globe Pool, 570. d. Orphan Girl. Colour* : Orange and white halve*, green sleeves and cap.

15. EVANS, G. L. Belgrave, 789, br. h . 18 : 9 : 43 ;bred by exhibitor ; *. Lawn Derby, 722. d. Royal Linda, Colours : Black, gold squares, black cap.

18. GREEN, A. R. B. Tiptop, b. g , 1940 ; bred by W. Hando, Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; *. Peak Hill, 949, d. Rosewood's Pride. Colour* : Black and eeri*e halve*, black cap.

17. HALL. G. W. Louis Pick, 903, br. h., 1934;bred by H. S. Miles. Cowra, N'.S.W. ; s. L o u is Diiwct (imp.), 652, d. Ella's Pick. Colours ; Red. purple sleeve*, red cap.

18. HANDO, K. Silver Peak, 1016, b. h. 15 ; 9 : 42 ;bred by W. Hando, Peak Hill, N.S.W. ;* Peak Hill. 949, d. Silver Heel. 2384M. Colour* : Black, green sash and cap.

H a .H ARRISON. S. J. Kyogle Derby, h. h „ 1943 ;bred by exhibitor ; *. Lawn Derby, 722. d. Lady Kyogle, Vol. 7. Colours: Black and red halve*, red cap.

Show Animals covered for 14 days, including Transit to and from Farm. YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Office on Ground. Essentially the Farmers’ Office.

R.A.S.— 4.

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V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

99Sec. 1— HORSES----Trotting Exhibitions (Continued).

20. JACOBS, W. G. Maher’s Last, blk. h., 1941 ;bred by J. Maher, Cootamundra, N .S.W .; k. l.oiiiK Again, d. by One Step, 565. Colours : Pale blue, pink braces and cap.

21. JONES, J. Just Derby, b. g., aged ; bred byF. <). Peters, Q 'ld. ; s. Teddy Derby (Sir David), 689, d. Queen Delavkn. Colours : Orange anil white halves, gri’en sleeves and cap

22. McKKW. W. J. Dixie's Master, blk. h „ 1941 ;s. Master Dixie, 843, d. Lady Gulvallis. Colours : Black, tartan sash, black cap.

23. MARTIN, L. S. Air Ace, 777, ch. h „ 1 3 :1 1 : 37 ;bred by exhib itor; s. Walla Walla, 43‘J, d. Pottapiana (imp. N.Z.), 2267M. Colours : Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

24. MOOKK, J. W. Gay Lawn, Vol. 7, b. h.,6 : Id ; 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Widgee Bells, Vol. 7. Colours : Gold, purple sleeve* and cap.

25. MORRIS, L. Phoenix Huon, 901, b. h.. 1937;brni by H. G. Brown, Cessnock, N .S.W .; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Nangus Huon. I013M. Colours : Purple, black sleeves, purple cap.

26. PETERSON, F. Recovered, 978. b. h „27 : 11 : 42 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Robert Derby, 704. d. Julian Pronto, 1908M. Colours : White, orange sleeves, braces, and cap.

27. RANDALL, ,1. B. Grey Lawn, gr. g.. aged;s. Lawn Derby, 722. <1. Hughie's Fancy. Colours : Black, gold stars, black cap.

28. SMITH, G. King Lucius, 881. br. h„ 24 : 10 : 41 ;bred by A. Springett, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012, d. Luita. Colours: Royal blue, white armbands, blue cap.

29. SMITH. N. L. Gay Mavis, Vol. 7, b. in., 1941 ;bred by V. Newstead, Kurri Kurri, N.S.W. ; s. Joseph. Colours : Brown, gold Maltese cross, gold cap.

JO. TRATT, G. Spruso King, b>k. h„ 1942; bred by B. McMahon. North Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. by Peter King. d. Golden Grove. Colours : Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

31. WAITE, T. Tona Wlrra, br. g., 1940 ; bredby G. C. Maddrell, Braidwood, N .S .W .; s Wirra Walla, 705, d. Etona, 1780M. Colours : Black and red halves, black cap.

32. WATTS, J. I). Para Volo, b. h „ 1941 ; bredby E. H. Murdoch, Warooka, 8.A. ; s. Haider (imp.), 972, d. Gay Polly. Colours : Purple and red halves, red cap.

33. WATTS, J. D. Rex Oro, 982, b. h „ 1941 ;bred by D. Mahoney, Kyogle, N.S.W. ; s. King Oro (imp. N .Z.), 882, d. Rex Lass, 2316M. Colours : Purple and red halves, ted cap.

34. WILSON, T. V. Jack ’s Hope, ch. g „ aged;s. Great Hope (imp.), 867, d. Jacqueline. Colours: Blue, white braces, black cap.

CLASS 214 THE COO-EE CLOTHING, LTD. ’ HANDICAP IN HARNESS (about I mile). 12.20 Class.!

(Special Prizes) £75, presented by Coo-ee Clothing, Ltd., The Best for Less” in Men’s and Boys' Wear, 326-328 George-st., Sydney. Stores in all the principal Suburbs and at Newcastle, and Wollongong, N.S.W. First priie, £40 ; second prize, £20; third prize, £10; fourth prize, £5. Horses will be assessed to trot or pace 2.20 or better to the mile.

1. ALEXANDER, I).. S e m i . Pay Ribbons, ch. g.,aged; bred by —-. Rolfe, Camden, N .S.W .; s. Pay Globe, d. by Ribbonwood 113. Colours : Blue and gold halves, blue cap.

2. ARENTZ, J. Oro Bay, 937. b. h „ I I : 9 : - .2 ;lin'd by exhibitor; s. King Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882, d. Peggy's Choice. 2245M. Colours: Maroon, green sleeves, gold cap.

3. ARNDELL, S. Robert Wyn, b. g.. aged ;bred by O. Garrad. Windsor. N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704. d. Gladwyn, 874M. Colours : Red, blue and blac k bands, black sleeves and cap.

4. BALL, S. M. Florence Dillon, Vol. 7, blk. m.,1 8 :1 0 :4 1 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Wilver Dillon, 1069, d. Florric Lucy, 1357M. Colours: Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

5. BALL, S. M. Wilver Dillon, 1069, blk. h.,2 :1 0 : 36 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilverley, d. Marie Dillon, 963M. Colours: Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

6. BAXTER, G. S. Tavern Terror, ch. g „ 1937 ;bred by exhibitor; s. Pay Globe, d. Miss Jackson. Colours : Red and brown halves, blue cap.

7. BA XTE R, G. S. Van Wilver, 1059, blk. h.,15 : 10 : 35 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilverley, d. Queenle Roy. Colours : Red and brown halves, blue cap.

8. CHICK, K. Peter Gold, rn. g., aged ; s. Peterwah(imp), 732, d. Marigold. Colours: Orange, red sleeves, orange cap.

9. CRAIGIE, M. Brelong, blk. g., aged : s. HoneyHuon, d. by Coy Bells. Colours : White, blue spots and cap.

10. CULBERT, F. Western Rose, Vol. 7, b. in.,1942 ; bred by W. Hando, Peak Hill, N .S .W .; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Lady Rosewood, 1952M. Colours : Black and cerise halves, black cap.

11. DENGATE, N. Wynstar, 1078, ch. h „ 1 :1 0 :4 1 ;bred by A. H. Hamer, Liverpool,N.S.W. ; s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028, d. Carella, 1627M. Colours : Purple and black halves, black cap.

12. DODGE, J. Punchbowl Boy, b. g „ aged ; bredby — . Stephenson, Punchliowl, Sydney ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Buie. Colours : Black, green braces, black cap.

13. D U FFY, P. R. Royal Minton, br. g „ aged;8. Royal Charlie. Colours : Cerise, green band, yellow sleeves, red cap.

UVE STOCK INSURANCE— Transit Sea or Rail — Any Part of the World — YORK­SHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD.


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Sec. 1— HORSES----Trotting

14. ELD RED , M r s . t \ Derry Boy, l»lk. g „ 1938;s. Gloix* Pool, 570, d. Orphan Girl. Colours : Orange and white halves, green sleeves andcap.

15. EVANS, G. L. Belgrave, 789, br. h „ 18 : 9 : 43 ;bred by exhibitor; s. Lawn Derby, 722,d. Royal Linda. Colours : Black, gold squares, black cap.

16. H ALL, G. W. Louis Pick, 903. br. h., 1934;bred by 11. S. Miles, Cowra, N.S.W . ; s. Louis Direct (imp.), 652, d. Ella’s Pick. Colours : Rod, purple sleeves, red cap.

17. HANDO, E. Silver Peak, 1016, b. h „ 15 : 9 : 42 ;bred by W. Hando, Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Peak Hill, 949, <1. Silver Heel, 2384M. Colours : Black, green sash and cap.

18. JONES, J. Just Derby, b. g., aged : bred byE. O. Peters, Q'ld. ; s. Teddy Derby (Sir David), 689, d. Queen Delavan. Colours : Orange and white halves, green sleeves and cap.

19. M cKEW , W. J. Dixie’s Master, blk. h „ 1941 ;s Master Dixie, 843, d. Lady Gulvallis. Colours : Black, tartan sash, black cap.

20. M ARTIN , L. S. Air Ace, 777. ch. h „ 13: 11 : 37 ;bred by exhibitor; s. Walla Walla, 439, tl. Pott ipiana (imp. N.Z.), 2267M. Colours : Red ami brown, red sleeves and cap.

21. M ILLETT, A. .1. Pay Dixie, ch. g „ 1942 ; bredby F. Hood, Barraba, N.S.W. ; s. Muster Dixie, 917, d. Pay Huon. Colours : Black and white halves, brown cap.

22. MOORE, J. W. Gay Lawn, Vol. 7, b. h „6 : 10 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Widgee Bells, Vol. 7. Colours: Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

23. PETERSON, F. Recovered, 978, b. h.,27 : 11 : 42 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Julian Pronto, 1908M. Colours : White, orange sleeves, braces, and cap. (

24. RAN D ALL, J. B. Grey Lawn, gr. g., ag ed ;s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Hughie's Fancy. Colours : Black, gold stars, black cap.

25. SMITH, E. H. O. Sir Tingle, Vol. 7, b. h „22 : 11 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Black Dinah, Vol. 7. Colours : Red and blue halves, red cap.

29. SMITH, G. King Lucius, 881, br .h ., 24 : 10 : 41 ;bred by A. Springett, Bowral, N .S.W . ; s. St. Lucia’s Last, 1012, d. Luita. Colours : Royal blue, white armbands, blue cap.

17. SMITH, N. L. Gay Mavis, Vol. 7, b. in., 1941 ;bred by V. Newstead, Kurri Kurri, N.S.W. ; s. Joseph. Colours : Brown, gold Maltese cross, gold cap.

IS. T R A IT , G. Spruso King, blk. h., 1942 ; bred by B. McMahon, North Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. by Peter King, d. Golden Grove. Colours : Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

29. W AITE, T. Tona Wlrra, br. g., 1940 ; bred byG. C. Maddrell, Braidwood, N.S.W . ; s. Wirra Walla, 705, d. Etona, 1780M. Colours : Black and red halves, black cap.

30. W ATTS, J. D. Para Volo, b. h., 1941 ; bred byE. H. Murdoch, Warooka, S.A. ; s. Raider (imp.), 972, d. Gay Polly. Colours : Purple, and red halves, red cap.

Exhibitions (C on tinu ed).

31. WATTS, J. D. Rex Oro, 982, b. h „ 1941 ; bredby D. Mahoney, Kyogle, N.S.W. ; s. King Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882, d. Rex Lass, 2316M. Colours : Purple and rod halves, red cap.

32. W H ITE, H. Bold’s Promise, blk. g „ 1941 ;s. Hold Machine, d. Eileen's Promise. Colours : Pink and lilac- diamonds, pink cap.

33. WILSON, T. V. Jack’s Hope, ch. g., aged ;s. Great Hope (imp.), 867, d. Jacqueline. Colours : Blue, white braces, black cap.

CLASS 215 THE AKUBRA HATS HANDICAP IN HARNESS (about 1 mile). [2.22 Class.]

(Special Prizes) £40, presented by Arthur P. Stewart (Akubra Hats), Pty., Limited, 129 York-st., Sydney. First prize, £25 ; second prize, £10 ; third prize, £5. Horses will be assessed to trot or pace 2.22 or better to the mile.

1. ANNABEL, A. J. Gold Bird, ch. g., aged ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Pick, d. by Satin Bird. Colours : Orange, rod sash anil cap.

2. ANNABEL, A. J. Leedvllle Lad, b. g., aged ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Pay Globe, d. Brighton Belle. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

3. ANNABEL, A. J Royal Biddy, br. rn., 1943 ;bred by exhibitor; s. Royal Machine.

3 Colours : Orange, red sash and cap. ARNDELL, S. Robert Wyn, b. g., aged ;

bred by O. Garrad, Windsor, N .S.W . ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Gladwyn, 874M. Colours : Red. blue and black bands, black

• sleeves and cap.5. | BALL, S. M. Little Dillon, blk. g., bred by

exhibitor ; s. Wilver Dillon, 1069, d. Florrie Minton, 1496M. Colours: Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

6. BALL, S. M. Minton Dillon, blk. g., bred byexhibitor ; s. Wilver Dillon, 1069, d. Florrie Minton, 1496M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

7. B A X T E R , G. S. Tavern Terror, ch. g., 1937 ;bred by exhib itor; s. Pay Globe, d. Miss Jackson. Colours : Red and brown halves,

q blue cap. t. S ( 'HICK, K . Peter Gold, rn. g., aged ; s. Peterwah

(imp.), 732, d. Marigold. Colours : Orange,, red sleeves, orange cap.

9.14DEW ELL, T. A . Bold Minor, b. or br. h., 1941 ; s. Bold Voyage, d. Miss Minor. Colours : Gold, green sleeves and sash, black cap.

10. D l ’ FFY, P. R . Royal Minton, br. g., aged ; s.Royal Charlie. Colours : Cerise, green band, yellow sleeves, red cap.

11. ELDRED, M r s . C. Derry Boy, blk. g., 1938;s. Globe Pool, 570, d. Orphan Girl. Colours : Orange and white halves, green sleeves and cap.

12. EVANS, G. L. Belgrave, 789, br. h „ 18 : 9 : 43 ;bred by exhib itor; s. Lawn Derby, 7U2, d. Royal Linda. Colours: Black, gold squares, black cap. v

13. JONES, J. Just Derby, b. g., aged ; broil byF. O. Peters, Q ’ld. ; s. Teddy Derby (Sir David), 689, d. Queen Delavan. C olour*: Orange and white halves, green sleeves and cap.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spriag St., Sydney.— Branches and Agenciesthroughout the World. Live Stock, Fire, Marine & Accident.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibitions (Continued).

14. MARTIN, L. S. Air Gun, b. g., 1942 ; bred byexhibitor ; s. Air Ace, 777. d. Torpedo Girl. Colours: Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

15. MARTIN, S. Present Arms, 963, ch. h.,3 : 8 : 40 ; bits! by L. S. Martin, Dalton, N .S.W .; s. Walla Walla. 43“ d. Pottapiana (imp. N.Z.), 2267M. Colours . Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

16. SMITH, E. H. O. Sir Tingle, Vol. 7, b. h„2 2 :1 1 :4 3 ; broil by exhib itor; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Blaek Dinah. Vol. 7. Colours : Red and blue halves, red cap.

17. SMITH, N. L. Gay Mavis, Vol. 7. h. m.. 1941 ;bred by V. Newstead. '\urri Kurri, N.S.W. : s. Joseph. Colours : Brown, gold Maltese cross, gold cap.

18. SPRINGETT, A. Blue Lucy, Vol. 7, gr. 111.,24 : 10 : 41 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012, il. Blue Dawn. Vol. 7. Colours : Royal blue, white armbands, blue cap.

19. TRATT, G. Spruso King, blk. li„ 1942 ; bredby B. McMahon, North Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. by Peter King, d. Golden Grove. Colours : Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

20. W HITE. H. Bold's Promise, blk. g., 1941 ; s.Bold Machine, d. Eileen's Promise. Colours : Pink ami lilac diamonds, pink cap.

21. WILSON, T. V. Timothy Direct, ch. g., aged ;s. Tennessee IJirect (imp.), 556, d. Pirate Lass, 723M. Colours : Blue, white braces,

•IJL black cap.


(Special Prizes 1 £75, presented by The Proprietors of Fountain " Pure Food Products, Foveaux- st., Sydney. First prize, £40 ; second prize £20; third prize, £10; fourth prize, £5. For horses with no better assessment than 2.19 to the mile, to be assessed to trot or pace 2.22 or better to the mlla.

1. ALEXANDER, D., S k -v r . Pay Ribbons, eh. g.,aged ; bred by — . Rofe, Camden, N.S.W. ; s. Pay Globe, d. by Rihhoriwood 113. Colours : Blue and gold halves, blue cap.

2. ARENTZ, J. Oro Bay, 937, b. h.. 11 : 9 : 42 ;bred by exhibitor; s. King Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882, d. Peggy’s Choice, 2245M. Colours : Maroon, green sleeves, gold cap.

3. ARNDELL, S. Robert Wyn, b. g., aged ;bred by O. Garrad, Windsor, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Gladwyn, 874M. Colours : Red, blue and black bands, black

. sleeves and cap.4 .j BALL, S. M. Florence Dillon, Vol. 7, blk. m.,

1 8 :1 0 :4 1 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilver Dillon, 1069, d. Florrie Lucy, 1357M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

5. BALL. 8 . M. Wilver Dillon, 1069, blk. h . ;2 : 10 : 36 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilverley, d. Marie Dillon, 963M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

B A X T E R , G. S. Tavern Terror, ch. g., 1937 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Pay Globe, d. Miss Jackson. Colours: Red and brown halves, blue cap.

B A X T E R , G. S. Van Wilver, 1059, blk. h „ 15 : 10 : 35 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilverley, <1. Queenie Roy. Colours : Red and brown halves, blue cap.

BIRCH. E. Lawntona, br. in., 1942 ; bred by G. C. Maddrell. Braidwood, N.S.W. ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Etona. 1780.M. Colours : Blaek and red halves, blaek cap.

BISM IRE, N. H. Sir Echo, b. g „ 1942; bred by E. Laiuont, Leeton. N.S.W. ; s. Silky Echo, d. by Lulu Boy, 271. Colours : Koval blue, yellow Maltese cross, yellow cap.

BRANCH. L. W. All Last, b. g.. 1939 ; bred by W. E. Staniforth, Camden. N.S.W. ; s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012, d. Gleain o f Gold. Colours : Mine, gold diamonds, blue cap.

CHICK, K. Peter Gold, rn. g., ant'd ; s. Peterwah (imp.), 732, d. Marigold. Colours : Orange, red sleeves, orange cap.

COHEN, Mrs. R. M. May Oro, Vol. 6. b. m., aged ; bred by R. Byrnes. Mascot, Sydney; s. King Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882, d. May Step. Colours : Black and white diamonds, red cap.

CRAIG IE, M. Brelong. blk. g., aged : s. Honey Huon, d. by Coy Bells. Colours : White, blue spots and cap.

CU LBERT, M rs. F. Jean Wlrra, ch. m „ 1944 ; bred by A. E. Woods ; s. Wirra Walla. 705, d. Splashaway, 1353M. Colours : Rod, black sash, red cap.

DENGATE, N. Wynstar, 1078, ch. h..1 : 10 :41 ; bred by A. H. Hamer, Liverpool, N.S.W. ; s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028, d. Carella, 1627M. Colours: Purple and black halves, black cap.

le .l^D E W E L L , T. A. Bold Minor, b. or hr. h „ 1941 ;s. Bold Voyage, d. Miss Minor. Colours: Gold, green sleeves and sash, black cap.

17. DODGE, J. Punchbowl Boy, b. g., aged ; bred by — . Stephenson, Punchbowl, Sydney ; s. Robert Derby, 704, il. Buie. Colours : Black, green braces, black cap.

II . D U FF Y , P. K. Royal Minton, br. g „ aged; s.Royal Charlie. Colours : Cerise, green band, yellow sleeves, rod cap.

19. ELD RED, M r s . C. Derry Boy, blk. g., 1938; s.Globe Pool, 570, d. Orphan Girl. Colours : Orange and white halves, greon sleeves and cap.

20. EVANS, G. L. Belgrave, 789, br. h „ 18 : 9 : 43 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Royal Linda. Colours : Black, gold squares, black cap.

21. G REEN , A. R. B. Tiptop, b. g „ 1940; bredby W. Hando, Peak Hill, N .S.W . ; s. Peak Hill, 949, d. Rosewood’s Pride. Colours : Black and cerise halves, black cap.

22. H ALL. M rs. R. P. Grand Final, b. m „ 1944;bred by P. J. Hall : s. R obert’s Gift, d. Shirley Charms. Colours : Red, purple sleeves, red cap.







Live Stock Insured— Lowest Rates— Liberal Conditions. YORKSHIRE INSURANCECO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES----Trotting Exhibition! (C ontinued).

23. JONES, J. Just Derby, b. g., aged ; bred byK. (). Peters, Q'ld. ; 8. Toddy Derby (Sir David), 689. d. Queen Delavan. Colours : Orange and white halves, green sleeves ami rap.

24. MARTIN, L. 8. Air Ace, 777, eh. h.. 13 : 11 : 37 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. l‘otta|iiana (imp. N.Z.), 2267M. ( olours :

. Red anil brown, red sleeves and cap.25. /M A R T IN , S. Present Arms, 963, eh. h.,

3 : 8 : 40 : bred by L. S. Martin, Dalton, X.8.W . ; s. Walla Walla, 43!*. d. Pottapiana (imp. N .Z .), 2267M. Colours: Red and brown, red sleeves and rap.

26. MILLETT, A. ,1. Pay Dixie, ch. g.. 1942; bredby F. Hood, Barraba, N.S.W. ; s. Master Dixie, 917, d. I’ay Huon. Colours: Black and white halves, brown eap.

27. NORROARD, V. Lady Lee, b. in., aged ; bredby I). I*. Taylor, Griffith, N.S.W. ; s. Jubilee Boy, <1. Lady Riebeek. Colours : Maroon.

2t. PETERSON. K. Recovered, 978, b. h., 27 : 11 : 42 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Julian Pronto, 1908M. Colours : White, orange sleeves, braces, and cap.

29. RANDALL. J. B. Tingle Star, 1843; s. BobTingle, 794. Colours; Black, gold stars, black cap.

30. SMITH, E. H. (>. Sir Tingle, Vol. 7, b. h „22 : 11 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Black Dinah, Vol. 7. Colours : Red and blue halves, red cap.

31. SMITH, N. L. Gay Mavis, Vol. 7, b. in.. 1941 ;bred by V. Newstead, Kurri Kurri, N.S.W. ; s. Joseph. Colours : Brown, gold Maltese cross, gold cap.

32. SMITH, N. L. Laurie Boy, b. g „ ag ed ; s.Laurie Pronto, d. Lady Neii.iur, 1372M. Colours : Brown, gold Maltese cross, gold cap.

33. SPRINGETT, A. Blue Lucy, Vol. 7, gr. in.,24 : 10 : 41 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. St. Lucia’s Last, 1012, d. Blue Dawn, Vol. 7. Colours : Royal blue, white armbands, blue cap.

34. TRATT, G. Spruso King, blk. h., 1942 ; bredby B. McMahon, North Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. by Peter King, d. Golden Grove. Colours : Orange, white sleev es, purple cap.

35. WATTS, J. D. Rex Oro, 982, b. h., 1941 ;bred by D. Mahoney, Kyogle, N.S.W. ; s. King Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882, d. Rex Lass, 2316M. Colours ; Purple and red halves, red cap.

36. W HITE. H. Bold's Promise, blk. g „ 1941 ;s. Bold Machine, d. Eileen's Promise. Colours : Pink and lilac diamonds, pink cap,

37. WILSON, T. V. Timothy Direct, eh. g., aged ;s. Tennessee Direct (imp.), 556, d. Pirate Lass, 723M. Colours : Blue, white braces, black cap.

CLASS 217 THE TOOTH S K.B. LAGER HANDI­CAP IN HARNESS (about 1 mile). (2.24 Class ]

(Special Prizes) £250 presented by Tooth and Co., Limited, Kent and Waverley Pteweries, Sydney. First prize, £110; secon* prize, £60; third prize, £25; lourth prize, £15: fifth prize, £10. The remaining £30 wll! be divided between heat winners, semi-final winners, and finalists not participating in the prize money. Horses will be assessed to trot or pace 2.24 or better to the mile.

1. ADAMS, J. Alice Marble, b. m., 1940; bredby exhibitor ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. bv Marble Arch, 273. Colours : Black and white stripes, red cap.

2. ALEXANDER, I)., Sknk. Pay Ribbons, oh. g.,aged ; bred by — . Rofe, Camden, N .S .W .; s. Pay Globe, d. by Ribbonwood 113. Colours: Blue and gold halves, blue cap.

3. ALEXANDER, G. A., a n d G. D. Tom Redmond,b. g . 1942 ; brcil by A. Reynolds, Windsor, N.S.W. : s. Roy Redmond (imp.), 731, d. Dyed Ribbons, 710M. Colours: l’ ink, gold diamonds, pink cap.

4. ANNABEL, A. J. Cold Bird, ch. g „ aged;bred by exh ib itor ; g. Silver Pick, <1. by Satin Bird. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

5. ANNABEL, A. J. Leedville Lad, b. g „ aged ;lin'd by exhibitor : s. Pay Globe, d. Brighton Belle. Colours ; Orange, red sash and cap.

6. ANNABEL, A. J. Royal Biddy, br. m., 1943 ;bred by exhibitor : s. Royal Machine. Colours : Orange, •■d sash and cap.

7. ANNABEL, A. J. Tingle Again, b. h„ 1941 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Bob Tingle, 794. d. Wilbur Maid. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

S. ARENTZ, J. Oro Bay, 937, b. h., 1 1 :9 :4 2 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. King Oro (imp. N.Z.). 882, d. Peggy’s Choice, 2245M. Colours : Maroon, green sleev es, gold cap.

9. ARNDELL, S. Robert Wyn, b. g., aged ; bred by O. Garrad, Windsor, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Gladwyn, 874M. Colours : Red, blue and black bands, black sleeves and cap.

10. BALL, S. M. Florence Dillon, Vol. 7, blk. m „18: 10:41 : bred by exhibitor; s. Wilver Dillon, 1069, d. Florrie Lucy. 1357M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

11. BALL. S. M. Little Dillon, blk. g „ bred byexhibitor ; s. W ilver Dillon, 1069, d. Florrie Minton, 1496M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

12. BALL, S. M. Minton Dillon, blk. g., bred byexhibitor ; s. W ilver Dillon, 1069, d. Florrie Minton, 1496M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

13. BALL, S. M. Wilver Dillon, 1069, blk. h „2 : 10 : 36 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilverley, d. Marie Dillon, 963M. Colours: Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

LIVESTOCK INSURANCE— Tran»it Sea or Rail — Any Part of the World — YORK­SHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. The Farmer*’ Company.


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting

14. B A X T E R , t;. S. Tavern Terror, ch. g „ 1937 ;bred by exhibitor; s. I’ay Globe, d. Miss Jackson. Colours: Red and brown halves, blue cap.

15. B A X T E R . G. S. Van Wilver. 1059, blk. h.,15 : 10 : 35 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wil­verley, d. Queenie Roy. Colours : Red and brown halves, blue cap.

16. BIRCH, E. Lawntona, br. in., 1942; bredby G. C. Maddrcll. Braidwood, N.S.W. ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Etona, 17 SOM. Colours : Black and red halves, black cap.

17. BIRCH , E. Light, blk. in., 1942 ; bred byexhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 7^2, d. Wilver- light. Colours : Black anil red halves, black cap.

1«. BISMIRK. N. H. Sir Echo, b. g „ 1942; bred by E. Lainont, Lee ton, N.S.W . ; s. Silky Echo, d. by Lulu Boy, 271. Colours: Royal blue, yellow Maltese cross, yellow cap.

19. BRANCH, L. W. All Last, b. g.. 1939 ; bred byW. E. Staniforth, Camden, N.S.W. ; s.St. Lucia’s Last, 1012, d. Gleam o f Gold. Colours : Blue, gold diamonds, blue cap.

20. BROW N E, W. Kyogle Lass, b. m., 1944;bred by M. 1). Marney, Kyogle, N .S.W .; s. Radiant Walla, 970, d. Rex Lass, 2316M. Colours : Black, blue sash, black cap.

21. BR YC E, A. First Field, gr. g., 1941 ; bred byE. W. Lehmann, Junee, N.S.W . ; s. Duck- ticld. 847. Colours : Black, green sleeves, black cap.

22. A CAIN, .P. Celtic Bob, br.. 1942; bred by D. c i j Stock well, s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Celtic Brick.

Colours : Light blue, cerise sleeves, light blue cap.

23. CHICK, K. Peter Gold, m. g., aged ; s. Peterwah(imp.), 732, d. Marigold. Colours : Orange, red sleeves, orange cap.

24. CHICK, K. Roolen Dooley, br. g., 1942;s. Minton Clip, d. Kyshaw. Colours : Orange, red sleeves, orange cap.

25. COCKS, W. H. Robert Globe, br. h., 1941 ;bred by W. J. and K. J. Cocks, Parkes, N.S.W . ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Pay Silk. Colours : Black and white stripes, white sleeves, red cap.

26. COHEN, M r s . R. M . May Oro, Vol. 6, b. in.,aged ; bred by R. Byrnes, Mascot, Sydney ; s. King Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882, d. May Step. Colours : Black and white diamonds, » red cap.

27. CRANNEY. F. M. Avian Derby, b. h „ 1944 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Avian Lass.

28. CU LBERT, F. Western Rose, Vol. 7, b. in.,1942 ; bred by W. Hando, Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Lawn Derby, 722. d. Lady Rosewood, 1952M. Colours: Black and cerise halves, black cap.

29. CU LBERT, M rs. F. Jean Wirra, ch. in.,1944 ; bred by A. E. W oods ; s. Wirra Walla, 705, d. Splashaway, 1353M. Colours : Red, black sash, red cap.

Exhibitions (C ontinued).

30. DENGATE, N. Wynstar, 1078, ch. h., 1 : 10: 4 ! ;bred by A. 11. Hamer, Liverpool, N.S.W. ; s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028, d. Carella, 1627M. Colours : Purple and black halves, black cap.

31. D EW ELL, T. A. Bold Minor, b. or br. h.,1941 ; s. Bold Voyage, d. Miss Minor. Colours : Gold, green sleeves and sash, black cap.

32. DODGE, J. Punchbowl Boy, b. g., aged ; bredby — . Stephenson, Punchbowl, Sydney ; s. Roliert Derby, 704, <1. Buie. Colours : Black, green braces, black cap.

33. DU FF, 1). J. W. Regal Derby, b. g., 1941 ;bred by Dunston, Windsor, N.S.W. ;s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Faithful Maid. Colours : Blue, white sash and cap.

34. D U FFY, P. R. Royal Minton, br. g., aged ;s. Koyal Charlie. Colours : Cerise, green band, yellow sleeves, red eap.

35. ED W ARDS. W „ and E. W H EN RY. Nellie’sOwn, b. m., aged; bred by exh ib itor ; s. (ieiieral Lulu, 861. d. by Dixie Daly, 40. Colours : Brown, blue hoops.

36. EGAN, A. Great Star, b. g., 1941 ; s. Starwyn(imp.). Colours: Pink, gold sash and sleeves, pink eap.

37. EGAN, A. Wynworthy, blk. g., 1942 ; bred byexhib itor; s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028. Colours: Red, black sash, red cap.

38. ELLIO TT, C. Neanie, gr. in., 1945; bredby exhibitor; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Lily White. Colours: Red, white diamond, red cap.

39. EVANS, G. L. Belgrave, 789, br. h., 18 : 9 : 43 ;bred by exhibitor; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Royal Linda. Colours ; Black, gold squares, black eap.

40. EVANS, T. Meg's Last, b. m., 1941 ; bred byex h ib itor ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Silver Meg. Colours : Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

41. FARRINGTON, F. Leeds, b. g „ 1940 ; bred byC. B. R. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; s. Walla Walla. 439, d. Machine Derby, 1349M. Colours : Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

42. GARCIA, R., a n d G. TRATT. Beauvalal,b. h., 1940 ; bred by A. J. Sibley, Dubbo, N.S.W . ; s. Satin Prince, d. by R oy Redmond (imp.), 731. Colours: Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

43. GREEN, A. R. B. Tiptop, b. g., 1940 ; bred byW. Hando, Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Peak Hill, 949, d. Rosewood’s Pride. Colours : Black and cerise halves, black cap.

44. HALL. G. W. Louis Pick, 903, br. h „ 1934;bred by H. S. Miles, Cowra, N.S.W . ; s. Louis Direct (imp.), 652, d. Ella's Pick. Colours : Red, purple sleeves, red cap

45. HALL. M r s . R. P. Grand Final, b. m., 1944 ;bred by P. J. Hall ; r. Robert’s Gift, d. Shirley Charms. Colours : Red, purple sleeves, red cap.

46. H ARRISO N, S. J. Kyogle Derby, b. h „ 1943;bred by exhibitor; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Lady Kyogle, Vol. 7. Colours: Black and red halve.,, red cap.

LIVESTOCK INSURED on the Ground by the YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., at its Office there.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibition! (Continued).47. Ja c o b s , W. O. Maher’s Last, blk. h„ 1041 ;

bred by J. Maher, Cootamundrs, N.S.W. ; m. Louis Again, cl. by One Step, 565. Colour* : Pale blue, pink braces and rap.

M JOHN. W Della Cross, 1703M, ch. in., 1943;bred by Mr*. C. H. O ’ Brien, Windsor, N.S.W. ; h. Double Cross (imp. N.Z.), *46, d. Della (•old. I704M. Colour*: Blue ami white stripe*, blue sleeves, red cup.

49. JOHNSON, M. Broadwater, b. g „ 2 5 :0 :3 0 !bred by A. Heike, Mount Gravatt, Q ’ld. ! ». Talmoi, 1037, d. Nilia, I00IM. Colours : Pink, gold sa*h and sleeves, pink cap.

50. KEEBLK, A. P. Bandonette, hr. in., 1043;bred by I. Hue, Canowindra, N.S.W. ; s. Bandon, Vol. 7, d. by Realm (Allen Doone). 304.

51. KELLY, T. J. Supreme Derby, ch. g., 1943;s. Victor Derby, d. Itronze (Jlobe. Colours : Blaek, re<l sash and cap.

52. LAWSON, W. Royal Walla, I008, br. h„ 1034 ;I bn>d by A. Watts, Tomingly, N.S.W. ; s.

Walla Walla, 439, d. Lilah Rock, 113HM. Colours : Blue, white sash, black eap.

53. LINDSAY, D. Phoenix Man, hr. g., aged ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Dark Lass. Colours : Red, blaek sleeves, red cap.

54. MACKENNY, J. K.. a n d C. M. DICKSON.Knid May, 1773M, b. in., — : 0 : 43 ; bred by W. J. O'Shea, Leichhardt, Sydney ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Hey Hedda (imp. N.Z.). Colours : Blaek, white stars, black cap.

56. MARTIN, L. S. Air Ace, 777, ch. h„ 13 : 11 : 37 : bred by exhib itor; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Pottapiana (imp. N.Z.), 2267M. Colours : Bed and brown, red sleeves and cap.

58. MARTIN, L. S. Nipper Direct, b. g „ 1941 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Tennessee Direct (imp.), 556, d. Wasp, 1163M. Colours: Red and brown, red sleeves and eap.

57. 1 MARTIN, S. Present Arms, 963, ch. h., 3 : 8 : 40;bred by L. S. Martin, Dalton, N.S.W. ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Pottapiana (imp. N A ), 2267M. Colours : Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

58. MAZOUD1KR, M rs. I. M. Norbllon Marie,br. in., 1941 ; bred by C. W. J. Smith, Gulgong, N.S.W. : s. by R oy Redmond (imp.), 731, d. Marie Roths, Vol. 7, Colours : Dark blue, light blue diamonds, blue cap.

59. MAZOUDIER, W. S. Marie Wyn, Vol. 7, b. in..15 : 10 : 42 ; bred by C. W. J. Smith, (iulgong, N.S.W. ; s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028. <1. Marie Roths, Vol. 7. C olours: Dark blue, light blue diamonds, blue cap.

60. MILLETT, A. J. Pay Dixie, ch. g., 1942 ; bredby K. Hood, Barraba, N.S.W. ; s. Master Dixie, 917, d. Pay Huon. Colours : Black and white halves, brown cap.

61. MORRIS, L. Phoenix Huon, 961, b. h., 1037;bred by H. O. Brown. Cessnock, N.S.W. ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Nangus Huon, 1013M. Colours : Purple, black sleeves, purple cap.

' I

62. NORRGARD, V. Lady Lee, b. m., aged ; bredby I). P. Taylor, Griffith, N.S.W. ; h. Jubilee Boy, d. I .ad v Riebeck. Colours : Maroon.

63. O ’ BRIEN, C. jonnie Wilbur, blk. g„ 1942;bred by . Alford*, Guyra. N.S.W. ; s. Pay Wilbur, d. Kinette, 1797M. Colours: Green, white sleeves and braces, yellow' cap.

64. PETERSON, E. Recovered, 978, b. h.,27 : 11 : 42 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Julian Pronto, I90HM. Colours : White, orange sleeves, brancew, and cap.

65. PHIPPS, H. Swlftwood’s Double, b. g. ;bred by exhibitor; *. Swiftwood, 1035, d. Winona Bell, 2506M. Colours: Blue, red and white armbands, red cap.

66. PHIPPS, J. H. Swiftwood’s Son, b. g.. bred byexhibitor; s. Swiftwood, 1035, d. Shirley Bells. 2375M. Colours : Blue, red and white armbands, red cap.

67. PICKEN, W. Maragi, b. g., 1942; bred byJ. Simpson, Cumnock. N.S.W. ; s. Walla Walla. 439, d. Miss Cumnock, Vol. 7. Colours : Cerise and gold stripes, gold sleeves and cap.

68. PICKEN, W. Realstar, blk. g.. 1941 ; bred byR. Leabeattei, Lyndhurst, N.S.W. ; ». Starwyn (imp.), 1028. Colours : Cerise and gold stri|>es. B old sleeves and cap.

69. RANDALL, J. B. Grey Lawn, gr. g., aged ;s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Hugbie’s Fancy. Colours : Black, gold stars, black eap.

70. RANDALL, J. B. Mauribron, b. g., 1940;s. Mauri wall, d. Bronze Image. Colour* : Blac k, gold stars, blaek cap.

71. B1TCHIK, H. Emerald Boy, b. h., aged; s.Aina/.ing Don. 653, d. Roseneath. Colours : Red and white checks, blue sleeves and cap.

72. R ITCH IK, H. Hailstorm, gr. g.. aged; ».Royal Again, 1003, d. Laughing Water*. Colours : Red and white checks, blue sleeves and cap.

73. ROSS, T. A. St. Lucia's Star, b. g. aged ; bredby C. B. R. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012, d. Star Quest. Colours : Brown, white diamonds.

74. 8H EED Y, A. J. Gaynor's Gift, br. g., 1944;bred by C. B. R. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; s. Black Panther, d. Blue Veil. Colour* : Cerise and gold stripe*, gold sleeves and cap.

75. SHEEDY, A. J. Remarkable, b. h., 1944:bred by C. B. R. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ;». Radiant Walla, 970. Colour* : Ceri*e and gold »tripes, gold sleeve* and cap.

76. SMITH. E. H. O. Sir Tingle, Vo!22 : 11 : 43 : bred by exhibitor ;Tingle, 794, d. Black Dinah, Vol. 7.Red and blue halves, red cap.

77. SMITH, H. H. Christmas Numba, I648M, hr. in.,25 : 12 : 43 ; brod by exhibitor ; *. Lawn Derby, 722, (1. Maud Cole, 1240M. Colours : pink, cerise *leeve*.

78. SMITH. N. L. Gay Mavis, Vol. 7, b. in., 1041 ;bred by V. Newstead, Kurri Kurri. N.S.W. ; s. Joseph. Colour* : Brown, gold Maltese cross, gold cap.

7. b. h., s. Bob

Colours :

In Foal Mares, 30 days from act of Foaling or 12 months. YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmers’ Company.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibitions (C on tinu ed ).

79. SMITH, N. L. Laurie Boy, h. g., aged : s.Laurie Pronto, d. Lady Neimur, 1372M. Colours: Brown, gold Maltese cross, go ld ! cap. ™

80. SPRINGETT, A. Blue Lucy, Vol. 7, ftr. in.,24 : 1 0 :4 1 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. St. Lucia’s Last, 1012, d. Blue Dawn, Vol. 7. Colour* : Royal blue, white armbands, blue cap.

81. TRATT, G.‘ Spruso King, blk. h.. 1942; bredby B. McMahon, North Wollongong. N.S.W. ; s. by Peter King, d. Golden Grove. Colours : Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

82. WALLIS. R. F. Little Nolle, blk. in.. 1942;bred by 1. Wright, Parke*, N.S.W. ; s. Minton’* Son. <1. Lemonade. Colour* : Brown, pink armbands, white cap.

83. WALLIS. R. F. Trelawn, Vol. 7. ch. h., 1944;bred by L. Laing, Cowra, N.S.W. ; ». Lawn Derby, 722. d. Miss Helen. Colours : Brown, pink armbands, white cap.

84. W ATKIN S, G. Pay Glide, br. in., aged ; bredby exhibitor ; *. Pay Glolie, d. Mona Glide, 974M.

85. WATTS, J. IJ. Miss Eden, Vol. 7, b. in., 1943 ;bred by W . Tierney ; s. Phoenix Dixi'\ 702, d Shining Marble. Colours : Purple and red halves, red cap.

86. WATTS, J. I). Rex Oro, 982. b. h., 1941 ;bred by 1). Mahoney, Kyogle. N.S.W. ; s. King Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882, d. iex Lass. 23I6M. Colours : Purple anil n I halves, red cap.

87. WATTS. J. D. Young Mary, b. in., 1940;bred by E. Boreham, Canlierra, A.C.T. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Mary Lou. Colours : Purple and red halves, red cap.

88. WEST, P. Walla May, rn. m., 194:! ; bredby L. S. Martin, Dalton, N.S.W. ; Walla Walla. 439. d. Royal Cascade. Colours: Yellow, red diamonds and cap.

89. W ILKINS, O. Lady Charm, I935M, ch. in..6 : 11 : 40 ; bred by A. E. Jones, Artnatree, N.S.W. ; *. Charming Peter, 814. d. Ribbon Pearl, App. 4A, Vol. 5. Colour* : Ceri*e, gold band, black cap.

90. WILSON. T. V. Billy Hope, br. g. aged ;s. Oreat Ho[>e (imp.), 867, d. by Don Pronto (imp.), 348. Colours : Blue, white braces, black cap.

91. WILSON, T. V. Jack's Hope, ch. g.. aged ;*. Great Hope (imp.), 867, d. Jacqueline. Colour* : Blue, white brace*, black eap.

92. WILSON, T. V. Timothy Direct, ch. g , aged ; Direct (imp.), 556, d. Pirate Colours : Blue, white braces.

WILSON,s. TenneHsee Lass, 723M. black cap.


(Special Prizesi £60, presented by H. Small and Co.Pty., Ltd., Makers of Club Chocolate, 8 Bridge-rd., Stanmore, Sydney. First priie, £30 : second prize, £15 ; third prize, £10 :








fourth prize, £5. For horses with no better assessment than 2.23 to the mile, to be assessed to trot or pace 2.26 or better to the mile.

ADAMS, .1. Alice Marble, b. m .,.1940 ; bred by exhibitor : *. Roliert Derby, 704, d. by Marble Arch, 273. Colour* : Black and white stripes, red cap.

ALEXAN D ER, G. A., a s h (I. D. Tom Redmond, b. g., 1942 ; bred by A. Reynolds, Windsor, N .S.W .; s. R oy Redmond (imp.). 731, d. Dyed Ribbons. 710M. Colour*: Pink, gold diamond*, pink cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Gold Bird, ch. g., aged ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Pick, d. by Satin Bird. Colour* : Orange, red sash and cap.

ANNABEL. A. J . Leedvllle Lad, b. g., aged ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Pay Globe, d. Brighton Belle. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Royal Biddy, br. m.. 1943; bred by exhib itor; s. Royal Machine. Colours : Orange*, red sash and cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Tingle Again, b. h.. 1941 ; bred by exh ib itor ; s. Bob Tingle. 794, d. Wilbur Maid. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

ARNDELL, S. Robert Wyn, b. g „ aged ; bred by O. Garrad. Windsor, N.S.W. ; s. Robert 1) 'rbv, 704, d. Gladwyn, 874M. Colours : Red, blue and black band*, black sleeves and cap.

BALL, S. M. Little Dillon, blk. g. ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilver Dillon, 10 9, d. Florrie Minton, 1496M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

BALL, S. M. Minton Dillon, blk. g. ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilver Dillon, 1069, d. F'lorrie Minton, 1496M. Colours: Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

BAXTER. G. S. Lachlan Jimmy, ch. g., 1941 ; bred by exh ib itor; *. Lachlan Lawn, d. Mi** Jackson. Colours: Red and brown halve*, blue cap.

BAXTER, G. S. Tavern Terror, ch. g., 1937 ; bred by exh ib itor ; *. Pay Globe, d. Miss Jackson. Colours : Red and brown halves, blue cap.

BIRCH, E. Light, blk. m. 1942 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. W ilver - light. Colours : Black and red halves, black

BISM1RE, N. 11. Sir Echo, b. g., 1942 ; bred by E. Lainont, Iyoeton, N.S.W. ; s. Silky Echo, d. by Lulu Boy, 271. Colours: Royal blue, yellow Maltese cross, yellow cap.

BROWNE, W . Kyogle Lass, b. in., 1944 ; bred by M. D. Maniev. Kyogle, N.S.W. ; s. Radiant Walla, 070, d. Rex La**, 2316M. Colour* : Blaek. blue sash, black cap.

BRYCE. A. First Field, gr. g., 1041 ; bred by E. W. Lehmann, Junee, N.S.W. ; *. IXick- field, 847. Colour* : Black, green sleeve*, black cap.

CAIN, P. Celtic Bob, br., 1042; bred by D. Stock well, *. Bob Tingle, 704, d. Celtic Brick. Colour* : Light blue, cerise sleeve*, light blue cap.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — Claims paid by the Company exceed £56,000,000. Insurances effected on Live Stock up to any sum.


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'Phone : MX 1269 (Day or Night)

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Sec. 1 HORSES— Trotting Exhibitions (Continued).

17. C'AVKY, W. Big Robert, i>. a., »>£<-<I ; s. RobertDerby, 704. Colours : Hiue, green braces, red rap.

18. CHICK, K. ----------------- , ch. in., 1943; ».Starwyn (imp.), 1028, d. Rock Lady. Colours : Orange, red sleeves, orange cap.

19. CHICK, K. Roolen Dooley, l>r. g., 1942; s.Minton Clip, d. Kyshaw. Colours : Orange, red sleeves, orange cap.

20. COCKS, W . H. Robert Globe* l>r. h., 1941 ;bred by W. .1. and K. J. Cocks, Parke*, N.S.W . ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Pay Silk. Colours : Black and white strip's, white sleeves, red cap.

21. C l ’ LBERT, M bs. F. Jean Wirra, ch. in., 1044 ;bred by A. E. Woods ; s. Wirra Walla, 705, d. Splashaway, I353M. Colours : Red, black sash, red cap.

22. D ARRAG H , H. (). Annie Whips, b. in., 1942;bred by exhibitor ; s. Nan’s Derby, 448, d. Dolly Whipps. Colours : Green, gold braces, green cap.

23. D EW EL L, T. A. Bold Minor, b. or br. h „ 1941 ;s. Bold Voyage, d. Miss Minor. Colours : Gold, green sleeves and sash, black cap.

24. DU FF, I). J. W. Regal Derby, b. g., 1941 ;bred by •—. Dunston, Windsor, N.S.W. ; s. Koliert Derby, 704, d. Faithful Maid. Colours : Blue, white sash and cap.

25. DUNN, W. A. Dunn Derby, b. h., — : 10 : 44 :bred by C. Collins, Leeton, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 7*14. d. Playaway, 2257M. Colours : Pink, gold Maltese cross and cap.

26. DUNN, W. A. Walla Joy, b. in., — : » : 4 1 ;bred by L. S. Martin, Dalton, N.S.W. ; s. Walla Walla, d. Daughter. Colours : Pink,

• gold Maltese cross and cap.27. EDW ARDS, W „ a n d E. W. H EN RY. Nellie’s

Own, l>. in.. aged ; bred by exhib itor; s. General Lulu, (Mil, d. by Dixie Daly, 40. Colours : Brown, blue hoops.

28. EVANS, T. Meg's Last, b. in., 1941 ; bred byexhibitor ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Silver Meg. Colours ; Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

29. G ARCIA, R.. a n d G. TRATT. Beauvalal, t>. h„1940 ; bred by A. J . Sibley, Dubbo, N.S.W. ; s. Satin Prince, d. by Roy Redmond (imp ), 731. Colours: Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

30. G ARCIA, R ., a n d G. TRA TT. Louisiana,blk. in., 1942 ; bred by W. E. Staniforth, Camden, N .S .W .; s. St. Lucia’s Last, 1012, d. Lady Teresa. Colours ; Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

31. GARCIA, R ., v n d G. TRATT. Spruso Sheen,blk. in., 1943; bred by exhibitors; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Maggie Gay. Colours : Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

32. H ALL, M rs. R. P. Grand Final, b. in., 1944:bred by P. J. Hall ; s. Robert's Gift, d. Shirley Charms. Colours : Red, purple sleeves, red cap.

33. H ARRISON, S. J. Kyogle Derby, b. h., 1943 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Lady Kyogle, Vol. 7. Colours : Black and red halves, red cap.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — For every Class of Insurance. Specialistsin Live Stock Insurance. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibitions (C ontinued).









42 -3

IVERY, K. Dusty Robert, b., 1944 ; bred by A. E. Ivery, Penrith, N.S.W. ; s. Robert lierby, 704, d. Dora Lenora. Colours : Blue, green crosses, blue cap.

LINDSAY, 1). Phoenix Man, br. g., aged ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Dark Lass. Colours : Red) black sleeves, red cap.

LOONEY, A. C bred by F.W alla,' 439,Royal blue,


aged ; s. WallaColours :

lllawarra Lad, I*.Ball, Bulli, N.S.W. : d. Florence Wilkes, white sash, blue cap.

Tennessee Rook, b. g., aged ; bred by A. Watts, Haberfield, Sydney ; s. Tennessee Direct (imp.), 556, d. by Rock Bells, 434. Colours : Royal blue, white sash, blue cap.

McDOUGALL, O. D. Robert’s Childe, b. g., 1942; bred by K. Cock, Parkes, N .S .W .; s. Rotiert Silk, d. Childe Silk. Colours : Green, yellow sleeves, green cap.

McERLAIN, J. H. Gay Prince, b. g., 8 : 10 : 41 ; bred by C. Neville, Grenfell, N.S.W. ; s.

4hIm Bye, dam by One Step, 505. Colours : Gold, red diamonds, white cap.

MACKENNY, .1. F., a n d C. M. DICKSON. Enid May, 1773M., b. in., — : 9 : 43 ; bred by W. .1. O ’Shea, Leichhardt, Sydney ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Rcy Hedda (imp. N.Z.). Colours : Hlack, white stars, hlack cap

MARTIN, L. S. Air Gun, b. g., 1942; bred by exhibitor : s. Air Ace, 777, d. Torpedo Girl. Colours : Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

MARTIN, L. S. Centre Fire, 812, b. h., 28 : 8 : 44 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Pottapiana (imp. N.Z.), 2267M. Colours : Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

43. MARTIN, L. S. Flying Tennessee, br. g„ 1937 :bred by C. Greeves, Cowra, N.S.W. ; s. Tennessee Direct (imp.), 556, d. Patience, 608M. Colours : Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

44. MARTIN, L S. Nipper Direct, b. g., 1941 ;bred by exh ib itor ; s. Tennessee Direct (ir'.p.), 556, d. Wasp, II63M. Colours: Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

45. MARTIN, S. Present Arms, 963. ch. h., 3 : 8 : 40 ;bred by L. S. Martin, Dalton. N.S.W. ; s. Walla Walla, 439, <1. Pottapiana (imp. N.Z.) 2267M. Colours: Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

46. M AZOUDIER, M rs. I. M. NorWton JWarie,br. m., 1941 ; bred by C. W. J. Smith, Gulgong, N.S.W. ; s. by Roy Redmond (imp.), 731 ; d. Marie Roths, Vol. 7. Colour*: Dark blue, light blue diamonds, blue cap.

47. M AZOUDIER, W . S. Marie Wyn, Vol. 7,b. in., 15 : 10 : 42 ; bred by C. W. J. Smith, Gulgong, N.S.W . ; s. Starwyn (imp.). 1028, d. Ma rie Roth-, Vol. 7. Colours : Dark blue, light blue diamonds, blue cap.

48. MILLETT, A. J. Pay Dixie, ch. g „ 1942: bredby F. Hood, Barraba. N.S.W. ; s. Master Dixie, 917, d. Pay Huon. Colours: Black and white ha )ves, brown cap.


















PHIPPS, J. H. Swiftwood’s Son, h. g. ; bred by exhibitor; s. Swiftwood, 1035, <1. Shirley Hells, 2375M. Colours: Blue, red and white armbands, red cap.

RANDALL, J. B. Mauribron, b." g „ 1940; s. Mauriwah, d. Bronze Image. Colours: Black, gold stars, black cap.

RANDALL, .1. B. Tingle Star, 1943; s. Bob Tingle, 794. Colours : Hlack, gold stars, black cap.

RANDALL, S. Walla Gold, b. g „ aged; s. Mont Walla, 925. Colours : Blue, white braces, black cap.

RITCHIE, H. Hailstorm, gr. g., aged ; s. Royal Again, 1003, d. Laughing Waters. Colours : Red anil white checks, blue sleeves and cap.

SMITH. N. L. Laurie Boy, b. g., aged ; s. Laurie Pronto, d. Lady Neiinur, 1372M. Colours : Brown, gold Maltese cross, gold cap.

SPRINGETT, A. Blue Lucy, Vol. 7, gr. m., 24 : 10 : 41 : bred by exhibitor ; s. St. Lucia's Last. 1012, d. Mine Dawn, Vol. 7. Colours: Royal blue, white armbands, blue cap.

STONE. W. Dream Day, b. h., 1944; bred by s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Val Alto.

Blue, gold diamonds, blue cap. Josie’s Welcome, 1900M, b. m.,

by ('. K. Gosper, Richmond, Robert Derby, 704, <1. The

Colours : Red, white

exhibitor ;Colours :

SUPPLE, G.1943 ; bred N.S.W. ;Welcome, 1474M diamond, blue cap.

THOMPSON, A. Albert John, chW. Jukes ; s Brick, 563. and MD.

THOMPSON, A. bred by A.

g., bred by Master Lawn, <1. by Machine

Colours : White, blue spots

Western Wirra, ch. g., aged ; E. Woods, Parkes, N.S.W. ;

s. Wirra Walla, 705, d. Dot Abbey. Colours : White, blue spots and cap.

WALES. V. Amazing Bob, b. g., aged ; bred by J. Oxenbridge, Reidtown, N.S.W. ; s. Amazing Don, 653. Colours : Royal blue, yellow Maltese cross, yellow cap.

WALES, V. Merrylands, b. g., 1940; s. Calm Voyage, d. by Epic. Colours : Royal blue, yellow Maltese cross, yellow cap.

WATKINS, (J. Pay Glide, br. in., aged; bred s. Pay Globe, d. Mona Glide,by exhibitor ;

974M.WATTS, .1. I). Miss Eden, Vol. 7, b. in., 1943 ;

bred by W. Tierney ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Shining Marble. Colours : Purple anti red halves, red cap.

WATTS, J. D. Young Mary, b. in., 1940; bred by E. Horcham, Canlierra, A.C.T. ; s. Roliert Derby, 704, d. Mary Lou. Colours: Purple and red halves, red cap.

WILKINS. O. Lady Charm, 1935M, ch. in., 5 : II : 40 ; bred by A. E. Jones, Armatree, N.S.W. : s. Charming Peter, 814, <1. Ribbon Pearl, App. 4a, Vol. 5. Colours: Cerise, gold band, black cap.

All the Best Office on

Animals are the Groum* - c

ed with the YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. I aims paid by the Company exceed £56,000,000.

108Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibitions (C on tinu ed).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e

66. WILSON, T. V. Billy Hope, hr. g., aged ; » Great Hope (nii{>.). 867. il. hy Don Prontri (imp.), 348. Colours : Blue, white braces, I.lack iap.

*& .[- 'T H 'H r . • **-»■-©CLASS 219 THE ‘ VEREYS HANDICAP IN

HARNESS (about 1 mile). 12.29 Class.j (Special prizes) £55, presented by Vereys, Clothes

Makers for Men who Care, Klng-st., Sydney. First prize, £25: second prize, £15; third prize, £10; fourth prize, £5. For horses with no better assessment than 2.25 to the mile, to be assessed to trot or pace 2.29 or better to the mile.

1, ADAMS, J. Alice Marble, h. rn., 1940; bred by exhibitor; s. Roliert Derby, 704, d. by Marble Arch, 273. Colours : Black ami white stripes, red cap.

ALE XA N D ER, D „ .11 sk. Miss Roberta, b. in., aged; bred by G. H. Warlaml, Panama,

Rol>ert'« Iiiihkc, 7.")4, d. by X.Z.), 466. Colours : White,

yellow cap.O. A., and G. D. Tom Red- 11142 ; bred by A. Reynold*,

. Roy Redmond (imp.), MOM. Colours :




Sydney ; Adonis (imp. green hoops,

ALE XA N D ER, mond, b. g., Windsor,

bred by s. Robert

Red, black

N.S.W731, d. Dyed Ribbon,Pink, gold diamonds, pink cap.

4. ANDREW S, H. J. Brown Lawn, br. h „ bredby P. J. Flannery, Penrith, N.S.W. ; s. Lawn lierby, 722, d. Peg’s Pet. Colours : Red, black stars, red cap.

5. ANDREW S, H. Fast Silk, b. mR. J. Best, Parkes, N.S.W.Silk, d. East Cole. Colours : stars, red cap.

6. ANDREWS, H. J. Flash May, br. m. ; bred byR. J. I test, Parkes, N.S.W. ; s. Master Dixie. 917, d. Lightning May. Colours: Red, black stars, red cap.

7. ANNABEL, A. .1 Master Wilkes, b. g., 1944 ;bred by exhibitor; s. Rembrandt, d. by Governor Wilkes. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

8. ANNABEL, A. J . Tingle Again, b. h., 1941 ;bred by exhibitor; s. Bob Tingle, 794, <1. Wilbur Maid- Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

9. ANNABEL, A. .1. Yalwal's Son, blk. g „ 1943 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Yalwal, d. Belvoir Hope. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

10. BALL, S. M. Little Dillon, blk. g. : bred byexhibitor ; s. Wilver Dillon. 1069, d. Florrie Minton, 1496M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

11. BA XTE R, G. S. Lachlan Jimmy, ch. g., 1941 ;bred by exhibitor; s. Lachlan Lawn, d. Miss Jackson. Colours : Red and brown halves, blue ''ap.

12. BIRCH. E. Light, blk. in., 1942; bred byexhibitor; s. Lawn lierby, 722, d. Wilver- light. Colours : Black and red halves, black eap.

B1SMIRE. N. H. Sir Echo, b. g., 1942 ; bred by E. Lamont, Lee ton, N.S.W. ; s. Silky Echo, <1. by Lulu Boy, 271. Colours : Royal blue, yellow Maltose cross, yellow cap.


















BROWNE, W. Kyogle Lass, b. m., 1944; bred by M. I). Marney, Kyogle, N'.S.W. ; s. Radiant Walla, 970, d. Rex Lass. 2316M. Colours : Blaek. blue sash, black cap.

BRYCE. A. First Field, gr. g „ 1941 ; bred by E. W. Lehmann, Junee, N.S.W. ; s. Ducktield, 847. Colours ; Black, gri^n sleeves, blaek cap.

CAVEY, W. Big Robert, b. g., aged ; s. Robert Derby, 704. Colours : Blue, gn*en braces, red cap.

CHICK, K. rh. rn.. 1943 ; «.Starwyn (imp.), 1028, d. Rock Lady. Colours : Orange, red sleeves, orange cap.

CHICK, K. Roolen Dooley, br. g., 1942 ; s. Minton Clip, d. K yah aw. Colours : Orange, red sleeves, orange eap.

CLARKE, P. A. Bold Robert, b. h., 1944 ; s. Robert Derby, 794, d. Pat's Pick. Colours : Blaek and white diamonds, red cap.

CLEARY. R. Montrose, b. g., 1939; bred by E. W. Lehmann. Junee, N.S.W. ; s. Mont Walla 925, d. Ruse Royal. Colours : Blaek. green sleeves, hlack cap.

CRANNEY, F. M. Avian Derby, b. h., 1944: bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Av ian Lass.

CULBERT, M r s . F. Jean Wirra, ch. in., 1944 ; bred by A. E. Woods ; s. Wirra Walla, 705, <1. Splasliaway, 1353M. Colours : Red. black sash, red cap.

Cl'NN YN GH AM E, A. W. Pick On. h. g „1940 ; bred by W. Green, Cowra, N .S .W .; s. Louis Pick, 903, d. by Black Huon. Colours : Red, blue band, yellow cap.

CURLEY, E. Wilbur's Son, b. g., aged; s. Wilveiley, d. Wilbur Maid. Colours: hlack. green braces, blaek cap.

CUSICK. A. T. Embassy, blk. h „ 1944 ; s. Lawn Derby, 722. d. by Machine Brick, 563. Colours : Black, g .Id squares, black cap.

DARRAGH, H. O. Annie Whipps, b. in., 1942: bred by exhibitor; s. Nan's Derby, 44H, d. Dolly Whipps. Colours : Green, gold braces, green cap.

DEWELL. T. A. Rhythm Girl, br. m „ 1944; bred by exhibitor ; s. Royal Walla. 1008, d. Forest Princess. Colours • Gold, green sleeves and sash, black cap.

DUFF. I). J. W . Regal Derby, b. g.. 1941 ; bred by — . Dunston, Windsor, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Faithful Maid. Colours : Blue, white sash and cap.

D U NKLEY, A. Croxton Boy, b. g., a g ed ; bred by J. W. Nobbs. Badgery’s Creek,

Nikola, 654, d. by Machine Colours : Purple, green sash

N.S.W. Brick, 563. and cap.

DUNN, W. A. bred by C

Dunn Derby, b. h., : 10 : 44 :Collins, Leeton, N.S.W. ; s.

Robert Derby, 704, d. Playaway, 2257M. Colours : Pink, gold Maltese cross and eap.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD.— All Classes of Insurance Effected. Fire,Worker*’ Compensation, Crops, Fencing, etc. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibition* (Continued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s














b. in., — : 9 : 41 : Dalton. N.S.W. :

47.DUNN, W. A. Walla Joy, bred by L. S. Martin, s. Walla Walla, 439. d. Daughter. Colours :Pink, gold Maltese cross and cap.

EDWARDS, W „ a n d E. W. H EN RY. Nellie's 48-Own, b.General Colours :

EGAN. A. exhibitor ; Colours :




in.. aged ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Lulu, 861, d. by Dixie Daly, 40.

Brown, blue hoops.Civic Star, b. in., 1943 ; bred by

s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Star Quest. Red, black sash, red cap. Wynworthy, blk. g.. 1942; bred

by exhibitor ; s. Starwyn, (imp.), 1028. Colours : Red, blaek sash, red nap.

EVANS. T. Meg's Last, h. in., 1941 ; bred by exhibitor: s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Silver Meg. Colours : Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

GARCIA, R., a n d (J. TRATT Beauvalal, b. II., 1940; bred by A. J. Sibley. Dubbo, N.S.W. ; s. Satin Prince, d. bv Roy Redmond (imp.), 731. Colours : Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

GARCIA, R.. a n d G. TRATT. Louisiana, blk. in., 1942; bred by W. E. Staniforth, Camden, N .S.W .; s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012, d. Lady Teresa. Colours: Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

GARCIA, R „ a n d G. TRA TT. blk. in., 1943 ; bred by Bob Tingle, 794, d. Maggie C.ay. Colours : Orange, white sleeves, purple "ap.

GREEN, A. R. B. Gentleman 1942 ; s. Roliert Derby, 704, d.Brick, 563. Colours : Blaek halves, blaek cap.

HACKNEY, G. Willie Win, h.bred by A. E. Jones, Armatree. N.S.W. ; s. Charming Peter, 814, d. Daisy Winn. 1467M. Colours ; Green, gold braces, green cap.

HALL, M k s . R. P. Grand Final, b. in., 1944 ; bred by P. J. Hall ; s. Rol>ert's Gift, d. Shirley Charms. Colours : Red, purple sleeves, red cap.

HORTON, O. F. Andy Mint, blk. g., aged ; s. Minton’s Son, d. Miss Marmalade. Colours : Black and white, black cap.

IVERY, K. Dusty Robert, b., 1944; bred by A. E. Ivery,, N.S.W. ; s. Roliert lierby, 704, d. Dora Lenora. Colours: Blue, green crosses, blue cap.

JOHN, W. Della Cross, 1703M. ch. m „ 1943; bred by Mrs. C. H. O ’Brien. Windsor, N.S.W. ; s. Double Cross (imp. N.Z.), 846, d. Della Gold, 1704M. Colours : Blue anil white stripes, blue sleeves, red cap.

JOSHUA. S. Len Lease, b. g., 2 8 :9 :4 3 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Roliert Derby. 704, d. Renstan, 2310M. Colours : Red and gold halves, gold sleeves, red cap.

K ELLY, T. J. Supreme Derby, ch. g.. 1943 ; s. Victor lierby, d. Bronze Globe. Colours » Black, red sash and eap.

Spruso Sheen,exhibitors; s.

Mac, b. b., . by Machine

and cerise

1940 ;
















KING, G. Miss Patrex, b. in., 1943 ; brertby W. E. Staniforth. Camden, N.S.W. ; s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012, d. Theresa Lass. Colours : Black, yellow diamonds and eap.

LEECH, L. R. Digger’s Jewel, Vof. 7, blk. in., 1942 ; bred by G. A. Wilson, Turrumurra, Sydney ; s. Jonnie Jewel, d. Violet Derby. Colours : Brown and pink halves, brown cap.

LIN D SAY, D. Phoenix Man, br. g., aged ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Dark Lush. Colours : Red. black sleeves, red cap.

LOONEY, A. C. Illawarra Lad, b. g., aged; bred by F. Ball, Bulli, N.S.VN . ; s. \Valla Walla, 439, <1. Florence Wilkes. Colours : Royal blue, white sash, blue ( >.

LOONEY, A. C. Tennessee Rock, j . g., aged ; bred by A. Watts, Habertield, Sydney ; s. Tennessee Direct (imp.-), 566, d. by Rock Bells, 434. Colours : Royal blue, white sash, blue cap.

LOW E, G. Our Pay, b. g., aged ; bred by A. Rutter, Freeman's Reach, N.S.W. ; s. Pay Globe, d. D ot’s Quest. Colours : Pink, grey sleeves, pink cap.

McDOUGALL, O. D. Robert's Childe, b. p., 1942 ; bred by K. Cock, Parkos, N.S.W, ; s. Robert Silk, d. Childe Silk. Colours : Green, vellow sleeves, green eap.

M cERLAIN, J. II. Gay Prince, b. g „ 8 : 10 : 41; bred by C. Neville, Grenfell, N.S.W. ; s. Lulu Bye, d. by One Step, 565. Colours : Gold, red diamonds, white cap,

M cIN TYRE, L. Felon, cr. h „ 1943; bred by exhibitor ; s. Bob Tingle, 794. Colours : Orange and brown hoops, orange armbands and cap.

M cINTYRE, T. Pantlllo, b. g „ 1941 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Old Yendarra. Colours : Orange and brown hoops, orange armbands and cap.

M cKELVIE, G. Joyce Tingle, blk. m., 1943 ; s. Bob Tingle, 794. Colours : Cerise and gold stripes, gold sleeves anil cap.

M cKELVIE, G. Max Robert, b. h., 1945; s. Robert Derby, 704. Colours : Cerise and gold stripes, gold sleeves and eap.

M cK EW , W. J. Bob’s Son, b. g., 1942; s. Roliert Derby, 704. d. Mamie Childewood. Colours : Black, tartan sash, black cap.

M cKEW . W. J. Royal Windsor, b. h., 1942; s. Robert Derby, 704, d . Black Mamie. Colours: Blaek, tartan sash, black cap.

MACKENNY, J. F „ a n d C. M. DICKSON. Enid May, 1773M, b. in., — : 9 : 43 ; bred by W . J. O’Shea, Leichhardt, Sydney ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Rey Hedda (imp. N.Z.). Colours : Black, w hite stars, black cap.

M ARTIN, L. S. Air Dean, blk. g „ 1943 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Air Ace, 777, d. Rene Dean, 2309M. Colours: Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

M ARTIN, L. S. Air Gun, b. g., 1942 : bred by exhibitor; s. Air Ace, 777, d. Torpedo Girl. Colours : Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

LIVESTOCK INSURANCE.— Claims paid promptly on Proof of Death— YORKSHIREINSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmers’ Company.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


64. MARTIN, L.28 : 8 : 44 ;Walla, 43!). cl.Colours : Red rap.

65. MARTIN, L. S.1937 ; bred by C. s. Tennessee Direct 008.M. Colours: anil rap.

66. MARTIN, L. S. Nipper Direct, b. g. 15*41 ;bred by exhib itor; 8. Tennessee Direct (imp.), 550, <i. Wasp, 11 t>3M. Colours: Re<l and brown, red sleeves and cap..

67. MAZOUDIER. W. S. Marie Wyn, Vol. 7,b. in., IS : 10 : 42 ; bred by C. VV. J. Smith, Gulgong, N.S.W . ; s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028, d. Marie Roths, Vol. 7. Colours : Dark blue, light blue diamonds, blue eap.

68 O’BRIEN, C. Jonnle Wilbur, blk. g..bred by ■—. Alfords, Guyra, N.S.W. : s. Pay Wilbur, d. Finette, I797M. Colours : Green, white sleeves and braees, yellow eap.

69. PEARCE, H. Joe Black, blk. g., 1943 ; s.Black March, d. Miss Nutwood. Colours : Royal Blue and white checks, white cap.

70. PEARCE, H. Mundulla, ch. g., 1943 ; bred byA. H. Hamer, Liverpool, N.S.W. ; a. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Miss Loucol, 2110M. Colours : Royal blue and white checks, white cap.

71. PERRY, C. H. Bright Steel, gr. g „ 1940: s.Steel Globe, 10"°. d. Trixie. Colours : Red, black and v e sleeves, red cap.

72. PHIPPS, J. H. Swift wood's Son, b. p .; bredby exhibitor ; s. Swift wood, 1035. d. Shirley Beils, 2375M. Colours : Blue, red and white armbands, red cap.

73. PICKEN, W. Maragi, b. g., 1942.1. Simpson, Cumnock, N.S.W Walla. 439. d. Miss Cumnock, Vol. 7. Colours: Cerise anil gold stripes, gold sleeves and cap.

74. PICKEN. W . Radiant Pearl, b. h „ 1944;bred by C. B. R. I-awler, Newtown, Sydney ; s. Radiant Walla, 928, d. Ribbon Pearl. Colours : Cerise and gold stripes, gold sleeves and cap.

75. PICKEN, W. Realstar, blk. g.. 1941 ; bred byR. Leabeatter, Lyndhurst, N.S.W. ; s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028. Colours : Cerise and gold stripes, gold sleeves and cap.

76. PILGRIM, H. Susie Tingle, Vol. 7, b. in.,25 : 9 : 42 ; bred by J. Parkes, Riverstone, N.S.W. ; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Susie Kealm, Vol. 7. Colours : Black and white stripes, red cap.

77. RANDALL, J. B. Maurlbron, b. g.. 1940 ; s.Mauriwah, d. Bronze Image. Colours : Black, gold stars, black eap.

78. RANDALL. .1. B. Tingle Star. 1943; s. BobTingle, 794. Colours : Black, gold stars,

, black cap.79. RANDALL. S. Walla Gold, b. g.. aged : s.

Mont Walla, 925. Colours: Blue, white braces, hlack cap.

Don Pat, b. g., s. Amazing Don, Roseneath. Colours : Red and

white checks, blue sleeves and cap.81. RITCHIE, II. Hailstorm, gr. g., aged ; s.

Royal Again, 1003, d. Laughing Waters. Colours : Red and white checks, blue sleeves and cap.

82. ROU8ELL, G. H. Maurice, ch. h., aged ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Mark Robert, 914. Colours : Black and red halves, black cap.

83. l<ol SKI.I.. O. II Miss Carol, Vol. 7. b. m„1944; bred by exhibitor; s. Mark Robert, 914, d. El Senorita. Colours: Mauve, brown sleeves and cap.

84. SHEEDY, A. .1. Caynor's Gift, br. g., 1944;bred by C. B. R. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; s. Black Panther, d. Blue Veil. Colours : Cerise and gold stripes, gold sleeves and cap.

85. SHEEHY, A. J. Remarkable, b. h., 1944;bred by C. B. R. Law ler, Newtown, Sydney ; s. Radiant Walla. 970. Colours : Cerise and gold stripes, gold sleeves and cap.

86. SMITH, E. G. Wllva Rock, b. g. ; bred byE. A. Birch, Neutral Bay, Sydney ; s. Wilverley, d. Rook ’s Image. Colours: Green, orange sleeves, green cap.

87. SMITH. H. H. Christmas Numba, in., 25 : 12 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Maud Cole, I240M. Colours : pink, cerise sleeves.

88. SMITH, M r s . G. Evarne, I783M, b. m „9 : 10 : 44 ; bred by G. Smith, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Amethea, I536M. Colours: Royal blue, white arm­bands, blue cap.

89. SMITH, N. L. Laurie Boy, b. g., aged : s.Laurie Pronto, d. Lady Neiinur, 1372M. Colours: Brown, gold Maltese cross, gold cap.

90. STONE. W. Dream Day, b. h., 1944 ; bred byexhibitor : s. Roliert Derby. 704, d. Val Alto. Colours : Blue, gold diamonds, blue cap.

91. SUPPLE, G. Josie’s Welcome, I9IHIM., b. in.,1943 ; bred by C. E. Gosper, Richmond, N.S.W. ; s. Roliert Derby, 704, d. The Welcome, 1474M. Colours : Red, white diamond, blue cap.

92. TAYLOR, W. Carroll Derby, b. m., 1942;tired by C. Moody, Sydney ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Peerless Lass. Colours: Pmple, green Maltese cross and cap.

93. THOMPSON, A. Albert John, ch. g.. bred byW. Jukes; s. Master Lawn, d. by Machine Brick. 503. Colours : White, blue spots ami cap.

94. THORNTON, E. Windsor Bob, br. h., 1943;bred by H. Reynolds, Windsor. N.S.W. ; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Ella Bells. Colours : .Marisin. yellow sash and cap.

95. TOWNSEND. T. City Sue, ch. in., 1943;bred by S. Burgess ; ». Weary D m , d. by Machine Brick, 563. Colours : Gold, red braees, gold cap.

Show Animals covered for 14 days, including Transit to and from Farm. YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Office on Ground. Essentially the Farmers’ Office.

See. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibition* (C ontinued).S. Centre Fire, 812, b. h ., 80. RITCHIE, H. bred by exhibitor ; s. Walla 053, d.

Pottapiana (imp. N.Z.), 2207M. and brown, m l sleeves anil

Flying Tennessee, br. g.,Greeves, Cowra, N.S.W. :(imp.), 550, d. Patience,

Red and brown, red sleeves

; bred by ; s. Walla

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

i l l

Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibition* (C ontinued)











W ALES, V. Amazing Bob, b. g.. aged ; bred by J. Oxenbridge, Reidtown, N.S.W. ; s. Amazing Don, 053. Colours : Royal blue, yellow Maltese cross, yellow cap.

W ALES, V. Merrylands, b. g., 194U; s. Calm Voyage, d. by Epic. Colours : Royal blue, yellow Maltese cross, vellow cap.

W ALLIS, R. K. Little Nolle, blk. in., 1942; bred by I. Wright, Parkes, N.S.W. ; s. Minton's Son, d. Lemonade, Colours : Brown, p.nk armbands, white cap.

W ATKINS G. Pay Glidf, br. m., aged : bred by exhibitor ; 8. Pav Glolie, d. Mona Glide, 974M.

WATTS, J. 1) Darthula, Vol. 7. gr. in., 1940; s. Quite Sure (imp.), d. Hippie Wave. Colours : 1 urple and red lialves, red cap.

W ATTS, J. D. Miss Eden, b. in.. 1943; bred by W. Tierney; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, il. Shining Marble. Colours : Purple and red halv.'s, red cap.

WATTS, J. D. Young Mary, b. in.. 1940; bred by E. Borcham, Canberra, A.C.T. ; s. Roliert Derby, 704, d. Mary Lou. Colours: Purpie and red halves, red cap.

W ILKINS, (). Lady Charm, 1935M. ch. in., 5 :1 1 : 4 0 ; bred by A. E. Jones, Armatree, N .S .W .: s. Charming Peter, 814, d. Ribbon Pearl, App. 4a, Vol. 5. Colours : Cerise, gold band, black cap.

WILSON, T. V. Billy Hope, br. g., aged ; s. Great Hope (imp.), 867, d. by Don Pronto (imp.), 348. Colours : Blue, white braces, black cap.

WILSON. T. V. Mark Minton, b . h „ 1944; s. Mark Roliert, 914, d. Peggy Minton. Colours : Blue, white braces, black cap.


CLASS 2 2 0 S.T.C. RADIO HANDICAP IN HARNESS (about 1 mile). |2.32 Class.!

(Special Prizes) £55, presented by Standard Tele­phones and Cables Pty., Ltd., 252-274 Botany- rd., Alexandria, Sydney. First prize, £25 second prize, £15; third prize, £10 : fourth prize, £5. For horses with no better assess­ment than 2.27 to the mile, to be assessed

. to trot or pace 2.32 or better to the mile.I .j ADAMS, J. Alice Marble, b. in., 1940; bred

by exhibitor ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. by Marble Arch, 273. Colours : Black and white stripes, red cap.

ALE XA N D ER, D., J unk. Miss Roberta, b.«n., aged ; bred by G. H. Warland, Panama, Sydney ; 8. Robert’s Image, 754, d. by Adonis (imp. N.Z.), 400. Colours : White, green hoops, yellow cap.

ANDREW S, H. J. Brown Lawn, br. h., bred by P. J. Flannery, Penrith, N.S.W. ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Peg’s Pet. Colours : Red, black stars, red cap.

ANDREW S, H. J. Fast Silk, b. in., bred by R. J. Best, Parkes, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Silk, d. Fast Cole. Colours : Red, black stars, m l cap.




















ANDREW S, H. J. Flash May. br. in. ; bred by R. ,J. Best, Parkes, N.S.W. ; s. Master Dixie, 917, d. Lightning May. Colours : Red, black stars, red cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Leedville Lad, b. g., aged ; 11red bv exhibitor ; s. Pay Globe, d. Brighton Belle. Colours : ( (range, red sash and cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Master Wilkes, b. g „ 1944 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Rembrandt, d. by Governor Wilkes. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Tingle Again, b. h., 1941 ; hnsl by exhibitor; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Wilbur Maid. Colours: ( 'range, red sash and cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Yal^al’s Son, blk. g „ 1943; bred by exhibitor; s. Yalwal, d. Belvoir Hope. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

BALL, S. M. Bay Dillon, Vol. 7, b. h., — : 8 : 45 ; hnsl by exhibitor ; s. Wilver Dillon, 1009, il. Florrie Lucy, I357M. Colours : Gold,

' purple sleeves and cap.BALL, S. M. Reggie Dillon, blk. h. ; bred by

exhibitor; s. Wilver Dillon. 1009, d . Louise Spear, 2022M. Colours: Gold, purple sleeves, and cap.

B A X T E R , G. S. Lachlan Jimmy, ch. g., 1941 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Lachlan Lawn. d . Miss Jackson. Colours : Red and brown hitlvos, blue cap.

BIRCH, E. Light, blk. in., 1942; bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Wilverlight. Colours : Black and red halves, black cap.

BISM IRE, N. II. Sir Echo, b. g „ 1942 ; bred by E. Lamont, Leeton. N.S.W. ; 8. Silky Echo, d. by Lulu Boy, 271. Colours : Royal blue, yellow Maltese cross, yellow cap.

BROW NE. W. Kyogle Lass, b. in., 1944;M D. Marnev. Kvogle, N.S.W. ; s. Walla, 970, d. Rex Lass, 23I0M.

Black, blue sash, black eap. First Field, gr. g., 1941 ; bred

bred by »'sdiant Colon'S

BRYCE,by E. W. Lehmann, Junee, N.S.W . ; s. Duektield, 847. Colours : Itlack, green sleeves, black cap.

BY RN E, J. Bowlalong, b. g., 11*42 ; s. Bold Machine, d. Plenty. Colours: Henna, brown diamonds and nap.

CAVEY, W. Big Robert, I), g., aged ; ». Robert Darby, 704. Colours : Hlue, green braces, red cap.

----------------- , eh. m., 1943 ; s.(imp.), 1028, d. Rock Lady. Orange, red sleeves, orange cap. Roolen Dooley, hr. g., 1942 ; s.

CHICK. K• Starwyn

Colours :CHICK, K

Minton Clip, d. Kyshaw red sleeves, orange eap.

CLARKE. P. A. Bold Robert, b. h. Roliert Derby, 704, d. Pat’s Pick. Hlack and white diamonds, red

CLEARY, R. Montrose, b. g., 1939 E. W. Lehmann. Junee, N.S.W

Colours : Orange,

1944 ; s. Colours :

cap.; bred by

s. MontWalla, 925. d. Rose Royal, green sleeves, black cap.

Colours; Black,

LIVE STOCK INSURANCE— Transit Sea or Rail — Any Part of the World — YORK­SHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD.

R O Y A L S H O W B R A N C HFor the convenience of its clients and the general public, the Bank of New South W ales is conducting a branch at the Sydney Royal Show.

A complete banking service is available.

The branch is situated in premises beneath the Members' Stand.


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES----Trottin* Exhibition* (C ontinued).

23. cR A N N E Y , F . M. Avian Derby, b. h „ 1944 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. I.awn Derby, 722. d. Avian I,ass.

24. CU LBERT, M rh. F. Jean Wlrra, eh. in.. 1944 ;bred by A. E. Woods ; s. Wirra Walla, 705, d. Splashaway, IS53M. Colours : K<*<1. black sash, red cap.

25. CUNN YNGH AME, A. W. Pick On, b. g. .1940;bred by W. Green, Cowra, N.S.W. ; s , Louis Pick, 903, <1. by Hlack Huon. Colours : Red, blue bainl, yellow cap.

26. C l ’ SICK, A. T. Embassj, blk h., 1944; s.Lawn Derby, 722, d. by Machine Hriek. .Vi3. Colours : Black, gold squares, black cap.

27. DEW ELL. T. A. Rhythm Girl, br. in.. 1944;bred by exhib itor; s. Royal Walla, 1008, d. Forest Princess. Colours ; Gold, green sleeves and sash, black cap.

28. DUFF, I). J . W. Regal Derby, b. g., 1941 ;bred by Dunston, Windsor, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby. 704. d. Faithful Maid Colours ; Blue, white sash and cap.

29. D U N K LEY, A. Croxton Boy, b. g.. aged .bred by .1. W. Nobbs. Badgery’s Creek, N'.S.W. ; s. Nikola, 654, d. by Machine Brick, 563. Colours: Purple, gn>eii sash and eap.

30. DUNN, W. A. Carlnya, b. in., :1 0 :4 4 ;bred by N. Michael, Temora, N.S.W. ; s. Machine Walla, d. Curly Banj. Colours: Pink, gold Maltose* cross and cap.

31. DUNN, W. A. Dunn Derby, b. h., : 10 : 44 ;bred by C. Collins. Lee ton, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Plavaway, 2257M. Colours : Pink, gold Maltose cross and cap.

32. DUNN, W. A. Texa* Rose, br. rn.. : M : 44 ;bred by V. Cooiiehinson ; s. Roliert Derby, 704. d. Egyptian Sadie. Colours ; Pink, gold Maltose cress and cap.

33. DUNN, W A. Walla Joy, b. m „ 9 :4 1 ;bred by L. S. Martin. Dalton, N.S.W. ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Daughter. Colours : Pink, gold Maltose crosh and cap.

34. EDW ARDS, W „ a n i » E. W. HENRY. Nellie’sOwn, b. in., aged ; bred by exhibitor ; s. General Lulu, 861. d. by Dixie Daly, 40. Colours : Brown, blue hisips.

35. EGAN, A. Civic Star, b. in.. 1943 ; bred byexhibitor ; s. Bob Tingle. 794, d. Star lowest. Colours : Red. black sash, red cap.

3t. EGAN, A. Wynworthy, blk. g., 1942 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Starwyn (imp.) 1028. Colours : Red. black sash, red cap.

37. ELLIOTT, C. Neanle, gr. in., 1945 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Bob Tingle 794, d. Lily White. Colours : Red. white diamond, red cap.

31. EVANS. T. M eg's Last, b. in.. 1941 ; bred by exhib itor: s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Silver Meg, Colours: Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

39. FARRINGTON. F. Leeds, b. g., 1840; bred by C. B. R. Lawler. Newtown, Sydney ; s. Walla Walla, 439. d. Machine Derby, 1349M. Colours : Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

40. GARCIA, R., a n d G. TRATT Beauvalal,b. h., 1940; bred ly A. J. Sibley, Dubbo, N.S.W. ; s. Satin Prince, d. by Roy Redmond (imp.), 731. Colours: ( Irangc. white sleeves, purple cap.

41. GARCIA, R „ a n d (!. TRATT. Louisiana,blk. in.. 1942 : bred by W. E. Staniforth. Camden. N .S.W .; s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012. d. Lady Teresa. Colours: Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

42. GARCIA, R „ a n d G. TRATT. Spruso Sheen,blk. m., 1943 ; bred bv exhibitors ; s. Bob Tingle, 794. d. Maggie Gay. Colours : Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

43. GREEN, A. R. B. Gentleman Mac, b. h., 1942 ;s. Robert Derby, 704. d. by Machine Brick, 563. Colours : Black anil cerise halves, black cap.

44. HALL. M k h . R. P. Grand Final, b. in.. 1944;bred by P. J. llall ; s. Roliert’s Gift, d. Shirley Charms. Colours: Red, purple sleeves, re * cap.

45. HORTON, G. F. Andy Mint, blk. g.. aged ;s. Minton's Son, d. Miss Marmalade. Colours : Black and white, black cap.

46. IV E R Y , K. Dusty Robert, b „ 1944; bredby A. E. Ivery, Penrith. N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, <1. Dora Lenora. Colours : Blue, green crosses, blue cap.

47. JOHN, W. Della Cross, I703M, ch. in.. 1943;bred by Mrs. C. II. O'Brien. Windsor, N.S.W. ; s. Double Cross (imp. N.Z.), 846, d. Della Gold, 1704M. Colours: Blue and white stripes, blue sleeves, red cap.

48. JOHNSON, C. Routine, Vol. 7, blk. in..20 : 9 : 45 ; bred by A. E. Jones, Armatree, N.S.W. ; s. Black Panther, d. Winnie Red­mond, 2505M. Colours : Green, gold braces, green cap.

49. JOSHUA, S. Len Lease, b. g., 2 8 : 9 : 4 3 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Renstan, 23IOM. Colours : Red and gold halves, gold sleeves, red cap.

50. KELLY. T. J. Supreme Derby, ch. g.. 1943;s. Victor Derby, d. Bronze Globe. Colours : Black, red sash and cap.

51. KINO, (». Miss Patrex, b. in., 1943; bred byW. E. Staniforth, Camden, N.S.W. ; s. St Lucia’s Last, 1012, d. Theresa Lass. Colours : Black, yellow diamonds and cap.

52. LEECH, L. R. Diggers' Jewel, Vol. 7, blk. m.,1942 ; bred by G. A. Wilson, Turramurra, Sydney ; s. Jonnie Jewel, (I. Violet Derby. Colours : Brown anil pink halves, brown cap.

53. LINDSAY. D. Phoenix Man, br. g., aged ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Phoenix Dixie. 702, d. Dark Lass. Colours : Red, black sleeves, red cap.

54. LOONEY, A. C. Tennessee Rock, b. g „ agedbred by A. Watts, Haliertield, Sydney ; s. Tennessee Direct (imp.), 556, d. by Rock Bells, 434. Colours : Royal blue, white sash, blue cap.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spring Si., Sydney.— Branches and Agencies throughout the World. Live Stock, Fire, Marine & Accident.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Stc. 1— HORSES— Trotting55. LOW K. (J. Our Pay, b. u . aged ; bred by

A. Rutter, Freeman* Reach, N.S.W. ; .s. Pay Glolie, d. Dot’s Que*t. Colour*: Pink, grey mIbcvph, pink cap.

56. MeKKLAIN, J. H. Gay Prince, h. g., N : lo : 41brod by C. Neville, Grenfell, N .S.W .; *. Lulu Hye, dam by One Stop, 505. Colours : (.Sold, red diamond*, white rap.

57. MrKADDKX, H. Black Numba, blk. u..: 9 : 42 ; bred bv H. Smith, Berry, N.S.W. ;

*. Walla Boy, <i. Playawav, 22&TM, Colours :W hite, blue diamond* ami eap.

58. MelNTYKK, L. Felon, er. h., 1943; biwl b\exhibitor; *. Bob Tingle, 794. Colours: Orange and brown hoops, orange armband* and <*ap.

59. MelNTYKK, T. Pantillo, b. g., 1941; bredby exhibitor ; *. Old Yendarru. Colour* : Orange and brown hoops, orange armbands and eap.

60. MeKKLYIK, 11. Joyce Tingle, blk. in., IM3*. Bob Tingle, 794. Colours : Cerise ami gold *tripe*, n<»ld sloeves and eap.

61. M .KKLM K, <i Max Robert, b. h., 194:.:*. Robert Derby, TUI. Colour* : Ceri*e and gold Htripe*, gold aleevefi and eap.

62. MeKKW, W ,1. Bob’s Son, b. g., 1942; *.Robert Derby, 704. d. Mamie Childewood. Colours : Hlack. tartan sash, black eap.

63. MeKKW. W .1 Royal Windsor, b. h., 1942;*. Roliert Derby, 704, d. Black Mamie. Colour* : Hlack. tartan sash, black eap.

64. MACKKNNY, J. F.. a n d C. M DICKSONEnid May, 1773M, b. m., : 9 : 4‘i : bred by W . J. O ’Shea, Leichhardt, Sydney; s. Lawn IVrby, 722, d. Rey Hcdda (imp. N.Z.). Colours: Hlack. white stars, black cap

65. MARTIN. L S. Air Dean, blk g . 1943;bred b\ exhibitor ; a. Air Aee, 777, <1. Rene Dean, 23U9M. Colour* ; Red and brown, n*d sleeves and cap.

66.’ MARTIN. L. S Air Cun, l>. g.. 1942; biwlby exhibitor; s. Air Ace, 777. <1. Torjaslo llirl. Colours : Red and brown, red sleeves and eap.

67. MARTIN. I., s. Centre Fir*, 812, b. h..2H : (i ; 44 ; bred by exhibitor ; *. Walla Walla. 43!*, d. Pottapiana (imp. N.Z.), 2267M Colour* : Rod and brown. red sleeves and eap.

68 MARTIN. 1.. S. Flying Tennessee, br. g..1937 ; bred by C. Greevea, Cowra, N.S.W. ;». Tennnwee Direct (imp.), 556, d. Patience, B08M Colour* : Red and brown, red sleeve* and eap.

69 MAZOUDIER, W. S. Marie Wyn, Vol. 7.b. in., 15 ; 10 ; 42 ; bred hy C. W. J. Smith. Gulgong. N.S.W. ; * Starwyn (imp.), I02K, d. Marie Roth*. Vol. 7. Colour* : Dark blue, light blue diamond*, blue eap.

70. MORGAN, T. Canterbury Boy, b. h.. 1944: bred by exhibitor; *. Robert Derby, 704. d. Koala Colour* : Blue and white, red eap.

Exhibition, (Continued).

71. O ’ BRIEN, C. Emerald H ie, br. h „ 1944:h. Kmerald Boy, d. Pretty l.ue. Colour* : Green, white sleeves an<l brace*, yellow eap.

72. O BRIEN. C. Jonnie Wilbur, blk. g., 1942:bred by . Alford*, Guyra, N.S. W. ; *. Pay Wilbur, d. Kinette, 1797M, Colour*: Green, white sl«>eves and brace*, yellow eap.

73. O ’BRIEN, C. Lady Winifred, br. 'in . aged;briil by Mr*. Bell, Guyra, N.S.W. ; s. Silky Star, cl. Winifred Pronto, 1449M. Colour*: Green, white *leeve* and brace*, yellow cap.

74. PAYNE. A. I,. Cay Lover, hr . aged ; *.Marmion, 7t><>. d. by Charming Bell*, 29. Colour* : Blue an<i gold.

7$. PEARCE, II Joe Black, blk. g., 1943: *. Hlack March, d. Mi** Nutwood. Colour* : Royal blue and white check*, white cap

76. PEARCE, H. Mundulla, ch. g., 1943; bredby A. H. Hamer. Liverpool, N.S.W. ; *. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Mis* Loucol, 21I0M Colour* : Roval blue and white check*, white cap.

77. PHIPPS, H. Swlftwood*s Son, b. g., bredby exhibitor ; *. Swift wood, 1035, d. Shirley Bell*. 2375M Colour*: Blue, red and white armband*, red eap.

76. PICKEN, W Maragi, b. «.. 1942; bred hy Simpson, Cumnork, N.S.W. ; *. Walla

W alla, 439, d Mi** Cumnock, Vol. 7. Colour* ; Cerise and gold stripe*, gold aleeve* and cap.

79. PICKEN. W Radiant Pearl, b. h.. 1944; bred by C. B. R. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; *. Radiant Walla, 928, *1. Ribbon Pearl. Colour* : Ceri*e ami gold *tripe», gold sleeve* and eap.

80 PICKEN, W Realstar, blk. g.. 1941 ; bred by R. I.eabeatter. Lyndhurst, N.S.W . ; *. Starwyn (imp.), 102*. Colour* : Ceri*e and gold *tripe*. gold *leeve* and cap.

SI. PILGRIM. H. Susie Tingle. Vol. 7. h. in..25 : 9 : 42 ; br<>d by J. Parkes, Rivemtone, N .S.W .; *. Bob Tingle, 794. d. Su*ie Realm. Vol. 7. Colour*: Black and white stripe*, red cap.

82. RALPH , S. <;. Timoshanko, b. g , 1943;bred by exhibitor ; s. War Danger, d. Golden Alto. Colour* : Henna, brown diamonds and cap.

83. RANDALL, J. B. Maurlbron, h. g.. 1940:s. Maunwah, d. Bronte linage. Colour* : Black, gold star*, black cap.

84. RANDALL, J. B. Tingle Star, 1943; s. BobTingle. 794. Colours: Black, gold star*, black cap.

85. ROUS ELL, G. H. Maurice, ch. h. aged ;bred by exhibitor; s. Mark Robert, 914. Colour* : Black and red halves, hlack cap.

86. ROU8ELL, G. H. Miss Carol, Vol. 7. b. in ,1944; bred by exhibitor; a. Mark Roliert, 914, d. El Senorita. Colours: Mauve, brown sleeves and cap.

87. RU TTER, A. J Cay Wood. hr. in . 1940;bred by C. H. R. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; s. SwiftwikhI, 1035, d. Wilburette, 1185 M. Colour* : Blue, m l saah, blue cap.

Live Slock Insured— Lowest Rate*— Liberal Conditions. YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES----Trotting Exhibitions (C on tinu ed).











Evarne, 17«3M, b. in., by G. Smith, Bowral,

Tingle. 794. d. Amethea. Royal blue, white arm-

SHEEDY, A J. Gaynor's Cilt, br. g., 1944 : bred by C. B. R. Lawler. Newtown, Sydney ; s. Black Panther, d. Blue Veil. Colours : Cerise and gold stripes, gold sleeves and cap.

SHEEDY, A. J. Remarkable, h. h., 1944 ; hrvd by C. B. R. Lawler. Newtown, Sydney ; s. Radiant W alia, 970. Colours : Cerise and gold strijies, gold sleeves and eap.

SMITH. E. G Wllva Rock, b. g. ; bre.1 byE. A. Birch, Neutral Bay, Sydney ; *. W'ilverley, d. Rock's Image. Colour*: (in *1!!, orange *leeves, green cap.

SMITH. E. H O. Dinah Walla, Vol. 7. I. in.,21 : 9 : 45 ; s. Radiant Walla, 970, d. Black Dinah, Vol. 7. Colour*: Red and blue halve*, rod cap.

SMITH. Mm . M.9 : 10 : 44 ; bred N.S.W. ; s. Bob I536M. Colour*: band*, blue cap.

SMITH, N. L. Laurie Boy, b, g., aged ; s. Laurie Pronto, d. Lady Neimur, I372M. Colours : Brown, gold Malte*c cro**, void cap.

STONE, W. Dream Day, b. h., 1944; bred by exhibitor ; ». Robert Derby, 704, d. Val Alto. Colours : Blue, gold diamonds, blue eap.

SUPPLE, G. Josie’s Welcome, I900M. b. in.,1943 : bred by C. E. Goaper, Richmond, N.S.W. ; s. Rol»ert Derby, 704, d. The Wrelcome, I474M. Colours : Red, white diamond, blue cap.

TAYLO R. W. Carroll Derby, b. m., 1942; bred by C. Moody, Sydney ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Peerless Laas. Colours : Purple, green Maltese cross anil eap.

THORNTON, E Windsor Bob, hr. h.. 1943; bred by H. Reynolds, Windsor, N.S.W. ; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Ella Bell*. Colours : Maroon, yellow sash and cap.

TOWNSEND. T. City Sue, eh. in., by S. Burge** ; *. Weary Don, d.Brick, 583 Colours : Gold,

1943 ; bred by Machine

red brace*.







gold cap.WALES. V. Amazing Bob, b. g.

by J. Oxenbridge, Reidtown,Amazing Don, 853. Colours ; yellow Malteae croas. yellow cap.

WALES. V. Merrylands. b. g., 1940: s. Calm Voyage, d. by Epic. Colours : Royal blue, yellow Malteae cross, yellow cap.

W ALLIS, R. E. Trelawn, Vol. 7, ch. h., 19^4 ; bred by L. Laing, Cowra, N.S.W. ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Mis* Helen. Colours: Brown, pink armbands, white cap.

W ATKINS, G. Pay Clide, br. by exhibitor ; s. Pav Globe 974M.

W ATTS. .1. D. Darthula, Vol.*. Quite Sure I im p), d. Bippli Wave. Colours: Purple and red halve*, red cap.

WATTS. J. I). Miss Eden, Vol. 7, b. in., 1943 : bred by W. Tierney ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Shining Marble. Colour* : Purple and red halve*, red cap.

aged ; bredN.S.W. ; *. Royal blue.

in., aged ; bred d. Mona Glide,

gr. m., 1940 ;

105. WATTS, .1. D. Young Mary, b. m „ 1940;bred by E. Borcham, Canlierra, A .C .T ., s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Mary Lou. Colours : Purple and red halve*, red cap.

106. WILKINS, O. Lady Charm, I935M, ch. in.,5 :1 1 : 40 ; bred by A. E. Jones, Armatree, N.S.W. ; s. Charming Peter, 814, d. Ribbon Pearl, App. 4A, Vol. 5. Colours : Cerise gold band, black cap.

107. W ILSON, T. V. Mark Minton, b. h „ 1944 ;s. Murk Robert, 914, d. Peggy Minton.

1 0 $ Colour* : Blue, white braees, black cap.Gj C ' h ig j -0 -


Special Prizes) £60, presented by the Potato Market­ing Board of Tasmania, 198 Sussex-st., Sydney, and Burnie. Tas. First prize, £28 : second prize, £17 ; third prize, £10; fourth prize, £5. Horses will be assessed to trot or pace 2.18 or better to the mile.

1. ARENTZ, .1. Oro Bay, 937. b. h „ 1 1 :9 :4 2 ; bred by exhib itor; s. King Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882, d. Peggy's Choice, 2245M. Colours : Maroon, green sleeves, gold cap.


j .



BALL, S. M. Florence Dillon, Vol. 7, blk. m. ; 18: 10:41 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Wilver Dillon, 10*19, d. Florrie Lucy. 1357M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeve* and cap.

BALL. S. N. Wilver Dillon, 10«9, blk. h. ; 2 :1 0 : 36 ; brisl by exhibitor ; ». W’ ilverley, d. Marie Dillon, 963M. Colour* : Gold, purple sleeve* and cap.

BIRCH, E. Lawntona, hr. m., 1942 : bred >yG. C Maddrell, Braidwood, N.S.W. , s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Etona, 17K0M. Colours : Hlack and red halve*, black cap.

CHICK, K. Peter Gold, rn. g , aged : s. Peterwah (imp.), 732, d. Mangold. Colours : Orange, red sleeves, orange cap.

CULBERT. F. Western Rose, Vol. 7, b. m.,1942 ; bred by W . Hando, Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Lady Rosewood, I952M. Colours: Black and ceri«e halves, black cap.

DENGATE, N. Wynstar, 1078, ch. h.,1 : 10: 41 ; bred by A. H. Hamer, Liver­pool, N.S.W. ; s. Starwyn (imp.), I02M, d. Carella, Iti27.M. Colours : Purple and black halve*, hlack cap.

ELDREI), M rs. C. Derry Boy, blk. g., 1938; s. Globe Pool, .i70, d. Orphan Girl. Colour* : Orange and white halves, green sleeve* and eap.

HALL, G. W. Louis Pick, 903, br. h., 1934 ; bred by H. S. Mile*, Cowra, N.S.W. ; s. Louis Direct (imp.), 6.’>2, d. Ella* Pick.I olours : Red. purple sleeve*, red cap.

JONES, J. Just Derby, b. g., aged ; bn*l byF. O. Peters, Q 'ld. ; s. Teddy I>erby (Sir David), tSH9, d. Queen Delavau. Colour* : ( Irange and white hnlve*, green sleeves and cap.

LIVES lOCK INSURANCE— Transit Sea or Rail — Any Part of the World — YORK­SHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. The Farmers’ Company.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


s«. 1— HORSES— Trotting

N f S T L f i s


t .


Y O U R ,

F A V O U R I T E ’

C H O C O L A T E '

N e s t l e s

Exhibitions (C ontinued).11.3 SMITH, X . L. Cay Mavis, Vol. 7, h. m .. 1941 ’

h m l by V. Newstead, Kurri Kurri, N.S.W. ; s. Joseph. Colours : Brown, gold Maltese

. crow , gold cap.12. W ATTS, J. D Para Volo, b. h „ 1941 ; bred by

E. H. Murdoch, VVarooka, S.A. ; s. Raider (imp.), 972, d. (lay Polly. Colour* : Purple and rod halves, red cap.

13. WILSON, T. V. Jack's Hope, ch. g.. aged : s.Great Hope (imp.), 867, d. Jacqueline. Colours : Blue, white braces, black cap.


(Special Prizes) £75, presented by Nestle's Food Specialities (Australia), Ltd., 17 Foveaux- st., Sydney. First prize, £40 second prize, £20 : third prize, £10; fourth prize, £5. For horses with no better assessmept than 2.20 to the mile, to be assessed to trot or pace 2.24 or better to the mile.

ALEXAN D ER, G. A., a n d G . D. Tom Redmond, b. g., 1942 ; bred by A. Reynolds, Windsor, N.S.W. ; x Roy Redmond (imp.), 731, d. Dyed Ribisins, 710M. Colours : Pink, gold diamonds, pink cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Gold Bird, ch. g., aged ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Silver Pick, d. by Satin Bird. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Royal Biddy, br. in., 1943; bred by exhibitor ; s. Royal Machine. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

BALL. S. M. Little Dillon, blk. p . ; bred by exhibitor; s. Wilver Dillon, 1069, d. Florrie Minton, 1496M. Colours: Gold, purple sleevc*s and cap.

BALL, S. M. Minton Dillon, blk. g. ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilver Dillon, 11(69, d . Florrie Minton, 1496M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

B A X T E R , G. S. Tavern Terror, ch. g., 1937 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Pay Globe, d. Miss Jackson. Colours: Red and brown halves, blue cap.

BIRCH. E Lawntona, br. in , 1942; bred by G. C. Maddrell, Braidwood, N.S.W. ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Etona, 17KO.M. Colours ; Black and red halves, black cap.

BLSMIRE, N. H. Sir Echo, b. g . 1942; bred by E. Lamont, I>eeton, N.S.W. ; s. Silky Echo, d. by Lulu Boy, 271. Colours : Royal blue, yellow Maltese cross, yellow cap.

BRANCH, L. W. All Last, b. g'„ 1939; bred by W. E. Staniforth, Camden, N.S.W. ; s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012, d. Gleam o f Gold, Colours : Blue, gold diamonds, blue cap.

CAIN, P. Celtic Bob, br., 1942 ; bred by D. Stock well, h. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Celtic Brick. Colours : Light blue, cerise sleeves, light blue cap.

CHICK, K. Roolen Dooley, br. g., 1942; s. Minton Clip. d. Kyshaw. Colours : Orange, red sleeves, orange cap.





LIVESTOCK INSURED on the Ground by the YORKSHIRE INSURANCE it* Office there.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibitions (C ontinued).

















COCKS, W. H. Robert Globe, br. h „ 1941 ;bred by W. J. and K. J. Cocks. Parkes, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Pay Silk. Colours: Blin k and white strip's, white sleeves, red cap.

CRAIGIE. M. Brelong, blk. g., aged ; s. Honey Huon d. by Coy Bells. Colours ; White, blue spots and cap.

CULBERT, M rs. F. Jean Wirra, ch. in.. 1944 ; bred bv A. E. Woods ; s. Wirra Walla, 70S,d. Splashaway, black sash, red

Colours ; Red.

b. or br. h., 1941 ; M inor. Colours : sash, black cap.

13f>3M. cap.

DEWELL, T. A. Bold Minor, s. Bold Voyage, d. Miss Gold, green sleeves and

DODGE, J. Punchbowl Boy, b. g., aged ; bred by — . Stephenson, Punchbowl, Sydney ; s. Roliert Derby, 794, d. Buie. Colours ;Black, green braces, black cap.

DUFFY, P. R. Royal Minton, br. g.. aged ; s.Royal Charlie. Colours : Cerise, green band, yellow sleeves, red cap.

EDWARDS, W „ a n d E. W. HENRY. Nellie's Own, b. m., ageil ; bred by exhibitor ; s.General Lulu, 861. d. by Dixie Daly, 40.Colours : Brown, blue hoops.

EGAN, A. Wynworthy, blk. g., 1942; bred by exhibitor : s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028. Colours ;Red, black sash, red cap.

EVANS, (!. L. Belgrave, 7H9, br. h., IK : 9 : 43 ; bred by exhib itor; s. I.awn Derby, 722, d.Royal Linda. Colours : Black, gold squares, black cap.

EVANS, T. Meg's Last, b. in., 1941 ; bred by exhibitor; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, (1. Silver Meg. Colours : Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

GARCIA, R „ a n d G. TRATT. Beauvalal, b. h., 1940; bred by A. J. Siblev, Dubbo,N.S.W. ; s. Satin Prince, d. by Roy Redmond (imp.). 731. Colours : Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

GREEN, A. R. B. Tiptop, b. g „ 1940 ; bred by W. Hando, Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Peak Hill, 949, d. Rosewood's Pride. Colours :Black and cerise halves, black cap.

HALL, Mbs. R. P. Grand Final, b. m „ 1944 ; bred by P. J. Hall ; s. Robert’s Gift, d.Shirley Charms. Colours : Red, purple sleeves, red cap.

JOHN, W. Della Cross, 1703M, ch. in., 1943; bred by Mrs. C. H. O’Brien, Windsor, N.S.W. ; s. Double Cross C up. N.Z.), (446, d. Della Gold, 1704M. Colours : Blue and white stripes, blue sleeves, red cap.

LINDSAY, D. Phoenix Man, br. g., a g e d ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Dark Lass. Colours : Red, black sleeves, red cap.

McERLAIN, J. H. Cay Prince, b. g., 8 : 10 : 41 ; bred by C. Neville, Grenfell, N.S.W. ; s.Lulu Bye, dam by One Step, 565. Colours ;Gold, red diamonds, white cap. 'H i t i t /

28. MACKENNY, J. F.. a n d C. M. DICKSON.Enid May, 177.3M., b. in., — : 9 : 43 ; bred by W. J. O ’Shea. Leichhardt, Sydney ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Rey H edda (imp. N.Z.) Colours : Black, white stars, black cap.

29. MARTIN, I., t Air Ace, 777, ch. h., 1 3 :1 1 ; 37 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Pottapiana (imp. N.Z.), 2267M. Colours : Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

30. MARTIN, L. S. Flying Tennessee, br. g., 1937 ;bred by C. Groeves, Cowra, N.S.W. ; s. Tennessee Direct (imp.), 556, d. Patience, 608M. Colours : Red and brown, red sleeves ami cap.

MARTIN, L. S. Nipper Direct, b. g.. 1941 ; bred by exhib itor; s. Tennessee Direct (imp.) 556, d. Wasp, 1163M. Colours: Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

MARTIN, S. Present Arms, 963, ch. h., 3 : 8 : 40 ; bred by L. S. Martin, Dalton, N.S.W. ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Pottapiana (imp. N.Z.), 2267M. Colours : Red and brown, red sleeves and cap.

MAZOUD1ER, M ks. I. M. Norblton Marie, br. in., 1941 ; bred by C. W. J. Smith, Gulgong, N.S.W. ; s. by Roy Redmond (imp.), 731, d. Marie Roths, Vol. 7. Colours : Dark blue, light blue diamonds, blue cap.

MAZOUDIER, W. S. Marie Wyn, Vol. 7, b. in., 15 : 10 : 42 ; bred by C. W. J. Smith, Gulgong, N.S.W. ; s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028, d. Marie Roths, Vol. 7. Colours : Dark blue, light blue diamonds, blue cap

O’BRIEN, C. Jonnie Wilbur, blk. g „ 1942; bred by Alfords, Guyra, N.S.W. ; s.Pay Wilbur, d. Finette, 1797M. Colours: Green, white sleeves and braces, yellow cap.

RANDALL, S. Walla Gold, b. g., aged ; s. Mont Walla, 925. Colours : Blue, white braces, black cap.

RITCHIE, H., a n d F. CALLABY. Silver Royal, gr. g. ; s. Royal Again, 1003, d. Polly Speck. Colours : Red and white checks, blue sleeves and cap.

SMITH, E. H. O. Sir Tingle, Vol. 7, b. h., 22 : 11 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Black Dinah, Vol. 7. Colours : Red and blue halves, red cap.

SMITH, N. L. Gay Mavis, Vol. 7, b. in., 1941 ; bred by V. Newstead. Kurri Kurri, N.S.W. ; s. Joseph. Colours : Brown, gold Maltese cross, gold cap.

SMITH, N. L. Laurie Boy, b. g.. aged ; s.














Laurie Pronto, <1. Lady Neimur, 1372M. Colours ; Brown, gold Maltose cross, gold cap.

SPRINGETT, A. Blue Lucy, Vol. 7, gr. m. 24 : 10 : 41 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012, d. Blue Dawn, Vol. 7. Colours : Royal blue, white armbands, blue cap.

TRATT, G. Spruso King, blk. h., 1942 ; tired by B. McMahon, North Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. by Peter King, d. Golden Grove. Colours : Orange, white sleeves, purple cap.

WALES, V. Merrylands, b. g., 1940 ; s. Calm Voyage, d. by Epic. Colours : Royal blue, yyjU^qT l(*ltose cross, yellow cap.

In Foal Mare*, 30 days from act of Foaling or 12 month*. YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmer* Company.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting

44. W ATTS, J. D. Darthula, Vol. 7, gr. m., 1940 ; s.Quite Sure (imp.), <1. Ripple Wave. Colours : Purple »nil m l halves, rod eap.

45. W ATTS, J. D. Miss Eden, Vol. 7, b. in.. 1943 ;bred by W. Tierney ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Shining Marble. Colours : Purple and red halves, m l eap.

46. WATTS, J. 1). Young Mary, b. in.. 1940; bredby E. Bo reham, Canlierra, A.C.T. ; s. Roliert Derby, 704, d. Mary Lou. Colours : Purple and m l halves, m l cap.

47. WILSON, T. V. Billy Bope, br. g.. aged ; s.Great Hope (imp.), 867, d. by Don Pronto (imp.), 348. Colours : Blue, white braees, blaek eap.

48. WILSON, T. V. Timothy Direct, eh. g., aged;s. Tennessee Direct (imp.), 556, d. Pirate Lass. 723M. Colours : Blue, white braces, blaek cap.

CLASS 2 2 3 TBE KODAK ' ’ UNHOPPLED HANDICAP IN HARNESS (about tour laps).12.26 Class. |

Special Prizes) £60, presented by Kodak i Australasia) Pty., Ltd., Manufacturers of Kodak Film, 379 »nd 386 George-st., Sydney, also Newcastle, Katoomba, and all States. First prize, £30 ; second prize, £15; third prize, £1 0 ; fourth prize, £5. Horses will be assessed to trot or pace 2.26 to the mile.

1. D l'N K L E Y , A. Louis Desire, blk. g.. 7 : 10 : 35 ;bred bv S. M. Ball. Mascot, Sydney ; s. Louis Direct (imp.), 652. d. Marie Dillon, 963M. Colours : Purple, green sash and eap.

2. EATON. A. C. Robert Hawk, b. g., aged;s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Hawk’s Quest, 1461M. Colours : Purple, gold band, purple eap.

3. FARRINGTON, F. Leeds, b. g., 1940 ; bred byC. B. R. Lawler. Newtown, Sydney ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Machine Derby, 1349M. Colours : Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

4. JOHN, W. Country Talk, b. in., 1942 ; bred byW . Farlow, Freeman’s Reach, N.S.W. ; s. Roliert Derby. 704, d. Olga Brook. Colours : Blue and white stripes, blue sleeves, red cap.

5. K E LL Y , T. J. Supreme Derby, ch. g., 1943;s. Victor Derby, d. Bronze Glolie. Colours : Black, m l sash and cap.

6. M cKEW , W. J. Some Swank, br. g., aged;s. Roliert Derby, 704, d. Tingle, 928M. Colours : Black, tartan sash, black cap.

7 .(fM ALO N EY, H. J. First Act, b. g „ 1942; s. Quite Sure (imp.), d. Actual. Colours : Blue, black sleeves and cap.

8. 1 M ARTIN, L. S. Air Ace, 777, ch. h „ 13 : 11 : 37 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Walla Walla, 439, <1. Pottapiana (imp. N.Z.), 2267M. Colours: Red and brown, m l sleeves and cap.

9. NORRGARD, V. Lady Lee, b. m., aged ; bred by D. P. Taylor, Griffith, N.S.W. ; s. Jubilee Boy, d. Lady Hiebeck. Colours : Maroon.

10. PHILLIS, A. M. Don’s Duke, b. g „ aged;bred by G. Oldham, Leichhardt, Sydney ; s. Don Nest, 619, <1. Clare B. Colours ; Red and brown halves, blue cap.

Exhibition* (C ontinued).

1 1 .? RITCHIE, H. Emerald Boy, b. h „ aged ;s. Amazing Don, 653. d. Roseneatn. Colours ; Red and white checks, blue sleeves and cap.

12. SMITH. E. H. O. Sir Tingle, Vol. 7, b. h„22 : 11 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Black Dinah. Vol. 7. Colours : Red and blue halves, red cap.

13. THOMPSON, A. Western Wirra, eh. g „ aged ;bred by A. E. Woods, Parkes, N.S.W. ; s. Wirra Walla, 705, <1. Dot Abbey. Colours : White, blue spots and cap.

14. / w A TTS, J. D. Rex Oro, 9K2, b. h „ 1941;bred by I). Mahoney, Kyogle, N.S.W. ; s. Kintf Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882, d. Rex Lass, 23I6M. Colours: Purple and m l halves, m l cap.

15. WEST, P. Walla May, rn. m „ 1942; bred byL. S. Martin. Dalton, N.S.W. ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Royal Cascade. Colours : Yellow, m l diamonds and cap.

CLASS 224 THE RHEEM PTY., LTD.” UN­HOPPLED HANDICAP IN HARNESS about four laps). |2.29 Class. |

iSpecial Prizesi £55, presented by Rheem Australia Pty., Limited, Manufacturers of Rheem Storage Water-heater, Steel Drums and Underground Storage Tanks, Powell-st., Waterloo, Sydney. First prize, £25 : second prize, £15; third prize, £1 0 ; fourth prize, £5. Horses will be assessed to trot or pace 2.29 to the mile.

1. A LE XA N D ER, D., J i n k . Miss Roberta, b. in.,ageii ; bred by G H. Warland, Panama, Sydney ; s. Robert's Image, 754, d. by Adonis (imp. N'.Z.), 466. Colours : White, green hoops, yellow cap.

2. CLEARY. R. Montrose, b. g.. 1939; bred byE. W. I.ehinann. Junee, N.S.W. ; s. Mont Walla, 925, d. Rose Royal. Colours : Black, green sleeves, hlack cap.

3. CRANNEY, E. M. Dot's Derby, b. in.. 1945;bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Avian Lass.

4. CRANNEY, E. M. Joy’s Lawn, hr. in.. 1945;bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Miss Wyangla.

5. CRANNEY, E. M. My Lawn, hr. in., 1943;bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Luna Dawn.

6. C l'SICK , A. T. Embassy, bl' h., 1944 : «.Lawn Derby, 722, d. by Mac.line Bri< k. 563. Colours : Black, gold squares, black cap.

7. DUFFY. P. R. Lord Daley, b. g.. aged ; bredby J. Andrews, Penrith, N.S.W. ; s. Lord Minton, 764, d. Butcher's Queen. Colours : Red, green band, yellow sleeves, red cap.

8. D l'N K L E Y , A. Louis Desire, blk. g., 7 :1 0 : 35 ;bred by S. M. Ball, Mascot, Sydney ; s. Louis Direct (imp.), 652, d. Marie Dillon, 963M. Colours : Purple, green sash and cap.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — Claims paid by the Company exceed£56,000,000. Insurances effected on Live Stock up to any sum.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibition* (Continued).

9. DUNN, W. A. Dunn Derby, b. h., : 10 : 44 ; bred by C. Collins, Leeton, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Playaway, 2257M. Colours : Pink, gold Maltese cross and cap.

10. EATON, A. C. Robert Bawk, b. g., aged ;s. Roliert Derby, 704, d. Hawk's Quest, 1461M. Colours: Purple, gold band, purple eap.

11.\ EVANS, T. Meg’s Last, b. in., 1941 ; bredby exhibitor ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Silver Meg. Colours : Pink, royal blue sleeves and eap.

12. FARRINGTON, E. Leeds, b. g „ 1940; bredby C. B. R. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Machine Derby, I349M. Colours: Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

13. HOUGHTON, M C. Altolong, b. g „ 1942;bred by C. B. R. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; k. Wailagalong, 699, d. Alto-Ette, 1I88M. Colours : Blue, m l and white armbands, m l eap.

14 .3 JOHN, W. Country Talk, b. in., 1942 ; bred by ^ W. Farlow, Freeman’s Reach, N.S.W. ; s.

Robert Derby, 704, d. Olga Brook. Colours : Blue and white Htripes, blue sleeves, m l cap.

15. K ELLY, T. J. Supreme Derby, ch. g„ 1943 ;s. Victor Derby, d. Bronze Globe. Colours : Black, m l sash anil cap.

16. LOONEY, A. C. Ulawarra Lad, b. g., aged;bred by E. Ball, Bulli, N.S.W. ; s. W alla Walla. 439, d. Florence Wilkes. Colours : Royal biue, white sash, blue cap.

17. MALONEY, H. J. First Act, b. g „ 1942;s. Quite Sure (imp.), d. Actual. Colours : Blue, black sleeves and cap.

18. MARTIN, L. S. Air Dean, blk. g „ 1943; bredby exhibitor ; s. Air Ace. 777, d. Rene Dean, 2309M. Colours : Red and brown, led sleeves and cap.

19. PHILLIS, A. M. Don’s Duke, b. g „ aged;bred by G. Oldham, Leichhardt, Sydney ; s. Don Nest, 619, d. Clare B. Colours : Red anil brown halves, blue cap.

20. RITCHIE, H. Don Pat, b. g., s. AmazingDon, 653. d. Roseneath. Colouis : Red and white checks, blue sleeves and cap.

21. RITCH IE, H. Emerald Boy, b. h „ aged;s. Amazing Don, 653, d. Roseneath. Colours : Red and white checks, blue sleeves and ca|f.

22. SMITH, E. G. Wilva Rock, b. g. ; bred byE. A. Birch, Neutral Bay. Sydney ; s. Wilverley, d. Rot k's Image. Colours : Green, orange sleeves, green cap.

23. SMITH, E. H. O. Sir Tingle, Vol. 7, b. h.,22 : 11 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Bob Tingle, 794. d. Black Dinah, Vol. 7. Colours : Red anil blue halves, red cap.

24. THOMPSON, A. Western Wirra, ch. g.. aged;bred by A. E. Woods, Parkes, N.S.W. ; s. Wirra Walla. 705. d. Dot Abbey. Colours : White, blue spots, and cap.

25. WATTS. .1. I). Rex Oro, 982, b. h „ 1941 ;bred by D. Mahoney, Kyogle, N.S.W. ;S. King Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882, d. Rex Lass, 2316M. Colours ; Purple and red halves, red cap.

26. WEST, P. Walla May, rn. in., 1942 ; bred by1.. S. Martin, Dalton. N.S.W. ; s. Walla \\ alia, 439, d. Royal Cascade. Colours : Yellow, red diamonds and cap.

CLASS 22 5 THE TARZAN’S GRIP ” TROTTERS’ HANDICAP IN HARNESS (about four laps*.12.26 Class. |

(Special Prizes) £60, presented by Tarzan’s Grip Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 449-453 Willoughby- rd„ Willoughby, Sydney. First prize, £30; second prize, £15; third prize, £1 0 ; fourth prize, £5. Horses will be assessed to trot2.26 or better to the mile.

1. ANNABEL, A. J. Peter Harvey, b. g.. ag ed ;bred by exhibitor; s. Peterwah (imp.), 728, d Harvey Lass. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

2. ANNABEL, A. ,J. Peter’s Frisk, b. in., aged;bred by exhibitor ; s. Peterwah (imp.), 728, d. Bonnie Frisk. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

3. ANNABEL, A. J. Phoenix Again,, br. h.,1942; bred by exhibitor; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Gladys Lou. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

4. ANNABEL, A. .1. Phoenix Risk, b. g., aged ;bred by exhibitor; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702. Colours: Orange, red sash and cap.

5. BALL, S. M. Blue Orchid, 1601M, b. m.,18 : 9 : 40 ; bred by R. C. Simpson, Armidale, N.S.W. ; s. Admiral Harwood, 773, d. Joan Spear (imp. N.Z.), 1228M. Colours: Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

6.■>DU FFY, P. R. Lord, Daley, b. g.. aged; bred by •]. Andrews, Penrith, N.S.W. ; s. Lord Minton, 764, d. Butcher’s Queen. Colours : Red, green band, yellow sleeves, red cap.

7. EVANS, G. L. Belgrave, 789, br. h., 18 : 9 : 43 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Royal Linda. Colours ; Black, gold squares, black eap.

I. HALL, P. J. Miss Wallace, br. m „ 1941 ;bred by B. Moore, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. Roy Redmond (imp.), 731, d. Royal Lass. Colours : Red, purple sleeves, red cap.

9. HOUGHTON, M. C. Altolong, b. g . 1942; bred by C. B. R. Lawler, Newtown. Sydney ; s. Wailagalong. 699, d. Alto-Ette, 1188M. Colours : Blue, red anil white armbands, m i cap.

10. JOHN, W. Cuban Boy, b. h „ 1943; bred byC. Keen, Riverstone, N.S.W. ; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Kitty Cuba. Colours : Blue and white stripes, blue sleeves, red cap.

11. JOSH I’ A, S. Reen March, 2308M, b. m.,11 : 11 : 40 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Quick March, 968, d. Renstan, 23I0M. Colours: Red and gold halves, gold sleeves, red cap.

12. MALONEY, H. J. First Act, b. g „ 1942:J s. Quite Sure (imp.), <1. Actual. Colours :

Blue, black sleeves and cap.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — For every Class of Insurance. Specialistsin Live Stock Insurance. Yorkshire He ise, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibition! (C ontinued).


The Rush Light was one of the earliest forms of illumination used by man. In candle form or as wicks for crude "slush" lamps this primitive method of lighting lasted for many generations.To-day we flood our .dwellings with clear, cheerful electric light. The quality of the light depends, of course, on that of the lamps we use.That is why everyone says . . . .

o fo r an

THEOsram lamps are made in Australia for The General Electric Co. Ltd. of England. Marketed by their sole Australian Represen­tatives British General Electric Co. Pty. Ltd.

13. MULQI KENY, M. Joe Walla, br. h.. 11*42;bred hy W. Watson. Camden, N.S.W. ; s. Camden Walla. HOT, <1. Ruth. Colours: Green, gold braees, green cap.

14. MYLES, J. Admiral Sorrento, br. g., aged ;bred by R. ('. Simpson. Arrnidale, N.S.W. ; s. Admiral Harwood, 773, d. Lou Sorrento. Colours : Brown, pink sleeves, sash, and eap.

15. PICKEN, W. War Danger, b. h., aged ; hu dby J. Ryan, Yeoval, N.S.W'. ; s. Peterwah (imp.), 732. d. Bals'tte. Colours: ( 'e r r ­and gold stripes, gold sleeves and eap.

16. ROBERTSON, A. Red Bank, b. g „ 22 : 12 : 3 3 ;bred by J. Munro, Yeoval, N.S.W. ; s. Roy Redmond (imp.), 731, d. I’alin Seed, 595M.

17. SMITH, S. Winston Walla, b. g.. agtd : bred j j , by I). Clarke. Ardletban, N .S .W .; s. Walla

Walla. 439, d. Sister Maze. Colours : Cerise, green band, yellow sleeves, red cap.

18. TOMPSON, C. Jovial Joy, br. in., aged ; bredby <!. Ireland, Goulbum, N.S.W. ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Joy Bingen. Colours: Red and geld stars, red cap.

19. TROTMAN, S. Gay Peak, Vol. 7, b. in.. 1944 ;bred by W. Hando, I’eak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Peak Hill, 949, d. Vain Redmond, 24U3M. Colours : It lack and gold, gold cap.

20. \\ II,SON. T. V. Tim othy Direct, eh. g.. aged ;s. Tennessee Direct (imp.), 55ti, d. Pirate I.ass, 723M. Colours : Blue, white braces, black cap.


(Special Prizes i £60, presented by The Manufacturers' Mutual Insurance, Ltd., 14 O'Connell-st., Sydney. First prize, £30 : second prize, £15 : third prize, £10; tourth prize, £5. Horses will be assessed to trot 2.29 or better to the mile.






ANDREWS, H. .1. Bruce War, b. g., bred by Bruce, Orange. N.S.W. ; s. Peterwah

(imp.), 732, d. by Don Pronto (imp.), 34K. Colours : Red, black stars, red cap.

ANDREWS, H. J. Red Peter, b. g., s. Petrograd (imp. N.Z.), 325. <1. Fredriua, 776M. Colours : Red, black stars, red cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Peter Harvey, b. g., aged : bred by exhibitor ; s. Peterwah (imp.), 728, d. Harvey Lass. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Peter’s Frisk, b. in., aged ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Peterwah (imp,), 728, d. Bonnie Frisk. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

ANNABEL, A. J. Phoenix Again, br. h „ 1042 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Gladys Lou. Colours: Orange, red sash and cap.

ANNABEL, A. .1. Phoenix Risk, b. g.. aged ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

AH the Beat Animals are Insured with the YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Office on the Ground. Claims paid by the Company exceed £56,000,000.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e

1 2 1

Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibitions (C ontinued).

7 .^ B A L L , S. M. Blue Orchid, 1601M, b.v 1 8 :9 : 40 ; bred bv R. C. Simpson, Arm

m.,. ... , ____ .... . . . __Simpson, Arrnidale,

N.S.W. ; s. Admiral Harwood, 773, d. Joan Spear (imp. N.Z.), 1228M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

8. B Y R N E , J. Third Cross, b. h., aged : s. DoubleCross (imp. N.Z.), 84H, d. First Cross. Colours : Henna, brown diamonds, and cap.

9. CHADWICK. A. Jack Jingle, b. g.. aged;r. Bob Tingle, 794, d. by Pay Globe. Colours Purple, gold band, purple cap.

10. CUSICK, A. T. Embassy, blk. h „ 1944; s.Lawn Derby, 722. d. by Machine Brick, 5*53. Colours : Black, gold squares, hlack

n " “ ' ,-11.JqD U FFY , P. R. Lord Daley, b. g., aged ; bred by J. Andrews, Penrith, N.S.W. ; s. Lord Minton, 704, d. Butcher’s Queen. Colours : Red, green band, yellow sleeves, red cap.

12. DUNN, W. A. Dunn Derby, b. h., — : 1 0 :4 4 ;bred by C. Collins, Leeton, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Playaway, 2257M. Colours : Pink, gold Maltose cross and cap.

13. DUNN, W. A. Walla Joy, b. in., — : 9 : 41 ;bred by L. S. Martin, Dalton, N.S.W. ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Daughter. Colours : Pink, gold Maltese cross and cap.

14. EVANS, T. Phoenix Lad, b. g „ 1943 ; bred byexhibitor ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Lady Greta. Colours : Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

15. HALL, P. J. Miss Wallace, br. in., 1941;bred by B. Moore, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. Roy Redmond (imp.), 731, d. Royal Lass. Colours : Red, purple sleeves, red cap.

16. HOUGHTON, M. C. Altolong, b. g „ 1942;bred by C. B. R. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; s. Wallagalong, (199, d. Alto-Ette, 1188M. Colours: Blue, red and white armbands, rod cap.

17. JOHN W. Cuban Boy, b. h., 1943: bred byC. Keen, Riverstone, N.S.W. ; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Kitty Cuba. Colours : Blue and white stripes, blue sleeves, red cap.

18.J JOSHUA, S. Reen March, 2308M, b. in.,1 1 :1 1 : 40 ; bred by exhibitors ; s. Quick March, 968, d. Renstan, 2310M. Colours: Red and gold halves, gold sleeves, red cap.

18. M ALONEY, H. J. First Act, b. g., 1942; s.Quite Sure (imp.), d. Actual. Colours : Blue, black sleeves and cap.

20. M ULQUEENY, M. Joe Walla, br. h „ 1942 ;bred hy W. Watson, Camden, N.S.W. ; s. Camden W’alla, 807, d. Ruth. Colours : Green, gold braces, green cap.

21. MYLES, J. Admiral Sorrento, br. g „ aged;bred by R. C. Simpson, Arrnidale, N.S.W. ; s. Admiral Harwood, 773, d. Lou Sorrento. Colours : Brown, pink sleeves, sash and cap.

22. P E R R Y , C. H. Allas Boy, br. g „ 1939 ; s. SteelGlobe, 1029, d. Trixie, Colours : Red, black and white sleeves, red cap.

23. PICKEN, W. War Danger, b. h., aged ; bred byJ. Ryan, Yeoval, N.S.W. ; s. Peterwah (imp.), 732, d. Bahette. Colours : Cerise and gold stripes, gold sleeves aud cap.

24. RITCH IE, H. Astrim, b. h „ 1941; bred byA. C. Eaton, Parramatta, N.S.W. : s. Quick March, 908, d. Trangie Star. Colours : Red and white chocks, blue sleeves and cap.

25. ROBERTSON, A. Red Bank, b. g , 22 : 12 : 33 ;bred by J. Munro, Yeoval, N.S.W. ; s. Roy Redmond (imp.), 731, d. Palm Seed, 595M.

26. SMITH, S. Winston Walla, li. g . aged ; bred byI). Clarke, Axdlethan, N .S .W .; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Sister Maze. Colours : Cerise, green band, yellow sleeves, rod cap.

27. TAYLO R, D. II. Wallaringa, b. g., aged ; bredby L. S. Martin, Dalton, N.S.W. ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Sweet Machine. Colours : Maroon.

28. TOMPSON, C. Jovial Joy, br. in., aged : bredby G. Ireland, Goulbum, N.S.W. ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, <1. Joy Bingen. Colours : Red and gold stars, reid cap.

29. TOOVEY, W. A. Burglar, ch. g., aged : s. Fair-field, 3041, d. by Ol ibe Derby, 285. Colours : Buttercup, pink cap.

30. TROTMAN, S. Gay Peak, Vol. 7, b. in., 1944 ;bred by W. Hando, Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Peak Hill, 949, <1. Vain Redmond, 2403.M. Colours : Black and gold, L !d cap.

31. W ATERHOUSE, G. W. Charming Winn, b. g.,aged : s. Charming Peter. 814, d. Daisy Winn, 1467M. Colours: Black, rod sash and cap.

32. WILSON, T. V. Mark Minton, b. h „ 1944 ; s.Mark Robert, 9 14, d. Peggy Minton. Colours : Blue, white braces, black cap.


(Special Prizes) £55, presented by Warburton Frank!, Ltd., Electrical Engineers and Merchants, 307-17 Kent-st., Sydney. First prize, £26; second prize, £15; third prize, £10 : fourth prize, £5. Horses will be assessed to trot 2.32 or better to the mile.

1. ANDREW S, H. J. Bruce War, b. g., bred by— . Bruce, Orange, N.S.W. ; s. Peterwah (imp.), 732, d. by Don Pronto (imp.), 348. Colours : Red, black stars, red cap.

2. ANDREW S, H .J . Red Peter, b. g. : g. Petrograd(imp. N.Z.), 325, d. Fredriea, 770M. Colours : Red, black stars, red cap.

3. ANNABEL, A. J. Peter Harvey, b. g., aged ;bred hy exhibitor ; s. Peterwah (imp.), 728, d. Harvey Lass. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

4. ANNABEL, A. J. Peter’s Frisk, b. m., aged ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Peterwah (imp.), 728, d. Bonnie Frisk. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

5. ANNABEL, A. J. Phoenix Again, hr. h „ 1942 ;bred by exhibitor; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Gladys Lou. Colours : Orange, red sash and cap.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD.— All Classes of Insurance Effected. Fire,Workers’ Compensation, Crops, Fencing, etc. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.


TX H E B r it ish L a b o u r M in is te r in in tr o d u c in g th e “ 1946 A s s u r a n c e C om p a n ies A c t , ” s ta te d th a t “ T h e 1946 A c t ” :—

“ A ck n o w le d R e s th e in h e r e n t ly in te rn a tio n a l an d c o m ­p re h e n s iv e c h a ra c te r o f In s u ra n c e .”

T h e L a b o u r P re s id e n t o f th e B o a rd o f T ra d e in the H o u se o f C o m m o n s a lso s ta ted th at it w o u ld be p ro p e r in th is c o n n e c ­tion to in fo rm th e H ou se o f th e a t t itu d e o f the L a b o u r G o v e r n ­m en t to w a r d th e fu tu re o f B r it ish In su ra n ce b u s in ess . T h e G o v e rn m e n t , he s ta ted , had n o in te n tio n o f in te r fe r in g w ith th e tr a n s a c t io n o f In su ra n ce b u s in e s s by p r iv a te e n te r p r ise . It is , he s ta te d , th e d e s ire o f th e G ov e rn m e n t th a t In s u ra n c e sh o u ld be, in the fu tu re , as in th e p a st, d ea lt w ith on an in te r ­n a tio n a l b a s is and as b u s in e s s o f an in te rn a tio n a l c h a r a c te r .

U n d e r th e p ro te c t io n o f In s u ra n c e P o lic ie s sh ip s sa il the o ce a n s , la n d an d a ir tra n sp o rt m o v e s , m en w o rk , and h om es and fa c t o r ie s a re b u ilt an d sa fe g u a r d e d . In ju r ie s are c o m p e n ­sa ted an d d is tre ss r e lie v e d .

Insurance is a contract of good faith

F O R 69 Y E A R S


A N A U S T R A L IA N IN S T IT U T IO Nh as been p r o v id in g s e c u r ity f o r th e h om es o f the p e o p le ,

its m o tto b e in g

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Fire, Marine, Accident, M otor Car and Householders’, House-Owners (C om bined) Insurance

Crops, Stacks, Fencing, Pluvius A ll Classes o f A gricu ltural Insurance.

Head Office : 117 PITT STREET, SYDNEYS E L W Y N KIN O, Managing D irector .

Branches in all States and A gencies in all Suburban and Country C entres throughout the Comm onwealth where all classes o f Insurance can be arranged

by any o f the C om pany’ s 4 ,000 A gents trained to give

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T h e in te re s ts o f th e p e o p le o f A u s tra lia w o u ld b e b e s t se rv e d b y its G ov e rn m e n t fo l lo w in g the sou n d p r in c ip le s so c le a r ly e n u n c ia te d b y th e L a b o u r G o v e rn m e n t o f G re a t B r ita in .


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibition* (C ontinued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

6. ANNABEL, A. J. Phoenix Risk, b. g.. aired ;bred by exhibitor; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702. Colours: Orange, red sash and eap.

7. •) BALL, 8. M. Blue Orchid, 1601M, b. m.,18 : 9 : 40 ; bred by R. C. Simpson, Annidale N .S .W .; s. Admiral Harwood. 773, d. .1 oa, Sjiear (imp. N.Z.), 1228M. Colours : Gold purple sleeves and cap.

8. BYRN E, J. Third Cross, b. h., aged ; s. DoubleCross (imp. N.Z.), 846, d. First Cross Colours : Henna, brown diamonds and cap.

9. CHADW ICK, A. Jack Jingle, b. g., ag ed ;s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. by Pay Globe. Colours : Purple, gold band, purple eap.

10. CUSICK, A. T. Embassy, blk. h., 1944 ; s.Lawn Derby, 722, d. by Machine Brick, 563. Colours : Black, gold squares, black cap.

11. DUNN, W. A. Dunn Derby, b. h„ — : 10 : 44 ;bred by C. Collins, Leelon, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Playaway, 2257M. Colours : Pink, gold Maltese cross anil eap.

12. DUNN, W. A. Texas Rose, br. in., — : 9 : 44 ;bred by V. Coonchinson ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Egyptian Sadie. Colours ; Pink, gold Maltese cross and cap.

13. DUNN, W. A. Walla Joy, b. m., — : 9 : 41 ;bred by L. S. Martin, Dalton, N.S.W. ; s. Walla Walla, 439, <1. Daughter. Colours : Pink, goltl Maltese cross and cap.

14. EVANS, T. Phoenix Lad, b. g., 1943 ; bred byexhibitor ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Lady Greta. Colours: Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

15. HALL, P. J. Miss Wallace, hr. in., 1941;bred by B. Moore, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. Roy Redmond (imp.), 731, d. Royal Lass. Colours: Red, purple sleeves, red cap.

16. HOUGHTON, M C. Altolong, b. g., 1942;brew! by C. B. K. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; s. Wailagalong, 699, d. Alto-Ette, 1188M. Colours : Blue, red and white armbands, red cap.

17. IVERY, K. Dusty Robert, b „ 1944 ; bred byA. E. Ivery, Penrith, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Dora l^nora. Colours : Blue, green crosses, blue cap.

It. JOHN, W. Cuban Boy, b. h., 1943; bred byC. Keen, Riverstone, N.S.W’ . ; s. Bob Tingle, 794, d. Kitty Cuba. Colours : Blue and white stripes, blue sleeves, red cap.

II. JOSHUA, S. Reen March, 230HM, b. m.,11 : 11 : 40 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Quick M »rch, 968, d. Renstan, 2310M. Colours : Ri,d and gold halves, gold sleeves, red cap.

20. McFALDEN, H. Black Numba, blk. g „- ■ 9 : 42 ; bred by H. Smith, Berry, N.S W. ; s. Walla Boy, d. Playaway, 2257M. Colours : White, blue diamonds and cap.

21. MALONEY, H. J. First Act, h. g „ 1942;s. Quite Sure (imp.), d. Actual. Colours : Blue, black sleeves and cap.

22. MORGAN, T. Canterbury Boy, b. h „ 1944;bre 1 by exhibitor; s. Robert Derby, 704. d. Koala. Colours : Blue and white, red cap

23. MULQUEENY, M. Joe Walla, br. h„ 1942;bred by W. Watson. Camden, N.S.W. ; s. Camden Walla, 807, d. Ruth. Colours ; Green, gold braces, green cap.

24. MYLES, J. Admiral Sorrento, br. -g . ag ed ;bred by R . C. Simpson, Armidale, N.S.W. ; s. Admiral Harwood, 773, d. Lou Sorrento. Colours : Brown, pink sleeves, sash and cap.

25. O ’BRIEN, C. Lady Winifred, hr. m., a g ed ;bred by Mrs. Bell, Guyra, N.S.W . ; s. Silky Star, d. Winifred Pronto, 1449M. Colours : Green, white sleeves and braces, yellow cap.

26. PAYNE, A. L. Gay Lover, hr., aged; s. Mar-mion, 766, d. by Charming Bells, 29. Colours : Blue and gold.

27. PHIPPS, J. H. Winona Derby, b. in., bredby exhibitor; s. Robert Derby, 704. d. Winona Bell, 2506M. Colours : Blue, red and white armbands, red cap.

28. RITCHIE, H. Astrim, b. h„ 1941 ; bred byA. C. Eaton, Parramatta, N.S.W. ; s. Quick March, 968, d. Trangie Star. Colours : Red and white checks, blue sleeves and cap.

29. RITCHIE, H., a n d E. CALLABY. SilverRoyal, gr. g., s. Royal Again, 1003, d. Polly Speck. Colours : Red and white checks, blue sleeves and cap.

30. ROBERTSON, A. Red Bank, b. g., 22 : 12 : 33 ;bred by J. Munro, Yeoval, N.S.W. ; s. Rov Redmond (imp.), 731, d. Palm Seed, 595 M.

31. RU TTER, A. J. Satin Don, blk. g . ag ed ;bred by R. Ridge, Freeman's Reach, N’ .S.W. ; s. Satin Bird, d. Rosearia. Colours : Blue, red sash, blue cap.

32. SAM WAYS, A. ---------- b. h., 1944 bredby J. F. Mackenney, Cowra, N’ .S.W ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Lavinia Derby. Colours : Green, rose sleeves, green cap.

33. SMITH, E. G. Wllva Rock, b. g. ; bred by E. A.Birch, Neutral Bay, Sydney; s. Wilverley, d. Rock's Image. Colours : Green, orange sleeves, green cap.

34. SMITH, P. Captain Blake, b. g., 1939; s.Wrack (imp.), 1076, d. Wattle Huon. Colours : Black, royal blue braces and sleeves, black cap.

35. SMITH, S. Winston Walla, b. g „ aged; bredby D. Clarke, Ardlethan, N.S.W. ; s. W’alla Walla, 439, d. Sister Maze. Colours : Cerise, green band, yellow sleeves, red cap.

3*. TAYLOR, 1). H. Wallarlnga, b. g., aged;bred by L. S. Martin, Dalton, N.S.W. ; s. Wrall'a W’alla, 439, d. Sweet Machine. Colours : Maroon.

37. TOMPSON, C. Jovial Joy, br. m., aged ; bredby G. Ireland, Goulbum, N'.S.W. ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Joy Bingen. Colours : Red and gold stars, red cap.

38. TOOVEY, W. A. Burglar, ch. g „ aged ; s.Fairfield, 306, d. by Globe Derby, 265. Colours : Buttercup, pink cap.

38. TROTMAN, S. Cay Peak, Vol. 7, b. m., 1944 ;bred by W. Hando, Peak Hill, N.S.W. ; s. Peak Hill, 949, d. Vain Redmond, 2463M. Colours : Black and gold, gold cap.

LIVESTOCK INSURANCE — Claim, paid promptly on Proof of Death.— YORKSHIREINSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmer*’ Company.


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibition* (C ontinued).

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

38 Years Repatationis behind every garment produced by V E H E Y S.


They're TAILORED correctlyCALL AND BE MEASURED.Send for patterns later on.

Phones: BW5123. B 5123.



(Special Prizes) £60. presented by H. Jones and Co.(Sydney), Pty., Ltd., Darlington, Sydney, Manufacturers of the famous I.X.L." Jams, Canned Fruits, Tomato Juice, etc. First prize, £30; second prize, £20: third prize, £7 ; fourth prize, £3. For country horses, owned and trained outside a radius of 30 miles by rail or road from Sydney. Horses must not be in Sydney for a period longer than14 days prior to the 20th March, 1948. Horses will be assessed to trot 2.35 or better to the mile.

1. \NDREWS, H. J. Bruce War, b. g „ bred byBruce, Orange, N.S.W. ; r. Peterwah

(imp.), 732. d. by Don Pronto (imp.), 348. Colours : Red, black stars, red cap.

2. ANDREW S, H. J. Red Peter, b. g.. r . Petrograd(imp. N.Z.), 325, d. Kredrica, 776.M. Colours : Red, black stars, red cap.

3. EVANS, T. Phoenix Lad, b. g „ 11143 ; bred byexhib itor; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Lady Greta Colours : Pink, royal blue sleeves and cap.

4. 1 H ALL. P. J. Miss Wallace, br. m „ 1941 ; bredby H. Moore, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. Koy Kedmond (imp.), d. Royal Lass. Colours: Red, purple sleeves, red cap.

5 .vH O U G H TO N , M. C. Altolong, b. g „ 1942 ; bred by C. B. R. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; s. Wailagalong. 699, d. Alto-Ktte, I188M. Colours : Blue, red and white armbands, red cap.

6. PAYN E, A. L. Gay Lover, br , aged ; s.Marmion, 766. d. by Charming Bells, 29. Colours : Blue and gold.

7. PHIPPS. H. Winona Derby, b. m., bred byexhibitor ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Winona Bell, 25(H)\f. Colours : Blue, red and white armbands, red cap.

8. R U T T E R , A. J. Satin Don, blk. g., aged ; bredby R. Ridge, Freeman’s Reach, N S.W. ; s. Satin Bird, d. Rosearia. Colours : Blue, red sash, blue cap.

8. THOMPSON, A. Albert John, ch. g. ; bred by W. Jukes ; r. Master Lawn, d. by Machine Brick, 563. Colours : White, blue spots and cap. •

10. W ATERH OUSE. G. W. Charming Winn, b. g., aged ; s. Charming Peter, 814, d. Daisy Winn. 1467M. Colours : Black, red sash and cap.

Show Animals covered for 14 days, including Transit to and from Farm. YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Office on Ground. Essentially the Farmers' Office.

40. W ATERHOUSE, G. W. Charming Winn, b. g..aged ; s. Charming Peter, 814, d. Daisy Winn, 1467M. Colours; Black, red sash and cap.

41. W ATKIN S, G. Pay Glide, br. m „ aged , bre.1by exhibitor; s. Pay Globe, d. Mona Glide, 974M.



V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting


(Special Prizes) £35, presented by Lustre Hosiery Ltd., Boundary-st., Sydney. First prize, £15 ; second prize, £7 ; third prize, £3. For horses to be ridden by ladies. For horses to be assessed to trot or pace 2.26 or better to the mile. £7 will be paid to the rider of the winning horse and £3 to the rider of the second horse.

1. ALEXANDER. 1)., J i nk . Miss Roberta, b. in.,aged ; bred by G. H. Warland, Panania, Sydney ; s. Robert’s Image, 754, d. by Adonis (imp. X .Z.), 466. Colours : White, green hoops, yellow cap.

2. JD U N K L E Y , A. Louis Desire, blk. g.. 7 : 10 : 35 ;bred by S. M. Ball, Mascot, Sydney ; s. Louis Direct (imp.), 652, d. Marie Dillon, 963M. Colours: Purple, green sash, and cap.

3/ JOHN, W. Country Talk, b. in., 1942; bred bv W. Farlow, Freeman’s Reach, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Olifa Brook. Colours: Mine and white stripes, blue sleeves, red cap.

4. PHIPPS, J. H. Winona Derby, b. m.. bred byexhibitor ; s. Roliert Derby, 704. d. Winona Bell, 2506M. Colours : Blue, red and white armbands, red cap.

5. RITCHIE, H. Emerald Boy, h. h „ aged ; s.Amazing Don, 653, d. Rosencath. Colours :Red and white checks, blue RleeveR and cap.

6. RITCHIE, H.. and F. CALLABY. SilverRoyal, gr. g. ; s. Royal Again, 1003, d Polly Speck. CoIotirR : Red and white checks, blue sloeves and cap.

7. SMITH, S. Winston Walla, b. g.. aged ; bredby D. Clarke, Ardlethan, N.S.W. ; s. Walla Walla, 439, d. Sister Maze. Colours : Cerise, green band, yellow sleeves, red cap.

8. THOMPSON, A. Western Wirra, ch. g.. aged;bred by A. E. Woods, Parkes, N.S.W. ; s. Wirra Walla, 705. d. Dot Abbey. Colours : White, blue spots and cap.

9. TOOVEY, W. A. Burglar, ch. g., aged : s*Fairfield, 306, d. by Globe Derby, 265- Colours : Buttercup, pink cap.

10. WALES, V. Amazing Bob, b. g., aged ; bred byJ. Oxenbridge, Reidtown, N.8.W. ; a. A mu zing Don, 653. Colours : Royal blue, yellow Maltese cross, yellow cap.

11. W ALKER, Mbs. H. Recompense, b. g.. aged;s. Robert Derby, 704, d. Shirley (imp. N.Z.), 2374M.

12. W ALKER, M b s . H. Togo's Pride, 2448M,blk. m., aged ; bred by C. C. Gibbs, Riverstone, N.S.W. ; s. Don Togo, 641, d. by Woodstock,299. Colours : White, green cap.

13. W ILKINS, O. Lady Charm, 1935M, ch. in.,5 : 11 : 40 ; bred by A. E. Jones, Armatree, N.S.W. ; s. Charming Peter, 814, d. Ribbon Pearl, App. 4A, Vol. 5. Colours: Cerise, gold band, black cap.

Exhibitions (C ontinued).

CLASS 2 3 0 THE SW AN 'S. LTD. ’ LADIES UNHOPPLED HANDICAP IN SADDLE(about 1 mile). [2.24 Class.!

(Special Prizes 1 £35, presented by Sw an's, Ltd., Distributors of Builders’ Hardware, Plumbing, and Heating Goods, Painters' Requisites, Electrical Accessories, 406-412 Ellzabeth-st., Sydney. First prize, £15 ; second prize, £7 ; third prize, £3. For horses to be ridden by ladies. Horses will be assessed to trot or pace 2.24 or better to the mile. £7 will be paid to the rider of the winning horse and £3 to the rider of the second horse.

1 . 2 P I NKLEY, A. Louis Desire, blk. g „ 7 : 10 ; 35 ; bred by S. M. Ball, Mascot, Sydney ; s. Louis Direct (imp.), 652, d. Marie Dillon, 963M. Colours : Purple, preen sash and cap.

2. JOHN, W. Country Talk, b. 111.. 1942; bred byW. Farlow, Freeman's Reach, X.S.W . ; s. Roliert Derby, 704, d. Olga Brook, Colours:Hlue and white stripes, blue sleeves, red cap,

3. XOBBS, J. a n d M., a n d J .E . ELLIS. War Step,b. g., 1932 ; r. One Step, 565, d. by Warwick.

4. RITCHIE, H., a n d E. CALLABY. SilverRoyal, gr. g. ; 8. Royal Again, 1003, d. Polly Speck. Colours : Red and white ehecks, blue sleeves and cap.

5. SMITH. S. Winston Walla, b. g., aged ; bred byD. Clarke, Ardlethan, N.S.W. ; r. Walla Walla. 439, d. Sister Maze. Colours : Cerise, g r e e n band, yellow R leeveR , red cap.

6. WALES. V. Amazing Bob, b. g., aged : bredby J. Oxenbridge. Reidtown, N.S.W. ; s. Amazing Don, 653. Colours : Royal blue, yellow Maltese cross, yellow cap.

7. W ALKER. Mks. H. Recompense, b. g., aged ;a. Robert Derby, 704, d. Shirley (imp. N.Z.)>

( Z “t i/'* C & a . * ' ’


(Special Prizes) £25, presented by the New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd., Fire, Marine, and Accident,79 Pltt-st., Sydney. First prize, £15; second prize, £ 7 ; third prize, £3. Ponies will ba assessed to trot or pace 2.32 or better to ths mile.

1. CRAW FORD, P. Robert Ron, blk. h., 1943 ; bred by P. Corby, Penrith, N.S.W. ; s.Bob Tingle, 794, d. Pat’s Pick. Colours t Red, green stripes, red cap.

t . CU RLEY. E. W ilbur's Son, b. g „ aged ; s. Wilverley, d. Wilbur Maid. Colours : Black, green braces, black eap.

3. PHILLIS, A. M. D on’s Duke, b. g.. aged; bred by G. Oldham, Leichhardt, Sydney; s. Don Nest, 619, d. Clare B. Colours : Red and brown halved, blue cap.

LIVE STOCK INSURANCE— Transit Sea or Rail — Any Part of the World — YORK­SHIRE INSURANCE CO.. LTD.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES —Trotting Exhibitions (C ontinued).

Still Serving . . .

. . . in Peace as in War




The first shipment oi Tasmanian Potatoes to Sydney was made 117

year ago.

For the convenience of patron*

HOT CHIPPED POTATOESwill be available from our Pavilions In

DENMAN Road(Opp. Royal Hall of Industries)

and , i

Cnr. Bent and Palace Streets(Facing Martin & Argus Stand)

during the Show.



4. RU TTER, A. J. Gay Wood, hr. rn., 1940; hri>d by C. B. H. Lawler, Newtown, Sydney ; x. Swiftwood, 1035, d. Wilburette, 1185M. Colours : Blue, red sash, blue cap.

5. THOMPSON, A. Albert John, eh. g. ; bred by W. JukeK ; k. Master Lawn, d. by Machine Brick, 563. Colours : White, blue spots and cap.

6. THOMPSON, A. Western Wirra, ch. g „ aged ;bred by A. K. Wood*. Parkes, N.S.W. ; h. Wirra Walla, 705, d. Out Abliey. Colours : White, blue spots and cap.

7. WALKS, V. Amazing Bob, b. g., aged ; bred by J. Oxenbridge, Reidtown, N.S.W. ; s. Amazing Don, 653. Colours : Royal blue, yellow Maltese cross, yellow cap.


(Special Prizes) £25, presented by Tullochs Pty., Ltd., of Rhodes Manufacturers oi Econo Steel Frames for Buildings, “ Phoenix ” Brand Shovels and Spades, and General Engineers. First prize, £15; second prize, £7 : third prize, £3. To be Judged in har­ness Speed, 40 points; conformation, 40 points: style, 20 points. Two seconds for each lap to be conceded to trotters.

All horses competing in this contest must have been granted a Government certificate tin which case an examination for Identification pur­poses will iie made by the Society's veterinary surgeons) or Royal Agricultural Society's Certificate for soundness. The certificate must be presented to the Stewards before competing.

This class will be Judged by the Judge of the stud trotters.

1. BAXTER, G. S. Van Wilver, 1069. blk.,15 : 10 : 35 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Wilverley, d. Q u e e n ie Roy. Colours ; Red and brown halves, blue cap.

2. Q DENGATE, N. Wynstar, 107H, ch., I : 10 :41 ; T; bred by A. H. Hamer, Liverpool, N.S.W. ;

s. Starwyn (imp.), 1028, d. Carella, 1627M. Colours : Purple and black halves, black cap.

3. EVANS, G. L. Belgrave, 789, hr., 1 8 :9 :4 3 ;bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Royal Linda. Colours : Black, gold squares, black eap.

4. MOORE. J. W. Gay Lawn, Vol. 7. b „6 : 10 : 43 ; bred by exhibitor ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, d. Widgee Bells, Vol. 7. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

5. SMITH. G. King Luelus, 881, br., 24 : 10 : 41 ;bred by A. Springett, Bowral, N.S.W. ; s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012, d. Luita. Colours: Royal blue, white armbands, blue cap.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney.— Branches and Agencies throughout the World. Live Stock, Fire, Marine A Accident.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibitions (C ontinued).CLASS 233 THE MASON AND MOAT TROTTING

OR PACING MARE IN HARNESS. (Dis­tance, twice around track).

iSpecial Prizes) £25, presented by Mason and Moat, Carriers, 4 Barker-st., Sydney. First prize, £15 : second prize, £ 7 ; third prize, £3. To be Judged In harness. Spetd, 40 poin ts; conform ation, 40 poin ts ; style, 20 points. Two seconds for each lap to be conceded to trotters.

All mares competing in this contest must have been granted a Government Certificate (In which case an examination for identification pur­poses will be made by the Society's veter­inary surgeons) or Royal Agricultural Society’s certificate for soundness. This certificate must be presented to the Stewards before competing.

This class will be judged by the judge of the stud trotters.

1 / BALL, S. M. Florence Dillon, Vol. 7, blk., 18: 1 0 :4 1 ; bred bv exhibitor; s. Wilver Dillon. 1069, d. Florrie Lucy, 1357M. Colours : Gold, purple sleeves and cap.

2. BIRCH. E. Lawntona, Vol. 7, br., 194.' ;bred by G. ('. Maddrell. Braidwood, N.S.W. ; s. Lawn Derby, 722, <1. Etona, 1780M. Colours : Black anil red halves, black cap.

3. COHEN, Mks. B. M. May Oro, Vol. 7, b „aged ; bred by R. Byrnes, Mascot, Sydney ; s. King Oro (imp. N.Z.), 882, d. May Step. Colours : Black and white diamonds, red cap.

4. CU LBERT. Mhs. Jean Wirra, ch. 1944; bredby A. E. Wood-i; s. Wirra Wa lali, 705, d. Splashaway, 1353M. Colours: Red, black sash, red ''ap.

5. HALL. 1*. J Miss W allace, Vol. 7, br.,1941 ; bred by B. Moore, Wollongong, N.S.W. ; s. Boy Redmond (imp.), d. Royal I^ass. Colours : Red, purple sleeves, red cap.

6. McMILLAN, S. Springfield Girl, Vol. 7. b „aged : bred by C. J. McCarthy, Junee. N.S.W. ; s. Springfield Globe, 1027, <1. Koval Lulu, 525. Colours: Black and cerise halves, blaek cap.

7. ROUSELL, G. H. Miss Carol, Vol. 7, b.,1944; bred by exhibitor; s. Mark Robert, 914, d. El Senorita. Colours : Mauve, brown sleeves and cap.

« . SPRINGETT, A. Blue Lucy, Vol. 7, g t„ 2 4 :1 0 :4 1 ; bred by exhibitor J s. St. Lucia's Last, 1012, d. Blue Dawn, Vol. 7. Colours : Boyal blue, white armbands, blue eap.

t . SUPPLE, G. Josie’s Welcome, 1900M, b.,1943 ; bred by C. E. Gosper, Richmond, N.S.W. ; s. Robert Derby, 704, d. The Welcome, I474M. Colours : Red, white diamond, blue cap.

10. WATTS, J. D. Darthula, Vol. 7, gr., 1940; s.Quite Sure (imp.), d. Ripple Wave. Colours : Purple and red halves, red cap.

11. W ATTS. J. I). Miss Eden, Vol. 7, b.. 1943 ; bred by W . Tierney ; s. Phoenix Dixie, 702, d. Shining Marble. Colours : Purple and red halves, red cap.

CLASS 234 THE JAMES BARNES ’ MILE RECORD (SYDNEY SHOWGROUND). £100 will be paid to the owner of the Trotter or Pacer in Harness establishing the fastest time better than the existing record, 2 min.3 1 /5 secs, (established by Mr. J. F. Mac- kenneys's “ Lawn Derby,” 722, A.S.B.T., at the.Royal Easter Show, 1936), for one mile. Horses to trot or pace on any day or night as directed by the committee. In the event of the then existing record not being broken, £25 will be paid to the owner of the horse making the record nearest to 2 min. 3 1 5 secs., provided that such horse goes within three seconds of existing record. Galloping pace­maker will be allowed, but the pacemaker shall not be attached in any way to the horse, sulky, or driver.Post entries will not be taken for this class. The previous records a r e :1917 R. Murray, Golden Robin, 2.12 1 2 . 1920 P. Paine, Strangeman, 2.12 2 5.1922 W. J. Tomkinson, Globe Derby, 2.9 1/5. 1925 G. W. Griffin, Minton Derby, 2.8 2/5.1931 L. S. Martin, Walla Walla. 2.7.1932 L. S. Martin, Walla Walla, 2.6 4 5.1933 L. S. Martin. Walla Walla, 2.6.1936 J. F. Mackenney, Lawn Derby, 2.3 1,5.

AND PRODUCE CO.LTO.w ill c o n d u c t



Miscellaneous Hcrses .in the Horse Sale King at the

Sydney Showground.Entries fo r sale may be forw arded direct to this office or lodged at the Com pany’s Office adjacent to

the H orse Saje Ring.Head Office: 89 P H ILLIP ST., SY D N E Y .

499-501 Bourke Street, Melbourne.

Live Stock Insured— Lowest Rates— Liberal Conditions. YORKSHIRE INSURANCECO., LTD., 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V t s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

128Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibition* (C ontinued).


A friendly store, specialising in any­thing and everything that goes towards making up the home. Stocks are always carefully chosen on a basis of outstanding quality and value.

CLASS 2 3 5 THE BRITSTAND SYDNEY SHOW- GROUND TROTTERS’ 1} MILE RECORD. £60 will be paid to the owner of the Trotter in Harness establishing the fastest time, better than 3 mlns. 16 2 5 secs, (established by Mr. J. M. Nader’s “ White Globe,” at the Royal Empire Show, 1941), for one and a half-mile. Horses to trot on any day or night as directed by the committee. In the event of no horse trotting 3 min. 16 2 /5 secs, or better, £10 will be paid to the owner of the horse making the record nearest to 3 min. 16 2 5 secs., and £5 to the owner of the horse making the next best record to 3 min. 16 2,5 secs., provided that such horses go within 3 secs, of the above time. In the event of the foregoing conditions not being com­plied with £5 will be paid to the owner of the horse making the best time. Galloping pacemaker will be allowed, but the pacemaker shall not be attached in any way to the horse, sulky, or driver.

Priie money presented by Britstand Distributors, Ltd. i N.S.W. Distributors for British Standard Machinery Co., Ltd., manufacturers of all earth-moving and logging equipment), 56 Gardener's-rd., Mascot, Sydney.Post entries will not be taken for this class. Previous Records :1933 A. H. Shea. Rock ’s Image, 3.28 2 6. 1935 A. Hogan, General Lulu, 3.27 3 5.1937 J. D. Watts, Wallawill, 3.23 4 5.1938 H. J. Maloney, Lord Daley, 3.23 2 5.1939 C. B. R. Lawler, Wailagalong, 3.18 1/5. 1941 P. R. Duffy, Lord Daley, 3.17 1/6.1941—J. M Nader White T.lnh* <><0 2 /5

Marcus Clark’s i at Central Sc

Newcastle. Wollo

Tte -fa tM r HosUrj* Oan®lattan Unhopplad Handicap In (about four laps)* 2 *32

1 , F a r r i n g t o n , 7 - S « M a l n t j r x * , L *5, Marrgard,

4 4® RitcMa , H.0. Thompson, A«1, B all, 3 .M.

Leads.falan.Lady Laa. B E M t a ld B a y . Naatarn Wirra* Ana Orchid*

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


Special Attractions.RODEO AND “ FELTEX” POLO

CONTESTS.S leim rd t :

T. H. Macfarlane D. H. Bobaiiaon W. Gunn

Judijen :Camp Drafting Competition* : B. B. Haydon,


N.S.W.Rodeo Contests :B. B. Hay don,J. K. Mackay,

“ Cangon,"Dungog, N.S.W .

K. F. Munro,“ Weebollabolla,"

Moree, N.S.W.





SPECIAL CONDITIONS.1. Entries dose Saturday, 31st January.2. AH competitors shall be selected by the Horse

Section Committee from the nominations received.3. Entry Fees shall not l>e paid until after each

competitor has been selected, and agrees to be bound by decisions reached by the Horse Section Committee.

4. Hail and/or boat fares, also freight charge* for horses will be each competitor's responsibility.

5. A Competitor shall be restricted to the use o f one horse throughout the eon test. .A horse nominated for the Gentlemen’s Camp Drafting Contest shall not be eligible for the Ladies' Camp Drafting Contest, or vice versa.

6. Conditions o f competition for all events shall be similar to those observed by the N.S.W. Bush­men’s Carnival Association.

DAY MONEY.In adiiition to the prizes for each competition, the

contestants gaining the highest and the second highest number o f points (in the case o f the Australasian Bull-dogging Contest, the fastest and second fastest time), willjbe paid day money. Day money shall be bast*d on the entry fee received for each competition. It shall be divided by the number o f days on which the competitions are conducted, and then distributed in the ratio o f 70 and 30 per cent to the two com ­petitors.


CLASS 241 (Special Prizes) £425 and Cup or Trophy : First, £250, Cup or Trophy, and Society's Special Ribbon ; second, £100 and Society's Ribbon ; third, £50 and Society's Ribbon ; fourth, £25 and Society's Ribbon.

Day Money as set out herein.


3 3 * 5 / %

f x

f * / o f f t .


CLASS 2 4 2 (Special Prices: £160, and Cup or Trophy First, £75, Cup or Trophy, and Society’s Special Ribbon; second, £50 and Society’s Ribbon ; third, £25 and Society’s Ribbon; fourth, £10 and Society's Ribbon.

Day money as set out herein.The contest shail be restricted to 10 com ­petitors who have secured tlie highest number

-of points in Camp Drafting Contests through­out Australia.

Entry Fee Members and Non-Members, each selected contestant, £2.

ABBOTT, Miss M.ANDERSON, Miss P.ANDREWS, Miss G. H. i *BROOK. Mihh G. * * ■FARLEY, M rs. L.KEMP, Miss J.MOWLE. Miss J.NUNN-PATTRICK, M i s s P. , a W IN TER, M r s . G. J r ’WOOD, M is s M. llr * * ‘


LIVESTOCK INSURED on the Ground by the YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD.,at its Office there.

R .A .S .— 5.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

128Sec. 1— HORSES— Trotting Exhibition* (C ontinued).


A friendly store, spec thing and everyth1

towards making ’ Stocks are always on a basis of out and value.

CLASS 235 THE BRITSTAND SYDNEY SHOW- GROUND TROTTERS' MILE RECORD. £60 will be paid to the owner of the Trotter In Harness establishing the f.stest time, better than 3 mins. 16 2 5 secs, (established bv Mr. J. M. Nader's White Globe,” at the Hoyal Empire Show, 1941), for one and a half-mile Horses to trot on any day or night as directed by the committee. In the event of no horse trotting 3 min. 16 2/6 secs. i»r better, £10 will be paid to the owner of the horse making the record nearest to 3min. 16 2 ft ~ ----- * ‘ *e


• • )f■*

* #r1 • le

Marcus Clark's i at Central Sq Uu*«,

Newcastle. Wollongong

Country visitors are advised to write to their nearest Marcus Clark's Branch for a copy of the latest Cata­logue and they’ll find Marcus Clark's Mail Order Service the most efficient in N.S.W. offering values beyond comp Ttrison.

Be certain to visit

M A R C U S C L A R K ’ S P A V I L I O N

at lh« SHOW . . . . Park Road


NESS (about four laps). [2.32 Class ] (Special Prizes) £30, presented by Julius Kayser

(Aust.), Pty., Ltd., manufacturers and dis­tributors of the famous Kayser Hosiery, Gloves, and Lingerie, 117 York-st„ Sydney. First prize, £1S . second prize, £8 ; third prize, £5 : fourth prize, £2. For all horses which have not won a first or second prize in a trotting or pacing event at the Royal Easter Show, 1948 iLadies’ Trots excepted). Horses to be assessed to trot or pace 2.32 or better to the mile.

CLASS 237 THE “ SUTTON " CONSOLATION HAN­DICAP IN HARNESS (about 1 mile). 2.24 Class).

(Special Prizes) £30, presented by Sutton’s Pty., Ltd., “ The Music Shop of Sydney,” 42 York-st., Sydney. First prise, £15; second priie, £8 : third prize, £5 . fourth prise, £2. (Same conditions as lor Class 236.) Hors«« to be assessed to trot or pace 2.24 or better to the mile.

LIVESTOCK INSURANCE— Transit Sea or Rail — Any Part of the World — YORK-SHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. The Farmer** Company.


V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s

Special Attractions.RODEO AND “ FELTEX” POLO

CONTESTS.Steward* :

T. B Macfarlane 1). H. Robertson W. Gunn

Judt<e* :Camp Drifting Competition!* : B. B. Haydon,


N.S.W.Rodeo ( ’on tests :B. B Haydon.J. K. Mackay,

“ Cangon,’Dungog, N.S.W.

B. F. Munro,“ Wee bolla holla,”

M ow , N.S.W.





SPECIAL CONDITIONS.1. Entries clone Saturday, 31st January.2. All competitors shall he selected hy the Horne

Section Committee from the nominations received.3. Kntry Keen shall not lie paid until after each

competitor ha* been selected, and agree* to be bound by decision* reached by the Horae Section Committee.

4. Hail and/or boat fare*, also freight charge* for hone* will be each competitor’* responsibility.

5. A Competitor shall be restricted to the use o f one honte throughout the eon test. .A horse nominated for the Gentlemen's ('amp Drafting Contest shall not be eligible for the Ladle*’ Camp Drafting Content, or vice versa.

6. Condition* o f competition for all event* shall lie similar to those observed by the N.S.W. Bush­men’s Carnival Association. .

DAY MONEY.In addition to the priie* for each competition, the

contestant* gaining the highest and the second highest number o f point* (in the case o f the Auntrala*ian Bull-dogging Contest, the fastest and second fa*test time), will be paid day money. Day money shall be ha*.‘>d on the entry fee received for each competition. It shall be divided by the number of day* on which the competitions are conducted, and then distributed in the ratio o f 70 and 30 per cent to the two com ­petitor*.

3 3 4 $ f t

LIVESTOCK INSURED on the Ground byat its


CLASS 241 (Special Prizes) £425 and Cup or Trophy: First, £250, Cup or Trophy, and Society’s Special Ribbon ; second, £100 and Society’s Ribbon; third, £50 and Society's Ribbon; fourth, £25 and Society's Ribbon.

Day Money as set out herein.



CLASS 24 2 (Special Prizes) £160, and Cup or Trophy First, £75, Cup or Trophy, and Society's Special Ribbon ; second, £50 and Society’s Ribbon; third, £25 and Society's Ribbon, fourth, £10 and Society’s Ribbon.

Day money as set out herein.The contest shall be restricted to 10 com ­petitors who have secured the highest number

-of points in Camp Drafting Contests through­out Australia.

Entry Fee— Member* and Non-Members, each selected contestant, £2. i ,_

ABBOTT, Mihs M. ' ~ * •ANDERSON, Mihs P.ANDREW S, M ins (). H. t . ,f BROOK. M ih s G. \ T> VFAR LEY, Mrs. L.KEMP, M i s s J.MOWLE, Miss J.NUNN-PATTBICK, Miss P. , a W IN TER, Mas. O.W OOD, Mish M. I- - "I .


R.A.S.— 5.

m m ja s *

9 m V a jM r l»A «x | * O w r t it lM ttilM ffU l 1 - t l M j 1m laxaaaa( tW tt faur lays)* *•** Haaa)*

S U Ia n la «U a t I , a* M alxtfza, L«I * l » n p r l |

k 4. B lta k la , 1*.'■» 5* t h i — nt A*' « . B e ll, B.M*

Lafty Lm .i w i l » • j .i M t e n l i m t ' A m Orakll*

■ O T * ”

Tha fn tttB O ou d lttiMla I an — (abaut 1 V ila) (ft. 14 Cl mm ) .

1« lortaa , 0, t« M a X n t/ra , L .3 . K trx fu i, T.4 . 0 » » H « a , 0 .5. filW bla, K, I* V allla , s .r . 7 . Baaall, T. a . Baaall, T.

1 9 . M tfdllaa, 8. IB . MoKlllan, 8. XJU MaXxlana, K, IB* Maara, J.w. IB. B all, SJU

JLa*j H a t, ralaa.Lair Laa. Jakaala lU lW r. Kalla tom . L lttla B alia .

Jaa Blaafc.

Qay Prlaaa. oar L o u Uaftaa BUIm *

RODEO (Continued).

In Foal Mares, 30 days from act of Foaling or 12 months. YORKSHIRE INSURANCECO., LTD., Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney. The Farmers’ Company.


(Open to Gentlemen Riders only.)The Competitor gaining the highest number o f

points throughout tho competition shall be declared the winner.

CLASS 243 (Special Prizes) £185, viz. : Champion, £100 and Society's Special Ribbon ; second, £50 and Society's Ribbon; third, £25 and Society's Ribbon; lourth, £10 and Society’s Ribbon.

Day money as set out herein.Entry Fee Members and Non-Members, each selected


4:3/7oj f>c

TOP-QUALITYThere's only one standard lor Atlantic — the highest. Atlantic's research energies are constantly directed at keeping its products iirst amongst the finest. That's why you get dependable top - quality petroleum products when you

specify Atlantic.

ATLANTIC UNION OIL CO.. LTD.Atlantic Flash, Atlantic Pure Paraffin Base Motor Oil, Atlantic Fuel OH, Atlantic Power Kerosene, Atlantic Distillate, Atlantic Diesel Fuel, plus over 300 top-quallty products needed In industry, transport and agriculture.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s


RODEO (C on tinu ed).


/6* % (*■'



Open to gontlemon riders only who have not won a first prize for buckjumping in any recognised Bush­men’s Carnival or Rodeo.

CLASS 2 4 4 (Special Prizes) £53, presented by the Potato Marketing Board ot Tasmania, Burnie, Tas. First prize, £25 and Society’s Special Ribbon; second, £15 and Society’s Ribbon; third, £10 and Society’s Ribbon; fourth, £3 and Society’s Ribbon.

Day money as set out herein.Entry Foo—Mombers and Non-Members, oach selected

competitor, 10s.


a J / r




CLASS 2 45 (Special Prizes)— £60, presented by Angus and Coote Pty., Ltd., “ Manufacturers of Everything In Jewellery and Silverplate,’ ’ 500 George-st., Sydney, v iz .: Champion, £30 and Society’s Special Ribbon; second, £20 and Society’s Ribbon ; third, £10 and Society's Ribbon.

Day money as set out herein.Entry Foe- Mombers and Non-Members, each selected

competitor, 10s.BLUNDELL, Miss B. - \ ' !DAUNT, Mbs . S. M.FORBES, Miss L.RUSSELL, M r s . C.

'S i'ib ts .SHIRM ER, M is s D.



CLASS 246 (Special Prizes)— £60, presented by the Potato Marketing Board of Tasmania, Burnie, Tas. Champion, £30, and Society’s Special Ribbon ; second, £20 ; third, £10.

Day money as set out herein.Entry Fee—Members and Non-Members, each seloctod

competitor, 5s.BALL, L.BLACK, K. G.BLOXSOME, G.B R A D Y , J.BRIZZOLANA, C. F. .CARGILL, I. J2 — f t r ''■'ARNES, B.C i EAL, C.CRANE, J.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — Claims paid by the Company exceed £56,000,000. Insurances effected on Live Stock up to any sum.


A v a i l a b l e N O W — E a r l y D e l i v e r y . . .



Height of Centres: 8 in. Admit between Centres: 4 ft. 1 in. or 6 It. 6 in.1-9/16 in. Hollow Spindle. 3 MODELS.

Cone underdrive. Infinitely variable drive and all geared head.

9 Guaranteed accuracy to Dr. Schl.l*.ng.r limit*.

• Motorised T .n*ion .d Drir*.

9 Gap Bed to awing 23 inch** diameter by 7 inches long.

'Phone or Write tor Illustrated Brochure to



9 Automatic length stop.• Ground Vee Bed.# Quick Change Gear Box lor Metric and

Whitworth Thread*.9 Special large gap* made to order.



V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s



CLASS 247 (Special Prizes) £100, v iz .: Cl £50 and Society ’s Special Ribbon ; £30 and Society's Ribbon ; third. Society’s Ribbon.

Day money as set out herein.Entry Foe—Members and Non-Members, each

competitor, £1.ADAMS, M.BATHIS, S.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., L in Live Stock Insurance.


RODEO (C on tinu ed ).



CL\33 £48 compriaod 8 hoots.

1st Heat

k, D ennis.C • C l e a l .

and Ha at

T* Dowling No second.

3rd Hoat

K. Oruliam.R. fth erid go .

4th *****

a.rfeJ* Harper. H. Hamilton*

3th Heat

T. Hunt*Ho loeond.

6th Hoat*

L* Thoapoon*0* Cleal*



la t2 nd


la t

la t2nd

K* Round* 7* M lllo r*

la t2nd

8th Hoat.

L* Wofcb V. Twohill


A v a i l a b l e N O W — E a r l y D e l i v e r y . . .



Height oi Centres: 8 in. Admit between Centres: 4 ft. 1 in. or 6 ft. 6 in. 1-9/16 in. Hollow Spindle. 3 MODELS.

Cone underdrive. Infinitely variable drive and all geared head.

• Automatic length (top. • Guaranteed accuracy to Dr. SchleUenger• Ground Y h Bod.• Quick Chang* Goar Box tor Metric and ® Motorised Tensioned Drir*.

Whitworth Thr*a<U. « Gap B*d to (wing 23 inch*a diameter by• Special large gap* made to order. 7 inches long.

'Phon* or Writ* for Illustrated Brochur* to


V i s i t C O I




CLASS 247 -(Special Prizes) £100, v iz .: Champion, £50 and Society’s Special Ribbon; second, £30 and Society’s Ribbon ; third, £20 and Society’s Ribbon.

Day money as set out herein.Entry Fee— Members and Non Members, each selected

competitor, £1.ADAMS, M.BATH IS, S.

Entry Fee— Members and Non-Members, each selected competitor, 5s.


YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — For every Class of Insurance. Specialistsin Live Stock Insurance. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s134

RODEO (C on tinu ed).

COUNTRY VISITORS . . . . are assured oi a warm welcome at Anqus & Coote. Call ior all your Glit, Jewellery and Optical requirements at the city store. 500 Georqe Street • • Sydney


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CLASS 249 (Special Prizes)— £60, presented by Angus and Coote Pty., Ltd., “ Manufacturers of Everything In Jewellery and Silverplate,” 500 George-st., Sydney, viz. : Champion, £30 and Society's Special R ibbon ; second, £20 and Society’s Ribbon ; third, £10 and Society's Ribbon.

Day money as set out herein.Entry Fee— Members and Non-Members, each selected


All the Best Animals are Insured with the YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. — Office on the Ground. Claims paid by the Company exceed £56,000,000.

V i s i t C O L E S V a r i e t y S t o r e s





/ 6 #

These Contests are sponsored of Australia, Ltd., 261 George

Umpires :J. H. Ashton,

4 O’Comiell-st.,Sydney. ' R

W. W. Horsley,“ Gundillawah,”

Tumblong, N.S.W.TEAMS.

Dungog.(Colours : Black shirt,

red band).No. 1 R. T. MACKAY. No No. 2— A. M. ALISON. No. No. 3— J. K. M ACKAY. No.

by Felt and Textiles -S t., Sydney.

Steward :J. D. MacLeod

Commentator :R. Ashton,Checkors,

Cargo, N.S.W.


(Colours : Red).. 1— R. D. B R A Y .

2—T. L. B R A Y .3—C. SKENE.

South.(Colours : White).

No. 1— 1*. S. K. ASHTON. No. 2—J. 1). MACLEOD. No. 3— G. G. ASHTON.

YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD.— All Classes of Insurance Effected. Fire,Workers’ Compensation, Crops, Fencing, etc. Yorkshire House, 14 Spring St., Sydney.



(Other than Trotting Section for which m page 14!)).The numbers refer to Classes.

A B B K Y , Mis* N., 43 Mont -st.. Yass. N.S.W., 170, 171, 181, 182. 195, 196.

Abbott, Miss M., Ram Station, Dungog, N.S.W,,194, 195. 196.

Abrahams, L., 4H Beresford-rd., Rose Bay, Sydney,97. 205.

Adams, A. J., 30 Viola-st., Punchbowl, Sydney, 192,193.

Adams, M., Mary-st., Rooty Hill, N.S.W ., 1. 48 (2).49. 60 (2), 51. 52. 53, 54, 5# (2), 57. 59 (2), 60, 92, 94, 99, 111, 116, 150 (3), 151 (4). 152 (4), 153 (2), 154. 156, 157, 158, 160 (3).161 (3), 162 (3), 163 (3), 164, 165, 166 (3),167 (3), 168 (3), 169 (3), 181.

Adams, M „ Junr., Mary-st., Rooty Hill, N.S.W., 61, 155, 192, 193.

Adams, Mrs. M., Mary-st., Rooty Hill, N.S.W., 195,196, 197.

Adams, Mrs. M., 30 Viola-st., Punchbowl, Sydney,88, 95, 117, 126, 130.

Aggett, Miss J., 134 King-st., Newtown, Sydney, 48,50, 52, 57, 59, 195. 196.

Allen, Miss D., Remuera, Wellington, N.S.W., 48, 50,57 , 59, 194, 195, 196, 197.

Allen, Miss K.. Woodlands, 81 Telopia-av„ Caringbah, N.S.W., 206.

Allen, N „ Yarra Glen, Vic., 50, 57, 59, 152, 155, 157,158, 160, 163, 166, 167, 168, 169.

AUingham, G. R., Til buster, Arrnidale, N.S.W., 48,50, 52, 54.

Amorv, Mrs. J. J., Bonny Rigg. Quirindi, N.S.W., 49.51, 53, 56, 58, 188, 190, 194, 195

Anderson, M. S., P. O. Box 45, Nyngan, N.S.W., 192.193.

Anderson, R., 719 Pacific Highwav, Gordon, Sydney.150, 151, 152, 156, 157, 158. 160, 161, 102.163. 164, 165, 166. 167, 168, 169.

Andrews, H. V., Dunolly, Singleton, N.S.W ., 50. 61,192, 193.

Ariah Park P.A.H. and I. Association, P.O. Box 29, Ariah Park, N.S.W., 42 (2).

Armour, W . J., Elmhurst, Vic., 155.Armstrong, Mias E., 2 Trelawney-gt., Woollahra,

Sydney, 209.Armstrong, Miss F „ 35 Grove-st., Marrickville, Sydney,

48, 50, 52. 55, 201, 207.Armstrong, G., 2 Trelawnev-st., Woollahra, Sydney,

48. 50, 52, 55.Armstrong, J., 2 Trelawney-st., Woollahra, Sydney,

205.Arnold, A., P.O. Box 12, Warracknabeal, Vic., 204. Arnold. H. A.. P.O. Box 12, Warracknabeal, Vic.,

17, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 100, 101, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 119, 124, 126, 127, 128, 178, 179, 180.

Arnold. N., P.O. Box 12, Warracknabeal, Vic., 204. Ashton, G., Markdale, Binda, Crookwell, N.S.W., 86,

87. 90, 91. 92 (2), 93. 94, 97, 99 (2), 100, 101, 103 (2), 189 (3), 204.

Ashton, G., Markdale, Hindu, Crookwell, N.S.W., 204.Ashton, Miss ( ! . ,c /o . S. Hordern, Retford Park, Bowral,

N .S.W ., 198.Ashton, Miss O., Markdale, Binda, Crookwell, N.S.W.,

190. 201, 208.Ashton, J. H., Nillamolong, Nandinama, N.S.W ., 102.Ashton, Mrs. R., Checkers, Cargo, N.S.W., 195, 196,

197.Ashton, R ., Checkers, Cargo, N.S.W., 48, 50, 52, 57,

102.Austin, Miss J ., Clover Hill, Sutton Forest, N.S.W., 206.Australian Glass Manufacturers' Co. Pty., Ltd.,, Waterloo, Sydney, 46, 47, 143,144.

Australian Jockey Club, Bligh-st., Sydney, 49, 51, 53,58. 60.

Ayres, G., 19 ( ’airo-st.. North Sydney, 193.Ayres, Mrs. G., 19 ('airo-st.. North Sydney, 194,


B a CON, W ., 102 Railway-st., Wentworthville, Sydney, 8.

Bahr, A. A ., and Sons, Wasley’s, Henty, N.S.W.,34. 35. 37.

Baird, Miss K ., Cootha. Dubbo, N.S.W., 86.Baker and McGee, Berry, N.S.W., 150, 153, 166,

167, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175.Baker, H., 13 Darley-rd., Randwick, Sydney, 54, 73,

76, 77, 81.Ball, E., 33 Alfred-st.. Woonoona, N.S.W., 49, 51, 53,

• 58, 60. 73. 75, 79, 80, 82.Ball, S. M., 65 Harris-st., Mascot, Sydney, 7, 9.Banning, R.. 30 Belmore-st., Surry Hilis, Sydney,

47, 135, 142.Barnes, A. L., and Mrs., Minnggie, Darley-rd., Mona

Vale, Sydney, 49. 86, 91, 93, 99, 103.Barnes, Miss M., 5 Keigh-st., Lind field, Sydney, 97.Hartrarn and lie Crespigny, View Bank Farm, Banyule-

rd., Heidelberg, Vic., 48, 50, 52, 55, 59, 188.Bart ram, Mrs. H „ View Bank Karin, Banyule-rd.,

Heidelberg, Vic., 48, 50. 52, 57, 59. 86, 91 (2). 93 (2), 98. 99 (2), 101, 103, 115, 150,151, 152, 156, 188, 189.

Bathis, H., 125 King-st., Randwick, Sydney, 15, 86,91, 93, 99.

Bathis, J ., 125 King-st., Randwick, Sydney, 48.Bathis, M., 125 King-st., Randwick, Sydney, 205.Bathis, S., 125 King-st., Randwick, Sydney, 50.Bathis, W ., 125 King-st., Randwick, Sydney, 87, 94,

99.Baxter, G. S., Wattamondara, N.S.W., 5.Beasley, K ., c /o . S. Hordern, Retford Park, Bowral,

N.S.W ., 192, 193.Begnell, Miss D., Park Cottage, 111 Homebush-rd.,

Strathfleld, Sydney, 194, 196, 197.Bell, G. J., 5 Marlborough-rd., Fleinington, Sydney,

150 (2). 151, 153, 154, 106 (2), 167, 168, 176,177, 179, 180, 182.



Hell, Mrs. R. D ., Turilawa, Werris Creek, N.S.W.,190, 196, 197, 199.

Bendrodt. J. C., 42 Martin-pl., Sydney, 1.Bennett, E., Newry, Vic., 87, 92, 94. 99.Bennett, Miss G., i4 The Causeway, Maroubra Hay.

Sydney. 194. 195, 196, 197.Bennett, Mrs. M., 14 The Causeway, Maroubra Bay,

Sydney. 88. 92, 95, 100, ' 189.Bennett, Miss R ., Newry, Vic., 1201. 20*.Bennett, T., Mudgee-rd., Bowenfels, N.S.W., 150, 172,

173, 174, 175, 181.Best, D., Newbridge Stud, Charlton-av., Turrumurra,

Sydney, 3 (2).Beveridge, A .,' and Mrs., 18 Stud-rd., Dandenong,

Vic., 87, 92, 94, 97, 99, 1(H), 101, 189.Beveridge, Miss G., c /o . A. and Mrs. Beveridge, 18

Stud-rd., Dandenong, Vic., 201, 208.Hills and Bayford, Templestowe, Vic., 27.Bills, R. G., Templestowe, Vic., 24, 25. 26 (2), 27.Bindon, K., 25 Atistralia-av., Matraville, Sydney,

179. 180, 181, 202.Black, Miss B., c o. Mrs. H. Bartram. View Hank Farm,, Vic., 159, 170, 171, 190. 191,195, 196. 197 (2). 199 (2).

Blanch, Mrs. J., Carlowrie, Manilla, N.S.W., 195, 196,197.

Blaxter, N., 37 Clarence-st., Bankstown, Sydney,193.

Blekemore, Miss M. M., Warrawillah, Elong Elong, N.S.W., 195, 196, 197, 199.

Bloxliam, Miss J., Parraweena-rd., Miiarula, Sydney,189, 198, 201, 208.

Blundell, Miss B., lllawarra-rd., Moorcl>ank, N.S.W.,150 (2), 168, 172, 173. 176, 177.

Bolitho, Mrs. N., Telfer-rd., Castle Hill, Sydney, 78, 110, 115 (2). 124.

Bollard, Miss H., c /o . Mrs. F. R. Davis, Green Valley-rd., Oieen Valley, N.S.W., 73, 75, 77, 81, 83.

Bollard, Miss M. Z., 150Greenacre-rd„ East Bankstown, Sydney, 48 (2), 50 (2), 52, 55, 59, 195, 196,197, 199.

Bolton, Miss P., Kenny Hill, Canipbelltown, N.S.W..87, 92, 94, 99, 195, 196, 197.

Bolton, R. O., Roxburgh, B ridge-rd., Blaxland, N.S.W.,181, 182.

Bonner, K., Willandra-rd.. Brookvale, Sydney, 204.Booth Pty., Ltd., 771 Anzac-pde., Marouhira, Sydney,

139, 141.Booth, N., P.O. Box 76, Wollongong, N.S.W., 203.Bo we", Mrs. G., 461 Old South Head-rd., Rose Bay,

Sydney, 88, 89, 95, 96.Bowe:-, P.. 461 Old South Head-rd., Rose Bay, 8ydney,

205.Bowerman, S. R ., Viney's-rd., Dural, N.S.W., 14, 18,

119. 122 (2), 128.Box, Mrs. C„ Annerley Vale, Bowial, N.S.W., 2, 50,

52, 55, 59.Bradshaw, K., 18 Yeo-st., Neutral Bay, Sydney, 192,

193.Bradstreet, Miss W ., 236 Melbourncrd., Dandenong,

Vic., 49, 51, 53. 56, 58. 86, 91, 93, 189, 194,200, 207.

B.andt, G „ 15 Tanga-ra-st., Enfield, Sydney, 82.Branz and Fitzgerald, 2 Jessie-st., Went mead, N.S.W.,

112, 117.Brenchley, Miss M , 44 Smith-st., Manly, Sydney,

*194 195British General Electric Co. Pty., Ltd., Box 1594 BB.,

G.P.O., Sydney, 134 (2), 142 (2), 146 (2).Brodie, C. J., 45 O ara-st., Waitara, Sydney, 150 (2),

151 (2), 152 (2), 156 (2), 160 (2), 162 (2), 163 (2), 164 (2), 165 (2), 166 (2), 167 (2), 168 (2). 169 (2).

Brook, Miss G., Naiara, N.S.W., 182.

Brown and Kennedy, P.O. Box 37, Bathurst, N.S.W .,48, 50, 86, 91. 150, 152, 179, 180.

Biown, A., c /o . Danmark Pty., Ltd., St. Aubins,Scone, N.S.W., 192, 193.

Brown, I.,, 8 Harrow-st., Auburn, Sydney, 192, 193. Brown. Miss M., c o. A. H. Pavno, Hlder-st., Lambton,

N.S.W., 159, 171.Browning, Miss G., 34 Grandview Grove, Seaforth,

Sydney, 194, 206.Bruce, L „ and B. Newton, 188 Bronte-rd., Waverley,

Sydney, 75, 77, 78.Bull, Mrs. E., Woodlands, Liverpool, N.S.W., 50,

73, 74. 75, 79, 80, 82. 83, 86, 130.Bull, S., 16 Odenuald-rd., Heidelberg, Vic., 192,

193,Bulley, Miss J., 98 Mimosa-rd., East Bankstown,

Sydney, 17, 96, 1(H), 189, 201, 207.Bunn, E. A., it)! Gladstone-st., Parramatta, N.S.W.,

88, 95, 100.Bunn, R., 96 Gladstone-st., Parramatta, N.S.W .,

203.Burdett, Miss D., c /o . Post Office, Bowral, N .S.W .,

194, 195, 196, 197, 200.Burrows, Miss J., Clayton-rd., Clayton, Melbourne,

49, 51, 53, 55, 56, 58, 96, 100, 181, 182, 188,189, 201, 207.

Butchard, Miss B., Victoria-st., Wetherill Park, N .S.W ., 87, 92, 195, 196, 197, 206.

Butchard, C., Victoria-st., Wetherill Park, N.S.W.,179, 180, 181, 182.

Butler, Miss N „ 13 Priinroee-av., Rosebery, Sydney, 196.

Byrne, Miss B., Mount Carlon, N.S.W., 49 (2), 50,51, 53 58, 86, 91, 93, 179, 180.

C A F F Y N , J., 112 Chetwynd-rd., Merrylands, Sydney,205.

Cahill, R . Y., 88 Yelverton-st., St. Peters, Sydney,193.

('aide: wood, Mrs. I., Green Acre, Gilda-av., Wahroonga, Sydney, 50, 52, 55.

Caldwell, R. F., 282 Crown-st., Wollongong, N.S.W’ . ,49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 87, 92,94, 99. 192.

Cameron, H. W., Hunter's Hill, Tamworth, N .S.W ., 48 (2), 49, 50 (2). 52, 53. 56, 176, 177.

Cameron, Miss M., Hunter's Hill, Tamworth, N.S.W .,195, } 97.

Campbell Bros., Buckajo, N.S.W., 150 (2), 151, 152, 154 (2), 156, 157, 160 (2), 161 (2), 162 (2), 163 (2), 166 (2), 167 (2), 168 (2), 169 (2), 176 (2), 177 (2), 178, 179 (2), 180 (2), 181,182.

Campbell, Miss A., Strathalan, Castle Hill, N.S.W., 48,50, 52, 55, 103, 188, 190, 191, 195, 196, 199.

Campbell, A. J., 2 Young-st., Concord, Sydney, 87,92, 94, 193.

Campbell, Miss C., c /o . Mrs. Hunter King, Kingslynn Stud, Sans Souci, Sydney, 198, 208.

Campbell, F., Buckajo, N.S.W., 155.Campbell, J., Buckajo, N.S.W., 204.Campton, Miss D „ c /o . L. C. Parker, Burrabeena,

Grenfell, N.S.W., 194, 195.Cant lay, A. C., Turlinja, Moruya, N.S.W7., 48, 50,

150 (3), 151 (3), 152 (3), 154 (3), 156 (3). 157 (3). 158 (2), 160 (2), 161 (2), 162 (2),163 (2). 164 (2), 165 (2), 166 (3), 167 (3),168 (3), 169 (3), 172, 173, 174, 175.

Carrall, Miss K., 3 Pine-st., Mascot, Sydney, 207. Carrall, W ., 3 Pine-st., Mascot, Sydney, 202. Carruthers, Miss J.. 44 Kairfax-rd., Bellevue Hill,

Sydney, 191, 195, 196, 197.Carter, E. H., Camden, N.S.W'., 204.



Cartor, K. T., 53 Arcadia-rd., Globe Point, Sydney, 192,193.

Cartor, I’ ., 10 Raleigh-st., Coo goo, Sydney, 192, 193. Carter, Mihs .S. M., 8 Braoside-st., Wahroonga, Sydney,

48, 102, 194.Cassidy, Miss R „ Woodstock-pdo., Booty Hill, N.S.W.,

194, 195, 196, 197.Chamberlain, Miss B „ 0 Woniora-rd., Hurst ville,

Sydney, 198, 209.Chapman, Mrs. K ., 70 Wallis-av., Strathfield, Sydney,

87, 92, 99, 103, 190.Charlton, Miss M., 2H2 Crown-st., Wollongong, N.S.W.,

194, 195.Chenhall, Mrs. P., 5 Tusculuin-st., Potts Point, Sydney,

48, 50. 52 (2), 55, 57, 59 (3), 102, 188, 190,191, 190, 197, 199.

Choster, W. G., 10 Robinson-st., Cliatswood, Sydney, 155, 192, 193.

Chinnock, W ., c /o . R . Elliott, 12 Edward-st., W ollon­gong, N.S.W ., 157. 158, 172, 173, 174, 175.

Chisholm, Miss N., Berry, N.S.W., 170, 171.Chittiok, A ., Ellerslie, Kangaroo Valley, N.S.W ., 193. Chittick, A. R ., Ellerslie, Kangaroo Valley, N.S.W.,

48, 50, 89, 92 (2), 95, 100 (2), 178, 179.180.

Chittick, Miss J., 289 Arden-st., Coogee, Sydney, 195. Chittick, Miss L., Ellerslie, Kangaroo Valley, N.S.W.,

209.Chittick, M., Ellerslie, Kangaroo Valley, N.S.W .,

205.Chittick, Miss M., Windsor-rd., Baulkhain Hills,

Sydney, 195.Chittick, R „ c /o . T. A. Field, 109 Thomas-st., Sydney,

192, 193.Chittick, Miss R ., 289 Arden-st., Coogoe, Sydney,

195.Chittick, W ., Windsor-rd., Haulkham Hills, N.S.W.,

193,Clancy, Miss J., Waverley Riding School, Bayviow-

rd., Burwood, Vic., 194. 195.Clarko, Mrs. L. S., and D. White, 11 Clive-st., Alphing-

ton, N.20, Melbourne, 49, 51, 53, 50, 58,60, 86, 91, 93, 99, 188, 189.

Clarko, M., 309 Pittwater-rd., Narralioon, Sydney, 48,50.

Cleary, Mrs. M., Farml>orough-rd., Unanderra, N.S.W., 12.

Cleaver, Miss N. E., Col>ar-st., Nyngan, N.S.W., 195,196, 197, 200, 200.

Clifton, K., 121 Burwood-rd., Enfield, Sydney, 155. Clinch, Mrs. N. McC., Coomber, Pittwater-rd., Mona

Vale. Sydney, 80, 91.Clinton, W. E., and G. A., 140 Cape st., Heidelberg,

Vic., 24, 25, 20, 27. d u ff, V., Bowral, N.S.W., 193.Coates, Miss B., 8 Lewis-st., Balgowlah, Sydney, 170,

195.Coates, E., 43 Eurimbla-av., Randwick, Sydney, 87,

92, 99, 155, 178, 179, 180.Coghlan, B., c /o . K em p’s Riding School, 171a Wells-st.,

South Melbourne, 192, 193.Cole, Miss P. E., Ilklov Moor, Bundanoon, N.S.W., 195,

196, 197, 199.Coleman, Miss F., 4 Essex-st., Killara, Sydney, 195,

196, 197.Coles, Miss Jan, c /o . Kemp’s Riding School, 171A

Wells-st., South Melbourne, 201, 207.Coles, Miss Judith, c /o . Kemp’s Biding School, 171a

Wells-st., r-outh Melbourne, 48, 50, 52, 57,59, 87, 88, 92 (2), 94, 95, 99. 188, 194, 195,196, 197, 199.

Collins, Miss C., Eurahe, Yrass, N.S.W., 201, 207. Condon, C., The Rock, N.S.W., 86, 91, 93, 99, 115,

179, 180.

5RS— Sec. 1— Horses.

Condon, J., The Rock, N.S.W., 204.Constance, Mrs. N „ Charm wood, Hall, Canberra,

A.C.T., 23, 48, 50, 55, 88, 89, 95, 90, 194,195.

Cook, Mrs. H., Grand View, Mount Keira, N.S.W., 4850, 52, 57, 59, 195, 190, 197.

Cook, Mrs. H., c /o . Mrs. H. Samuels, 40 Mona-rd., Darling Point, Sydney, 191.

Cook, H. F „ Grand View,’ Mount Keira, N.S.W.. 192193.

Coombes, Miss M., Mansfield, Vic., 159, 170, 171 195, 196, 197, 199.

Cooper, Miss A., 124 Merrigang-st., Bowral, N.S.W.,206.

Corowa P.A. and H. Society, Corowa, N.S.W., 42,43,

Corrigan. H. J., 30 Cammeray.av., North Sydney, 50, 150.

Ctaurt, E. S., Firgrove Park, Willoughby, Sydney, 48, 49. 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 01, 102, 103 (2), 188 (2).

Court, Miss J., Firgrove Park, Willoughby, Sydney,190, 195, 196, 197, 199.

Court, Miss J., c /o . Mrs. I. Mills, 210 Burwood-rd., Burwood, Sydney, 191.

Cowling, A. L „ 2 Henry-st., Fast Goulburn, N.S.W ., 87, 88. 89, 90, 92, 94. 95, 90, 97, 101, 111,113, 114, 110, 117, 118, 119, 125, 120, 127, 128.

Cowling, Miss B., 2 Henry-st., East Goulburn, N.S.W.,208.

Coy, Mrs. R. A., Boundary-rd., Mortlake, Sydney, 159, 171, 190, 195, 190, 197.

Crane, Miss A., Coowong, R.M.B. 201, Moss Vale N.S.W., 194.

Crawley, N. \V'., 51 Orchard-rd., Chatswood, Sydney,87, 155, 181, 182.

Crichton, C. J., and H. J. Perrin, Murray Park, Young, N.S.W., 49 (4), 50 (2), 51 (4), 53 (2), 56 (2),58, 01, 150, 151, 152, 155, 150, 157, 158, 181, 182.

Crichton, I., Murray I’ark, Young, N.S.W., 205.Crichton, J., Murray Park, Young, N.S.W., 204.Cronly, J. E „ Box 228, G.P.O., Sydney, 48, 50.Cronly, T „ Box 228, G.P.O., Sydney, 193.Croucher, Mrs. A., Hector-st., Guildford, Sydney,

49. 51, 50, 58, 01 (2), 88, 92, 102, 103, 112, 150, 178, 179, 180, 181.

Croucher, O., Hector-st., Guildford, Sydney. 155.192, 193.

Crowley, Miss N. A., Cootha, Dubbo, N.S.W., 209.Cullen, J., Ford-st., Yass, N.S.W., 48, 50, 52, 54, 57,

59 (2). 150 (3). 151 (2), 152 (2), 153 (3). 154 (2). 150. 100 (5), 101 (4), 162 (4), 103 (4),164 (3), 105 (3), 160 (5), 107 (5), 108 (5),169 (5), 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179,180, 181, 182.

Culley, C. N., Crookwell, N.S.W., 48, 50, 52, 54, 80, 91, 93.

Cuttle, Miss J. S., 3 Rosemount-av., Woollahra, Sydney,48, 50, 52, 57, 01.

D A F F Y , Miss M., c /o . C. L. Neiwand, Police Station, Castlemaine, Vic., 159, 170, 171, 195, 196,197, 199.

Dairy Farmers’ Co-op. Milk Co., Ltd., 700 Harris-st., Ultimo, Sydney, 73, 76 (2), 78, 79, 80, 81,82, 134 (6), 135 (3), 138 (5), 139, 146.

Dairy Farmers’ Co-op. Milk C«., Ltd. (Waverley), 35 Spring-st., Waverley, Sydney, 75, 77, 81, 134, 135, 138.

Daldy, P. C., Arcadia, Vic., 28 (2), 30 (2).



Dalton, Mrs. C., 171 Avoca-st., Randwick, Sydney,194, 195.

Daly, B., Tinamba, Vic., 205.Daly, E., Tinamba, Vic., 192, 193.Daly, J., Tinamba, Vic., 190, 192, 193.Daly, J. and E., Tinamba, Vic., 48, 52, 55, 59, 156,

157, 158, 102, 103, 164, 165, 160, 167, 168,181, 182, 188.

Dalzell, Miss I., 98 Redfern-st., Redfern, Sydney, 52,55, 59, 195, 190.

Danby, Miss D., Green Slades, Sassafras, Vic., 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 103, 104, 105, 106,107, 170, 195, 200.

Danmark l ’ty., Ltd., St. Aubins Stud, Scone, N.S.W., 48 (4), 49 (2), 50 (4), 51 (2), 52 (3), 53 (2), 54 (2), 55, 50 (2). 57, 58 (2), 59 (2), 00.

D ’Arcy, Mrs. P., c /o . Mrs. H. Cook, Grand View, Mount Keira, N .S.W ., 195.

Dare, E., Baulkhain Hills, N.S.W., 44, 45.Daunt, Mrs. S. M., Wallagali, Tilba Tilba, N.S.W.,

95, 117, 150, 159, 102, 103, 104, 105, 170,171, 181, 182.

Davey, Miss C., c /o . E. M. Garsia, Dunkeld, Bathurst, N.S.W., 207.

Davidge, Miss R „ c /o . A . C. Cantlay, Turlinja, MoTuya, N.S.W., 159. 171, 195, 190, 197.

Davidson, Miss D., c /o . Mrs. H. Kennan, Blue Cross Hospital, Penrose, Auckland, N.Z., 170.

Davis, A., Cooyong, Narrabri, N.S.W., 51.Davis, Mrs. F. R., Green Valloy-rd., Green Valley,

Liverpool, N.S.W ., 74, 70, 80, 82, 111,116.

Davis, Mrs. L., Kembla Grange, Unanderra, N.S.W., 159, 171, 197, 199.

Davis, Mrs. S., 74 Melody-st., Coogee, Sydney, 48,50, 52, 54, 59, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199.

Deakin, H. M., Epsom-rd., Rosebery, Sydney, 193.Delphine, C., Clayton-rd., Clayton, Melbourne, 202.Demleux, J., 14 Young-st., Vaucluse, Sydney, 58, 202.Dempsey, Miss J., c /o . C. Condon, The Rock, N.S.W.,

201 207.Dengate, N., 23 Roseville-av., Roseville, Sydney, 5.Denn, Miss P., 423 Military rd., Mosman, Sydney, 194,

195, 196, 197, 200.Department o f Agriculture, N.S.W., Experiment

Farm, Trangio, N.S.W., 31.Department o f Agric ulture, N.S.W., Wagga Experiment

Fann, Bomen, N.S.W ., 44, 45 (2).Desailey and Bailey, Hallam-rd., Hampton Park,

Vic., 15 (2), 19, 21, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94,95, 99, 103.

Desailey and Sutherland, Hallam-rd., Hampton Park, Vic., 86, 91, 93.

Dickie, B., Beverloy House, Mudgoe, N.S.W., 73, 76,77.

Dickins, A., Farleton, Corowa, N.S.W., 28 (2), 30, 32,33, 34 (2), 35 (2), 3C, 37 (2), 38 (2), 39, 40 (2),41.

Dickson, Mrs. H., 28 Birdwood-av., Pagewood, Sydney,189. .

Dickson, Miss K., 28 Birdwood-av., Pagewood, Sydney,207.

Dixon, Miss A., 18 Fairfax-rd., Bellevue Hill, Sydney,194, 195, 196, 197.

Doctor, R., Lambton, N.S.W., 155.Dodd, Miss D., 10 Hi 11crest -at., Wollongong, N.S.W.,

170, 171.Dodd, H., 10 Hillcrest-st., Wollongong, N.S.W., 179,

180 181 182.Donald, D. W ., 22 Moseley-st., Strathfield, Sydney,

193.Donohoe, F., c /o . Kemp’s Riding School, 171a Wells-

st., South Melbourne, 192, 193.

Donohoe, Miss M., c /o . K em p’s Riding School, 171a Wells-st., South Melbourne, 206.

Dowd, J., and W. Davies, c /o . N.S.W. Fresh Food and Ice Co., Ltd., 1 Harbour-st., Sydney, 73,75, 76, 77.

Dowlo, Miss 1)., Clifton-av., Glenbrook, N.S.W.,50, 201, 207.

Down, Miss M., 82 Hardie st., Mascot, Sydney, 197,200, 206.

Dowsett, M., Bowral, N .S.W ., 129, 150, 152, 157, 173, 179, 180, 181 (3), 182 (3).

Doyle, Miss I., 8 The Boulevarde, Malabar, Sydney,50, 159.

Doyle, Miss P., 8 The Boulevarde, Malabar, Sydney,208.

Duffy, P. R., 327 Victoria-rd., Gladesville, Sydney,7.

Duggan, R. M., 12 Portland-st., West Maitland, N.S.W.,110, 115, 124.

Duncan, A., Rockleigh, Glen Innos, N.S.W., 56,• 1|&

Duncombo, Miss B., 35 Glovor-st., Willoughby, Sydney, 194, 195, 196, 197.

Dundas-Smith, Miss J., 41 Pymble-av., Pymblo, Sydney, 208.

Dundas-Smith, Miss P., 41 Pymble-av., Pymblo, Sydney, 200, 206.

Dunning, Miss B., 141 Bobbin Head-rd., Turramurra, Sydney, 201, 207.

Dunning, J., 141 Bobbin Head-rd., Turramurra, Sydney, 86, 91, 93, 99, 188, 189.

Dwyor, T., Ellmoro, Young, N.S.W'., 48 (2), 50 (3),52 (2), 54, 55, 57, 59, 75 (2), 77, 79, 80, 81,82, 80, 91, 93, 99.

Dwyer, W., Ellmoro, Young, N.S.W., 192, 193.

E A STO N , R., c / o . A. G. Stewart, Bundook, N.S.W.,201, 204.

Edwards, G. H. W., Did Northorn-rd., Middle Dural, N.S.W., 29, 30.

Edwards, Miss J., 11 Cardigan-rd., East Bankstown, Sydney, 73 (2), 75 (2), 76, 77 (2), 81 (2), 83 (2).

Elliott, Mrs. H., The Homestead, Chipping Norton, N.S.W., 110, 112, 114, 115 (2), 117, 124 (2),120, 128, 130 (2).

Elliott, J., c /o . Campbell Bros., Buckajo, N.S.W.,155.

Elliott, Miss O., Sunnydale, Bethungra, N.S.W.,207.

Elliott, R ., 12 Edward-st., Wollongong, N.S.W., 173.

Ellwood, P., John’s-rd., Castle Hill, N.S.W., 90,98, 101.

Elvy, A. E., 214 Roso-st., Darlington, Sydney, 80, 88.

Emory, Miss R. M., Wogomia Houso, Wogomia, Nowra, N.S.W., 17, 49, 50, 51, 59, 00, 88, 92, 95, 100, 150, 151, 152, 153, 150, 159, 100, 161 (2),162 (2), 163 (2), 104, 165, 106 (3), 167 (3),168 (3), 109 (3), 170, 171, 178, 181, 182, 188,189, 190, 195, 196, 197.

Estell, Miss G „ 1 Vista-st., Parramatta, N.S.W., . 150, 151, 152, 154, 181.

Evans, A., 9 Eulabah-av., Clomton Park, N.S.W., 86.

Evans, D., 97 Main-st., Lithgow, N.S.W., 202.Everett, Miss N., Agincourt, Seven Hills, N.S.W.,

206.Ewing, Miss J., 89 Pacific-pdo., Doe W hy, Sydney, 201,



INDEX TO EXHIB: TORS— Sec. 1— H o n e ..

F ARLEY, L., 42 Bank st., Kant Maitland, N.S.W .,48, 50, 52, 57.

Farley, Miss U., 22 Bank-st., Kant Maitland, N.S.W., 105.

Farrell, Mins J., 177 Coogee Bay-rd., Coogee, Sydney, 201, SOM.

Farrell, K., 22 I,oftus-st., Wollongong, N.S.W"., 193. Farrow, L. K., 51 Railway-pde., Beerroft, Sydney,

49, 51.Fell, Mrs. M. H., Beckett -st., Narroinine, N.S.W., 88,

95, 112, 117.Fenton, Miss G., 53 Howell-st., Goulbum, N.S.W.,

209.Fenton, Mrs. H., 53 Howell-st., Goulbum, N.S.W.,

194. 195, 196, 197.Field, R. A., 169 Thomas-st., Sydney, 192, 193.Field, T. A., 169 Thoinas st., Sydney, 48, 49, 50 (3),

51, 52 (2), 53, 54 (2), 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 (3),60, 92, 94, 99, 160 (2), 151 (2), 152 (2), 153 (2), 154 (2), 156 (3), 1.7 (2), 158 (2), 160 (4). 166 (4), 167 (4), 168 (4). 169 (4), 176, 177.178, 179, 180, 181. 182.

Fielding, P. G., 9 Stapleton-a v., Sutherland, N.S.W.,51, 61, 150, 157 (2).

Fisher, E. (J., Sunnvside, Weethalle, N.S.W., 29, 30,31, 32.

Fitzgerald, Sister E. I., Westem-rd., Kingswood, N.S.W., 48, 50 (2), 103, 150, 151 (3), 152 (3).153, 154 (3). I.'.6 (3). 160 (3), 161 (3), 162 (3). 163 (3), 164 (3), 165 (3), 166 (3), 167 (3),168 (3), 169 (3), 176 (4), 177 (4). 178, 179 (3), 180 (3). 181 (3), IH2 (2), I8k.

Fitzhardinge, Miss J. M., 47 Darley-rd., Randwick, Sydney, 195, 196.

Fitzpatrick, L. 'o. Mrs. E. Bull, Woodlands, Liverpool. N.c tV„ 205.

Flanery, It., Rosary, Galong. N.S.W., 203.Flow, A , 176 Bong Bong-st., Bowral, N.S.W., 202. Flint, A. L. C., 90 Queen-st., Melbourne, 52, 57, 59,

188.Flvnn, T. L., 21 Mimosa-st., Bexley, Sydney, 134,

138.1’, Miss L., 28 Johnaon-at., Annaiulale, Sydney,

48. 50, 194, 195, 196, 197.Fowler, M., Coolegong, Monteagle, N.S.W., 50, 52,

57.Francais, Miss E. A., c o. Gocup Estate, Tumut, N.S.W.

159, 170, 171, 196.Fraser, I). E. J.. Ballaralla, Koorawatha. N.S.W.,

48, 50. 52, 57, 59, 188.Frederick, Miss P., 3 Hunter rd., Balmoral, Svdnev,

86 91, 197.Freeman, M. s I., 52 Woodstock-st., Guildford, Sydney,

H6. 179, 180. 184, 186, 1N9. 201, 207.179, 180, 184, 186, 189. 201, 207.

Freeman, M.. Ebor, N.S.W'., 48, 50, 52, 57.Fryer, J. A., Kia-Ora, Dennison-st., Hornsby, N.S.W.,

150, 151, 152, 156, 181, . >2.Fryer, Mias J. E ., Kia-Ora, Denniaon-st., Hornsby,

N.S.W., 170, 171.

G a NT, Miaa I. K., Dingwall, Buma-rd., Wahroonga.Sydney, 194, 196, 196, 197.

Garlick, B. R., 2 Pinnr ’ le-rd., Orange, N.S.W.,193.

Garlick, Mrs. B. R., 2 Pinnacle-rd., Orange, N.S.W.,15. 48, 50, 52, 56, 116, 196, 197.

Garrard, Mias K „ c /o . Mrs. E. Bull, Woodlands, Liver­pool, N.S.W., 207.

Garrard, Mian P.. c /o . Mr». E. Bull, Woodlands, Liver­pool, N.S.W., 206.

Garrard, T., c /o . Mrs. E. Bull, Woodlands, Liverpool, N S.W., MM.

Garsia, E. M., Dunkeld, Bathurst, N.8.W., 49, 51,53, 56, 58.

Garside, F „ c /o . Mrs. E. Bull, W oodlands, Liverpool, N.S.W., 202.

Garside, Miss M., c /o . Mrs. E. Bull, Woodlands, Liverpool, N.S.W., 208.

Garton, Miss J., lladlev W ood, Mittagong, N.S.W., 201, 207.

Garton, Miss N., Had lev W ood, Mittagong, N.S.W.,194, 200, 206.

Garvin, Mrs. M. M., Hazlewood, Ariah Park, N.S.W., 4X, SO, 54, «6. 91. 150, 153, 157. 158, 172. 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182,195.

Garvin, S. K.. Hazlewood, Ariah Park, N.S.W., 32,34. 35. 36, 37. 39, 41.

Gavleard, Mrs. M., 28 Torrington-rd., Maroubra, Sydney, 48, 50. 52 (2). 57 (2), 59, 197. 199.

Gazzard, 1>. W., Robertaon-rd., Moss Vale, N.S.W.,3.

Genford, J., 6 Albert-at., Botany, Sydney, 87. 88, 95, 99, 100, 193.

Gcoghegan, T., 44 Liverpool-rd., Canley Vale, N.S.W.,14. 17, 95, 122.

Gifford, J., c /o . Mrs. B. R. Garlick, 2 Pinnacle rd., Orange. N.S.W’ ., 52. 54, 59.

Gilbert. Miss F., Show Ground-rd., Castle Hill, N.S.W.,207.

Gillespie, C., Boronia, Inglebum, N.S.W., 192, 193- Gilmore. H.. 21 O ’Hara-st., Marriekville, Sydney, 86,

91, 93, 99, 192, 193.Gilmore, Miss I. A., 350Crown-at., Wollongong, N.S.W,,

194.Gilmore, Mrs. R., 350 Crown-st., Wollongong, N.S.W.,

145.Gilroy, E. J., 47 Matthew st., Wollongong. N.S.W’ .,

181, 182, 192, 193.Gledhill, L., 47 Stella-at., Long Jetty, N.S.W., I l l ,

116, ItS.Glenderming, O., c <>. M. Adams, Mary-st., Rooty Hill,

N.S.W., 204.Glendenning, T., c /o . M. Adams, Mary-st., Rooty Hill,

N.S.W., 192, 193.Goldsmith, A. C., 365 Homer-st., Earlwood, Sydney,

48, 50. 62. 207, 208.Gordon, J., No. 1 Flat, 331 Glelie-nl.. Glebe Point,

Sydney, 113, 117 (2), 123, 128. 127.Gordon, M.. 62 St. Elmo-pde., Kingagrove, Syilney,

88. 90. 97. 100, 101. 189 204.Gordon, H.. 62 St. Elmo-pdc., Kingagrove, Sydney,

198, 206.Gow, J. S. O., Ore hard-ay., Carlingford, Sydney, 47,

73. 81.Graham. K. G.. Dungay, Murwilluinbah, N.S.W., 160,

151, 152. 154, 158, 160, 163. 166. 168, 169,172, 175.

Gray, Miss B., 11 l'nderwood-rd., Homebush, Sydney, 201, 207.

Gray, W. E „ Box 58, G.P.O., Sydney, 50, 57, 59, 150,156, 188. 190.

Green, Miss C., 14 Carlisle st., Bondi, Sydney, 194,lit.-., too.

Greenwood, Miss P. T., 27 Suttie-rd., Bellevue Hill, M a w , 49, SI.

Gregory, Miss E., 18 W’eroona-av., Woollahra, Sydney,198, 201, 207.

Gregory, J. M., 18 W’eroona-av., Woollahra, Sydney,87, 92. 94. 99.

Griffiths, Misa Y., 25 Hurlatone-ay., Hurls tone Park. Sydney, 201, 207.



Gunter, Mias M. M., 34 ( arlton-cres.. Summer Hill, Sydney, 2, 48, 50. 52, 57, 194, 195, 196. 199.

H ACKETT, A.. 29 Macquarie-at., Parramatta, N.S.W’ ., IM.

Hales, Mrs. L., 104 Chriatie-st., St. l.onnards, Sydney,88, 95.

Haley, P. E., Te Koona, W’imbloilon, N.S.W., 176, 177.

Hall, A. T., 4 Dutruc-st., Randwick, Sydney, 202.Hall. F., 126 Orihardleigh st.. Old Guildford, Sydney,

189, 203.Hall, S. G., Burrawang, N.S.W., 150 (2), 161, 152 (2),

157. 158 (2). 166. 172, 175, 193.Halliday, W\, 75 ( handos st , Crow’s Nest, Sydney,

ISO.Hamon, Misa M., Rockville, Moombra, Esk, Q'ld.,

209.Hamon, Miss W\, Rockville, Moombra, I'*sk. Q'ld,,

208.Harris, W. H. T., Val Hazel, Little Bay-rd., Matraville,

Sydney, 9, 11.Harriaon, Mrs B., Railway-rd., Colyton, N.S.W.,

60, 54, 59, 188, 194', 195.Hatlield, 1). H., Mooltan, Warwilla-av., Wahroonga,

Sydney, 193.Hattield, H., 15 Frampton-av., Marrickville, Sydney,

80, 82, 110, 115, 124.Hayykina and Ablierton l’ ty., Ltd., 447 Parrainatta-rd.,

Leichhardt, Sydney, 134 (2), 135, 139, 141 (2).

Hawkins, J. W\, Macarthur-st., Taralga, N.S.W., 192,in .

Haynes, T., Maher’s-rd., West Pennant Hills, Sydney,193.

Healey, K ., 9 Featherston-at., Bankstown, Sydney, 89 (2), 96 (2).

Healey, Miss M., 9 Featheraton-st., Bankstown, Sydney,SOI, 90S.

Healy, Mias Janice, 24 Cainpbell-av., Normanhurst, Sydney, 209.

Healy, Miss Judith, 24 Campbell-av., Normanhurst, Sydney, 87, 88, 92, 94, 95, 99, 189, 201,208.

Healy, P., 24 Campbell-av., Normanhurst, Sydney,205.

Hedley, Mrs. R., Rankin-rd., Boronia, Vic., 49, 51,53, 54, 56, 59, 60, 86, 103, 160 (2). 151 (2).152 (2), 154 (2), 156 (2), 160 (2), 161 (2), 162,163 (3), 164, 166 (2), 167 (2), 168, 169, 170,171, 195.

Henderson, A.. Logie, Warra, N.S.W ., 204. Henderson. Miss J., Windang-rd., Priinbee, Port

Kombla, N.S.W., 209.Henry, A. T., 37 Osbome-st., Nowra, N.S.W’ ., 155,

193.Henry, C. and L., 37 Osborne-st., Nowra, N.S.W.,

54, 150, 153, 160, 161, 162, 163, 166, 167,168, 169.

Henry, Miss D., Boinaderry, N.S.W’ ., 195.Henry, E., Boinaderry, N.S.W'., 172 (2), 173, 179,

180 (2), 181, 182.Henry, Mrs. E., Boinaderry, N.S.W., 195.Henry, Keith, Boinaderry, N.S.W'., 204.Henry Kelvin, Bomaderry, N.S.W'., 202.Henry, Miss M., 37 Osbome-st., Nowra. N.S.W., 201,

207.Henry, R., 37 Osborne-st., Nowra. N.S.W., 202. Henry, R. A., Terara, Nowra, N.S.W ., 178 (2), 179,

180, 181, 182.Henwood, Mrs. J., Hall-at., Turramu-ra, Sydney,


Hewett, L. R., Cooma, N.S.W'., 49, 51, 53, 56, 58. Hewitt, C. W\, 65 Sussex-st,, Sydney, 48, 50, 55, 188. Hines, Miss E., c /o . Mulwala House, Canberra, A.C.T.,

196, 196, 197, 199.Hirst, E. E., Springmead, Inglebum, N.S.W., 12,

15 (2), 16. 17. 20, 21, 87, 92, 94, 99.Hirst, Mrs. E. E., Springmead, Inglebum, N.S.W., 67,

59, 188, 190, 194, 195, 196, 199.Hirst, H. I)., Springmead, Inglebum, N.S.W., 49, 51,

53, 56, 58, 60, 188, 193.Hirst, Miss M., Springmead, Inglcburn, N.S.W., 190,

194, 195, 196, 199.Iload, Mrs. M., Flat 5, 66 Roseoe-st,, Bondi, Sydney,

48, 50, 82, 57, 59, 188, 190, 195, 196, 197, 199.

Hodges, Miss P., 3 Bogan-st., Parkes, N.S.W., 195. Hogbin, J., 1 Glenore-rd., Canterbury, Sydney, 117,

126.Hokin, F\ J., 28 Hat Hill-rd., Blackheath, N.S.W., 13,

73. in.Holland, G., Glen haven P.O., Castle Hill, N.S.W’ .,

13.Holland, Mrs. J., 18 Alcxandcr-st., Hunter’s Hill,

Sydney, 179, 180.Holmes, Miss W. M., Glenholme, West Wyalong,

N.S.W., 48 (2), 50 (3), 52, 54, 55, 57, 59 (3),86, 87, 91, 92, 93, 94, 99 (2), 111, 115, 116, 150 (4), 151 (5), 152 (4), 163 (3), 154 (2), 156 (2), 159, 160 (3), 161 (3), 162 (3), 163 (3),164 (3), 165 (3), 166 (5), 167 (5), 168 (5),169 (6), 171, 179, 180, 181, 182, 196, 197, 199.

Hordern, S., Retford Park, Bowral, N.S.W., 50, 52,54, 55, 59 (2), 188.

Hordern, Master S., Retford Park, Bowral, N.S.W., 92,95, 100, 204.

Hordern, Miss S., Retford Park, Bowral, N.S.W., 86,91, 92, 93, 95, 99, 100, 189, 190, 201, 207.

Horstman, J. K., Upper Maffra West, North Gippsland, Vic., 151, 152, 157, 158.

Houghtou, M. C., Dibbs Chambers, 58 l ’ itt-st., Syilney, 110, 115.

Howard, Miss D., c /o . Campbell Bros., Buckajo, N.S.W., 201, 207.

Howard, F., 84 Houaton-rd., Kingsfonl, Syilney, 181,182.

Howard, J ., 84 Houston-rd., Kingsforil, Sydney, 179,180.

Hov ard, J., 95 Albion-st., Handwick, Sydney, 181. Howard. J. T., 95 Albion-st., Randwick, Sydney,

192.Hughes, Miss E., Oakleigh, 443 Cowra-rd., Grenfell,

N.S.W., 206.Hughes, R., 11 Hill-rd., Regent’s Park, Sydney,

204.Hughes, Miss V., 11 Hill-rd., Regent’s Park, Sydney,

58, 194, 195.Hull, E., c /o . T. A. Field, 169 Thomas-st., Syilney,

155.Hull, G., c /o ., A. MeMaugh, P.O., North Albury,

N.S.W., 155.Hume, Miss P., Itchley Hill, Canterbury-rd., Ring wood,

Vic., 195, 196, 197, 200.Hunt, R., Yaroonga-rd., Hoxton Park, Liverpool,

N.S.W.. 205.Hunt, W'., Gum Park, Steel’* Creek, Vic., 48 (3), 50 (2),

62 (3). 55, 57 (2), 59.Hum, J. S., 63 Denisoni-st., Hamilton, Newcastle,

N.S.W.. 12.Husband, R., 4 Bruce-st., Kmgsford, Sydney, 145. Hutton, Miss J., Cheviot Hills, l’enahurst, Vic., 159,

170, 171, 195, 196, 197,


INDEX TO EXHIBITORS— See. 1— H or.e .,H yde, W „ Oakes rd., West Pennant Hills, N.S.W.,

48 (2), 50 (2), 52 (2), 54, 50, 188 (2).

IR W IN , M im E., e>0 Bright-st., Guildford, Sydney, 40, 51, 63, 56, 58, 87, 88, 92, 94, 95, 157, 158, 178, 180.

Irwin, Miss M., 80 Bright-st., Guildford, Sydney, 208. Irwin, W., 80 Bright-st., Guildford, Sydney, 190.

Kennan, Mrs. H. C., Blue Cross Hospital, Penrose, Auckland, N.Z., 103, 150, 151, 152, 154, 156,157, 158, 161, 162. 163, 164, 165, 170, 172,173, 174, 175, 181, 182.

Konnan, Miss J., Blue Cross Hospital, Penrose, Auck­land, N.Z., 201, 208.

Kennedy, Miss C., P.O. Box 70, Wollongong, N.S.W.,198, 208.

Kennedy, G., c /o . J. T. Kelly and G. L. Kennedy, Wyoming, Upper Horton. N.S.W'., 155.

J a c k s o n , B., 8 Tho Boulovarde, Malabar, Sydney, Kennedy, Mrs. R „ 421 Anzac-pde., K igsford, Sydney, 203. 49, 53, 56, 60, 103, 196.

Kennedy, K., c /o . Sister E. I. Fitzgerald, Westem-rd., Kingswood, Sydney, 155.

Kennedy, R., Wyoming, Upper Horton, N.S.W’ ., 203.

Kidd, Miss K ., 2 Woodland-st., Balgowlah, Sydney,49, 51, 56, 58.

K ng, Mrs. \\\, K.M.B. 730, Richmond-rd., Blacktown, N.S.W., 52, 55, 190, 194, 195, 196, 197,199.

King, W., K.M.B. 730, Kichmond-rd., Blacktown, N.S.W., 192, 193.

Kinkade, Honald, 53 Milperra-rd., Revesby, N.S.W’ ., 20*.

Kinkade, Bov, 53 Milperra-rd., Revesby, N.S.W., 49, 50 (2), 51, 53, 50, 58, 00, 01, 92, 94. 98, 99,192. 193.

Kinnear, Miss S., 9 Omar-st., Caulfield, S.E.8, Vic.,170, 171, 195, 196. 197.

Kirk, P ., Hampton, Mount Victoria, N.S.W’ ., 203. Kirk, Miss V., Hampton, Mount Victoria, N.S.W.,

207.Kirwin, L., c /o . Mrs. E. Bull, W’oodlands, Liverpool,

N.S.W'., 204.Knappstein, Mrs. C. N., 2 Ruah Court, Eustace-st.,

Manly, Sydney, 195, 196, 197, 199.Knee, Mrs. V. E., Noondah, 31 Ashted-rd., Box Hill,

E .l l , Vic., 52, 57.Knight-Gregson, G. A., Lowlynn, Galong, N.SAV., 50,

55, 193.Knight-Gregson, H., Lowlynn, Galong, N.S.W., 50,

53, 54, 56, 60.Knight-Gregson, Miss M. L., Lowlvnn, Galong, N.S.W.,

13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 87, 89, 90, 92, 94, 96, 97,99, 100 (2), 101, 195.

Knodler, G., Neots l ’ark, Whittuigliam, N.S.W., 204. Knodler, Miss P., Neots Park, Whittingham, N.SAV.,

207.Kurtz, W. H., Beverley House, Mudgee, N.S.W.,


203.Jackson, Miss N., 6 Marino-IMo., Lurline Bay,

Marouhra, Sydney, 194, 200. 206.Jagelman, Mrs. H ., Bundeena, Bailgery’s Crook,

N.SAV., 48 (2), 50 (2), 61, 86, 110, 114.Jagolman. Mrs. N., Bundeena, Badgory’s Creek, N.SAV.,

18.James, Miss J., 119 Lagoon-st., Narralioon, Sydney,

206.James, J., 2 Harbomi rd., Kingsford, Sydney, 193.Jameson, Miss K., c /o . E. M. Garsia, Dunkeld, Bathurst,

N S.W., 207.Jainio8on, R ., Cowcuxnbla, Cootamundra, N.S.W., 86,

91, 93, 110, 115.Jenkins, A. D., 20 Edmund-st., Waverley, Sydney, 192,

193.Jolmson, J. P., Windermere, Murringo, Young, N.SAV.,

1, 90, 97, 114, 119, 128.Johnson, Miss P., Dovitt-st., Narrabeen, Sydney,

197.Jolly, K., Bra Burn, Anakie, Vic., 203.Jolly, Miss L., Bra Bum, Anakie, Vic., 209.Jolly, Miss M., B n Burn, Anakie, Vic., 201, 208.Jolly, B. W ., Bra Bum, Anakie, Vic., 14, 15, 18, 20, 21,

87, 90, 92, 97, 100 (2), 101, 150, 151 (2), 152 (2), 153, 154 (2), 150 (2), 157, 158, 100 (3). 101 (3), 102 (3), 163 (3), 104, 105, 100 (3), 107 (3). 108 (3), 109 (2), 189, 193.

Jones, T., c /o . Bra Burn, Anakie, Vic., 155.Jones, W. A., Pty., Ltd., 108 Queen-st., Melbourne,

48, 50 (2), 52, 54, 57, 59 (2).

K a n E, D., 35 O ’Neill-st., Brighton-le-Sands, Sydney, 202.

Keane, Miss M., 18 Ocean-st., Kogarah, Sydney, 159, 171.

Kelly, C. R., Barwidgee, Vic., 192, 193.Kelly, J., Wyoming, Upper Horton, N.S.W., 203.Kelly, J. T ., Wyoming, Upper Horton, N.S.W., 192,

193.Kelly, J. T., and G. L. Kennedy, Wyoming, Upper

Horton, N.S.W., 48, 50, 52, 57, 59, 01, 87, 150 (2), 151 (2), 152 (2), 154, 172, 173, 174, 175, 178, 179, 180, 182.

Kelly, Miss M., Wyoming, Upper Horton, N.SAV., 198, 208.

Kelly, Miss P., Barwidgee, Caramut, Vic., 48 (2), 50, 52 (2), 54, 55, 57, 59 (2), 01 (2), 102 (3). 157, 159, 170, 171, 188, 190, 195, 190, 197, 199.

L/AID LAW , M is s R., Elmhurst, Vic., 159, 170, 171, 195, 190, 197, 199.

Laidlaw, Miss R., and W. J. Armour, Elmhurst, Vic., 48. 50. 150 (3), 151 (2), 152 (3), 154 (2),150 (2), 157 (3), 100 (3), 101 (3), 102 (3), 103 (4). 104 (2), 105 (2), 100 (3), 167 (3), 108 (3). 109 (3). 181, 182.

Lambert, K., l ’arraween-st., Cremome, Sydney, 50,61.

„ „ _ -- „ . . . . . Langbridge, R ., 171 Carrington-rd., Coogee, Sydney,Kelly, T. IL, Box Hill, Minto, N.S.W., 53, 56, 00, 202.

's,i• , . . . Langfield, Miss E., Springdale, Koorawatha, N.S.W.,Kolly, Mrs. T. H., Box Hill, Minto, N.SAV., 190, 207. *

I®*- Langfield. Miss M., Springdale, Koorawatha, N.S.W.,Kemp, Miss H. L., c /o . Kem p's Riding School, 171a 208.Wells-st., South Melbourne, 197, 199. Langfield, Miss N., Springdale, Koorawatha, N.SAV.,Kemp, Miss J., 110 Wycombe-rd., Neutral Bay, Sydney, 207.150, 150, 159, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, Lamach, Miss J., 3 Logan Brae, 112 Beach-st., Coogee,100, 187, 168, 169, 171. Sydney, 194.

Kem p’s Riding School, 171a Wells-st., South Melbourne Lawson, Miss F., Ellerslie, Kangaroo Valley, N.S.W’ .,02, 55, 188. 208.



Lean, Miss C., c /o . Kemp's Riding School, 171a Wells- st., South Melbourne, 194, 195, 196, 199.

Leaney, A. F., Dee Why Heights, Sydney, 204. Leanev, Mrs K. M., Deo Why Heights, Sydney,

195. 196.Leaney, R. F., i J e e W hy Heights, Sydney, 192, 193. Leckie, W „ c /o . Kemp’s Riding School, 171a Wells-

st., South Melbourne, 192, 193.Le Mot tee, G., 81 Pine-st., Randwick, Sydney, 50. Lenehan, Miss Margaret, 1395 Pacific Highway, Warra-

wee, Sydney, 201, 207.Lenehan, Miss Mary, 1395 Pacific Highway, Warrawee,

Sydney, 209.Lenehan, R., 1395 Pacific Highway, Warrawee,

Sydney, 204.Lennon, Miss M., Macquarie View, Tarana, N.SAV., 92,

96, 100, 178. 179. 180, 1 Hi (2). 182 (2). Lippmann, J. P.. Moorefield Hills, Dural, N.S.W., 114,

119.Loanev, 11. A., Tidza Moor, Shell rd., Cronulla, N.S.W.,

Loaney, Mrs. 11. A., Tidza Moor, Shell-rd., Cronulla, N.S.W., 88. 95.

Lock, J. E „ Brookburn Stud, Bowral. N.S.W., 1,3 (2), 4, 12. 28, 50, 52. 57, 59. 73, 75, 79, 80.

Logan, Mrs. W. N „ 87 Willarong-rd., Caringbah, Sydney. 88. 115, 117, 124, 126, 130.

Lomas, Miss P.. 39 Kdgecliffe-av., C'oogee, Sydney, 194,195, 196 197, 200, 206.

Lomas, W.. 39 Edgeeliffe-av., Coogee, Sydney, 87,188.

Lomas, Master W., 39 EdgeclifTc av.. Coogee, Sydney, 203.

Longmire Bros., Glenelg, Narrandera, N.S.W., 28,29 (2), 30 (3). 31, 32. 34 (3), 35, 30, 37, 39, 40.II.

Looney, A. C., P.O. Box 70, Wollongong, N.SAV.,172, 17.3, 174, 175.

Looney, Mrs. M. E., P.O. Box 70, Wollongong, N.S.W'., o

Lowther, Miss E., Pelham, Singleton, N.S.W., 195,196, !''7, 199.

Lucas, Miss K., c /o . Pearson and Williamson. Pound- (d„ N u n Warren, Vie., 170, 171, 195, 196,197, 199.

Lucas, Miss K ., c /o . B. M. Metherall, Tempy, Vic.,159.

Luck, A. M.. 44 W'arwick-st., Penrith, N.S.W., 49,51, SC, 56, 58, 60.

Lyons, T., 34 Grandview Grove, Seaforth, Sydney, 202.

McGee, J., Berry, N.S.W'., 151. 152, 154, 155, 100,101, 102. 103, 100, 107. 108, 109, 170, 177 (2),179, 180, 181 (2). 182 (2).

McGill, Miss F., 41* Minter-st., Canterbury, Sydney, 996.

McGlinchev, 1’ ., Mvree Hill, Jamberwo, N.S.W ., 192, 198.

McGlinchev, Miss S., Mvree Hill, Jamheroo, N.S.W.,195, 190. 197.

McGregor. R.. c /o . 1). C. Palmer. Wonga, Gundagai, N.S.W., 203.

McGuckin, A., New England Drive, Kingsgrove, Sydney, 204.

McIntosh, Miss L., Denbigh, Narellan, N .S.W ., 48,50. 52, 57, 59, 01 195, 190.

McKay, K., Gray's Point-rd., Gray's Point, N.SAV.,192, 193.

McKay, K.. and Mrs., Grav's Point-rd., Grav's Point, N.S.W., 86, 91.

McKeachie, A. R., Police Depot, Bourke-at., Redfem, Sydney, 72.

McKenna and McCulloch, Togainnain Station, Darling­ton Point, N.S.W., 172, 173, 174. 175.

McKenzie, A.. Strathairn, Goulburn, N.S.W’ ., 202.McKenzie, G. R „ Strathairn, Goulburn, N.SAV., 48,

49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59. 60, 92,94. 99.

McKenzie, Mrs. G. Ii., Strathairn, Goulburn, N.S.W.,195.

MeLaehlan, N. D., and Sons, Briarvrood, Campbelltown, N.S.W., 48, 50, 51, 54, 55, 50, 57, 59, 86,93.

McLean, Mrs. C. M., Burradoo Park, Burradoo, N.SAV.,12. 13 (2), 14, 15, 16 (2), 17. 18 (2). 19 (2),20 (2), 21, 87, 88, 90, 90, 97. 98, 101.

McLuro, Mrs. O., 3 Flat, 13 Upper Bayview-st., McMahon’s Point, Sydney, 194, 195.

McMaugh, Mrs. A., Post Office, North Alburv, N.SAV., 4K, 50, 52. 57, 150 (2), 151 (2), 152 (2). 153 (2),154, 156. 157, 158, 159, 160 (2), 161 (2). I6J ( 2 ) , 163 (2), 164, 165, 160 (2), 107 (2), 108 (2), 109 (2), 171, 197.

McNamara, L., River Sido, I’allamallawa, N.SAV., lo:t.

McNicol, I’ . A. C., Kia-Ora, 3 Crown-st., East Sydney,192.

McPhee, Miss P., 329 Glebe-rd., Glebo Point, Sydney,209.

MacDonald, M., Dublin-st., Sinithfield, Sydney, 179, 1*0, 181

Macfarlano, T. B., Cullingral, Merriwa, N.S.W., 48, 50 (»), 52 (2), 55 (2), 57, 59.

MacGoun. Miss A ., John’s-rd., Castle Hill, Sydney, 48,- --- - - 1^0 "lii Hire IQA t (inA/f , . . . „ . V » , '5 2 ,5 4 , 59, 102, 188, 190, 195,' 190,' 199.

M cC A H O N , G. t . , 26 Garden-st., Mascot, Sydney, Mackay, Mrs. K., Cangon, Dungog, N.S.W., 195. 190,MM I I *1/ 1:1.1. | qij190,’ 192, 193.

McCall, Miss A., 7 Winton-st., Warrawee, Sydney,208.

McCall, W . G., 7 Winton-st., Warrawee, Sydney, 906.

McCarten, Miss C., 19 Wansey-rd., Randwick, Sydney,48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 50, 59, Oft, 188 (2), 194, 195,190, 197, 199.

McCarthy, J., Belmont-st., Sutherland, N.S.W’ ., 88.McCarthv, T ., 7 Boyce-rd., Maroubra, Sydney, 136,

‘ 139.McCauley, P. B., The Glen, Upper Burragorang,

N.S.W., 173. 181, 182.McClean, J., 7 Jasmine-st., Bowral, N.S.W’ ., 155,

202.McClelland, M. J., 1718 Malvem-rd., Glen Iris, S.E. 6,

Melbourne, 192, 193.McDonald, B., 53 Nancy-st., Bondi North, Sydney,


Mackav, R. T.. Tabbil Creek, Dungog, N.S.W'., 102, 103 (2).

Maclean, Mrs. A. I). D., Fenwick Stud Farm, Yan Yean, Vic.. 3 (2). 4 (2), 24 (2), 25, 26 (2), 27.

MacLeod, Mrs. 1)., 18 Fairfax-rd., Bellevue Hill, Sydney, 194, 198, 198, 197, 188.

MacLood, J. I>., 4 (VConnell-st., Sydney, 102 (2), 103.Madden, Mrs. F., 'I'ho Boulevarde, Malauar, Sydney,

87.Maher, Miss B., Maher’s rd., Beecroft, Sydney, 88, 95,

100, 201, 209.Mangold, B. M., Willow Wood, Bundanoon, N.S.W.,

48, 50, 52, 57.Mansfield, B., Excelsior-av., Castle Hill, N.S.W.,

189, 203.Marleine, B., 83 Merewether-st., Merewether, New­

castle, N.S.W., 203.

INDEX TO EXHIBITORS— Sec. 1— H or.e .,Marks, G., c /o . G. J. Boll, 8. Marlt>omugh-rd,

Flenungton, Sydney, 1 Marks, Mias M., 124 Mnrrigong-st., Bowral, N.S.W

208.Marshall, A., Freeman's Reach, Windsor, N.S W 172

173, 174, 175.Marlin, I)., Aherlo, I'.O. Box 29. Wodonga, Vic., 158,

190, 192, 193.Martin, J., c /o . A. L. Payin', Elder-st.. Lamb ton,

N.S.W., 155.Mason, R. K., 59 Second-av., Campsie, Sydney,

181.Masterton, Mrs. 1>., 560 David-at., Albury, N.S.W ,

48, 60, 52. 65, 69, 103, 150, 166, 167. 168,169, 181, 182.

Matthews, Miss 1*., 29 Springdale-rd., Killara, Sydney,194, 206.

Matthews, Mims W., 29 Ethel-st., Balgowlah, Sydney, 201, 207.

Maughan, I).. 50 Canberra Grove, Brighton, Vie., 204. May, K. J., Pittwater-rd., North Narralieen, Sydney,

86, 91, 93, 192. 193.Maybury, K., Eldridge rd., Bankstown, Sydney, 193. Medway, C. E., Nerragundah, Gunning, N.S.W., 48,

60, 62, 55, 59.Medway, J. A.. Hevandale Dallen, N.S.W., 50 (2), 54,

56. 59. 76.Medway, Miss M„ Nerragundah, Gunning, N.S.W.,

2o7.Meeks, Mrs. I), B„ Milton Park. Bowral, N.S.W., 17 (2),

18. 21, 92. 96, 97, 100, 101, 112, 117, 126, 130, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199.

Meeks, Mine V’ ., Milton Park, Bowral, N.S.W., 198, 201, 208.

Merriinan, L. T., Willeroo-st. Peak Hill, N.S.W..74. 7\ 79, 80, 85.

Merriinan, Miss L., Willeroo-st., Peok Hill, N.S.W ,207.

Metherall. R. M „ Teinpy, Vie., 151 (4), 152 (4), 153 (3),154, 165, 156 ( 3), 157 (6), 158 ( 6), 160 ( 4), 161 (4). 162 (4), 163 (4). 164 (3), 165 (2), 166 (4). 167 (4). 168 (4), 169 (4). 172, 173.174, 175. 176 (2). 177 (2). 179. 180, 181 (2).182. 192. 193.

Meurant, Miss 1., 350 Crown-st., Wollongoi.*, N.S.W..194.

Middlemiss, Mrs. F., 201 Pens hurst »t., Willoughby, Sydney, 48. 50, 52, 54, 57. 59 (2). 92 (2'), 94 (2), 99 (2), 150 (2), 151, 152, 153. 154. 166 (2), 167 (2). 168 (2). 169 (2), 178, 179,180, 181, 182.

Miles, Miss B., P.O Box 37, Batl irst N.S.W ., 170,195, 196, 200.

Miles, Mrs. M., Thomdon, Ellham-rd., Heidelberg, Vic., 63. 56, 60, €1.

Miller, J., 20 Flood-at., Clovelly, Sydnt y, 1 9J.Mills, Mrs. I., 210 Burwood-nl., Burwood, ’ydney,

48. 50. 52. 55, 59, 86. 91, 93, 99, 103, 188.189, 190. 195, 196, 197, 199.

Mills, .1. W. A., Bonny Kigg, Quirindi, N 8.W 192,193.

Mitchell, G. C , Kaby Park, Narellan, N.S.W., 48, 50,52, 55, 59.' 190, 192 193.

Moffitt, Miss H., Horsley-rd., Horsley, N.S.W., 194.195, 196, 197.

Molley, N. L., 21 Hmkler-st., Brighton-le-Sands, Sydney, 192, 193.

Moloney, Miss P., 33 Edmondson-st., Wagga, N.S.W.,208.

Moon, V.. 33 Davies-st.. Surry Hills, Sydney, 136 (2), 139 (2), 145.

Moore, G., Cordale, Mermaid-ay., Maroubra, Sydney 87, 92, 94, 99.

Moore, Miss N., 146 Coogee Bay-rd., Coogee, Sydney, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 60, 61, 103, 190,196, 197.

Morris, Miss D., Mountview, Vineyanls, N.S.W., 207. Morns, L., 46 Waterloo-rd., East Bankstown, Sydney,

5.Mowle, Miss J., Ebor, N.S.W., 49, 53.Moxhatn, Miss P., 100 George-st., Parramatta, N.S.W.,

48, 60, 52, 55, 160, 153, 160, 168, 169, 172,173, 174, 175, 177.

Mullane, Miss V., Cameron-rd., Pymble, Sydney,49, 51, 53, 195, 200, 206.

Munn, V H „ Queen st., Oberon, N.S.W., 155, 192193.

Munlen, Miss A., 6 Conwav-rd., Blakehurst, Sydney,208.

Murphy, C. A.. Taj field, Bombala. N.S.W., 89, 96,15<», 151, 152, 154, 156, 178. 179(2), 180. 181, 182

Murphy, M„ Tayfield, Bombala, N.S.W., 203. Murphy, K., *■ o. Mrs. M. Bennett, 14 The Causeway,

Maroubra, Sydney, 203.Murphy, R., Tayfield, Bombala, N.S.W., 155, 193. Murray, P. J., 4 Hay-st., Randwick, Syilney. 48, 50,

52, 57, 59, 86, 91, 93. 99, 188, 192," 193. Myers. O. W., 57 Castle-st., Blakehurst, Sydney, 114.


N a RBANDERA P. i m i A. ASSOCIATION, Narran- dera, N.S.W., 42, 43.

Neiwand, C. L., Police Station, Campbell-st., Castle- maine. Vic., 54, 150, 151. 152 ( 2). 153 ( 2).154, 156, 156 (2). 160, 161. 162. 163, 164,165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 192, 193.

Nelson, T., Freeman’s Reach, N.S.W., 150, 153, 156,166, 172, 173, 174, 175.

N.S.W. Fresh Food and Ice Co., Ltd., 1 Harbour-St., Sydney, 73. 75, 77, 78. 81, 134 (4), 135 (2).138, 139, 141, 146.

Newton, A.. 84 Campbell-st., St. Peters, Sydney, 136,139, 142, 146.

Newton. B „ 188 Bronte-rd., Waverley. Sydney, 157,158.

Nicholas, B., Bemborough Riding School, West-st., Balgowlah. Sydney, 89, 92, 192, 193.

Nicholas, Miss M., 150 Greenacre-rd., East Bankstown, Sydney. 194, 195.

Nicholas, Miss M„ Nairobi. Scone, N S W., 49, 51. Nicholson, N., c o. R. M. Metherall, Tempy, Vic.,

155.Noakes, Miss B., Wauchope Post Office, N.S.W.,

194, 195. 196, 197.Nook. Miss J. Kedgates. Epping Highway. North Ryde,

Sydney, 96. 100, 194.Noonan. Miss P.. Tarana. N.S.W., 185, 2(*6.No. rganl, V., 5 Kara-st., Lane Cove, Sydney, 9,

Northey, M. W., 1 Rosen-st., Epping. Sydney, 48, 50,52, 55.

Nunn Patrick, Miss P., i o. Danmark Pty., Ltd., St. Aubin's Stud, Scone, N.S.W., 194, 195,196, 199.

Nydegger. Mrs. E. M., Glen wood Park Stud, Parklea, N.S.W., 50.

Nye, E M., 9 Pembroke-st., Waverley, Sydney, 49,51, 53, 56, 58, 60, 188.


INDEX T O EXHIBITORS— Sec. 1— H or.e .,

O 'B R IE N , Miss N., 2 Little Church-st.. Ryde, Sydney,195, 196.

O'Donnell, Miss M.. P.O. Box 16, Wollongong, N.S.W,,206.

O llare , Miss J., Holly side, Delegate, N.S.W.. 195, 196,197.

Olsen, R .. c o. G. ,J. Bell, 5 Marlborough-rd., Flemington, Sydney, 155.

Oram. Miss c o. L. Tomkins, Mount Fro me, N.S.W.,208.

Osbonie, Mrs. W., Leura. 113 Unwin’s Bridge rd..Tempe, N.S.W.. 195.

Owen, .1., Pidgevillo Farm, Francis-st., Corriinal,N.S.W., 24. 25. 27.

P a c k e r . F. a ., ElizaSs'h-st., Sydney, sk, KM),189.

Paffle, Miss I... ■■ o. Mrs. Hunt -r King, Kingslynn Stud, Sans Soui i, Sydnc,, 209.

Palmer, I). C.,' Wonga. Gundagai, N.S.W., 86 (2), 91 (2), 1*3 (2), 99. 189. 192. 193.

Palmer, R., Wonga, Gundagai, N.S.W .. 204.Park, Mrs. (J. E., Eastcourt. 26 Alexander st., Coogee,

Sydney, 188, 190 194, 195, 196.Parker, E., 26 Garden-st., Alexandria. Sydney, 87,

90, 202.Parker, .1.. 26 Garden-st., Alexandria, Sydney, 86,

205.Parker, W. F., 35 O’Neill-st., Brighton-le-Sands,

Sydney, 50, 55. 192. 193.Pascoe, Miss J., c /o . Mrs. B. R. Garlick, 2 Pinnacle-rd.,

Orange, N.S.W., 86, 201, 208.Paterson, R., Otto,bourne, Yass, N.S.W., 204.Paul, H. W „ Yering, Vic., 150, 161, 152. 153, 160 (2),

161. 162 (2), 163 (2). 166 (2), 167 (2), 168 (2).169 (2).

Pauli, Miss S. E., 16 Garthowen-av., Lane Cove, Sydney,194, 195.

Payne. A. L., Elder-st , Lambton, N.S.W., 48, 50 (2),150 (2). 151 (4), 152 (4). 153, 154 (4), 156 (2), 160 (4), 161 (4), 162 (4). 163. 164, 165, 166,167, 168, 169. 176, 177, 179.

Peace, R., 68 Main rd., Corriinal, N.S.W.. 73. 75, HO. Pearse, Mrs. F. W., Bayview-rd., Bayview, Sydney,

87 (2).Pearson. Miss J., 110 Minter-st., Canterbury, Sydney,

195, 196.Pearson, Miss .1,, and Miss M. Williamson, Pound-rd.,

Narre Warren, Vic., 54, 59, 151 (2), 152 ( 2), 153, 154, 156. 157, 158, 160, 161, 162. 163.164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169.

Pearson. W. G „ Nuanille. Arrnidale, N.S.W., 48, 49, .VI, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 188 (2),190.

P-ck, Miss G. B., 74 Lang-rd., Centennial Park, Sydney,194, 195. 196.

Peden, W., Glenelg, Tarlo, Goulbum, N.S.W., 15, 48, 50, 52, 57, 59, 110, 115.

Penhaligon, S.. 5 Smith-st., Wentworthville, N.S.W.,50, 55.

Pennell, J., c /o . Kemp’s Riding School, 171a Wells-st., South Melbourne, 203.

Pennell, N. and Mrs., c /o . 171A Wells-st., South Melbourne. 48, 49. 50. 51, 52, 53, 54. 56. 57,58, 59, 60, 87, 92, 94. 99, 103, 188, 189.

Perry, Miss B., 81 W hite st., Tamworth, N.S.W., 159,171.

Perry, C’ . H., 81 White st., Tamworth. N.S.W., 150 (3),151 (2), 152 (2), 153 (2), 154 (2), 156 (2),160. 161, 164, 166(2), 167(2), 168(2), 169(2). 176 (2), 177 (2).

Perry, C. W\, 81 W hitest., Tamworth, N.8.W .,155.

Petts, Miss S., Bark Yanco-rd., Leeton, N.S.W’ .,209.

Phegan, P.. 298 Unwin’s Briilge-rd., Tempe, N.S.W.,Its.

Phillips, K.. 16 Sheehv-st.. Glebe Point, Sydney, 150 ,"2).151 (2). 152 (2). 154 (2). 155, 156. 157, 158, 160 (2). 161 (2), 162 (2), 163 (2). 164 (2).165 (2), 166 (2). 167 (2), 168 (2), 169 (2). 176, 177.

Phillips, M.. 61 Keira-ril., West Wollongong, N.S.W., 203.

Phillips. Miss M „ c /o . Mrs. H. Cook, Grand View, Mount Keira, N.S.W., 194,

Phillips, R „ 61 Keira rd.. West Wollongong, N.S.W.,202.

Philpott, E. M.. 2 York-st.. Belmore, Sydney, 13, 15,16 (2). 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.

Pickering, D., 15 Rowe-st,, Roseville, Sydney, 193. Police Department, Bourke-st., Rodfern. Sydney,

It (IS).Poole, Miss B. M. K „ Colomendy, Arrnidale, N.S.W.,

87, 92, 94. 196, 206.Pope, Colonel and Mrs. A. V., Humphries-rd.,

Frankston, Vic., 48, 50, 52, 55, 59, 188. Pope, Colonel A. V., Humphiies-rd., Frankston, Vic.,

190.Pope, Mrs. A. V., Humphries-ril., Frankston, Vic., 199. Potter, Mrs. K., 268 Canterhury-rd., Canterbury,

Sydney, 86, 91, 93. 110, 115, 130.Potter, Miss P., 268 Canterbury-rd., Canterbury,

Sydney, 201, 202, 208.Pountney, Miss J., 51 Dalmeny-av., Rosebery, Sydney,

48, 50. 52, 57, 59, *190.Price, Mrs., Elsmere, George-st„ Yowie Bay, N.S.W.,

48.Price, Miss J. A., 6 Gamett-st., Killara, Sydney, 48,

50, 52, 88,*207.Prince, P., 106 Kembla-st., Wollongong, N.S.W.. 172,

173, 174, 175, 179.Proctor, J. H. VV„ 48 Anderson-st.. Alexandria, Sydney,

192, 193Purcell, J „ Braeval Park, Wahroonga, Sydney, 50,

192, 193Purcell, J., c /o . M. F. Roberts, 476 Parian.atta-rd.,

Petersham, Sydney, 155.Pve, Miss S. E., Gingie, Carthona-av., Darling Point,

Sydney. 48. 60, 52, 55, 59, 89, 92, 96. 100, 188, 190, 196, 197, 199.

Q U IG L E Y , M r s . J., 42 Arden-st., Randwick, Sydney,195, 196.

Quinn, J., 26 Garden-st., Mascot, Sydney, 205.

R a i n e s , A., P.O. B o x 37, B a th u rs t , N.S.W., 155,193.

Raines, Miss M „ P.O. Box 37, Bathurst, N.S.W ., 194,195, 196. 199.

Ramsay, A., c /o . A. Swadling, 108 Miller-st., Pyrmont, Sydney, 193.

Ramsay, G., c /o . A. Swadling, 108 Miller-st., Pyrmont, Sydney, 193.

Ranger, K., Agincourt Stud, Seven Hills, Sydney, 1.Ravner, Miss C „ Mount Jack, Mebul, Gulgong, N.S.W.,

195, 196.Rees, Miss P., Kybah. Trundle, N.S.W., 195, 200, 206.Reeves, J. R., c /o . S. McMillan, 96 Hereford-st., Glebe,

Sydney. 5.Reeves, Miss N., Hamilton Falls, R.M.B. 1015, Dubbo,

N.S.Ww 194, 195, 196, 2(Ki, 206.Reilly, J., 161 Paciflc-pde., Dee Why, Sydney, 48 (2),

50 (2), 52, 54, 57, 59 (2), 188, 190.

INDEX TO EXHIBITORS— Sec. 1— H or.e ..

Reilly, Mrs. M., lfll Pacific-pde., I )«>*> Why, Sydney, 49,51, S3, 58, 188.

Reimer, Miss S., 2 Derowie-av„ Homebush, Sydney, 48,50, 82, 57, 201, 207.

Rerli Stud Farm, 92 Polding st., Smithtield, N.S.W.,22. 113, 116. 11 *, 123, 126, 127.

Richards, M. H., 22 O’Brien-st., Bondi, Sydney, 193.Rigby, It., 37 Waverley-st., Randwick, Sydney, 204.Rigby, Mrs. K., 37 Waverley-st., Randwick, Sydney,

M .Rigby, Master M., 37 Waverley •at., Randwick, Sydney,

203.Rigley, Mrs. I. A., 555 Prince’s Highway, Blakehurst,

Sydney, 48, 50, 52. 55, 59, 87, 92, 98, 195,106, 197, 199.

Rigney, N., 57a Henson-st., Summer Hill, Sydney, 192,193.

Rixon, Mrs. N., 45 .Tunction-st., Nowra, N.S.W., 811,99, 112, 179, 180.

Roach, Miss E., 385 Liverpool-»t., Darlinghurst, Sydney, 159, 171. 197, 199.

Robbie, F., Rock Lily Road House, Mona Vale, Sydney,59.

RoliertH, Mrs. I). W., Roliorton Park, Bowral, N.S.W.,13.

Roberta, M. F., 476 Parramatta-rd., Petersham, Sydney, I, 48, 50, 52 (2), 55, 57, 59, 150, 151,152, 154, 156, 157, 158, 188 (2).

Roberts, Mrs. M„ 476 Parramatta-rd., Petersham, Sydney. 1»0, 195, 196. 197, 1#9.

Robertson, Miss A., Nargoon, Gundagai, N.S.W., 48,50, 52, 55, 59, 159, 171, 188, 190, 196, 197, 199.

Robertson, Miss J., Jandra, Bourke, N.S.W., 48, 50,52, 55, 59.

Robertson, Miss P., Barwang, Young, N.S.W., 195,196.

Robinson, Miss J., Kiino, Oundagai, N.S.W., 195,196, 197, 199.

Robinson, Miss J., ami D. T . Davies, Kimo, Gundagai. N.S.W., 48. 50. 52. 55. 59, 61.

Rogan, It., 161 Pacific-pile.. Dee W hy, Sydney, 190,192. 193.

Rollason, Miss K., 16 Odenwald-rd., Heidelberg, Vic., 191, 195. 196, 197.

Roper, B., Manners-st., Teuterfielil, N.S.W., 24, 26 (2), 27 (3), 120, 129,

Rose, C. M., Magellan, Cooma, N.S.W ., 18, 50, 52, 55, 90, 97.

Rose, Miss E., Magellan, Cooma, N.S.W., 209.Rosenberg, J., 13 Anderson-st., Alexandria, Sydney,

150.Ross, C. B., Tall Trees, New Line-rd., West Pennant

Hills, Sydney, 48. 50, 52, 55, 59.Ross, T. J., and R. Gordon, 20 McKenzie-st., Leichhardt,

Sydney, 12, 97, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119 (2), 121, 124, 125, 127, 128 (2).

Rowles, R., Cecil-av., Castle Hill, N.S.W., 189, 203.Roxburgh, Miss J., c /o . Crichton and Perrin, Murray

Park, Young, N.S.W., 195, 196.Rundle, Miss A., Highbury, Campbell-pde., Manly

Vale, Sydney, 49. 188, 130, 195.Ryan, R. M., Comboyne, N.S.W., 179, 180, 181, 182,


SA M U ELS. H. O., IS Femdale-st., Newtown. Sydney,193.

Samuels, Mrs. H., 40 Mona-rd., Darling-Point, Sydney,54, 59, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199.

Samuels, Mrs. H. G., 18 Ferndalo-st., Newtown, Sydney,194.

Sawyer, Miss J., Amerlo, P.O. Box 29, Wodonga, Vic.,195. 196, 197, 199.

Saxton, (.’ . D „ 25 Birtley Towers, Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, 48, 50, 52, 55, 59.

Saxton, Miss 1’ ., 25 Birtley Towers, Elisabeth Bay, Sydney, 195, 196, 197, 199.

Schmidt, B., Goonoo Goonoo, Tamworth, N.S.W., 61 (2).

Scott, Mrs. A., Marshlands, Boundary-rd., MordiaUoc, Vic.. 48, 50, 52, 57.

Sedgwick. Miss P., Moore-st., Caropbelltown, N.S.W., 92, 95, 100, 200, 206.

Sepping, Mrs. F., 18 Reynolds-rd., Old Toongabbie, N.S.W., 88, 90, 95, 97, 98 (2), 1«H». 101, 119.

Sepping, J. A., 18 Reynolds-rd., Old Toongabbie, N.S.W.. 203.

Sepping, L. F., 6 New st., Parramatta, N.S.W., 205. Sepping, Miss L., IH Reynolds-rd., Old Toongabbi®,

N.S.W., 195.Sepping, R. .1., 6 New-st., Parramatta, N.S.W., 205. Setehell, Miss 1’ ., 15 Winston-av., Earlwood, Sydney,

206.Seymour, N., 43 Greene-av., R y d e ,. Sydney, 150. Seymour, R. F., 86 Carv-st., Marrickville, Sydney, 192,

193.Seymour-Wells, Miss A., 55 Liverpool-rd., Summer Hill,

Sydney, 86, 91, 189, 194, 195, 196, 199. Seymour-Wells, 1’ ., 55 Liverpool-rd., Summer Hill,

Sydney, 48, 50, 57, 188.Sharp, Mrs. E., 18 Ripon Way, Rosebery, Sydney,

48. 50. 52, 54, 57, 59, 86, 91, 93, 99, 195, 196,199.

Sharp, J., 18 Ripon Way, Rosebery, Sydney, 192. Shaw, Miss B., 34 Cook-st., Mascot, Sydney, 201,

207.Shaw, Miss D „ 34 Cook-st., Mascot, Sydney, 206. Shaw, Mrs. J. IL, 551 Mowbray-rd., West Lane Cove,

Sydney, 195.Shaw, J. R., 551 Mowbray-rd., West Lane Cove,

Sydney, 86, 87, 91, 92, 99 (2), 119. 192. Shaw, J., 34 Cook-st., Mascot, Sydney, 203.Shaw, R., 34 Cook-st., Mascot, Sydney, 202. Shedden, Miss M., Brisbane Grove, Goulburn, N.S.W.,

194, 195, 200, 206.Shepherd, A., 53 Moxon-rd., Punchbowl, Sydney,

192, 193Shepherd, Mrs. A., 53 Moxon-rd., Punchbowl, Sydney,

194, 195.Shepherd, R., Milton Park, Bowral, N.S.W., 50, 52,

57, 59, 192, 193.Shepherd, S., Milton Park, Bowral, N.S.W., 87, 92,

94. 99, 1 ;*2, 193.Shilliday, Miss W., 521 Station-st., Box Hill, Mel­

bourne, 195, 196, 197, 199.Shipton, Mrs. M., 15 Winston-av., Earlw»od, Sydney,

195.Shirmer, Miss D., c /o . Sifter E. I. Fitzgerald, Kings­

wood, Sydney, 159, 170, 171.Shutes, W , c /o . J. T. Kennedy and G. L. Kennedy,

Wyoming, Upper Horton, N.S.W., 203. Shuttleworth, Mrs. K., 89 Old Windsor-rd., Wentworth-

ville, N.S.W., 87.Shuttleworth, Miss L., 89 Old Windsor-rd., Wentworth-

ville, N.S.W., 207, 208.Single, E. C., 1 Raleigh-st., Guildford, N.S.W., 12,

122.Sloan. Miss J., 1 Horsely-av., Willoughby. Sydney,

49, 51, 53, 58, 194, 195, 196.Small, T ., c /o . S. Hordern, Retford Park, Bowral,

N.S.W., 192, 193.Smith, C. O., Milton View, Bowral, N.S.W., 34. Smith, D., 417 Bong Bong-st„ Bowral, N.S.W., 204. Smith, F ., Kiallan, Billiman, N.S.W'., 34 (2), 35. Smith, G .t Centennial-rd., Bowral, N.S.W., 192,




Smith, Mrs. G., Centennial-rd., Bowral, N.S.W'., 52,55. 87, 92, 94, 99. 191, 197.

Smith. H. J., 108 Mittagong-rd., Bowral, N.S.W’ ., 90, 97, 101, 192, 193.

Smith, ,J., 108 Mittagong-rd., Bowral, N.S.W., 205. Smith, J., Kami 81, Lectori, N.S.W., 49, 51, 53, 56,

58.Smith, J., The Depot, Nowra, N.S.W., 49, 51, 53,

56. 58. 61, 181, 202.Smith, J. C., 417 Bong Bong-st., Bowral, N.S.W’ .,

51, 172, 173, 174, 175.Smith, Miss L., c /o . Mrs. M. Bennett, 14 The Causeway,

Maroubra Bay, Sydney, 201.Smith, N. B. R „ e /o . Danmark Pty., Ltd., St. Aubin’s

Stud, Scone, N.S.W., 192, 193.Smith, Miss R „ c /o . Kemp’s Riding School, 171a

Wells-st., South Melbourne, 196, 197, 199. Smith, S., 16a Gordon-st., Brighton-le-Sands, Sydney,

24.Smith, W. S., and H. J., 108 Mittagong-rd., Bowral,

N.S.W., 8.Snell, K., 42 Devonshirc-st, Chatswood, Sydney,

190, 193.Sontcr, K. W., Rivcrina Riding School, Forest-rd.,

Peakhurst, N.S.W., 150, 151, 152, 157, 158. Spearma(i, Mrs. M. A., 103 Sutton-st., Mascot, Sydney,

195.Spence, A., Kirkland-av., Coorparoo, Brisbane, 204. Snence, Mrs. A., Kirkland-av., Coorparoo, Brisbane,

8S.Spence, Mrs. Y., W oodstock Country Club, Rooty Hill,

N S W ., 195, 196.Stapleton, M., 12 Chelsea-st., Redfem, Syibiey,

150.Staunton, Miss F., c /o . F. and Miss May Wood, High-

st , .lundowae, Q 'ld,, 159, 171, 197. Stephenson, Miss L., 155 Parramatta-rd., Concord,

Sydney, 201, 207.Stevens, Airs. G. B „ 16b O’Brien-st., Bondi, Syilney,

48, 50, 52, 54, 188, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199. Stevens, Miss N., c /o . A. Swadling, 108 Miller-st.,

Pynnont, Sydney, 207.Stevens, R., 56 Marriott-st., Redfem, Sydney, 179. Stevens, W. E., 16b O ’Brien-st., Bondi, Sydney, 190,

192, 193.Stevenson, A. H., Bogandillon, Forbes, N.S.W’ ., 204. Stewart, A. G., Bundook, North Coast Line, N.S.W .,

150, 151, 152, 156, 166, 168, 169, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181.

Stewart, D., 13 Stanhope-st., Woonoona, N.S.W'., 116,ISS.

Stewart, I)., c /o . C. A. Murphy, Bombala, N.S.W., 86,88, 91, 92, 93, 95, 100, 178, 189.

Stocks, J. O., Kanangra. Dunkeld, Bathurst, N.S.W.,31, 37, 46, 49, 51, 53, 58, 86, 91, 93.

Stocks, Miss N., Kanangra, Dunkeld. Bathurst, N.S.W.,194, 195, 196, 197, 200, 206.

Stone, D., 804 Prince’s Highway, Rockdale, Sydney,87, 92, 94.

Street, Miss M., 31 Wanning-rd., Double Bay, Sydney,200, 206.

Styles, C. M. and Mrs., 55 Elizabeth-st., Artarmon, Sydney, 48, 51, 53, 56, 57, 58, 188.

Sugar Cartage Ltd., Saunders Lane, Pyrmont, Sydney,46, 142, 143.

Sullivan, C. IL, Moore-st., Campl>elltown, N.S.W., 192,193.

Sullivan, Mrs. M , Glenalpine, Campbelitown, N.S.W ., 48 (2), 49, 50 (2), 51, 52 (2), 53, 54, 55, 56, 59 (2), 60, 92 (2), 94, 95, 99, 100.

Sullivan, Miss T., c /o . Sister E. I. Fitzgerald, Kings­wood, Sydney, 208.

Sundstrom, H., 57 Breillat-st., Annandale, Sydney, 192, 193.

Supple, («., 359 New Canterbury-rd., Dulwich Hill, Sydney, 9.

Swadling, A., 108 Miller-st., Pyrmont,, Sydney, 48, 50 (3), 54 (2), 55, 86, 87, 90, 92, 97.

Swadling, Miss N., 108 Miller-st., Pyrmont, Sydney,194.

Swann, R., 16 W oolcott-st., Earlwood, Sydney, 89,92, 203.

Swanston, Miss D. M., c /o . Post Office, Bowral, N.S.W.,15, 50 (2), 52 (2) 55, 57, 59 (2), 92, 95, 97,100, 101, 119, 128, 130.

Sweeney, Miss .1., e /o . Kemp's Biding School, 171a Wells-st., South Melbourne, 201, 207.

Swords, B., 5 Austral av., Westmoad, Sydney, 12.

T A G A R , M r s . R., Glencoe and Flora-sts., Suther­land, Sydney, Mi, 91.

Tait, Mrs. 1*. G., Gunuong Jugrawak, Gobarralong, N.S.W., 50, 54, 59, 188, 199.

Tanner, Mrs. D., 7 New-st., Balgowlah, Sydney, 150,156.

Taylor, Mrs. K., Victoria-rd., Ermington, Sydney, 88,92, 95.

Taylor, Miss N., 25 McMahon-st., Willoughby, Sydney,195, 196, 197, 2(H), 206.

Teed, Miss J „ 8 Harrow-rd., Auburn, Sydney, 194.Tcrrey, Mrs. H., Gore-st., Port Macquarie, N.S.W., 196,

197.Thackeray, C. M., Wynellie, Young, N.S.W'., 86, 91,

179, 180, 181, 1&2.Thackeray, H. C., Wynellie, Young, N.S.W., 22,

123.Thompson, A. J., 4 Bankside-av , Undercliffe, Sydney,

57, m .Thompson, C., c /o . F. and Miss May Wood, High-st.,

Jandowae, Q ’Vi., 155.Thompson, L., 128 Madeline-st., Belmore, N.S.W.,

188, 190.Thompson, Mrs. S. J., 540 Pacific Highway, St.

Leonards, Sydney, 15, 92, 94, 99.Thompson, W. H. and Sons, Lynwood, Jindabyne,

N.S.W., 1.Throsby, Miss N., Throsby Park, Moss Vale, N.S.W.,

201, 208.Throsby, Miss D. H. O., Throsby Park, Moss V'ale,

N.S.W., 86. 91, 93, 99, 189, 190, 195, 196, 197, 200.

Throsby, R., c /o . D. C. Palmer, W’onga, Gundagai, N.S.W., 201/

Tomkins, Miss G., Clydemere, Mount Frome, N.S.W’ .,195, 196, 197, 199.

Tomkins, L., Clydemere, Mount Frome, N.S.W.,48 (2), 49, 50 (2), 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59 (2), 60, 61, 188.

Tomkins, P., Clydemere, Mount Frome, N.S.W., 203.

Tomkins, T., Clydemere, Mount Frome, N.S.W., 192, 193.

Toms, A. E., 2 King’s-rd., Brighton-le-Sands, Sydney,1.

Toms, Mrs. J., 2 K ing’s-rd., Brighton-le-Sands, Sydney,4.

Toms, Mrs. J. H., 2 K ing’s-rd., Brighton-le-Sands, Sydney, 3, 54, 150 (3), 178.

Tooheys, Ltd., 300 Elizabeth-st., Sydney, 143, 144,146.

Toogood, J., 3 Wilfred-st., Campsie, Syuney, 193.Toyer, L., c /o . M r . F. Sepping, 18 Reynolds-rd.,

Old Toongabbie, N.S.W’ ., 203.


INDEX T O EXHIBITORS— Sec. 1— H or.e ..

Treloar, W. J. H., HI W hitest., Tamworth, N.S.W., N , 93, 89, n o , 110, 170, ISO.

Tunks, VIikm V., 243 George's Kiver-rd., Croydon Park, Sydney, 90, 97, 101.

Topper, Miss 1$., 139 Stacey-at., Bankstown, Sydney,206.

Twohill ami McKermann, Murwillumbah, N.S.W., ISO (2), 153, 160 (3), 1«1, 102 (3), 163 (3),166 (3), 167 (3), 168 (3), 169 (3), 172, 173,174, 175, 178 (2), 179, 180. 1H1 (2). 182 (2).

Twohill, N\, Murwillumbah, N.S.W., 1S5.

V U L IN , II., Pine-st., Mascot, Sydney, 202. Vulin, Miss I). Pine-st., Mascot, Sydney, 207.

W a d d e l l , M is s p .. Stray Leaves, The Crescent, Doonaide, N.S.W’.. 48.

Walker, Miss B., 60 Spring-st., Ameliffe, Sydney, 112, ISO.

Walker, H., Sherwood-rd., Merry lands, Sydney, H,9.

Walker, J., Walker’s Dairy, Parramatta-rd., Lidcombe, Sydney, 204.

Walker, Miss P., Wairoa, W’imlsor-rd., Booty Hill, N.S.W., 195, 196, 199.

Walker, R. C. H.,Vf»unt Tamar. Bathurst, N.S.W., 48,50, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59 (2).

Walker, S. K., Walker's Dairy, Parramatta-rd., Lid- combe, Sydney, 17, 112.

Wall, 1$. B., 16 O ’Brien-st., Bondi, Sydney, 48 (2), 49, 50 (2), 51, 52 (2). 53, 54, 5S, 56, 58, 59 (2), 61 (2). 188 (3), 190, 192, 193.

Wall, Miss E., 19 l>riftith-st., Richmond, Vic., 91, 93, !♦'.*.

Wall. Mrs. J., 16 O'Brien-st., Bondi, Sydney, 190,194. 195, 196, 197, 199.

Walsh, J. A., P.O. Box 251, Murwillumbah, N.S.W., 150,161, 152, 153, 166, 167, 168.

Warby, K., Kislstrough, Jamberoo, N.S.W’ ., 52,57, .*9, 86, 91, 93, 99, 189.

Wardell, Miss G., c /o . Mrs. H. Cook, Grand View, Mount Keira, N.S.W’ ., 207.

Watch, Mrs. J. B.. 294 Pi|>er-st., Bathurst, N.S.W.,195, 196, 197.

Watkins, H., 3 Fore-st., Canterbury, Sydney, 192. W’atson. Miss N., 6 Orange st., Hurstville, Sydney, 59,

206.Watson, Miss V., lit Alhion-st., St. Kilila, Melbourne,

195, 196, 197, 19;*.Webb-Wagg, Miss C., 15 Johnson-st., Chatswood,

Sydney, 48, 188, 194, 195.Weeden, Mrs. J., 15 Aila-st., Randwick, Sydney,

196.WTeir, N., Weir Park, Narrandera, N.S.W., 204. Weir, Miss P., Bert angles, Yass, N.S.W., 49, 51, 58,

87, 92, 94, 159, 171, 178, 195, 196, 197, 199.

Welsh, Miss R., Rocky Point-rd., Sans Souci, Sydne208.

White, Miss 1?., c /o . A. L. C. Flint, 90 Queen-st.Melbourne, 190, 19S, 196, 197.

White, E. R ., 30 Beach-at., Coogee, Sydney, 192. W'hite, Mrs. G., c /o . W. Glendenning, Jersey-rd., Plump-

ton, N.S.W., 48. 50. 52, 55, 59.W'hite, Mrs. L., Green Acre, Gilda-av., Wahroonga,

Sydney, 116, 12.'>. 130.Whitford, G., 20 Rowley-rd , Five Dock, Sydney,

25, 27.

Whittington, B., Brooklanda, Crookwell, N.S.W'., 28,30.

Wilcox, F. G., 70 Victoria-rd., Parramatta, N.S.W'.,13.

Wilcox, L.t Kingswood, Sydney, 190, 192.Wilkinson, H. R ., r>6 Lithgow-st., Campl>elltown.

Sydney, 48, 50, 57, 61, 103, 188, 190, 193.Wilkinson, VV. G., Roseneath, Yarrawonga. Vic., 29,

30.Wilkinson, W. G., and K. B. Bott, Roseneath, Yarra­

wonga, Vic., 31.Williams, IX, 123 Byng-st., Orange, N.S.W'., 204.Williams, H. H., 12 Dutruc-st., Randwick. Sydney,

7.Williams, J „ Berry, N.S.W'., 203.Williams, Miss J., c /o . A. C. Cantlay, Turlinja, Moruva,

N.S.W'., 159, 170, 171, 195, 196, 197.Williams, Miss S., 26 Duke-st., Kensington, Sydney,

159, 170, 171, 194, 195, 196, 199.Williams, Mrs. J., 31 Caledonian-st., Bexley. Sydney,

110, 115, 124.Williams, W. J., c /o . Crichton and Perrin, M unay

Park, Young, N.S.W., 155, 192.Williamson, Miss M., Pound-rd., Narre Warien, Vic.,

159, 170, 171.Williamson, R., 31 Bent-at., Katoomba, N.S.W., 204.Willis, 1). R ., Milham-av., Eastwood, Sydney, 12,

22.Willmoie, Miss S., 77 Orchardleigh-st.. Yennora,

N.S.W., 48, 50, 188, 194, 195, 196, 197.Wilson, J. H., Hamilton-rd., Fairfield, N.S.W., 114,

119, 127.Winter, Mrs. G., Bickham, Blandforil, N.S.W., 48,

.->0, 188, 190, 196, 196, 1 !I7.Winters, J., 14 See-St., Kingsford, Sydney. 2S.Wise, J. J., 1 Yass-rd., Cootamundra, N.S.W., 49, 51,

53, 56, 58.W ood, Mrs. A., St. Kilda, Cumberland-rd., Ingleburn,

N.S.W., 49, 51, 58, 60, 61. 86, 91, 93, 99, 102, 103.

Wood, E. A., 208 Illue’s Point-rd., North Sydney, lti>17. I l l , 116, 125.

Wood, F., and Miss M., High-st., Jandowae, 0 ’ld., 48 (2), 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58,59 (2), 60, 61, 103, 150 (5), 151 (4), 152 (4),153, 154 (4), 156 (4), 160 (6), 161 (6), 162 (4),163 (4), 164 (4), 165 (4), 166 (7), 167 (7),168 (7). 169 (7), 176, 177.

Wood, Miss M., High-st., Jandowae, Q'ld., 159, 171,196, 197.

Woodhouse, Miss I., Hillcrest, Campbelltown, N.S.W.,15, 16, 75, 78, 81, 83.

Woods, Miss G., 29 Clieviot-st., Ashbury, Sydney, 92,94, 99, 105, 208.

Woollet, Miss L., Sabu, 34 York-at., Rockdale, Sydney,88. 92, 95, 100.

W’ootton, Miss B., 1 W'anaey-rd., Randwick, Sydney,207.

Wooton, Miss J., 1 W’ansey-rd., Randwick, Sydney,194, 206.

Wooton, Miss P., 1 W'anaey-rd., Randwick, Sydney,201, 207.

Wootton, Mrs. F., 1 W’ansey-rd., Randwick, Sydney,87, 92. 94, 189.

Wright, Miss E., Mary-st., Rooty Hill, N.S.W., 195.

Y K A TE S, Miss M.. Room 914, Manchester Unity Build­ing, 160 Castlereagh-st., Sydney, 50, 54, 59,195, 196, 199.

York, Miss A. N 70 Addison-av., Boseville, Sydney,196, 197.


TROTTING EVENTS.Index to Exhibitors.

A dA M S . j . , c / o . S. R. Boulden, II Marlborough rd..Flemington, Sydney, 217, 218, 219, 220.

Alexander, I)., Senr., 7 W’ardell-rd., Earlwood, Sydney, SIS, 214, 216. 217.

Alexander. D., Junr., Sherwood-st.. Revesby, Sydney, 219, 220, 224, 229.

Alexander, G. A., and G. D., 173 Riverview-rd., Earlwoo<l, Sydney, 217. 218, 219, 222.

Andrews, H. J., 166 Derby-st., Penrith, N.S.W., 219 (3), 220 (3), 226 (2), 227 (2), 228 (2).

Annaliel, A. J., 50 James-st., Rockdale, Sydney, 215 (3), 217 (4), 218 (4). 219 (3). 220 (4), 222 (2), 226 (4). 226 (4), 227 (4).

Arentz, J., Dickenson-st., l ’anania, Sydney, 212, 213,214. 216, 217, 221.

Arndell, S., 128 St. John’s-rd., Glebe, Sydney, 214,215, 216. 217, 218.

B.ALL, s . M., 6o Harris.St., Mascot, Sydney, 212, 213 (2), 214 (2). 215 (2). 216 (2), 217 (4),218 (2), 219, 220 (2), 221 (2), 222 (2), 225, 226, 227, 233.

Baxter. G. S., c /o . A. M. Phillis, Bringelly-rd., Kings­wood. N.S.W., 213 (2), 214 (2). 215, 216 (2), 217 (2), 218 (2), 219, 220, 222, 232.

Birch, E., c /o . S. McMillan. 96 Hereford-st., Glebe, Sydney. 213, 216, 217 (2), 218, 219. 220, 221,222, 233.

Bismire, N. H., 78 Silver-at., St. Peters, Sydney,216. 217. 218, 219, 220, 222.

Branch, L. W., 153 Gloucester-rd., Hurstville, Sydney,216, 217, 222.

Browne, W., 72 Dickson-st., Newtown, Sydney,217, 218, 219, 220.

Bryce, A., c /o . R. Cleary, W’yumba, Keira-rd., West Wollongong, N.S.W., 217, 218, 219, 220.

Byrne, J „ 2 Hasting-st., Marrickville, Sydney, 220,226, 227.

C A IN , P., U Aaquith-av., Rosebery, Sydney, 217,21H, 222.

Campbell, H., c /o . H. Chant, 24 George-st., Mascot, Sydney, 213.

Cavey, VV., 159 Rogers-st., Lakemba, Sydney, 218,219, SS0,

Chadwick, A.. Mount Druitt, N.S.W., 226, 227. Chick, K., c /o . F. Barnes, P.O. Box 1, Leura, N.S.W’ .,

212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217 (2), 218 (2), 219 (2), 220 (2). 221, 222.

Clarke, P. A., c /o , H. J. Cohen, 40 Missendcn-rd., Newtown. Sydney’, 219, 220.

Cleary, R „ Wyumba, Keira-rd., West W’ollongong, N.S.W'.. 219, 220, 224.

Cocks, W. H., c /o . P. Lofberg, 6 8 a Darlinghurst-rd., King's Cross, Sydney, 217, 218, 222.

Cohen, Mrs. R. M., c /o . H. J. Cohen, 40 Missenden-rd., Newtown, Sydney, 216, 217, 233.

Craigie, M., c /o . A. Thompson, 23 VVoodland-st., Marrickville, Sydney, 213, 214, 216, 222.

Cranney, F. M., c /o . F. R. Lvnch, 50 Vaux-st., Cowra, N.S.W., 217, 219.* 220, 224 (3).

Crawford. P., 43 Dowling-st., Kensington, Sydney, 231. Culbert, F., c /o . S. McMillan, 96 H ereford -stG lebe ,

Sydney, 213, 214, 217, 221.Culbert, Mrs. F „ c /o . A. Egan. 54a Shoalhaven-st.,

Nowra, N.S.W’ ., 216. 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 233.

Cunnynghame, A. W'., Raleigh-at., Oberon, N.S.W'.,219, 220.

Curley, E., c /o . T. Dodge, Caringbah, Sydney, 219, 231. Cusick, A. T., c /o . G. Kelly, Pvinhle, Sydney, 219,

220, 224, 226, 227.

D A R R A G H . H. <)., c /o . C. Johnson, 32 Myra-rd., Dulwich Hill, Sydney, 218, 219.

Dengate, N., 23 Roseville av., Roaeville, Sydney,212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 221, 232.

Dewell, T. A., 1 Stewart-st.. Glebe Point, Sydney,215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222.

Dodge, .).. 103 Town-rd., ('aringbah, Sydney, 214, 216,217, 222.

Duff, D. J. W „ 2 Shaw-st., Kogarah, Sydney, 217,218, 219, 220.

Duffy, P. R., 327 Victoria-rd., Gladesville, Sydney,213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 222, 224. 225, 226.

Dunkley, A., 529 Forest-rd., Penshurst, Sydney,219, 220, 223, 224. 229, 230.

Dunn, W. A., c /o . C. Collins, Leeton, N.S.W’ ., 218 (2), 219 (2), 220 (4), 224, 226 (2), 227 (3).

E a TON, A. C., 28 Short-at., Parramatta, N.S.W .,223, 224.

Edwards, W\, Nowra, N.S.W., 217, 218, 219, 2‘!0, 222. Egan, A., Nowra, N.S.W., 217, 219 (2), 220 (2), 222. Egan, A., c /o . D. Byrnes, 41 Clyde-st„ Croydon Park,

Sydney, 217.Eldred, Mrs. C., c /o . J. Knowles, 16 Lily-st., Enfield,

Sydney, 213, 214, 215, 216, 221.Elliot, C., 12 Edward-st., Wollongong, N.S.W'., 217,

220.Evans, G. L., c /o . G. Kelly, 36 Belgrave-st., Kogarah,

Sydney, 213, 214, 216, 216, 217, 222, 225, 232.

Evans, T., c /o . ,T. Taylor, 14 Steele-st., Reidtown, Corrimal, N.S.W., 217, 218, 219, 220, 222,224, 226, 227, 228.

* ARRINGTON, F., c /o . J. Taylor, 14 Steele-st., Reidtown, via Corrimal, N.S.W., 217, 220,223, 224.

G A R C IA , R., c /o . G. Tratt, 20S Young-at-., Annandale, Sydney, 217, 218 (3), 219 (3), 220 (3), 222.

Green, A. R. B „ c /o . S. McMillan, 96 Hen‘ford-st., Glebe, Sydney, 213, 216, 217, 219, 220, 222.

H a CKNEY, G., c /o . C. Johnson, 32 Myra-rd., Dulwich Hill, Sydney, 219.

Hall, G. VV., Tindale-st., Penrith, N.S.W., 212, 213,214. 217, 221.


Hall. P. J.. Tindale-st., Penrith, N.S.W., 225, 226, 227,228, 233.

Hall, Mr*. It. P., c /o . P. J. Hall, Tindale-st., Penrith, N .S.W ., 216. 217, 2IH, 219, 220, 222.

Hando, K., c/o. K. Culbert, 5 Victoria-rd., Glebe Point, Sydney, 212, 213, 214.

HarriHon, S. J., c /o . S. McMillan, !I6 Hereford-st., Glebe, Sydney, 213, 217, 218.

Horton, (1. F., 239 Cox’s-rd., North Hyde, Sydney,L’ l't. n o .

Houghton, M. C., c /o . J. H. Phipps, Dibbs Chambers,58 Pitt-at , Sydney, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228.

I v e r y , K „ 51 Union-rd., Penrith, N.S.W., 218,219, 220, 227.

•Ja COHS, W . G., 276 Devonshire-st., Surry Hills, Sydney, 212, 213, 217.

John, W., 165 Darley-rd., Randwick, Sydney, 217,219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230.

Johnson, C., 32 Myra-rd., Dulwich Hill, Sydney, 220. Johnson, M., c /o . D. Byrnes, 41 C lyd e-stC royd on

Park, Sydney, 217.Jones, J., c /o . J. Knowles, Second-st., Ashbury,

Sydney, 213, 214, 215, 216, 221.Joshua, S., 31 Emma-at., Leichhardt, Sydney, 219,

220, 225, 226, 227.

K e EBLE, A. P., c /o . I*. T. Andrews, 75 Redfem-st., Cowra, N.S.W., 217.

Kelly, T. J., c/o. W . Manning, Station-st., Penrith, N.S.W., 217, 219, 220, 223, 224.

King, G., 41 Tebbutt-st., Leichhardt, Sydney, 219, 220.

L/AWSON, W ., c /o . S. Lawson, Tugeari, P.O. St.Mary's. N.S.W., 217.

Leech, L. R., 7 Wardell-rd., Earlwood, Sydney, 219, 220.

Lindsay, D., c /o . A. Egan, 14 Steele-st., Reidtown, Corrimal, N.S.W., 217, 218, 219, 220, 222.

Looney, A. C., c /o . C. Elliott, 12 Edwurd-st., W ollon­gong, N.S.W., 218 (2), 219 (2), 220, 224.

Lowe, G., 39 Stylos-st., Leichhardt, Sydney, 219. Luscombe, G. C., 13 Violet-st., Enfield, Sydney,

215, 218, 219, 220.

M cD O U O A L L , O D., 10 Eric-st., Harbord, Sydney,218, 219.

McErlain, J. H., Goolagong, N.S.W., 218, 219, 220, 222.

McFadden, H., c /o . C. Collins, Lee ton, N.S.W., 220,227.

McIntyre, L., 35 Hammersmith-st., Homebush West, Sydney, 219, 220.

McIntyre, T., 35 Hammersmith-st., Homebush West, Sydney, 219, 220.

McKelvie, G., c /o . W . Picken, Blacktown, N.S.W., 219 (2), 220 (2).

McKew, W. J., 31 Harris-rd., Five Dock, Sydney,213, 214, 219 (2), 220 (2), 223.

McMillan, S., 96 Hereford-st., Glebe, Sydney, 212, 233. Mackenny, J. F., and C. M. Dickson, o /o . W . Townsend,

60 Johnston-st., Annandale, Sydney, 217,218, 219, 220, 222.

Maloney, H. J., 1 Coleridgc-st., Leichhardt, Sydney,223, 224, 225, 226, 227.

Martin, L. S., Dalton, N.S.W., 213, 214, 215, 216, 217 (2), 218 (4), 219 (5), 220 (4), 222 (3), 223,224.

Martin, S., Dalton, N.S.W., 215, 216, 217, 218, 222.Mazoudier, Mrs. I. M., c /o . W . S. Mazoudier, 104

Harcourt-pde., Rosebery, Sydney, 217, 218, 222.

Mazoudier, W . S., 104 Harcourt-pde., Rosebery, Sydney, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222.

Millctt, A. J., c /o . A. H. O ’Shea, 4 Annesley-st., Leichhardt, Sydney, 214, 216, 217, 218.

Moore, J. W., c /o . S. M Ball, 6,'> Harris-st., Mascot, Sydney, t i t , 213, 214, Stt.

Morgan, T „ 290 Canterbury-rd., Canterbury, Sydney, no, 227.

Morris, L., 46 Waterloo-rd., East Bankstown, Sydney,212, 213, 217.

Mulqueeny, M „ c /o . C. Johnson, 32 Myra-rd., Dulwich Hill, Sydney, 225, 226, 227.

Myles, J „ c /o . 1). Byrnes, 26 Marlborough-rd., Flemington, Sydney, 225, 226, 227.

N o BBS, J. and M., and J. E. Ellis, c /o . J. E. Ellis, 46 Ada-st., Concord, Sydney, 230.

Norrgard, V., 5 Kara-st., Lane Cove, Sydney, 216, 217, 223.

O ’BRIEN, C., 44 Llewellyn-st., Balmain, Sydney,217, 219, 220 (3), 222, 227.

P a y n e , A. L.. 10S Elder-st., Lambton, N.S.W.,220, 227, 228.

Pearce, H., c /o . T. A. Dewell, 1 Stewart-st., Gleb© Point, Sydney, 219 (2), 220 (2).

Perry, C. H., 81 White-at., Tamworth, N.S.W., 219, 226.

Peterson, F., 22 Chelsea-st., Redfem, Sydney, 212,213, 214, 216, 217.

Phillis, A. M., Bringelly-rd., Kingswood, N.S.W.,223, 224, 231.

Phipps, J. H., Bosworth-st., Richmond, N.S.W., 217 (2), 218, 219, 220, 227, 228, 229.

Picken, W., Yarooga Stud, Blacktown, Sydney, 217 (2), 219 (3), 220 (3), 225, 226.

Pilgrim, H., c /o . S. R. Boulden, 11 Marlborough-rd., Flemington, N.S.W., 219, 220.

R.ALPH, S. G., 12 Stanley-st , Marrickville, Sydney, 220.

Randall, J. B., 39 Wright-st., Granville, Sydney, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217 (2), 218 (2), 219 (2), 220 (2) .

Randall, S., c /o . T. V. Wilson, St. Albans-rd., Schofield, N.S.W., 218, 219, 222.

Ritchie, H., 6 Wood-st., Glebe, Sydney, 217 (2),218, 219 (2), 223, 224 (2), 226, 227, 229, 230.

Ritchie, H. and F. Callaby, 6 Wood-st., Sydney,222, 227, 229, 230.

Robertson, A., c /o . W . Bacon, 102 Railway-st., Wentworthville, N.S.W., 225, 226, 227.

Ross, T. A., c /o . J. Macarthy, 18 Virginia-st., Ken­sington, Sydney, 217.

Rousell, G. H., 18 Hillcrest-av., Gladesville, Sydney,219 (2). 220 (2), 223.

Rutter, A. J., Freeman’s Reach, Windsor, \.S.WT.,220, 227, 228, 231.

SAM W AYS, A., Melrose-av., Sylvania, Sydney, 227. Sheedy, A. J., c /o . W . Picken, Blacktown, N.S.W.,

217 (2), 219 (2), 220 (2).Smith, E. G., Stafford-st., Penrith, N.S.W., 219, 220,

224, 227.


Smith, E. II. O., Beacon Hill Brookvale, Sydney, 214, 215, 216, 217, 220, 222, 223, 224.

Smith G., Centennial rd., Bowral, N.S.W., 212, 213, 214, 232.

Smith, H. H-, c /o . J. McGee, Berry, N.S.W., 217, 219.Smith, Mr*. M., o /o . G. Smith, Centennial rd., Bowral,

N.S.W.. 219, 220.Smi.h, N. L., 50 Marv-st., St. Peters, Sydney, 213,

214, 215, 216 (2), 217 (2), 218, 210, 220, 221, 222 (2).

Smith. P.. 74 Bourke-st., Redfem, Sydney, 227.Smith, A., c /o . P. R. Duffy, 327 Victoria-rd., Glades­

ville, Sydney, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230.Springett, A., c /o . G. Smith, Centennial-rd., Bowral,

N.S.W., 215, 216, 217, 218, 222, 233.Stone, W., c /o . W . E. Branch, 153 Glouoester-rd.,

Hurstville, Sydney, 218, 219, 220.Supple, G., 446 New Canterbury-rd., Dulwich Hill,

Sydney, 218, 219, 220, 233.

1 AYLOR, D. H., c/o. V. Norrgard, 5 Kara-st., Lane Cove, Sydney, 226, 227.

Taylor, W ., c /o . H. J. Reynold*, 113 Alexander-st., Crow's Nest, Sydney, 219, 220.

Thompson, A., c /o . N. Thompson, 23 Woodland-st., Marrickville, Sydney, 218 (2), 219, 223,224, 228, 229, 231 (2).

Thornton, E., Central-St., Beverley Hills, Sydney,219, 220.

Tompson, C., 19 Gale-rd., Maroubra, Sydney, 225, 226, 227.

Toovey, W . A., 5 Wright-st., St. Peters, Sydney,226, 227, 229.

Townsend, T., 34 Cook-st., Mascot, Sydney, 219, 220.Tratt, G., 205 Young-st., Annandale, Sydney, 213,

214, 215, 216, 217, 222.Trotman, S., c /o . W . Heat, 165 River-rd., Revesby,

Sydney 225, 226, 227.

EVENTS— Sec. I — H or.e..

W A IT E , T., c /o . S. McMillan, 96 Hereford-st., Glebe, Sydney, 212, 213, 214.

Wales, V., c /o . N. H. Bismire, 78 Silver-st., St. Peters, Sydney, 218 (2), 219 (2), 220 (2), 222, 229,230, 231.

Walker, Mrs. H., Sherwood-rd., Merrylands, Sydney, 229 (2), 230.

Wallis, R. F., c /o . D. Clough, 62 Margaret-st., Peter­sham, Sydney, 217 (2), 219, 220.

Wraterhouse, G. W ., c /o . W. Manning, Station-st., Penrith, N.S.W., 226, 227, 228.

Watkins, G., c /o . L. T. Gibbons, St Mary’s P.O., Sydney, 217, 218, 219, 220, 227.

Watts, J. D., 2 Coward-st., Mascot, Sydney, 212, 213 (2), 214 (2), 216, 217 (3), 218 (2), 219 (3),220 (3), 221, 222 (3), 223, 224, 233 (2).

West, P., 20 Draper-av,, Punchbowl, Sydney, 217,223, 224.

White, H., 1471 Canterbury-rd., Punchbowl, Sydney,214, 215, 216.

Wilkins, O., Short-st., Mudgee, N.S.W., 217, 218,219, 220, 229.

Wilson, T . V., St. Albans-rd., Schofield, Sydney,212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217 (3), 218, 219 (2),220, 221, 222 (2), 225, 226.



The numbers refer to Clause*.

A b b o t t , M is s M „ Ham Station. Dungog, N.S.W.,242.

Adams, M., Mary-st., Booty Hill, N.S.W'., 244, 247. Anderson, Miss 1’ .. Woodstock, Goomhurra, Q'ld., 242. Andrews, Miss G. H., Graefield, Bridgeman-nl., Single­

ton. N.S.W , 242.Andrews, H. V., Dimolly, Singleton, N.S.W., 241.

B A L L , I.., c o. 52 Segenho< -st., Am diffe, Sydney, M lt 244. 246. 249.

Mallard, L „ Forest Lodge, Argent’s Hill. N.S.W'., 241.Bathis, S., 125 King-st., Kainlwiek, Sydney, 244,

247, 248. 249.Black, K. G., 31 Stevens-st., Pennant Hills, N.S.W.,

240, 248, 249.Bloxsome. (J., Brandon, Glen limes, N.S.W'., 243,

246, 247, 248. 249.Blundell. Miss B., Illawarra-rd., Moori'hank. N.S.W .,

245.Brady, ,1., 124 Queen st., Alexandria, Sydney, 244,

2 MBrizzolana, C. F „ 21 Vulcan-st., Granville, Sydney,

MS, 24*. 246, 248, 24!*.Brook, Miss G., Narara, N.S.W'., 242.Brosnan, C. J.. Greenmount Kstate, Darling Downs,

Q ’ld.. 241.Burgess, H., Miriam Vale, Q'ld., 241.

C a MKBON, J., Hunter's Hill, Tamworth, N.S.W.,243.

Campbell, K., Applewood, Bonshaw, N.S.W., 241. Cargill, I., Kingston, Canlierra, A.C.T., 243, 244, 246,

248, 249.Carnes, B.. 79 Clovellv-rd., Randwick, Sydney, 243,

244, 246, 249.Cleal. C„ Agincourt, Warialda, N.S.W., 246, 248, 249. Cone, V., Glenulla, Woolooma, S<'one, N.S.W’ ., 243,

244, 249.Cooper. .1, M., P.O., Warwick. Q'ld., 248, 249.Crane, J.. c /o . Tumut Kodeo Club, Tumut, N.S.W.,

243, 246, 248, 249.Crooks, J „ 143 Botany-st., Waterloo, Sydney, 243,

244. 246. 248, 249.Crouch, N., H.M.B., 202 Mulgoa-rd.. Penrith, N.S.W'.,

243, 248, 249.

D a u n t , M r s . S. M ., W'allagah, Tilba Tilba, N.S.W.245.

Davies, C., P.O. Elderslie. Branxton, N.S.W’ ., 248. Davis, A., Cooyong, Narrabri, N.S.W'., 241.

Dawes, T., 53 St. Hilliers-rd., Aubuni, Sydney, 243,244, 247, 248, 249.

Dawson, A., 208 Campbell-st., Darlinghurst, Sydney, 248, 249.

IVnnis, A., Billing School, W'allacia, N.S.W'., 247, 248, 249.

Dodge, R., 88 Melford-st., Hurlstone .park, Sydney,243, 246, 247, 248, 249.

Dowling, T., c o. Tumut Rodeo Club, Tumut. N.S.W’ .,243, 246. 247, 248, 249.

Doyle, J., c /o . L. Doyle, Plat. 17, 12 Dutruc-st., Handwick, Sydney, 244.

Doyle. K.. 75 Cooper-st., Waterloo, Sydney, 248, 249.Duncan. A.. Boekleigh, Glen Innes, N.SAV., 241.

tiNGLEBKECH T, N., Muscle Creek, N.S.W'., 243,246, 247, 248, 249.

Englebreeht, B.. Muscle Creek, N.S.W., 243, 244, 246,247, 248, 249.

Etheridge, M., The Crest, Barraba, N.S.W., 248, 249. Etheridge. R. E,, Edith Vale, L'pper Norton, N.S.W.,

248, 249.

F a R L E Y , Mrs . L., 42 Bank-st., East Maitland, N.S.W., 242.

Kenwick. G., Myall Creek, Glendon Brook, N.S.W., 241.

Fisher, J., 391 Darling st., Balmain, Sydney, 244, 246, 248, 249.

Fisher. .lack, Fishwiek, Canberra. A.C T „ 243, 244, 246. 247, 248, 249.

Fleming, I,., Bosebrook, West Maitland. N.S.W'.,243, 244, 249.

Forbes, Miss L., 28 Johnston-st., Annandale, Sydney’,245.

Forbes, V., 28 Johnston-st., Annandale, Sydney. 248.Freeman, M., Ebor, N.S.W'.. 241, 247.

O b AHAM, K. («., Duugog, N.S.W’ ., 243, 244, 246, 248, 249.

Grovenor, H. J., 29 Laekey-st., St. Peters, Sydney, 248, 249.

H A1NKS. G.. 76 Chesterfield-pde., W averley, Sydney, 248, 249.

Haines, H., 76 Chesterfield-pde., Waverley, Sydney,244, 246, 248, 249

Hallett, D.. Largs, N.S.W.. 246. 248, 249.Hamilton, H., The Lodge, Dural. N.S.W., 244, 246,

248, 249.Hannah. J., 80 Cooper st., Waterloo, Sydney, 244,



SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS— Index to Competitor*— Sec. 1 — Hor»e».

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Hargrave, D., Goolhi Stati..... Mullaley, Gunnedah.N.S.W’ .. 243. 244. 247. 248. 249.

Harper, (i. W . J., Iona, Eungella, N.S.W., 243, 244.246, 248, 249.

Haydon, F. B., Jimr., Bloomfield, Blandlord, N.S.W ..241.

Haves, G „ 26 Groat Buckingham-st., Redfem. Sydney,243, 244, 246, 248, 249.

Healy, S., 9 Botany-rd., Botany, Sydney, 244, 248. He<lges, L.. Maerannie, N.S.W., 243, 244, 246, 247,

248, 249.Hobourn, R., 75 Cooper-st., Waterloo, Syilney, 246,

248.Holland, J „ c /o . 18 Alexandre-st., Hunter's Hill,

Sydney, 244, 246.Hollis, E. A., Hastings River, Yarras, Wauehope.

N.S.W., 243, 244. 246.Hunt, A., c/o. Murrurundi Bushmen's Carnival and

Show Association, Murrurundi, N.S.W., 246, 248, 249.

Hunt, T „ c /o . Murrurundi Bushmen's Carnival and Show Association, Murrurundi, N.S.W.. 243. 246, 248. 249.

Husband, G., Anzac-pde., Kingsford, Sydney. 249. Hyein, R. W\. Kibah, Gunnedah. N.S.W., 241.

J a m e s , K., c / o . 52 Segenhoe S t . , Am diffe, Sydney,243, 244, 246, 249.

Jamieson, J., c/o. Tumut Rixieo Club, liimut, N.S.W., 243, 249.

Jamieson, W., c /o . Tumut Risleo Club, Iumut, N.S.W.. 243, 246, 248, 249.

Jupp. J „ Bingleburra. East Gresford, N.S.W., 243, 246, 247, 249.

K e l l , O.. C/o. Tumut Bodeo Club, Tumut, N.S.W.,243, 246, 248, 249.

Kemp, Miss J „ P.O., Warwick, Q’ld.. 242. Knight-Gregson, G. A., Lowlynn, Galong. N.S.W.,

248, 249.

L a w l e r . F.. 498 Botany-rd., Botany, Sydney,248, 249.

Lee, M., Scrumlo Station, Bowman’s Creek, Singleton, N.S.W., 243, 244, 246, 247, 248. 249.

Linsley, R.. 163 Beauchamp rd.. Matraville, Sydney, 246, 249.

Logan, M., Army Camp, Sing’eton, N.S.W., 243, 244. 246, 248, 249.

M c A l l i s t e r , h ., Nanango, q w., 241.McCurrie, L. M., Colenso, Tarana, N.S.W., 243, 246. McGarrity, S., 26 Brooklyn-st., Enfield, Sydney,

248, 249.McKay, N-, 75 Cooper st.. Waterloo, Sydney, 243,

244, 246, 248, 249.McLaren. N., Greystone Lea, Kingaroy, Q'ld., 244,

246, 248 249.McNamara, L., Biverside, Pallamallawa. N.S.W.. 241. McRae, R., The Glen, Merriwa, N.S.W.. 248, 249. Mackay, N., Jenning-st., Matraville, Sydney, 246.



SPECIAL ATTRACTION S— Index to Competitors— Sec. 1— Horses.

Mahon, D., Gowrie Junction, Toowoomba, Q'lcl., 247.Martin, J. K., Monkerai, .Stroud Road. N.S.W., 241.Meehan, B , c /o . I, Fleming, Rose bank, Went Mait­

land, N.S.W., 243, 244, 249,Miller, J., 3 Femhill-st., Hurlstono Park, Sydney,

244, 246, 248, 249.Mitchell. C’. A.. I loo la, Scone, N.S.W’ ., 241.Monteit h. l l „ Victoria-st., Berry, N.S.W., 244, 248,

249.Morris, R., 378 Botany.rd., Alexandria, Sydney,

244, 248.Mowle, Miss J., Kbor, N S.W.. 242.Moylan, J., 143 Botany-st., Waterloo, Sydney, 243.

244, 246, 247, 248, 24!).Murphy, C.. Kingaroy, y ld„ 243, 244, 246. 247, 248,

249.Murphy V.. 7 Alfred st., Mascot, Sydney, 244, 246,

248, 249.

N k WMAN, S., Kingston, Canberra, A.C.T., 243,244, 246, 248, 249.

Nunn-Pattrick, Miss 1’ ., Currabeen, Scone, N.S.W-.,242.

PE A R SO N , J., Il Florence-»t., Hurlstone I’ark, Sydney. 243, 244, 246. 248, 249.

Pearson, R., 21 Robert-st., Canterbury, Sydney,243, 244, 246, 249.

Pinkerton. N., Oum Flat, Gundy, Scone, N.S.W., 241. Proctor, A., 6"> Queon-st., Alexandria. Sydney, 249. Proctor, J. H. W\, 4K Anderson-st., Alexandria,

Sydney, 248.Purcell, r.. c /o . Murrurundi Bushmen's Carnival and

Show Association, Murrurundi, N.S.W., 243,246, 248, 249.

Q l INN, R.. Page's Croek, Ellerston, Scone, N.S.W.,244, 249.

R o A C H . F. C.. Yamha Station, Nyngan, N.S.W.,243, 246, 249.

Roser, K „ c /o . L. Fleming, “ Rosebank,” West Mait­land, N.S.W., 243, 244, 249.

Roughan, J „ McCulIy’s Cap, N.S.W'., 243, 244, 246247, 248, 249.

Round, K., 14 Kona Vista-av., Maroubra Hay, Sydney, 248, 249.

Russell, C., Bow-st., Merriwa, N.S.W.. 243, 246. 249. Russell, Mrs. C., Bow-st., Merriwa, N.S.W., 245.

S cH M ID T , R. F., Ooonoo Goonoo, Tamwnrth, N.S.W., 241.

Shearer, A., c /o . Simpson Auto Camp, Beauchamp-rd., Matraville, Sydney, 249.

Shirmer, Miss I)., Mackay, O'ld., 245.Sibert, H., 51 Yanko-av„ Brontv, Sydney, 243,

244, 246, 248. 249.Smith, II., Professional Row, Murrrunudi, N.S.W'.,

243, 24 4. 247, 249.Smith, R ., 334 Botany-rd., Botany, Sydney, 244,

246, 248.Stewart, B., 150 \ ictoria st., Alexandria, Sydney,

248, 249.

T a YLOR, W\ J., Iona, Eungclla, N.S.W., 243, 244, 246. 248, 249.

Thompson, C., c o. F. and Miss M. W ood, High-st., Jandowae, 0 Id., 241.

Thoinjison, L., Forbes, N.S.W'., 243, 244, 246, 247,248, 249.

Thompson. R., c /o . Park Riding School, Colyton, Mount Druitt, N.S.W'., 243. 244. 248, 249,

Tonkiss, K. R., Tascott, Point Clar<“, N.S.W., 243.244, 246, 248, 249.

Tull, E. T., Denison st., Crookwcll, N.S.W'., 243,246, 247, 248, 249.

Twohill. N., Murwillumbah, N.S.W., 243, 244, 246,247, 248, 249.

V a r y , H., Rix^'r View, Tabulam, N.S.W'., 241.

W A L T E R S , II., 7 Bellevue-st., Maroubra Bay, Sydney, 243, 244, 246, 248.

W arren, M „ c /o . J. Doyle, Flat 17, 12 Dutruc st., Randwick, Sydney, 244.

Watts, A., Seine, N.S.W., 241.Watts, N., Scone, N.S.W.. 243, 244, 246, 247, 248, 249. Webb, L., c /o . Tiunut Rodeo Club, Tumut, N.S.W.,

244, 248, 249.W'hipp, 11.. 33 Revnolds-st., Goulburn, N.S.W.,

243, 244, 246, 248. 249.Williams, R ., 16 Tupia-st., Botany, Sydney, 243, 244,

246. 248, 249.Williamson, B., e o. Mr. Tljadica, Maxwell-gt., Mona

Vale, Sydney, 246.Willis. H., 48 Anderson-st., Alexandria, 8ydney\ 248. Wilson, B., 33 Reynolds-st., Goulburn, N.S.W., 243,

244, 246, 247, 248, 249.Wilson, R., o /o . J. Doyle, Flat 17, 12 Dutruc st.,

Randwick, Sydney, 243, 244, 246, 247, 249. Winter, A., Rickham, Hlandford, N.S.W., 241. Winter, Mrs. O., Rickham. Hlandford, N.S.W., 242 Wood, M iss M., High -st., Jandowae, Q 'ld., 242.

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