
mmmt V O L . I I I . M A f e O N . M I C H I G A N . T H U R S D A Y N O V E M B E R 7 . 1 8 7 8 . N O . 4 5

o m c i i i l & I t i i N i i i c N N D i r e c t o r y .

c o u j i T v o K i r i e i c u s . Sliorifr l.iMi-.sU.D.inT Trcmsnrur , WiionnoUKU Olorli ..iNo. U.Seuinaa IteKisler 1 0. a.\xsns JudKenll'lllLllUl Jl. II.UlHTTKimiN I'ros. Atloriiev ; Kn\l^^u^ O.Mllliu .,, , , ,, , f 1,1. WlllaiSTOi. UironltOouiiCnin'ral a,resi;i.U. OsTn.i.s-nr.u Snrvoyi>i' A.vao.v P. I)u.\kk Wraln C'oln'r I. II. Wiio))lloU«K

f ; SwiT/.OAel.K I : lonx,I. TUTTI.B

j ' j ' v i n ' i n c i s i t s . Mayor Hi.i.sR 0. IIu>T Clerk Wll.l.l.Ml M. VasVua.skks TniaMurctr and flolleiMor ........Tjassi.s'm E. [

F r o m tlio Viil»li8lior.

.Schoul (iiripiictur MiirriliHl Struut Comiiiirtrtiiiin'r..

f , JuHtlci HoftJiP riiiicn

, Vkunoh .f. Ti-.Krr loiiN T. iMiirtMt:i

i'hii.axui-.ii cliuikti.v.v .John W. Dav Mn.TO.V I! VAN

\V, A.Tr.i:i, rr.Tr.ii l.ciuii

II. F. iltx , Aha I, Haimiku

S. II. ItKr.iinKH (Ji'.iiiiiii; W, .SiiArKit

A. V. Vi-.y.K A.VI>iU:W .J. IlAim.KTT

AUlitrriuni tit Liir;i]

Alilwrrnini, lat Wiird

Al<)»i''iii!ii, 2il s c i r o o r j u s t j i i c t o i jTJo i c i iS .

Vn-Hldfiil \. C. (Janxon DiriM:!"!' , ...fl Miiton Kvan AHrtL'Hrtur Gkm. \V. HiMMTfil.

f loiiN Itur/iii. Trnstoi'h, •( S. A. I'aiiihiok

i l i . P. II i-.Nin:itsoy £N,SIJ I'-K A i i A I A ' S T A C C I UIONXS

III till) Olil, Ul-IIuIiIi!, SiiruiintI .Suuml

R a i l w a y Passengers Assarai icc Coi i i i ia i iy OK IIAItTKOUl), CONN'.

i;i!Jii/J ailiiy rui'S l.OilO.. Src'CiiT.iiliiirt. liir .T. C. .SQIIII'-KS, Ak«i»I

Our mlvrrlislnj,'riitcH am ?100 piir rolitnm ptM* lui-llllin. llUSllH'riS liolirnri liVii pui' tlllii loi'tilicli IiiKiMiliiri. I'MJitinil iimIIcch 10 ctuil^.

Uimiiu'rtH riinlrt §1,1)0 piir lint' ptry ' i r . Miirrliii^t! iiriil iloalti notices hirtt'fU O Irt'O, Oliitimrv

ciiiimnlK, rr'HiihitiiMiH, cranU itT IImiiiIik, uti;., will linru-jit'Iur Im clmi'KfMl tbriil llio nito ol' Hvii r.miA pnr lliio.

Oi»rn!Hpniiil)!in:<i coritnltiliiK l«'ciil tiow.s, Ifi .-10110110(1 ri-iiiii iill piu'trt of tlio cntiiity.

Aiioiiymuu.-i coinimiiilnuloiiH not liibcrti'il uiiilcr uny oiiT.iiiiiHiiinci),

A H new .siili.scriljcr.s wlio pay cash in ad­vance will be fnrnisliod witli tlie Di.;Moca.vT from liow i i i i i i l .January 1, ISSO, nboiit 1-1 nioiilh.s, for .'JL.'JO. Old .siib.sci'iher.s wlio [lay 11]) tlieir buck duos and SI.50 in i id-vaiice will bo treated thu .same, a.s now ones. \V(; shall spare no pains to •;ivi> our readers a live, local paper and liope to double our circulation by tlio first day of .lajiuary.

Aga in "'tlio tidal wave lias busied."

Wo. have a few Dcinocratio ticliois left..

Hciir meat is tlie iiltontion of moat buyers 111 Fra/.ol's palace , inarkoL this week.

A. iiiri .api'm;.—.Joe Helnnd 'sbnwod ns an apple this luoruing ,which,woigbeil one pound and Ili ounces and uioasurod lllA inches in cireiiinlrcncc. W i l l you "raise" liini '/

Tlio prosidoni, has iijipoiiitod the liSlli of iVovoniber as the day of Yntional Ihanks-Kiving. Some will aigli because they bad looiiiueli turko.y and others bocaiise they had none.

Livery horses and jaded cundidalcs can now tako a rest.

S I'. .STItOUll, UMileruiker Tlireo doors wral, of . Wly • Bakery, .Mason, . iU;

D lt. W II. JIOliSE, l1iMiti.<t. Olllri) in EU. -Witrth's Iiloek, Marion, Micli. The iinl.v

in Ilie I'.ity wtio is licoilsed tu use A'ati cr as a liaHe for arlitlcinl tftelli.

C ri. UUKTl.NOTON, dealer in Boots anil Slides. , Fine iMistom work a H]ieeialty, aiiil rcimirhiK

done tu onler. - y l

[ n.WOOIMKUI.S?':, County Dniili (,!iiiiiniissloner, , Al.tiinK'y at I-aw Hint Ili'iil'lCsliite Dealer. Ollieu

widi Couiily Clerk, illasiin, .Mieli. ,

M"I1/I'0N' KVAN', .IIISTICE, ami Conveyancer. . ColleelioMS liroliiplly iiuended to. Ohlou in

iian-ow's liloetc, up stairs.

E E.N'tIV P, IIEXDKIISON, Attorney and Coilll-soliir at Ullico over I'irst Nalioiiai Bank,

Ma.Hoii, Midi. i y l

DOCTOR A. B. CAMl'llEI.I., IMiysleiaii, Snrp'nii, AeeiMielnir anil Cy)iecolo|;lKt. Ollice over II.

.M. Williinirsilrn«stori;, Mason, *^llell.

H IIUNMiV COOK, .M.I)., Physloian and .SniKeon. .(llTieo at ri'SiiiiMiuw, on Main street.

EojiEDP.vnirsT, .1. r. iniowN', jt. n., piiysi-I'iliit atld .Siirtj;eoii, LeHlie, -Mieh. I'atroiiH of

lloineopatliy it) Mason aitil vieliiity; twil l alteml to yoiir wivtits ver.v n!asonalil.v until a t ootl live iitiysl-oiait can tie liroiiglit ninon;; yon. Illiw-l

A P. VANDIISEN, DKNTl.ST, visitH flansvillii tile llr.HI. Weilaesday in eaeli month ami Wii-

ilatnston lliesec.nni anil fonrtli \Veiilii'sdayatnl Tiinrs-ilay in each ininitli. I'lie Iiiiliiiice of the time at his ollice in Harrow's liioitk, .' Iiimiii, Micii.

C .I.OLIN, .krwnler mill Engraver. TI.e most liilll-cult wateh work anil etiKraviiifi done with neat- anil diHjiateh. .\t Ilo> iiost ulllce, Ma.ien.

•I'll OWNERS 0|f

S E W I N G M A C H I N E S ! C . E . S M I T H

lirptili's Sfwiiif; .'Miu'iin''ri oftitlUiiiils itnil wiu'niiils ilii-'in lo vorlc or MO uliiirKc

Shop In .1. A. ltiirni>s' ii;j;t'ii!iiUiinil sti>rt', Hoiitli >iili.' roiii't liou:4o, .Mason .Mfcl). lllniil

M a i F E E D S T A B L E

AT Till-;

: C L A R K H O U S E B A R N !

W n i . I I . € I . A K I i , P r n p ' r .

H A N K . J . D O N N E L L Y . —l*r<»|irletor of l l ic—

D O N N E L L Y I f l O S E !

Th(! uroprintor wisliiiH to inform tho elti*/(tn» of i Iiirton mill liiKlmiii, Comity, iunl tlio tnivi'IIuf; jnili'' He, that Iitti coiiunii<noiiti liutul is opoii for tlio comfort of travoIurM luul othovK.

—ICVIlliYTIIINO IS NKW.— Tlio propriotor iiituml« Umt IiIk Iiouko HlmlMiiv boc-

011(1 to nmiu ill (Jdiiinil MidiiKan. Tt tu i:oiivuni(Mit ro lilt) Popotuml biifiinoHS portion oftlio vinii|:;b. Tlio

I tabluH iii'u iiupptioil .with III! tlic* dollRacinK of tho Hition. (iOnd iiocoriirtiodfilioiiH for horjdiM.

W a g o n s , P l o w s ,

C u l t i v a t o r s , ' • And all kinds of •

A g r i c u l t u r a l

I m p l e m e n t s At my wai'o.roonis Houdi of court houHo squavo,

I iil!<i» hiiv«! IV Grn i i i D r i l l whicili X w i l l viiut to iiitrttoN at i iKiinl prlciii.s.

'. C A h r / A N . D S K B M E .

J . A . B A R N E S .

Mft.ijoii j l l a r k c t s . ' WIIKAT—Extra,eo.S;i:No.;»o!sii , •> , BAULISV—l'ercwt.Sl)[email protected](i .,; ,," ' OATS—Mixed ;oeiit8 white, i cents pelImsli

ol , • • r,,-,:,:,--,::; ,-' '. 1,, V \ ; , ' • ' „ • : COnN—Shellod,$. per hundred j'in'nar' Vi : ' '

CLOVEBSKKD—ia.OO lnSt..'2J per Ijiishiil ,; ' TlMOTHYSEKn—«l,7o . • i . • :

• llKvVNS-SU.75®81.dO pur,i)U»hel. .•::POt.\TOK.S—new. 10coins per tiishol.v ••••:,]•:':• E^li'LODll-^Si.-IU: por, cwi for ;. best. ; S.; aoqeiid

"'ilKKSSKI) l'0UlC-S1.2.'i(iSJ. , TUilKEVS—Sots . i iorlh. -, • OniOKKSS—UrnHseil, 0 cenlM>nrll). •APPLES—Dried,.;! cents pur.lti, irude, •

. IIUTTKIIt-IO,®!!! cents per lb; trad.e;, , KGGS—Itl eciUaperttozen." , . ,

A . V . Miin-ill. was with friends in .lack-son over Sunday.

'•Ii.)b'' Ingeraoll at tlie ojiera house, Laii-sinj.', lo.niorrow night.

.Tatwes F . .Iiiy has resigned liis position as counsel for the .M. G. R. U .

Tuesday was a dry election ibiy—the sa­loons were closed anil il . didn't rain.

.las. Biirtis lias opened a restattritul lirsL door north of the Railroad House.

'I'lio reluriis show conclusively that the Repitljlicaii-grcouhacker.s didn't stick.

A parly of tramps created considerable suspicion it) the city last Friday night,

Jfr. and Mrs. G. 0 . Meail have roturued frotii an c.vlendod visit with frloiulsittOhio;

There is a good lesson to fie learned from Tuesdays election. It will bear study­ing.

It was ihought at one lime last Ttiesdiiy tliiit a certain candidate would hare to be re-hoopcd.

About 'ill,000 pounds of live ])ork was balanced on the Donnelly House sc.-iles last .Snltirday.

The people can now pursue their usual avocations without Lieing harassed by as­piring camlitlates.

We this week give iiiir readers i i supple-niont containiug ilie proceedings o l ' , the board of su|t(n'visors.

,)oe ITclaud, wife iiiid inl'aut diuightov, have returned from ti visit to friends in Maiiolic.«tcr ami Chicago.

Dan Morris Sullivan's Mirror of Ireland was in the city and entertained largo tui-(lienees -Monday anil Tiiesilay evoniii,gs Inst. Wo hear l.hoiii spolioii of in the liighost terms.

"Jfollior is the battle over; what are the tnou about'i"' ' ' B y , - I've got 'em," is what a caiididaie was singing 'I'ucsday. A, few hours later be was sin!.i;iu,g ".\rolher I've come homo to die."

fiiist Tuosdaj' while the family were away from home, the house of .lohn Blaiicharil ia Alaiednn, was broken open and if'IO dollars in cash, some jewelry and other small itrticlns wore taken.

There will be a iiumpkiu iiio social at the rcsidonoo of M . S. Laycock, Alaiedon, on Friday ovooiiig November Sth. 'L'hc proceeds to go towards purchasing a bell for the new school liotise in that district.

.lay, little son of F . .1. Moore, of Ala io-lion, wliilo swinging on the seals in the school honae last Friday, .slipped and fell, breaking his right arm just above the wrist, l ie is improving under the caro of Dr. Root.

IT. .T. D o i m o l l v h a s gone to Detroit, probably to purchase ai :ar load of pi'ovis-ions for the Doniiolly llriuse.

A n d Jiatoti county records 21 marriages for October. We'l ivod there a good while but we would l iko to try it once more.

!rho citizens of -•Vni) Arbor have armed lliomselves and ilon'l propose to allow the students to walk on them any more.

Some of our wise weather pr0|)hets pro­claim a mild wiiitor and others , : i sovei'O oijo. Tl icy will probably "pool i n . " .

, Democrats doii't like "fusion" very w e l l ; and the Inint of it cost the ticket in .Ing­ham county niorethaii a liiindrod voles.

, 1'ho, proapbctus" of. "Tho E c h o " , ii new paper, published by the Detroit JUveHinn A'cw.s" Company, appears in another col-

Prof. Swing of Chicago, lias boon engag­ed to delivci ' . a lecturo; before the young men's society o( Lansing, some time the cotning winter. ,

Officer Charley Osborne of Pansvi l lc , lastiTnosday iii'rrestcd one 'Polos Wan/.dyi in Jnghnm, on a charge, of, forgci'y,' corii-, milled in Towa. V

No'bct tev investment coald bo' iniidc than for/soiiie ono to biiild nil opera hbiisij' or fir,st-class hal l . in tliis city.' 'I'liero is .no better show town in the,State. ,

i l l c v . Reiioy^ll lmoulic 'es;Ifbrj i is: s lic.vt:Sunday; evening, .'•Tho cnrlniii ; ris­ing , " 11 con'ntcvparl to • f'Ncariiij;; tho/ciu'-' ' " 'whiclvliediaciisscd;^ spine ;t tnin,

i ; 'A t ,i al l V I'll tiir6i:<dcdti Otis i:wb>;p^ have oil hiuiil slips that;ci»n'be;pi^ :ii;^i)ati or. ,ciip,^;^jCp^^ words;;, ..'' the highest bidJor.'!'

Daniel V. Sngondorph of Glmrlottn. pro­hibition candidate for auditor general, re­ceived two votes in this city ; thoy being the only prohibition votes cast. The 'JOO,-000 red ribbon men don't scorn to take to prohibition.

Tho man who boiisted that ITonry P. Ifendcrson would bo the ' ' third man in Ibo rtioo," was right. FTo was tl-.ird from tho bottom and w;is elected by a nice initjority. The most sensible thing Iho people of this district could do.

Wil l iam, tho candidate for reprosentativo in this district, said ho woulil show iis when he heard from Stookbridgo, for he had live cousins in that town. Well , ho roceivod 20 votes in that town. Hi s cous­ins wore acquaititod with him.

.). C. Gallop of Meridian, was to wheel nO pounds of Hour to fjaii-sing and present it to the mayor with instructions ,to give i l to some worthy poor family, i f the green-backers didn't poll 100 votes in Jferidian. As 78 was their highest-wii prosiune he is on his way to-day.

, Wo wore in liuukcrltiU last wpiik and were Well pleiisod with that part of the county and the people. W c can sco now how "Uougli and Uoady" can got so mncii news from there. It is i i first-class f a r m ­ing community and the people are rilii;ii. Our i'riends there have our thanks for courtesies shown us.

bo dresaod in l.oantifnl co-Uiimes, r;ipTOSont-ing flowers, archers, shepherds, I'airiiis and nymphs. They will be tissislod by about a dozen young lailios. '.riioro will bo singing, tnaruhitig, lableaii.\, etc.

Adinissioti, adults 20 cents ; children 10 cents. Proceeds to buy a library for the little folks, I'jyerybody invited.

AriiK. l?AliI.OW,

i l l tho last issue of the A't'Hw we find the following : ' 'Ijtisl week the Dkmoi ' Ih t devoted a column to tho most sbamofiil poi'soiiul abuse of some of our bi\st citi-•/.ens." Docoil, thou art a lit m a n l l o f o r a man void of all |irinciplo or maii l iooil ; a man who will hand to his readers a sheet so filled with .seurriloiis slnr.s .'iiid immiti-pnlad Jhlsc/iniiifx as the .Vcirs of last week contained, is a line speciuieti to criticise tin article which wo cluilleiige aiii/ man to dis­prove or show it to be' 'porsontil abase." The -Vt'itw chuckled over the article, and had it not boon for a lack of moral cour­age and fear of linaiicial loss, wouhl htive allaeked the snme parties, and it wiis only to deceive ami misloiul thai, the above arti­cle appeared.

C'oiiiiiioii Cn i i i i e l i l'i-oc<>eiliiii;.s.

Over.MmlH! ':fho largest stock, the lowest price, and tlio best goods at " L i t t i . k Seai.'.s,"

The Cash Clothior.

l.i'rosli K'etlle Uciulored .Liird, S cents |)er pound by the crock, at tho .I'alitco Moat -Market. HEit.MA.N'Fiia/hi,.

P>ennetl, Knickerbocker & Go's., patent process (lour for sale cheap at

li'rrt.'ii it •Hii.N-NKi.i.'.s.

Coine and see a store jammed, packed full of clothing for everybody, nt

, Wi:aa A', Me.mi's, The Clothiers.

• From the present outlook the Domoorals will control the House by an estimated iniijoriiy of MO, The Forty-sixth congress will be Democratic in both br.mclios and tho Democrats will have a majority of eight in the United States Seiiato. Thus i l will bo until ISSU : what it will be Ihon, nothingJ)ut tho future can disclose.';,

,]t is runiorod that it will bo necessary to hold a,special elect ainayor, ; as mayor Hunt will rnsign on acooiint of mov­ing into tho country; but wo niido'rstand that thmigli MivIThiiI 's family has mnvdd intii) the country h c w i l l boiird in tho city this winlor, and will Ihoreforo save tho trouble and e.'siionso of a special election.

, , , P iE i i .—At ; her home in Dansvillo,, .Nov. liit, lS7S,',Mr«. Botsoy E . : A v c r y , 'aged Vi! years. 'Hoi','hii'sbiitul, M r . Benjamin' P . Avery; aged80, still survives .^lier. '.1,'licy setilod in.,,Inghain in :IS3S,, where thdy havo siiicQ.- l ived .v 'Tl ioyra isod^i family o f eight sons,' si.\ of whoiiv are^'living', onti (ianghter; died in inAiiioy. Airs. A . has been 11 mcmUer ol ' tho Dansvil lc M . R . Cli i i rol i ; since its organi'/iation.iiiid was a worthy hiid osiiniablo lafly. i '4\ 11:-^

Fr.oiiAL 'Cox(;i ; i ; t .~T1ic cliildi'cn of tlic: priinijry ;dopartmotitr of the. Pi^^^^ Suiirtiiy school wil l jfivo - ^ Wednesday' pveiiiiiRii^at the o l iu rch ; ' -T l io concert, is 'oi i t i t lod; '"A 'day,, ^ ^ ^I'liero -are'rtvoi''fiftyjchildrciv^^

.\, N o r , -I, 1,S7S. Council met in regular scs.sioii and was

called to order by .Mayor f l i int . l io l l call , ed, Present A i d . lieechcr, J,!arbei', Sliaf-cr, Peek tuid Ui.v.

Minnies of hist meeting read and ap­proved.

llEl'Oirr 111' CO.MMITTKKS. 'I.'he finance coniiiiittoe report the follow­

ing claims corroel, recotntnonding their al-lowaiico a l rooting; P, Cliri...tiaii, iteiniv.ed liiil Slil s.l .11..!. Clirisl.iiui, days lalior iiiim and leant

on I) Klreol , Ill 111! L. Wiilister,-IVf days lalior iiiati anil leiiiii un I)

strwl 10 IVJ ''-Alilricli, IjJ days Iiiliof tiiaii and ti'iiiii on I)

B.B.Tuhlis, ikc' iliiys s'hiivollni,' in |ii l . . ' I S. Sitiioiis,'.il/i^ " " -Orlando Chrisllaii.i)/ilnyii shoveling in jiil... 1 Ml .lames I'. Ilortiiii, :i'l ni;;lits wnloli on slt-eets... al Oil

Which report was aocoiitod and claims allowed .IS rocomnioiidod.

NEW IIUSIXE.SS. On motion of A i d . Ili.'^ a oommittoo of

throe was ap))ointeil, including city attor­ney, to invesligato the litish county ditclt. The mayor iippoititod A i d . Boeclior, liar-bor, with city attorney, for such eommitioe.

'I'lie following clnims ware presented and referred to the (iniuico committee; Oils l-'nller it Co., for printing notices and

cioijicil priicoLMliinis S'-J' n.'i P. (.'liristian, itetoi'/.ed Lill in mi I. . Webster, I day with team on i) street....... *J <>u S, Simons, 1 day .shoveliiigin pit,' I nn II. II. Tttlilw, " '• 1 (III .1. Aldrieh, 1 ilav >vitli teatii on ]> slrnet, 'J ,'iil -M. d. Clirisllaii, o .. .j f,,,

" i... iluy on West slreot Miwefs, .. T.'i Adjourned to Monday ovoniug next at

7 o'clock. \V.M. Van'Vkan-icen. Clerk.

Local cuiiiilined on fi/'lh pn(/c.

l l i iHin«ifi iN I . u c a l N . Notlcesfollowing IliiMliead will Ijocliarged for al-l

cents nor 1 i ne each 1 iisttrtion

Clothes, liiiinpors, work bask-ots, cane and willow chairs, ol iiiiiipie designs at

Meaoii & Rose's.

<tlttV(!S Ikllll MlltC'DK A. full line, very cheap,

' ' ' l . i rr i . i . : S i n i . , " The Cash Clotliior.

1,' 'esli Roa.ilod and Ground Golfco nt 4;itf E. G. llij.NT's.

Wo. wish it i l isiinctly iindorslood that we soil zopliers, in all colors niiil shades, in .=iplit and single, or doiililo, at 10 cents tin ounce aiul .gitariintee thom full weight, full count anil of the host ipiality.

j\. .S l')i.t..s»-oi!rn. A'oil <'ilM •>•• It!

Savo your greenbacks, gold, and specie by going to L . li'rnnk Clark for ymir horfic slioeiiig and geiierni bhicksmitliing.

' r i l l . L'.'ilaitii .^Iinil -'Vfarlcol Sells tho very best outs of hoof for 10 cents per pound. F i i a z k i , .

ft is not necossnry to go to .fackson or Ijiinsiiig to get nice furnitiiro at low prices. Gall and see us. .Meai-ii Ro.SE.

Over Coals l)y the cord at M'r.nn A- Mkad's, Tho Clothiers.

'i'hroe jioituds of tea for $l.i)0 al, M . A . Sweet'.s,

"Iwiltia Seal" will sell you a good pair of drawers or afi undershirt for 2:") cents.

Go to C. G . iruntiugton for tiro best Rubber Boots in tho city.

Woven AVtrc MiittresnKS From S8 to $1 2 a l the well .stocked furni­tiiro rooms of -^^EAUM & Piosi:.

W a l k Up! W a l k III! Unless my patrons walk in iind pay IliQir

little dues I shall bo obliged to stoii giving credit after tho 20tli iiisl. ' Reason, want of capital. G . L . JiAKXAiiy.

Ta i l i iv i i i^ , Clotlins Oicaiiing iiiiit ICiipairlii^, Mrs. Ij. a . Goucher would announce

that she is prepared to'dp tailoring, clothes cleaning and repairing in a sati.'?factory manner. A l so that she makos a specialty of cutiinij and niukiiii/ youth's clothing.

llosidoncQ on W o s t A s l i street. 'I.lw2

" Littlo S e a l " the cash' clothier, has a splendid lino of hats, caps, trunks, va­lises, and gent's furnishing foods, at bot­tom prices. . ' : -

A. good walnut bod room set forlfeSil at I ,; •' Meacj i .t Rose 's .

Itorso Blankets and Lap Robes, the larg-gcsl stock in tho city at '

, .„ Weiui & Meai i ' s , Tho Clotliioi',s,'

' Mot. ti> lie Oiit<li>iiu! Moats boi'iglit at the Piilaco Meat Mar­

ket will bo delivered to liny part ol' the city freeoj' cJiari/e. -laif,' Herman' F r a z e l . , :

•..'SMayor'Hu'iUos- mbvingon to his farm in Iiifiham with his family/ Ho i s ' c lo s ing out hi.s dry goods hnt.w'ill continiio his gro-'Cery busines:fo,r:tlio:prosent.. . • i ' A i i ' ' .

•'<:• '\ ',•': ' '[•' '! Ilnlfiilo l i o b i x , • - , • ' ' ' ' , ' ^ ; ''A InrgostiDok. Not tiiniiod in'the far viosl but by:Marslmll, Huntington &'Co. , of,this, city, which T wi l l sell .yon cheaper ^than iinv other l inn can .sell. •,; . ! : V L i w i . E SKAl. , '^Tho:Cash Clothier. "

' I tc i lnct ioi i . i ' ' -F o r tho next iiO 'days my prices- for full

lilntcs, of .teeth wil l front Fillirig'; tcelh,lr(jm 50 cents

A . P . V a x D i x s e x . >;. L l l i i l r W u n t a i l . ; .

^Mrs . 'Ross j 'Npi ih street,':w iinan (ilia ntltv of; UniniVn lluil'.V '-'' ' • • 1.., They iw i l l chnso i i quantity, a

•lorium ;OBE.

JMai-hlo Toi l TtlliloH l''rom $1 to $20 a l tho furnitiirp cm of , jMEA(;ii & I

I 'oiind ! 200 now stylos of TAiu.i; and pocket ciit-l leryWith as many i.ow pitinuH, at '.\\ Holf-iiiau's niiidol hardware, Dansvillo.

•I-I,.|-M.! yards of yd. wide brown sheet­ing at .I;! conis a yaril at li i . t .swoiiTii 's.

' 'Tl t i : Diilcu" A spleiulid, well mado, fine shirt for $\ at

"LiTTi .E Seai.'.s,'' 'I'lio Cash Clotliier.

(•ranil C'linilihiatioii! S. R. flnglies the ])0[iiilar harbor, has

routed the entiri) shop formerly oconpied by C. P. Ijyons, and now has the most oomplolo barbijr shop in the city. H a i r cutting to ])erfeclion.

100 now cook and parlor stoves and, pri­ces low,as any iioiisn in Micl i ig i i i i , at the palace liardwaro of T. Holl'niaii's Dansvillo.

1209 i'.nir.s of Gloves and Mitlons of every kind and quality at

Weiui & Mkaii 's , The Clothiers.

]m'i!s1i Pork , tho very host, from 7 to H cents por pound,i ; i l tlio Palace Afciit Mar­ket. Hkiima.v F r a z e i , .

C. G, Huntington sells the best Rabber Bo»;s. Warranted not to crack.

Thousands of yards of yd. wide bleach­ed muslin ar '> cents a yard, at

I'jM.SWOIITII's. ' M l l b i i r u AVll4:ullH.

' 'riieso colebratodwagons can be bought of 1!. F\ R i x , A; Co., at your own pricu. .If you want .-i, wagon don't fail to .see thorn. •_ - ' 27tf

100 Indian tanned bnfl'alo robes from the far west, and a l prices that sell thom any,day a l W'Eiiii it .Meaii's,

Tho Clothiers. Ifor Sulu Cl i tn i i i !

A light double, in good sliapo,' for sale at a bargain. Inquire of '

, , ' A . v . MEItl'.ITT. It W i l l Vny

Y o u to call a t ' , l \ Hofl'inaii's .palace store, Dansvillo, and see tho .grand displ.ty of hartlwaro, and .sociiro thosp.lowpriees. ' . •

T o A l l W l i o i i i I t May Oonucrn. ' „A11 persons thai are indebted' to luo , are roqiiostod to call and 'seilJe the/same _ at once, ml/intitfail, cm Ivnisttiave the ' money. •iiU. C. G . H v i n t i n u t o x .

''vHI'iitto iriiiiiiefi '....rit,,.: , ' F rom ;•).')• cents' to ijil,2ij"'at the furniture store of • • ' '•", ' , MB.ycii Al Rose.

Jf. A . Swoet sells tliree pounds of te* i b r l J l l . O O . ' ' \ • ; ' ,' ' •:

, ' 'AYel''sell, the best prints inado,,;in;nll.' tho, • plain- colors.'and 'dress.stylcs, 'at;Sl cents • per yard.- ' A . .S. l i lLi .swoin' i i i •

; .I'lie inbst suceo'ssful;man .,wlio.ovo'r',, cni gagljd i l l the hiai'iiifactiirtv aiid. snlbf Pianos and Organs is M r . DunicI F . BliaUy, of Washingtoii.^Now Jersey.'Stitrt^ ii ig.witl i ft detbrininntionto prodncb,;noiio, bnt<first-class insl.riinionts, and to ;fiirnish ^ llioini to the 'p i ib l icf t t ; the; lowest pot^ bio' priec8,i';:ha;l isK ontslripDinfr!'| ni l ;r;com-(: |ietitoi's.': .His:sii les nro,now eiiorinoiis and ; V nici'cusiiig cucli 'montli in gRohietricalSp grijssion.; ''Tliei'o is nos i i ro i ' sign of SHO- :' c.nss, tlmii:succcsSv';-^See';ttdTcrti6ciiienr;>-r V

':'''!-;; 1':; ;' - , i ' , ' ' , ' : '•'.'I,... .

I n l l i a m G o u n t y D e m o c r a t

D. r . A m m i o K E , roiiusitEu,

M A S O N , M I C H I G A N .

T H E P A S T W E E K .

Th« JCiiHl. AiTiitjKTiJs B o v i . H , k n o w n n» H a r r y

UiulimoMil, a woll-known vnriuty auloi-, in a HII-JoiHi bvo i l i i t j'liilnilul|)liia tliu oliioi- iiIkIiI, Uilluil JJniiiol Arehor, Ijy a, lilow on tlio lujail with a ])ltclior, whioli fniotn™! tlio vii.'llnrH Hkull . . . .'I'liroo nion woi'o liiirnoil to (linvlli at Canton, ,M(1., Ly tlio licwtrnction of an oil vu-tUwvy.

T i l HUE worn two banks I'ailni'cs in Wasliinij'toii, D. (J.,oii tlio luHt day of Oclolwr— tiKifiormnn-Ainoriuiiii National ami tlniGi.Tinan-Aniorii.'un HaviiigH. 'I'lui I'uiliirt) of llni Mor-idmnta and MoclianicH HIato Baidi, of '.I'i'o.v, N. v., iH uIho ruiioi'iod.

I t is annoiincotl that; the .stocklioliloi'.s of ono of llio lai-KiiHt Kiigar rollnorioH in tlio coiiiitry—(liii Now York Hlonni SiiKnr liolliiory —liavo dtaiidi.'d to rotiro from IniHiiioHH iind noli tlio |m)|ioi-ly. 'I'lio rormor ^l•l.•.^idollt of tliu coiiipiuiy BuyH lliu rolliiory liad hcuu niuniiif,' until all il.s Hiir|jliiH wan oxlnuiHtod, wiioii, liiid-iiif; II, waH a lOHiiij,' iintoriiriHO, wliilo VilliorH, liy Hoiiin Hoerot. jirocoHS, wuru inakiiif,' inoiioy, it wiiH dooiiiod iidvitiabio it) quit llio IJiKiiiiuHH.

T a y l o h V woolon ini l lH, at Novt^h S i i -loiii, MiWH., liiiriind down llio ollior nielli. Lohs, *T.'i,OQO; iiirtiinuiue, .Jx'0,000.

A n intcniat iont i l convi^ntian of nior-chiuilH and iiiamifncitiiroi'H liaa boon oallod, to jiici^t in Cliieaj,'o Nov. V2, to coiisidur llio liusi. wayH and nioaim of oxloiidiiif; our foroif(M trado Tlio yoiioral ticket and paMsoii|j,'or aj niit.s itf tlio railwiiys woHt of tlni 3\IiH..iisHip)i and fioiitli of Miiino.sota will moot at IvaiiHaH City, Mo., Nov. I'.l, t<i orj 'aiii/.o tho ^VoMtOl•Il uh-Hocialioii of goiionil lickotnnd pa-sHciiKoraKiiiirt.

A n imnini l rounioi i of tho A r m y of tho TiMiiioHHOO, at Indian!!jinliH, Oct. ;!U and l i l , wiiH u partial failnro in point of iitiondainio, owinj; to tiio nnoxiiiioludly iiioloniont oliaraulur of tho woatlinr. (lOii. Sliornniii , pro.sirluil...; 'I'lio Indiana-lioliH, JJIooniiiiKton and Wotitorii railroad wan Hold at JJlooiiiint^toii, 111., a fow dayH ago, iindur f'oroeloHiiro, liy.ordor of tlio (.ourl, and wan bid in for llio boiullioldorn for .<»1,0()0,0(J0 Two IriHli labororw HiilTorod a liorriblo fiilo nt I'nolilo, Col., hiloly, buing biiriiod alivo, '.Plioy woro ooiitinod in tho jail at (hat phioo, wliiitli tlioynot on lii'o, poi-iHliingin llio IhiinoH.

T i l l . ; now coilo of .stattitovy laws of WiHooiiHin, frainud liy tlio Jtovision Coinniiltoo iind adoptod at a Hpooial nosMion of tlio Ixigisla-tiiro liiat Hpring, lias goiio into (•IVoot .To.sopli A. Jlonianiut Co., ]irivatobanlcortiof Cinoinnuti, havo I'ailud.

O n h n ight l i i toly tlio " Doat lwood (loacli " was iitoppod by five maaliod nion, wlni took from tho coaidi two prinoiiorH, .MiuiHUold and Jlorjuigldin, and liiniK tliuni on a largo-r<ittoiiwood troo on ilio river Ijank. '.riioHoinon wore oliiu'god v.'itli road-agoncy, and liiid in onutody in OlinyDnno, and wei'o on routo for JJoiulwood, iindor guard.


A MONUMKNT luLs jtLst booii i iuvoi lod at Aiigiwta, Ga., in oonimomoration of llio Con-fcdorato doad, wliiuli wiia paid for by Hontliorii ladioH.

O n e of tho olVoctsof thoplngi io whiuh iias now liappily abaiud ill j\tonii)liia is tlio priio-tioal diHappeariuico of tlio *' color lino." On tlio Tocoininondatlon of tho CliioC of t'ollcu, a day *ir two,ago, olovoii colored nion woro apjioiiited on tlio police force. Tlio appoinluient.^ \vero iniido as a rocoguition of llie faithful and cuiir-iigoous Horvico of colored men aa mii-Bou and at-toiidanlrt during tho epidemic.

WiisliiHiftttnt A. LE'rTi'Ui frolu Socrotiivy Evar ta to

MiniHtcr Wolsli, at London, in puhliHliod, in •which ilio Secretary RtatOH tliat tho iiii.satiH-fuutory HOttiflinoiit of the Newfoundland con-ti-ovoray would havo an important iiiduoiico on tlie course of tho Unilod States Govornmoiit ro-

. Hpocting the payment of tho Halifax award, tlio money for which was appropriated itt tlio last aesHiou, and new lies in the treasury to ho paid or not paid according to tlio discretion of the rrosidiiiit. The pivyment falls duo on tlio 2iSd of Novombor next, uiid it is now as good as Hottleil that tlio payment will not ho made on ,tliat date. Socrolary Evarts, in liia, letter to Ministor Welsh, takes iaanb sharply with tlio course of the Uritisli Govornmoiit in coimoctioii witli tho Newfoundland affair, rop-Toscnting that the United States will not ooii-Hfliit to rocognizo tho power of tho riovinco of Nowfounclliind to make and oxocnio laws; at variance with tho terms of tho Washington troivt', ami domamla an avowal or disavowal of tlio iintliority of Nowfoundlaml in tlio promises,

P r k s i d e n t H a v e s has issued tho fol­lowing proclaniatiou for a general Thaiiksgiviug iluy: l*y tho President of the lluituil Ktatos—A iiroiilnina-

. • tioii;' ' Tliu recurrence of that aoaaon at which it is tho , iialiit of our people to make dovoiil and piililic coii-fussion of. their constant deiioudenco upon divine favor for all tho koqcI nitls of life nnil hniipineNs, Mild of puhllc ptNice and prosperity, exhibits m tho record o£ tho yoar alnnulant roiisbns for our gratitude and tlianksgiviiiff. •lixiiberaut liarvests,, productive iniiios, aniplo crops ol! tlio staples,,of . trado and inanafncturos, liavc enriched tlio country, tho rosoiirces thus funilshoc) to ourro-

, vivlng industry and ospanding coninierce liaatoiiliig Uiu day when discords luiil distroasos, through tliu loiik'th nud lireiultli o[ tlio land, will, under tho con­tinued favor of rrovldtitieo, have given way to con-

, fldehce, anil onorgy,'and iissiircd pvospority. > Peace with all nations liaa reinaiued, unlirokeii;

rloniestlo trnnipiiUily lias pvevallod, anil llin institu­tions of liberty ami jnalico which tho wisdom iind lUiUico of our lorefatliors ostahlishua icinuin llio Kloi'v umldefunHD of their chiUlren. , lliOKcnoriil prevalciicii of tlio blessings of lioalth tlu'ouKliout our wide land has niado more conspicu­ous tho suiroringa mid norrows whleli tlio dark nUoilnw of the pestlloiioo has upon a portion of onr iieoplo. This heavy oBUoUoii, oven, Uio Divine

Itiilix has leiniWred to 'iho;siilTi'rln« coinniiinltles with a iiiiivcraai'syiniiathy and succor which havo (lowed to their ridlof, and tho wliolojiallon may re-jnicn In the uiilty of spirit In our puoplo by which thi.'y cliecrdilly sliaro another's burdens.

Now, ihorei'oru, ,1, RiiihiM-foril Ji;)layi!S, President of the Uiilteil Stales, do ajipoint. 'J'inirsday, Ihe sttith day nf Novemlicr a day pC national thanks-glvlliK and ]>niyer; mid T earlieslly reeoin-iiicnd llial, wltlidrawlng ilieniselves Ironi secular cares and laliors, tho people meet tonetlier on, that day In their re8|iectlvo place's of worship, then! to give lliauks and praise to Almighty Oed for His nieri'les. and to devoutly beseiwli their continuance.

Ill wiines..* wliereof I havo hereunto set my hand and .'iiiiMeil the seal of Ilie Uiillod .Slates to bo af-hxed. , • , Hone lit die Idly of Wiisliillgtoii tills .'iOtJi day of Oe-

mlier. 111 the year ol onr I-erd one tliousaiid eight liiindred and sevellty-ellllif, and of the iiide-jieiuh'nce of lh',1 l.'iilted States the one liiiiulred and third.

[.Seal.] n. B. JI.iVKs. liy tile I'resiileiii:

^yl i.i.i.v.'l M. I'lv.Mrrs, Seevt.'Utvy of State. A s 01)011 lettor from Sucrot i i ry S l i c r -

nian, dated Oct. l i l , in regard to the condition of tho ireasnry for resnmiition .Tan. I, is made imlilie, and is aafollows; .1. beltoy Jl. Uodd, Ilnelninaii, Jlleli.l

Siii; I am In ri'ceipt of your letter of the x'tltli Inst., iimldili: eerlaill iiKiuiries as to the comlltlnii of the treasury for resiimjitlon and tlni lliiuiiiiit of leuier i'ln,iilalloii iie,,eaplla ill Ibis eonulry and tlm>ul eiuinlries of E.ui'ii|ie. In ri'ply, f have to inf.H'iu you tluiLon Ihi' Istinsl. the eniii lialiinee nf the Ireiisiii-y'wns .5'J.'i',',li.'ill.ll-Hl. 'fills entire aiiioniit, liowever, was nut available for ri.'sliiiiiition pur-IHisi'S, lint sultj''ct,to lialiilities, as follows; bilerestdiie and nnpaiil....i S'.l..'Mri.l!.sil Deiit nil whieli Interest has eeiisi-d....... ii;,.'i'J-l,11110 iiilerest thereon ,'T,';,riS.') Coin ..erillleales (i-'nld) . l»,.'' ll.liim Col 11 i-i'rlini'ali's (silver) J.SIS.IITII IhielaiiiM.'d iiilere.ft il,.I.'>T IJliiiinturcd boiuls called for re'siiniption. -tl,. )(l(),(11)11

Fitz .Tblm Porter caso lias, adjourned to moot at .West Toint, Dec. 18..". .Following is a state­ment ottliocoinage nt tho mints during Octo­ber; Double eiigles $;),.i(i.i,noo Eagles- ; T.S7,,Sl)(l rjiiarlereaules .IIIL.tOO Standard silver dollars •J,l)T(l,H0l) Cuiits 11,71)0

'I'olal eolinix ..<(i,(I',>.-i,.|0(l

•rond .ii!l.-!,l'J7,'isi Leaving fur i-esiiiiiplion iini')ioses, 5i:M.'-!;tI,.' 0.'i, »

'I'lie coin receliits Into the treasiii-y will pi-ohalily exeei'd by a eonsideralilt! amount the eulii iiayments Itetwceil now and .laniiary, 1S70, so that at least tlie idirtve biilaiu.-e will then he- iiviiilalde for resiiniplioii purposes.

It slinuid also lie borne in miud (hat ni<-'itnwlille there is no proliability of the entire coin liabilities hi'iiiK presc.nted for piiyiiH'iit.

As to the p;t])(..r eii-culiition of Kuropcjin eonntrien this (lepiirtiuent has no iliforiiiatioii, except what can lie olitaiiled from imldleations niieii to all, 'I'lie bondnii /•;i:(nioniffil. of Se]it, M, 1S7S, the bitest at haiiil, slates tho amount of paper circulation of tile hanks of the United KiiiKdoni, li;ss the .-tniount retained in the lialikliig <Ii,')iartiiioiit of the Hank of HuKli'.nil, to he .C.|.'I,000.'.17I. 'I'lie rireilla-lioii of the lliiiik of France, whii'h alone in Erancc has anfliority to issue notes, was saiil to be, Sept. .I, .t;!ll.7lt',l)l)0; aiulthatof the IiuperiaUlank o): Ger-iiiany, .Seiil. 7, .C.'iO.-iriO.OOn. U is understood that some of the country banks of Germany havo author-Ity,under i,-erliiiil restrictions, to issue notes, but as Ijifitnioiint issin.'d isiiot slated in ihednanciid pnb-lieation.s it is believed to be inconsiihirable.

Itediteiiig these aiiiouiits lo tile I'lirreney of this eninili-y, tile per capita of circulation aiipears lo be as Inlkiwii; /'opiiliUliin

(hltn.ll e-(.) .-:ii,'.KI.'i.7fS ;):l..|7.|.0li0 .i','.7-,'r,;iiio .|7,UUO,i:ilO

l-llflittl, •Si'-'.ds

ti.:)0 .-l.-lll


O'liiitri/. ti'iiviiliitliin. l-'raiii ;.|llO,ll:i7,()01l iJniled liiiigiluni. x'lIl.lKi.'i.OoO fienuanv M.s.lll.'i.llllO tJniled Stales.... (ih,S,.'il)T,-jr.O

It will be seen that the iii,'greu'ale, ;is well as the licr eiiiiita. aniount of ]iaper eirculatioii Is birirer in this eonnti-y than in any of,tlie other countries uaiiieil, ami lai-.i,'el.v in e.vcess of any ( -ceept that of V'l-aiieer. In that coniitry, however, the eli-enlatlon has lieeii redueeil to the aniount abtive stat<'d since -N'oveiiiber. 167.-I, li-oin , I10:.',I)00,I)00, a reduclioii uf S1.II,00.'!,I)00, while in the saiiio perioil the inetallie reserve of tile hanks has Increased from ,5-M(i,(l(IO,0(i() to .<.|;!.''i,(10ll,llllO, Very respectfully,

.Tuii.v Sni;n.M. N, Secretary. T h e bitliinco of tvadu oontii iuos to bo

largely in favor of the United .Sttites. OlVicial returns show that the balanco in onr I'avor for tho month of .September was over .?20,.'iOO,tK10, an iiicreaHO of about $i'),tlOO,()00 over that foi-tho aamo month in bS^T.

T h e pi i l iKo-tlebt statement pub l i shed Nov. 1 is as I'ollows ; '

r O l i l i l G X INTELLIGENCE.

A f e a i i i b i l l Eiu'0])u tiro i n i i dooidodly jirocarinuH state, and a genoriil war is feared by some far-soeiiig HtatoHiiien.' In a, recent artiolo on the aitualion, the J'ull JCall (!iixi:t(i! de-clareH that the treaty of Jlorlin is a failure; that it will be inipossiblo by it to arrive at a pacille solution, and that tlio,HO(iiier this I'aet is reeogiilzod the liottor. ",l''enco," it says, "must bo commanded by tlio arrest of the reckless ]iowei- ivliieli has kept Hiiropo in com­motion for yoiii-H ])ast, and now threalens to break away from all law and all restraint. If this is only to he done in eoneort, and tho con­cert is a give and take matter for thobenotils of which all iiarties must pay something, it foUow's that >vo should not shrink from any price ill reason."

T i i K Ki i s s i i i n troops, nor th and south of the linlUaiis, are going into w-iiifer ipiartera.

The Dirocbirs and other oiViciala of the City of Glasgow liank have boon committed for trial on charges of fraud and nier t . . . .A last cliaiu'e for ]ieace is lo lie given the Ameer, and nn iiltinnitniii will bo sent before the cominoiico mont of boalililios.

Ti l l ' ' . B r i t i s h vovoniio oiittor P i u i i i y was run into and sniilv liy the steamer llelvelia, olY llio ICiiglisli coast, a few days ago, Seven­teen of lliii Fanny's crew- jierislied,..,'I'lie Hoyal College of St. Patrieli, at Arayiiootli, near Dub­lin, irelaiid, was considerably damaged by tire a few days ago, but the main building was saved.

T i l l ' ; returns of elections for F r o n e h mnnicipal delegates show that eloveii depart-nionts, now reprosonted by twenly-sevon Con-Borvative Senators, have been won by tho lle-imblicans, who lost no department A Kepiib-lican luajerity of twelve or Ilfteon is eotitl-dently expected in the next Seiiiite..,, The '1,'iirkish troops have been ordered to ovae-mito Yarua, the most important seaport on the west coast of the r.lack sea.

Six per cent, bonds five per cent, bonds . . fuiir and a half per cent, bonds. l''onr per cent, bonds.

Total coin bonds Lawtiil-iiioney dt.-bt. Jlabii-e'd debt

Legal tonders (>'erlitlc:ites of deposit. ]''raellonal curi-cne.v Coin and silver certiticatos

tai;!,:i!)ii.tiriO 7O.'l,','lili,li,''i0 A'-jO,l)l)0,OllU ]iio,riOO,oiio

...«il,i:,07,10:).i:ilO bl.OOO.OUO iri,ii'.'ii,;i70

:ji!i,7.i:!,oyi .'K.SIO.OOO i(-..s!n,iii;i .';,5,,'iiii.:).'-.o

'J'otal without interci .§ .l.'M.lilO.ti-.'-l

Totiil debt : .$',V,>;0,.5ll(l,rill,'i Total interest As,ili(i,;i(>j Cash in trciisury—coinJ ..$ C'lisli in treasury—currency Currency held for rcdeiiiptiou of frac­

tional currency... Special dcposilji held for redetnpiion

of certiticatos of deposit

•JJ7,(i(iti,'J27 l,Tll,S.t(i



Total in treasury. .? S7,'i,;il7..|7i J,IK.|,'.iOI),OfV!


I).(,t!i!.'),.'ill! .l,ai-.,',.|70

, ,S«,l4')f.,0a!l


• Debt less cash in treasury Dei-reasii during October Decrease since June .'10, lis7K Bonds issued to the Pacille Itailroad

Companies, interest, payable in iaw-fnl money:

Principal outstanding.;, , Intorei;it accrued and not yet imid. , , , . Interest paid by the Uilit^'d States...; .1'' Interest repaid by .transportation of '.mulls, etc...

Balance of interest paid by the Dniled Slates , iRI,.;i8,(l.'!r>

IhtlitleiH. T h e ofHoial vote of Co lo rado is as

follows; Congress—JatnesB. Bolford, Eo-publioan, M i K U ; Tlionms M. Pattoi-fion, Donio-rat, 1 i.',OtX!; Honi-y C. Childs, • Oroonbaelior,

Bolford over Pattoi-soii, 2,291. For.Gov-ornor, F.W. PitUin, Itopublioaii, had 2,(100 votos 111010 than W. A. H. Lovolaiid, Democrat. Buek-itigliam, Orooiibnck luiididato for Governor hiul !i,0,'M votos. - : : ,

MtsectlanrouH, ! ExPOUTS from soaboiird ports, last

Miiri'iiig-t! i l l J i i i ss i i i . Eu.ssiuii marriiigos :ii'o goncr idly ar­

ranged through ]U'iests. A wol l -hrod br idegroom must pi'osout a gift to iv nfotnistery i i i id another to l i ia 'oh; the br ido, t l i rong l i her I'riinids, is expected to clothe soiuo statue of the V i r g i n wi t l i i i gown of s i lver brocade, en­r iched W i l l i more or less jewels aecord-i t ig to tho p ie ty of tho donor ; and i n some iiai'ts of you the rn Hu.s.sia .she adds a gift of two white doves to the Pope , which loolts rather l iko a re l i c of the worsl i ip of Venus . T h e coiisout of jjiironts is neecssnry for mari-iago u n t i l tlio age of yti i n ctt'so of men, ii.'i in that of w o n i o i i ; but y o u n g people firo at l i b ­erty to appeid to the c i v i l imthori t ies i f consent bo arbi t rar i ly wi thhe ld . I n this event tho parents 'arc cul led upon to .show reason for thei r refusal. T h e reason must not bo mercenary, unless one of the y o u n g people be heir to a hi i idod ostato; then tlio fiiie.stion is re­ferred to the j r a r sh i i l of t to nob i l i t y i n the dis t r ic t , whoso decisions are based upon oxpodiency rather than upon fixed pr inciples . Those appeals iiro rare,' be-canso tho I t i issiai is aro a J i ini ' ryi i ig jieo-plo, and di.sposo of their ch i ld ren early. I l l tho in idd lo and lower classes men nnirry at 20, when not d ia f ted by tho conscr ipt ion. I n the h igher aristocracy It y o u n g man goes the " 'grand tour" bc-IVn-e set t l ing down, bu t he is often be­trothed, before start ing, to a y o u n g l ady not yet out of tho .school-room. T h e r e is no count ry that has so fow o ld maids as Kuss i t i . W h e n a g i r l has rcachod tho age of 25 wi thout f ind ing i i mate, ,slio gonerally sots out on what sho calls a pi lgr image, i f poor—on a r o u i i d of trav­els, if r i c h ; and i n either case sho turus l ip some yoiU's later as awidow. AVidows aro as p lent i fu l lus o ld spinsters are scarce, and widows w! husbands woro never seen nro wore nniuerons than tho rest. E t ique t t e forbids any alln.sion to ! i lady's dead Im.sband i n l ier presence, and this is somotiraes convenient . W h e n a couple are engaged, a botrot l ia l -foast is hold, and tlio brido-oleot has a lock o f her hair cut olT i u the presence of witnesses and g i v o i i t o tho br idegroom, who i u return presents ii s i lver r i n g sot

w i t h 11 turquoise, an a lmond cake, and a gif t of broad and salt. F r o m this mo­ment tho two are p l i g h t e d ; nor can the relatives break tlio match except w i t h the consent of tho parties tliemsolve.s, wh ich i s s ignif ied b y a re turn of the r i n g and - lock of hair. S o much ira-portanco is attached to t l io ring that among poor people, who cannot iiflbrtl s i lver and turqi ioiso, t in a n d a b i t of bluQ stone are substi tuted.: ' These bo-t ro t l ia l rings nro kept as l io i r looma, bu t not bo made to servo t^yico; a son cannot give l i i s b r ido tho ring wl i i cU h i s mother! received, for instance, tbongh wl iy this should bo so i s a mys te ry w h i c h tho clergy, who se l l tlio' ring, cou ld best expla in . O u tho wedding-day, tho br ide comes to chu rch drossod i n wh i t e ; but i t i s on ly among tho l i i g h -est classes that the b r ida l costume is on-

S T U I ' K S i l K H J S H A N K K O I i U E I t Y . ; Tliu Alaiiliulliiii ISiiviiiK" Itiiiik, <il' >'i,\v Yiirk ,

Ciilli|il<!Uil.v Cliniliuil Out—Tliri'o iil i i l it ] | i i in\lllll<iii llolliii 'H i l l >l<.>elirllliiH CiirriiHl Away. E r o m a New Y o r k piqjer.w'o glean tho

fo l lowing particulars of tho d a r i n g Vmrg-la ry committntl u|)oii tlio IM'anliattau Savings B a n k , of that c i ty , b y which the roiibors seonroil aliotit $;.t,r)()0,000 i n Govorn i i i cn t bondsant l other socnr i t ios :

T h o ' b a n k b u i l d i n g is s ix stories i n he igh t ; the bank is on the first l loor . O n the oxtremo i ior thorn side is a door and hallway l ead ing to tho upper floors. T h i s extends V n i t l u d t way l iown tlio b u i l d i n g , m a k i n g the .shape of t h c b i i i i k -ing- room irrcg-niar on that .side. I n to tho wal l of the latter, i ioneath this, is an i ron safe for un impor tan t books mid paper.s. T h e i imi i i ontranco is on Broadway. O n B l o c c k c r strdot is the second ontranco, wi th a s torm-shod i l l front. T h e b i i i l i l i i i g at tho oastern corner is out o i l ' from to]i to l io t tom by a w a l l designed to furnis l i l i g h t and air. A cont in i ia t iou of tho .stout b r i c k W a l l o f this we l l paral le l wi th B l o o c k e r street d i ­vides tho room, fo rming a recess on its south side, part of w h i c h is taken ii)) by a niagnit 'icoiit i r on vaul t i ibont thi r teen foot long , eight feet broad, i i i i d e ight foot i l l heig|,t., which $,tO,000. T h e vau l t faces Jjromlwiiy, and has double doors o|,ieiiiug outward. O n i t is a largo clock, which can bo i, i l i i inly soon from either street. B e h i n d this vau l t is a room for the Di rec tors , aiid on tho nor th side of tho d i v i d i n g , widl is the P r e s i ­dent's ))riYato odice. I n the rear of the D i rec to r s ' room, ent i re ly seiJiirato from tho ba t ik i i ig odico, is a hal lway atustair­case leading to the n])|,)er l ioors, wi th , the entrance door o n B leecke r street. T h e St . Chai ' los H o t e l i la i iks tho b u i l d ­i n g ou the nor th , and a chop-house on the east. I t is Ktrange that n o b o d y i n these places saw what was being tl'oiio i n p l i i in sight of ei ther street.

I n the room just over the Pres ident ' s room l ive the j ini i tor , L o u i s AVorckle, h i s wife, tmd nio t l io i - i i i - law.

T o roifcli rooms i t is necessary to enter b y the rear Bloeckov stvcot door. T l i o ' i i d j o i n i n g room has boon oc­cupied tor tho past five weeks b y a myster ious E r e n c h n i i i n , s i ipposei l to ho a i i ianufiicturor of iu't.ilicial flower.s, wIkwo name tho ])olico rofiiso to dis­close, and tho iuniates of the b t i iUl ing , i n c l u d i n g tlio biinlc ollicers, p re tend not to know.

L o u i s Woroklo , the janitor, is a l i t t le o l d man of no j ihys ica l strength, and ap­parent ly loss courage. H o has boon over twenty years i n the employ of tho bank, and wiis i m p l i c i t l y trusted.

T h e bank employs n i g h t watchman as D a n i e l Ha ley , a brawny I r i shman . H o ; went on duty at C o'clock Saturday even­i n g , l ocked himself ins ido the bank, and reini i inod on watc l i a l l n igh t . A t C o'clock i n the n io rn in

U n i t e d States 5-20.S''of^JuIy, IStW, $-i8,000; twenty-six of $500, Xo.s. 820,-0(17, 82,1-14,82,140,8-l,«03,85,0'l(i , 85,107, 8(i,080,: 80,n-l:), 87,475; 80,707, 80,728, i>0,310, ilO.'llO, 03,0-18, i);i,170, 9;l,577. 07.028, 07,033, 00,570,. 00,870, 101,110,, 102,7'.t2, 102,008, 103,.121, 105,000 and 10(i,0M0;' twenty-tivo . o f , SI,000, N o r . 152,410, 152,-4U', 153,08(i, 1,04,410, 1,57,-841, r(il,(i(i2, 103,150, 105,120, 1(15,107, 1(1(1,704, 100,821, l(i9,().4t, 100,7-17, 171,-050, 172,513, ,172,511, 173,052, 173,7.S-I, 173,785, 175,G',t2, 178;050, 181,70,1, 187,-1-11, 10..t,'f30, 104,507, 101,7-12, 100,(178, 202,201, 202,807, 207,005, 208,0lil>, 208,-740, 208,828, 200,110 and 210,080, .

T l i i r ty - f ivo thoi isand dollai-.s, N m r Yoi-lc State s i n l i i n g fund gold (is, regis­tered. N o , 32,

T h i r t y thousand dollars . New "'irork O i t y Cen t ra l P a r k f n i u l stock, cor t i t i -

ato N o , 724, registered. Twenty- two tlionsn'nd seven h u n d r e d

dollars, Now Y o r k C o u n t y Cour t H o u s i i stoi.'l:. N o , 2,

S i x per cents, registered cer t i l ica tcs . N o , '1, §10 ,000; ccrt i l icate No , 23, $35,-000; corti l icato N o , 2-t, $5,000; cor t iO-c a t o N o , 32, $10,000; ourtiticato. N o , 30 $05,008; total, $202,000,

N o w Y o r k c i ty accumulated 7 p e r cent, bonds, registered, two of $100,000 oiieb, N iw . 1 a n d -2, due 1880. One of $50,000, No. 1, due 1887.

N e w Y o r k c i t y improvement stock 7 per cent., registered, ten certiOcates of $20,000 each, N o . 1 to 10 iuc l i i s i vo ; to-tid, $'200,000. ,

N o w Y o r k c i t y revonne bond, reg is ­tered, $2(10,000.

Yonkc i ' s c i t y p e r cent. Iionils, I I K of $1,000 oacli, Nos . 233 to 242, 251 to 278,281 to 310, 311 to 3-10, and .531 to 5,5(1, a l l inclu.sivc, $118,000.

I l r o o k l y i i ' c i ty watev-lQiui co i i i iou bonds, tw'eiity-livo of $1,000 (!ach, Nos . 2,107 to 2,T0i , inc lus ive , $25,000.

E a s t C l i i i r i o s t o i i bonds, fifty of $1,000, N o s . 27 to 75,i i iclu.sivo, S.'iO.O'OO.

r a i a l M<-sin(!riKiii. j\[ is fatal fun sometimes, as n

roceiii-, occurrence at S t . .Tohnsbury, A-'t., ])roves. ".Prof." Carjientoi- del ivered a mesmeric lectuvo there, and employed ono Pe to r B i b o a n to pri ict ictdly i l lustrate his powers. I n tho course of the e.x-perl i i ients B iboa t i w-as taken v io l en t ly i l l . T h e professor -^viis arrested ou an act ion of, and damages l a i d at. $300. H o sett led w i t h the man lor $75, and left for fresh fields of inosinoric on -torpriso. B i b o a n , however, d ied, and an anto)isy .showed h i m to have been thi» v i c t i m of i i i t l ammat ion of the boivels , . induced , donbtloss, b y his froitlcs i i t ider inosmeric i i i f lnoi ice .

The C(iiis(!i(»iisiie.'iis (»f Uiity Utine. A rai l road i n Tonnos.soe, wh ic l i cost

$8,000,000, was sold t)io other flay by a receiver appointed to administor its

ho went out the i aHiiirs, t'oi' just enough to cover his own

wee!,,inehuloTti,17,'ilmii'olHof llonr; 1.;i!ir,l(iO Wrelv that a wro(i(,h of oningo^^ huslJils of wheat; .MO.Wl bushels of corn; ^ , ^ 6 ^ ^ ' .Wc'JS,') bushels of oats; TlVWti bushels of rye; .'>,tia8 barrels of pork; !i,;l-H,.'j))0 poiiiiOa of l.iril, and T,4()fl,2iKl poiiiulB of bacon.

A t e s t of the va l id i ty of tho Pac i f i c liaili'otid .Funding law, passed at' tho lust mes-Bioir of Congi-osB, ih sixin to l>e liiicl The ro-fiisnl of tlio Cuntral I'acillo to snbmit its iMoks for inspoetiurr coiiHtitiitoM a violation of tho law, Hiibjoctiug tlio company to a flncot from $1,0*IO to $.1,000, and proccediiigfi will lio at oiieo inati-tutod by tho Qoyornniont Auditor of Itallroad AccoiintH,

T h k board of inves t iga t ion i n the

A : S a n F i i A N c i s o o pawnbroker len t $10 on a v i o l i n worthlS^lOO, and j iut t l id ins t rumoi i t carefully; away i n a closit . O n the fo l lowing day a s i m i l a r v i o l i n was pledged, and at the end of the wook five had boon put in to tho,closet. T h e n the pawnbroker found that after each bargain tho v a l u a b l o v i o l i n hud been ro-phiced by a comparat ively wortl i loss ono, access to the closet be ing obtained through n hole i n tho wal l , and that Iio had taken i n the same art icle five times:

Bloockor , street entrauoe, l o c k i n p the door b o l i i u d h im , and pvoccoded up stairs to Wercklo ' s apartments, shu t t i ng tho .street door, w h i c l i closes w i th a catch. H e I'lvppcd w i t h h i s clul,i on Worokle ' s s i t t ing-room door , to wake h i m , and, h a v i n g heard his responso, ])assod do-wn stairs and out, shu t t i ng the street door beh ind h i m . H o wa lked to tho corner of Broadway and stood there ten minutes. , H o then wont homo.

A t that time, so far as ho know, tho bank was i d l r ight . H e sa-\v no su.spi-cions or other persons about.

W e r c k l o says he was awakonod l i y the watchman as nsnid at 0 o'clock, H a l o y r app i i i g on his door. H e began to dress, and, as ho was d rawing en h i s i ianti i-loons, tho dcior of his .sitting-room opened suddenly, and sevoii or eight miLskod men wa lked i n . T l i o y seized and handcull 'ed ArVorcklo and h i s wife, and t ied his mother-in-law i n a sheet.

T h o women c r i e d out, b u t W e r c k l o to ld them the robbers would k i l l t l iein unless they kept qi i iot , and t l ioy .sub­s ided.

One of tho m e n took W e i c k l e ' s keys from h i m , and another pu t a revolver to his heiul and t o l d h i m to g ive i q i the coml i ina t ion . H o said he d idn ' t have it .

" Y o n l io , y o u — . Y o u open tho vaul t every morning . G i v e i t up or I ' l l b low y o u r brains out."

AVcrcklo says ho u rged that i f he to ld thoni they cou ld not tu rn tho knol) , but they tigain tlireatoned h i m , and ho gave them tho combinat ion . Throe o f tho gang then remained to guard the pr i son­ers, and tho rest wont down stairs. Af te r a l o n g w'hilo, d u r i n g wh ich AVorcklo heard thorn pounding , ono or two of tho gang came up and whisiJored to the guards, and a l l loft together.

AVercklo soon after wont out, imd , see­i n g ino one about, gave the a larm.

M r s . AVorcklo cprrbboi'atos th is story, o n l y she saw but fi'v'o men. T h e y . w o r e whi te handkerchiefs below the masks. Those who guarded her to ld her not to fear, as she w o u l d not be harmed. T h o handcull 's wore rc inoved from her b y Officer K e n n e d y , who was first to ar­r ive . She .was too ; te r r i f lod to notice closely the mon'.s clothes or iij)puaranco.

I t is thought that from tho deposi tors ' boxes the burglars got not ]c8.s than ijil,000,000 i n bonds and securit ies.

A b o u t forty boxes wero r i l l e d . O u t o f ' the $3,500,000 but $11,000 i n cash was obtainod. V

F o l l o w i n g is a l i s t of tbes to lon securi­t ies : . U n i t e d Status 5s of 1881, regis­tered, e ight of $50,000 each, N o s . 105, K K J , cm to IMO, 737 and 7,'j8; ton: of SIO.OOO, Nos . 13,480 to 13,495, i n c l u s i v e ; total , $500,000.

U n i t e d States (is of 1881, registoi-ed, twenty o f iSlO.OOO each, Nos . 9,270 to 9,295, i nc lu s ive ; total , §200,000.

U n i t e d States 10-40 bonds, registered, s ix ty of $10,000 each, Nos . 8,714 to a,7<53, and 18,003 to 18,042, i n c l u s i v e ; total , $000,000.

U n i t e d States 4 per cents,, registered, t h i r t y of $10,000 each, Nos . 1,971 to 2,000, i nc lus ive ; total , $300,000.

foes ami legal expenses, T h o stoek-holdoi-s l ioki a, mee t ing the next day and wToto .saitl o l l i c i a l a sarcastic letter, t l i i t i i k i i i g h i m for not hriniling thoiL iiitn tlubl. T h e receiver reji l iod cheer­fu l ly , bogging them not to ment ion i t and saying that ho was su i l ic ionUy re-wardod in the consciouHiiess-of h n n n g dtiiio his duty.

A ( j ieat iSliiit at I t lack-li ir i l . t . H u n Newman, of S ie r ra val ley, C a l , ,

k i l l e d .505 b lack- l i i rds b y empty ing on ly two li i irrols from a shot-gun in to a flocl; of them the other day. T h i s may ap­pear a rather improbai i lo story, but it is voiiehotl for b y a half-dozen or .so re l ia­ble witnesses. T h e b i rds were huddled tog-other i n a g ra i i i - l io ld , where a t l i resh-i i ig-machino had short ly liefore been i n operat ion, when Nowinnn fired at t l ion i . and each shot seemed to have b rough t down a separate v i c t i m .

T h e Supreme C o u r t of A ' i rg iu i a has decided that whi te a n d coloretl por.son.s cannot iu to rmar ry i n that State.


, .1 10 '.t \'ri .'1 .-ffi •i 'S, •I 7fi

Ni;w voutc. Ukkvkk: :..ft(i a) lin ti ,-)i) iiiHiK .'i,.io &. ;i iw CnrroN. '. llJid", li».f, I'l.nun—Snis'i'ilno V :rSn ct: •! \ViiKA'i-—No.','... 1 OlH'.'c") I in Cons—Wostel-ll .'\riseil.. .Ill (lij .|Ti.'. Oats—Mixed .- ' Sll'.iCS • lit " livi;—Wi-atorn SS 0! nil PoiiK—.Mess... 7 7n fri; ~ ilO L.uii) r,ii.i(jii (i

• cniiOAOo. Hukvks—Choice flraded Stfiti-s,..

Cow-sand Heifel-s.... . . Mtidiiini to Fail-..

Hons Kloijii—Fnney WInlu Wiiitni' V.K. . . . -I 7fi |V';

Good to Ohoieo .Spi-liij Kx.. -I S.'j (HJ WiiKA-l'—No.S Spi-ili).'. SI liji

No.ll Spi-iiiu... . .; (IS (<S, CoilN—No. a !1.'I (11! Oa'i'S—No. 2 •») di. IIVK—No. ii -11 C"! IlAUI.KV—No.a..... Wt (ffl liuTiKii—eiiok'u Creauievy.. . . . SO @ , Er.iis—l'Vesh..... IT , (M l*oiiK—Mess..'.'.. I,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 On ((() ' Laiii) • .Li .G!:

MILWAIJIU2U. WllKA'l—No.l... lifi @

N o . S . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Ra & CoilN—No.M .'W fin liA'l'S—No..!.' , ,1H 111! Itv-K-No. I . . ' . . . . . . . : . . , . ; . . . . ! . . ; . -M t< Ua«—No.S. . . . . . . : . . . . , - . . . . . . . . .'sii (jji

ST. l.OUl.-i. WiiKAT—No.;S lied F a l l ; . , , , CoiiN—Mixed,,: : . , Oa-1's—No, 9,,.,: , , liVK : roilIC—MflHS,.,,., •,, Laiu),,

OINOINNATI. W'iihat—lied.. . ; . . . . . . . . . fit . fnl ill c o i i N . . ' . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . , »mm•;-'n Oa-is •, IK tii! «l l iYi ' fiO («! ,'>1 : l*oii i£—AfesH.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 fifJ C't> T ,I..AHn..'' fi-MM,

- ' TOLEDO,^ • , WiiBA'r-No. 1 White.... .,

No. S I le i l : , , ; , : , , , , K'J; C o i i N , , , . ; . . : : : . . . . :;. . . . ; . : ; ;,li7 ; Oa-ih—No. S 21

DKTIIOIT. Fr.oiJii—White -1 liO Wiii:at-No. 1 Whlli' IBf

No. 1 Ainhnr (H) (JOHN—No. 1 .10 Oats—Mixed: . . . . . . : . . . : . . ; . ; : . . . . 31 lUiiT.KY (per (.'iintal). V . . . . ; . . . . . ; . . . V.Vfi I'onK—Mess U S.

IL18T LIIiKli'I-V, I'A. CA'iTf.R—Ilest •! 8.1

r i i l r . . ; a .10 Common it iHt

Hons..... . . . . ' . . . , 2 (W SUKKI'...' .1 00

& -I HO ® B, S.l

(!h :i sr. fi (HI 1 7.'i

S-JV-71'" M

'21 , •1,5


• r.

'.Ill .s;i, !1.| 111-•Kf 87

,s.| da- .STi !iS wV .'HI ni lii! so m M ,'10 .10 @ 7 no ,

& fii

;!t:i!i: .pi.tii

91-: •'I* , S)i-'

11 a'T.i ' ® U.50-(lil Al^,:

(10 (LI •') IKI igi 3 r>o-

O U l l Y O U M J F O L K S .

Two ilopK urn tiKlitllif^l fart iinrHe'lH stai'tcil; ThinliH lie will trotl , .; ,

iteariUf; au<l pliiHKl»Khe auildenly da-slies v. . , .Onlo£j t l i i ) ]o t ! .V. i • !•"-'.'.:',.\J

<'jirUi/l!owN iiflnr—hnnlly i.unlii.'lp II,' .Shn'o ItiKIn-stl

lUiiinMiily-Uinililelyl jl(.'i;loly-juinlili.,ly! I''ly the two pawt.

Iloy drops ills Mlinvul: HtritloH alon;; iiftiir, . 'JIvluK line iduiHel • ^

.•\roidi'y-t:ou', wliiskiiiK, ami klekInK, and frlMkinu'i dnin.s in tlio raor!,

:iloss.v.oalf. llidtl(id,,l.lilnkH tills a fi-ollo .lllHt til Its lllilKl I . .

;.tli.r Its iiHitlior. Nldiilillit' and illppInK, : Jt ciipurM hi-'lilnd. , .

.Li'iivhi).' lln.-Ir quiirrol. iln ra follow* afti-T, Struiikhu; iiIoiik:

So 111... iinii-i'.SHlon. woiik at. Itx HlurlhiK, Knds very Htriint '. ,

(.111 llioy all K'il •Plinwiiii,'anil ila.sliliiK, "luintlni! and HlasliliiKi ..Illli-'lhiK and jninpiiit,', rniakini,' iiliil lMllil|ilnu' I ..-ihaliinif iinil wliinkliiK, kicliliw ami frl«kinK! DiiiicliiK and nkipplnn, roarlliK anil ill|ipllii,'I llarklilt' Hiiil .•liiwIliKl Ail lliu Hoveli raeiin-'. • Willi nil of ilieir iiiiK'liI, on, on, out oi! ainlu!

I.'ollis, slarlni: al'li.'r. wonilor with laUKhter Wll.^l-i; II will onil.

TliiMi siiilil''iily Hiin llieiii I'oliirn m tlioy KlarliMl, .lii.-i'i roundiiiK the bund l

Vci, Willi iliiM iliaerniioe. hoy now in ilrlvliif,', .Mill si'elll.s io lie llliul l

llul nil i.f tlio othom iiro «MII juHl «« linppy .\s t:V(.r 1111(1 h'l'Kl. Biii'k they all ronio I

I'liiiiwilli; mill iliiHliiliK) slioiitilin iiiid MlaHliiliKl .liK'k'liilK iiliil jiiniplim', ereiikliiK mid Iniiiipini,'! Slialiiiii-'and whiskinK, kleliini,'and I'rI.skliii.'! Daiirilii; mill HkippiiiK, n'ariiiK ami illpiiinul Burking'und .•liaslin.'! All the Hnveii riii^iiii; HlraiKlit hiiv'k Io llio lol, wlieru llii'y end up with a

trol! — Vimllr^ Cintipilllllili,

.A lliiy's .SurviiK'. '•S]ioeil. l i i rk i ly , .Timiu; the'sat 'otv nf

(loil'.s eloi;t, ilupuiiil.s on t l iy ( i i i id (.•ourugo," s i i i i l i i F r o i K i l i piiitsmit wonian. its. nt;iuuliiig at t,li(! iloov of i i liul ]ievc'lii,M.l over a ffofgo in the Covo i i -iio.s moni i ta i i i s , n\w builo I'aviiwoll to ]ii.>)' y o i i i i g .1011. .Ho, iiioiini.oi'l cm n. .siinill, wl i i t i ' j ioiiY, loolced J'uiirlc.ssly out ol' lii.s lirijjlit l i l i i ' i ' iiycs, mi l l , tos.siiig- Vmck lii.s i i lmmlai i l . Ivuh.som oI' fair liin'r, liont. to kis.s t.hi; i i io l i ic f ' s Imnd; t l i c i i , ili-.-scoiiil-i i i g a .sl,i'i.'|i, w i m l i u g path, ovur which his i i i toUigoii t aiiiii i i i . i i i i i ;ki:ni ii.slow, s im; I'ootiiig, t i l l ! yomiK iiiilov illsiijipiiiu'OiT i n (III! i l i i rk ai.sies of u p i i io iVifcs!'..

Joi in CaVii l ioi ' wiis lU yi-ar.s o h l ; his c'.i'iullo l i iul heoii rookoil to the howl of i i io ini ta i i i stovnis; l i i iwi i s iu;i;nHtonii'n to

..sfiilo l ic igl i ts Avith Dini'vi'loii.s Jiffility, l io ing supo-l'ool'.oil on tlio paths that only the t i imni l i i i i i -bor i i ooi i l i l Mal'iily t rcai l , ami ho liow ilii i tntlnssly I'iummI i i l i i ix. iml-<iitn f id i ' . .-iml till) per i l ol' iiiipri.ioiiinoiifc, to .siivo the l ives ol' oOO Clivis t in i i mini i i i i i l women. I t was noiirly noon; all tho lints, sliei'p-i:oto.s, and coLtnfi-iis in t.ho lowi.T ad jo in ing vnlloys wnyi) di.'.soi'ti'd by thoir i i i l iubi t i i i i t s , who hud stai tod iit dawn f o r t l iu SCL-Iiidod monii t i t i i i of 'lionrgi.'S, lliL'ro to snok consolii t ion and s tnnigt l i i l l t in; woivshipof Ciod.

'J 'hisWiis tho period of t.liat so-called "ri- ' l igioiis ' ' w i v in Fr i i iuu i , Avhich lasted Iwimty yours, i ind i n wh ich the K i n g , Loi i i . s X I V . , oin))loyod (>l),t)00 .solilievs to pxti.'.rininiite ;!,(l(IO Protostai i ts , bo-I'iuise they por.sislod i n worsh ip ing thoir jMitkov i i i ' t ho iv own t'asliion. Tln 'ongl i t i l l ! npji i ir v.'illey.s, for .sonu; wooks pru-vioiis to tliiv tinio of this story, tliore l iad been foni i i l , in rock cavities i iml hol low trees, bits of wood eiu'ved wi th tho words, ' •Mi in i i i i in the desert," and wi th certain symtiol ic marks whereby all the rii i thfii l know that tlio grout jiustor, Bvonsson, oinevging from his .secret eav-e n i dwel l ing , w o n l d Jiieet and min is te r to his pnv.seeutod (lock i n the afternoon of tho l i rs t day of the yoiiv IVOIJ, at the Bonvge.s monnta in . No twi ths tand ing a l l ])recuiitioi). news of tlio i i i to iu lod convo­cation had veaclied tlie town of Ha i s ,

.•.iiid Ca)it. ])a.ignirrier, witli.tiOO men, was c o m i n g h p from tlio j i la in , oiigoi' to .snvjjrise and butcher the i i i i iocont con­gregation—a k i n d of achiovomcnt not infrequent in those tragic yeavs., .

. lust before noon to-day, .Toaii, wl ien o l i m b i i i g t l i e ' r o c k Vmck of l i i s father's Uut i n search of a. inis.sing gout, .spied the rod bonnets of the cavalcade, t iuv-ers ing ii dotilo far Vielow; he knew w e l l tht'iv terr ible pnvposo, and, l i i u r y i n g Uowi i , Said to his mothor ;

" I have soon tho K i n g ' s troops go ing i i ] i ; t lioro is none to give warn ing but me."

Twen ty ni inutos later, .Teun wa.s r i d ­ing [done th rongl i the d i m forest, i n ­t en t ly , conn ing the network of paths so f i imil i i i r to h i n i , and t r y i n g to eliooso

.one b y which ho cou ld elude and out­s t r ip tho assassins. • I ssuing, at length , from the woods, he paused, hesi ta t ing between two routes—one smoother, t l iough loagov—by which , t rus t ing to Ilia n i mb l e j iouy, he m i g h t .speedily ar­rive, uii loss overtidvou l>y tho trobp.s; the ot i ier l ed through ravines and over rocks in to the 'very hoitrt of the nVoitu-taiii.s, and was a l iazardous path, oven for 11 s k i l l f u l c l in i l iur . I f ho toolc!tlie latter, ho n i i i s t ' abandon hi . i horse i in i l

' l i i s own sjioed and agi l i ty , r i n i i l -l y dec id ing o n ; the ' smoother road,- he wiii.s;'txir]iing t owiml i t ; wl ien h o l h e i m l tho sound of a coiich-.sliel),niulj on tho instant , a i l i ish. of scarlet . streamed

.around ii spur of the forest. Q u i c k ­wi t t ed .lean rode a t ' oneo to moot tho

u idva i ic ing lioldiovK. , , " W h i t h e r go you'?" asked tlio Cap ta in " T o the ujipor h i l l s to seek m y I'ath-

•or," r ep l i ed .Tean. " T h i s is not a safe country for young-

•stcrs l i k e y o u to t ravel i n alone," .said ithe otlicer. , , , ^

" I havQ confidoiico i n G o d . TIioso •who do no i l l need fear none," re turned :thQ c h i l d , cahnly.

• ' Y o u shal l como wi(;li mo," con t inued :tl)e Cupt i i iu , .siispicionsly; "so fine a 'l)oy ninst not grow n p a robol . I sha l l •dedicate you to tho .service of tho K i n g .'.iiid the church ."

Joan miule no answer, r i d i n g on w i t h h is captors, apparently i n siibmiMsivo

.<romposure', bu t tho ivigiUint l i t t l e fol­l o w , rjnick i n oxpodionts, cont r ived to

fall back gradi i i i i ly ; t i l l , when tlio dis­mounted troops, p i i iu f i iUy c l i m b i n g , W'oro h a l f w a y u p a stoop ascent, .Tcaii was among the hindmost . A brook woui ic lVbinul . the base of the h i l l , a i id Jean know that near t l io stroiuu was one of those caverns, common i i i a i iou i i t ry of vo lcan ic formation, the entrance to .which .was,cpncoalod, b y th ick , cluster­i n g bushes.' ' ••Seizing an opportune mn-mont, t haac t ivo boy turned Jiis pony, diushfid down in to tho brook, leaped from lii.s stood and ran in to the oavorii . Some m i n u t e s elapsed before the more c lumsy soldioi's could descend; ' when they reached tlio stream, tho pony was .scrambling l iomowaid over tho roclcs and no t r acoo t his r ide r visiViIo. ,Li t l , lo .'lean t r embl ing ly crouched i n his covert d u r i n g (;hcir brief, vain search, but soon, eager for a, larger prey, tho pursi iors ro-t n r i i f l ^ t o j o i n tho of tho band.

W h e n the lust echoes had died away, and o n l y tho brook's gi i rglo was audible i n tho .stillness, .Joan vonturod from h is re­treat, awaro that tho distance had been increased, and the t ime for rosouo less­oned by his capture; but hi.s childliood'.s steadfast faith never droamed of fa i lure ; prayor and act wore one, as l i g h t l y leaj)-i n g from bowlder to bowlder , by intr icato wiiiding.s about p in i iac lo and crest—hero fo l lowing tho bod of a mounta in stream, there sw ing ing himsel f by gnar lod roots over doej) chasms—the i n t r ep id boy liiLstoiied broathlo.s.sly on.

N o t far uway .sonic hundreds of reso­lute men and women wore i issombled on a rooky platform a m i d the desolate liill.s. jSfu.sket.s stood near, ready for a sudden cal l to arms. A r o u n d tho wor-.sliipors was a chestnut forest, through whoso onormons ;.,trunks and lealless boughs tho w i n d moaned i n molancholy cadence, uccomi ia i iy ing the psalmody and sup])l icatioii . O n a i la t smooth, stono, at tho Vrnso of a prec ip i tous rock, .stood, the minis ter , who, wh i l e l i t t l e .lean sped toward thorn, Avas thus ad-dros.siiig tho congregation :

" 'What four yon •? D i d not G o d u o n r -ish h is people in the'? D i d he not send the ravens to food his prophet, and w i l l ho not again work niiriiclos'? H a s not H i s H o l y S p i r i t conil 'ortod his ui l l ic tcd children"? H o consoles—He strengthens us. ' \ V i l l H e not, i n t ime of need, cause H i s angel to go Ijeforo US'?"

Coni . 'h id ing thus, Ihe preuelier nd-vancci l to u natural stone slab, se rv ing as a saeraiiionlrid altar, and the assembly, i n reverent ial, to which pe r i l added a .si)leinii awe, euiiie for­ward two b y two, barehe.'idod. A i.:vy startled them.

" F l y ! the enemy come.s!" rang in s h r i l l , ch i ld i sh treble from ubovo the k i i i i o l i n g mul t i tude , and l o o k i n g i i p they saw on the r o c k y summi t before the pastor, a l i t t le l ig i i re , whi te goat-.skiii i-outand locks of go ld gleamed i n the mel low sunset, as the rocks and caverns re-echoed his v i b r a t i n g cry.

" . F l y ! the oneniy comes!" T h e startled throng, gaz ing n)i, know-

not the son of their neighbor and. i'riond, l l o l a n d Caval ier . T h o so lemni ty of tho place, and tho danger always near thei r woi'.sbip, had infused thei r exulted minds wi th a sense of the immediit to presence of the Huporiiutiu'ul, and ^ the s imple-hearted peasants thought the c h i l d , Joan , a veri table messenger oi' heaven.

T h o y q u i c k l y dispersed through pass and dotilo, and -when the troops urf ived the ear ly stars shone down on the de­serted rocks and lonely forest.

.Tean jo ined a party of , fug-itivos, and l i v e d to be a valiant and famous do-f o n d o r o f the r ro tes t an t fai th. W h i l e tho conimandor cnr.scd h i m as a treach­erous l i t t l e rascal, most of the congrega­t ion always lua i i i t a inod that G i x l sent an angel to save thorn:—SI. NicliolaH for .A'oueni/jcr.

, — : : , i ]ti.>4nian-k niitl H i s Po l i ce .

>[eantimc the mnt te r ings of the So­cial is t ic s torm continue. P r i n c e .Bis­marck seems doterni ined to push a v i g ­orous campaign against the t r ibe of con­spirators, Init ho has already mot w i t h sharp o i ipos i t ion . .Some ve ry a m u s i n g stories are to ld about tho po l ice agents employed to jireservo B i s m a r c k from any possible attiicks d u r i n g his recent vi.sit to Gas to iu , where the C h a n c e l l o r has boon to make a cure. I t apijears tluit i t was next to i i i i p o s s i b l o ' l ' o r any oi'vb to widk anywher'o' near . the a l ley i n Avhieli B i smarck ' W'as promeiiading ' wi th ­out t i n d i n g himself shadowed b y two or three gent lemen of; the detective pro-I'es.sion. vNoNviGastoin i s ' i i i A u s t r i a , and the Aus t r i ans not on ly do not feel par t icu lar ly w e l l disposed toward P r u s ­sians, bu t arc also especial ly opposed to P r i i s s i i i u pol ice agents;- One . , 'day a bathor who fouml h i s way b locked by one of the agents shouted out to B i s -tnavck, who ,was near by , " Y o u r men s p o i l a l l tho ploiisure of the bathers!"

B i s m a r c k d i d n o t . l i k e this and sent homo two of tho most indisci 'oot. of tho agents. .Btit no t longaf tn rwi i rd imothor lulventuro ooourred. A n o l d gentle­man , i in Aus t r i an , was i)> tilui h i ib i t of p romenad ing a shaded al loy vrith his r igh t hand thrust i n to tho tai'l-pookct of his coat. A p r y i n g pol ice agent had soon this for some days, and one morn­i n g , imab 'o to cont ro l himself , l io pounced down on the astonished A u s ­tr ian, v i o l e n t l y p u l l e d the l i n n d out of tho pocket and shon tod : " W e ' l l seo what y o u carry so myster ious ly!" H u t of course ho found no th ing , •

" O h , y o u Avil l , w i l l yon'?" sa id tho A u s t r i a n , s t r i k i n g h i m a foorfnl b low i n tho I'aco. ' 'Tako ' that; lu id vomembor tl i i i t y o u aro not i n .Prussia, ' and i f yon over bother me i igain I Avill thrash y o i i •within an i n c h of y o u r l i f e . " , " ,

T l i o pol ice iigont re t i red somewhat discomlltod.—Paj' i .s ' Cor, lioHlon Jour­nal. _ .

; T h k E n g l i s h army authori t ies arc or­d e r i n g Span i sh mulos (or t he i r batteries.

T I I U I L L I N U M A l l I N E I H S A S T E l t . LoHN III' l l lu Sluiliiiur lIxiil'iMn, III Clluiin|ivilk<i

ll l iy. T h e steamer Express , b o u n d from

Ba l t imoro for AVashington, was wrecked i n Ohosapeako bay d u r i n g tho recent terrible galo, 'and, of the crow of twenty-two men and l i ino passongors, a l l but tho Cap ta in and .six of tho crow per­ished. T h e fol lowing details of tho tor-r ib lo calamity, o l i ta i i ied from tho sur­vivors , we copy from a B a l t i m o r o papor:

O n tho way down tho bay as far as .Tamos' po in t tho woat.hor W a s very rough, and tho stoamor was p i t ch ing badly, but no alarm was , fe l t . Af tor pns.sitig that po in t the, w i n d increased in veloci ty , and tho steamer l ina l ly became u. imaiiagoiible and ro l l ed i n tho trough of the sea. Otqit. B a r k e r and tlio cntifo crew remuined on deck d i r ec t ing the movements of tho steamer d u r i n g the n ight . T h o gale incroa.sod d u r i n g the night , and the steamer was to.ssod l iolp-lossly about, nnaljlo to malte headway. A b o u t '1 o 'clock a fearful sea l.iroko over her on tho port bow, s taving i n her up­per work.s, and tho entire mass of water rushed through the 'saloon, ca r ry ing away a l l the furni ture and life-boats. A g a i n l ind again tho fierce waves swojit over the i l l -fated stoamor, and the Cap­tain abandoned al l hope of p rocur ing life-prosorvors. H o found two for tho l ady pa.s.songors, JErs. B a c o n and M r s . .Tones, and adjusted them. H e then carr ied the two ladies on deck and p laced them i n the stern of the ves.sol, a n d warned them that the stoamor was about to go to jjieces, ami p romis ing to come to their a.ssistanco, i f jio.ssible. T h e Capta in lashed his y o u n g sou to the saloon and again turned his a(;teiit.ion to his vessel.

T h e w i n d was s t i l l b l o w i n g at a rato that w o u l d not allow aiiyono to stand up to it , w h i l e the on ly th ing that could be seen i n the p i t c l i y darknoss was the white foam of tho rag ing -waters w h i c h swept over the steamer. T h o second mate, •Toscpb Havoy , was knocked down by a fearful sea AvJiich boarded tho stenmeras he tr ied to cross her deck, and was swoiit in to the smoke-holo. .Before he could be Toseued tho steamer rose on a wave n ion i i ta in h i g h and p i t ched headlong in to the t rough of tlio sea, tho suecood-i n g -wave r u s h i n g over her a n d sweeping h(M' docks clean. Cajit . B a r k e r heard the de.sjiaii'ing shrieks of the pa.ssengcrs above tlio w i l d rour of tho waves as thoy wore swept away. I n the darkness that fol lowed i t was i inpossi l i lo to discover or he lp anyone. A b o u t ton of on bourd c l u n g to the saloon w h e n i t was carried away and found thus a tempor­a ry refuge i'rom death. T h i s frai l sup­por t was, however, swept b y the waters, ca r ry ing away oiio or more of those c l ing ­i n g to i t every t ime. T h e Capta in c lung to the saloon u n t i l i t Wont to iiieces, and, thon, ge t t ing astride of a por t ion of the wrcc l i , ho ld on un t i l daybroal; .

AVl ion tho dawn broke he found that .Tohn Douglas , one of tho Quartormas-ters, was c l i n g i n g to the same piece of wreck w i t h himself . A s thei r frail sup­port moun ted on the tops of the onor­mons waves a gl impse of t i io i r , surround­ings was obtained. A t about half a mi lo oi l ' was the steamer tu rned liottoni i q i , and scarcely visiVile above tho water. Nearer to them was a por t ion of tho sa­loon , to -whicli -were c l i n g i n g several l iersons. T h e s torm was s t i l l r ag ing i n unabated fury,, and there appeared l i t t le hope of the i r be ing able to wi ths tand tho bulVotings of tho waves. T h o y could .see the numbers c l i n g i n g to the wreck gradual ly dimini .shing as one by one their s t rength fai led them a n d theywore swept away l i y the angry -waters, Af tor c l i n g i n g for e ight hours to tho wreck, tho Cap ta in and his companion sighted a smal l pungy near thorn, b y w h i c h thoy were rescued. T h e y were near ly insen-si l i lo f rom the ofl'octa of the i r l o n g ex­posure., T h e other por t ion of the wreck dr i f ted to a b i i r rcn i s l and oft' tho month of t l i c P a l u x e n t r iver , where the men c l i n g i n g to i t were rescued by a boat from tho steamer Sh i r l ey , of tjie Y o r k Pi ivor l i no , w h i c h was 'ashore on the i.sland.

O f the thir ty-one persons on board on ly seven wore rescued. A m o n g thoso who per i shed was W i l l i e B a r k e r , aged 10, .soon of the Cap ta in . Af te r the wreck he was seen by his father c l ing ­i n g to a p h m k .some distance away.^ Thoro were no means of ge t t ing near oacli other, a l though signals wore fre­quent ly e.'icliuiiged. H o . ' co i i t i nuad i n s ight of his father about ah hoiir,<when a 'wave vvaslibd t l io p lank from the lad's gi'asp and he is supposed to have sunk from exhaust ion.

wore dissolved. A t the imper ia l houao-h o l d one day joy was awakened by tho lippoaranco on tlie stage of h is tory of his Imper i a l H ighness the F i f t i i P r i u c o , Thereupon men of tho Fas t re turned to thei r books to f ind out whoi'O thoy had mado their b lunder . I t was l a i d downi, they learned, that tho o v i l influonces o f l a c r imson sun and l u r i d sky :were avortod i f ra in should fal l w i t h i n l ive days aftor their l irst ap-Iioiiraneo. O f rain l a id fallen.

MICIIUJAA' r i ' i ; M 8 .

The Cliiiici^c As t ronomer . T h o Ch inese astronomer's ways are

onrious and past u r ido r s t and ing i i i these W e s t e r n lands of science. I t is related tJiat i n the fifth moon of tho present year tho learned men of P e k i n g not iced that the sun d i d not shino as b r igh t ly as in id been i ts custom. Instead of be­i n g clear, i t Imd to thcni a r e d mid l u r i d look. T h e weather was d r y and tho sky covered w i t h a mist . T u r n i n g to thei r scientif ic books, the i r learned mon saw w i t h amazement that those, signs, by id l tho laws of seienoo i m d anti-qunrian knowledge, gave warn ing of danger to the impor i id family . T h e t id ­ings wore p rompt ly -carr ied ,to tho throno. Orders at o n c c w o n t for th for tho defense of tho residence. > T h o gates w-ero guarded b y soldiers, and the l i no of w a l l was zealously defended. A panic spread among the people . : ; Some­t h i n g was about to happen to the. E m ­peror, they said, a n d wJiat i t was no one know. T o iilJay tho d isqnie t i and to end the questions that were pou r ing i n u p o n them, tho authori t ies at last said tho G o v o r n m e n t w a s on the b r i n k of a wa r w i t h Kussia. . . . Some t r i f l i ng discus­sion between BiLssi i in and .Chinese au­thori t ies i n C o u t i i i l A s i a gave oolof to tho report. . B u t suddenly the i l lus ions

—Tit lmago is to leeturo i n M i c h i g a n this winter . ,

— T h o Saginaw hotels have boar's meat on their b i l l s of fare,

;—Battle Crook niunufactories aro now r u n on tlio c igh t -ho i i r ])lan.

— A cane fiOO years o ld was oxb ib i tod at tho i\[arsliall F a i r .

— T h o Saginaw Con-riar .'•'ays t,liat shingles move oi l ' faster than t l ioy accu­mulate .

— A tiro at Beoso destroyed Overton's stave and saw m i l l ., .'?TiJ,00O; i n ­sured, $1,000.

—-J[ar.shall is to have an orchestra i.'oni|)o.sed en t i re ly of y o m i g liulios un ­der '20 years (-if age,

— E e v . H , A . B e a i l , an old resident and ox-.Posfcmastei' of jVlai-sladl, died re­cent ly of B r i g h t ' s disease.

— A fire at F o w l o r v i l l o destroyed AV. AV. Starkoy's shook . factory, the otliev day. L o s s , $.'5,000; insured,

— A Bos ton man is t r y i n g to buy tho N i l e s water works, i n t e n d i n g to eoni-plote and run them as a private enter­prise,

— T h e ^loni 'oe B iq i t i s t s have ovgim-i z e d a course of lectures to help draw t l io i r church out from under a mort­gage.

— A . valuable deposit of jfypsniii has been discovered near Tawas, and u. com­pany of Buffalo capital ists w i l l work the .same,

—^AA'ellington Hagadoi ie , a ] i rominent lunibornian i n Osceola oonii ty, has sold his lands to his two sons and gone to Mon tana ,

— T h e y o u n g men at the State ' U n i ­vers i ty have o rgan ized an athletic a.sso-c ia t ion , and w i l l laVior to secure a we l l -equipped gymnas inn i ,

—'• AVhisky or homo," wius the alterna­t ive a .Bat t lo Creek woman gave her hus­band. A s she owned the house he de­cided i n favor of home,

— A 1-1-year-old F a s t Si ig i i iawia i i tu rned h ighwayman and roVibcd another boy of :?.|.^ that had been intrusted to his care for a few moments .

— L u s t w e o k Mr. S imonds , one of the noted hunters of tho A n Sable r iver , succeeded i n k i l l i n g seven largo Vicars in.side of twenty-four hours.

— T h e B o a r d of Superv isors of M t i -comb, county have, w i th on ly two d i ssen t ing votes, passed a rosohit ion i n favor o f ' b u i l d i n g a new county j a i l .

— H . AVatkins, a y o u n g man in the employ of Thomas Say lo r , at his farm near, E a s t Saginaw, was k i c k e d by a horse a few days since, from the. ofl'octs of w h i c h ho d i ed .

— T l i e people i n tho no r th woods are mu t t e r i ng vengoaiico on tho l iui i tors •who take dogs a long w i t h thom. T h o y ins inuate that d o g pelts are worth more than deer skins,

— B a r t o n G r a y , aged 10, commit ted su ic id i ! at D e t r o i t a few days ago b y .shooting hjm.self th rough the l icar t wi th a rifle. L o n g - c o n t i n u e d i l l -he id th \yas n.s.sigiied as the cause. . , — D e t r o i t Xew:<: "Tic was a sweet s inger i n Israel—sang i n a chu rch cho i r a t Y p s i l a n t i — b u t they found h i m dead d r u n k i n the organ loft, and now thoro is a vacancy i n that choir ."

— T h e Superv isors of C a l h o u n county have reduced salaries a-s fol lows: Treas­urer to-$1,100, fo rmer ly $1,500; C l e r k to $<J00, former ly $1,100; P rosecu t ing Attorne,y to $000, formorly $l,'20O^ ; .

— T h e phys i c i an of the State prison gives i t ns h i s op in ion . tha t fu l ly 00 per cent, of t he ' s i cknes s among the con­v ic t s consists ' o f throat di.seascs, and recommends that they lie allowed to wear boards.

—W' i l l j nm B o r d n n , of M n n d y , Gene­see county; w h i l e d r i v i n g home from Swartz 'creek, one day last week, w a s th rown out of h i s w a g o n , r u n over and k i l l e d almost' ins tant ly . T h e deceased was a well-knoAvn farmer and one of the oldest residents of that section.

— T h e seventh imut ia l State Conven­t ion of the Y o u n g Men ' s Ch r i s t i an A s ­sociat ion was h o l d at L a n s i n g last wook, lit . w h i c h the , fo l lowing ofllcers were ohoson Pres iden t , H o n . M . I i , Cros­b y ; A ' ice P res iden t s , R e v , '55, G r i n n o l l ; J r „ O. E . .Dyer, S. T . Dolamitter, ISii-genc A l l e n , P r o f . J . L . S e w o l l ; Socrc-

a — — ' ' u:

tary, T . C l ' B o n g h t o n ; Assis tant S o o r o - " tnrios, .T. F . ' M'ill .spaugh, S. F . G o o d ­man. , .

— M r s . J enn ie D o Kalaii 'ds, the E a s t Saginaw .Tennie B n r d i c k , wl io made such a furore at San F ranc i sco some months iigo by her romantic nmrr iago w i t h L i e u t . D o Ki.vlands, of tho K u s s h m navy, is about to sai l from St. Peters­b u r g to v i s i t her Saginaw home,

— T h o now ]\[ethodist l i lp iscopal C h u r c h i n Cour t l and Center , b lown down by tho w i n d a few weeks ago, has been repaired and w i l l somi bo completed. T l i G total damage fnnn the b l o w i n g down of tho frame was but $25. T h e chu rch w i l l be a beauty when done.

-^ .Tol in D i i b o y , about ilO years of age, was ins tant ly k i l l e d wh i l e shoot ing ducks i n tho marsh, at ISlonroo, with a compan­ion'. A flock of ducks approached, when D u b o y suddenly rose np to shoot , and received the contents of h i s con i -pai i io i i ' s gnu , l)lowin.g his hn i i i i s out.

— B a y City Tri hi mil ; T h e greatest train of tho sea.son -went no r th T u e s d a y m o r i i i n g , ca r ry ing a largo uunibor of hunters to tho northern woods. F i v e passenger cars, otto baggage car and two box cars were loaded to thei r ut­mos t capacity wi th Iniiitci 's und thei r trails.

— M i s s Ha t t i e A.ckeriuun, a former D e t r o i t g i r l who went to Chattanooga, i n 1800 as ii toache i ' and has .since be­come very p rominen t i n her ca l l i ng , has died of ye l low fever. S l i o h a d boon de­voted i l l hor at tention to the s ick , a n d the iicople. of Chat tanooga w i l l b u i l d her a inonuniont.

—.Frank .Tohiisoii was, a few day.s ago, ci i i ivict i^d of se t t ing (Ire to the K e n t county j a i l las ts] i r i i ig , wh ich entailed on h in i a sen t imce of l i f e in State pvismi . H o was glooiiiy'afti. 'r the verdict , and .said he never would gn to the penitentiary—-he w o u l d die first. T h a t evening ho cut-' his (hi'oat terr ibly wjth a ruznr.

— I o n i a SUinila rii: '• H e n r y Thomas , the man who .shot Nov ingor , i n j \ [u i r , last .winter, and who -was sontenced to l ive years i n tlie State pr i son , has been roniandod to the custody of tho She r i lV by an order of tli(.i Supreme Cour t . H e is now at large, ample bai l hav ing boon, fnr i i i s l iod . A now t r ia l w i l l bo had , "

— T h e oxporls of forest lu'oducts from tho j iort of Saginaw and B a y C i t y f o r tho month of October were 71,Sn;-],07.5 feet of lnml,i(>r and 3."),SOO,000 shingles , T l i e . t ob i l .shipments from the Sag inaw r iver for the sea.son to Novenibe i ' wore -17'2,50."i,00;-! feet i)f Iniiiber, about 10,-000,000 less than the shi)imi!nts for t lu! same t ime lust year ; 17'2,OI-l,380 .shin­gles, be ing •U,0i)0,00l) more than . last your ; ;J,0(.»0,000 staves, and •1;!,000,000 ])i(;ces of lath,

—INIr, jSterch, of G r a n d Hap ids , is c red i ted wi th h t iv ing made, after yours of toi l and study, as M'oll as the ou t l ay of considerable money, a ftic s imi l e i n min ia tu re of the tabernacle of t heanc i en t .Tews. I t consists of m a n y t l iousa i id pieces, beaut i ful ly carved and f in i shed i n go ld , s i lver , and brass—tho ark of the covenant, tables, altars, furnaces, a score of quain t utensi ls used i n tho otl 'erii ig of the dilVorbnt sacrifices, exact and w e l l -p ropor t ioned l igi i ros , dressed exact ly as they s h o u l d bo, etc.

Not 11 (jooil IVHnoiis. A lawyer w h o ^wns defending a cimc

of as.sanit. and battery i u the P o l i c e C o u r t , tho other daj', was g iven to u n ­derstand that he c o u l d secnro a valuable witness i n the person of a woman n e a i -whore the " b a t t e r y " h a d occurred , a n d he therefore made a ca l l at the honso and requested her to de ta i l a l l tho c i r ­cumstances.

"AA' 'el l , s i i ' , " she. began, " I .sat r i g h t here, h o l d i n g t h i s ' e r e baby on m y l ap , a n d I was .s inging, ' D a r l i n g , I A m G r o w ­i n g O l d . ' T h e baby he was s q u a l l i n g gi'eat guns, m y boy W i l l i a m was m a k i n g u p faces at hisself i n the, and the man what owns the house was t r y i n g to; get i n to te l l ns thii t i f we d idn ' t pay u p we'd bo bo imced ."

"Yes , , ' ' r emarked the lawyer. " A V e l l , s ir , a l l o f a sudden I hoa rd 11

rumpus on the ,s t rect ,nnd I p i t ched this-'ore y o u n g 'un oh tho bed, give W i l l i i i n i a cuff on the ear, a n d r an to tho winder . S c c h a s ight as I seed, s i r ! " i

" D e s c r i b e i t , madam—describe the aft'uir just as y o u saw i t . "

"AA'eJl , sir, there w a s M r s . P e r k i n s , w h o • never h a d hfdf the hn.sbands no r eddecasbun I 've had, sa i l ing r i g h t V»y ' m y door w i t h a ca l ico t ra in four feet lo j ig , a n d noA'er as m u c h as l o o k i n g at m y house, t hough I len t her a summer squash and two onions only n i g h t at dark." ;

" A n d the l i ^ h t ? " quer ied the lawyer, "AA 'a s tho io a l i g h t , sir'? I f there was

I ' m not to blame, sir . I d i d t h i n k at first I ' d go out and put a now oyobrow on tho o l d jade for p i i t t i i i g on st.ylo over : he r betters, bu t AA'il l iam he got tho tnck hammer fast i n his mon th just the)i, the : bab,y k i c k e d l i i sse l f o i l ' the bed, a n d she sailed' out of s ight a round , the corner . I ' m a i i i n n o c e n t woman, sir, and i f ; i l ' m ; ' taken u p I ' l l suofordnmagoB—tho worst: k i n d of damages, Hivl"~Dctroll .Free

IMibllslicd e»ei7 Thnrsd»y, if

M a s o n , I n g h a m C o . , M i c h .

s u i J s c a i P ' r i o N 7 F r . . ' > o p e r y e a r .

. i o n i » u i \ T i ! v « . Tkfi taiitt rlal in onr.loldtinK depurtnu'iit isall ni'V

anil of tile l\t«4t »tyltH. (itir i)rlce< nirresitoml with l.lie tJniMS anil we f naiiintee salisfiictlon art to style

iiuAllty ((fvrtirk. . Itr-lers left willi ns will tje al-t-mde't 111 priiniptly Ruil uecnriUnir tn rniuract.

D . P. W l i l T M O U l ' : . Puni.f.suKi;.

9 I i i N O l i . i l l i c l i . . K T o v . 7 . 8S- r s .

( J R E K M J . \ C K SUCrjKS.S !

I l l Upf'ealiiig- lK'Miii<;rjU'..v and Ait l i i ls j i l l lt(>|>iilill<uiiii><ni.

'I'lio IlopubliennH E l e c t tdjoii' W l i o i o T ide ot CKoopl; nopi 'dsontniivo for i l io Sec­

ond Dialr iof , undone i J i rou i tCour t ConimiKBionor.

What, wi; hiivu liocii trying tn i i i s l i l l into llio minds ol' our roailor.s (or tliu pnsl. l,lii-oo luoMtlis has tiiniuil o\it to Ije a I'licl. 'I'lie rnl.iinis .show oontlu.sivoly thai the KoiMililiciiii j;i-C'c-iilinc'ki;r.s, as n rule, vottnl

Uip lle|)iil)lii:iiii liol;cL, llii.TOby louviiif; lhi! Itopublicnn party tlioir iisuiil Htrciigtli, anil

tvA llu! DiiiiiiUM-atio n;rooiilKu:l;(M'S .stooil l)_v the n'reoiil)ac'l< l;icl;i;L, llu; only result. Ijinl, i;oiil(l 1)0 (ixpdclccl Wiis iillaiiii'cl—doroal. lor Doiiioonits anil ;,'n'(.'iil);u.l;i'rs. W'l: Iioliin'o lJu; fjront in.-iss ol' ;.'n'onlia(il; voti?r.s to lie honest iiicii lint their loiulcrs arc liis-lioMi.'St. and Inivt? wurlcud rci^' of priiicnpio for ollico or |iav. 'i.'hi! Stato Inis irnno Ropnblican liy qnili; a lnri,'0 innjoiil.y. Kolow «-u ,i,'iv(' Mil,' rotnrn.s liir tin; suvural toiviLS ol' lliis c-'oniity.

I.A.VSIN'C TOW.V, On State tiidcol, I'or Govcriinr, CrosswuU

Oil, Hnrni'.s (iS, Smith . |1 . h'or ropri'SOiita-live in fonjrre.s.s, ISrewer All, .MeCurdy o", iMi-'ad .'il ; Slate senator,'Conker ]'20, K'i l-tKMirne .'ilJ. I'almei' M.'i : ri;preseiUative in Slate lejji-ilalnr.;, liowen I I l i , l luiise 'i. ' i , ilonso, Oil eiiiiiily lichnt, I'or .sliorill', l ' ; irt 1(11, Adiiiiis liS, "(liidrroy .'!S ; oouiitv clorl;. Walker '.):!, Wimiliel 117, Van \ ' r an -lii:n 'id ; oouiilv Ireivsnror, Kond 1(11, l i i r -iiey (1.-), .Sioplieiis, l I ; re^'istor oC ileoils, Cnniioii Suu-ijos till, Ityan I 1 ; ciitinj:,' allorney, (^il i i l l Hi), Shields oi), .N'ieiiol.s .V2 ; eirenit ooiirl commissioner.s, Oslrandcr ID'i, Call Illl!, Llri.stol I'll, Us-lioriu! (!l, Bristol -11, .lolinsoii - l l ; survey, or, Drakft i n i , liariiard i;.'i, iMiillett-l-'l coronur.s, Switx,;,'nl)lo 1(12, Iteyiiohls 102 Iteiiiier (11, Lot l 111, .loiie.s l - l , (Jihhs - l l .

L.lN'SIXn CUTV—l.'ll!.ST W.tllli. On Stale tiekf.l, I'or Governor, Oro.swoll

fi.-J, Itiime.s 7!1, Siiii t l i 111). I'Vir ropni.soiilii-live in coiiijress, Brewer (111, .M'o(Jnnly To, Mead (111 ; State senator, Tuoker K i l -lionriio aO, rainier .')',); miiro.sentalive in State logislalnro. liowen fl-l. ITouse (10—.S, On eoiinly ticket, for .sherllV, Dart 7.S, Adams >S(I, (indI'lV.'y ."iS ; (.•oiiiily clerk, IVal-kcr 70, \Vincdiel 7o; \ ' i ( i i \ ' r i inkei i 71 ; coniiiy ireasnrer, Bond 7(1, Birney 77, StoplieiKS till ; rei^istor ol deeiks, Gannon 70, SUiri;os 77, llyiiti 111) ; prosecailiiif; at­torney, Caliil l 112, Shields 0;i, Nichols (11; cire'iiit court cotnmissIoiier.s, O.^trander 7;'i, Cal l 71, Bristol 72, Osborne 7-1, Bristol (IS, Johnson (17; Siirvayor, Onike 71i Jiariiard 7(1, iMnllott (10; Coroners, Swilzijable 71, iioynolds 71, Roimcr 70, r;0lt 7(i, .Joncs (11), Cihhs (10.

St.TON'n WAIlll. On Stale tiukot, lor Governor, Croswell

211(1, Barnes Kid, Smith-I i ) ; representative in eoii^'reas, Iji'ower Sa-I, McCnrdy 122, Mead -i7 ; Stiito senator, TonUor 2(1,S, ICil-bonriio 109, I'lilnier .10 ; reprcscntativo in Statu le),'i.slature, Bowon 27-1, IToiiso 121, ITonse 2(j, Ou county ticket, Tor sherifl', ].)arl 2:10, Adams 1.20, Godfrey lid ; ooiinly dork. Walker 2-17, Wiaehol l l i l , VanVran-kcn -15 ; enmity ircaaiiror. Bond 250, Jiir-ney 12S, Stophotis 'Lu ; ro;,'istcr of tlcuds, Caimnii 2'10, Stargca 127, Uyan -tG ; pros-ennting allurncy, (jahill 2-tl, Shields ll ' .S, Niol ioU ' l l ; eirenit court oominissiouers, Cstraiidor 25(1, Cal l 21! 1, Hristol 121, Os­borne 142, Bris:ol -I.'i, irohnson 'Id ; survey­or, Dniko 200, Biiriiard 12.''i, iHiiUctt -17-, coroiier.s, .Swilzjfable 218, lleynold.s 250, Reinior 12(1, l,oU V'ti, .ioiies -1:7, Gil ibs 17. Prohibition vote 4.

T l l i a i l , WAItU. On State l i ckc l , for r:io%'ernor, Cro.swoll,

105, JJanics lOfi, Smil l i 2.'i. For reprcsen-lutivo in congress, Brewer 202, J lcCurdy OS, iMciid 2(1 ; State senator, Tookor, 215, KiUiourno 00, Palmer 22 ; representative in Slate legislature, Bowon 214, ITniiso 88, House 2;'. On county ticket, for .ihurifl', Dart 100, Aciaiiis 120, Godfrey I.'i ; county clerk. Walker 100, Wiiichel 105, VanV'rnn-kon 22 ; county trea.iiirer. Bond 204, Bir­ney 08, Stephoii.s 25 ; roginter of deeds, Oiuinon 20(1, Stnrges 0(i, Hyatt 24 ; pioso-cutii ig iirtorncy, Oahill 20^. Shicltls 101, Nichols .'LS; eirettit court conimisaiotier.s,

'Ostriiiiiler 211, 'Oal l 205, Bristol OG, Os-bouriio, 07, Bristol 2;i, .rohnsoir 10 ; snr-veyor, Driiko 20(1, Barnardr05, .Ntullelt 25 ; coroner.s, Switzgable 207, Reynolds, 207, Heiiiier 05, liOLt !I5, ,)ones 2-1, Clibbs -2.1. Prohibition votes ,'!,

FOURTH WAIlll. On Statu tiokot, for Governor, Crosawoli

1(12, Barnes 84, Smith,82. For ropresoii-tiilivc in congress, Broiror 1(17, McCuri ly S-|., iliead 77 ; Statu .senator, Tookor .185, Kilhqnrno S-i, Palii ior G() ; rnpre.sotiintivu in Stalls legislature, l.iowon' 1 StI, Ilouae 107, Ilonso 29. On county tiokol, for Bheriff, Dart 175, Adams 07, Godfrey 50;' county, clerk, Walker 172, Wiiichcl 8f.,. Vr inVran-koii 72 ; county tronsuror. Bond 106, BIr-iioy SR, Stephens'77 ; rogistor of; deeds. Cannon KiG, Stiii-ges 89,' Ryan 7i! ; :•

; ciititigVtittornoy,: Gali i l l ::Ui2;'' N i c h o l s M 8 ; circuit, court comiuiaaioiioi's,' Csiramlbr 171, Call UiS, Bristol 158, Os-bijt'iie, :00, .Tolmsoii • ' 7 5 ! survbyoiV Drake 1(J8,,Barnard .33, iMuUett^ .78 ; coro:

; nojy'S\yifej;ablp U17vRoynoldS;l(iS, Roii^

8,1, ivolt S:t, .lonoa 78, Gibba 70. Prohi­bition votes •(. • , ' ,.; •

FII'TII WAHU. On State ticket, for Governor, Croswell

127, BariicH 80, Smith 44; rtiprcaciitntivo in conRrcss, Brewer 120. McOiirdy 73, Mead 48 ; State senator, Tookor 145, K i l -bourne GI, Piiluior 45 ; ropre.snntativo in Stale legislature, Bowen 15.1, House G l , House lid. On conntv ticket, for sliorill',; Dart 1:12, Adams 85, "Godfrey 30 ; cduiily eierk, Walker i:i2, Winchel 72, \ 'aii\ ' ' rnn-keii-IO; eouiily Ireasnrer, B i i i i d l J l l i , l.iir-ncy 70, Sleiiheiia 411; register of deeds, (Jaiinoii l l l ' l , Sturges 70, Uyiiii 40 ; prose-entiiig attorney, (Jahill l , ' l l , Shields SI , Xieliola 4 0 ; circuit court eomniisflioners, Ostraiido'r 1115, Call 1115, liristol 117, Os­borne 71. Bristol 40, .lohiisoii 4 0 ; survov-or, Drake 1:M, Barnard 1I8, Mi l l loU. 4 l i ; coroners, Swil/.gublo llld, Heynulds 1114, Reiincr dO, L o l l dO, .lonca .17, Gibbs 40. I'rohibittoii vote 11.

.SIXTH WARII. <.)n State l ickc l . Cor Giivoriior, Cro.sswell

K i l , liariies 7(1, .Smith ;!3. For ropresea-tiilive in congress, Brewer IJiS, iMeCiirdy 7!i, Mead 25 ; Slate seiiiitor, Tookcr 15S, Ivilboiirne 111, Palmer 22; roproBOntative ill Slate iL'gislalnre, Bowon 150, Hoiiso, 85. ( J i i c o i i n l y tiekel, for sherill'. Dart 1 liS, Adams 77, Godfrey 2(1 ; county clerk, Walker l ; i2, Winchel 7(1,'\' 'aiiVrnnkan :12; coiiniy (reasuror, Bond BUI, Birney 7li, Slojihens .'11; register of deeds, Cannon I7d, Sliirgiis 72, Ptvaii :12 ; proseciiliiig attorney, Cnliil l K-id, Sliields 70, iVicliola 2(1; cireuil court eomnii.ssioiiers, Oslrander KIO, Call B l l , Bristol 101, Osbnriie 71, .Tohiiaon :17 ; siu'voyor, Drake l.'Ui, Barnard 72, .Mullell .'12; eoroiinrs, Sivit/.galile B i l l , Reynnlds Ki l l , Reimer 110, Boll'(10. .loiies 111, Gibba

:i I. Prohibition votes (i.

wi i,l.i.\.MaTo.v. Slate l i ckc l , Croswell U ; ! , Barnes 201,

Smith .111; Brewer 152, M'cC'urdey 107, .'\Iead 15; 'I'ooker IIS, Kilbnuriie 101), Palmer 45 ; Bowi.ii 171, lliii ise I7.S' House •|.l. (Jounty tiekel, Dart 107, Adams 102, Godfrey ,"4; Walker M7, Winchel 200, VanVrankcM 44 ; Bond 1-12, Birney 200, Stephens -11 ; Cannon 1511, Stiirges lOlI, l lyiin 41 ; (.laliill K M , Shields 225, Nichols ;!(!; O.slriuider 145, (.'all 1 15, O.sbonie 205, Bristol 217, .lohnsoii I.'I; U r i i k c l - l l , Unr-naril 20d, .Mullell 111 ; Swit/.giible M l , Boy. nolds M l , Beimer 20ll, l .o l l 2011, .lones - l : ! , Gililjs Prohibition voles 5.

.MKlillllAN. Stale liokel, Croswell 125, Barnes I7;'i,

Smith 7.S; Brewer 12:i, .McCurdoy 181, Meail 71. ; Tookor l . ' i l , K'ilbonrne ISO, Pal­mer 111 ; Bowen M 2 , House Id-I, IBiiise 117. County tiekel. Dart 121, Ailaina IS-I, Godfrey :dll ; Walker 121, Winchel 17(1, VanV'rankeii 75 ; Bond 12;'., Birney 177, Stephens 75; (,'aiiiiou, 107, Sturges 102, llvMii 71 ; Cnlii l l 124, Shields 182,; Nichols lis ; Ostrauder 125. Call 127, Bristol 175, (isboriK" 177. Bristol 74, .lohusoii 7.'!; Ib-ake 12:1, Ihiriiard 174, Mii l le l t70 : Switz-gahle 12-1, Beynolds 12-1, Beimor 17(1, B'ott; 17(1, .loiH.'S 7G, Giiib.s 7(1. I'rohibition vote l l .

i.ouKi:. State liekel,Crosswfill 150, Barnes K t l ,

Smith 211 ; Brewer IdO, McCnrdy l:i2. Mead 21 ; .Tookor 150, Ivilliuuriie 1112, I'lilmer 25 ; Bowen IGS, Mouse 147. Conn-ly ticket, b a n 1 dO. Adams I 27, Godfrey 21; Walker idO, W'inehel K'.O, VanVrai iknu 2(1; Bond 1(10, Birney U!2, Stephens 2-1; Can­non I d l , Sturges 120, Ryan 20 ; Cal i i l l 155; Shields M S , Nichols 2 5 : Oatrnndor IdO, Call 1(10, Osborne PIO, iiriatol KIO, ,101111-son 27 ; Drake 1(10, Bariiaril .KIO, .MuUott 25 ; SwiC/.gable 1(10, Ruvnolds 100, Reiuior l;t0. Lett BiO, .foiiea 2G,' Gibb.s 2(1. Pro­hibition voles 0.

BKt.llt. * Slate ticket, Croswell 81, Barnes 140,

Smith Oi l ; Brewer 80, McCiirdy K i : ! , Mead 06 ; Tonker 00, Ivilhouriio Ulll , Palmer 92; Bowen 100, House 12:4,—-0:t. Coiintv ticket, Dart 88, AJain.a K M , Oodfrov 'Mi ; . 'Wiilker S5, Winchel K15, V.anV'raiikmi OS; Bond Od, Birney 12S, Stephens 04 ; Cannon S7. Sturges K!2, llyan 05 ; Culiill 80. Shields 144, Nichols 04 ; Ostrauder S8, Cul l 88, Bristol l l i l , Osborne IHIi, Bristol 98, .lohn-son OG ; Drake SS, Barnard l . ' i ; ; , Sfiillott OS; SwiUgablu SS, RDvnolds 8S, Uoimcr 1;I2, Lo t l l ; i2, .lones OS, Gibbs 08.

LVfillAM. ' State tiekel, Croswell 152, Barnta 174,

Smith 22, Snyder 23 ; Brewer 1G5, McCur-dv 173, Mead Hi, Burnliai i i 18; Tooker 155, Kilbonrue 178; Palmer 22, Wood 23 ; Bullen 141, Henderson 18G, Clark 23, A v ­ery 23. County tiekel. Dart 150, Adaina 179, Godfrey 21, Osborne 22; Wiilkor 134, Winchel 2(iG, VanVranken Id, Hitchina 15; Bond 119, Birney IS 1, .Stephens 19, Tnylor 22 ; Cannon 17(), Sturgc.H 159, K y a i i 22, Potter 2 1 ; Cfthill 138, Shields 190, Nichols 20 ; O i -traiiJor 151, Cal l 15S,' Bristol 107, O.sborne 17(), Bristol 23, •lohn.son 23 ; Drake 151, Barnard 17fi, Mul lo i t23 . Cook 22 ; Swit/.gablc 151, Uoynolda 151, Reitn-or 17«, Lott 17G, Jones 23, Gibbs 23, P»r-soni 22, Cook 22.

STOOKfllllXlE. Slate ticket, Cronwell 110, Barnes .SO,

Smith 3-1 ; Brewer 111; MoCurdy SO, .Nfuad 33 ; Tooker 110, .Kilbonriiu SI , Palmer 32 ; Bullen lOG, Henderson SO, Clark 29. County liokol, Dart 110, Adttms 84, Godfrey 30 ; Walker 108, Winchel 81, VanVi'ankun .'15; Bond 110, Birnoy 08, Stephens 35 ; Cannon 110, Sturges 79, R v a n . ' M ; C n h i l l l U), Shtokla 80, N i c l i o l i 3 l ' ; Ostriindnr 110, Cal l IIU, Osborne 79, Bri . i lol 74, .lolinaon 34, Bristol 34 ; DrAkn lOS, Barnard 81. MuUett 34; Svritzgablo n o , Reyi iokU 110, Roimcr '80, :LoU 79, J011O6 34; Gibbs 34. ,- •, ]'::/

. OKOMIACA, Stale jtickct, Croswell 127, Barnes 5],'

Smith 195; Brewer 127, MeCnrdy .58, .Mend 191 ; Tooker 128, ICilbotiriio 52, Pa l ­mer 194; BuUon 120, Huuderson |113, C l a r k ' M O ; .Oouul.y^Ucknt, Dart 130, , A d -ains 04, iGodfrey 1,75;; :Walker 140. Win­chel 44, VanVranken ISSj Bond 129, ]iir-noy 52, Stephens 189; Cannon 120, Stui-go.-i 4 ; i , :Ryui i 208 ; Cahil l 121;'Shields 75,' Nichols 175 ; Oatramier 120. Call 129, Os­borne 52, IJriatol 244, .rohnson 19.1; Dr«ko

120, Barnard 52, Mnllolt 100 ; Switzgnble 12s, Jlcynolds 120, Keinior 52, Lott 52, JoiioB 191, Gibbs 191. Prohibition voles 2,

VEVAV, Stftto ticket, Croiwcl l 130, Unrnos 52,

Smith 101; Brewer M 2 . McCurdy 5,5, McAd 87 ; T'ooker 131, Kilbouroe 52, Pal­mer 102 ; Bullen 132, Hendorson 00, Clark 01. County ticket, Dart 137, Adaiiia 54, Godfrey 04; Walker 127, Winchel 51. Vai i \ ' rankoi i lOG ; Bond 132, Birney 51, .Stopliena 101; Cannon 132, Sturges 51, Bvini 102; Cnli i l l 130, Shield 52, Nichols 10"2; Drake 132, llarnnrd 51, Mnllet l 103; Osinmiler 131, Call 120, Oo.slKirno 51, liristol 55, .lolinsoii 102, Bristol 101; Swit'/.gablo 1 32, Reynolds 132, E e i m c r S l , l-otl 51, .lones 102, Gibbs 102.

.M.tSO.V t'lTV. State l ickol, Croswell lfi2, Barnes 123,

Smith 153; Brewer IGO, McCurdy 155, Mead 119 ; Tookor 171, Kilbonrue IIG, Palmer 155; Bullen 120, Henderson 170, Clark M l - Coiinly ticket, Dart 184, A d ­ams I. ' l l , Godfrey 1)5; Walker 153, Win­chel 107, VanVranken 178; Bond UlS, Birney 127, Sieplien.i M S ; Cuunoii 1S3, Sturges 103, Ryan 157 ; Cahill 173, Shields 12s, N i o h o l s M O ; Drake 171, Biirnard 115, Mnllett 155; Ostrandor 1 70, Call U l l , Osborne 1 1.1, Liristol 120, .lohnsoii 155, Bristol M O ; Swif/.gable IGI, Ueyuolds IdG, Reimer 120, .Lotl l i d , .loiuia 155, Gibbs •lijtl. • •

Ai.Ati-mox. State ticket, Croswell 123, Biimos 140,

Smith dO; Brewer I2S, McCurdy 1.50, Mead 89 ; Tookor 120, Kilbouriio 151, Palmer 5 9 ; Bullen 110, Henderson 150, Clark SO. County ticket, Durt 1 IS, Adams 152, Godfrey dO ; Walker 115, Wiueliel M7, Vai i \ ' i ' a i ikc i i OS; Bond 121, Birnoy 150, Stephens 5!) ; Uaunon IKS, Sturges 153, Ryan dO ; UaliiU 110, Shields Idl),' lYichols 50; Drake 128 Barnard 12G, jMiillett 57 ; Ostrniider 110, Call M l , Osborne l-lfl, Bristol I 2ll, .lohnsim liO, Bristol 50 ; Swil/.-gable 110, Reynolds 110, Itoimor 152, Bott 152, .ioncs 110, Gibbs GO.

AUREI.IUS. State ticket. Croswell 17(1, Ihirnoa' 1).|,

Smith 85 ; Brewer I 7(1, McCurdy I) I, Mead SO; Tooker 175, Ivilbonriie 02, 'Palmer SS: Bullen 102, llenili.TSOu SI, Clark 70. (Jonii; IV tiulcel, Dart 172, Adams HI, Godfrey SO; Walker HIS, Winchel 01, Van \ 'riuikon 97; Bond 200, Birney SI, Stephens 7-1 ; Ciiii-nnii 177, Sturges SO, Ryan SO ; Cahill IGO, Shields 101, Nichols 82 ; Drake 175, Bar-iiiird O.'l, Mul le l l , S.S ; Oatraiiilor 175, Call 172, Osliorne 03, Bristol OG, .folin.son .8S, Bristol SS; Swif/gable 175, Reynolds 175, Beimer 03, D o l l 03, .lones 88, Gibba SS.

IIU.VKKRIIIM,. .Snno llckel, Cmnt)] llli, lliirae.i luD, .Saiill, i;n ,•

Bl•llW«r 07, JlcCiinly 13:;, Mead ;m; Tooker r,7, Kll-Imiiriiii 111, I'uliiier fiO; llnlleii l),'>, Ileiider.smi till, Cliirk .'i:t. iJciiiiily tiekiit, llarl, 71, Adams lu.S, lloil-fiey.'.S; Walker Si, Wincliel 1«1, VanVranken 111 ; Build .lil, lliruey l.'iI, .Sleidimia i l l ; Oanmiii llli, Sliir-R-M llfl, Rymi . ill ; Dalilll 711, Shields llS, NiclioU .|7; llriiUe lia, llai-naril 111, Miilliilt ri7; U.slrnlidur llli. Call 111). 0.<biiiMe 111, llrislol 11 l, .loliiisi.ii nil, DrisUil f.ll; SwilzgatiU lilt, Ri-yiiuliirt ijl], Itoliiior 111, l,utl r ' .leiles CU, (lIlllLi dll,

WHITE OAK. Statf* liekul, Droswull Sl, Biinies VJ,'i, Sliiilli .52;

tlrewur lIMi, .Mei.'iinly lu-.>, Mead , 'I'lieker at, Ki l -hituriie 1-lt, Piiliiier .''lO ; Uiillen li", lleiiderMon 1 l-l, (iliii-k Hi, (/iiiiiily Itcket, hiirt lilt, .'\ilaiiis HIS, Goil-l'niy .1.1; Walker "11, Wiiu.lii.l M:j, VaiiVriuild.ii-lli; lioiiil 7-1, Birney Hi:i, .Stepliiiiirt 70; Oalijiiiii s-j srnr-KOs lal, Ryan nl; Oallill ili , 12-.i, Niciiul.< l;! ;• llnikn SI, Bariianl 1211, .Miillett .'i'J; tlstrtinder SO. (.'all St, O. liiM'lie l'2li, llri.slel l-2l), .loliii.Hiiii ,10. Ilrislul M, Sfi-il/pihle SO, Reynolds ,Sil, Iteliiur l-.!li, Lolt I21i, Jones M, llililM ,

l.KllOV. State liitUet, Croswi'l'l Ufi, Hiirnns Uifi, .Snilili 111:

Ilrower l.|7. Jti:l!niily i i l l , Mead Hi; Tiiulirr t i l , Kl l -liiiliriia 10:1, Paliiiiirlii; Bullen lllli, llondiirKiin -.'i-l, Olarkll. Ooniily liektU, Jlart I'J), Adiini.H l'7fi, Cluil-neyS; Walkor tlllj, Winchel 202, VanVranken 11; nelid 128, niinoyul.'i, Stoplinns 1(1; Cannon Mil, Star KM I'J.i, Ryuu 17; (laliill IKI.SIiiehIa 219,NMcliols 11.

LESLIE. State llckel, Croswfll 2lill, Bnrn«« 1111, Sliilib T,H ;

nniwer 27(1, llcC«rily 121, Mead l.S.i;; Tunknr till, Kil­bonrue 11(1, Palmer 1117 ; llnllen'2.1.1, lleailersun liiil, Clark IS.'i, County tiokol, ilart'.'00, Adams SI, Cliid-rrey22U; Walker all'.!. WinclieKil, VanVniiiUim 120 ; llonil 2.'i7. Illrney HI, Sliiphons 173; Cannon'270, .Sliir(r»» 101, Ryan lUI; Cahill iCli, Shields 127, Nich­ols 184, .

F u l l returns have not^been veooived from Whnatlield, but wo loarii that it went Deiu ocratie by 25 to 30 majority.

n r a i i i CoiiiiiilNHioiiDr'H ?I»ti<io, Notice is hiireliy Kiveii tliutl will sell urlet liy con

tract, ill siilHilvision.s to tlie lowest liiilder, tlioilifj;;liig and cunslructiiiK of tlio Busli eimnty ititeli, lo­cated on sectioMH Ti, (i, and 8, in the tuwii.slil|i of Vevay liiKliani county, Mich., at tile liiiiisu nf P. Konrns, in said toM-nship of Veviiv, on lhe28th day of Novoinlier, A. I). 1878, at ten o'clock in tile forenoon, pursnatit. to an a. . eririniont iiiitdo hy \ . Winclail,*EHii,, drain comniissioncr.

I 11, WooniioesK, llraiu CuniialssU'ner. Dated the 7tli day of Nov., 187S.

I liave inirchnsoLl the .

S T E V E N ' S E N G I N E


D R I L L I N G M A C H I N E R Y ,

Wliicli lK)ro(l*thn artDHinn wolt at Mason, nnd am

proparod 10 ,.

' B O R E I N R O C K

Ah (loci) tw tkiQ iloopcAt and u OIll^W AS TIIK


L . J . L I N C O L N .

C<MunilHMloii«r*fi ?fotlcn. Tim u)MlL'i-i*i>:niMl, JiuvIiik' a|>|H)ijilotl !>>• t»io

Priilniio Court for ilu< couiiiy or IiiKhiuii, coumiiitrtioii-ui-ti oit lliu iiHtiUiJ or Jticoh ri, Colo, towiiiUiiior Aluio-doii, county of liiKhnm urn! Htntu of Miclificin, to Hnt lu unil lulJitHt »11 cluiiim iigniniit Mid tintntu, do huruhy Kivo nolicti tltiit tliuy will iitnot fur tlmt imr-poHu lit Ihi* ri>«idi>ncfl of Soidita C<du, in thn towitiitiip ol'Aliiliidoit, county of luKhum utid 8lutu uf Mictii-Kiih, im Siitunliiy, i\\v> Hixtoonlli day of NoTomhur, UTA, lit (un u'cluck in tltn forunonu of siild day. Six. inniiiJiH Croin tliu hixlnniitli day of Novtimlmr, A. I)., IK7S, ifi lliu (iniu Uiuiliitl fur tUu prommtalion of olitiiuH.

S i ' S n . 1 , , ^ ' - " " - ' — Dalml Alait'dou Oct. HMi, 1S7«.

p l ^ g ^ I Any I'orHon who will lurwiU'ii mo a llstof tliu luiniori of ritlialilu piTrtourtnf

fii»?nii!iimthiliin(;o who wMi to promiro un inslni-niurit, iiitlmr I'luiio ur Or iin, r will uho my liont oti-donvor.i to ttiill tliiMU onu,(ind for nvory piatiu 1 rinc-coud in Hnllinf; to tlioir llnL wllliln nnu year, I will crodll tht-'in witli iplo, itnil for MVory orKiin Sri, to Im plloil on puyniunt iif <>lthorii piano or orKan, and wliun ItaniouiilH (o a-Huni Hudtcloiil to [inyfuriiny inrtti'iiiinint,' ^clt'ctcd at. (Iin liiwvHt wliohiM^ii |irl<!<j, I wilt linnntdiali^ly riliip tlio tnrilriunnnl, mm ornriiM-uny anioniit in crcilitoil tin; Iialiincu' may ta> paitl nil) in ouhIi ami I will tliun ship l.lio iiotlriniiunt. Tliry noi'd not lio Itniiwn in tlin inattor, and will hii iliiinj; llii'lr I'rhinds a rnal Horvino, aw I Hhall maltti Hpnuiiil oiro'-s to llujin, MnllinK a siipurlor i i i -HM-tiititiiit. uf (Voiii «>iio-IiitU" to t,u'<i-MilriM wtiat (ri ordiriiirily iihU(>iI liy a^i*nl».. I'li'iotn Hinid a liiii lit nnco, and aftnr yon liavt) nnuli- impiiry, yon can adil lo it. Addrosri,

l > A l V l l i : L F . I I I M T T Y , ^ WiirtliinuIon.K .1!

^ i ^ ^ a wi>ok in yoiiritwn iitwn. "Sr» Oiillil iVop. ^ ^ i B l B Xn rink. Ui>ii(U<r, If ymi want a tiiisiiudH ^ ul. wlili-'h iiDi-Honrt or'niihur ws can nniUo Kn^al. pay all ilm linii- tliny wiirk, write for particu-arfi to II 'llAi.i.KTT .t tJci.. PiM'lland, Mahm.

T i l l C K r i l l i l ) .

T H E E C H O .

Afliir a liii,'lily .sutiiM'.iHfiil i-riroor of llvi* yi-nrs llin ]'i;Tin)rT Kvn.viNi; N'm 's Ims luruii rtiipiihtiiii'nloil hy a IiiuulsiiiiiM Wijolvly L-iliiion, ilcsl^'iiml to inri't tin-wniiiK of ilii'Ho who, liviii(< at a lUrftiuoui from any railroail station, aro nnnlilc ri>ji;nlarly tti prouiiro tlui tiaily isTOio, It hiiH litidn naniuil 'rnK Menu, and will coniaiii tho Intrit of thn niattor that lian appuarod In ilio ilailv, tot i'tliL'r witliiilily proiiariMl conipL'udlunw of tin- worlil'rt nowrf, tin* morit njliabin nisrUnt n-portrf, oriKiniil ami Htdi'i.'ii.Ml lali!--*, and a Kruat varli*ly of in* ton.'slinir mlHcidlany.

I'olilicaily, TriK Mi.'ito will Im liko Tni: Kvf:.viK(i NKWH..slricily indiMaMidunt, supportlnj; K"'"! niun, no nniitiM' ill what party foiirid, aiid fxpodint ami du-nonuL-iuK Hhiinis, oorrnplioii and framt, wlnillun-I'onml in Iho ropnldii'an, iliHno(:raii(% nationiil, or pi'j-hitiilioii parly. Tim liirfj;it ciiTulation of Tuk Hvkn-iNii Nkm'.s atliistrt tim ripiilhhiiiuo tliori'adiiiK patilic pliiitii in tho linncrity ami rtinunrity of Its roiir.- o, and It iti di>lii)'ii))nt<d Dial Ihf rrailor.n of Tni; Ik'nit jilial) nav-i>r haVi! );oo(| reason to llrid fiiull with lliu otniduct ot' tliu paper if an oyo .sinj lo lo tho pahlii; wdlfara can nuu'lt thinr approval. ,

TIh' papiT will ho innhn- tho I'spncial oditoriul inati-nj:;finiinit nf Mr, •InniuH K. ,Srri|i[m, fonni'riy thn wtd! known mlitur and nninaj!'n'of tho Diitroit MVokly Triliiiiu', and tho fonndin- ami tiliii-f munaKorof Tmk ICvKN'i.s-i; Ni;ws,

T incMS o r vim i c c i i o . Oni! yt-ar, in advaiico, inrlmllntV lairitiif o Two cropji'H ordonid at ihm' tiiiic... ITivii impii'.s iuditrifd at oiiii llnii* :i 'KV

Art 11 .spncial indnniMm'iii to HiihHci'ihorri for lhi.'4 tlr.-it volnmo of Tiiv; Kcnn, rtiili.-jorilitn'H for tho yisir ItiVl* (till ho fiiriiitilmtl with tho nniiihor.s for Iho romalinl* or of 187.S without idmrKO, (hoivhy Hfvinjt thorn a h'ood wiiekly pajior for oviT

T W O a iONTHS. r i l K E . ft ii till) aim to nmk cTiir, Kono flm hcni and rlipnp-

urit woultly nawrtiiapar in tho went, Ami a piiprr in nvory ri'Hpm:t oipial in valin* to tim liiKlmr ia-it:inl mutropolltian pnporrt which tho good puoplu of Nii^hi* H-an havo liiTi-tuloru haim coniprlli'il in takr. Snli* ti(!rn><n-s will plua.Ho wrilo ail miina.-t and podtoniuus Vary plainly, and addrvd ull tottorlt to

Tlil '; KCIIO, Datroit, aiitih.

L i M a i i i l H E A V Y h a r n e s s :

R O O T B R U S H E S ,

C U R R Y C O M B S , AND BE.S'r

B r i s t l e B r u s h e s .

U l


H c i m l r l n i r n o n e a t n i l

t l i n c N a n « l l * r o n i | i t l ) ' .

G v o r y f l i t i i g i u l l i c I l a i ' -

ncHti I..9I1C.

W H I P S , B L A N K E T S & R O B E S .

n >


e n CO

P e e k & S h e r w o o d ,

Q o n t r a c t o r s a n d g u i l d e r s ,

M a s o n . M i c h .

—ALSO— Sealerainlaiinlinr.Lklhknil ShinglM. .

Wont .« l ld« o r t h e n a l l r o a d , ' —OppOMltC—

v i T c i i « u v n m : l i . ' s w h e a t n o u s i : .

R E A L E S T A T E ! KorStiluur Kxclinnt^c, iillhi) (intcoof

J O H N D U N S B A C K , M A S O N , - M I C H .

10Oncr('ii,80iniprovt!it,!2!^ mllait rroiii BtuHOU, 40 nuri mllnrtfroni Miiioit,Q: Iniprovod, Prlcn, 40ii«r«tt,7 mlluH from Maion, 12 auroH wheat oii

tliu KF"*""'. I'lico, 81,100. HO acri'ri, (TO imprnvt'd, :i miloHfrnni MuNon. , M7 acroti, 80 iniprovod, 7 nilh'« from Matioii, SviC'

puraoni, ^ ' Kin acrt.'M hoavy tlnihor, S-o por aera, and HI) .'iafi's,

7i| improvi'il,, TiO, livi-lulh'f from Manoii, sii a<avh, lidfniprovr.l, i:*,rm. f Sit (un-r-ri, ofl irnprovoil, •1(1 aaiort, I.'i inipniviMl, li!/, niiloM fnimMiison. lii7aiM'aH, :i niilod friMii iJanHvilia, H(l luiprovtnl, at

a harfjiiin. IMl aoras, 00 iini>rov(Ml,g2n per aora, 1(10 airrn farm, It niilos froni DatiLtvllla, giuid hull-

iUKrtaJid 'J(I acrim inifrovi'd. V) aiiroft near l .'r*IJn, iniprnviMl. fill aiTori.-ltMiHprovtfd, J. milu frnni Court Hou.-if. t>il aurori,-10 iinprovod, l*r[i:o, tlOanro larm, :iti imprnvad,91,(100. 107 aiM-n farm, 80 iniprovad, I nillo from Manon,

chaap. 80 aaro fftrm, TiO iniprovod,-I niila.H from lainaiuff,

very ahi'ap. * li'JU acrn farm,7 niiluH from MiiNon, 100 Improvail,

Hooil hiilldinKH, SIO por aero. A full ilcscrlplioii of thn ahovo jiropurly will ho

oliiii.'rfnny fnrriinlii'd hy oalliUK at thn olUoo or ad-, driiriKiiiK lha rtiiliHinilior. QniUi a lar^o portion of tin? ahovo propiuly will liii uxchangn for ulhor [iropnrtj on ri'iisomUdu tormrt.

1 havo a liirK'u amount of othor ilorilrahln proparty for fall'. iMniwIrtllnn of farniH and farming laud.s, c1i,t pniporly, (nipntvfil and uiiiiuprotcil, iu Ilm city o( Marton and (dly of l.iiiisinp, whkli will ho nold al ln\» prii oriami favoiahhi tuniiH. I uIho havo nouio llrst-i:lans farinliiK lands in tho .Stali.M ofHIirisonri ami KauriaH, whiidi 1 will Holl or «!.\chaneo for propurly In-ro on favoraldo lorin«

UattMl.niiiHOuKah. until. 1878. J O H N D U N S B A C K .


Wishes lo ho Iioaril and in lioniul Ui nay iinti provi;, thai liojia.-j tho

B e s t M e a t M a r k e t ,

*J'o hti found in MaH<ni, II o in ii practical Butch or and hari tho hoHt tasto for Ui« 'Marlcot KiinIni'Hri of any ono niati to Iju found. KvorT uiilnuil that iiartfl Ilio hoof and oliiiwH tho (iiiiil, cun ho found hi llio HhamlihtH at hifihtall, daily. .(\l;io, JJi>( «out up from llio.slxo of a ham lo a moti),anil Ihivonr to suit tlio laHto.

l * O l ' f / l K V AJSU « A M E .

Poultry' and Oamo ailorus tho honks in his Hhop, with duilcacltiH from Saunagoti up to llio

S p i c e d a n d P r e s s e d E e e f !

Kotli of which ari) doUciouH and unoqualiMl, I u thIriMarltot.

Oivii luo a cull and boo foryonrHolf.

I willdi'livur nu'ivl lo auy'imrt of tlio cit.T IVso of (dmrj;i'. ,

MaHon .Inly ;iO, lliTS,

S P E C I A L O F F E R .


f E E K L T f O R L D

An Klghl Viw- s r c w M | i n | M ! i - ,

W £ L l . B K .S K .N T (I'OST A d E P l l E1' A T1))

F R O M NOW U N T I L J A N U A R Y 1, 1879,


'I iiiH aiiiiiiiiii onvi'IN ii i i i i id III iHiiti.iu tiKi l'«i>|ilu ti> Kiiii r<ir iliiiiiinitlvtiii l i i iw itiKi . It |iit|>(ir I'lIIO W n i d . l l la 1111(1 llow u-.irtliy it> i» 111' t i i i i i i ' mipi iun,


A N D . S K N D





O r F t ( K i i i ! s f o i 8 l ! M o i i i ,

Which 1» I.KSS T H A N . T W O CKNTS A

W K E K l»y l l ie Vmbv,

FOR A L A R & E E I G H T P A G E P A P E R .

Address " T I I K WOItM>,"

35 I'.UIIC HOW, N. Y.

.Suiiil-W.Kikly K i l K i o i i HHS.OO per Yuiir l l n l ly K i l i l l o i i ...10.00 " I niiily.withniitSuiKlikyEiIltliiiiB.OO "



S C H O O L T E A C H E E S : incroiw" your salary fey devoting uvory small portion • ofiyour.loisnrothnn to niy intoniHt,,,do not oxpcnt you to caitviiift for my:uolnhralud« Jluatty ii PInhopi : (widOrgiuifiiHiloHHyoa soo'fit to;-/ hut tha aorvioo' I p«qtii-(T,of yon In ho tit plntfiuntand jiratitalilo.', TtiJl iiartlouUirHfroo; Addrowa,

: ; , - v x O A 1 « I « L . F ; : : B 1 ! A T T ¥ , Washington,

I K ;

J i t g l i n n t ( ! o u n i ] J d e m o c r a t

The ^'ei/w of last week did not intend to use ''porsotial abuse" lint tho quil l drivof of that sheet was inad becauac n Demo-uralic board of supervisors did not think in all ll\iuga as Iio did, and under tho head of •'trreoti.oonitio rcforn," gives Ur. \Vin . H . l i o r lon , a highly reapocted citizen of Ve­vay, tbroo-foiirtha ol a coluinn of very tin-becoming and nnoallcd for ubuso. He trios in this article (o dccoivo his fcadors ; he woiiiil Inwo them believe that Mr . H . Tv.intc'.l the board lo pay double price for |iublishing tho proccodinga of tlio board and that lio was a rascally 'old copporheiid. '.rho facts are that Mr. Hortoti only asked Lho board to pay half price, and thoy de­cided to |)ay bill, ipuir/cr price. The -.'Vciua' nays -'Mis pretense was that the Ncii'a lias oilier eoiilil.ry (we he meant uoiiiity) palroiiage. But right hero wc will remarlc th.-it tho b l l i of the two 'Republican papers for coiiiillw (?) prililinR, j l is t audit­ed hy tlio board, was loss tliaii lil'ly dollars wliiUi the bill of the two Dcinocnuio pa-pel'.s was ///ra; hwnlrt'.d and .waili/Jluc dollars, l i e voted to take one Iniiidrod dolliu-s out of llio tlidusnud rnadi.-rs nf llio .iVcwx for lho bolinlil of the live liuiulrod readers of the Ue.moimiat," ifaw wo bo-liovn Ihiit our readers havo too much ii i lel l i -geneo lo believe any Ihiiig of the kind, l l is a luilf told tr l l lb, miik'iiig a di.sgl'aoeful lio. l ie dodges llio i r i i lh by saying l l i a l the DetiHieriiiic, pRper.i i)reseiited the bu'gest bill.i lo the buard a l lls last sesaiou, wliioh is true. IJul ho inteiuled l l i a l his readers should iiiiderslaiid Ihey bad the uiosL eouiily (mtroiiagc. 'J.'lie I'licls are Hull while the Demooralio oHiees liave a small amount yearly, and tliiU, or a |)orlion of it a l nnc-quurlcr rates, lho Uepublicau papeis have iliousaiuh of cloUur.s of coun­ty printing yearly and all at full rates. Thoy do not have lo wail from throe to nine months, and then prosout tncir claim lo the board, but gel their cash as soon us lho work is done. In regard to Afr. l lor-Lon's prujiosition InK'ing one hundred dol­lars from lho thousand readers ol the A'aios it is too silly and boyish to receive a thought as it only shows a voi-y largo amount of ig­norance. Tho iVeii'S may havo a few iiioro suhscribors than we have, but wo havo ser­ious doubts about its having inol'o readers. l i e lolls his readers that Ml'. Hortou "vot­ed for a bonus for the support of IJourbou Domooracy." Jn lho iiext paragraph ho

days, "wo don't mean supervisor Horlon only, in Ibis article."' No one but ehiUlron talk i l l that way and'thou say "it was only in fun." Ho know from the beginiiig thai lie was slaiideriiig Mr. Horlon in a losv and unserupiilouH nianiior, and was decoiviiii; his readers, thinking thereby to benelit himself and injure others. Wo boliovo lho people of Jnghuni coiiiity to bo too Jiouor-ablo and intelligent to approve or uphold that kind of I'uading.,

l luci |>i 'ocity.

(The following liiiH l)uea in liaad sontii time, but tias tieea unavoidaldy crowdeil out.—ICu.]

"Love tliy nolKhhor as tliyself," To ovory iK'iitlier lio

Wiiat you would have lUni, in i-flturn, : Ittindor asaia to you ;

Tlieliardest rules our blaster gave. These very two, 1 woen ; '

And tniceit acrofl-i eacli patli in life, At every turn tlu y'rw seen.

Pure luyo constrains luit needs no rule. And couid love ridsn siipruine.

No *in would rise to wake tlie law With luriil vuiiKeful Kleain..*—

To lovo thy mdKl'l'ar as tliysolf J How pitiful and weak,

'I'lio love that sprinf s from mortal liearts, Tlireugli mortal lipi to spealE,

.\far, on moonlit hills of trntli, The soul nprintcs up and linMlthes

Tile leiror atniospliere of life That cliuKS, in snowy wroatlies,

Aroiinil tile sliinliiK peaka , : Tliat pierce tlie lippor sky ;

And urclies o'er tlie narrow iiath ; Towaiil pearly gates ouliiBh. ' •

AndHtraviuKtlirouf;!! those up.Iaiid i-cnims,-Wie know no eartlily pain.

Onr wings are plumed for hii^lier SightH, Nor tliiiik to droop again..

And ia ttiat rare, pure aliiiosiiliore, All thini s traiistlgiirud seem, V

Harsh duty seellts an easy tltliiK, Thodullcst task Willi limmty isioanis.

Deneath tlioao purple skies. Where novor broods tlie liiglit,

Man dreaniN lils 'dn>am, nor thinks tliiit aught ' - ilin soul frougt plan.H can liiiKlit. . Ilutilowiiward, from the land ol dreams.

Oar raptured oyea must turn—. -And all roluclhintly, our feet

The lower paths must learn

Ah! then the problems that the soul Had solved when soaring high. Seem niysterios tliiit we strive to piere»,

^Villl toilsome misery, Vrouil lloshis weak—earth's ruts are deep,

Illiiu stninhles all too soon ; Ills kindling thungtits and pure desires'

Sluk down ill deiipost gloom.:

])ut one tliero was, of ull tliat e'er; In earthly iiatliways trod, . , ;v'.„i j . : ;

•\Viii* lovifd andserved his fellow-men,..r., VullllloJ the law of God. . .: '

For Ki'eator iovo eiinno man have,. .., , Tliaii tliis—to leave Heaven [lortais, '

And tni a cross, in grief and sliame, ' ^ To die for sinnlng mortals.! ''

oil l if onr iiolgtih'iVr wo could love, , • As iJliidst, oui" Lord would love iilni, ' ' '

.Tli'iiu for our hrotlior we would l u a k o . : - ! ' ' . , : TlioBkloagrowlu-iKlitaliovohini. , . . . Tliou>iieli to e.'ieli would prove more'true, ..;":

AVitli justice, mercy liioiiding Anil life would be a ]iiilm of Joy

.'.'Viid ponce tliutliatli no ending. .'.'•

Melliiuks, some day tliis lesson liai'd '•, • ; Ave shall liayodiirtrued coiuplefo,; •,'•••-'1^1' ,.';

When doiithliiis loosort rlio rust-wornohain .' Aiid wraiipen in sliinilier fiweet : '

, Onr lindies lie, tho soul sluili seek •;. ,. ,:Its liirhlrth-plaiin, witli Faith as guide .;

' A n d tlnd tlio lU'Oblem ail revealed. Ay :: By hiinwho ibr ua (llwL ;

. Siipt, .Itli, 1878.::';,.;:. ; ,i''.;i:MAliii,'":.

A largo line of fall und winter clothing just reeoivcd at " I j i t t i .e Skai.'h,'^

Tho Cash Clothier. '

Tn W h o m It Mny Cfiiicorn t A l l persons indebted to mo are request

ed to call n n l settle immediately, as I must have iny pay.

Fitehburt ' Mich . V. M . K t o i i k l ! , .

, 23tf

M i c h i g a n C e n t r a l R a i l r o a d .

M A I N l i I N E .

T i m e T a b l e , J u n e 2 3 d , 1 8 7 8 .

K A . S T W ' A H D . stations. •Mail. • nay t-^llaiitin tNigiit

Exprt'sK Express. i'i.\pross. tNigiit Exprt'sK

fJliieagn .. 7O0ani ll UOa n .1 iripm 7 Sfi

11 imp III Jllcli Uity .. » 211 11 1(1

.1 iripm 7 Sfi II U'l

Niles ..111.1.1 12 Ifi il DO 12 Ilfiain Kniiinni/oo ..12 Mpm 1 .lOpni

2 17 111 2(1 2 17

Ballle Creek... .. f.a 1 .lOpni 2 17 11 (is :i ln

Marsliiill ~ 2.1 :l 00 11.111 a 'lii AlllloM " U M :i 21 12 tlilani .1 ln faeksoii ar ..... ..:', .i.'i .l (I.'i 12.10 •1 .lacksoii iluiio.. .. il .|S .•\nii Arbor..... .. -1 M .I 10 2 II) 1, :i« Ypsilanli .. .1 Kil .'i 21 2 27 li ,'i,i Detroil, ar...... .. li .|.1 d :iu ;l :!.i S 11(1

W l l l S T W A l l D . .Stations *Jlail Tiay ^levelling tl'neilU;

i'lx press I'l.xpress press tl'neilU; i'lx press

Detroit, Iv ,. 7 '»0h 1)1 p ."Mil n ft 20nii) 11 .lllp Ml Vpsiianll .. S 10 1(1 ;l-i 7;m 11 111 .'\nn Ariior .. Slill, to.•ill S 10 ll 21 .laclfson .Inno. ...10 111 ll 22 .laeksen, Iv...,. ..111 2(1 12 l.limi

12 .111 il .111 12-1.1 11 Ul

12 l.limi 12 .111 i(i;i:i 1 211 iltil

jllnrslinll., ..11 :l» 1 1.1 inn;) 1 -1.1 Battle Creel:... ..l2 21liin I ns 1 l 111 2 10 l\alaiua'. oo .. 1 ir.. 2 -IU 12 2.1aln 2,i;l Niles . . a l l '1 117 2 as •1 21 .•MiellCilv .. .1 1(1 .1 2(1 •1 Ifi n '17 Cliicago, 111-.... ... (1 .Vi 7 .lu Il .|,1 S Illl

•I'Sunilays e.\ Celiled. ISalurdayHiind SnniliiyH e.v-ceined. -l-iiaily.

SAfiSIV.VW B J i l V B S I O X . . N O K T I l W A l t n .

Slali.iiu. .Mall Sagliuiw.tlleyCily 'nirougli l'].\pi'eHs ' Ereigiil.

.lii.disou, iv.. 7 one III .li.lpm il III ltiVi.s.luneiroii . 7 2.1 ' .1 .10 ' mail Leslie 7 lis I ,12 Jlliisou S (12 .117 1 l ,1.1 Hull s 1.1 r. :ii i2 2U|iMi Liiii.Hlng, ar Slid ,1.1(1 12.1.1

" lv S.pi fifi.l Nortii Lansing.. S .1.1 r. (iO l l u llalii 11 (1,1 ll 211 I ,111 Liiiiigsljlirg ll-2,1 (l'lO 2 2,1 lleiioington p-lll (1,1,1 :il)l) 11 .t sf iJrossliig (Ifill 7ail ami owosso .....11100 7 all ;l'1.1 Oakley's Ill '2:1 7 .17 , .| ll.1 St Ciiaries Ill ,17 ,S 27 ,1 .111 Siiginaw Uily 11 .1.1 0 I/. 7 Id East .Saginaw 11 r.r. tl '2.1 7 ll.l |,' .(c I' Jt dilne...l2 (111 ll 2S 7 -tr. Zihvaukon l212piii tills SOU West Bay f;ily...l2ari 10 (HI S .l.1 Bay Oily, ar l2.|o 10 III

S O U T H W A R D . Klaliolis. .Imdcsoii Ciilgiigo l'!.> •laokson

E.Npres anil Mull Ereigit .liiol.-soii l 1 Illla IU n nop III Il lidp IU Hives .liiiieliiiii„.l l 0,1 s ;l2 ,1 20 Leslie 1(1.11 S 211 Mason lOlin 7 .1,1 •1 Ikl

7 .I.'I :i,i Lansing .,...10 (in 7 2o 2 ,15 Nortli Lansing .. ll ,17 7 22 2 ;l(i Ball ;..,'1HII 7 Illl 1,111 Liiiiigsliiirg........ ll 2,1 11.111 1 HI ili'iiniiigliiii ll ln (i 2". 12117 11 IU II ,fc ill C'rossing S ,17 (IIP 12 III Owosso S fill fi.n 11 nn (Jakley's S l l l .1 20 11 n,i St Oiiaries S (111 •1 1,1 fi fi,i Saginaw City 7 2,1 ,.•1 till s ;iii l.last Saglllaw 7 1,1 :l 5.1 S 111 E .t P .liliie „. 7 111 li ,1(1 7 ,10 • Zilwallki.e 7 112 a 1(1 7 ill West Buy iJily... Ii.|li 1117 li .1.1 Bay Cily, lv li ail l) 10

All Trains daily eNoeiit Sunday. 0. 11. RUSH, II. B. LEIIYAUI)

Dir. Sii|it., Hay City. Ilnn'l Managei. Uelroil. Si.p. BROWS, Assistant General Supt., dacksoii. 11ENRY C. WENTWOIiTll, G.P. anilT. A.,ChicaKO

T H E S U N F O R 1 8 7 9 .

TiiK SiiK will ho printml dvtM-y tiny itiinn^ ttm .yoar to coniu, Iti niul iiiutlioil will ))• tlin iiiiiuu ns inthupast: To (ironnrit all tho iiow.-t inn roiiUiihlii nUiiptt, iiriil to (nil ihu truth though ihn h«iivti)U full,

TiiK Avs lian houn, ih, and will ciiiitiuti* lo Iia iiidO' pniiduui. nf uvcryhoily uiid •viirytliliit; hiivo tho truth mid its 4i\vii itnnvIiHioiiH of duty. Tliut' U Itiu only policy whieli an houofit iiuwspapftr iieoil Iiavn. 'J'liat in till) I't'licy wliirh hii:< M'on lor llils nowrfpupor tliii i:ouniluncti anil fritnuI.Hliip of a widor ainritilnuucy than was over ciijoyml hy any othnr Aiucu'Icuti Jaiir-al.

Tliu Sun U tho newspaper for thn pimphi. It is not for thn rich man ai alnst lho poor man, or for thit jioor man iiK;iiin(it Ihi' rich man, hnt it (ini'Ici'lo ilo ijijual jusiici) lo all iiiltrr.siH in th«'uuniminiily. It Irt oot.tho or/<an of iuiy porno;!, rltt.w, nur:* or party, Thoro nom! Im no my«ltM'y ahont itn Iovoh and hatoi. It is for thn honii.Ht nuMr aijain.Ht thu j'oKHHri (tvvry tlmu. It is fur thn' Humourat ai against thti ilinliunnHt hnputtlican, uiifl fur th» tiontt t lU)|nihllnui as ugaiiiHt lliu liishunust DunuKrat, It itudH not takii lt« ciiu from lliti nttnnmcoti of any polilican or poUti* cikl urgiiiii/atlon. It ^ivuii Itrt Hupport iinrnjm'vmlly V'hon men orm asnrD-* urn in uKrotmoiit with tht ConntlMttion and with tho prluuiplt.«rt upon which this Kopulilin wa.i fonmluil for ttiupuopln, WiidnoTftr thu CouHtitutlii'i Mill Ounslltntlonal prliiciphm avo violat­ed—nii in Ihf outtaRoouH nonitpirnoy of I87ft, by which 11 mun notfllwctod waH plaouil in th« I'rmldftnt'H ottlcu, whurehoi*tHl romainii—it Hpiiaica out for lho riKlit. That in TnKSu.N'fl idt-a of inUoiumilonco. In thl.i ru-lipoct tlioru will b« noclmuKO in i l l programmo fur 1S7U. * •

Th» Srx haw fairly ituniod tho hoavty hntri'd of ra»-cidti, fraudri, and hunihugti of alt HurtH and Bri'/vrf. It hupcfl to doHurvo lhathatrud nut le it in tliu year IHTJ, than in 187s, 1877, or any yoar Rono by. Thk Sun will i:ontiuu» to ahlno itit tlu: wlckuit witli uumitiat-ed hriKhtiioNii.

Whilo tho ludrjonr* of tht" paot HhotiM ha uoiiHtantly koi't b(>foru th(r peuplo, Thk fjt/.v doo.i not jtropoNo to mukti ittiolf in 1871) u masaiinu of nncltint hintury. It Il printml for tho muu and womon of to-dny, M'hotn concorn,Is chiofly with tlio uftiUvn of to-day, It hni both tho di poHition und tho ability to afVonl itn ruad-urs thu prompti>Nt,'futb)i4l, and nioKt acuurato Intolll-Konco of whatavor in tho wido world i» worth utton-tian. To this tifid Ihi.' ruriOurcoH bu1uiij;inK to wdll-cn* tfthlUhud proapority wiW ho Uhorally uinployod.

Tha prosont dfujointod condition of partlualn ttiii country, and the uncoreainty of tho future, lond un extrtordinary tdgnincdnco to thHevontN of Iho coming yoftr. Tho UlHciisriioiia uf ihii prtiM, Ihu dbbatL>« ttnd ftctit of Ooiigrou,' and tbe niovoniontN of tliti loHdun* in ovory miotion of the KopuhUo vrill havo » diroci heiii'in^ unUu^'roaidontiat idoclionof ISKO—an ovont which niitst Im rogardod with llin mont anxibu* inter-out by ovury patriotii; Ainoriran whatuvor bin polillcftl iduuH ur allot iauKo, To thi<titi iiluiueiitii of intcroHt way Itondilud thopruhiibiUty timt tho Oouiocratu will control boili liousofl of'Congro;t!i,i tlio InQrumiiuff lot-bUMii>.si of thf/IVandulont. Aduiinlitration, .iiiid tho (ipruad aud ' iitronslbonlr.g, ovoVywhorO' of a hoalthy Abhorutiou of-fraud in'any form,'; To prwsentwtth ai> r.uracy.and oleurnoifH thu oxnot sitnution; iii uacU nf ita varyirti; phKHirfl, und tonxpunnd, ncuunllnf; to itii woll-knuwn muihod.s, tlto prinoiploii thai wlioubl Kuldo UK throuffh lho labyrinth, will bo an important'part of-Tni: Su.s'rtwork for 1.S7!). , 'Wo hflvo tho moans of making Tin: Sn.v," iin a polit-

iuali'a lilnriiryi |ind a Knuurul nowHiiupoi','nioro ojitor-tuinin;; anil'iiioro.useful 'than uvor. buforu; and wa m.jaulo apply; thorn frfloly, ,, l-

Onr ratoH oriiuhiurlpllon ,Tomain. unchan[;o(t. For tho D.uiiy Sun, a fouvipa(,'o'fih(uitof twoiuy.oi;j;ht col-uuiii«, the price by mail;ii6HlpaId, in 55.;'conts month, or l||tU.50:a yoar j or, Jncludins tho' Sunday pappr, iin oiuhl-pago-Khoot ,'of tlfty-six .coljimiiii, thn prico is Ou'cunts-tt nionlli, or #7*70 a yoar; poiiluj n imid.r

Tlio;Sundayjidition, of iTiiK Sun Is ttlHoVi'nriiUhed sopamtoly.iit Ijftl.Sl* u,yoav,"iu)Sti»Ko pai(l. y'!• -v

:Tho prlco nf tho W'Rf.ivi.v SiiNj olKlit paKfii,' tUty-six ooIumnH,-'is S I u''yo'.i.r, po.stsiKt' I'lt'il- • f'or.cjubi of ten Hondtnfv StO' wo 'wlir.Hcnd an extra copy fvvt), AdJrfit) : • s:. w,v,v i;- ^--^Wi'^' v,.,.!••' • ••.

:Vublishorof;,Tifu Sun; >ro>vVork ^ ^

m - 1 0 , 0 0 0

D o l l a r s ' W o r t h o f

D r y G o o d s , N o t i o n s , C l o t h i n g ,

H a t s a n d C a p s , B o o t s a n d S h o e s ,

T O B E C L O S E D D I A T E L Y !

A s I a m i i l i a i j l c to g i v e m y p e r s o n a l a t t c i i t i o i i to b o t h m y D r y

G o o d . s a i i d G r o c e r y .stores, I h a v e d e c i d e d to c l o s e o u t m y D r y G o o d . s

b iLs i i i e s s . £,

M y S t o c k i.s

V e r y L a r g e a n d C o m p l e t e

III e \ ' e ly d e p a r t m e i i t , a n d l a r g e l y thi.s faU'.s p u r c h a s e s .

A L L S T A P L E & F I R S T - C L A S S G O O D S

D o n ' t fail to see m y p r i c e s . I m e a n w l i a t [ s a y : t l i c s c g o o d s

m u s t b e s o l d r e g a r d l e s s o f cos t .

T E R M S P O S I T I V E L Y C A S H .

R e s p e c t f u l l y ,

E . G . H U N T .


F R O Z E T O D E A T H ! "

W o u l d n e v e r h a v e b e e n w r i t t e n h a d it n o t b e e n for c o l d

w c a t i i c i - , n e i t h e r w o u l d

P E R R Y H E N D E R S O ' N

. (.Sneeessof to A . T . ireiuler.son,)

E v e r h a v e p u r c h a s e d s o la i ' ge a s tcc lc o f

C o o k a n d P a r l o r S t o v e s

P r o m t h e C h e a p e s t u p t o t h e V e r y B e s t M a n u f a c t u r e d

H e a l s o h a s a n u n u s u a l l y f ine s t o c k o f

G E N E R A L H A R D W A R E !

A t R o c k B o t t o m P r i c e s .

C a l l a n d b e C o n v i n c e d .

P E R R Y H E N D E R S O N . Jlai)lo street, 1st door wcsl of Bakery.

- T H E -


I s t h e ' P l a c e t o B u y



P R O V I S I O N S .

T h e B e s t a n d C h e a p e s t .

M . A . S W E E T

M a s o r M a r U e M s .

G . T . D A V I S ,

Manufttcturers of and

Dealers in n i l kinds of

F O R E I G N A N D D O M E S ­


G R A N I T E ,

M o n t u n e n t s . T a b l e t s . H e a d ­

s t o n e s ; & c .

A l l k i l u N iti C l i : M l C T i : i l V

M a t e r i a l a n d ' W o r k m a n s h i p

F i r s t - c a s s a n d a t t h e

B o t t o m P r i c e s . South Sido A a l i Stretit. Muson,

, ChlllK!!!!'^' Siile. .Stiitc of JJIi'hiKfti). 'Dji; KiaMiit ronrt for tliij coun*

ty of liiuii:uii,iti chiun'tT.v. Williiun K^rc, (loinpliiin-lUlt, vy. Wrulity Viviinliii, Ilt'li'li v\. VuukI'M, Hniacn C Xfiiloii, Itmsiu't Nortcri, Jjiim-.s Vnii Nor»ii!i»ll ittid .Siinili Vim .N'orrtiliill, ilnfimdimU. In |mrfitmiii:n iiml Ity viitiitj of u iliT.rt'tal (Piilor, iiimIp by court in Hiu i.'iiiiilcil r.\nri(i, on tlm iwi-nty-iMKlitlMliiy of DiTcinhtM-, A. (). l.ST", notinn i.i licrrlty ^ivnii; llnil on lint t\vi'tiiy->nvi'ntli ilay "f NovfinlM-r, A. 1). IS7S, lU oni* n'oltji-k in tlit; uncTnonn, at tlnvfronl ilnor of llnMMjitrt huM-si,', in tln» cjlytir Miismi, i:i>nnt.v of Inj;-Innii, ntiil Ktntn i»f iMIrliinin, 1 .'hull rtnll iit I'lilplii; iMictifUi, til ilin liifjliust liiililor, Ilm fulItiwInK iIohimjIx.'iI IMTinlnci, 111 wir.: iitl ilmt i:itriiiin pi''i'u imrrcl of livnil hitiialii i\nil l.i-iii;,' in ilm (Niniily of liinliiini. .SijiU' of Mii', lujiimliiil lunl ilit»crilipil us tint wi'rtl half of llli! Moi'lli-ufst i|Uivrtt.T of rti'Ction (•ij;li-tiH'ii, In town two noi'iliof ran^n iwo wunt,

Gm. W, UiiiSToi., Cin-ult CnnrL (JiniiniirirtioiUM- for Itiijliiini cotiitly, Midi.

.liiUN (!, .Sti-.tson, SoIIr.Itnr for roiiiiilaiiiiuit. natoil Oci. Stli, 1H7S.

ChiLiicury Suli ' . Slate of ^IIcrliiKiin. 'I'lio circuit, court for tint cnnn-

ty oC rn(;luuti, in cliarirory. U"iiUiirn Kynt.i^dmplain-iitti, v.s, IIiMiicii t.!. .Nnriiiit iiuil Urvchel S'ui'tmi, ilo* fi)U(ti>ntK. In |iur.siiAnci> ittiilby virtut' of a (IccriMiil onli'V,, Tiiailn by faiil i:ourt in tlio iiliovo iMiUlli'ti rauHc, on thi) twi'uty-iiinlitli ilay of Odci-uilHT, A. 1'. IS77, nntk'ii i.s hori)l»y K'ivt-n ; tlnit on llii< Iwi-nty-st)vt'i(t)i ilav iti' Novonihcr, A. I), I.S7H, ni one o'clot'k in tliP aftiiruHiui, at tins froui iloor of tlio t-'ourl' luniHo, In tlio rity of I\rii)fon, county of [ii^liain, anil .Statu of MiclilKan, I Ahall nrll at-|)ulilii: auction, tiitlio hi^lu'Sl hidilcr, tho following' ilu^nriliod pri!n»i.'ii;H, to wit.: Ilm ^\•l^Ht linlf nf thn tunMhwi'iit (pnvrtiT of f*t>i!ii(in Xd. ciKlitiMdif In town two niirlli of riinj;," t 'n wnst, ill thi' county of lux-ham, Statu of .Mirliij;aii, iiontainiiig i.'iKhly-si!V(;n. :icn!.s nf laud, nioro or Wait,

V,¥.i>. W. llitiHToi,, Cii'oiiit Oourt ConimiHBinnor for liiKhiini nouuty, .Mldiignn.

Jons C. STKTSti.v, Solicitor for Complainant. Datoil On. Sth, 1K7H,

JltTrllt ^lonro uuil Ulary A. l^lonrr, lii.s wifi", on tins IHIh, «Iay of AuKU.-<t, lS7o, niin-t.t;iij.' to Willhun Jtnuifiiliili' t))M rtoiiili ])s\y: of norihwf.'it ifiiartttr of sin:-lion ntimliur thirty-ofui (;il) fii to\vnhliip tlircn north of ran(;it two (-J) wost, ouuluiuinKHO aun-K inoro or litt'.'i, (tlu* piiMTO hcrithy uiboriiHi'il lo b» Hold ron-lains only wliJit sai 1 Mooni owru'il—.-vltoiit Ttl) ucrorf) In tlio conniy of liiKliani anil Statr. of Mirlii^iui,— ThiH luintKap' warf on the '.Mil iliiy nfs trpliunhur, lH7"i, riiconlcil iu thn olllcn of thn lii'Ki.itcr of niu-ilH for ln(;1iiiMi Ooinily, in Mhcr-ll at pugo -ir*). Upon \hU tiitu'tpa^u iliitrij U cliiinicil' to lio now ilui< ami iiitpaiM tho isiuu of Hi.\ hnnilrml and Hfly (iiiriii) doUarH, miiiI no suit or proci'udiiiKs al law or in ciiuity han liouu inrttilutiitl to enlU'Cl :liit .snmii or any part llmrcof.— Pufiinlt Inw liupu tniiiiii in llio conilitihn.-i of naiil nujit-Kaj i*, M'lii;ri'lty lliu iHiwiir of Halii tliiTCin coiitaitH'il )nm • lii'coino opf'rativu. Notlcfi is tlicrforo liarohy Kivori tluil. ptifHuanl tn law,ami tn Iho turniM of Huid iiioi'tK»Kt', Itiit iiromii PS tliorain and ahovo diisuiihtMl, or ho nnich Ihnrotif iih- may ho ni-i'i'driary for that piu-|vosi»,. will ho HoliI (It [inhllc ancti<in totho lilKhcst Iddilcr, on tiio lliirtiotli (.lay of, NoviMulair, lH7rt, at tt-ii o.clock in tlio fnronoon, at thi' front door of Iho coiirt-lionito it) Iho city of MsHon, iti Hiiid county of InKtnun, to riatiMfy tho amount then dm.' on Hiiid mortK»K*-S tutnu uinl f'harp'H of ihirt tori'ch.Hiiro ainl Halo, anil an iiltor-tMiy'rt ftMiof liftydolhwt*. which in wifpuJntwt jtt Hulfl uuirifiaKi', to Ins paid In c.ifio of lho fort'cloauru thurcof.

VnU'.il rfuptoinbero, I87a. W I U J A M nAMS7>ALK,

i , n, Wiioniini'rfr;, Moriy;a;;i.ii>. Attiu-noy for]\Iort,i,'iitcro,


Tlio fairest olloron any tneiilchie'ls iiow inade on Dr. 1!. A. Siiillli's ConRh .Syni|i. Kvery lioltle Is sold under a itosltive guarantee, tinit if yon are not oiirt'd or lienellted when iM-o-tliU'ds of tlio contents loive huon nseil, as directed, and for tho disease* for which it is reeonmiended, your druKnist, from wlioni you purehaseil the medicine, will, lii case thn liottle is r»-tnrncil two-thiriia eniidy, promptly refnlid the mmmf liald for It. It is a sure cure for lUseases of the Throat, LuuKs nnil Chest, sucli, as flotighs. Colds, TickliUK in the Throat, lloarseneHs, Asthnui, Quinsy, Bronchitis, Crciup, and Whoopliig.OouKli... Wasting of ttio Klesl), attended with Nlxht Swiatts, is speedily eontrolled by It, Inslplent Oonsnniption, and pa-tlcnta hi the advanced staRO of Colisiiliiption Anil Immediate rellel from lls use. iiumemlier w» do nut tell you tills is tile sovontli woiuierof tlin world V bnt wo do tell you tiiiit III uslnj! It you will tlnd much pleasure, eimpled with the assurance that you will either be benetitial orhave'your money refunded. Sidd liyDiuBiflsIa at fiU cents. Throe bottlon saut, ex­press ]i»id, lo any place eaat of lho Misslssliipl river, III U, S., on recKipt of tll.m.

Dr. B, A. Siiillh .t Co., I'loprlotois, llrie, Pa. onw4

Uoftiimako money fasturat work foruathan n atiythluB else. Capital not required | we w ill stnrt yuu, tlti por day at home mailo by the In-

dnstrions. Men, womoii, hoys atul i^lrls wanted ev­erywhere to work lor ns. Now la the time. Costly outtlt and terms free. Address 'J'jiuK Si Co., Augusta, Maine..


H U M A N M I S E R Y . ' JixAV\M\%mX\ ill a Hwhdtmvaloj->c. Pvina wix cenit,y''--.\-

AXouti ivt i oir.thi) Nutnrv, Trvutmont l i i i i l nuillcial euro of:^atiiluiil AVciiknnsH, or .Sparmator-rha'U, iuiliiuoiUh.y Solf Almrio,: Involuntary "ICmmiH- -Hloiirt, Iitipotoniiy, NorvoitH Dchitlty, iitid Iiupodinionfn to Murniit;i! gonrtiiiUvi ConHuinplioii, KpllIiiHy,yiunl Fits; Moiiliil • ainl ; l'hynlciil', IncHpaciiy, Ac,—liy nonKllT a. fJULVKUW-lCI/Ii, H . 1)., author of, tho. ','Griiyn Hook," iiUil ':• ••'..^' •, •• • • ^ • .

Tho, world • rciiowiirni .uuthor, •lu.thirt adininibUj i'locliirft, clrjsrly. provL-h troin liirt own uxpoi-li-ricu ihut thoH.\vfulcoiiHO(|ut!UC(!n of ftfilf Abusu" iiuty bo eftec- ' tnallyrumovcd without luudiclno, ami without; Uan-goroiis BOfpicnlopovatiouH, Vmigiort, liiritruniuiitK, rinf H or uonllHlH; pointing out n niodo ofcnro at oiico cor* tiiln itnd offftutimlvhy which ovory sutToror,' ni> inuttiM*' what )iiH^cpniIIilon may. bp,:' muy uuro.liIniHcirtihuiifily; lu'ivutoly (uui railically. , , i f , L

thMimtntU,•• \ ' v''''\,y'^--'C.'.-'.--' . ;.SQiit,,> iiuilor Hoiil.ih a pinin | onv'olhpo 'to ix'nyail-, dn'HH, j)0(ii-/)f(iV^ oirrnDt'Ipl of six coiits or two postiigo , BtampH, Athlrosa tliu publisljorH, " '

T H E C U L V E R W E L L M E D I C A L C O . , -A n n 1st,, N e w Y o r k ; Po Olllce-llox, 4080.

Only Oiiu Blliiwilli; tliu IlltllK)!!' <>>' I'llHsvsnl ._ji:>;-: , : • i' 'i<'"^>i

Alncld aliisl aInclVl almiol , ' ', A wotui tale I'll tell to theo , . Of .lothnnj Jiro\vn, known as .T, B., A stalwart youth, of ruddy hlee. Wio in Ills hootii stood six foot three, Af twenty-ouo, with ono "idcjo p' His small eyes had tluit far-olV look Wldch—1 have road within a liook— . Great KenluB has; liis;yisaKe Kluin Was over one omphalic mnni; And how a thooKlit couhl ove'e^alu A lorlunuMit In ills narrow hrain; r, llnst rank as undlaeovored knowlodKe, lleyoncl tho ken oi: world or eolloKo. No niattor—there's the faeu-keop Htlll;. •, Leave It for future ihoiiKht and skill;'' •• -Men's niiuils are far too prone lo borrow What ri(,'hifullY ranks witlnlo.niorrow. ,• i Waltl wait! a warnlnu yonshall see In this same youtli, this hravo .1. Ji.

Poor .7. II., on an evil day, , ; Ifad ••haneed lo heiu' some persons say "That one foot ever strove lo,t,'aln Upon the olhiu', and'twas plain ' That, let Iheju strive however fast, tine fool must he ahead at last. And still 'twas left for some keen mind WIdeli foot Is always last lo and." '.I'hen .1. B. puzzled loriK anil late. And scratelioil his head o'er hook ami slate, ftesolved tliat his that mind should he To set this woinh'ons ri<l(ile free,

Poor-lolhanrBrown l Poor.lotham lirown,

Ail niyht, all day, souKht rest in vain, :rhis i)uz.zle raukliUKf n" his In'ain, Ami if hv ehanee he fidl asleep, .' . Snoh dni'ams heaeath his lids would creep Of loot, fool, IJiot, ton thousand feet, IJraKKini; on, and llyluK Heel, I-'eet alone, ami feet lo 'tHIier, Of ev'ry hue ami shajK! 'sot!Ver. Thathe would wake, witlishlveritiK moan, '.Po loss, and turn, aiul swi;at,and f;ro»u, 'I'o rise at last, nud llKuri? out, lfpossil)le, soun3 new-l'ound ilouht,

Poor,lotham Brown! I'oor.lotham Brown!

At last he foiMuI no hook norslale. Whiidi foot is last eonht truly stale. Then Kreatness spruuK' u|i in .!. II. lie said lui'il he "consarm-'d," it ho Didn't llud out wldeli fool was last. He Bworo tlnit certain thiURs he'd hl.nst If he. .1. B., .'ould not ttud out •"I'llis hiessed l'a(-l," without a doulil,

I'oiu'.lnlham Brown! poor .lotham Jlrown

Xow went a-paeiiiK up and down. Now went a-ruunInK Inu'e and there, Au'd walking, wiilkluK everywhon;, In a ciri'h!, round a stpuire, XJKlit and day, holli foul ami fair,

, Never HtoppiUK anywheri,'. Until lie !,'rew iiuile lean and spare. Ami these few words vere nil he sniii. As on and on ho endless siieil;

"Tho loft ahead, ' :rile rittht ahead, The left ahead.

The rit!hl! •Hie ri«lil ahead. The left ahead. The rlh'lit jiheaii.

The left!" Auil.Iotlnim wallieit.aud walked, anilwalked, Ami .lotham talked, and talked, and talked, ,lust as I've said, nil uiKlit, all day; .\ud ]ieopIelienrd him in tlieir beds. And drew file sheets n I ion I tlieil* heads. Nor dared a single word to say. And still he's traveling, day and nitrlit; Ami now 'tis left, and tiow 'lis riwlil. And now'tis rinlit. ami now'lis left. Till he of hiiiiie and friends bereft. His iliipiiiuK ra 's aliout him fan More like n siiecliir than a mim. And still Iho riddle's not set fri'e; Alas! 1 fear it mi'er will he. /lut, ij jtiii'r i/iil/i/iw i:'iT nlmutil.rinii \Y!iii-h.fiiiil It l» Ulit lieliinil, J'mtr •itil.Iiitni llii'ti tt .\ftliit talll ftt;, U'lV/i ///.V ittttitr. lit (hi: t:iit:Itiltf.iliiv,

— •Jciiuiti /v. 7'. Dittt'e, lit S'livtiJitliitr .^'cylliiier.

TI IK I 'AIWON'S I I O I l S l M J A O i ; .

IIY llAr.UlK.T, llh ' .ECllEU STOW.E.

" W i l l ! now this 'o i 'o docs boat all.! I j wouldn ' t 'a' t l iongl i t i t o' t l io tluneon." |

So spoke Sinn L a w s o n , d fo j ip i i ig i n i i dLseonragod, uonteii iphitivo atfcitndo i n •ii'ont ol' im oi inul ly dist;oiivagod-Iooldng hoi'.so, that Imd jiisl; boon broii,iiiit to l i i m l i y tho AVidow S i m p k i n s I'ov m o d -i c i i l ti'o'iitnicnfc. A m o n g Sam's mauy nu-corapli.sliinonts l io was I'b'okoticd, i n t l ie noig ld ior l idod , an ovaclo in. t i l l lUitttoi'S of t l i i s k i n d , cspoi.'iidly b y women wlioso hclplossness i n moot ing suck ' onicrgou-cics I'outuI nnl 'a i l i t ig solaco under his corapasfioniito wil l ingnons to attend to l iny biisinoss thii t di'tl not s t r ic t ly be long to l i i m , a n d from w h i c h no pccnninvy n'ctiini wii.s to Vio oxpctjtod.

T l i o AVidow S i n i p k i n s had bought t ins hoi'so ol' Dt i i icon A t k i n s , i ipparcnt ly i i I'tiirly well-appoiutet l bvii tc , :md as ciipa-ble a.s ho was goot l - looki i ig . . A sl iort , <;asy dr ive , w l iou the dcncon h o l d tlfc a'oius, hat l shown o t l ' h i s points to i id -vaiitage, nhtl tho widow's sma l l stock ol' ifoatly savings Imd come I'ovth I'roely j u l)aymont for what sho thought was it bargain. W l i o n , soon after coming in to po,ssession, she d i scovered ; that Iter horse, i t t l r iven wi th any haste, panted i n a tearful manner, a n d that ho ap-peareil to bo g rowi i i g lame, she waxed wroth, and went to t l io .Deacon i n anger, to be m e t on ly w i t h the smooth voniindor itlint the i i n ima l was a l l r i gh t when .sho took h im—that she hat l scon, h i m t r i e i i horsolf., T h o A>idow was of a nature .somcwliat sp icy , and exprcssqil herself w a r m l y : ".It's achc t i t nn i l a ,shame, a n d I ' l l tidco the law on ye."

" W h a t law w i l l y o u take'?" sa id the unmoved deacon. " W a s n ' t i t a l a i r bar­gain?":

" I ' l l take the law of G o d , " said t l io widow, w i th impoten t ind igna t ion , a n d sho departed to i iour her caves and tr ials in to the cver-roady ear of >5am. H a v i n g i issumcd the care o l tho animal , ho now silt contemplat ing, i t i n n sort of trance o f mohmcholv rertection.

" W l i y , boys," ho broke out, " wl iy <1idu't she coi i ic to inc. af ore .she bought t h i s critter'? Tha t 'ere e r i t tur was jesst ru ined a year ago last, summer,: w h e n T o m ; tho ileacon's boy there, come homo from college. T o m d r i v h im. over to, S h o r b u r i i a i i d back that >'cro l io t F o u r t l i of J u l y . ' M e m b e r i t , 'cause I saw the orittuv when ho come l i o m e ; I sot n p w i t l i T o m t a k i n ' euro of h i m a l l n i g h t ; lihttt 'cro c r i t tu r Imd the thumps id l night , MiA he hain ' t never been good ' i o i ' i i o th iu ' . s ince . 1 to l l ed tho deacon ho Avas a gone hoss then , and wou ldn ' t

• novor bo good for n o t l i i n ' . • T l i o deacon ho took o i l ' l i i s shoes, i i n d let h i m r u n to pastuv' a l l summer, a n d he's bocu a feedin' and uuss in ' on l i i m u p ; , a n d now he's p u t h i m oil" o n tho widdcr . I -Avouldn't 'a' thought i t o' the deacon; W l i y , th is hoss ' l l never bo no : good to hor ; that 'ore's a nsod-up . cr i t tur , any

; fool may • soo 1 : I l o ' l l mebbc do for about a quarter of an hour o n a smooth road;

: J3ut come to dr ive h i i n iis a body wiints

to drive, why, ho blows l i k e m y b d l o w a i s ; and the deacon knew i t—must ' a ' k n o w n i t ! "

" W h y , Sain ," wo exc la imed, " a i n ' t tho doiieon a good man'?"

" W i d , now, there's whoro the .shoo pinches. I n a g in ' i i l way t l io deacon is a good man—lie's coii .si t l ' i iblomore than raiddlin' good—gin 'a l ly ho" fidoviis h is porfession. O n most p ' in ts I don't hov n o t h i n ' a g i n the deacon, and t h i s ' c r o ain't a b i t l i k e h i i n — b u t thoro ' t i s ! Oomo to hos.scs, there's whoro tho i i i i -snnctifiod na tur ' comes out. P o l k s w i l l cheat about Iiossos when they won't about 'most n o t h i n ' else." A n d S a m leaned l.iack on his co ld forgo, noM' empty of coal , imd seemed to tlolivor himself to a m o u r n f u l t ra in of genoral rol lcct ion. " Y e s , ho.ssos docs seem to bo sort of uni'ogeiierato c r i t t i i r s , " ho broke out. "There ' s su th in ' .about hossos that deceives the very e lect ; the best ot folks got t r i pped u p when they como to i leal i n hossos."

" W h y , Sam, is there a n y t h i n g bad i n horses'?" wo iu tcr jcc ted , t i m i d l y .

" 'Tain ' t tho ho.ssos, boys," said S a m , wi th .solemnity. , "Lordy-nias .sy , tho bosses is sc r ip tura l anini ids. E l i j a h went u p to heaven i n a c lmri ' t w i t h hossos; and then all them lots o 'hossos i n tho I lcvola t io i i s , b lack and whi te and rod anfl a l l sorts o' colors. T h i i t ' o r e .shows bosses goes to l i o a v c n ; bu t it 's moi ' c ' u thci 'o lks that hev 'cm is l i k e l y to, of t l ioy don' t l ook out."

"Mi 'nistors , now," con t inued Sam, i u a solilorjui/ . iug v e i n ; " fo lks i i l lers t h i n k it 's su th in ' s o r t o ' s l inky i n a minis te r to iov much to do wi th hossos—sure to got 'om in to trouble. TliOro was o ld Par.son AVilli i tnis, of N o r t h B i l l r i k y , got in to a droH'ul mess about ,a hoss. L o r d y -massy,-ho wan't to bl i imo, neithov, bu t ho got in to t l io droil ' iilost scrape y o u over heard on—come n i g h to un.sottlin' h i m , " • .

" O h , Sam, t e l l us a l l about i t , " we boys shouted, del ighted Avitli the pros­pect ot a story.

"AVal , wait now t i l l I get oi l ' this cr i t -tiir 's shoos, and we ' l l take h i m up to pastur', and then we can k i n d o' set b y tho I'ivor and i i s l i . H'opsoy' want,ed a mess o' l lsh for su])por, m i d I w;is cal ' -l a t iu ' to gi t Konio for Jicr. Aroii boys go and bo d i g g i n g bait and g i t y c r l ines ."

A n d so as wo were s i t t i ng t r a n q u i l l y beside l;lio Chi i r les r ivor , wa tch ing our l inos, Siun's narrative began :

"Yo see, boys, P a r s o n Wi l l i ams—he ' s dead now—but when ISvas i i l.)oy he was one of the groat m e n ' r o u n d hove. H o w r i t books. H e wr i t a track, agin the Arni i i i i t ins , a iu l p u t ' e m down, iiud ho w r i t a b i g book on the m i l l e n n i u m (I 've got that 'ere book now), i ind ho was a smart preacher. I 'o lks said he had i n ­vi ta t ions to settle i n B o s t o n , and there ain ' t no doubt he m i g h t ' a ' h e d a Bo.s-ton pi i r is l i i of he 'd 'a' boon a m i n d tor take i t , and he 'd got a good sett lement i ind It handsome farm i n X o r t h B i l l v i k y , and d idn ' t euro to m o v e ; thought , I s'pose, t lmt .'twas bettor to bo numbcn' ono i u ;x l i t t l e place than number two i n a b ig un ; anyway, ho car r ied a l l be­fore l i i m whoro lic-was. • '

"Pa r son AVil l iams was a ta l l , straight, personable man, conic of good fami ly— fal l ior and gr iuid ' t l ior before h i m a l l minis te rs ; ho M-as pu t ty up a n d down, and cominandin ' i n his wttys, and th ings h i u l to , go p u t t y m u c i i as i io ,said. H o was a good deal sot by . P a r s o n A V i l l ­iams was, i m d his wife was a D e r b y , one o' them r i c h Sa l em , D e r b y s , and brought h i m a lot o' money , and so t l ioy l i v e d pu t ty easy and comfortable so far iis this world 's gooils goes. AA' oU, now, the parson wan't rce ly what y o u cal l wor ld ly -minded , bu t then ho wa.s'one of them folks that knows what's good i n toinporids as w e l l a.s sperituids, and a l -levs l i k e d to hcv the best that there was go in ' ; and he allers had an eye to a gooi l ,

" S o w there was P a r s o n A d a m s and Parson Scr i in ton , and most of t l ie other mini.stoi's, they didn ' t k n o w a n d d idn ' t care what hoss they h e d ; .jest .iogged round w i t h these ,'eve pound in ' , pot-l io l l iod , s l ec iw cr i t t i i r s that minis te rs mostly lies, good enough to c r awl round, to funerals and minis ters ' ihcet in 's and associations and s i c h ; bu t P a r s o n AA'i l l -ianis he always would hev a hoss as was a hoss;. i ic . looked for b lood , a n d , when those ' e r e 'Te rn ion t fo i l e r s ' w o u l d ' come down wi th a drove, the: parson ho l i e i l h is eyes open and he k n e w , w h a t v,'as wiiat . C o u l d n ' t none of 'em cheat h i m b n l i o s s l l e s h ; and so, one t ime w h e n Zack B i i e l was down wi th - a drove; tho doctor he bought tho best hoss i n the lot . Zack said l io never sci) a parson that l ie couldn ' t cheat, bu t ho stud the doctor rocly knew iis i m i c h a.s:he d i d , ' imd got the,very ono he 'd meant to a' kept lo r h imse l l . • ' ' <

•• T h i s ' c r o was a pooler, I ' l l t e l l y o u . T l i o y ca l led h i m Tamerlane, f rom .some heathen l e l l c r or o ther ; the ;boys cal led h i m Tarn, tor short; Tarn was' a great character. A l l the fellers l o r

m i l e s ' round know tho doctor 's T i u n , land used to eonic clear over : f rom the other parishes to see h i m !

" A V a l , this 'ere sot u p Cuff 's back h igh , I te l l y o u . Cuf f was tho doctor 's nigger man, and l io was mi t ' l l y a drofl'ul p roud c r i t tu r ! T h e way l ie w o u l d swel l and strut, and brag about tho doctor an i l liiis folks and Ins th ings I T h e doc­tor used to. give Guff' h is cast-oft' clothes, and Curt' w o u l d / prance r o u n d i n ' cm lu id seem to t h i n k ]io' was a D o c t o r of D i v i n i t y h i m s e l l , luid htid the charge of a l l natur' . • ", W a l , G u l l he reely made an i d o l o'

that 'eve hoss, a reg'iar grjiven imago, and bowed down and worsh iped h i m ; ho d idn ' t t h i n k n o t h i n ' was too good'for h i m ; he washed and Vu'ushodt.and cur­r i e d h i m , i ind rubbed; l i i m down t i l l ho shono l i k e a lady's satin dress; and ho took pr ide i n r i d i n ' a n d . d r i ^ i n ' h i m 'cause i t was wliafc'the doctor wonldn ' t let n o b o d y c l s c do' b u t himself , Y o u

SCO, Tam wiirn ' t no lady's hoss. M i s s AVil l iams ; was ' f raid as death of l i i m , and the piir.son ho had to git l iur a sort of low-sperited critl;ur that site cou ld d r ive herself, but ho l i k e d to d r ive T a m ; and ho l i k e d to go around the coun t ry on his back, and a fine l igure of a man Jic was ou h im; too.

" H o ' d i d i i ' t le t nobody else litick l i i i n or h iuidlc the roins bu t CnlV, and Gnl l ' was droiVnl set up about i t , antl ho swelled and bragged about that iir hoss

• a l l r ound the country. N o b o d y coult ln ' t p u t i n a woi'd ' b o u t a i i y otli'er boss w i t h ­out Cn(l"s feathers w o u l d be a l l np—stiff as a toni turkey's t i i i l - ^ a i i d that's how OulV got tho doctor i n to trouble.

" Y e see, there ua t ' l ly was others that thought t l i cy ' d got ho.ssos, and d idn ' t want to be crowed over. The re was B i l l .Vtki i is , out to the west parish, and Ike Sanders, that k c p ' a stable up to Pe tp io t H o l l e r ; til(;y was down a - look in ' a t tho parson's, and a-bottin' o n thc i r 'n , a n d a-darin' OulV to race w i t h 'em. .

"AVa l , Ou i r he couldn ' t s t a i i ' i t , and when the doctor's buck \vas turned he 'd be oil ' o i l the ,sly and they 'd l i c v thei r race ; and T i i i n ho boat ' cm a l l ; Turn, ye . SCO, boys, was a hoss that couldn ' t and wouldn ' t hcv a hoss idioiid of b i m ­bo jest woukhi'l! E f be dropped down doatl i l l h is tracks the next n i in i t , ho WONM bo ahead, antl l io idlers got ahead, and so, h i s name got u p ; luid follors k o p ' c o r a u i ' to t ry their liosscs, and O u l V ' d take T a m oi i t to race w i t l i fust one and then another t i l l t h i s ' e re got to be a reg'iar th ing , and begun to be talked about.

".Polks sort o' wondered i f the doctor knew, but Onff was sly,as a weasel a l id allers had a story ready for every t u r n ; CniV was one ol' t l iem fellers tlmt cou ld take a b i r d oil ' a bush—master l i a n d ho was to s l ick t i l ings over!

" T l i o r o was follts as said they l io-l iovet l the doctor was Iciiowin' to i t , an i l that ho I'olt a sort o' carnnl p r ide , secli as a miuis tei ' 'oughtn ' t for to hov, and .so shot his eyes to what was a-goin' on. A u n t Sa l ly N'ickor.seii s i i i i l she was sure on "t; 'twas a l l talketl over down to o l d IMiss Bumniigor ' .s funeral, a n d A u n t S a l l y she said the c l iu roh ought to look in to i t . B u t everybody knew A u n t S a l l y ; she wos allers watehin ' for folks' h idt in ' , aud sot t i i i ' on herself n p t o jodge hor neighbors.

"AA'al, .1 never bel ieved n o t h i n ' a g i n P i i r s o u AVi l l i ams ; i t was a l l O u i r s con­t r ivances; but the fact was the, rellors a l l got their b lood up , and there was hoss-raeii i ' i n a l l the par ishes; and i t got so they 'd even race tosses a iSiinday.

'•• AVal, of course they never got fl'io doctor's lioss out a ' Sunday . Cul.'f wo i i l i l u ' t 'a' durst to, do' that, L o r d y -massy, n o ! H o was allers there i n church , so t t in 'np i n the doctor's clothes, r o U i n ' u p his eyes and l o o k i n ' as pious as ef he never thought o' r ac in ' liosses; he, was an awful so lcmn- look in ' n igger i n chui 'ch, Cu l l 'was .

" B u t . tliove was a lo t o' them fellers u p to P c q u o t H o l l e r — B i l l A t k i n s , and I k o Sandel'^i, i i nd T o m Peters and thom .Hokum boys—used to go out . arter mec t iu ' S u n d a y afternoon a n d ' race bosses. Y c see, i t was just close to the State l ine , and, i f tho s'lcutman was to come down on 'om, they cou ld .I'est wh ip over the. l i n c a n d they couldn ' t take 'om.

AVal, i t got to be a groat scandal ; the fellers ta lked a b o u t i t u p to t l io tavern, and tho deacons imd the t i th ingman they took i t u p and -vvont to P a r s o n AA'illianis about i t ; and the parson he to ld 'oni Jest to keep s t i l l , ' no t let the follows know that they was b o i u ' watched, and next S u n d a y he and the t i th ingman and tho constable they 'd r ide o v e r i u i d catch 'eni i u the ve ry act.

" S o , next , S u n d a y al'tei-uoon P a r s o n AA'illiiiins ami Deacon P o p k i n s and B e n B r a d l e y (hp wa.s constable that year) they got o i l the i r hosses and rodo over to P c q u o t H o l l e r . T h o doctor 's b lood was up, and l ie meant to como down o n ' e m strong, for that Wits his way of d o i n ' i n his p iu ' i sh ; an i l they was i n a sort o' diiy-o'-,iudgmont I'riimo o' m i n d , lu id jogged i i lo i ig solemn as a hearse, t i l l thcy 'coni i j to rise tho l i i l l above the l ioUer they see three or four follors w i t l i the i r h o s s * ge t t iu ' ready to race ; luid the parson says h e , ' L e t ' s come on quiet and get beh ind these bushes, and we ' l l see what they're u p to and catc l i 'em i n the act.'

" B u t the mischief on i t was that I ke Sanders see 'om comii).', and l ie knowed T a m i n a min ' t '—Ike k n o w e d T a m of oh l—and he jest t ipped tho w i n k to tho rest. 'AA'ait, boys, ' says l i e ; • le t ' cm gi t close up, and thou I ' l l g ive the w o r d and the doctor's hoss w i l l be r i i c i i i ' ahoad l i k e thunder. '

'•AA'al, s'o tho doctor .and" h iS ' folks they i lrew up beh ind the bushes, and stood there innocent a.s couUl be, and saw 'em g i t t i n ' ready to start. T a m he begun to siuiflie and paw, but the doc-. t o r i l eve r mistrusted what ho avsus u p to "unt i l Ike sung out ' G o i t , boys! ' and the horses a l l started, w l i c n , sure iw y o u l ive ; boys, T m n ' gave one i l y and was oyer the bushes a n d i n among 'om, g o i n ' i i i l i k e c l i a i u H g i i t n i i i ' , a l icad of 'em a l l .

" D e a c o n P o p k i n s a n d B e n Brad l ey jest .stood and h e l d the i r breath to .see 'om a l l g o i n ' i t .so l i k o t hunde r ; and the doctor he was took so sudden i t was a l l Jio could do to jest l i o l d o n any way, so iiway ho went, and trees and bushes and fences streaked b y h i m l i k o r ibb ins , h is l ia t flow of f 'beh ind h i m , and his \ n g arter, and got d i t c h e d i n a barberry; b u s h ; but,,, i io couldn ' t s top to th ink o' t l i em. ' H o jnst leaaiod down i ind caught T a m r o i i i K l ; tho nock and l i e l d o n for dear l i l o , t i l l they come to tho s topping jilaco. .

i " AVid, T a m was ahead of thorn n i l , sure enough, and was snor t ing i hi . suulHing as i f ho'd got tho very o l d boy i n l i i m , a n d was u p to r ac ing s o m o n i o r e o n the spot.

" T h a t 'ero I k o Sanders was the i m p u -dontost follor that ovci ' y o u soo, and he ,

roared luid hawhnwoil at the doctor. ' G o o d for you, parson !' says ho. ' Y o u n i l holler , ' says h o ; ' ' takes a imr-sou for that, don ' t i t , boys'?' lie .said. A n d then.lio and Ike antl ' 'Tom, aud the two H o k n n i ' b o y s they jest roared and danced around l i k e w i l d crit ters. AA'iil, now, on ly th ink on't, boys; what a si tu­ation'that; ore was t o r n in inis tor—a man that'liit'cl come oi i t w t h tho best of mo­tives to put a stop'to . S i ibba th-brcakin ' !

"'.I'hero ho was r u m p l e d u]) and dusty, and his w i g l i a n g i n ' in the biLshes, and these 'tiro ungodly I'ollows got t in ' the l augh on h im , and all acauso o' that 'ore hoss. '.IMiore's times, boys, when m i n ­isters must be tempted to Hweai.;if there ain' t p revout in ' grace, and this was one o' thom times to Parson,AVil l iams. '.I'liey ,say he got red i n the fiioo and looked as i t ho \ s l iou ld burst, but , lio, d idn ' t say n o t h i n ' ; he seornodto answer—-tho sons o' Z c r i i i a h •\vas too hard for J i im, and ho lot 'om hev their,say. B u t when they'd got through, and .Ben had brought h i m ins bat i i iu i w ig , and brushed aud set­tled h i m ag'in, the pai'.son he say.s, ' w e l l , boys, yc 've had your say and.your l augh , bu t I warn y o u now I won' t have this t h i n g go ing ' on hero any more, ' says ho, ' so m i n d yoursolves. ' ' ,

" A V i d , the boys see that the doctor's b l o o d was up, and they rode o i l ' pret ty quiet , and I believe t l ioy never raced no more i n that .spot.

" . B u t there ain' t no, t o l l i n ' the talk t h i s ' e ro th ing made. E o l k s w i l l talk, y o u know, and thoro waru't a house i n a l l B i l l r i k y , nor i n the nor th parhsli nor center, wliovo ifcwarn't luid over and dis­cussed. There was' the deacon, and ]3en ]3radloy was there to witness suid show just how tho t h i n g was, and that tho tloctor was just i u tho way of his d u t y ; bu t folks said i t niado a groat .scandal; that a miuistev hadn' t no business to hev that k i n d o 'hoSs, and then he 'd give , the ei iouiy occasion to speak reproachful ly. I t roely d i d seem as i f Tain 's sins were i m p u t e d to tho doctor's, and folks said ho ought to sel l T a m r igh t away and get a sober mini.s-tor's

" B u t others said i t was C u l l ' that had got Ta in into ba i l ways, and they do say that OnlV had to catch i t pre t ty l i v e l y wl i en the doctor ciimij to settle with h i m . Cull. ' thought his tunc had come sure enough, and was so scairt that he turned blacker 'n ever; he got enongh to cure h i m o' lioss-r ac in ' for one whi le . B u t Cuf f got over i t arter awhile, and so d i d tho doctor. IjOT'dy-miLssy; there ain ' t n o t h i n ' lasts forever. AVait l o n g enough and 'most e y c r y t h i n g blows over. So i t tu rned out about the doctor—there was a r u m ­pus antl a, fuss, and folks t a lked and ta lked and lu lv i sod ; overyl iody had thei r say, but the doctor , kep t right s t raight on , and k c p ' l i i s hoss a l l the same.

" T h e niinistik's they took i t np i n the association, but, come to tol l tho story, i t sot 'cm all a l a u g l i i n ' , so they couldn ' t bo very l i a rd on the doctor.

'".nie doctor felt sort o' strcidtcd nt fust when they to ld the story on h i m ; and , f ini i l ly , Avlicn he was twi t ted ' on't ho 'd sort o' smi lb and say, ' A n y way, '.Cam b o a t ' e m ; that's ono comftu't. '"— Jllaniic Monthly.

T h e l . a w ol' Suture . A very r ich o l d inan wl io h iu l marr ied

a y o u n g w i f o d i ed suddenly, u p o n w h i c h the widow raved l i k o a maniac, and ex-c l i i imod to the, doctor,' who stood bv rhe betlsido of the clpparted, " O h ! E l l not bel ieve that m y tleav partner is doat l ; ho c o u l d not tlio and leave me! X o , no, h(.)'s a l i v e ; I 'm sure ho'.s,alivo. T e l l mo, doctor, tlon't y o u t h i n k so'?" " JMadam," r ep l i ed the medica l ma i l , w i t l i m u c h gravi ty , ' " I confess that I have tho moans b y wh ich he may bo rev ived . I w i l l app ly the galvanic battery." " O no, n o ! " cr ied the gr ief-s t r icken wi i low. " H a r d as i t i s to boar m y fate, I Avill l iave no experiments tho law of nature. L e t h i m rest i n peace!" ,

It-e Ci i in io i i s . A P i i r i s paper relates that the G n u i d

D u k e 'Constantino, o i n i s i t i n g t l ie A r t i l ­l e ry M u s e u m , wiis much p u z z l e d at t l io s ight of an i ron tube, an i l was in fo rmed that i t was a m o l d wh ich had former ly been used to cast ice guns. I t appears that d u r i n g re ign of L o u i s X V . experi­ments were made bofoxo t h e . C o u r t of Versa i l l e s wi th o rd i i anceof this descrip­t ion , experinients pres ided over by Bos'-cantl Eeaumur , and that li cannon b a l l of .'linow pierced a two-inel i p lank at .sixty paces. I t is not .said whether the G r a n d D n k e intends on his re turn to B u s s i a to tu rn to account the raw mate­r i a l w h i c h each win te r furnishes i n such abundance. :

, P ro f i l uh lc n 'ulki i i i j ; . O ' L e a r y and .Hughes made a comlor t -

ablo. t h i n g out of their weary , walk i n G i l m o r c ' s Ga rden , N e w Y o r k . U n d e r agreement the. garden malingers were to roceiTo one-halt of the receipts, O ' L o a r y three-eighths, and Hughes one-eighth. T h o cash ttikeii i n was S17,000. The , champion 's sliare, therefore, amounted' to something.! more than S1,000 a. day for his six days ' l abor , • Avhilo Hughes pocketed over'i»'2,000 l o r ibe ing a liun-.; d r e d miles, or thoreiibouts, beh ind . I n the Ch icago match, between AVeston and O'Lear.Vj tl ie pedestriims d i \ i d e d iji20,-000, and for: his widk i n the r i n k AVeston rece ived S7,000.

A j i o n g t h e many, p u b l i c a t i o n s c l a i m -i u g to be family journals, there is none so. f u l l y ' e n t i t l e d to the c l a im as 2'/te Oliicdfjo Zedfier. Its • ' H o m e " depart­ment—niiido u p o f r w c l l - w i t t e i i , cont r i ­but ions Irom e.vperionced women upon l iousoho l ' l tminage inon t .k i t c l ion econ­omy, l iDm decoration, i lo r icu l turo , gar­dening,- • pDiil try-raising, etc:, etc;—is more t ' l uv vorth tho pr ico of subscrip­t i o n (1*1.59 n year) . : N o Iiousowii'o or m o t h e s l i 5 l i d bo wi thout T h e L e d o e k , '

A .SUIil': U K L I E l ' FOK 'i'lUi SUFFEUUl l .

A Vpir«lat>lo Prnnnva;loii , Invented In thn ITlli eeimirv by Or. Willtaiu llraee. Surgeon In Klnn .lames' nrinv. ThrriUKh Im iiKoney ho cured thou..-ands of Iho most serious sores unit wiinnils that banted llio sklllof the most einlnent pli.vslelans of his ilav. and was reuardod by all who knew hini as a public benefactor.

CUUlv.S i,'i,!:sn Nvoi,-Nn.>. rnozKX i,i>ins, nnr.uM, ciir,nr..\ivs,

sonn liliK.v.sT. sonu l.U'S. Kiivall' iii.viiwnujis.'siw, .sc.M.D ui:.\n. cn.vei'i D k. nds.

r.;niss, cvscKlis, viil.nss. sc.vr.Ds. 'miK.% ui.cKiis. VOUNUS, STI.MIS, uiuxoi.i:s, iiKTCiis, wr.s's, • nriics, rii.EH, Anc:E,sa, i'iikcki.ks, iiusio,ss, snn.iiss, aou.s. IIITKS. mm, -WHITLOWS, •W.IKTS. lll.l.STKl!!;. T.l,V, I'lMi'LKs, , con.s-s,- ,sointvv, .

ITCH, ixonowixo N-,4ii4i, .s'KTTi.r. n,isii, MOBiii;r.-o ,i,s'n K1,1-.V lUTHS, fil'iniJU STLV'IIS,

And all cutaiieons ill.sea.soii ami erupllons Lteneni;i,v,

rnioi.; m ci-ints a nox, i iv j i a i l a ckxts ,

Thrnii iliiziiii ]t»M!N ( l - ' l bI'oiin)i w i l l liu nvnl l 'KIU)Jj:i tf<. S T O J I K K K K I ' l l K l * , J IKIJOrnSTS, (i!x|ii'i;r.Hnif<! |iuiilVi>n I'cco'uu at l$ . | . 00- i i lmi i l ulvvii-.i cijiDn a box,

riii:rAni:D hv S E T H W . F O W L E & S O N S .


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r«r »...! W1..1.1.-.11 f.if ii«> Willi j-ur »,'. li-iKlit. riiliT»r tT" nti'I / Wh I.. )•<•< 1 '-•"..f pif,ur> ' ';;•.','•;.•,:'

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mo(jr»T>hln«, .Mimieal and Draliutto Nown, Personal Uossin, Foniiiiii and UoiiimUo, Aniicdotoi, and a klulily amusinv und instructivu Miaciitlaiiy,. ,: .

II«nble>Piiiie Nupplumuniaaro rruniientlvsi'on without uxtra ctiarso, niuitratinif events ot inor« than usuni inuiroBt.

Thia Populiir'Wuefclyhaa now reaohod Ita Forty-aeventh 'Volurao. and haa aflordoij tho imbllo a uoniplutn i-OTiowof tho iiventaof each weak dui-lnir tho punt twunti- , two yoars, and is, tborofore, a veritable library otrofur-

rUliUtilir.l) KVKII I' WKDXKSUA V.

For Sale by all NcwidetKra. Price 10 Cenli a Copy. Annual Subicrlptlon t4, Pottpahl.

V m i i k L o s l I o ' s P u b l i s h i n g U 0 U 8 0 ,

5 » , 55 & 57 P u r k P l i i v r , New Y o r k , y

A T O U t l l l S T O K Y .

How II I'Ib WIiIiiimuI h FIkIXIhk '>"!• [Trnni tile Now Yorli Star.]

I n 18.10. M r . Papo Carter startled tho wor ld l)y ofl'cring to match a porciMO iigainst l iny dog i u Amer i ca , of reiiHon-iibli i size, i l i o i i i n oxistonco. A s i i mat: tor of coiirHO, .so .startlingii cl i i i l longo ox-oitod luiiiiv.euioiit' among tho owi io r s 'o f bulldogs, who niitnriillylftnghocl toscoru t i l l ! idoa. of thoir oani'iiol'avoritos be ing viiiKjiiishfid l.)y a p ig .

T h o two I'nost prominont s i ior t i i ig-l i ion i n tboHO fliiy.s wnvo tho Popes , niul.j t l i i jy .siu.'ceodod i'n Kociiring a match lie- | twoon Carter'K j i i g a n d aii imported l i u l l -dog, :tmp. W e i g h i n g th i r ty jioniidH. Af te r tho match was mmic hi i i idrndH of doUarH wore invested on tho rosii l t .

I m p wii.s a f ight ing animal of dis t inc­t ion, and II decided i i ivorito wi th a l l tho louding Hporting-mon and ld i r fmon , who laughed at tho idea of a p i g defeating h im i n a struggle. 'L'o imagine that a bul ldog of sitcii celol ir i ty as I m p cou ld bo vaiu in ished l iy an nndor-woigl i t of pork wa.s dcohired l iy niembors of tho

i idoptod the dogma of P a p a l i n f a l l i b i l ­i ty . O n iiceoiiiifc of h i s p r o n o m i c w l has-tilit.y to F e n i a n i s m l iud secret po l i t i ca l sociotioR generally, and his rea l or sus­pected loftiiing.s toward E n g l a u d , tho Ca rd ina l was not excessively admired b y a por t ion of tho I r i sh pooii lo, who would have jireforred tho advaucomcnt of Archb i shop M i i c H a l o , tin or thodox nnd unre len t ing foe of tho "Saxons."— OIIUMOO Times'.

Shor t L l v c i l . I t i . s s a i d that ongiiioora are not gon-

orally long l ived, ovoii i f they escape ac-cidei'its, par t icular ly those who Imvo chargo of cxpres.s trains, for tlio,,reasoii that the constaiifc strain upon tho 'n i ind , g ioa i ' iiuxict.y, as we l l its t i io constant shak ing and j a r r i n g they receive w l i i l o tho engines are runn ing , lii ivo a toud-ei icy to b r ing on ailments which shorten l i fe . T h i s general shaking u p that en-ginnevs receive can on ly bo appveeiatod by get t ing upon a locomot.ivo that runs forty miles an hour . 'Though there are fpr ings upon t l io huge machine, one

volnnteor l ire department, 'who wore wou ld .seareoly imagiuo t,hat such is the :niisnlte(l by sporting-men on the mooted 1 fact. 'I'lio engineers of freight engines

" ' ' ' ' " f a i ' o betitcr, bocauHO tliore is loss vespon-

H o i i S K and cnttlo powders, it' unndul -toriitfid, are- of .inmioiiHo nilvnalnun, but llio larRO packs now sold ivrn trash; only one kind now known in tliis country are alwn'inldly pure, and those uroSl\iirid«n'H,

rtoN. 0. n. rAiisoNS, Mayor or Hoclicstor, was ^^r^Vfrft'T^,, ZZ'i^A^. radically cured of .DriRi.tV Disoaso hy CralK's Vi\MAlmT~m'' a i lVXin i t Kidnoy OiU'o. Depot, .l« IJnivorsitvPliico, N.iT. whkoh. iileasimi. tioiae. chanen ic

1 . , , ,J. A. II. El LIS, Pension, Va , fi Chew .laokson'a Dost Swoot Navy '.'o()ucco.

BaowM'li BnoNcniAt Tmoobm. for iioii«ii« ji'iii eoli<i C^fiEAt' a i lK iS . llluslrHUMl o'ltlaioiiuii inm. Au. V'.df«?i?''5MJ!l^i!'Ll'""J¥£rl(«J|lttiilH

F'Xl"KIV''l'NnhlidiMirt. s'lii' Sii'iKU.iicif onlar. IIAl,L.t IIAltTUN. Union Halldliitr,OlilenK.i

UK youn« l-'ariiuirs, n all. StiKuly woik. (jonil lo save miuniy. . Write

, for pavtUiiilarrt. '

c j i i l f i i

imii\ ('ny A ftitilK to liiiH n KutiMilKihl Artiultt,

t m r O R T A N T Mir iUJC.-Knr i iM' r i i . VnmU Uffi and Ot.linrn oftn piiroliaan ho miunrtjf oqiinl tu Or, 'l'01ilA8' VICNICTIAN l-IMAflCXT. fur tbrt eura «r UIuilorA, DIarrhwft, DyHtititiiry, Crauii, UoUo aail Son-nlukmui*. titkon InUrnidly (tt h ixirlttutly haniiluflR; iti* ohtU iiooun)i>niiyii)K fiiuh botild) miU uxt^nitilly lor Oh roll! t) • RUtmnutUm, nitjidiiulio, TooUiiiuht*, Soro Tluotit, Out«, lIurnH, SwwlUtiKN nruin.iH, .Mdinjulw IJlKm, Ol 1 Wnn'R. I'tilnn In Miiiliti, linck nnd Ohont 'I'lm VKNKT AN LINIMIONT inLrodiiUinl In lW7.(tnd DO nliiMv )() liHM iiHud It bill cotitlniKis to do MO, uinny RtJiliiiK it 'I'l'ii Oiitlurn n hntllo Uiuy would nut bit HlCiiniit It. ThniidHiuIrt (if OcrtlilcMtdR cnn 1/u Roon'at LtiH litinot, Kpiinklntf nf Hm wondnrfiil ciirntivn iiro|iur< (1m«. Hold by tho DrnRgUU i»t40 eU. Dopot, 4'^ MurraT it.rMMt, Nuvv York,

WiirrnlUeil a Pp-.UEKCT OUllK (or iiHinoy ri'ttirned) 7'"' nil ihr unr^l J'nrm. nf PiMlH, Lia'lUlHY, ScnOP-iir..\, UHi:iiM.\'ris.M, s,m.t. UiiiaiM. OA-r-Mntii, KiiiNi-:v ihhkaki:s. toot (l».Ji.r.i.r..of IhuSm.Snnil m.llOI).

i l . I>. I'-OWM-; A- 11)1., llloiiiriiiil niifl tlonioii.

Sold i.n.rywlii.m. Sl.dO a llnllle. |.'iii,i.isr...t' Fiii.i.i.:it,AKis.,aiiiuaK"

i inestion, to lio an absurdity, and they bel ieved their O p i n i o n to bo based on ••orroct judgment, , T h e match created miarl.y lis much excitement as t h e l T y e r .•iiid , 'iiilh'vaii fight, and for weeks before the day fixed for the novel liattle lai'ge Slims were wagered.

'The l ight took place in the old G e r -maii Assembl.v rooms, located on the second floor of a long, low b r i c k bu i ld ­i n g on E l i z a b e t h street;, near G r a n d .

I n order to accommodate tho f ight ing p ig wi t l i a ]n'opor arena for tho tmnio-lested disj i lay of his jirowess liel'oro the admirat ion of a d is t inguished audi­ence, a small stage bad been erected i n the center of the l i a l l — a rough plat­form some four feet above tho floor— uiion which wius placed a b in of stout rai ls , vnnn ing longi tudina l ly , m a k i n g a .species of Jiemlock crate about,six feet scpiaro, its side siillicientl,y open to allow a view of the i igli t in.g p ig and the b u l l ­dog. L o n g before the hour announced for the combat largo grimps of sport ing-men and ip i i te a crowd of celebrit ies were ju'eseiit.

Sho r t l y after S o'clock', amid tho I'lU'iiost attention of Ilie i i i idi imce.Cai ' tev miide his apjiearanco. H e was accom­panied I),y two l.ivawn,y pugil ists , bear ing a l.iox—a Lmrden for which they exhib­ited no immense alfectiou, j u d g i n g from the cautious nmitner i n which i t was l ia iu l led . , 'The box was placed i n tho arena and opened, when, to the siu'iiriso of the crowd, and moro especial ly of the l ie t t ing men wdio were out of tho ring, and who had l a id heiiv,y odds on the bu l ldog , out jiim))ed a peccary. '.I'lio animal was not a p i g in the usual s igniUcation of the Avord, bu t a d i m i n ­u t ive w i ld beast to be mot with i n Sou th Amer i ca , and w h i c h cannot generall.y lie i lomesticated. Its head was large and thick, garnis l ied wi th a l ong snout, and a ]iair of formidable tusks p ro t r t id ing from each sido of the mouth.

A s soon as the bu l ldog arr ived the ex-<Mfemeiit among tl iesiioctators ran h igh . T h e l ie t t ing men who had l iackod tUo dog and .suppo.sed he was to .meet a common j i i g thought thoir chances of w i n n i n g were s l im. Some desired the bets to l ie declared oil', bu t Car ter c la imed, as d i d the referee, that the pec­cary was a j i i g , and that the bets would follow the stakes. A t half past 8 the dog Imp , which had been trained in to tlie p i n k of cond i t ion , was ' j iliioed in tho ])it. H e evidently d i d not fancy his antagonist, and qnickl.v loft ' t ho pi t . Af t e r a referee, a tiniekeuper, and j i idges wore selected, tho d o g was i) laccd in to tho j i i t and the fight began. A t first the Ko-eallod p i g took refuge i i i one of tho comers of the cage, g i v i n g vent to-a. scries of grunts. O n t ime be ing cal led I m p flew at the j i g and endeavored to grasp h i m b,y tho neck.

Papo ins tant ly turned, and, amid tho .yells of tho crowd, throw the dog down. Jieforo the latter could vegiiiu his legs, tho p ig seized h i m . and I'listonod his lon.g nnivdorons tusl;s in to his back. Spo r t i ng men, firemen, morchimts, nnd turfmen, who had offered l o n g odtls on I m p , now looked o n w i t h ninazemnht, and oll'erod to lay throe to ono that tho l ) ig w o u l d w i n . O n wont tho s t ruggle; t h e ^ i i g had a f i rm gr ip on I inp 's spino, nnd ho criLshod i t Avitli bi 'utnl forbcity. T h o dog w a s mangled ter r ib ly , i m d when tho p i g saw his oneniy -vvas con-(jncrod ho let go his ho ld , having broken tho bul ldog 's hack. T h o dog wiis quick­l y removed from tho pi t , and Papo was tioclarod tho wiuhor . T h o , p i g , won tho l i gh t i n 1 :37i .

'I'ho fight created ft great sensation, and Carter , the Popes;; nnd tho l i g h t i n g p i g wore tho r e ign ing .sensritiou i n Got luun for weeks ixftor tho contest.

s i b i l i t y slower.

and ' the trains move m i i c l i

P r a n e t o i l is be ing shijipod from N o r t h Caro l ina to I ta ly. Cotton-seed o i l also goes to the same countr.y, avIioi'o i t is r ap id ly t a k i n g tho place o l o l i v e o i l .

llijU'lU'd of Cll4!up l'2xrUulllrt, And nso, if you nood a tonio Ntimnlant iinil i i l -luralivu, Jliistiil.tor'H .Stoninclr Jlittora. Tlie liquors of commorcc, ovoii wliou tlicy aro not lululiuratei), fail to proilncu moro tlian ii tuinpo-riiry oxiiilariitiou, usually followoil, Ijy a tlo-presHinj,' rraiclioii, anytliiia; lint boncifioial lo ii woakly conslilution. Nut only <lo tlio potent Ijotiuiic ittj^roilioiits conibhioii \vitli iiio iilco-liolic of llo.'itoUor'H Wtdinacli lillturH luiuiHtof in tim lioidlli and vifor of wlin nso it, but tlio li:LHiH~]'ait'o old ryo, llto litiost luid most' Hulubi'iuualiqniir diHiilloil—i.H no moan jirouio-tor of a lioaltlil'iil uoiiililioii of tbo diKOSlivo ui'^atis. lis pi'OHoiicij ill tlio jtitlors is ossoniial til prosorvo iliuir vogotalilo uoitHtiiuoitIs fruin furnioiitaliun, ami it iiiKiitoHlioiiiilily aiignuaits Iliuir roiiiL'dial vaino. i''uw iiiudlctiiiil propara-liinis ol' a pi'oprictary uatiiru liavo iivor ro-coivud MiiCii ricriiiig ctiuiinuudatioiia rrom inodi-cal muii. ,

Till) Ntiiioiiiil S<!Oll1'|;«^ It is o.-ilinifttod tliat tbo annual diimafjos cAUHeil

liy llto i'avaf,'o» " f inaoolH and worm.') o.'ccood S'l."iO,(lUO,(l(ltl in tlio Unilod Slatos alone Truly an ouormous loss! Yol it sinks into insiijiiiti-. canco wliiin coiuparnd wiili tlio ravngos of Hint morn torriblo scouryo, Oonstunption, wiiioli an-itnally awuops liutidroda of IlioiiHands of l iu - , mini iioiiia into otornity. 'I'lio oiinscs of con-Kiimiilioti nro various, dopoiidiiig ill ovory in-Mlatiuo lor llto dovolnptnoiit of tbo disoano upon tlio seroiuloiis dialliosis, or toniporamont, of dm victim. Tims, llto aamo cause wliiiili wilt )n'odnco in ono person an iil.titclc of aciito dia-oiiso. or a sligltt tiorvotia priistriition, will on-gunilur coufiiiniption in it, iiur.son of acroftilona luibit. '.riiiil consnmiilloii i;ait bo cured by projior trualinoiit will liu ruiidily pcrciiivod wlinn tlio exact nuliiru of tlio diaoiLso is iiiidoralond, vi;;.: tlio luicuninlatinu ami dupoaitioii of Hcrof-nlott.'i niallur(tiiliorulos) in tlio Iniih's. Obvious­ly, tlio ininuipal romodios roipiiroii aro (I) a, liowcrriil alltu'idivo, or ijtood-pnrilior, to" tirrost llio acciiinulalions and also cluaiiso tho liUioii of Iliu scrofuloiia inaltor, niid ('.') a mild catliiirlic III o. iiol tliu disu.isud niattor from tbo systoiu. '.riiis coiirao of Ircatinotit. in coii.iuiiolioirwilli a .strict liy;ioiiic roi^ime, has in'ovcd tlio moat •sucoossfnl iiioUiod of onrinK thin diacaso. X)r. I'ioi'Oii'a Goldoii Modiual J^iscovory and i 'itiaa-iint l^ttr^ativo Poilols aro tho boataltorulivo anil eatliarlic rotiiodios hol'orc tlio iiublic, nnd iiavo boon iilotio asod in iltL'nisands 'of oases of coii-suinpiioii witli tlio most niarkod oflicuoy. iJr. t'iorcu'Htiivalida'Jlulol, at linn'alo, N. 'V., af­fords special and nnoqiialcil advaniiigos to coii-aumptivos, nutpiiiy pussusaiii^ tlio boat inodical and liyKioiiic nieuiM of troatmont, lnit liaviiii,' Iho o.a.'soiitiai adv;;if,'o, of ljuiiig .situalod in a olimiituwliofo titu inliaUitaiila iiro notably I'roo from litis disoiiso.

$ 1 0 g $ 2 5 anL iZ , r%, ; l , "A ' ; ! t 'NOVELTIES

' V O u t f i t F r e e S p n S - n 7. Illiistnit , Cat:ilo|,'un J. 11. llUli'liOltn'S .SONS. MiiniifjictiirhiK nolillsliwo,

I ' l I .to 1.1' Enitildiii Sireel, Besloii, Miibs. I'.«taltlisli.iil ni.iirlv tilty.veais. '

I.tVli! MTOUK (JOitl»llMI>llON. MoVAUI.A^» « CO.,!S3 Union Stook Yurda "—'•IMT

I 'Koi i t ro i i : co . i t n i i s iMioN. S. a. SABOKANT, Giml. Oorotnlnlen, 917 So. W*l«r M, W.ll.WILLIAMS* 0O.,Butt«r*lflsli,18ilSo.'«r«l»ri4 S O M E T H I N G N E W fov A G E N T S M l ! iviiiiloil In <o.nrvvttln,.t>. Ad'li'ei-.| Box "ysS. Neiv'lc,

•HAJ3IT & S K I N I5ISEAE1.E3. 'I'lioiiMiiildheerotl. l.»ivostPrices. Urniol dill lo vvi'lhi. I)f.!•'. E..M»r»;i,Qnlney,jMli;h. mTnTM-AOENTS WANTEb-36 BESf

fiidlltiK (trtlQJOH in (hn world; nno hiiiutiIii rrf. Aililriwh .Ijiy lUniiHon, Onlnilt. Mltih

o n o N

$ 3 5 0 1

$ 7 A UAV to Aeun(4 e«iitnn(iina rnr cnr I* iv*» •litt) VUlior . 'I'ormH And Otiuli I'nMi, a c . \\rm\ r. O, VIOK KftV, AnvniU. M*»t»« i'\ V—\VIM»' [SUimiU ^juiiiui. ''ii'iHiV i:i7«rM"V clft. hoIIm riiptdly for fJl) dIh, GiitiiloKiio /><•.«. S. J\I. Sl' W-Mih'n St., ItDstiin. Mnn«».

K I D D E R ' S P A 8 T I L I E S . S E S S : f||HmmpUt)arll:Mt)^VIlt ;Miib.i, InvoNtod In Wnll St, Stnokn iniikttii

^ fortum'H ovory month. Hook Bom $10 to $ 1 0 0 0 AddroHfl BAXTKU

MEN WANTED >'«r.Si>cM-.-i. Doi.'ctlviKS 4(trt • I'liy Itliifnil. M'' ii'trt"' I'nv Itliiinil. .\(ldft'«n,'with sinnip,

C\i.,0liH!lnnml,6, ij.»jurii'J.oi(!KriiiHiy itail

M A S O N f t H A M L I N G A B | [ J E T O R G A N S Itfvx'in'tmOd hrM hy i l lOll lOT iJOXOKS AT ALL WuUr.U'S K.VI'OSlTION.S KOR 'I'W 101.V 10 VKAU.S, vl7,.: At l*.MUfi, IHtl7: ViKNN'A, ISV.'t; HantIaoo, lH7ri! ! ViiTLAnia-i'iiiA, iKTti; Pahih, 1H78; nnd Giianu ^Swliln(Ul • Goi.u Mkuai., laZS, Only Anmrlunn Or>;;ins t-vuDiwiiid ml hiKhiint liiinftr;! lit iiny huiiI), Sold I'lir uiiHh ur IdhIiiII' niunlH. ilXUKTKA'i'Kli Oatauxiukn Htid (Jirunlan, >vt(h nt!w htyltiM and jirlotw, Hont Iru"). M AHON ,t HAMLIN OKCiAW 00,. ftOSTON.NKW YOKlCor OlIIOAOO

E L L D r i l u n g , B o r i n g , Miaoml Prospecllno .md Qti?.rryln!) Tools,

illKbest nwiird (It. Centenilliil EihililLlnn. Send lor Iiletoi'jal catiihiKiie nnd price-list, free. Aijiinls wiinliitl,

por day Kiiiirniiteoil, ' Siiiiil. huulilors anil rook ln^lly hiinilled. Adiliuss, PIEUCE WELL EXUA. VA'i'Olt CO.. «llll Elm Ave., I'lilladellihia, I'onn.

WABNSR BRO'S CORSETS iTiTivpil I 111' IlU'li'-H'M<;.|.il,tt 111.' r-i-fi'iil

P A U L S E X P O S I T I O N , i.vt-r nil A)Hit!i-hii riiiii(>ri:;.ii'», *|'ln'ir n.KXIIll.f: illl ' UUKr KT (I'Jii IliitifH) lllH Willi IK-rfl'Cl milr, IHHl 1h insTltn not to lirmk ilnwii ovit llm liU>n TlH'lr in:Al,TII'(:oiSKT'\vUli im |m. I.rnv.'il llimt, f M nnw it Kn-aliT fIivorllii tlMUt oVHr. TdelrMJKSINO COJihKT t« ttiii il.illKlitorrvRry HKitln'r,

I'nr-itli'l-ynll tfiiillriK- niiTrliinilM. WAKXKK BKOS., 351 Hroadway. N.¥.

A positive rv)iit;dy tor ft r(i|iMy afi<f nil diNi-uiifii ,., tlio K1«Im4*.vh, itliKMlvi' Aiiil U r l i i u ry U r -Killiii. II iiiit'H Kcniuity \« iiurdy vcKtiuihli! uml I (irupuml vxi»i'ViiHl.v for iliu nhiivii ilmtmhuii. U hat I riirrd ItiiJiJMiiiitn. Kvcrv lit»lllii wiirmnli'd. Snnd to VV. I K. Ulivrki', I'rovidiMii:.', iVl,, Ihr lllii-timii'il |>aini)hli;t. I

inCAltT, IM'XlULATOll i.H ii Kroat. .lloniGdy I'ui-l l iur t DiscMso, ami t(ivo tliu fullowing pi'Dol":

Ab'wihi witrt tionidud with w.itor tUn iionrf, and conld iiut no rtilim' fnnii jiny phyhioiiin. Stiu wns hIh.i trunblHrl with urtmt ni-rviiimni'Hrt (iLiDrfidn indir. viiirt, iHiH'nj; fi'Mni H«tiiit .OhniiHo l i Hrolwiticd KOinu of llni lllCAUr Rl'.CUl.A'roH, itnd kIih ohtii nit 1 \ivm\. niJinf. Too lib.* ol" ih.i II.KaRT Kl'.riULAToR kuvh hnr inMni)diiii(i rnlli'f fri>ni nil Kinlihii,' oi iliu t-nii'itti,:ii)(| fih't n-nuid not Imi it-iihfiit lt./tt w y tittHi.

Sh- wiinld Kiiittifnily imoinrihtnd thu IIKAKT Hl'.tiULATOll to iinv onii imuhlud wiih tli>i llttjut DU.jiiHu,,jtnil udviso l.hoin to try it itH u tjifrt :in(i cur lull) runuidy.

JoRUi.'A T. Kknu't.t-, CfincHrd.N. 1).

Vat; AiitiiltKL* to Aluotio* Koiiiul i : l l^nhl. T H E F A T H E R M A T H E W R E M E D Y III a oortnin and Rpnod,v euro for intninpei'.'iiieo. It de. stroyii iillapiint.ite lor iilyoluiliii liiiuoni aiifl iKitlJu up tliu iiers'oiissysliiin. AI'tiT i i itoliti itcli. «ir any iiiloii!^ prri i lo iiiiliilHi'iMM). itKJtiulo loaspoiMil'liI iv i l l ri'iMOVi) nil inoolnl iinil iitiyritritl i'(.;ii'i'^Hiiai* tt al'io eiir-'.s overy lonii of ti'MViui, l.ivsi'\ ainl 'I'mi. t'lni'l'V OK Tilt'; Liviai. Sold hv nil ilninaibls. S.; , per HiiiLIo. I'ainphlet 111! " AUiiiliel, its |i;tl'i'i.ts on I no 111;.

I Boily.nnii Intniiipt.i'.'inen ns ii DlHi.iii;o," eont fro.-li MA'rill':\y 'fEMPI''.UANCl''. AN» M I''A'1'IIK1'

i.'Ai.'; CO . S'f.iv >'orIr. i MANU.

U n r i v a l l e d i : i A p p e a r a n c e .

U n p a r a l l e l e d i n S i m p l i c i t y .

U n s u r p a s s e d i n Const ruct io : : .

Unpreceden ted i n E u i ' a b i l i t y .

U a e s c e l l e d i n E c o n o m y of F - c l .

nudispiiiEii i i u H B B R O A D C L A I M oi tejiso

V E S T B E S T O P E R A T I N a ,

Q U I C K E S T S E L L I W a ,



E X C E L S I O R M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO ITos. 612, C M , GIG & SIS l l a i n St.,

S T . ] : . o u i s , a r o .

V O U N C M E N • Tnmirh.Snmllwilnry^v^hDnlearnlup-. SltuntioufU'*

nlwhiJ.I-Addri'HH U.Viilontlnr'.Mnn;ntnr,Jnn<!Hvnin.WK . S i a a tr. .fttOO-fip»:tory prlcnK-liiHhofit. Iioiinrs—Miitliniihok'H ttoitlo •

_ _ for HciiiiintH—finnut uprlfihlM in Aniorloa—oviir 13,()(t()lu iiPO—rPKuhiriy liit'orpnnitov^ tfj.,'. On,—IMiiniiM Hont. on trinl—4H-p;i(rn OATAl.onilK KlllIK Ali:ynF:LKHOHN I'iano Qo., if i K. I.lth Slnaut. ff. Y,

P I A N O S !

R I D G E ' ;

r \ f o o D j » Mnther, If tiniihlo to tliirso yeiir hiilie. plii»:"> it at oneti nn Hliliiu'ii I'ooil. Munulactiired by WOOLiilUII A CO., I'lilniar. Maw.

W A N T E D I—An A)[nnt in oviiry town In thtt

United -Stiitufl fo Introdnun Into ^ our iioht lionni.s tint nl.'Kuntly

, lllutanil<-'d Monthly. *'.Miiiidiui'n Muiikhliic I'oi* I l.iriltt i:iiilili*fn.;*, lOxiiniHitu and vtilnuhlQ Prnini-

uini) Ivon to UiinviiHsnrti, wbjuli oniihln thuni to oloar from Wtt'-t to pnrwi'ok. Snnd Ht.)nnp for t:lrouliirK iind ((trnn t(i Rkv .1. Mkniiy NMYTitt;, muoof tJICALS A ••U.S'rl';tl,J;J . lOSio-o^SlroiM.JVnw VorK-.

S T A N L E Y I N A F l t t C A PF.oi'i,i;>.s r i i i T i o N .

Rtnnloy's i>wn ntory In nnn Hiipofh volnnto of ovnr ril**) Paokh.M) Kum.-J'aid: ICstniAviNGfi—I'iikikosly *'J./in. No niuDopoly; no Kllt'OdKod, liitch-lonod pricitrt. I'opn-lar Hooks lit Topnlur PrIcoH in our Alotlu. A A i n t T n ^ Q don't tni ttdkn, r nnd for idrciitliirKKlvint,'

O our nnnninil loi nih, Aildroas CoLl7.«lJiAy Hook Cn., H;ir*ford. Conn.; CUicnK<>, hit*.

1''»r ISoiiiiiy iif PoUhIi. Stivinir linlNir, Clenii* i>l(Htsil': l!ll(»i>t., I 'mii 'm, C'uiiiuii, l<lim», T H E L A S T O P rf.,",?'^;;,te,*;i;^:

Y O U R C A T A R R H it;"ne,',y','?;hVei;",J!ll iniro liny ordlnnry cnfiii, iiml two imcltnwoM any niiBo ot Ulc»n-nt»Mi nr NiiHiiI OiitiiiTli. lonrud myholf witli UiIh roiiniiiy iiflor Hniynrinj; tU'toon yuinw, and was so had tliiit I wiiH not tit to K'* ill uonipuiiy. I triiul niiiny otlnu- nnii-ndli:>4, wilhonthontdit, and tit lahMlit uovomd thin. It Is Hinipinaiid harniJ'ths to Mm tnoHt dulicat** oor:«(t(.ntioii. t.)nt) or two applloutlonH will (,'ivo ndiol, and invootmi tho worst I'oiil hriiidli. Sunt hyniiiil to any mtdnts-j on rooulntof prion. Addims JONAS HirriOS'lllCNDKIt, Hi-nviT, Oolondiifi Tin., I'n

D R . C R A I G ' S l i l E Y M e ] T H E C R ^ A T R E g l E D r F O ^ R , ^ , , , , flff'T lip tprcinl lirrvilsti.m In ItiiV. Dr. ,). K.'l'fcinkin, finlilnKlo.n, D. 0., G. T. llestim. .M. O.. Nowton. IJmiiis

. , ... , vj. ... 1 in..iin, present AI(l>'0r Ul Uooliiisler, N. V, AsU ..-our drii|!,i,'iBt. X„mi Jni- i,„m.

l i " *

J» tho Old liCUablo Coacontratai? Lye

F O R F A F ^ i L Y S 0 A P - M A K S » 6 . ^ Oln-ctlnnfl iiccoinpiinyln;r 'Ji'i"!' "i^'i for makinif Hard. Suit and'J'oilfJt HiHip C^i/li. ' l i .L 1'*

TO PHYSICIANS Jtcttt Food /or In/'antB

ami .fnunlidi*. "TIhi .irlilMul r.iOil I

MMMIVoVr, M /K.VnrVt.rt; *' Mori'lu-ni-ticlid ilmii imv fidiiT fooil I liav.niv<-rilH',t.'*

Hold )iy ItvmKMti liiul flroi:erR overy wliorc.


Miiiiiifiiotiired by THE Oi';ifEAL.S Sl'F'Cl CO., IS U0.1.,LEGH .P.I,AOI';, KEW YOliK.

Ir lifiviiijf l ir i ' i i U'iflirly Illl! i:ll|iti<lll III'

iiilvi'rli.H(.il, iiitil|.r jr IS nrr.L \ri:ittiir A.yn .irjtx.vnrrf.

'I'he ilinrkot is iloortna with (Bn.e.a!Ii3d) ''i----lili'ntr.i: <£ 4 , , , « . , ; „ . , 4I,.,.,,1 : . . t ! . . . . . . l / i . . * * . . . . » [.> iMvhieti Is udultiirato/l with salt anil ro.. "..i wn'i I A l l l C n C i l A l K J i K l III h l X M l l ( j M l O I l , " luiU .'.oo/i, ' ' ' SAVK Moifi,-x, Axn mir TIIK

Sonil .vonv iiaino to .F. K. Ingal l s , Ciineonl, N. 11., fill'a painpliUit iiiintiilning a iial nioni.'iia of eni'os, , :u.

Off With tho OW. T h o .Mikado ot J i ipan , having,clocror.d

that a l l his subjects h o l d i n g olUci i i l situa­tions shun dress l i k e Europe i i i i s , thoy mid their w-ivos. the' Japanese mi l l iners , •who IukI not scou fashions ohiingo for a thousand years, lii ivo consigned to Pa r i s tho thousands nnd thousands' of i iat ivo drosses w h i c h thoy had i n .stock, nnd P a r i s i i m Indies aro now woiu'iu'g thom as drcs.siiig-gowns. Tho.y are s i i id to Ijo vory .boconi iug , luid tho b r igh t d.ves i n thom—a Boc.rot wo ought to loiinv—•will stand any amoutxt of wn,sliing. Chinese Hjllcon skir ts , so fine that y o u can puss t i iom through a wed i l ing r i n g , are'also be ing sold i n quaut i t ios ; but tho attempt to iu t rodncoGhinoso. ' peaked atraw liats i n to fnahion lias failed hi ther to.

Ouiith or C a n l l i i u l U i i l l e i i . T h e death of C a r d i n a l C u l l o n , A r c h ­

b ishop of D u b l i n , is announced by cable, H o was tho first I r i s h prelate of modern t imes to receive tho honor of

; tho Gardiunlate, and.was a devoted sup- . > To ptiBAMSK anciybiteii (ho tootb: to.aweeton

l io r te r of T i u s I X . i n tho counc i l .which I oaoua Denlitrico. ^Twonly-firo'con^ tolSuf^^"

I painpli eni'os, ^

l'"oi' saio ljy ilrii^ lioltiu.

list lit tosti-

;ialH at .'JO conta ami ft pop

. f i iK dolieitto nionibriino 'wl i ic l i onvol-opoi tho lnni;H iind linos tlin nir passnsus, is ox-ceoiliiiKl.v Huiisitivn, and imliglit im'talinii of it incfoaHOH iiiiil sproailfl voi'y i-apidiv.' Itonioin-boi'iiiK tins,, if ,von ni'ai attaulvoc'l l),y ii coiikIi or colli, tliat inoomparabla pulmonic and pro-' vontivo of coiiHiiinpiion,- Bit. Hat.l 'h JIal.sam Fon 'i'liE l.UNOH, \vhioh invai-ialil.v kIvoh Bp«oily. I'oliof ami iiltiniatol.v oll'octa ii comploto inii'o in all casos wliorn tlio hvoatliiiii^ oi'Kiiim iivo alToct-flil. UflO it ill limo iiiul pi'nvoiit Horions Iji'on-onial ti'oulilo.' Sold by all Bi-nKgista.

Fonupwanlof 30 voius Mrs. ^\^NSIX)W'S SOOTJIINQ SVliUP lias boon nsod for oliildioii with novoi'-failing Hiieeoas. It- corrocts acidity of tlio stomach, roliovos wind colic, romilatos tho bowoln, euros dyHoiitory and diarrhea, wlielhor arisinp from tdothiiiB or other cjinscH. Au old and woll-triod remedy, S i ct»i. a -bottlo.

F A u m j A i i m with tlio writings of tho great poetuvis R necessity to any ono who wis)ies to appear well in company, l 'or lOo. wowillsond a Ijool: of 1(K) solootionH from tlio boaufiful molo-dios of Mooro, tlio grand iwonis; of Byron, and tho unonualod songs of Burns, and .50 iiqpuhir Bonga. • Deemoiid * Co., fll.'i Kaoo stroot, r l i i la .

I f oiich one of so'voriil niaUbi's had taken tlio liigliast niodiil ut ono of tho great world's :o.xnoHitionR, tlioi'o wonld ho room to qnoHlion which wiia boat; Init Miisoii ,fc Hamlin httvoi taken tho liigliont lionora at every such oompotitiou for fwelro .yoitrs.

CHF.W , Tlio Colobratod

' . : "Matohlesh" ' • Wood, Tag'Plug .


• Now York, Boston and eiuoago.

A Wes' i 'eun paper says that " b y this time all dowii-oastorH have got thoir'houses hanked up, and Invvn htiii ia a supply of Jo/ni-iiO)i.ii Aumli/iu.lAiiiiiumt." It woulcl bo ii wiso thing for Dooplo'heruahoutsito lav In tho .-txo-tfj/ne.: It is the most vuluablo liiiiiuoiit in tho world. •,' • ',.,"• •• •' •'. ' ,' , . '•" '": '

F o r coughs, colds and throat disor­ders uso "JJromi'ii limnchuU Troches," liivving 7»'o(i('(/ Hioir oflloacy by a test ofmuijy years. : « ots. a box.

> A P O I B F I E 'MADB BV I ' l l i .

t ^ o n n s y l v a n i a S a l t M a n u f ' g C o . , I ' l l T b A l l I X P I I M .

T H n M I I T H D R G I N C O .

r i r a t Ks l i i l i lMi iHl ! l\i<l^l. SiircvHsfiiU 'l'IIEll!.,IXS'n:i;.Ml.;X'rS Imvoa slandanl

valiiu in all the ' '


O P T H E W O R L D ! Kverywlieru recoyiiiiied as tlio V I X K S T

O V E R 8 0 , 0 0 0 MiKlii »n<l III liao. Xew IIobIkiih ennnlanllv. lloet work nnd lowent pt'lees. " ,.

Wty- .Send for a Catjilottim,

tei Si., opp. W a l t l a n 8 t . , 8 f l s t 8 n . J m

i 6 P M E D A L hne bKKii iiwnriluil ut (iio P u r l * KxUlblttuc of iMtM lu

C X i A B K ' S

O . N .

lli- ' . t NIX-fMIKIt Nl 'OOr. C'OTTUV. j t i» •.'Klvlinileil n i l . huliiK N'l 'HWXG. »:r..vtlilTIO, UIKI » r (J .VtI ' l l I lM H T K F . \ G ' r i l . It liu> hiicii iiu'iirili-il .UKl».t]..Niiti'liv ui-L'iit Kkitiislilnnii. I'riilil tli« lll>iit lit Vi i f l i i . ln IM.1.1, tu tliu t>ii-K-'illiliil l i t I'lilliKUtlplilu, lu IMKI. In thia iiiMiiii i..v K ' N 4>. .V, 'I'. N ••<»oi. c'O'r'rti.v U U'lilel.v kii i iwn III nil«ni« nit* ItM Mii. |iei*Joi* KxiFiMleliL.u In AIiiiililiiu luiil Ifili i i l Mutvliiu. Tlivliv Ml l ln ut Xuwurk, .V, uuil Vu]Nlu.v, .Sciitlaiiil, iii'ti tluv la|.M;i-'"t iitiil illimt eittllllloti! .Ill tllV Wlll'lll. TllU 4flltll*» |1|.|K.|.M* III' nitiiiiiriiL.tiiiHi In ciiiiiliiiiteil iin«li.|. tliu niiiKt c(tnir*l<.*tiMiit4l «.iict.t)il «iii»i.rvl«l4in, i i i i i l tluiy cliil in I'tii' tliiili* AiutTlfiiiii iHMKliiuttiiii l i t loiiat :in viinul invi'lt to tl iul ui'iiilucuil In tliulr IMIalev MIIU. A>

N « G r a n d P r l K o s w o r o t n v a r d c d a t ' r i i i ' i s f o r Spf lu l C o t t o n ,

llii .y iii'd (Sliiil tu anniiniiL'U In tli« Aini^i'lviin i ' l i l i l l c t l i u t tlioy liuve liuun uwurilvi l u (StII.It M K U A I . , iMilliit the llHillvat utvuftl ulvttn t'uf Mlx-Curil N|iiiiil-<;ntt<tii.

G e o r p A . C l a r k & B r o t h e r , ' ' ' ' ''.' H o l n '-!\.|X«ntM, : ' -

N o . 4 0 0 B r o a d w a y , N e w Y o r k .

• hill the .liir;,' nn (,'niinn Icxiili-x, .tiii'iih iii i i l lliri.iiilK, Ul ilie I ' l i i 'N J'^.x-iidiiliiiii. iIiti'i-ikI i l l in l i l IHiKlul mill ( iral id I'i'I'/.e In Ihe W i l l i . iiiiLiillv l.iiM'ii CliiiniMiiiy I'lii* **.|<iMiiil l l i i l ln i i t'NIMieiiilly iiilitiMcil I'lH* UNI! nil Sewiiiw i l l i i -eliiiiiiH/* nvei* all tint fxreiii. iIii'luiI iiiiiiiu* rai'iiii'tiH III'Ilie wi i f l i l , wiMiu-e i l as a duly tu Ilie inililie itiul in Illi.AsrM. .1. ^V: I*, i.'iitiit. In iiiiiinuiiee lli i i l .

N o G r a n d P r i z e s w o r e d e c r e e d a t T r t r L s l ' « r S p o o l C o t t o n .

AVi- are uilriiseil b.Y eitlile iit' iliv lollntriiiK luvii rdis: . (.

J . & P . G O A T S , G o l d M e d a l .

Wl l l i i nau l i c L i i i eu Co. , S i lve r M e d a l . ' Anil n-v iilnliu far l l iu n l i inem ul° tliii li'lrst I'ri/.u Hint, tin tlivv Imvu imliibllKlieil In IChnilo Islnnd the liir«i!st H|iaul Unlloii Illills In Iliu lInltiMl KtutCK. wliern Hit-Ir S|iunlC'al> toil is uiiiiiul'iielurHd llirnii«li every iiroeum I'roiii Iho r a w eutiuii In the linlHlicil siiual, A A l l i l t l t J A . iiK ri!|ireiieiiliiil by i t lemri . .1. <,«: I'. COATlli. in mi l l A i l l . ' A l t I N NI>U4ir. C O T T O N .

, , C U R E D F R E E ! I 1 An Inriillllilo uml iiTtoxonllefl ronoiily for

\ t I l.;iiili.|iKy or l''(illilljf.">i<iliin.H». Wiiir i t i i t i . i l lo |.tl',.er, a njieoili- uiiil

1^ mtmps^ i>':.\"f'eoie. 1 • R a • " A l i ' iT hii t l l | ."or rey

I I I B f'iniiwnnd Spneilli) inul a

l)u. II

K|ini ... Vfihiiiltli) Tti'iilimi Himi, In nn.v hiiiViirnr Fdntlliiff mo hin PimiiiUiuo unit Kr.iirusrt uiU ilrnsK.

. O. HOO'I'. IWlMVirl atrnot. Now Yorli.

D A R N I N G !maim: i : a s v

1111(1 nxjnj(liti<nin.liy u wniHlrtr-fill Nkw .(\ttai:iimknt. I»(irnn Ht'ii!kin;.'s, Kiiulcr , KJit'iiutnlH, Mililn (UkI iiml Iniint; niurkH i;t')ihitiK juiil tlooti nil titncy din-liiniilnrinK <|Uit:Iily iih nlaiii Hoiitns iini Hinviiil t)y ni:icliinti. Try it, .Smiil rorciiinilnr. Ail-Itniiiti -4, .Siiii Itiiildiiiu, _N»nv>'urlc_lJity, nr imy Animl.

D a i l y a n d W e e k l y , Quar to ,

B O S T O N , ^Tlnt I.itr[T<ifit, GlnuiiiftHt iiml ItnHt l.''nmily N*nviii)ii.|ior Ir

iStiw I'lnnnind, witli niii.)i;i:il njfiMiinui) to \\\h vjirioil IiintoH nnilminin'inniils nf liio liunin oirclrj. aV» tliu luroiijn unit Inci.l innvH inUiliiilmd projujitly. niilly Tmirturlpt, ^lOpf^rimntun in Ji(lvar.c;i). WonHly " V

" " ' (f) coiiitjfl In nno n(Mn>ws, I •t.<'il? pur nniiuin ill julviini:u,


T H E L I C H T - R U N N I N C

N E W H O M E la tlio Hi Nt* lAxtvn litipriiviul. nntl moat 'riinr-.


Kver i i ivei i le i l . It Is lVIU.S!.:LI';.»<S.nnd has moro I ' tUNTS o r K X C ' K I , . IjI' NIJI'I tliiin all ollitir Maehliins coinhlned,

|::'~A«Ji';.\T.S W A N T K O fa localities wlioru wo are not vopresimtiid, . T o i r : v i i s o 3 « r , c T - i . v i i i c c o . .

s o U n i o n S q u a r o , N e w Y o r k . Orni iKC .llnsn., I ' i i lKli i i rKli . I ' l i . , Cliiunsn. III.. Ml. I .iiii». iir...

s .

Bole Agent* i n N e w •JTork for j i s P . O O A T a

O N W A R D ! (7fi ()tn„ IH'.a) pnr doKini.) liy.

. U O. KMKitBOK, (uhI i.4 (lin Antiior'it liiKt, nmi pnrlm|i« lairtt, cnnipiliitinn lor KinitinK SolinolH. Tino JiiKlmcti'mB,'uhnmiunt nx-nruiHim, ninny iiliMttt Iliu) Sniu:ti, luul a K<uHt iiiiiiimty ot hacnid AliiMKi,-. • •.• • - •

J O H N S O N ' S . M e t i i o i l f o r ' s i i i i i i i g G l i i M (6<> ut»., or lUHi pill' (lo7,i)n), for Slnk'inf; .Sctiooitt, hns runnrkttbly uliiiir iitMirm:t.ii)n!4, luul it liirKo Qtiiintity. «i' pliiuainK f»»i""t* ii'>im'i»'>il»r MnHlclor pniutlcn. •

) pordo;:.) T H E L / lUEELWRE/ lTHi f (? : e f i ; i . i i t : , s« .»

uk'nuut txinit till-SinKinu-(Jliittntiti in Ilioii iijulinolH, Nnrnml Suiinols iind t unilniti'iiiH. I'lirt 1, KlunumtiL-ri-: I'urt II, Vnicii XJiiItivHtl ' MuHiu in % :i mul.-l imrtd.

vHtlim. I'.irt III. hulnot. IV.tiuuruit Mudiu.

G R A M M A R SCHOOL CHOIR i ; ? . ' r & r B ? T S,'ni..IiKN, WW uj(ci!iKiinKi,v mfU'ConHtruutud Imnk.

: I'lir till) SinKlim liit*»«A ['I Oi-aninmr .SuIiooIh (ttiii ' liiifhiir ulii»bti)) i nntl tur'lhuynunifur ulu«tiu»iil! lilgti

>:..riclnml»,,: :„';.„:v:o. • \ .'o-'' , i,v'

T H E W H I P P O O R W I L L '^l KUiihil unil very linii'iiluolluutlun of Suhuul SunifH.

Any ll i luk luailttil iiust I'rito fur Itntnll I'rIeo. O L I Y K I t 1HT,S0 \ & C O . , Uosto i i .

C. II . MItMiii tkCn.. J ; IS. Ultaoii ««iCo., H4:iUro«dwM.N,Y. ; »l!l Cbntnut Ht., PiUU.

KstaliliNlioiI ISfill.

i ! L i n i m e n t I Vtllow Wrapner for Anim:(I and Wliitc fnr

Ji'uman ricsli. i.s GOOD roil

Tlurni; nml ScnKls, Sprains nnd Bruises, ChiJbJnir.s, Jlilc.s,Strnt|,'J!:iIt, \\'in<l^;(Ils, Scratclics or Greutiu'. Knot, Kn or GreuKu*, Cliuppud Ilitnds, KlcsU, Woiuui.s, Kxturmtl Poisons, Sanil CracUs, Galls of nil kinds, Sitfast. Kinuliniii:, Poll Evil, SwullInfTS.' Tumor.s, Garj'iirin Cows, Cradicd Teats, , Cnllnus; I niTumoss,, Horn Distcnijiur, , j . Crownscab, Chiillor, I''oul Ulcers, i'lirrv, Abccsr, of Iho UdOcr, Swelled^s, Thrusli, ,

MnrdiantN Cfnrffllnir Oil is the ttt.tndnrd r.inimcnt of thu Unltal SUtvs. Lar^t: ^tze, 4 i ; medium, 50c; Riniill, 25c. Small size lor laniily URC» asc Maimfactiufd at Lockport, N* V . i by Mvrcliant'n GurgUng Oil Company;

JOHN. HODGE, Bec*r.'

Kool Hot in Slici^p, Koundunid Feet, Koiin in,PouIti-y, Cracked Heels, Kpi:',oniic, ' ' Lame Hack, . Heinorihoids or Piles, Toolhiichd,, Spavins, Sweeo«y, ii istula, Muri^;e, , Caked lireasts, Scire Ninnies, Cmh, Old SnrcH, Corns, Wliitlows, Cramps,' Boils, • Weakness nf the Joints Contraction of Muscleu.

T H E j W p / ^ L l D O V E K

J . E S T E Y & C O . B R A T T L B P O R O , V T .

H e n d f o r I l l a s t r a t e d C a i a l o f u e * O.M.O. ' ' , No. « a

W l t l T I N U T O . A U V K K T W K i t K ine m y yau. «aw. tho ndvorllneinoiii

> paper.''' l a Ibb paper.' '

j n g l m m Coiinti| d e m o c r a t .

C O R R E S P O N D E N C E , CuntrlhntioriH lo llils doinii-tinent of Ilie paper are

solicited, on topics of ruiws or nuilters of (jiuieral iU' terest, tint In no case will the cdittu'assuiiui any rtr spoiMlhillty for tliu utterances of corresptiiiileiits or roiitrlhiitors,

Ootiiiiiiiiih.Mtioiis itiust he acconi])aiiliMl hy the an* thor's iiaiiie, olhoniise they will rucolve no alteii* lion, Anoiiyiiioiis ciHitrilultleiis uiu, in ivll cases, at niu:«nHsii:ned lo tlm ivaste basket.

CorrtiHiioiidulice riiKhaili Uoiinly IJeiiioorat,

F r o m l i i i i i k n i i i i l l Center .

NnvE.MiiKit ,'itli, 1878, Tho Denioonilie incoling oa Satiirtlay

la.'iL was largely atlondcil anil was voi'y i i i -liu'cslin;;. Speeches wore nindo hy Lsano .\iiij,'nnn, .roliii C, SliiDlils, '.I'lioinnsMcK'or-nan and olIiar,s, A i the close tlii-co roiiaiiis i.:liooi',s were given for the coiiiilv ticUot and the iiicotiiig closed in good order. •

The spnakoi' who attoinptod to qnencli his parched lip.s with Itoroscnc oil at, the DeCiimp Kclinol lionso last night, oniiic to the conclusion t l ia toi l would not go down (his lliroal) any at |iroscnl,, but that in ••striking ilo" ho had iniule a Moral—don't leave kL'i'0,si;no oil in a pitoli-cr on tlio spcnlcor.s lalilft when llinrc is to lie a Ropnbliciui and grociiljaok discussion Ibr their spcakof.s arc genonilly prelly "dry." , ,

Jilcction passnd olT idnasantly. (Ivo-tiinis piilllishod ol.sowhoro.)

Harry Gross will soil all hi' his pcr.sonal proproty at miction, at his rosidoiice hall' a milo west of t<'ilchhiii-g, on Saturday, Nov. i l l l i . V. \V. Mavons will do llin "crying."

To Mr. and iMrs. Goo. •iiidson a diinglil-

.Mr. —, yon nofid not ho alarmed, your naiiio will not appear again in tho Ukmochat, ibr wo will never use the name ol' any pnrsnn who is not lilo.s.sod with an ordinary amount of common sciine.

CJii l''riday, the ^ntli a l l . , .Mi,s.s h'loi-a Mn.vsoii closed hor I'all tnnn of sclioor in district No , II. Tho whole luunhcr of pu­pils rogisterod, 111 ; daily lUtendancc, no. .Mis.s .Mii.xon clo.scd licr school with literary cxorchscs, singing, etc., wliiclrwas all very iiicdly (Uiiio and was enjoyed hy a largo nninber ol tho ]iarcnts who were lircsent. llelow I give the roll of lionoi- Ibr tlm month ending Oclober ' i ' l t l i , 1878 :

I'lll.M.tllY I'lll 'll.s! Merlin ttool, lliililer Xichols, Ellii?I»i;"on, 'I'ilhi Marks, i;lieHlor IleCnlup,

Jlerile ilooi, Helen 'faliiiiiKe; ICiillii Iliads, Ailee KiilKhl, Berlii' Ljrow,

I'milk, Freililic, and Bentiie IloIIiuni, Tl ic Ibllowing aro iianios of 1.110,10 who

havo tliB boat standing lor llio icnn, all of wlioiii, hut ,scvcn, have allciulcd every day : Tleainip, Olivet mi Marks, Liz/.lef 11)0 Hall, Aeelat 'MYi .loliiisliiM, Ihilalit lISVi; I.0I1K, llaiHiaht lis Morse Ellnn IKIX, Mors.., Alil.lel- IISM KiUKhl, Kiiiiiiat... ..iis •'I'HliiiiiKe, .Merliet lISi,?, Talniiiiju, .Miiiniu ll.'i 51ai;oi.n. Ad.lhi a Hill MeKoon,!i71-.| I'lliilon, Maryt ilSJ^ Aiii;iill, Miilcoliu VI'/, NicholH, Miltiet Ill" Heynolds, Wirtf '•>« llailev, Wesley '.niXt AllKeU, llail..y ,..1)S -MiKi'lI, Wlllii. ill) tirow, llallh. lUI)

The daggOl' (•!•), donotos perlccL deport-iiienl, and those arc the star .scliolar.s.

Knuiiit A Nil IIeadv.

\VriUtiii tortile liijilialil Coniilv Oemoin-at. Wrt.shifig'loii I if i t ter .

Oc'i'.-Jilth, 1878. 'riie Ailmiii islration designs covering tlio

.Sonlh with radical special ollicers to ''pre-,sorvc tho purity of the hnllot" at tho No-veinhor idoolioii. The Attofucy General says tho nainbui'of Dopnty JlnrsliiiLs that can bo appointed imdor tlio law is u i i l imi-tcd, though special supervisors ol' cloction can bo appointed only in cities of over '20,-(100 inhabitants. Tho duties of these speo-ial.s are to roviso registration lists, witness the oleetiou and count the ballots. When we got a Domooralie Congress this law, M'itli other relies of a titao when the con­stitution was only , so much waste paper, will disappoiir from the statute hooka im iHodiatoly. VoorheOa, who will unqiies-linnably bo oloeted to tlin .Soniito, ami who iiistinolivoly abhors the very idea of Pod-ci'al onroacliinont npoa the rights of .States, will he the natural loadoi- in tli« inovoniont ibr roponl. .Mo could ask for no bettor Held .Of the o.xei-ciso of his i-cmiu-kable tab eiils, and could in no other way do, so mucli to harmoni'/.Q tho Deinoci-utio party.'

•The Seiiato of 1S79 will ho one of unusual ability and tho Peiaoci-ats will have no causa to bo asliamod oi the men they have sent to it.

Soertai-y Schut-z speaks in Boston lo-niglit, and wil l no .doubt be listened to hy a very lai-go nuinher of persons. ,I:Io is known to dislike the idea of inakilig politi­cal speeches while holding oflicc, hut has a conslitutioiial ineapaeity for assei-liiig l i i iu-self i l l opposition to pi-essrulo from llioao ai-ouml him. l i e would novoi- havo lo l l llio llopublican party i f tlie leailors had at­tempted to please l i i i i i . Bu t they never liked him, and they took no pains to con­ceal their dislike, l i e would never havo rojoiiiod tho Uepublican party i f loading

, Democrats had done anything to secure, his services, l int they disliked him,

1 give for what it is worth a rumor that M r . Tiklen has written anil will shortly puhlisli a Ictloi ' in which he emplialicidly .states that he will not under any cii-cnin-stanoea lake any part hereafter iu.State, or National politics. .1 cannot learn wlietlior the lettor was written bolbre or sinco the puhlieatioii by the..7';'i'6«».(;, ,ol the alleged ilispateliosooncorniiig Florida's and South Oaroliiiiv's-electoral votes. It has been known for some time by tho •intimate iVienils or Mr. . Tildon that he wo i i l i l no t

• horoal'tor probably take any: active' part in l)olilioa,bui:this lettor, i f indeed it 1ms been written, will bo a:surprise to tlioin, •

Most incmbot's of tho cabinet are back hero and at their posts. The charming October .weather of Washington should draw thousands annually to tho city. I f it woro always,October, here no reasonable cabinet oHiccr would leave tho city to make stamp spocclics.: M r . Scliiir/. might do it, hut ho is a man of wliiin.s and cnpi'i-(.'ea,:aiul what hodoes cannot ofleii ho: «o

-couti ' .cd'foria.a-riitioniil mnanor. ' P n b l i o soatiiiiciit has shown itself"untttvoriihlc. to

" " s s s ' W ' H A . T i

A r e t h e W i l d W a v e s S a y i n g , S i s t e r ?


B O O T S & S H O E S

F . W . W E B B

F o r h e w i l l s e l l y o u t h e B e s t G o o d s


T h a n a n y o t h e r h o u s e i n I n g h a m C o u n t y .

A G o o d R u b b e r B o o t o n l y $ 2 . 0 0 .

this s]iecclimaking by cabinet oiricei-s and .l'resiilciil.s,,and pi-ubably wo have seen the last of it. .

>'ntioiial 'rjianlf.sfe'lviiia-, X o r . 2 S .

A rtioei„ui.ri'io.N' , -Ihl the .I'rcsidciU of the IJniled SlaIeK iif


Tho rccnri'onco of that season at whicli it is llio l iahi l of our people to make de­vout and public coiil'i!.ssion of llieir eon-stunt dupenilonco upon divine I'avor lor all the good gifts of life and liiip|iiiiess, and of public peace and pt-osperity, cxhib-its, in llio i-eooi'd of the year, abundant i-nnsons for onr gralitudo and llianU.sgiving. K.\-iibci-anl hai-vesls, pi-oduotivo mines, ample crops of staples of trade and inanii-facUii-ers havo eiiriehcd llic coiinti-y. The vcsoiu-c-cs thus rin-iiiahod to om- reviving industry and expanding eoinmercc aro has­tening the day when disooi-ds and distresses tlivongli Iho length and bi-cadtli of llio land wil l , under tho coiiliinioil favor of proyideuce, liavn given way to confi­dence and eneri'y nud assured prosperity.

Poaee with all nalioiia liaa i-oinained un-bi-okeu, domostio ti'anr|nility has prevailed, and the institutions of. liberty and justice, which the wisdom and virlno of our rathers oslablislicd, i-oniain , the gloi-y and dofouse of their c l i iklrcn.

The geiiornl pi-cvaloneo of tho hlc.sainga of l icall l i , tlii-ongliout om- wide land has made more conspicuous the sud'erings and sorrows whioh the dark shadow of posti-leiicc has cast upon a portion of onr poo-pie. , This lioavy alllictiou oven the Divine Ruler has tenipei-ed to the , sullering eom-inunilies ; an universal .sympathy and succor have (lowed to their relief, and the wliolii nation may rejoieo in the unity of spirit In onr people, by wliiob they cheer­fully sliavo ono another's burdens.

Now, tlioi-olbi-o, 1, Riitliorfoi-d 13. Hayes, ))i-e.«ident of the United Stales, do appoint ',1'liiu-sday, the 2Sth day of November ne.xt, as a (lay of. National Ihiink.sgiving ami prayer; and 1 earnestly rneoinnieiid that, witlidi-awiiig Iheuisolvos from secular oaros and labors, the people of the United States do meet together on that day in their ro-speolivo )>laces of worship, there to give thanks and praise to Almigh ty Clod Ibr "lia nieroioa and to devoutly beseech Iheir continuance.

In witness wliereof I have hereunto sot my hand and caused the seal of the United Stales to bo ani.>:cd. Hone at the city of WishluKlon, this .WtUdayof

Oetoher, ill the year of our Lord one tlloiisaiul, rij c-I elKht liundred ami stiveiit.y-Hii;lit, mid the in >• " --Idepiiniloiies of the United Stales the ono liini-

died and tilit-d. , It. l l .HAYKS, lly the president:

Wll.l.l.v.M M. Ev.MiTS. Snci-etai-y of Sliito.


Would rMpKtfuIly •unomico io tho pcopln. of Ma-nun in ul vlcliiitf tiiut lio iiiiii opoRULl u iio>r iiioiU.

T w o D o o r s S o u t h o f P o s t O f f i c e ,

Whoro ho is propurcd toHorvo.youwiih

G M c i i M i i a t i ! o f A l l K i i l l ! ! ,

- A T -

L O W P R I C E S .

N o n e b u t t h e B e s t S t o c k

P u r c h a s e d .

€ O M G T O T H E I V E W M A H K E T

' - And ho Coiivincaa.' ',-., .,:•:.


F I T C H O D N M L ,

M a s o n , - - M i c h . ,

— U E A I - i E K S I K —

d r a i n a n d P r o f l n c e ! !

Will pay tlio Iliglicst

M A R K E T P R I C E ,

' —For— •

W H E A T , C O R N , O A T S ; & c . ,

D r i e d F r u i t s a n d C l o v e r

S e e d .

liolivuvcd at Ihoir Elevator. 'Wlllulito

C A S H F O R W O O L !

Givo 1)8 ft cull before Bolliiig, iiiid you will not

F I T C H & B U N N E L L .


C a n b e C u r e d .

Ovnr 10,(KKipnrsons iicrniiuiently cin-od at liio Ilo-IrnitTluoiitiiiul Luiiy iimlituto hIiico of,

C a t a r r h , T h r o a t D i s e a s e s ,

A s t h m a , B r o n c h i t i s a n d

C o n s u m p t i o n .

ToKollior with diseiiHtJn itf tho

E y e , E a r a n d H e a r t

2 5 1 W o o d w a r d A v e n u e ,

O K T l l O I T , M T C n .

M . H I L T O N W I L L I A M S , M . D .

P r o p r i e t o r .

All iliflotiMt).s of tho ruspiriitory orRniiH troiilml by iiU!tiic:U(;il iiihiilrttioiiH,, ):onibitiotl with proper con-slitutioiiul ri'inciUofl.

Thirt is Iho only Inctltntd ofthoVInd !n Mir.lilgan Hiiociiilly dovoti'il lo ilni Iro/Umnnt .of OAT.VKKII, TJIKOAT DISKASKS, :ASTiJ3IA. . llUONCmTIS and CONSUi^iri'IOX, logothtti-: wUhrdiflciirtoH of Uio i:vi':,i;.utBnd hkau t . ^.

CftUrrh (tad Ihrottt ilii«niit;fl m thlo cIlBiiitt* tini ovory ynur hocAmliiK aioru pniTtloRt mid nnT« KAiior* ullyfatiU, Aft |»ruTiil(mt aii tliuynroif loft to (bum* tJolvfiH thairtormhrntion iH cunAiimptiun atiit duiith.

KhwI. catorrli .tkAil throHt diviMStitt, which ut Mrni; Koeut but luinoyanuoi, iiivttmldy nnd Kooiuir or liter in cotiHuinptiuii or thi> dui trnctioh or Ktiriotis injury of thoBObHort or tbu intoriiui ;(itruutarii of .thu thii throat juui boad.

KanalcAtavrh cuiiHistH of inna'[uatIon\bi>f;inninK ho*' bind and a litilinibuvu Uio vuil of tbu ptilato mhI u\-londrt npwardrt into tho nomt imd air cavotlori of tho fAcu. Tt oftiMi uruatflu a porputtial doniro Ut hwaIIow and ciitiHUri u fuojint; an if Humotliinf; wa i stiukint; iii tlio nppor part of tho throat.: Aftm-a tiiiio iilcurution. hfiN talion placo, puruCunt inatttT is noorctiidand tlnnw^ down into tho ilu'oat, bfton paijt4in(;> 'i'itq tbu MtoniaolL CAnttiiiK iiautioa and oHunnivo bnmtli, ditipupiln, a din-Ry uppuaraiiceof, tho conipluxibn, hmtt of'bair oiithu, huad and a gunoral IdurunKuDiont. of-tlio bcaltli. I Jiavu bfton soon iafioti wlif^rothu'sufri'riiiK wiw litnnno, and wtioro tho pittiont wan wholly nhiiblo' to 'conoon-tratb, thij mind, to tliinU cloarly' upon nby inhjoct howuvbrsln)>Iu, unablo to add a -coluinb nt'tltpiros, had NnfTurfMl ?ii.4rt of nu'nuiry, unit 'inditod .had roHHiin lo droad Idiocy or insanity in nonHi-quiniro of uatarrb. , Many palictiln,' and .Konio/phyKicliins,' oven', labor iindor a gn-ut orru* in NtipposIiiK ..tltutvatarrb it an Inonrablo dldoano.. .No niailov.froin what cuiti o it may iwino, I do not boriitatolo my catarrh uan )>u. onrod. Tliti umioiod aro invited to rail a«ct Invotiti-, gato for IhoniHolvfi,. Tlie roniodion aro ronvi-yi«i di­rectly to tho dirtoasod partu and irnprovointnt Ih iip-parvtit from tho ntfit honr of; ustng; tho reniodio*. OonaiiltAtioii free. If.^xMiMn mil fur an MXtMWnn-lion.'ntborwiiitwrilQ for "lint of (pioftlioniiV nad Ur. :AVillinnu^ nuw'niodlcal 'trouliiiu ou ibt) ibreathing orgttttSt' ' AMruw

M . H i l t o n W i l l i a m s , , M . D . ,

251 W o o d w a r d A v e n u e ,

O V E R C O A T S !

O Y E R O O A T S ! O V E R C O A T S !

A r e Y o u R e a d y f o r t h e C o l d W e a t h e r ?

L a i - g e M e n , M e d i u m - S i z e d M e n , S i n a i r M e n , B o y s a n d C h i l d r e n ,

, C o m e t o t h e

• l i A R G E S T -


I n t h i s p a i t o f t h e C o u n t r y , w l i e i - c y o u c a n find . S o m e t h i n g

t h a t w i l l S u i t y o u .

F I N E D R E S S O V E R C O A T S !

F I N E B E A V E R O V E R C O A T S !

1 2 5 L o w P r i c e , C h e a p O v e r c o a t s .

T h e y w i l l k c c ] ) y o u w a r m .

1 0 0 I N D I A N T A N N E D B U F F A L O R O B E S

, F r o m the F a l ' W e s t .

• T h e y M u s t b e V e r y C h e a p , -

As t i l e y are . s e l l i n g \ ' c r y

H A T S A N D C A P S !

G l o v e s a n d M i t t e n s , H o r s e B l a n k e t s , L a p R o b e s .

S h i r t s a n d D r a w e r s , T r u n k s , S a t c h e l s , N e c k t i e s , C o l l a r s , S u s p e n d e r s , S i l k

H d k f s . , C o t t o n a n d W o o l e n S o c k s , e t c

4 T I M E S L A R G E S T S T O C K

E v e r b r o u g h t to M a s o n , t o .select f r o m . , C o m e a n d see o u r F i i - s t - C ! a s s C l o t h i n g S t o r e .

T r u l y Y o u r s ,

W E B B & M E A D ,

T h e C l o t h i e r s .

H U R R A H ! H U R R A H ! H U R R A H !


I s s t i l l o n t h e t u r f w i t h a f u l l l i n e o f

n i • I

D R Y G O O D S ! C L O T H I N G \

M I L L I N E R Y , H A T S A N D C A P S ,

G e n t ' s F u r n i s h i n g G o o d s , B o o t s a n d

S h o e s , C a r p e t s ,

— ^ G R O C E R I E S , E T C .

y i ' „ . v . , V • . - 1 1 1 ' • I a m s e l l l n g g o o d s a t t h e f o l l o w i n g p r i c e s :

M e n ' s S t o g a B o o t s , - $ 2 . 0 0 , $ 3 2 5 , $ 2 . 5 0 , $ 3 . 0 0 , $ 3 . 5 0 M e n ' s C a l f B o o t s , - - 2 . 5 0 , 3 . 0 0 , 3 . 5 0 , 4 . 0 0 , 5 . 0 0 W o m e n ' s C a l f S h o o s , • L 2 5 , L 5 0 , L 7 5 , 2 . 0 0 .

T h e S t a n d a r d C o f f e e A S u g a r , l O c t s . p e r l b . I a m s e l l ­

i n g a t e a f o r 5 0 o t s . , a n d E v e r y t h i n g e l s e i n p r o p o r t i o n .

C a l l aind E x a m i n e m y P r i c e s be fo r e b u y i n g e l s e w h e r e . ' •

R e s p e c t f u l l y , F R A N K M . G A T E S .


P R A Z E L & M E H A N ' S




F O R S A L B B Y .

B . F . R I X & C O . ,

Is wilioul n question )>,'

T H E B E S T W A G O N N E X S T E N C E .

T h e L o w P r i c e w i l l A s t o n i s l i Y o u . C a l l a n d B e e t l i e m b s f o r e p u r c h a s i n g . '