Save trees

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of our Environment

Trees take Carbon di oxide

Give us Oxygen for breathing

Trees reduce Global warming

Trees reduce the emission of green house gases

Trees provide a Green cover over the top surface of the Earth.

Trees prevent excessive heating of solar rays Trees prevent excessive

heating of solar rays

Trees improve air quality.

Trees cool our Homes

Cooling Effect of one tree=Cooling Effect of 10 Air conditioners

Energy saved per day=20% to 50%

Rain Clouds are formed by Transpiration

Trees absorb the groundwater and return as Rainfall

Trees maintaintain the Moisture

content of the atmosphere

Leaves absorb

Leaves also absorb

Leaves also absorb other air pollutants such as carbon monoxide and sulphur

di oxide and purify air

Growing trees improve the quality of Ground Water

Roots of the trees prevent the evaporation of Ground Water

Wooded areas

Prevent the transport of sediments and chemicals into the rivers

Planting trees prevent soil erosion by wind and water

Trees provide nutrient to the soil by shedding their leaves

Foliage of trees is food for several animals

Trees shelter several species of Birds, insects

Trees contribute to our economy

Trees help circulating stagnant air if the buildings are surrounded by trees

Chronic ailments will disappear if one’s house is surrounded by trees

Cutting down trees

has resulted in excessive flooding during the rains

has reduced rainfall

has caused Endangerment to species

So, Save the Forests

& Protect the Trees

Protect the Bio Diversity of the Earth

Prashant yadav
