Oil pollution

oil pollution

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Oil pollution

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Oil Pollution:

Is the launch of the elements or compounds or mixtures of gaseous, liquid or solid source of oil to the elements of the environment, which is air and water and soil, causing a change in the presence of elements . Oil spill are the harmful release of oil into the environment, usually in the water, sometime skilling area flora and fauna. Oil is the most common pollutant in the oceans.

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 sources of oil pollution: • natural sources:


. industrial sources: 

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 Effects of oil spills:

(a) Marine life - The adverse effects of oil spills on the marine . environment are well known If spilled oil escapes the booms

, and skimmers reaching the shore it contaminates -the inter tidal zone and the beaches 

(b ) Local industries - , Oil dead fish and birds all get washed up on the shores and the oil interferes in activities such as

, , fishing sailing swimming etc .

(c ) Fishing industry - The fishing industry suffers badly . when an oil spill occurs Firstly because the fish are often

, covered in oil or have swallowed oil making them poisonous .

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Effects of oil on the plant and animal:

Plants: Marine algae and seaweed responds variably to oil, and oil spills may result in die-offs for some species. Although oil can prevent the germination and growth of marine plants

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Birds and Mammals: Physical contact with oil destroys the insulation value of fur and feathers, causing birds and mammals to die of hypothermia. In cold climates, an oil drop can be enough to kill a bird. Heavily oiled birds can lose their ability to fly and their buoyancy, causing drowning .

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List of oil disasters which cause pollutant: -March 1967: The Torrey Canyon oil supertanker was shipwrecked off the western coast of Cornwall, England, causing an environmental disaster. -Oil pollution disaster in the Persian Gulf in late January 1991, taking refuge in the Iraqi regime to pump large quantities of oil in the waters of Persian Gulf, which led to the pollution of the Gulf. -April 20, 2010: Deep water Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 11 oil platform workers died in an explosion and fire that resulted in a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, considered the largest offshore spill in U.S. history.

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What to do to control oil pollution :First, the mechanical control:

1 -Scrapers oil.2- Barriers rubber (Oil Booms).

Second, chemical control

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Third, the location of burning oil slick

Fourth: cleaning the coast

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Factors affecting the control operations: • The quality and quantity of oil spilled • weather conditions • Place spill or leak • regulatory requirements • Number of employees in the control group

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