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Page 2: Conservation

What is conservation? Why is conservation important?

▪ Exploitation, improvement, and protection of human and natural resources in a wise manner.

▪ Conservation, or the preservation of the world's natural resources, mitigates or reverses the negative effects of human activity. Many of the Earth's resources are non-renewable; once depleted, they are gone for good. 

▪ Without intervention, oil, minerals and coal will eventually run out, and animals and plants may become extinct. Environmental pollution, species extinction and global climate change are all in part results of human mismanagement of the Earth's resources.

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Conservation Of Natural Resources

▪ As the human population is growing continuously, the consumption of natural resources is also increasing. With the increase of industrialization and urbanization of the modern human society, the use of all these resources increasing day by day. If these resources are not properly managed and used, there will be a severe scarcity of these resources. So, we need to conserve the natural resources.

▪ Conservation is the proper management of a natural resources to prevent its exploitation, destruction or degradation.

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Water Conservation

▪ Water Conservation refers to reducing the usage of water and recycling waste of water for different purposes such as cleaning, manufacturing and agricultural irrigation.

▪ GOALS OF WATER CONSERVATION- Sustanibility. To ensure availability for future generations, the withdrawal of fresh water from an ecosystem should not exceed its natural replacement rate.

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Conservation of Heritage Buildings

▪ Conservation of a heritage building is the action taken to retard the processes of decay of the building in order to prolong its life so that it is available to the present and future generations to experience and enjoy.

▪ PRINCIPLES OF CONSERVATION SUGGEST- Minimum effective action is always the best.The action should be reversible and not prejudice future


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