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Unreal productions practice film pitch feedback 1

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Unreal Productions Practice Film Pitch Feedback

In response to our 100% clearly communicated question, there is no

need for the group to improve on that, we can practice more and

make sure next time we give the same clear communication.

On this question of how professional & enthusiastic our group was

we got 50% on 4 (5 being the highest) so in response to that i think

we could try and be more professional while delivering our pitch.

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More than half the class 62.5% gave us 3 as 5 being the highest of

how excited they were about the film. I think the group could make

the film sound more exciting when delivering the pitch.

More than half the group 75.0% said they didn’t think they were

directly addressed by our group when we read our pitch to them, but

25.0% said they felt addressed. I think we could try and look at the

class more while we read out our pitch.

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87.5% of the class gave us a 3 (5 being very good) on how good they

thought our short film idea is. In response to this I think we need to

improve on how we tell our film idea to make it sound more exciting.

The class said our 3 strengths were we had good clear & concise

verbal delivery, Confident in answering our questions and Originality

of the idea. So that means we need to improve in being confident in

our body language and we also need to work on our eye contact.

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The class said the 3 things our good needs to improve are using more

open and relaxed body language I think this is because we were all

nervous and just wanted to get it over and done with. They also said

we need to give more direct eye contact but also I think this is

because we were nervous. So next time we deliver a pitch we need

to look at the people we are delivering too and be more relaxed.