The Gregory Legacy, Chapter 6

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Page 1: The Gregory Legacy, Chapter 6
Page 2: The Gregory Legacy, Chapter 6

Welcome back to the Gregory Legacy! Last chapter, we found out that child-hating generation 2 heiress Marjorie does not, in fact, hate her own children, though she’s not too keen on pregnancy or children’s furniture. Anyway, those actually-loved children include oldest Tessa, baby Aaron here, and Gregory #3, who is still cooking at this point. We also saw the family move into a new house that is a million times better than their own house, oh my god, seriously you guys, etc. That brings us up to speed.

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Also still living in the house are Marjorie’s siblings, Corinne and Dorian, as well as her husband, Nathan. Tessa is enjoying the firstborn privilege of undivided adult attention, but Aaron is due to grow up soon. Anyway, Corinne and Dorian are sticking around for an as-yet undecided amount of time to help with Marjorie’s aspiration and getting the family established. I thought I would need them to help out with the kids, but it turns out Marjorie isn’t completely hopeless in that department. I decided last chapter that these two need more of a life outside of serving the heiress, so let’s head to the museum with Dorian.

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Dorian went to chat up a nice-looking lady who was standing in the bathroom, but when he approached her, she decided to have a sit and the censor blur popped up. I’ve had this happen before where when sims talk in the bathroom, one of them sits on the only available seat, and the game gets confused and thinks they’re using the toilet. That’s my theory, at least. Anyway, Molly here hit it off with Dorian and they were having a nice conversation, one good-looking sim to another.

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Don, fresh from stalking another legacy’s founder*, decides he wants in on this hot bathroom action. Things are a little crowded with three, but that’s about to get worse. Also, check out Dorian’s face. He’s not too keen on the intruder.

*Shout out to poor, beleaguered Delia Malone from The Malone Legacy by hippielayla86.

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Dorian’s trying to focus on Molly, and she’s doing her best to ignore Don all up in her face, but things are getting a little tight with Nancy Landgraab and simRoxy’s self-selected boyfriend, Zach, crowding into the tiny bathroom. I couldn’t even get them all in the shot with the walls up.

Quick note on Zach: I moved him in with simRoxy and simJ because I thought it was cute that she found love without my help, but once he moved in I saw he had another love interest that he was soulmates with. Not impressed, but I had to get back to my sims so he’s still there for now.

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Dorian and Molly take their chat upstairs, and besides Don, who is still following them around, we also have simRoxy and Malcolm Landgraab hanging around too. It’s a veritable Who’s Who of the neighborhood around here!

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Despite all the commotion, Dorian manages to sweep Molly off her feet, and they are soon crushing hard on each other. We learn that Molly is a foodie, insane, and something else that we don’t know yet as of this writing. A foodie? Cool. Insane? Well, at least Dorian has some experience with that at home.

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Meanwhile, simRoxy seeks out the company of some guy wearing the Sombrero of Shame, because of course she does.

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Focusing back on the main action, Dorian gets his first kiss! I’m really glad that I decided to give them a bit more of a life. They both deserve it and it’s fun to play. I’ve always liked Dorian, so I want him to be as happy as a sim living as his sister’s indentured servant can be. I don’t tend to like going to community lots in this game because I don’t trust my sims back home to do constructive things, but this is worth it.

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Hey, simJ. Haven’t seen you in a while. Jaron was the only one who knew you, so we don’t see you at the house ever.

“Yeah, I keep to myself.”

Well, go say hi to Dorian and his ladyfriend. Go on, make nice.

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“Hi guys! Dorian, we have some mutual friends, so I thought I’d say hi.”“Oh, girl, I know you did not just sit down next to me in MY dress and try to hit on MY man.”“Well, I’m a teenager so I wasn’t hitting on him, and don’t you think that we both can . . .”“NO!”“You know, Molly, I suddenly have to go home. I have to . . . er . . . wash my paintbrushes. I’ll be in touch.”

Molly did *not* like simJ talking to her. Things went from flirty to super awkward really fast. I think it was the dress. When I related this to actual J, I assured her that she wears it better.

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Despite the crowded bathroom conversation and the awkwardness at the end, Dorian’s day out at the museum has him feeling great . . . and flirty still. Thus, this painting. I kind of love it. I framed it and stuck it by the front door without its mood aura just because I think it’s so cute. <3

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SimRoxy comes over because she is this family’s designated stalker/friend, and Dorian is in such a good mood that he can barely contain himself while relating the day’s events to his friend. It’s good to see him happy instead of just working and stressed.

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He’s even pleased to help out with Aaron in the nursery. I have no idea what Nathan and Marjorie were up to at this moment, but they may have both been at work or something. Regardless, the kids are very lucky to have four mostly competent adults around to watch out for them.

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“Well, I may not be guaranteed heiress, but you’re not so bad overall, Aaron. In fact, I think you’ll make a great spare. You’ll love it. And I’ll be a benevolent heiress. I can tell we’re going to be great friends if you keep this up!”

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Tessa then walks a few feet over and starts mixing noxious chemicals right next to the bassinet, because we get an A+ in child safety in this house.

On another note, this table is so cool! Now that the Gregorys actually have furniture and stuff, I’m finally getting to discover all the neato activities that they were missing out on when they were saving up.

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Ah, here’s the parents. I guess they were at work. Marjorie is approaching the split in the tech guru career, while Nathan is a level or two below Dorian in the painting career. Marjorie is also majorly pregnant. It won’t be long now before we get to meet the final child of this generation!

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And . . . simRoxy is back at the mausoleum. Super.

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Tessa’s aspiration is Whiz Kid, and she needs to play chess games at her current level. Unluckily for her, the only one available is her dad, who has a ton of logic points thanks to his aspiration (Nerd Brain). So she played three games but did not win a single one. Luckily, that appeared not to bother her.

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Another shot of Aaron and the science table. Why is someone other than the parents again caring for Aaron? Let’s look back a few minutes earlier . . .

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Sigh. Flirty parents late at night result in an abandoned baby. I guess it was a good thing Corinne was still up!

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“Who’s a good little spare? Who is? You is!”

Tessa loves talking to Aaron before she plays with her science kit. She’s doing well in her aspiration, but I have found another reason to love that table . . .

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Health potions! For the busy kid on the go, these things are *magical*. It is so nice to be able to feed her something filling, as opposed to letting her get cereal. The adults are all sluggards in the morning, so even with four of them, Tessa usually gets her own breakfast, but if she can make a potion, she actually doesn’t come home hungry from school.

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Aw, finally we see a parent taking care of Aaron! He is very loved and is good friends with everyone else in the household. He seems to be raising his hand here, as if to say, “Thanks, Dad, but that’s enough. I’ve got something else to do!” That something is growing up! Good thing too, since Marjorie’s getting close to having the third kid, and we’ll need the bassinet soon. Nathan dropped Aaron off in the bassinet and took off for more interesting things, since Sims 4 parents could not care less that their children are becoming . . . well, children.

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Aaron grows up in a totally mismatched outfit, as is traditional. I’ve seen other people’s legacies where they actually keep the kid in their growing-up outfit because it’s cute, but my kids always grow up weird. Anyway, Aaron is quite the string bean compared to last generation! I guess Marjorie’s Insta-Lean potion had an effect on her genes? Well, Aaron looks pretty good from here, except for the clothes colors. So whatcha gonna do there, little guy? Play with the dollhouse for your first action? That’s cute.

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Oh. That.

Aaron’s trait is hot-headed, which I guess is why he felt that destroying the dollhouse was a good idea despite being in a fine mood and newly grown up. Either that or experiencing Marjorie tearing it down while she was pregnant with him had a permanent effect.

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Once Aaron’s done destroying the dollhouse, I finally get him over to the dresser, and this is his party outfit. I swear, this kid is on his first day of childhood and all he’s done so far is troll me. Shape up, Aaron!

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Here’s Aaron, appropriately in a monster t-shirt. His aspiration is rambunctious scamp, which combined with his trait, makes me think this kid is a bit of a handful! He’s always smiling too, but something about it is just not right. I think he’s actually smirking. He got Marjorie’s hair and eye color (which is to say that he got Jaron’s hair and eye color), but Nathan’s skin. He also got quite a bit of his face structure from Nathan, but not as much as Tessa did.

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See?! That is a sneaky smile. What are you up to, mister? Going to go destroy the dollhouse again?

“Oh, you’ll see.”

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Okay. So he’s just going to bed because he grew up exhausted for some reason. I guess he forgot to sleep while he was a baby. Still, this kid is not as innocent as he looks here.

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For example: Exhibit A. I rest my case, your honor.

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Aw, what’s wrong, Jaron? You got to bust the sink and shower, but you’re still blue – literally. What’s up?

“You bought an unbreakable toilet! Plus there’s so many more bathroom fixtures in the house. I can’t break them all in one night anymore.”

Yes, that sounds . . . terrible. (Thank you, unbreakable toilet. I love you.)

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“I’m up and I am just pleased as punch to approach the day! Wow! What a happy boy am I!”

You can drop the smiling act, Aaron. I’m on to you.

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“Gee whiz! This comedy channel is just the best! I’m so happy!”

Okay, now it’s just getting weird how much he smiles. He’s trying to become playful so he can go play on a jungle gym for his aspiration.

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Which he successfully does, but I apparently found it so boring I didn’t take a picture of it. Afterwards, he plays on the monkey bars with Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis, who was a great friend of Dorian’s when he was this age. She looks a little nonplussed about hanging out with Aaron, but perhaps that has something to do with the smirk he’s flaunting there. I wouldn’t trust that kid either.

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“I hate monkey bars! They’re the worst! And everyone in this park is stupid! Argh, you’re all making me so mad just by existing! And this park? Horrible! What a worthless expanse of junk. This park stinks.”

Now there’s the hot-headed trait at work. Despite being playful and happy a minute ago, Aaron is now livid for no apparent reason.

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“I hate everything! I’m going to go home and hate everything there, too.”

Okay, Aaron. You do that. Also, is it just me or does this angle make his phone look huge?

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Speaking of huge . . . it’ll be very soon now.

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SimRoxy gets sucked into playing chess with Tessa. Tessa is working on her mental skill but her social was a little low too, and simRoxy was there because she is always there, so it just worked out. Also, I just now noticed how weird simRoxy looks from the side. I guess I didn’t pay enough attention to that when I was making her. Oh well. Tessa kicked her butt, by the way.

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Aw, and then they hugged autonomously. How sweet.

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“Mommy, who was that lady that hugged me?”“Oh, she’s just a friend of ours that comes by. She was friends with my mom too, and she’ll probably be friends with my grandkids.”“That’s not weird or anything.”“No, not at all.”

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Ha, what a family photo opportunity. Tessa is doing extra credit standing up for some reason, while Nathan helps her. Meanwhile, Marjorie is programming but also telling herself a story very animatedly. This family! If only Aaron were smiling creepily in the background and then we’d really have a good encapsulation of this generation so far.

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Marjorie finally goes into labor. I sent her to take a bath in the jet tub, but that didn’t cheer her up too much. I could have just made her sleep (I’ve decided not to rush labor or aging up babies and the hospital takes too long), but I was curious what she would do to distract herself from labor.

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Apparently, dancing awkwardly can help with pain. Who knew?

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It’s not a complete panacea, however.

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It’s finally time for the last baby of this generation, and then I can roll to see who will be heir. I have to wait for the final baby just in case it’s twins or triplets. I really want multiples but I haven’t seen any in my Sims 4 game yet. Oh well. Push, Marjorie!

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Welcome to baby Henry, another little one with Nathan’s skin color. We’ll have to wait until he ages up to find out any more about him. Marjorie gives him a few cuddles and feeds him, then moves on with her day. I’m so relieved that she doesn’t hate her own children. That would have been so difficult! On another note, I really need to work a nursery into the house somewhere. I don’t want babies in anyone’s bedroom because they’ll wake up the sleepers, but in the playroom is not really ideal either. Build nursery – now it’s on my checklist of things to do. ;)

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“The Roll will soon be made, and then it will be official that I’m the heiress, Aaron. I expect that you may be disappointed a little, but it’s your natural role to be a spare. You and little Henry will be wonderful spares, I’m sure. We need only wait for The Roll, and then it’ll be confirmed.”

“Actually, Tessa, the controller already rolled and we’ve heard the results. It’s me. I’m the heir.”

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“Tessa? Tessa? Did you hear me? I said I’m the heir. It’s okay. We’re great friends, so nothing will change. Are you listening to me?”

Uh oh. Judging from that look, losing the heirship broke Tessa a little bit.

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“My life is over! What am I, if not the heiress? How can I go on in this ignominious position? Woe is me!”

Let’s leave Tessa alone for a minute while she comes to grips with her disappointment at being a spare. Meanwhile, it’s time for Corinne to acquire a boyfriend. I’m sending her to the library since she’s a writer.

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As luck would have it, Corinne didn’t have to look hard. She sat down right across from a single guy that’s pretty good looking and was able to keep up a conversation with her. His name is Jamal, and he is good, a glutton, and something else. It’d be really funny if he were a snob too, because then he’d have the same personality as Corinne’s dad. However, I doubt he is a snob because Corinne is one too and she didn’t get confident around Jamal.

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Instead, she got flirty and did this bizarre seated ‘sexy pose.’ Jamal’s totally into it, so whatever works, I guess.

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Several flirts later, and these two are really getting into the mood. They’re soon head over heels for each other. Even more so than Dorian and Molly, this was a very easy courtship.

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They then have their first kiss in the most crowded library ever. There’s another sim playing chess behind the guy in the teal shirt, so that’s eight sims in this one room. Not exactly private for a first kiss, but that doesn’t stop this pair.

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This is a shot of them becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, despite it looking like they’ve just agreed to woohoo. Very sweet. Corinne was getting pretty tired so she had to go home after this, but she had a great time with Jamal and is looking forward to seeing him again. Now both the spares of gen. 2 are paired off.

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Speaking of gen. 2, it’s Dorian’s turn to become an adult. So, looking at the eyes in this picture, who is more excited – Marjorie or Dorian? I think Marjorie’s excited because, since she mysteriously stopped aging when she was pregnant, with this birthday she will officially be younger than her younger brother. Wow, that’s bizarre.

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A little bit of celebration for Dorian. Corinne was too tired to stick around for the birthdays. Yes, birthdays. Marjorie was two days away from becoming an adult, but I decided to age her up anyway so she’s a little bit less younger than everyone else. She should be older than both Nathan and Dorian, but that’s not how it worked out for some strange reason. So, anyway, Nathan’s got the vuvuzela, Marjorie’s throwing confetti, Tessa’s singing, and . . . what’s Aaron doing?

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Oh, just smirking creepily for no apparent reason. Y’know, normal Aaron stuff.

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We stuck some candles back on Dorian’s cake real quick before anyone could grab a piece, and now it’s time for the generation 2 heiress to become an adult. This apparently earns a fist pump from everyone present.

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And she looks pretty much exactly the same. Dorian got some lines on his face, but Marjorie looks the same as always. I guess she’s just lucky and is aging well.

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She then celebrates her birthday by fixing the dollhouse her son and heir smashed a few days ago, and as you can tell by her face, she is super pleased about it. Hey, that’s adulthood for you.

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More chess. This is pretty much all Tessa does when the computers aren’t free for Arithmetic Attack. Nathan is on the final level of his aspiration and needs to max logic, so this is good father-daughter time, even if he does beat her every time.

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Meanwhile, one of the computers is being monopolized by the heir, who seems to be settling into his role comfortably. Typing, typing, and more typing. I get that typing is kind of a fine motor skill, but it’s not really what I think of when I think “rambunctious scamp.”

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At the same time, Henry is . . . doing nothing, really. He’s a baby, guys. Don’t expect too much from him yet.

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Look at that tough guy! Angrily stomping off . . . to go play with a giant stuffed animal. What a ruffian!

I’m not really impressed with the hot-headed trait. I mean, it’s not horrible, but it sure as hell isn’t useful, and Aaron seems to often time it for when I’m trying to skill him.

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This is Tessa reaching a high score in Arithmetic Attack since I didn’t take a picture of her finishing her aspiration of Whiz Kid. Her next aspiration is Art Prodigy, but she has a little more than a third of her childhood left, so we’ll see if that happens or not. It really doesn’t matter since she’s a spare (sorry to bring it up again, Tessa), but I like my sims to be successful while they’re under my roof.

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Nothing special. Just a sweet pic of the gen. 2 and 3 heirs sharing a giggle over something. If you only looked at this photo, what a normal family you might think they are! You would be dead wrong of course, but it is a nice picture.

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Ugh, Aaron. He is a computer-breaking machine. In this picture, he is in the inspiration room because he broke the computer in the focus room, and now this one is blue screening too. Fantastic. Even better, if I turned the camera around, I bet he’d just be smirking slyly.

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Tessa is still having a hard time adjusting to being a spare. (Okay, actually Marjorie is sharing gloomy thoughts with her because she is a champion supportive parent like that, but go with my story.) There, there, Tessa. The good news is, you will probably get to move out and move on when you grow up. Isn’t that great?“But I want to live here until I die!”Oh, um, okay. That’s a little morbid coming from a kid. You won’t, so, buck up there, all right?“It should have been me!” *wailing*

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Henry is completely and utterly traumatized by diaper changes, judging by his face. He’s set to grow up fairly soon, and then we’ll see what could have been if he had been the heir, but as Tessa is only far too aware, Aaron is the heir. Oh well.

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That’ll all have to wait for next time, though, assuming Tessa and Henry survive Tessa’s experiments. Thanks for reading and check back next time to see the exploits of generation 3! Catch up with me at the following sites:

http://z12.invisionfree.com/sim_mania SiManiahttp://boolprop.net Boolprop

Until next time, happy simming!