Snoop dogg


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Snoop dogg

70s snoop dogg Snoop dogg starting off as a artists in the 70s wasn’t very well off, he grew up in a hood and a lot like most American rappers didn’t have much to start with. As in the picture shown below his style is very simple, plain colored clothes with a very thin neck chain to represent some type of expense in his life. At this time in life snoop dogg was starting up in the rap game so his audience wasn’t very large, mainly family and friends around his area just helping him pursue his career. At this time snoop was not radio played and was just a small timer doing rap battles in his area to get his name around its only in the 80’s when his career really bloomed. His style is a lot like the stereotypical gangster look with hoddies and hats, this helps portray his image of a hard hitting rapper.

80s snoop dogg It was the 80s when snoops career really look off, after he started working with his close friend dr dre who already had a name in the rap game. Snoops appearance still doesn’t change much as he only just starts making money at this point of his career. You can tell snoop is slowly changing as before he looked like a scruffy gangster, were as now he is sticking to his roots but trying to make it more stylish. After snoop came up in the 80s he was a strong hit for young kids who had the same background as him, the gangster way become a style more then a crime and slowly more listeners wanted to be like snoop. At this time snoops main audience were ghetto kids around America, mainly boys who liked violence and money as this was the main topics of his lyrics.

90s to early 2000 snoop dogg

At this time in life snoop was at his greatest, with Grammys under his name for best rapper he had a massive audience who either could relate to his gangster topics or wanted to be apart of it. As you can tell in snoops appearance he is wearing brighter colors now and also high-street brands indicating he is doing better for himself. As a roll model for a lot of youngsters he is most likely to be sponsored by adidas to wear there clothes as kids would want what he has. His main style and idea of life is aimed at boys as it gives them the hard hitting idea of life they expect. You can tell snoops image is changing a lot through the years as he is trying to keep it gangster with the street clothes, he is now representing brands that he couldn’t when he wasn’t making money from music.

mid 2000 snoop dogg This is the time snoops expenses hits sky high, with one of the largest fan bases in the rap genre snoops appearance changes largely as he goes from a street gangster look to a sophisticated business look. Snoop calls this look the pimp, its smart but flashy with expensive brands and strong colors like purple, snoop shows originality in a different way. In this time of snoops career he has an open audience who not only like rap but even pop genres as he done a lot of features with pop artists and also appeared on teens TV shows. Snoop has totally changed his appearance and style to fit what the people want to see, as it brings him more money, snoop slowly started forgetting his genre and was more interested in the money, where snoop had a strong fan base of different consumers, he became to big for his own shoes. Slowly moving on from the rap genre more into pop as it attracted more listeners, snoop did what ever he could to be the top rapper, changing his lyrical content so it will be aimed at girls to listen to as well as boys.

Present snoop doggSnoop dogg this present day as changed his name to snoop lion as he as become Rasta. His career has taken a major detour as he's been taking a lot of marijuana, his lyrics have been influenced only by smoking and off the topic of gangster life. Snoops appearance has totally changed as he try's being more Rasta with dreadlocks and a Rasta hat. Snoops style of music has totally changed along with his appearance as he try's make more bashment music then rap now. With a totally different style of audience, snoop has slowly lost his old audience as they believe he sold the genre out. Snoops new idea of a Jamaican life is changing his career in a large way as he is not being accepted by bashment music due to his lack of talent and he's lost his rap routes, so snoop is living off his history and fame. This shows that the fame has got to snoop and he thinks he can do what he likes and still make hits but his career has slowly drawn to a close due to his lack of originality.