Welcome to the Smith Legacy, I hope you all enjoy Clicky clicky

Smith Legacy 1.0

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Welcome to the Smith Legacy, I hope you all enjoy

Clicky clicky

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As Emily stood looking over the horizon of her new property, she wondered if she made the right choice. Moving away from all her family and friends was pretty hard but she needed a fresh start and it was probably for the best

She let out a woeful sigh, she’d never see any of them again. Why she agreed to found a legacy she would never know but it was something she was hopefully going to succeed in

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This is Emily Smith and this is her Legacy. Her goal is to spread the Smith name far and wide and hold her family together, Hopefully her Family can make it to 10 Generations

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This is Emily’s home for anyone that's interested, her block of land is 50 x 50 and I wont be following Legacy rules, The only thing I wont use is cheats

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Being a childish sim Emily introduces herself to the paper boy who's name is skip

Emily: hey there little dude how about me and you play a game of tag?... By the way your it! *tags and runs*

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Skip: your not going to get away from me! Ill catch you eventually!

Emily: in your dreams my friend

And a friend he was, They became friends very quickly

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Emily: bet you cant make a face as good as mineSkip: bet I can!Emily: what are you going to give me if you cant?Skip: free paper delivery for a week

Of course Emily won, but the paper delivery is free anyway, maybe Skip is going to try and get some money out of her after the week?

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When her little friend Skip decided it was time to head home, Emily headed for the park and decided to harvest the local produce so she could finally start her own garden, guessing this is where her kleptomaniac trait comes in?

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Emily: woah this seed is almost as big as my head

Yes Emily.. And it’s also a rare which will hopefully grow into something awesome XD

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Her own garden was started early the next day, apples, grapes, lettuce and tomatoes, she's on her way to completing her LTW

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Well if you hadn’t burnt the last three things you cooked then maybe you could have eaten by now... Sigh stupid childish sims

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Yep definitely a childish sim, she immediately hung it up on the wall, she was so proud

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With her gardening skill at level 2 she could register herself as a self-employed gardener, only thing is she wasn't going to be making much money out of it until she plants more things... Guess her paintings will have to keep her afloat until her garden gets better >.<

Hurry up and find a man so your not so poor!

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With man hunting on her mind she headed down to the local club

Bar Tender : Hey! Are you old enough to be in here?Emily: Duh! they check ID at the door stupidBar Tender : *Stares evilly*

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She meets this handsome man who’s name isn't important because he runs away after this hand shake... lame

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With only women, ugly men and a toddler someone left on the floor in the club Emily decides to make the most of it and dances the night away, you go girl!

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With man hunting still on her mind she heads to the library the next day to see if she could pick up a rich nerd, to her surprise the first person she sees doesn't look at all nerdy... Quite muscular in fact...

Emily: Yummy...

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She quickly follows him and introduces herself, his name is Pierre Goncalves and he is from France

Emily: that's a wonderful accent you have *swoons*Pierre: Why thank you

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The conversation suddenly turns boring and Pierre declares that he must leave, but surprisingly he gives Emily his number with his last words being “call me” he walks out

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She was a little disappointed and decided to pick herself up by reading a children's book

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Emily: what do you mean your back in France? It’s only been a day, I thought when you told me to call you it meant ‘lets catch up’ how am I going to catch up with you when your back in France?.... You want me to what?.... I cant go to France, I can barely afford to pay my bills... Fine, talk to you soon *click*

Emily: how am I going to get to France?

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Emily knew she wasn't going to have the money to go to France any time soon, so she decided to take up bug collecting, perhaps she might find a rare one worth a lot of money

Emily: That was so easy! I’m going to get myself a whole army of bugs, this one I shall call ‘Flutter’

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Her garden grew in size quickly, if she wants to go see Pierre she was going to need a lot of money. She called him everyday to tell him how she was going and to make sure they stayed friends

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Emily: Hey Pierre, I know that I'm never going to be able to afford to go to France, but can afford another bed, perhaps you could maybe come stay with me?..... Yay! See you tomorrow

Turns out Emily had other ideas on how she’d snag Pierre

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He arrived 9am sharp the next morning and Emily was so excited

Pierre: well I wasn't expecting this but ok..

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Emily invites him inside where Skip was sitting enjoying a game on Emily’s computer until Pierre walked in

Skip: who’s this jerk?

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Skip: I don’t get it, are you rich or something? I have no idea why Miss Smith would have anything to do with you

Pierre: ummm... Who’s this Emily?

Emily: This is Skip my paper boy... I'm going to leave you two to it and go make some lunch

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Skip: Were going to settle this with a pillow fight, you lose, you leave Emily alone

Pierre: You have no chance kid

Awww looks like Skip’s got a crush

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Emily: Lunch is ready guys, dig in

Skip: awww but were at a tie! I just need to get one more hit in

Pierre lifts his pillow up and whacks Skip over the head, winning the pillow fight

Pierre: looks like I win kid, better luck next time

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They sit down to a nice dinner under the stars, well painting of the stars... While Emily secretly hopes that in the next few day’s Pierre will develop feelings for her

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Turns out Pierre is quite the cleaner around the house, taking out the rubbish and cleaning everything! Either he's trying to impress Emily or he's just got the neat trait... Lets just go with he's tying to impress her

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They head out to a movie the next night and start to get closer

Emily: That was a great movie, watching that scene made me want to go to the beach, would you like to go?

Pierre: Sure

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They sit down on the sand and look at the stars, Emily slowly places her hand on Pierre's and although he is a little shocked he accepts it

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They get closer to each other and watch the stars in the beautiful night sky for a few hours, deciding it was getting late they head back to Emily’s house

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When they get back things begin to heat up for Emily and Pierre, they begin by making out

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Then they head for the shower where they have Woohoo

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It was a few weeks later while tending to her garden that Emily wasn't feeling well, maybe it was something she ate?

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As soon as Emily found out she was pregnant she decided to tell Pierre

Pierre: good for you Emily, who’s the lucky guy?

Emily: ummm what? Who do you think is the father?

Pierre: well I'm not in this for a relationship and kids, I just want woohoo so it cant be mine?

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Emily: You stupid idiot! Your the father, who else would it be? Why have you led me along all this time? I thought we were in a relationship

Pierre: Hold on a minute, did I ever say this was an official relationship? I don't want a relationship, I thought this was just a hook up while I was in town

Emily: A hook up? You call living in my house for the last few weeks a hook up? Get out of my house!

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And out of her house he went, Emily knew he didn't want anything to do with the child she would soon give birth to, what was she going to do?

Do you think Pierre will ever come back? If not will Emily’s child ever meet their father? Will she have a boy or a girl?

Thanks for reading, hope you all liked it. Please feel free to comment