Sarah Jane Adventures vs. Class

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Sarah Jane vs. Miss Quill

Ooh, this is a tricky one to start with. They're so different as people, with Sarah Jane being more of a kind mentor figure and Miss Quill more badass antihero. But Quill has a softer side as well, so I'll give her the point for more versatility, even though they're both fantastic characters.WINNER: CLASS

Luke Smith vs. Charlie Smith

Two rather similar characters. Charlie does have an intriguing darker side, and his sexuality is actually there on the screen, rather than we would have added it later, honestly! Ultimately, though, I think Tommy Knight has the better performance, completely selling the confusion and vulnerability inherent in being brand new on earth, and so I give the point to Luke.WINNER: SJA

Maria Jackson vs. April MacLean

They're both fairly nice girls, and April has that badass Shadowkin connection, but it's to Yasmin Paige's credit that Maria is just as interesting without any burning scimitars to call upon. She carries the audience expy role with honour, bringing a lot of personality to her girl next door type of role.WINNER: SJA

Clyde Langer vs. Ram Singh

No no no no no, you can't make me choose between these two, it's not fair! They both have that capacity to go seamlessly between stroppy confidence and heartbreaking vulnerability. Ram may have captured my heart quicker, but Clyde laid the ground there. I'm calling a draw.WINNER: BOTH

Rani Chandra vs. Tanya Adeola

Rani's a lovely character, clever, brave and inquisitive, but she doesn't quite reach the heights that Tanya does in either category. Not to mention that Tanya can sit around talking to a ghost at length and make it one of the most riveting episodes of the bunch.WINNER: CLASS

Sky Smith vs. Matteusz Andrzejewski

Matteusz. Come on. This isn't even close. The best Sky ever got was not so irritating anymore. Matteusz is a supporting character in the best sense, offering a lot of heartfelt support, but also an opposing viewpoint when one is needed.WINNER: CLASS

Slitheen vs. Shadowkin

This is another easy one. The Shadowkin aren't perfect as recurring villains go, but the Slitheen are an atrocity, a blight on an otherwise great show.WINNER: CLASS

Mrs. Wormwood vs. Dorothea Ames

I like Mrs. Wormwood. She was a good, suave villain. But Dorothea Ames was a more nuanced character, with more time to shine, and not entirely antagonistic.WINNER: CLASS


Okay, this is tricky. First, should Sarah Jane be counted? Because she's hard to beat. But I've already had her once, so I'm saying no. With her gone, the Class parents are definitely better no more RTD era caricature mums, and while Alan was nice, Varun is a treasure. On the other hand, the tally of downright shitty parents is up to three, where in SJA there was only the one.And at least the SJA parents make it out alive. I'm not sure I want to give points for good characters that are instantly taken away. So I have to make it a draw.WINNER: BOTH



Both shows have a good set of characters, but Class wins!Now go watch it, all of you who haven't!