Question 7 – Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Question 7 – looking back at your preliminary

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Question 7 – Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression

from it to the full product?

Front Covers


From both the final and preliminary task I have learned a lot, especially about layout of texts and placements, professionalism too. The mast head of the school magazine does seem to adhere to its use, a school magazine made for school kids, just like the music magazine adheres to its use and audience targeted. However in the school magazine floating people does not look professional which is what I have fixed throughout the music magazine.

Contents Pages


Overall the professionalism of the contents pages are hugely different as just the conventions used in the music magazine overall give a better impression of the magazine as compared to the school magazine which still looks rather childish, despite the fact the idea was to attract children, I could have neatened it up and made it more professional.

Double Page Spread


To summarise my skills have widen very much from the journey of the production of a school magazine to a semi functional music magazine, the textual analysis of every detail has become more precise and the overall layouts of certain pieces of text too. My improved Photoshop skills are shown in the double page spread where I have cleverly cut out the model who’s arm is over lapping onto the second page.