What have you learnt from your audience feedback? Megan Sanders Evaluation


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What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Megan SandersEvaluation

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• My target audience for the Country Times Magazine were females between the ages of 18-25, middle/working class. I decided to distribute a questionnaire on “Survey Monkey” to ensure the target audience would be appealed to this magazine, if other audiences felt it would target them and attract my target audience, and to analyse if the audience I was targeting would respond in a positive way.

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• Females were targeted more as they were previously more associated with enjoying country music than males in a previous survey, and females are more likely to read magazines, but especially a country magazine, then I felt they were a better suited target audience. I also thought the age range would differentiate from 18-25 as I felt the magazine targeted a young adult audience with the artists used, both models and real life celebrities whom were advertised within the magazine, and they were of a similar age, e.g. Austin whom was created to look 18-20, and then celebrities such as Taylor Swift who is a young adult would appeal to the target audience because of the similarity in age groups.

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<-- Example of young models and young adult artists, i.e. Brad Paisley, Taylor Swift.

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• I have, however, used an example of two older adult artists, being Shania Twain and Toby Keith. Both were purposefully chosen for different reasons. The first reason was to make sure there were both male and female older artists. The second reason, then, was to make them respectable, high status, artists in the country music world, and so then young adult readers would look upon them as idols and respectable artists. This was also used in the article on "Austin" as he is asked his role models, and gives more high respected country artists.

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Here is my Survey Monkey Results (11 Responses, Random Results)

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1st Question

• This question helped me analyse an audience’s idea of what ratio would listen to country music between female and males. According to the audiences feedback, they believed it was Females 8:3 Males. This gave me an idea that I did well with putting a certain amount of male artists in the magazine, but including a female artists also.

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2nd Question

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2nd Question

• This question was designed so I had the audience’s view on what age ranges would be buying the Country Music Magazine, so I would know what ages to apply it to, and whether my target audience was the main target audience. It turned out my target audience was agreed upon by 4/11 people, having the highest pick. This helped me so I understood my audience was targeted well, but others would also be targeted.

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3rd question

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Final Question

• This final question then helped me find out what the audience feedback opinions were on who listens to country music the most, and the majority said middle aged people. This helped me analyse that the magazine would target the young adults, but then the music would target all ages, as high as 50+. These questions all helped me realize my target audience was correct in the decision, and that the Media Product would fit different age categories, and not just one.