Online Casino Games Tips, Hints And Strategies To Win If you are like most casino enthusiasts, you play a wide variations of online casino games . Sure, you probably have your favorite, but you most likely sample other casino gambling games. Knowing how to play every online casino game is only the first step in the winning equation. To have a shot at hitting it big or winning over time, you need to know some tips, hints and strategies to win at online casino. Blackjack Tips Doubling Down on 11 You've probably heard it before, “always double down on 11.” If the total of your first two cards is 11, you should “consider” doubling down. However, it should not be an automatic move. If the dealer’s up card is a ten, you might want to reconsider that move. It’s usually best to simply hit when the dealer has a ten or face card showing. Taking Insurance If there’s only one thing you remember from this article, let it be this; never ever take insurance. Insurance is a sucker’s bet. Some “very conservative” players will take out insurance if they have a twenty. However, if you are this tight with your money, online casino is the last place you should be at. Don't take insurance—period. Craps Tips Don't place prop bets The area in the center of the craps table is the proposition area and that’s where the casino makes it money from craps . All proposition wagers are sucker’s bets. Sure, it can be fun to hit them, just understand that you are being cheated out of value and the probability of hitting these bets is very low.

Online casino games tips, hints and strategies to win

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Online Casino Games Tips, Hints And Strategies To Win

If you are like most casino enthusiasts, you play a wide variations of online casino games. Sure, you probably have your favorite, but you most likely sample other casino gambling games. Knowing how to play every online casino game is only the first step in the winning equation.

To have a shot at hitting it big or winning over time, you need to know some tips, hints and strategies to win at online casino.

Blackjack Tips

Doubling Down on 11

You've probably heard it before, “always double down on 11.” If the total of your first two cards is 11, you should “consider” doubling down. However, it should not be an automatic move. If the dealer’s up card is a ten, you might want to reconsider that move. It’s usually best to simply hit when the dealer has a ten or face card showing.

Taking Insurance

If there’s only one thing you remember from this article, let it be this; never ever take insurance. Insurance is a sucker’s bet. Some “very conservative” players will take out insurance if they have a twenty. However, if you are this tight with your money, online casino is the last place you should be at. Don't take insurance—period.

Craps Tips

Don't place prop bets

The area in the center of the craps table is the proposition area and that’s where the casino makes it money from craps. All proposition wagers are sucker’s bets. Sure, it can be fun to hit them, just understand that you are being cheated out of value and the probability of hitting these bets is very low.

Page 2: Online casino games tips, hints and strategies to win

Focus on the the game

When you walk up to a craps table, the field bet might be one of the first areas on the layout you notice. It is very large and has all sorts of lovely numbers in it. The field is a one-roll wager and you lose when on a roll of 5,6,7 or 8. Conveniently, these are the numbers with the most combinations. The house has a huge advantage on the field, and only pays you even-money when you win—some house pay extra on the 2 and 12.

Roulette Tips

Play European Roulette

The game of roulette has two main versions: European Roulette and American Roulette. The European version of Roulette is far superior, because the house advantage is only 2.70%. The American version added an extra zero spot to the wheel—00. The result is the house advantage growing by almost 100%. If you are stuck with the American version, that’s fine, but if the European version is available, play it instead.

Texas Hold’Em Poker Tips

Always raise with top hands

There’s almost no point in playing passive—especially if you are a newer player. When you are dealt AA, KK or AK, you need to raise the pot. If another player has raised already, re-raise the pot. Your raise should be at least three times the blind. As you grow up in the poker world, you will figure out your own raise amounts, but three times the blind is a good guide for initial raises.

The next time you play one of these online casino games, keep these tips in mind. Remember, anyone can play a casino game, but not everyone can win. Increase your chances of going home a winner by following these tips and playing well.