Master OG Old Growth Forest Teacher

Mick Dodge Action Heros

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Page 1: Mick Dodge Action Heros

Master OGOld Growth Forest Teacher

Page 2: Mick Dodge Action Heros
Page 3: Mick Dodge Action Heros

Huckleberry LeonardListens to trees. Music of the Forest streams through him.

Honest-to-goodness, barefoot, tree-planting (and hugging),dirt-worshiping, back-to-the-land, peace & love wise old hippie

learning from the Forest how we may survive and thrive. Spreading seeds of Millennial Forest Plan to cooperatively

increase abundance everywhere on Earth. Master woodworker, natural builder, creative problem-solver, big gentle heart. Knows

what to eat in the forest and how to propagate it! Off-grid homesteader. Regenerative forester.

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Will of StoneEarthgym student and guide who partners

with Mick on adventures and shares insights from his life that weaves tame and wild

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Archer of the forest (Norm Claausen)

Master archer and tracker with dead-on accuracy and primitive

navigation skills that allow him to move as wildlife

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Tarzan (Ben Sanford) A primitive skills trainer at Tribal Edge, Ben

travels through trees faster than on the ground.

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Mayor of Oil City (Pat Neal)Pat finds unique ways to keep the peace, stir up trouble, ride river current at night and find fish

(w/help from his Eagle friends Fred and Mable).

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Doc GareGuided by the forest and plants, Doc Gare does house calls to

those with great need and little means

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Task Master (Kevin Sullivan)When words don’t work, they send in the “Task Master” to right

the wrongs

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Moss HoppersShadow Walkers who move in service to plants, trees and wildlife,

guarding the forest against disturbances and intruders. There are more out there than you think.

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Wade Green Wade uses song, art and ceremony to lead his Makah

tribe out of the “Reserve” (Reservations)

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Moonhair (Jacquie Chan)Multi-task Wiz…her creative powers spin the

winds of change

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GabuQuick to detect danger or fun,

Gabu, Mick’s forest savvy, tracking dog(named after his Sensei in Okinawa), has her

blue eye on the sky, her brown eye to the ground

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Tree ElkForest Gardeners who open up the forest path using the tree

limbs on their head.

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Gastro Poda (banana slug)Teacher of patience, slowness and one-muscle that leads to a 2-day


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