Daniel Rayson Task 2 How does your media product represent particular social groups? This is my character Nate, he is around 19 years of age so still classed as young- adult/teenager. He is dressed scruffy with a hoodie and trackies on looking like he hasn’t made much of an effort. This screen grab creates these sorts of ideas about teenagers: Scruffily dressed doesn’t make much of an effort. Wearing a hoodie, maybe doesn’t want identity known which can be meanacing. The way he sat shows he is agitated and possibly violent. These points all create negative feeling towards the character of Nate leaving the audience wondering that if because of his appearance and the way he acts could he be the antagonist in the thriller? Overall the representation of the social group of teenagers and youths is quite negative making them seem disrespectful and threatening. To the right is a screen grab from another film called Kidulthood which again represents teenagers as: Violent Meanacing Intimidating Scruffily dressed Holding a baseball bat making him dangerous and threatening. Again all of these points create a very negative feel towards the social group of teenagers making them appear to be unnerving and scary, I think this conforms well to my thriller as this was the To the left is an image I took from the BBC news website and it is an image of a teenager during the London riots. It is a very menacing and violent image I think, showing danger and the teenager himself looks very intimidating. The social group of teenagers is portrayed in a negative light aswell in real life, again like my thriller and the other movie the teenager is dressed scruffily with their hood up not wanting to show their identity which can be very threatening. My thriller again conforms and represents this group rather accurately to how the group of teenagers is portrayed in other films and also in real life like on the news. Overall the social group of teenagers has rather a negative light upon it.

Media task 2

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Daniel Rayson

Task 2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This is my character Nate, he is around 19 years of age so still classed as young-adult/teenager. He is dressed scruffy with a hoodie and trackies on looking like he hasn’t made much of an effort. This screen grab creates these sorts of ideas about teenagers:

• Scruffily dressed doesn’t make much of an effort.

• Wearing a hoodie, maybe doesn’t want identity known which can be meanacing.

• The way he sat shows he is agitated and possibly violent.

These points all create negative feeling towards the character of Nate leaving the audience wondering that if because of his appearance and the way he acts could he be the antagonist in the thriller? Overall the representation of the social group of teenagers and youths is quite negative making them seem disrespectful and threatening.To the right is a screen grab from another film called Kidulthood

which again represents teenagers as:

• Violent

• Meanacing

• Intimidating

• Scruffily dressed

• Holding a baseball bat making him dangerous and threatening.

Again all of these points create a very negative feel towards the social group of teenagers making them appear to be unnerving and scary, I think this conforms well to my thriller as this was the

To the left is an image I took from the BBC news website and it is an image of a teenager during the London riots. It is a very menacing and violent image I think, showing danger and the teenager himself looks very intimidating. The social group of teenagers is portrayed in a negative light aswell in real life, again like my thriller and the other movie the teenager is dressed scruffily with their hood up not wanting to show their identity which can be very threatening. My thriller again conforms and represents this group rather accurately to how the group of teenagers is portrayed in other films and also in real life like on the news. Overall the social group of teenagers has rather a negative light upon it.