Media evaluation

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Page 2: Media evaluation

There are many similarities and difference between our

media project and a real media product; this is because the

idea is to do the same project however it has to be done

using the schools facilities. This meant that our project

could not be as professional as the real media companies.

For example I was inspired by the movie "District 13" this

film is very similar to our opening sequence; this is because

the actions that take place in the film are similar. The film

was directed by Patrick Alessandrin in 2009; this is a recent

film and therefore its appeals to the similar type of


However our opening sequence of the film was very similar

to some real media products this is because some of the films

created now days are being made on low budgets using some

of the less professional technologies that are available to

anyone. The genre of our movie is a low budget British urban

film; there are more and more films that are being produced

in this genre this is because this genre in only started to

develop and therefore it will take time to get recognized by

most of the audience. These films are also very successful

even though they are made on such low technology which

tells us that people do not need the highest quality equipment

to make a successful movie; this allows us to see that our

opening sequence can be very similar to a real film.

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The main target audience for our film would be

teenagers and adults up to their 35s this is because

our film genre is action; and these ages mostly

appeal to the younger generation. This type of

audiences could be in the place of the main

character and therefore they appeal the most to the


Comparing the audiences to the ones from the real

successful similar media products is very alike. This

is because the movies work on the same principle

and therefore the audience will follow the similar

films; this film genre is still developing and

therefore the audience are only starting to show

interest in these type of films; however in the future

hopefully this genre will fully develop and be a

popular one.

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I have learned many new attributes in the

technologies that I have been using

throughout the tasks that I have carried out to

complete this project. Some of the main areas

in which I have improved in the most are the

use of the camera as well as the use of the

video editing software. These two points are

very important as they were the two main

essentials to complete the opening sequence;

therefore the more new things I learned about

these technologies the better our film could


Another skill which has also improved allot is my

editing skills; I have learned new ways in which I

can edit the opening sequence of our film and make

it very professional. To edit all our video clips I

have used "Sony Vegas Video Editing Software"

this software has helped us to complete our project

in the highest possible standards as the editing has

improved the whole start of the film.

My camera skills have improved allot since the

start of this project I have learned how to create

different effects using the cameral this made out

opening sequence more realistic as well as

professional. For example a low angle shot upon

a character demonstrates power and domination.

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I feel that the preliminary task has helped me allot in understanding how to produce the main task which was the opening sequence. Many of the techniques that we used in the preliminary task have been carried on and improved in our main task; for example in the first task I have explored the importance of camera shots and angles and therefore in the main task I have understood that camera angles and shots can create an effect to improve the scene. I have also learned how to use the locations properly and how to get the most out of the places we film in; for example imagination is a key in making the best possible films and therefore in the preliminary task we were thinking as a group where are we going to film the task and then we found out at the end that the school is a perfect location to use to film the scene.

Another thing which I have learned from the preliminary task is that the people I work with cannot be reliable all the time therefore I knew I was going to have problems in the main task; however I have tried to keep them working as hard as possible and I did not let them ruin my grade by not doing the work.

I learned and acted upon in the main task I have made sure I make the most of the locations I use; so when I was discovering the locations we would film in I had different visualisations in my head of what we would do and how we would do that. This has helped us allot as in the story boards we created we had not planned to do some of the things that came to our heads when we actually went to the locations and saw what we were able to do.

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Some of the things that could be improved if I were

to do this project again are definitely the change of

the people in my group they have let me down

several times and have not done the work they were

meant to do therefore this has lead us to less time

for filming and everything else that we had to do.

We had many situations where we could not

complete the filming because one person was

missing. However if I had committed group mates

our group would have much more time to do

everything and this could result in our project being

a higher standard; it would also mean that we would

have more time to record more shots and we would

have more time to edit the video.