Liberty Game

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Liberty Game

By BreannaIsabell

What civil liberty are you addressing?
-The point of this game-

One of the most world known virus of today is HIV/AIDS. So I decided to make my game revolving around this motive. Which I assume it would fall into the third amendment. The main idea of this game is for you to move forward to each level, (each world) to receive a piece of your heart to prevent yourself from dying faster of HIV.

What type of game are you proposing?

I am proposing to a kind of action/adventure game. It contains human powers while on your journey. Allowing you to use your strength and your weakness as a full power of your abilties .For example:I choose three things to help get you pass all levels...if you don't use them it is impossible to get through.( jump, invisiblity for five seconds,and your scream for help).Those are considered your weapons.

Who are the good guys and the bad?

In this game you will not be able to tell who is your friend and who is not,but I can tell you that when you find a good guy you will receive a clue that will get you threw the levels.(you must gather three clues to each level).

What is the object of the game?

The object of this game is to receive a piece of your heart every time you pass a level.

What will the game look like, walk me through a level or so? Think about graphics and whats happening on the screen.

Have you ever seen the game spyro?Well it's kind of similar but both have their own differences. Picture yourself in a lost world (like you were put into a time capsule)and got spit out into and unknown world. The air was thin,the trees whisper,the grass paths were crude,the creatures were not human. Some may be your enemy,others will help you out. When you approach each creature you have to be very cautious because the enemies attack...(getting attack means losing a piece of your heart).In each level you need to gather three clues leading you towards your heart.(3 clues= a piece of your heart)also giving you 5 points for each clue,50 pieces you need to find to get your heart together.